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Volume 46 & Number 2 & April 2014 79

A Pediatric FOUR Score Coma Scale:

Interrater Reliability and Predictive Validity
Brianna L. Czaikowski, Hong Liang, C. Todd Stewart

The Full Outline of UnResponsiveness (FOUR) Score is a coma scale that consists of four components
(eye and motor response, brainstem reflexes, and respiration). It was originally validated among the adult
population and recently in a pediatric population. To enhance clinical assessment of pediatric intensive
care unit patients, including those intubated and/or sedated, at our children’s hospital, we modified the
FOUR Score Scale for this population. This modified scale would provide many of the same advantages
as the original, such as interrater reliability, simplicity, and elimination of the verbal component that is
not compatible with the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), creating a more valuable neurological assessment tool for
the nursing community. Our goal was to potentially provide greater information than the formally used GCS
when assessing critically ill, neurologically impaired patients, including those sedated and/or intubated.
Experienced pediatric intensive care unit nurses were trained as ‘‘expert raters.’’ Two different nurses assessed
each subject using the Pediatric FOUR Score Scale (PFSS), GCS, and Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale at
three different time points. Data were compared with the Pediatric Cerebral Performance Category (PCPC)
assessed by another nurse. Our hypothesis was that the PFSS and PCPC should highly correlate and
the GCS and PCPC should correlate lower. Study results show that the PFSS is excellent for interrater reliability
for trained nurseYrater pairs and prediction of poor outcome and in-hospital mortality, under various situations,
but there were no statistically significant differences between the PFSS and the GCS. However, the PFSS
does have the potential to provide greater neurological assessment in the intubated and/or sedated patient
based on the outcomes of our study.

Keywords: coma scale/standards, consciousness/nursing, pediatric nursing, predictive value of tests,

rater/observer variation, severity of illness index

espite advances in technology and state-of- In 1966, one of the first neurological assessment
the-art monitoring devices, a comprehensive tools developed was the Ommaya ‘‘vital sign’’ card
clinical assessment is the means to recognize (Cohen, 2009; Ommaya, 1966). In 1974, it was ex-
subtle changes in a patient’s neurological status, whether panded by Teasdale and Jennett (1974) into the Coma
conscious or not. It also must allow for accurate and Index, then became known as the Glasgow Coma
consistent communication of these changes by nurses Scale (GCS). The GCS is used internationally, in both
and other healthcare providers. To assist in this assess- prehospital and hospital settings, to predict morbidity,
ment and thereby provide quality patient care, several mortality, and long-term outcomes in acute neurosci-
validated neurological assessment tools have been de- ence patients. Over the years, many efforts have been
veloped over the past 50 years. made to improve the GCS, yet these tools have rarely
Questions or comments about this article may be directed to been accepted into practice (Cohen, 2009).
Brianna L. Czaikowski, RN, at The Full Outline of UnResponsiveness (FOUR)
She is a Registered Nurse in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Ministry Score Coma Scale was developed in 2005 by research-
St. Joseph’s Hospital, Marshfield, WI. ers at the Mayo Clinic, more specifically, Dr. Eelco
Hong Liang, PhD, is a Biostatistician in the Biomedical Informatics Wijdicks, to enhance the clinical assessment of patients
Research Center, Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation, by improving communication among healthcare per-
Marshfield, WI.
sonnel (Wijdicks, Bamlet, Maramattom, Manno, &
C. Todd Stewart, MD, was the Vice President and a Pediatric McClelland, 2005). This original FOUR Score Scale
Intensivist at Marshfield Clinic/Ministry St. Joseph’s Hospital,
Marshfield, WI. was aimed toward adult patients who were not sedated;
however, further studies showed its simplicity, ability
This study was funded by the Marshfield Clinic’s physician
research funds and the Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation’s to be used outside of the neurological intensive care
disease specific funds. unit (ICU), and ability to assess patients receiving mild
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
The FOUR Score Scale was validated in the adult
Copyright B 2014 American Association of Neuroscience Nurses population and proven to be an effective alternative to
DOI: 10.1097/JNN.0000000000000041 the GCS (which was tested and validated in only adult

