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Great Doctor Ling Ran


Ling Ran, a med school senior, begins to see the world like a game
UI. He uses it to pave his way towards graduation, a residency,
becoming the greatest doctor in the world… And finally getting a
Transformer from his newbie packs? Maybe. We don’t know yet.

Author(s): Village Of Ambitious Birds

Year: 0
Country: China
Genres: Comedy


UUID: 000e6a00-dbc8-11e9-b763-539b7a8ac7d4
USER: Testing
DATE CREATED: 2019-09-20

More info and chapters:
2 Report

Chapter 201: Watch A Replanted Finger


Zhao Leyi stared forward in determination.

In the end, he managed to exchange shifts with Doctor Zhou. In

exchange, he offered to replace Doctor Zhou's shifts for five days and
gave Doctor Zhou ten pork trotters along with two pork legs. That
was how he got to become a member of the academician's
welcoming party.

Zhao Leyi felt his heart ache when he thought of the price he had
to pay. But aside from Doctor Zhou, the other attending physicians of
the Emergency Department were similarly unwilling to let go of the
amazing opportunity.

All of them stood in a line behind Department Director Huo and

quietly waited for the academician to arrive.

The chief physicians and associate chief physicians under

Department Director Huo were still able to maintain their composure.
The attending physicians, on the other hand, were starting to feel

"Why isn't he here yet?"

"It's quite late already. He's probably being held up in the

Hand Surgery Department."

"Oh dear, it's almost time for me to carry out a surgery.

This guy isn't very on time, is he?"

Zhao Leyi listened to the other doctors as they discussed among

themselves. He was pleased with himself.
3 Report
Doctors—especially attending physicians—were very busy
creatures. If they had not adjusted their shifts, a lot of them would
need to go back and forth due to time constraints.

At that moment, Zhao Leyi began to feel that he paid too small a
price to exchange shifts with the lazy Doctor Zhou. If he could seize
an opportunity this time, he would give even give Doctor Zhou some

Zhao Leyi was indulging in his own thoughts so much that he

slowly raised his head.

The visiting delegation was a large-scale one. The Orthopedics

Department was the first to benefit from it and got to participate in
Zhu Tongyi's medical platform. Not only would it be possible for them
to share their ideas in international research projects, but they could
also likely get first-hand recommendations from the academician
when it came to their medical skills too...

Meanwhile, the attending physicians were the most interested in

getting a spot in training organized by Zhu Tongyi. Unlike
substandard training provided by substandard partners, organized by
Zhu Tongyi could be as short as two months or as long as two years.
Participants of the former would be trained in Zhu Tongyi's
Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center, while participants of the
latter would be sent straight to Mayo Clinic in the United States. It
was considered every doctor's dream opportunity.

Yun Hua Hospital was the top hospital in both Changxi province
and Yun Hua City. It was very hard to get into Yun Hua Hospital
purely through one's educational background and skills. That was
especially true for Yun Hua Hospital's Orthopedics Department and a
few other related departments. A master's degree would barely be
enough, and the hospital was still picky when it came to those with a
PhD. The number of overseas PhD holders who sent in their resumes
increased by the year, and for the past four or five years, a PhD
holder from overseas could probably not get into Yun Hua Hospital
4 Report

While associate chief physicians still got to take advantage of their

seniority in that kind of environment, attending physicians were
under immense pressure.

Zhao Leyi had long since wanted to attend training elsewhere. It

was just that, when you were in a hospital of Yun Hua's league, there
were not many hospitals that could train you. You would also need to
choose the right trainers as well as specialization, and that was not

From that aspect, Mayo Clinic was pretty much the best choice. It
was especially true for the Orthopedics Department because Mayo
Clinic's Orthopedics Department had dominated the world's number
one position for a long time. If he got to train there for two years, he
would be so happy he could die.

"The academician is here," someone reminded them.

Zhao Leyi immediately adjusted his clothes, raised his head, and
straightened his body.

Similarly, Academician Zhu Tongyi had his head raised and body

Zhu Tongyi, who was almost seventy years old, had gray hair and
impeccable posture. He still went to work four days a week, made
didactic ward rounds and provided guidance to surgeons at least
once a week. In addition, he regularly lectured in Fudan.

Apart from that, Zhu Tongyi compiled a new book every year and
acted as the editor as well as reviewer of various Chinese medical

The most amazing thing about him was, of course, his Orthopedic
and Sports Medicine Center. It had built quite a name for itself, even
internationally. That allowed Zhu Tongyi's apprentices to have a base
5 Report
to launch their career, which also became an important factor when
the government selected academicians for the Academy of

At that moment, Zhao Leyi had a smile on his face as he gazed at

Zhu Tongyi, who walked over with a majestic gait. He prayed silently,
'As long as I get the chance to show my face…'

"Department Director Huo, am I right?" Zhu Tongyi took the

initiative to greet Huo Congjun, showing good manners.

Huo Congjun, whose hobby was to scold people in various

meetings and events, also showed good manners on that day. There
was an extremely pleasant smile on his face. "Academician Zhu,
welcome to Yun Hua Hospital's Emergency Department."

Zhu Tongyi nodded with a smile and said, "I heard that your
department started carrying out finger replantation
surgeries. I'm very curious. Is it all right if we take a look?"

"Oh… of course." Huo Congjun had already expected it. He

quickly led the way and proceeded with introductions.

Zhu Tongyi walked past Zhao Leyi with his back straight and head
full of white hair, showing Zhao Leyi the impeccable side profile of an
almost seventy-year-old man.

Huo Congjun followed closely behind him with his back straight and
head full of black hair as well. Anyone could see how pleased he was
with himself even from the way he breathed.

Zhao Leyi and the others could only wait until all members of the
delegation left to follow them.

"Why is he heading straight to look at the finger

replantation surgeries?" Zhao Leyi directly voiced his
6 Report
"The excellence rate of the finger replantation surgeries
performed by Ling Ran seems to be extraordinary," the
attending physician beside him said and clucked his tongue a few
times. "Young people nowadays are extraordinary indeed."

Zhao Leyi pursed his lips and thought, 'There are just no suitable
patients today. The orthopedic surgeries I carry out in the Emergency
Department aren't bad either. Damn it, I feel like breaking someone's
bones right now.'

He looked around with a ferocious gaze while he continued to walk

behind the members of the delegation. After a while, he spotted a
doctor who was around his age and started a conversation with him.

Since he was not able to directly capture Zhu Tongyi's attention,

he could only capture the attention of someone in Zhu Tongyi's
delegation. Zhao Leyi was a person who was prone to overthinking,
and the thing that appeared most often in his mind was his
conversations with his wife.

"Hubby, take a look at my new bag.

"Hubby, take a look at my new clothes.

"Hubby, I saved some money today by buying a thin


When he looked at his credit card bill every month, Zhao Leyi
would think to himself, 'If only I were an orthopedist.'

"Did all the patients in this ward undergo finger

replantation surgery?" Zhu Tongyi was extremely surprised when
he saw that the observation area took up half the floor.

Apart from a small number of hospitals, the total number of beds in

most hospitals in China ranged from a few hundred to two or three
thousand. Hospitals with more beds than that could be counted with
two hands.
7 Report
Having several dozens of hospital beds in one single department
was not considered a few, but one or two hundred hospital beds were
considered a lot.

Zhu Tongyi's Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center only had one
hundred and eighty hospital beds, and there were rarely any
situations where they needed to add extra beds.

Huo Congjun had always spared no effort when it came to building

up his department. Right then, pleased with himself, he said, "The
finger replantation surgery is a new project that we pay a lot
of attention to. So, coupled with the fact that we receive a lot
of patients, we've done everything we can to increase the
number of hospital beds."

"What's the average hospitalization time of patients who've

undergone finger replantation surgery here?" Zhu Tongyi
asked, getting straight to the point.

Huo Congjun smiled without trying to gloss over things. "As this
project has just begun, I can't tell you the exact time. Based
on the statistics we've accumulated so far, the patients stay
around forty to forty-five days."

