Simulation Lab Manual-2

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IV Year I-Sem B.Tech. M.E.



Computer-aided design is essentially based on a versatile and powerful technique called computer
graphics, which basically means the criterion and manipulation of pictures on a display device with the
aid of a computer. Computer graphics originated at the Massachusetts institute of technology (MIT) in 1950
when the first computer-driven display, linked to a Whirlwind 1computer, and was used to generate some
pictures. The first important step forward in computer graphics came in 1963 when a system called
SKETCHPAD was demonstrated at the Lincoln Laboratory of MIT. This system consists of a cathode ray tube
(CRT) driven by TX2 computer. The CRT had a keyboard and a light pen. Pictures could be drawn on the
screen and then manipulated interactively by the user via the light pen.

This demonstration clearly showed that the CRT could potentially be used as a designer’s electronic drawing
board with common graphic operations such as scaling, translation, rotation, animation and simulation
automatically performed at the ‘push of a button’. At that time, these systems were very expensive; therefore
they were adopted only in such major industries as the aircraft and automotive industries where their use in
design justified the high capital costs. Another crucial factor preventing computer graphics from being
generally applied to engineering industries was that there was a lock of appropriate graphics and application
software to run on these systems. However, a computer-based design system was clearly emerging. Since
these pioneering developments in computer graphics, which had captured the imagination of the engineering
industry all over the world, new and improved hardware, which is faster in processing speed, larger
in memory, cheaper in cost and smaller in size, have become widely available.

Sophisticated software techniques and packages have also been gradually developed. Consequently, the
application of CAD in industry has been growing rapidly. Initially CAD systems primarily were
automated righting stations in which computer controlled plotters produced engineering drawings. The
system were later linked to graphic display terminals where geometric model describing part dimensions
were created, and the resulting database in the computer was then used to produce drawings. Nowadays, CAD
systems can do much more than mere righting. Some systems have analytical capabilities that allow parts to
be evaluated with t e c h n i q u e s s u c h a s t h e f i n i t e e l e m e n t m e t h o d . There a r e a l s o
k i n e m a t i c s a n a l y s i s programs that enable the motion of mechanism to be studied. In addition, CAD
system includes testing techniques to perform model analysis on structures, and to evaluate their response to
pinpoint any possible defects.

Computer Aided Design is the process of developing and using computer assisted design tools in the design
process. The advent of computers has contributed to significant advance in calculation, data handling and
utilization applications. The ability to use the computers in these application a r e a s e n h a n c e s t h e
c a p a b i l i t y o f the d e s i g n team s i g n i f i c a n t l y . Drafting a n d geometric modeling play significant
roles in CAD. The module therefore concentrates on the general design process with specific consideration to
drafting and geometric modeling. Three different C A D s y s t e m s are r e f e r r e d t o i n t h e m o d u l e .

The syllabus includes: historical development, the design process, traditional drawing practice and the
development of the CAD industry, system hardware, computers micros to mainframes, output
devices, storage, workstations, networked systems, examples of CAD systems; simple entity descriptions:
points, lines, arcs, made-edge lists, free-form curves, free-form surfaces; transformations: pan, rotate and
scale, 3D transformations, observer angles, perspective, depth cueing; geometric modeling: wire frame
modelers, surface modelers, solid modelers (CSG and B- rep), hidden line removal and mass properties;
user interface: input devices, menus, graphics interface language, parametric.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: To understand and handle design p r o b l e m s i n a systematic manner. To be

able to use the capabilities provided by computers for calculations, data handling and visualization
applications. To gain practical experience in handling 2 D drafting and 3D modeling software systems. To be
able to apply CAD in real life applications.

Sl. No Title of the Experiment Page No. Date Remarks











CAD/CAM is the term which means Computer Aided Design and Computer
Aided Manufacturing. It is the technology concerned with the use of digital computers to
perform certain functions in design and production.

Computer Aided Design can be defined as the use of computer system to assist
in creation. Modification analysis (or) optimization of a design.

Computer Aided Manufacturing can be defined as the use of the computer
system to plan, manage and control operation of manufacturing plan through direct (or) indirect
computer interface with the plan production resources.


AutoCAD is drafting/modeling software used all over the world by almost all
manufacturing companies. It is variable software which can be used in all engineering divisions.
It is a drafting version popularly known to everyone associated with mechanical engineering.
The AutoCAD drawing enables the designer to communicate his ideas to the outside of
department easily. Conversion of AutoCAD files to other software is also using drawing
exchange formula.

NEW : This allows for starting a new drawing.

