Motor-Learning-Related Changes in Piano Players and Non-Musicians Revealed by Functional Magnetic-Resonance Signals

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Exp Brain Res (1999) 125:417–425 © Springer-Verlag 1999


Margret Hund-Georgiadis · D. Yves von Cramon

Motor-learning-related changes in piano players

and non-musicians revealed by functional magnetic-resonance signals

Received: 11 August 1998 / Accepted: 23 November 1998

Abstract In this study, we investigated blood-flow-re- Key words Motor learning · Motor cortex · Magnetic
lated magnetic-resonance (MR) signal changes and the resonance imaging · Musicians · Hand motor skill
time course underlying short-term motor learning of the
dominant right hand in ten piano players (PPs) and 23
non-musicians (NMs), using a complex finger-tapping Introduction
task. The activation patterns were analyzed for selected
regions of interest (ROIs) within the two examined Rehearsal of a novel motor task leads to improvement in
groups and were related to the subjects’ performance. A performance and accuracy. A number of recent imaging
functional learning profile, based on the regional blood- studies, mainly performed with positron emission to-
oxygenation-level-dependent (BOLD) signal changes, mography (PET), have addressed the underlying brain
was assessed in both groups. All subjects achieved sig- mechanisms of motor learning (Seitz 1990; Friston 1992;
nificant increases in tapping frequency during the train- Schlaug 1994). These have focused on assessment of re-
ing session of 35 min in the scanner. PPs, however, per- gional cerebral blood-flow changes of cortical and sub-
formed significantly better than NMs and showed in- cortical motor areas during the course of practicing, i.e.,
creasing activation in the contralateral primary motor changes in premotor and primary motor cortices as well
cortex throughout motor learning in the scanner. At the as supplementary motor area (SMA), cerebellar motor
same time, involvement of secondary motor areas, such areas, and basal ganglia.
as bilateral supplementary motor area, premotor, and cer- Motor learning is the effort of acquiring a certain mo-
ebellar areas, diminished relative to the NMs throughout tor skill. Two processes account for successful learning
the training session. Extended activation of primary and (Squire 1986): implicit (“how to do it”) and explicit
secondary motor areas in the initial training stage (7–14 (“what is to be done”) knowledge. There is kinematic
min) and rapid attenuation were the main functional pat- and imaging evidence that both implicit and explicit
terns underlying short-term learning in the NM group; knowledge belong to anatomically different and, to a
attenuation was particularly marked in the primary motor certain extent, independently operating memory systems
cortices as compared with the PPs. When tapping of the (Pascual-Leone et al. 1994; Rauch et al. 1995; Hazeltine
rehearsed sequence was performed with the left hand, et al. 1997). The transfer of knowledge from an implicit
transfer effects of motor learning were evident in both to an explicit state has been demonstrated to be paral-
groups. Involvement of all relevant motor components leled by changes in the patterns of cortical motor activa-
was smaller than after initial training with the right hand. tion (Rauch et al. 1995). This functional plasticity of cor-
Ipsilateral premotor and primary motor contributions, tical outputs is regarded as the underlying mechanism of
however, showed slight increases of activation, indicat- motor learning.
ing that dominant cortices influence complex sequence There is evidence from many imaging studies that the
learning of the non-dominant hand. In summary, the in- plastic cortical changes during motor and non-motor
volvement of primary and secondary motor cortices in practicing occur rapidly. Raichle and colleagues (1994)
motor learning is dependent on experience. Interhemi- demonstrated that relevant brain areas – active in a non-
spheric transfer effects are present. motor learning task – changed after less than 15 min of
practice. They concluded that the degree to which a task
M. Hund-Georgiadis (✉) · D.Y. von Cramon is learned or automatized determines the cortical net-
Max-Planck-Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience,
Stephanstr. 1b, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany work involved. Shadmehr and Holcomb (1997) showed
e-mail: that the representation of a motor skill is reorganized
Tel.:+49-341-9940-161, Fax: +49-341-9940-221 within 6 h after completion of practice, while perfor-