"You guys go with long-term hospitalization programmes."

Zhu Tongyi immediately made a categorization.

Huo Congjun flashed a noncommittal smile.

"Not many people can do it like you guys nowadays." Zhu

Tongyi sighed.

All patients in the Orthopedics Department needed a long time to

recuperate and recover. However, because all the large hospitals
right now regarded the turnover rate of patients as a core indicator of
success, they went out of their way to discharge patients as soon as
8 Report
Since the Emergency Department was the only department in the
hospital where the patient turnover rate was not inspected, a lot of
patients got to stay there long-term. You could say that they were
truly "lazing around in bed."

Consequently, the finger replantation surgery project that Huo

Congjun placed under the Emergency Department did not need to
worry about the turnover rate of patients.

"It seems that you guys do have an advantage when it

comes to this." Zhu Tongyi cast a rough look at the situation inside
one of the wards and applauded them again. When the hospital
director who came along with them heard his words, he flashed a
smile too.

"Before we launched the project, we carried out sufficient

research and fought hard to make sure that everything went
right…" Huo Congjun said casually. He was then about to lead
everyone on a ward inspection.

Xue Haochu took the brief opportunity to step forward and say,
pointing at Yuan Wei's room, "Why don't we take a look at this

Before Huo Congjun could say anything, Xue Haochu took the lead
and entered the room.

When Huo Congjun remembered that Xue Haochu was Zhu

Tongyi's student, he ignored the fact that Xue Haochu violated the
rules, and followed him inside.

Xue Haochu went straight to Yuan Wei the moment he entered the
room. He smiled in his heart when he saw Yuan Wei and He Jinxiu. He
then said with a smile to the doctors who came after him, "Can you
let us take a look at this patient's medical record?"

"Go and get it," Huo Congjun added and looked at Xue Haochu
9 Report

Xue Haochu told a half-truth, "I strolled past before this and
was quite interested in this patient's surgery and recovery.
That's why I want to take a look at his medical record."

Zhu Tongyi allowed Xue Haochu to do whatever he wanted. He had

gone there with the intention of performing an inspection, and he
also wanted to look at a medical record or two.

Soon, Yuan Wei's medical record was sent into the ward.

Xue Haochu first flipped to the page that stated the date on which
the surgery was carried out. He smiled, pleased with himself as he
counted with his fingers.

'Sh*t, the surgery was seriously carried out seven days ago?"

"You received the surgery seven days ago?" Xue Haoxhu

asked Yuan Wei in disbelief.

Yuan Wei nodded, not knowing what was going on. "I told you
about it already."

Xue Haochu chuckled a few times and shrugged. Like a tortoise

hiding its head in its shell, he then said, "Do take a look, teacher."

After he said that, he removed the new bandages around Yuan

Wei's injured hand.

Zhu Tongyi walked over with a wide smile. He then craned his neck
and took a casual glance at Yuan Wei's replanted finger.

He continued to look at it for a few minutes.
10 Report

Chapter 202: Superb Skills


"Can you guys take some scans for us to look at?" Zhu
Tongyi massaged his waist and straightened his body again as he
raised the request.

Naturally, Huo Congjun agreed immediately.

Meanwhile, Yuan Wei and He Jinxiu looked extremely anxious. They

asked, "Is there a problem?"

"There's no problem. Your fingers are recovering very well,

much better than those of ordinary people. I'd like to see
what exactly is going on…" Zhu Yongyi told the patient what was
going on with a smile. He then deliberately explained, "We are the
ones who want to take a look at the results of those scans, so
there's no need for you to pay for them. You just need to
corporate with us as we take those scans, and we'll give you
a consultation later."

The gap between anxiety and happiness was only the size of a free

After staying in the hospital for quite a while, Yuan Wei and He
Jinxiu knew that none of the checkups were cheap. As a nurse
pushed Yuan Wei for his check-up on a wheelchair, he felt less
annoyed about Xue Haochu removing his dressing earlier.


MRI scan...

Doppler ultrasonography...
11 Report
CT scan...

Since Zhu Tongyi was tired of walking, he sat down inside the
Emergency Department's office and waited for someone to serve him
a cup of tea. He sipped the tea slowly as he chatted, and he looked
like one of those old men who stood by the roadside to watch other
people play chess.

After chatting for a while, Zhu Tongyi reckoned that it was almost
time for those scans to be completed. He curiously asked, "Where's
the doctor who operated on this patient? Why isn't he here?"

"Ling Ran's performing a surgery," someone who knew Ling

Ran's whereabouts answered.

Zhu Tongyi hummed in acknowledgement. There seemed to be a

slight hint of regret in his tone.

Zhao Leyi felt happy for some unknown reason. Even though the
huge price he paid in exchange for a chance to show his face did not
seem to be paying off, the situation was far worse for doctors who
did not pay any sort of price and were stuck in the operating theater.
Ling Ran could have had the opportunity to show his face, but that
did not happen because he did not exchange shifts with another
doctor. This was a rare opportunity, and Ling Ran missed it just
because he did not pay a huge price...

"Go and get Ling Ran. See how's the progress of the
surgery he's performing." Huo Congjun glanced at his watch
before he explained to Zhu Tongyi, "Ling Ran has always been
quick when he performs his surgeries. I reckon that he's
almost done."

"I can only stay a bit longer." The academician did not have a
fixed schedule. He was an orthopedist himself, and knew that finger
replantation surgeries always took a long time. It would take an even
longer time if an accident happened during the surgery. He definitely
12 Report
could not wait indefinitely for Ling Ran.

Huo Congjun did not expect that Zhu Tongyi would want to meet
Ling Ran. Deep down, he was rather reluctant for them to meet.
Hence, he was not proactive when it came to the matter, and just
went with the flow. "The patient Ling Ran's operating on today
has two severed fingers. I have a feeling he's probably
coming out soon," he said.

Lu Wenbin coughed a few times.

Huo Congjun arched an eyebrow and looked at Lu Wenbin. "If you

have something to say, then say it. Don't just cough."

"Ling Ran's already done with the patient with two severed
fingers. But then a patient with three severed fingers
arrived, and…" Lu Wenbin gave Huo Congjun a look, knowing that
Huo Congjun would understand what he meant.

Huo Congjun immediately got it.

Initially, Ling Ran was only supposed to operate on a patient with

two severed fingers and be free for the rest of the day. If anymore
patients with one or two severed fingers were to arrive after that,
they would be transferred straight to the Hand Surgery
Department… But in the end, the new patient who showed up had
three severed fingers.

Huo Congjun did not even have to think with his brain to know that
Ling Ran definitely could not hold back his excitement and went into
the operating theater again.

Huo Congjun could only chuckle as he looked at the academician.

He felt a little regretful but rather relieved at the same time.

Zhu Tongyi smiled calmly. He never insisted on meeting Ling Ran,

anyway. "No matter how good an egg tastes, it doesn't mean
13 Report
one must take a look at the hen that laid the egg."

The test reports were sent over the moment they were out.

Huo Congjun took them and gave them a once-over. He hesitated

for a few seconds before he passed them to Zhu Tongyi. Then, he
looked at Lu Wenbin and coughed a few times.

Lu Wenbin's heart brimmed with joy. He arched his eyebrow and

was about to say, "If you have something to say, then say it.
Don't just cough."

However, he swallowed his words and bent his waist, which could
carry a one-hundred-and-eighty pound weight in a deadlift [1].
Following that, he moved next to Huo Congjun in an obedient and
submissive manner.

"Did you carry out Yuan Wei's surgery together with Ling
Ran?" Huo Congjun asked.

"Yes," Lu Wenbin answered obediently like an intelligent Golden

Retriever. He even rubbed his heels on the ground.

"What was the exact situation?"

"It was…" Lu Wenbin was rather baffled by the question. In a low

voice, he said, "It was an ordinary surgery. He called for Su
Jiafu, Yu Yuan, and me. Wang Jia was the scrub nurse…"

"That's not what I wanted to know." Huo Congjun waved his

hand dismissively. It was inappropriate for him to continue to debrief
Lu Wenbin in front of so many people anyway.

