VA Grammar Pronouns

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Grammar 2

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Grammar Questions in CAT
Nouns and Pronouns VA 10
Number of questions:44]

Pronouns Itwas thatgave you the alarm.

[4, me
Pronouns are an integral part of grammar. If you
analyse the past CAT papers carefully, you would 8. Between you and . Ido not believe
see that many errors in grammar questions revolve him.
around pronouns. Therefore, asa student, you must [, mel
have a thorough understanding of the concepts
We are not so rich as
applied while solving pronoun questions. 9
they, them]
It is very important to identity the subject and the
object in a sentence. Let us solve the following
Paritosh is as old as.
exercise to have a better idea of how pronouns me]
function in the nominative and the accusative case. the Boardof
11. The three members,
Directors chooses, should be present for the
Exercis@-1 annual General meeting.
Directions for questons 1to 29: Use the correct
form of the pronouns to fil up the blanks in the 12. The city i s not very large.
following sentences. [itself, it
We scored as many runs as 13. None so blind as- that will not see.

[they, thee [they, them]

2. Ankurand were present. 14. Whom can I trust, if not

, me)
[He, him
15. The director. won the Oscar studied
well as
3. Can you sing as
in UCLA.
[they, them who, whom
*. Let you and try what we can do. 16. Who did the job? It could have been.
, me] (they/them).

5. Wait for Preeti and- 17. The women each gave (her/their)
, mel approval.

6. You know that as well as. 18. Both of you work hard, but you work harder
,me than(she/her).
(3) All the students except oneself are going
19 Did you like the movie? (its/it's)
Wonderful. for a walk.
students except me are going
4) the
20. Someone has to do the work, and_ (they a walk.
for a
he) has to do it well. (5) All the students however I are going

21. In the match, no one realised (their/his) another

Vatsal and Rahul will never find each
time was up. 1.
at this crowded fair.
never find one
22. Many a gird wishes. _(she/they) could swim
(1) Vatsal and Rahul will
faster than the boys. another at this crowded
never find himselfat
(2) Vatsal and Rahul will
23. The doctor (whom/who) you this crowded fair.
Rahul will never find
recommended is not available for tomorrow. (3) Vatsal and
themselves at this crowded fair.
24. He is the man (who/whom) we were will find each other
4) Vatsal and Rahul never
discussing last weak. at this crowded fair,
find other at
(5) Vatsal and Rahul will never
25. Saif will talk about Kareena
(whoever/whomever) asks him.
with this crowded fair.

The baby fell and hurt his leg.

26. The dogmatic principles led to an ideologicalS2 (1) The baby fell and hurt
it's leg.
conflict between (him/he) and the
(2) The baby fell and hurt its leg.
(3) fell and hurt her leg.
The baby
27. Because they have been taught these
(4) The babyfell and hurt herself.
principles in their childhood, no one objects
(5) The baby fell and hurt a legs.
more than (they/them) to the changes

taking place. 33. My fatherapproves of me studying

in Australia.
()My father approves of my studying
28. One can do (one's/his) best when no one
is watching. in
(2) My father approves of him studying
29. No one can do (one's/his) best when no in
one is watching. (3) My father approves of myself studying
of studies in
have (4) My father approves me
By solving theprevious questions, you must
got an idea ofhow to identify
the nominative and the Australia.
at (5) No change is required.
accusative cas in a sentenca. Now let us look
some more questions based on pronouns.
34. The jaw structure of the snake permits it to
Exercise-2 eat and digest animals much larger than it.
(1) The jaw structure of the snake pemits
Directions for questions 30 to 37: In the questions itself to eat and digest animals much
the most larger than it.
given below, replace thegiven sentence with
appropriate option. (2) The jaw structure of the snake permits it
to eat and digest animals much larger
30. All the students except l are going for a walk. than oneself.
(1) All the students except myself are going (3) The jaw structure of the snake permits it
for a walk. to eat and digest animals many larger
(2) All the students but myself are going for than itself.
it Directions for questions 38 to 44: In each question
(4) The jaw structure of the snake pemits
to eat and digest animals most large than given below, five sentences or parts of sentences
itself. that form a paragraph are given. ldentify the
that is/are
(5) The jaw structure of the snake permits itsentence(s) or part(s) of sentence(s)
to eat and digest animals much larger incorrect in tems of grammar and usage. Then,
than itself. choose the most appropriate option.

