Pre-Intermidiate Parte 1

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Inside Sue Kay & Vaughan Jones Pre-intermediate fS)iUlol—la lat Mm =1ele) 4 ’ eesti rear s Units & topics peaking & Writing Creo @rammar, Qocabulary & @ronunciation Units & to © Names and family (@ Two peopl talking about names @ Tense review. ok ns 7 Eco © Memory techniques © What's in a name? Question Sarma ne ; arene anil. Description. Names een fae © Language earning © Remembering o : a “Anecdote: Somebody who is @ How to remember names at parties _ Fees on: names Ew import io you © Arcyova goed enguage camer? €@ Long vowel ound ee DO fem ting personal Leaking aout sometoy who is important to him Useful phrases: Showing interest 2 Place © Paces in your country (@ Three people atkng about ther @ Countable and uncountable nouns. Mew tes © The beat things from home towns sabach peo, Quanity expeenions wet Monet comer © Winscombe orval Flaine ty. todece | Sei ae ee ee laces. Countries atonaities. have ever visited (© Emma talking about the best — DO web posting Speting. place she has ever visited Focus oe Linking sentenes 0) Useful phrases Saying where you @ Word stress: countries, nationalities are fom 3 Love © Retatonships (© Fred and Eda talking about @ Past simple and continous. Adverbs Relations © Fit mecings thee rations mene = soa aes (et Pesona gameshow © eutionship expresons Narative [egerer ms DO Feng sory Linking @ The Hollywood director andthe ———_‘nkers. ing acectives Tallon eee clit Native American Focus om gt pase 76 @ Revenge is sweet: Dinner by post @ Inegulr verbs: sound groups tal plese Tange i oman Review A Pages 28,20: Grammar / Vocabulary / Pronunciation review age 28 Pages 30,31: Reading & Listening, Wing (narrative) & Speaking * Song Stand By Me 4 Shopping @ baying presents © What people realy wantfor their @ Adverbs of frequency. Verbs with two | Review C Presents ae bithda objects Verb followed by inform | page 84 Clothes bought somebody a present @ Ede aking about the ls ime or infinitive. Present simple and bought somebody a prset continous 10 Lifest © Atitudes to shopping he bought somebody ap cng tends ent habis © Twomen talking bout shopping © Collcatons atuchof... aero | Longe OSes Searaerea satouksberning Tete Cates and accessories Wealth DO Description ofashop._ @ Mens or women’s fashion se Chern socsones | Tes beget fain © Tern pric of tebion eens a sentences) Useful phases: Ina lothes shop eel poe 68 5 Fit © Health and fines @ Ars you dengwrnty ft? © Comparative and superlatives. Fitness Anecdote: Your expences of @) Tina taling about her Phrasal verbs Spor rpateicd perience faportat school @ Hom + adjective adver. Sport = © sports tars © Acretines cca mors Nabers 411 Anima Mees © Sires and laughter stars Focus on: verbs used with sports | Animals BO Deion ofa sporting © 16 ways to desires @ sein a‘in Engh xpesions | Rae ven Ted orgrisntion Linking @) Laughter chibe ae sentences (0) ‘Useful phrases: Giving instructions 6 Job © Jos (@ Four people aking about tir @ Perino and blgaton (mn / ho) ba Best and worst experiences carees Present perfect Gime ‘up to now) or xperence pire ee past simple Cinished tne) i Fatiement mt eet mountain to modeling © te Cotecations (work) sul ffce | ean aed © Aipbapptication @ Nightmare jobs equipment Bugs DO Letter of enquiry. © interview with a store owner eco os ork nd job The west Opening an closing eters Kim thing about her end’s © Fast patil (irregular verbs: vowel Predictions ie sounds 5 pe 106 Useful phrases: Presenting yourelt Review B ages 56,57: Grammar / Vocabulary / Pronunciation review SE icall page 56 Pages 585% Reading & Listening. Writing (description) & Speaking + Song: Supicions Minds “alge (GD ~ Wertbok Each nit of the Workbook contains a one-page section which develops practical wring skill Ei Phonetic Pronunciation Units & topics Cary — expressions sto describe ites ions bs. Adverbs Naretve sports fsions co a 0). 0) 08 be shoul, Ofce ert vowel 7 Eco Protests Green isues olunteering age 60 8 Education Schools Famites Sacial change page 68 9 Smile cracter Thailand page 76 Review C page 84 10 Lifestyle Longevity Meath Food re pege 88 11 Animals Animals rete People page 96 12 Incredible Ceincidences| buildings The weather edletions page 104 Review D page 112 © Climate change © Environmental sues © Wrting report © Volunteer work DO Main suggestions. Linking sentences (5) © School experiences Anecdote: Your favourite school subject © Changes in society © What makes a succesful date ©D O Personat letter. Contractions in informal writing © smiting © Describing character © Hotidays © Things and places you know DO Teavei biog isting Points. Using adverbs of atitude Pages 8, 85: Grammar / Vocabulary / Pronunci eading & Listening texts @rammar, Qocabulary & Qronunciation © Climate change march Subject questions. Dynamic and (@ Four people aking bout why they ative meanings Future forms ae protesting (te) going to and present continous © How green are you? © Climate change. Opinions © Wocome to Orginal Vlunters Focus on: and ce got @ Two conversations about volunteering @_ Word stress: words ending in tion Useful phrases: On the telephone @ Training to be a geisha @ Permission and obligation (cowld | @ Any tating abcat hs favocsie fad) should and must for advice school subject © Favcation