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# Institution of Chemical Engineers
Trans IChemE, Vol 80, Part B, May 2002


Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK

hen a laminar  ame front becomes cellular, the  ame front area increases and the
rate at which the unburnt gases are consumed is increased. If this is not taken into
account when modelling vented or non-vented explosions, the pressures that vessels
containing explosions are subject to can be greatly under-predicted.
For most explosion models, hydrodynamic instabilities are considered as the only driving
force for the formation of cellular  ames. This paper shows that the transition to cellular  ame
propagation can occur earlier due to thermo-diffusive instabilities.
To predict when thermo-diffusive instabilities should be considered as the main driving force
for cellular  ame transition, the Lewis number of the reactant mixture should be compared to a
critical value.
Calculations of the Lewis number for a range of different fuel=air mixtures that are in common
use are presented. The fuels studied are methane, ethane, propane and n-butane. For each of these
fuel=air mixtures the critical Lewis number was evaluated using an expression from asymptotic
analyses. It is shown that the critical Lewis number based on this type of analysis is under-
predicted. This is because the  ame thickness is not included. It is proposed that a modiŽ ed form
of the critical Lewis number be used which is greater by an order of 1=Zeldovich number.

Keywords: Lewis number calculation; hydrodynamic instabilities; thermo-diffusive instabil-

ities; cellular  ames; explosion protection.

INTRODUCTION instabilities; and 2) thermo-diffusive instabilities. These

instabilities are outlined below.
During a fully conŽ ned or vented explosion it is imperative
As combustion proceeds, the unburnt gases react and
that engineers can predict the change in pressure that a
form the burnt gases which have a much lower density. The
pressure vessel, or pipe, will be subjected to with respect
differences in density between the burnt and unburnt gases,
to time. Over the years a number of mathematical models
characterized by the expansion ratio a, is the driving force
have been proposed which predict the internal pressure as a
for the hydrodynamic instabilities, and affects all  ames
function of time and mixture composition and have been
irrespective of fuel composition and mixture strength. The
based on the rate of conversion of the unburnt mixture to the
transition to cellular  ame propagation, via the hydrody-
burnt state1–3.
namic instability mechanism, can be predicted using the
In predicting the pressure=time history during an explo-
theory of Istraov and Librovich4. In this theory the  ame
sion, it is common to derive an expression that relates the rate
becomes cellular when the product of the Reynolds and
of change of the unburnt gases to burnt gases as a function of
Prandtl numbers reaches a critical value. It should be noted
the laminar burning velocity and  ame front area:
that the product of the Reynolds and Prandtl numbers is the
dmb deŽ nition of the  ame Peclet number used in many stability
ˆ ru Af Su …1† studies5. Groff6 showed that for lean and stoichiometric
mixtures of propane=air, the critical Reynolds number Re*
Care must be taken when using equation (1) as it can only could be correlated in a linear fashion to the expansion ratio.
be applied when the  ame shape is known, or is assumed to Using a linear curve Ž t Chippett2 obtained the following
be spherical. relationship:
During combustion a number of instabilities can occur
that will alter the shape of the  ame and can lead to loca- Re¤ ˆ 155555a ¡ 166667 …2†
lized  ame acceleration which in turn will produce cellular
type  ame propagation. If this fact is not included in the where the Reynolds number is based on the  ame radius and
combustion model, the predicted pressure=time history will the laminar burning velocity.
be under-predicted and could constitutea major safety hazard. However, if this stability criterion is applied to rich
When considering explosions, the two main types of  ame n-butane=air  ames, problems are soon observed. Figure 1
instabilities that should be considered are: 1) hydrodynamic shows the experimental results of laminar burning velocity


Figure 1. Laminar burning velocity v=s  ame radius (n-butane=air j ˆ 1.5).

