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Pharmaco-nutrient interactions – a systematic review of

zinc and antihypertensive therapy
L. A. Braun,1,2 F. Rosenfeldt3

Department of Pharmacy, The
Review criteria Alfred Hospital, Melbourne,
Background: Antihypertensive medicines are to known to cause diverse distur- We undertook a systematic review of electronic Vic., Australia
Monash ⁄ Alfred Psychiatric
bances to electrolyte homeostasis; however, their potential to affect zinc is less databases and collected all English language
Research Centre, Melbourne,
well known. The primary aim was to explore whether antihypertensive medicines articles, which reported on results from clinical
Vic., Australia
studies, which were relevant to meeting the aims 3
have the potential to affect zinc status. Methods: A review of electronic databases Cardiothoracic Research Unit,
of the review. We only included studies when the Department of Surgery, Monash
was undertaken. Full-length English language articles describing clinical trials
full-length article was available so that important University, Melbourne, Vic.,
involving antihypertensive medicines and reporting on zinc measurements were details, such as number of study participants, Australia
reviewed. Results: Eight eligible studies were identified which involved the use of medicines used, time frames for use and zinc
ACE inhibitors, thiazide diuretics, beta blockers, or ARB drugs of which five measures were clearly reported. Correspondence to:
included a control group Studies used urinary zinc excretion, plasma zinc levels or Lesley Braun,
Message for the clinic Pharmacy Department, Alfred
erythrocyte zinc as key measures of zinc status. Studies reported increased urinary Hospital, Commercial Road,
The take home message for clinicians is that
zinc losses for captopril (from 50 mg ⁄ day), enalapril (20 mg ⁄ day), losartan current evidence suggests that patients using ACE Melbourne, Vic., 3004,
(50 mg ⁄ day), losartan (50 mg ⁄ day) together with hydrochlorothiazide inhibitors, ARBs and thiazides long-term could be Australia
(12.5 mg ⁄ day), captopril (75 mg ⁄ day) together with frusemide (40 mg ⁄ day) and Tel.: +61 3 9076 2408
at risk of low zinc. Clinicians should consider the
Fax: +61 3 9076 3407
stand-alone hydrochlorothiazide (25 mg ⁄ day). Serum levels of zinc decreased with possibility of low zinc nutriture in patients with
captopril (50–150 mg ⁄ day), verapamil (240 mg ⁄ day), atenolol (50–150 mg ⁄ day) poor dietary intakes, the elderly people and
and the combination of losartan (50 mg ⁄ day) and hydrochlorothiazide diabetic patient who has taken these medications Disclosures
(12.5 mg ⁄ day), eryrthrocyte levels decreased with use of valsartan (80 mg ⁄ day) long-term. A trial of zinc supplements in suspected LB and FR have received
cases of low zinc is a safe option. research funding from
and in some studies for captopril, but not for metoprolol (100 mg ⁄ day), atenolol nutraceutical companies
(50–150 mg ⁄ day), verapamil (240 mg ⁄ day), doxazosin (4 mg ⁄ day) or amlodipine however the latter were not
10 mg ⁄ day). Major limitations were that most studies were small and did not involved in any aspect of this
report on dietary zinc intake. Conclusion: The available evidence suggests that review.

use of ACE inhibitors and angiotensin 2 receptor antagonists or thiazide diuretics

have the potential to reduce zinc levels in hypertensive patients. Additional
research using larger participant numbers and accounting for dietary zinc intakes
are required.

