CSK - Covid-19 Management Plan

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1.0 Covid-19 Construction workplace safety

Following the outbreak of the Corona Virus (COVID-19) Pandemic in Kenya, on the 17th of
March 2020, IOTA Engineering & Construction Ltd has been putting in place measures to
safeguard the wellbeing of persons working in its sites. These measures will be implemented on
Cold Solutions, Tatu City site throughout the currency of the project. The measures to be put in
place are in line with World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines as well as those given by the
Kenya’s Ministry of Health.

The main underlying approaches are:

• Reduce access to site
• Adapt work plan and activities to reduce close contact
• Increase overall level of hygiene of the site
• Prioritize health and safety of staff, workers and their surrounding communities
• Increase awareness of the workforce

1.1 Site access

1) Body temperatures of construction workers and any other personnel visiting the site
will be taken on arrival at the construction site and when they leave for home using non-
contact infrared thermometers.
2) Hand cleaning facilities will be provided at site entrances and exits. These will have
soap and clean running water wherever possible or alcohol-based hand sanitizer if clean
running water is not available. All workers will be required to wash or sanitize their
hands severally and before entering or leaving the site.
3) Access to site will be controlled and will not be allowed for non-essential
4) Anyone falling in the following categories will not be allowed access to site: -
o Has a family member suspected COVID-19 patient living in the same household
or self-isolating, or if s/he has got in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19
patient in the previous two weeks. S/he should not report on site and self-
quarantining at home for two weeks;
o Is showing one or more symptoms related to COVID-19 (high temperature,
new persistent cough, shortness of breath). S/he should not report on site,
stay home and self-isolate or seek medical care in case of severe symptoms;
1.2 Social distancing
To the most possible extent, workers should always maintain physical distance of 1.5 meters
from others. Performing activities that must be conducted in proximity should be avoided
when possible.

1) Access & egress: Adequate mark-up on ground will be provided to help staff comply
with safe- distancing norm as they que up for gaining site access.
2) Changing room area: In order to comply with the safe distancing norm, access/use of
the changing rooms will be limited to 10 pax each. Signage indicating capacity of use
shall be installed.
3) Site Office: Access to the site offices will be limited. Tasks that can be addressed
outside or at
the visitor’s orientation area will be encouraged.
4) Meeting rooms: Social distancing norms to be maintained in all meeting rooms. No. of
staff in attendance to be controlled to ensure compliance.
5) Work areas: Wherever possible, work areas will be organized into zones to restrict
people density at any one place.
6) Break areas: The size of the group in the lunch area at any one time to be
regulated to maintain social distancing norms. The safety personnel will ensure this
is implemented. Workers to be adequately sensitized on the seating arrangements during
safety orientation.
7) Deliveries: Unnecessary on-site contact between workers and outside service
providers/suppliers will be limited. Delivery zones have been clearly demarcated on site
and limited to concerned teams only. Delivery drivers and food vendors are to be
managed with the same minimum 1 Meter distancing and separation as needed.
Their services to be accepted only on strict adherence to Ministry of Health rules and
8) Toolbox talks: These shall be held in the site cafeteria while maintaining social
distancing norms. Where the numbers on site are too large to be accommodated within
the cafeteria space, the toolbox talks will be staggered in groups by trade.

1.3 PPE
1) Use of the regulatory authority prescribed safety mask shall be mandatory for all on
2) In addition to the normal construction site personal protective equipment (PPE) meant
to protect the workers from hazards and dangers on the site, construction workers will
need to wear facemasks and long-sleeved aprons for protection against COVID-19
infection from contaminated surfaces.

1.4 Hygiene & Site sanitization measures

1) Hand wash sinks and soap or sanitizers shall be located at all high traffic areas such as
entry to site, break areas, site offices, meeting rooms, restroom facilities and walkways
2) Site cleaning regime will be increased and enhanced for communal areas,
toolboxes, machinery and common contact surfaces. Cleaning shall be documented in a
procedure checklist and the safety personnel shall audit on a daily basis housekeeping
and cleaning effectiveness to ensure quality.
3) Work areas to be disinfected during break hours.
4) Staff PPE as well as the designate area for staff PPE shall be disinfected at least twice
5) Workers are encouraged to carry their own water bottles for access to drinking water.
1.5 Covid-19 Incident handling & reporting on site
1) The first aid room provided on site will be used as an isolation room for staff who may
develop covid-19 while at site or who may be notified of a positive diagnosis while on
2) Incident reporting for covid-19 on site shall be carried out as indicated below and the
relevant authorities through the hotline provided by Ministry of Health will be notified.
1.6 Covid-19 communications
1) Posters and signs will be displayed in areas (break areas, restrooms, entry and exit points)
reminding people to stay home if not feeling well, signs and symptoms of COVID-19
and proper hand washing techniques
2) The toolbox talks and safety orientation/induction training will be updated to include
Covid-19 safety measures. The safety personnel will continue to communicate the latest
procedures, requirements and educational information learned to prevent the spread of
COVID-19. Documentation to be maintained for all trainings conducted and readily
available for review upon request.

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