Our Town January 23, 1947

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Borough VMSC ~ro library
TestimonialDinrlerFeb. 11,
Holds Annual A!ssoc. H.olds Pollock Urges State Law
ForFamous Octogenaria11s
John H. Jefferies, Jr., chairman of the citizens' committee which
Is arranging the testimonial dinner to Robert H. Durbin and Dr. O. J.
Snyder, announced this week the affair will be held on Tuesday even-
ing, February 11, 1947, at 'the Overbrook Golf Club.
Elections AnnualMeeting
Merkle Re-elected All Officers Are'
To Stop Player Bribes

The men to be honored are octogenarians, each of them having
recently celebrated his 80th birthday. It also happens that Mr. Durbin
and Dr. Snyder have both lived in Narberth for more than 40 years.
It is expected there will be a numerous attendance at the formal
celebration of the respective anniversaries. Certainly the careers of
President For
TIlird Term
Th.e Volunteer l\1'edical Service
Corps of Narberth held the an-
Re-elected; Board
Vacancy Filled
The Annual Meeting of the Nar.
berth Community Library Asso-
In Professional Sp.orts .~.

.,,; the gentlemen to be honored and the manner in which they have added
to the fame and prestige of Narberth well warrant an expression of
nual election of officers last
Wednesray night at Elm Hall.
ciation was held Monday evening
at the Community Building.
The Rev. Robert Middleton,
Narberth's Oldest Resident Editor Speaks
• community esteem in a grand way. Thomas W. Merkle was reelect-
Mr. Jefferies states it was the first desire of the committee to have
the dinner occur in Narberth, so as to better maintain the home-town
ed presid·~nt for a third term and
Perry Nevrinceim was elected vice
pastor of the Narberth' Baptist
Church, was elected a member of
the Board of Trustees filling a
At Boro PTA
aspect, but adequate facilities for such occasions continue to be one president. Stephen. MacNeill was
Df the Borough's needs. The Overbrook Golf Club was decided on be- vaeancy created by the resignation NcxL To Religion
Lt. Commdr. George W. Jar- elected secretary, Shirley Vincent ·,f the Rev. Bryant Kirkland.
• 'cause it can accommodate a large gathering and there is assurance that was re-elected treasurer and Vir-
the food and general arrangements will be of a first-rate order. In
den, 3d, USNR, 607 Essex Ave., All the officers of the Library Js SporLsmanship,
Narberth, son of Mrs. Marion G. ginia Knapp was reelected finan- Association were re-elected for
• '1 addition, it is only a five-minutes' drive from Narberth. Transportation
Jarden, who has received a per- cial secretary. He says
will also be provided for those who request it. new terms. They are:
manent citation for his Bronze Merkle, who is commanding offi- President, Dr. Alan Chester, a Next. to religion as a guide for
• • * * Star Medal from Secretary of cer of the unit, reported that the professor at the University of right livinJ:(, comes sportmanship.
Dr. J. Herbert Tily, long-time president of Strawbridge & Clothier, service ambulance had' answered Edwin Pollock. Evenin~ Bulletin
the Navy Forrestal, for the Pennsylvania. .
and the business associate of Mr. Durbin for many years, has sent 129 calls during 1946 covering all sports editor. told members of the
President. Vice-president, Mrs. Samuel Mc-
~ word that he will be present and will be prepared to speak an appre- types of accident:s and sickness. Narberth Public School Parent-
Lt. Commdr. Jarden, who has Cartne~', secretary of the Nar-
clatlve,piece in behalf of his good friend. As is well known, Mr. Durbin The resuscitator was responsible Teaehet·s' Association at. a meeting
been released to inactive duty, berth School Board.
• was advertising director for Strawbridge & Clothier's for 40 yearS and for the .aving of a life. held Monday night.
won the award as officer in Secretary, Miss Fanny Loos.
only recently retired from. that important capacity. He was also presi- The Board of Directors announc- "Thcre is a gl'cat. deal in com-
charge of a mine destruction on:reasurer, Mrs. Robert camero,
dent of the Poor Richard Club, one of America's foremost advertising ed that plans are being formulated mon bet.ween religion and good
"., groups, for several terms and is held in affectionate regard by all the shore party, attached to the USS
Chief, in action against the Jap- for a drive seeking additional ac- Section Three of the Library sport.manship: the idea of doing
member of that alert fraternity. anese during the invasion of tive members. unt.o others as you would have
bY-1aws was liberalized and now
Dr. Snyder' will also be sponsored by a speaker who has worked Last month, the Service Corps them do unt.o you," he added.
Saipan. re~ds:
with him through the years in bringing the science of Osteopathy to placed an Grder for a new ambu- Pollock. fOI' many years with
"Registered borrowers of the li-
its present unchallenged status in America. The final selection has not lance that will cost between four t he old Philadelphia Public Led-
brary who are in good standing
as yet been made, as there are many from whom to choose, but there
• can be confidence that the audience will be well informed regarding
the high status our neighbor occupies in his distinguished specialty.
John Reinhart and five thousand' dollars. Ed-
ward F. Frankenfield, a member
of the Board of Directors. said
and who are 21 years of age or
ever may be considered members
ger, pointed out that sports teach
many things. - intuition, quick
t.hinking, the desire to win. to put
of the Association without pay-
For the history of osteopathY in this part of the nation is also the
t saga of Dr. Snyder, as he provided the inspiration and the driving
force for the extraordinary achievements which resulted. The big
Killed in Crash this we:lk that delivery cnn not
bl' e"pec~ed until June.
The decision to buy the new am-
ment of dues."
Before being amended, the
forth your best efforts. care of the
body, and development. of the body
and mind.
clause read as follows:
Osteopathic College and Hospital in West Philadelphia is one of the Wenl To L. 1\1. High; bulance was made by the Board of "Residents of the Borough of "Many of America's leaders haVE
pennanent memorials of his unceasing endeavors. If there is not a Directors of the VMSC at their Narberth, 21 ~'ears of age 01' over. eome from the fields of sports," he
complete transcript of Dr. Snyder's part in the great field of osteo- Lived in Merion regular monthly meeting held last who have heen registered borrow_ said. "This was certainly true
pathy in our Narberth Library, surely there ought to be, for this is the A 28-Yt<ar.old Naval Reserve montl1. The Board also voted to ers and active users of the libra- during the war, when the best
kind of precious narrative wr.ich should be highly prized and particu- flier. formerly of Merion, crashed transfer into the new ambulance ry for a period of one year or fighters were boys with a back-
• Iarly so in the home environment whence the triumph was wrought. te. his <:Ieath Sunday at Atlantic fund all the money that can be more, and who, in the judgment ground of sports."
It is heartening to realize that the culmination of four-score active City while on a practice flight. spal'ed from the treasury, leaving of the Board of Trustees, are in Pollock illustrated this statement
• and fruitful years by two of Narberth's leading citizens will not be The dead officer was Lieutenant only enough to take care of rou- good standing may be considered by citing a commander in the al1
allowed to pass unheralded or unsung, for both these men have made John H. Reinhart, of 35 Ardmore tine operating expenses. members of the Association with- HENRY DOLL, of 215 Iona Ave., Narberth, celebrated his force who took a poll of his fly-
a large impress on the good Ufe,·and it is fitting indeed that some for- Ave., Lansdowne, son of Mr. and At the annual meeting of the out payment of dues." 99th birthday Wednesday at the Naval Hospital where he has been ers. Those who were considered
mal recognition should be made of what they have done and of what Mrs. Ge:>rge R.I Reinhart, Jr. of entire active membership of the A Section Six was added to the a patient for several years. He is the oldcst Navy vet.eran in Penn- good, capable and courageous fly-
they mean to those who have been their immediate neighbors. They 648 S. Highland Ave., Merion. Lt. VM SC held last month new Direc- by-laws. The text reads: sylvania and the Hospital gave a party for him and 75 guests dur- ers, he said, were found to be boys
~ have truly stored up treasures which neither moth nor rust can corrupt Reinhart ,vas well kno\vn on the tors for 1947 were elected "Any resident of the Borough of ing the afternoon. Among those present were Vice-Admiral James with an athletic background. Others
nor thieves break through and steal. 1\1 ain Lin(~, where he attended Tlle new directors are R. Shir- Narberth who is 21 years of age L. Kauffman, Commandant of the 4th Naval District and Captain in whom they had little faith, were
ley Vincent, Perry Nevrincean,
• • *. Lower Merion High School and
Edward T. Frankenfield, Stephen
or over may be eelcted to member- Howard Montgomery, Commanding Officer of the Hospital. boys with little athletic training.
Striking out against professional
Mr. Jefferies also said some other things, viz, the subscrIption will Episcopal Academy. He gradu- ship in the Association by action Secretary of the Navy, James Forrestal sent Doll. who was
0: be $3 and the dress will be optional. He further stated that the com- ated from Franklin and Marshal l\~. J\1'cNeill, Guy Mosteller. Made-
of the Board of Trustees with- wounded during the Civil War Battle of Mobile Bay when he was bet.ting on sports, Pollock said
line Miesen and Virginia M. "Professional gamblers should bd
mittee is on a volunteer basis and that he would welcome additions to College. out payment of dues." a member of Admiral Farragut's Fleet, a telegram wishing him kept out of sports because eventual-
its ranks. In the meantime, tickets may be secured by telephoning The officer was in a formation Knapp. Thomas W. Merkle, as many Happy Returns. ly it will be arranged. so that the
Command;ng Officer, is an ex of- game will be fixed. We should.
Narberth 24-32 or from Carl B. Metzger, Jr., at the Bank. They may of six Helldivers. all piloted by
also be had at Ralph Dunn~'s office and from Mrs. Gr~ce at,.EI'? ~all: .. rl\servistswho "fly two Sundnll a
ficio member of the Board, but ,<;;J. . have laws in every state prohibit-
Inevitably, too, Howard Davis will have them, accustoined as he IS to month from the Willow Grove
having everything needed for the pleasure and well-being of borough Naval Air Station. Lt. Reinhart
hMnon~'" ,.
Jown Labor 'Topic At ArlDualMeeting il1J:( bribing of players."
TIle meeting was led by Richard
Lehman, P. T. A. president. with
the invocation by Father O'Connor

residents. was leading the second ltV" of
, Chairman Jefferies also suggested that those who formerly lived three p1aT'~s. The pilots had been
, In Narberth should be Informed regarding the celebration and invited "peeling off" from. formation and
Delegates For Women's Club Of Red Cross of St. Margaret's church. The sa:
lute to thc flag was led by Gwen
tJ to be present, for there Is every prospect that the party will be a not- droppin~ 'small practice bombs on During the business meeting
able event, a memorable gathering of old friends and neighbors.
a target at the l'Tavy's Black Point
Bombing Range, two miles inland
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from the ocean. Reinhart was on
Dr. O. C. Lorenz Tells
How Public Can Help
Members To Vote For which preceded the program, W. J.
Directors Tuesday
Drcnnen, Narberth school prin-
cipal. announced that starting. the
Having a Governor who's last week in January and continu-
his third dive from 7000 feet The January meeting of the Dr. practically a next-door neigh- The reg,:l1ar business meeting' of The annual meeting and elec- ing for three weeks, Dr. Frank
Bird Love1'-s Gi1,ed!01,el?igIlt when his plane failed to level off
and plung':'!d into the swamplan'd.
Benjamin Ruth Chapter, DAR, of
Narberth, was held Monda}' at 2
P 1If. at t,le home of Mrs. George
bor in the Executive Mansion
at Harrisburg proved too
the Narberth Women's Community I tion of directors of the j\Tuin Line B~lrge, of Radcliffe road, Cynwyd.
Club was held Tuesday afternoon' •
. wII take X·rays of Narberth school
Branch of the Red Cross, will be pupils, free of charge.
• He was killed instantly as the at the Community, Building. 1\1rs. held on Tuesday . at 10 A. l\L at. "T~is is the first opportunity of

.. With Defenders of Hawks plane nosed into the marsh. There R. .Powell, R. Powell, 146 Vassar much of a temptation, so last S. J. McCartney presided. . Its kmd to be offered to residents
was no ~xplosion and the plane Ed.. Cynwyd. Mrs. Joseph H. week I went up to see John Mrs. Katherine Baily Westman the Ardmore PresbyterIan Church. of Narberth." Drennen stated, "and
William J. Serrill, Edward Wool- die' not hurn. Bakel', l'egp.nt, presided • C. Bell, Jr., who finished his contributed to the musical part of The follawing candidates will the examinations will also be offer-
Lower eMrion bird lovers are Delegates to the national con-
man and William Bailey, all of Reinhar. joined the Navy in four-year term as Lt. Gover- the program by singing three so- bp voted upon: ed to adults;"
gIlning for the Delaware Valley gress of the DAR, which will be . Letters WIll be sent to all par-
Haverford, have predicted that the 1942, afte1 a course in aviation nor in tne highest position of los, accompanied by her mother. Term ~o expn'c Jail. 1, 1!l48. ents asking whether they dcsire to
Ornitholo/!,ical Society as well as held in Washington May 19 to
hawk-hunt will lead to juvenile de- engineering. and completed his ad- the state. Mrs. Mildred Bail~', at the piano. 1\1rs. Frank 1\1. Kauffman and have their children X-rayed at
cooper and sharpskin hawks. 24 were elected at the meeting.
linquency and revive prejudice vanced training at the Reserve John Bell didn't enter poli- The speaker of the day was :1I1rs. D. Alvin KimI.'. the school. Voluntecrs will be need-
They are preparing for the pub. Mrs, HarOld C. Fenno was select-
against all hawks many of which Base, Philadelphia Navy Yard. tics until 1938, so it was a Dr. Otto G. Lorenz, who discussed Term fo expire Jan. 1 1949 ed to help with the work, Dren-
lit meeting in the Lower Merion ed to attend the national meeting. . ' • ner added. Names of all volun-
are harmless for song birds. He was sent' to Pensacola and pretty fast jump from being "Labor Problems In Present Am- Mrs. Gordon S. SmIth and Mrs. teers should be given ot Mrs G'l-
• Township building in Ardmore Mrs. Baker also will attend. Mrs. ., . I . I
Outlining the position of Lower commisslo!.ed an ensign there. He chairman of the Republican erican Business Trends. Ralph A. LIg'lt. bert McLaren. chairman of the
Friday nir;ht with everything- ex· A. B. Wainwright was named al-
Merion bird lovers and explaining continued to serve as an instruc- State Committee Speakers' "Higher wages force a closing' Term to expire Jan. 1. 1!l50. Child Welfarc Committee of the
cept dOUble-barrelled shotguns. ternate for Mrs. Baker. Other
what waR contemplated in the tOI at Pensacola during the war. Bureau, then, to being Gover- of markets through high prices. 1111'S. C. Francis Clement, Mrs. Asociat.ion. .
They are not only calling an ar. _. • r .'. • SpeCIal musIc for the program
anti-hawk campaign Fischer is- A brother. George. 3d. is a com- alternates include Mrs. Harry 1\'[. nor of the state in 1947: which is turn ilmits markets." Dr. George De;,;el bel g, F tank A. Du- was prcsented by Re"nold 1\1: '
ray of prominent Main Line wit- · S assl.'~
nellscs to testify as to the preda. sued the following statement yes- mander in the Navy. Ellsworth, Mrs. W. G. Briner and * * * Lorenz sai d . bOIS. "."1 I·S. II enry C. E'arns haw. or Philadelphia, accompanied
terday: Mrs. John C. Nash. Starting at the beginning, the "The general public can help. 1111'S. Nathan Folwell Jr.. Harry- James Irvine, a member of the as-
\ tory habits of cooper and sharp-
skin hawks but there will be nat- "We wish to invite all bird lov- School Board Met At the Congress Mrs. Ralph A.
!T.ost impressive fact about the The most direct method of hclp- Fried. Mal. Samuel S. Gearhart. sociation. _
er& to attencl the meeting on con- Mizner will serve on the house State Capitol is that it looks so ing now and for the future is by Dr. David Wilbul' Horn. Evan L.
uralists alld scientists at hand for
expert testimony. trol of hawks in the Lower Meri- An executive meeH-ng of the committee. new and well-cared-for, after the adopting thE; New York state plan .Jame~. l\Ir~. Gcorge W. Orth, Mrs. Rotary Speaker
or. Town!>hip building Friday night Narberth School Board was held !I'll's. H. M. Ellsworth. chapter relative shabbiness of Congress of teaching teachers and high Harriet H. Ramsey. Mrs. Sumner .Toe Razek was guest spe.akel'
The leader of the anti-hawk
at. 8 P. M. last Thursday night to discuss the chairman of the National Defense which I had just seen the week school students the whys and Rulol1-lIlill"r, Mrs. Charles S. Thursday afternoon at the regular
drive in Lower Merion, Barney
"To to the hawk lovers, we say, question of teachers' salaries. The Committee, reported on the Na· before. wherefores of production. distribu- Starr. Mrs. Edward W. Shober weekly meeting of the Ardmore
.. Fischer, even predicted there
we don't questions you intentions, The matter was referred to the tional Defense Committee meet- The rotunda of white marble, tion, banking and genera] econom- !;'nd Mrs. William Prcscott Watts. Rotary held at the Haverford
'Would be dead cooper hawks sub-
rilitted as evidence even if he had but we do question your knowl- board's solicitor, Roland Fleer. (Continued on Page 2) with glittering crystal chandeliers irs. After the adjournment of thl: Court Hotd. His subject was "The
to take to the open fields of the edge of the serious situation that ----------- _ underneath the 272-foot high "This is done," Dr. Lorcnz add- an•.ual meeting, there will be a Magic of Electronics". "Doc" Horn
Main LiM eststes to shoot them faces Lowt<r Merion and how we dome. is really very beautiful, The ed, "throlJgh public and high monthly meeting' of the board of was the chairman at the luncheon
down himself.
Fischer, who lives on Simpson
aim to solve it.
"Our 'long birds need help in Navy Vet Was Fearles~~ staircase sweeps up the center of
the rotunda, opposite the front
schools and legislative forces. directors for electing officers.
Pennsylva:lia has a similar bill --------...:.:..----------=-----------

• Rd., Ardmore, said that local bird

lovers were incensed that members
their battle against cooper and
sharpskin hawks. There is no in·
Father Tells Coroner door, and on the one side of the
gallery is the Hou&e of Repre-
::::hL:Vgi~~I~:U~~~~entedbefore the Ge1 A r1 Old 's 8-'j-ht.~ ~otem
1J •
" "
.1 ~
of the orn!thological society should
defend birds of prey that had been
condemned by the State Game
tention of having young boys tour-
ing the tJ)wnship with firmarms.
The shooting should be done by
Surviving four ~'ears of rugged , - - - - , . . - - - - - - - - - hand
t t · 'Ch b
resen side
a Ivesis theamSenate
th 1 ft
e e
In the front section of the gallery
Hostesses for the day were:
Ml·S. E. S. Duebler and Mrs. A.
C. Schwabenland. 1\Irs. Charles
Puzzle'" S c h 0 0 l Boa 1'''d
" ,~
PT boat warfare in the Pacific weeks with burns and he slept
• Commission as vermin. Local experiencl!d and mature members had 11lade Richard Boswell Scho- by <la~', and went out on PT boats is the offi~e of the Lt. Governor K. Heebner and Mrs. Howard Zig- \ Well, Gcncral Annold should be building of the cabinet according
J11embers C'f the society, inclUding (Continued on Page 2) field, 24, so fearless he saw no by night;' the father said. where Mr. Bell resided until he ler presided at the tea table. happier about his native Lower to the specifications of the Gener-
danger in anything, his father, Eigllty per cent of the men who was made Governor January 2 so Merion this week because some- aI's engineers - it. called for
,Helen Skiles To Address Hold Joint Meeting Frank E. Schofield, 212 Llanfair ,.,ent out with him never clime that former Governor, Edward Former Pastor Returns I
thing HAS been done a?out th~t enough. glass to enclose an eight-
Rd., Ardmore, told Coroner W. J. bacll." Martin could be sworn into the ephemeral trophy cab1l1et hIS root l11gh totem pole. But there
Missionary Society Thirty-five members of the Hav- Rushong and im inquest jury here He gave this service background <Continued on Page 2) To Narberth Church Army enginners designed to house was no glass being manufactured
erford Friends Young People's . The Rev. Robert E. Keighton, I his gifts of war booty. - so that type of cabinet was out
Miss Helen Skiles, Director of group and the Gwyded Young Peo- last Thursday afternoon. on his son while he recited the
Religious Education at St. Mary's pIe's Group, were entertained Sun- On the morning of Nov. 29, facts of finding. his son in the former pastor of the Baptist I
The gift has becn thc subject of as far as immediate construction
~hurch, Aardmore, will be the day at Haverford Friends' Meet-
young Schofield apparently saw no car in the family garage at 5 A. Police Win $64 'Question Church of the Evangel of Nar- some s I i g h t misunderstanding was concerned.
danger in turning on his auto ra- M., Nov. 29, 1946. berth will return to the Church throughout the Township since it But on Monday night, F. A. Du-
iuest speaker Monday afternoon. ing, Eag~e Rd., ?~kmont. • dio while seated in the car in His After Arresting Men Sund~y to participate in a spec- was donated to the Lower Merion bois, Superintendent of the L. M.
"1 woke at 3 A. M. and saw the
·at. a meeting of the Pennsylvania Foll~wmg a Jomt meetmg !O! garage. As a result he died ac- hall light still on," the elder Scho- Lower Merion Township police ial service. Board of Commissioners last year. ~chools, reported that the difficul-
Medical Missionary Society to be ,,:orshlp and conference on achvl- cidentally (If monoxide poisoning. field commented. He often stayed Won the $64 question last Thurs. The Rev. Keighton, pastor of The Commissioners suspected at ty has been solved. It seems that
held at the home of Mrs. William tIes, the Haverford group enter. That was the verdict of the up late listening to the radio or day afternoon, when they arrest- 'the Chur.:h from 1924 to 1944, that time that the General, wh() the General, though irate over the
" T,' Abell, 107 Ardmore Ave., Ard- tained the Gwyned group at lunch- coroner's jury after hearing testi_ reading. At 5, I awoke again ed two New York brothers for will use as his theme, "Toward had approved the placement· of the delay, had given the Board per-
more. . eon. mony of Schofield's father, his again and the light was still on. peddling without a license. a Satisfying Religion", at the 11 gift in the Senior H~gh School War mission to have the totem pole
. Before coming to Ardmore:Miss family phYsician, Dr. S. J. Brin- I Haw the garage door was par- The men, Nochola and David A. M. service. He is now serving Memorial Alcove, got a little mix- set up OUTSIDE of the cabinet.
I Skiles was for 14 years head of Birth Announced ton, Bryn Mawr, Lower Merion tially open and when I went to Hanna, of W. Hempstead, N. Y., as a member of the faculty of cd up on his local government T. W. Hammonds & Brother, of
the House of Light, a children's Mr. and Mrs. James T. D'Arcy, Police Lieutenant McLaughlin and investigate, I found my son in the were arrested after residents of Crozier Theological Seminary, structure and meant to donate it Bryn Mawr, said that in that case
, aid Bocinty in Kyoto, Japan. of Sunny Crest, Haverford, are Coroner's physician, Dr. J. C. car. Richard's head was still and the Merion Manor section com- Chester, Pa. to the Schol Board, which admin- it could assure the beginning of
" Assisting Mrs. Abel as hostess- receiving congratulations on the Simpson. plained to police. The services will be conducted isters all seho')l activities. the construction on a modified de-
hung to one side. The radio was
8e will be Mrs. Edgar Downs, Mrs. birth of a son, J. Haywood, on The elder Schofield said his son playing so loudly I could not hear At a hearing before Justice of by the Rev. Robert G. Middleton, When the owne!ship of the sign of the General's engineers.
John W. Sloan, Mrs. Charles January 11. Mrs. D'Arcy is the had "too little fear." the Peace Joseph B. Allen, the pastor of the Church. Music se- trophies was finally clarified by- Next problem confronting the
if he had any heart beat. I ran
Pennypacker and Miss Laura An- former Miss Catherine Loftus, of "He survived an explosion which back to t.he house, got help and men pleaded guilty and were fined lections by the choir will include the solicitors of the two Boards. Board: where to put one slightly-
.' demn. Merion. sent him. to a hospital for six (Continued on page 4.) $32 apiece. "Sanctu5" by, Guonod trouble [urthel' ensued over the! used eight-foot-high totem pole?

'. ,

' . ,.'.",
. '~



OUR TOWN TownTalI{ The Old Six-Mile House
lI1t1red U 'leond elaSA! matter October, 1938. at the Poat Olflel It
Nnberth. Pa uDder the Aet of March 3. 1870
Continued from page 11
Founded in 1914 by the Narber~ Civic Asaoc:iatioD
l!, S. Senate' on its first day to
GEORGE A. WALKER. Pre!ldellt and Editor
HELEN FITZPATRICK. Buslne&.s Malliller
acquire seniority immediately.
The Go\"ernor's office is located
Publlshcd E\'ery Thursdal'
Deadlllle ror Ildverllsllll IlDd news COpy-Wedllesday gAil..
______ ~~~~~Iption ral('-$2 Per 'car In advaDee
PubllcatioD Oft!ce---Elght Cricket Avenue, Ardmore. Pa.
iI. the SOUdl wing of the building,
behind the House of Representa-
tives. Tlle luxuriou8 outside of-
fice of th... Governor was filled
Pholle-ArdmolP 5720 ftnd 5721; Grel!nwood 3-7740 last Wednesday afternoon with
Member of Bueks-Mont~omery Newspaper Publisher! Aasoclation
high sch')ol children going through
t.F.G.\T. "'OTIc-. LEGAL NOTICE I the building on a guided tour.
E.S~ATE of J. RUSSELL SVKF~.t,n·1 -,;;-;;:~::i~-;';ar,' :!-Monll!'omcr~' 1'rllsl While I \\',t8 waitinl\' in the inside
1 n\\n.hIP "f Lower Merion. Montsomer)
r."lInl)·. d .. cc.... d. III ,\ IE': ''';1 ~rF. (' -T
,''''1l1}'11l ,. ('el"
:11 'I _ ,e, ee
ffi I t
m:! up WI
'P':" ,,;b.; ~i', :.- "'I"i;::~c~,: 1~:U~:I'i~. t and his 'vlie who had just stopped
'th D H
ave arrls
l.E·I"I'ERR nr '.DMtNlSTRA1'JON. ".I.a.
nn th"! ... ho\'p E~tRtt 11A\'tIl~ hef"n ~rantco
'e Ih. IIllei"rsl~Il'd. all P"'"'''' IIlrleblcn, HAr:'1 ";". 1.01;I."E _' lICce,,,I,OI' ~,I _
fo;XII. I ' ,
:,. ,.ald l':H',te Me r,qu,.'"rl 10 l!lak' 1m· I
n'lcd19l.p. OR"vOlent. l'.nrt IIm,co" hil.' I nil; le~AI tee. n~ :-:tate:d h~' ~IRl'gnl'('t: Y. Xew..
hy 10 say hello to Governol Bell.
.\rlhl'" I':. ,-;P.whold ..1... , ~lIh. '1'I.uR·I,Jame:; Duff then g-overnor.elect
' . . '
rl.lm-. '" p .... nl Ih. ,om. ~·It,hnllt del'l hOIrl., eI al.. l'ixlU. or Arthur E. now Governo,r. had Just apPOinted
.1. !lUSBnr. !lYKEB. .11'.. 21~
.'\.",1001,1 .11'., t1eeea.erl.
1101.' :(l~Jf~~. A I.E:XA""n~;R H. _
I .,AJ r. H anls. I 0 tlle POSI't'Ion h e h a d
r.11\'~d Ropei. JI~'. Cynwyd. po" I.OW,e .. '\,lerinll--.1.nual'l' 2 --Ale.<- heM under Martin. that of Secre- •
DONALD M. S'l:I{ES. ~1!.RY HIHle,' H. lJolcol11he. Jr.. et aI., ' . . .
WATF.flFOnp Road. Jlal. CYl1lVyd.

Or .hrir AllOrn'Y.';
.IOHt' HARPER. F.,qulr.
I .\dl1';·£.
Pa .. and G. TAYLOR. /lYKES 46' KLEHAMEP.. r,E01'.f:~; .T. - 'W""I' r th
N. 4th Stre.t. Re.din~. Po.' ~orritnn-JJer;emheJ' 16---"hl'~' Helen 0
hlehamcl·. Allmr,,-
1.~;Il)Y. 1-I1·:r.F.i'\ I~AR'I'ER-De"embel' ,
I tal'y of Revenue.