routes, the gastrointestinal tract, the kidneys and

body surface (e.g. shed skin cells and sweat),
Zinc is an essential trace element that is vital in although the majority of zinc filtered by the kidneys
maintaining normal physiology and cellular functions is reabsorbed under normal conditions (3).
and is the second most abundant trace metal in the Unlike iron, zinc cannot be readily mobilised from
body, after iron (1). It is required for the catalytic body stores when dietary intakes are inadequate or
function of at least 300 enzymes in the body and zinc losses suddenly become pronounced. Only a
plays an important role in the structure of proteins, small ‘exchangeable zinc pool’ exists in the human
cell membranes, regulating gene expression and has body, which is sufficient for a few days utilisation
an influence on nerve impulse transmission, hor- before homeostatic responses are triggered. When
mone release and required for the synthesis and homeostatic mechanisms fail to conserve zinc stores
action of insulin (2). and ensure requirements are met, clinical symptoms
The main site of zinc absorption in the gastroin- of zinc deficiency develop. This highlights the impor-
testinal tract is the proximal small intestine where it tance of a regular zinc supply.
is absorbed into enterocytes using a carrier-mediated Conservative estimates suggest that 25% of the
process. Zinc storage occurs mainly in the liver and world’s population is at risk of zinc deficiency (4). It
kidney and zinc losses occur via three primary is not just the poor that are at greater risk of

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Int J Clin Pract, August 2013, 67, 8, 717–725. doi: 10.1111/ijcp.12040 717
718 Pharmaco-nutrient interactions

deficiency, but also those living in relatively affluent blockers (metoprolol, atenolol). The most commonly
countries who rarely consume foods rich in bioavail- used measures were urinary zinc excretion and
able zinc and consume foods that are rich in bio- plasma zinc levels with some studies reporting on
availability inhibitors, chiefly phytates (4) erythrocyte zinc levels. Typically, studies involved
Hypertension is prevalent in Western societies and only a small number of participants; however, five
most commonly treated with antihypertensive medi- studies included an untreated control group adding
cines that are prescribed long-term. Resistant hyper- more rigour to their findings. Several intervention
tension has been estimated to make up 20–30% of studies were also identified thereby enabling compar-
those diagnosed with hypertension and is commonly isons between baseline and after treatment effects. Of
treated with combination therapy, which may prove all the relevant studies identified, only one consid-
more effective for some patients, but also raises the ered the effects of dietary zinc intake.
risk of adverse consequences (5). It is known that
antihypertensive medicines cause diverse disturbances Thiazide diuretics
to electrolyte homeostasis and drug-induced electro- Thiazide diuretics are widely used for volume reduc-
lyte alterations are relatively common with the use of tion and hypertension and have been shown to
diuretics, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) induce zincuria in two small pilot studies (8,9).
inhibitors and angiotensin 2 receptor blockers According to one study, a significant 60% increase in
(ARBs) (6). 24-h zinc excretion was observed (8). A larger study
The possibility that long-term use of antihyperten- conducted by Khedun et al. (1995) evaluated serum
sive medicines affect zinc pharmacokinetics is of partic- zinc in 39 middle aged hypertensive men who had
ular relevance for patients with conditions associated taken hydrochlorothiazide for at least 6 months and
with disturbances of zinc homeostasis, such as diabetes, compared it to 27 unmedicated, healthy middle aged
liver cirrhosis, bowel diseases and impaired immune controls (10). Serum zinc levels were shown to be
function and for those people at risk inadequate dietary significantly lower in 20 of the treated patients.
zinc intakes and more likely to use combination ther-
apy, such as the elderly people (7). Beta blockers
The primary aim of this systematic review was to Two studies have investigated the effects of beta-
explore whether commonly prescribed antihyperten- blocker usage on zinc (11,12). One study found no
sive medicines have the potential to affect zinc sta- significant effects on plasma or erythrocyte zinc levels
tus. for metoprolol (100 mg ⁄ day) taken for 3 months
when compared with a healthy, untreated group used
as controls (11). In contrast, another study found a
significant decrease in serum zinc after 3 months and
In this review, we searched MEDLINE and Science again after 6 months of atenolol (50–150 mg ⁄ day)
Direct for relevant clinical studies using the keywords use by people with mild or moderate essential hyper-
‘zinc’ and ‘diuretic’,’ thiazide’, ‘beta-blocker’, ‘beta tension, but no change in erythrocyte zinc levels
receptor antagonist’, ‘angiotensin converting enzyme (12). In this study, patients were also put on a modi-
inhibitor’, ‘ACE inhibitor’, ‘angiotensin receptor fied diet to alter their lipid profile, which was suc-
inhibitor’, ‘ARB’ ‘calcium channel blocker’ and the cessful after 6 months. Unfortunately, dietary zinc
disease-specific terms ‘hypertension’ and ‘blood pres- intakes were not compared before or after the test
sure’, Reference lists of articles reviewed were system- period, hence, the contribution of a modified diet
atically examined for further relevant studies. Only cannot be ruled out.
full-text articles limited to the English language and
studies that involved adult cohorts taking antihyper- Calcium channel blockers
tensive medicines were considered. The effect of 3 months treatment with amlodipine
(10 mg daily) on plasma and erythrocyte zinc was
tested in 20 hypertensive volunteers and compared
with 51 healthy, untreated controls (11). After the
Eight clinical studies met the inclusion criteria for test period, no significant changes were seen for
this systematic review (Table 1). Studies had been either plasma or erythrocyte zinc measures when
conducted since the 1980s involving various antihy- compared with the untreated group.
pertensive agents, including thiazide diuretics, fru-
semide, ACE inhibitors (mainly captopril, but also ACE inhibitors
enalapril, perindopril), losartan and valsartan, the Abu-Hamdan et al. (1988) measured plasma zinc lev-
calcium channel blocker amlodipine and several beta els and urinary zinc excretion in 31 hypertensive