mance remains unchanged. Karni et al. (1995) studied The work of Elbert and Pantev further argues for the ca-
short-term learning in a brief time window of one contin- pacity for plastic change in primary cortices. The authors
uous learning session lasting between 30 min and 2 h. claim that use-dependent functional reorganization ex-
He demonstrated that habituation, i.e., a decline of corti- tends across sensory cortices to reflect the patterns of
cal activation, is the main characteristic of short-term sensory input that is processed by the individual during
learning. the development of musical skill. Earlier findings in this
Prior imaging research has suggested a strong rela- field are based mainly on structural and bioelectric imag-
tionship between neuronal activity and measurable indi- ing studies of human (Elbert et al. 1995; Amunts et al.
ces of function: Schlaug et al. (1996) studied blood- 1997) and non-human primates (Milliken et al. 1992;
flow-related magnetic-resonance (MR) signal changes in Recanzone et al. 1992).
response to different rates of repetitive movements of the Recent research on motor learning suggests that
index finger. The authors concluded that increased firing short-term and long-term motor learning depend strongly
of neuronal aggregates or recruitment of additional neu- on the experience of the individual subject, the task type
ronal units within the primary motor cortex are necessary itself, and the time frame of learning. In the present
for increased output to target neurons. Jenkins et al. study, we investigated the process of motor practicing re-
(1997) found comparable results using PET techniques. lated to different manual skills by means of functional
The complexity of the movement has been shown to de- magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to address the ques-
termine the functional activation patterns as well. Using tion of a use-dependent organization in motor cortices. A
PET methods, Shibasaki et al. (1993) and Sadato et al. group of ten experienced piano players (PPs) and a con-
(1997) found that complex finger movements recruit a trol group of 23 age-matched non-musicians (NMs) were
set of brain areas in addition to those areas underlying examined during the performance of a sequential tapping
the execution of simple movement sequences. These in- task.
clude greater cerebral blood-flow (CBF) increases in the The present experiment was designed to answer the
SMA during the performance of a complex task following questions:
(Shibasaki et al. 1993) and increasing involvement of the
1. Does pre-practice experience determine the MR-de-
right dorsal premotor cortex and the right precuneus with
fined motor learning process? The hypothesis is that
increasing complexity (Sadato et al. 1997). Rao and co-
distinct primary and secondary motor cortices exhibit
workers (1993) found comparable results employing
characteristic activation patterns that can be related to
functional magnetic resonance (fMR-) techniques.
prepracticing experience. We were particularly inter-
Previous PET-studies have focused on the nature and
ested in signal changes of M1, assuming – according
the extent of brain reorganization in response to motor
to previous work – that the primary motor cortex
learning based on different task types (Seitz et al. 1990;
could be an appropriate indicator of general motor ex-
Grafton et al. 1992; Friston et al. 1992; Jenkins et al.
perience, regardless of a singular motor sequence. Al-
1994; Schlaug et al. 1994). One study (Seitz et al. 1990)
ternatively, M1 activation changes could evolve pure-
demonstrated that motor learning of a complex tapping
ly as a result of long-term motor training in each sin-
task was accompanied by cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in-
gular tapping sequence (Karni et al. 1995). We hy-
creases in the cerebellum with increasing movement
pothesized that experienced PPs would show – due to
rates. Significant activation of prefrontal, lateral premo-
their experience – a larger M1-activation, regardless
tor, and cerebellar cortices were claimed to be the main
of the training stage, than the controls.
functional patterns of new motor learning, as opposed to