and training © Three generations Focus on: words used with education @ Two generations talking about @ Word stress schoo! subjects changes in society © How to moet the parents @ Aman moots his gielfiend’s parents © The perioct gelitiend /boytriend Useful phrases: Giving your opinion © Soule, andthe word ses @ Vers towed by inform. fr and wth you since, ho, Presen perfect simple and © Wharsinosmiter continuous © Optimist or pessimist .7 © The face. Character adjectives. Pats of the body © Thailand: land of smiles @ On holiday in Thailand ‘or foinfinitive (with a change in @ Living in Thailand meaning) Useful phrases: Using body idioms @ Sentence stress Focus on: verbs + ing-form Pages 86, 87: Reading & Listening. Writing (paragraphing) & Speaking * Song: Money © Liestyies © Food and cooking Anecdote: The fitest/healthiest person you know © cas Anecdote: Your dream car © Narrative. Linking words ile during © Animals © Moral dilemmas Anecdote: A pet you know © O Giving opinions Linking giving examples © Strange coincidences Anecdote: The most increible building you've ever seen © The future @® 0 Dewciption ofa building. Text organisation. Prepositional phrases © How not die before you get old @ will Future time clauses after when, if @ Atwlephone enquiry 15 son as se 1 © 04 things todowith abonana © Collocations. Fou and cooking Cars (© Josh talking about the test? Focus on: words used with driving healthiest person he knows © Vowel sounds and spelling © My firstcar @ Pati’s dream ear Useful phrases: Idioms with food © Avimataitudes © Defining ative clases. Unrest © Thuwe people taking about animals cndtonals they tke istike © Asimats. adjective + preposition © Three stories about animals Foc on at © People taking about hei pets @ Homophones (ea) (© Mandy thing abou her frien’ pet ‘Useful phrases: Polite requests 1.0 Lbs Weal apart @ Pas perfec Passives wil and ight © The coolest hotel inthe world for ture possblity {© Curr tatking about the most @_Cllocations with hme, mae, ae. incredible building he's ever seen The weather @ Novth ote weather forcast Focus on coloatons with se 3% @ The Oracle fe mae ke Useful phrases: Exclaiming ages 112, 113: Grammar / Vocabulary / Pronunciation review Pages 114 15: Reading & Listening. Weting (narrative linkers) & Speaking * Song: I Have A Dream Pairwork: Student A page 116 * Pairwork: Student B page 121 + Grammar Extra page 126 + Reconlings page 150 * Phonetic symbols & Spelling page 158 + Irregular verbs page 159 Name Grammar Tense review. looks / looks like. Question forms Vocabulary Family. Description. Names Useful phrases Showing interest Listening 1 @ 101 Listen to two people talking about their names. Underline the four names you hear for each person. ‘The man 1 Benjamin Ben Benji Tree Big Ben ¥ ‘The woman p Marie Anne-Marie Marie Antoinette Mimi Baby w 2. Complete these sentences with the words in the box. i 5 brother English friends French friends old friends parents sisters oe é a) His parents call him Benjamin. ¥ b) His call him Tre, a ©) His call him Big Ben, f ) Her call her Anne-Marie ool ©) Her call her Mari. ) Her calls her Baby. B a Listen again and check your answers. : 3 Tella partner the names that people call you. Which | ‘of your names do you like best? : 5 Vocabulary 1 @ 1.02 Listen and repeat the words in the box. aunt boyfriend brother brather-in-law cousin daughter father gielfriend grandfather grandmother half-brother half-sister mother niece nephew sister sisterinlaw son stepfather stepmother uncle 2 Complete the table with words from Exercise 1. Where possible, add the first name Tenses a of a person from your family as an example. auxiliary + Preset CF Mate eens + Peal boyfriend — No Pilar ovary brother shea Past sn = Futwe Tell your partner about some of the people in your family. ain/oy 1 don’t have a boyfriend. My brother's name is Paco. He's a student, He lives in Vigo 3 Work with your partner. Look at your names in Exercise 2 and discuss these questions. a) Which names are typical in your country? b) Which name is the most unusual? ©) Which name do you like best? : aa i... ee —_t—CSEST auxiliary verbs Reading 1 How did your parents choose your name? Was it for one of the reasons below or for 1 different reason? Tell a partner. a) Your parents named you after a relative. ¢) b) They named you after a place. ©) They chose an unusual name Your name is religious, f) Ithas a special meaning, ). Your parents simply liked the name d) They named you after a famous person, 2 Read the arti Je. Which of the reasons (a-g) in Exercise 1 is not mentioned? What's in a name? Your name is extremely important. Its how you identify yourself Its how other people identify you. So how do 25 parents make one of the most important decisions of their children’s ives ~ giving them a name? Inthe pas, parents named their children after ‘important family relatives. But Opler changing Nowadays, parents don’t want to call their itl princess 30 Enid Blodwen after er grandmother. Ws fashionable to choose names of places for means ‘cool breeze over the mountain’ in Hawaiian? A recent survey showed that people with unusual or original names feel special. I wonder if thsi tre fr Bruce Wiis and Dem Moore's children: Rumer Glen, Scout Laue and Tallulah Bell ITVE.ehos the name 1 want for a daughter. ing [Rell