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STUDENT NO: 143021324



2015/2016 FALL, GAU



In our days mass media have a important role upon our live and society, and the main element
which is media use it for communicate with their audience is by using language, so the relation
between media and language is strong and both they have influence for other.

in these context we discuses about (media and language), firstly we will identify language and
how it made, then their impact on media and vice versa, also the relation between these two
main element which is very strong and they cannot be separate.

A while later we choice Kurdish media and their language as a example and how the mass
media have influence on changing the language and developing it.


A language is, according to Ferdinand de Saussure 1, a sign system of which the main function is
communication among people. Speech is then the main instrument for human
communication(Kateřina 2006). also according to Cambridge dictionary language is a system
of communication consisting of sounds, words, and grammar, or the system of communication
used by people in a particular country or type of work.

The main way that we can communicate with each other as a human been is through language,
and we have opportunity to exchange information and thought , vision, belief and perspective
via language, also we Express our feeling if we be happy , sad , angry , fear by using hundred of
expression that we all understand it even if it will be verbal or nonverbal communication.

Languages consist of tens of thousands of signs, which are combinations of form and meaning.
Form in spoken languages is a sequence of sounds, in written languages for example a sequence
of letters and in the sign languages of the deaf a certain combination of gestures(Halvor& Rolf

Speech is a human activity that varies without assignable limit as we pass from social group to
social group, because it is a purely historical heritage of the group, the product of long-
continued social usage (Edward 1921).

Ferdinand de Saussure was a Swiss linguist and semiotician whose ideas laid a foundation for many significant
developments both in linguistics and semiology in the 20th century

2015/2016 FALL, GAU



Media language is the way in which the meaning of a media text is conveyed to the
audience(Jeremy 2009). Media as a part of communication they need language to describe the
meaning, so we need word and language cod, verbal and nonverbal communication to reach
audience, we need text and writing by specific language for making news on magazine,
newspaper. TV and online media, so the relation between median and language is very strong
which some time make as think that it's almost the same, or its two different things that cannot
be separated, we cannot construct any interpretation if we don't use language in media.

Spoken language gives us the ability to communicate in an effective manner and express the
direct meaning we intend. We have more flexibility in our range of communication and while it
is possible to communicate via facial expressions and gestures, we have evolved into complex
beings that have the ability to vocally express ourselves (Monica).

As we monition it before language is sign system and code that we learned and it became a
tools between people to communicate and made word, sentence, paragraph which it sometime
use in the media also.

There is a great variety in the form and style of media texts, so the codes used to construct
meaning are varied and frequently depend upon the form of the media text. in most cases the
text will use a variety of codes, visual, audio and written that fit together in certain way to
create a particular meaning (Andy 2011).

The relation between media and language is not just using each other, but they have influence
on each one, because most of the time the language that is use on media is more formal that
these language that use on a street and also its different from text book or academic usage.

One school of thought of which marshal McLuhan 1 is exponent claims that the new mass media
(film, radio and television) are new language, they pushed written expression toward the
spontaneous shifts and freedom of the spoken idiom (Michael 1979).

If we consider social media as a new media which is going viral today, they also have impact on
language and bring a lot of new word and idiom that wasn't exist before.

Emoticons such as ;-) and acronyms such as LOL (‘laughing out loud’ – which has just celebrated
its 25th birthday) add useful elements of non-verbal communication – or annoy people with
their overuse (Jon2014).


was a Canadian philosopher of communication theory and a public intellectual

2015/2016 FALL, GAU


Since 1991 there are many media organization that established at Kurdistan regional of Iraq,
and they all use Kurdish language as their language media, and using the language in the media
it have a enormous role on developing the language.

because of using these language in the media, many new word especially in the English
language come to Kurdish language and people start to using it! even some of them was by
wrong pronunciation, for example now people using the word (surprise) which is English by
(saprize) which is a Kurdish wrong pronunciation for the main word and these word come to
use because the influence of using language in the media (raoof 2014).

One of the main issue that is consider now in Kurdish media and their language is choosing a
standard language which is still not exist and for example the Kurdish television media use two
different dialect which is (Sorani and Kurmanji) dialect, and most of linguistic see that a
problem for the language because we must have one standard one and its role of the media to
help for establishing these language.

There are also a lot of criticize about unorganized use for these language in the media, because
it make different from one to other by using the term and giving meaning for the same thing on
the language which is make establishing standard language more harder(stran2015).


By considering the relation between media and language it was clear for as how they are
related with each and also effective for bot. The media organization cannot communicate and
gave the meaning for their view without using language and their code, But also media play a
vital role for changing and developing the language.

As we show it in Kurdistan regional of Iraq, using language in the media make kurdish language
more stronger and more develop and expand, But also can be having a bad effect if we don't
treat with their influence upon each other more wisely.

In the contact we see how media bring a new word and expression to the language and if the
media organization made any mistake upon the language it will reflect the usage of the
language generally, and that why relation between them is strong and important.


2015/2016 FALL, GAU


1. Andy Wallis (2011) introduction the key concepts of media study, retrieved at
27/11/2015 from
2., language , retrieved at 25/11/2015 from :
3. Edward Sapir (1921), Language: An Introduction to the Study of Speech, retrieved at
25/11/2015 from :
4. Halvor Eifring & Rolf Theil (2005), Linguistics for Students of Asian and African
Languages, p 3
5. Jeremy Orlebar (2009) Understanding Media Language retrieved at 25/11/2015 from :
6. Jon Reed (2014) How social media is changing language retrieved at 29/11/2015 from :
7. Kateřina Valová (2006) Pidgin Languages and Their Phonology, retrieved at 25/11/2015
from :
8. Monica Stott, What Is The Relationship Between Language And Communication?
retrieved at 27/11/2015 from
9. Michael Willie (1979) The Mass Media and Language Development, Australian Journal of
Teacher Education, 4, p: 58
10. raoof kareem (2014) Scientific method for language , retrieved at 29/11/2015 from :
11. stran abdulla(2015) Messy Media retrieved at 30/11/2015 from :

2015/2016 FALL, GAU

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