2. How does performance interfere with MR signal
the execution of an overlearned sequence (Jenkins et al.
changes in the course of motor learning within the
two practicing groups?
Certain human skills, such as musical ability, have
3. Does motor training of the dominant hand transfer to
been associated with differences in brain structure and
the non-dominant one?
function. There is a great deal of evidence from structur-
al anatomical and electrophysiological studies that the
representation area of primary cortices depends on prac-
tice and adapts in order to conform to the current needs Material and methods
and experiences (Elbert et al. 1995; Schlaug et al. 1995;
Pantev et al. 1998). Hence, long-term motor training, Selection of control subjects
such as piano or string playing, should induce an exten-
sion of the representation area of primary cortices. Elbert Thirty three healthy subjects (18 females and 15 males, mean age:
27.3, SD: 4.1, all right-handed) were included in the study. Ten
and colleagues (1995) demonstrated by means of magne- were experienced PP (daily training of more than 1 h for more
toencephaolography (MEG) that the cortical sensory rep- than 10 years). The control group consisted of 23 NMs, who could
resentation area of the left-hand digits of professional not play any instrument or touch-type. Written informed consent
string players is more extended than that of untrained was obtained from all participants before they entered the study.
The Edinburgh handedness inventory was performed to deter-
controls. Pantev et al. (1998) also attributed the capacity mine the degree of hand dominance (group mean 81,5%±16%, no
of use-dependent plasticity to the auditory cortex after significant difference was found in between groups, P=0.87, t-test
studying a group of non-musicians by means of MEG. for unpaired samples).
Motor tapping task and instructions during the course of motor learning. Normalized activation sizes
were then calculated, using a connected region r of N voxel size of
All subjects were asked to practice a predefined motor sequence the functional data set, which was determined as significantly acti-
with their dominant hand in the MR-scanner. The movement was vated according to the method of Friston et. al. (1992) on the basis
to be performed continuously and as rapidly and accurately as of a z-score threshold of 3.5. Using this region as a binary mask,
possible without any external trigger, in alternation with a resting we reexamined the raw functional data set. A voxel i at timestep t
stage. The subjects were instructed immediately prior to the fMRI of this region was denoted as as v(i, s, t), whereby the index s cor-
session. The task consisted of finger tapping opposed to the responds to the stimulation state (0 for a baseline period and 1 for
thumb: 1–3, 1–5, 1–2, 1–4, 1–2, 1–2. During the 35-min practic- an activated state). T was defined as the number of timesteps in this
ing session in the MR-scanner, the tapping frequency was con- experiment, T0 as the number of base-level timesteps, and T1 as the
trolled via a video camera. The tapping rates across MR-scans number of timesteps in the activated level. The intensities of all
were acquired in time steps of 7 min by an independent observer. voxels in this region over all timesteps, separated by its activation
Each subject executed a behavioral test of the tapping sequence, status were subsequently averaged according to:
both prior to MR-scanning and after the MR-session, to assess the T N
improvement due to motor training. The tapping frequency as well sbase = 1 ∑ ∑ v(i, s, t ) if s = 0,
as the number of errors were measured. T0 t i
fMRI technique sact = 1 ∑ ∑ v(i, s, t ) if s = 1,
T1 t i
fMRI data were collected using a 3 T-Bruker 30/100 Medspec The activation norm n was then defined as:
system (Bruker Medizintechnik, Ettlingen, Germany). A FLASH
sequence was chosen in all subjects, using TE=40 ms and TR=80 n=sact–sbase
ms with a 128×64 matrix. This allowed acquisition of an image in and the relative activation a as:
less than 6 s. 64 consecutive images were acquired per scan, alter-
s −s
nating between four images of rest and four images of motor train- a = act base
