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ICE worker arrested – stole travel money, had $1.

4M in Jordanian  banks
Posted on March 4, 2011 by creeping

Ahmed Adil Abdallat

via ICE worker allegedly stole travel money, abused visa – El Paso Times.
A U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement employee has been arrested on
charges that he stole government travel funds and misused his diplomatic

According to a federal grand jury indictment, Ahmed Adil Abdallat, 63, has been
charged with eight counts of misuse of a diplomatic passport and one count of
conversion of public money.
Abdallat is a supervisory intelligence research specialist for ICE.
Federal prosecutors allege that in March 2007, Abdallat was given a diplomatic
passport in order to perform various temporary duties at U.S. embassies in
several foreign countries. However, since October 2007 Abdallat has used the
passport for personal travel purposes to and from Amman, Jordan, prosecutors
said Monday.
Prosecutors said that at least four of those trips were made after Abdallat was
permanently assigned to duty in El Paso and no longer had to travel in any
official capacity.
Abdallat also is accused of making multiple trips between El Paso and
Washington, D.C., from Feb. 15, 2009 to Sept. 10, 2010, and received about
$123,000 in travel fund reimbursements. Once officials reviewed his travel
voucher documents, they discovered Abdallat allegedly made multiple fictitious
charges for lodging, vehicle rental and parking.
Abdallat was arrested Thursday and remains in federal custody, prosecutors
said. He is scheduled to appear at a detention hearing at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday
before U.S. Magistrate Judge David Guaderrama. adds:
Abdallat is the subject of a larger money laundering investigation and had at least
$1.4 million in Jordanian bank accounts.
Hat tip to commenter Boots, who claims that Abdallat is also possibly being
investigated for spying, and Hizbollah links in Mexico – according to his/her source.

March 4, 2011, - 12:41 am

Homeland Security Intelligence Chief Helped Muslim Run Palestinian

Money-Laundering Ring w/ DHS $s! (ICE Limits Probe of Agencywide

By Debbie Schlussel

If I wrote a mystery thriller about what’s been going on at ICE (Immigration and Customs
Enforcement), you’d say it was implausible, far-fetched, and bigoted against Arab
Muslims, that they are loyal Americans who would never do such a thing.  And a top
Homeland Security intelligence official would never help launder Homeland Security cash
to Islamic terrorists, right?

ICE Intelligence Chief James Woosley Helped Steal Homeland Security $s Sent to
Palestinian Muslim Accounts in Jordan
Well, here’s the plot of my book, all uncovered at the Department of Homeland Security
over the last month:  a Palestinian Muslim employee runs a multi-million dollar money-
laundering ring  WHILE he is an intelligence analyst for the largest Homeland Security
agency, ICE.  And his boss, the ICE Director of Intelligence, can’t say anything about it
because he is apparently a co-conspirator with this Muslim in submitting phony expenses
to ICE for reimbursement, and is subject to blackmail. The money, stolen from American
taxpayers who paid it to fund this country’s national security, is probably going to fund
Islamic terrorism and is definitely going to a multi-million dollar Palestinian money-
laundering ring and its bank accounts in Jordan. The Muslim ICE official has a US-
government-issued diplomatic passport, which he misuses for eight personal trips to
Jordan to see the Muslim brothers.

Oh, and here’s the kicker:  the Muslim will only do about two years or less in prison
because, hey, now that he’s been caught, he’s “cooperating.”  That’s incredible, especially
when you consider that it’s likely the money went to fund terrorism or other illicit
Palestinian activities.

Almost a month ago, ICE agents began tipping me off that ICE Director of Intelligence
James M. Woosley (not to be confused with the former CIA Director James M. Woolsey, a
good guy) was suddenly removed from his position.  One agent wrote:

You may want to ask ICE/HSI [DS:  Homeland Security Investigations] why the Acting
Director of Intelligence {James Woosley] was escorted out of the building, last week.

I wish I’d posted something about it, but I couldn’t get anyone to talk beyond that it was
regarding some alleged fraud, and I needed more information.  I probably should have
posted it as a question, as today, the net is filled with the story of a probe into Woosley.  He
apparently helped his Palestinian Jordanian Muslim intelligence analyst, Ahmed Adil
Abdallat, submit falsified and bogus travel expenses in exchange for a cut of the cash.  The
greedy Woosley was already making more than $200,000 a year in travel and benefits,
including a government car.  But I guess that wasn’t enough, so it’s better to sell out
America and help Abdallat rip-off American taxpayers (that’s what Muslims call, “halal
money,” or permitted money ‘cuz it’s great to rip off infidels).  Yup, it’s better to help this
Muslim employee launder the money to his fellow Palestinians to fund who knows what
terrorist attacks.

