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Top Contributors: Stephanie Lee, Hector Madrigal, Mogg18 + more

Last Edited: 25 Jul 2018 6:42 am
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Here begins the walkthrough for the game of Final Fantasy XIII.  It is an epic journey, full of
adventure and wonder- so click the link below to begin!

Walkthrough Sections
 Chapter 1
 Chapter 2
 Chapter 3
 Chapter 4
 Chapter 5
 Chapter 6
 Chapter 7
 Chapter 8
 Chapter 9
 Chapter 10
 Chapter 11
 Chapter 11 Part 2
 Chapter 12
 Chapter 13

Chapter 1
Top Contributors: Stephanie Lee, Hector Madrigal, Mogg18 + more

Last Edited: 11 Jun 2015 5:15 pm

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After the opening cutscene, go through the ATB tutorial. Following the tutorial, just spam the auto-
battle to end the fight.
When the battle starts again, use the same strategy. Use a Potion if your health gets low.
After the battle, go through the camera tutorial and save your game. Then proceed to the
enemies up ahead. Take this time to get used to the battle system.
Open your map. See the yellow circle with the exclamation point? This is an event marker.
We'll be referring to them throughout this guide.
March down the path towards the event marker. Use the blue circle to hop from level to
level. Keep an eye out for these circles throughout the game—they often lead to hidden
Down the path, take on two more PSICOM Wardens, then another PSICOM Warden and
two PSICOM Enforcers.
Once you take care of those guys, go further down the same path and grab the Potion
from the treasure chest.
A bit farther along, grab another chest with two more Potions from the platform to the right
of the path.
You'll encounter a Pantheron and some PSICOM Wardens along the way. Keep attacking
and heal when needed.
Continue on and grab the Iron Bangle from the chest on the platform to the left.
Navigate through the crates and descend down the stairs. There's a 50 Gil in the treasure
chest hidden between the crates to the right.
You'll have one more easy battle before you encounter the a group of enemies and the
item tutorial.
Watch the cutscene and head up the stairs to the save point.
Save your game and hop down to the switch.
Activate the switch.
Head towards the the enemies ahead, and go through the chain / stagger tutorial.
When the real battle starts, take out the small guys before you concentrate on staggering
the more dangerous enemies.
Watch the cutscene. You'll start the next section as Snow.
Turn around immediately and you'll see a treasure chest with 50 Gil. Open it and then
head towards the event marker.
Save your game at the save point and hop through the debris.
Watch the cutscene.
Run through the enemies to the event marker. Concentrate on staggering enemies. Use
Potions when you're low on health.

Watch the cutscene as you reach the group of survivors.

When you start again, open the chest to the left of your starting point. It should have an
Iron Bangle.
Save your game and make your way to the next marker. Use Snow's Hand Grenade ability
to break up groups of enemies.
Boss: Beta Behemoth

Keep the pressure up, your squad mates should keep you healed. If it's not sufficient, use
a Potion. The boss should die before you get the chance to stagger him.
IGN Boss Strategies: Beta Behemoth


Autoplay setting: On

Save your game when prompted. The game will give you control of Lightning and Sazh in
the middle of a boss fight.
Boss: Myrmidon
No health help from other party members this time- you'll have to rely on Potions. Keep the
pressure up on the enemy until you stagger it. You'll kill it easily enough after you do that.
IGN Boss Strategies: Myrmidon


Autoplay setting: On

After the cutscene you'll be given control of Snow again. Run ahead and grab the Power
Circle from the chest and equip it. The Power Circle is the weapon that we recommend
you use with Snow throughout the entire game. Check out the weapons section for more

Save your game and continue on your way. Use Hand Grenade to take out the large group
of enemies you'll encounter.
Don't miss the 100 Gil chest hidden between the staircases.
Check the junked vehicle at the end of the path.
After the cutscene you'll assume control of Hope and Vanille. Save your game and head
towards the marker.
Check out the broken vehicle.
Save your game when prompted.

Chapter 2
Top Contributors: Stephanie Lee, Hector Madrigal, Mogg18 + more

Last Edited: 11 Jun 2015 9:41 pm

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You'll start in the middle of a battle with Hope and Vanille. The enemy should stagger easily
From your starting position, head right and grab the 30 Gil from the chest.
Head back and go up the stairs. Run down the stairs on the opposite side and read the
sneaking tutorial.
Sneak up on the enemies and grab the Iron Bangle from the chest.
Dash back up the stairs. You should see another chest . Fight through the enemies and
open it. There will be four Potions in it.
Head to the event marker.
You'll start the next section as Snow.
Save your game.
Turn around and climb the stairs to grab the two Potions.

Run to the event marker. Use a combination of Hand Grenades and Potions if you get
overwhelmed by enemies.
Check the object at the event marker.
You'll assume control of Lightning and Sazh. Read the Shroud tutorial.
Head up the first set of stairs and get a Phoenix Down
Head up the next set of stairs and get the Gladius.
Note...Feel free to avoid battles with any enemies you wish. You gain no experience for these
Run up the stairs to the next event marker.
Watch the cutscene and you'll assume control of Snow.
Turn around and go down the stairs to grab the two Potions in the chest.
Run to the event marker.
Check out the structure.
Run up the stairs and hop on the platform.
Watch the cutscene and you'll assume control of Hope and Vanille.
Run up the stars and turn right, then run up the stairs you see there.
Defeat the enemies and grab the Fortisol from the chest.
Make your way to the next event marker.
Note...Focus on staggering the enemies you encounter. Still no healing spells yet, so you'll have to
rely on Potions.

Save your game and continue on the path. You'll find a chest with 100 Gil in it along the
After the cutscene you'll be thrown into battle with three Ghouls. Focus on using Hand
Grenade to take them out quickly.
After that cutscene, you'll switch back to Lightning and Sazh.
Immediately head left and grab the Power Wristband from the chest.
Head back to the starting point and up the stairs.
Note...As stated earlier, you can skip any battles without doing any harm to your character
progression. If you do want to fight, try to sneak up on the Ghouls. They're not very aware of their
surroundings, and it's easy to get the drop on them.
Save your game and continue on to the marker.
You'll find yourself facing a gauntlet of Ghouls. Nothing fancy here, just focus on
staggering them and move on until you get to the next marker.
Watch the cutscene. You'll assume control of a party of Lightning, Snow, and Sazh.
Run towards the marker; you'll be more than a match for anything you encounter.
Don't forget the chest with 5 potions and the save point before entering the door
Boss Fight: Anima

You'll have to take out the left and right appendages of Anima. Any attempt to attack the
main body without doing so will result in a quick death. When the appendages respawn,
take them out again as quickly as possible. Use Potions to cure your party when low on
health. Focus fire on the main body and victory is assured.
Chapter 3
Top Contributors: Stephanie Lee, Hector Madrigal, Mogg18 + more

Last Edited: 11 Jun 2015 10:06 pm

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You start the chapter in a tutorial battle. Go through the tutorial and you'll find yourself in a party
consisting of Lightning, Snow, and Vanille.
Enemies here shouldn't be too hard. Read up on basic Paradigm tactics and you should
be prepared to handle anything you encounter.
From this point on, you will be earning experience. This means it's important to engage
most if not all of the enemies you run into. As long as you do this, you should have no
need to level grind until chapter 11.
Head towards the first marker, but be sure to head down a branch to your left.
Grab the Pearl Wing Staff at the end of the branch.
A little bit further down that path you'll find Chipped Fangs, and a bit after that you'll find a
200 Gil chest to your right.
After the 200 Gil chest, you'll encounter a group of six PSICOM Warden. Go through the
command system tutorial. Use the same battle tactics you've been using and you should
come through OK.
Note...From this point on, you'll have access to Libra. This command will give you info on all
enemy weaknesses. Once scanned, your AI partners and your auto-battle will automatically adjust
to target these weaknesses, so scan every new enemy you come across.

Keep heading down the path. Shortly after a battle with three Ghasts and three Whytes,
you'll find a branch to your right. Follow it and take the Cie'th Tears from the chest.