Since Zhu Tongyi did not gather anything useful after he listened
closely for a while, he proceeded to read the scans, one by one.

After he read the scans for some time, Zhu Tongyi rose abruptly
and laid them out on a table. Xue Haochu immediately went forward
14 Report
and helped him with it.

Huo Congjun watched them silently. When it came to the

orthopedics, Zhu Tongyi's abilities far surpassed everyone's in the
room. He naturally had the rights to read the scans whichever way
he wanted to.

"The surgery was done pretty well." Zhu Tongyi suddenly

raised his head and chuckled a few times as he faced Huo Congjun.

"He's a pretty talented young man," Huo Congjun went along

and answered Zhu Tongyi.

"This young man… Ling Ran? Is he still in the operating

theater? How much longer do you reckon he'll take?" Zhu
Tongyi asked.

Huo Congjun looked at the person beside him.

Lu Wenbin rubbed his heels against the floor and said, "Probably
a little over an hour."

"That's all right. We'll take a rest first, then." Zhu Tongyi
flashed a wide smile, his white hair swaying along with his head. He
then asked Xue Haochu to keep the scans.

Zhu Tongyi's words from before flashed in Huo Congjun's mind. 'No
matter how good an egg tastes, it doesn't mean one must take a look
at the hen that laid the egg…'

At that moment, Zhu Tongyi obviously wanted to take a look at the

hen that laid the egg.

Huo Congjun looked out the window, feeling displeased. 'People

nowadays fart whenever they wish to, no matter how amazing they

All the young doctors were very happy, though. They took the
15 Report
opportunity to go forward and ask all kinds of questions, regardless
of whether they were relevant or not.

No matter what answer Academician Zhu gave them, at least they

finally got the chance to show their face.

Zhu Tongyi happened to be in a pretty good mood too, and

answered a few questions earnestly, making it seem as if he was
holding a forum.

Zhao Leyi was the most excited among them all. He trembled
violently and said, "Academician Zhu, I've been carrying out a
lot of surgeries on elbow joints lately, and I encountered a
few problems regarding the medial approach…"

"Hm, Xue Haochu, can you answer that question?" Zhu

Tongyi casually called one of his students to answer the question
before he picked his cup up and drank a mouthful of tea. He felt a
little thirsty after speaking for quite a while, so he took the
opportunity to test his own student with Zhao Leyi's question.

After Xue Haochu was called, he pondered calmly for more than
ten seconds before he answered Zhao Leyi's question.

As Zhao Leyi gazed at Xue Haochu, who was around his age, he
could not help but feel dejected.

All the PhD students under Zhu Tongyi were carefully selected by
the academician. Right then, Xue Haochu demonstrated profound
theoretical knowledge.

Zhao Leyi proceeded to look at the other doctors who accompanied

the academician, and none of them showed any obvious change in
expression. It was obvious that what Xue Haochu just demonstrated
was not extraordinary to them at all.

However, the question Zhao Leyi raised was based on real

problems that he had encountered. Even though it was a good thing
16 Report
that he got an answer, to have his problem solved so easily...

Zhao Leyi retreated silently. He then took a few more steps back,
stood at the corner of the meeting room, and spoke no more.

Once he lost some interest in trying to chase after fame and

benefits, Zhao Leyi finally realized that Zhu Tongyi totally did not
care about what was happening in the meeting room as he listened
to the conversations around him.

Zhu Tongyi leaned against the backrest of his chair and rested his
chin on his hand. His gaze was empty while he looked forward. Even
though he looked like he was listening to what everyone was saying,
in reality, he had other things on his mind.

After a long time, Zhu Tongyi sat up and spoke again in an urging
tone, "How's Ling Ran progressing with the surgery?"

Lu Wenbin had been paying attention to that. He glanced at

Department Director Huo before he said, "He's started with the
third finger and is almost done with the surgery."

"That's pretty quick," Zhu Tongyi commented and leaned back

in his seat.

At that moment, Huo Congjun felt especially unsettled. He

chuckled a few times and said, "Academician Zhu, don't you plan
on visiting other departments?"

"Your department is my last stop today."

"It's dinner time now…"

"I've delayed my dinner appointment by a little. There's no

rush," Zhu Tongyi said in a very reasonable manner.

Huo Congjun furrowed his eyebrows, but there was nothing that he
could do.
17 Report
Zhu Tongyi only got to see Ling Ran in his white coat after he
waited roughly another hour.

Since Ling Ran had to meet the academician, once he was outside
the door, the hospital's administrative staff asked him to change into
a new, large, white coat.

The brand-new, large, white coat even had marks on it, indicating
that it had just been ironed. It fit Ling Ran perfectly and was of just
the right length, making him look radiant and dashing.

Zhu Tongyi's eyes brightened when he saw Ling Ran. He praised

him, "He has the aura of a celebrity doctor."

Huo Congjun looked at Zhu Tongyi vigilantly. He put on the

expression he had when he was about to scold someone.

"Department Director Huo, Academician Zhu…" Ling Ran

greeted them in his usual demeanor.

He received praises all the time, and people praised him in various
ways every day. It was not something rare for him at all.

As a result, Zhu Tongyi had even more admiration for Ling Ran. He
had praised a lot of young people before, and all of them reacted
with reverence and awe. He rarely met young people who were
neither obsequious nor arrogant like Ling Ran.

"We were looking at a patient you operated on earlier. His

name is Yuan Wei. Do you remember him?" Zhu Tongyi asked
with a smile.

"I remember him. He should be recovering pretty well,


"Yes, very well!" Zhu Tongyi started laughing. "Can you tell us
how you carried out the surgery?"
18 Report
Ling Ran immediately realized that the patient Zhu Tongyi saw was
definitely the one he operated on when trying to complete the
[Perfect Suture] mission.

However, [Perfect Suture] only looked at the result after the

surgery. Ling Ran actually did not use any special techniques when
he sutured the patient's fingers. If he were forced to say that he did
something different, he would say that he had utilized some imported
medical consumables and equipment.

However, everyone who performed surgeries knew that even

though medical consumables and equipment were very important,
under the hands of a skilled surgeon, their importance diminished. It
was especially true for surgeries such as finger replantations. Now
that the surgery was widely performed throughout the country, more
and more medical consumables were needed. Hence the reason why
the standards of the medical consumables produced by local
manufacturers had also increased.

"I carried out the surgery as usual according to the

standard method, in sequence. And… I spent a little more
time than usual on debridement. The patient had pretty
severe vascular thrombosis, which was slightly out of my
expectation…" Ling Ran described it in a placid manner, without
mentioning the fact that he put in special effort to carry out the
surgery well. Most surgeons desired to carry out surgeries to the best
of their abilities when they stood before operating tables. Such
subjective mental activity did not affect reality.

In truth, surgeons with good skills would carry out surgeries well,
while surgeons with lackluster skills would carry out surgeries
horribly. It had nothing to do with their character, personality, or
whether they were a slave to money, or anything else.

Zhu Tongyi listened earnestly, as though he was not familiar with

how finger replantation surgeries were carried out.
19 Report
Yet, some of the steps in the surgical methods used for current
finger replantation surgeries in China were actually influenced by Zhu
Tongyi. It was not an overstatement to say that Zhu Tongyi had
suggested improvements to those steps.

Nevertheless, Zhu Tongyi listened to Ling Ran for more than ten
minutes. He only drew a long breath after Ling Ran finished speaking
and came to a conclusion. "It was just an ordinary finger
replantation surgery."

"Of course. It was just an ordinary finger replantation

surgery," Ling Ran answered.

"So, we've come to a conclusion here." Zhu Tongyi flashed a

motherly smile as he gazed at Ling Ran, "With your capable hands
and superb skills, you managed to carry out high-quality
finger replantation surgery just by following the standard

Huo Congjun was livid at the side. No one was allowed to comment
on Ling Ran's skills, not even someone as great as Zhu Tongyi. "Ling
Ran is a core member of Yun Hua Hospital's Emergency
Department. Of course his skills are superb!"

