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1. Which of the following of branches of philosophy is WRONG?
A. Politics ---> Study of Art
B. Metaphysics ----> Study of Existence
C. Epistemology ---> Study of Knowledge
D. Ethics ---> Study of Action

2. Moral Relativism ________

A. consider what is right or wrong as not absolute.
B. is a theory that views the rightness of actions as determined by what a culture or
society says is right.
C. is one form of morality.
D. all of the above.

3. Consequentialist is
A. the consequences to be considered are those of everyone.
B. pleasure and only pleasure (absence of pain) is ultimately good.
C. the rightness of actions is determined solely by their consequences.
D. the right action is one that has not merely some good consequences, but also the
greatest amount of good consequences, even when the bad consequences are
also taken into consideration.

4. Hedonism is ___________
A. the consequences to be considered are those of everyone.
B. the rightness of actions is determined solely by their consequences.
C. pleasure and only pleasure (absence of pain) is ultimately good.
D. the right action is one that has not merely some good consequences, but also the
greatest amount of good consequences, even when the bad consequences are
also taken into consideration.

5. Accroding to Maximalism __________

A. the rightness of actions is determined solely by their consequences.
B. pleasure and only pleasure (absence of pain) is ultimately good.
C. the consequences to be considered are those of everyone.
D. the right action is one that has not merely some good consequences, but also the
greatest amount of good consequences, even when the bad consequences are
also taken into consideration.

6. Universalism is __________
A. the rightness of actions is determined solely by their consequences.
B. the consequences to be considered are those of everyone.
C. pleasure and only pleasure (absence of pain) is ultimately good.


D. the right action is one that has not merely some good consequences, but also the
greatest amount of good consequences, even when the bad consequences are
also taken into consideration.

7. “What ought man do” is the basic practical question for ____________
A. Justice
B. Deontological
C. Utilitarianism
D. Rights

8. Which of the following is NOT the theses of Utilitarianism principle?

A. Relativism
B. Hedonism
C. Consequentialism
D. Universalism

9. Classical utilitarianism requires ____________ to be measures in some ways, so that

the pleasure and pain of different individuals can be added together and the results of
different courses of action compared.
A. Utility
B. actions
C. consequences
D. behaviours

10. Which of the following is the weakness of Utilitarianism?

A. Individual happiness is the main objective in life.
B. The theory is degrading to human beings.
C. The theory promotes objectivity rather than subjectivity.
D. All of the above.

11. Which of the following is CORRECT regarding Kant’s Categorical Imperative?

A. First Categorical Imperative – Act only according to that maxim by which you can;
at the same time, will that it should become a universal law.
B. Second Categorical Imperative – Act so that you treat humanity, whether in your
own person or in that of another, always as an end and never as only a means.
C. An ‘imperative’ is a command or duty, whereas ‘categorical’ means ‘that is
without exception’.
D. All of the above.

12. The First Categorical Imperative combines two criteria for determining rightness or
wrongness of moral actions. Those criterion are _______________ and
A. Universalizability; reversibility
B. means; ends
C. ethical; morality
D. retributive; compensatory


13. According to ___________, ‘the person’s reasons for acting must be reasons that
everyone could act on at least in principle’.
A. universalizability
B. reversibility
C. means
D. ends

14. According to ____________, ‘the person’s reasons for acting must be reasons that the
person would be willing to have others use, even as a basis of how they treat him or
A. Universalizability
B. ends
C. reversibility
D. means

15. Three form of caring are____________

A. caring about something.
B. caring after someone.
C. caring for someone.
D. All of the above.

16. Kind of concern and interest that one can have for things or idea where there is no
second person in whose subjective reality one become engrosses. This statement best
describe about____________
A. caring after someone.
B. caring about something.
C. caring for someone.
D. Caring for everyone.

17. Caring for someone who requires our support or services because of some limitations
that the person is experiencing. This statement best describe about__________
A. caring about something
B. Caring for everyone
C. caring for someone
D. caring after someone

18. Promoted by Ethics of Care---> like the kind of care shown by a mother to her child;
engaging and deep, with feelings and emotion. This statement best describe
A. caring about something.
B. caring for someone.
C. caring after someone.
D. Caring for everyone

19. ______________ are those which have been recognized and enforced as part of a legal
system or law.
A. Legal rights
B. Moral rights
C. Negative rights


D. Positive rights

20. Employment Act 1955 (with revisions) in Malaysia lays down provisions to protect
workers from being exploited by employer. It is an example of ______________
A. contractual rights.
B. positive rights
C. negative rights
D. legal rights

21. When we sign a sales and purchase agreement to buy a house, there are specific rights
that are defined for both parties, be it the buyer or seller/developer. This is an example of
A. specific rights
B. legal rights
C. moral rights
D. negative rights

22. Individual right to property and wealth accumulation, one’s choice of religion and beliefs,
freedom from injury or the right for survival and the right to individual privacy. These are
examples of ___________
A. moral rights
B. negative rights
C. positive rights
D. legal rights

23. The right to be provided with adequate healthcare, provision of child education are the
examples of _____________
A. moral rights
B. negative rights
C. positive rights
D. legal rights

24. Two main features of human rights are _________

A. universalizability and reversibility.
B. universality and unconditionality.
C. means and ends.
D. ethical and morality.

25. According to Locke, a __________which is the condition of a free human being, in the
absence of any government.
A. state of affairs
B. state of environment
C. state of nature
D. state of moral


26. There THREE (3) kind of Forms of Particular Justice which are compensatory justice,
Retributive justice and ___________ justice.
A. moral
B. relativism
C. distributive
D. positive

27. Which of the following is CORRECT regarding to Aristotle justice

A. Corrective or compensatory: A matter of compensating persons for wrongs done
to them.
B. Retributive: The extent of punishment should fit the offence.
C. Distributive: Deals with distribution of benefits and burdens.
D. All of the above are correct.

28. The rights of individuals under the free market system:

A. To own a private property.
B. To own a business and to keep all its profits after taxes.
C. Freedoms to compete in wealth accumulation and consumption of goods and
D. All of the above

29. Everyone has basic rights; the right to liberty, i.e. right to life, specifically referring to
freedom of action and the right to pursue happiness. This is referring to ____________
A. Difference Principle.
B. Principle of Justice.
C. Principle of Fair Equality of Opportunity.
D. Principle of Equal Liberty.

30. __________ supports the claim that a productive society will incorporate inequalities, but
take steps to improve the position of the most needy/unprivileged members of the
A. Difference Principle
B. Principle of Justice
C. Principle of Fair Equality of Opportunity
D. Principle of Equal Liberty

31. _____________ supports the claim that everyone should be given an equal opportunity
to qualify for the more privileged positions in society’s institution, i.e. based on talent and
A. Difference Principle
B. Principle of Justice.
C. principle of Equal Liberty
D. Principle of Fair Equality of Opportunity.


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