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Course Description:


Course Code : IST 4078

Lecturer : A. Maina

Lecture 10:1 Innovation Capabilities

Lecture 8-2: Innovation capabilities



IST4078: IT Innovation & Entrepreneurship : Instructor _ Ann.Maina
Lecture 8-2: Innovation capabilities

 What is innovation?
 Can be viewed as the application of better solutions that
meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing
market needs.
 Innovation Generates value to the world its not just an idea
 Where do innovative ideas come from?
 Local settings: cross-professional teams, creative
individuals, boundary-spanning activities
 Global networks
 Open innovation
 Global markets for Intellectual Property
IST4078: IT Innovation & Entrepreneurship : Instructor _ Ann.Maina
Lecture 8-2: Innovation capabilities

 Creative destruction (Shumpeter, 1942):

 when innovative solutions are introduced by
entrepreneurs, undermining the current practice in
the economy, and thereby moving existing
products, production methods and even companies
of business.
 Entrepreneurial practices of supporting
innovation serve as catalyst for building the
 Frequency or infrequency of innovative ideas –
ups and downs of economic waves and
cyclical nature of economic development. 4
IST4078: IT Innovation & Entrepreneurship : Instructor _ Ann.Maina
Lecture 8-2: Innovation capabilities

 Innovation capability is a key factor for the future
competitiveness of a company especially in this era
of faster competition and digitization, companies
must increase their innovation capability.
 In the face of digitalization, companies need a process in
which to move from brainstorming and idea
generation to the systematic development of ideas for
 They need to develop innovation strategies that
enable them to initiate and implement innovation
projects that differ greatly in nature, speed and
degree of innovation.
IST4078: IT Innovation & Entrepreneurship : Instructor _ Ann.Maina
Lecture 8-2: Innovation capabilities

 In reference to resource-based theory of the firm , A different

understanding of a firm is as a collection of resources and capabilities
(things the firm can do especially well).
 Resources can cover employees, offices, machines and products, but

also less tangible things such brand (Apple, Google), vision and
market research.
 Where resources are appropriately combined, they make organizational
 If an organization combines some talented people and learning
resources with some funding for innovation, then they might have an
organizational capability to innovate quickly.
 Where those resources and capabilities are:
i. Valuable (allow the firm to exploit opportunities or neutralize
threats in its external environment)
ii. Rare (possessed by few, if any, current and potential
competitors) 6
IST4078: IT Innovation & Entrepreneurship : Instructor _ Ann.Maina
Lecture 8-2: Innovation capabilities

What is innovation capability?

 Innovation Capability?
 firm's ability to identify new ideas and transform them into
new/improved products, services or processes that benefit
the firm.
 It can also be defined as the ability of a company to
exploit the individual creativity of its employees by
creating social environments to develop ideas and
implement innovations of different degrees of
 Innovation capability is an essential prerequisite for
efficient idea management, innovation management,
and the implementation of disruptive innovations. 7
IST4078: IT Innovation & Entrepreneurship : Instructor _ Ann.Maina
Lecture 8-2: Innovation capabilities

Innovation capability
 The innovation process can be slow and
cumbersome when a company’s ability to
innovate is low. However, the same process can
be extremely efficient if the company is highly
 Companies with a low innovation capability
often struggle with internal innovation barriers.
 Q. How do these barriers work and how can we
implement innovations more efficiently?
IST4078: IT Innovation & Entrepreneurship : Instructor _ Ann.Maina
Lecture 8-2: Innovation capabilities

The innovation culture;

Q. What are the effects of hidden innovation
barriers and how you can overcome them.
Q. Which factors of the innovation culture
influence a company’s ability to innovate
Q. What are the different degrees of
innovation capability that enable companies
to implement different types of innovation
Refer to; among other materials;

IST4078: IT Innovation & Entrepreneurship : Instructor _ Ann.Maina
Lecture 8-2: Innovation capabilities

Innovation management methodology

(O’Sullivan and Dooley, 2009):