Continue on the path and keep your eyes peeled for a branch leading left. You'll find a
Silver Bangle at the end of it.
Be sure to save your game when you see a save point to your right.
Continue down the path and grab the Phoenix down and 50 Gil chests after you fight a
group of 4 Pantherons?
Grab the Strange Fluid after the fight with two Pantherons.
At the next branch, stick to the left and you'll come across a chest containing a Magician's
Head down the path towards the next save point.
Boss: Manasavin Warmech

He's back! That feisty scorpion from the beginning of the game. His HP is high, so it's very
important to try and stagger him. A combination of one Commando and two Ravagers
should send his chain gauge flying up fast. Watch out for his special attack- when you
think he's about ready to unleash it, switch to an Commando / Sentinel / Medic
configuration. Have Lightning use a Potion if necessary.
IGN Boss Strategies: Mansavin Warmech


Autoplay setting: On

Continue towards the event marker and watch the cutscene. Your party should now
consist of Lightning, Vanille, and Sazh.
When you come to a branching path, take the right and get the Strange Fluid from the
Just after you take the Strange Fluid, you'll come to a clearing with four Pantherons. Find
the opening at the far left and use the blue circles to hop around. You'll find two treasure
chests, one with 240 Gil and one with a new weapon for Sazh.
Head back down and find your way across the chasm. After you've crossed, hook an
immediate right. Run across the giant pipe and you should find a chest with Enigmatic
Fluid in it being guarded by enemies. Defeat the enemies, grab the treasure and run to the
event marker.
Be sure to get the Wicked Fang just before the next chasm.
When you reach the event marker, you'll find that it's a dead end. Watch the cutscene and
head back across the bridge. Head up the ice ramp and to the immediate right you should
spot a downed vehicle. Check it out and the path should be cleared.
Continue on to the next marker. Be sure to save your game at the next save point.
Boss: Alpha Behemoth

When you run across the cutscene with the Behemoth, you'll enter into battle with it. Go
through the tutorial and then use Libra to scan him. Chain him with a Ravager /
Commando combo and switch Vanille to Medic whenever you're low on health.
IGN Boss Strategies: Alpha Behemoth


Autoplay setting: On

Continue on. Take the path to the right and grab the Librascope, then return to the main
path. Continue on and watch for the treasure chest with two Digital Circuits in it.
When you get to a cliff, hop up it and stick to the right. You will find a chest with Paraffin
Oil in it.
Walk under the frozen waterfall and you'll find a chest with 50 Gil.
Continue up the ice face and save your game. Do a 180 from the save point and jump
across a small gap to get the Insulated Cabling from the chest.
Continue towards the event marker. You should find a 30 Gil chest and six Begrimed
Claws before you reach it.
Save your game at the stairs and enter the building. To the right, you should find a chest
with 600 Gil.
Try and sneak up on the Behemoth.
Stick to the right and you should find a secret passage that will take you directly to a chest
with two Digital Circuits.
Head left. Try to sneak up on the enemies you find. Hop up onto the broken bridge and
head towards the next marker. Go down into the arena using the blue circle at the top of
the bridge. It'll allow you to easily creep up on the tough enemies in this section.
If you head immediately towards the right into a small dead end, you'll find a chest with
seven Begrimed Claws.
At the northwest of the arena, you'll find a chest with a Spark Ring.
Continue towards the event marker.
When you reach a save point, you'll find a blue circle that will give you access to a save
point. Don't take it, because the long route will take you to a chest with Millerite, which will
come in handy later in the game.
Hug the right so you don't miss access to the stairway that will lead you to a chest with
Ferroelectric Film.
Continue towards the marker. When you get to the next save point, be sure to grab the
Phoenix Down chest and a chest to the left that contains two Librascopes.
When you're ready, move on to the event marker and a boss fight.
Boss: Garuda Interceptor

You'll have to fight this guy twice in a row. The first time, his chain resistance is low and
he's easy to stagger, so concentrate on the latter and use Vanille to heal. The second
time, he has a lot of barriers up and is harder to damage, but still try to focus on staggering
him. Use two Ravagers and it shouldn't be too hard.
IGN Boss Strategies: Garuda Interceptor


Autoplay setting: On

Fight the soldiers when you assume control of Snow.
Boss: Shiva Sisters
Switch Snow to Sentinel when Shiva Sisters attack. Simply being a Sentinel should be
enough to win the battle before the time limit. Hit the Square/X button when the gauge is

Chapter 4
Top Contributors: Stephanie Lee, Hector Madrigal, Mogg18 + more

Last Edited: 11 Jun 2015 9:54 pm

Page Tools

You'll start the chapter in battle. Take out the enemies and you'll assume control of Sazh and
Vanille. Save your game, level up and head to the marker.
Assume control of Lightning and Hope.
Save your game.
Hop up on the blue circle to grab the Librascope.
Head towards the event marker. Try playing around with the Synergist role as you fight the
enemies. Buffs can be important for the combat of Final Fantasy XIII.
Note...Pulsework Soldier - Try sneaking up on this enemy. He's hard to stagger, and a preemptive
strike is an easy way to take him out.

Get to the marker.

When you assume control of Sazh and Vanille, save your game and head to the marker.
You'll start to encounter enemies in three-way battles. At the beginning of these fights,
don't attack. Instead, observe and determine the strongest enemy. Focus on taking that
one out before you turn your attention to the weaker enemies.

Pull the lever, run down to the marker, and pick up the Black Belt along the way.
After the cutscene, you will assume control of Sazh, Vanille, and Hope. Hop up the cliff.
Grab the Ninurta that the Pulsework Soldier is guarding.
Continue down the path and save your game.
When you come to a fork in the road, take the left passage and continue on, sticking to the
left side until you come to a save point that has a Metal Armband and a phoenix down in a
Continue on to the next save point. Just after that, your party will change to Sazh,
Lightning, and Vanille.
Head towards the event marker.
Activate the panel when you come across it. Continue along the path.
Grab a Librascope from the chest along the way.
When the road branches, take a right, and you can pick up a chest containing a Ember
Save the game at the next save point and get ready for a boss battle.
Boss: Dreadnought

You'll fight the Dreadnought two times. Switch between Commando / Ravager / Ravager
and Commando / Ravager / Medic to stagger him. The second time, use the Synergist and
Saboteur classes to weaken the enemy and strengthen your party.
Run to the next marker.
Save your game, go to the marker and watch the cutscene.
When you regain control, you'll be in the middle of a battle with Hope and Lightning. Take
out the enemy and run to the next marker.
Run along the path and hug the first passage left to find three Fiber-optic Cables.
Take the next passage right to find a chest containing a Librascope.
A bit further down the path, you'll get to ride the Dreadnought. This is a pretty linear
section of the game, so march through and have fun.
Immediately after the Dreadnought you'll run across two chests. Grab the treasure and
move on.
A bit further on you'll find a chest with two Electrolytic Capacitors and a save point.
Save your game and take the next passage right. Go over the overpass to find a Spark
Ring in a chest.
Run down the path and take the next right to find a Phoenix Down.
Ignore the next few twists and turns in the road. Save your game at the next save point.
Boss: Odin

No auto-healing for this summon battle. Use a Ravager / Ravager combo to boost the
gauge up fast. Switch to Medic when needed.
IGN Boss Strategies: Odin


Autoplay setting: On

Go to the marker.
Go through the Odin tutorial.
Watch the cutscene.
Assume control of Sazh and Vanille. Head back up the path and grab the Phoenix Down
from the chest. Run down the path, save your game.
You'll be encountering lots of Bombs around here. If they explode, they will do heavy
damage to you. Target them first in battle.
Hit the lever you come across as you run down the path.
Run down the path and you'll see some treasure chests that are inaccessible. You'll have
to come back for these later.
Continue down the path and grab the Auric Amulet in an offshoot to the right.
Save your game at the save point and move on. As you run down the path, keep an eye
out on your right side. You should see a chest. It contains a Ember Ring.
When you get to the next save point, you're going to have to go around and hit each of the
four panels pictured. Hit all four and grab the Fortisol in the center.
You should probably go back and grab those two chests that were inaccessible earlier, but
it's optional. As you leave the area, keep an eye out on your left for a Phoenix Down.
Head towards the marker and grab the 300 Gil chest along the way.
Follow the event markers in the flashback scene.
Chapter 5
Top Contributors: Stephanie Lee, Hector Madrigal, Mogg18 + more
Last Edited: 13 Jun 2015 1:06 am

Page Tools

You start in control of Lightning and Hope. Level up and save your game.
Note...The enemies in this area require a little bit more strategy than before. Keep your finger on
the shoulder button so you can switch Lightning or Hope to Medic at a moment's notice.

