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Aliyah Rossa D.

Art Analysis
Cultural Center of the Philippines
I. Description

The subject matter is nature, since the building’s structure was heavily
inspired from a geode, it is a crystal that may look like a rock but it is a
crystal once you get to see its interior. The artworks inside the building is
symbolized as the inner part of the geode, it is where the beauty resides, this
explains the building itself.

The materials used are cement, metal, sand, gravel and other materials
used for construction; the materials used made the building look typical (in
terms of design and color) yet unique since the structure of the building itself
was geometrical.

The dominant elements in the artwork are form, space, color, shape; these
elements are used through the landscape design around the building, the
monotone color of the exterior of the building and the geometrical form of
the building. The unifying features in the artwork are the color and the shape,
because the color of the building seems to be monotone inside out, and so
with the shape of the building.
II. Analysis

The building was built during Marcos’ reign, and it was Imelda Marcos’s
idea to build the Cultural Center of the Philippines. The monotone motif and
symmetrical structure of the building showed the sophistication and intellect
of the Filipinos in the aspect of culture and art, and the fact that it is the inner
beauty of our country, like a geode and we should be proud of it.

When I first visited the place, I was in awe with its vast space and
sophisticated design in and out. Every part of the building I was able to see is
being complemented by the artworks made by our fellow people, which made
it so interesting for me. The contents seen in the building stayed true to its
name, the varieties of culture of Philippines can be seen inside.

The building was made through construction and landscape designing in

order for it to look as it is now. I did like the architecture and the design of
the building; it fits my taste just right. The architecture of this one is different
because it may seem very bland to other’s perspective but it is actually very
rich in meaning and symbolism, like how an artwork should be; it needs to
make the viewer think. The value of this place is very important because it
gives importance to the art that the Filipinos produced and performed, it
shows that the art in our country is actually rich and it should be preserved.
III. Interpretation

I haven’t seen any statements from the architects and designer but I
found one of the statements from the visitors:

“That center makes our Kennedy look cheap. The Filipino architects did a
good job” – Henry Byroade, U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines, 1969-1973

The goal of the building was to be a place of the Filipinos’

masterpieces, it encourages the viewers to appreciate and know the
importance of art in our country. Viewers need to see that a country that
doesn’t appreciate art can’t be a country at all and so with us individually.

“The Cultural Center of the Philippines keeps the joy of art alive and
kicking, that is why it is so significant in our lives to visit this place at least

The evidences seen in the building is the artworks itself and the guests
that goes in and out of the place, both the artists and the viewers in that place
wants to show and prove that the Filipino art is still alive and it should be
included in the pride of the Filipinos. Because Filipinos tend to be
underwhelmed when it comes to the aspect of art, they think it is unnecessary
and they look past its significance; when in reality without art the world is

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