TI-74 Users Guide

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'pateJodroculsluaurulsql sexa;.

{q '9g6l
9g6l O tqEu,tdoC
il'rrISlIqA|g uaqou
Elnrag 'U p^ol{
plag ''I uaqdag :Iq
uellod 'Y uaqou suo!nq!4uoc
Jarproourug tll!l
faUV .t{ s.uqC
snllluroc spuaJfl
rallay a{lw
urerme)'g u.,t1anbae1
suorl€)rununuoc :Aqpadolanap
lEuorlJrulsulquaurulsul sexal JoJJ€]saqJ slBnueytl

Thechartbelowllsls eachcalculatorkeyandthe pagethat


Lelt Areaol the Keyboard

lhypl z-E lsrrrlz-e lilooel r-a lxzul z-sz

lsinl z4o lcosl z-go Itanl 240 lrl 2-8 lfnrl 2-26
lortrs'oolz-gz loncl z-zs lonc'l z-zg lp'nl z-ee ln!l z-40
IPRfNTIz-st lsrol z-zn Incd 2-24 lsutttlz-za lexcl z-zq
IfNvl 2-4 lt"/ol z-s6

ol the Keyboard
l-l z-7 leel 2-8 t(l 2-16 l)l 2-16 lcaclz-z
Ilogf 2-26 lx4 z-2s Ittxl z-zs lu't 2-20
InPd 2-42 InCd z-tz lrrql z-4s Vx,all247 l2+l z-+z
llntgl 2-28 IFrccl z-za IT"l 244 Iruvl z-a [=l z-tl

RlghtAreaof the Keyboard

lnesErl z-7 IoFFI l-z Iorl l-6
lzl z-B tsl 2-B Isf 2-8 [+l 2-20
lZx2l z-Eo l2y4 z-so Ilxyl z-50 t=l 2-51
ldl z-8 Isl 2-B t6f z-8 lxl 2-20
l:-rl z-50 tlyl 2-50 lnl 2-bo lvl 2-51
lll 2-8 J2l z-8 l3l z-B I-t 2-20
lrl z-Er lal 2-br Ibl 2-5r lsd 2-51
[+r-l z-B tol z-8 t.l z-8 t+l 2-20
lcsnt z-4s h{ z-Er la'l z-sr lsyl 2-51
40"0 a$Bqanu 'oNlBgas
'Z-[ mo/t frrprdal 66ueerrcdresoo,tw
rn uoprturo34
s.npo1raganMearlv 'e&o ruo$oq eql uo ...ON,, uoueraarqqe
aq1,{q pagpuapr q.raqunu Jugiaql .,uqaq amds arp tn
p/-[ a{f Jo aee{amd Jo alBp p-rl?roqumu FLr6 au ploaau

this guidefor lnformationabouleachcalculatorkey.




2.61 2.28
@E]EEI l-1
ul lru
Tableof Contents

Thisguideconlainsinstructions lor usingtheTexas

lnstruments Youcanf ind
referencematerialin the Tl-74Programming Reference
Guideandon theOuickReference Cardsuppliedwiththe


FCCInlormation . vlll

Chapter1: UnpackingtheTl-74 . . t-2

GettingStarted Before Usingthe TI-74 . t-4
TurningtheTl-74On andOff . . . 1-6
OperatingModesof theTI-74 . . . l-8
Color Purposeson the Keyboard . 1-10

Chapter2: Calculator Characteristics tt

TheCalculator AlternateFunctions 2-3

Mode The Display 2-6
Clearingthe Calculator 2-7
DataEntryKeys..... 2-8
ScieritificNotation . . . 2-9
AlgebraicOperatingSystem 2-13
Parentheses 2-16
CorrectingEntry Errors 2-t8
Arithmetic Keys 2-20
Reciprocal,Square,andSquareRootKeys . ..... 2-23
M e m o r y O p e r a t i o. n . s . ....... 2-24
LogarithmicKeys.... . ....... 2-26
HyperbolicFunctions. . ....... 2-27
NumberPortionKeys. ........ 2-28
AngleUnitsSelection. . . . . .. . . 2-29
TrigonometricFunctions ......2-30
Deg/Min/SecandDecimalDegreesConversions.. . . .. . .. 2-32
Percentage0alculations .... .. 2-34
PairedDatalnput.... ........ 2-37
Polar/RectangularConversions..... ...2-38
Factorial,Permutations,andCombinations... .. 2-40
StatisticsKeys ..... .. 2-43
StatisticalCalculations ....... 2-46
StatisticsDefinitions. ........2-SO
P r i n t e r A b i l i t i .e. s. . . ........ 2-52
/r- v xapul :c xrpuaddv
:. .. ... s";",n,".,iffjji#;$Xff:#;
OI-V Jo asecur :q xrpuaddy
.:.. .. . . . . : . . . . : : .{tr-uJrc
' 'saEuzg
6-V 1nd1n6:3 xrpuaddy
' suotlrpuoCrorJg JrJaunN
9-V :g xrpuaddy
' ' ' sa8€ssali\lpue sloqurds feldsrq
z-v :y xrpuaddy soclpueddv
ZZ-g ". " " "',tayeo11xa;EuruElssy:uolssasaJrtrerd
OZ-E srorrg EurralunoJug :uotssasaJllJ"Jd
9I-g''' urelEorgCISVS"qlll\tur{rofi\:uolssasarltJerd
' " "'CISVSutsuollcnrlsulEullnraxg
' ..'
tl-t Clsvgulsuorlelncp3EururoFad
8I-8 " """ Iortuogrogpasqs,tay
ZI-8 " " auqfeldslq"rallvolpasnsi(ay
' " aurldeldsrqaql^rar1olpasnsfay
' ....
0I-g sratla.IJouorlezllulrde3
9-8 ' preoqi(ay
CISVS aqJ apon
V-8 " deldstq 3ISVS aql
Z-g ralnduroSSlgvg€sBtz_IlaqJ :greldeqc

TheTexaslnstruments Tl-74BASICALCTH calculatoris a

dual.purposecalculatingdevicethatcanfunctionas a
calculatorandas a computer.Themanualsaccompanying
theTl-74explainils operalion.

Tl-T4Features TheTI-T4featuresinclude:

> Extensivecalculatorfunctions.

> Advanced BASIClanguage.

> Portableoperation. The TI-74 usesfour AAA alkaline

batteriesthat provide many hours of operation.

> A typewriter-like keyboard. Any key repeatswhen

you hold it down.

> A cartridge port. Usingthis port, you can insert a

software cartridge or a memory cartridge.

> A peripheral port. Usingthis port, you can attach

such asa printer and a cassetteinterface
('Jaqunu srql l€ sll€r lralloc ldarrE
lorru€r a/!Il"l-11larEar a6) '009v-lvL-g0g IIer ,sa1e1g
pallun aql aprslnouorJ 'salBls pelluo aql rrrqtr./r,!,
QI:LZ-ZVA-008-I ) SSUVC-II-O08-I t€ aarJIIol IIBr ro
89 xog
palerodrorul sluatunrlsul s€xaJ
:ol alrr^. u€J nol 'suorlnlosalqrssodpue
uralqordaql ssnJsrpo1suorlelagJaunsuoC lJ€luoJ ueJ ecuels!ssv
nof 'ro1e1nc1ec
rnof Eursnut ualqord e acuarradxano,{;1 leuo!l!ppv
'flluanbar; paau feu no,{ uorleuroyur
Jo sarJerurunssureluoJ p"ro3 aruatalag qcxnA a\tr <
CISyS qJeaJouoq"ueldxo palrelap
B sapnlJutuollcas acuaraJarlecrlaqeqdleuV .JISVS
qllilr alqBII"AesuotleradouIEu aql Jo suorleueldxa
saprzrord11'CISyS p2-1; EursnroJ acuaraJar
e srvpxng a'rua.ntagOutututnlfio.r4 q2-1a a{J .
aE€nEuelCISVS s€1Z-IJ ar{l asnol /!{or{pue
'(uorlaasaJuaraJar "
rolelnclea e Eurpnlaur)rolelnclec
€sBt/-IJ aql asn <r1^4,oq'VZ-IJ ar{fEurlerado
gosldacuocleluau€punJ sluasard11.t/-IJ aql Eulsn
pa1r€lsno,t sla8 (pnueur srql) apeTLCsl"tasnha-IJ aq1 <
4.rrnb;og pre.r
paEelcedsrp2-11 aqtr
€s" IIo^rsB 'sJenu€uro./rt1q1ral slenuew

TheTl-74calculatorgenerates andusesradiofrcquencyeneqy'
lf not installedandusedprcpedy,as describedin this guide,the
calculatormaycauseinterfepncelo .adioandlelevision

T}rcTI-74 hasbeentestedand found to comply with the

Iimits for a ClassB computingdevicein accordancewith the
specificationsin Sub-partJ of Part 15of Federal
CommunicationsCommission(FCC)Rules,which are
designedto provide reasonableprotection against radio'1TV
interferencein a residentialinstallation.However, there is
no guaranteethat interferencewill not occur in a particular

If the TI-74 causesinterference,wNch you can determine

by tuming it off and on, try to correct the interferenceby
one or more of the following measures:

> Reorient the receiving anterura for the radio or TV that is


t Changethe positionof the calculatoror move it away

from the radio or TV that is receiving interference.

t If you are usingthe optional PC-324printer and adapter

with the TI-74, plug it into a different wall outlet so that
the calculatorand the equipmentreceivinginterference
are on different branch circuits.

If thesemeasuresdo not eliminatethe interference,please

consultyour dealeror an experiencedradio/TVtechnician
for additionalsuggestiors.The FCChasprepareda helpful
booklet, Hou, to ldentifu and ResolueBo'dio'TV Inlerference
Problenu. Pleasespecify StockNumber 004-fi)0-00345-4
when orderingthis booklet from

The USGovernmentPrinting Office


t. I peUBlSEultteC
' " "'preoqfayaqluosasodrndroloC
8-I ..
9-I 'JJopu?uot2-1"1,aqrEururn;
v-I 'tz-IJaql8ulsn aroJag
z-I '
tz-IJ,aqlEur4cedul toelqel
'uo;leledoglgvg torolBlnclBa
lcelesol roq puB.llopue
uo t/-ll eql urnl ol,soq 'saue||Bqllelsu!ol,uoq.tz-ll erll lo
ereeelel ol ,noqql!,nllosJno{ezpe;11ue| ol reldeqcs1q1peeg
pauBls6ulttec: t reldeqc

WhenyouunpacktheTl-74,you shouldlnspectthe ltemsand

lamlllarlzeyourselfwlth the partsol the Tl-74.

Package The TI-74 packagecontainsthe items shown here.

Contenls Inspecteachitem for evidenceof damage.If an item is
damaged, contact your dealer or Texas Instruments

TI-74 (in carrying case)


Quick Reference card

1.2 Getting Started

IIB 1BUod aqlur aEpug"c e
ro rolaalord yod aq1daay 'lsnp ruo{ Uod aql palord o1
pall"lsur sr 1rlsure-6o.rdlo f:ouraur fue u.reluoJlou saop
rolcatord Uod aq;,'yod aEpggec aq1uI .,'WVU/ilIOU,,
palaqel 'ro1:ralordgod qlrtr saruoJ7Z-IJ aqJ:aloN
frouraur ro (46g) are,u.1;os
€roJ uorlcauuor sopr^ord god aEpuge3
aqlranod 1er11 luaurgeduroc fralleg
snoFe,rrog {eldsrp
aq11snfpeo1nof smoly IoJluoc lsBrluoc
laauuoc ol {e^r B seprloJd godleraqdFa6
uolgdycseq uEd
god leraqdrra4 pod aEpuge3
luaugeduroc itralleg ls€Jluoc
'ged qceasaqrrasap a1qe1 turfuedurocce aq; t/-tI eql
'tl,-IJ aqlJo sged ureuraql s,lrror{s./rrolaq
uorleJlsnilraqJ lo sued
BeforeUsingthe Tl-74

BeforeusingtheTl-74,youneedto installthebatteries
aresuppliedin lhe package. Youalsoneedto knowsome
f or takingcareof theTl-74.

CAUTION Electronic equipment can be damagedby static

electricity discharges.To remove static charges,touch a
metalobject(suchasa doorknob,a desklamp,etc.)
beforeworking with youl TI-74, connecting
peripherals,or handling a cartridge. Failure to take this
precaution can damagethe equipment.

Inslalling The TI-74 is shippedfrom the factory with four AAA

Batteries alkalinebatteries.To installthe batteries,follow these

1. Openthe battery compartmentby slidingthe coveras


2. Install new batteries asshown. Be sure each battery is

positionedcorrectly; installing a battery backwards
may damagethe TI-74.

3. Slidethe battery compartmentcover into place

'Uod aEpuuer
aql ur saEprrusJuBql Jaqlo slJafqoaJ"ld lou oq
'tZ-IJ aqf aEeu€p uec faql lsluazrlos
tou oO '7Z-IJrnof uealr ol qlolc aeJJ-lultdru€pB asn
'lsnp Jo'sarnleradural
aruaJlxa'aJnlsrourol p2-11rnor{Eursodxaprony
'slcnpord cruoJlJalauorsrcard.raqlo
arBcaru€saq1qlrrrrsaEprJusJpu" 72-11.rnodlear;
72-1;rno,,{daa>1o1saullaprnE 6u;uee13
asaql asq 'aJueualur?ruler[turu saJrnbarp2-11 aqg PUBsJec
s" salrall?q qsarJaql ll€lsul .g
uaqlJo asodsrppue sarralleq plo aql a^ouag .t
'yod aEpugec aql ur pa["1sur
aq deurleql
aEprryecdue azrourarpue sleraqdrradfue leauuocsrq .g
IJJOIaqt Eulssa.rd
{q JJo?Z-IJ aqt uJnJ 'Z
',{a{ 'EuruunrsrtuerEord 'I
[XV3US;aq1ssard CISvg e JI
'sda1sasaql A\olloJ'sarralleq aceldaro;
Eurceldar aroyaq (a11assec e se qcns)acrrrap
aEBJolsB uo pu" sru€JEo.rd luelrodur fue anes
'Ja,ramoq'uorlneaatd€sV .paloruaJ
aJ?salJallBqaql JalJ" aurl uorls 3 JoJuorlBruJoJur
paJols sur"lal aJnl"al ^rfr"touatr4Jgun?ruo7a\L
eulle{l€ vVV aau qllrrr paceldareq plnoqssatJag"q aqJ
'.{eldsrpaq1ur sreadderol")rpur ,uolleJado
MO'laql Jo
sJnoqaroru,rlage dluo al€q salJalluqaql uaq1\ .ra.rod sa!,ralleg
uo illol oruocaqsarJJll"q aql 'asn;o srnoq {ueur ralyy 6ugceldeg
Turningthe Tl-74On and Off

Thsinformationdisplayedwhenyouturnthe Tl-74on
dependson whelherit is In thecalculatormodeor lhe BASIC
modeandon lhe resultsof a self.testthat it performs.

Indications You turn the TI-74 on by pressingthe lONlkey. Either

At PowerUp the CALCor the BASI C indicator is displayedto show the
current mode. The TI-74 then checksfor any changesin
the contents of memory sincethe last time you turned it

If changesin memory contents are detected,you seeone

of two messages.

> The messageW2T contents maybe I ost indicatesthat

you should check any valuesstored in the calculator
memoriesand verify any stored program lines in
BASIC.(Usually nothing has changedin the areasof
memory availableto you-the areasreservedfor
internal useare probably the causeof the message.)

> T h e m e s s a g e W 3| n0i t i a t i z e d i n d i c a t e s t h a t t h e
memory has been completely cleared.The TI-24
containsno stored valuesin calculator memory and
no stored program lines in BASIC.

You can clear either of these messages

by pressingthe

t.o Getting Slarted

cdvaql'uteEe Jrotr-HT,ill'"f""t',ili1ffii
aql ro O.IVJ aql raqlra ur s{ro,tr sfa4 go uoq€urqruoJ
slqJ'Ulpue'[rJlHSl 'nrCI '[Nll pe1aqel s.ta4
aq1ssard,tlsnoauellnuls'ornleay Odv aql alqesrpoJ
'salnuru ual u/Yrooramod
ueql raEuolroJ uolleruJoJurpadeldstpur?lal ueJ nod os c!lPUolnv
nod 'sasecatuosuI
arnlsal cdv aql alq€srpol lu€,r,r.,tetu aqg6u;gqes;q
('llo fZ-n aql urnt lou saoparnl€aJ
'Euruun.r st urer8o.rd 'salnuru
ual dlaleurrxorddero; s{a1 due ssard
" 1ouop no.{
;r .{llecrleurotneJJotZ-IJ aql surnt arnteal OdV aqJ <
aq1ssardo1a^Bqlsru IIr.{rno.,t'EuluunrsrruerEord
'.{a4 'y;o
CISVSe y1) IJJOIaqt ssard 72-1;,aql urnr oJ <
'no,{ro3;;o suJn}aJn}€aJ
(CdV),{ru./$,ocra/rl,odJrl€luolny aql 'JJo?Z-IJ aqf
uJnl ol ta8ro; no,tyy'll Eursnqsruryno,{uaq.n,tllenueu ui oo ramod
J.Io?Z-IJ aql Euru;n1^q saualleq aql Jo aJIIaql pualxa c!lBuolnv
uec no,{ 'ra.ttodalllll ,tJa^saurnsuoJt/-IJ ar{rq8not{rlv p u Bl e n u e n
OperatingModesof the Tl-14

TheTl-74operatesin oneof two modes-CALCor BASIC.

TheIMODEI keyletsyouswitchbetweenthesemodes.Inthe
CALCmode,theTl-74operates as a scientific calculalor.
theBASICmode,it operates as a computerwithbuilt.in
BASICprogramming language. Thef unctionsavailable on
theTl-74keyboarddependon whichmodeis active.

KeyFunctions You identify the function of a key in CALC (calculator)

in CALCMode modeby the smallsymbolat the bottom of the key. (you
can usethe digit keys 0-9 both for entering numeric data
and for performing certain calculator functions.) Each
calculatorkey is explainedin detail in Chapter2 of this

Effeclsof Whenyou turn the TI-74 off while in CALCmodeor exit

Leavingthe the CALCmodeby selectingthe BASICmode,certain
CALCMode calculatorconditionsare retainedand other conditions
are cancelled.

The followingcalculatorconditionsare retained.

> The contentsof eachcalculatormemory

' STATmodeand statisticsregisters,if in use

> The current settingof the angleunits (Youcan change

t h i sw h i l e i n t h e B A S I Cm o d e . )

The followingcalculatorconditionsare cancelled.