Copyright © 2014 American Association of Neuroscience Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
80 Journal of Neuroscience Nursing

trauma, mainly head injury, patients); however, it was

not validated in a pediatric population until 2009. The
Cohen (2009) study focused on validating the FOUR
These researchers ask whether the
Score Scale in pediatric patients, with the exclusion Pediatric FOUR Score Scale (PFSS)
of patients receiving sedatives and/or neuromuscular
blocking agents. Cohen found the overall reliability could enhance the clinical
of the FOUR Score Scale to be excellent in this pop- neurological assessment of patients
ulation. On the basis of these findings, we wanted to
expand on this area of work by modifying the original cared for in pediatric intensive
FOUR Score Scale specifically for pediatric patients
of all age groups and across all developmental stages.
care units.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether
the Pediatric FOUR Score Scale (PFSS) could enhance
the clinical neurological assessment of pediatric in- and stages of herniation, providing families with a
tensive care patients, including those intubated and/or better understanding of neurological predictive out-
sedated, at our children’s hospital. This would be as- come. The scale has been validated among the adult
sessed through analysis of the interrater reliability of population, and its interrater reliability and validity
the PFSS used by nurses and the evaluation of the have also been documented within multiple areas of
validity of the PFSS in predicting morbidity, mortal- nursing, such as the neuro-ICU, medical ICU (MICU),
ity, and long-term outcomes compared with the GCS. emergency department (ED), and pediatric populations
(Cohen, 2009; Iyer et al., 2009; Stead et al., 2009).
The original study (Wijdicks et al., 2005) included
Background 120 adult intensive care patients, categorized to cover
Loss of consciousness can occur any time there is an all realms of the neurological population, and com-
interruption in blood flow or oxygenation to the brain, pared the interrater reliability among neurointensive
because the brain is the most metabolically active nurses, neurology residents, and neurointensivists
organ in the body, and it has no effective way to store to the GCS. The scale showed excellent interrater
oxygen and glucose. Accurate assessments of the level reliability (.w = 0.82; 95% confidence interval [CI]
of consciousness lost are necessary in evaluating a [0.77, 0.88]) and a high degree of internal consistency
patient’s neurological status and therefore determin- (Cronbach’s ! = 0.86 for the first rater and 0.87 for
ing appropriate medical care (Cohen, 2009). the second rater). To assess predictive validity of the
The GCS measures three aspects of consciousness: FOUR Score Scale, sensitivity and specificity of it
eye, motor, and verbal responses. A numeric value is and the GCS were compared. The Modified Rankin
given dependent on the responses, with the greatest Scale was used as the ‘‘gold standard’’ to assess the
score being 15 and lowest score of 3 given to brain outcome of the patients, including in-hospital mortal-
death patients (Matis & Birbilis, 2008; Rabiu, 2011). ity and clinical diagnosis of brain death, and for com-
Although the GCS has been widely used in all as- parison with the FOUR Score Scale and the GCS. The
pects of healthcare, limitations exist, especially in the FOUR Score Scale was also found to provide greater
ICUs because it was only tested and validated in adult neurological detail as compared with the GCS (Wijdicks
trauma, mostly head injury, patients. These limita- et al., 2005). These significant advantages included
tions include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) elimination of the verbal component and incorpora-
the verbal component cannot be tested in intubated tion of brain stem reflexes.
patients; (2) sedated patients cannot respond appro- In 2008, Wijdicks published another cohort study
priately; (3) it does not include brainstem reflexes or composed of 69 patients with neurological complaints
changes in breathing patterns, which reflect severity admitted in the ED. The raters using the FOUR Score
of coma; and (4) it does not include pediatric devel- Scale and the GCS were ED physicians, residents,
opmental milestones (Cohen, 2009; Matis & Birbilis, and nurses. The overall kappa reported for the FOUR
2008; Rabiu, 2011; Wijdicks et al., 2005). Other scales Score Scale was 0.882, compared with 0.862 for the
have been developed to overcome some of the lim- GCS. Limitations included that approximately half of
itations of the GCS, but they have fallen short on the studied population consisted of ‘‘alert’’ patients;
interrater reliability and are seldom used outside their therefore, incorporating more stuporous or comatose
country of origin or area of medical specialty. patients would have been desirable (Stead et al., 2009).
The FOUR Score Scale consists of four components Dr. Wijdicks expanded his studies in 2009 to other
(eye response, motor response, brainstem reflexes, and populations of inpatients, including those in the MICU.
respiration). It also recognizes the locked-in syndrome The raters for this study included nurses, fellows, and

