Measurement: Yanfeng Gao, Jiamin Zhao, Qisheng Wang, Jianhua Xiao, Hua Zhang

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Measurement 154 (2020) 107475

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Weld bead penetration identification based on human-welder subjective

assessment on welding arc sound
Yanfeng Gao a,b,⇑, Jiamin Zhao a, Qisheng Wang a, Jianhua Xiao a,b, Hua Zhang b
School of Aeronautic Manufacturing Engineering, Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang, Jiangxi 330063, China
School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Utilizing arc sound signals to monitor the penetration states of weld bead is a promising method.
Received 20 September 2019 However, the correlation between penetration states and arc sounds is relatively weak, and arc sounds
Received in revised form 25 November 2019 easily affected by background noise. To distinguish the penetration states of weld bead from arc sound
Accepted 30 December 2019
signals, a novel method was developed in this paper. This method utilized the subjective assessments
Available online 7 January 2020
of human welders on arc sounds to build mathematical model, and to identify penetration states.
Firstly, a dissimilarity matrix of arc sound pairs was made according to the subjective assessments of
human welders on these sound pairs. Subsequently, the correlations of penetration states with auditory
Weld penetration
Human subjective assessment
features of arc sounds were obtained based on this dissimilarity matrix. Finally, a support vector machine
Arc sound was built to identify the penetration states. The results show that the proposed method has a high correct
Multiple-dimensional scaling method rate in identifying the penetration states of weld bead.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction achievements. However, the devices that used in these methods

are complicated, which hinders the application of them in manu-
Penetration states of weld bead significantly influence the ser- facturing practices.
vice performance of weld products. Therefore, it is very important Arc sound signals contain abundant information of welding pro-
to monitor the penetration states of weld bead real-timely [1]. cess. Compared to the methods mentioned above, acquisition of arc
However, due to the extreme high temperature in welding process, sound signals in welding process is comparatively simple. Cudina
it is impossible to directly measure the penetration states online. et al. [8] thought that the irregular variation of arc sounds reflect
Some of indirectly measurement methods have been developed the instability of welding process. They pointed out it was a feasi-
to monitor the penetration states online in the past few years. ble approach that using arc sound signals to monitor the welding
Lin et al. [2] utilized weld pool resonance property to monitor quality. Pal et al. [9] found that the arc sound signals significantly
the penetration states of gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) bead. influenced by the metal transfer modes. It is because the arc energy
In their study, arc light was used to sense the weld pool resonance usually changes sharply with the metal transfer modes. Ma et al.
and detect its penetration states, but the welding process was lim- [10] proposed a concept of arc sound channel and its equivalent
ited to a stationary arc welding. Huang et al. [3] used low-power electrical model. Based on this model, the welding quality was
laser to acquire the 3D surface of weld pool and based on it to monitored with arc sound signals. The results of their study
detect the penetration states in a stationary GTAW process. Zhang showed that arc sound signals significantly affected by the chang-
et al. [4–6] developed a vision-based sensing system to reconstruct ing of arc energy. However, there is no significant causality
the 3D weld pool surface in real time, and based on the geometry of between penetration states and arc sounds. Therefore, it is difficult
weld pool surface to detect the penetration states. Jin et al. [7] to identify penetration states based on arc sound signals.
developed a composite vision sensing system to reconstruct the To realize the classification and states identification from
3D surface of weld pool and predict the pool tail height. These weakly relevancy signals, fuzzy clustering [11], recurrence plot
researches proposed numerous feasible approaches for the real- method [12], support vector machine [13,14], artificial neural net-
time monitoring of welding process, and acquired abundance work [15] and other methods had been developed and adopted in
various applications. Lv et al. [15] introduced a typical back propa-
gation artificial neural network for identification of the penetration
⇑ Corresponding author. states in pulse gas tungsten arc welding. Song et al. [16] studied the
E-mail address: (Y. Gao).
0263-2241/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 Y. Gao et al. / Measurement 154 (2020) 107475