OPEN : This allows opening an old drawing for editing.
SAVE : Allows saving the current drawing.
SAVE AS : Allows saving the current drawing with new name.
EXPORT : Allows for exporting the current drawing into other format. Suitable for other
programs such as….3D studio.
BMP : Device-independent bit map.
DWG : AutoCAD drawing file.
DWF : AutoCAD drawing web format.
DX : AutoCAD R14 drawing inter change.
ACIS : Export to other flat form like Pro/e, ANSYS etc
This lets us set up the units in which the AutoCAD would have to work. It would be
working in default co-ordinates called as drawing units. This is achieved by using “units”
It offers following types of units. Scientific. Decimal. Engineering. Architectural. Fractional.

It is normally necessary to specify the limits of the drawing that one is about to use. The actual
size of drawing would have to be specified using limit command. Limits establishes the size of
the drawing and the associated drawing guide such as grids, rulers etc……in proper format.
However, limits check option is kept on, and then AutoCAD would not allow you to specify any
point beyond the limits.
After creating the various views of the model or after preparing the drawing it is necessary to add
dimensions at the appropriate places. AutoCAD provides semi automatic dimensions. As a result
once dimensions is created. AutoCAD gives great control over the way dimensions may appear
in the drawing. The dimension familiars are as follows…
 Linear
 Diameter
 Radial
 Angular
 Ordinate
 Leader
 Aligned
Once you have completed a drawing you can plot the drawing on paper or create a file for use
with another application. In either case, you select the plot settings.

Pro/ENGINEER wildfire is the leading product development solution for any
manufacturing industry. The software is developed and supported by the Parametric Technology
Corporation (PTC), based in United States. Pro/ENGINEER wildfire is unique software
developed for the manufacturing industry to meet the competing demands of engineering
productivity, faster time to market, and improved product quality.
Pro/ENGINEER wildfire is a comprehensive product development solution for
concept and industrial design, detailed design, simulation and analysis, mold/tool/die design,
and NC tool path creation .with the powerful tools of Pro/ENGINEER ,we will be able to
capture the design of any complex model, by incorporating intelligence into design.


store for any manufacturing industry. It offers effective features, incorporated for a wide variety
of purpose. Some important features are as follows

 Simple and powerful tools

 Parametric design
 Feature-based approach
 Parent child relationship
 Associative model centric

Pro/ENGINEER designs are parametric. The term “Parametric” means

that design operations that are captured, can be stored as they take place. They can be used
effectively in the future for modifying and editing the design. These types of modeling help
in faster and easier modifications of design.


Features are the basic building blocks required to create an object. Pro/ENGINEER
wild fire models are based on a series of features. Each future builds upon the previous feature,
to create the model (only one single feature can be modified at a time). Each feature may appear
simple, individually, but collectively forms a complex part and assemblies. The idea behind
feature based modeling is that the designer constructs an object, composed of individual
features that describe the manner in which he geometry support the object, if its dimensions
change. The first feature called the base future.


The parent child relationship is a powerful way to capture our design intent in a
model. The relationship naturally occurs among features, during the modeling process. When
we create a new feature, the existing features that are referenced, become parent to the new


Pro/ENGINEER wild fire drawings are model centric. This means that
Pro/ENGINEER models that are represented in assembly or drawings are associative. If
changes are made in one module, these will automatically get updated in the referenced module.


2.2.1 Sketcher: Define the 2D cross-section (or section) of an object model for sweeping.
2.2.2 Part: Create the solid model of a part.
2.2.3 Assembly: Form the solid model of an assembly of multiple components.
2.2.4 Drawing: Produce engineering drawings of parts and assemblies created in
Pro/ENGINEER. These drawings are fully associative with the 3D solid model. When a
dimension in the drawing is changed the dimension of the associated 3D model(s) will be
automatically updated, and vice versa.


ANSYS is a powerful general purpose finite element modeling package to numerically solve a
wide variety of mechanical, structural and non-structural problems. These problems include:
static/dynamic structural analysis (both linear and non-linear), heat transfer and fluid problems,
as well as acoustic and electro-magnetic problems.
A typical ANSYS analysis has three distinct steps:
 Build the model.
 Apply loads and obtain the solution.
 Review the results.

3.1 Building a Model

Building a finite element model requires more of an ANSYS user's time than any other
part of the analysis. First, you specify a jobname and analysis title. Then, you use the PREP7
preprocessor to define the element types, element real constants, material properties, and the
model geometry.
3.2 Apply Loads and Obtain the Solution
In this step, you use the SOLUTION processor to define the analysis type and analysis options,
apply loads, specify load step options, and initiate the finite element solution. You also can apply
loads using the PREP7 preprocessor.
3.3 Review the Results
Once the solution has been calculated, you can use the ANSYS postprocessors to review the
3.4 General Steps

Step 1: Ansys Utility Menu

File – clear and start new – do not read file – ok

File – change job name – enter new job name – xxxx – ok

File – change title – enter new title – yyy – ok

Step 2: Ansys Main Menu – Preferences - select – STRUCTURAL - ok

Step 3: Preprocessor

Element type – select type of element from the table and the required options

Real constants – give the details such as thickness, areas, moment of inertia, etc.

required depending on the nature of the problem.