Figure 2. Schematic illustration showing the mechanisms of thermo-

against burnt gas radius for a rich (F ˆ 1.5) n-butane=air diffusive instabilities.
mixture for a non-vented explosion7. Also shown are the
predicted values of the laminar burning velocity based on a
pressure and temperature power law8. the  ame, point B, the increased heat transfer to the unburnt
³ ´1:45 ± ² gases is focused and the unburnt gases are preheated, which
T p ¡0:233 increases the  ame speed. In this case the thermo-diffusive
Su …P; T † ˆ 42:1 …3†
298 1:0 instabilities stabilize the  ame until the hydrodynamic in-
stabilities become dominant and the  ame becomes cellular.
As combustion proceeds, it can be seen that the experi- This is the condition that existed for the test cases used by
mental laminar burning velocity data starts to deviate from Groff 6 to predict cellular  ames.
the predicted values at a  ame radius of approximate- For the case where the Lewis number is less than unity, i.e.
ly 65 mm. The expansion ratio at this point is 0.145. For strongly diffusing reactants, the  ame temperature at point A
this expansion ratio, equation (2) yields a critical Reynolds is greater than the ideal  ame temperature due to the in-
number of 5888. However, the experimental value of the creased reactant diffusion to the  ame front. This causes the
Reynolds number is only 1665. Clearly, if transition to cel-  ame speed to increase. Due to this increased  ame speed
lular  ame conditions were based on the previous work6 at the apex of the  ame, the tip of the  ame propagates further
the predicted pressures would be signiŽ cantly in error due into the unburnt gases until cellular  ame propagation is
to the enhanced burning velocities. observed. For these conditions the  ame progresses to
To explain the early transition to cellular  ames, consid- cellular propagation earlier than if the mechanism were
eration of thermo-diffusive instabilities is required. This purely hydrodynamic. This is the driving force for the rich
instability is driven by differences between the diffusivities n-butane=air  ame to become cellular at a much lower
of mass and heat and is quantiŽ ed by the Lewis number Le Reynolds number than predicted by Groff 6.
deŽ ned in equation (4): Clearly, if the effects of imbalances in the mass and
k thermal diffusivities are not taken into account, the risk of
Le ˆ …4† major injury or death due to under-prediction of explosion
ru cp D
pressures is signiŽ cantly increased.
This type of instability can, under certain circumstances, Therefore it is important to be able to calculate the
either stabilize the  ame until hydrodynamic instabilities magnitude of the Lewis number of the unburnt mixture and
become dominant, or can promote the onset of cellular  ame compare it to a critical value to see if the  ame will become
propagation before the critical Re value has been reached. cellular based on the critical Reynolds number or if early cel-
Figure 2 schematically shows the  ame front as a reaction lular propagation will take place. This paper presents the
sheet. It can be considered as a sink for reactants and a key references to allow calculation of the Lewis number for
source for heat. If the Lewis number is unity, i.e. normally non-polar gaseous combustible mixtures, and proposes a
diffusing reactants, then at the bulge A, the increased heat critical Lewis number below which the  ame will attempt to
loss from the reaction sheet is balanced by the enhanced rate become cellular prior to the  ame reaching the critical
of diffusion of the reactants. The net result is that there is Reynolds number.
no change in the  ame temperature, the  ame proceeds
normally and the perturbation remains unchanged.
If the Lewis number is greater than unity, i.e. weakly
diffusing reactants, there is an increase in the heat trans-
ferred to the unburnt charge and the  ame temperature at the The calculation of the mixture density and isobaric heat
apex of bulge A will be reduced. This reduction in the  ame capacity in the study were based on the ideal gas theory
temperature reduces the  ame speed. For the concave part of for mixtures and can be found in most textbooks on

Trans IChemE, Vol 80, Part B, May 2002


thermodynamics9. However, the calculation of the thermal Table 2. CoefŽ cients for determination of the collision integral11.
conductivity and mass diffusion coefŽ cient are considerably
more complex and are detailed below. A B C D a b w g