Committee bel\ides
"h'l d I h'

' .
1 a e p 13

He IS chairman
epu !Can
All sixes
IOi~ neal Est.t' Trll,;1 Illd~ ~J -. Fi<lelih'-I'hilnrle 1nhil1 'l'lalH Com- * * * Juicy •
l'hll.drlphln 7, Pn, ono EL:\IF.P. p"n)· •• , 01.. 'I'rI1Mlees. 'rh . id ffi·· rpeter!
I., ,,,,:;\,c;l';~. F.~o"lre. NRtlnn.1 flo"k I.I,;/ny. J:1iTH AMJ<1LIA-lale minor e illS e 0 CP. IS ca Florida
~~Id::, .\I"hlp ... I'a. 1~.I~.t;t, -- Decrlnher. !,--- 11111011 1\"al,lonal in lil1.'ht green, has dark oak
.-- .. -- ----- - -- ----- -------.---- I ~;'~;:~. ,:f~ln.l'·"Rl Company or :soud- panelIi n ll: from floot' to ceil-
X,'TI";!': I" IH:!1F:BY (;1\'1':1'1. 1'"1" 1.11..\1:'1'11"1';7., .IOSEPH Y.,--.~hinl\ton'-
'''H,Il III 'hp I"-O"t"""~ roC Act "f A'· I f)po'e,nher 31- Hell'!1 I.. ~larllnez,
. 'h"
109 Wit ornate carvmg. cr~s-
, . , Celery Ta.ly P....I u:~:,~ar •• 23c
Tomatoes Frolh. I'I"a .:~: 33c
I Lettuce Call1ornia Ueber, '·15c
Potatoes ~:~~':Od 1 0 flso 49c
"e,lll.. 1\ IIf .I"np. ~~. 19917. and it, A<1mrx. tal chandelier and wall brack-
''''I'"dll'I'II'" nf inl,,,,in,, In tile In th.· '.IIA'I'IJl';m.;, Hln;\,'I~Y .\I.~'FlEO-Sel- . .s "SIX MILE HOUSE," famous Main Line Mahoney bought the entire tract of 99 acres
" .. ".' ",1 ,Ih •. Sp"relar" nr lhe '~Ol"mon-I ,"0" - ,r>er;ell1h,"" 31 - N,"orrl!I,OWn- ~t lampl!. HIgh, above the eye hounded by Wynnewood Rd., Wynnewood;
'~',~allh or J'~rHH.~·I\·~ldH. :,t H.~l'rjFhllr::::. Penn 'l'rU1"ll Company. 'I'rustetlfi for I' I' . . landmark, which will soon house five families
1 ~"nR.\" "",:0. ,,,,01 I/'.tlle 'dt".~ nl th_, Haul .\Iather, }no,," Panr.ooetl. le,:e., Just two feet helow the 'Wynnewood Rd., Merion; Bowman Ave., Mer- f •
\,nlhol1"1.1I.' "f' h" , lIU1'1 or 10l11U'Oll ,\I (lnn1". ~;FI"II'(;HAM H. ,~, l,o,,'CI', celhng. on all four walls, <Ire when iI.'s turned into apartments by its new
'l~a~: .,( ."" II! ~t1111f'1'~' Connl ~'. I'~I1I~·1 .\fel'!Ofl-OereJnhel' :n·· -Gll'at'd TrOllsf • ion, and Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood. At that
'.",'"l!>'. 1111 I,!'I":O" •• I'nual·)· ~1. J94,. ':Olllllan\,. et al.. ~;xtrR. portr<llts of all of Penns~'l- owner, William C. Ferguson of Remington Rd..
~. f"~ .. tlfh·;t_l p rnT' f I",: ('lln(l"~t nr It htl~- : :": rf ·l'~. 'PF;T.~Fc 1.. -1)ecemhpl' 11· .' , . •• time he said he would sell the original house e
mes.!'> in .\IOlllgnnIPl·~" rl")lJllf~·. f'~lln~rl"l .'l()l1tgom~r-.r 'rl'Ust CompRn;.' Trll~. \PJua; past govelnors. Wynnewood.
,"al11~. llll(}Pl' thp :~."~llrJlf'(T or. ft(>tftin1J~ only to someone who would restore its Colon-
n.'il11" ~t.' 1;01' ','e.lll't'llatinll .nf 'rHF.' OHf.;i: I I C>1.'I'7. En. TOBIA!' H. __ De-
lte J • •
The Go\'ernor s prlvat,e of- The house. located below Wynnewood Rd., ial lines.
f •.\RP r•.~l I,. \\'lth.llq.lH"lIl1'IJ':lllll:lf·'·! l'f'rni)p.I' :?3--;"nl'l'i~towJ1-PE'nn 'rru.st Ii I 11 r! . d
or hll~inp,lO;F AI 1 ~1 .', .'\; <4l'hpl" h, ['''1111· CoP. l~ a 8~ pane p. .t~

f '0 II IJHltl" :-'Uh. 'ft'uslee toJ' Marv In carve on Lancaster Ave.• in Wynnewood. was origin- Mr. Ferguson, who bought the house for
""h'" IIiH. , . . i .\ lin ,It II',;'ellllan. ' . oak. Governor Bell sat at th~ .<llIy Ihe first toll house on the way West out of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Samuel Kerr, has done
r;fPnt~~·P., ,\ ':"l'nn~. ~nltl'ltor F:,\'\'~:-'iLEY. JIO\\~.\n() l\L--lale tl1i-
ro.1 P.. 1 r'n" S I . . I ,"'\'_, I)el'e,"bp,' ~Il'-- The r,'iI'Rt. 'Na- head of a hOl'se-shoe-shaped Philadelphia. t hat, and the "gingerbread" additions which
1'l)t'l'I~I(HYIl. 1)"f1I1~.\'lqll1l" (\'1' 1 .,.,~... lil'lllnJ I-"'::lnk IIr (~OJl!-lhoho(·kp.n, f1dl1. d~rk with R loed leather top
....... n:·;II-'. .IIAI1Y HI';ORl:IANA (a. k. a. ~ • The above photograph shows 11le hOllse a~ show up in the above photograph have already
.~I, ,;r;;()IlnU:"A nETF) ---. PotIH- Though he had left word not
(Ir{I'H.\:':~·· f'1I1'f~T nF IOWIl-Uee('lIIbei' :?Q-}\lice c. Ruth) b G if was aHer was re-modelled during the Vic- been removed. ,',"l
.\In;\'T';fl~I/';I: I' ,·ul·"T\'. Po\. 1·:~I1".

I . ' to be dlstul' ed the overnor torian era of the Parker Shortridge family - Tonight the Zoning Board of Adjustment of
.", ,Tier,; IW j'·II.I.-;'; ..\.'\11 AI'PI'!' . I:If'HAI:Ol'O."'. nEORflF: Jl..-.T.enklll- ~igned letters throughout the
4)j,- ..\(~(;t)I·~T~ , 10\\"11 -- OeCemhf>l' 19 -- ,Ienklntown • • he wa~ a president of the Pennsylvania Rail- Lower Merion Township will hear a petition by
~:~nh ,,"rI 'rl'l/~t. Companr, et a.,

:-':"'it'P i> hC"ehy l;i.'·en III l,eiJ", 1"1{- mtervlew saYing' that he had Mr. Ferguson for a special exception to be
bXl~·!'I,. _ _ - • ~ t t Lh t I k r! - road. When his heir, Parker Williams died a
1.-,-"1 th'lI :1""0111,1' ,,1 Ihe fo11n\\,in:< ROBI·,R I~, G. 'RnI1'10~ -
Ill.ef::-" •• 'leditor}; :-i 1111 :-4.11 )J3l'ties in jll-, • _
T.o"er 0 ge "a "or one some few years ago, it was bought by the EdwIn B. made on the property so that he can build a
/>Il:1~~ h"," hp.en ';1"0 ill Ihe 1,lfi"e nr; .\ll'l'ioll-·l)<·(·.",l>el' ~ft -- (leon:e B. time and that he felt "The red
thp nt'~'jslf'1' (If \\-'111.11: 0(" ("Jerk (If tilt' J~oIHI:rs. p.t :-tl.o Jo~~ll·~ .. ~ as stated b~' • Mahoney Construction Company of Ardmore. four-car garage for the prospective residents.
1l1'l'h~n, "0111'1. "" Ihe "as. lO'")' he. , .. ~O!·":P.. B; H.ollerl..
I' 0 •

. . tape !'equlrlng the Governor

Oil th" f1;lt~ "P!I"'" ;·dal.ed and lhol til .. 1,'ll,bl,H, ~AMUF:L --- l':orrlJ!f.own ~--
':'",, "'ill h~ JlI:,,~pn' er! 1" till, orPh~IIR'1
, "UI" III ~'o ttl '.Ollllt)· nil ,\IIlllrlll)·. J. I'h-
lJcce'."-ber ~4 - Jusle B. Rogers,
, A<ll~" x , . . , , _
t' t1
0 sign c.oun .es5 papers eac 1
dav havJnR' little or no con- I dad even if he ,i'as Governor, but lB·IfdLovers
nechon With the office of ! a party w.as a par~y and they!
1",'Rl')' ::. .1'·1':. Ilt 10 O"'JllcK ,\. ~'''II'lllll' ".r.IZ-A13E1 If , . - Lt·"·"'1' ••.. .
fill' ""nlil'lll"tioll. al "'hil'h tillle Ihe l~w.\::Jerl~·' December ~S - Robert
HOIlOI'II1Jle ,J Durnell ll"lIantl J"'csi- 'ral;;. bxll'. G ' f I 'weren't gOing to nms that for
,Jelll .Iurlge ;,1 .,,;'1 Court. wlil .it 'ill S.\I;UI.1). MYJ1.\ B.--T.ansda1e~Jan- overnor 115 one 0 tIe most
Ilrphllll.· ':011/'1 HoolI' in Ihe Courl I. na ~..... ~-()li\·"'· B. Sabol~, Adnll·.
How.;'? to ;llldit :It·l·tHlnl .... ht=':1l' ('.xf·l"P~ S.\"'l:". EDWATIIl )\.-chp1t.fl!nhaJ1l-
bothersome details of being
Bell, w~,o finished his 19-day
(Continued from page 1) <Continued trom Page 1)
li,,,l' t" "'II"" al,,1 ,"uk,' oIi3!1'ihlltloll
IJCt'l'lI,her 30 ',- (;IraI'd 'fl'uSl Com- Governol'. Not only that, but I
term of office Tuesday when of the Lower Merion Rod and Gun ings. held in Philadelphia this;
Ihe the hands 1"t1anccH Hscel'taincd to be ill SCHWO)o;Rlo.:H.
or al'connlllnt.. fl"lI)·. et at, Extr..
HARRY-Worceater- t h ey USU'l II y h ave to b '
e Slgne d
.James Duff was sworn in, lives at Club and the Lower Merion police month. QUALITY MEATS, POULTRY, SEAFOOD
ACI\'ER. 'VIU,O;\,-Sollderlnn-Janu- J)eeell11Jer 31 - The 1,'irst Kltlionlll in quadruplicate"
ltr)' ~-.T. Hal'olrl Wolf. Ext 1'. SCHWOEltER.. HARRY - December . ~83 Hathaway Lane, Wynnewood. depal'tmp.l1t. A program of moving pictures•
.A Ill.K THEOnOf1E Al'r1 CSTl;!' - :n - The FIrst Katlonal Bank of His secretary she's Miss He is the son of John C. Bell and "Thc gunners SilOUltl be season- which had been arrangcd by Mrs. Lean, Fresh
XOl'l'i.t"wn-Dreemhel' :a _ :'\orris- Lall"la1e. Tru!tee III Partition. . .' ,
10wn-Penn 1'1'11.1 COI1lP""~. elO al.. SCOTT. ROBF~RT .I.-Lowel' 1oIerion- I
Fleurette dt. BenncvilIe Myers ed veterall~ .wI;o arc thoroughly .John L. Miller, prog'l'am chairman.
ALflERFEJ: . .\~I.\:'\f1.\ v. _ '1'01.""-
Deeellluet· I7-Glrard Trust Com-
]J311)·. Exll·.
lnendn _ .1""";11')' ~ _ Howal'd AI· :;LII-'I-:r:. CIJAR1,El:> ,C.-Dccember .~o
']erfer. cl al.. Exlrs.
AI.DERI"ER. :lIAHLO:\' c:. _ Snudcr-
-Proyldent Trusl Companr or Phll-
adelphia. Sun'. Trustee.
Elizabeth Fahnestock, a State
., ~ .
CIVil :Service employee, who
has been with 1\Ir BelI since
he was oappomted Secretary of
Bell. He graduated from Episco- capable of plckll1g off these t.wo and shown by Mrs. John C.
pal Academy in 1910, the Un i- species of hawks. N ash. former chapter regent,
PORK Shoulders
(Picnic Style)

versity of Pennsylvania in 1914 "For either the cooper or sharp. showed various scenes from the Fancy, Fresh-Killed Frying
lOll-December 31-Prestoll _~. AI· STI~Ir;ERWALT. 'VILIAA1If H.-De- B I' . 1939 t k'
rierCer. Extr. cember 23-Glrard Trust Comllltll)·. an {jng In , was a Ing and its law school in 1917. From skin hawk there will be a bounty two DAR schools in the south.
A~mT'RY. T. HJ<~""RY-Dceel1lber 30
-'1'. Hcnl')' Ashury, ~nd .. :;ub. Trus-
BALDWI:\". :J,;STHER-Lansrlaye-D,·-
'!.t al.. as .stllled b)' Girard Trust
( 01l1paIlY·. Sun'. Trustee and Girard
Trust. C01l1]J1l1l~·. et aI., Exlrs. ot
;llahel 8. Deltlelrl. Dee'd, Trustee.
cemher ;;I-Yernon L. BaJdwill. el THO;lIA:\'. JEA:\"NETT'E S.-Ambler
"1., Extrs. -December 26-Thoma! A. FOUlke.
dictation between my ques-
* '" *
1919 to 1922 he was Assistant of $10 per hawk to be paid up to The pidures were taken at the
City SolicitOI' of Philadelphia and the first day of Spring, March 21, Kate Duncan Smith School in Ala-
from 1922 to 1925 he was Assist- 1947. This money has been do- tam a and the Tamasee School in
In answer to a question about ant Distl'!et Attorney of Philadel- nated by Lower Merion citizens South Carolina where mountain
Braunsweiger '/.Ib 12c
UP fa
( 3h lb.

Provolone g:.~::lIo ','Ib 17c

BOORSE. ;II. H:ATIH~Hl""I';-:\"orriR' Extr. Hamburg FrOI~IY GrOt/.d Ib 37c Cheese Sliced S.nRI.h ·/.Ib 16c
lown _ Deccmber 31 _ Elinor B. TO;llKINS. PHEBE F. (a. k. a. Phebe the routine which takes up the ~hia. Between 1925 and 1938, the who are bird lovers and there will boys and girls. under the auspices
Claire. Exlrx. F. Tom]Jklllsl-Haltleld Twp.-De-
eemher :!O-Hl1rr~' H. Schullz. Exlr. Governor's day, Bell replied, "It Bell family lived a relatively be n? soli-:itr..tion of funds at the of the DAR, arc taught self-suf-
BIlE!'>DLI:'\GER, E. LEJDY-1\"orri"-
towlI-Jl1nual'Y 2-;lJontg'omen' Trusl "'HTTE. Al\IF:L1A B.-December 30- i!; mostly concerned with signing peaceful
C0I1101<11)'. ct III.. Extrs.·
CHASE. JA~n; ~l.-Lower ~Iel'inll-
(:irarrl Trust Company. Trustee tor
Joseph Alwond V,'blte..11'.
life-then, politically, meetmg. If. however, any of the ficiency, practical methods of bet~
papers and seeing 100 01' more things pegan to pop. First. \\fl'. hawk lovers have a change of tel' living. In addition they arc
TURKEYS fancy Fresh-Killed
16 ta )
( 20 lb. Ib 39 C

December 27 __ T,alharinc Chas, :lIARY H. BEERER, Gavernment Graded Lamb and leef-Grades A and AA
"-arden el al.. EXIl'cs. Register or Wll1s and Clerk of Ihe visitors a cay, official and other- Bell became chairman of the Re- heart and wish to add to the gh'en regular st'hool cOllrses.
DAT,ZELI:. 1.1LA A. .T.-:\"arberlh- Orphans' Court.
December 30 - :lIar)' F.. ;llahan,
OT 1-23 2t
Wise, who have business with him, publican State Committee Speak- bounty th~y will have the privi- I A g'uest at the meeting was
- - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - : Of course, since I've been in office ers' Bure:lu. In that same year lege of do;ng so. ' Mrs. Nor'nan E. Hawes. 100 Elm-
LAMB ROAST 5~~:~~d~;t Ib 41c
D'icr~~~~~!.::1r_e~el1;i,T~fIW~rierth~eC~ u;ss Laura Holt L;sts the Legisl,lture hasnt; been in ses· he was made Finance Chairman of "We have no quarrel with any- wood A v~., Narberth. Mrs. Law- Breast Lamb Ib 30c : Boilinl Beef ~I{I: Ib 2.C
DavidhelHer. Arlmrx. lYl" " s i o n so that no work in that direc· the "James for Governor" Primary one. We have but one objective: rence B. 'Parkman and Mrs. Verna
DF:TWILJo~n. HF:~RY A.-T.ansrlale-
December 11 - EYel)'n D. Walts, Wedding Attendants tion has arisen. But normally Campaign and Vice-Chairman of help the song birds for which D. 'Wood a~sisted the hostess. and Outstanding Seafood Values
Admrx. JESSE W.-Poll.town-De.
ce111ber 9 _ John B. E,·anA. Sun'.
FISHIl:R. THO~lAS-Lower lIlerlon- Holt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the legislation before the govern-
Decomher J8 - Danlcl A. N'ewhnll. Frank D. Holt, of Thornbrook Rd., ing bodies.
that, too, is part of the Governor's
The marriage of Miss Laura daily routine, keeping track of all
the Republican State Finance Lower Me~'ion has been so fam- Mrs. John II. Miller pre~ided at
'" '" '"
Frida~' night's meeting will be
I the,tea table. MACKERELI F~~;t;a Ib 29c Whiting Fon.y or...,d
3'1~~::9 Zic Ib 19c
el al.. Ext r~. In 19.39 he was made SecrE,>- opened oy John Curley, Lower Redfish Fillets
GARGES. JEnE;lUAH IT.-Franconia Rusemont, to MI'. Roberl Morris "The difference between my du- tary of Banking of the Com- Merion Commissioner from the Eleetea Board ll'l ember Fillets Pollock Ib 19c Oysters Fr"h JIrJOY 501••1 d0l33c
-Decell1her :!7-Erlwln Garges. ct
al.. Extra. Town, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. ties as Lt. Governor and Gover- monweaJth of Pennsylvania. a Bala District. ' L
Nalter B. ownes, J r., 0f 16
_ December PA'fRICK-Easl N'orrilon
]9 _ :\"orristown-Penn Town, of 10 Snowden
Rd.,B aI a- nol' are manifold. For instance, LARGE JERSEY BUTTERFISH Ib • .,c
term which lasted until 1942, Victor Sweet, Cricket Ave.. Ard- Anderson Ave., Ardmore, was
GRADY.Trust eOll\pam·. Exlr.
!'TA:\"LEY-DecP.1l1ber ~4 _ C~'nwy, d WI'11 t a k e pl ace S a tu l'd ay as L t. Governor I ' d over
preSide and at that time, he was elect- n~ore, will b~ called to tcstify as l'Jettcd a membcr of the Board of
Slanley K. Grady. et aI., Suh. Trus- morning, February 8, at 11 o'clock, the Senate, just as the U. S. Vice- farmdale
ed to the office of Lt. Gover- to the two cooper hawks he killed Directors of the Montgomery
GRl'X:ER. IIJARY LOl:ISE-late lIlI- in St. Thomas' Church, Villanova. President presides oyer the U. S. EVA', MILK ~~I~
-,.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-1 ~~~::e~u::ro~;v:;~;:he~. h~:~u~
Mad8 'rom
nor. recently when he caug-ht them at- County ,Justice of the Peace Asso- Selected Fresh Apples
His hobbies include tennis tacking a bluebird's nest. . t' t tl J b' Cheese Sharp Chedd.. ./, Ib 39c
in which h~, was a finalist for Cia Ion a Ie a nuar~' usIl1ess Glenwood
Other speakers will include meeting held last Tuesday at the, Sy'lvan Soal con.,o Chool. ~~:z 14c
day I have to make a speech for )~:aL Delicious
the Founder's Day exercises at the
the. DUnited
bl States Court Tel1- George WFreas of the Penns','!- I Supplee Tavern, Colmar. Bleu Cheese Ib 65c
ms ou es Championship in .f
Vera Sharp lordo.·, Ch... ·a~.~~z 23c
University of Penns~'lvania and "ania Game Commission and Mrs.
1926. 1929, 1931. 1932. 1934, Dinners B," Goo Ch... Mel. Pk.45c

MEN Your Hat

• • •
that is how I spent my morning,
after answering nearly 100 letters
which I started on as soon as I
entered the officc at 8 :30 A, M."
and 1
936. In 1920, by the
way, he ranked in Lawn Ten-
nis among the first ten in
America. From 1930 to 1935
Ellen D:l'trich. secretary of the K' k
S th P 1
ou eastern enny vania. Sports-
men's Clnos and a. director of the
. 1. I
" IT 'l}(lt1'lCtl~ 11lprovmg
Mr. Ger,rge Kirkpatrick. princi-
Lower M:,~},IOI. Rod and Gun Club. pal of tlw Bala-Cynwyd Junior

Ideal Brand
Mustard 2 ·Ib I.r 21 c
Cheezit Jr. 5un.hln. /I·oz pk. 15c

he was the Philadelphia Court I

Charles E, \\Johr, he:td of the High SCh'101 is convalescing. III MINCE MEAT2~~~z2ge
Tops off In reply to the question
abo'.:~ his future political plans
he said, "I'm }Jlanning to re-
Tennis Doubles Champion.
Extra-curricular activities
include such things as being
Academy of Mutual SCience. and since December. he has been un-
Professor Robert Stabler, head of z,ble to rP.Dort for his duties since
the oological Department of the the Chri.;~~as vacation.
Aged for Mellowness

turn to my law practice with Commander of the Crusaders university of Pennsylvania, willl~~~~;::~~~~~~~;::~:=

Your Wardrobe
the firm of Norris. BeIl, Lex, of PeTJnsylvania, President exhibit stuffed hawks and show I
Hart and Eldredge." of the Racquet Club of Phila- lantern slidE'S so that hunters willi
Commenting on politics in delphia, a member of the not shoot 'lny of the harmless and I
gem'al however, he said, "In Gulph Mills Golf Club. mem_ beneficial types of hawks.
my opinion the salvation of bE!!' of thl! Society of Sons
our country depends upon the of the Revolution and the Co-
Evan James at Home
• • have it cleaned today

people taking a more active in-
terest and participation in gov-
lonial Society of Pennsylvania.
His son. John C. Bell, III, Aft:er Nervous Collapse
Firmer tt.xturc, delicious flavor, longer-lasting freshno:los.

ernment. Our republican form Dole Pineapple Juice 4~~~Z 37c

also a graduate of the Univer-
Evan L. James, Lower Meri- H eCldquarler.s for
of government, which is erron- sity of Pennsylvania, was with Orange Juice N;i~,rdo~k 2 ~~~~ .'c: ~~~z 2.c
eously ('ailed democracy, is on on Township manager. is con- All Medical Needs 2 S;;2,;~z 17c
his father during his days as California Lemon Juice
SOc J. Paul Shea
fined to his home in the Wyn-
trial, not only in our own Pennsylvania's Chief Execu-
newood Park Apartments, fol- Maine Sardines in ~ouus:~rd 1fiJ con .Oc
country but throughout the tive. He just returned from
lowing a nervous collapse last Del Norte Smoked Salmon ~;,"". 45c
Hats world. The liberty for which
our fo~efathers fought. bled
and died is endangered by the-
the Army in which he served
as an Tnfantry Sergeant.
James. stricken while lunch-
Hormel Spam
Corned Beel Hash I~~~Z 30c
1;~~Z 40c
His two broihers, Louis, B. BelI NARBERTH 2838-2839
ories and philosophies of gov. and George de BenneviIle Bell
ing in Ardmore, is under the g#id ~utt I!ancake M~ 2~k~z .2c
Your hat's an important part of your
wardrobe. Keep t smart-looking-the
way it was when :you bought it. A
ernment which have proved
dismal failures down through
the ages. We must at all haz-
were also in the service. Louis
was a cl)rporal in the Artillery
and George was a Lt. in the Army
care of a physician.
Rob'ford Whole Golden Rice
Heat-flo Roasted
,-.----,,;,.;.--"'IllI p~bg J.7c
Mode with Selected F,e,h Vcgeloble.
Ideal Condensed
ards fight regimentation, bu- lISCO
thorough cleaning will do the trick,
especially if it is done by experts.
reaucracy and It planned econ-
Air Forces.
GoverMr and IIfrs. Bell's final
Health - Style - Beauty ..• 11!11!
i,I Richer Blend
omy, each of which destroys executive function was a smalI II 1
Don't delay. Bring your felt hat to
I,~ ,~~~ic
libel'ty and will eventually dinner which they gave in honor THE HOUSE OF RANO

Z 7S
;your ORANGE CLEANER today. make us It nation of regiment- of the then Governor-elect James
ed puppets. In order to pre-
serve our form ,of government
Duff and his wife Monday night
"m the Executive Mansion•
Open Thursday and Friday Evenings I I l-Ib

• and our cherished free way of Back in private life since Tues- I Ib bog 38c
Try this new,
Improv.d bl.nd.
_ Just add water,
heat and serve.
life we must elect for' leader- 'day, John C. Bell, Jr., can be
ship and for public office free- as(/) Tea Balls 16 1a pk. 13c Speedup Floor Wax ·/a·.al lu. 79c
dom.loving men and women *
found at his home or at his law
offices, 1500 Walnut St.• Philadel- HAIRDRESSING Olives OIlYlt 5lull.d 71/.·.. Jar 45c Evergreen PI.IJ.lly50ap ql1at 27c
who have high ideals and pro- *
phia, under the title of Mister. SLENDERIZING Pickles Wal~..k·150ur or DIIIJa~t 25c Gloss Starch Prl..... I~ pk. 10c
gressive principles and who *
However, he served this state as COSMETICS
wiII pla~e the welfare of our
its Govemol'-the only Lt. Gover. ELECTROLYSIS gJI&I 'SNJl FLOUR 1!;::~I;d :~: 34c: l~lb 66e
When Bell was inaugurated
. above everything
Commonwt>ulth, since 1790.
nor to suc~eed tc that office in this

Farmdale Quality Poultry Feeds (AII':;'~'~rV~,~°F:r:~lfled
Mash ·~~I~:"· 25' lb ... $1.25 : Laying Mash 25· bat $1.10
Growing Mash 25' ba. $1.20 : Scratch Grains 25.
108~ FORREST AVENUE, NARBERTH January 2, several hundred friends Policemen Promoted * JEWELRY by HATFIELD Cattle Scilt 1..I..ar, !i0·.· ..... 63c I Cattle Salt tl'lal.) 50"· 51c

and rei at i v e s were present. Two Lower Merion patrolmen
304 LEVERING MILL ROAD Among them were his three sons have been promoted to the position Some Item. are .tlll In limited .u"ly. Theretore, If an,.
and two daughters. but his daugh- of grade "A" patrolmen. They .f tho above Ifems are out of .fock In yeur local lIIarket.
(Just off Montgomery Pike) pI_ae contlnu. to a.k for them upan your next vlslt.
ters, Sally and Sophie, didn't stay are Francis Broderick and John

BALA-CYNWYD to tipend the night in the Execu- Chidester. The action was taken NARBERTH 4270
114-1[il Narberth Ave.,
........jt_._._......._. ._._..........._••••• tive Mansion with the rest of the' by the Bl)ard of Commissioners at
family. 'l'heir dad was just their their Jenuary 16 meeting. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NARBElJ,TlJ


• 7 ".