1. Understand requirements and define

2. Engage users and model processes
3. Create actions and empower teams
4. Develop migration plan
5. Implement actions and monitor results

IST4078: IT Innovation & Entrepreneurship : Instructor _ Ann.Maina
Lecture 8-2: Innovation capabilities

The Technology Innovation Life Cycle

Innovation process steps:
 Idea generation (problem analysis)
 Idea evaluation
 Project planning
 Product development
 Testing
 Launching the product into the marketplace

IST4078: IT Innovation & Entrepreneurship : Instructor _ Ann.Maina
Lecture 8-2: Innovation capabilities

The Technology Innovation Life Cycle

 Stages in the technology innovation lifecycle:

 Diagnose: identify and evaluate new ideas for

products and processes

 Develop: the idea is transformed through

planning and developing into a viable product or

 Deploy: planning the migration and roll-out.

 Roll out: the process of introducing the new

product to the market or employing the new or
improved process in particular areas of the
business. 12
IST4078: IT Innovation & Entrepreneurship : Instructor _ Ann.Maina
Lecture 8-2: Innovation capabilities

Diffusion of Innovations
 Diffusion: the process by which an innovation is
communicated through certain channels over time
among the members of a social system.
 The social system constitutes a boundary within
which an innovation diffuses in two ways:
 Through the norms establishing behaviour
 Through opinion leadership (the degree to which
an individual is able to influence informally other
individuals’ attitudes or overt behaviour)

IST4078: IT Innovation & Entrepreneurship : Instructor _ Ann.Maina
Lecture 8-2: Innovation capabilities

Diffusion of Innovations
 The Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation Paradigm
 The Individual Innovativeness

Theory: the rate of adoption depends on

the degree of innovativeness of an
individual or other unit.
 The Theory of Perceived Attributes:

there are five attributes of the innovation

that determine the rate of adoption and
success: relative advantage; compatibility;
complexity; trialability; observability.
IST4078: IT Innovation & Entrepreneurship : Instructor _ Ann.Maina
Lecture 8-2: Innovation capabilities

Diffusion of Innovations
The Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation Paradigm
 The Rate of Adoption Theory: an
innovation goes through a period of slow,
gradual growth before a period of speedy
and significant growth.
 The Innovation Decision Process
Theory: Diffusion is the mental process
through which an individual passes through
five distinct stages: knowledge;
persuasion; decision; implementation;
IST4078: IT Innovation & Entrepreneurship : Instructor _ Ann.Maina
Lecture 8-2: Innovation capabilities

Diffusion of Innovations
Figure : Five categories of innovations (everett rogers)
How innovation is
adopted interms of
speedof adoption

Sequence of adoption vs speed of adoption

• 16
IST4078: IT Innovation & Entrepreneurship : Instructor _ Ann.Maina
Lecture 8-2: Innovation capabilities

Diffusion of Innovations

Figure : Discontinuous
technology adoption, p. 108.
Based on Moore (2002), The
Revised Technology Adoption
Life Cycle.

IST4078: IT Innovation & Entrepreneurship : Instructor _ Ann.Maina
Lecture 8-2: Innovation capabilities

Managing Innovation
 The Management of Uncertainty

 Managing (in) Networks

 Managing Integration

 The Contrary Forces of Innovation

 Innovation Investments

IST4078: IT Innovation & Entrepreneurship : Instructor _ Ann.Maina
Lecture 8-2: Innovation capabilities

 Innovation is based on activities with high
uncertainty, often involving a high number of
actors in developing, producing and finding use
for the new product or service.
 Incremental innovation is more often successful
than radical innovation.
 As the company grows and matures, the matter
becomes one of maintaining the entrepreneurial

IST4078: IT Innovation & Entrepreneurship : Instructor _ Ann.Maina
Next Lesson…

Start ups
Lecture 8-2: Innovation capabilities



IST4078: IT Innovation & Entrepreneurship : Instructor _ Ann.Maina

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