"A little too superb."

"Is that a problem?" Huo Congjun fixed his gaze on Zhu Tongyi,
ignoring the look on the faces of the hospital's leaders.

Zhu Tongyi waved his hand in dismissal. He then rose and said
with a smile, "Why would the fact that his skills are superb be
a problem? He can solve problems with his superb skills."

The smiling Zhu Tongyi looked at Ling Ran and said, "Doctor Ling,
I have a case where an athlete has suffered a sports injury.
Even though we already have a relatively complete plan, we
have not been able to settle on a chief surgeon because it
20 Report
would require someone very highly-skilled. Would you like to
give it a try?"

Before Ling Ran had the time to reply, a prompt appeared in his

[Mission Completed: Perfect Suture]

[Mission Details: Utilize your Perfect Level Finger

Replantation Skills to suture the patient, Yuan Wei's fingers

[Reward: Intermediate Treasure Chest]

Translator's notes:

The deadlift is a weight training exercise in which a loaded barbell

or bar is lifted off the ground to the level of the hips, then lowered to
the ground. (Source: Wikipedia)
21 Report

Chapter 203: Achilles Tendon Repair


"Academician Zhu, are you going to guide the surgery?" Huo

Congjun asked before Ling Ran could respond so that Ling Ran would
not be cheated.

Zhu Tongyi nodded and said, "The surgery plan is ready. All we
need is a suitable surgeon."

Zhu Tongyi was old now. He had stopped performing

microsurgeries himself for ten years. Still, he could design the plans
for the surgeries and participate in them with a position that was
higher than the chief surgeon's to guide the chief surgeon in
completing the surgery.

This mode of operation contradicted the typical mode of a chief

surgeon, who usually controlled everything in the surgery. It reduced
the authority of the chief surgeon, and only extremely skilled doctors
could do this. In other words, only surgeons with high statuses were
qualified to guide the surgery once they were too old to carry out any
surgeries. Such a phenomenon was normally seen in Asian hospitals.

Huo Congjun was slightly relieved. As long as Zhu Tongyi did not
intend to take Ling Ran away, there would still be room for

However, he did not know about Zhu Tongyi's character and

temper. He was worried that Zhu Tongyi would try to take Ling Ran
away from him in the future, but he was also afraid that Ling Ran
may offend Zhu Tongyi. He was so distraught that he said, "Ling
Ran hasn't participated in a surgery like this before. He may
not adapt well… His skills are good, so much so that he
22 Report
doesn't have many chances to become an assistant. I'm not
sure if he's suitable for guided surgeries…"

"It's easy to adapt to the environment; the difficult part is

the skill." Zhu Tongyi turned around and asked Ling Ran, "I heard
that you can perform the M-Tang technique well too. Our
Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center is preparing to carry
out tendon repair surgery for training this time. Do you want
to try?"

Ling Ran looked at Zhu Tongyi and said, "I've only performed
tendon repair surgeries for hands before this."

"Your foundation is very good. If you increase the intensity

of your training, a few months should be sufficient for you to
get used to operating on feet." Zhu Tongyi smiled faintly. "It will
be very convenient for you to practice while you perform
surgeries in my research institute. We have a lot of patients
and good facilities…"

Huo Congjun's expression changed slightly. He thought, 'Why

should he go for training in the research institute? We have a lot of
patients in Yun Hua Hospital too. Our facilities are also quite good…'

He looked at Ling Ran nervously and heard Ling Ran say, "I would
like to practice in Yun Hua Hospital."

A smile immediately bloomed on Huo Congjun's face.

Zhu Tongyi did not seem discouraged. He smiled in a friendly

manner and asked, "Why?"

"The facilities in Yun Hua Hospital are very good. I'm

familiar with the surroundings here, so I don't feel like going
to other places." Ling Ran had certain demands when it came to
familiarity, especially in terms of his living environment. He was not
the type to adapt to any situation.
23 Report
Besides, Ling Ran was also familiar with the hospital's
environment. He knew how difficult it was for an intern to work like a
chief surgeon. Hence, Ling Ran could forget about getting three
assistants in rotation while performing surgeries if he went to Zhu
Tongyi's research institute. He would be considered highly valued
even if he had one assistant. Zhu Tongyi may even possibly reduce
him to the role of an assistant.

Just as attending physicians or associate chief physicians of the

quasi-tertiary Grade A Yiyuan County Hospital had to work like part-
timers in the operating theaters of Yun Hua Hospital, if Zhu Tongyi
brought Ling Ran to Shanghai, it would be impossible for him to give
Ling Ran the same treatment he had in Yun Hua.

Therefore, while Ling Ran could take up the surgery if he was

asked to go there as a freelance surgeon, Ling Ran would not accept
the offer if he had to go there for a few months.

He even doubted that there would be as many severed finger

cases in Shanghai as Changxi province. He also questioned the fact
that they had comparable wards and conditions for rehabilitation.

Zhu Tongyi still showed a smile on his face. He advised Ling Ran,
"Doctors always need training. Our Orthopedic and Sports
Medicine Center has one of the most advanced technologies
for orthopedic surgery in the country. Our tendon repair
surgery is even world-renowned. Otherwise, famous athletes
would not deliberately come to us. Ling Ran, if you come to
our research institute for a few months, you' ll know that
even if Yun Hua Hospital encounters patients of the same
syndrome, our diagnosis and way of handling the course of
injury are completely different…"

Zhu Tongyi was rather long-winded, yet highly confident.

The students and doctors who followed him to Yun Hua Hospital
also nodded proudly.
24 Report
They had finally understood how the Orthopedics Department of
Yun Hua Hospital operated. They could only say that while the
hospital was good, it was still a distance away from being the top.

The doctors from Yun Hua Hospital were confused. They were
curious about Zhu Tongyi's research institute, but at the same time,
they did not believe in his boasts.

In the meantime, Ling Ran opened the Intermediate Treasure


In the world that no one could see but him, a big brown book
jumped out and landed in front of Ling Ran.

[Achilles Tendon Repair Technique (Perfect Level)]

The title of the book shone, and it opened automatically.

Tons of information flooded Ling Ran's mind.

He then looked down at his hands. He suddenly felt like he knew

endless terms related to Achilles tendon repairs now...

"Did you say that the star athlete's Achilles tendon is

injured?" Ling Ran asked tentatively. He now had a pretty good
understanding of the system's tricks—it basically always provided
him with instant skills.

Academician Zhu nodded slowly without saying anything.

Although the country did not emphasize patient confidentiality,

Academician Zhu's status made him cautiously avoid such questions.

"I think I'm capable of repairing Achilles tendon ruptures.

You don't need me to go to your institute for a few months if
you want me to be the chief surgeon. But I'll have to practice
more in Yun Hua Hospital, and I need your help to get some
patients with different types of ruptures in the Achilles
25 Report
tendon…" Ling Ran offered several conditions straight away, and it
shocked the students, including Xue Haochu, when they heard what
he said.

'This is a surgery guided by Zhu Tongyi himself. Do you actually

think you have room to make any sort of bargains?

'Furthermore, you just said that you've only performed on

the hand's flexor tendon before. How did you become so
confident in such a short span of time?'

Academician Zhu agreed directly without thinking. "It takes some

time for patients with Achilles tendon ruptures to recover.
Even if you didn't mention it, I would have still gotten some
for you," he said.

At that moment, Zhu Tongyi knew that Ling Ran was determined to
stay in Yun Hua. He thought for a while and said, "Why don't you
follow me to my research institute to have a look at our
surgical and operating conditions first? Then, you can decide
whether to practice in Yun Hua or in our research institute.
What do you think?"

The current suggestion was more acceptable.

Ling Ran looked at Huo Congjun; he did not take up the offer

It was very difficult to accept shifting to a new workplace for him.

He would not simply make a decision even if it was just temporary.