arc sound signals in variable polarity plasma arc welding. They built 2. Arc sound signals acquisition and analyzing
a hidden Markov model to identify the penetration states. Zhang
et al. [17] developed feature selection approaches to select fre- 2.1. Arc sound signals acquisition devices
quency components of arc sounds. A new classification model inte-
grating support vector machine with grid search optimization and The welding arc sound signals acquisition devices are shown in
cross-validation was proposed by them to identify the penetration Fig. 1. A TIG300S DC welder is used as the welding power source
states of aluminum alloy weld bead. These researches have been and the conventional non-wire-feed GTAW welding process is
primarily applied in laboratorial environments, and acceptable implemented in the experiments. The material of base metal is
identification results were acquired. However, the arc sound signals Q235 mild steel. It commonly used in industrial production and
are vulnerable to the background noise. It is difficult to maintain a the thickness of it is 2.5 mm. The voice collector which used in
high identification correct in an industrial environment. Therefore, the experiment is produced by CRY sound company and it consists
it is a challenge to monitor penetration states according to arc of a CRY331 microphone and a CRY506 amplifier. The voice collec-
sounds in an industrial environment. tor is fixed on a welding platform as shown in Fig. 1. The distance
The experiences in many manufacturing practices show that a of microphone to the welding arc is 200 mm during welding pro-
professional human welder can make a roughly judgment on pen- cess. A USB3202 acquisition card is used to collect the arc sound
etration states according to the arc sounds that they heard in the signals with 40 KHz acquisition frequency.
welding process, even in a strong noisy environment. Many
researches verified that human auditory system definitely has
2.2. The penetration states of weld bead
excellent anti-noise performance. Therefore, based on the subjec-
tive assessment of human welder on the arc sounds to identify
The penetration state of weld bead is a continual process that
penetration states of weld bead probably is a feasible approach,
changes with the increasing of molten depth of base metal. How-
which could be used in industrial environment. Unlike the conven-
ever, in general the penetration states are usually classified into
tional digital signal processing methods, human auditory system
three categories: non-penetration, full-penetration and excessive-
usually perceives the surrounding circumstances based on the
penetration. The different penetration states of welding bead that
auditory properties of sounds, such as loudness, pitch and timbre.
produced by GTAW process are shown in Fig. 2.
Multiple dimensional scaling (MDS) analysis is a method that com-
It is observed from Fig. 2a that in non-penetration state the
monly used to analyze the timbre of sounds [18,19]. This method
weld bead width on front side is small, and there is no trace on
firstly requires testers to assess the dissimilarity of two sounds,
the reverse side, and the heat affected zone (HAZ) on the cross side
and then the dissimilarity data are expressed as the distances in
is shallow. In full-penetration state (Fig. 2b), the weld bead width
a multi-dimensional geometry space, and last the distances are cal-
is relative large and there is an apparent molten trace on reverse
culated by some of auditory features. Chen et al. [20] adopted MDS
side, and on the cross side the depth of heat affect zone nearly
method to identify the vehicles from their sounds in a noisy envi-
equal to the thickness of the base metal. In excessive-penetration
ronment. Wang et al. [21] studied the under-water noises based on
state (Fig. 2c), the reverse side of the weld bead clearly collapses
MDS method and found that the timbre of under-water sounds
downward. To meet the requirement of industrial application,
could be described in a five dimensional space. Liang et al. [22]
weld products should have constant full-penetration state.
studied the constitution of vehicle noises and found that the noise
space is a four dimensional space in MDS model. Yang et al. [23]
studied the performance of human listeners and logistic regression 2.3. The arc sound signals in time-domain and frequency-domain
in discriminating underwater targets. They found that logistic
regression and several human subjects demonstrate similar perfor- To analyze the characteristics of arc sound signals in different of
mances when discriminating man-made and natural targets. An penetration states, six welding experiments are implemented in
appropriate method that fuses logistic regression and human this study. In the six welding experiments, two of them are imple-
strategies was developed to improve the identification accuracy. mented in non-penetration state, and two are implemented in full-
However, to our best knowledge, there is no literature available penetration state, and the other two are implemented in excessive-
that specifically researches penetration states identification penetration state. The welding parameters in the six experiments
according to subjective assessment of human welder. are shown in Table 1. The arc sound signals collected from the
In this paper, a model of human welder assessments on weld- six experiments are shown in Fig. 3.
ing arc sounds is built, and to identify penetration states of GTAW It is observed from Fig. 3 that the signals of the six experiments
weld beads. Firstly, eleven students are chosen as the testers to have no apparent differences in time domain. The amplitudes and
listen to fifteen pairs of arc sounds that collected from three pen- the fluctuation of them are almost same. The characteristics of
etration states. And then these testers assess the dissimilarity of these six sound signals in frequency domain are shown in Fig. 4.
every sound pairs. Subsequently, a MDS method is used to ana- It is observed from Fig. 4 that the majority frequency of arc
lyze the data in the dissimilarity matrix that made by the eleven sounds distribute in the frequency range of less than 6 KHz, while
testers. Afterwards, a stepwise regression method is adopted to some minority can be found in the nearby 10 KHz. For the non-
build the correlations of the MDS model with the auditory fea- penetration and full-penetration states, the distribution of the arc
tures of arc sounds. Finally, a support vector machine is used to sound frequency is no obvious difference. For the excessive-
identify penetration states based on the built MDS model. The penetration state, the amplitudes of the frequency in the range of
structure of this paper is as follows. The experimental device less than 6 KHz are slightly lower than that of non-penetration
and the characteristics of arc sounds signals in time and fre- and excessive-penetration states.
quency domains are introduced in section 2. The human subjec- From the analysis of arc sound signals in the time and frequency
tive assessment on arc sounds and the modeling of them with domain, it can be found that distinguishing the penetration states
MDS method are presented in section 3. The building process of from arc sound signals is very difficult. Therefore, many researches
correlation equations about MDS with auditory features is dis- proposed some of signal processing and feature extraction meth-
cussed in section 4. The penetration states identification and ods. However, the arc sound signals are vulnerable to the back-
experimental results are presented in Section 5. The conclusions ground noises, which cause more difficulties for the identification
of this study are summarized in section 6. process.
Y. Gao et al. / Measurement 154 (2020) 107475 3