Material Properties – give the details such as Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio etc. depending
on the nature of the problem.

Step 4: Modeling – create the required geometry such as nodes elements, area, volume by
using the appropriate options.

Step 5: Generate – Elements/ nodes using Mesh Tool if necessary (in 2D and 3D problems)

Step 6: Apply boundary conditions/loads such as DOF constraints, Force/Momentum,

Pressure etc.

Step 7: Solution – Solve the problem

Step 8: General Post Processor – plot / list the required results.

Step 9: Plot ctrls – animate – deformed shape – def+undeformed-ok

Step 10: to save the solution ansys tool bar- save,,,,model


Most machines need control systems to operate. There are many kinds of control systems,
for example, manual control, automatic control, computer control or remote control. For the
convenience of mass production, machines need to repeat precise, speedy and automatic actions
continuously. These machines may use mechanical, pneumatic and electrical systems to control.

As technology advances, electronic and computer technologies have been applied to a lot of
production machines to reduce the production time and increase both the quality and efficiency.
So, modern factories usually use numerical control machines, simply called NC machines. And
an NC machine that comes along with a computer is called a computer control numerical
machine, simply CNC machine.

A CNC machine uses digital information to control the movements of tools and parts, for
example, the spinning speed, the cutting speed, the moving direction of tools etc. So, we can
change quickly the production procedures simply by modifying the information or program In
the computer.

The production method that requires a computer to control the machines is called a computer
aided manufacturing, simply called CAM. CAM is closely related to the computer-aided design
(CAD) because the output information about the products from the CAD can assist the
composing of production program. Tests and productions can start immediately. This simplifies
the procedures from the designing to manufacturing of the product
4.1 G-codes
G-Code, or preparatory code or function, are functions in the Numerical control programming
language. The G-codes are the codes that position the tool and do the actual work, as opposed to
M-codes, that manages the machine; T for tool-related codes. S and F are tool-Speed and tool-
Feed, and finally D-codes for tool compensation. The programming language of Numerical
Control (NC) is sometimes informally called G-code. But in actuality, G-codes are only a part of
the NC-programming language that controls NC and CNC machine tools.
A basic list of `G' operation codes is given below. These direct motion of the tool.

CNC – Lathe

G00 – Rapid Traverse

G01 – Linear interpolation

G02 – Circular interpolation – clockwise

G03 – Circular interpolation – counter clockwise

G21 – Dimensions are in mm

G28 – Home position

G40 – Compensation Cancel

G50 – Spindle speed clamp

G70 – Finishing cycle

G71 – Multiple turning cycle

G75 – Multiple grooving cycle

G76 – Multiple threading cycle

G90 – Box turning cycle

G98 – Feed in mm/min

M-Codes control machine functions and these include,

List of M-codes

M03 – Spindle ON in clockwise direction

M05 – Spindle stop

M06 – Tool change

M10 – Chuck open

M11 – Chuck close

M30 – Program stop and rewind

M38 – Door open

M39 – Door close

CNC – Milling

List of G – codes

G00 – Rapid Traverse

G01 – Linear interpolation

G02 – Circular interpolation – clockwise

G03 – Circular interpolation – counter clockwise

G21 – Dimensions are in mm

G28 – Home position

G40 – Compensation Cancel

G50 – Spindle speed clamp

G83 – Peck drilling cycle

G90 – Absolute coordinate system

G91 – Incremental coordinate system

G94 – Feed in mm/min

G170, G171 – Circular Pocketing

G172, G173 – Rectangular Pocketing

List of M-codes

M03 – Spindle ON in clockwise direction

M05 – Spindle stop

M06 – Tool change

M10 – Chuck open

M11 – Chuck close

M30 – Program stop and rewind

M38 – Door open

M39 – Door close

M70 – Mirroring ON in X-axis

M71 - Mirroring ON in Y-axis

M80 – Mirroring OFF in X-axis

M81 – Mirroring OFF in Y-axis

M98 – Sub program call statement

M99 – Sub program terminate


AIM: - To drawn a Knuckle joint by using AUTO CAD


Specify first point:

Specify next point (or) [undo]: 250

Specify next point (or) [undo]: Cancel


Specify offset distance (or) [Through / Erase / Layer] <through>:28.00185

Specify an object to offset (or) [Exit / undo]:

Specify side to offset (or) [Exit / undo]:

Specify offset distance (or) [Through / Erase / Layer] <through>:43.000

Specify an object to offset (or) [Exit / undo]:

Specify side to offset (or) [Exit / undo]>:

Specify offset distance (or) [Through / Erase / Layer] <through>:56.0047

Specify an object to offset (or) [Exit / undo]:

Specify side to offset (or) [Exit / undo]:

Specify offset distance (or) [Through / Erase / Layer] <through>:67.0147

Specify an object to offset (or) [Exit / undo]:

Specify side to offset (or) [Exit / undo] <exit>:


Specify first point:

Specify next point (or) [undo]: 450

Specify next point (or) [undo]: Cancel


Specify offset distance (or) [Through / Erase / Layer] <through>:56.0047

Specify an object to offset (or) [Exit / undo]:

Specify side to offset (or) [Exit / undo]:

Specify offset distance (or) [Through / Erase / Layer] <through>:67.0147

Specify an object to offset (or) [Exit / undo]:

Specify side to offset (or) [Exit / undo] <exit>:


Specify centre point for circle (or) [3P / 2P / Ttr (tan tan radius)]:

Specify radius of the circle: 31.50

Specify centre point for circle (or) [3P / 2P / Ttr (tan tan radius)]:

Specify radius of the circle: 72.50


Select object (or) <select all>:

Specify object to trim (or) Shift select to enter (or) [Fence / Crossing / Project /    Edge /
Erase / Undo];


Specify first point of line (or) [Exit / Undo]:

Specify next point of line (or) [Exit / Undo] <exit>:


Specify offset distance (or) [Through / Erase / Layer] <through>:16.5

Specify an object to offset (or) [Exit / undo]:

Specify side to offset (or) [Exit / undo] <Exit>:


Start point of arc (or) [Centre]:

Second point of arc (or) [Centre / End]: End

Specify radius of arc: 7.5


Select first object (or) [Radius / Diameter / Trim / No Trim]: Radius

Enter radius: 6

Specify first object:

Specify second object:


Specify centre point of arc:

Specify start point of arc:

Specify end point of arc:


Specify first point:

Specify next point (or) [undo]: 30

Specify next point (or) [undo]: Cancel


Specify start point of arc (or) [centre]:

Specify second point of arc [Centre / Radius]:

Specify end point of arc (or) [Angle / Diameter / Radius]: Radius

Specify radius of arc: 28


Select object to mirror:

Specify first point of mirror line:

Specify second point of mirror line:

Erase source object [Yes / No]: No

Specify first point:

Specify next point (or) [undo]: 20

Specify next point (or) [undo]: @ 3 <270>

Specify next point (or) [undo]: @ 20 <180>

Specify next point (or) [undo]: @ 13.2275 <90>

Specify next point (or) [undo]: @ 20 <0>

Specify next point (or) [undo]: @ 3 <90>

Specify next point (or) [undo]: @ 20 <0>

Specify next point (or) [undo]: Cancel


Specify first point:

Specify next point (or) [undo]: @ 35 <0>

Specify next point (or) [undo]: @ 10.994 <90>

Specify next point (or) [undo]: @ 15 <180>

Specify next point (or) [undo]: @ 3 <90>

Specify next point (or) [undo]: @ 20 <180>

Specify next point (or) [undo]: Cancel


Pick internal point (or) [Select objects / Remove boundaries]:

Select pattern: ANSI31

Select angle: 900

Adjust scale: 20

Pick internal point (or) Select objects / Remove boundaries]:

Select pattern: ANSI31

Select angle: 1800

Adjust scale: 20


Select first extrusion line origin (or) [select object]:

Select second extrusion line origin (or) [MText / Text / Angle / horizontal / vertical /
rotated]: Horizontal

Select dimension line location (or) [MText / Text / Angle]:


Select arc (or) circle:

Specify dimension line location (or) [MText / Text / Angle]:


Enter new value for Dim ASZ: 5


Enter new value for Dim TXT:6

 RESULT: - The given Knuckle joint is given drawn by using AUTO CAD


AIM: - To generate 3-D Diagram by using AUTO CAD


Specify start point: <ortho on>

Specify next point (or) [Arc / Half width / Length]: 14

Specify next point (or) [Arc / Half width / Length]: 6

Specify next point (or) [Arc / Half width / Length]: 70

Specify next point (or) [Arc / Half width / Length]: 6

Specify next point (or) [Arc / Half width / Length]: 14

Specify next point (or) [Arc / Half width / Length]: 14

Specify next point (or) [Arc / Half width / Length]: 42

Specify next point (or) [Arc / Half width / Length]: 21

Specify next point (or) [Arc / Half width / Length]: 14

Specify next point (or) [Arc / Half width / Length]: 21

Specify next point (or) [Arc / Half width / Length]: 42

Specify next point (or) [Arc / Half width / Length]: 14

Specify next point (or) [Arc / Half width / Length]: cancel


Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=4

Select objects to extrude: 1 found

Select height of extrusion (or) [Diameter / Path / Taper angle]: 42


[? / Delete / Orthographic / Restore / Save / settings / Window]: _front regenerating