If Icannot trust Tripti to do the work, who can 38. the

A. Representative democracies around
I trust? world have searched for solutions to these
(1) If me cannot trust Tripti to do the work, structural flaw.
whom can me trust? B. One innovative solution tried in numerous
) If lcannot trust Tripti to do the work, whom countries is the Referendum and the
can I trust? Initiative.
(3) If Icannot trust Tripti to do the work, whom C. These are instruments whereby

can we trust? are

decisions of policy and law-making
(4) If I cannot trust Tripti to do the work, 'referred' toa direct vote by the electorate,
whose can I trust? being decided by his
rather than solely
(5) If Icannot trust Tripti to do the work, whom
can she trust? formal, institutional
D. They provide a
channel for the voice of the citizens.
36. Who is the student which asked Mrs. Smith to
E. Switzerland was the first country
so many questions? far back
introduce them instruments, as
(1) Who is the student whom asked Mrs. 1848.
Smith so many questions?
Who is the student he asked Mrs. Smith
(2) (2) B and E
So many questions? (1) Aand D A , Cand E
Who is the student that asked Mrs. Smith (3) C only
so many questions?
39. A. The construction of the fifth-generation
(4) Whom is the student that asked Mrs.
Smith so many questions? complex is reported to have cost China
over 14 million Yuan.
(5) Who is the student she asked Mrs. Smith B. The decision to invest in constructing and
so many questions?
renovating logistics facilities of high
37. Heamoglobin is derived from the entire altude companies including them, began
population of red blood cells, all witha lifespan way back in 2007.
of approximately 120 days. C. Moreover, the newly constructed and
(1) Heamoglobin is derived from the entire commissioned barracks of the Biedieli
population of red blood cells, everyone with frontier defence company are repotedly
a lifespan of approximately 120 days. equipped with "ten major systems".
(2) Heamoglobin is derived from the entire D. Which includes direct-drinking water
population of red blood cells, someone purification system, solar-powered and
with a lifespan ofapproximately 120 days. boiler bathing system and a solar heating
(3) Heamoglobin is derived from the entire system.
population of red blood cells, each with a E. Besides, they have been reported by the
lifespan of approximately 120 days. PLA that all grassroots companies have
(4) Heamoglobin is derived from the entire been equipped with satellite televisions
population of red blood cells, every with a and availability of intemet.
lifespan of approximately 120 days.
(5) Heamoglobin is derived from the entire (1) A only (2) B and CC
population of red blood cells, not none with
(3) A and C 4) B, D and E
a lifespan of approximately 120 days.
40. A. Saina Nehwal's documentary has been countries, but the public is demanding the
filmed duning the Li Ning China Masters
same living standards enjoyed by rich
Super Senes Event in Changzhou. China. cOuntries.
B. Badminton World Federation E. China and India were at about the same
(BWF) and
Chinese Badminton Association (CBA) oevelopment stage in the 1950s but today.
facilitated the shoot India's per capita GDP is less than one-

C. They gave complete access to film Saina third of it.

during their practice sessions, warm up (2) B only
and cool down sessions pror and after (1)A only
(3) Aand E A)C, D and E
the match.
D. Even those matches were filmed from if and when their
close quarters.
43. A. The real horse-trading,
comes, may involve Turkey and iran.
E. Saina was also filmed outside of the arena B. Turkey wants to replace the entire regime
going about her daily rotine while on the structure; Iran wants the opposite.
C. That's why both Ankara and Tehran will
(1) A and E (2) B only need to compromise, identitying high-
()Cand D (4) D and E Syrians, whom will protect each
country's interests.
41. A. Natco has admitted that it is selling D. If Turkey and Iran reach some sort of

dasatinib, a generic version of BMS'S agreement, it can then be blessed by both

the United States and Russia.
cancer drug, though it did not infringe its
patent. E. The Obama administration can play a role
B. The problem, however, is that Natco had to
told the court that it was challenging the
in this process, but do
will require more diplomatic realpolitik than
has demonstrated thus far in any crisis.
validity of BMS's patent on this drug and
did not plan to launch them in the local
and C (2 A, C and E
market. (1) A E D and E
C. But in June this year, Natco did in fact (3)B and (4) B, C,
launch a generic version of the drug.
D. Since the case is in court, Natco did not
A. India's foray into AWACS began in 2004
with the signing of a tripartite agreement
want to comment on the development.
among India, Israel and Russia.
E. Intellectual property experts say the B. Russia was to provide the lL-70 aircrafts
unfortunate development on their part
could lead to an interim set-back, both and Israel the Phalcon radar systems to
for the company and for public health.
C. Three such Phalcon AWACS are
B and E
(1)A,C andE (2A, in and three will be operational by
(3) C only 4)8, Cand D 2014.
D. The delays have caused a great deal of
42. A. It probably needs to double the current
power generation to sustain the country's
unease in our security establishment, as
a vuinerability window has been provided
modernisation drive. to their adversaries for exploítation.
B. But the difficulty involved in further E. The of eight P8l maritime
expanding electricity production has been reconnaissance by India from the
clearly felt. also
C. India and China are stuck in a dilemma USis another example to extend our
safety net to maritime borders and
and it is also facing a developing coastlines of us.
D. It's per capita electricity consumption is (1) Aand C (2) B only
(3) C and DD (4) B, D and E
stil much lower than the level of developed
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