Argon gas cylinder

Welding gun

Moving platform

Welding power
source Welding gun Voice
Base metal

Fig. 1. Welding arc sound signals acquisition system.


Front side Front side Front side

Cross Cross Cross

Reverse side side Reverse side Reverse side side

(a) Non-penetration (b) Full-penetration (c) Excessive-penetration

Fig. 2. The penetration states of weld bead.

Table 1
Welding parameters in the six experiments.

Experiment Welding current (A) Welding speed (mm/min) Thickness of base metal (mm) Penetration states
1 100 18 4 Non-penetration
2 105 21 4 Non-penetration
3 115 22 4 Full-penetration
4 115 22 4 Full-penetration
5 110 16 4 Excessive-penetration
6 110 20 4 Excessive-penetration

It is known from many manufacturing practices that a skilled ing processes. All of the students did not know any information
human welder can make a roughly judgment about the penetration about the arc sounds before test. The arc sound samples of no.1
states through listening the arc sounds. And many experiences and to no.5 (as shown in Table 3) come from non-penetration state,
researches show that human auditory system has high anti-noise no.6 to no.10 come from full-penetration state, and the no.11 to
capability. Therefore, in this paper a novel method that based on no.15 come from excessive-penetration state. The sampling fre-
the subjective assessment of human welder is proposed, and to quency of arc sounds is set as 40 KHz. Through repeatedly testing,
identify the penetration states. it is found that if the time length of the arc sound is more than five
seconds, then the listeners could make a specific assessment.
Therefore, the time length of these arc sound samples is five
3. Human subjective assessment on the welding arc sounds seconds.
Paired comparison method was adopted in the subjective
3.1. Experimental design assessment experiments. The students need to listen to two seg-
ments of arc sounds, and then give an assessment of dissimilarity
To acquire human welder subjective assessment on the welding of them. There are 225 pairs of arc sounds should to be assessed.
arc sounds, eleven students were selected as the testers in the And among of them, there are 15 pairs of sounds should compare
experiment. These students consist of seven males and four with themselves (i-i) and the other 210 pairs of sounds should to
females, and the ages of them are 22–28, and three of them famil- be compared in bi-direction (i-j and j-i). To improve the reliability
iar with the welding arc sound and the others have no any relative of assessment, these students firstly listen to all of the arc sound
experience about welding. The test samples are fifteen segment samples once time before testing. During testing process, the inter-
welding arc sound signals which are collected from different weld- val time of playing two arc sound segments in one pair is two sec-
4 Y. Gao et al. / Measurement 154 (2020) 107475

4 4 4

2 2 2
Arc sound s/V

Arc sound s/V

Arc sound s/v

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2

-4 -4 -4
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

Time t/s Time t/s Time t/s

(a) non-penetration(1) (b) non-penetration(2) (c) full-penetration(1)

6 6

4 4

Arc sound s/V

2 2
Arc sound s/V

Arc sound s/V

0 0 0

-2 -2

-4 -4
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

Time t/s Time t/s Time t/s

(d) full-penetration(2) (e) excessive-penetration(1) (f) excessive-penetration(2)
Fig. 3. The welding arc sounds in three different of penetration states.