Run to the event marker, watch the cutscene, ride up the lift and save your game.
Continue on to the next marker. When you get to a fork in the road, head right (there's a
stack of crates that will block your path if you go left).
At the next fork, go left to pick up the Antidote in the treasure chest. Then head back to the
event marker. Continue down the path and watch the cutscene.
Ride the lift and save your game. At the next marker, grab the Hawkeye that will be on
your right guarded by two Vespids.
Pass through the gate and save the game. After riding the lift, you'll enter an area with
several powered fences blocking your way. You'll have to defeat all the enemies here in
order to progress. Use Hope's protector abilities and focus on chaining and staggering one
enemy at a time.
Grab the Antidotes from the chest to the right just before the second powered fence.

After the second powered fence, you'll have to fight a Feral Behemoth. Use protection
buffs and switch to Medic whenever Hope's health gets in the yellow and you should pull
through okay.
After the next marker, Lightning will become the party leader.
Continue on your way. Keep an eye out for a passage on your right that will lead to a Star
Pendant. Take out the enemies in the area to power down the fence and retrieve the item.

Continue up the path until you find a chest on your left guarded by Barbed Specter. Grab
the Edged Carbine from the chest and make your way to the powered fence.
It's guarded by a Feral Behemoth. Use the same strategy that you used on the last one to
take it down.
Save your game at the next save point.
Hug the wall to the left and you should be able to slip into an area behind the fence
containing a 1500 Gil treasure chest and a Feral Behemoth. That's a lot of money, so kill
the enemy and take it.
As you make your way to the next marker, stick to the right. You'll come across a group of
eight Crawlers. Kill them and the Feral Behemoth that's with them to get access to a chest
that has Fragrant Oil in it.
Make your way to the next marker, by hugging the left wall. You'll see a treasure chest, but
before you can grab it, one Behemoth and a Frag Leech will appear to stop you. Use the
same strategies you've employed so far to take them down.
When you have the treasure head up the leaf stairway and up the lift to the save point.
Go down the path until you come to a save point and a chest with Ethersol. Grab it and
save your game.
Move forward and start the boss battle.
Boss: Aster Protoflorian

Use the following Paradigm configuration:

 Commando / Ravager
 Commando / Medic
 Commando / Synergist
 Medic / Medic

At the start of the battle, switch to configuration three. After you've been buffed, change to
the first configuration so that you can chain-up the enemy. Use configuration two to heal
when the enemy is staggered- and use four when you're in real trouble.
IGN Boss Strategies: Aster Protoflorian


Autoplay setting: On

Save your game.
Walk to the next marker.

Chapter 6
Top Contributors: Stephanie Lee, Hector Madrigal, Mogg18 + more

Last Edited: 14 Jun 2015 9:58 pm

Page Tools

You start in control of Sazh and Vanille. Save your game, level up, and head down the path to the
Note...You'll find weak enemies in small groups here. Use area of effect attacks to take them down with
Keep an eye out for a passage on your left. You'll find Mysterious Fluid in a chest.
Just before the next save point, you'll spot a chest with a Belladonna Wand for Vanille.
Save your game. When you get to a circular area, stick to the right to find the Procyons.
As you move on, watch out for an offshoot to your left. You'll find a Doctor's Code.
Save your game and go forth. You'll run across your first Scalebeast. These enemies are
possible to take down, but it's very difficult and not worth it. Try to avoid these guys and
exit any accidental encounters that occur.
Make your way to the next marker. Ignore the treasure chest being guarded by a
Scalebeast. It's not worth the time investment.

Grab the chest with the Librascope.

A little bit further on, there will be a chest with ten Scaled Wings.
Arrive at the marker and watch the cutscene.
Go to the next marker and watch the cutscene.
Hit the save point and proceed to the next marker.
Watch the cutscene. The energy ball has the ability to change the weather. The kinds of
enemies you'll encounter in this area are dependent on whether it is rainy or sunny.
After the cutscene is over, don't touch the first energy ball. It'll throw an annoying Wyvern
in your path. Though defeatable, there are easier enemies that provide better experience
for the time invested.
Stop the rain at the next energy ball and head to the right. Grab the Metal Armband in the

Start the rain at the next ball.

Head down the path. At the next fork in the road, head left and stop the rain at the energy
ball without alerting the Scalebeast.
Grab the Aqua Ring by where the Scalebeast was before the rain stopped.

Continue on to the next energy ball. Take down the Wyvern along the way. Use Saboteur
and Synergist classes to help out.
Change the weather after the Wyvern and continue to the next save point.
Level up and get ready for a boss fight before you head to the next marker.
Boss: Enki and Enlil

We recommend the following Paradigm scheme for the next battle:

 Medic / Ravager
 Medic / Commando
 Medic / Synergist
 Saboteur / Synergist
 Saboteur / Ravager
 Ravager / Ravager

Start the battle by switching to Paradigm three. This will allow you to survive while your
characters are buffed. During this time, Libra scan both the enemies. After the initial buffs,
change to Paradigm configuration four to de-buff the enemies. Use configuration one when
you're ready to dish out damage. Target Enlil first. Once you've laid down the beginnings
of a stagger chain, switch to Paradigm six to spike it quickly. Occasionally go back to
Paradigm two in order to heal and stabilize the gauge. Once staggered, keep up the
pressure by staying in Paradigm six. Once you take out the first enemy, repeat the process
on the next.
IGN Boss Strategies: Enki and Enlil


Autoplay setting: On

After the battle walk to the next marker.
Chapter 7
Top Contributors: Stephanie Lee, Hector Madrigal, Mogg18 + more

Last Edited: 4 Jul 2015 12:26 am

Page Tools

You start the chapter in control of Lightning and Hope. Save your game and level up.
Make your way to the marker. Try to sneak up on enemies to take them out. On the way, try to find
your way in between two trucks to the Fiber-optic Cable.
Hop down into the pipe. Head down the left passage to pick up three Holy Water.
Continue to the marker. Along the way you'll run across several difficult enemies. Use
Hope's Synergist abilities to buff your characters, in addition to the basic Paradigm
switching and and scanning techniques.

When you run down into a large slanted pipe, check to your right to find a Librascope to
your right.
Save your game at your next save point.
Make your way to the next marker. You'll find yourself at a floating platform.
Ride the platform across the way. When you arrive, interact with the left buoy on that side.
Ride the platform again and it should take you to a platform with two treasure chests
containing Holy Water and a Phoenix Down.

Take the platform back, and follow the markers to the next one. Before you get on, modify
the left buoy in the same way as you did the last one. Ride the platform and you'll find a
Aqua Ring and two Mobius Coils being guarded by several enemies. You'll have to take on
some dangerous Lucidon. You should be able to take them out at your current level using
the strategies discussed above for difficult enemies.
Ride the platform back and follow the event markers. Grab the Warding Talisman along
the way.
Save your game at the next save point and walk to the marker.
Watch the cutscenes.
You'll start the next section in Gestalt mode with the Shiva sisters. Use your points as you
see fit and you should end up with a solo Snow, with just a few enemies left. Use the
Sentinel role to avoid excessive damage and switch to Commando when the opportunity
presents itself., or you can summon the Shiva sisters again.

After the battle, level up Snow.

Save your game and make your way to the next marker. Be sure to target any PSICOM
Bombardier you encounter in groups of enemies. Their rocket launchers can throw your
battle plans into disarray.
At the first fork you encounter, take the left to find the Fortisol at the chest near where the
path ends.

After you walk up the ice, grab the Paladin that will be to your right.
Head left when you hop into a narrow alleyway. Grab the Insulated Cabling.
Go to the next marker and save your game.
Head to the next marker.
After the cutscene you'll start in control of Fang and Lightning.

Level them up.

Hit the next marker.
Watch the cutscene and you'll start again in control of Snow and Hope.
Save your game.
Turn around and grab the treasure chest behind you that contains 4 Holy Waters.
Head to the next marker.
Hop up onto the walkway that will be to your left. You can grab two Incentive Chips.

Jump down from the walkway and continue on.

