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Philosophy, as a love/friendship of wisdom, is a way of life.

Philosophy came from two Greek

words namely philia which means love and Sophia which means wisdom. Thus, philosophy is
defined as the love of wisdom. Philosophy is directly related to wisdom, by definition it means
the correct use of knowledge, this means that philosophy facilitates the correct use of
knowledge to studies all things in their ultimate causes, reason and principles through the aid of
human reason alone. One of the principles philosophy dove upon is that about humans as an
embodied spirit. One’s existence, essentially natured as embodied spirit and nurtured within
the environment. The concept of the human person is an embodied spirit is led by two
philosophers, namely Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas. For them, the body is composed of two
fundamental realms, that is, the body and soul. For them, the body and soul are inseparable,
one cannot talk about an object if either of these entities are present. For him, body and soul
constitutes the human person as whole. As one understand that he is sentient or conscious she
must also recognize others sentience, considering the various environmental issues which is
mostly caused by human intervention, it may jeopardize the welfare of the people. Given the
current problems philosophy introduced various ideas or concepts that aims to understand
human behavior towards the environment and may urge us to develop an ecological self which
allows us to understand our role in the environment. It is a journey towards a search for
authentic life and make it worth living, despite of the inevitable phenomenon (death) that
might limit human possibilities.

To attain an authentic life, one must understand that life and death are inseparable. Being on
the state of being alive is accepting death and limitations. With this we can apprehend how we
can achieve an authentic and meaningful life. In tackling the authenticity of life we understand
its value and attempt to make it worth living despite of the inevitable end which is death.
However, in philosophy, death’s relation with the living is what makes it authentic, it adds
depth to our perspective and we appreciate our living moments alive.
Even though human person has this natural freedom, it is very important to weigh reasons in
making our choice and decision. Natural freedom is also known as autonomy, autonomy is
defined as the right or condition for one to follow his own governance. However it would not be
logical to prematurely say that “you cannot stop me, you have no right”. , it is very important to
use proper reasoning in making our choice and decision so that it can be universalized. This
means that by doing something you also accept others doing such thing. Either life’s meaning
can be achieved through reclusive (solitary and avoidance of company) or intersubjective
(connectedness to one another), it depends our prudence. But again, philosophy is friendship of
wisdom so there’s a need for communicative-recognition to individual’s struggle in developing
and maintaining an affirmative relation towards the self and others.
As a social being, men tend to organize into groups and form a government through mutual
consent to address what is insufficient as individuals. Indeed human being are social creatures
we recognizes the lack of development with individual progress. Moreover, man are unarguably
entitled with this autonomy, if everyone were to act based on their autonomy, there would be
chaos and disorder. To avoid such, we develop a government to facilitate each other’s freedom
without affecting another. This is philosophy, a constant struggle in making sense or giving
meaning to one’s relation to things and the world together with those who share the same
state of being, together with those whom we call friends. Though it is generally understood as
to be difficult field to dwell upon, but philosophy engages on vast water of knowledge with
each discovery the more we understand what the universe means and progressively
understand our existence. To do philosophy is to be human, and to be human is to do

1. Humans are equally in strength and intellect and are capable to pursue their desires.
Implication: if humans were to exist where society ceased to exist, and all has equal in
strength and intellect then this would only mean savagery. Every man has the
capabilities and the will to attain that desire and such there will be competition against
Implication: in this state then every person has a natural right to do anything he thinks
is essential for preserving his own life. In this condition there will be war, a war as is of
every man against ever man.
2. Humans are created incapable of self-sufficiency and must therefore form associations.
Implications: indeed man cannot last in self-independence, thus it must form
associations. If human being were to be in this state then he should have a faculty of
knowing and would first think for his survival. This would lead to the realization of
cooperation with other individuals to sustain themselves.
Implications: we are to accept the fact that every individual came from a female parent.
With such, that newborn would not be able to rely on himself for nourishment and
development then, we must conclude that that individual was nourished and taken care
of that woman thus making the simplest kind of association which is a family.
3. Humans are in the state of equality bound by the law of nature.
Implications: Nature has made men so equal in the faculties of body and mind, as that
though there be found one man sometimes manifestly stronger in body or of quicker
mind than another, yet when all are considered, the difference between man and man is
not so considerable as that one man can thereupon claim to himself any benefit to
which another may not pretend as well as he. For as to the strength of body, the
weakest has strength enough to kill the strongest, either by secret machination or by
confederacy with others that are in the same danger with himself.
Implications: Locke explains the state of nature as a state of equality in which no one
has power over another, and all are free to do as they please. Wherein all the power
and jurisdiction is reciprocal, no one having more than another, there being nothing
more evident than that creatures of the same species and rank, promiscuously born to
all the same advantages of Nature
4. In the state of nature, everyone has the executive power of the Law of Nature.
5. The human person is possessed with a natural virtue of compassion.

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