Bala-Cynwyd Wornell ,.Wynnewood Girl Engaged Women -Voters Biddle Wedding

League Holds Held Saturday
To Hear Oscar'Sto110rov /?i1'"st Meeting In Ove1;.brook
Oscar Stonorov, director of the 1\1rs, Chandler Gillespie, of 'I'he "Ll'gislation for the Lay- The marriage of Miss Constance
Philadelphia Housing Association, Overhill 't{d" Crnwyd. man" Committec 0 fthe Haverford :\1, Biodle, oaug'hter of Mr. Alfred I "ONE PRICE-NONE
will be the guest speaker Febru- Mrs, Robert Crowell, of Township Lea/\'ue of Woml'n Vot- A, Biddle, of Newtown Square, to i
ary 3 at Ii joint meeting of the
Bala-Cynwyd Junior and Senior
Penarth Rd" C~'nwyd.
1\11'5. Frederick Krisler, 'of
ers held its tirst meeting Tuesday
afternoon at the homc of the
Sydney GO' Biddle, .Tr., son, of Mrs. 1
Oli,'Po MUl'I'ay. of New York, anel
Women's Club. Princeton Rd .. Cynwyd. chairman, 1\[rs. Samuel J. Stein- DI'. Syelnt'y G. Biddle, of West! A & P's policy; when
He will speak on "The Philade1- 1\1rs. D. C. l\Iorganthau, chair- berg, 6:30 Country Club Lane, 1\la-
Chestcl', took place Saturda;- at 4 :\ & P adverti~es an
phia of Tomorrow" and wi1l ilIus- man of the Welfare Committee, noa. c'c1ock in the OYl'1'brook Pr~sb;'- item at a price-that'a
the price you pay • • •
trate his talk with colored slides. reportod foul' bundles had been The discussion leader was Mrs. terian Churcit. The Re,', George
,,( Stonorov is Direct-.r of the Citi- sent to a neeuy Dutch family. She I Goodwin, of the Swarthmore
Emerson Barnes officiated.
110t a penn)' more. At
A & P you'l\ not find a
higher price confronting
l'.:llnS Council on City' Planning in urged that members of the Seniors A BCs of legislation, The bride, givcn 'in marriage
Philadelphia and a member of the and Junio/'s contribute clothing for f ,'ou in the store than
;I'a~ advertised in the
American Institute of Architec- girls aged 18 months, si,,' )'ears
ture and the American Society of, and eight yEars.
I The following' paragraphs are: by her father, wore 11 gown 0 "
taken hom the minutes of the I white satin With, a fitted bodice. lIe\\'~papers.•••

nleeting': i long' slPe,'es :l11da rOll IH! s~a HopNJ

Architects and Planners. I
1\Irs. W, S. Campbell. ehairman
1 "As individal C'itizens we IllUSt. ll:lcklinp, fiui~hed with the old
A 6, Pull., only
"H,' Qualit)' -
The joint meeting wi1l be held, of the Hospitr. ity Committee, an- ! take the responsibilitr for consid-' family lace. The full skirt flared,
Ilt 8 P. M. at the clubhouse. 111:ounced that the annual Mothers I I '1 f "i."It..
Eleven new members were ad-land Daughtersunc L h eon WI'11 b e ' <:ring and acting' in the puhlic in- til f01"/l1 a train. H pr YPI was 0 A,S' P .<,.11.' 01
mitted to the Bala-Cynwyd Junior' held l\Iarch 16 and t Ilat t Ile new ; terest. In a democl·acy. everyone I l,pil'1oolll ,/lC(', held in place with "",\, one pncc-
Women's Club at tile 1'egular members would give their Annual has a contribution to ~l/lke-ev-1 \\"I'~ath of fr('<.'~ia. ~he carriC'eI
eryone has some expel'1ence and'I a whlt<.' prayer book, With a spray
I ,I iOlt'.

monthly meeting held Monday Bridge Party on 1\1 ay 2.

lIight. Mrs. Stuart Mason, chairman of ,some intelligence which it is her' of white orchids and freesia.
They are: 11he Ways and Means Committee,
l\!1·S. John Ewalt, of 1322 Sus-l said the Annual Spring Dance
duty to usc. :\Jis~ Anne G Bidelle acted a~:
• "The ~itizen has a dual role maid of nonor for l{er si~ter and I
sex Rd.. W~'nnewood. ! would be held the week-end of ir, the forlllulation of puhlic poli- ",'orc II gown of pine green h.ro- i Smoked Hams S":ii'< Premiom, C"da~~',
Mrs. Milton Stokes, of 135 E./May 23 lit the club house. I C~'. It is her dut~' to represent eade fashion wi.th a fitteo bodle<.', P.. riro" or:d oinet$ ••• w~o/e o,~ e:f}ler f.clf-nona pric.~d htgha" /1> 83.:
Levering Mill Rd., Cynwyd. On February 10, 'instead Of the hl'rself, not selfishly, but to tell u·shaped neckhne ,mel bracelet-I Hen Tnrke~'s Pi. grim 8'0.10', 10 fo 14 /61
Mrs. Ivan G. Potts, of 509 . regular Rook Club meeting. Sa~l- how things look frol11 her point of length slee\'c~, Fre~h a '.",:'. a,': ~ __ . foO", priceo' hjgn~,.
/6 "Ie
.',: Mercer Rd., l\Ierion. my Price, hot jazz scholar wJ11 view. That is important for no, The hI'HI(';:maids inchllll'd Sheila

1\£rs. Joseph B. Knipe, of 32 E. 1 give an educational lecture on his one C'lIn r\\'epl'l'sent you and you nirldk, anothcr si~tel', and Emma I J.egs of IJan.1t ... Groa'e AA 0,1d A --ge
_ --------_ .. --- _- -_ .. C,le .0' if, e-r.O,1e ,orir:.ed n,;gn~r. /6 ;)
Levering :\Iill Rd., Cynwyd. favorite 3ubjeet and will demon- rourself. J, Cndv:hlndl'r, C'ousin of the
• Mrs. James A, Moore, of 104 strate some of his more torrid ""'e mns! leam to considpr th(': bride, Thl'~' wor(' ,l~;own~ of gTcen ChucJ'- Boast ... G'oo'e .u. 010' A
Crest Rd., Pl:nfield Downs. licks on the piano. The public i welfare I)f the whole people and 1 brocade with wide skirts of match-
- • . • o.-:e p',,-e-no,'lS pt,'ced higher. 16 43 e
lIIrs. Theodore Lavine, of 131· is i n v i t e d . ' to considt'/' what is wise frol11 the il,g; cn10nes<.' All l1w IItt<.'llClants i Prilne HiI)s of Reef ... G,oo'~ fA aod A
Lodges Lane, Cynwyd. I
Also announced, were plans for, [-oint of view of public polk;'. i "'01'1' JH'addl'e~ses of p;arelf'nias, _:;J:-:e p' /(e-r.cne ,oriced h;gner. 16 5:J e
l\Irs. John Fe\'er, of 110 Pen- an afternoon tea to be given at! "In this s<.'cond (unction, each i nn<1 ea ITiNl houCluets of ca I'Illlt iam; i Ch'en Roast of )I(~ef 800e'e:r, Ro/~d,
8rth Rd.• C~'nwyd. the Annu?.! Antique Show to be: MfSS AN!TA H, LANSER, daughler of Mr. and Mrs, ,Tohn C. one is II statesman. We must I in dllbonnet fones. I C.~o·.~~:.f .. O-'f! D,',:C(!-no"e p'~__ eo' ,;'ig~e!". /6 .'ige
Indian Creek Drive, Overbrook. No date has been set.
Mrs. William Harmon, .Jr., of held at the club early in April.' Lanser of 650 Love's Lane, Wynnewood, whose engagement to MI'. IPal'n to consider OUI' intcl'est in I PctNI DdT. Riddle, of Xpw'
Ralph Eckels of 710 Argyle nd" Wynnewood, was announced Jast 'relation to the ,,·holl'. Defllocracy York, sCl'\','d as hest Illan for his!
,i~ not me"el;- a gig;antic compl'O- h/'otlH'r., The lIshNS inC'ludC'd
________ ..__ .. _._ ..
Ground Heef
. . _018 p,·;ce·-none pr:'(~ol nigf.er. 16 3ge
• Mary M. Larne'\~ 'Hu,<;bandJudged Guilty misl' of t)1<' il1dividual. It shoulr] Oli,'l'l' r'. Diddl('. of Xc\\" York.
)·'resh KiJlNI Stewing ChickNis
4" C

0+ R II ~
1 01 Court 'Olltempf.
'A nnua I l-ar
Joint JFOllWll'S Club n tY I hp 1Il01'e. It shoulo be a search.' :'l1o(hpl' hroth('l': Julian BiddlC'.
i ing for a hetter ('olllmon life hrothpr of thp Lridp: OWC'11 Rid-
4 Jb~ ene' o'·'et ••• or;e

n'lre--none ciiced h:gner..

Sliced Bacon
/6 .'l

'j enn a ey, Adjudged I{uilty of contempt,: •.f 1 C' '" L· t d

Plans Fashion ShOll' ,! lhl'oug;h a better common institu- rilC', rousu of the hri,!r'g-I'oom. HUrl _, .o,'e price-non. priced ":g,,,,. /6 pkg
'15 Eng ag e d I Frank "lishon, of Bryn l\fa,~'l', UJ tlU1 Crt lS e
A llluska1 pl'ogram featured the lion, g-o\,('rnmcnt. which is the on· Williaul tfoJlpuhaC'h, SHcett I .. oIJ~ Bologna
i was committed to the Count~ Prls- :~ January 31
,l'egular meeting- of the Oakmont- I~' institutiou of all thc peoplc. I, --------:-- - on. price-no.oe priced ~:gher. '/2,1"
.d Larne' of 7?3: on b:" ,Tudg~ Dannehower III Do-, or 'lfayerford J-J10'11
'South Ardmore Women's Club
Mrs. Edwar ~'II I - I mesbc RelatIOns Court Thursdar' '1'he se~ond annual card party beld Monda\' afternoon in lhC' ~~###### ...#'#'#"'#######"'###., t"'
g 1::~1 after he refused to make settle- i of St. 'George's Protestant EPiS-:. Clu~, 1'00'11S: ~~:l;) Darby Rd.. () I I .J un io.. R ifl~
daughter, Dl·. [a y ,
1\ gr 1If Larne ment for a $l2Q arrearage on a, copal Church, sponsored by the I Oakmont.
y, support order. Woman's Auxiliarv of St. George's '1'1 1 tl I' n
Jll blll'ban ofe.1 '
' •
("I 1 F
II ) ~ OrnlC(
adn DI.' VI'CtOI' Hansen " Tr ., son of Attorney LeonaI'
d T I • , - •
a one In- I with the assistance of the l\len s
le 111'00Tam, um el' le (1I'd:-
f ~1'" J I C' ' . .,."#.####~~###'#'#,_.##'#'#"'#'###'_".,,,. I
lIlr. and 1·:i\ls. Hansen, of Jackson f d'l urt that 1\1 rs : G '1\ I I Id F . I J ' tion 0 :, t'~ •• psse -, ",ea I'S, musIc I I Thp H a \'pl'ford Il igh ScllOo .Tu n· I
Heights, N. .
1 Y orme t le co "J,'I
roup, WI
Gladys T. Vashon, thc defenuant s uary 31, at 8 P,:i\r. In the ParIsh
ll~ le . ric ay. ' ~n- i chairman, included ,seiections b;"
I '' " II
'1'IH' :\Jotilcr's Class of the LIan- iOJ' Hifl(, Cluh ha~ hc('n g'l'I1utl'd:
1 lI'l\ (') I I II l' ' . , .
Dr Larney a daughter of the 'f d the" five-"ear-old son H A ' d ' A', d Da 'b" the Club 'IrlO. 'I he trIO, compose( (oI"C l I S ' lUpe le ( a (I~nel :, junior ~Iub I'h:Jrtpr in UlC' 1\a-,
. , "I e, an II. ,ouse I mOle ....'e., an I .' 1\1 All Get l\[ N t the Far" away Tea Room fhe . ":'11
I t 1\[1' Edward Lamey. was h ' b '11 d are badly in' Rd ' . of r~. en T, en er, rs. . a' , '-:" ' .' tion111 Rifle A~soclnlJon. • pm_
a ed at d from the University of' ,a,~ :e~1 I $1~n50 w ekl' der! ~ t f tl If' : C Cumming-so and Mrs, Edmund f cllowll1g' ofhccrs were 1llstallecl; I lwrship in the IH'\\' org;:Jllizution'
J:pra u Ie . M d' ISh 01 and ~ee 0 • Ie I"
ennsy vallla e lea c 0
e l~ or I
.",rrangem~n s ,or Ie a, all' are P. McDollald.· sang old songs President, :\Irs, Heberca Bowen;; is op<.'n 10 a II\', bo\' 01' ~i 1'1 lIndPI'I'
Imposed upon 11m severa mon th sunder thPo dn'ectlon of Mrs. Paul . ' ,., P' cl' . :\1, \". F k, .,
, .·d nt h 'sieian at Phila- . 1\ which were appropl'late to poefs Ice- IPSI' ,nt. • IS. 1'1 n,l .c -! 1S \'(':1I'S ,)f age, Large sIze (176's) Florida Juicy
I~ a .resr" e p ~. ago: . Ganser and her comlmttee, II'S. read by :III'S. S, A, Suhl'lneister. al'llt; HeC'onling- SpC'l'rtary; :III's. 1

' • "n o • •J ) . " '
delplna ueneral Hospital. \ ashon p1eaueu that hIS eX-I \Varren Borneman :i\lro Frank . I ~I (' . , C d ' . : \ · (" (;Jl no,.... f)f _h L 1 IP. <oft I
Dr Hansen is a graduate of penses are so high that he is un- Snivel" and Mrs Louis Paulmiel'
' .'
' " ..
. d
f l'
Plans fOI' a as lIOn s lOW am
I I E( na .' 'I( ,1IIre'
t t b I II th after SecretaI'\' lIrs, ' arl'le • arc 1;' t
1\ 'II
O1T<.'~pon lng',
. t:\1
t f tI
I . H,!., Oakmont. ha~ hC'('n name 111- 1
1 I H
d .
l\Iuh1enbel'g College and Temple able to afford anything for hiS The Men's committee, under the car par y 0 e, Ie c e , - Tl'e'ISur~l: :III'S Helen :\Ieacle. Thc. s I'UC 01' 0 lP C II ), e,~ I , do,..
U iversity Medical School He is family out of his $44.70 weckly chairmanShip of Frank Topham noon of March 5 111 the Llanelch ' f' tl" I ,t('ach the flilidallielltais of nfle:
nt' d "'I'th the Army' in Ala- earnings l'lleludes Samuel Adams Frank Fire Hall, were discllssed at the ~l'el\C1' 0' 1; e,'elllllg' was tie, shooting' and the safl' handling of I
S t a lone "
"You better get on thc tele- Snh'ely and Neville Ehrmann.
, , "
busll1ess meeting. .
Hc\'. Rowen C. Pearce.
" ., " [i III ,
.\ 11 shoot 1l1g ~\ Jill
.' i
~~,~I·~}O:~~,¢.~·~·;,~~~~~·~!-~-------- 3 for 25 e
phone and raise the money or Proceeds will go towards the Hostes3es for lhc aftcl'lloon 111- ., 1)(' C'ollrlUo't"d \'.1111 a ,~~ c:JiJill'C'
"ou will stay in jail for at least bud"'et of the Auxiliary for the cue I d d "' ~r rs. CI lar Ies Ott , :i\11'0 ," F- ' .Mrs, .Ta~k Snyder, . 11:!0 \\dson, . .' 1'1'fl I' I ~\~~~,I~~~I...'~I~Q~~;,~-,~~~:-,::~~:; h,'gher 2 lbs 25 e
G.O.P. Women To Hold .three months maybe SIX, . 'd
" in the EpIscopal
,"ork . 'Hospital . \" " I t II"1l1Sd
" Ilg-l in
a e, a cI ;\Irs
• ", Ed- Dl'l\'e ' ent.el'ta1l1<.'d , :\Irs, • l'l'an1,
11'1 'J , he OmC('I'S of till' new C1II I/ are:
~r~~~~ _Ca I ~,~?n~.~~~.~ h~~r~~~-c~~-~--- 2 6:~~~:.1ge
Legislative Discussion D
Judge anne lower. I , .
Foreign and Domestic 1\1Jsslons, "Ill \.u "
. . ' .' I' nze Buckley, :III'S, Paul Bercgl, J I'S, \
, \_ ,'I ~J' E'd' 'd C ' ..... L 11 Ip . () lnson, 1)1'(';:1 ell ; , a(' ,
nl'I' J] 'd t T k
. . Q L, J.O\\CI i\ IS, \\al Ul- w' lk . '1 t 11 I
Interracial RelatIOns Comn1lttee, ~I E 'I I" I f W'l "a 'PI', "'C(, ]\I'e;:,. en: owan
The Legislative Discussion . . . 1 I·

IN.sa?·_:~w~·o~~n~:·,~~!r~~~~---------. 3 16: 2.i r.

1I rs, ., •. \. Ins el' 0 J - C' 1 II t' fl' 1'1'
and other philanthropIC proJects. O"clzz'd Soc,·et'.v F' orme(
Group of the Lower Merion-Nar- Twp. Residents Elected '
'. ' ,
son Drl\'(" "r~. , la!' cs
~r Cl I' \" II
a er
,an w(' , "X(,C'U lYe 0 Icer, '·'·'IIlC'1
ALL-music series I ~I l" 1\1 D 11 f I' Hoss, secretary, and Bdty :'lIllieI',
berth Council of Republican wom- Officers of Museum
Dr. James A. Dash, of 426 E, 1n ]"laVer "1 l01'(,
I TOltllS ' '11'/1z· ancI, ,.D rs, ' ... j c Dna <, 0 ,0051'- irea;:urel', I
en will hold its first mecting of
the new year on Friday, Januar~'
Percy C. l\Iadeira. Jr., of 46 Spl'lng .
A d
l' more. WI
con- The Southeastern Pennsylvania
ye t. n"e.
", " ~.J1;i::,;I~:~.sro~~~~~,sh·:~:~(:~~~,~~~ 2 Ibl 25 e
Tunbridge Rd., Haverford, was
24, from 11 a, m. to 1 p. m. at duct more than 300 singers and Orchid Society was organizcd in :\fr and :\11';:, Osear :\Ietca1f fI"illialll H. Fol/1'ell I Crisl_ I'asca] C(·lcl·~· Co"{ornlo
the home of Mrs. HalTie F. Reed,
named president of the University instrumentalists in an all-Beeth- Ha"el'to"'n at the home of :i\lr.
Museum at the University of t tl A 1 f n
. , I
111<1 Harding' Dn\'(', entcl'talllCt 7\'mllprT Players' :1 irTp
I r:O"j(' n,' ;.......':.; .: 'r;i~C"- . . [~f"Q ,'arge "TO,';" 2g e
419 Lancaster Ave., Havcrford. oven program a le cal emy 0 ~md Mrs, eGorge A, Lane, 37 1\11', and :'Ilrs. .Tohn :'IIalloy, :\11',
Pennsylvania at the annual elcc- 1\lusic, Philadelphia, February 17. Kathmere Rd., Brookline. and ;\1I'S. William :\[ast<.'l'~, all of \\'illiam 11. Fol\\"pll, ~on of:\!r'l Fairmonf Sliced Elberta
1\1rs Rav Scott Tannehill. of tion of 0ffieers held last Thurs-
A series of three concerts at thc and :\Irs. F. D, Folwell, of 2:!7
the M'ermo~t, Bryn Mawr, chair- day.
man of the group, will preside and
Philadclphia A1't Alliance, 251
The purpose of this organiza-, l'hiladelpllia; l\Il'. and ?llrs. L.
I d "
:i\lrs. William S. Godfrey, of Mill South 18'h Street, Philadelphia, tion is to promote the ~now e ~e Schlossma,l, of Drexel ,IIill; and llamcd Stag'p \Janagpr 1'01' the
Bowman Ayp" :llerion. has hC'('n; l'ItOSTED PEACIIES 1- b

"brunch" will be served the mem- Creek Rd., Ardmore, was elected of the art and the technIC of 1'aI3- Mr. and 'III'S, George \\ hartnaby,
will be inauguratcd Thursday ncxt pl'odudion hy the l'Jay('l'~"
bers and their guests. secretary and appointed to con- evening, J'lnua.y30, at 8:30 P.M. ing orchi'ls. of the IIiUs,
. "0;0 Pcnns~'IYal\l1J Statr' College dra-' Sunnyfield Fancy Creamery
=~~_;;~_~~_~_;_ ~_,~_-~_;;~~;;~~. tinue as 'ieting director of the mu- The series is sponsored by the
"The Importation and Cure of malicR g'l't1U!J.


Birth Announced
GUI'ld fOl' COlltenlpol',ary l\Iusic. Orchids" was the topic of a :i\Italk
tOile of
't GI'ooters, prominent bari- at the meeting by Russc II 1 ott, Brookline blvd., cl,ail'll1an of the
PIII 'ladelphl'a, will prcsent I1n associate of the
'ecI'tal ,'It tllC Etllical Societ" change, Roxborough .
O l
rc 11
'd E
1\11's. Mcnitt L. 1\lo'ffitt, or 219

'x- Methodist Deacol1l'ss' Home Boar

was a speaker at the meeting' of
Thp play will 111' :I!olierc's "lm-
d H;."inar,'· In\'alid," A senior in ..... g-
ronol11)' "'olwC'll i~ a 1I1embel' of:

lU.I(lolister Cheese - 16 55e
_,-,. U v
C ! ~-lb

1\11'. and Mrs. Haig Herant Pak- a r • ~igma Pi;' :\Ipha FI'atel'mt~', tIe'
audl 'tol,'luln, 1906 Rittenhouse Officers elected were: N, Hart- the \Volllen ~ Society of Christian ' h I
Win terize now beCore cold Ir<,dooni, .Tl'.. of W~'ngate Rd., All-Coll<'gt, ('ahll1d and t c soc- J'tledilllIJ Sharp Cheddar Cheese/b55e
Squarc, Philadelphia, FebruaJ'~' 6. IE\' Scheu':er, of Brookline, presi- Service If the Winusor Street cer tel11,
weather scts in. Ask aboul our
spccial discount on all sen ices
WynnewvJd. are recei\'ing congrat-
c!~nt; H. Joseph Merrion, of 1'01- Church,;n Reading, 1'a. lIel' topic "el\'eeta or llur.I ..,,·, <:""I..n" 2 '0:°of 95c
u1at.ions on the birth of 11 dau~h­
oyer' $5,00, ter, Patricia Kay Pakradooni, on
January 11. Mrs. Pakradooni is
, arch OfDImeS
croft, viC'e president; 1\11'5. N. was "The Deacon('ss' "'01']; in
Hartley Bcheare~', secretal';'-treas- 1'1 '11'I a(I e I II I'
WI. .. ,Pl.;",'I, ,1'111()llllr(>(/
ll'ildmpre EJ!¢s Lorge Si,e. "o:h , oo,en 59c

SEa\'ICE STATION the for;l1-.:r Miss l\'larg'Uerite Eliza-
· Is 0 n
urer. and l\{rs. Gilbert l\TusLin, of
Lansdowne, dircctor.
I:: ","

Miss Mary Alice 8hcrl11all, of, 21 1'uJn1l'I' A,'p" Llanerch, are )'C-
:\TI'. an<l ~II"~. LOl'l'nne Gl'a~', of I Diplomat Brand
Ca t
IIIonlromer, and \\'oodbh•• beth Stitzer, daughter of Mrs.
1"ew Brunswick. N", .T.. was the C('I\'ln~' ,'ongTatll1:Jtion~ on the!
Narberth 9~1
Call and Deli•••
James H, Stitzel', Jr., 'of Wynne-
/ wood. ,
, The March of Dimes Campaign Reelected,
Deparunent ea S
H d
Year lor
week-end gu<.'st of Miss Shirley I,jrth of a ~Oll 011 .Tanuar~' 11 at
Boone, of 1·17 TIalstoll A,'pnue, n<.']a\\"al'" ('onnt~ Jlo;:pi!a1. :\ll's.'
: Oal\lnol11. I
(;Iar if' lh" fornlP' :lli··< IT:ll'l'i,,t
35'0: ((7"

m Delawnre County got underwa;' ' , "I ':'" l.ock\\o'''1, IIi I.1aI'('1 L'IJ,
this week, All Lo",'~'l' 1\Ienon Tow\lshlp dc- The lIm'('I'fOl'd To\'.'n~hjp W,C, I SI_arklt" P ...I"ill~s cho<olof•.
ClarelH_e L. Connor, president of partmcnt heads haye b:-en 1'celeet- 1 'i,U will (Undue! theil' monthly -- i I'G,.', a 0' 8'''-:-0' " _" _. . p,(g
the county eOI~lIni~sionerl1 ofl~ciallY ed for another ~'ear, It was an-I' hLJ~illl'Sl1 :lIt'cling-, .January 2.1. at 1
opened the drive III ceremonies at nounced :llonday. ':! 1'. :\T. at 1.1](' home of :'I1is~ So-
.J\ ~)I.le HIIHer :','i 'fe Ho"".
thl' Media Court House. They include .Je~sc L. Stetlel', phia l.C'LJ. ~(\ \\" lIill('J"('.<; An'. a4TTENTJON o~ '. . ~,;_.. ':'(;~;' ;0,' D·,~,;d . . 28·oz ior

Raymond Hig-het. county chair- :superintendent. of building con- SIIIISW(·.·tl·....lle J .. i(·e
i co'';: , {·'f ,:,,'c,, _ . q,,,rl boW.
man, declared this year's cumpaig-n struction; Grant :i\J. Olewilel', san- : :III'. lllld 1\11'5. Horace F. Dean'
i need~ 111, ')1'1' ..."'eneral community itary drainage
_ _ _ _ ••0 -

supcrintendent; 0 t - "liD
I ",
OO(II' elg'lI RIO r .. a ImlOn t II
support :hall ever beforc to l'e-, Clarence L. Be'-ltt~', superinlend- 1'01' many ypars I'esid,;nts of Oak-: y"u#eavy
plenish funds of the National; ent of parks and playgrounds; mont, mo\,pd thi~ past \\"I'<.'k to
You're in need of a Mojor Tune·
I Foundation fol' Infantile Paralysis,' Samuel W, Gearhart, chid of po- J)pt loit. \I 1', ])('an j;: associatpd I Up! Thornton-Fuller will:
' "This year's appael is the most i lice; lIal'v"y Benson. fh'e marshal; with thl' "Christ for AI11('rica" o Clean corbon
• Grind valves
. urgent in thc foundation's his-· William Titlow, assistaut fire mar- \\'ol'k \\'hich t l'all~fer('('(1 I' t • Tune up motor
• Remove, cleo", and install COf·
tory," Highet said, "Still incom- dial; Waltel E. Hoseng'arten, su- I .\Iichig-an. I lin 0 'I bl,uetor
p1ete tigurl'!s indicate t.he 1946 pl'- pel'intend"nt of highway cOllsll'I.lc- " ~, • Cleon and odjusf spark plv!js
• Clean and adjust ignition
lio toll will exceed 20,000 victim:;. tion. I The >:e\\"i:lg gTOUJl of the :\Iel'- ;. • P,O;"'S Reset ignition liming
-------------,--- I wood "'omen';: Cluh will \Iwet at ' • Cloan out gascvlotor bow'
You'll be pl.coscd with the job
, the home oj MI's. On'ilk Wasson, and the price. STOP IN 'TODAY I

Cttexcd 2.jf!) l\lel'lvood Lane, on .JanU111T I

I 2,1. at 8 P. :\T.
~ " •
Budget Terms on A II Repairs and Parts

,lIbsl .~-.t :"'8. ",.~
p~ Checks and Wallet I 1\Irs. B, Scott ;\Iitton, of 116 I 125 E, LANCASTER AVE.
, H asthlg's Ave" is spending' sev- I Phone-Ardmore 5000 Sunnyfield ALL-PURPOSE
• YOUR Nr.'AE PRINTED ON YOU.R CHECKS l;ral wceks at Jacksoll\'ilJp, Fin.. I HAVERFORD ROAO & ARDMORE


• YOUR NAME GOLD·STAMPED ON WALLET \.. here shl' is visiting l\I ". and I Phone-Ardmore 5134

• NO MINIMUM BALANCE REQUIRID :\lrs. Harold Kelll'tt I

5,/6 bag 3:Jc 25,/6 bog 81.59
Onl, Be Per Cheek tBooks of 25 Checks~
Mrs~ Norman Jefferies



Phone: Narbel'th 2861
9:J:~ MOlltgomery Avenue
_ 4 .... _ . -
'.",' ,.,.



