Our Town July 17, 1947

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ForbidAp~rtlt1entsto Burri Garbage ,

• Paralysis Cases With C~mplaints
In Haverfor·d From Residents
, Claim Burning Embers,
• Narberth Boro and Black Smo~e,. Odors '
Lower Merion Remain Engulf Homes
• Free .of Disease Smoke ':from Incinerators of
While two new cases of polio ap- apaltment buildings In Narberth
peared this week In Haverford brought a cloud of complaints to
Township, the picture remained Borough Council Ilt Its regUlar
• clear In both Lower Merion and meeting Monday night.
Narberth, according to the Boards Several residents, who live In the
of Health of the two communities. immediate vicinity of two of the
The new cases were: apartments, stated that burnin~
Mrs. Jane Tickner, 5).6 Virginia I bils of paper, black slmoke and ob-
Ave., Manoa. noxious odors engulfed their home.
Michael Peter Corbett, 6, 24.33 every day and had done so for
Merwood Lane, Merwood.' From left to right at Colonial Village Swimming Pool are Sail y COUSins, St. Davids; Katy Jenn Ings, Narberth; Jean Reed. Cyn- years.
Mrs. Tickner became ill shortly wyd: Carol Ballagh, CynwYd; Barbara Freney, Rosemont; Marilyn Miller; Narberth; Lydia White, Bryn Mawr; Barbara Johnson, Mer- George B. Suplee, Borough build-

-Photo courtesy Phila, Iunquircr

after her elght-year-old son, Alex
M. Tickner, Jr., returned home
ion; Barbara Straub, Philadelphia.
ing InspectOl'. stated that during
the past severlll months both 'he

.Andrew Horsley, 7, of Narberth, listened with a mixture of delight
and curiosity Saturday as Jeann e Rus~ell, of Norristown, played
from Doctors' Hospital, dismissed
after doctors there dlsagrced about
diagnosis. "Sandy" was taken III
Narberth F a~~s Listless Primary; CLERK-CARRIER OPENING
and the fil'e chief had made 1'1'.
peated. inspections of the buildings,
The trouble is caused, he sh.ted,
by the fact that the buildings al'8
:far them before the Philadelph ia Orang-emen'!> parade in cele- three weeks ago, but came home Among the 135 men and women
No Contests Seen for Vacancies The Narberth post office has an i equipped with only one incinerator,
bration of the 257th anniversary of the Battle. of the Boyne, An
all·dllY outing In Woodside Par k followed the parade,
after It was decided he "definitely
did not have pallo," HI, mother
remained with him all the time he
selected for jury duty In the Sep-.
tember term of Criminal Court at I
o?enln g for a substitute clerk-car· built to handle only paper, but
Narberth Borough this week Charles Nev ns, steel company ner, t WIU! announc!!d this week oy which Is being used to burn all.
Norrlstowrl 81'e the followlngl from faced the listless prospect o( one salesman, of 4.03 Woodside Ave" PO!ltmaster .JOseph L. Kelley. ,trash and garbage dlscal'ded by the
was In the hosptal. Saturday she I this area: Eleanor Beach, Ard- of the qUietest 'prlmarles In Its Is cirCUlating petitions for the Re- I To. fill thiS pos.t, the, U. S. Clnl tenants,

herself fell Ill, and on TueSdal"
night she was taken to Delaware
County Hospital. Her husband, late
Wednesday night, described her
more; John Blair, Ardmore; Hey- political history.
land Greaves, Haverford; Muy
' .
Unless former Magis t ra t e F 1'1' d publican nominatIOn,
J Sel'vlce Commlsslon WIll hold dn He also pointed out that he had
open campI' tltl ve exam Ina ti on f01' sent a letter to one of the Ilpal't-
Gregory, Bala; Mary Harvey, Bryn C. Walzer returns to take up some directorship that J. L. McCrery left probational appointments to the ment managers stating that grate.
Mawr; Mary Hess, Narberth; kind of cudgel or citizens bestir the School Board, one of them the postions of substitute clerk and on the incinerator of his building I
condition as "not so good," • Cleveland A. Conner, Ardmorll; thems;lves, there are good indilla- rigan will be candidates again, but substitute carrier. Applicants mu,t were worn and would have to be
News that John J. (Jack) HInch- Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emma Kuen, Bala-Cynwyd; Olive t10ns that neither the Republicans open when he resigned on JUly 1. file application card form 5000·AB 1 replaced.
ey had been appointed Lower Mer- William P. Corbett, first became ill O'Su1llvan, Narberth; Nellie K. or Democrats will have any con- The other three school dlrectoI'B, with the director, Third U. S. Civil Suplee stated that he had gone
ion High's head basketball coach on July 8. On July 11 he was taken Wack, Bryn Mawr; Miriam Wal. tests for party nominations. whose terml will expire, are Mrs. Service Region, Custom House, 2nd as far as he could In the matter
B~' ANNE B. McCLELLAN was welcomed by most Main Line to Fitzgerald-Mercy Hospital, and leigh, Ardmore; Margaret Rldg'!-
If anything is going to happen W. G. Briner, C. Y. Narrlgan and and Chestnut sts., Philadelph a, without councilmanic ruling on the
fans even as they mourned the loss on July 15 the Board at Health way, Bala-Cynwyd, and Myrtle to challenge the power of the local C. H. Nold, Mrs. Bdner and Nar- not later t.n the close of business matter of g-arbage collection for the
The Bora's pou I ar t ax co II ec t or '
John R, Hall just can't stay away., of Ollie Robinson. . , was notified that his case had been Rowley. Ardmore. organization lineup it will have ~o rigan w II be candidates again; but July 21, 1947, apat·tments,
• . . Seems he and hii' family are
· .
vaca t lomng- . 0 cean Grove ,N. .
Hinchey, on.e of Bill Anderson s diagnosed as polio. At press time
J I most apt •

long had seemed his psrents repol·ted that his con-I
• , , Wednesday he came up for the I ~he logICal cholcc to succeed Andy dltion .was "very gOOd. Indeed." and
Woman R'
- - - - ' . - - - - - - - - - - - - - happen quickly, Monday, July 21, Nold Is ·retiring.

eturns Is the IMt date on which nomina-

tlon petitions can be filed.
Applicants ma"v obtain full infol'·

field for the RepUblican nomino1- Narbel'th post office.

Accol'ding to an old agreement
Thel'e Is one candidate In the malion on requirements from the reached between the apal·tment
managers and members at Coun-

day to see what was happening in II! the latter e~er left L. M. Jack, that hIS case was beheved to have
+ + +
' howe\'er, was In the AI'my when been a very light one.
Anderson resigned to accept the Ot the three cases In Haverfol'd
'1000 D·lamOn
.d I Three positions are to be filled t on of school dlrectol', She Is Mrs.
on the Borough Council and four Ingebol'g Thaysen Bobb, of 131
ion the School Boal·d. Haverford Ave., wife of Frederick
Four WI·,1 Attend cil, the BOI'ough is not required to
collect the garbage from the build-
ings, a factor Instrumental in low-
Mrs, ~rJ:"e B. Suplef', of 3151 athletic directorship at Lafayette Township last week, only one re-
'Voodslde Ave., Narherth, droye to 1 College.
'Vashington, D. C., vVednesday, to i Consequently Ollle was tap-
mains under care. She Is 14.-year-
old Jaqueline Bradley, 227 Mf!r-
Ring Left in
Washroom "By l
Councilmen whose terms expire M. RObb, Jr., magazine writer. The
this year are Robert M. Cameron, couple has a daughter. Joan, eight.
William P. Davies and Franklin Mrs. Robb was president of the
SCOOt Jamboree ering thc assessment of the apart-
Henry A. Frye, Borough solicitor,
vl!!it her son-in-law and daughter, I perl. Roblns~n never was too wood Lane, Meron Golf Manor, i Hutchinflon. Cameron and Davies Narberth Junior Women's Com- pointed out that if the building
d d Mrs Rohert Dowd I lu~en on the Job, but he ste'pped who is reported recovering In Br)'n Mistake:" Owner are l~nnIng f or re-e I1'1' tl on, b U t munlty Club from 1943 to 1946. She World Gather in Scouts managers Wl're ordered to stop
C omman er a n . I Int.o basketball's biggest shoes
, . . when !!he r.eturns on Sunday.j wit bout askln/\" any favors. In Mawr Hospital, Lower Merion police, goIng p~or Hutchinson is retlrl.n g . is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paris. France for First burning gal'bage in the incineratora
she'll bring with her her grand- his first season, Rohlnson Kuld- Mrs, Mary McCloskey; 504. Vlr- F th H t h Carl A. Thaysen, of Cynwyd. and have no other means of dl s -
old Dlogenes one better, this weelt I or I' u c 111son vacancy Since Time Warposal, the Borough will be forced

st.'/2 Held I·n Theft I32 TraIf·IC Deat'-h s

daughter, Bart;;I'a Claire. ed I.ower Merion to a tie for <Continued on Page Four)
+ + + the section One title after a found an honest woman I to collect the garbage and hold the
Mrs. Samuf'1 .J. MeCartne;\" and ':::':::':::.•:,: Frank Opfel, 1515 Br~ddock Four Boy Scouts of the Valley apartment liable (or costs.
her daughtpr. Mrs. Robert Leekley I Forrest May. Be p. L.Isfed·' C Forge Council will attend the Sixth Another solution, suggested by

m~ss-! Of Cemetery Ipe

were both born on July 19. , ..The I SplUsburg, Pa., reported to police World Jamboree of Boy Scouts at Suplee. would be for the apartment
1\1cCal·tne~·s, thl'refol'c, will leave I Orga'nization Hope on Friday night that ~e was 'In ounty Molsson. nea,r Paris, France, be., houses to Install a second incinera·
FridllY for 'Westport, Conn., where i Ing a $1000 diamond rmg. HangmgJ . ginning thls~onth. tor for the express purpo~e of burn-
-~ the Ll~ckleys live so that the two I
c'ln have a 'Joint, birthday- celebl'a-I
-ToLicl Srr illi.e J.Jls ht'J!.1i a lim" be lI.ald he'd gon" I' ,On~ Pltiladefpbia.. Man I' ,County. ·C~roner~R..eJ)C)rtl .• They al'e pnr)- JI. Hug-gIn!', 15. ll'g' the garbage.
301 SaganlOI' Rd., Havertown; E;'- I 'u,ttei·s:· signed by Suplee, were
_ntlrelY by mistake-In the wom~ When

tion. .
Mrs. McCartney's niece, Mrs. Dan
I.andf'rs and new baby son, Steven
E. Arnold Forrest, Consho-
hocken attorney, It appeared
yesterday, will be the candidate
an's rest rOom of the Atlantic nIlS
station at 54th and City Line Ave, II
M d R 't
a e esb u on
He On Fatal Accident&
First Half ;of Year
win A. Fiero, Jr., and Edwal'd sent out this' week to the apart-
R. Seymour, lboth of the Ardmore ment managers, notifying them
Tl'OOP 1, and Kendail Kurtz, of that the garbage-burning must stop
Merle Landp.rs, born July 7 in Bryn that the Montgomery County He removed the ring while wuh- Two Philadelphia men were held Thh·ty-two persons were killed In Merion Senior Outfit 30. They will and of the action the Borough will
ltepublican Organization Is
Mawr Hospital arc visiting hpI·. , ..
preparing to enter against the
. .
mg hIS handa, and lett It on the I M
on larceny Charges by a Lower
it s ra t e thl s wee k ,on C oun t y d ur Ing th e fi rs t s lx o
m tnh s near Sumner, Pa., where they will I
traffic accidents In Montgomel'y leave today for Camp Hart, Pa., take If the notice is not heeded.
Mrs. Landers Is the former Betty
Lou Weber, who lived with h:-I' i
district attorney Incumbent,
erOn mag
wash-stand. Attendants tOI.d police charges of stealing lead pipe from of 1947. be assembled into h'oops, with a Gladwynne Boys
aunt whilp. in training as a nurse m
Bryn Mawr Hospital.
+ + + I
FrederiCk B. Smillie.
Talk' of Forrest's candidacy
came out Of a clear sky as
they had not found the r111g, and the West Laurel Hill Cemetery.
an Investigation was begun. Robert Mayo, 26. of 1425 West
At 6.10 p. M, police got another Norris st., Philadelphia. made res-
This compares with 33 deaths for leader for each 32 Scouts.
the same period In 1946. The flg- The Scouts from Region No. 31
urI'S were released this week by will then move over to Camp KiI-
PIaque W.InnerS .
Former BOI a Il'i'idents Mr. and I' political bets at the beginning call-from Mrs. C. O. Hyde, 1120 tHution and was dismissed by Mag- Miss Dorothy Jt0bbins, secretary to mer, ¥. J., on Sunday, July :!Il, I
Mrs. "'harton B. Carroll, who now of the week were that the Or- East D St., Tacoma, Wash., regls- Istrate Joseph B. Allen Monday Montgomery County Coroner W. J. where they will join additlOn""1 Boy Scout Troop No.1, of Glad-
live in W'ynnewood, have returned ganization would wind up by tel'ed at a Philadelphia hotel. Mrl!. night. Carl A. Sampson, 25, at 1639 Rushong, who said that the pres- Scouts from all over the United wynne won the Main Line District
from a three-weeks motor trip to placing Smillie on the ticket. Hyde had the ring, all right. Wife North Gratz St., Philadelphia.. was ent figure is exactly one half of the States. Approximately 1100 Scouts plaque at the JUly Board of Re-
Maine. Forrest, who is president of of an executive of the Marine Iron held in $500 bail when police learn- total deaths from tarftic accidents and leaders will leave the countrv, view and Court of Honor, held last
+ + + the Montgomery Comi.ty Bar Works. Tacoma, she was en route I'd he had a previous record of lar- in 194.6. on July 24, on the SS Genel'al C. Ii I week In Ardmore. The troop scor-
The Richard Burgstresllers and
their daughtl'<r, Jane. of Chl!st nut
Ave., Narberth, rccently return~d IN TIlE SERVICE
Association, is expected to have
the backing of Its members, the
majority of whom have been
to Philadelphia and a vacation ceny.
when she visited the washroom at
the Atlantic station.
Lower Merion detectives charged
that on two occasions the men
coroner Investigated 236 deaths, of glum', on Aug. 2.
which 134. were from natural. They will tour Europe until Aug. month.
During the last six months. the Mull' to arrive in Antwerp Bel· I ed the highest number of points for
advancement during the past
from a week in \Vildfood.
+ + + miserable beginning. The Ard- after Smilie's scalp for some The finder d,oes not, however, took 6-inch lead pipe, belonging
share the police s faith In the rela-, to the Pencoyd Iron 'Vorks, using a
9, when the Jamboree begins. .After I Bala Troop No. 1 was a clos.
time, Forrest is also solicitor , month for fatal automo- It s case,
I on A ug. 18, th ey WI'11 t a k e I second Scouts In the , Gladwyne
A group of enterprising Narberth
girls hired themselves a brand new
more Aces later subdued Upper
Darb~' in a thrill-packed pla~'-
off. for the Montgomery County
commissioners. It now remains
Uve honesty of human nature. Rea-, blow-torch to cut the pipe Into
h d'dn't jU t t th 1'1 g
btle aCCIdents was March, w th
iJune ran a close second, a I ona ours In
I t - th "'t
e VICllll y 10
I '
t troop al'e' John T Steven JOhn M.
• '. .'. '
son s I' I S urn e 11 short lengths. . , P a r i s and they leave from LeHavre, J. Kenned), FI ankhn Anhorn, Jr.,
car and have dri\-en to Canada for The wolves were on Ollie last over to the station attendants, she The pipe was fil'st reported miss- with eIght. Other months totals F rance, on A ug. 22 ,al'l'vl11g . t and Walt Vander-Veur all to see-
to be seen whether Smillie will
a two-weeks' vacation . • . drivers season and Lowel' Merion didn't Ii
reported, was that. she li a.d had Ing on JUly 9. On JUly 12, ceme- were: Janusry. tlve; F e b I'uary, St t
are Dorothy 'Vilson and Dorothy fare too fOl·tunately. With most of • make good his threat to place
"unfortunate expe~,lences WIth gas tery employes called police and re-
th e A'I th d M th
.rehe afn t I laY tr~el'
I I d A
a en s an ug.
. I and class; Andy Harvey, Loui.
Beatty . . . the others are MiI- the previous year's Section One
d d Clark Lide Johnston and title team lost, L. M. fioun«;lered
1'1', . almost from the outset. Robmson
part of another ticket In the
field If he doesn't receive the
Organization's endors~ent.
station attendants before. ported seeing the truck and the
Treh ; prl,
ere were elg t a a n d us rIa
accidents during the first half of Raymond L. Huggins, has been a
Huggins, the son o( Mr. and Mrs" O'Callaghan and Ral'mond Sala-
manca mel'it badges.
scou~s of other troops to advance
Helen Gara all Borough-Ites . . . probably wasn't too deeply disap-
two men on the premises. Scout for three years, and a Cub I

empers FIare at
and Mabcl Yates of Germantown, pointed when Hinchey put In an <Continued on Page Four) for three beiore that. HI' is now B I were:
.. + + COST TAXPAYERS $160 . : .Ardmol·e No.1-Ranson Shoup
appearance. It's no joke, son, run-
'Wanda Hl'ckel of 104 Chestnut !ling a basket~al1 team . . . and
Star Scout. a den chief and semor I and Bill Manthorp, second class.
~A.tr~ leader of BrOOkline Troop II Bala No. l~Dan Hickey, Jr.,
Ave. Narberth, and hcr date, really In Lower. MerIon they take the
worked for a swim on Sunday.. " sport
'em thatserIously.
way Andcrson made.
PUbl·IC Hearlng
· , Opening of a new pUblic parking
lot at tlTe rear of 102 Conway Ave. o. I Kenneth Burgess, R. Chekejlan and
Seems they had no transportation Hinchey is a personable chap
on June 30 cost the Borough $160,
It was disclosed Monday.
Harry L. HaWkins, of 316 Kent
Rd., Bala-Cynwyd, was formerly In- ·R TO"","N
Mathew E, C, Swain. second class;
,Randl' Sawyer and Don Hodgson,
from the 'Vayne train station to
Martin's Dam, so they hiltI'd almost
the whole way before a passing mo-
torist took pity on them and gavc
Who appears to have obtained
(Continued on Page Four)
Heated discussion by residents of
Manor Rd., Penn Valley, marked
a public hearing Wednesday night
William P. Davies, chairman of I stalled as new president of the Poor
the Borough Council property com-r Richard CIl,1b at a luncheon recent-
mlttee. reported that the money ly, He succeeds Benjamin F. James,
au merit badges.
Bryn Mawr No. l-Rohert Sny-
der, second class, and Fred Lippin-
on a proposal before Lower Merion was spent fOr grading. labor. cln- president of the ·Franklln Printing , PRESENTS cott, merit badge.
them a lift.
Township commisslonel's to open
and make It public. of the lot that daytime parking I
del'S and a sign which told patrons Co., Philadeiphla.
Hawldns, national advel'tlsing A Weekly Radio Program
Bryn Mawl' No.3-John Curvan,
merit badge.
Play Equipment PI'operty owners, wbo would he
requh'e to pay fifty percent of the
only was permitted.
• I
managel' of the Evening Bulletin,
has been a member of the' organl- At 4:30 P. M.
Merion, No. 1-J. N. Bartlett,
merit badge and, Richard White,
second cl~ss.
Speaker's Topic cost of paving and curbing lhe
road, protested that they prefer It
Robert H. Reed, of 4.01 Anthwyn
zation for several years.
Other officers Installed were: Penn-Wynne No.1-Bill Green-
Every Thursday Afternoon lease and Gene \Ville, medt badges,
in Its present unpaved condition. Rd., !'farberth, has been selected I James J. D. Splllan, fi}'st vice
B-C Lions ClubHears "This Is no time to pave a road. for membership to the Skyline, gov- president; Harry S. LeDuc, second I On Sunday the Main Line Dis-
Hyde W. Ballard,' with building costs and materal ernlng board
of the Mountain Club vice president; A. C. Kunkel, sec-,;I On WNAR, 1110 on Your Dial trict executive committee and com-
costs as they are now," one tax- of Middlebury College, Middlebury, retary, and Robert P, Lukens, I missioners held a joint meeting and
• Candidate <Continued on Page Four) Vermont. treasurer. i , •• news slIlIllnary or local nents
an Impection of the new Improve-
ments at Camp Delmont.
Hyde W. Ballard, candidate for i
Lower Merion Township School DI- HOSPIT~L VIEWPOINT:

