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1.  Madeline, whose name is French, visited her aunt in Paris.

Whose is:
a. an interrogative pronoun
b. a reflexive pronoun
c. a relative pronoun
d. a demonstrative pronoun

2.  We let ourselves into the old cabin through the back door.

Ourselves is:
a. a reflexive pronoun
b. an interrogative pronoun
c. an intensive pronoun
d. a relative pronoun

3.  Which of the following is considered an indefinite pronoun?

a. anybody
b. both
c. either
d. everyone
e. all of the above

4.  In the following sentence, which word is the antecedent for the pronoun she?
Kim looked as though she had seen a ghost.
a. she
b. Kim
c. ghost
d. seen

5.  Locate the antecedent of the pronoun: Looking through the powerful telescope, Harry saw his favorite planet.
a. Harry
b. Looking
c. telescope
d. favorite

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