Rabbi Wolsey DFCAwarded Bell Tak'es Oath as Governor· Dietrich Takes Food Fair Tower ,.
Will A~dress Posthumously Office As Head
Methodists , The DiRtinguislll!d Flying Cross,
one of the highest awards present-
Of Gun,
~d in World War II, was recently
}!l'esented posthumously to Lt. Al- Organization To
Jewish Leader bert Edward Kennedy, USNR, son Send Delegate To
To Talk on ot :Mrs. Harold R. Collins, of 520 Hawk Meeting
"Zionist Problem ~~ Manor Rd.. Wynnewood.
The honor was awarded to Lt. OT-Dietr;ch Takes
Rabbi Louis Wolsey will speak I';ennedy for hiR action during op- Howell 1. Dietrich, of Upper
on "The Zionist }Jroblem" at the erations Against the Japanese in Darby, assumed the presidency
closinS\' 8e~sion Snnda~' night of the Indo ,~hina Area, of the Lower 1I1erion Rod and
the A rdmon' ~Iethodist Church A pilot ill Fightilllt Squadron Gun Club at the annual meeting
Forum 011 "Winning' thc Peace." 80, Lt. Kenned~' was stationcd of the club last Wednesday at
Dr. Wolsey has bccn Rabbi of aboard the aircraft cal'l'iel'USS the American Legion HaJJ, Nar-
Con~l'ep:allOn Hodeph Shalom, Hancock. berth.
1'\orth Philadelphia, for the past I Text of the citation is as fol- C, II. A. Chai~. Sr.. of Nar-
• j' I I
21 ~'cars, Jl(, is prcsldent () t 1e: low!'!: berth. retiring aftcr two terms
Vnion of AlJ1l'1'ican Hebrew Con- I "For ht;!roislJl and extl'aordinary I as 'president, pledged his con-
~regation~, ami is a m~mbel' of: achie\'enlent in aerial flight as tinued cooperation to the newly ,.
the Board (,1 Go\'ernurs and Pres- : pilot of a plalle in Fightin~ elected officers and thanked the
irient of th~ A.lull1ni Association: ~quadron liO, attached to the USS members of the club for their
of Heb,l'ew l'nion College,. I H a 11 I' 0 c k, durin~ operatio~s support during his administration. •
Ht> I~ also H nJl'lllbl'r '01 the. Ilg-ainst enemy .Japanese forceR In Othel's elected to ser\'e as of-
"EXl'CUlil'e Hoard of the Federation ~ jhe Indo-China area, on .January ,~: ficers for 10,17 include: Edmund •
of .lewish Charitics and b Chllir-! 12 and 15. 1945. Wile nLt. uOVCl'l1or ,John C. Bell, Jr., was inaugurated as Pcnnsylvanla's R. Barth. Upper Darby; Fred P.
man of ~J.lyor I l,,'rnar,' l .,.amuc
S I ' s', .. f)eSlJite intpn:;e hostile anti air- " 2. the State's lIouse of Reprcscntatives Cham bel' was jammcd to capacity.
<!l'" Bl·lln. Gladw~'ne, and T.'mnk P.
Yic(' anrl, ('rime Clln.llJl1S810n. 'craft fire and ndverse wenther, This WIlS the first time sincc 17DO that a Lt. Go\'ernor succeeded to the highest olIiee in the Davis, Philadclphia, ,~" presi-
P". Chnton ;\1. ChCITY, pastol', conditions, 1.1. Kenned~' led his' State. Bell. a I'esidcnt of 283 Hathaway Lanc, Wynnewood, served a 19-day term before Governor- dents; Philip Cappnlonga. Nar-
or the Ardl1lol'l' :\Iethodist ·Church, f'ection in repeate,l strafing at- Elect ,James H, Dun' took omce Tucsday afternoon'. berth, secretary; Robert 1\1. Weis-
will prcside at thl' forum and tacks, setting fire to and beaching - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jl41n, Nar'Jel"th, treasurer; Char-
durin;::, thl' que"tion Jleriod that: Ii larg-e enemy oiler. Pressing his AI-my Off-leerS'i Emily Sargent Pettit's les Spen~er, Jr., Upper Darby,
will folio"'. ,i attack on a later mission, he SC01'-

', Fllf...'w.wmellt Annoullce

d Rosemont Man field captain.
At last Sunda~·'s forum, ( ...Ou·
n '- i ('(I It rocket hit which started f i r e s . . .
I'rt Haines, "ice-president of the' Oil an ('np.my transport. '. HIe
urt I
II ,ras I
~ '.' ~.
llr. and Mrs. Horace Pettit. of
Given Citation
Directors are C, IT. A. Chain,
Jr., John A. Miller. Sr., Frank D.
lIl00re. Frank l\I, FI~'nn. all of
Corn Exch:tn!,e National Dank.,
~poke on ''''orld Trade as a con-!
tl'ibution to Peace." i
Navy Vet
--------- :
'I B I 4
p '
,iOl w, -':ollshohockell State Rd.,
liludw~'ne, have l~nnoullced the ~n-
"ag'Cl11ent of their daughter, 1\1Iss
Narberth: G. Sherman Williams,
Roxborough; C, H. A, Chain, Sr.,
. . ' , 01 1 'lore alJClll~ " Harry W. Harrison, Jr. Narberth, and Ellen A. Dietrich,
HaJlles ','111phaslzed the need for, T i Emily Sargent Pettit, and lVIr.
American held in solving the P1'ob-1 At "alley Forge i l;orrlon Flandcrs Whitney. son of Awarded Navy DFC Upper Darby.
lcms of the post-war world. I (Continued from page 1) Two officer patients of the Val- :\11', and Mrs. Leonard Whitney, of Bernard Fischel' and Charles P.
"America alone," he said. "h~s II we pushed the car partialy out of le~· Porge General Hospi~uls w~~rc Canujoha:'ie, N. Y.
Outstanding airmanship against Blinn, of Ardmore. discussed the
enemy forces in the Bismark Ar- damage to song birds on the Main
the 'kilO'" ho\\" to meet the \\:o~'ld's the garage and g-ot him out of injured ·.I'he~l the cal' III ,WhICh l\Iiss Pe~tit is a graduate of the chipelago area ,earned a permanent Line from hawks, The club unani-
needs in the present C1'lSIS. the car. \\'1' called the police, who they were l'lrli11g' crashed l,)~tO. a baldwin School alld is 1I0W attend- citation C)f the lJistinguished Fly- mously voted to send representa-
At Sunday morning-'R services were there in three minutes and parked car on Lancaster luke III il1~ Cornell University. Her fiance
])1'. Cherry's topic will be "As they applied artificial respiration front .of ~he Whitehall a]lartment L a gmrluate of thc Cornell School
ing Cross for Commander Harry
W. Harrison, Jr., of Pine Cottage,
tives to a meeting of Main Line
organizations to be held Friday
the Lord Has Prospered You," until Dr, Drinton arrived and hotel III tfaverford early Sunday. ct Ellgineering. Rosemont, night in the Township Building
Th!" Chur'~h School "'iIl meet at pronounced him dead," 'I'he car they struck was set Commandel Harrison is now at which the problem of hawk
9:45 A.M. and the Youth Fellow- Asked if the Navy veteran had afire and also driven into an- serving at the Naval Operating control in the t.ownship will be
ship will meet at 6: ,15 P.M. been bro:ding or in ill health, the other park vehicle.
father responded negatively and put out the blaze before thQ ar-
Driver Freed Base, Newport, R. I. The award
was presented by Secretary of the
taken up.
Mrs. Ellen A. Dietricl1, secre-
New City Li1te Food Fai1~
Funeral Services for told of his son's conduct the pre- rival of the l\Ierion Fire Co. of Navy, James Forestal, for the

Joseph G. Gravel", 67
vious evening.
"We had dinner at the Merion
Ardmore, who ans,,'ercd the alarm.
Taken to Bryn ~Iawr Hospital On Fatality President.
Text of the citation r~ads as
tary of the Southeastern Division
of the Pennsylvania Federation
of Sportsmen's Clubs. reported
Largest of Store C Ita i 1'1
Fifteen years ago, George Fried-I pared lun~heon meats will abound. •
Funeral services for Joseph G. Golf Club that night, where we were Major Sterling Price. 30. a follows: that thc division had voted unani- land opened a small butcher shop High above the new brick and
Graver. a gardener for many Main both are members," l\Ir. Scho- repatriated prisoner of war. of "For heroism and extraordinary mously in favor of a resolution -the Union Meat Store-in Har- steel building, a 60-foot tower is
Line homes and an employee of field told the jury. "He was hap- Houston, Texas. and his com pan- Victim Was Janitor achievement in aerial flight as sponsored by the Lower Merion risburg. topped by the words "Food Fair",
Lower l\Iel'ion Township until sev-, py, had arranged a golf match for ion Captain Henry Dais, 31, of At Rosemont College Squadron Commander of Fighting club to solicit the aid of the Penn- Two years later, he conceived (Continued 011 page 8)
er years ago, were held Franken- two days later and called a girl Chicago. 111. Squadron 6, attached to the USS sylvania Department of Highways the idea of putting all the mer-
John Mullin, 44., of 75 Cricket
field's Funeral Home. Simpson and friend and planned a dinner en- The officers. who were discharg-
Avl'.. Ardmore, was exonerated by
Independence, during operations I
in planting trees and shrubs chandise a housewife needs under ~~iiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiii iiiiiii ~
Athens Ave., Ardmore, l\Ionda~' gagement at. thc club on Thanks- cd after treatmcnt. said they wcre against enemy Japanese forces in whereever possible to provide one roof to simplify her shopping.
li Coroner's jury Friday morning
afternoon. giving evenin.g . He was pleased blinded by the lights of heavy the Bismark Archipelago area, on food and cover for birds and He opened his first supermarket,
of criminal responsibility for the
1\11,. Graver. who was 67, died with our busllless and was plan- traffic whit'h came fl'om the oppo- death of a pedestrian he ran over Nov. 11, 1943. small g-ame and to cooperate in also in Harrisburg.
Inst Friday after a seven-~'ear ill- ning a trip."
Yless at the home of his daug-hter
site direction ano coul(1 not sec with his automobile in Bryn Mawr
The fa.ther did describe .a glass the cars which were parked along'
Ol~ DecPlIl'Jer 27.
While leading his squadron in
a strike against hostile shipping
the State-wide progl'am of plant-
ing permanent snow barriers.
He didn·t realize at the time
that he was starting a venture
Mrs. J. H. Bennett, of 4967 Girari of what ne called water WIth pos- the hig-hwav. ne;r Raboul, New Britain, Cdr. which would someday do an an-I
f I The victim was Edgar J. Nan-
lve., Philadelphia. He had lived sibly some bicarbonate of soda : (then Lt. Cdr.) Harrison sighted
h · h h e f OUJ1(I on th I' sea t .
IC !lIaj. PI·lce.
. , n veteran ° . tj lCI gell, r,il, who died 12 hours after Lt. W". P. Scott Given nual' business of over 100 million
for ei~ht years at 208 Lippincott W a force of three enemy warships dollars a year.
Ave" Ardmore, until 1942. Many "1' h I" g I ass was remove d t 0 the Army An' I- 01'1'1", was ac1l111t C( being' ndmitted to Bryn Mawr
· . "4 lying outside Simpson harbor and, Is this
groun d an d some one s t eppe
to VaJley Forge In May, !oJ 6. Hospital. He was a janitor at
, C t
Posthumous Citation But that was the volume of
years ago, he worked on the E. B. in the face of intense antiaircraft
Morris estate on Millcreek Rd., it and breke it while we were tl'Y- aDft~r foul' I y~a7 St~I'\'IC;: I I A~J ..
Rosemont College. fire and poor visibility, daringly Lt. Warwick Potter Scott, of business done last ~'ear by Fried-
in to revive m son," Mr. Scho- alS, attae H' 0 1e 'Ie ( 1- Olliccr ilrl,dy Utz of the Lower led his squadron in a powerful Green Valley, Gladwyne, has been hilld's 90 Food Fair stores ,located
Ardmore. gl-' '-' H Y I' d the son tIllery, had servcd four,years and ;\lcl'ion police told the pury that issued a posthumous permanent ci- in six eastern states.
In addition to his daughter, he I'd" sal"'I' ~ e;~ ~?e t' . dur five months'when numittcd in Sep- low level straffing' attack to in-
tation for the Bronze Star Medal And on Tuesday morning, Fried-
i~ survived by his wife. !\Irs, Es- ~a comp al~e 0 III Iges Ion - tember 19,15, oBth were dbcharJ);- N:lng-ell apparcntly had fallen in- flict extensive damage on the
g b:v the Navy Department for he- land-who lived until recently in
ed fro~ Bryn 1\lu\\'r Hospital aft-
ot t.he highway and was lying three vessels and cOlltribue to the
ther Ida Graver. of the same ad- 1Ilg- the cvenm ' I f' Id t' 't' Ioic action on Corregidor, where Merion-opened his largest and I
No trace 0 f Sc 10 le s ac 1'111 les . there t1n'lbservcrl when Mullin success of this mission.
dress; a son, the Reverennd Jo~ could be learned from 10 the pre- eI treatment. most elaborate Food Fair store--I
he built and manned three ma-
seph Graver of Cochranville, Pa., .
VIOUS evenmg . wh en I Ielca I I' d O n .The cal' thcy •
struck aad set
drove his car froli1 the curb at
C 2 :20 a. 111.
By his outstanding skill, cour-
age and devotion to dutr, Cdr. chine-gun ]losts.
on City Line Ave., just below 54th I
and seven grandchild'ren. ~ sick friend in Ardmore and left afIre wa!' owned ~Y. TIussell . lIIullin 'lnd his fellow workman, Harrison upheld the highest tradi- The citation reads, "His leader- St.
Interment will be in Barren . t es when he Parker of 8118 Fall'new TId., Et-d The ncw store, housed in a
a f tel' a f ew mlllU " " W, SiroJ,y of 6!) Greenfield Ave., tions of I_he United States Naval ship, cou:'ag-e and devotion to duty
Hill Cemetery, Roxborough. kms Park. S1Ightl~
learne d he h a d gone t 0 be. d . damage Ardmore. told Coroner W. J. Service." were in keeping with the hig-hest huge ,modern building, contains
The victim's father said he had ~hen raml~1ed by Parker scar \\:as traditions of the United States ten departments, some self-service, •
Rushong ~h?-t they felt a couple of others manned by clerks.
Solemn Requiem. Mass . k the pre one belonglllg' to Samuel II. 'MIIl- Naval Service."
on Iy t wo (,I' th reI' d nn s - d Ll I "bumps" :,s they pulled away from
For James Dalton J.
VIOUS evenmg, . II e sal
often slept in the auto when he
'd h'

Sole'mn Requiem Mass for James returned home as he had acquired Funeral Services
IS son er , of 503 E. Darby ancre 1.
the cUl'b and looking' back saw a
man lying in the road.
Subsidy Helps Lt. Scott was killed in Decem- The self-service groccry depart-
ber, 1944 ,aboard a Japanese pris- ment is stocked with 3000 items.
on ship. In the produce section, every veg-
Utz told cf finding no marks on
J. Dalton, of 43 Cricket Ave., Ard- a habit of staying up at night
more. was celebrated at St. Veron- \\'hile in tIle hazardous PT serv-
F or A rthllr A
i ll~en 'the auto with the exception of
~1"angell's whitc hail' on the bottom
School Menus Main J.,i ne Kiwanis
etable and piece of fresh fruit is
washed and trimmed on the prem- 1'011 bet it isn't, I\lister!
ica's Chu:'ch, Chrstnut Hill. Tues- ice Funeral servIces fOj' A rthll.r i ot the ':a r as it scraped over his Under a Federal subsidy plan
ises. The meat department car-
Fred H. Wallace. football coach ries the slogan "protected, selected No need to "0
without your
clothes because they need
duy morning. Schofield said his son had no Aiken • a 1esident of LOWel' :\11'1'1-' b'O(1v, Lower Merion public school pupils· of Haverford School. was the and gual'anteed" meat of "choice"
Mr, Dalton. a resident of Ard- known enemies and scouted any or. TO\\'I1ship for 24 years, were . cleaning and pressing, Send
are going in for bigger and bet-II guest speaker Tuesday. night at qualitr-a top category given by them to ,US. We give 11rompt
more for 15 years, died last Fri- idea of foul pla~'. He said the ig- held Frida~' in Bridgeville, Alle- tel' meals in their school cafe- the regular weekly meetmg of the the government. service ••. and an ultra mod-
dar at Chestnt HilI Hospital nition switch was on but the motor gheny County.
where he hac' been ill for the past was not running when he found 1\11'. Aiken, who had been ill for
J ohll Casey Dies, terias.
Subsidies arc provided with Fed_I
Main Line Kiwanis Club held at
thc Conestoga Mill,
At the poultry counter, in addi-
ern dry cleanill/;!

scven months. He was 64. his son. He said he didn't exam- three years. died at his home, ]4:: Station Master I tion to the usual chicken and tur-
Prior t.o his illness, he was a ine the 'l"-otor to learn if it had Cricket Ave.. Ardmore,
fireman at Ul'sinus College, Ursin- been running. Tuesday. He was 64 years old.
At Byrll .Mawr
cral Government funds for three
types of lunches:
":allacc, who was once a pr?-
fesslOn~~ bnseb~ll 'pla~'er a~d I~
key, the Rhopper will find pheas-
ants. guinea hen and squabs. And
The A type lunch subsidized Imown 1ll athlebc CIrcles as Doc
UR, Pa. Dr. Bt'inton told of being called Born in Bridgeville, he became the seafood department will carry BROTHERS
for nine cents, is a con;plete meal. Wallace" spoke on :'The Recent
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. to the scene at 5.15 that morning ~ssociated with the purehnsing de- Solemn Requiem Mass for John every kind of fish available on the
Served \Vithout milk it takes a Scandals ,n ProfeSSIOnal Athlct-
J. Dalton; two daughters, 1111'S. and of the resuscitation efforts. partment of the Pennsylvania T' Casey, for 64 years a resident aEst coast, At the delicntessen T..\IJ,ORS • FURRIERS
"I had known the boy since he Railroad 42 ~'ears ago in that (.f Lower lITel'ion Township and. seven cents subsidy. ics". counters, salads, relishel'l, and pre-
Haymond Westerman and Miss
The 13 ';ype lunch, subsidized for CI,EANERS & Dl'ERS
Tlizabeth Dalto.l, both of Phila- was 3 or 4, He was very happy, town, and he mo\'ed to Ardmore for 48 years, an employee of the
delphia; a son, James J .. Jr., who cheerful and had no motive for when he was transferred to this Penns~'lvania Railroad, was sung six cents, iE about the same but New Stop Sign t,t

works for the Suburban Cab Com- taking his life. He had the 'flu' section of the railroad 24 years lIIonday 'llorning at OUl' Mother with smaller portions. Served Lower Merion's Highway De- Health Report 102 Forrest A,·e., Narberth
without milk it takes afoul' cents partment has erected a stop sign Robert J. Thomas, Lower lIIeri- NARBERTH 2602
pany in Ardmore. and a brother, tho month before, but had recov- ago. of Good Counsel Church, Bryn
John, of Al'dmore. eled," Dr, Brinton said. subsidy., aj the corne,· of North Rose Lane on Township Health Officer. re-
He is sun'lve . d b ' 'f
y IllS WI e,
111 rs. lIlawr. . l I t F .'d t The C type luneh is milk only and Old Gulph Rd.. Haverford. ported Vl new cases of chicken 228 Rala Ave" ~'lIw)'d
Burial was in Holy Cross Ceme- The BI:yn Mawr ph~'sician said
Ann Jeannette; two sons; ,1. l\I r. Casey dlec as 11 ay a
and takes a two cents sbsidy. Old Gulph Rd., will be made a pox and 12 of mumps for the CY~WYD 0028
tery, Yeadon. Schofield had been out the, previ-
Marvin Aiken of Covington, Va.. I his home at the, Bryn Mawr Sta- Superintendent of Schools F. A.! tl:rough street. week ending January 17.
ous night and his battery had run LI A'k of 1'''9
' -~ Wal- , I, tion after an .1Iness .of Iseveral

Dubois reports that all of the --.:......... _
down and provided the possible ex- an d J . A 1"_ lUI' I en.
Visiting in Cuba nut Ave., Ardmore; two sister8.: 1110ntl~s. He was born 1Il t 11' gar- schools have applied for the milk i
planation that the 'l'ictim had
Mrs. John Boyce an(1 Miss Aman- I dencr s cotta~,e on th~, A.•J. Cas- subsidy; six of the cafeterias for
The l\Iis1:les Victoria and Veron- been running the motor in the car
da Aiken, and' a brothel'. ,Joseph satt estate. Ceswold, o.n Ches~
ica Rogach. daughters of 1\11'. and tc recharge the battery while Iis- H Aiken all of Bridgeville,
Mrs. John Rogach 01; 319 Bala t€ning to the radio.
wold Lane, Haverford. HIS fathCl
the nine cents subsidy lunch and
two for the six cents subsidy
t1, .EX17lA (JfJIJDI
. '

'Interm~llt was in Bridgeville. was the bead guLrdener lI;he.re. IUl\ch.

Ave., Bal, are spending theri win- Dr. Simpson reported on the
ter vacation at the home of Mr. autopsy made on Schofield, which
and Mrs, George Betancourt, of h" report~d was caused b~' monox- Youth Held for Court
After attending ower
Hi~h School. he became a messen-

gel' fOl' the Pennsylvania Railroad

Operati,m of the Federal sub-
8idy plan started January 6 with
Vedado, Cuba. ide poisoning. the release of funds through the
On Burglary Charges in 189!). He was employed by the State Dellartment of Public In-
• 1. railroad continuously until the struction,
A 23 year old Eastwlc': Illun . f I' d th
was held without bail for court the tl1nc i) liS ea . . "There was an immediate re-
NARBERTH ELECTRIC & RADIO CO. on burglary and trespassing, 1\11', CusPy was 1H~llled statlOn
charges by Justice "I tiH Pcace master at llosemont III 1910, a?d
sponse to the plan," Superintend-
ent Dubois reported, "and it ap-
Haverford and Forrest Aves. - Phone Narberth 41HZ
,joseph B. Allen, Jr, ~~onchy in he and i~is wife, the former 1';1IS8 rears that this new type lunch at
the Lower l\1erion Township Buil- Mary Glhbon~, of Altoon~, lived its low ~ost is going to be much
d' in the agent s house untIl 1927
IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON l~~e youth who said 111" was when he wa~ moved to the Bryn
more .popular than we anticipat-
Ralph Chrei~lan, of Buist Ave., l\la~vr ~tation, He held .this post
ABC Washers' near 81st St" was arrested by until ll1S Illness forced hIm to re-
To carry out tile plan and meet
the demand the superintendent
Wringer a~d Spinner Types Lttwer Merion Patrolmen Joseph tire. said new help and equipment
Sweeney and James lIliller in He was a member of the would ha..e to be added.
A WIDE VARIETY OF LAMPS the garage of the estate of Ber- Knights of Columbus, th~ Holy
FLAVORFUL Magsi's Bouillon-delicious as a bow.....
Radios Electric Razon I,tlrd Z. Rose, W~'ngate and l\lor- :r-:ame Society. and the Phlladel-
ris Rds., Wynnewood. phia Passenger Association.
Otto Duel' Re~Elected -allo wonderful al a cooking aid to. improve the good-
Portable Radios Sun Lamps
Radio Combinations Heaters Rose, W!10 is president of Balti- In ad(J:tion to his wife, Mr. Ca- Otto Duel', of 205 Forrest Ave., nell of SOUp', vegetables, gravies, and stewi.
Record Players Heating Pads mol' l\Ial'kp.ts, l?hilndelphia food sey is survived by foul' children, N al'berth. \Vas re-elected president

Listen For Our All Musical Program On

WNAR <I110 K. C.)
chain sa\V the man entering his the Rev. John l~. Casey, O. S, A"
gara~e. After 'calling police, he of Chicago, William Goo and the
of the Montgomery County Justice
of Peace Association at the Jan- MAGGIS BOUILLON CUBES
calmly walked out to the garage l\1i~ses Josephine D. and Mary C. uary busihess meeting held last
Wednesdays, 9:30 to 10:00 A. M.
and chatted with him until their Interment was in St, Denis 'I'uesday night Supplee Tavern, . • p ,'). .....~ _ ~ .. , ._." .. _ ...... --.--0

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I arrival. Cemetery, l\1erw~od. Colmar.

: ..~ .

S CENE InJuries Hit Brookline As Narberth Retains Loop Leadf
College basketball is at least al-:=-~~-=:---:---~'--::
~~:;o",,:;, ~;~O;d~:.'~:mA\"S;;;:: L. Merion, vornstown Brooks, Vets
G d L T
00 men oserio .~

'; ence, Villanova College basketball

<o~~~;".", who ;, ;. BattleforFirstPlace; Play Crucial F r St t Ch ·Dr-


Ive; l
h;. 11th

"~ ~::i,o:::~5::;t~~:~~::~:~1~~v:!,~ Fords at Cheltenham Game Monday COh t re N dOt <.:

legiate performers would show its
t:esults this season, He feels it
will be 1948 or 1949 beforc the
Lower Merion and Haverford High will return to the
basketball wars this Friday night. The Ardmore Aces, still Brookline's basketball club is
. es er ose .U >:
game hits the mark set for it by unbeaten in defense of their Suburban Section One title, will comin!1; home to wage an all-out
many observers. invade Norristown High and Haverford will travel to Chel- drive for fourth place and a spot
• tenham. Narberth continued to set a torrid pace in the Main Line
"The war took willet 1ling out it, the Main Line League play- League by beating a fighting Chester five to remain a half
of many of thc boys playing bas- The L. l\L-Norristown battle looms as one of the season's offs.
ketball today. From what I've 1110St important for both teams and will go a long way toward game ahead of Coatesville. The Boroughites nipped the
observed this season, I'm con- deciding the title. Both teams ha\'e won three straight in Manager Herb Glod revealed
Penn Steelers, 46-43, on Monday night.
vinced it will take at least another league competition and are unbeaten. yesterday that the Brooks have
Again it was big Tom Davidson who paced the Narberth
·season for them to reach prewar Norristown, favored by most transferred five of their home
quintet with 13 points, although game scoring honors went
to Chester's Fred Eiffe, who bucketed 15 points. The league.
w*,m",w~w, Brinton WiM ~f:;;~:~ fE:~?.:.:;~~:::'t: a~~=d::::.:~'d:~~~:~: leaders held a substantial 29-15 halftime lead, but had to
fight off a late Chester rally to win.

2d Atlantlec
• On Saturday nIght, Chester IIUlI-
Previously, the Eagles had hand- Haverford Junior High and a fifth
eel Abington its first loss of the to be played as part of a league
Lord Retains prised Brookline, 52.48, on the
Chester Armory floor. Chester.