her Lauren. why? Simply because HK the name My mother liked the name Lauren too, but unfortunately |shemamed me End Blodwen after my grandmother children’s names. For example, Madonna named her daughter Lourdes after the town in France. David and Victoria Beckham named ther fist child Brooklyn after an area in New York. However, it isnt a good idea to follow this trend if your favourite place is your local pizza restaurant or shopping mall! ‘Some people name ther children after famous people. For example, Leonardo Oiaprio's parents named him after the famous Italian painter. A few years ago the ames Beyoncé and Britney were very popula. Some names have a special meaning. Have you ever heard of anyone called Sky, Rain or River? These names come from nature and you can see what they mean. But did you know that actor Keanu Reeves’ name Y Pais W Gladys Y Dara 3. What name would you choose for a baby girl or a baby boy? Grammar 1 Match each highlighted verb phrase in the article with a tense, people are changing — present continuous ‘Present simple: do/does + Present continuous: 2. Write the negative form for each sentence and name the tens: am/arefis a) [like British pop music 4) Lwent out ast night. + Present perfect: have/hos I don’t like British pop music. (Present simple) e) I've been to Ireland. + Past simple: did 'b)_ I'm reading a good book at the moment. 6) Ican play the piano. * Future (be) going to: ©) I'm going to have a coffee after the lesson, m/are/is Tick the affirmative or negative sentences which are true for you. 4) Tike British pop music. ¢ | I don't like British pop music ‘Write the question form for each sentence and the short answers Yes and Ni Ask your partner the questions. 4) Do you like British pop music? Yes, Ido. | No, I don’. Pronunciation 1. @ 1.02 Listen and repeat the five long vowel sounds: 2 1.06 Listen and repeat the names in the table. Then label each group (1-5) with the correct vowel sound (lil, fla). Vi! 2 3 4 5 June Bert Charles Eve Dawn Luke Peart Marge Dean George sue Kurt Bart Pete Paul Listening 1. @ 1.05 How good is your memory for names? Study the photographs of nine people below and listen to their names. Don't write them down, look(s) look(s) + You look looks) i She looks How many names can you remember? Write them down and compare with a partner. 2 Listen again and check. Who remembered the most names? Do you have any special techniques for remembering names? “Liry to repeat the name in my head : ar i... Reading 1 Read this advice for improving your memory. Match the headings (a-d) with the appropriate paragraphs (1-2). 1) Connect the name and the appearance _¢)_Use the name and repeat it b) Pay attention d)_Visualise the name How to tats te es wa tomate rely god inpeson ts pay By wenn th bet cates ang tees oer! Dang Ue s ptr Ne you A : é just need to remember people's names. Here are some easy step. remember 3 : , [A partes, we sometimes dont her te other person's name ~ not because the names a music is too loud, but because we'e too focused on ourselves. So the first step is : to pay attention, When you meet someone forte st time, ste carefully tothe 7) MHL EY name and look at the person's face. 2 When you'e speaking othe person, use the name, Fr example, Nice to meet you, Danny ‘What do you do, Danny” or ‘Dann, was nce taking to you Then Tepeat the new name in your head atleast tre tines 3 Franklin Roosevelt amazed his staff by remembering the names of nearly everyone he met. His Secret? He visualised the name on the person's forehead. Its also a good idea to imagine yourself writing the name in your favourite colour. 4 In your mind, say the name and something memorable about the person's appearance. For example, Charles ~ looks like a banker; Ann ~long blond hair; George ~ moustache; Sophia ~ looks friendly. Finally, if you want to remember other people's names as well as your own name, drink orange juice! 2. Discuss these questions with a partner, 1) Which of these techniques have you used for remembering names? b) Which of these techniques could help you to remember new English words? ©) What other ways can you think of to help remember and learn new English words? Grammar look(s) / look(s) like 1 Look at the words and phrases in the box. Write N for nouns or noun phrases and A for took) + adjective: adjectives or adjective phrases. You look tired esa A) friendly [NJ abanker [_] intettigent [J] shy [7] a doctor © | Se Looks very young [] middle-aged [] stressed [J aboutsixty [] Greek awaiter [Jastudent [J a retired potice officer [J rich What type of word do you use after look(s)? What type of word do you use after Looks) like? 2 Write a sentence to describe each person in the nine photographs on page 6. Leave a space for the name. looks about fifty and quite friendly. He looks like a banker. Ask your partner to complete each sentence with the correct name. one TY Reading 1 Read the questionnaire and tick the answers that are right for you. What does your Que: ARE YOU a good language learner? a 1 Why are you learning English? 6 What's your memory like? 7 secure eee * oeestaa 3 & 4 pees 2 Hho ne were 4 2 What do you enjoy doing in class? 