rector, told members of the Bala·
Cynwyd Lions Club that every
~r~DI:~~M~lIroPbu:a~~;:te~; BIQnde Model Who Stole for Love
school yard in the township should Two Local Hospitals. Bel ieve They Are Me'eting honor this Saturday, when
F" d $1 an d Paro 1ed by Court
be provided with first-class equip- WPEN's "So You Want to Be
a Disc Jockey" progl'am Is 'lne
ment by the School Board without
any pressure from outside groups, ~inimum Wage and.Hour Standards for Nurses broadcast from Fred Dannen-
hauer's record and radio shop
The AI'dmol'e blonde who stole th " h dd d "A f
symp.a l', s I' a e. s or me,
Speaking at a meeting of the
Tuesday night, Billiard Editor's Note: This Is the first of
a serlE'S of articles on nurslnK
t~·~~~I~I~~n~n!i-ri'i:K:Tv~~tm: ~~~:
"These standards stili do not
equal those "ah'eady In elfect In
New York, or even In Vetel'ans
I fecI we' are paying reasonable
Paxson also said that nUl'ses at
on E ssex A VI'. W eems, w h ose
song, "Heal·taches," Is cUl'l'ently
enjoying nation-wide populal'-
$1000 worth of jeweh'y f!'Om a all I want Is my jeweh·y."
According to detectives, a part
neighbor was fined $1 and costs, of the jail ~entence was restitution
and sentensed to 40 days In jail of the stolen at'tlcles. Since Mrs.
•• "Every school yard In the Town-
ship should have first-class play ~~U~;~ w~ttwle~lll~lt~~~~ n~~~~:' Administration hospitals 1n our Delaware County .Hospltal . have Ity, will autogl'aph Majestic by Judge Corson, FI·iday. King declarcd on the day of her
equipment similar to that which ,·Iewpolnt. own state,,~ reported Letitia Wil- worked a 4.5 hour week for five reCOrds at the Dannenhauer Because Mrs. Helen King h:ld arrest that she could not recall
was recently Installed at the Cyn- Hospitals In. this area, are fac- son, R. N., president. "These fig- years. to store frC?m noon to 3 P. M. alt'eady spent the 40 days In County whel'e she had sold fne three dia-
wyd School. It Is regrettable thnt Ing the demands of the Pennsyl- urI's are as conservative as poss- He joined other hospital ofticlals Prison while bel' case was being mond rings, one an engagement
pressure had to be brought on the Ivania state NUrses' Association un Ible," In the belief that a 4.0 hour week- HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT investigated, the COUI·t released her ring, and the gold wrist watch, Mrs.
Boal'd by organizations such l\s 'minimum wages, expressed confl- Charles S. Paxson, Jr., sup~rvlsor which the association hopes to see on parole at once. When first aI'- Dougherty's only reCOUl'se I. to
yours, the Cynwyd Parent Study dence ,this week that their pay of Delaware Cou,nty Ho!'pital, who enforce'd by 194.8-ls an utter 1m- SPENT $1718 IN JUNE ralgned she told the court her "lOve take the case to civil court.
• group and the Bala-Cynwyd Neigh- scales already meet requested stan- III also president of the Philadelphid. .possibility, '. William S. Thompson, chairman for her hU8band" led her to steal. Mrs. King's husband, Bernard, 22,
borhood Club to obtain this equip- dards. Hospital Association, said that Del- The nursing Iltalf at Delaware of Narberth Borough Council's But Mrs. Mary Constance DOllgh- te8tlfied on June 6 that he waa re-
ment. Delaware County Hospital, pro- aware County pays a minimum $120 County Is full, no nurse has too h'ghway committee, reported Mon- erty, mother of two. from whom sponsible fOl' his wife's thefts. Ad-
"It should have been provided ducing figures, showed how Itl! for 8ta.lf n u r s e s , ' many patients to care for properly, day night that the committee au- Mrs, King tbok the jewelry In Sep· mlturlg ·.he was a "good-time Char-
long before this by OUr board as a wages stack up beside those of the "This Is only part of the picture, he Bald, and they do not look for thorlzed expenditures amounting to tember, was not happy about the lie" since his return from service,
• necessary part of the educational professional nurses' aIIs'oclation however," he pointed out. "It any dlftirulty over wages In the $1718.95 for ~ork during June. verdict. N he sbbbingly told the court that he
program of the school system," scales. Bryn Mawr Hospital de- would be hard to figure three meals near f u t u r e . ' ,Work done Included: ash and "I haven't even got my jeweh'y hadn't wQI'ked and had hounded her
Commentliig on the "alue of par· clined to give figul'es but claimed il. day at less than $50 Or $60 dollars "One of the things which you trash collection, street cleaning and back," she reported. "and It doesn't for money.
) ent-tellchcr relations, Ballard said: its stair was "happy and well sat- a month: Impossible to rent a room must remember," he said, "Is that maintenance. repairing stl'eets, look as If I ever will. 'rhe Onll' On Saturday, King, whom the
"The Board should be mOl'e sym- iBfied," under $2~lr one could be had. 25 pel'cent of the cost of hospltal- ditching, cleaning storm sewel' In· lhlngs Mrs. King hadn't sold wel'e JUdge said appeared to be a new
<continued on Page Four) The association, In a release from Laundering uniforms, at 50 cents 11 lzatlon is in nursing cal'e, If wagas lets, renewing stone wall at stol'm the gold riding-crop pin by which man, I'eported that he was working
Harrlsbul'g headquarters, asked uniform and only two a week, go up, the public will pay the dlf- water outlet, 'wol'k on baseball dla. I recognized her as the thief and steadily as a hOUse painter, Botb
CONFERENCE AT HAYERFORD $180 per month for sta.lf nurses, comes to at least $8. That way, the fel'ence. In the last six years, ac- mond, painting white i1nes on Ha'''' an old gold watch chain of very un- he and his wife said they had learn-
• The Presbyterian Church Is spon- $205 for head nurses and $280 for ftgure goes over $200. But-and 'cording to a recent survey by the erford Ave., work for the dog show, usual design. Pollre returned those ed "a lesson we'll never forget" and
1I0ring a conference for young peo- supervisors, to go into effect Oc- this I. little under.tood, also-If Philadelphia :ijospltal Association, leveling parking lot, miscellaneous Monday night, 'But 1 guess the rest were dismissed as Corson said that
ple In the Philadelphia area at Hav. tober 1. Also asked was a 4.4.-ho·Jr we paid that figure, an additional nurses wages have risen 100 per- work, and r~nt of road roller for ill just 'gone with the wind'! the girl'. worst olfense "'u In ap-
erford College this week. , The con- work week, six paid hollday. and *,,0 a month in Income tax would cent. I. agree that· this Is a good baseba.ll diamond 'and' .treet repall' "It must be nice to be young parently loving her hU.llbanll too
fl1'ence opened Honday. 21 days vaC&Uo~ ---,,,~, b. d.duct~ On, that buil. .... :, _(Continu~ on Pare Four)_ •. work. , ' . ' ,~,_,_.~,,,,,,._,.,_,_, and ~oOd looking, and get all the muca. "dl: . . ; __:;.; .. , •