Copyright © 2014 American Association of Neuroscience Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 46 & Number 2 & April 2014 81

ICU staff consultants. Excellent interrater reliability obtained from intubated patients. The RASS relies on
among staff with a . value of 0.96 or greater was a patient’s auditory and visual acuity, so it is not suit-
reported. Also, the FOUR Score Scale correctly iden- able for patients with severe impairments. It also does
tified 100 MICU patients with neurological disability not take into account sedation effects on neurological
of acute metabolic derangements, sepsis, and shock, status and was never validated in pediatric patients.
meaning it matched the outcome of their other as- Thus, the PFSS would essentially combine these two
sessment criteria, the GCS. This study concluded that scales (GCS and RASS) into one, which could be used
the FOUR Score Scale was a good predictor of the to assess any pediatric patient despite their diagnosis
patient’s prognosis, even when expanding its use to and developmental level and whether they are intu-
include critically ill patients, and again pointed out bated and/or sedated.
many advantages over the GCS in another hospital The PFSS includes (1) age appropriate responses
setting (Iyer et al., 2009). for children, inclusive of all developmental milestones;
Also in 2009, the FOUR Score Scale was validated (2) diagnosis, inclusive of sedated patients; and (3)
in a pediatric population. This application study fol- age-appropriate respiratory rates. We included five dif-
lowed 60 neuroscience patients, aged 2Y18 years, over ferent developmental categories based on the American
a 1-year period. Patients who received sedatives and Association of Critical Care Nurses guidelines: in-
neuromuscular blockades were excluded. Consistent fant (0Y12 months), toddler (1Y3 years), preschooler
with the original 2005 study, the Modified Rankin (3Y5 years), school-age (6Y12 years), and adolescent
Scale was used to compare neurological functional (13+ years; Slota, 2006a).
outcomes. The raters for this study were 35 pediatric Healthy infants will track objects and open their
critical care nurses with clinical care experience ranging eyes spontaneously but will not follow direct com-
from 1 to 40 years. Comparatively, the overall reliability mands. They also have a higher respiratory rate and
for the pediatric GCS was good (.w = 0.74, 95% CI an irregular breathing pattern compared with toddlers
[0.59, 0.87]) but was found to be excellent for the and adults. Healthy infants can sit supported, crawl, or
FOUR Score Scale (.w = 0.95, 95% CI [0.91, 0.99]). walk depending on their age in months. They are also
Sensitivity and specificity were incorporated into the nonverbal but communicate well in other ways such
calculation of the predictive validity (Cohen, 2009). as crying, smiling, and interacting with adults and other
When doing a literature search to determine if the children (Ely et al., 2003); however, they cannot make
FOUR Score Scale was right for our children’s hos- the thumbs-up or peace-sign hand gestures. Toddlers
pital, we noted that there was no current literature on provide a little more information. They begin with
a PFSS and that there were some limitations to the one-word sentences and expand their vocabulary quickly
previous studies related to our specific patient popu- in a short time. Healthy toddlers can follow simple
lation. Our eight-bed pediatric ICU (PICU) has an commands. Toddlers have a higher respiratory rate
average census of 4.1 patients and a death rate of 2% than adults, but lower than infants, and tend to also
(per 100 patients), based on a total average of 503 breathe in an irregular pattern; however, this does not
patients over a 1-year period. The limitations we iden- mean they have increased work of breathing (Ely
tified included our small neuroscience and brain death et al., 2003). Preschool and school-aged children can
population, our large sedated population, and various take simple commands and incorporate more difficult
developmental levels of patients. tasks. Adolescents are very similar to the adult pop-
Because of these various limitations, we planned to ulation (Ely et al., 2003).
modify the FOUR Score Scale for pediatric patients We also created the PFSS with the consideration
with the goal of prospectively studying the PFSS of children in each of these developmental categories
in ICU patients at our children’s hospital. Our current who are developmentally and/or physically disabled
practice for assessing a patient’s neurological status is (e.g., Down’s syndrome, cerebral palsy, paralysis).
the use of the pediatric GCS for patients under the age Because the PFSS was modified from a developmen-
of 2 years and the original GCS for all other patients, tal standpoint, our hopes were that the outcomes will
whereas the Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS) not vary from those seen with the original FOUR
score is used as a sedation scale. However, this prac- Score Scale.
tice does not reflect an accurate neurological assess- Normal respiratory rates for children were used
ment, especially in intubated and/or sedated pediatric from the Pediatric Basic Life Support algorithm: infant,
individuals. The GCS was developed to assess the G1 year, 30Y60 breaths per minute (bpm); toddler,
level of consciousness of patients to aid in predicting 1Y3 years, 24Y40 bpm; preschool, 4Y5 years, 22Y34 bpm;
their neurological prognosis. However, it was only school-age, 6Y12 years, 18Y30 bpm; and adolescent,
tested and validated in adult patients with head in- 13Y18 years, 12Y16 bpm (Berg et al., 2010). These
juries and requires a verbal response that cannot be rates, along with the developmental categories, are

