Parul Singh

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Dr A.P.J.



Report On
Innovation Idea for Product & Services


Submitted By:- PARUL

MBA 1st Sem.

2006170700074 PARUL SINGH

Table of Content

2006170700074 PARUL SINGH
I am using this opportunity to express my gratitude to everyone
who supported me throughout the course of this MBA project. I
am thankful for their aspiring guidance, invaluably constructive
criticism and friendy advice during the project work. I am
sincerely grateful to them for sharing their truthful and
illuminating views on a number of issues related to the project.

I express my warm thanks to for their support and guidance.

I would also like to thank my project external guide and all the
people who provided me with the facilities being required and
conductive conditions for my MBA project.
Thank you,

2006170700074 PARUL SINGH
Marketing management
Marketing is the process of satisfying the needs and wants of the consumers.
Management of marketing activities is Marketing Management. Management Guru
Philip Kotler defines marketing as “Marketing Management is the analysis, planning,
implementation and control of programs designed to bring about the desired
exchanges with target audiences for the purpose of personal and mutual gain. It
relies heavily on adoption and coordination of the product, price, promotion and
place for achieving response”: In other words, a business discipline, which is focused
on the practical application of marketing techniques and the management of a firm’s
marketing resources and activities, is Marketing Management. Marketing
Management focuses upon the psychological and physical factors of Marketing. The
Marketing managers are responsible for influencing the level, timing, and
composition of customer demand accepted definition of the term. While the
psychological factors focus upon discovering the needs and wants of the consumer
and the changing patterns of buying behavior, habit etc. the physical factors focus
upon fulfilling those needs and demands buy better product design, channel of
distribution and other functions. In summary, Marketing in action is marketing
Management. Marketing Management has the responsibility of to perform many
functions in the field of marketing such as planning, organizing, directing, motivating,
coordinating and controlling. All these function aim to archive the marketing goals. .
An actual or nominal place where forces of demand and supply operate, and where buyers
and sellers interact (directly or through intermediaries) to trade goods, services, or contracts
or instruments, for money or barter.
Markets include mechanisms or means for
(1) Determining price of the traded item,
(2) Communicating the price information,
(3) Facilitating deals and transactions,
(4) Effecting distribution.
The market for a particular item is made up of existing and potential customers who need it
and have the ability and willingness to pay for it.

2006170700074 PARUL SINGH
The management process through which goods and services move from concept to the
customer. It includes the coordination of four elements called the 4 P's of marketing:
(1) Identification, selection and development of a product,
(2) Determination of its price,
(3) Selection of a distribution channel to reach the customer's place, and
(4) Development and implementation of a promotional strategy.
For example, new Apple products are developed to include improved applications and
systems, are set at different prices depending on how much capability the customer desires,
and are sold in places where other Apple products are sold.
In order to promote the device, the company featured its debut at tech events and is highly
advertised on the web and on television.

2006170700074 PARUL SINGH
Modern age is full of competition. Today only way of success is your continuous efforts towards
the growing market needs and in satisfying them. It is the marketer job to know what the markets peaks
i.e . the ever changing needs of the customer through market research & adopt them fruitfully . It is
must for all the companies to make policies according to the customers and the govt . Today to succeed
for any organization has to target its customer needs, to create a culture in the organization i.e. market
conscious & responsive to customer needs. Soft drinks industry has become big business in India in
recent years. The soft drink business underwent major change with the entry of PEPSI and re- entry of
COCA - COLA in India in the late 80s when Parley with brands like Thumsup, Limca& Gold spot was a
clear leader. Coca - Cola took up the product line of parley in 1993 - 94; today both brands are the
Indians favorite soft drinks


Firstly, visage is a representative of soft drink market, which is highly promoting with a lot of
potential, which is apt to be tapped.
Secondly, the behavior of the retailer is very much influenced by the additional benefits he is
getting for selling the products having. Thirdly, to understand the market condition of the sof t drinks in
the present scenario and the competition level in the market. Considered the key role of the retailer in
present day market as an attempt was made to study the impact of company’s schemes of offering coolers
to the retailers.