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Int J Clin Pract, August 2013, 67, 8, 717–725
Table 1 Results from clinical trials

Patient Antihypertensive
Clinical trial N characteristics drug therapy Treatment period Zinc measures and results (± total range) Other relevant findings

Koren-Michowitz 17 Mild-to-moderate Losartan (50 mg ⁄ day) 4 weeks on sole Urinary Zn ⁄ creatinine ratio: There was a significant correlation
et al. (2005) (18) hypertensive patients with Losartan (50 mg ⁄ day) therapy Treatment with losartan resulted in a significant increase between baseline serum Zn levels and

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normal renal and hydrochlorothiazide Additional 4 weeks from 0.020 ± 0.004 lg ⁄ mg to 0.034 ± 0.005 lg ⁄ mg the degree of change in serum Zn
function (12.5 mg ⁄ day) of combination (p = 0.02) after losartan ⁄ hydrochlorothiazide
therapy Treatment with losartan ⁄ hydrochlorothiazide produced a treatment.
significant increase from 0.034 ± 0.005 lg ⁄ mg Patients with higher baseline serum Zn
to 0.053 ± 0.008 lg ⁄ mg (p = 0.03) levels had more pronounced decreases

Int J Clin Pract, August 2013, 67, 8, 717–725

Serum zinc: in serum Zn after treatment
Treatment with losartan ⁄ hydrochlorothiazide produced Four patients with hypozincemia at
a significant decrease from 80.0 ± 4.0 lg ⁄ dl at baseline baseline, had no change to serum Zn
to 74.0 ± 3.0 lg ⁄ dl (p = 0.007) levels & remained below the normal
reference range after both treatment
Abu-Hamdan 31 Hypertensive Captopril 266 > 6 months Plasma zinc:
et al. (1988) (14) patients (n = 17) (±34) mg ⁄ day < 6 months High-dose captopril users had significantly lower plasma
and unmedicated Captopril 104 zinc than controls; (91 ± 3 vs. 100 ± 3 mcgm ⁄ dl,
hypertensive (±40) mg ⁄ day p < 0.05)
controls (n = 14) Un-medicated controls Urinary zinc excretion:
High-dose captopril users had significantly higher zinc
excretion than controls; 1017 ± 89 vs. 609 ± 76
micrograms ⁄ day, p < 0.005)
Golik et al. 28 Hypertensive Captopril 100 mg ⁄ day > 3 months Urinary zinc excretion:
(1990) (15) patients (n = 19) Enalapril 20 mg ⁄ day Captopril use significantly increased 24 h urinary excretion
and healthy Untreated hypertensives compared to other groups
controls (n = 9) Healthy controls Erythrocyte zinc:
Captopril use significantly reduced red cell zinc compared
to other groups
No significant change to erythrocyte zinc for enalapril
Urinary zinc ⁄ creatinine:
significantly increased in both ACE inhibitor groups
compared to the untreated controls; captopril treatment
had the greatest effect
Pharmaco-nutrient interactions
Table 1 Continued