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82 Journal of Neuroscience Nursing

part of a normal physical examination of a child’s cerebral palsy, whose eyes may be open but are not
neurological system, which according to American neurologically intact. (2) The addition of ‘‘age appro-
Association of Critical Care Nurses guidelines, also priate spontaneous movement without stimulation’’
includes general appearance, skull examination, level to category 4 of the motor response was done to allow
of consciousness, motor function including reflexes, better assessment of all ages and developmental levels,
sensory function, cerebellar function, cranial nerve because very young patients and some others with de-
function, fundoscopic examination, and vital signs velopmental and/or physical disabilities cannot give
(Slota, 2006b). The PFSS incorporates several of these the thumbs-up or peace-sign hand gesture or make a
examination parameters. fist. (3) ‘‘Not intubated’’ and ‘‘age appropriate’’ were
In the original FOUR Score Scale study, the Mod- added to the breathing pattern categories of the res-
ified Rankin Scale was used as the ‘‘gold standard’’ to pirations section. This was intended to clarify when no
compare and contrast the adult GCS and the FOUR intubation was in place and to point out that children
Score Scale. The Modified Rankin Scale was devel- of different ages have differing respiration rates. These
oped and validated on adult patients and is primarily modifications were made by the author (BLC) utilizing
used for stroke disability assessment (Wilson et al., the Guidelines for Age-Appropriate Assessment and
2005). It is not commonly used on children, because Nonpharmacologic Management of Pain (Slota, 2006b,
it lacks formal validation in pediatric populations. 2006c) and then reviewed and approved by a pediatric
Because we have modified everything for the pedi- intensivist (CTS) and pediatric neurologist (MAK) based
atric population, our ‘‘gold standard’’ was the Pediatric on guidelines they follow from the American Academy
Cerebral Performance Category (PCPC) Scale, which of Neurology. We realize that the changes made to the
was validated in the pediatric population. The PCPC adult FOUR Score Scale were minimal but felt they were
was developed and used as a tool to assess functional necessary to improve the assessments made in a pediatric
morbidity and cognitive impairment after critical ill- patient population, including those intubated and/or
ness or injury in pediatric patients (Fiser, 1992). It sedated as well as developmentally and/or physically
projects probable outcomes when more extensive psy- disabled.
chometric testing is not realistic or desirable and has After institutional review board approval of this
been found to be significantly related to the Pediatric prospective study, PICU nurses were asked for their
Risk of Mortality Score, morbidity, length of stay, and assistance in accomplishing the research. Eight PICU
total hospital charges (Fiser et al., 2000). Both the nurses volunteered and were trained as ‘‘raters.’’ Clin-
Rankin and PCPC scales have also been tested and ical PICU experience ranged from 1 year to 30 years.
validated in the past years inclusive of interrater reli- The training included a 1-hour session for review of
ability (Fiser et al., 2000; Wijdicks et al., 2005). The the GCS scale (both the original for assessment of
interrater reliability was showed as excellent in the children 2 to 19 years and the pediatric for assessment
previous studies for the PCPC scale. of children up to 23 months of age), RASS, and PCPC
If the correlation is high between the two scales and overview of the PFSS. Each nurse was also given
(PFSS and PCPC) and low between the GCS and an instructional card they could use as a reference
PCPC, the PFSS will show association between pa- during their assessments. They were then given four