The Indian soft drink industry has been growing at a healthy average 12% per annum. The
industry sells millions of crates every year giving sales revenue of cores the per capita consumption of
soft drink is certain to expand. Hence, the manufacturers are making innovations in production & the
distribution process as well as in advertising & creating new kind of attractive packaging to accelerate
their growth. Soft drink market is very vast like an ocean as the demand is enormous, day-to-day changes
in tasters, fashions, trends, etc., lead to tap the unexplored markets. However it is a pity that to have our
own indigenous soft drink brand name of Indian origin through the length and breadth of the country.

Consumers adjust purchasing behavior based on their individual needs and interpersonal factors.
In order to understand these influences, researchers try to ascertain what happens inside consumer’s

minds and to identify physical and social exterior influences on purchase decisions. On some levels,
consumer choice can appear to be quite random. However, each decision that made has some meaning
behind it, even if that choice does not always appear to be rational. Purchase decisions depend on
personal emotions, social situations, goals, and values.

In modern days, market plays a vital role in rapidly changing industrial scenario. The marketing
decline is undergoing reappraisal in the light of vast goals, technological, economic and social changes
being faced by the today companies. The order to known the changes in the field of marketing it are
necessary to conduct market survey.


1. To know the various promotional, selling and distribution strategies adopted by PEARL
2. To analyze the reasons of selling Pepsi at retailers level.
3. To study the dealers satisfaction.
4. To find out the ways to enhance the sale of Pepsi.


 The Sample Size is limited.

 The scope is very limited, because attitude & expectations of the people change according
to the time & situation.
 The study is conducted only for 45 days.
 The study is restricted to the certain area, so it could not give whole picture about Andhra

The requisite data been gathered through two important sources:
1. Primary Data
2. Secondary Data
Primary Data:
Information, which has been gathering for the first time, called as primary data. PRIMARY
DATA is data that has not been previously published, i.e. the data is derived from a new or original
research study and collected at the source, e.g., in marketing, it is information that is obtained directly
from first-hand sources by means of surveys, observation or experimentation.
Secondary Data:
Secondary data is the data collected by others, for the purpose other than the solution at hand. As for the
study of secondary data was collected from company reports, reference books, magazine

Data collection had some hurdles due to large size of organization.

The scope of the study is limited to some areas.

First, there was time constraint since this study had to complete in a limited period of 45 days

Some retailers were extremely unhappy with the company support and after sales service

Some of them could not get total flavors due to which they nagged

A number of retailers (pan-shop) being illiterate, it took us lot of time in collecting information.

The mere information, which we get from the retailers, is not sufficient to arrive at a conclusion

Industry profile
Soft Drink:
A soft drink is a drink that does not contain alcohol, as opposed to hard drinks, that do. In general,
the term has used only for cold beverages. Hot chocolate, tea, and coffee have not considered as soft
drinks. The term originally referred exclusively to carbonated drinks (soda), and still commonly used in
this manner.
Soft drinks have commonly sold in stores in bottles and cans. Sales earn a significant amount of
money for the producers and distributors. Most famous name-brand soft drinks have produced and bottled
by local or regional independent bottling companies. These companies license the name, and they usually
sold the main ingredients, with syrup made by the main manufacturing plants of the trademark holders. In
the past, most cola flavor and other soft drink ha sweetened with ordinary sugar (sucrose), but to save on
production costs, most companies in the USA have turned to the more economical HFCS (High-Fructose
Corn Syrup) as a sweetener, because of the high price of sugar in the USA due to sugar quotas. In some
countries outside the United States, sugar is still used. Competition in the industry among soft drink
producers is widely referred to as the “Cola Wars”.

Diet Soft Drinks:

In recent years, there has been a growing demand for alternatives to sugar-heavy soft drinks.
“Regular” soft drinks largely contain sugar or corn syrup, and been blamed in recent years for contributing
to obesity. Sugars, like other carbohydrates stimulate the production of the hormone insulin, which causes
the body to store far rather than burn it. “Diet” soft drinks are sweetened with chemicals, such as
aspartame and saccharin, which are perceived as sweet by most people, yet do not stimulate insulin
production or have any food energy or nutritional value
In some other areas, these drinks called “Soda pops”, while in and around Boston, Massachusetts,
they often called “tonic”, particularly among older generations. In North Carolina, the terms “drink” and
“soft drink” commonly used along with “soda” and “coke” to refer to non-alcoholic cold drinks. Some older
generations of Southerners refer to such drinks as “dope”. See the Great Pop Vs. Soda Controversy for
maps and geographical trends.
At many restaurants in the U.S., One finds that the products of only a single major beverage
producer such as The Coca-Cola Company or PepsiCo are available. While a patron who requests a
“Coke” may be truly indifferent as to which cola brand he receives, the careful order taker will confirm
intent with a question like “Is Pepsi OK?” Similarly, “7 Up” or “Sprite” may indicate whichever clear,
carbonated, citrus-flavored drink happens to be at hand. The generic use of these brands does not affect
the local usage of the works “pop” or “soda”, tomean any carbonated beverage.