"~I. ~~:~!.~ ·w- . .~/ .I·"~ ~~ p.~ .:~,
I ' . ~,al'~;'~!";~~~~~~ \.~ ~,~ ~'J ~,~:l~
~~~ ~$'1l'fflii!~M~~~~~fI~~~:iwI~..;i~~V~~~~;!+:t!*.g'~RA'~~~~~:»titll1P~~
_ -~ '1: _. \ ~ , •
~,", ~~~t,f~~~<~1
. ,~L
, p , ~
, ",
.. ~.t~,d.P!~J..,lii!'J'~'i.I.li • •

"'-'~" '. .,
l' ,
•• ,.
:;,i.~:' TWO THURSDAY, JULY 17,19'7 .
~,·~ ~.:.
<.""""x"xx"xxxxx"xxxxx,"'xxx"xx,u t· t
" Engagements
. .:..l.l'.:·..
~:: ,
,: ":'
Sehoolll o l l d '
JU ut' an
WI1l1amS ,
oblle, Ala., have announce d
'the engagement of their daughter,
former, lIollcltor
THURS. 'til 9 P. M. f

~.".', : " :";': ", 0 eges •
. acta a ,-r'"
e;" ~Is;,u~:::~ J:'~~o:~~~r:' ~:dI~::
I. v.: Dutton, formerly of Kathmere
Townllhlp, will head the 1948
Communlt.y Chest campaign In FRI. 'til 10 P. M. ,
, X )( X X .... Rd., Brookline. this area.
~ + +
~~.:.\. CHOO~ING
.. . .
r,' ,>"
... XX /C. X X X XX X X X X :If X X X X X X >C X )C X X Miss Eugenle AI ....ller, daughter Stephens, of Bryn Mawr. Th I tm' nt f J d E
A CAREER of Dr. and Mrs. Edward + Charles
Mr. and Mrs. + + W. AyrCfl, HAU..-DOUGIfTY
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Doughety. v In was
e appo n eed oJast uwee
annonne gek br-
~:':.':'.. '
Alguler, of 10 RadclllTe Rd., Cyn-
wYd. Is visiting In New York where
of Caspar, Wyo., have announced 2d" of 333 Old Gulph Rd" Haver-
oreau. rown,
dl t i t h I
II r c car- 8 A. M. 'til 6 P. M.
Y •.•• the birth of a son, Scott Carey ford, have announced the engage- man 0 f th. e 19'8
'" campa Igo.
B, DR L F DYTRT • she Is the guest of Mr. Harry C.
Dean Keystone ElectrOnic Schools Ayres, on June 17.' Mrs. Ayres Is ment of their daughter, Miss Bev- I
Milholland, whose grandparents. Zone A, where Judge Ervin
he former .~lIss Jan.e Louise Carey, el'ly Millicent Doughty, to Cadet 'I wlll servo as chairman, Includes
When the time arrives for an
individual to. choose the type of
and vocational shcools do likewise;' Mr. and Mrs. David Gray, gave a
while many trade schools are given luncheon In their honor at the Har- of Merion. James Burns Hall, son of Mrs. Har-I Delaware County and the Main
~ork he wishes to do there Are over Wholly to general or special- yard ,Club Friday.
... ... + + + + .
Mr. and Mrs. Dlkran S. Pakro- Va., B. 'old andSteele,
Mr. B.ofD.Huntington, W. I Line.
lIeveral things t a b e cons Id erell'
chief among which are perhaps:
el opportunities in
'lng Inthe
Ized training I
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas S. J.udlng- (0011,I a f "ArneclilTe ",. Bryn Mawr , P h'IS, Tenn.
"eld they are gen- fan and their family, of "Clovelly,". are v Is ItIng In AU an t'IC ,City , N •J.
Hall, of Mem-

Miss Doughty attended the Phlla-

Two other key dl!!trlct chalr-
men nn.med by Brown were: An-
thony H. Whitaker for northern
On the Farm in the Morning!! •
1. Requirements
garded especlally Inof terms
1I0nai traits.
the field, re-
of. per-

-trllmentalltlel affectlnll' en~

the electronic Jl
erally regarded as exceptonally Ardmore, left Wednesday for their
good. Factors rendering such the
case are the newnel8 of the field;
summer home lit Somes ville, Mt.
Desert, Me.
~ + ...
Miss Anita 'Varder daughter of dellPhla Museum School of Indus-
'B kl W tr al Art. Cadet Hall, first class
Philadelphia and Montgomery
County and Edwin Wolf, 2", for
Mr. and Mrs. Geol'ge d uHc ey f ad1'- rbember of the United States Mlli- south, we.'1t and central Phlladel-
Fresh th~ 8"me day at Food Fair!
~ + + del', of Avonwood R., aver or, tary Academy West Point Is a II
try2. upon a. field of endp.avol·. Itll rapidly expanding natlll'e, and ... wlJl leave next Friday for a week's '
, p I a.
"Dawn Fresh" Nearby
3. Opportunities In the chosen
I the numerous potenllal llppllcatlonll
which have yet to be thoroug y
Mr. and Mr•.•James C. Crumllsh,
,Jr.• of Philadelphia have announced v s w t
the bil'th of a daughter, Rosemary 548 Putnam Rd" Merion, at
I It I h M B Y B rl
f member of the honor society and
rs.. oung a {er, a equipment manager of the Army
football team. . I •
Amencan Company to

In contemplating these thl'ee 1ac-
s applicability thereof wl1l be
aken relative to the electronic
field, this being comprised of ra-
dio reception and lI'anllm;sslon,
invtstlgated, stemming therefl'~~'
The emplyyment aspect, though
ficult of precise evaluation, cer-
talnly appears prom,lslng. Support-
ing, In part, these optimistic ob-
COrnelia Crumlish, on July 2. Mrs. Rocks, Glouce~ter, Mass.
Crumlish Is the former Miss R o
mary Cornelia McCal·thy, daughter
+s + + e -DA,w'SON-8TEL"'AGON
Mr. aud MrH. Victor F. Sheronas,
... + + S TI
tage wee peras ,
Mrs. Fr'ederlck Stelwagon of 202 1 Puccini's "La Boheme" will be
of Dr. and Mrs. Cornl'lIus T. Mc- and theil' family, of "Lynhurst," Woodside Ave. Narberth has an- l the first of three performances to
Carthy, of 448 Warlck Rd" Wynne- Ardmore, spent last week-end cruis- nounced the ;ngagement of her 'I be presented In t.he Academy of
SpeclaJ\y grown for Food Fall' ••. cultivated' and nurtured from a
sclentlftcany developed strain of "pedigreed" hybr~d corn by on
" ,1I0U~d recording, television and In- servallons Is the tine record com- wood. ' ing on the Chesapeake Bay. Later daughter, Miss Marjorie Stelwagon, Music by the AmerlC;:an, Opera como, GROWER!
dustrlal applicatolns. piled by the radio Industry alone + + + they will CI'ulse -to Long Island, 10 Charles Sumner Dawson son pany during the commg musical Finest In the country. , .• Freshest In the cIty.... PuJ\ed at dawn.•••
Objectively the first point raised during the past quarter century. Mrs••J. Morton Poole, 3d, ofBerk- Sound, before. le~v~ng for Maine, of Mrs. Russell Dawson Gr~ham, I season. Rushed to our stores 9 o'clock the same morning to give you real
"down-on-the-farm" freshness for your tnble at dInner.
should bring out such factol'S as Activity In radio, It Inay be re- Arms Apal'tments. Haverford, left where they Will VISit Mr. and Mrs. of 749 S. Highland Ave., Merion. '1'0 be presented on November 4,
ability of an Individual to work with called, did not decline appreciably Wednesday for .Jamestown, R. I" W. Beverly Murphy. of Gladwyne. • ~ ... it wl1l be ·conducted by Vernon
hill and and his pOSllession of pa-
tience, self-confidence and fildlvid-
during the 'depression period of the
eariy 30'A. Growth of the Industry
whel'e she will spend a month.
... ... +
Mrs. Sheronas' daughter, Miss ET.T.IOTT-McCllESNEY
Hf'len P. McVe~', left Monday for a
Hammond. The operas chosen :for
MI'. and Mrs. Howard Hazen Mc- January 26 and March 30 include
Also In Our Produce Variety
ualism, since these would COllSti- during the recent war has caused Mr. and Mrs. John "'hite I\fcCor- visit to California, Before retUl'n- Chesney, of 411 Bryn Mawr Ave. Puccini's "The Cloak," with Glan- Cailf. Bartlett Firm Jersey
rolck, of WIII{es-Barre, have an- iIlI: late In August, she wlll visit Cynwyd, have announced the en~
tute, ordinarily, adequate qulllifica-
tlons :for work In most phaSe/! of
the field,
its Influence to be felt directly 01'
Indh'ecllY by all major Industries.
Television which aad lain dormant
nonnced the birth of a daughter, on Banff, Lalce Louise and Jasper gagement of their daughter. Miss the Thief," as a double blll, and
July 8, Mrs, McCormick Is the fo~- Park. In the fall she will attend Helen Hazen McChesney,
Carlo Menotti's "The Old Maid and

to Wagne["s "The Flying Dutchman."

until recentl~· Is now beg'lnnng to
lb. 1ge ~ 2 Ibs. 290
I' Vnd!'r the second point appear mer Miss Lisette McCusker, daugh- thc Mary Wheeler School at Provl- Charles Henry Elliott, son of Mrs. Officers of the company Include
considerations of a largel~' per- blossom forth, due chetly to devel- tel' of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Me- dence, R. I. W. Clare Elliott, of Germantown, MI'. Frederick H. Knight, of Bryn I
Banal nature such as one's resources opments Incident to milltal'y needs. Cusl{er, of 421 Merion Place, Mer- + + + and the late Mr.· Elliott. Mawr, preslednt, and chairman of
education and the time devotable Indeed lndustr'ial reports releafled to Ion.
... +- ...
J.ee E. COZI'IlH, of 442 Old Lancas-l ... + ... the boal'd; Mrs. Charles G. Ber- .
ta :further study. Noteworthy here
is that practically all state col.
leges and unlvel'sltiee now calTY
newspapel'5 have led to the Infer-
ence that nearly foUl' milliOn per-
.Bons wlll be engaged In television
tel' Rd., Havcrford. .and l',zra NE"'J,IN-ARMIGER
Mrs. .John H. Stanger and her Bowen, of "Green Peace," Bryn
daughters, of Devon, are In JlImes- Mawr, are visiting Mr. Cozens' mlger, Jr., of Silver Springs, Md., Haverford, secretary, and M[·s. AI'-
wind, of Leopard, vice president;
MI'. and MI's. Charles W.. AI'- Mrs. Clal'ence A. Warden, Jr" of P. S. G. Top Quality MEATS!
courses In electronics; some public work within the next ten years. ,town, R. 1., where they are spend- older brothel', Ernest B, Cozens, at have announced the en,;ag-ement of thur Littleton, of Cynwyd, treas-
ing the summer with her parent.s, his mink ranch In Saslcatchewan, theil' daughter, Miss Helen Hall, to mer. Mr. James P. Hopkinson has
Mr. Rn,} Mrs. "'ebster K. 'Vetherill, Ft. Qu'Appelie. Canada.•·..here they .James Caverly Newlin, 3d, son of been appointed gencral manager.
of 220 Glenn Rd., Ardmore. will remain until Septembe['. MI', and M[·s. Newlin, .Jr., of Bal- IISTRICTLY" Fresh
• + + + ... + boa, Calif., :fQl'merly of HavcI'ford. HAVERFORD COLLEGE
DOROTHY NUGENT Mr. and Mrs. ,JohnM. Relso 1\liss .Janet F. 1\105S. daughter cf
DllVI!!, of Hartford, Conn., have an- Mr, and Mrs. Ralph F. Moss, of I GmBON-DONNELI.Y
nounced the birth of a daughter, Merion Ave. and Meadow Lane I Captain James B. Donnelly, USN
... ... ..
Haverford College, following the
Local Killed
IntcmolionaIly l\nolP lIol Designer
Alii/lOr and Leclllrer Ethel Foerderer Davls'l' on July 3,1 Merion will entertain \Vednesda~: (Ret.) and Mrs. Donnelly, of Mt. lead of other colleges and unlvel'sl-
will conduct classes in advanced
Mrs. Davis Is the former Miss .MiR'- - I evcn I'"ng m h onor a f M' "ISS Ch' 1'15 t·me Airy, formerly of Narberth, an- tles In the area, wl11 charge higher
non E. Foerderel', daughter of Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. nounce the engagement of their tuitions begnnlng ths Fall, to meet
Top Grade
Mr. and Mrs. Percival E. Foerderer, B . I All f "Th M d daughter, Miss Jane Lamar Don- Increased operatng costs. r
'L R
a onda, Bryn
enJam n en, a e a
House," Malvern, whose marriage nelly, to Charles Gilpin Gibbon, son Havel'ford's tuition, board, room
, ... • ... of Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Gibbon,
One Day each week from 10 :00 A. M. to 4 :00 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. SlImuel Felton to Rawson Harmon ~1urdoch, Jr" of Cynwyd.
(Course slartlnr; Srill. 15th)
· Rulon-Miller
, "
have returned from ,I
of South
Au ust Bend,
30 Ind., Will take placc I M'ISS Donnelly IS
and fees will be $1,129 for the year.
. a graduate of an increase of $100.
Dorothy Nugent's comprehensive course is specifi-
cally designed for women and men desiring careers
I their weddmg t1'1P and are resld-! on g ,
~ ... +
Lower Merion High School and at-
in this fascinating and profitable field. It embodies
ing In Princeton, N. J, Mrs. Rulon-.
Is the former Miss Patricia 1 MISS Dorothea 1\1. Souder, daugh- 'I te~,
. t d e d thY aU
I U'
n1 ve1'Slt
, y
be.fore en- A BUSINESS CONSULTANT Plump, tender, meaty, top grade

37 C

I~PPlllDcO 1 tel' of Mr and Mrs Ralph Souder ellng e . S, N avy. He IS now I! SERV
~at \vynne~ Lafa~'ette
a completely new technique. Spontaniety and L' , tt d .M chickens for the tastiest chicken
speed are stressed. Students are taught by Doro~hy
Nugent's inimitable, per son a I, demonstratIOn. I rs. Lane
'Id aFugIhlterl Of
ona Haverford
. • pp uco tt. ,0
rf·Dlln.} of 269

haway . Lane
rey- I wood; Mis!! VirgInia
daughter of Mr, anel Mrs. Richard
student at
. . ' Groshol1., ton ' Pa.
The engagement was anounced
College, Eas-
-- Y au NEED .
:ID..¥1'tx 1
I caRsel'ole dinners, chicken a la king',
or your favorite chicken recipe.
Mr. and Mr~. :ral~' O. 'Valther, Grosholz, of 112 School House Lane, at.a cocktail,part given Sunday h.:~ i
Twenty-five original hats, including two in fur, y
are created during the course. Special attention I of Torresdale, have announced fbe Ardmore, and MI'. Souder, left by MI. and M[s. Donnel1y at theil,
to merchandising and display. I
birth of 'a son, Livingston Smith by plane Monday for' Bprnmda home. N~
date has been set for Talk with Mr. McELHINNEY
Students Accepted by Personal Interview Only Walther, on JuJ~' 3. Mrs. Walthcr where thpy wlll spend two weelcs. the weddmg. , ACME BUSINESS BROKERS II
, th e f ormel'.M'ISS La' U1SC Llvmg-" . + ...
... TJ\RQU}NIO-DOR08HENK... + • BUlletin BId,;., Juniper & }'Ubert ats. SWIFT'S Premium SMOKED HAMS "
g' 63CIsh. 69 C
Mrs. "'. nUlt~. Smith, of 111 SI. .Jr., of Nob Hill, San Francisco, ~r. Frederick Doroshenk of Pitts-
APpointments bv Mall Exclusively ston Smith daughter of ColanI'I and Dr. and Mrs.•J. ,Jallll'S Cancplmo, . ' .
HOTEL ADELPHIA • Room 507 . Rd A d ' Calif., have announced the birth vf bUlgh announces the engagement whole Full Cut Full Cut
G eOlges ., I' mOle. f hi d ht M' G ' hams lb. half lb. half lb.
... ... ... a daughte[', Carol Cancelmo, on a s aug er, ISS ,lana Doro-
MIss Edith Sands Crawford, JUly 7. Mrs. Cancelmo is. the former s\,enk, to Robert Tarqumlo, Son of
daughter ~f Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth, Miss ,Elizapetlj. Kelso McLean,. Mr, and Mrs. John Tarquinio, of
\\1e .. [. .
B. Crawford, of \VhitehalJ Apart- daughter of Mr. and 1\lrs. Hcnry ,I. st
5 Penn St., BrYn Mawr. S
'pecw tze . I. • '' . . Delicatessen Dept.
ments, Havel'ford, and her tlance, McLelln, of 359 N. Bowman Ave., C' I C • + ~r + '1, ·In dyelnl!: shoes for . Tasty ToplQuality •
l 'II'
W I lam
01 t d
ms ea, of Hemp·
stead, L. I., were guests of honor

+ + +
d M' A I I d Gl'
Rlsd' \'" ~ oy I diem, a
1 weddings, parties
and I(raduatlons. '
piece 390
at a small ,coeletaiJ partv given, Ensign .Julian ll. Stevens, USNA, - renox , , ' ynncwoo , ha\'c Old. White Buck Sho"s can De
Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. John H.\· SOn of MI'. and Mrs.. Hugh L. Stev, an~\ou,nced the engagement of Mrs. jl dyed Into -liny pastel shade, Sho~8
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ens, of Bala-Cynwyd, is aboard the GilI'm s daughter, MiSS Barbara R. resueded IIko new.
SEt: 01!R IHSl'I,AY S: S. \Visconsin, the Naval Academy Clancy, to Dr, John Robert Church. In Our Dairy Department
SUMMER CLASSES NOW FORMING . dE' Midshipman ,!'raining Cruiser. He son of Dr. and Mrs. LI~yd Maynard Perry's Dyeing Service BORDEN'S Famous
aygloun ,qUlDment ..
PI Will return In September to resume,
Church of 21 E Levenn' Mill Rd
.' . g ., 134 S. 11th St. 2nd Floor -lb.
• Y.'.,an App,oveJ
• DIIY a"tlEv."i", COllrl..
• H• ., Cia.... Continllally 'term",

We Drlh'rr a1111'lmtall
his studies at Princeton University. Cynw~ d.


) PE 5-9687 Mall orders accepted.
• l",m.Jiat. En,o/{",.,,'
1821 CII.st••t St•• RIIt••• '-3156 '.)1•.. ,•.... I
Open EVenings AIIJlolutment
~ I The ,two-story Colonial at 6946
One hundl'ed and ninety-five dele- I., :l\lild (full cream) Tang-y Cheesee
WA 2-4274
331 N. 4TH ST., PUII.A. I
Greenhill Road, Overbrook, h9.S
been sold for Margaret F, Duggan
to Maxwell L, Schwart for $27,?OO. I
gales of the Amateur Astronomers I
League, which recently held its first
national convention in Franklin 1n-
A Debutante Par t y '!
Cheddar Ch'eese Gold-N-Rich .

Open Evenlnr,-s by Appointment E. A. Clarl<e, realtor, of Menon,

slltute, Philadelphia, attended the
opening of theObservatory
Haverford \
A F ish i n g Party'!
A Golf Match'! Ib.45c Ib.55c
A C I a m Bake?
A Benefit?
RADIO COMMUNICATIONS Bert .The Finest Food at A.ll Times A Banquet
0111' ol'/:lInlzathlll \\'11I ~a\'4- \'011
In Our Fresh Sea Foods Dept.
Day and Evening Classes Now Being Formed
DODO gh ue's
62nd & WALNUT STS.
TilE F.CO~O:\IY CILDlI'lO:\'
hUllrs of WOl'k 111111 ilia II \. clol1ars.
, We 1'1111 III1S\\'l'r 1111 .\tlll "1''''.1 hll"
at t h" III's\' Int('nlt'w. ,'omlllt-\(-
till" arraIlK,·II1.-lJls for a "11'('('''flll
alf~llr at 110 c·har!:.' to ,\'(1111' /:1'011\1.
WII" lIot mllke IISI" of l'hlladl"l-
uhlll'~ Ino!'"1 11 11 hi 11«' ~PI'\'Ic'(":
Ilhol1e .'aM will stllr! the \1111'1)' all
6ge 'i~J~~
CLAW lb.
B1~\~~ 1.39
Ib.79c lb.
Keystone Electronic School' x
. x
Now Avallable for Hot Atr. Hot
Water, steam IIlld Vapor Heat
II!':! ,ruJ.

Your lVloney Refunded i r not ~atisfied

I~ ~~~ ~,~~:i~~}~,o~t~~~I~,~~f'-:IS~n!~(1~~~~~m ~
3 SO. 20th St., Phila. LO. 7-7780 OIL BURNERS
BERNARD V. MORRISON BROKERS, Inc. fYNE.TASTE (Vitamin 0 tn-creased)

EVAP. MILK 2c':~~23c:

1. Rpmo\'e (']ral1"r.
X from Internal surfac'" and asllplt of helltll1:: 111I\l1t and \'acuum 17 Wu\'erly Kll.. IJanrrch. I'll. Rm. 500 .Jefferson Bldg.

(,h-an pxternal surflH'p. )(
2. 'J'uke do\\'n, rpmO\'e all fly ash and soot, clean allll l'elnstalJ smoke
IllpC'--where pra'" I('lablp. )(
HILLTOP 7108 . MArket 7-1898 (
v 3. Remo\'e all f1~' ash. soot aucl oth!'r foreign materJllls from smoke '-' LADY BETTY Delicious
INSTITUTE " plpr op"nlnl: to ('II hnupr· ,.

4. APllly Upw IIsbrstos "('nwnt ancl ehp('k t1::ht ness of connection of
"mokp pille til t'l111I1111-\·.
Ii. Senl 1111 mlnllr all' Inllitrntlon h-aks with Iwat('r ('ompound
~. s,pra,' Intrrlor of h"atl'r wit h 011.
f # ',----------------. ' P'R'UNE JUICE No,2

t~~ AND FALL Uti
X! •
•• t.xamhlt' lIlI do"rs t tlrlug-grah.--ell'lll1out allll a5hplt) for elose
I , FYNE-TASTE Tender (In Tomoto Sauce)'

I 80ld at lite
X 111 tin:: and adjust Ir po"slbh'. X
RADIO ENGINEERING 8. J'olnl. (s,lray 01' brUsh 1111) all extl'rlor doors with nlumlnulll paint X I
BEANS with PORK 2~~·:,119c:
:. ":.'
as ad(led 1II'I'\,('ntat h'c' a/:Illnst rlls!. (·lIrroslon. l·te. )(
t~If" '~'i.
Refrigeration Englnl!4'rln&,
~ AF lii;t C~TS~;LL)'~iN~FEE~I'STOKER ~
Combu!!Uon Engineering
(Oil, Bl'ltNt;KS)
- CONTADINA Heavy'Body
I $385
~ If your .KP'~I. ;.,,~.~.r.~
~ ~
,; and
lar" ••in
mOlt valuable . •. .'•. . 7....'.':".

Including Math., Drafting; Blue I ling'e
:: :: .net. Includ.. count In :::#~
. ~. Charm and Ptr..n.lity h\~
~ D.v.lopment.

PrInt Reading and Elr('trklty
Shop and l,uburllt"r,' 1III'flleled
Call or Write for Information IX
With AuIomatie l'onll'ols
Il"S1'AI.Um IN
YOUR lIE'A'I't:R • X I
•I TOMATO Puree l'Io.2:h

~':4:~ t:1t: on FALL CLASSES

x ~ I
Early Regl8tratlon is advisable'

, ."" H SCHOOL:
Prepar. for C. P. A.

,.ully leer.tllt.d. Aeeller- 1:fM¥

iii !\-1783
Phila. Wireless Technical
, )('
5554 Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia 43, Pa.
'SHerwood 7-7002 :\fndlsoll 02:14
SIp ?uel •
atld College Prep and ~I~ Institute XXXXXXXXXXXXX:lfXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X I
Commercial. ft.ca.nllld by {1~ 1113S PINE ST. Plill.A.!2,!pA.
I Beautiful
colli'.' and "nlv,r.ttili.

OVid For Yttero.i I~

' ....1 WrIt. I VI./t,
Founde,l ] 908 Non-l'1'lIrlt

-r " ------'!!'-_.-

With each purchase of 2·lbl. of

I~ealll Beauty Culture
The fine, fresh, creamy-rich flavor of LADY FAIR or FYNE-TASTE Coff.. ••
at Karlton Post-War School RICHER, WINEY
INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTIONS Abbotts uHomo A" instandy wins even the •
Da)' aud I~venlng Cllasses
most milk-shy youngster.
School Beauty Culture
. Extra pourishing, because we pay our farm-
ers a premium for its richness. Specially
1425 Chestnut; LO. 7·5078
Come In or Write for InterView!! safeguarded, for we pay a bonus for extra
sanitary care at the farm. ,.tfe_ ",,

a..b F.tr II • ch.lc.
A "Personality·Plus" Cafeer . .~ .f tlnest, ce,e'ully

Switchboard Receptionist·
Par Ilrls and women seeklnl that
Tell the Abbotts milkman to leatle uHomo
A" or ask for it at :your neighborhood store.
':\'" _
Seuth AIIII,lce.

out-of-the-ordlnary pOllltlon-and. GENERAL CONTRACTING

wbo enjoy contact with the publici School of Perlonal Charm .1
Prompt Service
Expert Training on' Un Bonrd8
quaurlea You In JUl!t 2 tu • Wet'kl
and Model Trainin, Skilled Men- IN IN
All Aiel . G. I. APPRO\'EB Reliable Work
CLASSES Now Forming
Get Our Estimate
Philadelphia Bryn Mawr
Pre-war Quality MaterIalS H. L. YOUNG & CO. CITY AVENUE 646 LANCASTER
1218 CHBSTNUT ST. PE. 5-4578 - PE. 5·4618 , H. EARL HUSTON n Myrtle Ave. Chatham Village AVENUE
IUet!HllfllJ PJaeeml!nt 8enlee . . bd_a Av~.. Dresel BIll Havertown at 53rd Street
Balle,. Bldlt.,
PJC 1i-1838 17M WALNUT 11'1.. PHILA. a. Po\. ,Sua.et an' ' .GRanite 2-7020 Bllllop 23M
" " , ' ,
.. ,
. ,
THURSDAY, JULy 17, 1947

, .
" Frank Foltzl/Jr. WINS SCHOLARSHIP· Marian Van P~ltl
• The editors ot OUR ,TOWN owe
. ),.,
Weds California William F. Bohlen,
Mr•• lfllny Ellsworth, Jr., a .In-

cere 1\1101010'. Girl on Saturday Wed on Friday .

MIlS Marian. Denison Van Pelt,
In la.t week's i ....e of OUR

TO\V:N, t'hroull'h an error, a pie-
ture of .mother bride wa. printed
with 1\ story of Mrs. Smith's ~
The marriage of Miss Bernice
B. Bower., daughter of Mr. Edward
Bowers, of Glendale, Calif., to
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Van
Pelt, of Wayne, and WlIllam Frank-
lin Bohlen, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Francis 'H. Bohlen, of Penway Rd.,

I' ••
cent ~'eddlng.
Mrs. Smith Is the fonner Miss
Frank G. Foltz, Jr., son of Mr. and
Mrs. Foltz, of 121 Chestnut Ave.,
Narberth, took place at 4 o'clock
Bryn Mawr, were married at 1\
o'clock Friday afternoon, In St.
Mary's Epl~'lopal Church, Wayne,
Helen I.ouise Orr, daughter of Saturday afternoon, In st. Paul's with the Rev. Henry C. Mitchell'
•I Dr. and Mrs. ,Mfred LaMont Orr, Church, 'Overbrook. The Rev.
George Tobias performed the cere-
officiating. .
Do your folks go for a wide vlriety
of foods7 Do.s D.d dote on juicy,
I of 101 ElmWOOd Ave., Narberth. The bride, who was given In mar- tender duks and rOISter-fresh cof-
mony. riage by her father, wore an off-
The bride wore a two-piece en- fe. • • • Sis on tangy 'choele 'n'
the shoulder gown of white satin, era de.. with brisk and fragrant
., semble of pink satin, featuring
Mary Lou McFall bows at the hipline and fashined
the model trimmed with heirloom
laCe and featuring ~ full skirt anil
tea • • • and does baby noed
plenty of milk, fresh fruits and
with long sleeves and a soft collar
And Burton Hurd rolled Into a v-neCkline. Her large
train. Her veil of the same lace
was caught with a coronet of I
vegetable., .nd specially prepared
infant food7 Well, it's no problem
hat of dark brown satl.ll, and she
Are Married wore a corsage of white orchids.
orange blossoms and lace, and she I to satisfy all your c1ln when you

Mrs. Miriam Curtis, of Glendale, carried a bouquet o'f gardenias and I shop at A&P. For this grind food
department. Itore filii everything to_
The marriage of Miss Msry Lou stephanotis.
served as matron of honor and eat from soup to nub, from ..
McFall, daughter of Mr. and M.·s. Miss 'Ellen Van Pelt served all I
ltobert R. McFall, oC Pittsburgh,
to Burton Frlt!l Hurd, son of Mr.
only attendant for he sister. She
wore a gray dress featuring a drap-
Valedictorian of this June's maid of honor for her sister, and
the bridesmaids Included the Miss-
I snack to a complete meal ••• and
everything priced to plmper your_
purse. Stop in today ••• gat fine
ed skirt and a high round nec)dlne, graduating class of Lower Mer-
and Mrs. H. Gordon Hurd, of with a large navy blue hat and an Ion High School, Miss Hopkins es Mary O. Coxe, Joan Thayer,/ quality foods ••• save money, tool
"Homewood," Penn Valley, took Bal'bara O. Souc;ler, Marian S. Dole
« ):II ace at 11.30 o'clock Saturday
orchid corsage. . has just been awarded a four-
Townsend, Ellabeth A. Cooke and
morning In the First Presbyterla~
Robert C. Young, of Philadelphia,
acted as best man. There were no
year scholarship by the Uni-
versity of' Pennsylvania on the Marie Carter, of Richmond, Va. I PINEAPPLE JUICE 18·01 can 16e
Church, Cape Ma~·, N. J. ,The Rev. All wore gowns of white dotted;
ushers. basis of her College Board En-
Albert W. Lenz, aSsisted by the Re\'. swiss with white horsehair haloes I'
Allan MacLachlan F'rew, performed
A reception at the Bellevue-Sh'at- trance Exams.
trimmed with ribbon streamers and
A & PF-ancy G'rade "A"
fOI'd followed the ceremony. Upon While at Lower Merion she re-
the ceremony.
The bride, whO was given in mar-
their return from a wedding' trip ceived the Phi Beta Kappa
bouquets of field flowers.
Francis H. BOhlen, 3d, acted as APPLE SAUCE 2 20~01
cans 2ge
to Buck Hlll Falls and Maine, the
best man for his brother, and the ~
award for the highest average
riage by her father, wore an ivory of her class, and tied t~r the
candlelight satin gown with a fua I couple will reside temporarily In
,Cynwyd. English award. She was presi-
ushers were Dudley R. Bohlen, WII- I'
Ham G. Van Pelt, Fulton Boyd,
Home Sty.'e Sliced
length veil of princess lace. She
carried II bouquet of white roses,
dent of the Riding Club, and
,was a member of the Nation-
Charles L. Bolling, Alfred C. Borle, I PICKLED BEETS 3 20-01
cans 25 e
stephanotis and orchids. TO BE MARRIED William B. Chruchman, 3d, FranCiS
The marriage of Miss Martha al Honor Society, the Year I. G. Coleman, Dc;mald D. Dodge, For Making Delicious Ice Cream
, Mrs. George rvJ. Gremel' served Book staff, the Spanish Club
Page Warden, daughter of ' Mr. and Jr., Edward Crane, Jr., and Alex-
IlS matron of honor for her sister
and the maid Of honor was th~
Mrs. Robert Bruce Warden, of and Kennel Club. She also
played On the lacrosse and
ander B. Toland. , TEN.B.LOW 10-01
iar 28e
bridegroom's si~ter, Miss Ellabeth Washington, to Charles Crissman A small reception at the Gulph
Laubach, son of Mr. and Mrs. hockey teams. Mills GOlf Club !C?llowed the cere- 100% Hydrogenated Vegetable Shortening
Anne Hurd. Both wore models of She is the daughter of Mr.
~~~ 3ge ~~~ 81.11
Frank Stiles Laubach, of Merion, mony.
pale aqua marqUisette with flow-
ered wreaths in t heil' hail' to match
will take place Saturday afternoon and Mrs. Henry H. Hopkins,
of 424 Brookhurst Ave., Nar-
October 11, In Abingdon Church,
their bouqllcts Of, garden flowers.
Mr. Hurd acted as hest man for
Gloucester, Va. berth. Olga Joan Guerry White House
Weds Swedesburg tall 4~e
his son, and t!le ushers were 01'. Evaporaied Milk 4 cans d
J. S. Robert McF'al1, hrother of
the hride, and Thomas P. Knapp, I 'i·i»)· X«i) Marjorie Reilly and Narberth Man in Narberth
JI'.. of Waverly, N. Y, The marriage of Miss Olga Joan! Patapsco Apple Butter 2~;:;" 25c
A 'reception at the Colonial H<>- Man Are Married on Saturday Guerry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.'
A. Gueny, of 513 Gordon Ave., Nar- Tomato Juice Cocktail WllnEll 4 ~:~~" 25c
tel, Cape May, followed the cere-
were Kathy McNab, ot Stonehur.;t, berth, to Leo Frank Prusinowsld,
mony. Upon t!leir return from 9-
wedding hip Mr. Hurd and his
The former Miss Helen Loui se Orr Is pict ured above after her The marriage of Miss Majorie
and Barabara Ann Haas, of Ard- of Swedesburg, lion of Mrs. Fran- Comstock Pie Apples 2 ~~~. 29c
wedding- to HalT)' El1l1worth Smi th Jr, at the home of her parents, Reilly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
more, cousins ot the bride.
bride will make their home at 4t7h
and Cedar Sts., Plliladelphia.
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred LaMont Orr, of 101 Elmwood Ave., Narberth, James RellJy, of 2120 Belvedere The maid of honor wore a pink
ces Prusinowski, of Conshohocken, I
took place at 2:30 o'clock Saturday;
French Style String Beans ~g~s ::~"16c
I 0]1 Saturday afternoon, June 21.

