Euclidean Vector Spaces: Critical Book Report

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BY OF KHOIRUNNISA (4173240010)


Praise and gratitude we pray to the presence of God Almighty because by

His grace I can finish the Critical Book Report of Matrix and vector course
entitled EUCLIDEAN VECTOR SPACES. The author is grateful to the respected
Lecturer who has given his guidance.
The author also realizes that this task is still much deficient therefore, the
authors apologize if there is a mistake in writing and the author also expects
constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfection of this task. Finally, the
authors say thank you and this task can be useful and can increase knowledge for

Medan, May 27, 017

1.1 Backgrond
1.2 Formulation of the problem
1.3 Goals
2.1 The book of Elementary Linear Algebra Applications Version Howard
2.1.1 Vectors in 2-Space, 3-Space, and n-Space
2.1.2 Norm, Dot Product, and Distance in Rn
2.1.3 Orthogonality
2.2 The book of Linear Algebra 1 Stefan Martynkiw
2.2.1 Vectors in 2-Space, 3-Space, and n-Space
2.2.2 Norm, Dot Product, and Distance in Rn
2.2.3 Orthogonality
3.1 The advantages of book Elementary Linear Algebra Applications
3.1 The Advantages of book Linear Algebra 1 Stefan Martynkiw
4.1 The weakness of book Elementary Linear Algebra Applications
4.2 The weakness of book Linear Algebra 1 Stefan Martynkiw
5.1 Theory
5.2 Development of Indonesia
5.3 Analysis
6.1 Conclusion
6.2 Suggestion
1.1 Background
Entering the 20th century, the development of Science and Technology is
very rapid. Various simple and electronic devices have been successfully created
to facilitate human work. Success for the success achieved by humans, not
separated or even very dependent from the existence of a science, namely the
science of physics.
Through Physics, man can explain various natural phenomena, nor can
predict the natural phenomena that will occur. Humans can also define natural
phenomena. For example, the issue of boats that will cross the river. If the river
water is calm, and the current is slow, the boat can easily cross the river.
However, if the current is heavy, then the boat will drift. At a glance, this problem
is a trivial matter. However, with Physics, this can be examined, and becomes the
basis for thinking of solving other problems.
The boat issue above, will be very easy to understand in Vector. Vector is
a magnitude that has a large and direction (Kamajaya, 2007: 50). Vectors can
simplify and solve problems such as boat problems above. If the initial position of
the boat is A, and the destination is B, the boat originally from A to B will arrive
across the river not in the actual destination, eg C. However, with Understand
Vector, can be found the solution for the boat still to arrive at B, that is by
directing the boat upstream to offset the flow of the river.Thus, Vector is a very
important knowledge. That's the background of us to compose this paper, so that
later can understand and apply it in everyday life.