ing. Slice thickness was 5 mm with a 2-mm interslice gap. Three sbase
axial slices were chosen at a distance of 3.5 cm above and parallel The analysis was performed in each individual case and for the en-
to the AC-PC line. In order to obtain precise anatomical informa- tire subject group related to the training stage. Again, Bonferroni-
tion about the precentral region within subjects, considerable care corrected t-tests (P<0.05) were used to test for differences in areal
was taken to visualize the angle between the superior frontal sul- activation. The functional results are presented as normalized-acti-
cus and the precentral sulcus. Thus, the hemodynamics in the mid- vation areas. The following ROIs were defined based on areal ac-
portion of the precentral gyrus could be recorded. This region tivation found in the primary motor cortex (M1), the SMA, bilat-
largely contains the primary motor cortex (Broca’s knee) and in- eral premotor cortex, and primary somatosensory cortex as well as
cluded parts of the classically defined arm area of Penfield and in the cerebellar dentate nucleus.
Boldrey (1937). It also covered relevant portions of the supple-
mentary motor area (SMA), going down to the cingulate sulcus
and the premotor cortices of both hemispheres. In addition, a
fourth slice was planned on the midsagittal slice parallel to the up- Results
per portion of the fourth ventricle, incompletely covering the cere-
bellar dentate nucleus and the basal ganglia. We will refer to MR- Behavioral task
signal intensity as increases in blood flow of M1, SMA, premotor,
and cerebellar regions for a movement versus the resting condi- All subjects improved their tapping skills significantly
tion, taking into account that no full coverage of the anatomically within the 35-min training session (Fig. 1a): The mean
defined area was achieved. Rest and activation states were con- frequencies prior to and after training were 33/min±20 (7
trolled via ERTS software (Behringer 1995) with a steady red light errors) and 58/min±15 (5 errors), respectively (P<0.001,
marking rest and a green light marking the training state.
paired t-test). PPs tapped significantly faster than NMs
(pre-training: 52±7 versus 26±12, post-training: 75±8
Experimental protocol versus 53±14; P<0.001, t-test for two samples). Thus,
fMRI-scanning consisted of a tapping-learning block of 35 min re-
performance rates showed an improvement of 100% in
corded in five consecutive scans, lasting seven minutes each, and the NM group and of 41.5% in the PP group. The num-
performed with the dominant right hand. After dominant-hand ber of errors did not show significant differences pre-
practicing, a further scan acquired fMRI data during non-dominant and post-training between groups. During practicing in
finger tapping. Subjects were asked to execute the learned se- the scanner, a linear increase of tapping rates was evi-
quence with their non-dominant hand for 7 min. The behavioral
test was executed immediately before and after the MR-session. dent in PPs and NMs (Fig. 1b). Significant differences
within groups were found after 7, 21, and 28 min of
practicing (P<0.05, t-test for unpaired samples).
Data analysis
Functional MRI data were processed by using the in-house soft-
ware package BRIAN (Kruggel and Lohmann 1996). The data fMRI data analysis
were first motion corrected for possible motion-induced signal
variability in the transverse direction and then smoothed by a The activation patterns during motor learning showed
Gaussian filter with a 3-voxel length to increase signal-to-noise ra- dynamic changes in all subjects and exhibited significant
tio. Statistical analysis was carried out by comparing voxelwise the differences between the PP and the NM group.
tapping period with the resting period. Bonferroni-corrected t-tests
(P<0.05) were used to find significant brain activation. For further
analysis, regions of interest (ROI) were selected anatomically and
characterized by size, volume, number of activated pixels, and in- Contralateral M1. The normalized activation area during
tensity of the blood-oxygenation-level-dependent (BOLD) signal initial tapping did not show significant differences be-

