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Short contributions – perspectives on communication



Univ. Assist., PhD, „Apollonia” University of Iaşi, Romania


Coresponding author: Irina Petrucă; email:

Abstract In his book, Ditch. Dare. Do! 3D Branding for

It seems that nowadays most of us have a networking Executive Success, William Arruda insists about
role and/ or place, therefore it is important to understand the fact that the personal brand is not at all the
how to have an active participation in this networked job title. If we rely on our job title to position us
society. Since the personal brand concept became an
attribute to more and more professionals, being able to to others, we`lljust end blending into the
create, promote and grow it through social media can be a multitude of people who do the exactsame thing.
very easy and handy way. The paper shows how social The personal brand does not consist in only what
media helps and opens doors for personal branding and
we do, but more in how, for whom and whywe
those who find out how to use it will enrich their succes
through new career opportunities, partnerships and do it (Dalla-Camina, 2016).
audience for their online work. The paper also shows how One can do a very good job, but if he does not
social media can be used in building and maintaining a know how to create a personal brand, he will
strong personal brand.
Keywords: personal branding, social media, identity,
benefit much less from what he does than his
reputation. brand aware fellow (Jim, 2013). We can
differentiate the two from the moment we ask
What is a personal brand them what they do for living. The most probable
If the word branding has been for a long time the first would just answer with his job title, for
related to companies, today almost each person example I am a confectioner, while the second will
can say that he/ she has a personal brand, even answer bringing up the uniqueness of what he
if just few of us have consciously cultivated it. does, for example: I create unique cakes for special
The question now is no longer if we have a ocassions.The personal brand is all about the
personal brand, but if we cultivate it to work in difference that one can bring in the industry
our interest. In his book, The Personal Experience through the unique quality, experience and way
Effect: Big Brand Theory Applied to Personal Life, of presenting them. ”People with strong personal
Jim Joseph goes even further, arguing that our brands get noticed because they share their
personal brands begin at birth; when the parents passion for what they do in a way that is relevant
give a name to the child, they unconsciously to the people they want to serve.” (Dalla-Camina,
launch a new brand, and from that day forward, 2016).
the person keeps building it. There are some important aspects that must
Aproximately 2400 years ago Socrates said be accomplished when working to the personal
”The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor brand:
to be what you desire to appear”, words that • Being aware of the fact that the others identify
describe the importance of the today name of us according to our brand; once we determine
personal brand.Personal branding should not be how we want our brand to be perceived, we
perceived a luxury reserved only for celebrities decide the strategy of building it up. This is
or entrepreneurs, but as a must for anyone who why we have to be very clear about the image
wants others to know him for what he does best. we intend to project. Also, if we project more
Therefore, when building a personal brand, the images about ourselves, we may confuse
first question to answer is ”what do you want to people regarding what is our brand about;
be known for?” (Dalla-Camina, 2016).