onds. After playing a pair of arc sounds, there are five seconds result of this student is rejected in the later analysis. After rejected
pause. And in this pause time, the students make an assessment. the data of the no.6 student, the assessment results are shown in
To avoid the effect of fatigue on the assessment, every fifteen min- Table 3. The row and column of Table 3 are the fifteen arc sound
utes the students are allowed to have a rest, and the total time samples. The arc sounds in 1–5 come from non-penetration state,
length of one experiment is restricted to less than one hour. 6–10 come from full-penetration state and 11–15 come from
The dissimilarity of two arc sound signals is set as seven grades excessive penetration state. The elements in Table 3 are the grade
from 1 to 7 in the experiments, and the meanings of them are ranges of dissimilarity that assessed by ten students. For example,
shown in Table 2. Grade 1 means the two arc sounds are fully the element in the location of (1,2) is 2 ? 5, where 2 is the lowest
same, and grade 7 means the two arc sounds are totally different. grade value and 5 is the highest grade value that made by the ten
To ensure the reliability of assessment results, if a student students. It means that one student think that the arc sound 1 is
whose assessment result is apparently different from other stu- slightly different with arc sound 2, so he give the grade of dissim-
dents then this student should be rejected. A least connection hier- ilarity is 2. Another student maybe thinks that the two arc sounds
archical cluster method is adopted in this paper to analyze the are heavily different, so he give the grade is 5.
assessment results of these students. Firstly, the data of the assess- Obviously, the matrix of Table 3 is an asymmetrical matrix,
ment result only include the two arc sounds that come from differ- which means the playing sequence of the arc sounds has an effect
ent samples (i – j). The result is shown in Fig. 5a. And then the on the assessment of students. It is observed from Table 3 that the
assessment data include all of the 225 samples. Because in the grades of dissimilarity are relatively low when the arc sound pairs
all of the samples, there are two pairs of arc sounds are totally come from the same penetration states. However, between differ-
same but played with different sequence (i-j and j-i). Ideally, the ent penetration states, the grades of dissimilarity are relatively
assessment result should be same for the same two pairs of arc high. For example, the ranges of the grades are mainly within
sounds even the playing sequence of them is inverse. However, 1 ? 4 when the two arc sounds both come from non-penetration
actually the assessment results of most of students are not same. state. However, the ranges of the grades are mainly within 3 ? 7
The analysis result of hierarchical cluster is shown in Fig. 5b. when one arc sound comes from non-penetration state and the
It is observed from Fig. 5a that all of the students are clustered other comes from excessive-penetration state. It is means that
together. It is means that there are no obvious differences between even if the most of students are not familiar with the welding pro-
the students when listen to the arc sound pairs that only come cess they still can distinguish the difference of the arc sounds that
from different samples. From Fig. 5b, it can be seen that the student come from different penetration states. Based on the assessment of
no.6 is apparent different with other students. He cannot be clus- these students, this paper will build a mathematical model of the
tered together with other students. Therefore the assessment arc sounds to identify the welding penetration states.
Y. Gao et al. / Measurement 154 (2020) 107475 5

10000 10000 10000

8000 8000 8000

Arc sound s/V

Arc sound s/V

Arc sound s/V

6000 6000 6000

4000 4000 4000

2000 2000 2000

0 0 0
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000

Frequency f/Hz Frequency f/Hz Frequency f/Hz

(a) non-penetration(1) (b) non-penetration(2) (c) full-penetration(1)

10000 10000 10000

8000 8000 8000

Arc sound s/V

Arc sound s/V

Arc sound s/V

6000 6000 6000

4000 4000 4000

2000 2000 2000

0 0 0
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000

Frequency f/Hz Frequency f/Hz Frequency f/Hz

(d) full-penetration(2) (e) excessive-penetration(1) (f) excessive-penetration(2)

Fig. 4. The frequency distribution of the six arc sounds.

Table 2
The grades of dissimilarity.

Grades 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Dissimilarity of two sounds
Fully same Slightly different Heavily different Totally different

7 7
11 11
1 5
9 9
Students number

Students number

10 2
5 10
6 4
2 8
8 3
3 1
4 6
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Square Euclidean distance Square Euclidean distance
(a) The arc sound samples are i-j and i≠j (b) the arc sound samples are i-j and j-i
Fig. 5. Hierarchical cluster of students.
6 Y. Gao et al. / Measurement 154 (2020) 107475

Table 3
The dissimilarity matrix of welding arc sound.