rameters such as morbidity, length of stay, and sever- sample patients and asked to assess the patients using
ity of illness or injury and in turn disprove the GCS, the PFSS. After the training session, each nurse agreed
like previous studies cited (Fiser et al., 2000). There- not to discuss their assessments with each other or any
fore, the PFSS should potentially provide greater in- other nurses, so as not to bias the nurses’ care of the
formation than the formally used GCS when assessing patients as well as affect the study outcomes. The
critically ill neurologically impaired pediatric patients. principal investigator expressed the importance of this
during the project, as we were studying the interrater
reliability of nurses.
Eighty patients were consented, consecutively en-
Methods rolled, and participated in the study. These included a
Before creating the PFSS (Figure 1), consent from variety of patients (cardiac, neurological, postoperative,
Dr. Wijdicks to modify the original scale was obtained. and trauma) who were admitted to the multidisciplinary
The modifications made to the adult FOUR Score PICU, and patients could be intubated and/or receiving
Scale to create the PFSS included (1) the removal of sedative agents, such as lorazepam, fentanyl, morphine,
‘‘or opened’’ from category 4 of the eye response. precedex, propofol, and versed. Patients receiving bar-
This was done to allow better assessment of the very biturates, ketamine, and neuromuscular blockers were
young who cannot blink on command and certain de- excluded because of their effects on intracranial pres-
velopmentally disabled patients, such as those with sure. Pregnant patients were also excluded.

Copyright © 2014 American Association of Neuroscience Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 46 & Number 2 & April 2014 83

FIGURE 1 Pediatric Four Score Scale

Consistent with the previous studies (Cohen, 2009; Seven trained nurses could have assessed each
Iyer et al., 2009; Stead et al., 2009), patients were subject during their PICU stay. Two different nurses
categorized into four neurological groups based on independently, yet simultaneously (or within minutes
their level of consciousness: (1) alert; (2) clouding of of one another), assessed the PICU subjects using the
consciousness: ‘‘reduced wakefulness, confusion, and PFSS, GCS, and RASS on three different occasions
alternating drowsiness and hyperexcitablity’’; (3) (between PICU admission and end of day 1, days 2Y3,
obtundation: ‘‘mild to moderate reduction in alertness, and day 4 or after, until PICU discharge). The nurses
reduced interest in the environment, and increased pe- were not allowed to assess the same patient twice, and
riods of sleep’’; and (4) stupor/coma: ‘‘unresponsive the nurseYrater teams and order in which the assess-
except to vigorous and repeated stimuli or no verbal ments (PFSS, GCS, RASS) were performed varied to
or motor response to environmental stimuli’’ (Slota, reduce bias. The data were then compared with the
2006d). The nurses participating in the study assigned PCPC as ‘‘the point of reference.’’ The PCPC of each
each patient to a neurological category at the start of subject was assessed by only one nurse (who did not
each assessment session. This was done because a pa- use the PFSS, GCS, or RASS) at PICU admission and
tient’s neurological status can change frequently, either discharge to ensure consistency and to prevent the other
improving or declining, during their PICU stay and/or nurses doing the PFSS, GCS, and RASS assessments
because of any sedation that may be given. Therefore, from being biased by the PCPC data, which could
the same patient could have been assigned to more also influence patient care. Outcome was assessed
than one category during their study participation. using the PCPC scale: 1 = normal, 2 = mild disability,