[? / Delete / Orthographic / Restore / Save / settings / Window]: _side regenerating


Specify centre point for circle (or) [3P / 2P / Ttr (tan tan radius)]:

Specify radius of the circle: 31.50


Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=4

Select objects to extrude: 1 found

Select objects to extrude: 1 found, 2 totals

Select height of extrusion (or) [Diameter / Path / Taper angle]: 14


Select the objects:

Specify opposite corner: 3 found


[? / Delete / Orthographic / Restore / Save / settings / Window]: _right regenerating



Specify centre point for circle (or) [3P / 2P / Ttr (tan tan radius)]:

Specify radius of the circle: 9.00


Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=4

Select objects to extrude: 1 found

Select height of extrusion (or) [Diameter / Path / Taper angle]: 14


[? / Delete / Orthographic / Restore / Save / settings / Window]: _top regenerating


Select the start point:

Specify next point (or) [undo]: 24

Specify next point (or) [undo]: 21

Specify next point (or) [undo]: 24

Specify next point (or) [undo]: cancel


Specify centre point for circle (or) [3P / 2P / Ttr (tan tan radius)]:

Specify radius of the circle: 6.00


Select object to mirror:

Specify first point of mirror line:

Specify second point of mirror line:

Erase source object [Yes / No]: No


Select the objects:

Specify the opposite corner: 3 Found


Select objects to subtract:

Specify height to subtract: -21


Enter an option (or) [2D wire frame / 3D wire frame / 3D hidden / Realistic /
Conceptual / Other] <3D generating model

RESULT: - The given 3-D diagram is drawn by using Auto CAD programme
AIM: - To draw the given 2D sketch using PRO-E (SKETCHER)



COMMAND > Line > Axis line > Vertical Line > Ok

Line > Axis line > Horizontal Line > Ok

Line > Axis line > Inclined > Angle 450 > Ok

Line > Axis line > Inclined > Angle 450 > Ok

Draw the required circles by considering centres as shown in figure

COMMAND > Circle > Diameter 60 > Ok

Circle > Diameter 76 > Ok

Circle > Diameter 92 > Ok

Circle > Diameter 14 > Ok

Circle > Diameter 28 > Ok

Circle > Diameter 14 > Ok

Circle > Diameter 28 > Ok

COMMAND > tangent to circles > select required circles > ok

COMMAND > fillet > select required circles to fillet > radius 10 >ok

COMMAND > Trim > Select objects to trim > Ok

COOMAND > Circle > Diameter 10 > Ok

Draw the required circles as show in figure > ok

Exercise for modeling of Wheel support components
AIM : Modeling of Wheel support components by using different commands.


File > new > part > template> mmns _ part _ solid >ok
Command > Extrude > placement > define > front plane> sketch> close > ok
Command > Draw the horizontal and vertical axis
Draw the sketch for required base part as per dimensions > ok
Select symmetric axis in command bar and enter thickness of plate = 5 >ok

Fig 1 : 2D view of base part

Fig 2 : 3D view of base part


File > new > part > template> mmns _ part _ solid >ok

Command > Extrude > placement > define > front plane> sketch> close > ok

Command > Draw the horizontal and vertical axis

Draw the sketch for required support part as per dimensions > ok

Enter thickness = 40 > ok

Fig 3 : 2D view of support part

Command > Extrude > placement > define > face of support > sketch> close > ok

Command > circle > select required point wrt references > diameter > 10 > ok

Select intersect to surfaces > change direction > select remove material> ok

Command > Extrude > placement > define > bottom face of support > sketch> close > ok

Command > circle > select required points wrt references > diameter > 05 > ok

Select intersect to surfaces > change direction > select remove material> ok
Fig 4: 3D view of support part


File > new > part > template> mmns _ part _ solid >ok

Command > Revolve > placement > define > front plane> sketch> close > ok

Command > Draw the horizontal axis only

Draw the sketch for required shoulder screw as per dimensions > ok

Command > helical sweep > cut >done > top plane >default > select sketch references in menu
bar > select required references > ok

Command > line > draw a line intersecting the inner surface of nut >ok > Enter pitch 0.75 > ok

Command > circle > select required center > diameter = 0.5 > ok

Now select preview > ok

Fig5: 2D view of shoulder screw part

Fig6: 3D view of shoulder screw part


File > new > part > template> mmns _ part _ solid >ok
Command > Revolve > placement > define > front plane> sketch> close > ok
Command > Draw the horizontal axis only
Draw the sketch for required wheel as per dimensions > ok
Fig7: 2D view of wheel part