SquashTItIe ScorIng
' Lead,
season. twin bill at Lower Merion High. always a tough team on the spac.
e While Norristown was polish- " Actually, this is a break for 10- e ious Armory court, closed fast to
ing off the hapless Fords - who cal fans as it means the fourth eke out its fourth win of the year.
thus went down to their third
league defeat - Lower Merion was
Charlie Brillton, national champ- rallying to upset Upper Darby,
and final game of the regular sea-
son between Brookline and Lower
Merion Veterans will now be play-
. 17•5 Pacing the home club was Bill
Phillips, a newcomer to the Ches-
.~Ji.;,. <"':{, 0 ter squad.
ion representing Mcrion Cricket 46-43, at the Ardmore gymnasium.
Club, captu red the Atlantic Coast Tom Davis scored 19 points . tr illS COACHING CARel~ BEGAN 'WAY BACK
ed next I)Mnday (.Tan. 27) on the
Brookline, at present engaged

:;~~~'s f~;u~~ll~ ~:~~~~ts c~~:;:~~~~'~ ~~: .~~~: ,~oo:i~~~'8H;h~:~esni~: I! .~

~~9~~'~~,:~~;;~D5':~~A~~;~! ~a~i~~f~~~tCO;~li a~e t~;e:~d~~ 0: an~o;rilt~:~a,~o:~te~a:~:~rt~~o:
in II hot fight with Clifton Heights
and Norristown for fourth place
Main Line "B" League game be- continued to pace Philadelphia dill- an da pla~--off berth, has been
season in the 14th event Sunday field goals and a foul. Len Shep.
at Atlantic City. hard contributed nine points, N unan -8Zoo k Passe1' S P ZllY A
tween Sun Oil, of Chester, and the trict scorers with a breath-taking rindled with injuries. Ray Edel.
17.5 point average as the season's man, star performer from Haver-

UP. D arby F 1"'1-day }\ zg Ilt

Armed with a brj))jant Jlrray of while Borst banked eight, Upper snappy Havertown passers.
shots, Brinton blasted Andrew In_ Darby held a 20-17 halftime lead. T 1: T· 1 The Brookline-Lower Merion third week blended with the ford High School, has undergone
graham, of New York, into oblh·- Following Friday's all-important 1V games played to date have been fourth. a delicate nose operation, and will
ion, 15-9, 8-15, 15-9, 17-15 in a gallle at Norristown, Lower 1\Ier. Y classics. The Brooks squeezed out Lord, who has played in only be out for the season.
blistering 50-minute duel. Brin- ion will ulay host to Hill School Nunan-Slook Post of Oakmont tipn next Wednesday, when Joe a last second 46-44 victory over nine games, scrambled to the Bob Poletti is recovering front
pla::illg ~tride," Se"erellce re- ton was seeded No.1, Ingraham Monday afternoon. Ridley Town- wiII play Upper Darby at East Petron's passers travel to Colling- the Vets in their first meeting, top of the heap by bagging a a broken hand and should retum
had thl'rd rankl'ng
marked. . Ehip will be met in Downs Gym- Lansdowne gymnasium as the sec- dale . Cll'ft0n Hel'ghts wI·II p lay then Lower Merion romped to a total of 67 field goals and 25 to the Brooks' lineup in a eouple
"Basketball demand leg Brinton, at 2i. nine )'ears n 'Ulll Tu s d ' . t I at Lansdowne the same evening. 50-35 verdict in a return game fouls for 159 points. He thus of weeks, while Bill Thomas has
power. Service life was hard :younger than his New York op- g::I~e. e ay In an mer- eague ond half race of the Eastern Del-I In last week's games, as the at the Arena. In a third clash at leads in three departments _ aggra'-ated a back injury suffered
.. on athletes in many ways.
That is the main reason for
p?nent, h~d to u~cork a streak of Meanwhile, Haverford will play aware County American Legion first half race concluded, Nunan- Ardmore, the Vets were forced to total poinf.s, field goal and game in the Lower Merion game two
rune stra!ght pomts to ov.ertake the same Hill School squad at League opens Frida~' night. In Slook nosed out Clifton Heights, stage a sensational rally to gain average. weeks ago and will be out of ae-
In~raham s 8-4 advantage m t~e Pottstown next Wednesday after- another league game at East 33-28, and handed Lansdowne a a last-minute 41-40 decision. Second place was retained by tion for a while. /
my belief," he continued.
The \'ilbnova coach ab,o ieels thIrd gan~e.,. ~e ~:oved O~lt
that \\ ith freshmen d0Illillatillg front II;
!Ill noon. uppc.r Darby will be met in Lansdowne, Drexel Hill will play 5!l-36
liJ-~. fO.1 a _-1 game lead the Brooklin.!l gymnasium 011 Fri- the Lansdowners.
thumping. Springfield The Brooks figure they rate no Francis (Chink) Crossin, Penn
clinched the first half title with worse tha linn even break with ace whose brother plays for Vil- Nick D'Amora fail,,,, '0 appear
To add to Herh . ;oo(\'s woes,

lIIany college teams this winter, at the mtelmlSSlon. day, Jan. 31. On Sat~rday, NUllan-Slook '~illl nine straight victories, ,~hile Col- Bill Anderson's former ?tars and lanova. Crossin caged 120 points for Saturday's conte'", at Ches~
it will havc its efrect Oll thc sport, It was disclosed folloWing the' LOWER :lIERIO"," cpose Srmgfield on the foreIgn Iingdale was second With seven are keyed up for a major effort. in eight games to average 15 tel' and was immediately sUllpend-
"~fally people fail to realizc that Atlantic Coast turnament. that i'h~r,ha~d, t
"e hall., first-year men playing Brinton will compete in the Pacific I?~Yi" f
yr II
:t>.<i floor. Lansdowne lays at Yeadon wins in eig-ht starts.
~ 10 l' oMnday. The following evening,
Brookline hs been strengthened points per try. Hal Kollar, Drexel ed indefinitely. The only bright
Nunan-Slook eli n c h e d third by the addition of Tony Alongi, a Institute sta r. was third with spot in ',he Haverford Township
~ D rexe I

varsity schedules. .~nd they are Coast (' hamplOns · h'Ips a t Sea ttl e, Walterp.
1, lick. c go :1
2 0 n
lIlva des C'h'f'ton place by winning seven of nine colorful, diminuitive former New '/-4 POll1ts ' . an d a 1., 18 railk 'mg. picture was the signing of little
exp('Llerl to "in. Wash .. beginning Jan. 30 through ~tO~~I~('Jf",
·'·::::::::::::::::f ~ ~ Heights and Lansdowne plays ~he gamt's, finishing a step ahead of York schoolboy star who only re- Top Haverford C~llege co~rtl Tony Alongi. Alongi, who Iltands
"~fedical Inen do not expect Feb. Z. I
tI~rl~~~~ni ~.:::::::::::::::: ~ g Q O~kmonters at Haverford J umor ~lifton Heights... The. latte~ team cently moved jn~ the d~strict.. He I ~lan..was Kennedy WIth 68 P~Ints of only 5 feet 9 inches, is a product

F· I
tIed Yeadon with SIX trIUmphs came through WIth telling pomts m SIX g-ames finn an 11.~ aveIage. the K ew York IJuhlic sehoolll

internes te) handle difficult opcr- - HIgh court.
atiom. The same holds true in Totals 22 46 N SI k . '11 b . d th' d f h h B k . I:\m \'lDIL\ r. <-,com:oo:.-: ann has just recentl.\" moved to
as t e :00 'S ,s~ored a 60-50 t"':O-I Pla~·er. T".,:llll. ';' F.~;. ~':1. J'~, . .\,.'.:.
athletics. You can't cxpect young-
sters to match experienced compe-
Ianova IVe, ~. SimI,soll. !
Fds. Central
unan- 00 agam WI e III ac- an

GUleda Defends.
lee e eats eac .
extra-perIod VictOry over NOrrIs- ~;;~~Sill~ll\':en~',~a :::~ ~;, ~~ ~~~ ~~.,\
:i ~!. Jr. ~I,0 H.o
Haverford Township. Alongi
made his debut Thu n'day lIi"ht at
14:, Convention Hall hefore ~.:J:J!J fans
c t ~1 ..~1 17 IIThtc,wn d at Convention
d h tIl' Hall IK"yak J'harlll"'v ,~, .",
d 19 SlastiK0IJar, 1Ire,,,1
tition ill their tirst season. Inex-
pericnce is bound to crop up when RI10de I sIaud ri~,:~r'l.::::::::::::::::::~ .Jackson.
Broks. g
10 I urs ay, an e a Ie
at- ~I"ore: Frpim"
r,·;~,~';::~;I.])'r;.~~]I~·:~ ~;: .~
.4 1~ J';
:;1 e.;~
:;:; nJ 60·1)(\and scored 1() points in Brookline's

. the going' gets tough," hc COIll-

42-26 Vlector '300' Race Tletle Ul'day although the were
upset by Chester. 52-48, at Ches- R"ynolds, W.('h·er r. :Jr. 1~ 111 1~.~
win over Norristown.

Renel" Sel-IeeS
Padula, ! 0 1 1 Elsewhc,'c in illp. league, Clif-
Dlented. Toial~ I, 9 43
Halttillle-l:pper Darby, 20-1i.
tel'. . [~~W,~~~\:IJ'f':~J.',ar>.~.~ n;'
:TZ .;.! !"
S IJ II 4') sr. .,'. 1 10" ton Hei~hts. Sri-;, J winner oyer
Severence has a good basis W It J
for the latter view because Charlie Gunther, former Ha"er- nJ~~'h~~~,i"r',aTe~t;;e -1 ,I: il :1" 11:;; Wayne on :lfonday, will play at
Time trials weer held this week ford High aee who has been kenneily, 7~ieg-l"r, l:,·pinuR .,1 ~l
his Villanova squad lists 12
freshmen among the 16 memo Two of the East's
legiate b~sketball teams were in-
leading col-
j Haverford School courtmen fell
to theil' first Interacademic League for five candidates seeking the Brookline~' leading seo~er
setback Friday when Friends Cen- two remaining berths on the ViIla- most consIstent player, mIssed the l"I1YtJ"el'. 1:rsll1l1•. .of I:; 1i, -11 In.~
H:n·erf'<! r. ~~ln·1 ·1,;
and,ii~i"II~?,lls,J;.';:~II;'~;"~ ~~ ]~ .
oS 11.;;
1 J.:; Coatesville 011 Thursday night and
n:~ at Chester Saturday.
bers. Three plebes have
Etarting assignments. eluded on the Villanova schedule
this week.
Sq·uash Crown .
tral scored a 51-138 triumph at nova College one-mile relay team Chestel' game because of illness.
Haverford. In another league which will open its indoor calll- The Brooks, who share fourth I
,1:"~I~';.'J:~t:~~'I:th~"'7,';.;: ~ ]~
f;;;~~~~~~L'I~!~:.';,t:i~":. :I: ~ ~;~;,1,
In add;tioll to tl](' Yct'}rans'-
~; !:.. ~ Brookline g'aille on :\fo/l(lay night.
1;::: ;;:i: Wayne will play Xarherth at
The Wildcats entertained a pow- game, and as a result of the paign in the Philadelphia Inquir- place with Clifton Heights, de- l~lItz. 1'1. ,In'''ph·s , i~ 1-1 Ii.; ~., Bala.Cynwyd Juniol' }figh. and
,11cCn,.thy Lost erful Seton Hall five at home Cynwyd Club women won the Main Liners' loss, Penn Charter er Invitation l\leet on Friday. fending champion, have been hin- t,~hi~~t(~';'·h,ll~~,'~',I.\:1 ~ ~o 0 :;~, g:~ Chester will mect Coatesville at

John McCarthy, quarter miler, Wednesday in the first meeting "A" League Phl'ladelphl'a Inter- zoomed to first place by upsetting Coach Jim Elliott has indicated dered . in their
B bPI play-off
t' bidd byB'II
in- Scott High in Coatesville.
i~ the only member of 'il r I ,between the two teams since club Squash Racquets Assocl'atl'on Germantown Academy, 41-26. that only George Guida, veteran Juries to 0 0 et I an . 1 Y
Ed I R ".ednesday night: features the
anova s
'11 b 1941. Villanova also battles the title for ~he second straight year Fritz Thornton, the AII-Inter- sprint ace. and Gene Kelly, a
IOl1Ias an
d th f t R
e ac ay., e- egu lar R uoters ; fourth in the Lower Merion Yets-
indoor tra~k squad Vl'10 WI e high-scoring Rhode Island State f h J tAIl H II man has been sidelined by a re Among' the regular rooters at.' Narherth ;:eries al Lower Merion
lo st via ooraduation in February. . _'. Friday, defeating Germantown academic League football flash, res man w 10 ran a u. ows -
:!\lcCarthy ranon the crack rela)' ~. I . ' team Saturday llIght at h.lIlgston C· k
, riC 'et, 3-1, at .Manheim. It was led Haverford with 11 pOI·nt·s a,~
" High, New York Cit,.-. have defi- cent
f noseH operation.
rf d H' h Joe Sproule,
d Col all Villanova home basketball High. The Vets, after an early
~, the season's final match. Friends Central triumphed. Jack nitely clinched starting posts. ormer ave or Ig an - games are the three sons of Coach season victory over the Torehiana-
teams in 1941 and 1942. I Saturday's gallle with Rhode Philadelphia Cricket defeated Banks scored six field goals for Gllida is from Philadelphia.
Island State is the third since Merion Cricket Club, 4-0, as Mrs. l~riends in the last two minutes of
lege athlete, and Paul Thompson. AI Severance, AI: .Tr.. 11. is the men. have been unahle to beat
'The quintet includes Ed Fitz- ex-Upper Darby High ace, may oldcsL Severance says the~' are Narberth in their last two times
In an effort to cut his roster 192,1. The New Englanders gain- William Rawls registered an up- the first half for 12 points, al- gerald. John McCarthy, Bob bt; added to the Brookline squlld hi~ strong-est: critics. ouL "Rink" :\f anning. former
before the January 15 player ed an 84-67 win last season to set 15-5, J.5-11, 15-7 triumph over though McDermott and Prusente O'Sullivllnd, Roy Cameron and to bolster its reserve strength. ~arberth cenler. should be in th~;
... deauline, ,Tohn Wise, manage~ of: squar~ the. short series.
Cl iftoll Heights. released 11Igh- 'Vh IIe V i l lasl i1a d on~'
1Herion's Mrs. Charles Homer" Jr., scored 14 each.
I the former Anne Page and ex-
I Frank
The first Next Friday Brookline and SeVera/lCe _TVu. 4 line-up for the Vets for this game.
I anova IenIEXDS CEX1'IlA', I three named per f
ormed or "'11 nr
I a- n ayne an
d L ower 1\1'enon- Ch es t er Al S everance IS . \"111 anova 1\
scorIng WalI~- Hatkevich, the vet- f,air success. on the court. to date, national ~hamlJjon. ! ~1f'!)erll101 I. f ... ,., ...... , .',;. F, \'1 Il,ova ber"r.. ('Iltcring the service. will team up for the season's first fourth basketball eoa,'" sin~e the I..'as" of .Toe Dougherty, former
Brookline has announced the re-
p.ran R\l8~ Herrmann, and Tggie C I Al <: bIll I " I ' I L 111' i .t
~ C)'nw~'d's tcam included :\1rs: 'rusente,. f
oac 1 ..,evenmce e lCves Ie l;uida is slate! to uefelld l11s league tlVinbil at ower 1 erlon gam.. was auopl", as a VllrSl Y \\'est Catholic ~t ar.
"allagher. Coatesville snappcd up "T'ld t '··Jl· I tl Barnam, c ·
1 "
I; Jj
" P .1 I I \ I ') I' Doughert~·
:t 1 ~- I crown in the Charle\' aue oc; High. Both games Aoriginal ~- were sport
C' • •
'-' atkevich and HeITmann, while
H I ea S",I Improve I
""tl as IIe sea- Ellwood BeaU"J J l',J·ane
. . i\ustin
. ,
son, p. rogress~s. HI 1 on ~ one Sue Pete!'son and Sally Anne L~\'ln, •g' ... ,::::::::::::::0
BJsbyanll go

" ':llemorial :10(\ against the cream f>cheduled for the rena, I 111 19:"11. "e\'erancc IS III liS played 11 games for the Goodmen
lltJ season. thi!l year, seoring 72 points.
Narberth lliaced Gallagher on its senlOl, Captam Joe Lord, III the .Tackson. Miss Austin Middle Stat- of the country's speed l l 1 e r c h a n t s . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
• list.
l ~lo,"e,'e ,. .Leazlle President
g lineup, Severance must I' es Inter.colleg.iate champion from
f I
HA,,1~~~nD~o,.' IfI·', I·':,J The Navy veteran won it the past:,
Charles Harndcn later declared ~ coun S on res
I f th
evera 0
mIen. t I the UnIversIty of
• e ~:oungs crs la\'C defeated Nancy Scott, German-
J ~oJ'~' fr
ar e. .
:i" I ~ , two years.
" II ~;
Villano\";)s' trackmen will com-
the three players invo]ved were iI\- COllle through In fllle st~·lc. Per-ltoWlJ IS-I:!. 10-1515-14 15-1" ~f~m~~:~',:::::::::::::::::~ [, GI· pete in nine indoor meets this I
eligible for league competition un· l'y Del Purgatorio, Union Cit~', N. ' Final Standings' u. ~hornton'f g 'i :i , winter. 'Besides several New
J" W r.. T. Dj~n~en'd ~
tl'l a· poll of league managers could J f
. .,
be taken to deternune theIr VIews zernp. Pa.. and Sherwin Raiken Pldla. Cricket
d J h C
., orwar, 0 n rosslll 0
. f L
U- Cynwyd Cluh
IS' 6' 6' II o· on, C
l~ 11 ~ ;1 1 Cornman, go ." •• , .. , •••••. 0
I :I
York appJarances, t e l ca s
_~ will cOlllllete in Boston and Cle"e-
h W'ld t

th 't t' I d' T . S b I Ph'l d I I' )[erlon t"'icket
products, have turned in good
1~ J ~ ~ :1 (I Ttl 5 "8
om, a o. . I a e p lIa UC1·m'UltOWll Cricket G 19 0 G 1 e=T:!!a!!!ilf~ti~Il~le~:!!!I~"I~.iei:'i!ii"I~~!!i~!!i';:'Il!ii!tr~a!i!]~2~i-~l~~.~u~!!l!:I!!l!:a!!l!:n!!l!:d!!l!:'~=======~~=!!l!: I Enioy the best .; ..

On the :lInl .. Lin" ~l' '·eura

pla~'. ill. .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' "
• MORTGAGES scorers in the East. He rackcd
up 125 points in the first sen~n
Lord rates among the leadin g /' R s II t Grapples
II se a
1 e~za
Bronko NRglll'skl, fOlmer world
I D OUhIeh eader 1

games for all average 'Jf 17.5 wl'estling champion, hus been sign_
Properly Management points per contest. Leo Wolf, ed b~' Promoters Eddie Gottlieb
freshman guard from Trenton, N. rond Jules Aronson to headline the
J., trails Lord in team scoring. opening' lllat show of the 1947 sea-
Basketball Home
ARDMORE 4700 Hornets Bow.
son, this Friday night at the
Arena. .
Nagurski, whose sports achieyc-
CoI~e!Sc wl'cstlers lllents are legendarr, will appear
--------------- Lighting

dropped a 28-8 deCISIOn to Rutgers ir. the windup attraction opposing
in a Middle Atlantic Conference Rebel Bob Russell ,on~ of the
Monday, January 27,1947
match Sat.urday at Ha"erforu. roughest matmen in competition
Haverford's points were scored by today. Haverford Jr. High Gym
Dick Walker. who pinned his 166- Bronko, who gained All-America
8 ::15 P. 1\1.
pound opponent, and br Bill Rode_ awards in football at Minnesota
wald, 175-pound decision wrestler. for two positions-tackle and l\lAIN LINE LEAGUE CLASSIC
fullback-will be meeting the hold-
High Jumper .I
er of last season's best mat record LOWER MERION VETS Modern lighting provides seeing ease and brings new
Joe Sheahan, an end on last -~~;;;;;;.iiiiiiiii'l VS.
beauty to the home. In fact, the proper selection of home
season's Villanova football squad,
SCOT CH lighting is just as important as the selection of rugs, fur-
will compete in the high jump for
the Wildcat traek team this win-
FINE FOOD ••• BROOKLINE niture or other home furnishings. That you may enjoy
Cakes - Pies· Pastry ter. He is au ex-Marine from cooked as you like It. Two or their predous games were decided in final seconds the best in home lighting, Philadelphia Electric Company
SCONES - MEAT PIES Tarrytown, N. Y. Quick, courteous service. FIRST GAME 7:30 P. lU. maintains a staff of home lighting specialists. They will
SHORT BREAD - OAT Delightful surroundings.
CAKES - CURRANT Here'. SomethiDg • _ • MAIN'LINE B LEAGUE gladly show you how to choose and arrange your living
EXCITING! 1 L-----::iiiIIlIIIlA
DE AlluumllU ~ SUN OIL room lamps ••• how to get the proper lighting in your
kitchen ••• and even how to convert old fixtures into
modern: attractive ones. For this free lighting service,
You Furnish Music & Food •• Wr
and C"detall Loung. HAVERTOWN call your nearest Company office.
Will Furnish Accommodations. Au Never A Dull Moment When These Teams lUis
IAII CllCIIISl' P.LL ..Iuulaun.
1620 S. 58th Street Evening's fun that w\l1 long be

• Saratoga 9-0123 relt'cmbered

• Come Out - Cheer and Root
t' h.i I a del phi a Electric Company
.. .
,. jTroUey No. 46 connecting with BRYN &IAWR 2320
Lunch fRlm SOc • Dinner fRlm 85c For Your Home Town Teams!
60th St. L. Station puses door.
_._ -
For Details
Bring Your Friends!

Busy Making·,Those Last-Minute Arrangements Know· Your State
Pennllylvania hall one hundred

main oflne and thirty known caves of which

fourteen have been opened to the
public and operated commercially
cd eave in the State is Crystal
Cave in Berks County. The Alex~
ander Caverns, Baker, Hipple
-a. larger number than in the
State of Virginia. Cave, Indian Echo, Lost Cave,
MR. and MRS. R. BARCLAY RISON, rIaughter of 1\11'. and Mrs. versity of Pennsylvania where he Onxy Cave, Seawra Cave, Veiled ;
Most vf Pennsylvania's caver;
SCULL, of Thornbury Rd., Hav- Joseph Harrison, Jr., of Glenbrook was a member of Phi Kappa Sig- are found in the limestone belt Lad~', Wonderland Caverns, WiI-"
erford, had as their week-end Rd., Ardmore, will be among the ma, and his master's degree from of the State and have been formed liam Penn Caverns, Indian Cave, ,
guest of Mrs. Henry W. Sage, of debutantes of the 1947-48 season. Harvard University. During the by the action of water over a Woodward Cave, and ePnn's Cave, •
New York. Mrs. Sage attended
the wedding on Saturday of Miss
'" '" '" war
MR and MRS. JAMES H. the Navy. He is working for Ilis
he served as a lieutenant in period of hundreds of thousands which is visited on a Bubterran~
of years. One evidence as to their . I ,....
ean river ,lave been opened to Ole

Constance M. Biddle, daughter of GAY, of "Streamline Farm", Pa- doctor's degree at Columbia Uni-
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Biddle, oli, wm cccupy an apartment at versity.
of Newtown Square, to Mr. Syd- the Mermont, Bryn Mawr, Janu- ... '"
great age lies in the fact that the
remains of many extinct animals
and of animals that no longer in-
public and visited annually by
thousands of tourists.
ney Francis Biddle, which took ary 29. MRS. RALPH EARLE, vice- There ·are also a large number
habit any part of North America
place in the Overbrook Presbyteri- '" ... '" president of the Philadelphia Y. of caves tmlighted, and often un-
have been discovered in Pennsyl-
an Church. Members of the Philadelphia M. C. A., entertained at the in- named, scattered over the lime-
vania's caves. Several species of
• II< • Wellesley Club will give a dessert auguration luncheon for the stone area which provide inter~
n1astodoon, an extinct hairy ele-
MR. and MRS. SAMUEL B. bridge and fashion show, Saturday Round-the-World Reconstruction cEting Oppol'tuniteis for explora-
phant, two species of saber-tooth-
ECKERT, of Rose Lane, Haver- afternoon, February 15, at the program at the Waldorf-Astoria, tion by those who nrc cquipped
ed tiger-one of the most power-
ford, left Sunday for several Earclay. New York, Friday. Her guests for undergraund adventure.
ful .carnivorous animals ever
weeks' vacation in Honolulu. Mrs. Langley S. Homer is gen- flincluded the Mmes. William J. With the close of the 1D46 sea-
known to have lived on the earth
son for game in Pennsylvania,
'" '" '" eral chairman of the event. Mrs.
MR. and MRS. H. A. WHITE, Richard Wainwright Thorington is B. Leisenring, Graeme Lorimer,
Clothier, Cooper Howell, Edward -and the remains of tapirs, musk
ox, bison, Cal'ibou .and moose have
many of t.he State's sportsmen's
of Overbrook, and their grand- chairman of the patronesses, who Edward C. Page, E. Henry 1\101- clubs haye embarked on their an.
all been discovered in the litter
daughter, Miss Susie Earl, of Pa- include the Mmes. Craig Biddle, then, Eckley B. Coxe, 3d, and nual program for the distribution •
on the fl001'S of caves in the sou-
oli, were the guests this week of Jr., Henry H. Bonnell, Alan C. Samuel B. Eckert. of ~TaiJl :11'" food to the wild ani-
thern counties of the Common-
Mrs. Hettie Remensnyder, of 1145 Collins, Charles 1\1. Hamilton, John ... ... '" wealth. Tn Indian Cave in Hunt-
mal, in .,:, \':;)ods. To many of •
thl' 11 llO x/. :'Ul11cn's organizations
Wilson Drive. Llanerch Hills. Y. Huber, Jr., Richard Campbell MR. and l\IRS. HENRY F. PE- ington County extensive evidences
... '" ... Hughes, John Frederic Le",;s, ROT, of Villanova have returned were found of long occupation by
iJ Pcnnsylvania, this winter pro-
gra 111 or g-ame protection is be-·
MR. and MRS. CHARLES :Mc- Herbert J. Painter, Donald M. from a brief trip to Nassau. Indians.
... ... com in/; OilC of the most interesting
DADE, of New Brunswick, N. J., Pillsbury, Lewis Scheffer, Gideon ...
The olde,;t commercially operat-
have announced the engagement Stull, Joseph J. Stokes, Robert MISS ELAINE WERNIKOVE, parts of their year's program.
Committees of hunters spend
of their daughter, Lieutenant M. Wetherald, Wright Wood, George daughter of 1I1r. and Mrs. Samuel
Elizabeth McDade, USNR, and Bacon Wood and Philip Wright. Wernikove, of Overbrook, will be Smith College luntune A their week ends planning- and
Hear President huilding hrulih·heap runways, lean~
Mr. Charles 1\1:. P. Brinton, of
lIfr. and 1I1rs.
'" '"
Livingston Ludlow
married Sunday, February 16, to
Mr. Allen Frederick Oxenfeldt, los for sheltel', stone tun nelli,
Haverford. I\1rs. H. Starr Ballou, of Wells- grain dispensers and other suit- •
Lieutenant McDade, who attend- Biddle of "Westview", Bryn Mawr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Ox- ley Hills, Mass., President of the able cover for the protection of
ed the Hall School, Dublin, Ire- will entertain at a tea and cock- enfeldt, also of Overbrook. The Smith .College Alumnae j\ssocia. food from the weather and for the ~
land .and Bartrum Gables, Kent, tail partl', Sunday afternoon, Jan- wedding will take place at the Hon, addressed a meeting of Smith shdtel'in" of wildlife. In the eon-
Eng-land, was graduated from ua~ 26, in honor of their son and Stephen Girard. Alumnae und friends, .January ] 6, st l'urtion of these "forest pan-
Miss Beard's School, Orange. N. J., daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. '" 0;< ...

and attended Sweet Briar College. Livingston L. Biddle, Jr., and MR. and MRS. CLARENCE J. ir. the .Junior League Room of the tries" provision must also be made •
She entered the Navy in 1942 and Miss Daisy L. Biddle and Miss LEWIS, JR., of Haverford, will Members of the committee in charge of a dance held jointly by Mater l\rJsericordiae Academy and Warwick Hotel at 2 ::l0. Her sub- 1'01' the swift escape of small ani-
is stationed at Stockton, Calif. Tamia Biddle, of New York, debu- entertain at a dinner-dance at Sisters of IVrercy Academy at the Barclay FridaY night arc shown discussing the last-minute arrange- jeet was "Smith College Today". mals or birds from foxes, weusels,
Mr. Brmton is the son of the tante daughters of 1\11'. George their home on Thursday evening, ments for the gala alTair. Left (0 right arc Anne Tinney, Mary Cunninham, Grace Toehe and The meeting was hdd in con- hawks, and other predators.
late Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Drexel Biddle, of St. Davids. The June 19, to present to society their Margaret' McLean. junction with the Smith College The sportsmen's cluhs ojll'rate in •
Brinton, of West Chester. A l\Iisses Biddle made their debut at daughte~ lIIiss Georgiana W. Le~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~
graduate of Episcopal Academy the Debutante Cotilion and Christ- is.
·. . p . . dU-19hI,.
reSente Back, A. l\Iol'se Baker, C. Kenneth
Bavter, Russell Callow, Wal~e~ S'I
ILl A 1
oca umnae
75th Anniversa~ Fund canlpaig~ close harmony with the Distl'ict
whicl! is seeking to raise $7,000,- Game Protectors who provide
000 to increase faculty salaries, much of the grain. while green ~

. .
and Princeton University. class of mas Ball, Christmas Eve, in New
'42. he is a member of the Tiger York.
Club and ;s the national amateur
squash racquets champion.
IS FARRA. of South ArdmQre.
The marriage of Miss Lois Du- llave announced the engagement
· Honor : O'
Cassel, Dr. J. H. Clark, Wilham T..I
P. Cochran. C. Summer Davis, n
Henry S. Davis, It H. Diament, 7\ T
I onor Vassar s
I P .d'
TT , I establish additional scholarships, food such as celer~', lettuce ann
erect a new science building, new othpr yegptahles are usually col-
dormitories. an adequate religious I leclpd fr,lm hotpls allll rcstau-
... ... ... rant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. of their daughter, Ann, and Vic- tJ Robert G. Dunlop, J. Walter Gal- 1 vew reSt en t center ,and an addition to the li- rank
MR. and MRS. D. ROWLAND Harrison Durant, of Wayne, to tor 111. Springer, of West Collings- lagher ,A. .r. Gorand, Raymond brary. Game feeding offers excellent
EI ecl 1\.{. 'L'luers T 0 L. Huggins, Walter E. Irwin, An- More than five hundred alum- Ch' airman of t h e 1ocaI ' . for yout h groups
ELLIS, of "Larchwood Farm", Mr. Ezra Cromwell Hand, son of wood, N. J. lJ aiD commIttee opportumties
Phoenh..v ille, are receiving con- 1111'. and Mrs. Frederick Cromwell • • • Valley Forge Council drew L. Lewis. Robert p. Liver- nae and friends of Vassar College is rllIs. A. Hunter White, of St. connected with the sportsmen's 01'- •
gratulations on the birth of a son, Hand of "Broadmeadow Farm ,
The marriage of Miss Elizabeth sidge, WiiIiam A. March, A. 1\1. attended a reception and dinner, Dayids. lIIrs. Thomas L. Kane, ganizations. The chancc to spend
David Christopher Ellis, January Lionville, will take jlace Saturday, Bishop Tracy, daughter of 1111'. A Brookline scoutmaster re- !\lathe.rs, T.ugh T. Mcilwain, Seth Thursday, .January 23, at the Ben-I of .n.4 eHacom I.,Rne, Merion. is a day working' in the winter ..
15. Mrs. Ellis is the former Miss March I, in St. Martin's Church, and Mrs. Regina B. Tracy, of ·
Edith B. Wctherill, daughter of Radnor. The Rt. Rev. William P. West Philadelphia, to lIIr. Samuel
ceived the Silver Beaver Medal, K l'llItchell John C Moore Stan . . F
h Ighest awar
d f
o· the
ationa oy ley lIIoyer,
kl' H f , . J
Jamlll •ran' III o.;,!, In lonor 0

f a SSIS t In p: on th e"
. •
Ea s t ern P ennsy -I WOOf
lS 'IS eagerIy SOIl~ J1t b Y tl1e
and girls who join in these
Scout Council" at the 36th annual F'aye tt e R . 1~1 m, b C. CI eaver Root, I \ assar s new preSident, Sarah ---~~~~~- healthful and humane expeditions
Colonel Samuel Price Wetherill. of Remington will officiate. A re- Stadelman Stuard, son of Mrs.
Haverford. and the late Mrs. ception at the home of the bride's Grace S. Stuard, of Ardmore, and dinner of the Valley Forge Coun- W a It e.r .J. Schob. Charles L.I Gibson Blanding. Arizona 11ad 2,208 miles of rail- to preserve the extensive wildlife
Edith Buchnell Wetherill. parents will follow the ceremony. the late Mr. James R. B. Stuar'd, cil in the Bellevue-Stratford Ho- Schulz. Arthul' F. Spaid, Joseph Dr. Clarkson Clothier. Presi- road in ID4!l. of the Stal('.
... ... ... tel, Philadelphia, Saturday night. W. Trickett, Alexander B. Wheel-I dent of Rutgers Universit~·, was .------ -_._--~_.--.- - - -
'" ... '" took place on Jan. 17. Rev. Dr.
~.- ,.
1\IR. and l\IRS. LAURENCE S.
1\11'. and 1\1rs. John Marshall Albert C. Kanzinger officiated.
"Carlsbrooke", Gest Brown, of Rosemont, are re-
Bn"l1 Mawr. who with their ceh-ing congratulations on the
daughter. Miss Corinne Warren, birth of a son, John Marshall
'" · . The

MRS. JOHN C. BELL. JR., of "outstanding sen-ices to boyhood."