Patient Antihypertensive
Clinical trial N characteristics drug therapy Treatment period Zinc measures and results (± total range) Other relevant findings

Golik et al. 44 Hypertensive Captopril (75 mg ⁄ day) > 3 months Urinary zinc excretion:
(1990) (17) patients (n = 36) Hydrochlorothiazide captopril, hydrochlorothiazide, combination captopril
and healthy (25 mg ⁄ day) and hydrochlorothiazide resulted in significantly greater
control group Captopril (75 mg ⁄ day) zincuria than controls and untreated hypertensives
(n = 8) and hydrochlorothiazide Controls vs captopril vs hydrochlorothiazide vs captopril
(25 mg ⁄ day) and hydrochlorothiazide vs untreated hypertensives
Captopril (75 mg ⁄ day) 473 vs 1550 vs 1196 vs 1230 vs 404 (lg ⁄ 24 h)
and frusemide Serum zinc:
(40 mg ⁄ day) No significant differences between groups
Un treated hypertensive
Pharmaco-nutrient interactions

Healthy controls
Golik et al. 52 Hypertensive Captopril 6 months Serum zinc: *Drug doses not reported
(1998) (11) patients (n = 42) Enalapril Remained unchanged from baseline for all three groups
and healthy Unmedicated healthy 24 h urinary zinc excretion:
controls (n = 10) controls A significant increase was observed for captopril compared
to baseline (1244 ± 154 lg ⁄ 24 h vs 461 ± 32
(p < 0.001)
No significant change for enalapril treatment
Intracellular zinc:
Captopril treatment resulted in a significant decrease from
5.8 ± 2.4 to 3.9 ± 1.2 nmol ⁄ mg protein (p < 0.01)
Enalapril treatment resulted in a significant decrease from
5.3 ± 2.5 to 4.1 ± 2.3 nmol ⁄ mg protein (p = 0.04)
No significant changes for controls
Baykal et al. 153 Hypertensive Valsartan (80 mg ⁄ day) 3 months Intra-erythrocyte zinc (lg ⁄ dl):
(2003) (13) patients (n = 102) Metoprolol Valsartan induced a significant decrease from 8.84 ± 2.45
healthy controls (100 mg ⁄ day) to 6.58 ± 2.42 lg ⁄ ml (p = 0.005)
(n = 51) Doxazosin (4 mg ⁄ day) Metoprolol, doxazosin and amlodipine did not induce a
Amlodipine significant change to erythrocyte zinc
(10 mg ⁄ day)
Trasobares 35 Heart failure Treatment: ACE 36–60 h after Serum zinc (lg ⁄ dl):
et al. (2007) (26) (n = 11) patients inhibitors and treatment Serum zinc levels were lower in the treated group
and healthy age frusemide – further commenced compared to controls (67.27 vs 87.32) (p = 0.001)
matched controls treatment details Urinary zinc excretion:
(n = 24) not reported Urinary zinc excretion was significantly higher in the treated
group compared to controls (2.24 vs 0.21) (p < 0.001)

Int J Clin Pract, August 2013, 67, 8, 717–725

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Pharmaco-nutrient interactions 721

patients, 17 of whom were taking captopril (13). Of

At baseline, no difference in serum or

those receiving captopril, 11 were described as long-

red cell zinc between controls and

term, high-dose users (more than 6 months,
266 ± 34 mg ⁄ day) and the remaining six as short-
Other relevant findings

term, lower dose users (less than 6 months,

104 ± 40 mg ⁄ daily dose). Compared with non-
hypertensives captopril using controls, the long-term captopril
users were found to have significantly lower plasma
zinc and higher urinary zinc losses, whereas no
significant differences were seen for the short-term,
lower dose captopril users.
The response to captopril and enalapril may be