Fig8: 3D view of wheel part


File > new > part > template> mmns _ part _ solid >ok

Command > Extrude > placement > define > front plane> sketch> close > ok

Command > Draw the horizontal and vertical axis

Draw the sketch for required bushing part as per dimensions > ok
Select symmetric axis in command bar and enter thickness of plate = 5 >ok

Fig9: 2D view of bushing part

Fig10: 3D view of bushing part


File > new > part > template> mmns _ part _ solid >ok

Command > Extrude > placement > define > front plane> sketch> close > ok

Command > Draw the horizontal and vertical axis

Draw the sketch for required washer as per dimensions > ok

Select symmetric axis in command bar and enter thickness of plate =1 >ok
Fig11: 2D view of washer

Fig12: 3D view of washer


File > new > part > template> mmns _ part _ solid >ok

Command > Extrude > placement > define > front plane> sketch> close > ok

Command > Draw the horizontal and vertical axis

Select hexagonal shape from sketcher palette > select required center > enter scale
=1> ok. Now change dimension as required > ok

Command > circle > select center > diameter >10 >ok
Select symmetric axis in command bar and enter thickness of plate =5 >ok

Fig13: 2D view of nut

Command > Revolve > placement > define > top plane> sketch> close > ok

Command > consider axis of nut as reference > draw triangle as show > ok

Now select remove material > ok

Fig13: 3D view of nut

Command > helical sweep > cut >done > top plane >default > select sketch references in menu
bar > select required references > ok

Command > line > draw a line intersecting the inner surface of nut >ok Enter pitch = 0.75 > ok

Command > circle > select required center > diameter = 0.5 > ok . Now select preview > ok
Fig14: 3D view of nut


File > new > part > template> mmns _ part _ solid >ok

Command > Extrude > placement > define > front plane> sketch> close > ok

Command > Draw the horizontal and vertical axis

Select hexagonal shape from sketcher palette > select required center > enter scale
= 1> ok. Now change dimension as required > ok

Select symmetric axis in command bar and enter thickness of plate =4>ok

Command > Revolve > placement > define > top plane> sketch> close > ok

Command > consider axis of bolt as reference > draw triangle as show > ok

Now select remove material > ok

Command > Extrude > placement > define > bottom face of bolt > sketch> close > ok

Command > circle > select center > diameter > 5 >ok

Now enter thickness = 9 > ok

Fig15: 2D view of bolt

Fig15: 3D view of bolt

Exercise for Assembling of Wheel support components

AIM : Assembling of Wheel support components by using assembly constraint commands.

Procedure :

1. Modeling of base, support plates by using Extrude and hole commands.

2. Modeling of wheel component by using Revolve command.
3. Modeling of shoulder screw by using revolve command
4. Modeling of bolt, nut, bushing, washer by using extrude command.
5. Model the threading part for nut and bolt by using helical sweep command.
6. Nest open assembly module and import base part and make it default.
7. Now import support plate make it completely constrain by using align, mate constrains.
8. Repeat above step for remaining components and make them successfully constrain.
9. Save the assembly.


1. Compute the Shear force and bending moment diagrams for the beam shown and find the
maximum deflection. Assume rectangular c/s area of 0.2 m * 0.3 m, Young’s modulus of 210
GPa, Poisson’s ratio 0.27.

Step 1: Ansys Utility Menu

File – clear and start new – do not read file – ok – yes.
Step 2: Ansys Main Menu – Preferences select – STRUCTURAL - ok
Step 3: Preprocessor Element type – Add/Edit/Delete – Add – BEAM – 2D elastic 3 – ok-
Real constants – Add – ok – real constant set no – 1 – c/s area – 0.2*0.3 moment of inertia –
0.2*0.3**3/12 – total beam height – 0.3 – ok.
Material Properties – material models – Structural – Linear – Elastic – Isotropic – EX – 210e9
– PRXY – 0.27 –ok – close.
Step 4: Preprocessor Modeling – Create – Nodes – In Active CS – Apply (first node is created)
– x,y,z location in CS – 5 (x value w.r.t first node) – ok (second node is created).
Create – Elements – Auto numbered – Thru Nodes – pick 1 & 2 – ok (elements are created
through nodes).
Step 5: Preprocessor
Loads – Define loads – apply – Structural – Displacement – on Nodes- pick node 1 – apply –
DOFs to be constrained – ALL DOF – ok.
Loads – Define loads – apply – Structural – Force/Moment – on Nodes- pick node 2 – apply –
direction of For/Mom – FY – Force/Moment value - -10000 (-ve value) – ok.
Step 6: Solution
Solve – current LS – ok (Solution is done is displayed) – close.

