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Input Data for IMS Management Review Meeting?

This table will help you to prepare an agenda taking into account the set of repositories QHSE
ISO 9001: 2015 OHSAS 18001: 2007 ISO 45001 :2018 ISO 14001: 2015
a) the status of the actions taken on the basis g) the actions of previous reviews by the a) the status of the actions taken on the basis a) the status of the actions taken on the
of previous management reviews management monitoring of previous management reviews basis of previous management reviews
b) changes in external and internal issues (h) the news, including any changes in the b) changes in external and internal issues b) the changes
relevant for the quality management system legal and other requirements pertaining to relevant to OSH management system,
1) external and internal issues relevant to
OHS including :
management system environmental
1) legal and other requirements applicable
2) the needs and expectations of interested
2) hazards, risks and opportunities for OSH
parties, including bonds of compliance
from organization
3) of the significant environmental aspects
4) risk and opportunities

c) information about the performance and a) the results of internal audits and c) the level of implementation of the policy of c) the level of achievement of the
effectiveness of the management system of evaluations of compliance with legal OHS and the objectives of OHS environmental objectives
quality, including trends in : requirements and other requirements to
1) customer satisfaction and feedback from which the organization complies d) information on OHS performance, including d) information about the environmental
interested parties relevant trends in : performance of the Organization,
2) the degree of achievement of the quality d) OSH performance of organization 1) adverse events, non-conformities, including trends in :
objectives corrective actions and improvement 1) non-conformities and actions
3) the performance of processes and the continues to corrective
conformity of products and services e ) the degree of satisfaction of goals 2) participation/cooperation of workers and 2) the results of the monitoring and the
4) non-conformities and actions outputs of the consultation measurement
corrective 3) the results of monitoring and measurement 3) compliance with its compliance
5) the results of the monitoring and the f) the State of research of incidents, 4) results audit obligations
measurement corrective actions and actions preventive 4) results audit
6) results audit 5) the results of the conformity
7) the performance of providers
6) hazards, risks and opportunities for the OHS
d) adequacy of resources / g) the adequacy of the resources to e) adequacy of resources
maintain an effective OHS management
(e) the effectiveness of the actions
implemented against the risks and
f) opportunities for improvement i) recommendations for improvement f) opportunities for improvement g) opportunities for improvement

c) the relevant communication from external f) relevant communications from

/ e) the relevant communication with
interested parties, including complaints interested parties, including
Input Data for IMS Management Review Meeting?
This table will help you to prepare an agenda taking into account the set of repositories QHSE
b) the results of participation and
/ /

ISO 9001: 2015 OHSAS 18001: 2007 ISO 45001 / DIS ISO 14001: 2015
Input Data for IMS Management Review Meeting?
This table will help you to prepare an agenda taking into account the set of repositories QHSE
Elements of output from the management Output from management reviews shall be Elements of output from the Elements of output from the management
review shall include decisions and actions consistent with the commitment of the management review shall include review shall include:
related to the: Organization to continuous improvement and decisions: · conclusions on the relevance, the
a) opportunities improvement include any decision and action relating to adequacy and effectiveness of the
· the conclusions regarding environmental management
b) needs of changes to the changes:
relevance, adequacy, and system
management system of the quality a) performance OHS
efficiency/effectiveness of the · decisions on improvement
c) needs to resources b) policy and objectives OHS
management system of the OHS opportunities continues
c) of resource
· opportunities for · decisions on possible changes to
The organisation shall keep information d) of the other elements of the
improvement continues
documented as evidence of outputs from management system of the OHS the system of environmental
· any changes to the OHS
management reviews. management, including the
The relevant output data of the management system, y including
management review should be made resource requirements
· the actions to be taken, if
available to be notified and consulted. · the necessary actions to
necessary, when environmental
lead, when the objectives have objectives have not been
not been met. achieved
· opportunities for improvement of
The organization must communicate the
the integration of the system of
relevant output elements of the management
management with other business
review to workers concerned, and where they
processes, if necessary
exist, to the representatives of the workers.
· the possible implications for
strategic orientation of
the organization

The organisation shall keep information

documented as evidence of outputs from
management reviews

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