' Any multiple-keysequenceyou havenot completed

t Any pendingarithmeticoperationor partial entry

> The contentsof the disnlav

1.8 GeltingStarted
6.t peuBlS6u;1gag
,{eldstpaq} Jo slualuoJ JuarrncaqJ <
pod leraqdtrad
aql ol palJauuocaJIAAp sasnl€ql uollerado ,{uY .
suorsuaurp.{eJJ€pu€stuauruEtssealq€lJ€A,tuv .
palalduroclou aABqno.{aeuanbesfa1-a1d1t1nur,{uY.
'pallaru€J aJBsuoll!puoa aqJ
313y9 Eut.'rrolloJ
sda4]IEIPaq1o1pau8tssea,reqno,{ lxal .{uV <
('apour J'IYC aq] uI allql\.tslql
aEueqcuer notr) slrun alEueaql Jo Eutllas luarrnJ aqJ <
sautl urerEordpalols,tuY .
'paurelar ar€suoltlpuoc aqJ
a15yg Eul,lnolloJ
('apou c.IV3 or{1
lDalasro JJotz-II aql urnl uec no,{ aro;aq,ta4 [yv3usl
aql ssardlsnur no,{ 'Euluunr st urerEorde;1)
are suolllpuoeraqlo pu€paul€lar aJ€suolllpuor cISYg apol,lt
ulBuaJ'apou 3'IVC aqlEulpalas fq apotucISVg aql aq16u;nee1
lrxa ro apourJISVS uI allq.tl JJotZ-lJ aql urnl nod uaq7l lo slcal13
'g raldeq3
ur lr€lap uI pauteldxast ,{al CISVSqceg '.'ta4aq1
aloq€ palurrd loqu,ts aq1,{q pue,ta{ aql uo luud raBrel epoutlCISV8 u!
'apotu suol1cun3{ey
aq1z(q,ta4e 1o uollaunJ aqt d;I1uaprno,{ CISVSul
ColorPurposeson the Keyboard

Thesymbolson the Tl-74keyboardarecolor.codedand

positioned so youcandelermine howto accessthem.Each
symbolstandsfora character, a groupol characters,
or an
actionlor theTl-74to perlorm

KeysCommon The keys[MoDEl,[REsETl, [oNl, and loFFlare commonro

to All Modes all modes.Regardlessof the mode of operation, the
action of thesekeys is always the same.

Functionsin All symbolsmarkedin blue are the keysof the CALC

Blue mode. You do not need to pressa prefix key to access
thesefunctions.However,someof thesefunctionshave
alternate functions accessedby [INVIor lhypl.

Functionsin All symbolsmarked in yellow are active in the CALC

Yellow mode.Theseare statisticskeys accessedby first pressing
the ISTAT]prefix key. Thesefunctions are usedonlv
when a statisticaldata set is present.

Functionsin All syrnbolsrnarkedin gray are keys of the BASICmode.

Gray Thesekeys are accessedby first pressingthe lFNl prefix

Symbolsin White The symbolsmarked in white above a key are usedin the
Abovea Key BASICmode to enter a character or perform an action.
Thesefunctions are accessedby first pressingthe ISHIFTI

Symbolsin White The symbolsmarkedin white on a key of the numeric

On the Keypad keypad are directly accessiblein both calculator and
BASICmodes.(Theexceptionis [+/-], which is not
availablein BASICmode.)you do not needto pressa
prefix key to useone of thesedigits or operators.

SingleLetters The lower-caseversronof a letter is directly accessiblein

in White the BASICmode.The upper-caseversion of a letter is
availablein the BASICmode by first pressingthe ISHtFTI
key. To make th_eupper-caseletters directly accessible,
you can usethe [SHtFTlIUCLI(upper-caselock) key

OtherSymbols The charactersmarked in white on a key outside the

inWhite numeric keypad and not a singleletter (suchas IBREAKI)
are directly accessiblein the BASICmode.

1. 10 GettingStarted
apoll rolBlnqBc aql
8Z-Z s,{ay uotgog raqurnN
sz-z : : :: :::'1il;d,iJlill,""1fi
vz-z suotleradg,{roura4
' ' sitay loog arenbgpue'aJ€nbs'1eco.tdt:rag
" "' si(ayarlauqlrrv
8t-z srorrg,trlug EutlcaJroc
''':' ' ' '' ;"r.^sE"1r"rto6"1t.,ffiffi
6-Z uorleloN JIJIIUaICS
' srtay fu1ug eteq
8-Z ' rot€lnJIeCar{lEuu€alC
" " .(eldstg aq;
' ' suouJund alsuJallv sluoluoc
'' srrlsrJalc€J"qcJolelnJlec
z-7, fo elqEf
'IolslnclEseql lo uolleredoeql lnoqB
u,reelolrelderlcslql u! uollBulrolu!eql Esn-sreedde roleclpu;
C-lW)oqllllun r{e11369n; eql 6ulsseld[q epoulrol3lnclBc
otll ol tlcllfs 'rolelnclBcEsBtl-11 otll Dulsneroleg
roletncleceql:z laldpqc

In.thecalculatormode, the Tl-74perlormsgeneral.purpose

arlthmetlcas well as manyepeclillzedmat-hemailial'

Characleristlcs As a calculator, the TI-24 includes:

in CALCMode
> 13digitsofaccuracy

> A numeric range exceeding that of most other

calculators (seeAppendices B and C)

> AOS rMAlgebraicOperatingsystem

> Logarithmic, hyperbolic, and trigonometric

> Conversionsof angles, two_dimensional coordinates.
and degrees/minutes/seconds

> Percent and delta percent functions

> Permutation and combinationcomputations

> One- and two-variable statistics, including


2.2 The CalculatorMode

e.z epoll rol3lnclBc eql
lrvrsl aqt Eulssard
fq lr aEueqcuea noi{ '1ca;gaur srxrga.rd..laqloue;1
lMsl Eurssardr{q lcaJJastr IaJueC <
'{erl xryard
partsapaq1Eurssardfq xqard raqloue ol tr aEuBqC <
uec nod 'lMsl ssard dll€luaprcrB no{ g1:a1otr1
,,'sday scr1srlels,,ol JaJar lecrlsrl€ls
uo uorleruJoJurrog .{a4 1M5l aql qcretuol papoJ
-ro1oapedfa4 )rratunu aql ur qoqurz(saq11eEuqool
itq rolelnalec aql uo uorlJunJl"ql el€co1no{ ,[VlSt
qlvn su6aq acuanbasfa4 B uaql\ .Eururrogradare
no.{ uorlcun; aq1luesardar 1eq1qoqur{s fa>1sasn4ooq
srql 'fa4 atuesaq1,{11entce ar" IUSCIpu€t-r+l q8noqtlv
llvlsl aql s" roloc aru"s aql ur pa{J?ru ale sfa4 uorlaun;
sJrlsrlels aql l"ql aloN 'suorlJunJ sJrlsllels eneq pedfa4 x!lerd
Jrraunu aql ur s{a>1aq1,{1u6 .fa4 aleudordde aq1 sc!lsllsls
uaqt pu" [MSl ssard 'uorlaung lecrlsrluls ruroyrad o1 -lrvrsl
s,fa4 aq1sturo;rad pue xr;ard aq1spreEarsrprolelnalea
oql '{uollJunJal"uralle ou seq 1eq1fa4 e ueql pu"
,{a4xqard e ssald no{ g1'papaausl uortcunJa.lpurallg suo!lcunJ
asoq.&fa4 aq1uaql pue (1dAq1.ro ,[ANU,[VISI) fa4 xryard
e EurssaJd fq fa>1e;o suorlrunJ eleuJall" aql ssaJJBno1 6ulsseccy
'Ie1 x;leld e 0u;nog1o1
pesserdueqr suollcunl
elBurellBrulopedslel Iueut,preoqAeleq16ulpmorc.rero
lnoql!,nsuollBredo1olge;reae epllordo1 .[e1 eql
lo urolloqoql lB pe{tcruuollounleql suroped ll1eulou Ie:1y
Alternate Functions (conrinued)

llNvl- To perform an inverse function, press[lNvl and then

Inverse pressthe appropriate function key.

Key Function InverseFunction

lEEl enter scientific remove scientific

notation notation

lsinl sine arcsine

lcosl cosine arccosrne

ltanl tangent arctangent

[ln.r] natural logarithm e*

llogl common logarithm 10"

1x2l squareofx squareroot ofx

I\tr I squareroot ofx squareofx

lA'l y to the xth power tl'rexth root of y

ISUMI sum to memory subtract from memory

IDRGI switch angleunits switch angleunits

settinghhead settingback

IDRG'l switch angle units switch angle units

setting aheadand setting back and
convert angle convert angle

lP'Rl polar to rectangular rectangularto polar

conversions conversions

IDMS'DDI deg,'minsecto decimaldegreesto

decimaldegrees deg/min/sec

l>+l enter statisticsdata removedataelement


2-4 T h eC a l c u l a l oM
r ode
9.2 epoyl JolBlnclBcaql
lcaygas1llacu"O <
1ca;gas1rlacueC <
'EVISI Eulsserd,tqxryardscrlsrtBls
aqt 01aEueq3 <
uec noi{ ,1dlq1 ssardflleluaprcce no{ y1
1dr{qlEurssa.rdfq pa;ga slr lacu€C <
'fa>l xrgard
parrsepaq1Eurssald,{qxrJard raql0ue ol 1raEu"qc <
uec nof '1dlq;ssardflpluaprcre nof g1:e1op
'aursJr" Jlloqradf q aq1
purJot lutslssarduaql iraqlaEol ldAqlpue Nll ssaJd <
'aursclloqradr{qaqf purJot
lulsl [dlq1ssar4 <
.aursJJBaql purJol [u!sll^Nll ssord <
'aursaqt pulJ ol
lulslssard <
's^\olloJ sBpassaccs
are fa>1plsl aql Jo suorlDunJaq111e,aldurexaJod
'fa4 aleudordde aql
pue flsnoauellnurrsldlq; pue hNll Eulssardfq ssacce
nof qerqm.'suollcunyclloqraddqas.ralural"q osl€
culaurouoErrl aq; .suorl)unJ )lloqrad,{q aneq pe11 xtlerd
pue '1soc1'1ugs1sfa1aq1{1u6 ',{a4 alerrdorddeaq1siard c;loqradIg
uaql pue ldlq; ssard ,uor1cun3clloqradfq e urrogrado; -td{{
lJaJJaslr Iaeue3 <
'da4 xqard
parlsep aql Rulssarddq xqa"rdreqlou" ol 1raEuBqC < (panu;1uo3)
x!lerd es,taAul
uea nod '[ANllssald fll€luaprcr€ nor(g1:a1o11 -lANll

the entrlesandresultsof calculatlons.Thetraceareashows
the operalionsandluncllonsyouperform.Thebottomol the

Display The calculator informs you of its statusby turning on

Indlcators display indicators.For example,CALCappearswhen the
TI-74 is in calculator mode and BASlC appearswhen the
TI-74 is in BASICmode. Other indicatorsin calculator
mode may appearas shown below.


i . 1 4 1 5 ' J i E 5 4| n

Indlcator Meaning

DEG The angle units are set to degrees,radians,

RAD or grads,respectively.

STAT The calculator is in the statisticsmode.

AngleUnil The angleunit setting changeswhen you switch to

Setting degrees,radians,orgrads. You can alsoswitch this
setting in the oppositeorder.

Slallstics Mode The calculatorgoesinto the statisticsmode when you

Access enter the first of a set of statisticaldata and leavesthe
statisticsmode when you clear the statisticaldata.

Display The dot-matrix characterscan display messages and

Messages symbols.The error conditionshave descriptive messages
that can occupy the display'snumber and trace areas.
Calculationkeystrokesusually causesymbolsto appear
only in the trace area. Messages
and symbolsare listed in

2.6 TheCalculatorMode
L,Z epol,l rolPlnclBc aqI
('9-1 a8eduo paqrJJsapsr aEessaur srq; 'po. eldsrp
aq ol lso I aq ^eu.l
slualuoc IZMa8€ssaur aqlsasneJ
.{11ensn.{aI [13S3Ulaqr Eulssard)
'fl1e1uaprcee ssard
lou llr,rtno^{1eq1os ?/-Itr aql Jo asecaql qtr^r qsnlJsr
.{a4srq; 'preoq,ta4aql uoJJ uorleunoyurEurJaluaruoJJ
no,{sluenard l€ql sJnJJorualqorde uaq/lrJol"lnal€c
aql uelsar ot , ,uosal ls€1,, €se pasnsr fa1 ll3s3 ul aqJ lssau-[r3s3{
'g xrpuaddy ur sr suorlrpuoJroJJa
'aruo '(.{uldsrpaql ul aEessaur Jo lsll v
[C/3Clssard alerrdordde
ue.{q palearpur)uorlrpuocroJJau€JBel)o.L <
lou srrosrnJ aql Jr aJuo [C/f Cl ssaJdro acr/rl [Cr3Cl
ssard'suorleradoEurpuadIJBpu€zteldsrpaql JBaIJoJ <
'uorlelncl€cJno,{q1r.uanurluoc pu? Jaqunu
aql Jalua uaql UBJno1 'aouolC/lCI ssard'Eurqsel;sr
JosJnJaql alrq,tl.,fu1ua
learraurnulcaJJoJuru? Jealr oJ <
'.&olaqur!\oqss? suorlrpuoaJoJJaro ,sa1r1ua
/tulu3 iealC
lJarrorur 'suorle.ladoEurpuadsrealcfa>119p91aqg -[c/3cl
BJo tlnsar aql tlpa ol nod salqeuaoqe .{a4sq1
'996 s
aql Jr ,{JluaBssllueruaqt ol suJnlal Jo sralJ€J€qc
luauodxa sa,rowar,ta4srql,luauodxa uorlelou
JrJrluarJs€EurraluaaJ?nof a1q6 'sraliereqc essrluelu
salolual ,{e4sq1 'luauodxa uorlelou crJrluarcse Jalua
nof aro;ag 'parealcsr{rlua aJrluaaql lllun sJalaeJ?r{c
Eutlalapdaa4 uec notr '1urodleurraape ro 1tlrp e raqlla l3ioureu
1s"l s,frtua u€alalap ol nod salqeuada4 srq; telce/BrlC-[-t
('reldeqcs;qgulre1e; ,,sley
lBcllsDElsro IJouteueql l3el3ol luEr no^11) .rolelnclec
eql lo seeJBuollBlnclBceq1u; 6u;ree;c1oseetbepsno;rea
esnecec;n1[e4 19691eq16u;ssetdpue,secuelstuncrlc
ulBUecut ecuo[e1 191331 eq1oulsseld,[e11+1eq1 0u1sse.r6
aql 6u;reelg

Thedataentrykeysenableyouto onte.the numerlcaldata

neededlo performcalculatlons. Upto 13dlgltscanbe
snterodlor useIn calculatlons.However,rosultgareshownto
10dlgits.YoucanenternumbersInellherstandard or

I0l-lel-Digits The digit keys enter numbersinto the display.In

standardnotation, you can enter up to 13digits and a
decimalpoint. In scientific notation, you can enter up to
l3 digits and a decimalpoint along with three digits for
the exponent.

t.t- The [ . I key enters a decimal point. The exponent of

Decimal scientific notation cannot include a decimalpoint. If the
Point result of a calculationis shown as an integer with a
decimalpoint, the number is not internally an integer
but is rounded to an integer for the display.The decimal
is not shown for true integers.

l+l-l- The l+t-l key changesthe sign of the number in the

Change Sign display, making it easyto enter negativenumbers and
negative exponents.To enter a negative number, first
enter the number as a positive value and then press

lnl-Pi The lnl key entersthe value of pi to l3 significant digits,

with a value ot 3.141592653590. The display showsthe
value of pi rounded to ten digits, 3.14L592654.

IEEI- The IEEIkey enablesyou to enter numbersin scientific

Scientific notation. You can enternumbers as small as t I x l0- 128
Notation and aslargeas t 9.999999999999 x 10t27.

Note: If the result of a calculationis outsidethe range

- 9999999999to - .0000000001,zero. or .0000000001to
9999999999,the calculator automatically displaysthe
number in scientific notation even though you may not
have pressedIEEI.

2.8 TheCalculatorMode
6.2 apow rolBlnclBceql
0 0 Ix 9 / z ' 8 9LL'8
- 8?06889I -
r0I x 8?06889'I
e - 0 Ix I ' z I200000'0
e0I x 681,'9 68/9
uo!l?loNc!lllue!cs uolleloNpJBpuBls
'uorl"lou cIJIluaIJspuBpJepuBls
qloq ur passardxasraqunu s^roqsalq"t Eu1,t.o11o;
srlulod lerurcapaql seceldyo.raqurnuaql sa^lEluauodxa
aqt Jo anl€^ aqJ '(rJalaql 01- ilqElr aqt o1 + ) uoll"lou
prepusls ol lt ualuoc 01pagtqs s1lutod I"ulcap aql
uorlJarlp aql sal"clput luauodxa aql Jo ( - ro + ) uEtsaq;
'(zr0l x uotlelou clJllualcs
ur alelndrueurol Jals"asaruocaq(996'gg0'000'000'I)
uolllrrl auo s€qonsJaqwnu 3 Jo luaprrtnba uotlelou
clJlluolJsaqJ'Jaqwnu aqlroJ uoll?lou pJ€pu€}saql
o1lueleltnba a.reraqlaEol pa11dt11nur slueuoduroc asaq;
(luauodxa) rarrrodaruoso1pasl"r 0I <
luauodxa aq1dq leuncap anrl
aql ol pal"ler sI lBrulJapasoqirr(esstlueur)sltEp aql <
olrll olul Jaqunu t saleredasuoll"lou JIJIIUaIoS
' uotl€lou pJepu€ls saldurexa
'asn fep&ala
seq aEedqq1 Jo luomoq aql 1€alqq aqtr,
roJ ualluA\ ar" sraqunu,tem aql st uoll"lou prPpuBls a1d;cu;r1
eroruernol;;gunlBurol slql u; pelrldslp elBsllnselllB
'uollBlnclBcBut uolltlou 3ttlluelcsesnno^ecuO'elpueqol
.relsBesrequrnueseqlelBruuBeuollslouclllluelcs 's/oqulnu
;;eus ro e&e; fue^e^loiul ugllo suollBlnclEcclllluelcS
Scientific Notation (contnued)

Enterlng To enter a number in scientific notation:

Notation l Enter the mantissa.If it is negative,pressl+l-1.

2. Press[EEl.(Note that E+000appearsin the display.)

3. Enterthe exponent. If it is negative,press[+l-1. If

you press a wrong digt key when entering the
exponent, press the correct digits. The calculator
replaces the old digits with the last three digits

Regardlessof how you enter a mantissa, the calculator

normalizesthe number when you pressa function or
operation key. (That is, the calculator displays a single
digit to the left of the decimal point and a{usts the
exponent accordingly.)

Example Enter 66.732x l0- 12,but ,,accidentally"enter the

wrong exponent. Correct the exponent and normalize
the number to 6.6732x l0 - | r.

Procedure Press ValueDlsplayed

Clear tcE/cllcE/cl
Entervalue with
incorrectexponent 66.792[EEl45 66,732E+O45
Correct the
exponent 012[+r-l 66.732E-Or2
Normalize [=l 6 . 6 7 3 2 E - 0r 1

2.'10 TheCalculator
,l.z epolll lolBlnclBc eql
|Ze',9/Lgl t33l IANII uollglou
n o o + a t z E g L L g ' l l=ll?E 9LSZ!
t+l e tl3l z's uralqordaql ralug
000+30 tsll uoll"lou
JrJIluarJs lralas
lc,3cllc,3cl JBalc
enlsA sseJd ernpsco.rd
'uol131ouJlJllualcsa^orual uaql puB
'lze'glgzI + palas elduex3
'0I x Z'8 al€lnJI"J'uollelou JlJllualts
'uoIlBlou clJlluaIJs uI ulllorls aq 01sllnsaJ
Iralas uBJfa{ [33]aql
ue Euualua 01uolllpps uI 'uollBtou JIJIluaIaspuE suollBloN
prBpuBlsqloq Jo uollsulqruo) €qllll ralua u"J no^ 6u;u;quog
'Eu1qse1y1ousl rosJnc aql uaq^l
aJuoro aJr^\l lcEcl Eutssardfq rol€lnclBaaql JBalc <
'uoll€lou pJspuBlsol raqunu 3 sue^uoJ
osleacuanbasfa4 qql leqt aloN '[3ll [ANllssar4 .
:uorl€lou clJllualJsaAOUarOJ
'uorlslou clJllualcsalotual IsJIJlsnu nod'uotlelou
prBpu€ls ur slpser aq1z{eldstpuec rolelnDlBc aql aloJag
'uor}"lou pJBpu€lsul palalua ar? suollBlnal€J aql uaq^4'
ua/ra'uo11elouJIJIluaIcsut paduldstpz(ll"cll"ruoln€ uo!lBloN
'uo1lelou cllllua!3s
aJ" suollelnrpc luanbasqnsIIe Jo sllnsar aql
JrJrlueltsuI Jaqunu €ralua o1B31ssardnod ra13y 6uglouag
Scientific Notation (conrinued)

Convertlng Your calculator also enablesyou to convert numbers

Notations from standard to scientific notation and vice versa.

