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Aliyah Rossa D.



Reaction Paper

Katutubo: Memory of Dances (1998) by Antonio Perez

1. What forms of traditional art can you identify in the videos?

I saw different kinds of traditional arts in the said documentary, such

as songs, dance and drawing. Different tribes were introduced but all of
them have their own versions of these three forms of traditional arts. All of
these art forms were shown as if it’s just a part of their ritual or routine in
their tribe.

2. What do these narratives tell us about the character of traditional arts?

Traditional arts are full of culture, depending on what tribe or place
you are in. And as the outsiders continuously invade their homeland, these
tribesmen are slowly getting influenced by the foreigners’ acts, and leaving
their true culture behind—forgotten.

3. How the artists portrayed in the video?

The following artists shown that the arts that they were doing or
performing were actually for their rituals and traditions’ sake, they think it
is their culture and it is a normal thing to be done in their tribe.

4. What specific factor causes changes in art production?

Like I said before, one of the factors would be different influences
that might change a person’s culture; therefore the kind of art that was
specifically for a certain tradition will drastically change. Second, when a
person from a certain tribe gets to learn the ‘academy’ way of doing arts,
there will be possible change in the art production.

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