7) a a a) Speaking and listening. you have? eiceraes Seeetaeh dieny 9 aoe tcorey 8 hon i youtat od an Ena book ajeeeencaee: beh sah 8 How many languages can you speak? Tusrrnre 3 Sere er eer ©) None. I'm stil leaning my own language! eee ete ee rae: tates os b) On pieces of paper. a egal ating 8 Onneaea aes cry ey 2 ou a yo rene gt tr Sess peer abies ee, Speaking ©) What kind of dlietionaty do you have? (computer / car / job) 2 Ask your partner your questions from Exercise 1. What is the most interesting thing you've learned about your partner? : ar .... Question forms Is she hungry? Have they arrived? What does ‘nephew’ mean? Statements You are Your mother | can You have Yourname means Grammar 1 Look at the table and match the questions (a-d) with the correct answers (1-4) a) What are the blue words? 1 (auxiliary) verb + subject b) What ate the red words? 2. subjects ©) What is the word order for statements? 3 auxiliary verbs d) What is the word order for questions? 4 subject + (auxiliary) verb Questions left-handed. Are | you left-handed? speak English. Can | yourmother | speak English? been to Peru. Have | you been to Peru? first child’ What | does | your name ‘mean? Ask a partner the questions in the table, If necessary, rewrit hese sentences with do, does or did to make correct questions, a) You play the guitar? dd) Where your mother come from? b) You sleep well last night? _e)_ Have you been to the Vatican? ©) Can you drive? What's your favourite colour? Ask your partner the questions. Rewrite these questions in the correct order. (DON'T ask your partner the questions!) a) you / are / old / How How old are you? b)inlife after death / Do / believe / you ? 9) do / much / earn / you / How 4) you / ever / Have / broken the law ? ©) political party / vote / Which / you / do / for 2 ) you / many / boyfriends or gitlitiends / How / had / have ? Work in small groups. Decide which questions it is OK to ask in your English class * in your family _* never! * with your best friends at work ‘& Dan Carter a). ‘What's this person's name?’ ‘Dan Caster / Carl Daniels.’ b) ‘When did you meet him?’ ‘At ©) ‘Where cloes he live? ‘Near London / In Brussels.’ ) ‘What does he do?’ ‘He's a teacher / a doctor” ©) ‘How often do you see him?’ ‘Every weekend / In the summer” 8) ‘Why is he important to you ‘We have the same interests / He knows me so well. 2) ‘What are his best qualities?’ ‘He's a really good listener / He's very funny.’ h) ‘Is there anything you don’t like about him?’ ‘He's always late / too busy i) ‘When did you last see him?’ ‘On my birthday / Last weekend.’ ersity | When we were five years old.’ You're going to tell your partner about a person who is important to you. ‘+ Ask yourself the questions in Exercise 1. * Think about what to say and hw to say it * Tell your partner about a person who is important to you. Name ’ Useful phrases Vocab 1 1.07 Listen toa conversation between two friends (Adam and Beth) discussing the Family ‘weekend. Match the conversation with picture 1 or picture 2. 1 Com 2 Work 2) by 0 2 © 1.08 Listen to another version ofthe conversation, Does Beth sound more interested at this time? 9 3. 1.09 Listen and repeat the useful phrases Beth uses to show that she's interested 2) Really? b) Do they? 6) That sounds interesting 4) That sounds great. ©) Wow! That bilan, 1). Tvenever heard oft g) Ohno! That's tribe 4 Complete the conversation with the useful phrases from Exercise 3. Adam: Did you have a good weekend? Not bad, How about you? hada relly good meal on Saturday night (1) Realy? por Yes, we went toa new place in town - Edamame, a. OF aa They havea Japanese chet from Toyo. ag i) : eee eee 3 i) CE eee ° i) And it wast expensive, We had starters, main couse, dessert and wine, na and it only cost £25 each © 2 Tow: Unfortunatly, when we got back to the car we had parking ticket, a _ ti (Check your answers and practise the conversation, a 5 Work with a partner, Write a conversation about your last weekend. Include as many Fi of the useful phrases as possible. » Name he Vocabulary Extra Family and other relationships 1 Complete the table, Male a) grandson b) nephew d)_ great-grandfather ©) uncle 9) cousin g)_ brother-in-law i) stepfather Female grandmother great-grandmother aunt mother-in-law Your children’s Your brother's or__‘s children Your parents’ pa Your grandparents’ Your parents Your aunt's oF uncle's Your wife's or husband’ brother and Your wife's or husband’s father and mother Your mother’s second husband or your father’s second wife children nis and sister children 2. Work with a partner. Discuss these questions and compare your answers. a) Whois your oldest relative? Who is your youngest relative? b) Which side of the family is bigger: your father's side or your mother’s side? ©) What are your neighbours like? Do you know all your neighbours’ names? ted d) How many close friends do you have? Who is your best friend? ©) Who are your favourite colleagues at work? Are there any colleagues you dont like? Focus on names 1 Underline the correct word. | a). My friends call name me ‘Chip’ b) don’t know the meaning / sign of my name. ©) My parents identified / named me after my grandmother 4). 