> To convert a number from standard to scientific

notation, press[EElwhen the cursor is not flashing.

> To convert a number from scientific to standard

notation, press[lNVl[EEl.

Note: If the number is not in the range of standard

notation, the display format does not change until
you enter a number that is within range.

Example Convert 55.555555to scientific notation and then back

to standard notation.

Procedure Press ValueDlsplayed

Clear IcE/cltcE,cl
Convert to 55.555555
scientific notation l=lleEl 5. 555555E+001

Convert to
standard notation ttNVItEEl 5 5 .5 5 5 5 5 5

2.12 TheCalculator
Et,e epon JolElnclBceql
'fa4 raqloue Eurssard{q palaldwoc aq 01paau lou
op pue sallastuaql alalduroJsuotlJunJalelpaurul :aloN
saleaJca Ixl t'palalduoc 111un('fqareratq crcrqaEle
aq1ur z(lrrotrd raruol ro pnba seq 1eq1uotlerado
fue fq palalciurocaq u"c uo11ec11dt1pur 1eq1alop)
'1=1se qcns fa1 alerrdorddeue Eurssarddq palalduroc
aq lsnu uollsrado eq;.'ra,!\su€aq1acnpord1ousaop
g 1x; 7 Euuarua flduns'| 0Z : g x V w qansuralqorde u1 6u;pur1
'gI : g + z - g - 9I'aroJalaqJ
'uorllppe pue uollJ"Jlqns a{l Eullaldurocuaql pue (7 -
lsrrJ uorsrllp aql Eutlaldurocdq ualqord stql sanlos
uralsfg Eurle.radgclerqaElv aql 'ra^ar$o11'palalduoc
ere suorlerado aql r{Jlq,l\ uI JapJoeq1uo Eutpuadap
lurarrasaaeq feur g + Z = 8 - 9I
sBqcns ualqord e 'sa1nrcprqa8le yo 1aspaxlJ lnoqlli1
ol se!U.rolrduOgsseo1sa;nr clerqe6;e peldecce Ileplm sesn
n,SOV eql'repro lceJJoc gql u! peutoped eJBsuollelncl93
rnol erns er;eu o1 'ecuenbes preruollq6lerls 'eldu!s
B u! rolplnclBc eqt olu! suo!lBredo peulquoc PUBstequtnu
relue o1no[ selqeue uelsAg 6u!leredg cls.tqe6ly,rggy eq1

Algebralc The AOS algebraic hierarchy completes operations

Hlerarchy according to the following categories, which are listed in

l. Immediatefunctions-lsinl,lcosl.ltanl.
[tNVllstnl,I|NVIlcosl,tltvl ltanl.
ltNVllhypllslnl,ttttvlttrypltcosl,lNvt ttrvoltranl.
[P>Rl, [tNVl!P>Rl, lnPd,l;Cd,lnil,
I.DRg:!,.!Lvl tglc,t [DMS,DDt,ltNvl[DMs,DDI,
[+l-1,h/xl,t.r4,16 |
2. Deltapercent-la%l

3. Universal powers and roots-lg.rl, tlNVl ly"1

4. Multiplication and division-lxl, [+l

5. Addition and subtraction-t+1, l-l

6. Equals-l=l
With the AOStrierarchy, lower_priority operations are
delayed until higher_priority operation. ar" compl,ete.

> Operations in priority I are immediate

These functions are performed as soon as you press
the operation keys.

> Operationsin priorities 2, B, 4, and b

are completedby
any operation with the samepriority or with a lower
priority. For example,multiplication and division are
completedby another [xlor[+l operation orby [+1,
[ - 1 ,o r l = 1 .

> The l=l key completesall operations.

2.14 The CalculatorMode

9t.z epoyl JolBlnclBceql
9ZZ 1=lz uorlslncl€c
9Zn t-t s uorlcsJlqns
1aspue suorlerado
Eupuad alalduroC
bnlz (E4Puad
pue uorlrppe)
[+18 (Eulpuadoqe
[+lt uorlrpp€
tc,3cltc/3cl r"alc
pefelds;genle1 eJnpecord
'suorlerado Eurpuadpue f qcrerattl
cre.rqaEleaql sal"Jtsnllr uortelnJleJ Eu1no11o;aq; alduerl

,!19-catcuJatlo-nsrequlreyouto groupoperailonsdllferenily
rrom.tneorderot complellonprovldedby AOS.A serlesol -
numbersandoperatlonsenclosedIn paienthesesls glven
prlorllyoyeroperatlons outsldethe pirentheses.Wliiln each
levelof parentheses,lhe calculatorbperatesaccordlngto the
rulesof the algebralchlerarchy.

l(l,l)t- The [ ( | key opens a parenthetical expression, and the [ ) I

Parentheses key closesa parenthetical expression. There'is a
maximum of 22 levels of parenthesesand operations

If you press [ ) I when there are no pending parentheses,

the.calculator completes all pending operaiions as if you
had pressed[=1.

Example 7x(3+5):56

Procedure Press ValueDlsplayed

Clear lcE/cllcErcl
multiplication Tlxl

Begin expression in
parentheses t(lo

addition l+ls
expression in
parentheses lll
Complete pending
operations l=l

If this calculation is performed without parentheses, the

algebraic heirarchy completes the multiplication before
the addition. Without parentheses,the risult is 26.

2.16 TheCalculator
Lt.z epollrolelnclBc
'sasaqluaJBdaql ultlll^r anl"A
lsrlJ aql sBpal"adar
sr anl€^ ^€ldslp aql '.da{uorlcunJro fa{ uorlBrado
Eupuad e fq pa^4,olloJ srsrsaqluereduado ue;1
'l ( ssardnod uaq/r srsaqlua;eduado Eurpuad
I luacar lsour
aql ol {c"q salenlsla uorlelnclcc aqJ 'sasaqlua;udasola
qll^{ uollelnc1ecaql pue's11nsaralelpauJalul x\oqsoJ
[=l suorlelado
Eurpuad a1a1duro3
€t 0 0 0 1 , 6 8 6 9 Polls[-l uollJ"Jlqns
Eutpuad ralug
8 9 / t e t 0 €r ' z loous0rl)llxl uorleayldrllnru
e€es es sEe€ lr/tle[)l sasaqluared
OI lrrtlof uollerado
IC'3CllC'rCl rsalc
peleldsggen1e11 sssJd ornpgSoJd
I : (g aot - qer ao1;x 6,,1)0I egduex3
'rapro radord aql ur uorssaJdxaaq1salenlena (penu;guog)
'uorlBInJIBJB pua aq11esruorssardxa s9seqlue.rEd
[=l EurssaJd Jo
lecrlaqluored aql uaq^4,[ 11ssardo1paau lou op no1 - t (l ' lr l

Youmayoccaslonallyenteran incorrectnumberor pressthe

youcan pressICE/CItwlce.In manyinstancos,howeyer,you
cancorrsclan €nlryerrorwithoutclearingtheentlre

Correcting The ICE/CIkey hastwo purposes.While the cursor is

Numbersand flashing, one pressof this key clearsonly the entry.
lmmediate PressICE/CItwice or pressit once while the cursor is not
Functions flashingto clear all calculations.

> PressICEICIonce to clear the display if you enter an

incorrect number. Then you can enter the correct
number and continue with the problem.

> If the cursor is no longer flashing (you press an

immediate function key such as l.r2lor lsinl),pressI-l
as neededto clearthe display.Then you can enterthe
correct number and function and continue with the

Example Calculate10.6+ 12.7:23.3

Procedure Press ValueDlsplayed

Clear lcE/cllcE/cI
(with incorrect
entry) 10.6[+l 12.4 L 2. 4

Clear the display lcE,cI

Enter correct
continue 12.71=l 23.3

Note: If you press[CErClonce while the cursor is not

flashing, the entire calculationis cleared.

You can pressthe l*l key to delete an entry's last

character, either a digit or a decimal point. you can keep
deleting charactersuntil the entire entry is cleared.

2.18 TheCalculatorMode
6l.e eponJolBlnclBc
'99 w dlpaJJoJur
tlnsar aqt sfBldslp
puBlsJrJuorltppBturpuad aql salaldruocrol€lnclsJ aql
'J+;se fluor.rd auresaq1 seq .[+lJo p"alsur
,anoqeeldurexeaql uI
1-1ssald fgeluapraJ€nof asoddns
LC l=l$[xl anutluocpuefal
lJaJJocaql ssaJd
[ + l 9 l + /l (fa4 uorpun;
lcarroaut qlr.{)
lcEcllc,3cl rBalc
pelelds;q enle1 sssrd e/npecoJd
'ureEeutEaqpue uorl"lnJlea aql realJ
acrlU [C/lCl ssardplnoqs no,t 'asecsrql u1 .suorlerado
Eulpuadsnorla.rdaq1salalduroafa4 uorl"Jado
i{lrrorrd-raltol e Eurssard'suorleradotutpuad Eurlsrxa
fue are araql 31'uralqord aq1lcaJJoclou i{eur ,ta4
lJaJJoJaql Eurssardr(ldturs'uorle.radopapualur aql
ueql fluor.rd Jal\ol sBtIuorlerado laauoJur arll JI <
'uorlBInJIBJ JnortqlrA anulluo) pu? auo lJarJocur
aql ralJ€dlalerpaururrda>1 uorleradolcaJJoJaql
ssarduec noi( 'uorleredo papualuraq1ueql i{1rror.rd
raqErqro lenba ue seq uorleradolcarrorur aql JI <
'[+l pu€'[-l '[xl '1+1'6/?l ,1xfi1,1o7o91
sfa>1uorleredoEurpuadeqJ .uorlelnrlec aql Eurrealr
lnoqll^\ uorleradoaql lJaJroc ol alq" aq lou deurro
deurnoit 'da4 uorleradoEupuad lcaJJoJuluB ssardnof;1

Thearithmetickeysenableyouto performthemosl
commonlyusedmathematical operations: addition'
subtraction, division,raisinga numberlo a
powerandtakinga rootol a number'

[+1,[-1,1;],I+1, Thesekeys all operate on two numbers.Basically,you

ly"l, [lNVlly"l,
t a"z"l- > Enteravalue.
Arithmetic > PressanoperationkeY(s)'
Functions > Enteranothervalue.
> Completethe operation with an operation of the same
or lower prioritY.

The x and y values combineas follows.

y[+lx Adds x to y.

yl-lx Subtractsx from Y.

y lxlx Multiplies y by x.

y [+lx Dividesy by x.

Y lY"l x Raisesy to the x Power.

yllNvlly'lx TakesthexrootofY.

y laY"lx Subtractsx from y, divides the difference

by x, and multiplies the result by 100.

The equalskey completesall pending operationsand

prepaies the calculator for new calculations'In the
iboie dirc,rssion,entering a value can consistof
recalling the value from a memory' arriving at the value
througtr-calculations,or just keying in the digits'

2.20 T h eC a l c u l a l oM
r ode
tz.e epon rolBlnclscaql
6L [=l suorlerado
1e a1a1duro3
Shr?l (Eulpuadsupurar
uollerado aq1
uuql fluolrd ranol
B sBquorlpp"
asn€rag) uorlBrl
9I l+l flrroFd awes
qlpn a1a1duro3
6[ + 1 9 uorlIppB
tcEcllcrscl JBalc
pelelds;g enlel eJnpecord
'et + + g uolssardxa aq1alenlelg
6 e;duer3

I Arithmetic Keys (continued)

ltttvl Iy'1- The llltvl ly"1key sequencecalculatesthe root of a

UniversalRoots positive number. To use this key sequence:

I . Enter the number (y) whose root you want to find.

2. PressllNVllvrl.

3. Entertheroot(x).

4. Pressa key that completesthe operation.

Exampfe Calculates sTt\ElM

Procedure Press ValueDisPlaYed

Clear lcEcltcEcl
Entery value 21.496llNVl
lyxl 2L .496

Enter x value 3.871 3 .871

Calculatefl] l=l 2.208968514

2.22 TheCalculatorMode
ez.z epoull
EI ld/^l asnualoddt{ purd
69I0 [( I lzrl[r/ll sq1Eual
0zl+llzf,lzr.l)l Ea1go sarenbsppy
lc/rcllc/3cl r€alc
pa{elds;qenle1 ssa.rd ernpecord
'zE +
zyA sl asnualod.{q
aq1'g pue V Jo sr{18ualBal.rog[74[ue ZI Jo sqfual
aaeq sEalasoq,!{alEuerrle;o asnualod,{qaql pulJ e;durex3
'Jaqtunuaarlrsode s.{er$l€sr
llnsal aqJ 'sJnJcouorlrpuoJ
JoJJau€ 'asr^uoqlo larrrlrsodaq lsnru Jaqunu padeldsrp
aq; 'x sqenbal!,4saurtltA r€qr qrns (ltA palaqel)
raqtunu Jaqloue sr(x) raqunu e Jo looJ arenbsaq; '1oor uo!lcunJ
arenbss,Jaqrunuaql Eul{"l s€aues aql s! qcrqrn'rarrrod loou e,rBnbs
Z/I aqt ol raqurnu padeldsrpaql sasr€r,{a414n1aq1 -tvl
'rolBlnclecaql aEueraql
ut st arenbsasoq./rl
anlen fue aq ueJ Jaqunu aqJ'Jlaslr
fq raqunu aql Eul,{ldlrlnu s€atuesaql srqJrq,,rr'rarrrod uo!lcunl erBnbs
puz aq] oJraqrunu pa. eldsrpar{t sast€r, a4 1rr1aqtr -lzrl
'Jol€lnJl€caq1;o a8uel aql ut anl€^ fue aq u€J Jaqrunu
aql 'I olur Jaqunu aqt Eurprlrp sBatuesaql sr qcrqln ;ecordqcag
'ra.trod - aqt ot anlen pa.{eldsrpaql sasrerfa4
I 1r111aq; -lr/tl
Jequrnueql ocnpolslel loor e.renbs
eqllnq 'Ie1 goorpueremodlpsreA!un eql ql!,ssuo!lBlnclBc
eseqluropeduecno1'suollBlnclec u![;1uenberl
rnccoloo.reJBnbs pue'elenbs'leco,rdpcalfo suollcunleql
srteyloou erenbSpup'olpnbg';ecordgcag

Youcan slorea valuein memoryforcomparlsonwith the

resullof a latercalculation
or for useseveraltimesduringa
calculation.Thememoriesarenumbered0 through9.
Statisticsyaluosoccupymemories 4 throughI it theSTAT
modeis in effect.

ISTOIm- The ISTOIm key sequencereplacesthe number in

Slore memory m with the currently displayednumber. For
instance,the key sequence22ISTOI3 storesthe number
22 in memory3.

Note: You clear a memory by pressingISTOIm u'hen 0 is

in the display.

IRCLIm- The IRCLIm key sequencedisplays(recalls)the number

Recall stored in memory m, without affecting the memory
contents.The value previously in the display is cleared.

IEXCIm- The IEXCIm key sequenceexchangesthe number in the

Exchange display with the number in memory m. For instance,the
key sequence33 IEXCI2 storesthe number 33 and
displaysthe number previously stored in memory 2. You
can usethis key to check the contents of a memory
without losingthe previously displayednumber.
PressingIEXCIm again restoresthe original valuesto the
memory and the display.

ISUMIm- The ISUMIm key sequenceaddsthe number in the

Sum in display to the number in memory m. For instance,if 5 is
Memory in memory I and you press3 ISUMI1, the number in
memory I is then 8. Ihe 3 is still displayed.

Note: If you want to add numbersto the current

contentsofmemory,uselSUMlm.However,if youare
beginninga new problem, be sure to use ISTOIm to store
the first number in memory m. (This eliminatesthe
previouscontents.)You can then useISUMIm to add

llNvl ISUMIm- The llNVlISUMIm key sequencesubtractsthe numberin

Deductf rom the display from the number in memory m. For instance,
Memory if 5 is in memory0 and you press3 [lNvl[sUMl0, the
numberin memory0 is then 2. The 3 is still displayed.

2'24 T h eC a l c u l a t oM
r ode
9Z.Z epoull.rolelncleceqI
zz'6vl zz 6tr I [lCUl fuouraurur Jaqrunu
luarrnr aql II€cau
zz'6vr z n 'n 8 I lwnslI lcx3l ,tlotuaur
o1 ll pp€ pu? Jaqrunu
pa,,{eldsrpaql aJolsaU
zv'n8 8't9 I lcxslzr'r8 ,trotuaur pue
,{eldsrpaqt a8u€qJxa
'uaqJ 'zI''?gratug
8't9 8?I I [nnsl8'rr frouaru ur
raqunu altl o1g.tI ppY
09 09 r lorsl09 ,,{rouraur
uI 0g aJols
lc/3cllc/3cl r€alJ
! fuouieUI per{BldslO
enlen sserd eJnPacotd
'1 f.rouatu ur Jaqrunuaql .t
lsnl'1lnsaraql ol ll pp€pu€,{eydsrpnU, or aU.Urlrt;# t
'y .{rouraurur
aql qll.{r lr aEu"qJxapue 'f eldsrpaql olur ZV.Vg ralug .Z
'g'tl pp€pue , rourautur arols .I
1 0g
aql uJoJJad'alerado sfa>1,{rourauraql ,/r,r.or{
no,{.uoqso; eldurexl

A yarletyof lechnlcalandtheoretlcalcalculallonsrequlrelhe
useol logarlthms,whlchlorman lmportantparl of many
mathemallcal"modols"of naturalphenomena. The
logarlthmlckeysglveyouacce33lonrturll andcommon
logarlthmsor antllogarlthms.

llnrl,llogl- The llnrl key calculates the natural logarithm (basee,

Logarflhms e:2.718281828459)of the number in the display. The
number must be positive; otherwise, an error condition

The llogl key calculates the common logarithm (base 10)

of the number in the display.The number must be
positive; otherwise, an error condition occurs.

llNVlllnrl, The lltrlvlllnrl key sequencecalculatesthe value of e

IINVIllogl- raisedto the power of the number in the display.
The llttvlllogl key sequencecalculatesthe value of 10
raisedto the power of the number in the display.
Example Find the result of e(lt 2x ldros3*

Procedure Press ValueDlsplayed

Clear lcErcllcErcl

Solveexpression t(l2llnrllxlt(l
llNvlllnrl 64

Example Find the result of (e3- e 3)/2.