Grab the Guardian Amulet before the save point.
Save your game and make your way to the next marker, and the marker after that.
After the cutscene, you'll find yourself on a rooftop. Run to the next save point and save
your game.
Go to the marker.
When you hop down to the next level, head left and grab the Shaman's Mark.
Watch out for the Falco Velocycle that are in this area. Use buffs and Snow's Sentinel
abilities to survive these encounters.
Don't take the first passage to the right. Instead, find the path behind the billboards and
grab the Thrust Bearing.
Run back and take the path you passed earlier and find the Vidofnir at the end of it.
Make your way to the next marker. Be sure to find the Deceptisol to your right.
Save your game at the next save point, level up, and get ready for a boss fight.
Boss: Ushumgal Subjugator
Arrange your Paradigms in the following fashion:

 Sentinel / Synergist
 Commando / Ravager
 Commando / Medic
 Ravager / Ravager
 Commando / Synergist
 Sentinel / Medic

Start off in configuration one. Once you're buffed, use two three and four to chain bonus
and stagger the enemy. Once he's staggered, use two to take him down. Repeat as
IGN Boss Strategies: Ushumgal Subjugator

Autoplay setting: On

After the fight, you'll find yourself in control of Lightning and Fang. The enemies are tough
around here, so you'll need to sneak up on them. Particularly the Lodestar Behemoth. Try
to take him out quickly or he'll become bipedal, regenerate, and unleash some devastating
attacks on your party.
From the starting point, do a 180 and grab the chest behind you, which contains 15 Bestial

Save your game and move on, grabbing the Gae Bolg along the way.
Use the techniques discussed to take on the Lodestar Behemoth that stands in the way.
Walk to the marker.
From there, head to the next marker, grabbing the Axis Blade, which is guarded by 2
Orions along the way.

Watch the cutscene.

Save your game and head up the stairs to the left of the save point to grab the Tungsten
Bangle from the chest.
Take the left passage and find the Black Belt.
Run to the next save point, save your game and get ready to fight.
Boss: Ushumgal Subjugator
You can't win the fight with just Hope. Once you lose, the real battle will start. Lightning
and Fang join the battle and Hope has all his health restored. 
When you start again, Lightning will be the only one attacking. Fang and Hope will be
buffing the party and casting status effects on the boss. Once slow has been successfully
cast, and protect and shell have been cast on the party, use configurations two and three
to boost up the chain gauge. If the damage you take becomes too much, switch to
configuration four or five.
IGN Boss Strategies: Ushumgal Subjugator (II)


Autoplay setting: On
After the fight you'll find yourself in control of Fang. Grab the Phoenix Down and head to
the marker. Watch the cutscene between Hope and his dad.
Afterwords, save your game and walk to the next marker. Switch on the TV.

You'll find yourself in battle. Take out weaker enemies first. When in trouble, use Hope to
heal and Fang to defend.
After the battle, save your game.
You may want to grind in this area. The PSICOM Predator will drop valuable credit chips
that can be sold for high price.
Grab the Ethersol by the save point and the Brawler's Wristband at the opposite end of the
house before you head to the marker.
Boss: Havoc Skytank
Arrange your Paradigms:
 Ravager / Commando / Synergist
 Ravager / Commando / Ravager
 Ravager / Commando / Medic
 Medic / Sentinel / Medic
 Medic / Sentinel / Synergist
 Commando / Commando / Ravager

At the start of the battle, focus on the component parts of the boss. You'll be taking heavy
damage constantly until you get rid of them. When in trouble, switch to configuration four.
Once you've taken some of the component parts, buff your party and focus on the rest.
When all the parts have been destroyed, use configuration two to take out the boss.

Chapter 8
Top Contributors: Stephanie Lee, Hector Madrigal, Mogg18 + more

Last Edited: 15 Jul 2015 11:47 pm

Page Tools
CHAPTER 8-1: Making The Most of It
Nautilus Station

When the chapter begins, navigate past the large station entrance to the eastern side. The
area will be enemy-free for the majority of this chapter, so take advantage of the free time!
Power up Vanille and Sazh at the Upgrade Station and use those CP to level up their
Work your way up the stairs to trigger the next section.
CHAPTER 8-2: Eidolons On Parade

Watch the parade and then get ready to move.

Work your way up the station towards the Nautilift. Board the Nautilift to arrive at the
Chocobo Corral.
Nautilus Park - Chocobo Corral


Once you arrive at the Corral, work your way north down the hall to trigger a nice little

Sazh's little Chocobo friend flies off towards different areas of the park (all close by) and
you have to find him. The Chocobo can be found in these areas (in order):
 Between the sheep (?)

 At the toy doll cart

 At the water fountain

 Between a large group of Chocobos

The prize for finding your little friend is a STAR PENDANT! Grab the item and then exit the
area towards the Save Point. Save your game and then leave the area to trigger the next
CHAPTER 8-3: No Place Left To Run
Nautilus Park - The Mall

After the cutscene, Save your game! There's a large number of guards and sentries that
are in the area but all of them can be dodged and avoided (or not). Work your way up the
zig-zag pathway towards the north by dodging or fighting baddies. There are 2 chests to
grab along the way before the boss, as well as a save point. Make it to the top to trigger a
boss battle!
Boss: Midlight Reaper
IGN Boss Strategies: Midlight Reaper


Autoplay setting: On


Use these Paradigms:

 Commando / Ravager
 Ravager / Ravager
 Synergist / Saboteur
 Synergist / Medic

Switch to configuration three, wait for Haste and Weak to be cast. Switch to four if you're
low on health while this happen. When you're ready, chain the enemy using configurations
one and two.
After the cutscene, work your way up the stairs to trigger another boss battle.
CHAPTER 8-4: Sugar And Rainbows
IGN Boss Strategies: Brunhilde (Eidolon)


Autoplay setting: On

Boss: Brynhilder
Use these Paradigms:

 Commando / Ravager
 Ravager / Ravager
 Ravager / Medic
 Synergist / Medic

Bryhilder is susceptible to chain damage, so get in as many combos on him as you can.
Switch to configuration four in order to get Haste. Then use two and three to boost the
chain gauge.
Defeat Brynhilder to acquire a new ATB gauge and gain Brynhilder as an eidolon and to
complete the chapter.
Chapter 9
Top Contributors: Stephanie Lee, Hector Madrigal, Mogg18 + more

Last Edited: 28 Aug 2016 10:58 am

Page Tools

You'll start as Lightning. Save your game and talk to the crew. Walk to the marker and talk to Cid
when you're done.
You'll start in battle with Lightning, Fang and Hope. Take out the enemies.
When you're done, save your game, level up and engage the enemies in front of you.
Hit the switch on the red circle in front of you.
Jump on the blue circle.
Hop up the machinery, and hook a right at the top to grab the treasure in the chest.
Walk to the next marker.
Note...Use Fang's Saboteur abilities to weaken the enemies in this area. They're particularly useful
against the mechanized enemies you'll encounter.

When you initially get up to the floating dock looking area, after you save if you turn around
there is a treasure chest with millerite in it.
Once you come to an area that requires you to jump up to a catwalk, head as far right as
possible to pick up some Incentive Chips in a chest.

Head to the marker and when you jump up to another catwalk, be sure to keep an eye out
of a chest with Silicone Oil in the area.
Save your game at the next save point.
Be sure to grab Lightning's Lifesaber from a chest after the next save point.
Head to the next marker and pick up the Ember Ring and Pandoran Spear along the way.
NOTE: You should farm CP, Incentive Chips, Credit Chips and Perfect Conductors in this
area. Simply make your way back to the previous Save Point and come back to earn about
4000CP each round trip.
After the cutscene you'll start as Sazh and Vanille. Save your game and level up.
Head towards the marker and hit the switch.
Walk through the door and hook a right, and a right immediately after that.
Flip the switch and take out the enemies to gain access to the chest with a Royal Armlet in
NOTE: This is a great place to grind some CP. Each time around this square will net you
970CP. You can level up quickly here.
Run towards the marker, grab the Murky Ooze and flip the switch to move on.
After the cutscene, you'll be back to Lightning's group. Go through the door.
Save your game.
Note...From this point on you'll encounter a lot of Vikings. There can be up to three at a time. They
have a lot of HP, so feel free to avoid them.

The next room is made of interlocking circles. Grab the Pain Dampener and White Cape at
the extreme east and west.

Don't forget the Perfect Conductor and Rhodochrosite at the center.

Exit the area and go to the next marker.
Back to Sazh and Vanille. Level up and save your game.
Note...When fighting here, be sure to attack the Falanitor before you take out the Flanborg.
Falanitor will heal their counterparts almost as fast as you can damage them.