Ave., Oakmont, to PaUl N. Lynn, gown with faille bodice and a flld
skirt' of mousseline de 'soie fash-
afternoon, in
Church, Narberth,
St. Margaret's I
The Rev. II
Niblets Corn DEl MAil
t;;:' l5c
son of Mr. and Mrs. PaUl C. Lynn,
Sally A. Atwater and 1, NABERTH BRIDE of 344 Dudley Ave., Narberth, took ioned with an effectlve rose-trim- Charles P. O'Connor performed the, Tomato Sauce GARTH'S S'ANISH STYlE 3 (=~:' l7c
Daniel Bettie to Wed place at 10 o'clock Saturday morn- med bustle at the back. Similar ceremony. i'
Borden's Cheese 'n' Bacon Iiall 23c
. ing in St. Denis Church, Merwood. gowns in shades of blue were worn The bride, who was given in mar- I
Miss Virginia Price, of seatue,l The Rev, Charles .T. McFadden, by the bridesmaids, all wearing riage b~' her father, wore a gold I
·Wash.. will 'sen'e as maid of honor' O. S. A., cousin at the bride, per- matching horsehair hats and carry- satin dress with long crown glovell ~ Kellogg's Corn Flakes lIe
at the wedding oc MillS Sally Anile formed the ceremony and celebrat- Ing bouquets of pink roses. and matcblng acc~lISorie8. Her cor- ;
Atwater, daughter of Mrs. David ed the nuptial mass. The junior bridesmaid wore a sage was of roses. i En core Spag hetti ".porlef
h.a' •'••a'
•• 2 16~;.a, 25c
Atwater. oC PrOVidence, R. I" to '" . ,., . The bride, who was given in mar- white organdy gown featuring II Miss Mary Guerry served as maid'
Daniel O. BettIe, son of Mr. an:!. riage by her Cather, wore a white full skirt, with a wreath of white of honor and only attendant for Nectar Tea Balls 1:~" 71c
Mrs. Griscom Bettie. oC Ha\'erCord
Which wllJ take place at 4 o'cloCI~
gown of summer satin, the neckline
fashioned in an off-the-shoulder er-
roses in her hall' and a bouquet of
pink roses. The tiny flower glris
her sister. Stanley Pruslnowski,
brother of the bridgroom, was best Sparkle Puddings ALSO,JSJD:=:EAM 3 pkgl 20c
Friday afternoon, Aug-ust 8, in Holy . fect filled in with illusion and trlm- wore ruffled frocks of White 01'-1 man. ,
Trinity Churc!l, Little Compton, . '1 med with' a lace ruffle. The model gandy with wreaths of white roses ' A reception at the home of the
It. I. featured long pointed sleeves, a In their hall' and bouquets of I bride's parents followed the cere- i
A.&P Coffee is delicious
The bridpsmaids wllJ include Miss long waistline' and a full skirt end- sweetheart roses. mony. After a wedding trip to At-
William O'Sullivan of Narberth Ian tic Ctiy, the COUPle will be at I
Damaris Atwater and Miss Eleanor ing In a train. Her short net veil
acted as best man and the ushers home at 32 E. Fourth St., BI'ldge-'
Atwatel', sisters Of the bride; Miss! was edged with lace and fell fl'om
Helen G, Bettle. sisler oC the bride-/ a crOWn of sequins and seed pearls. were Edwarn Honcharski of Phila- pOI·t. i AlP coffee is pick 0' the crop. Cuslom
groom; Miss gditll Sherer, Miss She carried a bouquet ot white delphia and James Reilly, brother RETURN ,FROM TRIP ground for your oWn type coff.. mlk.r.
Marion Merriman, Miss Joanne roses centered with orchids. (I! the bride.
Shcldon, MI·II. Frank P. Coolidge, I Miss Rosemary Rel1Jy served 9.S A bl'eakfast at the Estemshade Mr. and Mrs. David T. Steere,
Wayside Inn, Paoli, followed the whose marriage took place on June
MilJ ona MelloYl .
• Jr., and Miss Adelaide Powell. maid of honor for her sister, and
: the bridesmaids were MI~s Mary
21, have returned from honeymoon- Eight O'Clock l·lb ball
A recert,lon at the summer home ',,,., ceremony. Following the reception ing In New England. and will he
of the bride's lYlother in Little ". Louise l{untz, of Ardmore, and at the home of the bride's parents at home for most oC the summer at Rich ona lull boai.a
Compton' will fol1ow the ceremony.
- - __ I
Miss Betty Freeman, of Wynne-
wood. Miss Eleanor Lynn, sister
that afternoo~, the couple left on Walnut Lane Haverf d
a wedding trIp to Canada. Upon " or. Red Circle l·lb bog 39c
their return they expect to make Later they will Visit Mrs. Steere'"
of the bridegroom, was junior
STAYFORM bridesmaid, and the flower girls their home In OverbrOOk.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H: Law-
son, of 310 Berkley Rd., MerIon, It
their cottage in Longport, N . .1.

Bokar Coffee
oncJ Winey
t-Ib bag 41c
Linda B. Pio and II Marriage Announced at I
Open House on Juy j
Incrtdlbb bone-
Joseph Valentine f Mrs. John Z. Mraz, of 2U Rock i'
Great BIG' Southern Beauties
Ie.., beautlful~
denrnell to dYe
llUfee~ bod, bal-
,Hold Nuptials j Glen Rd., Penn Wynne, announced I \VATERltfELONS
ance ~nd IUpreme Miss Linda Barbal'a Pio, daugh-I the marriage of her daughter, Miss i 1111 Ilttltltat St., PII...
comfort. £SDeU
IIta/1I1 alul aclJust- tel' of Mr. Bartolomeo Pia, of Chest- Milada Mra:>:, to Kenneth Martin : Whole
I )"Ylce . -
comPlete , epa I r
nut Hill~ and the late MI"s. Pio, be-I Higgl~S, of Wynnewood, at an open:
came the bride of Joseph P. Val-I hOllse Saturday evening. The mar- I
0., Summ.r Cour•••
or "'0.'.' 10,I.tor Now
",11-11_ • ,-.1·11-
Before '.' I . Secref.rl.I
I AI._
EMILIE EMMONS ./;~. ent~ne, Jr., son at Mr. a.nd Mrs. Val-j rlage took place during the Christ- . 1. Fo.etfc 0 L••' .....
301 1'Df2S·!\IE")ICAL BLDG. I
• ". ;,.' "'; < ~n tme, of 110 Argyle Rd" Ardmore, mas hoUda)·s. S.. ort.... ~ • Aclvertfsl. .
CaD Ardmore 3'-18 f. . .
''''4i ·/ff.-·.." '- In a pretty cel'e~ony In Our Moth-
'.~ ~::::. : :, cr of Consolation Church, Chest-
The former Miss Mraz has jllst 2. To.ell Typl..
J••••1.... • Aceo.Ilt1••
_ _ Allpo1o......' ~~f.y~;:. , nut Hill, at 4 o'clock Saturday af- graduated from the Bessie B. Hicks 1",11" • e....

iL,: ::'" ?, .... ternoon.· Dramatic School. ·Philadelphia. Mr. 4••00kk..,I..

*I.,./h.·. Wrltl., 38c
:._~, The bri(le, who was given in mar- Higgins Is a. student at the School Dr.
MY .ultl'"
5....". A,,,,... ,."V.,......
"'.,. Ito 'ob.. ,,,,,,".11
None Pricea Higher
_ riage by hel' father, wore a white of Industrial Art..
lace gown which was buttoned at I :..
.x x)c X-X---------
A MRS. GRANT MATTOCKS poses for a picture aftcr her wedding the front of the fitted bodice up to )( , )( )( X X )C X )( X. X X X )( X X X X )( )()( X X )t)C)()(.

o iI in the Trinity Lutheran Church of Narberth on June 21. She is

the former Mil;s Jayne Kathleen Osner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
I Cha.les Franklin Osner, of 224 Sabin Ave., Narberth.
Photo b!
Clarence L, Myers.
'~I~hh~g~o~~~n~e;:::II:o~I:;!m~~:~ MID -SUMMER SPECIAL ~
full hoop skirt ended In a long )(
July 18th to August 18th
train. Her long net veil fell fl'om X
. ) (
New: Poiaioes 10 Ib
CIIlSlcl's of orange blossoms and she )(
carried a bouquet of white f1owel's. )C
Ffelh, "oel I'alentine
2 19c

I The stone, Colonial type residence Diwid J. Hardie, I'adloman, sec-
of J. LiVingston Poultney, Garde:l Iiond class. son of MI'. and Mrs. Au- tr~n
Mrs. Daniel Dozzi served as ma-)(
of h?nol' for her sister, and the )(
20" IF·
ron Ireman Steel Furnace )(

Round Stringless Beans
Freestone Peaches

I brIdesmaIds were MI·s. Albert Pio, >< )(
ay Lane, Bryn Mawr, was bought by gustus B. Hardie, of 519 Owen Rd.,
Walter L. Morgan through McMul- I WynneWOOd, hi1:s arrlve'd at Guam ~frs.
I '
E,l\gen~ Pio, Miss Mary Bong- X
lovanm, of Gel'mantown, and Miss )(
$102 00 )( )(
Celery Hearts fr..h Crll' 2 la,g.
lin & McMullin, for $64,000. settle-I aboard the transport USS General Laura MacFarland, of Chestnut )( • )( 'Bananas Wh•• Ib l2c
• I ment has been made. A. E. Anderson. Hill. They wel'e gowned alike in X
darped coral crepe dresses fash- X
I Other Sizes Up to 27"
targ. Avallabl.

• IT'S ACE HIGH! ioned with cap sleeves. They wore
deep pink roses In their hall' to )(
match those in their bouquets. IX
At Slightly Highn Prices
• Mrs. Valentine wore a draped! X
lace tl'immed gown and a black X I AUTOMATIC COAL B' URNER CO. )( )( ~DUCK ,ROAS'"I' ,
You can always hat !t'immed with a plume. Her )( )(

dep~nd on our
corsage waJ of gardenias. Mrs. , X
Linda Borlo, of Italy, aunt of the X
bride, was gowned in gray crepe X
with a black hat and a gardenia ) ( .
• .
An economical roast Ib 49,e
corsage. The brlegroom's only llis- X SHerwood 7·7002 Madison 0234 )( Porterhouse or Sirloin
expert dry tel', Miss Pat Valentine, who was • IC X )(. X X X X X X)( X )( X X )( X X X )( X)C X X X X X X X X )(' )(
STEAKS Super.Right Close Trimmed
also in the receiving line, wore a ...
cleaning' serv- black dl'ess with gardenias in her
hall' and a gardenia corsage.
Boneless Cross Cut'
• Victor M. Valentine acted as best OVEN ROAST BEEF Ib 73 c
i c-e . t 0 ke e p man for his brother, and the ushers
InclUded Richard E. Valentine' Boneless Rolled' Lamb Roast Ib

brother of the bridegroom, and th~

your wardrobe bride's three brothers, Albert, Eu- " Spiced Luncheon Meat 'Slicod '1.lb,25c

• 57c
S·Iiced Boiled Ham' Armour'.
gene and Elmo Pio. '1.lb
spotlessly free A dinner at the MaYfair House Star
'1.lb 25c
Germantown, for the 'bridal part; Slic~ Long Bologna
and flower and the Immediate families follow-
ed the ceremony. After a wedding American Cheese WhU•• r
V.lb 25c
trip to Canada, the couple will re- Ib 69c
fresh. side temporarily In Ardmore. Domestic Swiss.Ch~se
Slicea or in the piecII.
McConnells Return From
ADELI'ZZI -RAINBOW TERRAe'E V.acation in Poconos
Congressman and Mrs. Samuel
K. McConnell, Jr., of 301 Hathaway
BROTHERS of the OLD COVERE.D WAGON INN Une, WynneWOOd, have returned
TAILORS - FURRIERS from a holiday at Lenape VII.lage,

•.• • '.
OUlANE:8S ~D DYERS ST~FFORD, PA. • on Fairview Lake, In the Poconos.
'OR RES.IRVATIONS (!4It WAYNI 1169 Mr. McConnell W1lll a speaker
1~ Jl'ol'rest Ave., Narberth during the Fourth of July Day cere-
NABIJETH 280Z monies.
!ZJ BaJa Ave•• Cynwyd Miss Shirley McConnell, a coun-
. cilloI' at the nearby girls' camp, VISIT THE DAIRY ••• ALL PRODUCTS AT RETAIL
OYNWYD 0928 "Oneka;" was also 'a guest at ,Len~
ape Village. I
TIfllR~DAY, ~Y 17, IM'l
Cynwyd Estates ~E~D~~~P~tiEss

OUR TOWN Merrick, Heads Residents Protest Against More /Play Equipment .
Founded in 1914 by the Narberth Civic Association
M. L. Lions Light forLantwynLanePetersOutZoning Approved D~~:"~%n~;'::::\: ~~,:,n;: .a~~:t1:::':::,,::·.:':: n' • '.

GEORGE A. WALKER. President and Publlsher: VINCENT Ii. FUI.oLJ:R.

lustness Manager; NANCY S. SEELY... Editor; SUZANNlll T. WINGATB,
Alll!Ioclate 1!Oditor.
BDtered as second class matter October. 1938, at the Post omce .t
. Narberth, Pa.. under the Act of March 3. 1879.
Apothecary Conducted
Nineteen residents or Lantwyn street light poles could be Installed.
Lane, N~rberth, Intent on protest, The near-battle result'ed from
found themselves without a cause objections of the Lantwyn Lane
N • hb h
,elg or 00
d CI b
Backs Up Residents
In Bryn Mawr Hospital after an parents In co-operating with teach-
I1lness of one day. U ers II} the educational program of
Retired for the past fa r years, schools.
, .
Published every Thursday
His First Meeting residents to a proposed plan, Instl- p. . Mr. Scott had conducted an optical
Monday night, when the Borough gated by Council, to Improve IIght- etitioD business at 1926 Chestnut Street, "From what I can tell from talk-
Deadline for advertising and news copy: Wednesday 12 noon. Thursday Ni,ht
Subscription rate: U.OO per year in advance. Council told them that no street Ing In Narberth by Insta1l1ng 107 Lower Merion Commissioners Philadelphia, for the past 23 years: Ing to people In all parts of the
• lPubllcatlon omce: 8 Cricket Avenue, Ardmore. Pa. Phone Ardmore 67'.10: James B. Merrick, newly-elected lights would be erected by the new lights tproughout the Bor- Wednesday approved the re-zonlng He belonged to the Masonic OrdoJr Township, there Is a very strong
GR 3.7740. Member Bucks-Montgomery Newspaper pUbllshers Assll. president of the Main Line Lions Philadelphia Electric Company ough. several of the lights to be of Bectlons of Cynwyd Estates from No. 385 and a Philadelphia Moose sentiment In favor of closer tillS
Club, presided fOr the first time wlthdut the consent of the prop- placed on Lantwyn' Lane. ' R6 to R3, R' and R'a. lodge, between the home and the school.

