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Nama : Elizah Nursifah

NIM : 07041181924249



1. Definition

Narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain people. Usually, the narrative text contains
good stories of fiction, non-fiction stories, fable, folktales, fairy tale, etc. In a simple word,
everything aboout the story is included in narrative text.

2. Characteristics and language focus

 Use past tense
 Generic structure : Orientation, complication, resolution, coda/reorientation)
 Adverb of time (once upon a time, one day,etc)
 Times conjunction (when, then, suddenly,etc)
 Specific character. The character in the story is specific, not general (Cinderella, Snow
white, Alibaba, etc)
 Action verb. A verb that shows an action (Killed, walked, etc)
 Direct speech. To make the story livel (Elizah said “My name is Elizah). The direct
speech uses present tense.

3. The tense that is used in narrative text

Narrative text applies past tense, whether simple past tense, simple past continuous tense, past
perfect tense, past perfect continuous.

Past Tense vs Past Continuous tense

How do we use the past continuous and past simple?

The past continuous and the past simple help us to show how two actions or situations are
 Past tense : shows us that an action was in the past, not in the present.
Example :
My mother called my sister yesterday
I ate an apple this morning
Mira went to school at 8.00 a.m

 Past continuous : shows us that the action was already in progress at certain time in the past
Example :
I was studying all night
We were eating a plate of fried rice at 9.00 p,m

When we use these two these tenses together. It shows us that the past simple action happened in
the middle of the past continuous action, while it was in the progress.
Example :
While I was eating, my brother suddenly came
My mother called me when I was playing game
We often use these tense to show an action interruption another action.
Example :
I broke my leg when I was walking
As I was going to school, I saw a cute dog.
We were playing game when my cousin came.

Time Clauses

A time clause is a type of adverb clause that used in english to demonstrate a period of time
based on an action or event. Time clauses are started with adverbs or adverb phrases that show
they represent a time (sometime also functioning as subordinating conjuntions). These include :
when, after, until, as soon as, before, while, etc. a clause that starts with an adverb of time like
this is not usually a complete grammatical idea, as they work as subordinating conjunctions :
 When the sun sets
 Before I go to school
 After my teacher arrives
Although they have a subject, verb and object, none of these are complete ideas, as they simply
points to a time, similar to a clause that simply says, “At 9pm”
This is because when we form a time clause, the adverb of time joins two ideas, linking the main
clause to the time in a dependent way. The two clauses could be separate sentemce without the
adverb of time. Consinder the following two clauses :
I will master English. I will complete every exercise in my textbook.
Either of these could become a time clause and therefore make the main clause dependent on the
timing of the other
 I will master English after I complete ecery exercise in my textbook
 When I master English, I will complete ecery exercise in my textbook.

Example of time clause :

 He will get wet when he goes swimming.
 We will meet the team when they arrive at the station
 I got to work late after I got up late
 The police will catch the criminal when he makes a mistake
 They are going on holiday after they finish their exams.

Transitional words/phrase

Transitional words/phrase are words that used to connect one idea to the next. They show the
reader the relationship between phrases, sentence, or even paragraphs. When we use them, we
make it easier for our readers to understand how we thought and idea are connected. What is
more, they prepare our reader for what’s coming.
Example :
I pushed the domino. As a result, it fell over

When we start a sentence with ‘as a result’, our reader will immediately know two things :
1. What happened in the first sentence caused something.
2. The second sentence is going to describe the effect.

Few types of transition words/phrases :

Transition Example Word/phrase Example sentence

I’m tired. Therefore, I’m going to

Cause and effect Therefore, so, consequently, as a result
I’m not fond of fruit. However, I do
Contrast But, however, on the other hand
like bananas
Today, I’m going to write a post. In
Firstly/secondly, further, and, morever,
Enumeration addition, I’m recording some video
in addition
I’ll start by telling you what
Meanwhile, during, subsequently, after transition words are. After that, I
that will tell you why you should
always use them
She tried really hard to entertain
her guests. Similiary, he put all his
similarity Likewise, similary, in the same vein
heart and soul in cooking a
delicious dinner

Source :

beginner to pre intermediate. (2020, september). Retrieved oktober 8, 2020, from british council:

admin. (2017, august 13). Retrieved oktober 8, 2020, from british course:

rakt, M. v. (2019, october 15). content seo. Retrieved october 8, 2020, from yoast:

williams, p. (2014, januari 7). grammar. Retrieved oktober 8, 2020, from english lessons

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