And that’s what happens when federal law enforcement agencies recruit Arab Muslims,
putting their religion and ethnicity on an undeserved pedestal, ahead of the scrutiny and
suspicion that their religion and ethnicity should generate.  Abdallat was recruited as an
intelligence analyst for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).  This means he had
high-level security clearance and access to classified information. Abdallat was running a
multi-million dollar money-laundering ring, involving bank accounts in Jordan, to which
he was transferring money out of the U.S.  We have no idea where the money went after
that, but we know that a number of Palestinian and other Islamic terrorist groups are in
Jordan and use the money laundered to them from the U.S. in terrorist attacks on Israelis
and other innocent civilians.
Homeland Security and the Justice Department are minimizing these parts of the story and
are succeeding.  But the truth is that this is a major national security breach and a
gargantuan example of the failure of political correctness and pan-Muslim affirmative
action in federal law enforcement agencies.  It’s simply incredible that Woosley, who had
top secret security clearance and access to the most vital intelligence information, was not
only a criminal but was helping funnel nearly $2 million–a good deal of it fraudulently-
obtained Homeland Security dollars–to Palestinian-Muslim-controlled bank accounts in
Jordan.  If that can happen, anything can happen, and neither ICE nor Homeland Security
should be trusted with any national security functions. Don’t believe the press reports that
this guy is “Jordanian.” Like 95% of Jordanians, he’s a Palestinian Muslim. Period.

And there’s a lot more to the story that Barack Obama’s top officials at the Department of
Justice, Homeland Security, and ICE are covering up here.  You’ll recall I previously wrote
about two corrupt agents, the two top ICE agents in Los Angeles, Special Agent in Charge,
Robert Schoch, and Deputy Special Agent in Charge Jennifer Silliman, who was in line to
become ICE’s top cop, the Director of Investigations position.  Both agents also reportedly
falsified travel expenses, allegedly to cover up an illicit relationship.  There were reportedly
several hundred thousand dollars for which they could not account. Both agents were
removed from the job and agents searched their homes.  Well, both were protectees and
cronies of Woosley.  And neither ended up being indicted or even fired.  That was
Woosley’s doing, which makes you wonder how much of a cut he took from them, too.

Instead of being indicted, these friends of Woosley caught some very interesting breaks.
Silliman accepted a lower GS grade but no loss of pay, and she got an unpaid move. But
her husband, whose surname is Ebbley and who was one of Woosley’s ICE intelligence
agents, was whisked out of Los Angeles to a two month vacation at a Dominican Republic
resort, a cushy “assignment” from Woosley. His “job” was to provide “intelligence” on
Haiti (did he predict the earthquake?) from the resort.

Later, sources say that Woosley engineered a paid move–meaning American taxpayers
paid for it–so that Ebbley could reportedly relocate to the same location as his uncharged
criminal wife, Special Agent Jennifer Rae Silliman Ebbley. When he relocated near his
corrupt ICE agent wife, courtesy of you, there was no ICE office and no job for him. So,
Woosley–the ICE Kickback King & Acting Director of Intelligence–opened a new office for
him. The ICE budget, as it has been for several years, was tight, and this new special office
for the hubby of an unindicted criminal ICE agent was not budgeted. How convenient!
This allowed Woosley to arrange for the job to be totally run by contractors, with no-bid
contracts, which conveniently, reportedly hired Woosley’s son to run the office. Whatta

I am told that Ebbley a/k/a Mr. Silliman then hired another ICE intelligence unit buddy to
be his number two in Bay St. Louis, a past frequent commenter on this site,
“EverVigilantSheepdog/EVS,” who outed himself as Kyle Barnette, when another ICE
agent figured him out (I do not out federal agents posting on this site). In that cushy job at
an office that wasn’t needed but was created by taxpayers for an agent to be close to his
unindicted criminal wife’s new job, Barnett is now reportedly double-dipping, getting two
GS-15 salaries–his current ICE pay and his current ICE retirement pay.

ICE requires agents to retire upon their 57th birthdays. It is a mandatory retirement age,
but the scam is that agents who are favored cronies of top brass get hired back as
contractors, then collecting both generous retirement pay AND full salary as a contractor.
There is nothing illegal about this. It’s just that it does an end run around the ICE
mandatory retirement age and leaves an agency with a very stretched budget paying a lot
of people two salaries each, when they are still working at the same agency in a similar job

Agents tell me that ICE Acting Director of Intelligence Woosley was running similar scams
all over the country and all over the world, as ICE has agents stationed everywhere, in
various embassies and consulates. Woosley is said to have used favoritism, selling
promotions and transfers, and repeated nepotism–once with the contract to run the ICE
Bay St. Louis office, and also getting someone to create new “collections” divisions,
spending huge amounts of money which are never tracked or accounted for.

When Woosley couldn’t fund promotions for his friends and cronies–and apparently those
who paid him kickbacks for the phony expenses he helped them cash in on–he created new
job descriptions giving automatic overtime pay, which agents tell me is secondary law
enforcement pay. This is the pay that is earned by Border Patrol agents who are shot at,
while arresting people on the border. It is for agents who are in danger and at high risk for
loss of life or limb. But Woosley created such jobs for his intelligence employee cronies in
Arizona, Texas, Tampa, Bay St. Louis, California, and even in ICE headquarters, one of
the safest, most secure locations there is.