Step 7: General Post Processor

Plot Results – Deformed Shape – def+undeformed – ok.
Plot Results – Contour plot – Nodal solu – DOF solution – displacement vector sum – ok.
Element table – Define table – Add – ‘Results data item’ – By Sequence num – SMISC –
SMISC, 2 – apply, By Sequence num – SMISC – SMISC, 8 – apply, By Sequence num – SMISC
– SMISC, 6 – apply, By Sequence num – SMISC – SMISC, 12 – ok – close.

NOTE: For Shear Force Diagram use the combination SMISC 2 & SMISC 8, for Bending
Moment Diagram use the combination SMISC 6 & SMISC 12.
Step 8: General Post Processor
Plot results – contour plot – Line Element Results – Elem table item at node I – SMIS2 – Elem
table item at node J – SMIS8 – ok (Shear force diagram will be displayed).
Plot results – contour plot – Line Element Results – Elem table item at node I – SMIS6 – Elem
table item at node J – SMIS12 – ok (bending moment diagram will be displayed).
List Results – reaction solution – items to be listed – All items – ok (reaction forces will be
displayed with the node numbers).
List Results – Nodal loads – items to be listed – All items – ok (Nodal loads will be displayed
with the node numbers).
Step 9: PlotCtrls – Animate – Deformed results – DOF solution – USUM – ok.

2. Consider the four bar truss shown in figure. For the given data, find Stress in each
element, Reaction forces, Nodal displacement. E = 210 GPa, A = 0.1 m2.

Step 1: Ansys Utility Menu

File – clear and start new – do not read file – ok – yes.
Step 2: Ansys Main Menu – Preferences select – STRUCTURAL - ok
Step 3: Preprocessor Element type – Add/Edit/Delete – Add – Link – 2D spar 1 – ok – close.
Real constants – Add – ok – real constant set no – 1 – c/s area – 0.1 – ok – close.
Material Properties – material models – Structural – Linear – Elastic – Isotropic – EX – 210e9
– ok – close.
Step 4: Preprocessor Modeling – Create – Nodes – In Active CS – Apply (first node is created)
– x,y,z location in CS – 4 (x value w.r.t first node) – apply (second node is created) – x,y,z
location in CS – 4, 3 (x, y value w.r.t first node) – apply (third node is created) – 0, 3 (x, y value
w.r.t first node) – ok (forth node is created).
Create – Elements – Elem Attributes – Material number – 1 – Real constant set number – 1 – ok
Auto numbered – Thru Nodes – pick 1 & 2 – apply – pick 2 & 3 – apply – pick 3 & 1 – apply –
pick 3 & 4 – ok (elements are created through nodes).
Step 5: Preprocessor
Loads – Define loads – apply – Structural – Displacement – on Nodes – pick node 1 & 4 – apply
– DOFs to be constrained – All DOF – ok – on Nodes – pick node 2 – apply – DOFs to be
constrained – UY – ok.
Loads – Define loads – apply – Structural – Force/Moment – on Nodes- pick node 2 – apply –
direction of For/Mom – FX – Force/Moment value – 2000 (+ve value) – ok – Structural –
Force/Moment – on Nodes- pick node 3 – apply – direction of For/Mom – FY – Force/Moment
value – -2500 (-ve value) – ok.
Step 6: Solution
Solve – current LS – ok (Solution is done is displayed) – close.
Step 7: General Post Processor
Element table – Define table – Add – ‘Results data item’ – By Sequence num – LS – LS1 – ok.
Step 8: General Post Processor
Plot Results – Deformed Shape – def+undeformed – ok.
Plot results – contour plot – Line Element Results – Elem table item at node I – LS1 – Elem table
item at node J – LS1 – ok (Line Stress diagram will be displayed).
Plot results – contour plot – Nodal solution – DOF solution – displacement vector sum – ok.
List Results – reaction solution – items to be listed – All items – ok (reaction forces will be
displayed with the node numbers).
List Results – Nodal loads – items to be listed – All items – ok (Nodal loads will be displayed
with the node numbers).
Step 9: PlotCtrls – Animate – Deformed shape – def+undeformed-ok


3. In the plate with a hole under plane stress, find deformed shape of the hole and determine
the maximum stress distribution alond A-B (you may use t = 1 mm). E = 210GPa, t = 1 mm,
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3, Dia of the circle = 10 mm, Analysis assumption – plane stress with
thickness is used.

