Logistics and Supply Chain Assignment

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Centre for Reverse Logistics & Supply Chain Studies

Subject: Logistics and Supply Chain Unit

Assignment Task:

Select an organisation or products of which you are familiar with and describe, analyse and
critically comment using the principles of logistics and supply chain operations:-

1. How the supply chain for the organisation or product is structured showing the flows and
links including:
a. Points of activity
b. Transfer movements
c. Inventory hold points

2. Identify and critically comment on the following:

a. external and internal influences on the chain
b. Competitive positioning or cost effectiveness
c. Apparent risks to the performance of the chain

3. What are the customer service demands in lead times and overall satisfaction levels:
consider both national and international activity?

4. Describe what you see to be value-added activities in the supply chain and comment as
to how successfully they perform.

5. How is the supply chain performance measured or in your opinion, how it should be
measured. You must consider productivity, utilisation, service and cost issues.

6. What technologies are used in the supply chain to support material and information
flows? Please outline each component as to its purpose and success.

7. Set out clearly where you have identified areas for improvement in 1 – 6 above. Show
this as a table of Action Plan.

Please use clear flow charts and maps to illustrate the activities in the selected business
Case Study. Use business the report format and Word count to be 2500 – 3000 words
maximum. Each question is equally weighted and you are advise to work around 4 – 500
words each.


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