'mmarried but I use my maiden / feminine name at work ©) My letters / initials are CP. ) My sign / signature is very difficult to read. Tick the sentences that are true for you. | 2. Complete the form in as much detail as you can. Title: First name Middle name(s): Surname: (Mr/Mrs/Ms, etc.) (Christian name) (Second name) (Last name / Family name) b Full name: Initials Maiden name: Nickname Signature Name u Place = Grammar Countable and uncountable nouns. so/such. very/too. Quantity expressions Vocabulary Places in a city. Adjectives. Countries, nationalities. Location. like Useful phrases Saying where you are from \ Vocabulary 1 Look at the three photos. Would you like to live in any of these places? Why? Why not? Discuss with a partner. 2 1.10 Listen and repeat the words in the box. Which of these things can you find in the photos? A Luigi abeach abridge acanal acar park castle a cathedral a church afountain high-rise buildings ahill alibrary a mosque a museum apark thesea ashopping centre square a statue so/such 3 How many of the things in Exercise 2 can you find near your school? Put them in It’s so the right order on this line such + noun p Nearest Furthest away Tt such 2 Y Rio de Janeiro, Brazil BE very/too very + adjective We were very iat aught our tin too + adjecti We were too A himelle s0/such + adjective such + noun phrase is such a romantic city very/too rey + adjective/adverd We were very late (but we aught our tain) too + adjectve/adverb We were tao late (s0 we ised ou train) Listening 1 @ 1.11 Listen to Paulo, Armelle and Luigi talking about the three places in the photos ‘on page 12. Match each speaker with a photo, Who likes living where they live? Who doesn’t? 2 Use the adjectives in the box to complete Paulo, Armelle and Luigi's descriptions. boring clean crowded exciting humid polluted romantic small a) ...acity that’s so big and exciting)... it'ssucha_cit b) it's too hot and f) wit gets very noisy and ___ ©) «the air is lovely and __ ) «=the canals are so dirty and 4)... find it so dull and h)_.. my city is too_ for all these people Listen again and check your answers. Grammar & Vocabulary Look at the sentences with so and such alan in Exercise 2 in the Listening section. Complete the rules, a) You use a negative or positive adjective for emphasis, b) You use a negative or positive noun phrase for emphasis, 2 Use so and such alan to complete the email. Is the person happy or unhappy? To: | oom Subject: "Fanti This is (1) such @ beautitul place (2) lucky with our hotel. Its really near the city centre, and the staff are (3) friendly, Our room is lovely and clean, and we have (4) fantastic view of the city, There are ots of good restaurants and bars, and they're (5) __ cheap. It's (6 city. The museums and art galleries are great, and we're palace tomorrow. Its (7)____ exci re having (8) __ good time don't want to come home. Change the email in Exercise 2 to make it sound negative, ‘This is such an ugly place. We'r Look at the sentences with very and foo in Exercise 2 in the Listening section. Complete the rules. a) You use + an adjective or an adverb to emphasise something. b) You use + an adjective or an adverb to show that there is a problem something is excessive or more than necessary Complete the sentences with very or too. a) My neighbours are___ quiet. I never hear them. b)_Tcan’t walk to work. My office is__ far from my house ©) take the bus to work. It's__crowded, but I usually get a seat 4) It's___ hot in the summer, but fortunately my office has air-conditioning, €) Time goes _ quickly, and I never finish my work. £)Twant to move into the city, but I can't because apartments are_ expensive. Tick any sentences that are true for you. Nouns Countable a shop / shops a city / cities a person / people Uncountable architecture weather trafic Grammar 1 Match each question with the most appropriate response. a) What's the weather like? 1 b)_ What are the shops like? 2 ©) What are the people like? 3. They're too expensive dd) What's the architecture like? 4 It’s hot and humid It’s a mixture of old and new They're really friendly 2 Complete the table with the nouns in the box. cinema nightlife park person publictransport restaurant _ traffic Singular form Plural form Countable or uncountable? cinema cinemas countable nightlife = uncountable Work with a partner. Discuss these questions. a) How do you make plural forms of these nouns: shop, bus, church, city, country, leaf? b) Which countable noun in the table has an irregular plural form? ©) How do you make plural forms of these nouns: man, zoman, child, foot, tooth? 3 Work with your partner. Note down the names of two cities or villages you know well. Ask each other questions about the places you have noted down, ‘What's the nightlife like?’ ‘I's great! There are lots of bars and clubs Vocabulary & Pronunciation 1 Complete the following sets (A, B and C). Underline the stressed syllable in each word. A B ic Country Nationality Country Nationality Country Nationality Cuba Egyptian China T__ Turkish Italy [uenls V_____ Vietnamese B. Brazilian | Hungary H. P. Portuguese Morocco. M__ C__ Canadian Japan J__ 1.12 Listen, check and repeat. What do you notice about the word stress in each set? 2 Write down six other countries you know and their nationalities. Mark the stress. Which count would you most like to visit? Tell your partner. Speaking 1 Work in small groups. Do you agree with these statements? French wine is the best in the world. Japanese cars are the best in the world 2 Write similar statements which you all agree on. Combine a nationality with