No significant changes seen for any group at 3 or 6 months

somewhat different with regards to zinc losses as
reported by Golick et al. (14). In one study, long-
a significant reduction for all treatment groups after

Hypertensive group vs controls : 113.17 ± 23.98 vs

Captopril baseline vs 6 months 116.63 ± 13.05 vs

term use of captopril (75 mg daily) significantly

atenolol baseline vs 6 months 114.76 ± 19.67 vs
3 months (p < 0.01) and 6 months (p < 0.001)

increased renal zinc loss and induced a significant

Zinc measures and results (± total range)

decrease in red blood cell zinc. In contrast, mild

zincuria was observed in the long-term enalapril
108.12 ± 35.37 vs 94.43 ± 24.84

(20 mg ⁄ day) group without causing depletion of red

Verapamil baseline vs 6 months

cell zinc levels. The zinc:creatinine ratio in 24 h urine

Intra-erythrocyte zinc (lg ⁄ dl):

was significantly increased in hypertensives taking

either captopril or enalapril with the greatest change
Serum Zn (lg ⁄ dl):

observed for the captopril group (14).

107.11 ± 20.88

101.52 ± 20.58

102.09 ± 21.95

More recently, an intervention study evaluating

the effects of 6 months use of captopril or enalap-
ril on the zinc status of 44 patients with newly
diagnosed hypertension identified significantly
increased urinary zinc excretion for the captopril
Treatment period

treated group only and decreased intracellular zinc

levels in both treatment groups compared with
untreated controls (15). Another intervention study
6 months

identified that hypertensive patients taking ramipril

(5 mg daily) for 3 months experienced decreased
plasma zinc and a non-significant decrease in
erythrocyte zinc levels compared with baseline lev-
Verapamil 240 mg ⁄ day

els (11).

50–150 mg ⁄ day

50–150 mg ⁄ day

Comparisons between captopril, hydrochlorothia-

drug therapy

zide and frusemide on urinary zinc:creatinine ratios



have been made by Golick et al. (16). The study

comprised of five different patient groups. Four
groups had essential hypertension and were treated
for at least 3 months with stand-alone captopril
patients (n = 30)

controls (n = 30)

(75 mg ⁄ day), hydrochlorothiazide (25 mg ⁄ day) or


and healthy

the combination of captopril and hydrochlorothia-


zide, or captopril and frusemide (40 mg ⁄ day). The

fifth group comprised of untreated hypertensive
patients acting as controls. Patients on monotherapy
displayed significantly increased urinary zinc ⁄ creati-

nine ratios, whereas those on combination therapy

Table 1 Continued

did not.
et al. (1995) (12)

In contrast, a small study of 10 untreated hyper-

Clinical trial

tensive patients of normal weight and without diabe-

tes identified they had increased urinary zinc
excretion at baseline, which was normalised after
1-month treatment with perindopril (17).

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722 Pharmaco-nutrient interactions