Run around the left side of the circle to find the Segmented Carapace.
Head towards the center to grab the Phoenix Down.
Run to the next marker.
Back to Lightning and company.
Run behind you to grab the Whistlewind Scarf.
Make your way to the next marker.
Grab the chest with the Perfect Conductor to to the east of the map.
Save your game at the next save point.
Don't go down the ramp by the save point. Instead, walk around the pit to grab the Barbed
Tail on the far side.
Go down the ramp and proceed on into the furthest pit from the bottom. You'll find a chest
containing 300 Gil.
Head back up and hug the right wall to find a Spark Ring.
Go to the next save point. You'll fight this next boss two times. It's weaker the first time
around, but the strategy for taking it down is the same.
Boss: Kalavinka Striker
Arrange your Paradigms in the following fashion:

 Ravager / Ravager / Saboteur

 Ravager / Ravager / Commando
 Commando / Ravager / Commando
 Ravager / Medic / Commando
 Medic / Synergist / Sentinel
 Medic / Medic / Sentinel

Start the battle in configuration one. Let Fang cast Curse on the enemy, then switch to
configuration two to stabilize the chain gauge and stagger the boss. Use configurations
three and four to heal when necessary.
After the custscene, you'll have control of your party members. From now on, we will
occasionally be giving recommendations for the ideal party. More often, we will specify
which Paradigms to use.
Use a party consisting of Lightning, Hope and Vanille.

Save your game.

You'll find yourself in an area that consists of three rows of platforms linked by extendable
bridges. For the optimum CP and item gain, you'll need to hit every single one. We
recommend proceeding down the center path and then heading left. Pick up the Gold
Bangle, 3600 Gil, Librascope and Pain Dampener along the left side. Then grab the
Umbra, Rune Bracelet, and Perfect Conductor along the right. The enemies in this area
are nothing special, so just use the same tactics you've been using and you'll be all right.
Once you've collected all the items, save your game. Grab the Ethersol by the save point
and head to the next marker.
Boss: Barthandelus

Recommended Paradigm configuration:

 Commando / Synergist / Saboteur

 Ravager / Ravager / Saboteur
 Commando / Ravager / Medic
 Medic / Medic / Medic
 Commando / Ravager / Ravager
 Ravager / Ravager / Ravager

Use a Librascope on the boss as soon as possible. Begin targeting the bosses' component
parts. After you've destroyed them, put the emphasis on staggering the enemy. NOTE: He
will cast DOOM on the party's lead after the 20 minute mark. Speed is essential here.
Start off in configuration one until you have Protect and Shell. When the boss unleashes a
devastating attack, use configuration four to heal ASAP. Try to use configuration two to do
damage and keep status effects active. When you stagger the boss, use configuration six.
Alternate Option: The above sequence of configurations did not work well for me. I couldn't
get him down enough before DOOM was cast on Lightning and the timer went to zero.
My route was: Party Members - Lightning, Hope, Vanille. I started with a Librascope to get
all the weaknesses. Then I initially went without the buffs, and used configuration three
until all of the component parts were taken out. I used configuration four if extra healing
was needed during the component battles. Once they were gone, I switched to
configuration one to buff up and to try and debuff the boss. With all of the buffs in place, I
switched back to configuration three to start up the stagger chain. I switched to
configuration six to fill up the stagger bar. NOTE: His main weapon is a life drainer. It hits
HARD! He doesn't use his main weapon until after his first stagger though. It takes about
25 seconds for him to charge it. During this charging, you can continue to use
configuration three to hit him and heal up. If you can get him to halfway on the stagger bar,
he will let out a yell and be forced to recharge. Once he unleashes the weapon, use
configuration four to heal up quickly. Rinse and repeat! I was able to take him out just after
he cast DOOM on Lightning...21 minutes, roughly.
Second Alternate Option
Party: Lightning, Snow, Vanille

 Relentless Assault - Comando/Ravager/Ravager

 Solidarity - Comando/Sentinal/Medic
 Tri-Disaster - Ravager/Ravager/Ravager
 Combat Clinic - Medic/Sentinal/Medic
 Dirty Fighting - Comando/Sentinal/Sabeteur
 Tireless Charge - Comando/Comando/Medic

I was able to beat this fight in just over 12 minutes on my second try.
First target the armor pieces one by one using Relentless Assault to grab Power Chain
then switch to Tri-Disaster until staggered then back to Relentless Assault until distroyed
and repeat until all 4 have been taken care of. After the armor pieces have been destroyed
use Dirty Fighting to debuff Barthandelus then follow the same strategy as the armor
pieces except switing to Tireless Charge after staggering him since Snow typically nets
more damage this way and you no longer have to worry about who he is targeting.
Through out the battle switch to Solidarity any time one of your party members gets low on
health and Combat Clinic if two or more do. If leveled properly you should easily be able to
keep all three members of the party alive the whole battle; if not make sure to Vanille has
Raise and keep her alive at all costs. Also make sure that you have unlocked Challenge
for Snow, as it draws aggro on single enemies better than Provoke, so you won't have to
worry as much about Lightning and Vanille getting attacked while healing.
Equiping the party with with magic resistance items (like the two Rune Bracelets found
earlier in the chapter) and equiping Snow with any items that give him physical and
magical wall makes things easier as well.
If you never let up and focus on getting staggers then dealing damage you shouldn't have
to worry too much about buffs; like mentioned earlier using this meathod took me just over
12 minutes, if you drop a Fortisol and Aegisol before the battle you can probably work it
down to 10 or less and never even get close to the Doom mark.

Chapter 10
Top Contributors: Stephanie Lee, Hector Madrigal, Mogg18 + more

Last Edited: 30 Aug 2014 10:51 pm

Page Tools

You'll start off as Lightning.

Walk to the marker. When you get the chance to form your party, head it with Lightning
and throw in Fang and Vanille to support.
Make your way to first marker and pick up the Hero's Amulet along the way.
Keep your eyes open for a passage to your left that will lead you to a Bomb Shell.
Save your game at the next save point.
At the next open room, head to the passage at the far left to pick up a Saint's Amulet from
the chest.
Make your way down the passage opposite the Saint's Amulet. Hop up the platforms that
will be to your right when you exit the tunnel. Follow that path and you'll find Medicinal Oil
in a chest at the end of the path.
Return to the main path, and at the next fork in the road head right to find a Rainbow
Save your game. From this point you have three paths to choose from.
Continue down the main walkway to fight the most enemies, but gain the most CP and
treasure. Walk halfway down the path to the left and hop down—this more or less delivers
you to the same spot as the first option. You can also walk all the way down the path to the
left and then hop down—this option allows you to sneak up on any enemies you choose
and still gives you access to the 600 Gill chest below.
You face similar choice again now, but all three roads deliver you to more or less the same
place. So jump down to the next platform and proceed to the next save point.
After the save point, you'll find yourself in a room with a very powerful enemy, the
Berserker While difficult to take down with a frontal assault, sneaking around its backside
is easy. Once staggered, the Berserker falls easily. Once you've taken care of him, grab
the Rigels from the chest.
Continue to the next save point. From there, look to the right to find a Guardian Amulet.
Run over to the next marker, grabbing the Alicanto from the chest along the way.
After the the Alicanto chest, keep your eyes peeled for a path to the right that will lead to a
chest with seven Gargantuan Claw.
Grab the Metal Band and Ethersol in the next open room.

Save your game, level up, and get ready for a boss fight.
Boss: Cid Raines
Paradigm configuration:

 Commando / Ravager / Ravager

 Commando / Ravager / Medic
 Ravager / Sentinel / Medic
 Ravager / Saboteur / Saboteur
 Sentinel / Medic / Medic

Cid has high resistances and several devastating attacks that will remove all status effects
and buffs on your party. Use configuration one to chain up. Use two and three to defend
against his attacks and heal. Use four to have Fang or Vanille cast Slow on Cid. Do this as
soon as you heal after his devastating attack (the one where he flashes white and reigns
hell down upon your party.) If you find yourself in a really bad spot, use configuration five
After the battle, keep on moving to the next checkpoint. You'll start seeing a lot of three-
way battles, so go back to the strategies you learned earlier to deal with them.
You'll be able to choose between three paths after your first three-way battle. All paths
lead to the same place, so pick one and save your game at the next save point.

