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Fastest Way To Lose Weight Naturally: My 7-Days Diet Plan

Do you want to lose weight in a fastest way? Are you looking into skinny clothes
that will fit you properly? Are you going out on a date in a couple of weeks’ time?
Whatever be the reason in trying to lose weight, you have come to the correct page that
will provide you with the ideal tips that will help you to lose weight easily in a week’s
I have found something to please these people who want lose weight fast. It’s
about 7-days diet plan that could make you lose 10 pounds.

Here it is:
Day 1
The first day is the most important day in your plan. The first day of the diet must
be a complete fruit diet day. You have the option of eating all the fruits that you possibly
can and also take in whatever fruit that you like except bananas. Some of the suggested
fruits that you can take on the diet plan are watermelons and cantaloupe. Drink about 8
to 12 glasses of water and make sure that you do not even touch any other food items,
even raw or boiled vegetables.

NOTE: If you need this plan to work effectively in your body, you should only
consume several kinds of assorted fruits throughout the day. If you feel hungry, try to eat
more fruits and of course drink water.

Day 2
Day two provides you an opportunity to eat only vegetables throughout the day.
You can take in the vegetables that you like both in the raw state and in cooked state.
Do not use any sort of oil while cooking vegetables. You can take any vegetable that
you like including boiled potatoes especially in the morning so that the carbohydrates
get burnt during the course of the day. Some of the common vegetables that are good
to be consumed on day 2 are: cooked beans, raw and cooked carrot, and broccoli,
cucumber, boiled bottle and ridge gourd, lettuce, boiled cabbage and so on.

NOTE: Make sure that you do not miss out on your daily dose of 8 to 12 glasses
of water along with a strict veggie diet on day two.
Day 3
The third day allows you to take both vegetables and fruits as you prefer; raw,
boiled or steamed. You have the option of going for a fruit diet in the morning followed
by a veggie diet in the afternoon and a fruit diet in the evening followed by a veggie and
fruit diet at night. You can decide on what you would like to have provided it is fruits and

NOTE: Make sure that you do not touch potatoes in the veggie section and also
make sure that you do not consume bananas from the fruit section. Never miss drinking
8 to 12 glasses of water even on day three as well.

Day 4
This is in the middle of the diet and you could feel some pressure. You need to
take at least a minimum of 8 to 10 bananas throughout the day and three glasses of
milk. Divide the bananas and the glasses of milk properly so that you do not feel any
kind of starvation on the fourth day. Consuming a banana and a glass of milk in the
morning followed by a couple of bananas during the midday will be an ideal start on day
four. You can take a glass of milk and two bananas for lunch. You can also take a
couple of bananas in the evening or even three bananas and then take a couple of
bananas and a glass of milk at night.

Day 5
It is the day when you can have a cup of rice for lunch and take about six to
seven tomatoes throughout the day together with vegetables and fruits. Because you
are close to the finish line and you will notice that pounds go down. As there is every
chance of producing a lot of uric acid in your body, it is ideal for you to increase the
water level from 12 glasses to 15 glasses on day five.

Day 6
This is the penultimate day of your seven day and you are sure to feel quite
lighter than before by the sixth day. You will be allowed to take a cup of rice in the
afternoon for lunch and you also need to stick on to a vegetable diet for the rest of the
day. Make sure that you take at least 8 to 12 glasses of water as well. There is no doubt
that you will also be improving your digestive system completely with this seven day diet
plan from General Motors.
Day 7
This is the last day of the diet plan. You are allowed to take a cup of rice and all
the veggies that you would love to eat with the fruit juice of your choice. This is
considered to be the best day of your entire diet regime as you have the option to eat all
the vegetables that you like and to flush it off by consuming the fruit juices of your

There are also quite a lot of benefits that you gain from this diet plan. You will see
your face to glow even better than before and also it will improve your digestive system.
The best advantage though would be that you would see a reduction in your body
weight by about 4 to 5 kilos or even more.

So if you want to become a healthy person and have good shape, you have to
keep in mind that you have to eat fresh food, consistently.

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