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84 Journal of Neuroscience Nursing

3 = moderate disability, 4 = severe disability, 5 = coma

or vegetative state, and 6 = brain death (Fiser et al., TABLE 1. Demographics and Some
2000). Clinical Outcomes for
78 Patients
Statistical Analysis Age (mean T SD), years 6.34 T 6.22; median = 3.3
Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the pa- (range: 0.1Y18.9)
tients’ demographic and clinical characteristics. To Infant (0Y12 months) 32 (41.03%)
estimate interrater agreement, each patient (at several Toddler (1Y3 years) 13 (16.67%)
different time points) received a pairwise independent
Preschool (3Y5 years) 5 (6.41%)
test by two different raters, and the agreement of the
School (6Y12 years) 14 (17.95%)
first and second test (of each score and total score for
the PFSS, GCS, and RASS) was used. Weighted kappa Adolescent (13+ years) 14 (17.95%)
(.w) values and their 95% CI as well as standard error Male 45 (57.69%)
(SE) were calculated to evaluate the reliabilities for Current intubation 34 (43.59%)
the PFSS, GCS, and RASS. In our study, a .w statistic Death 7 (8.97%)
of greater than 0.80 was considered excellent agree- Adverse event 7 (8.97%)
ment. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were computed Sedation 31 (39.74%)
to assess the internal consistencies of the PFSS and
GCS. Spearman’s correlation coefficient between the
PFSS and the GCS was calculated to assess the cri-
terion validity of the PFSS. agreement (Table 2). Table 2 also shows the reliabil-
To assess the predictive validity of the PFSS, sen- ities classified by intubation and day of PICU hospi-
sitivity and specificity of the PFSS and GCS were talization. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient showed good
compared with the PCPC scale for the prediction of internal consistency for the PFSS (Cronbach’s alpha =
poor outcomes and in-hospital mortality at PICU ad- 0.78 for the first rating and 0.79 for the second rating)
mission and discharge. The area under the receiver and the GCS (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.76 for the first
operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) and its rating and 0.77 for the second rating). Spearman’s
95% CI were calculated for PFSS and GCS using the correlation coefficients between the GCS and PFSS
average rating of the two nurses at each assessment were high ( p = .87 for the first rating and .89 for the
time point. An ROC analysis curve compares the sen- second rating).
sitivity (true rate of the outcome) with the false rate ROC analysis curves were estimated to compare
(1 = specificity), and as an AUC gets closer to 1.00, prediction of poor outcome (defined as PCPC scores
it indicates that the assessment tool is better able to of 4Y6) between the PFSS and the GCS. The AUC for
identify the outcome state (Schonjans, 2008). the PFSS and GCS total scores were 0.9043 and 0.9054,
respectively. The AUC of the PFSS was almost the
Results same as for the GCS by comparing 0.9043 with 0.9054
Of the 80 patients who participated in the study, 78 (p = 0.9552). Sensitivity and specificity were 0.9333
had a total of 121 paired-wised ratings and were used and 0.7903, respectively, for a PFSS total score of 12
in the analysis. The average age of the patients was and 0.9333 and 0.8387, respectively, for a GCS total
6.34 years, and there were seven adverse events (deaths). score of 9 (Figure 2). Unfortunately, a separate anal-
Nine of the seventy-eight patients (11.5%) had a de- ysis could not be done to predict outcome in only the
velopmental and/or physical disability (i.e., autism, sedated and/or intubated patients because of the small
cerebral palsy, cerebral vascular accident, GuillameY sample sizes, n = 31 and n = 34, respectively.
Barre syndrome, spinal muscular atrophy type II). To compare prediction of in-hospital mortality be-
There were a total of 115 records categorizing the pa- tween the PFSS and the GCS, additional ROC analysis
tients into the four neurological groups, with the dis- curves were estimated. The AUC for the PFSS and
tribution as follows: Alert, 62 patient times (53.91%); GCS total scores were 0.9296 and 0.9095, respectively.
clouding of consciousness, 13 patient times (11.30%); The AUC of the PFSS was slightly better than for the
obtundation, 27 patient times (23.48%); and stupor/ GCS by comparing 0.9296 with 0.9095 (p = 0.2113),
coma, 13 patient times (11.30%). Other demographics which did not reach the statistical significance level
and clinic outcomes are shown in Table 1. of .05, and may be because of the small sample size
The overall reliability was excellent for both the (only seven death events) in this study. Sensitivity and
PFSS (.w = 0.89, 95% CI [0.83, 0.94]) and the GCS specificity were 0.8574 and 0.9437, respectively, for
(.w = 0.89, 95% CI [0.84, 0.94]), whereas the a PFSS total score of 7 and 0.8571 and 0.9296, re-
.w of RASS was 0.67, which suggests good interrater spectively, for a GCS total score of 6 (Figure 3).