Huo Congjun felt very touched. The doctors in his department had
even brought up mathematical questions to Zhu Tongyi just to show
their faces before the academician. But despite showing his face,
Ling Ran still thought about Huo Congjun. That was why people said,
"Those who looked handsome also handled things
26 Report
"In that case, Ling Ran you better don't go alone. It will be
better if you bring someone along with you." Huo Congjun
glanced across the crowd and said, "Lu Wenbin, follow Ling Ran
to Shanghai. Coordinate with him and handle everything."

Zhu Tongyi frowned before he laughed and said, "Our original

plan was just to find a skilled doctor."

"We will cover the expenses for Lu Wenbin." Huo Congjun

had recently become so rich that he did not care about the measly
amount of travel expenses.

Zhu Tongyi thought for a few seconds before he agreed.

He always worked outstation. He understood that all hospitals had

complicated situations, and he did not think that he could change
Huo Congjun's style. He just looked at Ling Ran, smiled, and said,
"That's settled then. Doctor Ling, please make some
preparations. How about we leave the day after tomorrow?
Once I finish the inspection, we can take a flight back

"Yes, Ling Ran. Just go. You don't have to worry about your
family here," Huo Congjun advised him earnestly.
27 Report

Chapter 204: Hospitality


Tao Ping shoved a pack of tissues into the small pocket of a stuffed
bag. "Young Ran, it's totally different staying outside than
staying at home. You need to take care of your safety. Don't
just eat anything out there. Don't work until it's too late in
the night. Also, consult a doctor if you're not feeling well…"
she reminded earnestly.

"Mom, I'm a doctor," Ling Ran argued in resignation.

"You don't even have the license to prescribe medication to

others yet. How can you prescribe medication for yourself?"
Tao Ping had been influenced by what she heard in the clinic. So,
with just one sentence, she could already refute Ling Ran's words in
the name of law.

Ling Ran nodded obediently. "Okay, I'll consult a doctor if I'm

really sick."

"Just go whenever you don't feel well. Otherwise, how can

you know if you're sick? " Tao Ping reminded Ling Ran, even
though she phrased it like a question. She did it just like a teacher
who popped a question at the end of a long-winded description.

"Yes. I'll go if I don't feel well," Ling Ran said, understanding.

"You need to take good care of yourself when you go out.

Don't ever think that because you're young, you can stay up
late. It's good for you to rest early and wake up early. By the
way, don't try to grab a cab at midnight in Shanghai,
especially with DiDi [1]. It's very dangerous… Let me think...
How about we get your father to drive you to Shanghai?"
28 Report
Ling Jiezhou was terrified when he heard what his wife just said. He
immediately replied, "Why do we need to drive his small and
broken car to Shanghai? He doesn't have a Shanghai driving
license, he won't know where he can park his car. It's very
inconvenient for him."

"Then what should we do?" Tao Ping stood on tiptoe, patted her
son's head, and said, "Look at your son. It's fine during the day,
but at night, people's moral values will be reduced to
nothing. It's dangerous for him regardless of whether the taxi
driver is a male or female…"

"What are you talking about?" Ling Jiezhou could not stand it

Tao Ping snorted and said, "I can't let this happen. Ling Ran,
why don't you just stay in the hostel inside their hospital?"

"They don't have a hall of residence in the Orthopedic and

Sports Medicine Center."

"Then, doesn't that mean they're lousier than Yun Hua


"They emphasize different things. Yun Hua Hospital is a

general tertiary grade A hospital, so there are more ward
beds and doctors. Every year, many interns and newcomers
come to the hospital, that's why there's a hall of residence.
Meanwhile, Academician Zhu's research institute is more like
a specialized department. It only contains about one hundred
beds and thirty doctors, so they don't really need any hall of

Tao Ping did not want to discuss that problem with Ling Ran. She
turned around and said, "Old Ling?"

Ling Jiezhou trembled.
29 Report
Every time his wife called him Old Ling, it meant that Madam Tao
Ping was in a bad mood. Ling Jiezhou was very sensitive about that.
Ling Jiezhou really could not handle his wife when Madam Tao Ping
was angry over family matters. She was an impetus for him in
moments like that…

Ling Jiezhou racked his brains and said, "Okay, let me contact
my friend in Shanghai and see if I can borrow a car from

"Borrowing a car isn't really good." Tao Ping shook her head.
She was not satisfied with his suggestion.

"We can't afford to buy a new car there, can we? We don't
have the money for that. Even if we do, we can't do that.
Business in our clinic has just become slightly better, but it
doesn't mean we can buy a car whenever we want."

"What if we rent a car?"

Ling Jiezhou took a deep breath and said, "Car rental is also
expensive. We can actually afford to rent a car, but we aren't
just renting for a day or two. It's for at least one or two
weeks and it's too costly… Didn't you say you want to visit
Europe? Something about the British Museum and the Louvre
Museum… When I was young, I used to say that I would bring
you there, but I never managed to earn much money. Neither
you nor I were willing to spend money for the trip. Now that
we finally have some money, are we supposed to spend it on
car rental?"

"What you've said makes some sense. It'll be very obvious

if we rent a car there. It won't be good if his new colleagues
see it." Tao Ping nodded slightly.

"I didn't… Ahem. Boys will be quite safe. Just don't grab a
car at midnight. If you really need to stay until midnight, you
30 Report
can just stay in the hospital. The hospital normally provides a
place to rest for the doctors who are on-call, right?" Ling
Jiezhou had quite the understanding of hospitals.

Ling Ran nodded quietly. "Yes, there are."

"Then, it's settled. Actually, you don't need to wake up too

early. You'll feel better if you get more rest," Ling Jiezhou said
while he turned around to look at his wife. He then smiled and said,
"Am I right?"

Madam Tao Ping smiled faintly. "Son, when you arrive in

Shanghai, just stay in the hospital so that I won't be worried
too much."

Ling Ran shouldered his backpack and dragged his twenty-eight-

inch suitcase along to depart after his parents' discussion.

Bed sheets, towels, and other personal items that he was used to
had to be brought along. Besides, he also brought the small gifts
given by his colleagues to show his respect. It seemed like his female
colleagues had a discussion before they gave him their gifts. The
items they bought for Ling Ran, like the toothbrush, toothpaste,
socks, and eye masks did not overlap at all. They bought him so
many gifts that Ling Ran had to return their gifts twice before he
could pay back the favor.

After Tao Ping watched her son leave, she walked up to the first
floor and observed her son from a farther distance. She then took out
a pack of tissue papers and used one to wipe off her tears and blow
her nose. Once she was done, she pushed Ling Jiezhou away slightly
when he came to comfort her, and said while she sobbed, "Go and
buy the flight tickets."


The Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center was located next to
31 Report
Fuyuan Stadium. It consisted of four levels and was shaped like an L.
There was a small gym at the center of the stadium.

Ling Ran was brought to the stadium by Xue Haochu once he got
off the plane.

Xue Haochu had read through Ling Ran's surgical records. He also
read Yuan Wei's X-ray scan and medical record. All of this made him
admire Ling Ran a little, emphasis on "a little".

Xue Haochu felt very proud in his heart once he returned to the
Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center in Shanghai. Xue Haochu had
followed his teacher, Academician Zhu Tongyi, on many projects in
one of the strongest orthopedic research institutes in the country. He
had also published many research papers, and was slightly famous
now. His insufficient clinical experience caused him to focus more on
research, but in the medical world, research had always been more
important than clinical practice.

Great research abilities drove the medical field forward. If research

was not conducted, current orthopedic studies might probably still
wonder why there was less blood flowing out of the body when
doctors sawed a patient's leg.

Xue Haochu was very passionate when it came to the medical

research field. If Ling Ran's surgery skills could contribute to research
development, he believed that he could still treat Ling Ran in a
friendly manner.