a noun from the box (or your own ideas). beer chocolate coffee fashion films food football players men nightlife perfume pop music universities watches women iN Go man beer isthe best inthe world, Compare your statements with other groups. « a... Reading 1 rord. Read the four fifty-word descriptions of holiday destinations in this competition. List them in order (1 = the place you would most like to go to; 4 = the place you ‘would least like to go to). Explain your choices to a partner, Read the How to enter section and do Part A and Part B. Check your answers to Part A at the bottom of the page and compare your descriptions with other people in the class. Choose a class winner! Dream holiday The winner of our exciting competition can choose a dream holiday for two in one of these fabulous destinations. WIN Shanghai This isthe best place on earth for shopping, No, it isn’t New York - New York is too crowded, Not Dubai ~ Dubai is too hot. Not even Paris Paris is too expensive! Our shopping heaven is ‘Shanghal. We shopped till we dropped and then ate delicious noodles inthe street. (50 words) HOW TO ENTER Part A To enter this fabulous competition and win a dream holiday for two, complete the following sentences with option a, b orc 11 The official language of Brazil a Portuguese French « Italian 2 Ankara isthe capital of. Kenya Now | understand why people fallin love with Africa. The people are friendly and welcoming, The scenery is spectacular. And the best thing is the lions. No, wait the flamingos, or maybe the hippos. OK, everything is great, and I want to g0 back there as soon as possible. (50 words) Gulf of Aqaba Are you looking for excitement and adventure? Well, don’t come to Dahab on the Gulf of Aqaba. Here you'l find peace and quiet, beautiful beaches, perfect weather and the best welcome in Egypt. Oh, and you can go diving if you like! Personally, | prefer to relax on the beach. a Morocco b Turkey © Malta The third largest country in the world is . China b Argentina € Australia “The dong isthe currency of . '@ Morocco b Thailand Vietnam 8 Egypt b Spain € Mexico Kyushu isan island in the south of cee aa pata Eom Now write a review of the best lad the and ocean il of fel see esse See ee re foes Se ei eacer seorel Se eae tee iol teitentutetate sc0y tac lnreerton ietettEaope tears completely up-to-date in every way. (50 words) (e996 9 ee gee heey eg) Reading 1. Complete the following description of a country. Use the nouns in the box. cars cigarettes coffee hours meat noise people sleep wine Everything’s wrong here! They do everything wrong here! They eat far too much (1) meat and they eat it at 11.00 p.m. Yesterday we went out to dinner at 11.30 p.m. and we had trouble getting a table! At 2.00 a.m. we were still eating, and the restaurant was stil half-full ‘They smoke too many (2) _. They drink lots of strong (3) and alot of (4) They spend too many (5) inthe sun and they certainly dont get enough (6) ___. One Saturday night we went toa disco at 2.00 a.m. and were suprised to see that there were only afew (7) 0m the dancefloor. Then the 09 arrived at 3.00 am. and NS the party began! g Thee ae far too many (8) ___in the cities, and there's too much (8) —_ everwhere! They do everything wrong here, but the quality of life is great, and people realy know how to enjoy themselves. I don’t want to go home! 2. Which country do you think it is? Could it be your country? Why? Why not? Grammar Quantity expressions 1 Complete the headings for each category (A, B, C) with countable or uncountable. With countable nouns How many people? A: With ___ too many, lots, a lot, nouns —_B: With Horo many? How much? not enough ‘ot many, a few, (far) fo0 many (iar) to0 much aot (of not enough not many not much lots (of Weh umcoustable nours (only) afew (only) atte How much tie? ‘00 much, a lot, lots, 2 Underline the correct quantity expression in each of these sentences. not much, a litle, a) Idon’t eat much / many bread. d) [don’t eat much / enough vegetable not enough b) Leat a few / lots of fruit, ©) Leat a lot of a little cakes. 9) drink far too much /far too many tea.) don’t drink enough / many water. How many of the sentences are true for you? Rewrite the sentences so that they are all true for you. Compare your sentences with a partner. 3 Use the table to ask your partner questions about daily habits. Add your own nouns and verbs to make different questions. Nouns Verbs How much | t0colate coffee emails exercise do drink eat get have How many | tiends meat money people sleep doyou | make phone see send every day? MANY text messages wine spend, | ‘Howw much chocolate do you eat?” ‘Not much. ‘How many emails do you get?’ ‘Lots. Far too many" With___and_nouns Vocabulary 1 Complete the labelling of the compass. ~ 2) North f) __-west S North-east —b) 4) __-west South-east oan 2 Match the descriptions (ad) with the cities on the maps (1-4). a). Itsin the centre, b)_ It’s in the east. ©) It'son the west coast )_It’sin the south-east. | iin (ES etables. pater pe all Turkey & Britain A Germany Speaking: anecdote 1 ©. Listen to Emma talking about the best place she has ever visited, Read the questions and tick the ones she gives information about. a) Wheres the place? 1b) When did you first go there? ©) Wore you on holiday? d) Where did you stay? ©) What did you do there? 