Pendekatan Kultural Sebagai Strategi Resolusi Kon Lik: Kasus Khon Kaen Thailand

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Jumal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik JSSN 1410-4946

Volume 10, Nomor 2, Nouember 2006 1181 - 199)

Pendekatan Kultural sebagai Strategi Resolusi

Kon€lik: Kasus Khon Kaen Thailand

Amelia ~ a i k n '

People would not only believe culture as a way of life, but also
practicing them for several reasons including for a problem
solving method. The assumptions rest on the values that
determine people's behavior in their social interaction.
Cultural approach is one strategy in resolving conflict.
Unfortunately, limited knowledge has led them to ndapt their
culture not in the right way. The mal-adoption in practicing
culture becomes an obstacle for resolmng conflict.
The problems to be discussed centre on how to transform the
obstacle to the conflict management strategy. It is important
to socialize the urgency of resolving conflict, recommending
the strategies to create a spacefor people to communicate and
discuss their problems. Establishing a forum for discussion
will encourage people participation.

Kata-kata kunci:
pendekatan kultutal, resolusi konflik
Culture may tend to be adaptive, but it is never perfectly so (Robert E.
Cuture adaptations are seldom the best of all possible solutions and never
entireley rational (Roy Ellen)
Amelia Maika adalah staf pengajar pada JurusanSosiologiFiipol UGM dan
staf peneliti PSKK-UGM, Yogyakarta. Bisa diiubungi melalui e-mail:

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