"Doctor Ling, this is the famous Fuyuan Stadium in

Shanghai. Our national teams, including our track-and-field,
basketball, badminton, and baseball teams love to training in
Fuyuan Stadium. Our research institute is also in charge of
providing sports health care." Xue Haochu smiled confidently and
said, "Doctor Ling, do you have a favorite star athlete? I can
help you get a signature."
32 Report
"Not anyone in particular." Ling Ran understood very well how
it felt to have someone flatter him. As the saying went, "Do not do
unto others what you would not do to yourself." He did not like
to flatter others and cause any disturbance.

Xue Haochu just assumed that Ling Ran was shy. He smiled and
said, "Once you stay longer, you'll see that star athletes are
also human beings like us. When they're not very busy,
they'll be willing to give us a signature. If you perform well in
providing sports health care, there will be star athletes who
will offer you a high price to hire you."

"Oh," Ling Ran replied without any excitement on his face.

What he liked was a clean and tidy operating theater, a

temperature that was maintained at 73.4 degrees Fahrenheit, an
anaesthetized patient covered with a surgery drape, and threads as
well as equipment that always stayed in the same place…

It was hard for him to be fond of a stadium, which was hot and

Although the stadium had a large surface area and could

accommodate tens of thousands of people, it did not provide Ling
Ran the comfort he wanted. In fact, he was less comfortable there
than he was in Yiyuan County Hospital.

Based on China's traditional values, a building should be built with

a balance of Yin and Yang. The stadium could only accommodate
tens of thousands of people, so the cheering would not be too loud.
Nevertheless, it would never be as quiet as a morgue, hence it was
very easy for a person to become arrogant in such places.

However, Xue Haochu liked the stadium very much. He breathed in

the passionate air in the stadium, glanced at the green fields, and
sensed the the contracting muscles of young athletes. He felt his
heart grow as large as the stadium.
33 Report
He casually looked around, and very soon, he found a person he
was familiar with. He pulled Ling Ran over, smiled, and said, "You
see, that's the main player of our Shanghai badminton team."

Ling Ran looked in the direction of Xue Haochu's gaze. He

pondered over his words and said, "He looks like a healthy

Xue Haochu glanced at him and said, "He has always been
healthy. Don't just casually throw those words around. It's a
taboo among athletes."

"Since this man is healthy, why did you ask me to look at

him?" Ling Ran asked him back.

Xue Haochu was speechless for some time before he replied, "You
look at athletes because they are healthy of course. What
else would you be looking at?"

"Wasn't I invited here to perform a surgery for a star

athlete? Is he here today?"

"You can familiarize yourself with your surroundings first

and rest for two days."

"Rest?" Ling Ran looked at Xue Haochu unhappily. He could rest

anywhere. Why would he need to deliberately come to Shanghai to

However, he did not want to argue with Xue Haochu. He found a

long bench on the periphery of the field and sat down while he
organized the information he had regarding the Achilles tendon
repair technique.

"Are you sure that you don't want a signature? If you don't
want one, I'm going to get one for myself." Xue Haochu happily
took out a box of playing cards. He was very experienced at getting
34 Report
Ling Ran shook his head and sat on the long bench. He moved his
fingers while he thought of something.

"Excuse me, are you a star?" A young girl suddenly summoned

her courage and went up to Ling Ran.

Meanwhile, a married woman who still looked charming despite her

age waved at them from a little farther away. She looked very polite
and seemed to have a good upbringing.

All of a sudden, Xue Haochu did not want to leave. He held his
playing cards and stood next to Ling Ran, trying to pose as
handsomely as he could.
35 Report

Chapter 205: The Athletes


Lu Wenbin wore a pair of new red Air Jordan sneakers and ran
slowly across the synthetic race tracks around Fuyuan Stadium.

The Air Jordans were the latest design of the brand that year. The
day before, when Lu Wenbin passed by a Nike store, he immediately
bought the shoes upon falling in love with them at first sight. As a
fitness freak, Lu Wenbin had an obsession with sneakers. He did not
purchase them in Yun Hua simply because he was poor.

Before he came to Shanghai, he had received plenty of travel

subsidies for out-of-town travel, and the total was over 5,000 RMB.
Also, with the income he earned from selling pork trotters and
braised food, Lu Wenbin summoned his courage, walked into the
shop, and bought himself a pair of Air Jordans at full price.

At that moment, Lu Wenbin ran on the track with his pair of full-
priced Air Jordans, and he felt like he had drawn the attention of
every person in the stadium.

After all, he was wearing a big pair of red sneakers. The shoes
were so obvious and cool that there was no way no one could not
admire them.

The synthetic race tracks were very comfortable.

The texture of the tracks was also of international standards.

The spacious area around him was very beautiful, and the seats
were grouped in three different colors. They were arranged closely
together, resembling an uncountable number of leaves that spread
out from a tree.
36 Report
The color of the sky was nice. It was the typical color of haze,
where a hint of blue could be found in the sea of gray. The blue color
was not a faint shade of blue but a rather deep one. It was a blue
that brought some hope to the people.

The pure color of despair in a haze was not welcomed. People

would try to run away from its control, just like they ran away from a
desert once it lost its oasis.

However, a haze with vitality meant that it definitely possessed

some form of life.

A haze with depth and no vitality was like the strongest pandemic.
Although hazes seemed to have the ability to wipe off everything on
Earth, they still left behind some holes and gaps in their attack so
that they would not kill the host immediately. This gave the host a
chance to continue reproducing.

Unlike the pandemic that happened in Greece. It was the most

serious pandemic ever recorded in human history, and it wiped off an
entire city of Greeks. In the end, the pandemic did not last, and the
new generation had no idea just what virus could have been so

Lu Wenbin breathed in slowly.

He inhaled the haze and exhaled clean carbon dioxide.

A young doctor from Yun Hua, who held the spirit of

internationalism and took in the hazy Shanghai air with a happy look,
made the elderly glance at him while they took a walk in the area.

"Your steps aren't right. Try to make the middle of your

feet land first so that the impact on your knees will
decrease," a soft voice traveled into his ears.

Lu Wenbin was surprised. He turned around and saw a muscular

man who had a gold-rimmed belt around his waist. The man was
37 Report
sweating slightly while running together with him on the outer lane of
the track.

"Thank… Thank you." Lu Wenbin turned around shyly.

"How long have you been training?" The muscular man with
the gold-rimmed belt poked Lu Wenbin in the arm.

Once the fifteen-inch circumference of his arm was mentioned, Lu

Wenbin became interested in continuing the conversation. However,
the muscular man's tone was so soft that Lu Wenbin just shook his
head and said, "Just a few years."

After he noticed that Lu Wenbin was not the type of person he

thought him to be, the muscular guy with the gold-rimmed belt
laughed loudly and patted Lu Wenbin on the shoulder. He then said,
"Your shoulders need more training."

"Is that so?" Lu Wenbin instantly felt like he had found a bosom
buddy, but he also felt defeated.

The muscular man with the gold-rimmed belt smiled lightly.

Suddenly, he sped up and surpassed Lu Wenbin from his right.

After running a distance away, he turned back a little, smiled, and

said, "Your shoes are nice."

"Thanks." Lu Wenbin's lips curled up.

The man's words brought joy to him.

It made Lu Wenbin run faster on the synthetic race track.

After a forty-minute run, Lu Wenbin finally ended his warm-up

before he left for the gym, which was located at the back of the

Compared to a normal stadium, a large one like Fuyuan Stadium
38 Report
was equipped with an almost complete set of facilities. Even the
devices for endurance training alone took up about five thousand
square feet of the area. The number of weight plates was more than
the biscuits sold in the vending machine.

Lu Wenbin carried his identity card, then entered the Orthopedic

and Sports Medicine Center. He randomly picked two dumbbells up
and practiced some dumbbell flys while he stood in front of a full-
length mirror.

A while later, men and women with athletic figures came in one
after another. Lu Wenbin felt inexplicably nervous, and he began to
move out of form.

"Clamp your back." A tall and built man patted Lu Wenbin on the
back when he passed by.

Lu Wenbin was shocked, and he stopped his reps. He turned back

nervously before he released a sigh. "Thank you."