Mixed Soft Drinks:

A graveyard/ suicide/ pop bomb/ swamp water/ garbage soda is made by mixing many soft drinks
together, usually from a soda fountain.
A float created by dropping a scoop of ice cream into a soft drink. In the Midwestern United
States, a soft drink with ice cream added most often called a “soda” thus leading to quizzical looks
from wait staff when people ask for a “soda” instead of pop. The most common of these is the root
beer float. In Australia and New Zealand, it has known as a Spider.
In Brazil, a scoop of ice cream into a soft drink may have different names:
Vacapreta (black cow) – ice cream in cola.
Vacaamarela (yellow cow) – ice cream in guarana flavored soft drink.
Panteracor de Rosa (the Pink Panther) – Strawberry ice cream in lemon

lime soft drink

In the U.S., some floats have specific names as a Brown Cow or Black Cow, vanilla ice cream in
root beer, or Boston cooler, vanilla ice cream in Vernor’s ginger ale.
Studies showing a correlation between soft drinks and obesity
A study from Harvard shows that soft drinks may be responsible for the doubling of obesity in
children over the last 15 years. From 1991 ad 1995, adolescent boys, in the US, on the average, increased
their intake of soft drinks from 345 ml to 570 ml. Most soft drinks have sweetened with sugar or corn
syrup, and not artificial sweeteners.
Dr. David Ludwig of the Boston Children’s Hospital showed that schoolchildren drinking at least
eight U.S. fluid ounces (240 ml) or more of regularly sweetened drinks daily. Moreover, they are
consuming 835 calories (3,500 kilojoules) more than those avoiding soft drinks, i.e., children who drink
soft drinks loaded with sugar tend to eat much more food than those who avoid soft drinks. Either those
taking sugared drinks lack the same restraint on foods, or sugared drinks cause a rise in insulin that makes
adolescents hungrier, causing them to eat more. Soft drinks (including diet soft drinks) also typically
consumed with other high-calorie foods such as fast food. Children who drink soft drinks regularly are
therefore fatter on average, in addition to being more likely to develop diabetes later in life (see below).

This finding is controversial, because children in much of the Third World also consume large
number of soft drinks with even more sugar, and do not share the same obesity rates as American children,
suggesting that other factors are involved aside from sugar consumption in soft drinks. Suggested factors
include physical activity, and the fact that American soft drinks sweetened with high fructose corn syrup
instead of cane sugar. Monosodium glutamate (MSG), which used to enhance the sweetness of some soft
drink beverages, could also play a role by stimulating appetite.
Some argue that soft drinks are too widely available, from every restaurant, Movie Theater,
vending machine, and similar locations. The wide availability has said to cause young people to somewhat
mistake soft drinks for a major food group. Other believe that the high price of soft drinks should offer a
significant disincentive to impulse buy such beverages and prevents sale to children without parental
approval. They also believe that a small amount of will power on the part of the individual is all that is
required to reduce consumption and that one should take personal responsibility for their own purchasing

Soft Drink Formula:

Making soft drinks is not for the faint of heart, nor the dirty of finger. It is a solemn enterprise not
to enter into lightly, as with marriage or buying used farm machinery.
With any food-prep, failure to observe basic hygienic principles, follow directions, and exercise
common sense can have grave consequences. Open Cola assumes no liability for any problems that arise
out of the use of this document, proceed at your own risk. No one is putting a gun to your head, so do not
bother if you cannot boil water. Improper use of cola might result in blunt trauma, puncture wounds
physical illness, mental illness, caffeine dependency, dental necrosis, acid reflux, death, devastation, and
random tax audits. Alternatively, it might not.
A list of warnings been provided below. We did not include them or our health- we included them
for yours. Read them. Know them. Follow them. Tattoo them to your backside.
Just in case you have any doubt, following the directions below may be hazardous to your health
and property. You assume any rick arising from the manufacture and consumption of cola.
An important note: this is not the receipt for “Open Cola”- that is, the canned beverage from Open
Cola that you may have received at a trade show, or other venue or outlet. Making canned cola requires
millions of dollars in abstruse gear and manufacturing gizmos. It is easier to make nerve gas than
manufacture cola. You can make a kitchen-sink recipe all on your own. It is our kitchen-sink recipe. We
figured it out somewhere between coding the COLA SDK and debugging the Linux build of the clever.
Anyway, we have tried to be nice about the disclaimer. If it is not good enough for your health,
here’s what our lawyers have said about the whole shooting’ match.
Soft drinks are mostly water. Therefore, the quality of the water going into your favorite soft drink
is very important. A series of filtration systems produces the high quality water that is fresh, clean, and

Product Information – Ingredients

We only use the finest ingredients to make Pepsi-Cola products. To guarantee our consumers
consistent quality, each ingredient must pass our high standards, rigorous quality control tests, and strict
bottling procedures.
All ingredients have listed on the label in order of decreasing amount. Pepsi-Cola products contain
natural flavors, including extracts of the kola nut, vanilla beans and flavor oils derived from natural
sources such as citrus and other fruits. Caramel (made from corn sugar) adds color and flavor to our colas.
Other ingredients add a refreshing taste: phosphoric acid in colas; citric acid and sodium citrate in
Mountain Dew, Slice, and Diet Pepsi.
We also put a freshness date on every can and bottle. Soft drinks may lose some flavor over time
so our freshness date tells consumers when the product is freshest and best tasting.
Every can and bottle of Pepsi-Cola products has a Nutrition Facts panel, which shows the number
o calories and other nutrients per serving. There is essentially no fat in any Pepsi-Cola products. The main
ingredients found in Pepsi-Cola products include carbonated water, carbohydrates, sugar, sodium,
potassium, and caffeine. For a complete breakdown by ingredients by product, see our product
information for Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi ONE, Mountain Dew, Slice, Mug Root Beer, or Aquafina.
diet beverages and many other food products. Aspartame is made of the same building blocks as
protein, so has considered a “nutritive sweetener”, but the very small amounts used in diet drinks
contribute no calories.

Soft Drinks in Indian Market

Soft drink market size for FY00 was around 270 m.n. cases (6480 mn bottles). The market
witnessed 5-6% growth in the early ‘90s. Presently the market growth has growth rate of 7-8% per annum
compared to 22% growth rate in the previous year. The market size for FY01 expected to be 7000 mn
Soft Drink Production Area
The market presentence is regional based. While cola drinks have main markets in metro cities and
northern states of UP, Punjab, Haryana, etc., Orange flavored drinks are popular in southern states. Sodas
too have sold largely in southern states besides sales through bars. Western markets have preference
towards mango-flavored drinks. Diet coke presently constitutes just 0.7% of the total carbonated beverage
Growth promotional activities:
The government has adopted liberalized policies for the soft drink trade to give the industry a boast
and promote the Indian brands internationality. Although the import and manufacture of international
brands like Pepsi and Coke have enhanced in India, the local brands are being stabilized by advertisements
good quality and low cost.
Soft drinks are available in glass bottles, aluminum cans and PET bottles for home consumption.
Fountains also dispense them in disposable containers Non-alcoholic soft drink beverage market has
divided into fruit drinks and soft drinks. Soft drinks have further divided into carbonated and non-
carbonated drinks. Cola, Lemon and Oranges are carbonated drinks while mango drinks come under non-
carbonated category.
The market can also segment based on types of products into Cola products and non-cola products.
Cola products account for nearly 61-62% of the total soft drinks market. The brands that fall in this
category are Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Thumps Up, Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi etc., Non-Cola segment which
constituents 36% can divided into 4 categories based on the types of flavors available, namely: Orange,
Cloudy Lime, Clear Lime, and Mango.