Make your way to the next marker and be sure to grab the Feymark along the way.
Another three paths to choose from. Pick the furthest path if you want to avoid combat with
a Greater Behemoth.
Go to the next marker and take the next left you find. You'll find yourself fighting a
Berserker. Take him down and you'll get three shiny new electrodes to play with.
Make your way to the next save point and save your game. Hop onto the elevator. Kill the
enemies and move on when the elevator reaches its destination.
Head to the next marker and fight the Berserker if you want.
Save your game and run down the path. Don't miss the Otherworldly Bone on your left.
Save your game at the next save point. Get ready to fight Bahaumut.
Boss: Bahaumut
Use Fang as a Sentinel, while the remaining two party members serve as Medics. After
two or three rounds of attacks from Bahamut, you should have high health on all three of
your characters. At this point switch Lightning and Vanille to commando and reaver
respectively till their health falls then switch back. If done correctly you should finish
around the 300 doom count.
Chapter 11
Top Contributors: Stephanie Lee, Hector Madrigal, Mogg18 + more

Last Edited: 9 Jun 2012 7:40 am

Page Tools

When you start off, head to the first event marker.

Grab the Partisan from the chest along the way.
Boss: Alexander

Paradigm configuration

 Synergist / Medic / Sentinel

 Ravager / Medic / Sentinel
 Ravager / Ravager / Commando

Start in configuration one so you can buff and stay healed while doing so. If the party's
health gets too low, switch to number two. When the opportunity presents itself, switch to
three and deal as much damage as quickly as possible before switching back to
configuration two in order to heal.
Once the battle is over, head to the story marker in the Archylte Steppe.
At this point you are not powerful enough to continue on in the story. If you follow the main
story mission mark, you will not be able to continue. Follow the steps below to level up with
a minimum amount of grinding.
Time to get powerful:.

Some enemies in this area will kill you in one hit. Just get used to it. Check out the enemy
list to learn which ones will to avoid.
Accept Mission 1.
Proceed due north find the chest with the Rod of Thorns in it.
Head west and fight Mission 1 monster. Follow the star on your map.
Accept Mission 2. It's statue is located by the Mission 1 target.
Head southwest and grab the Zephyr Ring. It's surrounded by Rangda.
Defeat Mission 2 and Accept Mission 3.
Head back to the Chapter 11 starting point down the path by the first Archylte Steppe save
Continue down the path past the save point.
Get the Rune Bracelet near the waterfall.
Go in the the Yaschas Massif.
Continue until the path opens up.
Head north to defeat Mission 3.
Head a little bit west from there and accept Mission 4.
Head north from the mission marker and run down the tree.
Once at the bottom of the tree, turn the camera 180 degrees. You'll see a treasure chest.
Fight through the enemies to grab it.
Run past the fallen tree and go up the path until you get to a save point.
Jump down and walk out on the edge to the right. Grab the Rune Bracelet.
Hug the path to the left until you get to a treasure chest with 1827 Gil in it.
Continue down the path past the save point.
Continue on towards Mission 4 and complete it.
Grab the treasure the Mission 4 monsters were defending.
Run back to where the 1827 Gil treasure chest was.
Get Mission 5, which is located directly below the chest.
Head back towards the Archylte Steppe.
Run up the tree at the event marker.
Look at your map and run to the event marker.
Grab the chest near the marker.
Watch the cutscene at the event marker.
Go to the nearest save point and head east.
At the fork in the road, head left and grab the treasure chest containing a Watchman's
Go down the other fork and head south to defeat Mission 5—get Kelgers Cup Trophy /
Grab the treasure that was guarded by the Mission 5 monsters.
Go back to the opening and head east to the save point.

From the save point, continue down the path until you get to the Glass Orb.
Look at your map, head towards the event marker.
Get to the event marker, watch the cutscene and grab the hunt marker. Accept Mission 6.
Check your map and find the star indicating Mission 6's location. Go fight the Mission 6
Grab the Mythryl Bangle near the Mission 6 monster location.
Head a back to where you accepted Mission 6.
Walk past the mission marker and grab the Rhodochrosite in the treasure chest.
Walk up the stairs, grab two treasure chests, and accept Mission 7.
Run downstairs and fight the Mission 7 monster.
The cutscene after Mission 7 will activate missions on the Archylte Steppe.
Note...After Mission 7 you may be able to get Hermes Sandals, a powerful accessory that
will cast Critical: Haste. We say "maybe" because it doesn't always work for all gamers.

 After you've taken down the Mission 7 enemy you might have obtained a Tetradic Tiara or
a Tetradic Crown.
 Upgrade the tetra accessory to star level.
 Deconstruct the starred Tetra accessory

If you had a Tetradic Crown you will get Hermes Sandles, but if you were lucky enough to
have a Tetradic Tiara you will get Sprint Shoes which bestow Auto-Haste.
Walk to event marker—watch the cutscene with the flying snake thing.
Head back to Vallis Media.
Go and hit up the Mission 8 maker by the Chapter 11 starting point.
Run back towards the Yaschas Massif, you'll find the Mission 8 monster near the waterfall
with the treasure chest. Take it out.
Head to the Archylte Steppe starting point.
Hit up the Mission 9 marker west of the starting point.

Chapter 11 Part 2
Top Contributors: Stephanie Lee, Hector Madrigal, Mogg18 + more

Last Edited: 31 Aug 2016 2:15 pm

Page Tools

Head to the Mission 9 monster. It is almost due north of the mission marker.
Fight the Mission 9 monster.
From the Mission 9 monster, run southeast and hit up the Mission 10 mission marker.
Head northeast to Mah'Habara, the next monster is just before the entrance to the next
Fight the Mission 10 monster.
Run back into the heart Archylte Steppe and hug the cliff that will be to your left. Run past
the Adamantoise and head up north.
Find the Mission 11 statue. You'll know you are getting close when the sky turns green.
Run down due south, just east of the Archylte Steppe starting point and fight the Mission
11 monster.
Head west and stay close to the southern wall until you find yourself in a canyon heading

You'll come to a dead end and the Mission 12 marker.

Activate the marker. Before you take on Mission 12, make sure you've leveled up to the
point that you have at least 2500 HP.
Head north into the plain and go towards the far west, while sticking as far south as you
can, until you hit the Mission 12 monster.
On the way, pick up the chests in the area containing a Librascope, eight Smooth Hide, a
Fire Charm, and an Ice Charm.
Defeating Mission 12 should allow you to pass the red gate that blocked the path where
you got this mission. However, before you head there, head to where you fought the
Mission 11 monster and access the Mission 13 mission marker just east of there.
Run to the save point leading to Mah'Habara. You'll find the Mission 13 monster northeast
of there...kill it.
Head down towards the red gate. On the way, you should find a chest with 2615 Gil, and
on the other side of the lake you'll see the Mission 14 marker.
Accept the mission and head down to the enemy marker.

Watch the cutscene and kill the Mission 14 monster.

Get the treasures in the swamp and then get on a Chocobo.
Time to go treasure hunting! Head out to the Archylte Steppe starting point.
On the way, hop up the hill by the Mission 13 marker- there's a hidden treasure at the top
of the plateau. Dig it up with the Chocobo.
Head due north to the save point. Grab the Mnar Stone in the middle of the lake.
Head north to the other mountain on the other side of the lake and grab the Scarletite from
the chest. Hop over to the neighboring hill and hit up the Mission 15 marker.
Head to the enemy marker and take down Mission 15.
Okay, one more thing. Find and hop on a Chocobo.
Head north to a large rock outcropping. It will be surrounded by Adamantoise-like enemies
and will have the Mission 16 marker on the east side. Navigate around the Adamantoise to
the Chocobo jump on the north side.
Use the Chocobo to dig and find the hidden treasure.
Watch the cutscene with the Cactuar. From this point on, you should find Cactuar here and
there around the plain. They're very fast, so they may be hard to catch. Try beating the
one that's hanging around after the cutscene.
Hop off your Chocobo, grab the treasures on the plateau, and head into Mah'Habara.
NOTE: Before going into Mah'Habara do missions 16 & 17, 18 is in Mah'Habara
Walk along the path.
Grab the Hauteclaire from the chest.
Take a left at the first opportunity. This is a great place to grind enemies for even more
experience. The enemies in this little section die easily and give massive CP. However, do
not trigger the cutscene by the door! It will unleash a powerful Juggernaut, and there is no
way you are powerful enough to take it on...yet. You can come back and show it who's
boss after you beat the game.
Run back down to the main path towards the event marker.
Run and fight the Cryohedrons and Pulsework Centurions.
Run down further. By a single Pulsework Centurion, you should find two treasure chests
that contain four Electrodes and four Chobham Armor. Continue down to the event marker.