Arc sounds Non-penetration Full-penetration Excessive-penetration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Non-penetration 1 1 ? 2 2 ? 5 2 ? 5 2 ? 4 2 ? 5 2 ? 5 3 ? 6 3 ? 7 3 ? 6 4 ? 6 5 ? 7 4 ? 7 6 ? 7 6 ? 7 6 ?7
2 1 ? 3 1 ? 3 1 ? 4 1 ? 4 2 ? 4 2 ? 6 3 ? 5 2 ? 6 2 ? 4 3 ? 4 4 ? 7 5 ? 7 5 ? 7 6 ? 7 7
3 1 ? 4 1 ? 3 1 ? 3 2 ? 4 2 ? 5 3 ? 5 3 ? 6 2 ? 5 3 ? 5 3 ? 5 5 ? 7 5 ? 7 6 ? 7 6 ? 7 6 ?7
4 1 ? 4 1 ? 6 1 ? 7 1 ? 5 2 ? 3 3 ? 5 2 ? 5 2 ? 4 2 ? 5 3 ? 5 5 ? 7 6 ? 7 5 ? 7 4 ? 7 5 ?7
5 1 ? 4 2 ? 3 1 ? 3 1 ? 4 1 ? 3 2 ? 5 3 ? 5 2 ? 6 2 ? 6 2 ? 6 5 ? 7 5 ? 7 6 ? 7 6 ? 7 6 ?7
Full-penetration 6 1 ? 5 2 ? 4 2 ? 5 1 ? 6 2 ? 5 1 ? 4 2 ? 4 2 ? 5 2 ? 6 2 ? 5 5 ? 7 3 ? 7 3 ? 7 5 ? 7 4 ? 7
7 1 ? 3 2 ? 4 2 ? 5 2 ? 4 1 ? 4 2 ? 5 1 ? 6 1 ? 4 2 ? 5 3 ? 6 5 ? 7 4 ? 7 4 ? 7 5 ? 7 6 ? 7
8 1 ? 4 2 ? 4 1 ? 5 1 ? 6 1 ? 5 2 ? 6 2 ? 5 1 ? 5 2 ? 5 2 ? 6 3 ? 6 5 ? 7 4 ? 7 5 ? 7 4 ? 7
9 1 ? 4 2 ? 4 2 ? 4 2 ? 5 2 ? 5 2 ? 6 2 ? 4 1 ? 4 1 ? 5 2 ? 5 4 ? 7 4 ? 7 4 ? 7 3 ? 7 3 ? 7
10 1 ? 5 2 ? 5 2 ? 4 1 ? 4 1 ? 4 2 ? 5 2 ? 4 1 ? 5 2 ? 4 1 ? 6 4 ? 7 4 ? 7 5 ? 7 5 ? 7 4 ? 7
Exces-penetration 11 3 ? 7 4 ? 6 5 ? 7 4 ? 7 4 ? 7 3 ? 7 2 ? 7 1 ? 7 1 ? 7 2 ? 6 1 ? 3 1 ? 4 1 ? 2 1 ? 4 2 ? 4
12 3 ? 7 4 ? 7 4 ? 6 3 ? 7 3 ? 7 4 ? 7 3 ? 7 3 ? 7 3 ? 7 2 ? 7 1 ? 7 1 ? 2 1 ? 2 1 ? 4 1 ? 4
13 3 ? 7 2 ? 7 3 ? 7 3 ? 7 3 ? 7 3 ? 7 3 ? 7 3 ? 6 2 ? 7 2 ? 7 2 ? 3 1 ? 3 1 ? 2 1 ? 3 1 ? 4
14 4 ? 7 6 ? 7 5 ? 7 5 ? 7 4 ? 7 4 ? 7 2 ? 7 2 ? 7 3 ? 6 2 ? 7 2 ? 6 1 ? 6 1 ? 5 1 ? 3 1 ? 6
15 5 ? 7 5 ? 7 4 ? 7 4 ? 6 4 ? 7 3 ? 7 3 ? 7 2 ? 7 2 ? 7 3 ? 7 2 ? 4 2 ? 5 1 ? 3 1 ? 4 1 ? 3

