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Planning and Presentation: Patriotic Song Project

Student Name:     __________________________________________ Topic: _______________________________________

CATEGORY 10 8 6 4
Point of View - Song establishes a Establishes a The purpose is It was difficult to figure
Purpose purpose at the purpose at the somewhat clear but out the purpose of the
40 points beginning and beginning, but many aspects of the song.
maintains that occasionally song seem only
focus throughout! wanders from that slightly related.
Cohesive song. focus.
Speaks clearly Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Does NOT speak clearly
10 points distinctly all of the distinctly all of the distinctly most of the and distinctly most of the
time and time but time and time AND/OR
mispronounces no mispronounces 1 mispronounces no mispronounces more than
words. or more words. words. 1 word.
Group Work The group The group The group Some members of the
10 points functioned functioned pretty functioned fairly well group were often off task
exceptionally well. well. Most but was dominated AND/OR were overtly
All members members listened by one or two disrespectful to others in
listened to, shared to, shared with members. The group the group AND/OR were
with and supported and supported the (all members) was typically disregarded by
the efforts of efforts of others. almost always on other group members.
others. The group The group (all task!
(all members) was members) was
almost always on almost always on
task! task!
Enthusiasm Facial expression Facial expression Facial expression Facial expression and
10 points and body language and body and body language body language depict
show a strong language show a show some interest apathy or boredom with
interest and strong interest and enthusiasm the topic.
enthusiasm about and enthusiasm about the topic
the topic about the topic throughout the song.
throughout the throughout the
song, but it is not song, but it is
overdone. somewhat
Required The song project All required All but 1 of the Several required elements
elements includes all elements are required elements were missing.
20 points required elements included with the are included with the
as well as song. song.
Preparedness Student is Student seems The student is Student does not seem at
10 points completely pretty prepared somewhat prepared, all prepared to present.
prepared and has but might have but it is clear that
obviously needed a couple rehearsal was
rehearsed. more rehearsals. lacking.

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