Traffic Deaths 2 Polio Cases •

at the meeting last Thursday. erty owners. The 19 residents present at the A pUblic hearing on the proposed He Is survived by his wife, Mrs. The time has come when the Board
Mr. Merrick, founder and owner Appearing before'Councll expect- meeting represented a group of 21 'change was attended by a delega- Nellie A. Scott, and two sisters, must give attention to this prob-
(Continued from Page One) (Continued from Page One) of the Apothecary Shop which Ing a full-fledged battle, the relll- property owners. Just before Cam- tlon one hundred percent behind Mrs. S. Mackey, of Valley Forge, lem."
the current yearj six public accl- glnia Ave., Upland Park, and Susan bears his name, is a charter mem- de!}ts were slightly confused when eron read the Philadelphia Electric the rezoning. The group was head- and Miss Saline Scott, of Wynne· Ballard was Introduced by A-
dents, 29 home accidenth and one Heyd, 5, 1105 Virginia Ave., Upland ber of the Main Line Lions Club. Robert M. Cameron, chairman of Co. letter, A. M. Amey, spokesman ed by T. Ewing Montgomery, sol- wood. King, Jr., a member of the club.
He flrst came to ,Ardmore In the the Water, Light and Health com- for the group, read a letter from Icltor for the Bala-Cynwyd Nelgh- Following his talk the budget for
agricultural accident. Park, have been discharged as
Eighteen suicides were Jlsted cured.
during the past six months and
i fall of 1938, as mll;nager of the Wal-
George B. Suplee; of the Nar- green Drug Store. In'1938 he en-
mlttee of the Council, read a let- the remaining two,property owners
tel' addressed to him, sIgned by a stating their objections to the
borhood Club.
Residents of the area circulated
PARKING LOT OPEN the coming year for the club was
Officials Of the Narberth Borough discussed. The meeting was In
tered business for himself, and In representative of the company, plan. petitions several months ago, uk- Council property committee an- charge of Wl1Iiam C. Harsch, vlce-
three homicides, one each In Feb-I berth Board of Health, reported
1945 bought and moved into his stating that In view of the fact that Said Amey:'''We had a humdinger ing the re-zoning. to prevent mul- nounced this· week that the park- president, In the absence of the

May and one in June.

ruary, April and May. Deaths by that the Borough has a clear bill
drownIng numbered two, one In of health, with no contagious dis- store on Cricket Ave.
eases reported during the past
Included in the business discuss-
Lantwyn' Lane was a private thor- of a meeting on my front lawn last
oughfare, statements of rlght-of- Friday night, and I sure am sorry
t1ple-famlly dwelling In the area,
known as the Pencoyd dlstric~.
ing lot at the rear of 102 Conway president, Joseph Andrews, Who i.
Ave. 15 open to the public for da~'- attending the National Convention

ed at Thursday's meeting was a club way would have to be obtainr.d we aren't able to use any of th~ In the area boun'led by Cornell, time parking only. of Lions in California.
.~;;;;;;;;~;;~~~=~=~~~=~~~~~~;;=~~~;;~~ •
Airplane accidents in the coun-I week. The situation, he said, Is not
picnic, to be held the last Thurs- from the property owners before swell arguments we had prepared." Kenmdore, Strndone, Harvard and
ty resulted In two deaths, one in unusual, partiCUlarly when schools Oxlor roads there are several Ii
day in July, at a nearby country
February and one In March. are closed and children playing semidetached housell, but no apart-
-r, Among the other deaths were five outdoors again. club.
HIT dwel1lng.. It was to prevent the PARTS
It was announced that Frank
from suf'focation, five from burns, In Lower Merion Robert B. erection of such dwellings that the
GrolT, member of .the board of di-
fifteen from .falls, one by accident- Thomas reported no incidence I)f NEW LOW IN BORO Bala-Cynwyd Neighborbood Club
rectors, had been elected principal
( ',
11.1 electrocutIOn, and one each fro~ polio, although one case of typhoid
polson, carbon monoxide and pOl- and one caSe of Rocky Mountain
son gas. There were two open ver- fever remained on the books
of the Riverton, N. J., elementary
school. Groff has been a member Loses Jewelry Traffic violations in Narberth
took a decided drop in June, ac-
last fall backed a citizens' group
anxious to keep the neighborhood BOLEN'S GARDEN TRACTORS
diets. •
of the faCUlty at Ardmore Junior
High School since the war, when
Miss Linda McKoy, 20, of COOP-I cording to a report made Mondao;
ertown and Darby Rds., Haverford· at the Borough Council meeting
as It Is.
One hundred percent of the resl-
• .'
/, he served as a lieuten at command- -dents were approached by petition-
Township, was robbed of $2500 by William S. Thompson, a mem-
Tempers' Flare er in the Navy. He will begin his
new duties In September.
worth of' jewelry in Pennsauken, bel' of the Public Safety Commlt-
ers, those appearing at the hearing,
declared, and everyone of them de-
Philade,lphia Falcon Lawn Mowers
(Continued from Page One) Members on the sick Jist this N. J., Sunday night. tee. clared in favor of the proposed re-
Miss McKoy stopped at a tavern Thompson reported eight stop zoning.
payer insisted. Others stated flatly week were reported as Robert Gil-
they would be unable to meet the christ, recuperating at Seaside
near the outskirts of Camden with sign violations, four of which were Members of the special zoning DELIVERY AUGUST 7 h
costs at the present time. I
Heights: Robert Hudson, recuper-
Letters were read aloud from ating at Surf City, and Bud Davis,
her escort, John F. McCloskey, of ,at the intersection of Haverford
Chestnut Hill. and Essex Aves., four parking vlo-
survey commission were: Herbert
Ferree, chairman; John B. Culey,
While the couple was Inside the lations, one reckless driving vlol3,- Lloyd Church, Robert Brown, Rich-
aroused property owners, one (if who was at the Joseph B. Price
commented nostalgically Memorial Hospital, Philadelphia.
I that "the present peaceful and bu-
tavern MIss McKoy's traveling tlon, one failure to stop on the .Ig-
bag, containing the jewelry was nal from an officer, and one per-
ard, Chew and Montgomery.

colic air of this quiet back-country'

road would be destroyed altogether
Sports Scene taken from the unlocked co.;. Mc- sonal injury case.
Closkey telephoned pollee while the
Unemployed Compensation Providence and State Road, Media 2451

if cars were whizzing by every young woman hurried to make a Tax Forms Will Be Late
MERION POST ENTERTAINS Emplo~'ers' quarterly l' e p 0 r t
minute. We're a leisurely, old-fash- (Continued trom Page One) train connection.
ioned neighborhood, and we prefer And~"s magic formula for tum- Listed as,' missing were a $500 40 GI PATIENTS forms for the second quarter of
" Ing out tltle teams. One of the Swiss watch, three pearl necklaces, About '0 military patients at 1947 have been delayed in mailing
to remain that way. most brlUlant basketball play-
from Harrisburg, it was disclosed
About twelve letters were re-
celved, the consensus of them ask-
ers el'er prodllced on the Main
Une, he Wll8 a member of the
two Initialed gold pins and one Valley Forge General Hospital were
gold bar pin, all insured. Also in guests of the Merion Post of the this week, because of an amend- Jeddo-Highland Coal
ing thc commissionel's to maintain 1933 tea.m whiCh claimed the the blue bag were dresses and sev- American Legion at a bulTet sup- ment to the law which will mean
. first of four State tUlea for per party Tuesday night at the a reduction of rate for employers
the present status quo-no pavmg. Lower Merion. eral suits.
Appearing on behalf of the peti-
tion were other Penn Valley resi- Jack learned the Anderson sys- PETITION EFFECTIVE IN
Tribute House.
The patients enjoyed games and
who have'qualifled under the Penn-
sylvania Experience Rating Plan. I Mobilheat Fuel 'Oil
tem the hard way. He was co-cap- REMOVING PARKING SIGNS sports events before the supper. Officials of the Bureau of Em-
dents who want to see a new im- tain of that Immortal 1933 club, ployment and Unemployment Com-
proved roadbed. A petition, signed by 17 residents I Howard A. Weaver was In charge,
which also included Ray Stanley,
The petition was held under ad- now with Anderson at Lafayette;
visement arter opposing factions Roger Hanger, Mike Zengel and
of South Narberth ,Ave., Elmwood
Ave. and Woodside Ave., was suc-
assisted by Mrs. Earle Hepburn,
who .planned the party, Mrs. Harry
pensation said all employers will
receive their forms before July 28, Fluid Heat Oil Burners T

gave commissioners a warm few Sturgis Poorman. Hinchey later cessful in pel'suadlng Narberth Ferelra, Mrs. Dan Williams, Mrs. 1947.
won basketball renown at West
G~org~ Ourbacher and Mrs. Harl-y
minutes on a night alreaay too hot. Chestel' State Teachers College,
graduating in 1938.
Borough Council to remove the
temporary no-parking signs erect.: Nlghtmgdale. DIRECTORS TO DISCUSS Sales and Service
You Clla borrow up 10 $300
The following year, Hinchey
went to West Conshohocken as
basketball coach. Despite a small
ed there last month.
The signs were erected as a tem-, 15
Ne w sc h 00 I I eg I s Ia tl on was dls-
OD no other: security...than
your own liqnalure/ MISSIONARY CONFERENCE squad, his quintet captured the porary measure to facilitate tramc DRAWN FOR JURY DUTY cussed by the Scho I D" t . A-
Dr. Franklin Duncombe, pastor Section Six title and eliminated a during repairs to the cU!' \'e on 0 II ec OIS s I I
Repayment may be extended of the Bala-Cynwyd Methodist hlg~ly favo~·ed. Radnor team. 32-
, 21, In the dIstrict playoffs.
W d
f ~nne~oo Rd., and were In ef-
Fl!teen residents of Lower Mer-I soclation of Montgomery
ion Township were among the 135 when they held their 113th annual
over a full year or more.
. IS attending~ the Interde- Th a t rna d e HI nc h ey a mark e d ec on y a. few weeks. men and women whose names were meeting July 15 at the Rittenhouse
Haverford Ave., Narberth 258
PROMPT;' COUR.TEOUS nomlnational Missionary Confer- man and he moved to Glen-Nor the 'IT:e p,etltlon, presented to Coun- drawn this week for jury duty in Junior High School, Norristown.
SE~VJCE. NO RED TAPE ence now being held at Silver Bay! next season. Again Jack turned ~~ y i~~cent Colelll, Borough Jus- Criminal Court during the week of The speaker will be E. A. Quacken-
k"~ NO EMBARRASSING on Lake George, New York. out. a winner, ~he Twin-Towners Ice 0 e Peace, stated that the October 6. bush director of adminl t t' NARBERTH ,2430
,INVESTIGATION, signs were a g r eat i nconvenlence
President of the Philadelphia an- takIng the Sec bon Four :liag. In
, 1942, the new L. M. mentor moved t They are: Madeline D. Alexander, and , finance fors the Department ra IOn of
--_-~ PRom: VI-.-.., nual conference Board of Missions On to Ridley Township, but he was o nearby residents. "Wynnewood; Bertha Belber, .Mer- Public Instruction, Harrisburg.
Why lIot phone u. your .ppli. and Church Extension, Dr. Dun- there only three months when the ion; David C. Bevan, Flad\\"y.~nl';
c.tioll-th.n compl.l.th. lo.n combe was guest speaker and mem- Army beckoned,' Hinchey. a lIer- Edith K. Burkhardt, Wynnewood; MRS. MILDRED MADDEN
ln on••i.it to our olfice. Pay_ VIRGINIA WOMAN HELD
ber of the faCUlty last week at the geant In the Medical Corps, served Barney Fischer, Ardmore; W. Greg-
m.nt...an b .....cI. by ..all if , from December, 1942 until March
",au prefer. CollegeVille Youth Fellowship 10,,- 1946. " , FOR NEXT COURT TERM Ol'y, Bala; James A, Hance. Glad- DIES IN MERION
sUtute at Haverfol'd College. nlnche~', who now llves In
Frances Chandler, 23, of Middle- wynne; Gertl'llde Hal'dle, Wynnr.- Mrs. Mlidred Wright Madden AU WITH THE fAMOUS
Highland Park, actually hall sex County, Va., was held this week wood; Peggy E. Hal'sch, Bala-Cyn- died Thul'sday night at her home,
''''tiC FlIIAIlCr
TRUSTEES AWARDED ESTATE been added to the physical edu- in $1000 ball by Magistrate Robert wyd: Doris S. Harvey, Gladwynne: 313 Berl{ele~' Rd., Merion, after a
_~.11fC- cation staff primarily for cor- B. Allen, on a lal'ceny charge.
James Shinn Maler and William rective work in 'the higher Elizabeth Henry, Wynnewood; long illness.
Morris Maier, testamentary trus- Miss Chandler, employed I as n Katharine Krueger, Wynnewood; She waR the wife of Harry T.
tees for the will of Anna Shinn Ma-
Ier, Lower Merion, who died March
gradeR. He will work In both
the Senior High and Ardmore
Junior High ••. but L. M. fanll
maid in the home of E. T. Rowland Jecrey E. Powers, Ardmore, Eliz- Madden, a newspaper counsellor.
GUlph Rd., Haverford, disappeared abeth Z. Shrader, Haverford, and Mrs. Madden W88 a native of
automatic I
6 West Lancaster Ave.
Second Floor. Ofer Kre~l!e's
17, 1941, were awarded the balance
of the
of $157,856.68
$40,852.79 In real
In prin-
will be most surprised If lie
doesn't major In basketball.
They look for him to complete
that course cum lande.
on June 11. Shortly after she leU Margaret Tuttle, Bala-Cyn~'d.
a diamond and sapphire pIn valued
at $1000 was found to be missing.
State police found the woma,') WANT GARAGE SPACE
MlnnellOta. The Maddens ha\'e
lived In Merion for the past year.
In addition to her husband. S;le
Home Laundry
Phone Ardmore 1 j60 for the uses and purposes of the is survived by a brother, K. C. The BeDdix performance wilJ amaze
will, It was announced this week at TRAFFIC BLOCKED near her home In Virginia and re- FOR NEW AMBULANCE Wright, and a sister, Mrs. A. J. you. You'Usee the work-free washing
Norristown. turned her here for questioning. Members of the Narberth Vol- Errett, both of St. Paul, :totlnn. that'. been thrilling lucky Bendix
ON RIVER ROAD unteer Medical Service Corps are owner. for niDe whole years! It
~' .. River Rd. in Lower Merion Charter No. 14.139 wuhes, rinsM, damp drys, cleans
PENN WYNNE HOME looking for a place to keep their R.eser ve District No. 3 italf, draiDll itself, sbute itself off-
TO THE 950 Township, from City Line north
to Belmont Ave. in West Mana- DAMAGED BY FIRE
hrand new ambulance.
'I'he new ambulance wl1l requi:'e
Report ot Condition of
THE NATIONAL BANK aU by il8eJ!! You don't even put )'00'
hands in water! Come in-let U8
yunk, was blocked to traffic Friday Fire which broke. out shortly
a space 24 feet long, 12 feet wide. 014' NARBJ1jRTH
CLUB .. VISIT night when a Iteel-Iaden truck
went of'f the road and started to
after suppertime Wednesday eve-
ning sent smoke pouring through
and eight fet high. In the State of Pennsylvania. at the
sbow you how Bendix aets you free
011 wuhday.1
A request made to mernbers of close ot buslneas on June 30. 1947 •
THE GARDEI'J slide down the incline onto the
Reading Railroad tracks.
the home of Albert Rexford, 55 the Narbel,th Borollgh Council b
Trent Rd., Penn 'Vrnne.
puhllshed in response to call mllde bv
Y cofuptroller of the currencl·. under
Thomas Merkle fOl' space in th~ sectlon 5:111, U. S, Revised Statutes.
I STUD,IO OF The Athos Steel Co., of Pencoyd.
owners ot the truck, sent anoth!!r
ReXford, whose wife, Edna, had
died 24 hours earlier In Rt. ,Joseph's
Borough Gal'Rge was turned down Cash. balances ASSETS
Monday night, when It was discov- banks. IncIudln~ reserve
Hospital, led his two little girls, ercd that the gal'age was shy 011 balance. and cash ftem~
with other $249.50 ,
I Station WPEN
truck with a block and fall to keep
the first h'uck from sliding down Barbara, 8, and eRlty, 6, from the space, and If an addition were in process of collect.ion $ 855.071::11
United Statfll< Govern- INCLUDES DELIVERY and INSl'ALLA'rION,
I• AT the incline. Both vehicles blocked house: then called firemen. The
built it would cost approximately ment obllgatlons. direct DEMONSTRATION and 1 YEAR'S SERVICING
JgI1g~~I~~sn~~e~tate~·~tid 1.787.329.78
I FRED the road olT, since there is no other
entrance to the road along its two-
blaze was confined to the kitchen.
$850 for the job.
It seems that the ~mbulance has ooI1tlcal ~Ilbdlvlslons". 338.646.05 FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AT

mile stretch.

run up against the housing short-, Other
bonds. . notes,
debentures . . . . . . .and
Corporate stocks. Includ-
inft U500.00 stock of
. . . :164,726.80
Dr. C. M. Cherry, of Ardmore Federal Reserve Bank).. 4.500.00
Methodist Church. will have as his BORO TO REPAIR STRIP Loans and discounts in- 5 EAST MONTGOMERY AVE.
Every.Saturday at 2:30 P. M. in
Fire threatened 'the home of D. sermon topic at the Sunday morn- LEFT IN CURVE WIDENING 535,648. 1 BALA-CYNWYD CYNWYD 0171 (!
$19.574.62. 1urnlture and
I his
Narberth Store·. • • Lots of
Robertson Fiske, 254 Forest Ave.,
Merion, last Tuesday morning
ing services, "Using the Useless."
A strip of unpaved roadway, 300
Dr. Cherry chose his text from feet long and ranging In width (Bank premises owned are sublect to
fixtures $6605.47 .... ,.. 26.180.09
,f.' the sixth chapter of First Tlmoth~·. NONE Ilens not assumed by 'bank.)
,,' when an 011 burner caught fire.
t' prizes for everyone.
Fiske told flremen he started the Mrs. Pauline Lewis wl11 sing "I from one to three feet, left by the Real estate ow.ned other None, I
~, State Highway Department aftcl' Investments than b3nk premises
Sought the Lord," as a solo, and at and other I
Sub 11 r ban Philadelphia's
burner and went fo the flrst floor
for breakfast. A sholt time lat~I'
, he returned to flnd the cellar tilled
9:45 A. 1\1. udults will gather to the completion of the relocation of
hear Robert Kinderman.
\Vynnewood Rd., will, be repaired
N b th
11.1' er
assets Indh'ectlv repre-
sentlnl?: bank premlAes
or otner real estllte ..
at an approximate CustomCl's' Ilabllity to
outstanding Record-Tele- with smoke and :liames leaping
vision - Radio and Repair I from the burner.
Members of the Union Fire Com-
cost of $400.
The strip runs trom Woodside outslandlnR ....•.•.•.•
Ave. to the south side of Elmwood Other ASllets
this bank on acceptances
Stores. pany of Bala-Cynwyd confined the Four bids were opened Monday Ave., between the new road ami 'rotal A86et•. , , .. 3.812.102.11 WORLD PREMIERE - PHILCO TELEVISION
damage to the burner Itself. LIABILITIES
at the Borough Council meeting the curb line. The money necessary Demand depOAlts of In- PHILCO DEEP FREEZER
102 ESSEX'AVE. NARB. 2919
to repair the road will be taken out dlviduilis. pllrlnershlps.
POLICEMAN RETIRES TO paving nine of B.orough road resurfacing ap- Time and corporations
deposits of indl"l-
3.046,910,15 W
Portables for Your Vaca- ."
TEACH SAFE DRIVING WilHam R. Thompson stated that proprlations. dUllls. partnerships. and
corporations .,.,...... 499.876.34
tion Trip-Full Stock of
A letter of resignation from pa- action on the bids would be 'wlth- Depoeits of United States EMERSON Batteries for All Por-
trolman Daniel Crowley was read held until they could 'all be tabu- LEGAl. NOTICES Government (IncludlnK •
to Lower Merion Township Com- lated and discussed by the Highway ":S1'A1'E 01-' I,AWRt;Nn: G. lil'l'lJRM postal savings.... ..... 17,672.55 GENERAL ELECTRIC tables.
missioners \'Vednesday night. Committee of Council. of (1Ilso
the knoll'n all of
I,. U. (1,lIte Deposits
loitnrm). Monl- of States Rnd
polltlcal subdivisions ., 18,232,65
CI'owley, who has been conduct-
ing an automObile-driving course, LEITERS GRANTED IN

have been granted to on
gomer)' (·ounl~'. I'a). del'eased. Letters Other
the above Estate
Deposits of banks......
deposlls (certified
undersigned and cashler's checks,

will devote his full time to the bus- ' LbWER MERION ESTATES who request all ~erRons ha\'1ng claims etc.) 26,410.42 \
~~c~~~I~rd~oa~a~:t ~~~wE;t~~ o~a~: Bl1Is pllyable. redlscountA
Total Deposits $3.609.102.11
ness after July 31. when his resig- . '