1.06036 0.193 1.03587 1.76474 0.1561 0.47635 1.52996 3.89411

To allow the thermal conductivity of the combustible
mixture to be determined, the thermal conductivities of the MASS DIFFUSION COEFFICIENT
individual gaseous components have to be calculated at the
system conditions. At low to moderate pressures (between The mass diffusion coefŽ cients of the individual compo-
1 ¹ 10 bar) the effects of pressure are relatively small and nents are calculated from the Chapman Enskog equation10
for this study are neglected with errors expected to be less (derived from the Boltzman equation):
Á ! s 
than 5%. The thermal conductivity for the individual 1:8583E ¡ 3 3=2 1 1
chemical species were determined as a function of tempera- Di;j ˆ T ‡ …10†
ture only for a pressure of 1 bar. Two expressions were ps2i;j OD Mi Mj
employed depending on which species was being evaluated. where the mass diffusion coefŽ cient is in W mK¡1.
ki ˆ a ‡ bT ‡ cT 2 ‡ dT 3 …5a† For the diffusion collision integral, the relationship initi-
ally proposed by NeuŽ eld et al.11 was employed.
aT b A B C D
ki ˆ ³ ´ …5b† OD ˆ ‡ a ‡ ‡ ‡
c d …T † exp…bT ‡ † exp…wT ‡ † exp…gT ‡ †
1‡ ‡ 2
T T …11†
The coefŽ cients for equations (5a) and (5b), to yield the The coefŽ cients for the diffusion collision integral are
thermal conductivity in cm2 s¡1, are given in Table 1. contained within Table 2.
To estimate the thermal conductivity of the mixture, the Where the temperature T ‡ ˆ T =…e=k†ij and …e=k†ij is the
Waailjewa equation10 was employed: geometric mean value of the individual values of …e=k† for
Xn yk each individual constituent molecule.
kmix ˆ Pn i i …6† Data for …e=k† and s for the fuels and oxidants are
jˆ1 yj Aij
supplied in Table 3. These data are based on the Lennard-
where Aij is deŽ ned as: Jones (6–12) potentials calculated using viscosity data. It
0 Á !1=2 Á !1=4 12 should be noted that this calculation is only suitable for
mixtures of non-polar gases. If polar mixtures of gases are
@1 ‡ ktri Mi A under examination the author recommends the use of the
ktrj Mj Stockmayer (12-6-3) potentials. This is due to the effects of
Aij ˆ Á Á !!1=2 …7† the di-polar moments on the diffusion properties of the
Mi mixtures. For further details the reader is advised to review
8 1‡
Mj the paper by Paul and Warnatz12.
Once the binary diffusion coefŽ cients for the various
In equation (7), ktr is the monatomic value of the individual combinations of gases have been calculated, a method for
translational thermal conductivity determined using equa- determining the effective diffusion coefŽ cient of the deŽ -
tion (8). cient species into the remaining mixture had to be selected.
ktri Gj ‰exp…0:0464Tri † ¡ exp…¡0:2412Tri †Š There are a number of different methods for calculating
ˆ …8† the effective diffusion coefŽ cient, all of which are derived
ktrj Gi ‰exp…0:0464Trj † ¡ exp…¡0:2412Trj †Š
from the solution of the Stefan-Maxwell diffusion equa-
where Tri is the reduced temperature of the ith component, tions10,13,14. As there are very little experimental data to
T=Tcrit. Gi is the reduced inverse thermal conductivity of validate the different methods, the method proposed by
species i and is deŽ ned in equation (9): Wilke13 was employed in this study.
( )1=6 0 1
Tcrit;i Mi3 BXn
yj C
Gi ˆ 210 …9†
P 4crit;i Di;mix ˆ B
C …12†
jˆ1 i;j
For the case where i ˆ j, the value of Aij ˆ 1.0. …j6ˆi†

Table 1. CoefŽ cients for thermal conductivity calculations10,21.

Formula Name Equation a B c d T range (K) Ref.