tween PP and NM group (Figs. 2a, 4a). During the

course of motor learning significant M1-attenuation only
occurred in the NM group with activation levels of
1.8±1.1 normalized area in the first seven minutes of
training and 1.2±1.0 normalized area after 35 min of
training (P<0.04, paired t-test). The PPs, however, exhib-
ited increasing M1 activation during motor learning
(1.9±1.0 normalized area after seven minutes seven min-
utes and 2.3±1.0 normalized area after 35 min of motor
training, P=0.149, paired t-test). In all but the first train-
ing stage (7 min) significant differences between groups
were assessed (P<0.05, t-test for unpaired samples).

Ipsilateral M1. Dynamic changes of activation as well as

significant group differences were also observed in the
ipsilateral M1 with considerably lower degrees of activa-
tion (NMs 0.24±0.39 and PPs 0.07±0.07 normalized ac-
tivation area, P<0.001, t-test for unpaired samples) as
compared to contralateral M1 (Fig. 2 a). During the time
course of learning, the NMs showed significant attenua-
tion effects of activation areas (0.24±0.39 after 7 min to

Fig. 2a–d Changes of functional magnetic-resonance (fMR) acti-

vation patterns during the time course of motor learning. a The
changes of normalized activation areas are given for the contralat-
eral primary motor cortex (cM1) and the ipsilateral primary motor
Fig. 1 a Behavioral test of motor tapping. Mean group differences cortex (iM1) in both groups, non-musicians (NM) and piano play-
and standard deviations in tapping frequency and number of errors ers (PP). b Dynamic changes of the normalized activation areas in
pre- and post-training are presented for non-musicians (NM) and the supplementary motor area (SMA) during motor learning.
piano players (PP). b Behavioral test of motor tapping. Mean c Time course of motor learning in terms of fMR-activation pat-
group differences of performance rates during practicing in the terns in ipsilateral premotor cortices (i_premot.) for both groups,
scanner are shown. n.s. Non-significant differences, * significant NM and PP. d Dynamic changes of normalized activation areas in
differences the contralateral premotor cortices (c_premot.)

