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The Veterinary Journal 198 (2013) 5–6

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The Veterinary Journal

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Guest Editorial

Contagious agalactia: The shepherd’s nightmare

‘Fino a quando non saranno disponibili metodi diagnostici efficaci The main impediments to successful control of CA are a lack of
ed unvaccino protettivo, l’agalassia contagiosa continuera a rap- awareness and agreement internationally on the way forward.
presentare un incubo per I pastori Siciliani’ (‘Until there are effec- France favours culling of affected flocks, while Italy, Spain and
tive diagnostics and a protective vaccine, contagious agalactia will Greece use a mixture of antimicrobial agents and vaccination in
remain a nightmare for Sicilian farmers’) (Mirri, 1956). their endemically affected areas.
Recent in vitro data has shown that most antibiotics are effec-
Although there have been some improvements in diagnostics tive against M. agalactiae, which is in sharp contrast with the clo-
over the last 60 years since Professor Adelmo Mirri’s prediction, a sely related pathogen of cattle, Mycoplasma bovis. This reflects
good vaccine for contagious agalactia (CA) is still a long way off the industrial scale of much cattle production where, because of
and the disease continues to haunt shepherds worldwide. The widespread use, virtually all classes of antimicrobial agents are
review by Dr Ángel Gómez-Martín and colleagues of the University poorly effective. However the actual experience of antibiotic usage
of Murcia, Spain, in this issue of The Veterinary Journal describes on small ruminant farms is less satisfactory and their use, while
some of these developments (Gómez-Martín et al., 2013). bringing about a quick clinical improvement, leaves long-term
CA is probably one of the least well known of the diseases listed shedders contaminating the environment and posing risks to sus-
by the World Association for Animal Health (OIE) for their ceptible animals.
socio-economic impact, mainly because it is a disease felt by poor Vaccination also leaves a lot to be desired. The majority are for-
farmers often subsisting on marginal land who have a relatively malin-inactivated whole cell vaccines containing M. agalactiae and
small voice in the livestock industry. It is primarily a disease of one or more of the other causative mycoplasmas, with limited or
sheep and goats that are kept for milk and dairy products using no published efficacy. One inactivated vaccine could not protect
traditional husbandry rather than for production on an industrial sheep from natural challenge, despite three annual vaccinations
scale. Consequently, its impact is localised, but can be very high, over the previous 3 years (Leon Vizcaino et al., 1995). More re-
particularly where this type of farming represents the major source cently, in a small trial, no potency was evident in a similar com-
of income for the individual farmers. The low profit margins seen mercial product following contact challenge (Agnone et al.,
in this type of farming mean that there is rarely interest from 2013). Interestingly, a live attenuated vaccine, used successfully
commercial companies in making improvements to traditional, in Turkey for many decades, was safe and protective. While larger
and sometimes ineffective, control measures and diagnostic tools. trials of commercial products are necessary, consideration should
CA is an ancient disease, first described in Italy in the early be given to using live vaccines (which are presently not allowed
19th century, where it was known as ‘mal di sito’ because of its in Europe) in endemically affected areas. The development of
persistence on farms, enabling the contamination of successive DNA vaccines or recombinant vaccines has been reported, but
flocks and herds. The disease is first noticed when milk produc- these have not yet been used in the field.
tion falls, usually a few days after the introduction of healthy The inability to control CA in some parts of southern Europe is
carriers or from mixing with affected herds at pasture or water compounded by unnecessarily strict local veterinary legislation,
sources. Milk becomes abnormal and mastitic, then production which discourages farmers and veterinarians from reporting out-
ceases in one or both udders, often permanently. Keratoconjunc- breaks. The prohibition on selling milk and delays in lifting restric-
tivitis and arthritis are chronic sequelae, particularly severe in tions can have a serious impact on the income of these small
young animals, preventing them from keeping up with the rest farmers. Consequently, the present number of reported outbreaks
of the group during transhumance and other animal movements. represents a large under-estimate. If the true socio-economic im-
CA is found wherever sheep and goats are kept, but concentrated pact was known, then this may stimulate public veterinary services
in countries surrounding the Mediterranean and western Asia, to instigate comprehensive control programmes.
especially in Iran and Mongolia, where large numbers of As with many mycoplasma diseases, early diagnosis is essential
outbreaks are reported. for successful treatment and control of outbreaks. Methods out-
Unusually for an OIE disease, four agents, all mycoplasmas, are lined in the review by Gómez-Martín et al. (2013), in particular
listed as causing a clinically indistinguishable syndrome, although the use of real time PCR, offer the possibility of rapid and sensitive
Mycoplasma agalactiae accounts for more than 80% of these infec- detection of the causative mycoplasma directly in both the
tions; the other three pathogens are more often found in goats. There individual animal and in bulk tank milk. Another DNA amplifica-
are indications that the disease is spreading, with increasing tion test, PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE),
numbers of cases being seen in France and new outbreaks in Corsica. has the added advantage of allowing the simultaneous detection