"You're not an athlete, right?" the tall man asked.

Lu Wenbin hesitated for a moment before he answered, "I'm a


"From which hospital?" The tall man turned back and looked at
Lu Wenbin.

"The Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center." Lu Wenbin

hesitated for two seconds before he blurted out the name of the
research institute, which was located right next to the stadium.

"I see. You're under Academician Zhu Tongyi."

Lu Wenbin was stunned for two seconds before he understood

what the man said. "Yes, you could say so…"

"Look at my shoulder, do I have a strained ligament? Can I
39 Report
still exercise?" The tall man suddenly turned his back and showed
Lu Wenbin his shoulder.

Lu Wenbin did not know whether to cry or laugh. "How would I

know just by looking at you like this?"

"You can just do a simple physical examination."

"You even know about physical examinations?"

"I always go for check-ups." The guy gave him a sly smile and
said, "The doctors under your academician are the most
skilled. I will always ask a couple of questions whenever I
meet any one of them."

Muscle aches were very common among people who went to the
gym throughout the year. It was normal for them to receive
consultations from a doctor. However, it would be weird for them to
continuously ask questions about their health.

Lu Wenbin looked at the tall man skeptically.

"Hey, look, doctors like you can always come to the gym to
exercise, but why can't people like us go and consult doctors
after we're tired from our training?" the tall man said
presumptuously. He sounded very reasonable.

Lu Wenbin could not help but laugh. "Aren't all of you athletes?
Don't you have your own doctor?"

"The medication that the team doctor prescribes is meant

for cows." The tall man pursed his lips and said, "How about this?
I'll show you how to do a proper dumbbell fly, and you give
me a check-up later. Deal?"

"You don't even know if I'm a doctor who consults cows…"

"I think you're quite suitable. You can just help conduct a
40 Report
simple check-up on me. It won't cost you anything," said the
man. He then made Lu Wenbin sit down on the long bench before he
observed how Lu Wenbin lifted the dumbbell.

Lu Wenbin got through a great day.

He went through his second day in the stadium as happily as his

first day.

On his third day… Lu Wenbin's muscles ached so much that he did

not even want to eat.

Ling Ran had also rested for two days, which was something rare
for him. When he went back to the hotel, he saw Lu Wenbin looking
as if he was an inch away from death. Ling Ran felt sorry for him and
asked, "Have you showered?"

"I'll shower now." Lu Wenbin immediately understood what Ling

Ran meant. He got up from bed and ran towards the bathroom as he
grunted in pain.

"Call me once you get the hand sanitizer ready," Ling Ran
said before he went back to his room.

A few minutes later, Lu Wenbin put on loose-fitting clothing after

he showered. He held the alcohol-based hand sanitizer in his hands
and called out to Ling Ran happily.

"Lie down." Ling Ran grabbed a random white towel before he

casually applied some of the alcohol-based hand sanitizer on Lu
Wenbin's neck. He then put the white towel on Lu Wenbin's neck.

Lu Wenbin could not help but grunt when Ling Ran massaged his

"Don't make any sounds." Ling Ran immediately stopped Lu

Wenbin from making any sounds.
41 Report

"Don't speak until I finish the massage."

Lu Wenbin obediently waited for two minutes. Once Ling Ran

removed his hands from his neck, Lu Wenbin felt so comfortable that
he exhaled loudly.

"You should try this in the gym." Lu Wenbin could not help but
say, "With your massage skills, those muscle men in the gym
who suffer from muscle aches will definitely call you 'dad' if
you help them out."

"I don't want godsons."

"They're all athletes. They may have strange diseases, you



"Performing physical examinations for them should be

quite different from normal people, I guess?"


"You can't find so many athletes in other places. They're

the top athletes in our country. I dare say, they're considered
the top athletes among Asians."


"I'm sure you can find some strange ailment among them."

"That does make sense." Ling Ran nodded slowly. Once he

thought that he could expand his mental library on physical
examinations in terms of atypical cases, Ling Ran found the idea of
performing physical examinations for the athletes very interesting.
42 Report

Chapter 206: I Want To Perform Surgery


Ling Ran followed Lu Wenbin and took a stroll in Fuyuan Stadium.

They would occasionally run into athletes who greeted them.

Lu Wenbin proudly introduced the people to Ling Ran. He said,

"These are the people I got to know in the gym room. Those
who work out in the stadium are permanent tenants. Some of
them train three times a day, and they keep eating and
training. They're very great!"

"You could be considered a permanent tenant already." Ling

Ran laughed when he heard what Lu Wenbin said.

He had never been to gym when he was in university. Even after

he entered the School of Medicine, his weekly physical activities were
just from his physical education class and jogging. He only managed
to maintain his good body figure because of his young age and good

When Ling Ran saw the athletes bouncing on their feet even when
they walked, he felt the urge to exercise as well. He then said to Lu
Wenbin, "Let's go and jog on the track."

"Huh?" Lu Wenbin made a confused sound. "Aren't we going to

the gym? There are also treadmills in the gym."

"Let's try out their synthetic racetracks first." Ling Ran

immediately walked down the stairs and ran slowly along the tracks.

Ling Ran never did like sprints. He preferred to run long distances
at a fixed pace, compared to sprints. During the process, he always
got inspired, and his mind would become clear.
43 Report
Lu Wenbin could only jog along.

Lu Wenbin worked out throughout the year. Even though he often

refused to carry out any form of aerobic exercises as he trained his
muscles, he did not care about that at the moment. His tall height
and fast running speed allowed him to surpass Ling Ran easily, and
this made him feel very happy.

"Doctor Ling, can we run faster?" Lu Wenbin could not help but
tease Ling Ran. He felt so amazing that it was as if he had just
shoved winter into an incinerator and watched it burn.

"You can continue on your own." Ling Ran was not one bit

With his Air Jordan on, Lu Wenbin felt as if he wanted to fly…

When he was about to answer Ling Ran and increase his speed, a
voice traveled into his ears from behind him. "You should make
sure that the center of your feet lands on the ground first."

Lu Wenbin immediately thought of the muscular guy with the gold-

rimmed belt. He quickly turned around, only to see a curvaceous
young lady in her sports jersey watch Ling Ran with flushed cheeks.

"F*ck." Lu Wenbin already knew what this meant. This kind of

scenario happened almost every day.

What made Lu Wenbin the saddest was that the muscular man
with the gold-rimmed belt was no longer around. Could it be that he
did not fancy Ling Ran's type?

After Ling Ran ran over 3,280 feet—which was three rounds on the
synthetic racetrack—he slowed down and gasped for breath. A towel
and a bottle of mineral water were immediately passed to him.

"You can have mine." The first young female athlete who ran
together with Ling Ran took out her own cup from the water box. She
44 Report
said, "I haven't used it before. The water contains amino acids
which are meant for recovery."

"I don't need it, thanks. I don't exercise much, so I don't

need it for recovery." Ling Ran smiled and shook his head.

"Okay then. I'm Hui Manshan from the swimming team.

You're not an athlete, right?" The young female athlete who wore
the sports jersey put away her cup, not offended.

Ling Ran gasped and said, "I came for in-service training in
the research institute next door. I'm Ling Ran."

"I'm here to practice long-distance run."

"I'm from the bicycle team…"

"I do the high jumps…"

A few young ladies who ran together just now came and greeted
Ling Ran.

Hui Manshan continued to ask, "Ling Ran, so you're a doctor?

Can you help me check…"

Lu Wenbin was familiar with this flow. He slowly took out the
alcohol-based hand sanitizer from his pocket and put it by the side.
Then, he found some white towels in the stadium. He had requested
these towels yesterday. They were only provided to the really famous
athletes, but some of the muscular hunks in the gym had great
prestige. With just one phone call, they could make the stadium staff
send the things they requested with a smile.

When Lu Wenbin pushed a four-wheeled cart full of white towels

over, where he heard a girl's moans, just as expected.