1.2 Formulation of the problem

1. What is meant by orthogonal

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the books

1.3 Goals
1. Knowing of orthogonally
2. Know the advantages of books and book weaknesses
2.1 The book of Elementary Linear Algebra Applications Version Howard
2.1.1 Vectors in 2-Space, 3-Space, and n-Space
VectorAdditionViewed asTranslation If v, w, and v + w are positioned so their
initial points coincide, then the terminal point of v + w can be viewed in two
1. The terminal point of v + w is the point that results when the terminal
point of v is translated in the direction of w by a distance equal to the
length of w
2. The terminal point of v + w is the point that results when the terminal
point of w is translated in the direction of v by a distance equal to the
length of v
3. Accordingly, we say that v + w is the translation of v by w or,
alternatively, the translation of w by v.
Vector Subtraction The negative of a vector v, denoted by −v, is the vector that
has the same length as v but is oppositely directed (Figure 3.1.6a), and the
difference of v from w, denoted by w − v, is taken to be the sum w − v = w + (−v).
Vectors v = (v1, v2, . . . , vn) and w = (w1,w2, . . . , wn) in Rn are said to be
equivalent (also called equal) if
v1 = w1, v2 = w2, . . . , vn = wn
We indicate this by writing v = w.
If u, v, and w are vectors in Rn, and if k and m are scalars, then:
(a) u + v = v + u
(b) (u + v) + w = u + (v + w)
(c) u + 0 = 0 + u = u
(d) u + (−u) = 0
(e) k(u + v) = ku + kv
( f ) (k + m)u = ku + mu
(g) k(mu) = (km)u
(h) 1u = u
2.1.2 Norm, Dot Product, and Distance in Rn
If v = (v1, v2, . . . , vn) is a vector in Rn, then the norm of v (also called the length
of v or the magnitude of v) is denoted by v, and is defined by the formula
v = " v21 + v22 +· · ·+v2n
If v is a vector in Rn, and if k is any scalar, then:
(a) v ≥ 0
(b) v = 0 if and only if v = 0
If u, v, and w are vectors in Rn, and if k is a scalar, then:
(a) u ・ v = v ・ u [Symmetry property ]
(b) u ・(v + w) = u ・ v + u ・ w [ Distributive property ]
(c) k(u ・ v) = (ku) ・ v [ Homogeneity property ]
(d) v ・ v ≥ 0 and v ・ v = 0 if and only if v = 0 [Positivity property ]
2.1.3 Orthogonality
Two nonzero vectors u and v in Rn are said to be orthogonal (or perpendicular) if
u ・ v = 0. We will also agree that the zero vector in Rn is orthogonal to every
1. If a and b are constants that are not both zero, then an equation of the form
ax + by + c = 0 (4) represents a line in R2 with normal n = (a, b).
2. If a, b, and c are constants that are not all zero, then an equation of the
form ax + by + cz + d = 0 (5) represents a plane in R3 with normal
Theorem of Pythagoras in Rn If u and v are orthogonal vectors in Rn with the
Euclidean inner product, thenu + v2 = u2 + v2.

2.2 The book of Linear Algebra 1 Stefan Martynkiw

2.2.1Vectors in 2-space, 3-space, and n-space
Theorem 3.1.1 – Algebraic Vector Operations without components
 U+v=v+u
 (u+v)+w = u + (v+w)
 u + 0 = 0 +u = u
 u + (-u) = 0
 k(u + v) = ku + kv
 (k + m)u = ku + mu
 k(mu) = (km)u
 1u = u
Theorem 3.1.2
 0v = 0, k0 = 0, (-1)v = -v
2.2.2 Norm, Dot Product, and Distance
Definition 1 – Norm of a Vector

Definition 2 – Distance in Rn
Given vectors u, v, the distance d(u,v) is:

2.2.3 Orthogonality
If u⋅v=0 , u and v are orthogonal. Point-Normal forms of lines and planes.
To find the equation of a line or plane, we take an arbitrary point P0 =(Xo , Yo,
Zo), and another point, P(x,y,z). We form a vector Po P=x−x0, y−y0,
z−z0. Then we know that the normal must be orthogonal to this vector (and the
plane/line), so that n⋅P0P=0 . If this normal n, is defined as n = (a, b, c), then
the above equation becomes (by the component dot product):

[Point-Normal Form of a Plane]

The above equation, [Point-Normal Form of a
Plane],can be simplified. If we multiply the terms out and simplify we get the
following theorem.Theorem 3.3.1 – Point-Normal Forms of Lines and Planes
 Ax + By + C = 0, is a line in R2 with normal n=(a,b).
 Ax + By + Cz + D = 0, is a plane in R3 with normal n=(a, b, c).

3.1 The advantages of book Elementary Linear Algebra Applications

Version Howard
1. The book has a cover that interests readers to read it.
2. Every important word is given bold letters. This facilitates the reader in
searching for those words.
3. Preparation chapters and sub chapters are quite good.
4. Put pictures and tables for a more detailed explanation.
5. Attach an example and how to solve it.

3.2 The Advantages of bookLinear Algebra 1 Stefan Martynkiw

1. The book has a cover and also an attractive color to read.
2. There are many colors on the contents of the book that make the book
more interesting to read.
3. Describes the complete material.
4. Presents the formula accompanied by examples of problems and
5. Include drawings and tables explaining the material covered.
6. Attach an important note to each left of the book.

4.1 The weakness of bookElementary Linear Algebra Applications Version

Nothing to comment on because the book is very high standard and has
been used a lot by the community, especially in universities by these students
show that this book is very good.