0.08±0.24 after 35 min, P<0.001, paired t-test). Sus-

tained small activations, however, were found in the PP
group throughout motor learning (0.07±0.07 after 7 min
to 0.08±0.09, P>0.05, paired t-test).

SMA. Involvement of the SMA was significantly less

marked in the PP as compared to the NM group. This
held true throughout the course of motor learning of the
right hand and during the tapping task with the left hand
(Figs. 2b, 4a). Declines of activation sizes during motor
learning from 7 min to 35 min of training time were ob-
served in both groups (PP 0.54±0.53 to 0.29±0.28 and
NM 0.97±0.72 to 0.48±0.49 normalized activation area,
P<0.5, t-test for paired samples). Statistically significant
group differences were evident in all training stages ex-
cept the last one (P<0.05, t-test for two samples).

Premotor cortex. During the time course of motor learn-

ing, the tapping task involved the premotor areas to a
different degree in the two examined groups. NM sub-
jects showed significantly higher degrees of activation in
ipsi- and contralateral premotor cortices during the first
7 min of motor learning (0.32±0.28 contralateral and
0.33±0.35 ipsilateral for NMs vs. 0.12±0.1 contralateral
and 0.06±0.1 ipsilateral for PPs; P=0.025 and P=0.014
for contra- and ipsilateral comparison, respectively, t-test
Fig. 3 a Mean activation changes in ipsi- and contralateral cere-
for unpaired samples). In the NM group, the activated bellar dentate nucleus (i_cerebellar, c_cerebellar) are given in ini-
premotor areas showed an initial decline between 7 and tial and advanced motor-training stages, after 7 and 35 min of tap-
14 min, a subsequent increase between 14 and 21 min, ping time. b Comparison of normalized activation areas related to
and finally resolved in a decrease between 21 and 35 min the conditions dominant (dom.) and non-dominant (non-dom.) tap-
(Fig. 2c, d). This was the case for both ipsi- and contra- ping. The arrow marks significant differences within groups for
the following ROIs: PP: contralateral and ipsilateral primary mo-
lateral premotor cortices. Less overall activation in the tor cortex (cM1 and iM1), supplementary motor area (SMA), ipsi-
premotor cortex was seen during motor learning in the lateral premotor cortices (i_prem.), and somatosensory cortices
PP group. Whereas the same patterns of activation de- (S1); NM: SMA and somatosensory cortices. c_prem. Contralater-
scribed for NMs were also seen in the ipsilateral premo- al premotor cortices
tor cortex of the PP group, they were absent in their con-
trolateral premotor cortex. group difference was evident between the final stage and
initial practicing within groups (P>0.05, t-test for paired
Somatosensory cortex. Similar patterns of activation samples). Contralateral cerebellar activation was missing
without significant group differences were observed in in all PP subjects, while it was strictly associated with
both of the examined groups (NMs 0.67±0.99 normalized learning of a complex finger tapping sequence in the
area vs. PPs 0.54±55 normalized area, P>0.05, t-test for group of NMs. A statistically insignificant attenuation
unpaired samples). The time course of motor learning was occurred in this group with proceeding motor learning
characterized by a decrease of activation in both groups, (P>0.05, t-test for paired samples).
showing an extended attenuation after 14 min of training
and sustained activation for the remaining training period. Non-dominant tapping. Tapping of the newly learned se-
quence with the non-dominant, i.e., left hand, showed
Cerebellar activation. Ipsilateral cerebellar dentate nu- significant group differences in distinct regions of inter-
cleus activation was involved in the beginning (7 min of est. Thus, the contralateral M1 exhibited increased acti-
tapping) of motor learning in all subjects, with the ex- vation in the PP group when the non-dominant hand was
ception of one PP. On the whole, significantly lower acti- performing the tapping task as compared with dominant
vations were detected in the PP group than in the NM hand tapping (group means: PPs vs. NMs: 2.3±0.5 vs.
group (NMs 0.95±0.45 normalized area vs. PPs 1.5±0.6; P<0.05). However, significantly less involve-
0.57±0.16 normalized area; P<0.05, t-test for unpaired ment was assessed in the contralateral premotor cortices
samples; Figs. 3, 4b). In the last stage of motor learning, of the PPs compared with NMs (group means: PP vs.
a slight decline of activation was evident. This was more NM: 0.08±0.1 vs. 0.37±0.3; P<0.05).
pronounced in the NM than in the PP group (NMs Comparable involvement of the ipsilateral motor cor-
0.83±0.58 normalized area vs. PPs 0.48±0.26 normalized tex was found in both training groups, i.e., the supposed
area, P<0.05, t-test for unpaired samples). No significant dominant M1 was activated equally, (NMs 0.26±0.33,