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n~a~t~~~n~b~e~c~o~m~e~s~e~ff~e~c~t~~~e~.~~~~ ~lli~cldmln~~~~" ~ill~~ml~~~~~~ and other lIablllties for

been granted In the following es. cedent to make ftyment without de- borrowed money None I REFRIGERATORS
tates and flied in Nonistown at the I t~Xir~ ~~~~~7er ~t~~~~'H1:1ffik'l:i~
,Mortgages or other Ilens. I
on bank premises and WASHER & IRONER AUTOMATIC Electric Blankets
Register of Wills office: MAYERS, 1204 Girard Trust BUlld- on other real estate.... Nonej
Estate of Lovina Evans, Lower ~lg,_Phl1.:'de~phl~2, ~~ OT 7-17-47 6t Acceptances executed by
or lor account or this

Merion , who died July 3, valued at 1\OTICE SUlInt to IS the
IIt:Rlmy U(\'t:N, )'1;8-
provisions or Act ot bank and out.qtandlnft.. None
$300, to Violet E. Roberts, a daugh- Assembly No. 380. approved May 24. Other Ilablllties 1\one

Your Holiday.
tel' , of Lower Merion " with a son of 194.5t e01 Secretal'y
h Intention to or file
thetn Common-
the oIDce Total LiabIlities , "
• • George C. Evans, Philadelphia, as wealth or Pennsylvania. at Harrls-
another hel.r

burg. Pa.. and In the omce of the Capital Stock;
Prothonotary or the Courts or Com- Common stock total par
mon Pleas or Montgomery County. Surplus
on Wednesday. the 30th day of July. Undivided profits . . . . . .

, . . . .•...
75.000.00 I
75.000.00 1
1947. a Certificate ror the conduct of Reserves sand retirement . FOOD MIXERS
HAVERFORD COLLEGE a business in Montgomery County. account tor preferred
RAISES TUITION FEE pennsylvania. under the aS5umed or stock) None
I CAN BE WORRY fictitious name. style or designation
Haverford College, following the or LOCKETT ENTERPRISES. with Its I
principal place of business at 30 Avon Total Capital Accounts.1S 203,000.00
lead of other colleges and universi- Road. Narberth. Pa. The names and

• Always Honored ties In the area, will charge higher address of all persons owning or In- Total Liabilities and
FREE WITH terested In said business are Donald
tuitions begnning ths FaU, to meet B. Lockett. 30 Avon Road. Narberth
Increased operatng costs.
Capital Acounta ..... 3,812,102.11
Pa., Ralph E. Lockett, 30 Avon Road: A8IIets pledged or aSlllgned
Narberth, Pa. and Gordon R. Daggy. to secure lIabll1t1es and
• Protected Per-
TRAVELERS II Haverford's tuition, board, room 252
and fees wllI be $1,129 for the year, OT 7-17-~7
an Increase of $100. '
Hathaway Lane. Wynnewood. 1'11.. for other' purposes ... ,.. 20.000.00
State of Pennsylvania, County ot I
Montgomery ss;
Table Lamps 250;0 Off
sonal funds r\A (late of 1\arberth, Montgomery or the above- named bank," do SOl-I


COllnt~·. Pa.), del,eased-Letters Tes- emnly swear that the above statement
tamentary on th.e sbove Estate have is true to the best of my knowledge
Gllbert F. White, president of been granted to the undersigned. who and bel1t:f.
request all peraons having clalma or CARL B. METZGER, JR.• Cashier
Haverford College, announced this demands
all persons
sgainst the Estate ot the de-
week that John E. Baer has been cedent to make known the same. and
apPo.lnted ,instructor In chemistry to make payment. without delay, to! to the decedent
' Correct--Attes1:
The National Bank of Na __beth l for 1"7-48. Albin H. Werngren. Executor, 811
Wynnewood Rona. PhUadeplhlaJ,. Pa.. Sworn to and subscribed betore me
or to his attorney. Maurice A, Aoge- this 8th day of July. 1947.
A sallor is a man who makes his land, 1009-12 Real BIItate TrUst
BUUdinlf. Philadelphia 7, Pa. (SEAL)

Notary Pubilc
Haverford and Forrest An.. - Phone Narberth 4181

/.. . .Iiilil~w~~··~
living on water but never touches OT 7-17-8t or 7-174' . '

it aabots.
~~.,hil+;;d,i"~:ij~~:::liri '~lu.r;;.j",,.,.j,~';rili~.,~~;:;~,;,.ni:f~~'i.t;:'.i,::.;,;i;"Ull>rh~5\.~~~)~~,k.i.\;.i.t"'l~,;J.ij.li;, 'l!.4"~~2.~o'''''~\,jk~~'ii~i,:,{",'~ :.,~ I.' '~·,i, ;",.' :.,:~.i,;;Al:u'-,:,"!::·.; ,i:,: ~.,",.-i~,:.:>fi,.,.~,.,~i·., ·
.. .. .. .. •• ~u: ~.,.·_,:.,. . " .. , _ _..... _;~ ·;J.;).,~,f~J~~~W~~'Il~ilj;,!i~~Jij.t~f~:_'tk~·;.~-~:.;:Jl'i,_.:,~~;, ~_·.j:!~:l;.,~i~~~~~,iJ:!,~~:_;,:':,~.;~~:";:; ~'}' ..'~:..., '·~ . ;·.;,lJ"~I~,_~_;,t:·.~-,.' ..-.~,:t: ._~';. ·.,fl.:~.,~':"~~.j,l:_,tJ\'.~~~2:.;. :,";'
, 17, 1947 .

Manoa Nine Will Invade loop Campaign CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Ia 0 . . Paper)
tLtI FOB POlJR PAPEB8 SPRAY. 315 yrs. roachea afId reme· OABS Al OR BENT
$5.80 PER DAY
dies ended with ONE pkg. ROACH·
. Ends Next Week THE MAIN LINER, HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP ~EWS, MASTER. No roaches aince 4 yra.
ago. Odor1eas non-poisonous. SAFE
Days c.: More
OUR TOWN, BALA-CYNWYD Ie MERION NEWS Special rates for long terD18

Narberth on Saturday; For Nunan Nine You may lend money order. Itampa or penonal check. Addrell 'all communication.
to Lower Merion Newlpape1'll, Ardmore. PL •(Special Monthly Rates) •
for kitchen. Send $1.00 or M. O. to
Rch. Master, P. O. Box 304, Cam·
den, New Jersey.
U E. Baltimore Ave..
LansdownI' Pa.

HI-Ilers Pia·y Yun'kers r::~~, ~il~C~~~cf~d~7t~~I~il~~~t1~nf~~ I

Nunan-Slook Post bueballers,\ ' SALE·
i. PHONE: Ardmore 5720 - - GReen1foocl 3-77.0 ~ - Hilltop 3600 MADISON 0390
l Children'l Out-Grown Shop
ro· the Eastern' Delaware County
American Legion League title next WANTED TO RENT FOR SALE WANTED
' week. The Oakmonten wl1l play REAL ESTATE-SAJ..E I 1510 Sanlom St., Phila.
Glenolden at Veterans Park Tues- THREE ADULTS urgently neeel GAS RANGE-Good condition, rea·
Drexel Hill pulled to within a
balf game.of Narberth In the tight
day evening. and travel to Lans- PENFIELD DOWNS - stone and
downe on Thursday. brick, single, excellent condition, unfurnished 2-bedroom apartDlent sonab1e. Call Hilltop 4920. Pre-Inventory Clearance SELLING YOUR CAR7
• 'Eastern Division race, while 'Vednesday's Result'" Joe Petron's tossers turned aside 13 bedrooms, tile bath, modern kltch· or houae.Call.Greenwood 3-8486 PREMIER VACUUM CLEANER Tues. &: Wed., July 22 &: 23
Wayne, sporting a six-game wln- Narberth, 9; Gladwyne. 8. three more league foes last week enette-dlnetle, 011 heat. Information after 5 P. :M. -Good condition. Reasonable. SEE' Mac ELREE
'ning Sltreak, took over tlrst place Saturday's Results to lengthen their victory streak. at 1005 Alkena Rd. Or phone Ard- VETERAN PHYSICIAN-Univera- Call HllItop 8914.
"~ •• ' It
n the Western Division of the Main Drexel HIJI, 4; NarbiJl·th, O. Ace Bell atole home In the seventh more 2469-R. Ity of·Penn.~lvani&graduate atu- FOR RENT
" I Line League, last week. West Chester, 6; Berwyn, 3. with two out as Lansdowne bowed, MANOA-Twin newly decorated, 6 dent urgently needa 4-1S room apart- PORTABLE
Narberth split a week-end bill \Vayne, 4; Ardmore, 3. 6-5, Tuesday. In other games Glen· rooms, tile bath, detached garage, ment or houae. Phone Ardmore
while the HlI1ers were winning their
fouth and fifth straight. The
charges of Joe Irvin, lodged in
fourth place earlier In the season,
Norristown, 6; Co)\egevllle, 4.
Manoa, 6; Gladwyne. 2.
Sunda~"8 Results
Norristown, 7; Berwyn, 2.
olden was beaten 1-0 and Colling- recreation room,' hot water heat, 4049-W.
dale fell. 9-5. AgalnRt Collingdale large lot, old shade. POlllesalon. W.
Gullianl Singled with the base~ A. Duffy, 8143 W. Chester Pike,
loaded to score two Nllnan runs Sunset 2252, sH 7-2867.

enjoy a rather easy weelt-end, Wayne. II; Collegeville, 1. NUNAN-SLOOK'" CAR WASHING AND
playlng hORt to West Manayunk on Drexel HII1. 13; Gladwyne, 5. R. H. O. A. VETERANS: Stop paying rent. SINGER SEWING MACHINE Co. • EXPERT SIMONIZING
Saturday In their only stal·t. \ Ardmore"10; Manoa, 9. JoneR, 2b .......••• 0 0 1 0 Lovely new home can be acquired Lubrication-Ignition Work
• ,plays, Narberth, on the other hand, Narberth, 27 j West Manayunk,4. Edelman, ss •••••••. 0 2 4 4 without down payment. Sturdy 57 E. LANCASTER AVE. BIRD'S ATLANTIC SERVICE
Manoa at Narbel·th on Sat-
urday. ,The Manoans are In third
STANDINGS OF TIlE TEAMS Plantz, cr .••••••.•• 0 0
Keehn, 3b ..••••••.. 1 1
1 0 brlClk construction. Large lawn., IS
1 1 spacious rms., tile bath, garage, oil ARDMORE 0256 Lancaster Av. &: W. Wynnewood ReI.
,place a game and half off the Eastern Dh'islon Marlin. If .. '•.••••.. 0 1 .() 0 heat. In delightfUl restricted, com- Call 8r. delivery service
pace. In their two previous meet. W. L. Pet. Galli, lb .....••.•.. 0 0 8 1 munity. $52 pays all chgs. Ir. includ.
ings, the Boroughltes laced Frank ,Narberth ......•.... J2 4 .7/10, Giuliani, rf .....•.•. 0 0 2 0 $27 average aavlng Net cost of $26
Matthew's team, hut, if pitching Drexel HIJI •........ Jl 4 .733 I McCaughan, c •••••. 0 0 4 0 monthly for a $65 rental home. AL
power ~an be found, Manoa can Manoa ........•..•.. 10 5 .667 Harnish, p .••••••••• 0 2 0 8 .-9000; Darby 9579.
make It mighty tough for Nar- Ardmore 7 9 .4~7 - - - - GRACIOUS LIVING
bl'rth. ,Gladwyne 4 Jl .267 Totals 1 6 21 a Demand a luxurious custom-built
• On Sunday afternoon. Narberth I West Manayunk 4 11 .267 GLENOLDEN m'odern dwelJlng, with a touch of
travelR to Berwyn to play the \veRt-1 'Ve~tern Dlvl 10 R. H. o. A. gregorian design for enchantment,
ern Division'R second place nin~. II n R. 'Williams. 3b 0 0 0 2 well planned spacious I·ms.• large
• Thc Pirates led the Western sec· ,V
tion from the starting gun, but ayne.
1\ Pcl.
667 Zolochick.
1 1h
'''1 . os. \VllIlams, cf '" 0 0
0 0 9 0 terrace, 2-car gar.• WI't h Ii v I ng quar-
3 0 tel's ahove. ample shrubbery and
thrce straight loses and 'Varne's Berwyn .. .•• 5 Jack 'VllIiams. Ib 0 1 0 1
West C~ester
terifllc surge placed them. a game Norristown . . . . . . • .• 7 7 .1\00 Smack. If .....•.... 0 1 2 trees on ground J50xJ50, vic. City
•orr the pace.
Manoa. stili a factor, will enler-
Coil II
egevI e
7 ,7
1 12
.500 Zinck, c
Wcaver. rf .....• : •.. 0 0
0 0 3 0 Line neal' Main Line transp. Con-
0 servatively priced at half of pres-
2 0 ent day construction costs.
tain Collegeville on Sunday after- THIS WEEI{'S SCllEDULE Palmore, 2b ..•..... 0 0 1 1 DAVID E. TRIESTER ----- 50c sq. ft. Delivered in one week.
f' noo~. The Superiors have lost 12
, straight games and 8re deeply en-
: trenched in the Wcstern Division
Satllrda~' Aftprnoon

West Manayunk at Drexel Hill.
Gladwyne at Ardmore.
Manoa at Narberth.
Mearns. oss
- -
0 3 21
0 1 1 2 47th & Baltimore Avc.

BERWYN. on Lincoln Highway

SA 7-0600
Finl'st quallt.y aluminum slat••
White, Off-White. Ivorr.
New Petit Point Style Tape.
Wa~'ne plays host to \Vest Ches- \\'I'st Chester at Wayne. R. H. O. A. -8 rooms, 2 baths, garage, work- VETERAN PAYS UP TO $30 FOR
tel' on Saturday and visits the I Collegeville at Berwyn. Jones. 2b ........•.. 0 0 2 1 flhop; could be used for business;
East's cellar occupant, West Man-I SlInda~' Afternoon Edelman. ss •.••.... 0 0 2 3 $8500. PIANOS, ROPHEADS, $15 FOR LONG
ayunk, on Sunday. Manager Mickey \Vayne at West Manayunk. Plantz. cf ..•.•..•.. 1 2 2 0 with MORTGAGES Brand new! Only $15.32 a month MARBLE TOP AND HORSEHAIR ed tapes and cords. Metal encl~~d
Gavin, pleased over the way his \Vest Chester at Gladw'ne. Bell, 3b ........•... 0 1 0 0 BUILDING LOTS. somel $600
1eam haR started to hit, will send ' Narberth at Berwyn. . Fole)', c J 1 4 2 cellars. one with well bored; for .a world famous Lester Betsy FURN., FEATHERS, HAIR USED tops, baked duPont enamel. Old
Harry Dessert and either .J im Collegeville at Manoa. McCaughan, If 2 2 J 0 to $2000. Ross Spinet Piano, guaranteed for FURN., CUT GLASS. STEINS, blindR renovated and laundered.
WHY PAY HIGH INTEREST 10 years. on our special Easy Terms RUGS, SILVER. JEWELRY, .MU- BARTRA] MFG. CO., 5809 WOOD-
Hickey or Joe Byrne to the mound. Norrilltown at Ardmore. Galli. 1b ., ........•. 3 3 6 0 CHARI E E RATES?
Gladwyne plays Eddie Hare's in. Harnish, J'f .•••.... 0 0 0 0 •• 8 .. SHANK GOOD HOUSE STORES, INC.. SIC BOXES, OIL LAMPS, PAINT.! LAND AVENUE, Phila. Belgrade
and-out Ardmorc Lions at Ardmore MAIN LINE J.EAGUE J.EADERS Giuliani, rf •....•... 1 1 0 0 1 Malvern. Pa., or WE HAVE 4% 17 W. Lancaster Ave. Ardmore 5753 INGS, VASES, PLATES, FANCY 6-2233 or 6-2158.
THING OVER 50 YEARS. B. C. =====-:-:---::-= - - - - -
on Saturday and will meet Chct Battlng-\,:lIliams. Drexel Hill, I Marlin. p .....•..•. 1 1 1 2 Phone WAYNE 2367-R
Zercher's \Vest Chester club at .489; Gekoskl. Manoa: .450. - CALL HILLTOP 1850
Gladwyne on Sunday. Runs-Kennedy, Drexel Hili, 18. Totals '" 9 11 18 8 ------------~- for refinancing roul' present Six garage doors complete with COLEMAN, 907 N. 7TH ST., PHILA-1 ED. COLORS MATCHED. FINE
GLENOLDEN mortgage or for new loans. track and hardware. Eight doors
The remaining Sunday' contest Hits-T. Bonder. Narberth, 26. COLLINGDALE A. VISIT GLENDALE GARDENS. At- three Pan., 6 Lgt, Well seasoned _ roN CORDS. W. D. READING. PHONll:
sees Norristown, with Hal Tyson
throwing, playing at Ardmore.
Runs Batted In-Tabor, Nar-
berth. 17; Bell. Wayne, 1I'i. Moran, ss
R. H. o. 5
0 1 2
tractive new community of 60 WM. H. WILSON & CO. mahogany and walnut wide boards. K WANTED .
RIT 6-9140 OR EVE 6-8804.
" __ Two-Base Hits-\Villiams, Drexel Schan, 2b : ..••••••• 0 0 1 :z1 some
Although touched for 15 hits. In- Hill. 7. .
homes. Single, all brick homes,
with stone fronts, with deep
Young, 3b ......•... 0 1 1 o shrubbed lots (45x13772) on wide
BRYN MAWR 1489-1490 ART
Don't throw it away; we pay good
prices. Scrap iron, 45c 100 pounds.
eluding- five doubles, Charlie Gun- Three-Base Hils - Gill, West Bartolomeo. If 0 0 0 o streets. Spacious r~oms, living Furnaces, stoves, etc., up to $14
ther struck out 17 Gladwyne bat s- Chester. 4. Hagan, lb 2 1 8 o room, 13x21. Modern hie bath 13/16, ART INSTRUCTION. Any medium. Batteries, 801'. Newspapers (t1ed,40~ [ PAPERHANGING
men as Narberth nosed out the Home Runs - T.' McFarlan~, Shea, p ............• 1 2 0 o tongue and groove hardwood fiOOrS., HELP WANTED Small classes. William Corasick 100 1bs.; loose, 30c). Copper brass
Newborg-manag-ed nine, 9-8, at Nar- Glad:wyne, and Selby, Drexel Hill, Craig. p 2 0 0 o Sundeck over garage. Copper tub- -1368 Woodland Ave. Clearbrook 7147 and aluminum, 3~ per lb. Cotton, PAPERHANGING and painting,
\\ berth On Wednesda~·. 3 apIece. Weightman. c 0 1 6 mat.~resses. etc., I2c lb. For quick
Stolen Bases--Sl'lby, Drexel HIli, Milheim, rf ..•.••... 0 0 0 o fng, oil heat. Availabe to G.I.'s and I
expert workmanship. reasonable
10; . Ro~enfed, DI'exel Hill, 7. Lindholm, rf ....... 0 1 0 o clvfllans. Drive out MacDade Blvd. I CATERING
sen ICe call Clearbrook 2200. prices. No job too small. Estlmatea
Gunther's fa.nning bee set a new
season's mark, but fell five short Pltchmg--Creany.
of a leag-ue record, The Narberth 5-0. and Conway. Drexel Hill, 4-0.
Drexel Hill,
Totals ........•... 5 7 18
81 from Darby 10 South ave., turn - - - - - - - - - - - - -
right to sample house. Open 11 to
8:30 daily and Sunday. SANDWICHES, fancy. 87c dozen
clothing, suits, overcoats, shoes, HIGHLAND PARK. SUNSET 6161.
ball park was packed as post-war
riig-ht baseball was inaugurated on 64.
the Main Line.
Strikeouts-Davidson, Narberth·