Procedure Press ValueDlsplayed

Clear IcErcllcE,cl
Solveexpression l( I3llNVIlln-rl
l-l3l+r-l IlNvl
llnrll)ll=12[=l 10.01787493

2.26 The CalculatorMode

LZ.Z epow JolElnsleceql
s r ?I 9 0 t 6 r 9 luEll[d^qll^Ntl rlnsarpur; pue d1
xr;ard aq1ssarg
9' anle^ Jalug
E 6 n L S L t OO 1 lu!slld^qle llnsar purd
tc/3clIc/3cl r€alc
peAeldslqan1e1 sseJd oJnpecoJd
'(g')qu€t)repue (g)qurs
1ollnsal aLItpuld a;duex3
asranurEurssacJB uaqlrr
.{lsnoauellnurs1dIq1pue lANltssardlsnru noI :aloN
Zi((x- Ir(x + I))ut = x quetrr€
(s(I - zx)* x)u1: x qsorrr€
(. (1 +.x)+ x)ul = x t{ulsJr€ suo!lcunJ
:s€paurJaparEsuorlJunJasaqJ 'quBlJJsaql salelnclBr asteAul
luell ld,(qllANtlpu€
'l-{ursJr€ tsocttdlqt lANtl -[uBll [dIql[ANtl
saJBlnclea 'lsoclldfttl
ldIt{l lANu'suolJrunJcrloqrad,,{q
aql Jo sasJalutaql alelnclec s.{a4crloqradfq asJalur oqJ ' P l s l l d A q[ANtl
'qsoa,q papl^lp
qurssrosle quel 'aursoc.,{qpaprnrpaurssrlua8uel sy
(* _a + *a)7(",a - *a): x quel
ZIG a+"a):xr{so) f , / ( *a - " a ) : x q u 1 s
:s,tlolloJsBpaurJapaJ€suorlJunJaseql .quel aql c;loqredr{g
sal€lnJIeJ [uBu [d^qlpue 'qsot aql salBlnrleJlsoclld^rll -luBllld,(ql
'qursaqt sal€Ina1ec ',te1dsrpaql ur Jaqunu aql 'lsoclldfttl
Jo uorlrunJ cqoqladfq aql alBlncl€Js,{a4crloqradr(r{ar{J '1u;s11dIt11
'suollcunleseqllo llnsereql lcollBlou soop6ulpes
s1;une16ueeql're'6o;;1uB lBrnlrulo surrelu! peulleperB
suo!lcunleseql'1ue6uelclloqledlqpuB,eulsoc clloq,redlq
'eu;sc;loqredlqerBsuollcunl6p1o1sellpellurls r!eqt
lo esnBceqpeuEue^sqsuBlcllsutgr{lBur lgrll suollcunleerql
suo!lcunl c!loqlad^H

Thenumberportionkeysdlscardthe partof a numberon

eithersideol thedecimalpoint.Thesekeyssnableyouto
makea valuesuitableforf unctionsrequiringintegerinput
andto isolatelhe lractionalportion
of a number.

Itntgl- This key truncatesthe displayednumber at the decimal

IntegerPortion point. The result is an integer.

Example Find the antilog of 3 and make the result an integer.

Procedure Press ValueDisplayed

Clear lcE,cllcE/cl
Enter problem 3llNvlllosl 1000

Take integer llntsl 999

lFracl- This key deletesthe displayednumber's digits to the left

DecimalPortion of the decimal.The result is between - I and l.

Example Enter the problem 10000= 7 and delete the integer

portion ofthe result.

Procedure Press ValueDisplayed

Clear lcE/cllcE/cl
Enter problem 100001+l7l=l 1 4 2 8. 5 71 4 2 9

Removedigits lFracl 5 7 1 4 2 8 5 7r 4

Example l0 raisedto the fractional part of a number's log returns

the mantissa.Convert 1234.1234to its mantissa.

Procedure Press ValueDisplayed

Clear IcE/cllcE/cl
Convert to 1234.1
mantissa lFraclltHvlltogl t.2341234

2.28 The CalculalorMode

6e'z eql
'JapJoasJa^aJur ua^uoJ
pue sttun alEu€aql aEu?qJno.{'.[<cuolIANu
'o ol 'saar8ap
06 {c€q paua^uor sralEueaqJ
ot strun alEu€aqt urntar ot aturl pJll-lle l.CUO1ssorg g
'sperEgg1 ot pauoluo) st alEueaq;
'sperEo1slrun al8ueaql acuelpe o1ute8e
kiu) tZggAnlg'I of pagaluoJ sI apue aq1
o l s l r u n a l E u ea q l a r u B ^ p eo l a J u ol . c u o l s s a r g ' 1
'06 Jalua pue saarEapo1JolelnJIeJaql las 'aldruexarog
'slrun ,&lau
aq1o1,teldsrpaq1 ur al8ue uo!s/eAuoc
aql sua^uoJ pu€slrunal8ueaqt saEueqc.{a4 [.cu0l a{J a16uy-1.9991
'JaproasJaAaJ ul sllun alEueaq1a8ueqa
no.{'ICHOIlANttEutssaJd .{g '(pa.{eldstp sl g3o)aarEap
ot {req uaql puc '(pa.,te1dstpst gygg) per8 '(pa,teldstp
sl oVU)uerper :rapJoEul.rr'olloJaqt rrl aJueApesllun alEue
aq1'1ggq1ssa.rdno,{drurtqceg ',{eydstpaqt u1alEueaql e6ueqgapoyl
Eugtcagye lnoqll4asltun alEueaq1sa8ueqc.{a>1 19g91aql atOuV-lcuol
slenbaalEuetr{EtrV 'olrrlr ? Jo ggp71qenba per8 aug <
slenbaalEuetq8u V 'alrrl) BJo u7;1slenbauelp€rauo <
'o slenba
al8uelqEu V alrrlr e Jo ggg71slenbaaar8apauo <
are--sper8pue 'suelper 'saarEap-s1tunalEueaarqt aqJ s1;ulagOuy
'6uluasslrll6u;6ueqc e1;qm laqloueol
'sper6ro 'suelper
lluneuouorf salOue ueluocosleu?cnoA
'seerOap-sBu!llesllun el6ueeetql;o[ue 1ca;es uecnoA
'sl!unel6uel3eroc aqlrol lolplnclBceql les ol'suo!sIe^uoc
relnOuegcellrelod eql :sel6ue
6u;llolugsuollelnclec Bselpueqlolelnclecaql
lo {lepren

Youcaneasilyperformtrigonomelric calculations involving

sine,cosine,langent,andtheirinverses, Because all angles
aie interpretedaccordingto thecurrenlsettingof the angle
units,besurelhecalculatoris setto th€correctangleunils

lsinl,Icosl, The trigonometric keys lsinl,lcosl,and ltanl calculatethe

Itanl- sine, cosine,and tangent of the anglein the display. The
Trig Functions calculatorinterpretsthe anglein the units (DEG,RAD,
or GRAD)selectedby the IDRGIor [DRG>l key.

s i n0 : ! c o s0 :
c opposite(b)

t"r, 0: !
adjacent (a)

Note: The tangent of 90 o (or any odd-numberedmultiple

of 90 ", such as270o)is undefined. If you attempt to
calculatethe tangent of such an angle,an error

llNVllsinl, The inverse trig keys calculatethe angle(in the units

llttvl lcosl, selected)whose sine, cosine,or tangent is in the display.
[INVIIIanI- llNVllsinl calculatesthe arcsine(sin r), llNVllcosl
InverseTrig calculatesthe arccosine (cos t), and [lNVlltanlcalculates
Functions the arctangent(tan t).

The rangesof anglesresulting from inverse

trigonometric functions are given in Appendix C.

2.30 TheCalculatorMode
tc'7 epow rolBlnclBceql
8 I r S O 9 9 99 Z luElllANll
[08t+lr [)l 0 put.{
IC/3CllC/3Cl rBalc
enlBA ssard eJnpesoJd
' aldluexaslqt Eul{ro/v\
aJoJaqsaarEapo1las sI ro]€lnJl€r aql l€ql {aaqJ
,{q ua,t6 s1al8ueaq;, '8 pue t Jo t{l8ual a^Bq
sEalasoq.nalEuegl lq8u e;o apue 1sa11"uls aql pulJ alduex3
9 9 6 8 r Z 6 l VZ [=l
lu!slrtlxl0t {}Eua1aqt puld
lc/3cllc/3cl J€alc
pefelds16an1e11 sserd eJnpecord
' aldurexastql Eul4rom'
aro;aq saarEbpo1las sI rolelnclBr aql t€ql {raqC
'g ursr: ^,{,tquanr8s1qfual Ea1aqJ,
o71 s1apue lsall?ruspue saqJul0I sI asnualod.{qasoq.tr
al8uerrl rqElr e ;o Eallsauoqs aq] Jo t{18uolaq} puld agdtuer3
and DecimalDegreesCo:vcrsions

Anglesin navigationandaslronomyareolten measuredin

theseanglesor usethemin trlgonometriccalculations,you
mustconvertthemto decimaldegrees.you canalsoapply
theseconverslonsto hourslminutes/secondsanddecima-l

Entering To input a value as degrees,minutes, and seconds,

Degrees, follow thesesteps:
Seconds l. Key in the numberof whole degrees.
2. Keyinadecimal.
3. Key in the number of whole minutes as two digits.
4. Key in the number of whole secondsastwo digits.
5. If there is a fractional part of asecondto enter, key in
those digits as if the decimalpoint for secondsis four
placesto the right of the decimalpoint for degrees.

Fractionalpart of a second

When you enter minutes and seconds,rememberto

include zeroswhere neededto place the digits in the
proper positions.(Note that you do not need to enter
trailing zeros.)For example,the angle 9 o 7,50,, is
entered as 9.075in the degrees/minutes/seconds format.

To input a value asdecimaldegrees,key in the value as it

is written.

IDMS>DDI, The IDMS>DDl key converts from the degrees/minutes/

IINVIIDMS>DDI- secondsformat to decimaldegrees.
Conversion The llNvl IDMS>DDl key sequenceconverts from the
decimaldegreesformat to degrees/minutes/seconds. The
result includes o, ', and " symbolsto label the degrees,
minutes, and seconds.

Note: Although theseanglesare expressedin degrees,

you do not need to set angle units to degreeswhen using
the IDMS>DDl and [tttvl IouS>DDlkey sequences. You can
perform theseconversionsat any angleunits setting.

2.32 TheCalculatorMode
EE'Z a p o wl o l 9 l n c l e ca q l
'salnuru sJnoq 06 pu€
08 pu€(a^oqe z se atu€saql sl salnulu
Jnoq I ]€qt arrlou aldurexaaql ul 'tuJoJluaraJJlp
e ut anl€AleurEtroaql ssaJdxaf€tu (loo<sllol IANu
qlr,tr)uorsJa^uocasJaAaJ atll 'spuoJasJo salnultu aJotu
ro 0g qtr,lranl€ B Ualuor ol [OO<SWOI asnnof ;1 :a1o1q
,o,oE"z loo.SnOllANll )as/urru/sJnoq
ol ua^uoJ
9Z 100<5l,\1016'l sJnoq
I"uIJap ol ua^uoc
lc/3cl[c/3cl Jealc
enlen sse.rd aJnpasoJd
pue srnoq l€ulJap ol salnulu 06 pue rnoq I ua^uo]
'saaJEap pBalsulsJnoqJuasaJdar
Jo leutcap aql ;o
'{leuroJslt{l uI '?sra^ aJIApu? srnoq
ual aql ol slrErpaql
IsurJap ol spuoeas/selnulru/sJnoq ua^uoJ ol pasnaq
oslsu€c saruanbas.{aIIOOrsnollANllpu€IOO<SU\lOl aq1 eldutexj
'ssaJd,{a{ }xau aq},tq pa,rouraraJ€sloqu.{s, , o ot{J
,,99? 0€, I. t [oo<snollANrl Jas/urluiEap
01 ua^uoc
L999Z|9ZO€ loo<SYtlol saar8ap
99t0eto'e IBulJapol ua^uoo
IC'3CllC'lCl r€al3
enlen sseJd a,rnpacord
'{J€q pu? saaJ8ap
l€tulrapol ,,99?'0t, I o I Ua^uoc elduex3

A percentagerepresenisa specificnumberof hundredths.

Forexample,50To whichequals1/2.percentage
is 50/100,
areuselulin a widevarietyof businessand

lVol- The l%l key automatically divides the number in the

Percent displayby 100,which convertsthe numberinto a
Function decimalpercent.For example,if you enter 43.gand
pressl7ol, . 439 is displayed.

You can use[o/olto calculatepercentages,add_ons,

discounts,and percentageratios.

lxln I%l [=l multipliesthe principalamountby n?,

l+ln [7olI=l addsn% to the principalamount

[-l n ly"l [=l subtractsn % from the principal amount

Percentage Ratios
l+l n IZI [=l dividesthe principalamountby n%

Note that the principal amount is the number in the

displayimmediatelyafter you pressIxl, l+1,l_1,or l+1.

Percentage 4% of 453:18.12

Procedure Press ValueDisptayed

ctear offi
percentage 4sglxlll%l l=l te. tz

2.34 The CalculalorMode

9e'z aPowJolelnclBcaql
8I I [=l
1o/ol9zl+19'62 llnsar etelnclec
IC/3ClIC/3Cl rBalc
anle1 ssa.rd ernpscoJd
i,gZJo ruarrad leqm sl g'62 O!IBU
996',29 [=l llnsor e1€lnclec
966 9 [%l 0l l-l 96'69 ]unotue
IC/3CllC/3Cl rBalc
paAelds;ganle4 ssaJd ernpacoJd
996'7,9:lunorslp %0I - 96'69 lunocs!0
I L99l [=l llnsar alBlncl€3
I LtZ l % l s [r + l o s r t lunotuB
uo-pp€ atelnJlBc
lc/3cllc,3cl r€alc
per{elds;genge11 sserd oJnpacoJd
9' L99l: uo-PPe,x,gl+ }gvl uo-ppv

1l't"l- You can find the percent changein two values usingthe
DeltaPercent lt7ol key. The calculationis
100(y- x)/x

which givesyou true salestax chargedor percent

improvement resulting from an adjustment. You enter y
la%l x and pressa completingkey.

Example: The costof a $1450purchaseis $1667.50.What is the

Add-on% actualtax charged?(Notethe similarityto the Add-on
Unknown examplegivenearlier.)

Procedure Press ValueDisplayed

Clear lcE/cllcE/cl
Calculateresult 1667.s0 l^%l
1 4 5 0l = l 15

T h et a x i s 1 5 ' X , .

Example:7oof Your car gets27 milesper gallonbeforea tune-upand

Change 29.7 after. What percentimprovementresulted?

Procedure Press ValueDisplayed

Clear lcE/cllcE/cl
Calculateresult 29.71L"/.1271=l 10

The fuel economyimproved 102,.

2.36 T h eC a l c u l a t oM
r ode
Lt.z apowrolelncleceql
/,nzxl Jr€d €lEp
Jo u?d Jaqlo {Jaq3
[=l9l+l I ppY
,,8 t l(/?f,)le JrBdelep Jalug
lc/3clIc/3cl JBAIJ
anlBA sse/d oJnpacoJd
st g aql lBr{1{caqr uaqJ 'g ppBpu€(t 'g)rr€daql ra}ug a;duex3
rr€d aql Jo (x) raqunu lsrlJ aql '€]€p parrBdsartnbar
lBql uorlJunJB asnlou op lnq JrBdBl€p e Jalua nof JI
'suorsJa^uoJ JBInEuelJaJ/J€lod
rlllr\ sJnecoJa.,lrsuB
Jo adfl srql
BJo sued r{toq}e {ool ol nof salqeuaos1eda{ [/?:xtaql
'(g '7) ualua qcrq,n
lfi:rl Eulssard, q rrcd aq1;o yed puocasaq1se deldsrp
aqt ul g oql asnplnoono.{'osly '(g 'Z)o1(Z'g) ruorJ
saqclr,usrred aql pue an14Z(n'.r;tssard 'suorlelncl€r
rarlJ€auror; .{eldsrpaql ul sr g fnq (g 'g) "rredaq1
asnol puolur no,{1eq1ureEeasoddng'slndul paJredur I a6ueqcr3x
d pue x;o sanle^ aql asralar o1nof salqeuafa{ [/?:4 aqJ -lnzx!
'luasaJd.{1a1alduroc aJ€sJaqrunu
qloq 'rala1r,!.oH ',{eldsrpaql
Jo lJal aq11e ),tq pal€Jrpur
sr rlrrq.{ ',{eldsrpaqiul fU lou op sraqunu qloq t€ql
slt8tp ^,{uewos r{lr.r\sanlen;o rred e Jalua u€J no1 :aloN
'anl€Apuocasaql s3 g Jalua uaqJ 'anl?Apuocas
aLIlJoJnoz{lduord ol ( i ^ ' x ) s./roqsBaJ€aJ€JlaqJ
'(/? '(9 '7).rredaql asn o1pualur no.{
4l ssardpue Zratua tu1u3 r;e6
'rred e ur sanl€Ao.t*l
Jo lsJrJaql sJaluafa{ l(/?4t aqJ -[('??)l
'elep perlBdesn uBcJolBlnclec
aq1slem ro1,,sIey sc;1s;ge1S,, pue ,,'suo!leutqutoCpue
'suo!lelnuJed'lB!.rolcaJ,, regnBuelcegpe;o6,,
ol releu 'JepJoesJe^oJJo prB,uJolu; sl;ed elBp lolue
ognol alqeue ln14puelln'x;1 sr{e1orrrgeq1 'pelelue 6ureq
sanlel ;o rred e uo I;a.rsuo!lcunl s.lolelnclBJaql lo autos

In lhe rectangularcoordlnatosystom,tho coordlnates(x,y)

locatea polntx unltsalongthex-axisandy unltsalongthey-
axls.In lhe polarcoordlnatesystem,the coordlnates(r,8)
locaiea polntr unllsf romtheorlginandal an angleI froma

IPtRI- To convertfrom polar(r,0)to rectangular(x,y)

Polarto coordinates,followthesesteps.
Conversion I . Set the calculator to the correct angle units (degrees,
radians,or grads)usingthe IDRGIkey.

2. Enterthe polarcoordinate pair as r l(r,y)l0.

3. PresslP'Rl. The x coordinateis displayedand x=

precedesthe number.

4. Pressl.rtyl. The y coordinateis displayedand y=

precedesthe number.

llNVl[P'Rl- To convert from rectangular(x,y) to polar (r,0)

Rectangular coordinates,follow thesesteps.
to Polar
Conversion I . Set the calculator to the correct angleunits (degrees,
radians,or grads).

2. Enterthe rectangularcoordinatepair as x l(r,y)ly.

3. PressllNVllp'nl. The r coordinateis displayed(in the

current angleunits) and r= precedesthe number.

4. Presslriyl. The 0 coordinateis displayedand 0=

precedesthe number.

2.38 T h eC a l c u l a t oM
r ode
6E'Z epohl/olelnclBceql
'(o 'I
8992008'89 I - 99080t'?0I) sal€ulproorrelod
'00I - saleurproocr€ln8uBlral aqJ
aql ol ua^uor (08 - )
8 9 9 / O o Eg 9 I - = 0 wzxl 0 ^BIdstO
IS90S0t ?0I=.t lU.dllANll r ^sldsIP
0s-'00I- l-,+l0e sal€ulpJooJ
(n?)ll-,+100r ,,tpue x ralug
lc/3cllc/3cl rBalc
pe,{BldsloenlBA ssard eJnpecord
upaq no.,{aroJaqsaaJ8apol las sI ro}€lnJI"J aql aJnsag
'sal€uIpJooJJslod ol
(og - :.t 'gg1 - : x) sel€ulprooJJ€ln8uglcal aql ua^uoc eldulBx3
or 002 - ro'su?IpEru 01u -'o 08I + 01o08I :::ftggl
aql ur palslncl"c q 0 'luBrpBnblcarror aql sal€Jlpul0 Jo (penuIuoC)
anle^ aql 'sal€ulproocJzlod o1yanuoa no{ uaq11 pue uols,r9Auoc,tBlod
x JoJsanlel allle8au qtll sal"ulpJoocJeln8uslaalralua ol JBln6uBlseu
o1nof salqeuaacuanbas{a{ [U<dllANllaqt l€ql aloN -lU.dllANll

ln probabllltycalculallons,-you
oftenneedto mulilplya series
of consecutiveIntegersorlind the numberotposJiUte
ill,ape.mgn!:. of ltems(permutatlons
or com6lnafions).The
keyenablesyoulo multlplyconsecutive
inlegersquickly,andthe [nprland[nCiltieyscalculate
permutations andcombinations.

ln!l- The ln!l key calculatesthe factorial of the displayed

Faciorial number-.The displayednumber must be a non_negative
integer lessthan or equal to 84; otherwise, an error
condition occurs.