3.2. Modeling of human subjective assessment

With paired comparison method, human subjective assess- 0.036

ments on the arc sounds that collected from three penetration
states are acquired. To analyze these data, a multiple dimensional
Normalized Stress 0.034
scaling (MDS) method was adopted in this paper. The MDS method
includes following three steps. Step 1: the subjects (or listeners)
evaluate the dissimilarity of arc sound pairs. Step 2: the data of dis-
similarity are transformed into a multiple dimensional Euclidean
space. Step 3: the every dimension in the Euclidean space is 0.030
expressed by acoustic parameters.
To acquire an appropriate fitting model, the dimensions of fit-
ting model are set as 2–6 in MDS method for analyzing the dissim-
ilarity matrix. SPSS is a kind of software that suitable to be adopted 2 4 6 8
to make a MDS analysis. The values of stress and relative coeffi-
Dimensions number
cient square (RSQ) under 2–6 dimensional models are calculated
by SPSS software, and their results are shown in Table 4. Fig. 6. Changes of normalized stress with the dimensional number.
In general, small stress and large RSQ values indicate that the
fitting model is better. Compared the values of stress and RSQ, it
is found that in 4–6 dimensional models the stress values are near scree plot, the dimensions of fitting model should are selected in
to 0.1. Therefore, 4–6 dimensional models are better to fit the per- the range of steep slope, and the dimensions at the bottom of slope
fect matching model. Considerate the complexity of the model in usually are ignored. It is observed from Fig. 6 that when the dimen-
the later analysis, the dimensions of the model should not too sions more than 4 the slope of the graph becomes small and
large. To further determine the dimensions of model, the changes changes slowly. Considerate the values of Table 4 and the shape
of normalized stress with the increase of dimensions are analyzed. of Fig. 6, the dimensions of the fitting model of arc sounds in Eucli-
In MDS method, a normalized stress function is adopted to eval- dean space are selected as four. After determine the dimensions of
uate the deviation of one fitting model from the perfect matching fitting model, in SPSS software every arc sound sample can be
model. The Eq. (1) is the expression of a normalized stress function. expressed by the determined dimensional vector, and the four
dimensional vectors for the fifteen arc sound samples are shown
X  2 X
f NS ¼ ðdij  dij Þ = dij
ð1Þ in Table 5.
i<j i<j To clearly observe the classification results of the arc sounds
based on the MDS model, the data in Table 5 are plotted in

where, dij is the distance in the original space; dij is the distance in Fig. 7. Fig. 7 consists of six sub-figures and each of them represents
the fitting space. MDS method uses iterative methods to calculate a the classification result in a two dimensional Euclidean space. It is
minimum value of normalized stress function. The analysis results apparently that the five excessive-penetration samples are fully
are shown in Fig. 6. distinguished from other two penetration state categories in the
Fig. 6 usually is called as scree plot. It describes the process of six sub-figures. For the ten samples that come from non-
scree slipping along a mountain slope. Generally, based on the penetration and full-penetration categories are roughly catego-

Table 4
Stress and RSQ under 2–6 dimensional models.

Dimensions 2 3 4 5 6
Stress 0.19588 0.14255 0.11319 0.10246 0.09171
RSQ 0.86852 0.88933 0.88896 0.90357 0.90698
Y. Gao et al. / Measurement 154 (2020) 107475 7