4.2 The weakness of book Linear Algebra 1 Stefan Martynkiw

1. In the book reviewed we did not find any greed in each book because the
book has been applied in everyday life.
2. There are not many examples of questions and exercises about each
chapter, so readers better understand the content of the material.
5.1 Theory
VectorAdditionViewed asTranslation If v, w, and v + w are positioned so their
initial points coincide, then the terminal point of v + w can be viewed in two
4. The terminal point of v + w is the point that results when the terminal
point of v is translated in the direction of w by a distance equal to the
length of w
5. The terminal point of v + w is the point that results when the terminal
point of w is translated in the direction of v by a distance equal to the
length of v
6. Accordingly, we say that v + w is the translation of v by w or,
alternatively, the translation of w by v.
If u⋅v=0 , u and v are orthogonal. Point-Normal forms of lines and planes.
To find the equation of a line or plane, we take an arbitrary point P0 =(Xo , Yo,
Zo), and another point, P(x,y,z). We form a vector Po P=x−x0, y−y0,
z−z0. Then we know that the normal must be orthogonal to this vector (and the
plane/line), so that n⋅P0P=0 . If this normal n, is defined as n = (a, b, c), then
the above equation becomes (by the component dot product):

[Point-Normal Form of a Plane]

The above equation, [Point-Normal Form of a

Plane], can be simplified. If we multiply the terms out and simplify we get the
following theorem. Theorem 3.3.1 – Point-Normal Forms of Lines and Planes
 Ax + By + C = 0, is a line in R2 with normal n=(a,b).
 Ax + By + Cz + D = 0, is a plane in R3 with normal n=(a, b, c).
5.2 Development of Indonesia
1. Utilization of wave frequency difference in color
In the field of medicine, said Dr. Erwin Tb. Kusuma, Sp.KJ, color therapy is
classified as electromagnetic medicine or treatment with electromagnetic waves.
Unwittingly the body has a congenital response Automatically against color and
light. It can happen because basically Color is an element of light, and light is one
form of energy. Giving energy to the body will have a positive effect. When
applied To the body, the color has its own energy characteristics. The use of color
depends on the problems each person experiences.
2. Colors on computer
Colors on computer monitors are commonly based on what is called the RGB
color model. Colors in this system are created by adding together percentages of
the primary colors red (R), green (G), and blue (B). One way to do this is to
identify the primary colors with the vectors
r = (1, 0, 0) (pure red),
g = (0, 1, 0) (pure green),
b = (0, 0, 1) (pure blue)
in R3 and to create all other colors by forming linear combinations of r, g, and b
using coefficients between 0 and 1, inclusive; these coefficients represent the
percentage of each pure color in the mix. The set of all such color vectors is called
RGB space or the RGBcolor cube. Thus, each color vector c in this cube is
expressible as a linear combination of the form
c = k1r + k2g + k3b
= k1(1, 0, 0) + k2(0, 1, 0) + k3(0, 0, 1)
= (k1, k2, k3)
where 0 ≤ ki ≤ 1. As indicated in the figure, the corners of the cube represent the
pure primary colors together with the colors black, white, magenta, cyan, and
yellow. The vectors along the diagonal
running from black to white correspond to shades of gray.
5.2 Analysis
In the application of students should be able to analyze the benefits of
the matrix in life and how to manage and develop the theory well.
6.1 Conclusion
6.1.1 The advantages of book Elementary Linear Algebra Applications
Version Howard
1. The book has a cover that interests readers to read it.
2. Every important word is given bold letters. This facilitates the reader in
searching for those words.
3. Preparation chapters and sub chapters are quite good.
4. Put pictures and tables for a more detailed explanation.
5. Attach an example and how to solve it.
6.1.2 The Advantages of book Linear Algebra 1 Stefan Martynkiw
1. The book has a cover and also an attractive color to read.
2. There are many colors on the contents of the book that make the book
more interesting to read.
3. Describes the complete material.
4. Presents the formula accompanied by examples of problems and
5. Include drawings and tables explaining the material covered.
6. Attach an important note to each left of the book.

6.2 Suggestion
Thanks to friends who helped complete this Critical Book, so we can
finish it just in time. In this writing we really need input from Lecturers and
friends all for the perfection of this Critical Book.

Anton, H and Chris, R. 2014. ElementaryLinearAlgebraApplications Version

Edition eleven. United States of America : Wiley
Martynkiw, Stefan. 2010. Linear Algebra I. United States of America : Wiley

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