Pepsi-Cola North America, Headquartered in Purchase, N.Y., is the refreshment beverage unit of
PepsiCo Beverage and Foods North America, a division of PepsiCo, Inc. PepsiCo Beverage and Foods
North America also comprises PepsiCo’s Tropicana, Gatorade and Quaker Foods business in the United
States and Canada.
Pepsi-Cola North America has carbonated soft drinks, including Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Twist,
Mountain Dew, Mountain Dew Code Red, Sierra Mist, and Mug Root Beer account for nearly one-third of
total soft drink sales in the United States.
Pepsi-Cola North America’s non-carbonated beverage portfolio includes; Aquafina, which is the
number one brand of bottled water in the United States, Dole single-serve juices, and So Be, which offers
a wide range of drinks with herbal ingredients. The company also makes and markets North America’s
bestselling, ready-to-drink iced teas and coffees via joint ventures with Lipton and Starbucks, respectively.
PepsiCo, Inc. is one of the world’s largest food and beverage companies.
The company’s principal businesses include:
Frito-Lay snacks
Pepsi-Cola beverages
Gatorade sports drinks
Tropicana juices
Quaker foods
PepsiCo, Inc. founded in 1965 through the merger of Pepsi Cola and Frito-Lay. Tropicana has
acquired in 1998. In 2001, PepsiCo merged with the Quaker Oats Company, creating the world’s fifth-
largest food and beverage company, with 15 brands – each generating more than $ 1 billion in annual
retail sales. PepsiCo’s success is the result of superior products, high standards of performance, distinctive
competitive strategies and the high level of integrity of our people.

The company installed latest up to date automatic plant confirming to plant layout. The capacity
of the plant is 24000 bottles per hour i.e., at the speed of 400 bottles per minute. The months from March
to June, the plant is used to its full capacity by running three shifts every day. Each shift consists of eight
hrs. of so, during the summer season, the plant runs round the clock. This is because the demand reaches
its peak in these summer months hence the company has to produce enough bottles of soft drinks at a
speed to keep in pace with the disappearance of soft drinks from the shelves of the retailers.
The production schedule has fixed by taking into consideration the present or current market
demand. It also caters to the availability of empty bottles and the inventory position of filled up bottles of
varying flavors. The production schedule for each brand fixed daily i.e., filling up of the bottles of each
brand and flavor. This has an advantage wherein the banded products can manufactured one at a time. The
glass bottles used for filling the soft drink are of the volumes capable of containing 300 ml of soft drink.
There are also bottle of 200ml, 500ml 1 liter, 1.5 liter and 2 liter capacities to fill by soft drinks.
PBPL takes great care to maintain the quality by controlling the products in their factory. The
bottles have usually examined for impurities continuously as the bottles move out. Samples have checked
after every 10 minutes of the production time by the chemist for its quality and hygienic condition. The
chemical analysis has made for flavors and the gas content checked. If any defects have noticed, the
production is suspended and the corrective and the corrective measures have taken to set right the bottling,
process irregularities. Samples have taken from each week for quality checkup. Moreover, the agency of
the company also lifts samples from the market at random for quality check up at anytime to make sure
that the quality has maintained to the exact standard of the parent company.
At the end of the production schedule, daily all the equipment plant floor and we patches cleared
with bleaching powder or some other solution. The standard of hygiene maintained inside the production
steps is commendable.
In this process the syrup of a particular type is prepared by heating sugar with activated carbon
powder and filter aid (by flousuper cell’) in the treatment tank for a specified time and up to a particular
temperature. During the treatment, most of the color, odor, and some organic impurities have removed
from the sugar syrup. This treated syrup then passes through the filter press, fitted with; filter papers and
heat exchanges, and then the clear syrup has collected in the syrup-making tank. The essence of particular

products will be added for which a required amount of sugar is taken treatment Sugar syrup and essence
are then mixed in the tank with the help of a mechanical stirrer and eventually the favor syrup is ready to
be used in the end use of the product.
This is the second stage. In the process of soft, drink manufacture. Water is the basic ingredient in
the soft drink, which comprised up to 90% of the quantity. Hence, the quality of water is of great
significance to the soft drinks manufacturer. Here, when water has brought to the treatment tank, it has
treated with a few chemicals such as hydrated lime, bleaching power and ferrous sulphate, which have
mixed thoroughly with the help of a mechanical stirrer.