O2 Oxygen 5a ¡ 3.273E¡ 4 9.966E¡ 5 ¡ 3.743E¡ 8 9.732E¡ 12 115 to 1470 10

N2 Nitrogen 5a 3.919E¡ 4 9.816E¡ 5 ¡ 5.067E¡ 8 1.504E¡ 11 115 to 1470 10
CH4 Methane 5a ¡ 1.869E¡ 3 8.727E¡ 5 1.179E¡ 7 ¡ 3.614E¡ 11 273 to 1270 10
C2H6 Ethane 5a ¡ 3.174E¡ 2 2.201E¡ 4 ¡ 1.923E¡ 7 1.664E¡ 10 273 to 1020 10
C3H8 Propane 5a 1.858E¡ 3 ¡ 4.698E¡ 6 2.177E¡ 7 ¡ 8.409E¡ 11 273 to 1270 10
C4H10 n-Butane 5b 5.1094E¡ 2 4.5253E¡ 1 5.4555E‡ 3 1.9798E‡ 6 273 to 1000 21

Trans IChemE, Vol 80, Part B, May 2002


Table 3. Lennard-Jones 6–12 potential based on viscosity data22.

Formula Name s=10¡10 m e=k, K

Air Air 3.711 78.6

O2 Oxygen 3.467 106.7
N2 Nitrogen 3.798 71.4
CH4 Methane 3.758 148.6
C2H6 Ethane 4.443 215.7
C3H8 Propane 5.118 237.1
C4H10 n-Butane 4.687 531.4


Generally, a Lewis number of less than unity is consid-
ered the requirement for cellular  ames to begin. However
using asymptotic analysis15 for an adiabatic  ame, the
instability was found to occur below unity:
Le¤ µ 1 ¡ …13† Figure 3. Lewis numbers and critical Lewis numbers for methane=air
b mixture at 1 bar and 298 K.

where b is the Zeldovich number deŽ ned as:

Ea …Tb ¡ Tu † From these Ž gures it is seen that for lean and stoichio-
bˆ …14† metric mixtures the Lewis number based on air as a single
Ro Tb2
substance is in rough agreement with the Lewis number
Values of Tb were obtained from a chemical equilibrium based on the limiting (deŽ cient) species. However when the
code assuming constant pressure combustion16. The activa- Lewis numbers for the rich mixtures are examined, consid-
tion energies were obtained from single step reaction rate erable differences are evident.
parameters17, and a value of 30 kcal gmol¡ 1 was employed Using the Lewis number based on the limiting (deŽ cient)
for all calculations. species, Di,mix, there is an awkward jump as the mixture
However, as the  ame front was considered to be an passes through the stoichiometric point. To overcome this
inŽ nitely thin density discontinuity, the asymptotic analysis jump condition, Joulin and Mitani19 proposed an expression
under-predicts the critical Lewis number by an amount of based on asymptotic analysis of a two reactant  ame which
the order of (1=b)18. Hence, for this study, a second critical weighted the Lewis numbers for both limiting reactants
Lewis number Le¤2 was deŽ ned as: conditions. This allows a smooth transition of the Lewis
number from weak to rich conditions. However, when
1 employed, the Lewis numbers for the rich mixtures tend
Le¤2 µ 1 ¡ …15†


Using the methods described in the previous sections of
this paper, the mass and thermal diffusivities for combus-
tible mixtures of methane, ethane, propane and n-butane air
mixtures were determined. From these calculations the
actual and critical Lewis numbers were calculated.
Two Lewis numbers for each of the mixtures considered
are presented. The Ž rst treats air as a single ideal gas and
hence the binary mass diffusion coefŽ cient could be
employed. The second is based on the diffusion of the
deŽ cient (or limiting) species diffusing into the remaining
mixture, e.g. fuel diffusing into oxygen and nitrogen for the
lean and stoichiometric mixtures, and oxygen diffusing into
fuel and nitrogen for rich mixtures.
Figures 3 to 6 shows the two Lewis numbers for methane=
air, ethane=air, propane=air and n-butane=air mixtures re-
spectively. For these Ž gures the thermodynamic conditions
were a pressure of 1 bar (abs) and a temperature of 298 K.
Also shown on Figures 3 to 6 are the critical Lewis numbers
for the respective fuel air mixtures using equations (13) Figure 4. Lewis numbers and critical Lewis numbers for ethane=air mixture
and (15). at 1 bar and 298 K.