Wynnewood, will leave the latter Only


to Thomas


er, Frederic C. Wheeler,
Eaglesham, 420 Oxford Rd., for iWerman, Jr., Hiran R. Wismer. of honor were Dr. Gilbert F.
Victor I
toastmaster, and among

White, the new President of Hav.

<:rford College, and


S£/rDDlA and /'JDJl.poqA
II ...,

have been spending some time at Gest Brown, Jr., Saturday, Janu- part of February, for St. Paul, Montgomery and Delaware Coun- Health-Civic Assoc. to a Vassar alumna. Miss Blanding
the Chanticleer. Ste. Adele en ary 11. Minn., where she will attend the ties, covered by Valley Forge Elect Officers for 1947 spoke on "The Task of the Liber- A Guide to some of the
Haut, Quebec, Canada, will leave Mrs. Brown is the former Miss marriage of her niece, Miss Eliza- Council, received Silver' Be""er ..... TIIe Commulllty . Ifea I th and Civ- al Arts College". Better Educational Institu-
this week-end for a stay at the Joan Scull, daughter of Mr. and beth T. Griggs, daughter of Mr. Medals. Approximately GOO 'at- ic Association will elect new offi- - 1I1iss Blanding is an outstanding tions catering to those stu-
Breakers. Palm Beach, Miss War- r1\Is. Marshall Scull, 'If Chestnut and Mrs. Benjamin G. Griggs, of tended the dinner of the Council cers and directors for 1947 at the new personality in the field of ed- dents desiring to further
ren will remain at the Chanticleer Hill. St. Paul, to Mr. Kimball Clark, which represents 8220 scouts in anllual dinner meeting to be held ucation. She is the first woman knowledge along the lines
..ntil February.
... '" ...
'" '"'" son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Homer 367 troops in the two-county area. 'Wednesday evening. January 29, president of Vassar, and, before
1111'S. John Stewart and her deb- Clark, also of St. Paul, which Eagleshaw is all electrical engi- at the Haverford Court H·otel. coming to Vassar, was the first NEW TERM BEGINS FEB. 3
best adapted to their future
MR. and MRS. J AllIES LEON utante daughter, Miss Dora will take place Saturday, March neer with the General Electric The gU':!st speaker will be Dr. woman to head a college at Cor- TRAIN FOR LEADERSHIP
ALEXANDER, of "Maple Dell Browning Stewart, of "Camp I, in St. John's Episcopal Church. Company. He came to Brookline William Bates, past president of nel1. where she was Dean of the
Farms", Bryn Mawr, wiII enter- Woods", Radnor, will leave Febru- ... '" ... as a trained leader of Boy Scouts the Philadelphia County lIIedical N. Y. State College of Home Eco- SPEECH EDUCATION 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
tain at a dinner Friday evening, ary 1 for Palm Beach, where they MR. and 1I1RS. EUGENE ED- and has acted as Scoutmaster Society and the Pennsylvania nomics. PUBLIC RPEAKlr\G _·~·"';"~",;A;r. ..
Jauuary 24. in honor of 1\1rs. will visit Mrs. Stewart's mother. WARD LEDOGAR. of Wayne, an_ duce the organization of the troop State l\Iedical Society. The dinner was sponsored joint- PIUVATN RPEAKI:\'G :~!' ~ :jI;..'ti- ~~.- •• "'.;
. 19?" I~ d d fb i lave RADIO nnOADCASTI:,\(; n' '!J .
Alexander's brother-in-law and sis- 1\1rs. William H. Donner, and nounce the marriage of their bIn _iJ.
fi d ~un re 5 0
oys His topic will be "Medical Care ly by the recently formed Phila-
,~r")'. .
. -.:;., ..•.•.y\-.....i:,.,.;'J
........ ~
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Arm- Mr. Donner at their winter home. daughter, 1IIrs. Dorothy Ledogar ene te by lis leadership. and Health Legislation". c:elphia Vassar Committee and by EXGLISH IJHAGE ~ ,- . . 111 aussous,
bruster, of Pari:s, France, who are They will later go to Hobe Sound, Oakes, to Mr. Alvin James Wil- During the past years, he has the Philadelphia. Vassar Club. CONVERSATIOX \: ~ ~la;~e:D~e~~:~~i'~I~entll
visiting Mrs. Armbruster's mother. Fla.. where Mr. Stewart will join kins, son of 1111'S. Louis Wilkins, served as Scout District Commis- ~l . JF7 d f Among the .patrons and patroness- - AI.pro,·p" For Yelrrons ~f>~ SCllOOJi
Mrs. Thomas J. Jeffries, of 1808 them for' Eeveral weeks.. of Philadelphia, Saturday, last, at sioner and assisted in the • forma- 11' otorzsts l' arne a es for the Committee were Dr. and Chlldren's School Sat. Morning I .' I _..... -.. .
OF I'Ol'UUIwllnII,e .
Delancey St. They will sail Feb- '" '"
... the home of the bride's parents, tion of many other scout troops in InsjJection Deadline rl\Is. Kenneth Appel, 1111'. and lIfrs. I 1629 CfJESTNUT ST.

ruary 4 to return to Paris. Invitations have been issued by in the presence of the immediate Delaware and Montgomery Coun- Howal'd Butcher, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. rd oor
ties. It's automobile inspection time Stuart Mudd, all of Ardmore; Mr. L0'7-1148 1924 Chestnut St. BJ~t:enho~e G:9~6'Z.,
'" '" the Penns,)"lvania Academy of the families. The Rev. Everett L. I' _ _

MR. and MRS. FREDERICK L. Fne Arts for a private view of Washburn officiated.
MULLER. of 31S Bewley Rd., the 142nd Annual Exhibition, Sat- '" '" ...
Officers elected
prominent included
l\Iain Liners who many
have again. Local 'notorists arc re~J1in~ed ~~d l\I~:: HC~:~;sd I\f~~ti~r
d III C f t Woo~: 111 i
MRS. ARTHUR E. PEW, JR., been active in the Boy Scout that .the cUl:rent I~ot~r velucle m- I1Ir. and rIlls. John Alden Phil-

Llanerch, celebrated their 50th urday evening, January 25, from
wedding anniversary last Sunday. 9 to 11 o'clock. The hostesses and her children, of Bryn Ma,vr, movement for years. The new of- spectlOn perIOd en s anuary 31. brick, Mr. and 1I1rs. Graeme Lori-
'" '" will be the Mmes. William G. will leave Saturday, for Catcay ficers are: I
"This checkup on the ~ncchanic- mer, all of Haverford, and Dr. High School •
MR. and MRS S. HALL, of 55 Foulke ,Francis A. Lewis, Joseph Island in the Bahamall where they Arthur W. Binns, President; a1 fitne~s of your car IS of. the and Mrs. James E. Aiguier, 01
Decatur Rd., Oakmont, have re- W. Lippincott, Samuel W. 1IIi ffl in, will occupy their house until early Mark K. Dresden, oJseph W. Gar- utmost 1l1,por~~nce because w1l1~er Cynwyd. Graduates
turned from a vacation at Daytona William B. Read, George Brooke in April. Mr. Pew will join them diner Jr Samuel R P'lJ'ke P T weather condItIOn make ·mechamc-
Beach, Florida, where they spent Roberts, Edward H. York and the later. Sharl'llcss:' and Ed,,'a'I'd' B. H'od'ge', a.1 e,ffi,'cienc d I
y essential to safe driv_
F I At the age of 27, John Hancock :a.::'='=tt.ilfllf6,~':~~~~:~
New Year's Day with Dr. and 1IIisses Anne Baker Lewis, Aman- Vice Presidents; Arnold C. Soren- mg, cc ared 'rank Ba lanty~e, inherited and became head of one

. son, Secretary; Fred W. Eckfeldt, general ~Ianagel: of the automobile of the largest commercial houses ENTER NURSING SCHOOL
Mrs. Oscar C. Hall. da Fell Steel and Dora Browning Apply Now For Spring Classes. Stipends ($10.00 Monthly)
U. Of P. Faculty Club Treasurer; William K. Holman. club, Philadelphia, ~~~~y.__ l.i_n~B_o_s_to_n_.~~_~~ _ _~~_
'" '"
Stewart. Given To All Students.
• • •
~~~~~:~~s~~:~:~~~i~~~~~;:~::i~~ ~. ::.:.:~B::"~~.IlIl. ' ~' :.1.1 .
MISS JEAN McNEILL RAN- School Approved by the Slate Board of Examiners.
W ill Meet Tuesday
DOLPH, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MR. and MRS. 1\1A DRICE A.
Percy C. Randolph, of Haverford, WEBSTER of Germantown, an- "'.''''••
• Phone FRemont 7-1062 or
Write for Bulletin lo Dircctor of Nur~es

* lIomen's t;omoenputIrir Iiospttnl

The Faculty Tea Club of the
and Mr. Malcolm Coates, son of nounce the engagement of their University of Psnnsylvania will Board-officers and these District ti 2, '•..-
Mr. and Mrs. Osborne Coates, of daughter, Miss Helen Webster, meet Tuesda~', January 28, at 3 p. Chairmen: Benjamin Franklin,
"Mayfield House". Ithan, will be 3d, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peterkin, m. in Memorial Hall, 3601 Locust Richard R. Gilbert; Brandywine,
guests of honor at a dinner to be and 1111'. Albert Gordon Peterkin, Street. There will be a music James III. Hart; Central. Stephen
~ '/
,( ..
- - - - . -- _.- ._---
given by Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jr., of 627 Pembroke Rd., Bryn program by a string quartet.
Dougherty, of Penllyn, Thursday Mawr.
evening, .February 6, in Berryville,
J. Ryan;
First violin, Hilda Pollack; sec- der; Gencral Nash, Norman M.
Continental, Robert

1IIiss Webster is a graduate of ond violin, Maurine Cades; viola, Sewell; George Washington. Hugh ~~rcr~refo~o~I~::i~~:•.tbey::.~r~~': :~~:.:~

••,. DOES '0


Va. The marriage of Miss Ran- Germantown Friends School. Wel- Zoe Cummings; violincello, Aileen F. Gerhard; John Morton, Richard
dolph to Mr. Coates will take lesley College, class of 1943, and Zurgrugg. 1\Irs. H. Ernest Jordon, G. Burton; l\Jain Line. L. B. Cur- old reUlIble Onl1. F..tobU.brd fiG )·ear•. I "
~~~~:"3Iatr~~n~~u~'I:'':.d~.~~nd~~1"::~I~ t~~ 1
'RE!.!.Y • CO.
Your . •

place in Millwood, Va., February the Graduate School of Journal- Jr., and Mrs. Wm. E. Stephens tis; l'crki0111en, TIe\'. Lester Kl'ic,
• • •
ism, Columbia University. The Book Group, under the bel; William Pcnn, Sallluel H. "Phi/a:,. O/du' Diamond-Bayin, Co,"·
Mr. Peterkin received his bache- chairmanship of Mrs. Glenn R. Newsome.
Members-at-large: Harl'r R
H, W. Cor, 11th & Walnut Sts.
~~_. __..._.____
I ..

I •.
Car II •

MISS JOSEPHINE LEA HAR- lor's degre in 1936 from the Uni. Morrow, will meet in the Facul-
ty Lounge, 011 the third floor of , I
Let's Dine Out
Memorial Hall, at 1 :30, to hear
reviews by 1111'S. George L. Amr-
!II Need Attention? II
hein and Mrs. Leonidas Dodson. ~ II
" Let our qualified mechanics'
give your car necessary at- Ii

Bert The Finest Food at All Times
ten;ion. Depcnd. on our. ex-
" pCl'lcncc for mmor adJust-.
Donoghue's STEAKS
SEA FOOD 1722 CHESTNUT ST. Ii mcntsor completc ovcrhaul- ¥E
~, .
62nd & WALNUT STS. CHOPS ~ E tor lu\.\.E'I"
Rittenhouse 6-0379 •~ Ing.
~R~l ..
Delicious Home-Cooked Meals THE HOME OF ·
~ When Your Car Fall. to Start Iii
II! - Don't Fall to Call Us Ii
ouD;jSUtAl "OSPIt A of NURS'NG
1 01 Il...... l

THE 2~~UteIU

•. §5 5th an hi penna.
Phila delp a, "'-I10111\ners
438 Montgomery Ave.
Haverford FEATURING: Only the finest
, LINE I f Nurse J:<A
it a by the state Boa~: Nursing Education
Mcre: t~e National League
. Narberth in handkerchiefs, blanlcets and
! BATrERY & ELECTRIC Ii 9 8600 t,

Tel. Narberth 9256 Tel. Ardmore 5027

other practical linen assort·
, STATION Ii an Phon.e: Fulton- -
115 So. 18th STREET 11 304 lV. Lancaster Ave. Ii
BREAKFAST - LUNCHEON - DINNER ments. Ho"" o.tll 5:30 P. M. ~ Ardmore 1 3 2 5 .
We cater to special parties for all occasions
IlIll.IIII.IW.lI11.IIll.lllI.l.lIJ1.IllIIlllll.uu.ir c..

,( Anna Spatz, 80, Nauled

William L. Aiken
New Buildings
Dies In Hospital Enginee1 at SI(F To Be Erected
William L. Aiken, executive en-

~ 9loLLy uJood
** ... * * * •
Mother of General
Buried At Boyertown
At Villanova
~ineel' of The Autocal' Company
for the (last six years, has been FLYNN CRUISE CHARTS
You may send money order, stamps or personal check. Address
* * .. ... Merion Newspapers, Ardmore, Pa.
(Special Mon thly Rates)
r.ppointed sf'nior division engineer,
Mrs. Anna Spatz, mother of ir,charge of the automotive and I NEW PINNACLE ROCK THE JACK BENNYS CALL
General Cad A. Spaatz, died last marine department of the SKF In-
, Thursday in Penns~"Vania Hospital dustries, Tnc.
Break Groq.nd For
Largest Program In
HOLLYWOOD-Seems as if the (just divorced in Reno) were a
• •
'Ardmore 5720 ·GReenwood 8-7740 Hilltop 3600
College's History hectic cruise of the Zaca has re- surprise twosome at Romanoff's
after a short illness. She was 80. MI'. Aiken .who is 36, Jives at suIted In some benefits to navi- and at the John Decker art exhibit, LOST AND FOUND REAL ESTATE PAPERHANGING
..... Mrs. Spatz, a native of Reading, 2!l1:J Maple Shade Rd., Ardmore Plans fot' the erection of tln'ee gation. E l' l' 0 J but Connie (Deighton Simpson) La PAPERHANGING, expert wortuniDiiltPO
LOST-Female Blnck llnd "'hlte Bo.-I IIIAI1\" I.INE reasonahle prices, No .lob too _an.
made her home with her daughter, Park. He is a graduate of the U.! new buildings at Villanova Col- Fly n n writes Rue says there absolutely is no ton Hull )Jog. Answers In Ilame of 3 PROPl':RTIES OPEN
• :1\Irs. Anne S. Leaver. of 10123 S. Naval Academy and the Car- I lege were announced this week by Nora that they reconciliation.•.. The Ilona Mas- 13\1zz~' Lo.t neal' Rhll'ely Hd. rind
Ha\'el'rOl'd Ave.. 1\"lIrbel th, Reward. I"RT.. S.\T., RUN., MON. 1-4 P. M.
I j"Oft INSPECTIO~ Estlmate4 cheerfU.'l:v atven. THOMAS
Edgevalle Rd., Overbrook Hills, negie Institute of Technology. lIe: the Very Rev. Mortimer A. Sulli- dis c 0 v e red a sey·Jay B. Kurtz marriage won't Call Nat'berlh H98, ARDMORE. No. 23 Chu..ch Road. HIGHLAND PARK. SUNSET 11161.
I a l' g e pinnacle take place until after the star's Very attractive home. Convenient
She was the widow of Charles B. has also served with Wright Aero. ; \"an, O. S. A., chairman of the rock off the Co· mother arrives from Hungary. FOR RENT to Ardmore shopping and Paoli J.o- A.SEEDS
Spatz, who died at the age of 83 nautical Corporation and the Bu- Board of Tl'ustees, and the Very cos Islands that Ilona meets her In New York LARGE HOO~I. seml-p ..ivato bath. In cal. 3 bedrooms 2nd tloor, 2 bed-
rooms, 3rd tloor. 011 heat. S. lind W. HI FOLKS
in 1929, having been a prominent iek Division of the Gcneral 1\Iotors nev. Francis X. McGuire, presi- was n • t me n- March 21. ••• Vera Vague's Dal- Ylcinlty o! shopping' <:"nte1' lIear hoo!(lJp. Slate rooC. Julck possession. I'U hallg for you. We do paper-
• BerkM County Democl'atic leader Corporntion. tloned on any mation dog Is suffering from leu- Hed Ar1'ol\' LineR. IteaRonable. CaB $17.000,
dent. Hilltop f,:I.lG~I. DlU,;:O<:J, HILT., 4415 Marvine Ave. ing of th6 highest quality. A
and, for ~, yeal'~, the publi~her charts. Maybe kemia and is getting 81 shots, A II stOlle. Ii herl ..oo111S. 2 baths I'hl~
He is manied to the forlller Ground IJreaking ceremonies for that doesn't ex· blood transfusions and stln lamp '.rHRillE IJKI"URKlSHillll HOlllllR 1l1ald's qllarters. Owner occupied. variety of patterns to seleet
• ~f the Bel'ks County Democrat, a Eliza St. Clair l\Iolter of McCon- the largest single program in the cite you, sitting treatments IiIre a human being.••• sults.ble COl' 1>octol".. anir.e. Con- $27.5011. from.
weekly newspaper. yenlent location nea.. cell tel' of O\'Jo;RBROOK lIll,LS, Lower Mel'jon,
ncllsbu,'g, Fulton Count~·, and collcge's 105-yp.ar-history were at home in your That gorgeous drapery material Ardmore. 1\"0 pal'klnl;' mete.... #8 Overbrook ParkwaY. BeautifUl POSITIVELY NO WAITING
Informed of his mothel"s (leath, Philadelphia. arm-cllair, but Maria Montez brought home from Available jll1l\ll'r1IHI."J~·. '-early lense stone and clapboard Colonial, Center Call us for your next job,
They have thrce held Wedneliday and construction , Hall. 1,1\'lnl; I'oum, 24 x 16. Dell.
General Rpaatz left Fort l\leyer, childrcn, Bill~', 7. a student at the i" l'xpeeted to get underway soon. It might if you ParIs makes the rest of her liVing Call A..dmo'·e r.~21 " fie I' 7 :.10 P,(I1. Bl'cakfast 1'00111. Pantry. Kit,'hen. 3 ALlegheny 4-1766
were a mariner room look so dull 1.I1at she is doing ROOM with twin beds. --- --- herll'OOlll9, ~ baths 011 2nd floor. 2
Va., for Lower J\lerion to assist Chcstnutwold School. P,ohb~·.:J, The IWW buildings include a sailing down in Garage, hedmo,ns. Imlh 011 :lrd tloor. 2 car Also GR 3-1272
Flynn o"er the whole thin:; at a huge Beechwood. Telephone Ardmore gamg-". $~~.5no.
, 1*e family in making- funeral ar- and Belsey. ] i months. ! memorial librar~', a chemical en- those latitUdes. expense. On top of this, Jean 2673. Ou.. l'epl'esenta!i\'e on premises wllI
rangements. One of the projects unde,' Ai-I g'ineering buildi'lg and a naval Anyway, the hydrographic office Pierre Aumont ordered one of ---------------'- gladly
show YOU thru and give all PAPERHANGING
In addition to General Spaatz kens's direction at SKF will be I sciance and tactics armory. The of the RepUblic of Pan a m a those patented swimming pools THREE ROOMS and bath on 3rd E. A. CLARKE, Realtor WINTER SPECIAL
thought It was important. They'Yc the other day. tIoor of private home in Bala. John F.. Clarke ....:\n ASSOCI,\'rES
/Inri 1\11'5. Leaver. Mrs. Spaatz is the construction of two of the building'S will be of stone construc- officially dubbed the pile of stone VISIT of Virginia 1\laJ'o and :\11'5. C. G. Maloney 48--HR. SERVICE
Near Transportation. Non-house- I,eita S. Rtewart ;\llss ;\1, 1IIaithew8
, iua,'ivedbY another son, Freder- largest ball rollel' hearings (','e,· tion to hal'lllonize with other "Zaca Rocll," Mille O'Shea to the Biltmore keeping. Business Man. Write John "'. Krause .Tamcs ,1. O'Conuor SHANEIN & SON 5705 MAsTBR ST.
ick, chief of canteen service for builL When t1HT arc asscmbled campus buildings, and will be "THE GHOST anll 1\Irs. 1\ll1ir" Bowl puts me in a reminiscing .T. V. H. Box #350, Ardmore, 71~ Montgomery Ave, Office 0llen Sunda)', 11-3 p. ::II.
Merion, Pa, TRinity 7-1441
the Veterans' Administration in thcy will weight fi"e tons together ready for occupanc~' in September. troupe \vas \'isited by Greer mood. Only' a few years ago, Penna. Cynwyd 3300-3301 TR 7-0660
, the Philadelphia area, and two and will be used in a paper mill! ] !J48. Garson, her first trip to another film scouts spotted Virginia PAINTING
stlllllo to watch Husbaml Riell- n11en she was appearing at tbe IN MERION. Bedroom, sitting DE.~IRABLE DOMES
,()f daughters, 1\Irs. Ruth Steinmuller, for goiving a fine finish to hj~h

l"Bassett, of Pitman. N. J.
In announcing the plans, Father
Boyertown. and Mrs. Flora Quality paper as it passes be- McGuire said, "The largest build-
tween rollel's undcr \"CIT great ing program in the history of Vil-
ard Ney work In a movie scene.
Greer arrl.,.ed in time to lIee Nry
climb Into a hansom witb Gene
Bowl with a vaUdeville act ealled
"Pansy tbe Horse." Virginia
was a pretty girl in tights cllrry-
room, Kitchen, Bath. Semi-
pl\Vate entrance. Storage room. 1
Gal·age. Light housekeeping for
i~tr=~~~\;renTti~eo"J;'munlties at
"or Sale,
'fifll'ney. Ing 11 Whip. One 01 her putners Gentile couple. "rtile Box A.P,S. ~_ Montltomery ....venue. CnYWd. Rooms papered $15 up. Labor and matertal
Funeral serviceI' were helo Sat- pressure. lanova college is intended to fulfill Included. Finest selections and lOod wor\l:
"i\ly," she said brightly, "What was the front end of the horse, #350, Ardmore, Pa.
urday at the Schwenk Funeral 1\1,.. Aiken is an a('tiVf~ member the present and immediate future WANTED TO BUY guaranteed. PAINTING front and baell:
small cabs ~'ou people use o"er the other W8!l the rear end. Now HOME IMPROVEMENTS of house. 2 coats - $125. Estimate. chaer-
Home, Bo~'crtown. Burial was in of thc Chestnutwold P.-T. A., the nceds of tne school." at 20th Century·Fox." "'irginia 15 a movie sJar, ell- VETERAN PAYS TOI' DOLLARS Fon fully Irl\'en. Cio answhere.
~'airview Cemetery. Aromol'c 1\lanor Ci\"ic Association "Only the late war prevented DALE EVANS Is distressed o"er gaged (or 50 she 8a3's) to l\like CHRQ;\Il'J'E ZI1\"C Wall tile Brighten MEN'S AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, Call HOward 8-8U'
and thc .<\ rdmorc Prcshytel'illn earlier construction. It is hop,ed the rumors that she will wed Roy O'Shea. your Idtehen, bathroom. store. (,C- SUITS, OVERCO/.TS. SIIOES. FURS,

• Kappa Alpha Theta

Church. these buildings will provide space Rogers, whose wire died scveral
tn give present and future Villa- months ago.