1090-0233/$ - see front matter Crown Copyright Ó 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
6 Guest Editorial / The Veterinary Journal 198 (2013) 5–6

of all causative mycoplasmas in a single PCR reaction (McAuliffe

Robin A.J. Nicholas
et al., 2005). These tests should be rolled out to all laboratories
Mycoplasma Group
involved in CA diagnosis for the monitoring of flock and herd
Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA)
health to enable a rapid response to disease outbreaks and to gauge
the true extent of the disease.
Addlestone, Surrey KT15 3NB, UK
Finally, an area requiring more research is the association be-
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tween M. agalactiae and the central nervous system. Gómez-Martín
et al. (2013) review some of the reports of neurological disease
associated with CA. At the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale
(IZS) in Palermo, pioneering work on vaccines against CA was car-
ried out by Professor Mirri and colleagues in the 1950s (Mirri and
Gallo, 1954). Although discontinued now for obvious safety rea- References
sons, the first so-called farm vaccines were made from a combina-
Agnone, A., La Manna, M., Sireci, G., Puleio, R., Usticano, A., Ozdemir, O., Nicholas,
tion of infected mammary glands and, surprisingly, brain tissue R.A.J., Chiaracane, V., Dieli, F., Di Marco, M., Loria, G.R., 2013. A comparison of
inactivated with formalin. A few years ago, we had the privilege the efficacy of commercial and experimental vaccines for contagious agalactia
of discovering Professor Mirri’s original research notes at the IZS in sheep. Small Ruminant Research 112, 230–234.
Gómez-Martín, A., Amores, J., Paterna, A., De la Fe, C., 2013. Contagious agalactia
library in Palermo and can confirm that the brain, obtained due to Mycoplasma species in small dairy ruminants: Epidemiology and
from naturally infected sheep, contained high concentrations of prospects for diagnosis and control. The Veterinary Journal 198, 48–56.
mycoplasma antigen, second only to the udder. How the Leon Vizcaino, L., Garrido Abellan, F., Cubero Pablo, M.J., Perales, A., 1995.
Immunoprophylaxis of caprine contagious agalactia due to Mycoplasma
mycoplasma colonises the brain, and what effect this has, is agalactiae with an inactivated vaccine. Veterinary Record 137, 266–269.
presently uncertain, but may account for a high percentage of McAuliffe, L., Ellis, R., Lawes, J., Ayling, R.D., Nicholas, R.A.J., 2005. 16S rDNA and
undiagnosed inflammatory lesions presently classified as DGGE: A single generic test for detecting and differentiating Mycoplasma
species. Journal of Medical Microbiology 54, 1–9.
non-suppurative encephalitis. Mirri, A., Gallo, C., 1954. Sull’eziologia dell’agalassia contagiosa degli ovini e
dei caprini. Bollettino della Societa Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale 30,
Guido Ruggero Loria 56–58.
Mirri, A., 1956. Agalassia contagiosa degli ovini e dei caprini. In: Stazzi, P., Mirri, A.
Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Sicilia
(Eds.), Trattato di Malattie Infettive degli Animali Domestici, Ninth Ed.
Via G. Marinuzzi 3, 90129 Palermo, Italy Cisalpino Editore, Palermo, Italy, pp. 881–891.
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