ARBs metoprolol (100 mg ⁄ day); however, there is no pub-

The effect of 4 weeks treatment with losartan lished data on urinary zinc excretion for either drug.
(50 mg ⁄ daily) as stand-alone treatment or in combi- These gaps in evidence and the use of different
nation with 12.5 mg hydrochlorothiazide on zinc lev- measures make interpretation of the evidence diffi-
els was investigated in 17 hypertensive patients (18). cult. Although this is indicative of the need for addi-
Results revealed that both treatments induced zinc tional research, it also highlights the problems
depletion mediated by significantly increased urinary inherent in assessing human zinc nutrition, which
zinc losses with the greatest effect observed for the are affected by homeostatic adaptations to zinc-poor
combination treatment. In addition, serum zinc con- situations and issues related to analytical chemistry.
centrations gradually decreased during the study for
both treatment groups. In particular, a significant Zinc homeostasis
correlation was identified between baseline serum Zn Major zinc deposits lie in the bone and muscle and are
levels and the degree of change in serum Zn after lo- not readily responsive to changes in dietary zinc or
sartan +hydrochlrohiazide treatment whereby urinary zinc loss. Instead, the human body draws from
patients with higher baseline serum Zn levels had a small functional zinc pool located within the liver
more pronounced decreases in serum Zn after treat- and other tissues for a few days, which allows zinc to
ment. Of note, patient’s use of vitamin supplements rapidly exchange with the plasma. Once the functional
was ceased prior to trial commencement and dietary zinc pool is depleted, deficiency ensues (19).
intake of zinc was monitored and remained As part of the body’s homeostatic response, gas-
unchanged throughout the test period. trointestinal absorption is proportionally increased
Baykal et al. (2003) identified that use of valsartan when dietary zinc intake decreases (20). This
(80 mg ⁄ daily) by hypertensive patients significantly response may prove sufficient compensation in the
reduced plasma zinc and erythrocyte zinc levels after acute phase or when zinc losses are minor, but prove
3 months of treatment when compared with baseline insufficient with long-term medicine use or when
levels (11). Decreases in zinc levels were consistent losses become more pronounced. The observations
with mild deficiency. made by Abu-Handan et al. (1988) illustrate the
point by finding that high-dose captopril used for
greater than 6 months had a more marked effect on
urinary zinc losses and decreased plasma zinc than
Electrolyte disturbances are frequently observed in lower dose captopril, used for a shorter period (13).
relation with antihypertensive therapy and often con- It also appears that homeostatic responses may be
sidered when selecting optimal treatment. This influenced by the level of existing zinc body stores.
review has identified a number of clinical studies, In the study by Koren-Michowitz et al. (18), volun-
which suggest that disturbances to zinc nutrition teers with higher baseline serum zinc displayed more
should also be considered, particularly when antihy- pronounced serum zinc decreases than those with
pertensive therapy is used long term. hypozincaemia at baseline who showed no change
The available clinical studies have identified that with medicine use and remained below the normal
zinc levels are affected with long-term use of several reference ranges after treatment. These findings are
commonly prescribed antihypertensive drugs as mea- similar to those from animal studies, which describe
sured by increases in urinary zinc losses, decreases in a conservation effect where tissue zinc levels are
plasma zinc levels or erythrocyte zinc. In most maintained under conditions of zinc-poor diets and
instances, there is only evidence of a potential effect deprivation (21).
on zinc from one measure e.g. decreased erythrocyte Whether zinc homeostasis remains effective in
zinc for valsartan or changes to urinary zinc excre- people with hypertension has been the subject of
tion with enalapril or hydrochlorothiazide. In few some investigation as loss of zinc homeostasis can be
instances, we have evidence from multiple measures, both cause and effect of high blood pressure (22).
e.g. decreased serum zinc and increased urinary Two small studies suggest that people with untreated
losses when losartan and hydrochlorothiazide are hypertension may have altered homeostatic responses
combined or the effect of captopril shown to to zinc, with increased gastrointestinal absorption
decrease plasma and erythrocyte zinc and increase and increased urinary excretion observed (17,23).
urinary zinc losses.
In the case of beta blockers, the evidence is partic- Potential interaction mechanisms
ularly sparse. Serum zinc levels decreased with the The evidence of a potential interaction between sev-
use of atenolol (50–150 mg ⁄ day), but no effect eral classes of antihypertensive drugs and zinc is
was seen for erythrocyte zinc for either atenolol or slowly emerging and far from complete. Despite this,

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Int J Clin Pract, August 2013, 67, 8, 717–725
Pharmaco-nutrient interactions 723