When you get to the platform with the mission marker, there are two options: take the first
path to the left to continue along the main story. Take the stairs behind the mission marker
to head along a path that contains several valuable items that can be used to upgrade
your weapons. Battle against a Tyrant and the mission marker for Mission 53. Similar to
the Juggernaut, we recommend you proceed along the main story path and come back
here later.
Proceed along the main path until the save point. Grab the Saint's Amulet along the way.
Save your game, go forward until the fight with Vanille's summon begins.
Boss: Hecatoncheir

For the battle, make sure you've leveled up your HP and physical damage resistance. If
you find yourself running out of time, try setting your initial roles to Saboteur and
Commando to lower his resistance.
Continue to run down the path until you get to the next save point. Grab the Ice Charm
along the way.
At the save point, head down the platform to the right and grab the Particle Accelerator.
Avoid the Juggernaut, and head left where the Pulsework Centurions and Cryohedrons
are. At the next fork in the road, head right and nab the Crystal Oscillator.
Proceed down the path and grab the three Perfect Conductor from the chest.
You should find a switch at the end of the path. Hit it and run down the platform, and hitch
a ride to the lake.
Run towards the event marker. Watch the cutscene, and grab the Strange Fluid.
Hop the stones to the next platform and fight the monsters there. Jump on the platform to
the left. You should see a whirlpool you can interact with. Do it.
This raises two different platforms. The first one is where you watched the last cutscene. It
has valuable treasures; go grab them. You'll have to fight some monsters to get it.
The next is on the far right of a chain of islands to the right of your current platform.
Explore the islands and grab all the treasure there.
Head towards the event marker. Get the Abyssal Scale on your way.
After the cutscene, save your game. Stay on the path.
Grab the Cie'th Tear and continue along the path.
Save your game again and head towards the event marker. Pick up the Sinister Fangs on
the way.
Welcome to the tower! On the first floor, grab the three treasure chests and head towards
the event marker. Hit the switch and head to the second floor.
Second floor: In order to proceed, you'll need to clear Missions 21, 22, and 23. Look at the
Hunts Guide for further information on the location of the monsters. Once you've cleared
the missions, grab the two treasure chests on this floor.
Before proceeding to the next floor, you may want to farm the Pulsework Gladiator here for
experience. They're immobile in their stagger state and extremely easy to kill.
Once satisfied, proceed to the third floor.
On the third floor, head towards the event marker.
Go out into the central corridor. Grab the two Metal Armband from the treasure chest and
take the elevator up to the fourth floor.
On the fourth floor, grab the treasure chest with the Glass Orb. While you can proceed
directly to the sixth floor from the elevator near here, you won't be able to go any farther
unless you hit some switches on the fifth floor. Head to the elevator on the other side of
the floor, and make your way up to the fifth.
In order to proceed, you'll need to complete three more missions, just like the floors below.
The missions are marked one by one by event markers. The Mission 25 marker is actually
located on the sixth floor, so there's a lot of footwork involved. When you activate the
Mission 25 marker, a stairway that leads to the second half of floor five is revealed. Watch
out for the Tyrant. Hit the switch there to unlock the elevator on the sixth floor to proceed.
Go to the seventh floor and hit the switch near the enemies there. This will connect all the
floors to the central elevator. Follow the event markers and take the elevator up to the top
On the top floor, walk around the outside of the ring and grab the Ethersol and the other
treasure chest. Head to the mission marker in the center for the boss battle.
Boss: Dahaka
Party recommendation: Vanile / Fang / Sazh

Paradigm configuration:

 Saboteur / Sentinel / Synergist

 Medic / Sentinel / Synergist
 Medic / Sentinel / Ravager
 Ravager / Commando / Ravager
 Medic / Command / Ravager
 Saboteur / Saboteur / Commando

Start off in configuration one. Cast Deprotect, Slow, and Imperil on the boss. Have Sazh
cast Hast on the whole party. Next, scan the enemy. Switch to configuration two and three
when your health gets low. Once healed, buffed and read, use configurations four and five
to attack and stagger. When the de-buffs on the boss wear off, switch to configuration six
to re-cast and heal.
Once you defeat the boss, follow the mission markers and hitch a ride to Oerba.
Run from the starting save point to the next save point. Hop the broken road and catch the
first left for a treasure chest with Perovskite in it.
Hook a right and run past the Mission 28 marker down the path to the event marker.
Watch the cutscene and head forward into the group of enemies.
Run into the shack and up to the second floor. Activate the robot lying on the floor. Head
out into the main area and grab the part in the junked vehicle.
Run into the orange building. Fight the enemy and grab the part.
Grab the treasure chest by the shack.

Run down the path by the treasure chest and fight the first enemy you see. That should
give you your third part.
Be sure to grab the chest up the stairs to your left; it should contain a Librascope.
Run towards the event marker, but hook a right into the workshop. Grab the fourth part in
there in there, next to the red circle. Stay in the building and head upstairs. Grab the
Moogle Puppetand the Mnar Stone.
Head back downstairs and continue towards the event marker. When you get to the
destroyed road, head left and pick up the treasure from the chest.
Run down the path a bit and pick up the last part.
Head back and activate the robot. Get your stuff and head towards the event marker. Grab
the Taming Pole and Ethersol along the way.
Boss: Barthandelus

Party configuration: Fang / Vanille / Hope

Paradigm configuration:

 Saboteur / Saboteur / Synergist

 Saboteur / Saboteur / Medic
 Commando / Ravager / Ravager
 Commando / Ravager / Medic
 Sentinel / Medic / Medic
 Sentinel / Medic / Synergist
Use configurations one and two to lower the enemy's resistances. Return to these
configurations whenever the status effects disappear. Unless you keep Barthandelus
under the spell of weakening spells, he will be very difficult to take down. Whenever he's
about to unleash his devastating attack, switch to configuration five as soon as possible.
When you get the chance, use configurations three and four to keep his chain gauge
creeping up. Use configuration six if your party is a little lower level and you need to buff in
order to compensate.
Investigate the mission marker.
Head to the airship to end the chapter.

Chapter 12
Top Contributors: Stephanie Lee, Hector Madrigal, Mogg18 + more

Last Edited: 24 Aug 2020 10:40 pm

Page Tools

Boss: Anavatapta Warmech

In gestalt mode, use the left+X or left+A command, in combination with the Circle or B
button command to stagger the enemy. Spam those attacks and the boost is toast.
Run towards the event marker. On the second round circular platform, take the path that
leads southeast. Go straight at the first intersection and you'll find Lightning's best weapon,
the Lionheart.
Return to the round platform. Head due north. Take the first right. Take a right at the dead
end. You'll find a chest with 9240 Gil in it.

Continue to the event marker and watch the cutscene.

Save your game and proceed to the next marker.
Watch the scene and hit up the next marker.
Catch a ride and get ready to battle the Behemoth King .
Run to the next event marker.
Be sure to grab the Rebel Heart along the way.
Just before the next save point is a Otshirvani, the weapon we recommend for Hope.
You'll have to fight the Proto-behemoth to get access to it.
Boss: Proudclad
In order to beat Proudclad easily there is one thing to remember, don't stagger him. If you
do stagger him he will become stronger and regenerate his health. He has a stagger point
of 150%. Here is a good party configuration to have when fighting him. 
Snow/ Sazh/ Lightning 
Here are the recommended Paradigms for the fight:
Protection: Sentinel/ Synergist/ Medic
Cerberus: Commando/ Commando/ Commando
Use Protection as your main Paradigm for Sazh so that he can cast Haste and Bravery.
Then switch to Cerberus to lower Proudclad's HP. Remember DON'T try to stagger him, it
will make the battle much harder. Once his stagger meter starts to fill up or if your party's
health gets low, switch to Protection so you can heal your party and so that the stagger
meter will go down.
After that repeat the process and you will beat Proudclad.
After the fight proceed to the marker just ahead and activate the lift to head down.
Watch the cutscene and then fight the Adamanchelid.
Party: Lightning, Hope, Fang
Paradigms: Bully - Commando, Synergist, Sabouteur
                 Relentless Assault - Ravager, Ravager, Commando
After the brief cutscene save and continue following the path towards the blue cars where
there is an item sphere with the weapon 'Punisher' for Fang (Can also watch Behemoths
being destructive in the distance).
Continue to follow the path to the next marker, then the next marker. Go through all the
fights here, if you get a premptive strike the Pulse creatures and the Cocoon forces will
fight one another making the battles a lot easier.
Once you reach the Adamanchelid's go to the right and you will find an item sphere. On
the opposite side of the main path you will find another item sphere with 5x Perfect
conductors.Continue on down the stairs to the event marker and through the door.
Continue onto the save point.
Past the sav point there are 2 routes, the over pass to the left. It will lead you through all
the fights as well as all the items if you follow the path back around to the ground floor as
well. The first item sphere contains 6x particle accerators in the circle of chairs. The
second one contains Librascope. The 3rd sphere in the main circular area contains 2x
blaze rings. Now head back and fight the Tyrant and continue down the path. Head up the
stairs off to the left to grab the Champions bangle. Continue onto the event marker door
and watch the cutscene.
Head over to the item sphere for Antares Deluxes, Sazh's weapons and then save.
Continue on through all the Pulse creatures to the next event marker and cutscene.
Save after the cutscene, head inside the building and choose one of the item spheres,
once you make the choice the giant annoying walking turtle will destroy the floor so you
can't get the other item. The right one contains a chocobo plushie and the other one
contains particle accelerators. Off to the left hand side through the barriers is an item
sphere with 12x hellish talons. Right hand side contains 17x hellish talons. Head to the
event marker and through the door.
Run to the save point and save your game. Grab the Mistilteinn.
Proceed to the next event marker.
When the cutscene ends, you'll have your choice between a Juggernaut and a Tyrant.
Take on the Juggernaut if you want to outrun the Tyrant. If you want to grind experience,
take on both of them.
Run to the next event marker. Be sure to grab the Power Glove along the way.
Grab the Ethersol from the chest and get ready for another boss.
Boss: Proudclad