Note: A value that is within b x l0- r0of an integerother

than zero looks like that integer. To ensurea valid
argument for factorial of a calculatedvalue, pressllntgl
ln!l to find its factorial.

The factorial of any integer (n) is written n! and is equal

to the product of all integersfrom I to n. By definition, 0!
is equalto l.

Example Calculatethe probability that at leasttwo peoplein a

randomly selectedgroup of four were born on the same
day of the week.

Either the day is sharedor no two peopleare born on the

sameweekday. The sum of probabilitiesof these two
situationsis l. Considerhow you would calculatethe
probability that no two peoplein the room were born on
the sameweekday. Subtract that probability from I to
get the probability that two peoplesharea day.

Think through the problem by starting with one person.

> One day is the weekday on which this person


> Six days are left for everyone else.The probability

that another personwas not born on the same
weekday is 6/7.

> When two people are born on different days,

days are left for everyone else.

> When three peopleare born on different weekdavs.

four daysare left for everyone else.

> The remaining people repeat the pattern.

2.40 TheCalculatorMode
tv.z eql
'stuall 'sualI aJe
8Zt sl lltull s,Jol€lnJI€J aLIl t{JIq.!1JoJ
aJaql s€suolllsod .{u€tu se JI€t{ aJ€aJaql uaq.t\ sllnsaJ
suollBurquloJ JOJaqunu lsat€aJ8 aqJ t8 sI lltull
'surall u€q] uolllsod ssal auo sI
s,Jol€lnJI€) Aql qJlq/rl JoJ
aJaql uaq.r{ sllnsar suoll€lnrurad Jo raqrunu ls.rlerr8 aqJ
ol fldd€ suoll€ulqruoJ puB suoIl€nJIS luapuadap-Jrpro
ol .{ldd€ suol}BlnwJad }ou saop Japlo :pu€tl
atues aql uJoJ IIus faql pue JopJo ,{ue ut pueq rnof turo;
'spJBJ t{11,^A
l€ql spJea aql aAIaf,aJusc nof
sI rapro :1ua.ra;31ps1Eu111ads aql ro rapro ct;raads
e ur sJellal aq1 aceld lsnu no.{'s8u111adsqll,^A
luauraEuerre ue Jo rapro aql JI aas 01 {Jaqr
sr uorl€urquoc Jo uollBlnurad e laqlaqn aplJap oJ
'suotltsod aJB araql s€suralt.{ueur s€lseal
la aq lsnul araqtr'suolllsod olut sual1 Eutaeld.{q paulo;
'sluaure8u€rre alqlssod raqtunu lueua6uelry ue
stiuauatuerJe uy 3o
€ sI suorl€ulqruoJ ro suoll€lnurad;o raqunu aqJ rol se!l!l!q!ssod
'.{ep>1aa,uatu€s aql uo uJoq aJalr
aldoacl aqlJo o.&1aJu€tlc %98 ue i{laleutxordde st araql
vLvz90098'o l=lr k,?lr[+l
tiult0rt-lsl)l ^{111rqeqor4
1 + 1 1 ; u l er l - l alelncl€c
lc,3cllc,3cl rBalc
anleA ss3/d sJnpacord
'{llrqeqord parlsapaqlsa,tf I ulorJ
'rZli(t - sr,{lqtqeqord
flllrqeqord qr{l EullcerlqnS 9)719
'JnoJasaql .ry\olaq
paulquoc aqJ 'i(t - 9) r(qapl^lp
sraEaluralrlncasuoJ aql Iaf,u€Jo;, IBlrolJBJaql sl
g x 7 x g x g E u t d l d t l l n uor l l n c u o q s Y ' L l E xL l V x L / 9 x L l g
:,tepe areqsaldoado,r,rlou ler{1,{lqlqeqordpautquoJ (psnu!luoC)
aql ur sllnsal satlllqeqord IBnpIAIpUIaq1;o lonpord aql elduex3

lnPd- To find the number of permutationsof n items taken r at

Permutations a time, use the lnPrlkey. Enter n, presslLr,y)1,
enter r,
and press[nPrl.

n P r : n l / ( n- r ) !

Example You have six large applianceswith approximately the

samewidth and want to put them at a wall in your
kitchen that hasjust enoughroom for three. Find the
number of ways you can arrangethe appliancesat this

Procedure Press ValueDisplayed

Clear lcE/cllcE/cI
permutations 6 [Lr,y[ 3 lnPrl 120

[nCd- To find the number of combinationsof n items taken r at

Combinations a time, usethe [nCrlkey. Enter n, pressl[v,y[, enter r,
and presslnCrl.

n C r : n ! / ( ( r ! ( n- r ) ! )

Example A royal flush is the ace, king, queen,jack, and ten of the
samesuit. Only four possiblehandsqualify. What is the
probability of being dealt a royal flush from a deck of b2

Procedure Press ValueDisplayed

Clear lcE/cllcE/cl
Calculatethe I I+ls2lk,y)lS
probability lnCrll=l r .539077E-006

2.42 TheCalculator
ev.z eql
IsJrlsrlsls atll ur ^lluaJJn) senl€A 31€p Jo Jaqunu eql
s,!\oqs fBldsrp aql '?lep a^orual JoJalua nof autl qt€g
le anl€A €l"p € Jo saf,uaJJnJ)o666'666'666'666'6
u"ql aJoru Jalua louu"J no^ '(^&ourau uoJJ paJIBJaJ
aq louuBr) s{a{ llElp tulssard ^q paralua ra8a}ul a^Illsod
B aq lsntu suorlrladal Jo Jaqunu aqJ 'sda",Jo satull
Jo Jaqunu ar{l fJlue uB s}"adar sda",lbJll aruanbas aqJ
'luauala €1€p
€ l€adoJ ol uorldo uB seq fJlua BlBp scllsll"ls
asaql al€poluoJc" oI'sluauala el"pJo Jaqunu
aErBI sr araql uaq/\,r la{c"Jq aql uIqlIA dJuanbaJJ
aql alEls pu? BlBp la{J?rq 01 alqBuos"al sl 1l 'oqv
'acuo u€ql aJoru JncJo 01
luaruala B13p€ roJ alqlssod sI lI
-o.&l B uo lold uB) nod sllnsal lBluaulJadxa sl?l"p paJl€d lEAOuleU
'sap?Jt sI BlBp anl"A-alEuls pue fu1u3eleq
Jo aldurBxa uV Jo alduBxa
uv 'sollddB BtBp rno{ qclq/h ol uoll"nlls aql uo spuadap _[+<l[ANtl
31ep paJrcd ro €}ep anl€A-al8uls asn nof Jaqlaql\ ,[brJI'l+31
'€lBp Eu!z^pu? paqsrurJ aJ? no,{ uaq^l
luscl sra1sl6ag
]IVISI ssard ol paau osl" no^ Jo las lrtau € EulJa]ua lBcllsllPls
'sJelslEar /palc
aroJaq IUSCIUVIST ssaJd sfB^rl? plnoqs notr
leJrtsrlets aql sJsala aJuanbas fal IUSCI[rvIS] aq1
'sllnsar .ry\oqsol suoltcung paxqard
lfvfsl aqt asn .
'"13p aql ralug <
'ssacord aEels-orrrl € {q stsfleue pcllstl?ls € urro;rad no1 lo/epJo
'spueJl pue se!cuepuel rol elep eq1ezIleuE uec noA'stelsl6er
lBc!lsllBls otll olur senl€^ ElEpot{l lle relue nol reUV
lo sles azlleue pue e;;dtuoc nol dgeqsle{ sc!lsllels eql
Statistics Keys (conrinued)

EnteringDala The following table coversthe key sequencesfor

entering data into the statisticalregisters.

Typeol Data KeySequence

Single-valuedata, single
occurrenceof element x ll+l
Single-valuedata, repeated
occurrenceof element x lFrqlreps[I+l
Paired data, single
occurrenceof element x [gy)l y [I+l
Paired data, repeated
occurrenceofelement x[(x,y)lylFrqlrepsll+l

RemovingData The following table coversthe key sequencesfor

removing data from the statisticalregisters.If you want
to remove specificdata or correct an entry error, you
can correct the data without starting over.

Typeof Data KeySequence

Single-valuedata, single
occurrenceof element x llNV]lE+l
Single-valuedata, repeated
occurreltceof element x lFrqlrepsllNvl ll+l

Paireddata, single
occurrenceof element x l(r,y)l y IINVIII+l
Paired data, repeated
occurrenceof element x lfty[ y lFrqlreps [lNVllE+l

Note: Removinga data value that was not entered

previously may causemisleadingresults.

2.44 TheCalculatorMode
9r.z epot,lJolelnolBceql
anl€A x paJlsap € roJ anlB^ f 1r,\au l,r?llrvrslx
anl€A { paJlsap € JoJ anlB^ x.a{au l,xl [IVIsl,{
luarJrJJeoJ uoll€laJJoJ lrllrvrsl
adolsaul uorssaJEaJ IqIIIVTSI
ldacJaluraull uorssar8aJ lBluvrsl
sarJlua BlBp Jo Jaqunu pllrvrsl
stenpoJd.{x;o urns l,flryllrvrsl
.{ ;o sarenbsyo urns IzrSllrvrsl
x;o sarenbsyo urns lzf<llrvrsl
.{;o uns ln<llrvrsl
x Jo uns tf,<llrvrsl
uorler^apprepuels f l/?slUvrsl
uorlBr^appJBpuBlsx tf,sltrvrsl
f;o ueaur Idllrvrsl
x Jo usau lrllrvrsl
llnseu acuenbegIay
Iectlstlels 8uI.ry\olloJ
aq1;o due Eutuuo;rad,tq sralstEal l€ctlsllels aql BlB0 eql
ur €l€p aql ez.{1eueuea no.{ 'sanlel elep Jalua nor{ ra1;y 6u;z[1euy

Thissecllonshowsyouhowto performstatlstical
NotethatwhonyoupresslI+l to enterthef lrst
STATappearsIn thedlsplay.

Example:Single- A machine packagesbreakfast cerealin l2-ounce

VariableData containers.To check the machine,you measureten of
the cerealboxesand find they contain the following
amounts of cereal.

1 2 . 2 ,1 2 . 2 , 1 2 . 5 , 1 2 . 5
L ,2 . 4 ,1 2 . 1 , 1 2 . L1, 2 . 1 L
, 2.O,12.3

Check the mean and standarddeviation for the entire

sample.Then discardthe high and low valuesand
recalculatethe mean and standarddeviation.

Procedure Press Value Displayed

Clear lcE/cllcE,cl
Enter the amounts 12.21ftq1212+l
l>+112.31>+l IU

Calculatethe mean tSTATllrl L 2. 2 4

standarddeviation lSTATllsd .1776388346

Removethe high 12.slFrql2I|NVI

and low values [>+l 12ltNvl

Calculatethe mean ISTATIlrl L 2. 2

standarddeviation ISTATIlsxl .1154700538

Clearthe statistics
ICSRI . 1 154700538

2.46 The CalculatorMode

Lt.z epow lolslnclBc eql
'oJazsl arroJ palldd€aql uaq/!\t{}Eua1
'aut1uotssarEaraql Euolesanle,r
lsar le srEuuds aq;,
tua.ra;;1pEu1.{rl,tq suot}sanbasaql ra.vr'sueu?c noI
ct{1Eua1uteuac u Eutrdsaql arrtEol papaausI acJoJqcnu
,nroglEur.rdsaql s1Euo1 .rrroq'pa11dde
sI aJroi auos JI
ztr 8Z
I9I I8
86 9Z
I8 tz
z9l zt
66 LZ
(p)ecro3 (uc) ql6ual 6u;rdg
'ua{"} aJ€sluauaJns€arutul]laolloJaq1'luauruadxa ue
uI 'x{: J ualllJ^auoll"ruroJap aq1;o aldqlnu luslsuoJ
B sr acroJaqtr 'rualsfs rBau.II€sI pauaqlEualro pauauot{s
srEurrdsaq1aJu"lslp ar{l pue sgaxa Eutrdse acro; aq; e;due13
' dtqsuotlelarJ"aull aures
aql s^\olloJlB^ralul slql aplslno ua{"l €l"p lBql ul€uar
aq louutc no,t '1errra1u1ar{l u-II ol asolJaq feur 1as
elep e 1o(r) lualJIJJaoJuoll"lalJoJ aq1qEnoql ua^g
uolssarEaraql asn u€J no,{ qatq,l. ul I€AJaluI aql aulJap
sanle^tl€p paproJal lsa^ ol pue lsaqEtqaqJ :aloN
'slutod aql slIJ lsaq lsql auII aql sa^F uotssarEar
r€aur.I 'tua1s.{s aq1;o satyadord leapt-uouJo asn€Jaq
.{1yedpue ssaao.rd luatuarns?atuaq1ut sEultuocuoqs
'aull l"q'&\aulos
-;o asnecaqfl1red slncco roJJaaqtr, Jo lno'4u11
aq o1pual fllensn slutod aql e Euole
'ura1s'{s uogsser6eg
- plnoqs sluaruaJns€aul Jo 1o1dy
itattl e o1sa11dde elep pa:ted 'suot1ec11dde '{ueuru1 JBeu!''l

(Continued) Procedure Press ValueDisplayed

Clear tcE/cllcE/cl

Enter data 27[(.r,y)lgS[:+l

Checkcorrelation lsrATllrl 9 6 9 75 7I 9 3 3
Find k lsrATllbl 8.325842697
Find rest length 0lSTATl[.r'l t3.794t9703

Although r : I is desired,the correlation coefficient of

.9697571933showsthat error is not excessive.

If you were to measurethe springwith no force applied,

you may find it to be different from the calculatedrest
length. This difference is partly becausethe rest length
is outsidethe interval of measureddata and partly
becauseof the relative unreliability of one

The calculatedrest length reflects the spring'slinear

behavior determined from all the measurements,and
the observedrest length is only one measurement.The
purposeof a regressionanalysisis to avoid relying on a
small number of measurementsand insteadfind the
consensusof many measurements.

2.48 TheCalculatorMode
6V,Z epow rolBlnclBceqI
e 6 z 6 n E 8 r Iz FSCIIIVISI apoul
strlsrl€ls aql JEalS
e 6 z 6 n e S l zl tvlt(l
[=lI( l]zr|
lzr3lllVrSllxl uorl€rAapprepuels
lultrvrslt)ll ) I aql alBInrl€c
929 I tJrl lrvlsl u€atu aql alelnrleS
e l+31elblll
6[+31ZlbiJlI slunorueaql ralug
[c/3cllc/3cl r€alc
enlel sseJd e,rnpacoJd
'6'0I '6'6'9'8
pJepuulsuorlelndodaql asn'uotlelndodartlua
aql alnlrlslroJ sluauaJns€au aql asn€cag'saperEaq13o
uorl€rlap pr€puetspue uBau aql pulg '(a1ecstutod uel)
sluauruErsse fpep uo sape;EEur,t.olloyaql seq luapnls y a;duex3
'.{1ddesuorlenbaEurrrrolloy aql 'uoll€!Aappr€puBls
uorlelndodaql pulJ ot paau no.{ uaq.tt '.ranano11
'papaau,{11ensn st leqt ad,tt aqt 'uo11e1nappr€puB}s
alduresaql al"[nJI€J s,{aquotletnappr€pu€ls aqI sunS lBcllsllBlS

Allhough15statisticsareavailable f or theenlereddata.six
of thestatisticsarethebasisfor all theothers.Thesesixare

DataSet The calculator reducesa data set to six values.If you

Summary have entered a data set that you may need in the future,
write down the valuesstoredin memories4 through 9.
Whenyou want to recreatethat set of data later, youjust
storethe six valuesin the appropriatememorieswhile in
STATmodeinsteadof re-enteringthe data individually.

Memory Content Memory Conlent

Ix Exz

Iy Iy'


ISTATIlIxl, The sum of x entries and the sum of y entries are

IsrATll>yl- calculatedaccordingto the followingequations.
Sumol Data
Ix: I x ', I y" : E v,
i=l i=l"r

lsTArl Inl- The calculator keepstrack of n by the number of entries

Numberol and deletionsyou makeand the repetitionsof data
Entries specifiedby the lFrqlkey.

lSTAT]llr2l, The sum of squaresof x entries and the sum of squaresof

lsrATll>y2l- y entriesare calculatedaccordingto the following
Sumol equations.
ll n
Ix:: : X,t Iv2= I v2
" , ' " l

lSTATllExyl- The sum of products of x and y entries is calculated

Sumol accordingto the following equation.
I x v" : I x t."vt .

2,50 The CalculatorMode

t9.z epon JolelnclPceql
xQ + e :,2{
Eur/l\olloJ aqt o1 Eurprorc€ AMEN
pal€lnclBr sr anlB^ x paJlsap € JoJ anl€A .{ ,rlau aqJ -[,/?llMSlr
q/(B _ .,r):, x
Eul,ry\olloJaql o1 EurpJoJJe x rilaN
pal€lncl€J sr anl€^.{ parrsap € JoJ anlB^ x ^{au aqJ -[,{ lrvrsl,(
'uorl€nba lua!cllleoc
Eur./r^.olloJ uollBlailoc
aql 01 EulprocJ" pal€ln)lBc st luarJrJJaoJ uorlelarroJ aLIJ -[J I IIVISI
-.{x3u): q
aql ol EulpJoJcBpat€lnJl€Jsr adoJsaurl uorssar8alaqJ -lqllrvrsl
u7.{3+ (,(q) -.x3u)7(.{x3 - u,r.{3x3)x3: e
'uorl€nba Eur,t1olloJ
aql 1decla1ul
ot EulpJocJBpalelnclBcsrldaJJaluraurl uorssaJEalaqJ -lellrvlsl
, , ' P a l q E I a ^I \- u , ,
are .{aq; 'uor}Blndod€;o aldues u uorJ ua{el et€p
o1fldde sacuanbas,{a4ltstlIVfSl pu€Fsl [MSlaqJ
: rts =XS
'suoll€nbaEur.uolloJ prepuels
aql ol EulpJoJc€
palBInJI"JaJBsarrlua .{ Jo uorlernap -l/?sltrvrSl
pr€puBlsaql pue sarrlua xJo uorJ€r^appJ€puelsaqJ ,lf,sllrvrsl
u7z(3: d u/xl: x
Eutlltollo; aql ol EulproJr€ palelnJler ar€ sarJlua -tdltrvrsl
r(go ueatu at{l pue sarrlua x Jo (a8€ra^e) ueau aql '[{llrvlsl

Theprintkeysendsthedisplayed numberandtracesymbols
to theprinier(sold
separately) if theprinteris connecled.
Pressing theprintkeydoesnotaffectcalculations. Notrace
symbolis provided lor theprinlf unclionso themostrecent
operation'slracesymbolis sentto lhe printer.

[PRlNTl- With the compatibleprinter connectedand ready,you

PrintFunction can have the calculatorsendit a numberto be printed.
Whenthe displayshowsa value you want to record,
presslPRlNTlto print the value.Symbolsin the display's
traceareaare alsoprinted. If the printer is not
connected,this key hasno effect.

For valuesand symbolsrequiring more than 20

characters,the value is printed first and the trace
symbolsare printed on the next line.

Seethe TI-74 Programming ReferenceGuide for more

printer information.