be~t~~e26.on .BaIlS-D~vidson, ,dar·

, 'T op Tel!:ms W·In j
533 Chester Pike Prospect Park
Phone Ridley Park 1334 GIRLS
$7 per 100; plain. 11c and 15c:
Uber's Catering, Madison 1750.
BElgrade 6-5039.
furs, evening wear, riding apparel
luggage, athletic equipment, Army
goods musical instruments or what
Archie PiGioia. forml'r Ardmore FACTORIES AND-- -MUSICAL- INSTRUCTIONs- have you. Will call in private car. Interior and Exterior
(Courteous Service.> Harry, 4048
Quality Material
first baseman. has been added to
Drexel HiIl's list. while Ken Keehn.
veteran Gladwyne third baseman,
Merion Pack 29 Mont-Del Tests
Due to rain, the Mont-Del League
TEACHER- Market St., Phila., EV 6-3166.
NI·pS Narberth
lind leading- Gladwyne hillel', asked
: tor and received his release. schedule last week
down to t~ree games,waR
but whltt.led
board and rags. Prompt service,
top prices. AI Gregull 8r. Son, Cedar
Boulevard 5891-J
\Vayne, hottest cillb in eit her ha.ppened 10 those three to keeppressure boilel's, generators 1arA'e
Lane and Arlington Ave., High- or Victor4-6915
water main, transformers, ~prlnk- EARN,WHILL YOU LEArN SCHOOL OF MUSIC, WILMING-
2ection of the I<>ague. was flll'ther Merion won as expected from thmgs from getting too dull. The TON. CALL NARBERTH 2492. land Park, by P. R. R. crossing.
I1lrengthened with the return of Narberth as the second half race three games bl'ought together all leI' system; rf'novated in 1945, Shop hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M.
Bohby Camac. Call1ac, an excellent opened in the Main Line CUb-Scout the first division clUbs. and the net:IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY You'If enjoy working with :\'lr1a Sunset 6986.
hiltl'r and fielder, is attending Baseball Leagul'. The Merlonltes l'e~ult was that all fOIlI' teams al'e I INTERIOR DECORATION SUBURBAN PAINTERS
however, triumphed in an unex~ still running in the same position
your own age and the many re-
Bucknell University. DONALD J. DUGAN &. CO. creational activities. MOTHER. 3 married children re-
I' p,;ctedly close game. 6-3, as Dick they were before the games were Land Title Bldg. RI 6-7148 furnishing their home. Furniture
UPHOLSTERING silver, china, bric-a-brac. antiqul!~ 11th & Fitzwater, Phila.
.Col1l'geville. sorely In nped of any ,Fitzgerald starred at bat and on played.
aid that it can obtain has addcd I the mound. Headline contest was pla~'ed REAL ESTATE - RENT
SLIP COVERS needed. Call Locust 7-5631 or
CARPETS daughter's number. Locust 7-6453,
rE 5-7043 or, BE 6-1656
Hen Fogel, a pitcher. ' Penn Wynne 33 and Penn WYtne day night at Narbel'th when the SUMMER RENTALS ~5 .J_nderson ave., A:dmor~
__ 1155 hooked up in a 15-to-14 Ihrlll- title-defending St. Margaret's nine
\Vhen Hubert- -Smith and Duke er. ~Vith Penn W'.ynne_ Pack 33 made its bid to unseat Good Coun- ()CEAN CITY, The Havertown
Room 315 McClatchy Bulloin"
ts9th 8r.' Market IIts., Upper Darity
RUGS or write 2209 Pine St.. Phila.
We make your old furniture like OLD AND MODERN BOOKS en-
Snyder formed Gladwyne's battery boastmg a 14-5 lead, the second sel, o~ Bryn Mawr, as the leader of )louse. Centrally, located three 1631 Arch street. Philadelphia new at legitimate prices. tire libraries purchased. WI\)'call. PAINTING
against Drexel Hill on Saturday It t,:am took over with only one in- the Circuit. Good Counsel had been blocks from Boardwalk, 911 Central
was one of the youngest pltcher- nmg remaining and very nearly having a rocky lime of It in recent Ave. Hilltop 6590 for reservations Sue H. Evans Immediate removal. \V. C. BALD-I
WIN, Lenape Road, West Chester.
catcher combinations to perform In lost out as ~Iark Goebels hit a' games,. but bounced back in true and information after 7 P. M. THE BELL TELEPHONE Established 25 Years MADISON 8832
FACTORIES AND Valley Rd and Lincoln Highway Phone West Chester 08UhJ.
the Main Line Leag'ue. Smith is home run With the bases loaded championship form to up-end' the
"at the side of Acme" FURNITURE odds and ends. etc. A. LORILLARD
17 and a recent graduate of Hav- fOr Pack 155.
erford High, while Sn\'der did the ,In gaml's, this Thursday. Penn
home clan by an 8-0 sCOl·e.
.AIl games scl,1eduled for Monday WAREHOUSES COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA Paoli Men·s. women's and children's W ALL SCRAPING
backstopping at Episcopal Acad- \\ ynne 33 \~'III play at Ardmore 36, mght were raIned out, and those Paoli 2747 LOcust 7-5884 (Phila.l . clothing. Al GregulJ, Sunset 6986, Cellars Cleaned and
emy ,last year. Although wild, Nal'berth ~n\'ades Pe.n!l W)'nne listed for Wed~esday wel'e te-
Smith showed lots of promise as 155, .and AI dmore 74 VISitS Merion scheduled and Will be played next
Managel' Vic Newborg started his 29 dIamond.
"back to youth" movl'ment at MAIN LINE CUB-SCOUT
Warehouse space, 3-car railroad
siding, large elevator, truck loading
Ray Desert came within one hit
Laree Selection of Fine Fabrics
call 9 A. M. and 5 P. M.
old and wrecked cars. Tom Shank.
Furniture and Floor Covered'
Rubbish Removed,
Drexel Hill '11 h . t .
WI a\ e 0 chmax I
Standings of Teams
of a no-hitter in shutting out St.,
W L T P t )'Ight-hander gave up a I I t
platforms, extra yard space. Pos-
~argaret's Friday night. The lanky
session August 1st. I 20 Years' Experience
Free Estlmatefl
Phone Ardmore 15075
Phone West Chester 1617.
BE 6-1156
PAPERHANGING, finest work
~~~~~U~It~~~ltt ~I~h ~arb~~th 1.0~<i ~~;fec~
ho tl Id e ene. 0
fand pMel'ion 29
6' O· o·
I'nn Wynne 33 .. 5 1 0
Albie Becker to lose as
833 game.
Land Title Bldg. RI 6-7148[1
1150' St. Paul'lI Rd~- Ardmore
manship, reasonable rates. quic k
service. Gordon Bros., 1726 N. 52n d
an:reB ~ . Th~ Township Road Ardmore 74 •..... 2 3 1 :400 I Joe Burns had three singles to St., Greenwood 3-1869, after 6 P. M
and wNI ~~n;1 :~tet ha~ ~een sold Penn Wynne J55 .. 2 3 1 .400 p~ce the winners' nine-hit. at.tack. OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE forclean
you. that house
Phone or apartm~n
Robert, BArm ~ ROOFING
ollc church Jose II'vo'nelecd a , Calth - NATarberth 212 .... 1
. I an h IS a d - rdmore 36 0
4 1 .200 VIC Mauck had a double and a sln-
5 .000 gil' • 2-3908. A-l references. 10 years HOUSEHOLD GOODS SPOUTING AND GUTTERS HOME IMPROVEMENTS
• i11~:U~u:i. ~~dO~n?l~e~~?~i~~S H~f~ Merlo:~~~I1~~' ~i~~e'~~~~l~
3. • ReSUI~O~~y
In Cynwyd experle_n_ce_. _
AUCTION SALE Estimates furnished
Re-roofing our specialty CARPENTER WORK
rescheduled for the opponent's 155 n n .• ~ nne ,15; Penn Wynne,
1'1' home g-ames WIll probably be pe \" • '33 , . All t .
games pos poned-rain. IDEAL LOCATION HOUSEWORKERS Every Tuesday Night 409 N Narberth Ave. OF ALL KINDS
field " 14 . Tuesda)' N ARBER7'S 2215
~ . Ardmore 74. J8; Ardmore 36, 6. St. Thomas, 4; Good Counsel, 3. AT 7 P. M. Kitchens & Play Rooms a Specialty
St. Philomena's at St. Colman's
CALL CYNWYD 0368 General
Sleep In-$15 Weekly
At the Warehouse or. the Combination Doors and
postponed.' We have available, for privat e Berwyn Furniture Company ROOFING-all kinds-SIDING Metal Half Screens. \
Thursda~' REAL ESTATE _ ,WANTED homes, carefully selected Puert 0 Waterloo Avenue, south or Lincoln
Highway, Bel·wyn. Pa.
St. Laurence. 9; si. Thomas, 6. Rican domestics. U. S. Citizens RAIN OR CLEAR
Frida,. FOR ACTION Medical certificate•. '273 SANFORD ROAD
Good Counsel, .8; ·St. Margaret·s IN BUYJNG OR SEJ.T.ING $175 covers transportation and COME TO THE COUNTRY WD..L GLADLY GIVE YOU AN
ESTIMATE Day Phone - Boulevard 5875-R
O. How They Stand
W. L. Pct.
agency fee.
Licensed and bonded employmen t STYLE SALE FOR FUN FRANK DAGER Evening Phone-BOUlevard 2750
Good Counsel •..••.. 9 3 .750 PHII.IP S. SELTZER agency. HILLTOP 5985 SEWERAGE - DRAINAGE
st. Margaret's •..•.. 9 4 .69211600 Walnut St.
81. Laurence " ., .. , 10 5 .667 4935 OldjYork Rd.
St . Th omas. . . • .• •• • 9 5 .64::1 15215 Walnut St.
PE 5-9857
GL 5-4500 I CaD PEnnypacker 5-0651
between 10 and 3
AL 4-9541 - - - - - - . . ; , . - - - - - - -
General Contractor
. st. Philomena ••••••• 6 6 .500 Phila., Pa. CONSTRUCTION
st. Colman's .....••• 4 8 .3331 I
glass, old china, vases, bric-a-brac,
St. Lucy 3 9 2!'i0
1 9 :100;
ARDMORE 74 WINS I- - - - - - - - - - figures, copper & brass. If you have WAYNE 1408
. ~~:ta~e \ OVER PACK 36,
18-6 I ,. WHEEL, WAYNE 2347.
Good Counsel at ·St. Lucy. The Ardmore. CUb Pack 74 base-I' HELP. HELP! Exterior &I Interior
" St. Philomena at st. Colman's. ball team trounced Ardmore Pack CONSTRUCTION PLUMBING and HEATING Call
Good Couns~o~~a~~. Laurence ~~i l~o:::e \:~s'F~~:lIith~n~~~~~~ HELP WANTED! See Why Buy When You
St, Philomena at St. Lucy. • !I1egllo also pitched well fOr 74. ALL MAKES
St. Colman's at G'ood Counsel.
Cal'narius finished fOI' 36 and. was
more successfUl than his predeces- POSITIONS AVAILIABLE AL TATRd Can Rent? GUN-POT-ROTARY
Sl. Thomas at St. Margal·et's. SOl'S In making the latter Innings 5115 WAJ.NUT STREET OIL BURNERS BERNARD V. MORRISON
17 Waverly Road Llanerch, PL
St. Charles at S1. Colman's.
a contest.
MALE AND FEMALE GR 2-OS4'i' We ~arantee heat. Complete
011 Burner Rental Service in-
3 2
St; LaUl'enee at St. Philomena's. N. Fanelli, rf
Barr. 2b ........•...... 4
2 2 SALES-TECHNICAL INVENTIONS stalled in l'our present heater. CESSPOOLS
Septic Tanks Cleaned
Narberth Man Wins c. lo'anelli. c •....•..... 4
1.ll'gllo, P ..••••••••••••• 4
3 OFFICE ETC. PATENTED and unpatented inven- INs'rALLATION $975
Modern Sanitary Methods. We (0
tions promoted, drafted and de-
Stone Harbor Race O'HI'ien, If •.••...•...•. 4. 2 2 signed. M. Joyce Humphri~8. 1424 and have complete service for anywhere at nO extra charge.
Geol'ge J,' Mehl. or Nal'hl'l'lh. tri- O'BI'ien, ef •.••••...•... 0 1 Land Title Bldg. Locust 7- 134. small monthly rental
umphed again Sunday In the sec- Whelan. Ss .•.•...•....• 1 1
o Exceptional Opportunities CALL US TODAY Chester Hts. 42R13
ond of the stone Harbor Yacht Dolan, lb ....••..••..•.• 3
ClUb elimination series to deter- Giagullo, 3b •.......•... 3
o o Come In and discuss your em- Ardmore-Enterprise ·0156 BURLEY'S
mine the two skippers who rl'pre- ~~~~Ws,c 2b ...•......•.• ~ ,0 o ployment problems. No charge BUILDING I; FIEJ.D STONE West Chester 2400 WINDOW CLEANING
sent the resort in the Internalionlll Edmundst~~'~!""""" ? .~ 1 $3.00 to $3.75 a ton LIGHT HAULING
fIllV Comet ......... 0' o o Call eve's after 6. Wayne 0480
WIRe tember Class championship in sep-I Nagle ' cf ..••..•••••.•••
' unless position Is ·secured.
YOUIi$HT' Saill~g the Comtesse, Mehl cov- Car:one. ss ~ 2V v.
ered the course .of 6 1f, miles In 111"0 y, ss : ..•............ 1 EMPLOYMENT COUNCELLORS.
TREE SURGERY No job too small!
t CHAMPS hour, 26 minutes and 37 seconds.
Jack BOl'hl'inger, of Drexel Hill,
.. ,
'.:,,;" .31 18 18 EXPERT WORKMANSHIP Pr'unlng Feeding EVergreen 6-1267
i ON REcoRD was third _ In_the Hi-Tide ARDMORc.o 36 PROFESSIONAL BUREAU SINCE 1885. ALSO CUSTOM MADE Trimming Tree Removal
• WOM 1I/e.
_~I . I
March, c ........•••..... 4
AB. R. H.
• 1 i940 RAe:E AT SELiNSGROVE Kaufman. p ...•.•••.••• 3 0 1 7040 TERMINAL SQUARE IF DESIRED. RAY'S, 24 N. LANS- LEAFBRm"
TIn.. IN
BIg cal' auto racing will return Millel', 311, p. lb
to the Selinsgrove Fair Grounds Camurlus 1b p
0 0
1 1 UPPER DARBY - BOU. 4113
Kitchens Bathroom.
Armstrong "Monowall" used
AGE OF' Saturday aflel'noon, July 26. The Baile, ss' ... : ... :::::::: 0 2 0 717 MADISON ST., CHESTER GLASS & MIRRORS li'REE ESTIMATES
.... i.9! events have been sanctioned uy 1vlanlhorpe, 2b •........ 2 1 0 Hll1top 2841
the contest board of the Amel'lcan Henderson ct 3 1 1 CHESTER 8229 GLASS 8r. MIRRORS UPPER 'JARBY
Automobile ~ssoclalion. Many of Vessey, Cf' ..•. :::::::::: 2 0 0 GI8JIs &' mirrors for all purposes. COMPLETE I.ANDSCAPE WORK
the ·country s outstanding speed Hubbard, rf ...•.•.•... 0 0 0 Old mirrors remodeled &: rl'SilVered. Cement Sidewalks Waterproofing
Wall mirrors made t.o order.
chauffeurs. including Bill Hoiland Shaffel', rf •.••.••••.•••. 1 0 0 CAN SUPPLY YOU 'WITH A
nnd Ted Horn, are expected to en- . CHILD'S NURSE. ALSO ALL TAGYE'S BOULEVARD 3082 Cellar Cleaning

PANAMAS STRAWS ter. Totals 20 6 4 KINDS OF DOMESTIC SER- 7315 West Chester Pike
SERVICE by factory trained
Hoover service man. Work called
1.95 to 6.00 Brookline Softballers Win 2, ALL HELP FREE TO GO TO
BUSSELL J. HUBERT fOr and delivered. Call Lynam Elec-
tric Co., Wayne 0999. New Hooverl
7928. HILLTOP 6li68-B

SPRITZLER'S Tie Merion for Suburban Lead Edwuds Employment Senice

BaUey. Banka &: Biddle Bulldlne
now avallable.

FRIENDLY STORE FOR MEN AND BOYS Frank Wlrken made a sensation- to again tie Merion for the league Suite 702, 1218 Cheatnllt St- PHONE
al debut In the Suburban Softball
League last week, pitching BI'oolt-
lend. I!1 games this Friday, Brook-
line encounters Ardmore, Penfield
line to a 2-0 triumph over West-
Downs plays Ardwood, West,gate OFFICE, SALES, TECHNICAL &: WEST CHESTER PETS
WE I ALSO FEATURE: gate Hl1ls. Hills meets Penfield Indians and EXECUTIVE JOBS AIRPORT COCKER SPANIELS-Certlfied A.
Louis Petrellis & Son
In another league game Friday, Medon tackles Penn Wynne. LOW:BATES • .. CONTRACTORS
K.C. Out of Meddllng Miss, sire
SPORTSWEAR HICKOCK BELTS Wayne Roberts hul'1ed the Brooks ~ W.
, to a 12-5 victory ovel' Ardwood. Drookllne ••...••••••••••••• 15 LIS VAL YARNAll MANAGEMENT For Information Phone to Kalon Consul. Phone Madison Brick - ' Stone and Cement Work
Bob Dougherty, former West Cath- Merion ...•...... '" .•••••• 15 5 PEnnypacker lI-0151K " 4881 4265-R. Specialize In Flagstone Walks
VAN HEUSEN SHIRTS BOTANY TIES olic High and Penn athlete, clouted Penfield Indians ...•••••••. 12 81 EVenlnp-SAratoga 9-3129 WEST CHESTER 9968 2 SUPERB Clocker puppies, 2 1A, , and Terraces


a, home run with the bases loaded
for Swain Wilson's 11I·ray. George
Wilson and ~ Ed Niethereott alsb
.tarred"Wlth three hits each.
Penn Wynne ..••..•••••••• 11 1~ NEWMAN'S EMPLOYMENT
Ardwood ., ....•.•••.•.•••• 9 12
Westgate Hills
Penfield Downa •••••••••••• 5 11i IAGENCY - Reliable Domestic
8 U Help of all kinds. Beat referencea
furniahed. Call BRYN MAWR 0211.
Airport located 2 mUes N. E.
01 West Cheste~JU8t oil Boute
_ at BJJIe BanKe Boad.
_ _--:--: ~"'-
months old. Solid black male, solid
red bitch. AKC registered Raised
to preaerve line and provide pu ppy
for Clhlldren. Call Bryn Mawr 240'-
Also Plastering
West Manayunk
Tbe victory enabled Brookline Arelmore I ,
" ..

OUR TO W'N ·:'i;';

· .e, 'i
ELEPHANT BABIES ARRIVE Hollywood 'Designer Objects to 'f,;;