several proposed mechanisms of action provide bio- zinc losses. Interestingly, thiazide diuretics also
logical plausibility to support the available findings. decrease glucose tolerance, unmasking latent diabetes
Clinical studies suggest that the interaction mecha- mellitus during therapy, a consequence, which may
nism has a pharmacokinetic basis and is most likely in part be mediated by zinc losses and is worthy of
caused by inhibition of kidney zinc reabsorption further investigation.
resulting in zincuria. Whether drug treatment also Beta blockers affect the regulation of circulation
affects zinc absorption from the gastrointestinal tract by reducing myocardial contractility and cardiac out-
or other routes of excretion, such as the faeces or put and as a consequence of treatment, also reduce
skin, remains unknown. the secretion of renin with a resulting fall in the level
ACE inhibitors are structurally classified as sul- of angiotensin II (24). Theoretically, decreased tubu-
phydryl containing ACE inhibitors, such as captopril, lar reabsorption of zinc may occur as a result of
di-carboxyl containing ACE- inhibitors, such as per- decreasing angiotensin II levels, much in the same
indopril, enalapril and ramipril and phosphonate way that ARBs and ACE inhibitors cause zincuria.
containing ACE- inhibitors, such as fosinopril, on To date, there are no published studies, which have
the basis of their binding with ACE. It is well estab- reported on the effect of beta blockers on urinary
lished that structural changes to a drug can affect its zinc excretion, hence, this theory remains untested.
activity, an observation which may explain the differ-
ences found for the effects of different ACE- inhibi- Clinical significance
tors on zinc. Drug-nutrient interactions are an important yet
It has been proposed that the sulphydryl group poorly appreciated category of adverse drug interac-
acts as a chelating agent and binds to bivalent metals tions. The effect of antihypertensive medicines on
such as zinc, thereby inducing zincuria (15). This magnesium, sodium, potassium and calcium are well
theory has been used to explain why captopril has a documented; however, the effect on zinc is less well
more potent effect on zinc levels, as measured by known (6).
changes in urine, serum and erythrocytes, when com- Although zinc is ubiquitous in food, low dietary
pared with enalapril whose effects are relatively less zinc intake is not uncommon as many food com-
impressive. Clinical studies comparing other di- pounds, such as phytate, oxalate, polyphenols and
carboxyl containing ACE inhibitors, such as ramipiril fibre can form complexes with zinc and inhibit its
and perindopril ,to sulphydryl containing ACE inhib- gastrointestinal absorption (20).
itors have not been conducted, hence, this theory Long-term use of some antihypertensive drugs
remains poorly tested. may result in reduced zinc nutriture which becomes
More recent research has identified that losartan significant in patients already at risk for zinc defi-
also induces urinary zinc losses confirming that the ciency such as those with Type 2 diabetes, alcoholism
presence of a sulphydryl group is not essential for and malabsorption syndromes, as well as renal insuf-
significant zincuria to ensue. The observation that ficiency (25). The elderly people may be at particular
valsartan induces decreased erythrocyte zinc levels risk of deficiency caused by their compromised renal
argues for a class effect possibly related to hemody- function, tendency to inadequate diets and use of
namic or metabolic effects of angiotensin II (18). multiple medications, which can affect appetite and
Zinc handling in the kidney involves both proxi- gastrointestinal function.
mal and distal reabsorption of filtered zinc, mecha- Zinc is such a critical element in human health that
nisms which are facilitated by the Na ⁄ H antiporter. even a small deficiency can lead to significant adverse
Angiotensin II is a potent inducer of the Na ⁄ H an- outcomes, such as anorexia, loss of appetite, smell and
tiporter in the proximal tubule, an effect which taste failure and compromised immune function (22)
increases sodium chloride and bicarbonate reabsorp- (See Table 2). Furthermore, concurrent zinc deficiency
tion. As such, another proposed mechanism for the can complicate the clinical features of several chronic
ACE-inhibitor ⁄ ARB interaction with zinc suggests diseases, such as atherosclerosis, some malignancies,
that blocking angiotensin II causes decreased renal neurological disorders and age-related degenerative
Na ⁄ H antiporter activity and a resultant decrease in diseases (21). Zinc deficiency complicates clinical con-
tubular reabsorption of zinc leading to zincuria sequences by adversely affecting immunological status,
(18). increasing oxidative stress and increasing generation
Thiazides are amongst the most commonly pre- of inflammatory cytokines, which can play an impor-
scribed diuretics used in hypertension treatment and tant causative role in disease. As such, it is important
are known to inhibit NaCl transport in the distal to assess zinc status in cases where low zinc status may
tubule. It is herein where zinc reabsorption is also affect clinical outcomes and potentially lead to frank
likely to be affected, resulting in increased urinary deficiency if left unaddressed.