Trans IChemE, Vol 80, Part B, May 2002


For the rich n-butane=air mixtures in Figure 6, the Lewis

number of the mixture was very close to the critical Lewis
number using equation (13). However for mixtures with an
equivalence ratio of 1.1, the actual Lewis number is greater
that the critical Lewis number. As cellular  ames were
observed for this mixture with low Reynolds numbers, it
can again be concluded that the critical Lewis number for
explosion studies should be based on equation (15).
For the fuel=air mixtures considered in this study, cellular
 ame transition will occur in lean and stoichiometric
mixtures when the critical Reynolds number is attained.
However for rich mixtures the Lewis number should be
determined and compared with the critical Lewis number to
see if early transition will occur. These results are in agree-
ment with the classic work of Markstein20 on cellular  ames.
The solid line on Figures 3 to 6 shows the critical Lewis
number for each mixture considered. For mixtures with a
Lewis number above this solid line, transition to cellular
 ames will be via the hydrodynamic instability. For mixtures
Figure 5. Lewis numbers and critical Lewis numbers for propane=air with a Lewis number on or below this line, the transi-
mixture at 1 bar and 298 K. tion mechanism will be driven by the thermo-diffusive
The results presented allow the combustion modeller to
more towards unity. For this reason, the method was not determine quickly whether the assumption of unity Lewis
employed in this study. number is a valid assumption. A critical Lewis number
Figure 3 shows the results for methane=air mixtures which which is higher than that obtained from asymptotic analysis
are known to be relatively stable. The calculated Lewis is proposed. This will allow the prediction of which
number is greater than both the critical Lewis numbers for mixtures will become cellular based on the hydrodynamic
all mixtures. For this fuel one could expect that cellular  ame theory and which will become cellular earlier. This will aid
transition would occur due to hydrodynamic instabilities in the safe design of vented and non-vented pressure vessels.
only and that thermo-diffusive instabilities are negligible.
For mixtures using ethane and propane as the fuel, the
Lewis numbers based on the deŽ cient species for rich CONCLUSIONS
mixtures lie between the two critical Lewis number values.
This is shown in Figures 4 and 5. As cellular  ames (1) Lewis number calculations for mixtures of methane=air,
have been observed in small combustion vessels with rich ethane=air, propane=air and n-butane=air have been
propane=air mixtures, at relatively low Reynolds numbers, presented.
it can be argued that the critical Lewis number should (2) When calculating the Lewis number of a combustible
be based on equation (15) rather than equation (13). mixture, the mass diffusion coefŽ cient must be based on
the deŽ cient species and air cannot be treated as a single
component of the mixture.
(3) The critical Lewis number should be considered to be
1-1=b rather than 1-2=b. This is due to the asymptotic
analysis, originally employed, not including the thick-
ness of the reaction sheet.
(4) Mixtures with a Lewis number lower than the critical
Lewis number will become cellular at much lower  ame
Reynolds numbers due to thermo-diffusive instabilities.
This is important when designing safety systems into
pressure vessels where there is an explosion potential.
(5) When calculating the pressure rise in a vented or
non-vented vessel, the transition to cellular  ame propa-
gation must include consideration of the Lewis number.
(6) The results presented allow the combustion modellers to
evaluate whether the unity Lewis number assumption is

a,b,c,d,e coefŽ cients in equations (5a) and (5b)
Af  ame surface area
Ai,j deŽ ned in equation (7)
Figure 6. Lewis numbers and critical Lewis numbers for n-butane=air cp speciŽ c heat at constant pressure
mixture at 1 bar and 298 K. Di,j binary diffusion coefŽ cient of species i and j

Trans IChemE, Vol 80, Part B, May 2002


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Trans IChemE, Vol 80, Part B, May 2002

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