M.L. Girls Host to Sloping Shoulders, Padded Hips

Members ot West Manayunk Pod
8117 of the American Legion wlll
hold a community picnic August I
Scout Delegates The American woman Is be-
Ing bullied Into looking dowdy,
woman wearing It. It seems un-
fortunate to me that In the
I at Brooke Jones Woods. Comm8J1oo
I der Charles Aleslo will be in oharlf"

Mr•. Malvin Wallace dumpy and downright fat by fashion Industry a 'desire to
To Give Dinner at "certain fashion forces," ac- stimulate buying nas made It
cording to Adrian, noted Hol-
lyWood designer. And In a free
grasp at silhouettes that 'make
women look matronly, In fact
ACME HA. THE VALva.' Main LIne resIdents will join !n .country, where "we do not have plaIn fat.
to be dictated to In any way." "Personal1y I feel that no one
Buy the ·Dozen and Save entertaIning more than 20 foreign
In a speeCh Introducing his can bully women-even with

delegates returnIng from the Girl
Lar'. No. S Ca.. • for . . . Scout 311th Anniversary Interna-
new, Fall collection ot fashions hlglr. powered propaganda -
. Pride eI Fa. . Fa.,. IS far ~1.3. to buyers from all parts of the Into buying anything that •

2 23
tional Encampment at Camp Bar- country, Adrian, who was re- makes them less than they
ree, Po.. They will Incl'Jde Mrs.
c sponsible for the padded sho~l­ know they can be.

NO 2

canl. ;
Malvin B. Wallace, vice-president
of the Phlladelpbla Girl Scout
Council, who wll1 give a dinner for
der, emphatically declared his
opposition to letting the pads
slip dOwn to the hipline, as
"I do not like the overly e-
aggerated broad shoulder that
makes women look like football
the visiting delegates at her home, Paris designers and some New players but I do like the trim
"'. Yellow Cling, Unsweetened, Sliced 739 South Highland Avenue, Mel-' York designers are doing. square shoulder-and feel that .

LulClou. California peach... Fino for mak-
NO;a~~ c
2 330
17 lon, I)n July 22.
Girl Scouts JIving on the MaIn
Line. who wlli have delegates as
their house guests for Monday and
Tuesday nights, July 21 and 22, arp.:
He said: "I prefer women to
look slim and elegant rather
than dowdy and .dumpy. I can-
not pre,scrlbe to the sloping
It will survive all attempts to
eliminate It because It helps
"When the first bobbed hair
',,,OWell"- in; a delicious peach pi., peach cok., or for shoulders or the padded hips. appeared, people said It would
Peach SliceS sw""ton.d 10 losl•. Siock up ollhls low prlco. Bee Harris, 1026 Montgomery Ave·
nue, Narberth, who wllJ entertain
"If there are women today
who ~ant to loOk" that way,
be a' passing fancy. It stayed,
T HIS neat, compact; Pacific
room'sized unit will give yOIl

All Our Beef, Lamb and Veal primarily because It was youth-
Mlche Balin, delegate from Haiti; healthfully conditioned air any
Are U. S. Graded, 'nspeded, and Properly rrimmed Sue Parron, 223 Essex Avenue,
Narberth, whose guest wll1 be
there are enough designers who
are charmed by this fashion
ful and comfortable. The square
shoulder Is becoming and will
hour of the doy or night. It is easily
and quickly installed in any win·
Two adorable young elephants have just arrived at the Philo.·
Fresh·Killed, U. S. GoYt'. Grade A I .. c Rachel Clarls. of England; Jane
to satisfy them. I leave' It to always remaln,because It Is
:s~~ ~:I
delphia Zoo. Peggy and Patsy '.lr e their names. They left their
FRYING Stelber, 131' Flatrock Road. Penn native Ceylon on May 12 and have been traveling ever since. The
them. . youthful and becoming. Let dow. Needs no plumbing conneC·

"But Why any woman would tho!e who like the sloping tions, droins nor ducts. Inexpensive'

CHICKENS Non. Prlc.d High.r I

Valley. who wiJI have two guests,
Allee Zannos. of Greece, and Joan
Clara Lawrence, of Newfoundlandj'
last lap of their journey was made via truck from New York.
Both are Indian elephants a nd both are of the gentler sex.
want to return to 'ugliness for
the sake of change is more
shoulder wear It-but don't
feel that you will be dated if'
to operate on ordinary 11 Q-vort
house circuit. •

Mi'l<fed Quality Veal from Nearby farm.
Marty Vogeler, 590 Hansel Road,
Each of the newcomers Is estlm ated to be about two and a halt
years of age. Each weighs about1700 pounds.
than I can comprehend. The
lampshade hal..ll a.nd tled-in-
you don't." Sleep in springtime comfo:-t this
Wynnewood, wiJI be hostess to

the.ml4dle figure are not only summer • • • see the Pacific unit
Hannie Kording. of the Nether- STATE POLICE ARREST demonstrated tomorrow.

and Harry Grabam. Narberth. ugly but of'Censive, the dowdiest
Wynnewood Girl Junior boys 25-yard freestyle: period of fashion history. We
T~?teF~2~ ~~~~~~~lJe
Breast of Veal Dellc!ou,
Ib Zge
The foreign visitors are coming
to Philadelphia after attending the
three weeks' International En- Lea,ds Swim Meet
Tommy Malek, Wayne; Dick
Graham, Narberth, and Bob Pluver.
cannot turn aside. In our
streamlined lives and return to I Bar-
racks last Saturday announced the
names of numerous motorists
Stanservice Inc.
Specialists In Air CClndltlonlng-
Sboulder Veal Cbops
woth Follong
Ib 4se IIcampment. The foreign guests rep·
resent 21 European, South Ameri- Elall!e Rutledge, of Wynnewood,
Time. 17.2.
Junior girls 25-yard freestyle:
that. It would cancel out all the
strides American fashion has
I taken Into custody for violations
r on county highways.
can and Central American coun- 4622 Sa.nsom Street
LONG ISLAND DUCKLINGS YaT~nn".J:;d lb 31e tries, as well as Canada and New-
led last week's race for the Presi- Elaine Rutledge. Carol McNee.
Wayne, and Anne Althouse, Colo-
"NO one likes lL new look Among the drivers apprehended
were Edith Quier. of Ardmore, and . PHILADld.PRlA S9. PA.

55e I
more than I do. But that new
foundland. Seventy-three teen-age dent's Cup. awarded at the end of nial Millage. Time, 16.8. AL 4·0808
FRESH PORK LOINS Ri~o~OI~sUP Ib Girl Scouts made up the American each season at Colonial Village Senior boys 50'yard freestyle:
look must be helpfUl to the Earle White. of Ardmore.

Lamb Patties Frankfurters SUnl...

T •• orad. Ib 47c I contingent represcnUng every State Swimming Club, Wayne. She de- Fitzgerald, Bob Gentles and Lou.

Ground Beef
Ib42c Lebanon Bologna SlI..d 1/. Ib 1Sc I and the Canal Zone, Puerto Rico
I and the Hawaiian Islands.
fealed Bob Fitzgerald, of \'Vayne, TJme, 32.2.
by a narrow margin. . Senior girls 150-~ard freestyle:
Short Ribs Beef Ib3Sc IlSCIJ Cole Slaw Ib .uo 23c The Philadelphia Girl Scout Third place honors went to Shaughnessy, Carpenter and Elea·
Soup Beef Ib25c Macaroni Salad Ib 'Uo 19c Council, I\. !t;ed Feather Service of Nancy Carpenter. of Radnor, who nor l.!nger. Time, 37.4. A Complete, Convenient
I the Community Chest, has been moved up with 33 points while I
Semor boys 5O-~'ard backstroke:

Jersey Whiting Fillets 2 11l1 2Sc
designated as official hostess for
the visiting delegates In this city,
I and has planned.a two-day program
Arden Shaughnessy, of Ardmore, Loll. Fitzgerald and Jenkins, Nar-

Miss Rutledge took 15 points this I

held fourth place with 26 points. 'berth. Time, 44.
Senior girls 50-)'ard backstroke:
Shopping Center
Food I of sightseeing, luncheons and other week for the individual honors by S~aughn~Ssy, Carpenter and SlLlly
Icelandic Cod Fillets
Fresh, Large Croakers
17c I events. placing first in the junior girls div- Mll1er. TIme, '7.6.
Fresh, Large Sea Scallops Ib SSc ing, 25-yard junior grls freestyle,
Fresh Crabmeat Whlll La.., Ib 69c CARS ON INCREASE Suburban Square merchants are l'eady to
I3A SURVEY SHOWS and 25-yard junor grls backstroke.
In the boys' events, Skip Lou, of
Narberth, nosed out Fitzgerald by I .=::;;;=:::;:;:~:::::;:~:.:;::;::=~
serve you. You'll find it a treat just to
farm Fresh Fruits
IbyMotor vehicle usage as measured
gasoline. consumption, showed. one point In the senior boys diV-!
look and see the interesting array of new
a quality merchandise they have prepared
ing. and took first place In the sen- I
and Vegetables
U. S. No. 1 Hiley Bell.
I, big increase during 1946, according
to Thomas L. Sheperd, manager I)f
Ithe Automobile Club of Chester
lor bOYS' 50-yard backstroke.
Complet.e results of this week's INLAID
for your selection. A treat multiplied by
many fine stores and courteous service.
Come and shop ••• where it's pleasant •••
· "

County. meet, held Monday' at 2 P. M., are: LINOLEUM convenient .•. economical.
In the State of Pennsylvania alone Junior boys diving: Wally

Graham, Narberthj Bob Heady and I
Mr. Sheperd pointed out, during the
past year a total of 1,245,957,000 John Malley, King of Prussia. VENETIAN
3Ibl20C gallons of gasoline were consumed Junior girls diving: Elaine Rut-
WHITE for highway use, an increase (If ledge, Wynnewood; Carolyn Alt- WINDOWS
FREESTONE 407,395,000 gallons, or 32.7 percent house, Colonial ViJlage, and Sandra SHADES James •
Ib Ie
over 1945.
"For the nation as a whole," he
Malek, Wayne.
Senior girls diving: Nancy ,car- \
1nolall.4 "" J£1tPor',
Sanartl, styled ••• a.utilall, toned A. •
Sweet Meaty Honeydew. Rip.ned
Tru-Blu Berries c·~:ik:ar plnl

FuD Podded Lilaa Beau. Nearby S Ibl,Zle

continued, "American Automobile
Association statistics show that mo-
tor vehicles burned up the high
penter, Radnor; Arden Shaughnes-
sy, Ardmore, and Eleanor Unger,
Repairs to all
type BLINDS.
- Ritchie
total of 19,339.492,000 gallons, a gain Senior bo~'s diving: Skip Lou,

SUGAR CORN Swe.t Tend.r

~.arb., Golden 6 Zgc.arl
of more than 6,500,000,000 gallons
or 33.8 percent over the preceding
Narberth; Bob Fitzgerald, Wayne, -A1t7CtI-
YIHfJ'AN .UNP co Fine Linem
~'ear." PLAY TENNIS AT I Race Sf. at 17th
II As a host you ought tn be fiat- Haverford College Courts
I L07-2959
'cedor Hot, They Hit the Spot
: tered your guests hang around
; until three o'clock In the morning.
courts Open to Public
9 A. M. to Dark. Weekdays
2 P. M. to 6 P. M.. Sundays
ARDMORE 3725 for
1-- OpenWed. Ev.'tlil
Z9 CouUer Ave., Ardmore
,............•..•..•...• ."
.a~um43° N•••• display at

Information and Ratl's
\ •
Children's Wear
c. B. Davis, Ine.
Its unmalchobl. flovar appool. la 10'." 0,
of vacuum packed coff... "II top. them all." Foundation Garment!;

Will-Crest COFFEE 2 ~~I:I 73c

If you pr.f.r a lighter body yel .lrons-Iasling coif••
COVEBS See and hear these splendid
instrUments. Prices start at $187
Junior Dresses

Red Ripe To..atoe. No.2 can 16_ Bill'. THE MAIN LjNE'S FINEST •
CraabelTJ' Sauce s~~~je~:a, 1:~~0 lie
Pure Apple Sauce 2 No.2 can' 2ge retired 43 Couller ..h e. Ard. 1916 }

.Grapefruit Juice G~r~:id':d S '::~~ 2SC : ":~~'19C • 33 COULTER AVE. ARDMORE 4422 '-
5'~~~. Se And he's only six months old ! Yes, the Treasury
Tree-Sweet Lem. . Juice
Department says the average dollar hill holds up only
- - - - ---_ _- _.,------------ ..
Molt's Apple Julc:e 41 '-ql bol. :lIe Well-Fitting. about half a year before it goes to pieces! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Grapefruit Seetioas G!;.1.v;;r.od 2 No.2 con. 29-
Salad DrelliDl d~~U'i. l/r~~11.e: i~~ Z7e
----.$4 95
But any housewife can tell you the life expectancy
of a greenback is even shorter than that. When a dol· i t ARDMORE •

3 Pall. Cow,.. I

i ~®O/o ~ BOOK SHOP

HODl-de·Lite Mayo.aalse '!r~~ISZe: I~~ :l7e lar goes to market nowadays, it lasts hardly any time
S.dans, Coach•• ---S7 95 at all-and·seems to buy less and less of everything!
Joarite TOlDato Juice S ':~: zs- Clw" COGp., I I~

i..s it
FIr Mo.1 Con. Inltall." Whil.·U·Walt Everything but electricity, that is! Because the servo
For Small Ch.....
, ice you get for your electric dollar is just about the
Once toP try if, you'll ..'ways buy lJi':'IlIIIIlI_"".....-~ IILTIE AUTO biggest bargain in your budget. If yours is an average A carefully selected group of suits for Times Medical Bldg.
Enriched SUPREME -
family, that dollar buys you twice as much electricity '1 ),ou to thoose from. Also 8 wonderful r Phone Ardmore 4114 ./
as it did 15 years ago!
..s .election of blouses. All with our usual a
BREAD am WALIIUT ST. IA 2·1811 Break it down .into terms of service, and that little t high standard of style and qualit)'. r
Tast•• a."..
Toasl. ao"or
Slays Frllh
I 2C greenback lasts a long while. On a national average it
can run a radio for about 100 evenings-or do your.
family wash 50 times-or tell you the correct time for 1 ~ JERREHIAN
i ~J B ~
Lon",r more than a year and a half! It'll even vacuum clean
SUPREME RAISIN BREAD Mor.20~ loaf "SA 600 rugs-or brew yOIl 2000 cups of coffee! Domestic
RaISins ("til, ... •
141 in pkg 1ge
TAKE No maller what service you want it to perform for
you, that electric dollar has a very long life, indeed!
i' ~f? .ULLITT II~
~ and
, (I

t Rugs •
Olives 011_ Stuffed Qu... TI,I.·o, 43c
Pickles MoI"U. 0111 ott ....r ,t ~ 19c
Nabisco Oralloll Crockl.. I. 'k. 24c
THE 21·30 Parle... Pi....

'514-16 <;'""a.lo_ ~ 6t ST. JAMES PLACE
Kool Aid ........ ' ..d... 2 ok I' 9c r
Tumbo vum. or Cllot.. 3 3'h·1l 23 G•.;,. CROI..L'B
IO!AI 'lOIdl.. ,k.. C

LEAD TIl. 11'1.... 1. _.1 coaplel. I .

Caramels =~:" W11lrt,lb ok. 39c
Cheese "'••• s Allorl... • ... ok'23c
Oleomargarine ASCO Ib 37 C
Medium Sharp Ch.ddar
a .. d

.CHEESE, % Ib 30C ... in party-line courtesy! Itor. I.
Cleaners Since 1890
If your line is a party-
Be PrePared for Preserving Time $5.95 14 COULTER AVE.
line, keep calls b,rief ~ •• DellverT Anywher. ARDMORE 0117
MASON JARS o.::.~n.
:~~ 6S .t: 75 C
: c and space calls 110 that
II" G_r••• Hoad Ard lHl30
Montgomf'1'J Ayr. and
81. GeorlCes Hoad
1324 W. GIltAIUl AVE.
8Tevf'n80n 4.8100

others may use the line

in between. Courtesy ill

CHOICE WHOLE APRICOTS Natvrwl NO~~Vs 25e catching. It meanll better Suburban Square
I ~ ~to~
Figs T _ . " ..... ~"')or41 t! • IIsaJ Spinach NI...... II. 15c service for all concerned. UrI.n "0 ,h. Summlr Eledric Hour wi'"
Woody H.rman and "."g.,
Educator Crax Ib Ikl 23c
Early June Peas N'.:a - 1Dc
Sliver Hake Fish I.·.. II. 16c
Sardines ._~ 33c =::-:. . . L.. and Dav. 'arbour'. Orchealra, Sunda.,., 4:30 P.M., WCAU.
Merchants Are •

'* ..... Ite. . aN sliM In 11.1......pply. TIIorefaN, Han,

IIf the alloY. Items are out af dOck In yeur local lIIarket, * I'
The 8ell Tel.p~one Company
of Pennsylvania • ..:J",,,, Main Line
..I.... COIdia.. .. .11e for th.. opaa y.or next Yblt. TAILORED
Price. Are Effective in the Following Markets: J

G5 ST. JAIIE~ PL. Phone Ar4more 2442
~-~---_ ..----_.. • . " 59 SL JUl. Place Headquarters'i


__ ~~~J

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