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Group – A

(Multiple Choice Type Questions)

1. Choose the correct answer for the following: 10  1 = 10

(i) Statistical quality control period is in between
a) 1920 to1940
b) 1930 to 1950
c) 1940 to 1960
d) None of the above

(ii) Quality can be evolved as

a) Customer satisfaction and loyalty
b) Fitness for use
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above

(iii) Reliability means

a) Probability of failure
b) Probability of success
c) probability of failure and success
d) None of these

(iv) MTTF means

a) Mean time to failure
b) Maximum time to failure
c) Moderate time to failure
d) None of these

(v) Availability means


(Vi) Six Sigma gives a precision of-

(a) 99.99 (b) 99.73 (c) 95.43 (d) 68.27

(vii) PDCA cycle was introduced by-

(a)W.E. Deming (b) W. Shewart (c) J. Juran (d) P. Crosby

(viii) Who is often referred as a” grandfather of quality control”
(a) Kaizen (b) W. Shewart (c) Shingo (d) P. Crosby

(ix) Shape parameter (β) = 2 when

(a)exponential distribution (b)normal distribution (c) hyper exponential distribution (d) none of

(x) MTTF =1/𝞴. Where 𝞴 is the constant and it is independent of time.

(a) constant - hazard model (b ) linear-hazard model (c) non-linear - hazard model (d )Gamma

ANSWERS: (i) a (ii) c (iii) b (iv) a (v) a (vi) a (vii) a (viii) b (ix) b (x) a
Group – B
(Short Answer Type Questions)
Answer any three of the following. 3  5 = 15
2. Name and discuss the components of “Juran’s quality triology”.
3. What are the main stages in the development of TQM? Differentiate between TOM
Organization and traditional organization.
4. Write benefits of Environment management system.
5. What is reliability? Write down the mathematical definition of reliability?
6. Explain characteristics of weibull distribution function?

Group – C
(Long Answer Type Questions)
Answer any three of the following. 3  15 = 45
7. (a) Define internal customer and external customer.
(b) What are the difference between service quality and product quality
(c) What are the levels of quality? Explain in brief.
(d) List the five pillars of TQM. (3+3+5+4)

8. (a) Plot X and R charts. Data were collected in sample size of 5 and are given below.
the trial central line and control limits.
Sample no. X R
( sample size-5)
1 7.0 2
2 7.5 3
3 8.0 2
4 10.0 2
5 9.5 3
6 11.0 4
7 11.5 3
8 4.0 2

9 3.5 3
10 4.0 2

(b) What is statistical quality control? What are the scientific techniques used in statistical quality
control? What is zero defects? (10+5)

9. (a) what is “House of Quality” and “JIT”?

(b) What is quality circle? What are the characteristics of quality circle?
(c) What are the objectives of quality circle?
(d) What are the benefits from quality circle?

10. (a) Explain briefly the different type of hazard models.

(b) Explain bath tub curve (8+7)

11. (a) Discuss parallel system and series system in system reliability model
(b) The Failure Distribution of a component is given by the following diagram


t (time to failure)
a b

Derive the expression for R(t), λ (t), F (t) and f (t) .The notations bear usual meaning.

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