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Proper descent planning is essential to ensure the aircraft arrives at the desired altitude, speed and configuration.
The distance required for descent is approximately 3NM/1000 feet of altitude loss for a zero wind, 280kt IDLE
power descent.


0.74M/280kts 2100fpm 3000fpm
250kts 1700fpm 2400fpm
210kts 1400fpm 1900fpm

-Arrive 30nm from the landing airport at 10,000ft AGL and 250kts.
-Straight in Approach: 12nm from runway at Clean Maneuvering Speed.
-Abeam Arrival: 8nm at Clean Maneuvering Speed.
-Speed Reduction Planning: 25 seconds and 3nm to slow from 280kts to 250kts
in level flight without speedbrakes. It requires an additional 35secs and 4nm to
slow to Clean Maneuvering Speed at average gross weights.
The use of speed brakes reduces the time and distance by 50%.
-Approximate level flight deceleration rate is 10kts/nm. Descending is 5kts/nm

VNAV 101

FMC PROGRAMMING: In order to display most accurate Vertical Flight Path information on the DEC
page in the FMC, it's necessary to program the required and most accurate information into the DEC and
DEC FCST pages.

The FMC vertical path solution is calculated using the following parameters:

- SPEED: A programmed descent speed of *.74M/280kts provides the best margins considering STAR
Speed restrictions, (the vast majority of STARs have initial speed restrictions not greater than 280kts) best
turbulence speed in the 737 and the ability to adjust from a delayed/late descent. A high speed descent will
also create challenges when combined with a late descent and /or the requirement to slow due to ATC
requirements and turbulence.

- WINDS: Winds from the Flight Plan should be compared to the corresponding fixes on an arrival. These
winds should be entered into the DEC FORECAST page. This page allows for three altitude, wind
direction and speed entries. Alternate method: NOAA WIND ALOFT/PROG WINDS AT CURRENT
ALTITUDE, surface winds at Landing Airport programmed as 6000agl altitude

- ISA Deviation: An ISA deviation of +10C will move the TOD 3nm closer to you. An ISA deviation of
-10C will move the TOD 3nm away (Start down later). The DEC FORECAST page has an entry for ISA
DEV, PROG Page 2 displays the current ISA DEV that should be entered prior to TOD.

- TEMP: Enter the current SAT (PROG page2) at your altitude.

- QNH: Enter the Altimeter setting at the landing airport

- DEC NOW: This function creates a 1000fpm descent until capturing the VERT PATH displayed in the
FMC or the MCP selected altitude. A suggested technique is to use this function within 150nm of the
landing airport. An enroute lower altitude should be 'Re-Cruised' on the CRZ Page in the FMC.

*Three reasons why 280kts is the best descent speed:

1. RNAV STARS Start with speed restrictions of 280kts or less. Descending at 280kts will provides a stable
transition to an RNAV STAR.

2. The best turbulence speed for the 737 is 280. If your 'On Path' at 280kts and you experience turbulence,
airshow maneuvers to slow to 280kts and comply with STAR restrictions wont be necessary.

3. All the legacy Airlines use the techniques above, using them will ensure SWQ Flight Crews don't receive
special attention from ATC when sequencing aircraft on an arrival.

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