Fig. 4a, b Magnetic-resonance

(MR) activation patterns during
motor learning overlayed on
T1-weighted high-resolution
MR in the axial plane in a nor-
mal control subject (NM) and a
piano player (PP): functional
images were created by gener-
ating statistical z-maps with z-
values >3.5 on a single pixel
level, a=0.05. a The dynamic
changes of activation patterns
and the decreasing involvement
of the supplementary motor ar-
ea and premotor areas during
motor learning are presented in
one typical NM subject. In-
creasing primary motor cortex
activation and less contribu-
tions of secondary motor com-
ponents were the main charac-
teristics in the PP subject.
b Functional activation patterns
of non-dominant finger tapping
are presented in a typical NM
and PP subject. Dynamics of
cerebellar activation decreases
are shown in final as opposed
to initial training in both sub- b

PPs 0.2±0.27; P>0.05, t-test for unpaired samples). No Enlargement of M1 activation is a known phenome-
further significant group differences were found related non in long-term motor learning: Karni et al.(1995) re-
to the other selected regions of interest, i.e., ipsilateral ported M1-expansion of about 25% in normal controls
premotor cortex, SMA, and somatosensory cortices. due to practicing over several months. Based on normal
However, NMs showed, as a tendency, more extended control studies, Karni et al.(1998) further proposed that
activation areas than PPs. performance is acquired in several stages: “fast” learn-
Comparison of initial dominant and non-dominant ing, an initial, within-session improvement phase, is fol-
training within groups revealed, on the whole, less ex- lowed by a period of consolidation of several hours dura-
tended activation in the non-dominant tapping condition tion. “Slow” learning, consists of delayed incremental
(Fig. 3b). Three exceptions were evident: (1) in the PP gains in performance emerging after continued practice.
group, involvement of the contralateral primary motor This time course may reflect basic mechanisms of neuro-
cortex was significantly more pronounced in non-domi- nal plasticity in the adult brain, which subserve the ac-
nant tapping; (2) the ipsilateral M1 showed more extend- quisition and retention of many different skills. We hy-
ed activation during non-dominant tapping in the PP pothesize that these basic mechanisms of motor learning
group; and (3) in the NM group, non-dominant tapping are determined by pre-practice experience. The learning
recruited, as a tendency, more extended contralateral pre- profile of PPs in our study resembles – at least with re-
motor activation than dominant tapping, but this differ- spect to M1-activation patterns – the plastic changes typ-
ence failed to reach statistical significance. ical of “slow” learning described by Karni et al. (1998).
A number of ROIs, however, showed significant dif- Hence, long-term motor experience may induce a slowly
ferences between the dominant and non-dominant tapping evolving expansion of primary motor cortices. This has
conditions (Fig. 3b); PPs: contralateral and ipsilateral already been shown for primary sensory (Elbert et al.
M1, SMA, ipsilateral premotor cortices, and somatosen- 1995) and auditory cortices (Pantev et al. 1998).
sory cortices; NMs: SMA and somatosensory cortices. Furthermore, our data demonstrate that experience
clearly influences the contribution of secondary motor ar-
eas in sequential motor learning. Our data reveal an over-
Discussion all minor SMA-involvement in the PP group and show at-
tenuation effects in both groups during motor learning,
This study was designed to examine local cortical chang- regardless of the complexity of the task and increasing
es associated with short-term motor learning in 10 PPs tapping rates in both groups. Recently, the functional role
and 23 NMs related to different motor training experi- of the SMA has been much debated. It has been suggest-
ences. To the best of our knowledge, no other functional ed that this area is involved in self-paced sequential mo-
study addressed short-term learning related to different tor tasks of non-visually controlled movements (Freund
manual skills and experience. We demonstrated that PPs 1996). Shibasaki (1993) described greater rCBF increases
– in contrast to NMs – already recruited larger M1 areas of the SMA during performance of a complex task than
at an early training stage and showed increasing M1-acti- during a simple movement task. The same finding was re-
vation throughout the learning session with increasing ported by Rao et al. (1993) using fMRI-technique. Fur-
tapping rates: in the PP group, M1 enlargement was thermore, the authors detected differences that depended
5.3% after 7 min of training and 47.8% after 35 min of on whether the movements were paced or unpaced, with
training, compared with the cortical M1 representation the latter resulting in larger SMA activation. Complexity
areas of the controls. Performance rates, however, in- could be considered as an indicator of SMA-involvement
creased by 41.5% in the PP group and by 100% in the in our study as well. The performance data clearly
NM group when pre-practicing and post-practicing be- showed that the complexity of the tapping sequence has a
havioral tests were compared. different effect in NMs and PPs. The underlying SMA-in-
Rao et al. (1996) showed a direct positive proportion- volvement would then reflect the distinct effort of motor
ality between movement rate and fMRI signal change in practicing in both groups. Our findings are in contrast to
the primary motor cortex. In accordance with this find- previous functional PET studies on new motor learning,
ing, Seitz et al. (1990) described – in contrast to our ob- which report an increasing involvement of the SMA with
servation – increased M1 peak activation even in normal early motor learning (e.g., Grafton et al. 1992; Seitz et al.
controls during the course of short-term motor learning 1997). However, it must be noted that both PET studies
with increasing tapping rates. However, the length of used different tasks (pursuit motor tasks/writing task).
training periods differed in both studies (100 min vs. 35 The SMA has been hypothesized to be particularly en-
min in our study). The question of whether the size of gaged when the execution of a sequential movement de-
M1-activation in our PP group purely depends on in- pends on internally stored, memorized information (Tanji
creasing tapping rates remains to be addressed. Both et al. 1993). A differential role has been attributed to the
groups, PPs and NMs, practiced with increasing rates in SMA in motor learning by Jenkins and colleagues (1994).
the scanner. NMs even showed shrinking M1 activation Automatic performance of an overlearned sequence re-
with improving performance. We therefore conclude that cruited more SMA activation than new learning of a mo-
the influence of the tapping frequency does not provide a tor task. The prefrontal cortex and the lateral premotor
sufficient explanation of our findings. cortex, however, were activated during new sequence