2.52 TheCalculatorMode
ctsvg eql
ZZ-t: , ay e o11xa; EuruErssy:uotssasaJrlJeJd
gZ-E s:orrg EurralunoJug:uotssasaJrlJ"Jd
9l -E urerEordCISVg qll4 Eur{roll :uorssasarrlJerd
gI-ti ' "
Clsvg ursuotlJnrtsulEurlntaxg
tl-C '
8l -tl lortuoC roJ pas1 s.{ax
7.1-E ' aul'I .{eldstge ra11yo1pasl s,{ay
I I -g . . aul1 ,{eldsrq
aql ^{ar1 ol pasn s.tax
0I-C sralla'IJo uorlezlletrde3
9-8 preoq,{ayCISVBaqJ
n-t ^pldsrq llsvg aqJ slu9luoc
Z-E ralnduro3OISVgesu t/-lJ aLJJ
lo olqPl
. aql Oursserd Iq apou CtSVgeqt tcelests/!t ol piiu n6X
'suo!sses ec;1celd eql asnoI .t/-lI eql uo suo!lstado ctsvg
euos ql!,vrno^ezllel1luefol suo!ssesectlceJduorlssapnlcu!
pue3preoq,{alpue{elds;pCISVSaql soqpcsap reldeqbdrqj
clsvg aql:ereldeqc
TheTl-74as a BASICComputer

Whenyouselectthe BASICmode,theTl-74lunctionsas a
portablecomputerwiiha built-inBASIC(Beginner's
Purpose Code)programming
SymbolicInstruction language.

Characteristics As a BASICcomputer,the TI-74 includes:

in BASICMode
' A typewriter-likekey arrangementand separate

' A cartridge port for software cartridgesand Constant

Memoryr\l RAM expansioncartridges.

> The ASCII(American StandardCodefor Information

Interchange)characterset,includingboth upper-and

t SpecialdisplaycharactersincludingGreek,Japanese,
and graphiccharacters.

> 8K bytes(approximately8000characters)of Constant

MemoryRAM (RandomAccessMemory).

LearningBASIC The manualsthat come with the TI-74 assumethat you

Programming are already familiarwith the BASICprogramming
language. Texas Instruments offers the TI-74 I'earn
BASIC Guidebook(soldseparately)that teachesBASIC
programmingat the beginnerlevel.

If the book is not availablefrom your local dealer, you

may purchasea copy by contactingConsumerRelations'
You can write to:

P.O.Box 53
Lubbock. Texas79408

or call toll free at 1-800-TI-CARES ( I -800 -842-2737)

within the United States.From outsidethe United
States,call 806-741-4800.(We regretthat we cannot
acceptcollectcallsat this number')

3.2 T h eB A S I CM o d e
t.e eponctsvgeql
'aEpuuer drotua6
lu€lsuoc B ol wvu u!-lllnq aql Jo slualuoJ aql arols' <
'JapJocal ad€l allasseJB
s€qcnsaJrlap aEerorse Eursn€lep pue sure.lEordaA€S <
( adel
allasser pue saEprryecur-En1dr{EnoJqtalqrssarJ€
suurEord CISvg ro preoq,{a1aql uorJ ralua
no,{suurEord aq u€J asaqJ) 'surerEordCISVSung .
'Nnu puB
JSI'I s€qrns'spueururoJSISVg atnJaxg <
'(X)U1Spue + - g s€qcns'suorssardxa
Z 6
CISVSJo uorlelndtuoaal€rpauur ruJoJJad <
:ueano,{ 'apourCISVSaql ur t/-IJ aqt qll,11 clsvs lo sasn

Whenthe Tl-74is in the BASICmode,the displayshows

dilferentinlormationthanit doesin lhe calculatormode.

Typesof Three types of information can be displayedwhen the

lnlormalion TI-74 is in the BASICmode.Theseare:
> Text

t Cursor

> Statusindicators

a wr crr


Text Typically, text consistsof instructions that you type or

messagesthat are displayed as a program runs. A line of
text may contain as many as 80 characters,31 of which
are visible in the display at a time.

Cursor The cursor is displayedin one of two forms: a block (as

shown above)or an underline.

> The block cursor flashesto indicate that you can type
text in the display. As you type eachcharacter, it is
displayedat the cursor position and the cursor moves
one position to the right. When viewing a line, you
can bring undisplayedportions of the line into view
by moving this cursor right or Ieft.

> The underline cursor may appear when a BASIC

program is running. It indicatesthe program is
waiting for you to acknowledgea pauseby pressing

J.4 The BASICMode

9.e apoyu
'lqElr aqt ot f€ldsrp aqtJJo pa^oru
'ual aql ot.{eldsrpaq}JJopa^ou
'.ro1srra.uod ,{ra11eg
'eArlr€sr >1ao1
ase3-raddn 'rcn
'aa€JJalurallasssJB s€
qJns 'aJrlap Ieraqdrrade qlr.r{uorleruJoJur
saEuer{Jxat€ql ssaJEoJd ur sruorleradouy o/l
.dlazrrlcedser,sperE.ro ovu9
'suElpBJ'saa;Eapo1 CVU
las aJBsllun apue aq; olo
'saEedEur,trolloJaln uo paqrnsap
s€JalJeJ€qJJo uorlcs al?uJalle u€acnpord IJ-J
ssardno.{,ta4lxau aql pu" ,^a{ lllCl NI
ro lNJl 'IIJIHSI aqf Jaqlrapassarda^Eq notr llrHs
6u1uea6 srolBo!pul
'tZ-IJ aqf snl€lsaql
Jo Jo nod uroyur
o1papraordaJ€srol€Jrpurraqlo ,apourCISVSul sl ?1,-IJ
aql no{ q1a1qcrq,n 'roleclpul OISVSaqt ot uollrpp" ul srolec!pul

Whenlhe Tl-74is in the BASICmode,its keysservedifferent

purposesthantheydo in thecalculatormode.Thesymbolin
theupperleftcornerof eachkeyindicatestheprimary
purposeof thekeyin BASICmode.ISHIFTI, [FNl,andICTLI
arespecialkeysthatchangethecharacter or action

PrimaryKeys The following illustration shows the character or action

normally associatedwith each key. The accompanl,ing
table gives a brief description of those keys that cause an
action instead of displaying a character.

Key Action

ICLR] Clearscharactersfrom the display

IBREAKI InterruptsexecutionofaBASICprogram

TRUNI Beginsexecution of a BASICprogram

IENTERI Instructsthe computerto accepta line you


l*l Movesthe cursorto the right

t-l Movesthe cursorto the left

Irl Displaysthe precedingline of a program

I{I Displaysthe next line of a program

3.6 The BASICMode

L.E apoylSlsv8 orll
pa,teldslp .{11ualnc aurl
aqr qll^r pa,{eldsrp 1se1aurl aq1 sa8ueqrxg
}xal Jo uoruesul s.{rollY ISNII
{eldsrp aql uoJJ ralr€J€qJ B solalaq ll3Ol
{Jo.I as€C Jaddq salearle?ap pu€ sale^rlcv tlcnl
uo!lcv ,{ay
e Eurfeldsrp;o pealsuruorlce u€asne) teqt sfa>l
asoql Jo uorldrresap;arrqe sa,rrEaleel Eu!,tueduocce
aq1 '.{a1IIJIHSI aql r{Enorqtolq€lre^esuorlJ€
pu" sJalJEJeqcaql s,!roL{s uorlBJlsnllrEur.trollo;aq;
raqlo ssardno,{alrqrrr
u/!r,opplaq aq fetu fal lfllHsl aql 'ralu.&rad,(1
e uo sy
('atut1puocase llllHSl Eurssard.{qroleJlpul 1l I HSaqt
'a>1e1srur ,{q .uorlc€
larueJ u€c nof 1tJlH5;ssa.rdno^{y1)
Jo JalJBJeqJal€uJalleu€acnpord 11rm ssardno.,tfa4
txau aql l€r{t s,troqssrqJ 'pe.{eldsrpsrrotecrpur1l I HS
aq1's.{a>1IIJlHSl oi!{l aLIlJo raqlra as€alarpue ssardno.,{ s^eylrjtHsl
uaq11's,{a>lraqto qlr.{ruorltunfuoc ul UJIHSIasn noI eqllo asn
The BASIC Keyboard (Gontinued)

TheIFNI(FunctioN) keyandtheICTLI(ConTroL) keyareused

similarlyto lSHlFTl,butproducea differentsst of alternate
characters or aclions.KeysusedwithIFNIplacelext(suchas
frequenlly.used BASICkeywords)in the display.Keysused
wlth ICTLIproducecharactersandcursormovemenlslhat are
not markedon the keyboard.

Useof the You use lFNl in conjunction with another key to place
IFNIKey text (such as a BASICkeyword) in the display without
typing the text. When you pressand releasethe IFNIkey,
the FNindicator is displayed.This showsthat the next
key you presswill display text assignedto the key. (lf
you press[FNlby mistake, you can cancelthe FN
indicatorby pressingIFNla secondtime.)The IFN]key
may be held down while you pressother keys. (A section
of this chapter describeshow to assigntext to other

The following illustration showsthe BASICkeywords

that are permanently assignedto many of the keys. The
accompanyingtable showsBASICkeywords that are
permanently assignedbut not marked on the TI-74

Key AssignedKeyword
lll FRE(
l+t-l SGN(

3.8 The BASICMode

6.t epoull
ctsvg aql
JosJnJ aql Jo
uorlrsod JueJJnJ aql lB EuruBls 'txal salalao Irl
aql ur Jalc€J€r{JlsJrJoql ol JosJnJaql sa^ow tll
uorlrsod q"l snor^aJd aql ol JosJnJ aql sa^ow [*]
uorlrsoo q?l lxau aql 01 JosJnJ aql se^ow l-l
uollcv ,{ay
('preoqfa4 tZ-II aqf uo pa{Jerutou are
llfCl qll,!\ palBlcoss€suorlJBpue sralt"J€qC) 'ralJBrBqc
e Eu1{eldsrp;op€alsuruorlJe u€asnec1eq1s.{a4
asoql Jo uorldtrcsap;arrqe sanrEaleet EulfuedruocJe
aql '.{a4fllC1 aqr qEnorqi alq€lr€A€suorlf,B
pue sral)Breqoaql s,noqsuorle;1sn11 Eur^rolloJaqJ
raqlo ssard noi( alrqlrt u/r,rop
plaq aq ,tew da4 [lrcl aqJ,('aurrt puocasB lllcl Eulssard
.{qrolecrpur l1C aql laru€c uea nof 'a{€lstur ,tq nICl
ssardnof y1)'uorlJe Jo Jalc€J€t{JaleuJall€ue acnpord
srq; 'pa,{eldsrp
ssardno.{i(a4 lxau aql ler{l s.,rror4s
srJol€crpur'lIO aql',{a{ ['lICl aql as€alarptressard AexFrcl
no,{uaqTq sfarl raqlo qlr.r uorlcunfuoaul lllCl asn no1 aqllo asn
of Letters

fhe IUCLI(Upper.Case Lock)keyis useful whenyouwantto

lypea serlesol capltalleil€rswlthoutholdingdownthe
lSHlFTlkey.Incartaininstances, BASICautohatlcally
convertslower.caselottersof a programlineto uppercase

Useof the You activate Upper-CaseLock by pressing[SHlFTllUCLl.

lucUrey The UCLindicator appearsin the display to indicate that
Upper-Case Lock is active.

The effect of UCLis similar to that of the shift-lock key on

a typewriter-it causesany letter you type to be
interpreted as upper case.Unlike the shift-lock key on a
typewriter, however, Upper-CaseLock affects only
letter keys,not punctuationor numberkeys.You do not
have to cancelUCLto type numbersor punctuation
symbolsmarked on the keys.

When you finishtyping capital letters, you cancelUCLby

pressinglSHlFTl[UcLla secondtime.

Automatic Somelower-caseletters you type in a BASICprogram

Capitalization line are automatically ccinvertedto upper casewhen you
enter the line. Theseinclude:

> Letters that make up a BASICkeyword, such as


> Namesof BASICvariables,such asX or D$

For example,if you type a line as 100print,,hello";a$and

displaythe line after enteringit, the line is displayedas

1 0 0 P R I N T" h e l l o ' / ; A g

The BASICkeyword and the variable are converted to


r. 10 T h eB A S I CM o d e
I I .t epoylclsvg aql
('urerEordCISVSB {q pa.,{eldstp sB,!\teql autl e ro padfl
nof augle aq feu pafeldstp lsel au11aql) 'pafeldstp (1ceq.{e14)
flluarrna aurl aql qlr/$ paiteldsrpls"l aurl aql sa8ueqJxg lsdllrJtFtsl
'aull aql
Jo ralcBr"qJ lsJrJ aql ol JosJnr ar{l sa^ow ltlnrcl
('09 pue' gZ' I lBlasardare suotltsod (i;41qul;
q"J) 'uorllsodqe1snornardaq1o1rosrnJ aql sa^oli\l [*l [1r31
'lJal aql 01 ^,{Bldslp
aql JJo pa^ou seq lxal leql .troqs o1 sreadde rolectput
'1 (rqEtrqe.l)
{eldsrp ./$.orJ"lJal aqJ ('09 pu€ '92 le lasald are
suorlrsod qe;) 'uotltsod qel lxau aql ol Jos.InJaql salory 1_ll-lrcl
('lcaJJaou seq 1*1'au11u 3oEutuu6aq aqt te
srrosrnc aql JI) 'fJal aql ol uotltsodauo rosJnJaql sa^o6 [*l
'paqJ"ar sI aull JalJsrsl-lr-08aql pua
aql lrlun ual aql ol sJalcereqcpaz{eldstpsalour l+l u^\op
Eurploq',{e1dqpaq1lo aptslqEu aql saqrearrosJnr
aql uatl1\ '1qE1raqt ot uorltsodauo ro$no aql salory l-l
uollcv {e)|
'euila ued AUB
to mel^ol elqelslql
u! pgqUcsep si{e1gueuerou-Josrnc eql esnuBcno1 'r{e1ds;p
aql ut elqlsl^lou sl tBqleull eq11oyad Bne!^ ol peeuAeu noi{
'srelcBrBqo ggueqlreOuog sl lBql eull e qlgmOu;ryonueq16
aull ,tBldsloeqtrnalnol pesnsr{ey
KeysUsedto Altera DisplayLine

Youmayneedto alterthecontentsof a line,eitherto correct

anerroror producea diff erentresult.Youcanusetheediting
keysdescribed in thistableto makesuchchanges.

Key Action

ISHIFTI[lNSl Allows you to insert characters.As you type each

subsequentcharacter, it is inserted at the current cursor
position, and all charactersto the right of the inserted
characterare shifted to the right. Insertion continues
with each character you type until you presseither
IENTERI, [CLRI,[BREAKI, l-1, or[*1. (lf youinserta
character that causesthe line to exceedits 80-character
limit, the last character in the line is lost.)

lSHlFTlIDELI Deletesthe characterat the current position ofthe

cursor. Any charactersto the right of the cursor are
moved one position to the left.

ICTLIlU Deletesthe rest of the line, starting with the characterat

the current position of the cursor.

ICLRI Clearscharactersfrom the display.

' When no program is running, ICLRIclearsall

charactersfrom the display.

> When a program is waiting for you to type

information, only the charactersyou have typed are

3.12 T h eB A S I CM o d e
il .t apowclsvg eql
('g-1 a8ed uo Paqlrrsap
s ra E e s s o t u s t q ; ' p e . { e l d s t p
aqol }so I aq ^eu slua}uoc
/zM aEessatuaqt sasnuc fllensn [I3S3Ul)
1rssard lou IIr.n no,{ l€ql os f Z-lJ aqt Jo as€J aql
qll.4r qsnlJ sr,{a4 stqJ,'preoq,tal aqt uorJ uolleruJoJul
Eurralua tuor; nof slua.lard 1eq1srncco uralqord e;t
'ralnduoc al{l s}Je}s^o[l
,,uosar lsel,, e sB pasn sI .{a>1sq;, lr3s3ul
('pueuuroa SnNIJNOC aql EUISnuollnJaxa
uer8ord arunsal ol alqe aq,teu tro,{
st ue.r8ord aql allq,{ a>1eutno,t sa8ueqJ leq.e\
'ssar8ord uI sl
uo Eulpuodaq) l€ql tutr8ord e sldnrJalul lvvlusl
(' aWnO ant a,Lapg 6u lutur nt6o.t4
'suotldo raqlo dq pa,Ltttlp;
hl-lJ a\t uI paqt.lrsapse
aq oslBu€J lNnUl)'aut1uer8o.ld paraqunu lsa.{\ol
ar{l r{}l.vrEurtrels 'urerEordaq1surEaqslqJ lNnul
ssardno.{'f11euro1i'feldstpaqr u! NnUpro.&\aql saJeld INNUI
aq] Jo aurltxau aql s^€ldslplu3lN3l 'saut1urerEord
.!\arl oJ pueruuoJ JSI'I aql Eulsnare no,{uaq,/r\ <
'paldaJJB aq o]
ad,tl no,{ uorl€ruJoJuI aql sasn€J lUSINSl
adfl ol no.,tro; Eultle.nst urer8orde uaql\
',{rouraurur aull aql sarofs
JISvg €suleluoa.{eldstpaq} uaq,41
.puBrutuoraql salnJaxa
CISVS€sul€1uoafeldstp aql uaql6
aq1ssaaordol ralnduoa aq} sllal
pafeldsrp .{11uerrnc IU3IN3I
uo!lcv ,{ay
eql lo uo!leredoeq16u;1|otluocpueulel6ord9lgyg e 1o
uollncaxeeql 6u111or1uoc a.resAe{t/-lI otlllo Inol
rol 1n;asn
lorluoclol pesns/tey

WhentheTl-74ls In the BASICmodewlth the btockcursor

f lashlng-,
instrucllonsto bo ex€cutedlmmediately,
oreiridra lineto be
storedas a BASICprogramllne.Calculationsin the BASIC
modearesimllarto thosein thecalculalormodc.

Relalive Similar to the calculator mode of the TI-24, the BASIC

Advantages mode lets you calculatethe result of an expression.Each
mode, however, has relative advantagesover the other.

With the TI-74 in the BASICmode, you can:

> Correct errors in a lengthy expression before you

pressIENTERI to calculatethe result.
> Useboth constantsand variablesin an expression.

With the TI-74 in the calculator mode, you can:

> Examine intermediate resultsasyou enter the

elementsof the expression.

. Usefamiliar key notations that are traditional for

calculator operations.

Exampleof To seean exampleof performing calculationsin the

Perlorming BASICmode, follow thesesteps.
l. PressICLRIto clear the display.

2 . Type the following expression.


to calculatethe result.

The display shows289 (48 plus 2Zb minus 34).

4. Type - EXP(3)
to subtract e:]from the displayedvalue.

to display the new result.

The displayshows268 9144631(289minuse3).

