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Module 2

Activity 3: The Best for me!

The best Job Why it is the best What motivates me My practical ways
opportunity for me Job opportunity for to achieve it

 To become a  I have the  Of course my  To strive

Psychologist skills and family and more and be
ability that peers as courageous
requires to much they’re at all times.
make the always lift up
role of a my soul and
psychologist. made me
realize that I
need to

Additional Activities
Name Job as a career Reasons for making
entrepreneurship as their
 Cherrie Atilano Founding Former and CEO “Philippine agriculture is so
of AGREA International or broken, “ Atilano says.
Portmanteau of agriculture She’s goal is the
and gaia, a nod to nature. development of a one-
island economy through
agriculture. In its first pilot
farm in Marenduque, not
only are new farming
techniques but also a
holistic system that
includes multicropping,
and livelihood, are
Name Job as a career Reasons for making
entrepreneurship as their
 Shanonraj Khadka Shanonraj Varsojia It’s all grounded on trust
Khadka, Co- founded of and relationships” the 31-
Gawad Kalinga Enchanted year-old emphasizes. “we
farm, the famous learn on the ground with
foundation’s incubator and the farmers. Who am I
training ground for social teach them about farming?
entrepreneurship and How can a farmer trust me
social tourism. when he knows nothing of
my dreams? That why
Khadka started his dream.

Module 1:
What’s new
Act. 2:
 I experience a lot of struggles by doing this product because at the first place, I
really don’t know how to deal with it but I did my best and follow the process.
1. It’s great and its fun, it helps me in a way, to test and examine my critical thinking
and develop my creativity.
2. I feel bad at first I really don’t know how to start but a while ago I enjoying making
the product.
3. I come up with this kind of idea, as long as advantage for me especially in this
pandemic times that I can’t go out everywhere so I use my old white t-shirt and
make it look better and design the product with jobus to make a difference.
4. I come up with the product with the help of my brother, it would become easy for
me to do such things because his help and support are always there.
5. There are non-problems but it seems my product has an opportunity to make and
dealing it with business.
6. Yes, as a youth in these changing times we have a lot of curiosity and it will
become our creativity I know that my product is good in business industry.
7. Help the people for having a knowledgeable idea on how to use their clothes by
making it something new and it should improve their creativity as an individual.
8. You need to be patient in all ways and your dedication and determination is
essential to finish the product.
What I can do: Act, 3
 If I have a chance to start my business, I would rather choose to have a plants,
clothes and food business. In this time of pandemic where struggling day by day
but we need to stay positive not in covid-19 but as a person. With the help of
social media, we can have a business through online. The plants, clothes and
food give some of the necessary needs of people. It can help to make us happy
and having fun sometimes despite the current situation that we face every day.
Act. 4
1. A. Philexphone
B. Phone/ Cellphone
C. Gadget/ technology
2. A. Maxrill’s Restaurant
B. Nutrishrimp with Capobage
C. Food/ Food Industry
D. Own Menu and Recipe
3. A. Excel’s Clothing
B. Any kinds of clothes and DIY Clothes
C. Clothes
D. Some of our product are made of through hand sewing.
Act. 5
Entrepreneurs name: EDGAR SIA
Name of the business: MANG INASAL
Business success story  Edgar Sia dropped out of college
to pursue his own laundry and
Photo developing business at the
age of 19. In 2003, 26 years olds
Sia decided to open the barbeque
fast food restaurant “Mang Inasal.”
The first branch was built at a mall
parking lot in his home city. The
restaurant took off. When tony
caktiong heard sia’s business,he
decided to buy Mang Inasal for a
total of P5 billion. In 2011, Sia
become the youngest billionaire in
the Philippines at the age of 34
after selling his 70% share to the
How this entrepreneur come with his  Over the years he has discovered
venture. that creating business ventures
that creates a lasting positive
impact to the live of other people is
his the stock market, for him is one
of the best things that happened in
his business journey because it
enabled him to further widen the
positive effect that his efforts are
able to reach.

Additional Activities:
Act. 6

Things I have learned (knowledge)

 I have learned a lot about this module

wherein they discuss about the branches,
characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of
Quantitative Research.

Thing I have realized and appreciated (Attitudes)

 I have realized that my knowledge is still not enough

to cope up the lesson.

Things I have

 I have an idea before about

the Quantitative Research.

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