Why Do We Fall Ill

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Health for a student would be to grasp and retain

Disease means 'disturbed ease' concepts easily

Distinction Between 'Healthy and 'Disease Free' Health has different meanings for different people Health for a dancer would be to stretch her body

Health for a athlete would be to jump high, lift heavy

weights, etc.

WHO: [Health is] a state of complete physical,

mental and social well- being and not merely the If neigbours are unfriendly, it affects our mental and
absence of disease or infirmity social health

Social Equality and Harmony is VV important

Personal Health affects Community health and vice

Personal and Community Issues, Both Matter for
Refers to a state of well being The Significance of Health Health and its Failure versa

Rest to conserve energy

Important: Health is NOT merely the absence of a Our mental and social health affects our
disease environment

influenza, Cholera, plague, leprosy
Taking medicines to reduce fever, diarrhoea Reduce symptoms Skin infections dengue,

Principles of Treatment
Fungi Viruses Bacteria Can be spread through air by droplets Common cold, tuberculosis
Protozoans Malaria, kala-azar
Attacking microbe's biochemical pathways Drugs to kill pathogen Kill pathogen
Transmitted through blood transfusion (TTIs).
Transplacental & Transfusion Transmitted Infections
Transmitted from infected mother to baby in womb
Worms Intestinal infections Air borne (Transplacental)

Anti viral drugs are tougher to make since viruses

have few biochemical processes
Disease may lead to permanent organ or body Infectious Agents Can be spread through water polluted by excreta,
function damage Means of Spread Most microbial diseases are communicable Water borne

Vector borne
Diseases caused by same type of organisms are
Infected person may spread the disease to others similar, the same medicines may be effective.
Prevention is better than cure Treatment will take time Cholera
before disease is fully treated Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Transmitted through vectors such as mosquitos Dengue, malaria

Why Do We Fall Ill? Infectious Diseases
Making immune system stronger
Respiratory diseases will cause cough and Can be transmitted through sexual contact AIDS, Syphilis

Keeping environment clean and hygienic, not Severity of disease depends on number of microbes
Controlling means of spread General
leaving stagnant water, etc.
There are also general symptoms such as fever and
Signs and symptoms depend on organ infected
Prevention Principles of Prevention inflammation
Organ Specific and Tissue Specific Manifestations
Infecting people with mild form of pathogen so that
immune system is able to fight the disease if the Immunisation Disease specific Microbes entering through nose will most likely affect
pathogen attacks the body respiratory system. eg-COVID-19 HIV enters through sexual organs but infects
immune system
Plasmodium enters through mosquito bite but infects
Organ infected by microbe depends on point of entry But this is not always the case.

Discovered by Edward Jenner Thus, chronic diseases are usually more harmful Rash

Give a definite indication of presence of a particular

Signs Difficulty in breathing
Microbes entering through mouth will most likely disease
Chronic diseases will have long term impact on affect digestive system. eg-typhoid

Chronic Disease and Poor Health Disease and its causes What Does Disease Look Like
Symptoms Felt by diseased patient. More general than sign Headache

When there is a disease, the functioning of an Cough

Acute diseases will not usually have long term organ, organ system, or even the whole body will
impact on health change for the worse

Acute and Chronic Diseases Infectious Caused by microbes Can spread from person to person COVID-19
Causes of Diseases
Infectious and Non Infectious Causes There are two types of immediate causes

Non-Infectious Caused mostly by internal causes Usually do not spread from person to person Cancer

Acute: Last for small durations Chronic: Last for longer time, even a lifetime.

Immediate Causes Contributory Causes

Common cold Diabetes

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