Party: Fang / Vanille / Hope


 Sentinel / Medic / Synergist

 Commando / Ravager / Ravager
 Commando / Ravager / Medic
 Sentinel / Medic / Medic

Another boss that is immune to status effects. Good thing you leveled up Vanille's
Saboteur abilities, right?
Start of in configuration one and buff your partners. Use configurations two and three to
boost the enemies chain gauge. When the boss enters Annihilation Mode mode or Aerial
Defense mode, use configurations four to heal and one to re-cast your buffs. When you
take the enemy's health down to the half-way point, he will heal and buff himself. Repeat
the process of buffing and chaining to ground this guy for good.
Save your game and ride up to the central tower.
Chapter 13
Top Contributors: Stephanie Lee, Hector Madrigal, Mogg18 + more

Last Edited: 13 Apr 2012 1:46 am

Page Tools

Head up the stairs into the main chamber.

Watch the cutscene and save your game.

Clear the path to the next event marker and watch the cutscene.
You now have a choice: the gate to your left will warp you to the Edenhall.
The gate to your right will warp you back to The Vallis Media from Chapter 11. Take this
chance to go on additional hunts and optional quests. This will be your last chance to do
so before the final boss.
Once you've played around enough, go to the next platform and save point.
Save your game, but don't go to the event marker just yet. Instead, hop up on the path that
extends on the side opposite the event marker. Run down the path and fight off the Aquila
Velocycle to get access to a Librascope.
Hop up on the series of platforms by the scope. Take on the Megrim Thresher in order to
get access to a Cherub's Crown and Millerite.
Grab the items and head to the event marker.

Interact with the white statue.

Hop on the platform that was to the left of where the statue was.
Get off the platform and take a right at the first intersection.
Continue onto the path above until you find the Supercharger.

Run down to the path below. Continue past the platform that brought you here.
Stick to the right and hop onto the platforms below. Continue on until you find the Perfect
Conductor treasure chest.
Pull a 180 and go down the ramp to find the Turboprop.
Go back up the ramp and hop onto the top platform. Run across and pop up to the
platforms on the opposite side.
Fight the Megrim Thresher and grab the treasure near it.
Run back to the floating platform and ride it back to where the statue was.
Run onto the opposite floating platform and ride it. You should see a chest with twenty
Seaking's Beards. Grab it and proceed to the next event marker.
Along the way you should see a ramp to your left that leads up. Take it.
Grab the Aegisol to the right.
Head to the forked path in the opposite direction and grab the Tear of Woe and Zephyr
Ring from the chests there.
Descend down the ramp and head to the event marker. Pick up the Shamanic Spear along
the way.
Save your game and activate the statue.
Go forward and hop on the platform to the right.
Continue past the first patch of enemies you encounter. The path they guard leads back to
the first white statue you encountered in this chapter.
Continue on going straight and hop onto the path to your left. From that path keep on
going north until you find the chest with the Tetradic Crown.
Follow the next event marker and ride the platform down to the next save point.
Don't jump to the next platform. Instead continue on, hugging the right, and grab the six
Starblossom Seeds.
Make your way to the next event marker. Be sure to grab the Black Mycelium and
Rhodochrosite, along the way.
Activate the statue.
Boss: Bandersnatch and Jabberwocky

Party: Fang / Vanille / Hope

 Sentinel / Medic / Synergist

 Sentinel / Saboteur / Medic
 Saboteur / Ravager / Ravager
 Commando / Ravager / Ravager
 Commando / Medic / Ravager
 Sentinel / Medic / Medic

Jabberwocky will constantly heal Bandersnatch until you take him out, so make him priority
number one. He's weak to elemental magic, so you're going to need Ravagers to take him
down. After buffing your party in configuration one, use configurations three and four to
boost his chain gauge. If you find yourself in trouble, return to configurations one or six to
heal and re-buff. After you've taken out Jabberwocky , turn your attention to Bandersnatch.
He's far more resistant to all damage types, but if you stick with configuration four, you
should be able to take him down eventually.
Watch the cutscene and save your game, and make your way to the next event marker.
Instead of heading to the next event marker, head straight and take on the the Immortal. If
you're having trouble, use Sneaking Smoke to get the jump on him. Once you've taken
care of him, warp through the gate he was guarding.
Grab the Weirding Glyph and Adamant Bangle, then warp through the next gate.

Grab the Scarletite and Elixer, then warp through the gate.
Head towards the event marker.
Save your game and activate the black statue.
Fight the Wladislaus.
Save your game. Run to the event marker. Watch the cutscene and run towards the next
Pick up the chests filled with 3000 and 5000 Gil respectively along the way.
At the top of the ramps you'll encounter Bandersnatch and Jabberwocky; use the same
battle strategy on them that you did earlier.
Continue towards the event marker until you get to the three Sanctum Templar. Take them
down and proceed to the next statue.
Boss: Tiamat Eliminator
Party: Fang / Lightning / Hope

 Sentinel / Medic / Synergist

 Sentinel / Commando / Medic
 Sentinel / Ravager / Ravager
 Commando / Ravager / Ravager
 Commando / Medic / Ravager
 Sentinel / Medic / Medic

This boss switches between different forms, and uses different attacks in each. While he is
in his flying mode, you can't do much other than buff yourself to the max and wait. Use
configuration one for that. When he comes down to the ground to fight, you'll be prepared
to dish out damage quickly in Paradigm configurations three, four and five. If you start
taking a lot of damage while the boss is on the ground, use configurations two in order to
heal while maintaining the chain gauge. If you find yourself in real trouble, switch to
configurations six.
Go to the event marker.
Activate the warp gate.
Save and prepare for the Final Battle.
Boss: Barthandelus

Party: Fang / Vanille / Hope

 Sentinel / Medic / Synergist

 Sentinel / Saboteur / Medic
 Saboteur / Ravager / Ravager
 Commando / Ravager / Ravager
 Commando / Medic / Ravager
 Sentinel / Medic / Medic
Watch out for the boss's Ultima attack. As soon as you see that name flash on the screen,
switch to configuration six- you're going to need it. Other than that, Barthandelus is
basically the same as he was in Chapter 9. Use the same strategies to take him down this
Boss: Orphan - First Form
Buffs and status effects are the name of the game here. It's nearly impossible to take
Orphan down unless you abuse them. Start off by buffing yourself in configuration one and
jamming the enemy up in configuration two. Every now and then the boss will slam down
on the party, reducing HP to one. As soon as you see the attack coming, switch to
configuration six to prepare and stay in that formation until healed.
Orphan's other special attack will cast a variety of status effects on your party. Here too, it
is best to use configuration six. In between buffing and healing, use configurations four
and five to damage the enemy. If you're not in too much danger, use configuration three to
keep your status effects fresh.
Orphan - Second Form
A final boss battle with a time limit? Square-Enix must really hate us. On top of the the
death counter, this form of Orphan is immune to all damage unless broken. Start the battle
by casting Dispel, and then focus on staggering the boss with configuration four. The
damage he deals out is not too threatening, so if you need to heal use configuration five.
Once broken, keep the assault up. Rinse and repeat.

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