Table 5 bead. Based on some previous researches there are some of typical
Values of fifteen arc sound samples in four dimensional Euclidean spaces. auditory features of sound. The auditory features that used in this
D1 D2 D3 D4 section are list in Table 6.
Arc sound 1 0.345 0.146 0.947 1.504 The auditory features that listed in Table 6 have specific physi-
Arc sound 2 0.293 0.481 1.539 0.896 cal meanings and usually adopted in the classification of large
Arc sound 3 1.326 0.032 0.018 1.397 sound sample sets. The values of them are easily obtained from
Arc sound 4 0.613 1.191 0.152 1.269 the original arc sound signals. In this section, these auditory fea-
Arc sound 5 1.316 0.803 0.821 0.569
Arc sound 6 1.533 0.108 0.545 0.271
tures in the fifteen arc sound samples are calculated and acquired
Arc sound 7 0.055 1.539 0.803 0.268 firstly. And then a stepwise regression method is adopted to build
Arc sound 8 0.289 1.139 0.136 0.795 the equations between dimensions in MDS model and these audi-
Arc sound 9 0.074 0.324 1.38 0.309 tory features.
Arc sound 10 0.754 0.818 0.254 0.376
In stepwise regression process, firstly the predictive variable
Arc sound 11 1.618 1.278 1.013 0.211
Arc sound 12 0.754 2.046 0.775 0.89 (auditory features in Table 6) that has highest correlative index
Arc sound 13 1.823 0.853 0.72 1.175 with the dependent variable (dimensions in MDS model) is
Arc sound 14 0.889 0.964 1.081 1.978 searched and selected. In this step a regression equation that has
Arc sound 15 0.788 0.869 2.19 0.952 one independent variable is built. And then the next predictive
variable that makes the equation has maximum variation is
selected and added into the regression equation. Therefore, after
rized in the space of D1-D4, D2-D4, and D3-D4. The results of Fig. 7
this step there are two independent variables in the regression
manifest that, based on the subjective assessment on the welding
equation. Through repeat this process, the others predictive vari-
arc sounds of the students, the penetration states can be identified.
ables are selected and added into the regression equation until
there is no significant variable exist. Every time when a new vari-
4. The feature extraction of arc sound based on the human able is added into the regression equation, the hypothesis testing is
subjective assessment model implemented to test the reliability of the equation. In this section, a
typical F-hypothesis testing method is used to test the equation
In Section 3 a four dimensional MDS model is built and based on until no new variable is added and no existing variable is removed
it the different penetration states are classified. However, the from the equation. The regression results are shown in the follow-
dimensions in this model have only mathematical meanings but ing equations.
without the physical meanings. To implement the identification D1 ¼ 0:004SC  8:336SS2 þ 31:92 ð2Þ
of penetration state based on the arc sound signals, the physical
meanings of these dimensions in the MDS model should be
D2 ¼ 0:003SC þ ð1:739  105 ÞR  9:765SS2 þ 28:528 ð3Þ
acquired. In this section, a stepwise regression method is adopted
to obtain the equations between dimensions and some of physical
D3 ¼ 10:575SS2 þ 8:204 ð4Þ
features of arc sound signals.
In general, a human welder usually bases on the auditory fea- D4 ¼ 418:006SE  403:765 ð5Þ
tures of arc sounds to identify the penetration states of a weld

Non-penetration Non-penetration Non-penetration

2 Full-penetration Full-penetration
2 Full-penetration
Excessive-penetration 2 Excessive-penetration Excessive-penetration

1 1


0 0 0

-1 -1 -1

-1 0 1 2 -1 0 1 2 -1 0 1 2
D1 D1 D1

Non-penetration Non-penetration Non-penetration

2 Full-penetration 2 Full-penetration
2 Excessive-penetration
Excessive-penetration Excessive-penetration

1 1


0 0

-1 -1 -1

-1 0 1 2 -1 0 1 2 -1 0 1 2
D2 D2 D3

Fig. 7. The arc sounds in four dimensional spaces.

8 Y. Gao et al. / Measurement 154 (2020) 107475

Table 6
Auditory features and their physical meanings.

Features Symbol Physical meaning

Spectral centroid SC The centroid of the sound signals in frequency domain
Spectral spread SS1 The width of frequency spectrum in the two sides of SC
Spectral skewness SS2 The symmetry of frequency spectrum in the two sides of SC
Spectral kurtosis SK The sharpness of frequency spectrum
Spectral rolloff SRO The incline degree of frequency spectrum
Spectral irregularity SI The irregularity of frequency spectrum
Spectral entropy SE The disorder state of arc sound
Spectral flatness SF The flatness of frequency spectrum
Roughness R The beat phenomenon of the sounds
Zero crossing rate ZCR The rate of sound cross zero
Attack time AT The rise time of sound rising from beginning to the peak
Attack slope AS The slope of sound rising from beginning to the peak
Low energy ratio LE The ratio of sound signals lower than their average value

Table 7
Welding parameters and penetration states.

Experiment Welding current (A) Welding speed (mm/min) Thickness of base metal (mm) Penetration states
1 100 18 4 Non-penetration
2 103 21 4 Non-penetration
3 105 21 4 Non-penetration
4 95 21 4 Non-penetration
5 98 21 4 Non-penetration
6 114 24 4 Non-penetration
7 114 24 4 Full-penetration
8 115 22 4 Full-penetration
9 115 22 4 Full-penetration
10 115 22 4 Full-penetration
11 110 16 4 Excessive-penetration
12 110 20 4 Excessive-penetration

Fig. 8. The arc sound sample distribution in three dimensional spaces.