International Journal of Communication Research 389


• Being always aware about our online topics and the website MySpace was the popular
presence, because today most of the branding place to set up a profile and make friends.
action happens there; LinkedIn was also at the beginning of the social
• Everything we share both online and offline media websites, focused on professionals who
must have a purpose, because every shared want to network with each other. In 2004, Mark
information, status and picture contributes to Zuckerberg launched what nowadays is the
the personal brand; number one social media network, Facebook,
• Associate with other strong brands, as this and has more than 1.6 billion monthly active
strengthen our identity (Hyder, 2014). users (Company Info - Facebook Newsroom,
n.d.). In the 2010’s websites began to list their
It is difficult to establishwhat is the relation social media addresses and many tools were
between the personal brand and reputation: if being designed to include social media on
the personal brand is being created by the websites. It’s almost unusual to see on the
reputation or vice versa or if they are one and Internet a businesses or brand without social
the same thing. But, if we would have to define media icons. It’s a new way to promote products
in a very briefly way the personal brand, we and services and they will do it through the
could say that it is what a person is known for social media platform that best suits their
(Harris & Rae, 2011). purpose.
In the presentthe social media comprises
What is social media thousands of social media platforms, some of
them more popular than others, but each of them
Social media is a sum of online communication with it’s audience and users, as each serves
channels based on content-sharing for a specific different type of people. If for instance Instagram
community, interaction, dialogue and is for those who communicate better through
collaboration.Examples of today top social media pictures, Twitter is for those who communicate
platforms are: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, better by the means of words (Workitdaily, 2016).
LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google +, Tumblr, Instagram. What no long time ago was possible only for
(eBizMBA Rank, 2016) companies, media or celebrities, today is so easy
Through social media, actually any person for any person with a phone and Internet
who has Internet access can disseminate his connection to disseminate information, pictures,
thoughts or ideas, materials, pictures or videos videos of public interest and gain audience,
to millions of people online who have the followers, money, notoriety, even fame. All of
possibility to interact with him and to opine on these are just being offered by social media to
his posts.The main purpose of interacting on people with the needed skills to manage it. Just
social media is creating new personal or business like any other industry, only the ones who figure
relations. The users turn from consumers into out how it works will be rewarded with many
creators of content in a context in which and different type of benefits (Arruda & Deb,
knowledge is being democratized (Bădău, 2011). 2013).
At origins, social media was an online tool for
people to interact with friends and later it has
been adopted by businesses that realized this Building and maintaining a personal brand
could be a new communication method which through social media
could lead to reaching out to customers. The first Nowadays social media is the best and
social media site everybody agrees upon was the easiestway to growa personal identity, to
”Six Degrees” website, which lasted from 1997 establish a reputation and become visible in a
to 2001 and allowed it’s users to create a profile specific industry or niche. It is the perfect place
and friend other users (Historycooperative, n.d.). for the personal brand to be actualized, because
In the first years of the 2000’s, more and more almost everybody is now online and there is
people used chat rooms to meet other people where they are going to look for someone if they
worldwide to make friends or discuss on different intend to find out about his person and activity.

390 Volume 6 • Issue 4, October / December 2016 •


Thus, with minimum of effort, anybody can Google+ – 2 times per day
make an account andpromote his activity in Pinterest – 5 times per day
order to obtain more followers and shape the Instagram – 1.5 times per day (Kevan, 2015).
way of being perceived in online (Huffingtonpost,
2016). By being active, the personal brand gets
The business world began to give more and exposure and helps the person in getting a
more importance to managing personal brands position as an authority in the respective niche;
and offers strategic advice about how to create a
desiredpersonal brand identity with the help of When followers contact it is advisable to
social media. answer within 24 hours; the followers and their
There are some aspects to consider when expectations must be always taken into
building the personal brand through social consideration when we want our personal brand
media: to have succes, therefore their need of quick
Having more accounts on different social response must be accomplished;
media platforms is indicated, as they can reach
to more people, but only with the condition to Engaging with others by joining different
be permanently updated; communities and groups and making an impact
Developing a strong positioning statement is Another advantage for promoting the
very important, as it is a brief summary of who personal brand in the social media is that we can
the person is and what he/she does; when reach to the people we want to be in contact with
creating it, it should be taken into account that without as much effort as other manners would
even if the statement is about the brand, it is for need. Besides, if usually branding efforts require
the people that the person wants to be connected considerable financial support for promotion,
with, so the audience should be always kept in social media offers the opportunity to a person
mind; to promote himself as brand in a cheap way
(Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010).
In order to have succes with the personal Besides, now almost every employer will look
brand, one should use a consistent look with on social media for the profile of a possible
which to feel all the platforms. The name, color, employee, with other words for his personal
style and tone used are branding aspects that brand. Even some, depending on the job, will
must be used on all accounts of the different specially require a Facebook or other social
channels. This way, the personal brand is going media account. This is another reason for taking
to become memorable and people will remember care of our image and identity on social media,
it easier. It also helps if the profile picture is the as it can open new career opportunities or
same across various social profiles; partnerships.
Maybe the best way to explain the importance
In order to be easy to find, one should post of the social media for the personal brand is the
every day on the most valued social networks one that Jayson Demers explains: ”If content is
and make sure that the brand message is the fuel for your personal brand, social media is
consistent across all of them. Having an active the engine.” (Kevan, 2015).
role on the social channels is important in order
to gain influence and followers, so a significant
aspect in growth is posting consistently. Research Conclusions
regarding the recommended frequency of posting Anyone can say that has a personal brand, the
to social media  shows that the best sharing question is what he/she does with it. A personal
volume on the most known social networks is: brand, just like any brand, has to be consciously
Facebook – 2 times per day managed. Only this way it can be constantly
Twitter – 5 times per day improved and visible to the audience. In order
LinkedIn – 1 time per day

International Journal of Communication Research 391


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