Step 1: Ansys Utility Menu

File – clear and start new – do not read file – ok – yes.
Step 2: Ansys Main Menu – Preferences select – STRUCTURAL - ok
Step 3: Preprocessor Element type – Add/Edit/Delete – Add – Solid – Quad 4 node – 42 – ok –
option – element behavior K3 – Plane stress with thickness – ok – close.
Real constants – Add – ok – real constant set no – 1 – Thickness – 1 – ok.
Material Properties – material models – Structural – Linear – Elastic – Isotropic – EX – 2.1e5
PRXY – 0.3 – ok – close.
Step 4: Preprocessor
Modeling – Create – Area – Rectangle – by dimensions – X1, X2, Y1, Y2 – 0, 60, 0, 40 – ok.
Create – Area – Circle – solid circle – X, Y, radius – 30, 20, 5 – ok.
Operate – Booleans – Subtract – Areas – pick area which is not to be deleted (rectangle) – apply
– pick area which is to be deleted (circle) – ok.
Meshing – Mesh Tool – Mesh Areas – Quad – Free – Mesh – pick all – ok. Mesh Tool – Refine
– pick all – Level of refinement – 3 – ok.
Step 5: Preprocessor
Loads – Define loads – apply – Structural – Displacement – on Nodes – select box – drag the left
side of the area – apply – DOFs to be constrained – ALL DOF – ok.
Loads – Define loads – apply – Structural – Force/Moment – on Nodes – select box – drag the
right side of the area – apply – direction of For/Mom – FX – Force/Moment value – 2000 (+ve
value) – ok.
Step 6: Solution
Solve – current LS – ok (Solution is done is displayed) – close.
Step 7: General Post Processor
Plot Results – Deformed Shape – def+undeformed – ok.
Plot results – contour plot – Element solu – Stress – Von Mises Stress – ok (the stress
distribution diagram will be displayed)
Step 8: PlotCtrls – Animate – Deformed shape – def+undeformed-ok


Modal Analysis of Cantilever beam for natural frequency determination. Modulus of elasticity
= 200GPa, Density = 7800 Kg/m3

Step 1: Ansys Utility Menu

File – clear and start new – do not read file – ok – yes.
Step 2: Ansys Main Menu – Preferences select – STRUCTURAL - ok
Step 3: Preprocessor
Element type – Add/Edit/Delete – Add – BEAM – 2D elastic 3 – ok- close.
Real constants – Add – ok – real constant set no – 1 – c/s area – 0.01*0.01 moment of inertia –
0.01*0.01**3/12 – total beam height – 0.01 – ok.
Material Properties – material models – Structural – Linear – Elastic – Isotropic – EX – 200e9
– PRXY – 0.27 – Density – 7800 – ok – close.
Step 4: Preprocessor
Modeling – Create – Keypoints – in Active CS – x,y,z locations – 0,0 – apply – x,y,z locations –
1,0 – ok (Keypoints created).
Create – Lines – lines – in Active Coord – pick keypoints 1 and 2 – ok.
Meshing – Size Cntrls – ManualSize – Lines – All Lines – element edge length – 0.1 – ok. Mesh
– Lines – Pick All – ok.
Step 5: Solution
Solution – Analysis Type – New Analysis – Modal – ok.
Solution – Analysis Type – Subspace – Analysis options – no of modes to extract – 5 – no of
modes to expand – 5 – ok – (use default values) – ok.
Solution – Define Loads – Apply – Structural – Displacement – On Keypoints – Pick first
keypoint – apply – DOFs to be constrained – ALL DOF – ok.
Solve – current LS – ok (Solution is done is displayed) – close.
Step 7: General Post Processor
Result Summary
Step 8: General Post Processor
Read Results – First Set
Plot Results – Deformed Shape – def+undeformed – ok.
PlotCtrls – Animate – Deformed shape – def+undeformed-ok.
Read Results – Next Set
Plot Results – Deformed Shape – def+undeformed – ok.
PlotCtrls – Animate – Deformed shape – def+undeformed-ok.


Aim: To write the manual part program to the given dimensions and execute in CNC Lathe
Material required:
Material: Aluminum
Size: Diameter 25 mm and Length 75 mm
G21 G98
G28 U0 W0
M06 T02
M03 S1400
G00 X26 Z2
G90 X24.5 Z-36 F50
X22.5 Z-24
X20.5 Z-12
G28 U0 W0
M05 M30

Step Turning
Aim: To write the manual part program to the given dimensions and execute in CNC Lathe
Material required:
Material : Aluminium
Size: Diameter 25 mm and Length 75 mm
G21 G98
G28 U0 W0
M06 T02
M03 S1400
G00 X26 Z2
G71 U0.5 R1
G71 P10 Q20 U0.1 W0.1 F50
N10 G00 X10
G01 Z0
G01 X11 Z-1
G01 Z-8
G02 X17 Z-13 R6
G01 Z-19
G03 X23 Z-24 R6
G01 Z-30
N20 G01 X25 Z-34
G70 P10 Q20
G28 U0 W0
M05 M30

G71 U0.5 R1
U0.5 – depth of cut in mm
R1 - relief in mm
G71 P10 Q20 U0.1 W0.1 F50;
P100 – first line number
Q200 – last line number
U0.1 – finishing allowance in x-axis
W0.1 – finishing allowance in z-axis
G70 – Finishing cycle between first and last line number


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