The reasons for water treatment are as follows:

It removes the hardness of water and converts it into soft water.
It frees the water from microorganisms.
It reduces the alkalinity to a required level
This treated water passes through the specially designed filtration plant containing chemicals such
as activated carbon (granular) and finally the manufacturer will get the water suitable for soft drink
bottling. Soda bicarbonate used for maintaining the equipment in hygiene conditions.
In this process, both the concentrate and the purified water has mixed along will carbon dioxide gas
and then bottled. In the soft drink field, only reasonable glass bottles are sterilized to make them sparkling
clean, before the beverage is filled in the for this purpose, the company makes use of machine known as
‘BOTTLED WORKER’. For cleaning up of the bottles, washing chemicals such as caustic soda sand tri-
sodium phosphate are used. In the bottle washing system, through one end of eh worker the dirty bottles
has fed which are washed automatically while passing through various designed chambers containing
chemical solutions at different temperatures and concentration. Hot water has used for cleaning the
bottles. The bottles, after sterilization are collected at the other end of the washer. They have sent towards
the filter on conveyor belts. Before the beverage reaches the filling machine, it saturated with carbon
dioxide gas. This carbon dioxide gas gives “fizz” to the soft drinks and alongside prolongs the shelf life of
the products. The bottlers and then moved on the conveyor belts to the filling machines where the
beverage is filled under pressure. From there the bottles are sent to the crowner where sealing of the bottle
in done with the help of crowns. The crowns have used to retain the carbon dioxide flavors as well as to
protect the products from spoilage and contamination.


The bottles collected from conveyor belts have placed manually into plastic crates. Each plastic
case has a capacity of 24 bottles only. These crates protect the bottles form breakage as well as it ensures
easy handling of the bottle. These crates put on specially designed vans for carrying the bottles to their
various consumption points.
PEPSI 46.65%

THUMS UP 19.45%

LIMCA 12.44%

7 UP 12.22%

MANGO 9.22%


For manufacturing a soft drink, the following raw materials are required.
1. Water
2. Sugar
3. Activate carbon powered
4. Hyflousuper cell
5. Filter paper
6. Essence
7. Hydrated line
8. Bleaching power

The second process is water treatment. As an added ingredient, water can compromise up to 90%
of a soft drink. The quality of water is thus of a particular importance to the soft drinks manufacturers. In
this process, water has brought to the treatment tank and then water treatment chemicals such as hydrated
lime, bleaching power and ferrous sulphate has added to the tank and moved thoroughly by the help of
mechanical stirrer. The treated water-is then passed through the specially designed filtration plant
containing chemicals such as activated carbon (granular) and finally the manufactured will get the
standard water i.e., suitable for soft and then bottles are moved towards crowner where the sealing is done
w3ith the help of crowns. The crowns used in order to retain the carbonation flavors as well as to protect
the products from outside contamination and spoilage. The bottles have checked for maintaining the
required standard. Finally, the filled bottles have checked for maintaining the required standard. Finally,
the filed bottles have collected in plastic crates from the conveyor. The marketable le lot is only comprised
of a crate and filled with 24 bottles in each plastic crate. This crate is mainly useful to protect the bottles
and keep them in good condition and eliminates breakage and collected back in the same crates. Then the
finished products have transferred to the shipping department of shipment.

4P’s of marketing
A business needs to consider the products that it produces and the stage of the product
life cycle that a product is at . Marketing strategies will vary according to the type of
product and its stage in the life cycle. In case of Pepsi, in the rural markets, the
300mlbottle and now days the new small or commonly known as the “chota Pepsi” is very
much popular. The Pepsi Co. is even thinking of introducing their new Pepsi -Aha, but
presently they are concentrating more on the normal Pepsi , as the rural market is an
market . Pepsi is even successful in introducing the big 1-1.5liter PET bottles in the rural
markets. These big bottles
Are very popular during big festivals and marriages.
The company first has to decide what it wants to accomplish with its particular product
offer. If the company has selected its target market and market positioning carefully, then
its marketing mix strategy-including price – will be straight DETERMINING
Each price that the company might charge will lead to a different level of demand and
will therefore have a different impact on its marketing objectives. The relation between
alternative prices that might be charged in the current time. In the normal case, demand
and price are inversely related. That is, the higher the price, the lower the demand, and
the lower the price, the higher the demand. Demands set a selling on the price that the
company can charge for its product. In addition, company costs set the floor. The
company wants to charge a price that covers its cost of producing, distributing, and
selling the product, including affair return of its effort and risk.
Given the three C’s the customer’s demand schedules, the cost function and
competitors the company is now ready to select a price. Within the range of possible
determined by market demand and costs, competitors costs, prices, and possible price