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Int J Clin Pract, August 2013, 67, 8, 717–725
724 Pharmaco-nutrient interactions

Table 2 Signs and symptoms of human zinc deficiency (21)

Body system Clinical signs and symptoms

Central nervous system Behavioural changes, anorexia, depression, psychosis, hypogeusia, hyposmia, night blindness, seizure disorder, impaired
cognitive performance
Integumentary changes Bullous, pustular lesions; keratotic lesions; rough skin; loss of scalp, facial and body hair; impaired wound healing
Gastrointestinal manifestations Diarrhoea, impaired nutrient digestion and absorption
Impaired growth and development Linear growth retardation; weight loss
Altered reproductive biology Oligospermia; hypogonadism and reduced potency; fetal teratogenesis
Impaired immunity Recurrent infections; reduced delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity

The most common test used for zinc status is Large prospective studies using several measures
measuring circulating concentrations of zinc (in and taking into account important confounders, such
plasma or serum) followed by whole-blood zinc. as dietary zinc, are necessary to truly examine the
Although measuring circulating zinc is a relatively influence of antihypertensive medicines on zinc status.
uncomplicated process, it only represents a very
small pool of zinc in the body, and is easily influ-
enced by other factors, such as stress and infection,
prolonged fasting and the oral contraceptive pill Good clinical care extends beyond mere diagnosis
(21). Erythrocyte levels can remain stable in the pres- and treatment of disease to the appreciation that
ence of deficiency and decline much later than nutrient deficiencies can accompany effective drug
serum, platelets or lymphocytes so are not the ideal therapy and result in adverse consequences if left un-
indicator of zinc status either. Confounding factors managed. The available evidence suggests that long-
should be considered when interpreting test results, term use of thiazide diuretics, ACE inhibitors and
such as increased zinc losses, as a result of recent angiotensin 2 receptor antagonists may reduce zinc
haemorrhagia or gastrointestinal wastage into stool. levels in many, but not all hypertensive patients. The
Because of the difficulties in determining an indi- evidence is most consistent for long-term captopril;
vidual’s zinc status, building a clinical picture sugges- however, there is research also suggesting decreased
tive of low zinc is useful (Table 2). It has been zinc for other ACE inhibitors, thiazide diuretics and
suggested that a therapeutic trial of zinc supplemen- ARBs (valsartan 80 mg ⁄ day; losartan 50 mg ⁄ day)
tation where low zinc is suspected is a reliable whereas the effects of beta blockers on zinc nutrition
approach to assessing the prevalence of zinc defi- remains uncertain.
ciency. People responding to supplementation with a The clinical significance of these drug-nutrient
functional improvement, such as improved appetite, interactions needs to be considered on a case-by-case
accelerated growth and improved physiological or basis and large-scale recommendations cannot yet be
cognitive performance could be classified retrospec- made until larger studies are performed which take
tively as zinc deficient (21). Ideally, detection and into account dietary zinc intakes and confirm current
treatment of suboptimal zinc levels before frank defi- findings. Theoretically, the significance of drug-
ciency develops is the optimal approach thereby pre- induced changes to zinc status is of most relevance
venting more serious consequences from developing. to people at greatest risk of deficiency such as the
elderly or diabetic patient and those patients taking
antihypertensive medicines long-term. It is also of
most concern in those people where decreased zinc
The information included in this review results from levels will have the greatest clinical consequences.
an extensive literature search, however, was limited
to English language articles that were available in
Author contributions
their entirety. The limitations of the present data are
largely based on the small sample sizes of the studies LB developed the concept, undertook the review and
and lack of information about dietary zinc intakes drafted the article, FR undertook a critical revision of
and whether these changed during the test periods. the article and aided in writing the final manuscript.

ª 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Int J Clin Pract, August 2013, 67, 8, 717–725
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