ADELE MARA says that Frank
fice. l'ermnnent. no upl<eeep, beau-
liful colors. ":;e<, ii-You'll bu\'
H. W LAWSO.'\', 411 Gilpin H(,ad.
"Aftcr all," she sa"s, "Roy and Latimore still Is the No.1 boy I'n, Upper Darby • l\lad. 9299- W. WHAT HAVE
novans the opportunity of secur- J
Marks Founder's Day Game Commission lIas ing the best that an educational Ithree have made pictures together for her life and that she Is not marry- I DOMESTIC SERVICE HARRY. 4048 MARKET ST.• PHILA., Complete Hot Air Unit.
Factory Price.
The Phi I 11. del phi a Alulllnae Bird Charts For Sale years and I worked with ing any Warner Brothers actor. . • • _ Evergreen 6·3166. 603 Wood Street
institution can offer." him In the rodeo. We are bound Conf.o,.'atulate the Jack Bennys on . EQUITY EMPLOYMEN'l'; finest t)'pe do- LUmbard 3-5252
• Chaptel' of Kappa Alpha Theta The memorial library will be a t o see a I0 t 0 f each 0 th er. It 's true th Clr ' 0 .. • mestic help. ReferenceR thoroUllhly In. VETERAN PAYS UP TO '30 FOR
The Pennsylvania Game Com- 2 th weddmg anmversary... , I vesllgated. BAring ~-7532, E. LomSE SINGER SEWING MACHINES. DROP-
held its annual Founder's Day we were at the Seacomber's cafe Both Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz i EDWARDS. Mgr. HEADS. SI5 FOR LONG SHUTTLES.
mission has prepared II set of four three-story building with space the other night, but with several are learning to play golf at Palm -C:=O=N=OO::IES:::::=:"'Ef,=--:;'IP=L""O""Y=M=EN=T:-':S"'ER=V""I";C"'E'- HORSEHAIR AI.l;O ANTIQUES. MARBLE TOP AND RADIO REPAIRS
luncheon Saturday at the Over-
colorcd bird-charts fOI' distribu- for 400,000 books. It will seat th I d 't t d' S " G t W'tl Licensed and bonded SUPERIOR helP, USED FURN,
FURN., FEATHERS. HAIR. REP AIRS - Radios, s.IlIlJlances. rec:ortS..
-brook Golf Club. The occasion o er peop e an I ' was on s u to prhlgs.... ran I leI'S and . HousehOld, IndustrIal, hotel, domcstlc Oeneral contractlDlr. HOME IM-
tion in the schools. Thc sct com- 500 students and will include semi- business. I haven·t any plans to John Carroll are planning a joint anti maintenance Waltcrs H Younc RUGS. SILVER. JEWnLRY. MUSIC PROVEMENTS. P,{AIN LINE SUPPLY
marked the 77th anniversary of BOXES. OIL LAMPS. PAINTINGS. CO.. 5 Montcomery Ave.• Bala-C:FnW7d.
prises charts on game birds, SUIll- nar. music and faculty l'eading marry anybody." -.-.- ....' ...~. to u l' 0t vet· J ~~r:~~rd 4540 Boulevard 2Il3O VASES. PLATES FANCY FIGURES. Pa. (across from Post Orrico). CYN-
the founding of the national so- OLD BUTTONS. ANYTHING OVER ;;0
mel' birds, winter birds and birds rooms and offices. • erans' ~ospit.als I scrJOGINS EMPLOYMENT SERVICJl:. Y1'~""RS, B. C. COLEMAN. 907 N. 7TH WYD 0171.
of prey. Each chart is 26 inches The chemical engineering build- AGAINST the advice of vet- that WIll wmd I
Finest t,lle help of nil kInd. House- ST" PHILA.. 1.0. 3-!l33~.
up In J 0 h n 's work, day's work, couplcs. References M.~RT1N'S bU)'s men's. "'omen's clothtng.
Mrs. J. Warren Hundley, of 600 by 30 inches, bound at the top and iIlg will be a two and one-half trinadans, the Bob Hopes are PIANOS
Oxford Rd., Cynwyd, Mrs. John bottom with metal strips and a story structure which will house making every eHort to prolong h 0 m e t 0 w n, Investlll'ated.
....Lleghany 4-2264. '
6027 Race St., PhUa. shoes. furs. Sporting goods, musical In-
the life of their seven-year-old New Orleans. ===~.:....::::.:..::-.------- struments, tools, tl'pewrllers. addIng Bt!: SM....RT. everybody e:a11. Pbua:.
machines and general merchandl"". 4050
Ross and Mrs. L. J. Dolan, both wall fastener. a metallurgical laboratory, X-ray largest plano dealer when thel' are
great Dane. "Red Son." which has Johnny Zaharis, FOR SALE Markr.t St. Phlla. BAring 2-8116. rt'~dY to sell their plano. SpeclaUZlntr
• of Ardmore, were members of the The Commission urges sports- laboratory for metals, a dark been a playmate for their children ot the Casbah COL)) SPUT HE1"RlGBHATOH. ap- In Steinways &: better make Illanna.
Founder's Day Committee. . E'HILA. PIANO EXCHANGE, 5UO Ger-
to_:-- _ men's organizations, "romen's room and unit operations labora- since puppyhood. The Hope6 think night club here, proximately 7 cubic feet. (;oo,j mn- WANTED TO RENT mantown ....\'e.. GERMANTOWN 8-3200.
clubs and parent-teachcrs groups tory. The building will also have the dog is grieving for a cocker flew to Las Ve· dition. Hellsonable CalJ Hilltop 1 _
to ask school officials to purchase classrooms and a seminar room, a recently. spaniel pal, "Tappy," which died gas to marry 1_~8_1.:...98:...J.:..--_:__:_-=-::-·--:::-:-:---\'Jo:TERAN A1\"D WIFE desire 2 or EMPLOYMENT
They have bought a new his secretary, '.rE1\" PIECE Dining Hoom Suite. very :1 room apartment. Please wrlte
the charts, or to purchase a set drafting room and a urbine room. cocker in the hopes that this will Mary Butler.... excellent condition. Please call HiII- E n. E .• Box 350, Ardmore Penna. DAYS' WORK wanted b)' reliable
themselves when school funds arc It will house temporarily new help. Red S k e Ito n top O0\7BJ EVICTION THREATENED. Veter- on Main Line: AI'So cleonlng ottlcea.
colol'e'd man Ten years' experience
lacking. The charts are being sold approximately 5,000 more," he GAIL RUSSELL has a new ad- told one of the ::-IN-:"l::'''::A7.N:::T::S~III::-A:-:1::->L::-E='-c-::'J::-';-;;If::-fe-r-o-a-n-d:-:a~u-;-:to an now responsible business ex- npartments. etc, Phone Robert.
at the cost of price of $1.50, or 50 said. mireI', the several-times-married w a i tel's at scat Good condition. Heasonable.
ClIlI Hilltup ;I.0~4.
ecutive, wife and son 2 years, BA 2-3908.
cents singly. "Dp.laware Countians have been Dr. Charles Russell Parrish (one the Be verI y must find unfurnished apart-
of his ex's was Ann Merrill). Gail Lucille Ball Tropics:"W h y BRAND NEWthe ElectriC
market. Razor, \Vallt a only shavetwo ment or home. Ma.dison 2985-J. HELP WANTED, FEMALE
They can be purchased direct mOHt generous .in contributing to cut her eastern trip short because don't you use paper plates here? weeks on In
,no minute? Then tr)' this razor. Comes i -=::::-:-:::::=---:=-=:=;:::::::~---::::-:;-I---------':'------
from the Game Commission, Har- the work of their association. her mother has to undergo an op. At home we don't wash dishes, we complete wHit handsome carrl'lng ca.e COLLEGE PROFESSOR, 'Vife, WAI'I'RESS. white for ll r ivate home.
risburg", Pa. However. in ol'der to carry out and lUbricatIng kit. Reasonable. Call an dt\\'o children urgently need . Downstair. work.• 4 Adults. Sub-
eration•••• The Jack La Rues just erase them." TE. 9-4722 after 6 p. nl, . urban home. Lo\'cl~ room. Other
our program fully this year, we ...· F ea t ures Syn dl ca t e, 1nc,
01 s t I'Ib uted by P,lng CERAMIC SUPPLIES. PlnB. ear Icrews five or SIX room apartment or help kepi. Good wage•. ' Call Ard-
Slanting floors in farrowing will need the additional support In metal and plastic tor ceramic house. Main Line preferred. Box mOI'e 0447
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i · m e t a l Shell wood and Plexo·glass #191. Villanova, Penna.
houses save lives of many new- of those who have not yet eon- I - - - - - - - - - - - - - crafts. Price list on reClUcst. Phlla. ---------------ICOLOHED \VO;\IAK. part time wOI'k
born pigs by helping to 'prevent tributed through the purchase of Civic Association to Badlre Co., 1007 Filbert. VETERAN and Wife urgently need from Monda)' to Frida,. Rella.ble
the sow·from lying down on them. Christmas Seals. Widow's Club Formed; '. the time to order cord wOOd. 1 or 2 bedroom apartment, and refereneses. Mr•. lIIar)' Brown.
• NOW ...,
the U. S. department of Agricul- Cut any length. Call Cynwyd 0984. Rental approximately $75 per 1 Inl N. 26th St.• Philadelphia.. _
ture has discovered. "It is not too late to send in Sponsor B1'ldge Tourneys First Meeting Saturday
Mrs. Emma Augsberger, of 109 ]j'JRloH'LACE WOOD fol' sale, 'Call month. Ii i g h est references.
retul'lls to the office of the Dela- Members of the Ardmore Man-
ware County Tuberculosis and or Civic Association will sponsor Woodbine Ave., Manoa, 'Tith 10
Crnwyd 3256.
AVONPRODUCTS. ·C~~U;tlcs. toile:
Phone Ardmore 6027.

Health Association, Eighth St. and a duplicate bridge tournament ev- other women, recently organized tries. .F'ree Ss.mple Lipstick with REPAIRS
a Widow's Club in Philadelphia. color analysis . Perfection House- TOP·RANKING POSITIONS
Edgmont Aye., Chester, Pa." ery two weeks. starting January hold Products. Use Avon Perfec- CHAIRS RECANED promptly. Called for
31 in the auditoriulll of the Hav- Composed of women from Phil- tion to fiua.nce cluos, or~anlzatlons, and delll'ered, A1EO scats for DlntnG in Community Service
aclelplJia and Lansdowne, the Club Phone Hilltop 2253. Room chaIrs. etc, Phone Decatur 1403_J.

DAYENPORT, excellent condition. Available to
Fire on Campus erford
The Township
tournaments.High to be held held its first meeting Saturday
School. Also sJlp covel'. Phone Ard. 3792 SEWING MACHINES rCllalred. Esttmate.
gIven. Work guaranteed by Singer
Of Bryn Mawr from 7:45 to 11 P. 1\I., will ac- night at t,he home of Mrs. Alice S:tturday or Sunda.y between 9 :00 S"wlng Machine Co., 57 E. Lancaster
Painting - Paperhanging A. III. and 12 :00 1\"oon. ....ve.• Ardmore 0256, in Telephone Work
About DO students and several commidate 20 couples. Watson, of 168 E. Lansdowne
General Contrnctlng RUG. 11 % x: 12. Inr.lu<llng pad :J nd .... ~

Get Our Estlmnte

faculty members were routed from Reservations should be made Ave., Lansdowne. Luncheon was throw rug. Very good condition.
Taylor Hall on the Bryn Mawr through A. Paul Stemple, of 2935 served by Mrs. Watson's five Also rug 8.3 x 10.6 broadloom, $35. LAMPS EARNINGS
H. EARL HUSTON Good conditIon. Ardmore 1033. BEAl:TIFCL LA;\IPS
College campus just before 1 P. Berkley Rd., Ardmore Park, Ard- daughters. Compare with Best'
929 Anderson Ave., Drexel Dill
1\I. last Wt>dnesday by smoke from more 1207-J. Pressley W. Jones, Members of the club include T\VO FINE bedl'ool11 suites. \Vrought Don't tal<e a chalice with yOtlr vlll-
11'011 terrace furniture like new. uable YASES. BRIC-A-BRAC 01' in Your Community ~
Sunset 3277 Very large :;eegar .. erig~ator. Philco FIGURINE:;
Ii slight basement fire. of 701 Cricket Ave.. has been Mrs. Jane Wall, Mrs. Margaret unit with remote control. A.\V Y.S
Ha\'e an Expert
Lamp MIlker' make them Into beau-
The smoke was noticed first by named chail'man of the tourn&.- Casey, Mrs. Margerate Heger- Country Shop, 5 lIlontgomery Ave" lIrtl I Lam ps. SURROUNDINGS AND
Dr. Donald MacKinnon, professor ments. b·, Mrs. Anna McCabe, Mrs. Anna C)"nw)·d. Call C)'nwy<1 5530. CO:lIPLETJo; LI:-E UF LAMP PARTS
"Olde.t In the City" of )Jsych:>logy. who called Miss Cavanaugh, and Mrs. Margaret SOLID MAHOGANY empire sideboard Wholesale and Hetail
COPPER GUTTERS $50. Solid mahog-any tnhle, $~5. ~'all l ..aJnp l\ful<er and Electrician Belter Than Average
and SPOUTS Charlotte Howe. director of halls. Su.nday Drive Injured Coleman. of Philadelphia. and Mrs. 385 '\T J~ancnstel· ...:\\~e.t Haverford, Since 1 ~Oll
VENETIAN BLINDS Hallie Wegand, of Lansdowne, and hetween 3:00 and 4;00 p. Ill. ;lIon. IUh & Arch st ... I'hlllldelphla
Sh:l summoned firemen of Bryn
Mawr and A~'dmore, who put out On Lancaster Ave. Mrs. H. Hershey, of Hershey, Pa. AVON PRODUCTS - Nationally ----,--<'''--------
11:;6 I"urlon&, A,"e. Jllunoll the blaze quickly. It was confined Oscar Kravitz, 33, of 1936 N.I----------------
to a basement fuse box. The 6Ist St.• Philadelphia, was treat- PERSONALS
advertised cosmetics
hold products. Samples and free
and house-
We will make
Advancement and i
skin analysis, V. J. GALE. Hill- from your favorite vase
Allegheall" "-1688 building, .me of the oldest on the ed at Bryn Mawr Hospital Sun- I\IAIN LINE
top 7499. or antique figure Development
N.,,.to,..a Square 0:150
ROOFING - SIDING campus, houses the college admin- day for tnjuries received when he SAl<'E'l'Y DRIVING SCHOOL KANIG ELECTRIC
Paragon Co., Inc. GUTTERS - SPOUTING istration offices. There are also a lost control of a station wagon
number of classrooms. and "e vehicle plunged off the
PRIVATE party desires to sell
Singer Sewing IIIachine, Iatc
Established over 20 years
Complete line of lamp parts
11' to 15 S. 5fth Street model treadle. Perfect condition.
56th & Market Sts.
J. A. NAPPERT ':._----------- road and crashed into a group of DRIVING SCHOOL Price $32,50. Call Ardmore 4995.
44 North 11th Street, Phila., Pa.
l'HILA\)ELPHIA 696 Washington Ave. small trees of the American For- Phone WAlnut 2-1515 THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY
Cuurse fully covers rUles an<1
Hilltop 6987-J estry nurseries. I'e~uloltlons em1>o<1led by Penna, CORDWOOD
"Olde.t In the City" folotor Vehicle Code. VENETIAN BLINDS OF PENNSYLVANIA
Lower Merion Township police Some of the smoothest drivers AI! Oak - Scasoned Onc Year
"aid Kravitz, who suffered deep ,,'ere once like you. 'I.'hey t houl\'ht
BUY BARTRAM BLINDS. ....ssorted 1631 Arch Street
they just did not have the mak- PAUL H. LEMEN
cuts of the face and head from iults of A"ood drivers but we ahow- tapes & cords Metal enelosed tops.
cd them and we can show YOU in Valley Forge 3926 bakea DuPont enamel. Blinds retailed. Philadelphia
ROOFING a broken windshield, was driving just n few hours. reconc1lt1oned &: laundered. BARTRAM
SIDING! HOME DECORATING west on Lancaster Ave. near In- Di-~ardo's experls can brlnlt MFG CO., 5809
PHlLA, BElgrade 6-2233 - 6-2158.
out unsuspected drivinA" ability. PETS FOR SALE
dian Creek Rd., when the accident Their methods make learnlnl\' so VENETIAN aLINDS beautifully ",- Room 315, McClatchy Bldg:
GENERAL CONTRACTING Consultant Service easy. 80 pleasant! paInted. new tape~ and cord. In-
occurred. Let us start you on the road to lltISH SE'l.'Tl~H Pt:PI'IES. GorgeollB
col·or Ben lItifulh' b,·etl. A. lL C. st~lJed, color<,d talles avnlJable, 10 den 69th and Market Streets
Prompt Service successful and saCe drh·lng. 'I'elephone WAvcrl)- 4-3100. sel'l' Ice also new metal custnm mad.
~killed Men- Instructor: George "Dinardo blinds Acme. El'erltreen 6-7370, Upper Darby'
Under the Direction of
Reliable Work Deko Business eli M Ardmore, Pa. CUSTOM MADE. REPAm &: REP....I N ' l . I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hear Youth Leader Phone Ardmore 2992 COLOR CORDS AND -rAPES NEW MALE HELP 'VANTED
H, L. YOUNG & CO, The Christian Business !\Ien's IR01\"ING ••illxperlenced laundres. wl1l COOPER
~lf¥.rss ~;rE~~i.yNgn~' ~fi~B 1-------------
Graduate. of the 1\"ew Yorl' Committee of Delaware County <10 Ironlnl;' at hOllle. Itlso curtain VENETIAN BLIND SERVICE MAN or· woman to canvass for
17 Myrtle Ave. Chatham Village will meet Tuesdar, January 28th, finishing. Crnw)'d 3256. Registered \'ENETIAN BUNDS REPAINTED, COL- prospects for roofing insulation
Havertown School oC Interior Decora llin
GRanite 2-7020 Hilltop 2384 6 :30 P. M., at the
66th and Marl,et Streets. The
Hot Shoppe,
~?o~4~SO: E~E R6~fo~~G. storm windows. Salary and com-
Window Treatments and mission. D. E. BENEYFIELD,
FOR IMMEDIATE OISTALLATION H. K. M, 330 West Queen Lane. Te-9-1l74.
Furniture Rearrangement speaker I)f the evening will be ANTIQUES. IMMEDIATE cash. olel turn- 17 E Marthart Ave.
REFRIGERATION Ilure. china, '·ases. f1gurOll. alassware, South Ardmore VEr\E'rIAN BLIND CO.
Walter Sms,th, Director Philadel- 9lh'el PHONE IULLTOP 8001
SERVICE Ser..lco Chnrl;e, $::.00 p<,r roo", or '\Dythtng old. Write Cbarle" P VENETIAN BLINDS
DomestIc & Commercial
phia Youth for Christ, Inc., rep- Johns, Glen Loch. Pa Phone BKton CLEANED - REPAINTED SITUATION WANTED
790·W or Allegheny 4-11069.
HILLTOP 7564 106 So. 36th St., Phila. 4, resenting Youth for Christ Inter- GLASS & MIRRORS RETAPED _ REPAIRED MALE
U.ed Refrigerators Boul;ht 4: Sold national. ANTIQUES WANTED - Purnltuft, QUICK SERVICE-FREE ESTI~IATIl
BAring 2-4874 class. old china. vues. brie-a·brae:, Olasa &:GLASS & MlltRORS
mirrors for ull llurPOsee. TYPIS'l' - Experienced typist de-
J. R. HAItIlLTON 111 Ha~ard Rd. Business men of Delaware Coun- figures. COPIlEr &: brass, U :fOU 'have Old mirrors remOdeled & resllvered,
Brookllae anything old. call THE SPIl'lNINU ....Slt for ~IISS KAY sires to work at home. Neat,
t~- may register for this dinner W_H_EEL_. _W_A_Y_NE_23'-'-47_. _ Wall mirrors made to order fast, accurate. Call Narberth
1'AGYE'S BOULEVARD 3082 Window Shades-Venetian BUnda
meeting with the Chairman, Mat- 7315 West Che.ster Pike LInoleum 3763W.
thew E. WeIde, 532 Virginia Ave., INSTRUCTIONS HOBSON &: OWENS
UPHOLSTERING 1015-1017 Lancaster ....ve.. Bryn Mawr SITUATION WANTED
GRANDFATHER Grandmother has the right
Manoa, or with Harry W. Cross,
130 Willows Ave., Norwood, Chair-
Call Ardmoro
Cla.ses Mornings. Aftel·nons. and Sllrlnllll or three-1l1ee:e suits rellalred.
110,001 cbalrs
$5.00 00
Light colored. Int~re.ted
idea: : : especiaIIy on party-
CLOCKS REPAIRED line telephones. A brief call
man of the Program Committee. er SeWing lI1achlne Comlls.ny. 57 Anywhere. Call LEWIS, Wayne 14llC1
o,.~1nin~~ncs.ster Ave. Open Friday 227 East Lancaster Avenue Wayne. A. SEEDS
In ser\·ln.. small dinner partIe. and
luncheon. Cnn prellare
salad. Ilnd fancy sandwlche•• Rea-
As well as English, French and Swiss Clocks. UPHOX.STERING & REP....IRING
Clocks called for and delivered. Estimates is the sign of a good party- Music Teachers' Forum EXPERT WORKMANSHIP SINCE 1885,
3·4805 or write Mrs Helen PowelJ
given and all work guaranteed. line neighborI Take the lead Dr. Mabel Farson, of 524 JOBBING SUITES BUDGET IF DESIRED RAY·S. PAINTING CONTRACTORS H08 N. 56th at , Philadelphia. .
Stl'athmore Rd., Brooldine, psy- WBITING BROTHERS 24 N. LANSDOWNE to VE_ LANSDOWNE,
--WE RESTRING PEARLS in keeping calls short : : : in DEOATUR 1414 Serving City and Suburbs
chologist with the Philadelphia E SPRING AVE., Ardmore. TrueklDa. Residential FLOORING
We will be glad to restring your pearls•. spacing calls well apart : : ~ , . bpulJng, light movlna, eleanlna cel- MISCELLANEOUS
Just put them in an envelope and bring Board of Education, was guest lara. removlna ashee. taklna of fur- From a Doll House to the Em- I 'Jo-:'L-O""O""R""SO-::-S--:'I':'O-a-nd-:-:I~3-:-I:':O-b:-:l-oc"':'k-••~Iu':'"m':':be"':':"r~ln
. them in. in hanging up gently when speaker at the January meeting ~'~I~~a·m:n~ef.lr~lac~l't'°~ :'t:~r~'n METAL REFINISIDNG & LAQUERING. . S B 'ld' 'II' t stock. Old floors and stairs .anded and
~ - Bra511 fireplace equipment. 161DIlS. plre tate U1 mg. we paUl flnl.hed or clellned and shellacked. Pun
the line is in use. of the Philadelphia Music Teach_,_A_r_dm_o_",_38_06_. lantlQue &: ornsmentnl obJectl! made to it inside and outside with whlto shellac. Work llullranteed. CalJq·
ers' Forum held in Presser Hall look like new Work auaranteed. Call PURE LEAD AND OIL han, TRinity 7-8428.
B. F. STELZBRFarlanl", wIth RIRR. '" Brother
The Bell Tlllllpb~n8 Company this week.
of Pennsylvanl.
She spoke on "The Mental and The family of I'red S. Pierce of I=!4

S"camore Roa.d wlsb to extend their PA-....ED and un"atented Inventlol1ll

INVENTIONS Call Us for your next job
ALlegheny 4-1766
PAINTERS and paperbanllers· e.tabl1lh-
232 BALA AVE., CYNWYD, PA. Cynwyd 326U Emotional Factors Involved in appreciation to the" man)' friends Il~~~ted Draned s.nc1 deslll11ed, M. Also GI' 3-1~j: ed 1920. e.tlmates cheerfull1 atvea.
Adr,jlson and Company. t010 Berrr ....
• Learnl·ng". for expressions of "'mplLlhy reo JOYCII Dumnhrlea, lU4 Land Title Bids·
celved. ~cUllt 1-213•• A name famous for 150 years Drellel liUJ. Clearbrook 60t8.
_ _:.........L~.....s'it..:._..:-----..:..
-----:------------------------------------..:.----=-=::-=: OUR TOWN

to 54th and City Line .

A Modern Shopping Center

Opel1il1goftlle Food Fair Tllis Week Marks Another Forwar'd Step in •

the rapid growtll of the 54tll a1ld City Li1le Snapping Center. The Off-St.
Parl<:i1lg Facilities That Food Fair will offer its cllstolners coupled with

those already provided, gives this rno d,ern and fa~t-growing section one of
its greatest retail assets. Accessible by l11ail111ighways, trolley and bllS lines,
it is' trul y a shopping ce11ter ,vl1ere yOil call shop ill conlfort.
• - p

Welcome Food Fair and Good Luck • • •

FoodFair 215 CITY AVE. AT 54TH, MERION
(Continued from page 1) food department is the Freez-o- 102 ESSEX AVE., NARBERTH
mat machine. This contains 35
spelled out in four-foot high lig-llt-
ed letters, The building itself units, each with an individual
Galley 39 ;;9 30 30 door for each variety of frozen I Finest Selection of Radio, Records, Appliances and Television in T his A'r ea
contains 20,000 square feet, has fruit or vegetable. When a custo- (For Immediate Delivery)
hot air he:lt, 132 feet of counter mer ?pens the .door, the box of I
space and nearly 1000 feet of cold food IS. automatIcally pusl~ed for-
cath!,de lighting-, The latter, ward ,Ill the lo~g refrIgerated I WESTINGHOUSE, ST~OMBERG-CARLSON, PHILCO, EMERSON, R. C. A., FARNSWORTH, CROSLEY, APEX, Etc.
which give~ off no heat, is similar I compaltment. A hght at the top I
tc neon amI was installed by the of each ro~ shows when the com- i
General Blectric Company, partment IS n,early empty and LADIES-\lisit The "Delux Westinghouse Kitchen" Com pIe t eOn Our Basement
On the north side of the store, needs to 'Je refIlled by one of the
there is parking space for 100 cIerk~. T~ere are three of these A DELIGHT IN MODERN HOME APPOINTMENT
l' machmes III the store. The frosted
ca s. _~ .. __ _, " food department also features fro-
The new store IS staffed by zen pies, which need only to be "It's Easier and Better to Shop at Home"
nl~re than 1;:;0 employees who put in the oven and cooked.
WIll se~'ve cu~tol1lers fro~l b~th I Other features of the new store
t~e PhJ1a~elplll,:,\ and :\lal11 Lme include a self-service bakery table I;I!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~~~!!!!l!l!!!~~~~!l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f!!J~~~~~~~!J!J!J~~~~~~~~~~~
SIdes of City Lme Ave. a machine which makes fresh
Purchases will he checked in doughnuts while ~;ou wait, a home A COMLETE DRUG STORE SERVICE
1~ cash register booths, fitted with nee d s d~partment a cosmetic
slide tops which enable one cus- counter and a dep~rtment filled • COSMETICS
tomer to pile her paekag-es on the with items a housewife needs to
l'ear of the counler while another keep her home in working order • PATENT MEDICINES
is having hers tabulated, When throughout the day.
the first customer's tabulation is lIIanager of the new store will
:finished, the clerk pulls forward be Cla~·ton' Webster, one of the
(City Line above 54th St.)
the sliding- shelf, bringing the Food Fair firm's top managers,
second customer's pile of packages "ho was head of the Collingswood, DAKE'S DRUG STORE PHONE: MERION 3084
up to be cheel_ed, No J. ma>:ket until he took over 5710 N. BROAD ST. 6206 RIDGE AVE.
54th & CITY LINE
The new Food Fair will sell his new duties,
not only :ill the well lmown na- "All of our prices will be ceil- ~~;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~I
tionally 'ld'leriised brands of stan- ing prices or lower," Webster said ~ -
dard food items, hut in addition when the store op2ned Tuesday.
such luxuries as orange slices pre- Regular hours, he said, will be
SHOP or DINE with Ease C"

saved in wild honey and lemon from 9 A. 1\1. to 6 P, M. Monday PARKING FftCILITIES PROVIDED
juice, wild rice, onion soup, green through Wednesday. On Thursday For Your Convenience (without obligation) If Desired,
We Will Completely Service Your .Car During Your Absence.
turtle soup, packaged icc cream, the store will be open from 9
rare seasonings and brandied hard A. l\t. to !-i P. M.; on Friday from
sauce. 9 A, 1\1. to 10 P. M. and on Satur-

A unique feature of the frosted day from 8 A. l\f. to 6 P. M. Ted's Mobil Service Station SCHUSTER and WEITZEL
54th and City Line Ave. IN A REPAIRED CAR!
Sor·opti111istsLaUl1c!t PHILA. 31, PA. -
GR. 3-9821
125 City Line Avenue (East of 54th Street)

Friel1ds/1ip Call1paiglz repaired to make this phenominal trip, WE can repair them.
For the experience, integrity, and sincerity that goes into the

One of the idealR of the Inter- Since the Soroptimists in other INFRA.RED TREATMENTS 'VAPOR CABINET
national Soroptimist Association
is "to promote friendships between
luns, just as the clubs here, are
composed of professional women
CLEARANCE SALE repairing of your automobile, while in our modernlY equipped
service department, makes it ready for a trip amost to the
women of different nations in 01'- and busintss executives, Mrs.
Phone, Cynwyd 1216
del' to fos:er world peace and un- Spiess hoJ.l!!s that slle can "match
derstanding." In accord with this up" members of similar occupa- Boy's lind Girl's Coats and Snow Suits • p

concept, the American Federation Itional interests. There are about Boy's Etons and Sport Jackets TIRES .' BATTERIES· ACCESSORIES· TOWING
of Soroptimist Clubs, which repre- 1)(\ members in the Nottingham
sents 260 organizations in the Club; colse to 100 in the grollP· Punc,". "al,'d Judy Kiddie Shop SALES AND SERVICE
United States nad Canada, is en-
couraging its individual members
There art! 127 clubsin the Sor-
optimist Federation of Great Brit-
' " 207 CITY LINE • I

to make personal contact ,,,ith :lin and Ireland and 44 clubs in
members of clubs abroad, through the European Federation. Clbbs
friendly letter \vriting. a]'~ located i nNor,vay,· Holland,
Open 10 A. M. _ 6 P. 1\1.;
'- ------
Fridays 10 A. M. - 9 P. M. I
For quite a few yeal's past the Denmark ,France, Belgiunl and DIRECT FACTORY DEALER
Soroptimist Club of Philadelphia Switzerland. Juvenile
has maintained special contact The Americans and British
with the Soroptimist Club of Not- jointly are undertaking the task
tingham, England, as its "sister" of rehabilitating both clubs and
Furniture 52nd and City Line. Phone CYN. 5422
club abroad, During the war individual members in Europe.
J.'ears, local members sent bundles Not only were a number of clubs
of gifts to Nottingham and from forced to cease functioning dur-
time to time made monetary dona- ing the war years (those in Ger-
tions to the British club for its many and Italy have yet to be
canteen work and other interests. reorganized) but many of the So'
Gestures of helpfulness and good- roptimists became completely im-
will similar to this, as well as a poverished durin gthe war losing
large "Bundles for Britain" cam- ing business and equipment
paign, were undertaken by many through I)ombings, ·seizure by the
other American clubs during the Germans or pillage.
The Philadelphia Club has a Ireland have contribuh'd a fund Frances Rosen & Franzie 54th and CITY LINE
"Sister Club Contact Committee," Women in Gl'eat Britain and Carriages Playpens
headed' by Mr/!. lIIadeleine T. totaling $40,000,' which is, being Cribs Strollers DRESS SHOP "Most Complete Variety Store on the Main Line",
Spiess. This group is preparing used to help the individual'Sorop- High Chairs Toys 2455 NORTH 54th STREET
a list of Nottingham member!',' tllnists become re-estabIished in Mattresses Philadelphia 31, Pa.
with the plan of giving every local business and professions. Thirty
member a "pen paI." women have applied for financial
and Accessories GReenwood 3-1606 22 ,DEPARTMENTS
"Now that the war is' ovel', and aid so far. KLEINER'S COATS Ready To Welcome and Serve You.
our 'sisters' in Europe can think Members of the American Fed- 2447 N. 54th St. (As Secn In Voguc and Harper's Magazines)
once again of friends and the fu. eration raised a fund of $27,000, TRinity 7-2996
ture, we must do our part to re- this money to be used by clubs Cr£atl'd for YOllr ;mUviJllal satisfactiolJ by tbe PHONE: MERION 4788
vlye and create friendship," sa~'s rather than individuals for their Most Famous Dc~igllers
Ml'I. Spi..-. . rehabilitation. "Compare Our Prices"_


, ,


(, .