3.14 T h eB A S I CM o d e
9[ .e epoficlsvS eql
ar{trealJ ot IUlcl ssald uaqJ 'Dlvlugl ssard'doo1
1,XSN/UOSar{l Jo uorlnJaxaldnualut o1luelt no.{3y
'sreaddearrosrnc aql pue pafeldstp
are slecordraalaql II" Irlun [UilN3lssard ol anut]uoc
1yg117go.{eql alalduroco1luen no,{;1' g
.I raqunu aql
'9l,to6Ig/tg ' s^roqsfeldstp aql
;o lecordrcaraqt
'aurt puoJase 't
IU3INlll sseJd
raqrunu aq1;o lecordrJaraql '99 ' sa,roqs
'[uelN3lssard 't
X lxf N:XrtINIUd:9ZOl0Z = X UOJ
eq1adf; '7
'autl Eutrrrolloy
'feldsrpaql J€alco1'{ressacau 'lu'lCl 'I
e Eursngg qEnorql 0Z sraqunu aq1;o sleco.tdtca.t
aqt atndruoc^,{q4arnb nqd s1a1aldurexaaq;) 'sdatsasaql
,{{olloJ'suoll)nJlsuI Eutlnaaxa;o eldurexaue aasoJ
'lno parJJ€caJ" suoIlJnJlsuIaql 'pa1ca1ap are sro;ra
ou JI 'sroJJaJoJaurl aql seultu?xa7Z-IJ at{f '(suoloc,,tq suo!lcnrlsul
paleredassuorlJnJlsullBJanasro) uollJulsul CISYSBJo 6uggncax3
slsrsuoJleql aurl e Eurd,{1.ralJg
lu3lN3l ssardno, uaq11 1oe;durex3
'ue.r6ord rnor{ul uollcntlsu!eq16utsnaro;eq
seleredouollcnilsu!rBlnc;pede moqI1;tanAllctnbno[
eq16u;dr(g r{qsuollcnrlsulCISVgetncexeuecnoA
clsvg u!suollcn,tlsul
Practice WorkingWitha BASICProgram

Thepracticesessionsin this bookdemonstratesomeof ihe

procedures youfollowwhenentering, modifyingandtestinga
program. Thesesessionsdo notteachprogramming-ifyou
areunfamiliarwith BASICprogramming, otherbooksare
avaifabfe to hefp you,suchaslhe Tl-74LearnBASIC

Structureof tlnlike commandsthat you want performedby the

a ProgramLine computerassoonas you enter them, a BASICprogram
consistsof a seriesof instructions to be performed in
sequenceat a later time. Sothat the computercan store
a programline insteadof executingit immediately,a
programline hasa distinctstructurethat setsit apart
from a command.

Whenyou want to specifythat a line is to be storedasa

programline, you start the line.witha line number
followedby a space.

Enteringa A sampleprogranlis shownherethat calculatesthe

SampleProgram surfaceareaof a sphereafter you specifyrhe sphere's
radius.Follow the stepsgivenbelow to storethe sample
programin memory.

Note: If a programis alreadyin programmemory,you

may needto deleteit beforeenteringthe sample
programby usingthe NEW command.

l. With the TI-74 in the BASICmode,type the following

line exactlyasshou'n,includingspaces.(lf you makc
a mistaketyping, usethe editingkevsto ('orrectthe
line, or pressICLRIto start over.)

100INPUT"Enlerthesphere'sradius: ";R

2. PressIENTERI to instruct the computerto storethe


The line is storedand the displayis clearcrl.

:). Type ttre remaininglinesasshown, pressingIENTERI

after eachline.

1 1 0 A R E A= 4 ' P l ' R ^ 2
12 0 P R l N T" P r e s s< E N T E R )t o s e el h e a r e a ." : P A U S E
130PRINT"surlace 61s6= ";AREA:PAUSE
1 4 0E N D

3' 16 T h e B A S I CM o d e
Lt.e apoyu
clsvg aql
'ruerEordaql pua ol ur€EBaJuo 'g
lu3lN3l sser6
gnzgVg gZOg =eete e3ej I ns sfeldstpUrer8ordaqtr
aql aasor [u3IN3l ssardol no,t slsanbartuer8ordaq;
tu3f N3lsserdpue OZsesnlpers,araqdsaqr ad.{;
s,araqdsaql Jalua o1nod slsanbaruerEord aq;
'urerEordaqr ufaq ot '7
'.{eldsrpaql realDo} 'I
'sda1sasaql utet6o16aldueg
/rrolloJ'paralua a,reqno,t urerEordelduresaqt unJ oJ aq16u;uung
'ure.rEordaqt auII 1se1aq1,teldslpalol '?
Jo lll ssard
IBuotlrpp€ou orBaraql ]€qt alerlpul ol aull {u€lq €Jo
EuruurEaqaql l€ sr€adde:osrncEurqs€lJoql
aql ul aull urerEo.rd
tsel aql LIll^\lil ssaJdno.{ uaq11)
'aur1ure;Eordluanbasqnsqaea.{eldstp01 ssaJd ' t
'auII aql
Jo lsar aql ./r\oqsof [-l [.llt] ssard 6
'00I aurl sralJBr€qr tsrlJ aq1s,teldsrp
Jo 1g tz-IJ aqJ
pue (raqutnuaullEutyelsaqt) 00t adfl'1
'sdalsasar{lrrrollo;'pa;a1uano,{urerEordaql .lrall oJ aq16u;me11
PracticeSession:WorkingWith a BASICProgram(conrinued

Severalfeaturesallowyouto makechangesto a program

storedin memory.

Editinga You may need to edit a line you have stored. To edit line
ProgramLine 130of the sampleprogram so it will display "area of
sphere" insteadof "surface area", follow these steps.

1. Clearthe display,if necessary,by pressinglCLRI.

2. Displayline 130by typing 180and pressinglll.

The display shows

1 3 0 P R I N T, , s u r fa c e o r €a = " ; A R E A : p A U S E

3. Deletethe word "surface" by moving the cursor to

the first letter of the word and pressingISHlFTlIDELI
eight times.

The display shows

I 3 O P R I N T, , a r e a =. , : A R E A : P A U S E

4. Insert the words ' ' of sphere'' following the word

"area" by moving the cursor to the equalssign,
pressingISHtFTIltNSl,and typing a spacefollowed by
of sphere.

The edited line should now read

1 3 0 P R I N T" a r e a o f s p h e r e = , , ; A R E A : P A U S E

to enter the editedline.

Replacingan You may need to substitute a new program line for an

Existing existing program line. To replaceline 100of the sample
ProgramLine program, type the following line and pressIENTERI.

100INPUT"Radiusof spherein meters= ";R

The displayis cleared,and the old line 100is replacedby

the line you typed.

3.18 T h eB A S I CM o d e
6t .t apo$lclsvg eql
'deldsrpaql realr pue urerEo.tdaq1ldnrralut ol ElCl
'tuerEordaql Eursnqstut; no.'{uaq,t\ '8
'sleadarpue a8essauluaJaJJIp€s,{eldstp1nq 'uolsraa
leulEtroar{1ol ,'tlrulrurlssunr uelEord pallpa aqI
'ure:Eordpallpa aqt unr ot 'Z
[u3rN]l [NnUlssard
'.{eldsrpaql r€alJ ot 'f.ressacau;t'[U1C;ssar4 '1
'sda1sasaql uer6o16 pe11p3
/(olloJ 'urerEo.rdalduresar{l Jo uolsJa^pallpa aqt unr oJ, aq16uguung
Pu€08I saul uaa,tuaq-aruanbas
JIJAunu lJaJJoJuI pauasul uaaq s€q auII .ttAUaql
aJrlou llr,{rno.,t'urerEordaql Jo sau{ aqt.{e1dqpno,{JI
'[uSlNfl ssaJdpue au11 EuI^^olloJ
aqr ad{t 'urerEordalduresaq1sleadar }Bqt aull e uasu!
o;'uerEord aql uI saull /t\auuasul ()1paau,{11ensn no.{ augl uer6o.t6
'urerEorde uI apnlJul ol arnl€al €Jlxa u? Jo {ulq1 no,t;1 rueNe ouluesul
'palalap sI tuer8ord
alduresaq1;o 0ZI aull pue 'parealcst .{eldstpaq;
0zt 313'130
'[U3IN3l ssa.rdpue au11
aqt ad,tt 'urerEordaldues aqlJo 0ZI aul alalap oJ'paau augluer6or6
ra8uol ou no,{ au11urerEordB aseJaol aplJapdeurnotr e 6u;1a1e

ThlsexerclseIntroducosyoulo threegeneraltypesof errors:

lhosedotectodby the computerwhenyouf lrstlnter a llne,
thosedetectedby the computerwhenyouruna program,and
lhosethal arenot automaticallydeteciedby thecomputir.
Thlssesslonusesthe edltedprogramfromihe prevlous

Erors Detected Someerrors in a line are automatically detected by the

WhenYouEnler computer when you pressthe IENTERIkey. When this
a Line happens, the computer displays an error messageand
the line is not stored in yourprogram. you can, however,
correct the error without retyping the entire line.

J' Type the following line and pressIENTERI.

2coTo 100

The computer displaysthe error messageEl Synt ax.

2. Press[SHtFTllpBltoredisplaythe line you typed.

3. Correct the line by usingthe editing keys to insert a

spacebefore the word "GOTO"and pressIENTERI to
store the corrected program line in memory.

ErrorsD€tected An error may not be detecteduntil the computer

WhenYouRuna attempts to executean instruction in the line. When this
Program happens, you can display the line that contains the error
and correct it.

l. Type the following line and pressIENTERI.

2 GOTO 1000

The line is accepted as a valid program line.

2. Run the program by pressingIRUNIand IENTERI.

The computer displaysthe messageEl l at 2 L i ne

n u m b eer r r o r .

3. Pressltl to display the line in which the error was


4. Correct the line by changing the referenced line

number from 1000to 100and pressIENTERI to store
the correctedprogram line in memory.

3.20 The BASTCMode

,z.t epoyllclsvg eql
aql lsal pu€ 'roJJa aql lJoJJoJ 01 s.{a{ EuIlIpa aql asn '9
6t96 0t90OI = araLlos to ee)e
s€llnsal snoauoJJa aqt s.{eldsrp JatnduoJ aqJ
'[U3lN3l sserd
Pue 97 adfl
'snrp€J aql Jalua ol no.{ slsanbar urer8o.rd aql uaqAyg
'tU3IN3lINnUlEuIssard,'(qtuerEo.tdaql unu
€ -Ur ld o? = VfUV 0I I p€ar .&{ouplnoqs auII aqJ
' , . t , , E o l a u t la q l
Jo pua aql t€ ,.2,, aql a8u€qr 01 sda>1 Eurlrpa aql asn
-U+ ld+t = V3gV 911s.{eldsrpralnduocaq;
'0I '7
I aull llpa ot [tlssa.rd pue 911 ad,{1
',te1dsrpaql realc ot 'I
lU'lCl ssaJd
'sdals asaql ,lrolloJ 'tuerEord aldures aql Eulsn JoJJa
go ad^,{1 srql;o alduexa ue aas oJ 'rorra aql }ralap lou pelcelao
'llnsal Illec11euogny
llr,n ralnduroJ aql lnq lJaJJoJuI u€ acnpo"td i{eur
,{llaauocut elnuJoJ lecl}€uaqleu e Eutddt 'alduruxa loN erv
rog 'ralnduroc aq1 fq palcalap aq u€t sJoJJaII" toN leql sroJJ3
Textto a Key

A featureol theTl-74enablesyouto assigntexl,suchas

often.used numbersor expressions,to eaih of thenumber
keys0through9.Afterassigning textto a key,youcan
redisplaythetextby pressingonlytwo keys.

AssigningThe By assigningtext to a key, you can instantly display such

Text things as phone numbers, phrasesthat you use
frequently in your programs,or commandsthat are not
permanently assignedto any keys. Although you can
redisplaythe assignedtext only in the BASICmode. it is
retainedwhen you turn the TI.-74off or selectthe

Supposeyou have stored a program that has lower line

numbersthan the sampleprogram.To work with the
sampleprogram,you might have to frequentlytype RUN
100so that executionwill beginat the correctline
number.You can savetime by assigningthe text RUN100
to a key.

To assignthe text RUN100to the lSl key, follow these


l. Press[CLRl,if necessary,to clearthe display.

2 Type RUN100(do not pressIENTERI).

3. Hold down ISHtFTI

and pressIFNI

Both the SHI FTand FNindicatorsappear in the


4. Releasethe ISHlFTland IFNIkeys.

5. Press[6] to assignthe displayedtext to the ISI key.

The display is blanked, and the SHI FTand FNdisplay

indicators are turned off.

You can now redisplaythe command RUN100any time

you want to quickly run the sampleprogram. The
method for redisplayingthe text is describedon the next

3.22 T h eE A S I CM o d e
EZ.t, epoutl
clsvg eql
' p a . { E l d s l p s Ip e z t
lel } I ul OgMatBSSaur{J .
'llv <
,V\3N puBulruoc CISYS aql aln)axa nol
:uaqrrr suaddeq slqJ,'PaJ€alf, sI
'sacuelstuncrlJ o.{11ul
sfa4 o1 pauEtssea,req no,{ lxal IIB
[ N l l[ r J l H ssl s e r d ' z
.feldsrpaqt JBaIJol '1
'sda1sasaql ./$,olloJ
t9l aqt o} pau8tsse
no.{lxal aql a}alapoJ 'f a{ aql ot auq >1tte1q e Eutu8tsse 1xe1pau6;ssy
u o1pau8tsseaneq no^,{txa} alalap uer no1 6u11e1eq
'00I aull le uollncaxaEutuutEaq
'uerEord aldtuesaql seln;raxaralnduoJ aqJ
'[u3lN3l ssard
'pu€ruruoJ '8
CISVSB s€lxal pafeldstp aql alnraxe oJ
'OOI aq1
'tgl 'Z
aql JBalC'I
'H'lCl Eulssardfq ',tressaaau;t',tu1dstp
'sda1sesaql ,trolloJ
tglaql o} pau8lssuno,{txat aql asnpu€feldstparo;
'rosJnJaql uolllsod luarrnc ar{1te Eutuels '.{eldstp
ar{t ul parBld sI lxat aqJ 'lxat aql pau8tsseno,{ qrtq.n
o1,{a4aqt ,tq pa,no11oJ INJI Eulssard.{q arutl fue }e ]xa] 1xa1pau6;ssy
aqt.{e1ds1par uec no.{ '.{a4 lr8tp u ol lxal EuIuEIssBraUV 6u1{elds;peg
L.V sectpueddv
' " xapul:cxrpuaddv
gI-V' """ftuerre11:gxrpuaddy
CI-V' " " E u l c l u a g r o l €l n r l B C : g x r p u a d d y
6I-V' "",tllncrgrqJoas"Cul:qxrpuaddy
6-V "'sa8u"Utndlno:Cxrpuaddv
' suollrpuoc roJrg JuaunN :g xrpuaddv
9-V slueluoc
Z-V "'satBssawpu?sloqur^Sf?ldsro:Vxrpuaddv
to etqBI
'rolelnclBceql 6utsnueqmreluno9ugIBut no^
suelgord6u!^loserrot sectpueddeeql u! uo!lsurrolu!eql osn
AppendixA: DisplaySymbolsandMessages

Thecalculator's displayshowsnol onlynumbersbutalso

symbolsandmessages. Calculator
operations have
symbolsdisplayed to therightot the
corresponding entry.Thishelpsyouto keeptrackof
calculationsas youperlormthem.

Symbols Symbol KeySequence Action

acos ltNvllcosl Arccosine

acosh [lNV]lhypllcosl Hyperbolicarccosine
asrn I | N VlIs i n l Arcsine
a s rn h ltnvlltrypllsinl Hyperbolicarcsine
atan l t N Vl t a n l Arctangent
at anh l t N Vl h y p l h a n l
Hyperbolic arctangent
cE lcE/cl ClearEntry (if pressedonce
viith the cursor flashing)
CLR lcE/cllcE/cl Clear
t-l Characterdelete
cos lcosl Cosine
cosh lhypllcosl Hyperboliccosine
CSR ISTATIICSRI Clear statisticalregisters
DMS>DD lous'oDl Decimaldegrees
DD>DMSf I I N V[ID M s ' D D ] Degrees/minutes/seconds
DRG IDRGI Set angleunits forward
I NVDRG I I N V I I D R G I Setangleunits back
DRG> IDRG>I Convert angleforward
<DRG [INVIIDRG'I Convert angleback
EE IEEI Enter exponent
INVEE IEEI Removescientificnotatiolr
et [lNVllln.rl Natural antilogarithm
EXC IEXCI Memory exchange
Frac lFracl Fractional portion
nyp lhvpl Hyperbolic prefix
Intg Ilntgl Integerportion
INV [INVI Inverseprefix
INVhyp Ittlvl lrrypl Inversehyperbolicprefix
Inx llnrl Natural logarithm
log llosl Commonlogarithm

tThe displayshowsthe resultwith the symbolso , ,,

4.2 Appendices
0.V seclpueddv
uErsaEu"r{C -/+
srsar{luaJBdasolc t(l (
srsaqlual"d uado t)t
sI"nbg [=l l
ppv t+l +
tc"rlqns t-l
d1dt11n1a1 Ixl
apl^lo l+l
rredra1;e, aEueqaxax lnzxl ^:x
rted aro;aq f aEu"qJxa x lr?:.f,! ^ix :x
looJ I€sJaA.run hfillnnrl Lxi M
rarrrodIesJoArufl lrfrl ix: *A
lecordrcag If,/U x/l
rdgoan1e1 lul '!
looJ aJBnbs tvt !^
arenbg lzrl zx
uqtue8olrlue uouruoC Fotlhxrl ,or
luaEuel clloqradfg luBuld,{ql que}
luaEue;, luell uel
urns f.roua141 lnnsl nns
1J€rlqnsfuoua61 lwnsll^Nll 8ns
arols f:oura6 lorsl ors
xr;ard 1e1g lrvrsl lvrs
aursrlloqradfg lulslld,{t{l r.luI s
AUIS lulsl u !s
11ecar,ftoura141 FCUI
luacrad e11aq l/.Vl o/'v
luaJJad l%l 0b
I€rrolcBJ liul iu
uollsv ecuenbagIay loquAg sloqu{g
AppendixA: DisplaySymbolsand Messages(conrinued)

Symbol KeySequence Action

(x,y?) llx,ull xy palr entry

P*R lP'Rl Polar to rectangular
t- lxzul y coordinate
x= lx?al x coordinate
R*P IINvIIP'RI Rectangularto polar
0= Ixzul Theta coordinate
lxzvl Radiuscoordinate
nPr lnPrl Permutations
nCr lnCrl Combinations
:+ lI+l Sigmaplus
:- [lNvllI+l Sigmaminus
Frq lrrql Frequency
Ex lsrnrl l>.rl Sumofx values
Zy lsurlt>yl Sum of y values
rxy lSTATllIryl Sum ofxy products
2x2 ISTATIIZ-rzl Sum of x2values
2y2 lsrATll>y2l Sumofy2 values
x ISTATII'I Mean of x values
v lsrArl Iyl Mean of y values
SX lsrATllsd x standarddeviation
sy lsTATllsyl y standarddeviation
n lsTArllnl Number of data points
r [sTATllrl Correlationcoefficient
d ISTATI lal Regressiony intercept
b ISTATIIbI Regressionslope
x' ISTATI lxl x for a trial y
v' IsrArllsl y for a trial x

4.4 Appendices
9.V seclpueddv
'tuals,{saql uorl€zl€lllul
elalduoJ aql pecJoJsacuBlsuncJlS peztle!ltul oEM
'JJopauJnl s€/IIJa.a4,od
aql uaq/tr s" aruBsorll lou aJa,$.
fuouraurluelsuoJ aql Jo slualuoO
aql leqt paururralap;alnduoc aql
'uo paurnl serrrramod aq] uaq1\ aq ^eui slualuoc
lsol /ZM
' apznp aruata{ag 6uzut u,ut.r.6ot4
il,-IJ aqlql rslap ur paqrrcsaparEpuB apou saOEsssW
CISVSro C-JyCJaqtraur readdesa8essaur Eur,r.olloJaqJ ulalsr{5
'[ ( !
109 ['/tl Ost[ ) Iro l6ou
aql Jo lno sr llnsal uorl€lnJl€J v M oI j r e ^ o g z f
'lU.dl ?119ro 'p111
'[ lANllOl(/?
0 ( I [6o11 I t+lt t ) lse qf,nsoraz
,{q uorsrnrppapnlJuruorlBInJI"JV oraz ^q uorsrnlogz3
zzueql aJorupasn€)uorl€lnJlsJ v xa lduroC Zf
'l (
ls'6n11-1*l9l ) I seqcnslndur
alq€lrnsun pal€aAaJ uorlBInJI"c
Jopot{laus,Jolslncl€c aqJ en I e^ peg tf
'[iul9'ro s" q)ns
uorlcunJpalduralleaql ro;1ndur
alqBlrnsun pal)alaprolBlnrl€caqJ luaunBre peg gzj
'sEurueau fegds;g
aql a^eq.,{eldsrp
Eug.Lro11o3 sa8essa6
aq1urEuueadde rolBlnclPc
AppendixB: NumericErrorConditions

The display indicalesan errorcondition when overflow

occurs or when an operationis attemptedwith unsuitable
inpul. When this occurs,no entry lrom the keyboardis
accepted.PressingICE/CIclears the errorcondition and all
pendingoperations.You must then determinethe cause of
lhe errorand rekeythe entry to avoidthe problem.