6) How many times have you visited the place? ig) When was the last time? 1h) What do you most like about this place? i) Are there any things you don''t like about this place? i) Would you lil e there? Why? Why not? eto li 2 You're going to tell your partner about the best place you have ever visited. ‘+ Ask yourself the questions in Exercise 1 ‘+ Think about zoha! to say and how to say it ‘+ Tell your partner about the best place you have ever visited. voce EY Useful phrases Vocab 1 1.16 Listen and read the conversation, What nationalities are Josh, Matt and Erica? | Places 1 vat a" 4 4 Og 4 Josh: Matt, this is Erica. | as Hatt: Wie to mest you, in 4 frca; Wie to meet ou, too | Matt: Youre not American are you? Where are you from? Bm Us Erica: lve in Hew York, but Fm ail rom England | Matt: Oh, where exactly? 2 Thin Erica: small town just outside Manchester. pte Matt: Manchester? Ts that near London? We Trica: No, Machetes inthe math And where are you fom? twa Matt: Well Tv in New York, ta, bt Tim actualy fom Los Angeles Josh: Hey im fom LA toa, Which pr ofthe cya you fron? Adject att: Santa Monica, nt fr fom the apo. Josh: Oh gat Hy ‘amily vein Holywood ae Erica: Wow, really? rc Josh: Wo, Tm king. They ive in the south. Near Suth Beach a a 2. Match each person with one of the maps below. Puta cross on each map to show E txactly where each person comes from fl a 2) What Focus ¢ 1) Mate u mY ny i 3. Complete the useful phrases with the words in brackets. » 2) Where you fom? (are) Wier are you from? fe b) Vmoriginally England. (rom) ° ©) Where? (exactly) <2) A small town outside Manchester. just) ©) Manchester's the north. (in) {)_ Live in New York but I'm from Los Angeles. (actually) 8). Which part of the city are from? (you) 1h). Not far the airport. from) 1) They liven south the) us) & White a conversation between you where you live now. Place Vocabulary Extra Places 1. Mateh the places in the picture with the words. castle church library mosque shopping centre square | theatre 2. Think about the last time you were in some of the different places in Exercise 1. Ask a partner. Adjectives I Look at the adjectives to describe cities. Decide which are positive and which are negative. beautiful big boring crowded dirty dull exciting expensive fabulous interesting modern noisy polluted romantic _ spectacular 2 What are the best five adjectives to describe your city. Compare your answers with your partner. Focus on like 1 Match the uses of like (a-f) with the example sentences (1-6). Uses of like Examples a) What + be + somebody /something + lite 1 We like going out every Saturday night. ssking for a description - Like cooking but I don’t like washing up. b) verb + lik 2. Treally like Harry Potter. I've seen all the films milar to somebody /something I don’t like her very much and she doesn’t like me ©) like ( hi 3. She looks like her mother. They have the same eyes. in this or that w. It's plastic, but it feels like leathe noun/ pronoun 4 ‘What's your new teacher like?” ‘He's really nice ‘omebody /something pleases you the weather like?" Terrible, It rained every day d you like a drink?’ “Yes. 'd like a glass of cold noun 6 Click on the ‘send! icon, like this int something Cut the paper into squares. No, not like that, like this! 2. Write your own example sentence for each use of like, race TY A Fred fifty years ago Love Grammar Past simple and continuous. Adverbs of manner Vocabulary Relationship expressions. Narrative linkers. ed/ing adjectives. get Useful phrases Things in common Listening 1 @ 1.26 Listen to Fred and Edna talking about their relationship and answer the questions a) When did they first meet? »). When did they get married to each other? Past simp He went to He didnt go Did he go to “A Fred and Edna now ‘A. Edna fifty years ag0 | Yes, he dl No, he didn 2 Write He, She, or They in these sentences about Fred and Edna's story. a) They first met in Blackpool and went out together for three months. b) ___ moved to different places and lost touch with each other ©) ____was married to another person for forty-eight years. 4) ___ got divorced after thirty years of marriage. ©) ____went to Blackpool with her grandson and visite all the old places 1) thought about Fred and wanted to find him. 8) ___ wrote a letter to the local newspaper. h)___ had a cousin in Blackpool who told him about the letter, 1) ____met soon after that and moved in together j) got married ~fity years after they first met! Listen again and check your answers. Vocabulary & Speaking 1. Complete the expressions in the sentences below with the words in the box. get have live lose love a) The best age to get married is twenty-five for women and twenty-seven for men bb) The main reason for getting married is to__ children. ©) big difference in age isn’t a problem for a couple if they are in__ €)_ I's good idea for a couple to_ together fora few years before getting married ©) It doesn’t mater if children touch with one of their parents, 2 Work in small groups. Discuss the statements in Exercise 1. Do you agree or disagree? Love Vocabulary 1 Match each of the verb phrases in the box w h an appropriate picture (a-d) chat somebody up fancy somebody havea row move in together a 2. Put the stages of a relationship in a logical order (1-12). Add or take away stage you think it's necessary. a) You get marzed. ) You move in together, i) You have a row b) You chat somebody up.) You have children, i) You kiss ©) You ring somebody up. g) You meet the parents. _k)_You split up. 4) You fancy somebody. __h).