In the equations of (2), (3), (4) and (5), the independent vari- It is observed from Table 7 that the welding parameters in
ables are SC (spectral centroid), SS2 (spectral skewness), R (Rough- experiment 6 and 7 are same but the penetration states of them
ness) and SE (spectral entropy). Therefore, the relationships are different. It manifests that the welding process are vulnerable
between the dimensions in the MDS model and the auditory fea- to the effect of outside noises, which makes it very difficult for
tures are acquired, and based on these auditory features the pene- identification of penetration states. The arc sound samples are col-
tration states could be identified. lected from these welding experiments and are used in the pene-
tration states identification of weld bead.

5. The identification of penetration states based on the 5.2. Identification results

subjective assessment model
In identification process, the arc sounds collected from experi-
5.1. Welding experiments parameters ments that listed in Table 7 are divided into several segments

Table 8
To verify the validity of the proposed method in the identifica- The significance of the dimensions in MDS model.
tion of penetration states, welding experiments are designed and
Dimensions D1 D2 D3 D4
implemented. The welding parameters and the penetration states
Significance 0.3299 0.4501 0.1452 0.0748
in these experiments are listed in Table 7.
Y. Gao et al. / Measurement 154 (2020) 107475 9

Table 9
Confusion matrix for penetration states recognition.

Penetration states Non-penetration Full-penetration Excessive-penetration Global correct rate

Non-penetration 86.47% 13.53% – –
Full-penetration 10.56% 89.44% – –
Excessive-penetration – – 100% –
Global correct rate – – – 91.1%

and the time length of each segment is 100 ms. There are 200 arc (3) MDS method was used to establish a mathematical model.
sound samples come from non-penetration states, 191 samples This model transforms the data in the dissimilarity matrix
come from full-penetration states, and 149 samples come from into a four-dimensional space. The relationships between
excessive-penetration states. Based on the equations of (2)-(5), dimensions in the four dimensional space with arc sound
the corresponding auditory features of each arc sound sample are auditory features are acquired by stepwise regression
calculated, and the dimensions in MDS model are acquired. Fig. 8 method.
is the distribution of these arc sound samples in a three dimen- (4) Experimental results show that the penetration states are
sional Euclidean space. The three axes of Fig. 8 represent the identified by the proposed method, and the global correct
dimensions in the MDS model that had been built in Section 3. rate attain to 91.1%. The study of this paper provides a pos-
It is observed from Fig. 8 that in the three dimensional space of sible method for monitoring penetration states online, and it
D1-D3-D4, the arc sound samples that collected from excessive- has a potential application in industrial practices.
penetration state are separated with other two categories. And in
the three dimensional space of D2-D3-D4, the arc sound samples CRediT authorship contribution statement
that collected from non-penetration state are separated clearly.
Therefore, the proposed model has a potential capability to identify Yanfeng Gao: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing- Origi-
the penetration states. nal draft, Resources. Jiamin Zhao: Software, Investigation. Qisheng
To realize the identification of penetration states automatically, Wang: Investigation. Jianhua Xiao: Writing - review & editing.
a support machine vector in the four dimensional space is Hua Zhang: Supervision.
designed, and in the designed support vector a polynomial core
function is adopted. In the each of penetration state samples, 30
Declaration of Competing Interest
of them are selected randomly as the training data to train the sup-
port machine vector. The training results show that the dimensions
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
in MDS model have different significance and the values of their
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
significance are list in Table 8.
to influence the work reported in this paper.
Based on Table 8 and the Eqs. (2)–(5), the spectral centroid,
spectral skewness and roughness are the dominant factors in the
MDS model. These auditory features reflect the frequency distribu- Acknowledgements
tion and the beat phenomenon of the sounds. The support vector
machine model that built in this section is used to identify the rest The authors gratefully acknowledge the support from the
450 samples of arc sounds. The identification results are shown in National Natural Science Foundation of China (51465043). The ele-
Table 9. ven students are acknowledged for their help during the subjective
In Table 9, the data in the first row manifest that 86.47% sam- assessment testing of welding arc sound signals.
ples that come from non-penetration state category are classified
as non-penetration state, while 13.53% of them are identified as Appendix A. Supplementary data
full-penetration state. It is found that the identification correct rate
of excessive-penetration state is 100%, and the global correct rate Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
attain to 91.1%. The results in Table 9 show that the proposed
method has a super capability in the identification of penetration
states based on arc sound signals.

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