... I
Now more Food Fair customer-friends can conveniently buy and enjoy these famed·


DESSERTS or PUDDINGS Protected - Selected - Guaranteed to please you

. ", 2 13C Reg.

SlR.ClLY all U. S. Govt. Graded and Inspected
P. S. G. "Choice" Steer Beef



STEAKS lb. 63c,



i 1-lb·41
c 3-lb.'$1

- - "
:1 *
* ,PORK LOIN ROASTS ~:~£;Im HI";,: 43c'

• 20,000 Square Feet Packed With Quality' Foods" :/

,\\I\\lqllllllllllllllll ';1 OPEN DEL MONTE
• Every "Up . . to -the . . Minute" Sllopping' Conuenience 1
lilf 3 8-0%·20c .* BROILERS or FRYERS ~:~~~~:d Ih.37c,
• Newest G.E. IISlimline" Interior Sun-Lighting!
'til 9 cans
Fresh Ground Beef ~a:alllY lb. 39c Fresh Pork Sausage 110. 49c

\\II11I\\IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII[ FriddY" III Our Delicatessen Dept. In Our Dairy Food Dept.
SCOTTISSUE Extra Fancy-Wafer-thin sliced
• Greatest Variety. of Nationally Known Brandsl
\\11111\ \.111111111111111111111
'til 10 Soft, White, Absorbent DRIED BEEF Ih-Ib. 29c
All Sweet
''Th. Margarln. with N.tu,al flav ....

City Linel SdturddY 3 :::~ 23c Mild and Savory-SLICED

CANADIAN style BACON 14-lb. 30e
Deliciously Aged
SHARP CHEDDAR Cheese lh-Ib. 35c'

8~M to 6PM
Delicately Seasoned-INDIVIDUAL KRAFT Package Cheese
Long, Tasty, Smoked-Pie-ce or Sliced Cheese Spread
Nationally Famous _Brands
%-Ib. 27c PABST-Err Standard :'i:.z·23c
OXYDOL SLICED BACON th-Ib. pkg. 35c SHARP LOAF Cheese ~~~p $1 09
32c Old Fashioned Style-Genuine
LEBANON Ih-Ib••lIced 17c
Ready to Bake


Make your selections from individuol glass window compartments,
EVAP. MILK pull the handle •.• and~out pops your package. IT'S SO EASY II
NationallY Famous Brands
Taxin's Red Raspberries ;:-:.Z' 39c
3 40c
cans , Taxin's Strawberries ;~-;~. 39c·
Fyne-Taste Milk 3 39c ~:~I Taxin's Pineapple Tid-Bits ;:-:.Z' 30c
Taxin's Rhubarb ~~~~I. 12c Southland Carrots &Peas ~~~~z'19c
Smith's Tender Peas ~t:'l. 25c PembrokeCutGreen Beans ~~;,z'19c
PEAS America's Finest Sea Food Dept.
All Fresh-Tender Full Meated
Selected No. 1
th. 75ci
Full Selection of Fresh Water Fish;
WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANnnU Canadian Smelts lb. 35c l - Pike, Whitefish and Carp

Food Fair brings you
• CAnn,d Fruits ~I'"
• Canned Vegetables Buy the
a GREATER .....y'. Fruit c.ektail H~';"~ 37e ~::. 4 39 Contadina Tomato Paste t:: ISc gao:, 173
Stops ( Del Mente."., PhHns :~.~OJ 21e g::.243 Stokely's ,::::.ra Tomatoes ~~n223c g::.269
in front ~" . Fr.M., ~ PIneapple -::0.;; 24c . f::.2'5 Fyne-Ta.te ~ Tomatoes ~~n219c go':. 2 25
of Store
• CANNED ......fruIt J::.:::s:. • 2~:~:'3Sc :::.209 Calif. TOIAlt. Ptlrae ••• NC'a~Yz 28e g::.329
GOODS~ P......
_ ..., .... ~r' Ailpl.. 'tn223c~.2 61
MA~:'f:"'~.n., •.•
Onntterry Sace o~~Ip:y ~t.~1 23c f::.2 6 '
N~.~~ 2ge ~:I 373 Fre-Mar BU'rW~:r Peas ~. ~~n218e
LilJby's ~t~~N Peas. • •• ~~n220c
Stokely's lL~~~l Peas. •• ~~n219c
2 19
SALE! " . .Taste Apple Saue. '~~n217 e g::. 1.3
....ett Pears In ~~:~~~:,.., ~~:~42c ~::.4'3
Early June' Peas ~~~DF~~~ o . ~~n212c
're-Mar Fa;~~~~&LE Corn o . ~~'n217C
g::. 133
foO:. 195

~~<- buy the DOZENI hi Moftteu~,:,~.. A,,'/(O'$ ~~.2,.~ 31c ~:. a63 Fr.-Mar 'anGf>f~Es~ecl Corn. Nc'~: 16e 0 f::. 113
Del Moltte 'an~f~~HID Corn ~~1I216c lo°:' 1'3

,.'\. '.---- • Famous Canned Jute,.' ~ci

donN Thll II only a
ftWIt.J WIloleKUNIL Com
GOLD'IH • 12-01 lIe
Fr.-Mar ,~~y Wax Beans ~:'n2 23e
Con 0
C an.·II·
ga':. 2 65
V Fr.-Mar T~AMNfJO .hike. •• ~:11c c~~ 12 •
small part of
Self Serv,;ce- the greater
Cut In... BeaRS ;I*i •• 2~:~~2'e f::.1 6'
Fre-Mar T~~;.rO Juice •.•• "t.:23c :::.26 ' Del MNte ~n Utili Be~ns ~~n2 25c
Libby's Tomato Jllice •• 2t;':25c 14 '
Heart's DeHght ToSA\':'j~lel ~:27 c :::. I"
=. variety you'll
find In our Stokely's :~ Red Beets ~~1I214e
:::. 2 9 '
f::.1 57
Self Service Beetm J~~r.H" Red Beets 2~',;~115c :a':.UC
These Famous "BABIJUICE" Florida
Sun-Rlp.ned 'er Largo
Extra 37 C Grapefruit Juice PL,001
1l ,ID,"". •. 2""ea;"219C DOl
efill. 109 :Grocery Dept~
Fyn.Tast"0II..,lauerkraut2N~0~~25e :::. 145
ORANGES .wnt, natural f1avor-
Natural color •••

Largo Sin Doz. 29c Blended Q~~1.~~:UtT Juice•• 2~~:19c :::~ 109 • AsparalHs AI'T~uV ,~R'it'~ILD • • '~~1I229c f::. a39

SWEET POTATOES-Fancy U.S. No.1 ••• 3 Ibs. 250 Blended G~~1.S:::uf.r Julee.. ~~0I21e f::. 2 47 HUNDREDS
Mixed V..etables'~~. ~. It.. ~~1I216c :::. 183
FRESH CARROTS-Tender CalifornIa • • • 2 .::,':~~. 19c Pineapple Juice '~~-~c:lt •• tt:~1I215c~:' 177 OF NATIONALLY
Comstock N.~~~rato Pumpkin lta: 16c ::. 113

MUSHROOMS-Fresh Fancy SNO-WHITE • • • •• lb. 39c
GRAPEFRUIT-Juicy Florida Thinskin ••••• 5 for 29c
Apple Juice SICYL~~~e:It'VI • • t:=22c ::~ 253
V-I Cocktail VI'~t:LI • . . . ~-:S:33c~:' al9
-SERVE YOURSELF Carrots and Peas ·a.tO~r~~:IN
Silnet Falley Diced Carrots
:::. 139
CELERY-Crisp Florida Golden Heart ••••• 2 stalks 19c
TOMATOES-Fancy-Fine for slicing •••• cello; pkg. 290
Sunsweet Prune Juice. ::::32c :::. 1 71

!WINESAP APPLES F:::~::g 2 Ibs. 25c



Hear National To Address
Red Cross Aide Library Group
James D. Nicholson
Warns Casualty Peak Pastor's Wife To Talk
N ot Yet Reached To Penn Wynne Unit
Tuesday Morning
Volunteer workers in the 1947
Red Cross Fund Campaign last Mrs. George Emerson Barnes,
week were told by James p. Nich- wife of the pastor of the Over-
hrook Presbyterian Church. will
olson. Ex",cutive Vice President,
American National Red Cross,
that "the ',wak of casualties attri- '
speak to members of the Penn
Wynne Library Tuesday morning
buted to World War II will not at '10.15 in Christ Church, Manoa
hI' reached until 1976," and Havel'ford Rds.
Local Red Cross officials at- ~-r..J "._ _ !lIrs. Barnes. popular lecturer

; :;(
tending the dinner-meeting iJ)c1u- llnd book reviewer, will speak on
ded l\lrs. Prcscott Watts. Fund . ';/>: the following books:
Chairman of the Bala-Cynwyd Land of Promise - Walter Ha-
Branch; ·Mrs. Siter Owen, Fund
FEBRUARY· vighurst; Together - Katherine
Chairman of the I\Iain Line
Branch; ,md Frank Porter. Dis-
7-13, 1947 Tupper Marshall; The Tale of
Beatrix Potter - Margaret Lane;
. •
aster Clnirman of the Upper
Haverford Township Branch.
Nicholson. who addresscd two
meetings of local Rcd Cross
Nearly 2.000,000 Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Senior Scouts will
Branch Chairmen and Branch observe the 37th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America during
Private Angelo - Eric Linklater;
The Rist of Henry Morcar - Phyl-
lis Bentley; Command Decision -
William Wister Haines; Ly,dia
Eailey - Kenneth Roberts; Mr.

r •
Fund Chairmen, laid the ground- Fund Boy Scout Week, Feb. 7th to 13th. Through their World Friendship Blandings Builds His Dream
of voluntary gifts the Boy Scouts of America have given $110,-
work for the drive in which 464.36 to help Boy Scouts overseas rebuild their organizations.
residents of the fivc-county area During the first year of their "Shirts-Off-Our-Baeks" pro~eet morc
House - Eric Hodgins.
1\11'5. M. H. Cubbon.of 221
Subllrball Square merchants are ready to ser\Te
con'lprising the Southeastcrn Penn- than 400 cases-or twenty tons-of Scout Uniforms and equip- Harrogate Rd,. Penn Wynne. has
ment collected from Scouts were contributed to Scouts in 13
sylvania Chapter will he asked nations. Scouting has always been an active force in promoting
to raise $2.·190.000 - approxi- better understanding and mutual goodwill among the nations. Above
teen invited t.o attend as the
guest of the Library in accord-
you@ You'll fil1d it a treat just to look alld ~ee
mately $1,000,000 less than the is the official poster marking the event.
1946 gooaI.
pnce with the custom of inviting
a new resident in the community tIle 'illteresting array of new quality merchalld..
"Some people," Nicholson said,
Busy COl1gress111a1J FJ~OJIl to each of these events.
"belicve the war is ovcr. For
some. and they arc the 250,000
New books received include:
New books received inelude: An. ise they have prepared for YOllr selection. A
permanently maimcd \·eterans. the
Have1io1~ds Rowdy Class W~lic Avengers - Andrezel; Mr.
war never will be over. It isn't
over for the members of the, Haverford College's famous rOW-I bel' of the famous 1910 class had
Blandings Builds His Dream
House - Hodg-ins; Lydia Bailey - treat multiplied by .lnallY fine stores alld cour-
armies ')f o~cu]Jation. ~he Re.d dy class of 1910 not only turned something published. Among Kenneth Roberts; Until Love Hap-
Cross tocla~' IS as essential as It c,ut famous men and writers but Phillips' "Iassmates were Christo- pens - Ni~hols; Uneasy Spring -
was during the war. I it. also graduated John PhillijJs,lllher Moley. Philip Noel-nutler. Molloy; Thresher - Krause; teous service. Come and shop . . . where it's
"Statisticians. today ,figure the lone of the busiest and best-in- minister of State in the 'British Storm Before aybreak - Sims;
peak of casualtl~s attributable to formed congressmen in Washing- Cabinet.
World •
II Will not be reached. ton toda" J'
PI '11' . I
11 IpS 15 00 'mg orwar
k' f d t 0 a
Table for Two - Greig; Three
Loves are Mine - Colver,
Also: Treasury of Stephen Fos-
pleasant . . . convenient ... economical.
., . 19/6. As tome progresses. I Phillips made his home in Dela- I "t f
rom ClaveI' ore f I C II
0 ege s u-
~'ears tel'; From the Top of the Stairs.
lIlJunes, 'l.nd other effccts
war Will hecome '.
the a d vanc1l1g yem's.
. 'bl of t'tlIe ware
' VIS I e WI 1 he bought
for "1
~ J
before d t h t k'
en ~ w 0 are a 'll1g governmen Finletter; As We Were _ Par-
a California ranch to COUI ,-ses. 1'1Ie \'ISI . " t"as
regain his health. But instead of by President Gilbert White of tridge & Bettmann; Best Plays
· a 1.range d
of 1945-46 Burns Mantle;
raising uranges he went in for Haverford College for sometime ,()--~4
Treasury of Grand Opera - Sim-
Scotty dogs, a hobby that SOO~l next month. .r~~'~$~.r-~~'~~~~~~
Scarlet Fever
II t\;t()W~l\~
on; My P:mnsylvania.

~ <
brought him. into ,demand as " a'l F or h'IS secomIerm t 'm C~on-

Case R.eported
speaker. lIJs spekmg gave hlln ,,_ 1.1 t " . 19..14 C "'.
a wide acquaintance and in 1932 gl e~s'rh~~I' \\ as 111 I' t' d °bn... l':~~tSI­ Bad Neighborhood Murder - Cohen
1. d
lie serve on t e ann mg.
h B ' C I' man
a 1- RbI'
\I IpS w:\S e ec e
I n
Also: Silyer Leopard • Reilly;

y IN 1 l\Ioving Toyshop - Chispin; Pick ) heads turn to THE

FLOWER I~ P\.~t.
I- ,0
~ ~pfw ~~~'1

fornia, town council and then epIl leanS ane Your Victim - McGerr; Death ST.:..JAoMES
I, ,~ "~'DMO~i..,.p,..,J
steppedl1p to the State Legisla- Mrs. Phillips her husband's in the Night Watches - Bellairs.
< ~rQ 1'~S
Nille-year-o!d Boy Is ture. secretary. They live near Alex-
~ Good Clothes ..
First Victim in 194,7 Following his natural inclina- Hndria but nrc l1nable to ke~p. a JlJidnight Maulcrs L(!Cl(J
tion for 1 anching Phillips went Scotty ~Oq;. ,(":>"[;1'e;S111an Philhr;s
27 Coulter Av,., At Little Cost 'ff'i<
In Oakmont Bowling For Matrolt - Miu
Nine-year-ol<l r."lln Benham. b Europe in 1937 to study agri- scn'ed 111 \\ orld ",aI' 1 ancl hIS Ardmore AlId the
Jr., of 52 Colf'ax Rd .. Oakmont. culture. He was arrested bv Kiev three sons and a daugjoter served High team single-game honors
LI . 0 f an early Spring ; ; ; Younger Contingent
.is Haverford Township's first Soviet officials in 1937 for 'taking in the last wal'.
scarlet fever victim of ].0..17. picturcs without authority but
Catholic lJ. Dean Speaks :i\Iaulers Tuesday night when they
of the Oakmont Civic Association r ,
Lcague went to the Midnight
ove y promise
that's You, 'in a Dorothy Bullitt hatl
'~--)_ _ )4IIIa-(~

Dell N. Ross, township health soon gained his release.
offi~er. re~))rte(j ,t.he boy was' In last ~'ear's election his ]Jeo-
stricken \nth a mild case of the pIe sent him back to Congress To Sacrc( Ilcart Group
d 'Isea se N·w'. e Ye'n's
." Day . '. Glenn with a 23.000 majo:'i:y, For the
1 turned in a score of 857. Hig-h
individual honors went to Harry
Elimination of soci::' injustices Robinson, of the Devastators, who
S '"' ' ' '
Many from which to choose, or ••• created

'0' '0" ... f'om $18.75.

The Fine,". 1IIoot Complete

For Particular People

> dorothy r. bullitt. iDe.

and hIS sIx-year-old SIster, Congress now in session he has wiJI halt the spread n" Commun- scored 217. and
Yvonne. b?th students at. Oak- elected to take a post on the ap- ism.' said the Vcr;' ]~:'erend Ig-
mont Public. School. f.rc C]uaran- propriations committee where he· natius Smith, clean of the depart- score for high team-three with a
tl'ned at tl1l'lr . ' home for, the re- will . makc a study of fmancwl ' , aid. n~ent of philosoph~'. Catholic U 111-
The Devastators turned in top

. score O'f 26~9. n 'I'ey

h aI t ure d
Store In

quired thre? w~eks. Glenn B;~- for farms und farmers. venity, \'\'ashington. high team single honors with 935. \ 2S-30 Parking Pla.a 85t4-16 Ge,manlown Avenu. )
ham, Sr., ,IS t 1(' owner 0 f t e Congressman Phillips' father lIe spoke Friday night at the Individual high-three and indi- America CLEANERS
I ..
G-B SUPI)lles . a hardware s ore was a numng engmeer W I10 I'Iveel I0c11re . t f orum ponsore d IJy th e VI'd ua I h'Igh average wen t t 0 BI'II Delivery Anywhere 46 St. Georges Rd. Ard. 5710
on E~gle TIel.. Oakmon~. 1 f ?_ ir. St. Davids where the congress- I 8t. :lIadeline Sophie Study Club Sinclair with 651 and 183. IncH-
GILMAN Inc. 295 Mont. Ave. Cynwyd 083~
Durlllg' 19,16. a to a 0 I
~v man grew up and graduated from II ir~ the Com'ent of the Sacred vidual high single first place was
, , . 14]7 City Line Trin. 7-7556
Cases of ~carlct fevel' were re-
t d· II 'C ford
T l'
o\\"ns up
sUle a~_:lJ' C"<0~ 0 f mumps
e Jll.'! .
Radnor Ihgh School.
Records show that every mem- II Rd.
,He·art, City LJlle an
d II f d
aver or awar e
ddt H
R b' 'th
I. l !;
arry 0 mson WI I ,.._iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii__iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iir;;~;;;::;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;~;:;;:;1
40 St. Georltes Rond Ard. 0630
I~::::::::::::::::::::::::::; Ii li~=;;;;;;;;;;=;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~
Ross I Tabulations for the week were: G. J. enOl,L'S
were reported :.. l11C Township I
*/ '* - ·Helldivers. three points to Thun-
~ derbolts one; B-29's three points
during the f·
1947. Alsa:' 'i'tell w~re nine
four days of
LITTLE THINGS abnut f,l!e Stars to Indicators 1; Avengers three
And tejtnaer

j ~ "",_.-~,.llulIJ
t '"
new cases of "'icken pox a n d L
* I
points to Wildcats onc; Liber-

three of whoop:·.. ·· cough.

T. T. T . \, r'l1(/-.---- ~1
nt9r II et
vaudeville's famous "Seven

"'" ators three pointn to Corsairs 1;
and the Devastators and the Mid-
. night :i\Iaulers split 2-2.
Jewelers Since 1886
1420 Walnut St., Phlla.
~ gllll,.. IUo,
T11. Pen:? ld. D owns
Ii Little Foys"-four brothers, two Plobably no bandleader hol~s
sisters and the "old man"_to re- such an at,tachment on the Am~~1- the end of the fir~t haif are:
Team standin/;s at the end of $5.95 KIngsley '1)-01;;8
The January meeting- of the I main in show bus:ness is Eddie, c~n public as GLI;y LombalGo.
. t'lon" Loose jointed, wide~rnoutl~cd ~d- 'Ihat, ,', appears
lHontgonJ!.'ry Ave. and 39 Conlt!.'r Ave., Ardmore
Times Medical Bldg•
T. T. T .. n s:,cre,t orgalllza ' -Ia tl'lbute to the ,'_ IIelIdivers, Devastators, Vindi- St• G.corges I',on d Ard/ll0rc ij"' . . 40
was held last week at the home dlC Foy IS domg stablht~ of t~e ,of th~ ~mel ~ I cators, Maulers, B-29's, Avengers, PHONE: ARDMORE U345 Phone Ardmore 2442 Phone Ardmore 4:114:
g ood, He's b e e n - an ~ I S ,e nel. II Wildcats. Liberators, Corsairs,
of Mrs. C. Charlton Williams. the s tar 0 f GUY S lJ and
. ,and Thunderbolts. 59 St. James Pla"e "
1004 Hampstead Rd"
Pla lls were discusseel for the
Penfield Broadway's hot
revival. "T h e
Red Mill," and
now has grad-
hasn:t changed I
a th1l1g, exc<cpt ,
to add. a tll1-I
~dl!1,g pla,no for
Drayon t R e-e 1ec t e(I Children's Wear
~::::::;:::;:::;:::====~ Ir-:rI'I'I'I'I'I'I'I'II'I'I'~
a standald ?ne, SPCC President
initiation of four new memb2rs uated into head
which will foJlow a dinner to be man of NBC's 111 15 years, fhe
held at the Walnut Park Plaza I widely tuned in band. currently Frederick R .Drayton, of Gulph Lingerie l'Everything II
February 12.
I\1rs. Elbert Rogers. presideJlt,',:~ (w i thE d d y
of the Pennsylvania A Chapter Eddie Foy
Thul'sday night
':;;;;; "Music H a I I"
D u chi n. the
IS sta! red In th,e
U, S, /I~"'" ~
show :'~r i" ''{hI
B,ands.. , :.
Rd.. Villanova, insurance
tive, was re-eleeted president of
the Penn3ylvania Society to Pro-
execu- Junior Dresses
• Photographic" I ,
of the organization, recently left •.. latest & last? Mills Brothers, Guy Lombardo day Illg, l.'
for a trip to Washinn-l-on
she wiII be received by' 1'lrs.
F . tI I t t
Milena Miller). ' .. a tin/de added MutuaJ.1o .,w
d .,
oy IS le a es ,an pel laps n~ar show is for recruits, we ha \'e an
the last. of the school that PIO- indication that more than uldsters
duced Jack. Benny, Bob Hope,. Ed- go for the Lombardo music, The
of the I: the
J tect Children from Cruelty at the
society's 70th annual meeting held
last Wed!1esday at the Shelter, 415
~. 15th St. Philadelphia.
MacCAllUM II Quality Groceries
dw Ca~tol and ,~d,gar Bel ge~, Al'l:n~:. incidentally. is aile of ra- STORES
Other c,fficers re-elected were 41) c.:()ulh~r Ave. Ard. 1916
I~lke: md.ny v~,ude\ 1111ans, Edwal d dlO S bUSiest sponsurs, A second John 1\1. Carter. of Hilldale Rd., George's a'd. Armore5 .
B laze Damages FelIx Flt:-gel aid Foy, 41. looks cl'1lck rccruiting show i' "Sall nd Times-Medical Bldg. .......
1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1', ...]
dumb. thll1ks fast. For the o?d Off" with "Chant" Ai'll $ T' nn y Villanova, and l'lrs. Richard H.
Haverford Hume str,ultll1g (5-8,. 111,~ .shoe) comiC, Ma'rk Wal'l1ow and th~ n~tio~'~ R. oTland .of Phoenixville, vice-
Fire caused by an overheated It IS the first bIg radIO break. popular gal singcrs, A third: 1,residents; oJhn L. Randall. of
motor in all oil burner damaged
'the new home of I\Irs. Frank H. ROOKIE AND HIS SNOOKIE riors of Peace:"
ABC's Sundav aftel'l1oon "War- Williamson Rd.. Bryn Mawr,
I M~CJ~~!~~
"McGarry and His Mouse" is treasurer, and Miss Eavlyn T.

Girard, :322 Grays Lane, Haver-
ford, Friday night.
one of radio's better situation Very Little Things
comic shows. The program re-
Cavin. of Malvern, executive sec- Domestic
rMs. Girard. whose husband was placed Eddie Cantor for the sum- During the hulidays
Lewis. star' nr "The Casebook 1)[
- Elliott
During 1946. the society receiv- and
killed in the war; was aus:!nt from mer last year and was widely Gregory Cleaners Since 1890
home. N~ighbors notified Lower acclaimed by critics. That some- Mutua!), amI will'. Cathy, cele-
'luuu, 'Monday nights. ed 2,17fi complaints of which eight .A fflw;cIJ! J",I",,,,,,,I Oriental
tim e s is the per cent were referred to .Juvenile CLOTHES

Merion poHce who summoned the kiss of death brated thclt' birthdays the same
Court. Improvement in the home FOR WI)l\1EN Rugs
Bryn Mawr and Merion Fire Com- for a sh~.w evening, He was born Decembcl' C. H. DAVIS, INC. it COULTER AVE.
27, she the 28th, ' situation was reported. The agen- 61 ST. JAMES PLACE
panies. Mrs. Girard's father, A. sponso rwi.,e, Mrs. Lew i 5'
"The Main Llne's Flnelt
Radio-Music Store" ARDMORE 0117
but the ·first of cy gave sanctuary in the shelter ARDMORE
W. Swartz, who lives next door, the new year maiden n a m e SUBURBAN SQUARE 65 ST. JAMES PL.
took his two grandchildren. one along came one also was Lewis! to 510 children during the year. Ardmore 4422 1324 W. GIRARD AVE.
.. ,'That theory STevenson 4.8700
and two and a half years old, to and you can
now hear "Mc- that single girls
his home while firemen extinguish-
E.d the blaz~.
Garr"" M 0 n -
day "nights via
sing better
t han married
Red Cross IIIanoa Group
Entertains Servicemen
.....•..... .. ~~ ~~~~.

Students Graduate from

the Mutual net-
W 0 l' k. II Dan
McGarry" is an a'~~er~:~Yor
one s appears
w re I' ke d by
Ginny Simms'
The Camp and Hospital Com- James UNION
State Teachers College irrepressible .' .he's three ex's improvement mittee of the Manoa Branch of
A. Take Advantage
rookie d e t e c-
Included ill the 47 students tive and "Mouse" ("Kilty Arch- CBS). . . . Joe
graduated this week from West er") is his redheaded girl friend. Young was
(Friday nights.

born within 50
the American Red Cross enter-
tained recently at a party at the
Naval Hospital for disabled ser- Ritchie Of Money Saving MEAT
Chester State Teache1'll College which explains the title-the miles
show's biggest mystery. The rest
is somewhat a radio's "Archie" England. met him in America.
Dorothy Baird, of 171 Upland in detective shoes. "McGarry" is ended up Alan's script writer distributed.
of Comic Alan Young in vicemen in Ward
kits. and homemade fudge were
T-19. Service

Fine Linens gifts - antiques
Sales Offered By
Suburban Square
Terrace, Bala-Cynwyd. B.S. in played by ex-movie actor, ex- (Wednesday nights, NBC), They Mrs. William T. Bradfield, of hand painted Jl'RUITS and VEGBTABLIlI
bandleader and ex-husband of are no relation. . . . Dinah Shore til st. GeOrles BIL
Elementary Education, and Alice 46 Waverly Rd., is chairman 'of furniture
l:!trickler, 'Jf 11 W. Amherst Rd.
Cynwyd. B.S. in' Elementary EC:
"Maisie," Roger Pryor. Shirley (Wednesday nights, CBS) has
Mitchell, who until she moved to passed Hollywood's true-love acid
New York was Joan Davis' "Bar- test. She signs autographs Dinah
the group. She was assisted by
Mrs. Arthur Bilbe and Mrs. AI- 2U *Coulter Ave., Ardmore 68 St. James Place
Ardmore 7919
Merchants Arelmore ....

cation. bara_Weat,l1erby," i.s ·~~C?lIS_e.~'_' _ §hore MO!l.tgo!U~ry. ,. bel·t R. Beck.

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