The entire ICE Intelligence management team at ICE headquarters and around the world
is infected with Woosley cronies, many of whom apparently got where they are because
they did his bidding, which many ICE agents believe involved the same phony expense
scam. Honest, decent agents are happy that the FBI acted as their Serpico and actually
pursued this. But they tell me that John Morton, Barack Obama’s Assistant Secretary of
Homeland Security for Immigration and Customs Enforcement has stopped the ball from
rolling any further beyond Woosley, thus preventing the apparent massive exposure of the
rest of the ICE intelligence management team.

As I noted, this criminal, James Woosley, has his hooks and his people, in ICE leadership
at ICE offices all over the country and all over the world. And if he was doing this for at
least ten years with a Palestinian Muslim stationed in Texas, who sent the money to
Palestinian-controled bank accounts in Jordan, you can bet he was doing scams like this
with complicit cronies everywhere. The cases of Schoch and Silliman–reportedly engaged
in the same kind of expenses fraud and embezzlement in Los Angeles, while they had
Woosley’s protectzia (an Israeli word for cronyist protection)–are proof positive of that.

Don’t worry, though. ICE may not investigate its own top intelligence guy’s fraudulent
expenses, embezzlement, and money-laundering to Palestinian Muslim bank accounts in
Jordan and definitely keeps defrauders like Schoch and Silliman on the payroll. But, hey,
they’re doing the really important work . . . like capturing a guy in the woods who
streamed WWE broadcasts on his website.

Now, I feel safer.


An FBI agent said Wednesday that James M. Woosley, the deputy director of intelligence
at ICE headquarters in Washington, was placed on administrative leave Feb. 4 amid
allegations he helped a subordinate file fraudulent travel expense reports and took some of
the cash they generated.

Testimony about Woosley came during a federal detention hearing for ICE intelligence
analyst Ahmed Adil Abdallat, who is accused of using a diplomatic passport to make eight
personal trips to Jordan since October 2007 and receiving about $123,000 in
reimbursements from phony travel expenses.

Magistrate Judge David C. Guaderrama was expected to rule later Thursday on whether
Abdallat would be eligible for bail.

Abdallat, 63, is a naturalized U.S. citizen originally from Jordan. He also is the subject of a
larger money laundering investigation after he made three wire transfers worth a
combined $570,000 to Jordan over a six month period, according to the FBI. Authorities
also linked Abdallat to an additional $1.2 million in Jordanian bank accounts.

Abdallat’s attorney, Mary Stillinger, said after the Wednesday hearing that her client was
facing “worst case scenario, a couple years in prison.” She said he had cooperated fully
during interviews with FBI investigators, most of which focused on Woosley. . . .

FBI Special Agent Shannon N. Enochs testified Wednesday that Woosley approved
Abdallat’s phony travel expenses and that he and another federal official who worked for
Woosley were paid about $58,000 as part of the scheme. He said Woosley was Abdallat’s
supervisor for “over 10 years.” He said Abdallat mailed Woosley checks, wired him money,
paid his utility and mortgage bills, and sometimes even traveled to Washington to leave his
boss cash in drawers.

Enochs said scrutiny of Abdallat’s personal e-mails revealed evidence that Woosley tried to
arrange for an official trip to Jordan for Abdallat “around 2009,” after Abdallat’s mother
died. The trip was not approved, and Abdallat ended up paying his own way.

Abdallat was issued a diplomatic passport between 2005 and 2007 after being detailed to
the ICE attaché at the U.S. Embassy in Riyadh Saudi Arabia, Enochs said. About 10 FBI
agents raiding his home found 31 stamps in a still-valid diplomatic passport, and Enochs
said that while he didn’t know how many of those stamps might have represented
authorized travel, Abdallat never got clearance to travel to Jordan on official business.
Authorities also seized a personal U.S. passport that had no entry stamps or visas in it, and
two expired Jordanian passports, Enochs said.

Woosley was suspended the same day the FBI raided Abdallat’s El Paso home and seized at
least 29 boxes of evidence.

So, where did Abdallat send the money once it got to Jordan? Where did the rest of the $2
million come from if it didn’t come from ICE and Homeland Security dollars? What did he
do while in Jordan and with whom did he meet?

With whom did Abdallat consort in Saudi Arabia? We know that at least one Muslim FBI
agent, Gamal Hafiz, who was stationed at the Riyadh U.S. Embassy was helping and
tipping off Islamic Jihad founder Sami Al-Arian, and another agent, Wilfred Rattigan,
converted to Islam and became an extremist, while stationed there. What did Abdallat do
while he was there? And for whom is he really working while on the ICE and DHS

Since Abdallat worked for Woosley for 10 years, what other crimes did they commit for the
jihad and the Brotherhood while on the ICE and DHS payrolls?

You can bet the Justice Department, ICE, and DHS will make sure we find out as little as
possible. But where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And this is a raging, multi-state forest fire,
which means there’s a lot more burning behind it.

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