Copyright © 2014 American Association of Neuroscience Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 2. Weighted Kappa Values, Standard Error, and 95% Confidence Intervals for Interrater Agreement on the Pediatric
FOUR Score Scale (PFSS), Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), and Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS)
Eyes Motor Brain Stem Reflexes Respiration Total Eyes Motor Verbal Total RASS
For the overall, N = 121 pairwise ratings
Weight . 0.94 0.86 0.74 0.88 0.89 0.90 0.90 0.88 0.89 0.67
SE 0.02 0.05 0.12 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.07
95% CI 0.90, 0.98 0.76, 0.96 0.50, 0.98 0.81, 0.94 0.83, 0.94 0.84, 0.96 0.84, 0.96 0.81, 0.95 0.84, 0.94 0.53, 0.80
For the not intubated, N = 64 pairwise ratings
Weight . 0.88 0.96 1.00 0.72 0.85 0.90 0.88 0.87 0.89 0.80
SE 0.08 0.04 0.00 0.10 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.08
95% CI 0.72, 1.00 0.88, 1.00 1.00, 1.00 0.53, 0.91 0.75, 0.95 0.79, 1.00 0.73, 1.00 0.74, 1.00 0.79, 0.99 0.64, 0.96
For the intubated, N = 57 pairwise ratings
Weight 0 0.94 0.80 0.76 0.64 0.82 0.86 0.89 0.56 0.80 0.51
SE 0.02 0.07 0.12 0.11 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.15 0.05 0.10
95% CI 0.90, 0.99 0.66, 0.94 0.52, 1.00 0.42, 0.85 0.71, 0.93 0.76, 0.96 0.82, 0.96 0.27, 0.84 0.70, 0.91 0.30, 0.71
For days 0Y1, N = 51 pairwise ratings
Weight . 0.95 0.85 0.90 0.85 0.90 0.96 0.92 0.91 0.93 0.73
SE 0.04 0.09 0.09 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.09
95% CI 0.88, 1.00 0.67, 1.00 0.74, 1.00 0.73, 0.96 0.82, 0.97 0.91, 1.00 0.83, 1.00 0.82, 1.00 0.85, 1.00 0.55, 0.90
For days 2Y3, N = 41 pairwise ratings
Weight . 0.91 0.82 0.58 0.85 0.87 0.83 0.90 0.81 0.85 0.56
SE 0.04 0.09 0.22 0.07 0.03 0.07 0.04 0.08 0.05 0.12
Volume 46