Typesol Error The followingsectionliststhe generalerror conditions.

Conditions They affect both CALCand BASICmodesunlessrhe
function is availableonly in CALCmode.The sectionof
errorsdue to statisticaloperationsliststhosethat you
may encounterwhile enteringstatisticaldata.An error
conditiondoesnot affect vah-res in memoryor statistical
dataelementsthat have beenentered.

GeneralError J. Numberentry or calculationresult(including

Conditions memory)is outsidethe range

x 9l 0 r 2 ?t o 9 . 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
x 9l ( ) r r i .

2. Dividinga numberby zero.

3. Calculatingreciprocal
of zeroorthe Othroot of anv

4. Raisinga negativenumberto a non-integerpower.

5. Calculatingany root of a negativenumber.

6. Calculatingthe tangentof g0 o or 270a,niZ radiansor

3ni2radians,100gradsor300 grads,or their

7. Havinga combinationof openparentheses and

pendingoperationsin excessof 22 levels.

8. Calculatingrectangularto polarconversionswith
valuesfor x and y such that the sum of their squares
exceedsthe upper limit of the calculatoror when
both x and y are equalto zero.

9. Usingan argumentoutsidethe rangegivenby "lnput

Ranges"for the functions listed on the following

A.6 Appendices
L.V seclpueddv
ra8alul u€sl u araq^\ t8 > tr > 0 iu
8ZI>x>8ZI- x0I
6I6808/'t6Z> txl xa
r?:r0I>xlszr-0I x Eol'x ul
I>x>I- r - {uel
s z r O l ) l x :l 0 xr_quls
ezr0I)xuI x r qsoc
6I60?0I'962>txl>0 x r{soJ'x qurs
I>x>I- x I _soD'x, u1s
sp€JE8ar0I> lrl > o
x L7896L0L9'I> lxl >0
z60Ix 9'C> l*l > O x ue1'x soJ'x urs
uur!1 uo!lcunJ
'suorlcunJurepac EurlelnJl€Juaq/tt aq
,{eldsrpaql qJrq,tr urqlr^{ slnurl aq1sarrtEEur,u,olloJaqJ
'al€Japou uraas,teur
leql lndur
uB roJ ua^a Jnaco^{eur/\.olJJaAou€ 'anl€Alndur aql u€ql
anlen ralear8 qJnu €uJnlal u€c suorlJunJauos asnBJa[J se6ueUlndul
AppendixB: NumericErrorConditions(conrinued)

StatlstlcalErrdr l. Enteringadatavaluesuchthat lxl > I x l0or.

2. Entering a seriesof data valuessuch that the sum of
their squaresexceedsthe upper or lower limit of the

3. Entering data pairs such that the sum of their

products exceedsthe upper or lower limit of the

4. Entering 1Oraor more data elements.

Note: You can causethe statisticsregistersto be cleared

by removing data elementswith [lNVllE+l until there are
zerodata elements.If you attempt to remove more data
elementsthan have been entered, the calculator
removesonly the existing elements.

A.8 Appendices
6.V seslpuaddv
(luerpenb qlrnog)
sperE00t- .ro'suerpelZ/L- 'o06- ol0 x- uglJJE
619) spur8 gg1 ro 'suerper 771,o96 o1g X UBIJJ?
(luerpenb puocas)sperEgg7 o1
sperEggllo'suerp?luolZlu,o0gIolo06 x- soJJJE
}srg) sperEgg1 ro 'suerpet71tr,og6o1g x sotcJ?
(luerpenb qpnog)
sperEggl - ro'suelper Z/r- 'o06- ol0 x - uIsJIS
lsrty) sperEgg1 ro 'suurper g7u,o66 o1g x ulsal"
'suollcunJclrlaurouoEr.rl suollounJ
_ culeutouo6pl
asJalutaql Joslpsar;o aEueraq1sarrBEuynolloyaq; esJelul
'suollounfcpleruouo6;tgesreru;rol se0uerpeulurreleperd
ul s9nlBlsunler JolBlncleceq1,rerenog .1ndu;
euBs eqlrof sen;rr 1nd1no
Aueue;g;ssodelsut suollcunl
c;rleuouoQrle3te^ullo suoptutfeplBcllButeqlBut eql
lndlno :Cx!pueddv
AppendixD:In Caseof Difficulty

ll you havediff iculty with your calculator,consult the

following instruclionsfor help in correctingthe problem.

H a n d l i n ga I . Be sure the batteries are installed properly.

D i l fi c u l l y
2. Move the contrastcontrolon the upperright sideof
the calculatorto seeif the displavbecomesvisible.

3. If the difficulty involvescalculationerrorsor the

calculatordoesnot respondto keyboardentries:

> PressICE/Clif there is an error condition or press

IONIif the APDrUfeaturehaspowereddown the

' Press[RESET]tCE/Cland checkthat the TI-74 is in

calculatormode.Checkthe value in eachmemorv
and repeatthe calculations.

> Review the operating instructions to be certain

that the calculationshavebeenperformedin the
manner describedin this book. Improper key
sequences may give unexpectedresults.

4. If the difficulty involvescomputererrorsor the

computer doesnot respondto keyboard entries:

' If the I/O indicatoris on, [BREAKIis inoperable.If

the I/O indicatoris not on, pressthe [BREAKI key to
try to halt the computer.If the word BREAK
appearsin the display,pressICLRIand enter CON
to continueexecutingthe programin memory.

> If the TBREAK]keyisinoperable, pressthereset

k e y . T h e m e s s a gW
e 2 7c o n t e n t sm a yb e I o s t
shouldbe displayed.Pressthe ICLRIkey to clear
the display.Then check if your program is still

> I f p r e s s i n g t h eI R E S E T keI 1 ' d o en s o tc a u s ( ' t h c

cursorto reappear,the batteriesshouldbe
removedfor a few minutes.Normall5',the systenl
i s i n i t i a l i z e da n d a n 1 ' p r o g r a ri n m e n r o r y ' icsr a s e d .

A. 10 Appendices
I t.V seclpueddv
'rol€lnclsJ a{l Eulclnrasuo uorl€ruroJurroJ g xrpuaddy slslsJed
aas'.{llncrggrpaql }carroJ lou op sarnpaaordasaql;1 AlncUltO aqt tt
'leraqdrradaql ro alqeJ aq1ur sr.
llnclJJtpaqf JI
auluJalap uaql u€J no.{pue uo ralnduoc aql uJnJ
leql alquJB qll^\ ll rlr"pear pu€
'.{11nargrp aqlJo arJnos
leraqdrradaql lcauuoJslq
aql aq deurleraqdrradaql ro alq€J aql raqlra
'paqcelle sI sleraqdtrad aql Jo auo ral;e readdear
'ralnduror aql ol
lou saoprosrnc Eurqsegaq1;1
atull €l€ leraqdrrodauo EurqcelleanurluoJ pue JJo
ralnduoc aql uJnl 'sreadderosrnaEurqsegaql yl
'ralnduroaaql uaql '1srr;uo
urn; 'leraqdlJadauo qr€ll€ pu€JJoralnduroc aq1
urnl '{Bldsrpaql u1sreadderosrnaEulqsBIJaqi JI
'uo;alndtuocaql uJnJ
'a1qec praqduad aql EurlcauuoJsrp .{q ralnduoc
aqt at€losl ';;o ura1s,{s
aqt urnt pue lI3SlUl ssord
'pa.rea1cflrpear srleql
uralqordsnorlqo aruoslea,rar,teurs4JaqaasaqJ
'sJolJauuoJJo sp€alua{oJq Jo asoolou aJ€aJaql
l€qt pue.{1a;nrasur pa8EnldaJBsalq€Jaql l€qf
{Jor{O tZ-IJ r{1lr\{ro/r ol apetuasoq}
aq plnoqs salq€JaqJ 'uo pauJnl pu€tz-IJ aql ol
palJauuoc.,tlradordare sleraqduadIIBl€ql {JaqC
'ssarEordur oJ€suoll€Jado
IIe roJ lre^r 971
puEuo sl rol€crpuraql JI 'roleerpuro/ | aql {Jaqc . (panu;guo3)
:leraqdrrade Eursnuaqrrruaqqorde sraraql JI 'g s oullpusH
AppendixD:In Caseof Difficult| lconlnueo;

Suggeslions Becauseof the number of suggestionsthat come to Texas

lrom Cuslomers Instruments from many sources,containing both new
and old ideas,TexasInstrumentswill considersuch
suggestionsonly if they are freely given to Texas
Instruments.It is the policy of TexasInstrumentsto
refuse to receive any suggestionsin confidence.
Therefore, if you wish to shareyour suggestionswith
TexasInstruments, or if you wish us to review any
calculatorkey sequencethat you have developed,
pleaseinclude the following in your letter:

"All of the information forwarded herewith is presented

to TexasInstrumentson a nonconfidential,
nonobligatorybasis;no relationship,confidential or
otherwise, expressedor implied, is establishedwith
TexasInstrumentsby this presentation.Texas
Instrumentsmay use,copyright, distribute, publish,
reproduce,or disposeof the information in any way
without compensationto me.' '

A.12 Appendices
et.v seslpueddv
' uorlBruJoJur
roJ ug Lz- zvg)
ssuvc IJ-009-I t€suorlBlaurarunsuocII€Jaseald
'sluarunJlsulsexal uoJJ uaql JapJo.{eurno,{ ,;aleap
uor; (sraldepero saseaEurfurecse qens)
1eco1rno.,t sauosseccv
sarJossaJJeJol€lnJIBJaseqarndo1alq€un are nof;y rolBlnclPc
'uoll€turoJul tol
1€suorlelagJatunsuo3IIeJ as€ald'frazrrlapuJnlal lsBJ
ro; uorldo acr,uasssaldxau€sJaJJosluaunJlsul sexaJ ec!A.rassseJdx3
'aloqe uanrEssarppeaql suortelagJeunsuoC alrJ,rt
uec no,{ 'a^rleuJalle uB sV 'Jaqunu srql lB slleJlJalloJ
ldecre louuBr ar!\lcql larEar a,1\'gggZ-Itz-ggg-I
'suorlecrlddeEururureJEoJd Jo JoIBInJIBJaql
11ea uo!lsluJolul
1ouorlerado aql lnoqe suorlsanblecruqcalaneq no,(;1 lec!uqcel,rol
JolelnJIB)aql Eursnlnoq€uoll€ruro;ur leraua8JoJ .
aJrAJasJoJJolelnJleJaql EuluJnlal aJoJag <
:suorl€lauJounsuoc lJ€luoJ asEald
80t62 sExaI'Iroqqn.I
8 9x o g
palerodrocul sluaunJlsul sexaJ
Eur/[olloJaql o] allJ^r osle,teurno1
('raqurnu srql l€ slleJ lJalJorldacce louuec ar11)
'008t-It/-908-I '{sal€lspallun aql aplslnouoJJ
'Qt zz-zv$ssuvJrr-oo8-r
:le salBls pallun eL{lun{lr.r\ uo!lBr,u/olul
ee.r;-Ilol suorl"lag JaunsuoC IIBoasrald 'ro1e1nc1ecrnoit lBJeuec
Jo asnI"JauaEaql ro acrnraslnoq" suorlsanbaABqnod JI puBeo!^rgsrol
'uelqordeq1ssncslpol suolllleu reurnsuoCellt,sro
lou op..r{llnclfflOfo esBCu1,,Iq pe1se06n8
suollnlosotll ll

ReturningYour A defective calculator will be either repaired or replaced

Calculatorfor with the sameor comparablereconditionedmodel (at
Service TI's option) when it is returned, postageprepaid, to a
TexasInstruments SerwiceFacility.

TexasInstruments cannot assumeresponsibilityfor loss

or damageduring incoming shipment. For your
protection, carefully packagethe calculator for
shipment and insure it with the carrier. Be sure to
enclosethe following items with your calculator:

> Yourfullreturnaddress
> Any accessoriesrelated tothe problem
> A note describingthe problem you experienced
> A copy of your salesreceipt or other proof of
purchaseto determine warranty status

Pleaseship the calculator postageprepaid; COD

shipmentscannot be accepted.

In-Warranty For a calculator covered under the warranty period, no

Repair chargeis madefor service.

Oul.of-Warranty For an out-of-warranty calculator, a flat-rate fee by

Repair model is chargedfor service.Estimatesare not provided
prior to repair; to obtain the service chargefor a
particular model, pleasecall ConsumerRelationsbefore
returningthe calculatorto the ServiceFacility.

4.14 Appendices
9r . v sec!Pueddv

tcg ct'I puourqcru

peog fallaqg 1p
,(pg sluepgseU uclpsusC

gIt6l, s?xal'{coqqn'I 80762 sexa;.'4coqqn1

lt1praa1un'N90gZ 009zxog'o'd
slueturulsulsBxeJ sluarurulsul sBxal selllllcaJ
(s.ra1r.roc.raq1o) (aapr.rag1c1sod'S'n) eqares
stuapteau's'n sluepl8af,'s'n sueurulsul3Bx9l

extendslo the orlglnalconsumerpurchaserol the producl.

Warranty This calculator is warranted to the original consumer

Duratlon purchaser for a period of one (1) year from the original
purchase date.

Warranty This calculator is warranted against defective materials

Coverage or workmanship. This warranty is void if the product
has been damaged by accident, unreasonable use,
neglect, improper service, or other c&uses not
arising out of defects in material or workmanship.

Warranty Any implied warranties arising out of this sale,

Disclalmers including but not limited to the implied warranties
of merchantability and fitness for aparticular
purpose, are limited in duration to the above one-
year period. Texas Inetruments shall not be liable for
loss ofuse ofthe calculator or other incidental or
consequential eosts, expenses, or dameges incurred
by the eonsumer or any other user.

Somestates do not allow the exclusion or limitations of

implied warranties or consequential damages,so the
above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.

LegalRemedlesThis warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you

may also have other rights that vary from state to state.

Warranly Dur.ingthe above one-year warranty period, your TI

Performance calculator will be either repaired or replaced with a
reconditioned comparable model (at TI's option) when
the product is returned, postageprepaid, to a Texas
Instruments Service Facility.

The repaired or replacement calculator will be in

warranty for the remainder of the ori$nal warranty
period or for six months, whichever is longer. Other than
the postagerequirement, no chargewill be made for
such repair or replacement.

Texas Instruments strongly recommends that you insure

the product for value prior to mailing.

A. 16 Appendlces
LL'V seelpueddv
I g-z'luarrrJJaoc uorlelarroc
g I -z .suollJarJoc
rsuorlJunJrrloqraddq asra^ul
zz-z 8g-Z'JBIn8uetJar/J"lod
'suorlJunJEul asJa^ul 'saleurpJooC
t-z 6-g'pr"oq^aX lortuoJ
/-V'satuer lndul 'suoll"urquroc
g-g,g_z'srolertpul g I -g ,urerEordaqt Eulrealc
/z-z'suorlrunJ rlloqJad^H tz-z
'^roruau aql
' 'uort"zrlBlrdsc
eZ-U'asnualod,tH 0I-g
g- I .aporulotslnrl"c
t- I'luauaJBldar,tralleg
g-g {pr€oqfay uorlrund 'apoill
0t-Z'l€uolreJ gI-g 'sdat Iortuoc
Isanp^ par!€datuBqrxg t I -g
'&oruaur aEu"qrxg
g-v 'JoJsuosEar /-I
'U^\OCJAA\Od trlBruolnv
8I-Z'EurlJarroJ Z-V'sloqurfslrpnV
rorJg zz-8
'lxaJ, pau8rssv
'8I-8'Eutllpa 'sda{ Jrtaurqllrv
v-g,g_z,A"ldsro IaulsJrv
{Joas"r ur '^llnrrJJrc .aursoJJJv
Z-Z trtlp aralaC 9Z-A
gg-z 'luarrad rur{lrJ"tol!1uY
'arn$au alEuE "llao
6Z-Z 6Z_Z.slrun
zg-z zg-z' 6z-z'suorsJa^uor
zg-z salEuv
saartao g-Z'suorlJunJ al€urallv
g-z (lurodlBrul'ao ZI-8'uoll?uuoJuI pa^"ldsrCEurratlv
g-Z 'sda{ /ftlua el€O gI -z 'tualsds Eurl"rado crBrqaElv
Iooq ql|l to luol eql lB urBJoBrc
r{eyap eesoelv '€ortereletlo qdoge pu;; o1suel; p 1q1qq1 esp
Appendix G: Index (conrinued)

Limits, trig, A-9 Scientificnotation

Linearregression,2-A7,2-51 definition, 2-9
Logarithmkeys,2-26 keys,2-S
Mantissa,2-9 Servicingthe calculator,A-13
Manuals,vii Shift Keyboard,3-7
Mean,2-bl Sine,2-30
Memory, 2-24 Springforce example,2-47
Messages,A-b Square,2-23
Squareroot, 2-23
Natural logarithms,2-26 Standarddeviation,2-49,2-51
Negativenumbers,2-8 Statisticalsums,2-49
Off, l-7 applications,2-46
On, l-6 calculations,2-46
Outputranges,A-9 definitions,2-50
Orderofoperations,2-14 keys,2-43
PairedInput, 2-37 Sum, memory, 2-24
Permutations,2-42 Tangent,2-3O
Pendingoperations,2- 13 Technicalassistance,A- 12
Percent,2-34 Traceareasymbols,A-2
Pi, value,2-8 Trigonometrykeys,2-30
Polar/rectangular conversions, 2-38
Powersand roots,2-20,2-23 Universalpower and root keys, 2-20
Prefix Keys,2-3
Primary Keyboard,3-6 Viewing the display,3-l I

Input, A-7
Ouput, A-9
Recallmemory, 2-24

A. 18 Appendices
',{ued raqlo fue fq qegaleur
4ooq ro sue6ord asaql;o rasn aq11sure8era^aospq^4.pLr.DI
fue;o unelc,trre JoJalqBIIaq lou tt€qs sluaurulsul sexal
'roaoaro141 'roplnq€c s.np;o acud aseqcrndaq1paacxa
'uo.rpe yo uuoy aq1;o ssalpleEar'quaturu5ul
lou IIBr{s
sexa; o1{lgqerl aArsnlcxaprru alos aql pue 'qeueleur asaql
Jo asn Jo as€qcrndaq1;o 1nofins.ue ro qlu\{ uorlmlruoJ
u saEeurep prluanbasuoc.ro'pluaprcw'pra1e11oc'lereads
ro; auoftre o1alqq aq quaruru1sul sexatr,II€qs luoAa ou ul
,,st-s",,tre uo,t1a1os
alq€F€^Bqeualetu qJns sa{eu puB uro{alaql pa^Fop
sure-Bord,{trero qegaleur 4ooq ro sure.6o.tdasaql Eulpre8ar
'asodrnd relncqred e ro; ssautu pu€fllg.qelueqarau;o
sarluaue.&rpaqdu4 fue ol palr-uq 1ou1rq Eqpnlrul 'pa.qdu1 ec!pN
ro passa;dxaraqlla 'flu€rrB1![ ou sa{Bru quaturulsul sexa"1 Neuodrul

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