reaction help the firm establish where to set its price. The PepsiCoPvt. Ltd needs to
benchmark its costs against its competitor’s costs to learn whether it is a operating at a
cost advantage or disadvantage. The company also needs to learn the price and quality of
competitor’s offers. The firm sends out comparison shoppers to price and assess
competitor’s offers, acquire competitor’s price lists, buy competitor’s equipments and take
it apart, and ask buyers how they perceive the price and quality of each competitor’s
offer. Once the company is aware of competitor’s prices and offers, it uses them as an
orienting point for its own pricing. If the firm’s offer is similar major competitors offer,
then the firm will have to price close to the competitor has or lose sales. If the firm’s is
inferior, the firm will not be able to charge more than the competitors will. If the firms
offer is superior, the firm can charge more than the competitors can.
Sales promotion a very ingredients in the marketing companies consists of a collection of
incentive tools, mostly short term, designed to stimulate quicker or grater purchase of
particular product or services by customers. Promotional activities play a key role in the
entire marketing effort being carried out by LUMBINI BEVERAGA, which is
coordinated with those of PEPSI CO.INDIA. These promotional activities generate more
sales as well as create a good image of the Product in the mind of customers. .Promotion
tools used by PEPSI company of its marketing activities are:
1. Point of sale display
2. Incentive to Retailers
3. Sales promotion through sponsoring special events.
4. Sales promotion through various schemes.
5. Advertising.
6. Scratch coupon card
7. Free gift items.
Point of sale display:
As it is mentioned that soft drink are kept in FMCG category so it is very
necessary to make a proper display of its product. General consumer demands the thing,

which he looks first. Because in FMCG product consumer is not too much concern about
product. So outlet owners are suggested to keep bottles in stand and keep it out of the
shop. So that customers have an eye contact with product as he enters the shop. This is
particularly true for those brands which have very low customer loyalty soft drink is one
such product in which most of the time buying decision is made at the spur rand which is
readily available and catches the customer. For this reason PepsiCo invest heavily in this
categories by supplying the shop owners with stands so that they can keep the bottles
outside on those stands so that customer have an eye contact with themes he/she is
entering the shop. Also PEPSI supply the shop with coolers with a glass front so that
cooled bottles can be seen by the customers for making the decision on the flavor that
person is going to buy. Apart from these, PepsiCo takes keen in the other type strategies
like painting the walls of the shops with the PEPSI logo and the shop name. This
increases the visibility of the brand among the customer when he/she enter the shop.

Incentive to Retailers:-
Another method of sales promotion is to give incentive scheme to retailer, under this
promotional method retailers are given a target regarding the minimum no. of crates that
they have to sale in that period, on achieving the target the dealer is given attractive
prizes which ranges from free bottles, gift items
PEPSI is sponsoring various events, which include cricket matches, local events like quiz
competitors, Parties, local sports, Orchestra, cultural programmed etc.
Advertising Policy:-
Advertising is considered the most important tool to increase sales. PEPSI uses various
methods to advertise its product; advertising is made through TV channels, Radio,
magazines, Newspaper, Banners etc.
Scratch Coupon Card:-
Scratch card is another type of tool, which helps to increase sales. In scratch card the
name of the gift item is printed and a layer is covered that prize name. Outlet owner are
given that card and after scratching whatever they get company distribute it among them.

Data interpretation and analysis
The below data was taken and analyzed from 50 samples
Does the soft drink company provide you with refrigeration facilities ?
Options Number of respondents percentage

Yes 28 56

No 12 24
Mixed 8 16
Own 2 4
Total 50 100

30 Yes, 28

no of respondents


No, 12

10 Mixed, 8

Own, 2


56 percent dealers are having refrigeration facilities provided by the company .company has to increase
refrigeration facilities to tap untapped market.