95% CI 0.84, 0.98 0.65, 1.00 0.15, 1.00 0.72, 0.98 0.82, 0.93 0.69, 0.96 0.81, 0.99 0.65, 0.96 0.75, 0.94 0.31, 0.80

For day Q 4, N = 29 pairwise ratings

Weight . 0.97 0.93 N/Aa 0.96 0.84 0.93 0.87 0.90 0.89 0.75
SE 0.03 0.07 N/A 0.03 0.10 0.05 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.14
Number 2

95% CI 0.92, 1.00 0.80, 1.00 N/A 0.90, 1.00 0.64, 1.00 0.83, 1.00 0.71, 1.00 0.76, 1.00 0.78, 1.00 0.48, 1.00

Note. CI = confidence interval; N/A = not applicable.

All 29 pairwise ratings had the exact same score of 4.
April 2014

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86 Journal of Neuroscience Nursing

Discussion FIGURE 3 Receiver Operating

The results of this study show that the PFSS is ex- Characteristic Analysis of PFSS
cellent for interrater reliabilities and for prediction of Total Score and GCS Total
poor outcome and in-hospital mortality in a pediatric Score for Predicting
population. The .w values in the excellent range in- In-Hospital Mortality
dicate that there is homogeneity in the nurse raters’
use of the PFSS, suggesting that it is an easy assess-
ment tool that can be used reliably and consistently by
nurses of varying experience levels. It can be used in
sedated and/or intubated patients and at varying times
during a patient’s hospitalization based on the weighted
kappa values presented in Table 2. The PFSS’s highly
accurate prediction value for poor outcome and in-
hospital mortality makes it an informative tool for
neurological assessments.
However, the study failed to show that the PFSS is
better than the GCS. The results did not indicate any
statistically significant difference in the interrater re-
liabilities for nurseYrater pairs under various situations
between the PFSS and the GCS, and the prediction
analyses were quite similar when correlated to the
PCPC. This was similar to Cohen’s (2009) study that
showed that the original FOUR Score Scale and GCS
were comparable in predicting outcome in their pedi-
atric study population.
Although our study did not show that the PFSS is
better than the GCS, it also did not indicate that it
was any worse than the GCS, which has only been validated in adult head trauma patients. Other benefi-
cial findings from our study are that our patient
population included (1) intubated and/or sedated
patients and that the weighted kappa values for
FIGURE 2 Receiver Operating Characteristic intubated and nonintubated patients were similar and
Analysis of PFSS Total Score and (2) patients of all developmental stages, including
GCS Total Score for Predicting those with developmental disabilities (e.g., Down’s
Poor Outcome (Defined as syndrome) and physical disabilities (e.g., Cerebral
PCPC Scores of 4Y6) palsy, paralysis). Hence, it can be used across a broad
pediatric patient population. This study also expands
on the work done by Cohen (2009).
The largest limitation of our study was the small
sample size. Additional limitations included changes
in the staffing of nurses and a large turnover rate of
patients; some patients were only assessed one time
and then discharged to the regular pediatric floor or
home. Also, ~54% of our population was assessed to
the ‘‘alert’’ neurological category. In addition, the use
of sedative medications, including benzodiazepines
and opiates, alters the brain causing central nervous
system depression and can affect each patient differ-
ently. However, there was still correlation between the
PFSS and GCS in sedated patients.

Enhancing the neurological assessment of a pediatric
patient by the nursing community allows for the

Copyright © 2014 American Association of Neuroscience Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 46 & Number 2 & April 2014 87

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Acknowledgments ing (2nd ed., pp. 4Y6). St. Louis, MO: SaundersYElsevier.
Slota, M. C. (2006b). Physical examination. Core curriculum for
The authors dedicate this article to Dr. C. Todd Stewart, pediatric critical care nursing (2nd ed., pp. 337Y348). St. Louis,
who tragically passed away after its acceptance. It was MO: SaundersYElsevier.
an honor and a pleasure to work with him for so many Slota, M. C. (2006c). Guidelines for age-appropriate assessment
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Copyright © 2014 American Association of Neuroscience Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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