learning, but were not involved in performance of a pre- dominant tapping condition, with one exception: the con-
learned sequence. tralateral premotor cortex in the NM group. Our results
The exact time course of SMA-involvement in motor are consistent with a model of interhemisphric communi-
learning is unknown and most likely escapes the tempo- cation that is associated with intermanual transfer of
ral resolution of a fMRI-experiment. Supposing that the training and, thereby, emphasizes facilitatory mecha-
switch towards an automatic performance occurs during nisms (Parlow and Dewey 1991).
the first minutes of training in both groups, this would In contrast, Karni et al. (1995, 1998) claimed that cor-
reflect the highest SMA involvement after 7 min of tical plastic changes co-occurring with long-term learn-
training in our data, followed by attenuation effects dur- ing do not generalize to the contralateral hand. Thut and
ing all other stages of motor learning. The behavioral da- collegues (1997) reported that right-hand transfer learn-
ta again suggest that the setting up of task-specific motor ing after previous opposite-hand training even activated
processing occurs earlier in PPs than in NMs. Thus, the neural mechanisms within the prefrontal cortex that
first observation point at 7 min post-training in the PP might have a transient inhibitory function. When the re-
group may reflect an overlap of activations due to auto- hearsed sequence was performed with the left hand in
matic performance and due to attenuation with proceed- our study, contralateral cortical activation patterns re-
ing practicing. The important influence of performance sembled those of short-term learning of the right hand in
on functional patterns has already been described by advanced stages, i.e., less activation of primary and sec-
Raichle et al. (1994). Shadmehr and coworkers (1997) ondary motor areas was seen. Additionally, the ipsilater-
claimed that motor learning involves acquisition of an al primary M1 and premotor cortex of the dominant
internal model of the dynamics of the task, which gradu- hemisphere showed considerable involvement in the new
ally evolves along with the learning process and induces left-hand tapping in all subjects. This finding is in accor-
a shift in the functional recruitment of the motor areas dance with Kawashima et al. (1993), who found that
involved after completing practice. movements of the non-dominant hand also elicited sig-
Again, the degree of cerebellar involvement in short- nificant ipsilateral increases in rCBF in the primary mo-
term motor learning was influenced by the pre-practice tor cortex and the premotor cortices.
experience of the subjects. In particular, the involvement The finding that PPs recruited larger ipsi- and contra-
of the contralateral cerebellum was a reliable marker of lateral M1 during non-dominant tapping than during
the training stage. PPs did not recruit the contralateral dominant tapping is intriguing. The left motor cortex is
dentate nucleus during practicing, whereas it was regu- known to be substantially activated during ipsilateral
larly involved in NM subjects. The ipsilateral cerebellum movements in left-handed subjects and even more so in
showed significant increases of activation after 7 min of right-handed subjects (Kim et al. 1993). This supports
practicing in the NM relative to the PP group. A slight, the concept of a hemispheric asymmetry in the function-
statistically insignificant attenuation of cerebellar activa- al activation of the human motor cortex during contralat-
tion paralleled the process of motor training in all sub- eral and ipsilateral finger movements, especially in right-
jects, regardless of the pre-training experience. handed subjects. As knowledge of the task has probably
The role of the cerebellum in motor learning has been been transferred into an explicit state during dominant
a subject of much controversy. Right cerebellar activation practicing, activation of non-dominant M1 underlies the
seems to be a marker of naive performance in contrast to same mechanism as the dominant M1.
practiced performance in a non-motor learning task A limitation of this study was certainly that not all
(Raichle et al. 1994). A shift towards premotor, posterior motor areas were fully covered. Especially, the hemody-
parietal and cerebellar structures has been associated with namics of cerebellar motor areas and the basal ganglia
proceeding motor learning (Shadmehr and Holcomb were incompletely recorded. A further drawback of the
1997). Our findings are consistent with observations of study may be that behavioral data were acquired before
Seitz et al. (1990), who demonstrated that, in the right an- and after the fMRI session. Performance during the ses-
terior lobe of the cerebellum, the mean rCBF remained in sion was controlled via video monitoring, but not contin-
the same intensity from initial learning to skilled perfor- uously recorded and evaluated on-line by EMG, due to
mance, although the frequency and speed of finger move- technical limitations in the scanner.
ments almost doubled. However, the training time and the
observation points in the PET scanner (50 min and 100
min post-training) differed from our task design. Our
findings contrast with observations of Friston and col- 1. Learning of a complex finger tapping task with the
legues (1992) on repeated performance of a simple motor dominant hand exhibited involvement of different pri-
task in a time window similar to our task design. They mary and secondary motor areas, depending on the
detected a decrease in activation with practice. training stage.
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ping. Firstly, the PPs exhibited larger contra- and ipsilat- ea and small contributions of secondary motor areas,
eral activation in M1 areas than during dominant tap- such as premotor and somatosensory as well as cere-
ping. Secondly, involvement of all other regions of inter- bellar cortices, characterized the learning process in
est in both study groups was less pronounced in the non- PP subjects.

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