-You go out together 1) You fallin love Compare your ideas with a partner Grammar Past simple 1 Write the affirmative and negative past simple forms of the verbs in the box. He went to Blackpool He did't goto LivrpooL be can chat fancy get go have Kiss meet move study want Did he go to London? base he did No, he didn't. 2. Write true sentences - affirmative or negative - with the verbs in brackets. a) My mother and father (meet) at university. d)_ (go) skiing last winter. b). My grandparents (get) married in a church. e) I (study) German at school ©) I (have) a big breakfast this morning, 8) 1 (be) very busy yesterday Make questions and ask your partner, Did your mother and father met at university?” ‘No, they di 3 EBERT TUS B0 REA ie eaptanation and do the exercises Pronunciation 1. Complete these iregular verb sets. Label the past forms in each group (1-3) with these sounds: fa, J, /x | 1 2 3 Infinitive Past /e Infinitive Past: Infinitive Past keep begin) bring brought | mean drink bought b) met ring , 7 Listen, check and repeat. 2 Add the verbs in the box to the correct groups in the table in Exercise 1. . fight read sing sleep swim teach ce? © 1.28 Listen, check and repeat | ve EY: Listening 1 Read about a television game show called Get Personal and answer these questions. a) Who are the two people playing Get Personal tonight? b) How much is the prize money? ©) How can they win? s Teneo A Meet Game show Get Personas hosted by Hobby Brown. In tonights show > contestants Rost an Dave tr G7 snare 10000 prize-the game's wry simple Bobby interviews Rosie ann Dave in separate studios He asks them the same questions about how to vib they first met, and they have to give the same answers. Can they do i Watch y OTVat 830 tonight and find out 2 @ 1.19 Read the questions and answers in the table below. Listen and choose the answers (a, b, or ¢) that Rosie gives. Past conti Iwas You were He was She was wo It was We were They were Were you we Yes, Iwas. No, I wasnt Questions Rosies answers Dave's answers 1 Howdlidyou 4) Shewasa nurse. He wasa patient first meet? She wasa patient. He wasa nurse aK ©) Shewasadoctor He was a nurse 2 What time of 8) Early morning day was 1) Farlvatternoon, we 2 Farlyevening 3 Whatwasthe a) Thesun was shining. weather tke? bb) Itwasraining WK 2 Tewas snowing, 4 Whatwereyou She was wearing Hewas wearing, both wearing? a)._awhite coat a) hluepyjamas VIX 1) anursesuniform —b) green pyjamas 8 anightdress 2 pinkpyjamas 5 Who spoke first a) She said: How are you fecling? and what did bb) Hesaid:ti going tobe sick aK theysay? ©) Hesaid fel terrible 3. 1.20 Listen to Dave answering the same questions. Circle the / if he gives the same answer as Rosie, How many points did Rosie and Dave score out of five? cle the X if he gives a different answer. ( 4 Think about your closest friend. How many of the questions from Get Personal could you answer? Discuss with a partner. 2 EE .. Grammar Past continuous 1. Look at these extracts from Bobby Brown's interview with Rosie, Answer questions x (a-d) with Past simple or Past continuous. You were Tons working as a murse, and Dave came into the hospital for an operation Jews nes twas raining when I Se was working What nee you mguring ten you sam ac ote forthe first time? Rees a) What tense is used for the verbs co and see? Past simple Ne were 1b) What tense is used for the verbs mand wear? ey were ©) Which tense describes something that was in progress when another event happened? oe you working? 44) Which tense describes an event that happened ata particular moment in the past? es Twas 3 @ 1.21 Look at the pictures (1-5) and listen to the recordings. Work with a partner. Write sentences about Jake and Fiona to describe the five situations. 1 Jake wa shocver when his mob 4 REECE ee a td ote wees Reading 1 Complete the funny story with past continuous or past simple verb forms. Predict the ending of the story. a rg A Hollywood director (1 film) was filming an important film in the desert when an old Native American man (2 come) up to him and said Tomorrow rain, The next day it rained. A few days later, the director (3 talk) to the cameraman about the next day's filming. The Native American went up to him and said He was right again, and he saved the director thousands of dollars. The director was very impressed and (4 give) the old man a job. The old man (5 continue) ____to predict the weather correctly, but then he (6 not come) for three weeks. ‘The director (7 plan) to film an important scene and he needed good weather. So he (8 go) to look for the Native American. When he (9 find) the old man, he said, ‘Listen, 1 have to film an important scene tomorrow. What will the weather be like? The old man (10 shake) his head and sai, © 1.22 Listen and check your answers. Reading 1 Look at the pictures and complete the noun phrases with the words in the box. bag club paint party a) a pot of paint d) anight 2 © 1.25 Read the stories and match the things (e-f) in Exercise 1 to the appropriate story. What is the importance of each thing in the stories? REVENGE, ..2