Q2) Does the company provide you with mechanics for the repair and maintenance of fridges?

Options Number of respondents percentage

Yes 28 56
No 12 24
Mixed 8 16
Own 2 4
Total 50 100

60 56




20 16


Yes No Mixed Own


INTERPRETATION: only 56 percent dealers are getting mechanics for repairs so company have to
focus making availability of more technical persons.

Q3) what are the conditions of bottles provided by the company?

Options Number of respondents Percentage

Excellent 8 16
Good 16 32
Neutral 11 22
bad 9 18
Worse 6 12
Total 50 100

35 32

25 22
20 18
15 12

Excellent Good Neutral bad Worse


About 32percent dealers are happy with conditions of bottles .companyhas to take care of
conditions of bottle to increase acceptance

Q4) If the bottles are broken in transit or in the shop due to natural causes or calamities then does the
company bear the loss for you?

Options Number of respondents percentage

Yes 47 94
NO 3 6
TOTAL 50 100

Yes NO

INTERPRETATION: Dealers of 94 percent are happy with company replacement Facilities.

Q5) If the products have crossed their expiry dates then dose the company replace the products
for you?

Options Number of respondents Percentage

Yes 39 78
No 11 22
Total 50 100

Chart Title
40 Series1
Yes No

INTERPRETATION: About 78 percent dealers are satisfied with replacement of expiryproducts

even some dealers having problems with stock left with them so company have to take necessary
steps to reduce inventory levels at dealers.

Q6) how many dealers of the company are there in your area?
Options Number of respondents percentage
0-2 36 72
2-4 8 16
4-6 5 10
More than 6 1 2
Total 50 100









0-2 02-Apr 04-Jun More than 6

INTERPRETATION: ABOUT 72 percent dealers were satisfied with completion from other dealers
so company should retain its position.

Q8) when do you replenish your stock?

Options Number of respondents Percentage

Considering the fact that the way in which a dealer is treated by its manufacturer
has decisive influence on the dealer’s commitment to the brand as well as on the
dealer’s business success, an examination of dealer satisfaction or dissatisfaction
has become strikingly important during the last few years. For this purpose a
questionnaire has been developed by the Forschungsstelle Automobilwirtschaft
(FAW), Bamberg with the aim to assess the Dealer Satisfaction Index (DSI). The
main objective of this questionnaire is to evaluate the significance of various
factors with regard to business success for all brands and dealerships, and to
provide a profound result concerning satisfaction or dissatisfaction of all dealers
with their brand. Since its start in 1995, the DSI has gained increasing
importance throughout both trade and industry. With regard to the development
the dealer satisfaction has undergone since 1995, it is highly remarkable that the
dissatisfaction still persisting in 1996 did not continue in 1997. The overall
satisfaction has increased markedly.

Dealer is a person or firm engaged in commercial purchase and sale. Dealer may signify firms that
buy or resell products at retail or wholesale basis. A producer cannot sell all his products directly to
consumer, he has to depend upon intermediaries to push, off, his products. A dealer is an
intermediary who helps to market a product. A dealer is one who purchase and sells products. A
dealer may be a wholesaler or a retailer or a distributor or any agents.

The volume of sales depends on the efficiency of a dealer who assesses the psychology of consumers
and takes appropriate steps to sell a product. It
is the dealer who suggests to the manufacturers the suitable media of advertisement and other
promotional tools. Dealers are searching for new marketing strategies to attract and hold customers.
Dealers include all activities involved in selling goods and services to those buying for resale or
business use. Dealers buy mostly producers and sell mostly to retailers or industrial consumers.

1.1 dealer satisfaction

Dealer wants high marginal gain from manufacturers. The main objective of dealership is earning
profits. Dealership business is different from other business. The peculiar feature of a dealer is
dealing with one or more similar products. Dealers earn commission for goods sold from the
manufacturers. The commission depends upon the value of sales both cash and credit. Now a days the
demand for cement increases every year.

The manufacturers are not able to cover all the consumers directly. With the help of dealers only they
can reach the consumers. Dealer excepts income from business because there is some guarantee of
getting more commission from this business. Dealers demand more commission from the
manufactures, they cover the entire market within their locality. They also sell cement in credit to
regular customer.

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