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Part 1: Exam I (20% of the final grade) --- Date: TBA

 Covering: – Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
 Either 40 multiple choice questions Or Short essay questions for one hour.

Part 2: Exam II (20% of the final grade) --- Date: TBA

 Covering: -- Chapters 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14.
 Either 40 multiple choice questions Or Short essay questions for one hour.

Part 3: Final Exam – (20% of the final grade) --- Date: TBA
 Covering: --- Chapters 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22.
 Either 40 multiple choice questions Or Short essay questions for one hour.

Part 4: Case Study I – (20% of the final grade) -- Due: Feb. 28, 2021
To cover all topics; only 4 students per chapter is allowed but each has different case study I.
Select one case study from one of followings class topic chapters: Economists’ View of Behavior;
Exchange and Markets; Demand and Elasticities; Production and Cost; Market Structure; Pricing with
Market Power; Economics of Strategy: Creating & Capture Value; and Incentive Conflicts and Contracts.
You can get articles for your case study from: Either the Harvard Business School Publishing Case library
(Harvard is a fee paying resource) or from any journal or internet.

Part 5: Case Study II – (20% of the final grade) -- Due: Mar. 31, 2021
To cover all topics; 2-3 students per chapter is allowed but each has different case study II.
Select one case study from one of followings class topic chapters: Organizational Architecture; Decision
Rights: The Level of Empowerment; Decision Rights: Bundling Tasks into Jobs and Subunits: Attracting
and Retaining Qualified Employees; Incentive Compensation; Individual Performance Evaluation;
Divisional Performance Evaluation; Corporate Governance; Vertical Integration and Outsourcing;
Leadership; Business Environment; and Ethics and Organizational Architecture.
You can get articles for your case study from: Either the Harvard Business School Publishing Case library
(Harvard is a fee paying resource) or from any journal or internet.

Case Studies Guidelines and Rubrics

# Topic Grade % scores
1 Project’s Title
2 Part I: Introduction: Include: 1% of final grade 5% 1 page maximum
(a) Your research questions
(b) Your case study method
3. Part II: Literature Review. 4.0% of final grade 20% 2 pages maximum
This is just the theoretical facts to
back up your topic.
4. Part III: Data to back up your topic. 4.0% of final grade 20% 2 pages maximum
5. Part IV: Analysis and discussion. 4.0% of final grade 20% 2 pages maximum
6 Part V: Conclusion 1.0% of final grade 5% 1 page maximum
7. Part VI: Reference 1.0% of final grade 5% 2 references maximum
8. Part VII: Class Presentations 5.0% of final grade 25% Power point required.
1. Select one paper as a case study from the course topic areas of case studies I and II.
To cover all topics; only 4 students per chapter is allowed but each has different case study I.
To cover all topics; 2-3 students per chapter is allowed but each has different case study II.

There are free case studies in the internet rather than going to Harvard Business School where you
would have to pay for the selected case studies.
Submit each group list for Case Study I (Theory Section) by Monday, Feb. 15, 2021.
Submit each group list for Case Study II (Applied Section) by Monday, Mar. 1, 2021.

2. The requirements for the introduction:

(a) You need your own research questions (why you chose the paper or topic)
(b) Your own research (case study) methodology (not authors).

3. The requirement for the literature review:

(a) This is just the theoretical facts to back up your topic.
(b) Every case study needs a theoretical background --- (from the paper and your textbook).
(c) You need to link the case study paper’s theory to what your textbook mentioned on the
topic that you are reviewing or case studying. For example, you can argue that the paper
either have or do not have the same view points as the book; and back this up with one or
two citations.

4. The requirement for the data:

(a) Data to back up your topic.
(b) Data is a numerical table from your paper.
Without data; there is no analysis and Discussion; and there is no Conclusion.
(c) You cannot analyze or discuss the data that you did not have or presented in the paper.
(d) Without data, you cannot conclude anything.

5. The requirement for the analysis and discussion:

(a) This is just a mere explanation of the data that you provided in your paper.
(b) You are free to agree or disagree with the author of the paper being reviewed.

6. The requirement for the conclusion:

(a) This is just the summary of your analysis and discussion.
(b) You are free to express your own opinion in this section.

7. The requirement for the reference:

You need only two references: (a) the paper you case studied; and (b) your textbook.

8. The requirement for the presentation:

(a) You need power point slides of not more than 10 slides; submit this to the instructor.
(b) All students doing case study in the same chapter must do their presentations in 1 day.
(c) Class presentations will be on class days starting from March 2021.

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