As he moved closer, he saw Ling Ran sitting on the long bench

next to the synthetic racetrack. Ling Ran was already in battle—he
45 Report
had already begun massaging the athletes using the white towels
they brought to the place themselves.

He did look like he was massaging them, because the muscle

densities of the athletes were generally high. Hence, Ling Ran's
range of movement had to become much wider in order to massage
the correct body part. He was not tired, but the body part he used to
massage the athletes was different. For example, when Ling Ran
massaged the elderly in the sanatorium, he mostly used his fingers.
For the athletes, he had to use his elbows, fists, and other body

The group of female athletes kept howling like cats as Ling Ran
massaged them. Lu Wenbin could only smile wrly while he handed
the towels to Ling Ran by the side.

He had originally planned to invite Ling Ran to the gym to massage

the people there. He did not expect the massaging to begin in the

Besides, Ling Ran not only massaged the athletes, but he also
performed a check-up for every athlete on their feet and Achilles

Even though they were a group of sweaty female athletes, once he

thought about it, it was still better than touching sweaty men built
like tanks.

"Lu Wenbin." Ling Ran did a check-up for a female athlete from
her head to her Achilles tendons. He said, "Get a notebook and
make a record."

"Can I record this on my phone?"

"Sure. Just make a record. She has ligament injury, strain

injury…" Ling Ran moved closer to Lu Wenbin and his voice
gradually grew softer until it reached a point where the female
46 Report
athlete by the side could not hear him.

Among the skills that Ling Ran mastered, his anatomical

experience on the hand was three thousand times more than the

In truth, right then, Ling Ran could be considered to have

performed three thousand and five hundred cases of dissections on
the hand. However, compared to his experience with the hand, his
experience on foot anatomy was low.

A physical examination could not replace information gained based

on anatomical experience. However, under such circumstances, he
should just gather experience. Besides, it would not harm him.

More specifically, the muscle tissue and ligament structure of an

athlete was different when compared with a normal person. Ling Ran
was extremely willing to understand more since he had the chance

The female athletes were also very happy to help Ling Ran gain
more knowledge.

The athletes who trained in Fuyuan Stadium were generally young.

Those who were above thirty years old only appeared in a few sports
events. Therefore, the athletes in the stadium were all at the age
where they still loved fooling around. Soon after, all of them
surrounded Ling Ran.

Ling Ran still worked at his own pace even when he was the center
of attention.

He preferred to have fun in the stadium than doing nothing in the

research institute.


"Mild regional swelling."
47 Report
"Tendon injury…"

Ling Ran had Lu Wenbin record the answers he obtained through

palpation. Then, he had Lu Wenbin rephrase his words to tell the

Most of the athletes understood their physical conditions. However,

there were still people who did not take care of their bodies. Those
who really cared about themselves would come to the research
institute for a consultation with the doctor.

Ling Ran was getting familiar with the conditions of the feet and
Achilles tendons, especially while he felt the athletes' bodies with his

Athletes had been training for long periods of time, and because of
it, many of their physical indices were different from normal people.
Even their muscle tissue conditions were also different.

Ling Ran held the heel of a female athlete while thinking about the
procedures of the Achilles tendon repair technique in his mind. He
slowly started gesturing on her Achilles tendon with his finger.

"Doctor Lu," Ling Ran shouted suddenly, and before Lu Wenbin

could respond, Ling Ran continued. "Go and ask the people in the
research institute if they have any surgeries arranged for us
tomorrow. If there's still no surgery for us, I'll be leaving."

"Huh? Leaving for Yun Hua?" asked Lu Wenbin in shock.

"Of course."

"Please don't do that, Doctor Ling." Lu Wenbin was stunned.

"We came here for in-service training. We can get the certs
to prove that we trained here even if we did nothing here. If
we go back now…"

"What can I do with a cert to prove that I trained here?"
48 Report
Ling Ran glanced at Lu Wenbin and said, "I haven't been
performing any surgery for a few days. I can't stand it

Ling Ran spoke so honestly that Lu Wenbin did not know how to
answer him.

Lu Wenbin changed his train of thought. Huo Congjun was worried

that Ling Ran would be taken by Zhu Tongyi. If Ling Ran went back to
Yun Hua, Huo Congjun would probably welcome him with open arms.
As from Zhu Tongyi, they should have let Ling Ran participate in the
surgery no matter what went wrong with their internal management.
Lu Wenbin was shocked when he thought of this, 'What's wrong with
me? When has my mindset changed so much? I should be feeling
blessed for not having to perform any surgeries, right? How can I
even consider this a problem…?'

"Okay. I'll try to ask them." Lu Wenbin nodded quietly.

"Just make a call now." Ling Ran had been performing physical
examinations for some time. He could barely suppress his urge to
perform surgeries now.

Lu Wenbin could completely understand how Ling Ran felt. This

feeling was like his desire to buy sneakers when he went window
shopping online. The more he looked at them, the more he wanted to
buy them. That was a desire where he would truly buy the shoes if he
had enough money at hand.

Although Ling Ran held a leg in his hands, he thought of a scalpel

in his heart. 'Something feels off.'

Lu Wenbin frowned, took out his phone, and made a phone call to
Xue Haochu.
49 Report

Chapter 207: Sincere Smile


Xue Haochu remained speechless, long after his conversation with

Lu Wenbin through the phone.

Xue Haochu was not considered a doctor yet. His understanding of

the working life in hospital was not even comparable to a normal
resident doctor. After all, he did not receive payment from the
hospital, and neither would he work in the hospital. He, too, would
not even get a glimpse of the pain of working on shifts in the
hospital. He was also isolated from the matters that constantly
troubled normal doctors, such as doctor-patient relationships and
other bothersome affairs.

However, Xue Haochu himself did have a limited degree of

understanding of the hospital. As a PhD student under an
academician, he needed to visit many hospitals everywhere and
handled a lot of hospital matters for his instructor. His workload was
equal to the workload of a secretary of a big company. The number
of hospital directors that he knew would be more than the number of
hospital directors that most of the department directors and
associate department directors knew.

From his own perspective, Xue Haochu felt that his arrangement to
have Ling Ran rest for many days was a perfect plan, and this was
also a means of conveying goodwill towards Ling Ran.

However, even if he racked his brains, he would never be able to

imagine that Ling Ran would threaten to leave for Yun Hua just
because there was no surgery for him to perform.

Of course, Lu Wenbin's tone was friendly, and the way he delivered

the message was indirect. However, Xue Haochu was willing to swear
50 Report
by his pride as a Ph.D. student that he heard the threat in Lu
Wenbin's voice.

With his phone in hand, Xue Haochu thought long and hard before
he reopened his WeChat and sent some messages.

He dared not disturb his instructor, so he could only solve the

problem on his own. After he spent around ten minutes being busy,
Xue Haochu could no longer sit still. He quickly settled his work at
hand and went to search for someone to borrow a ear from.

A celebrity doctor could bring a great impact on improving a

hospital, and it was the same for a star athlete as well as a celebrity
in the entertainment industry.

The internal management of the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine

Center had argued about the matter of getting a doctor from other
hospitals to be the chief surgeon of the surgery guided by
Academician Zhu Tongyi.

This was one of the reasons why the research institute had invited
Ling Ran over the past few days to work.

Xue Haochu himself was not sure when Ling Ran should be
permitted to come into contact with the patients.

Tap, tap, tap, tap.

Xue Haochu's hard bottom leather shoes made clear, loud clops
when he walked along the corridor in the hospital, and it sounded
just like Xue Haochu's biography.

The surface area of the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center

was not small, and it was comparable to a small-scale tertiary grade
A hospitals. However, the number of beds in the Orthopedic and
Sports Medicine Center was fewer compared to tertiary hospitals.
This made the research institute look very spacious, and it looked
similar to the big Japanese hospitals in Japanese dramas at first
51 Report

In truth, when Zhu Tongyi invited people to design the building of

the research institute, he had indeed instructed the architect to
design the research institute based on Japanese hospitals. Japan was
the only developed country that he could learn from while he was still
doing his advanced studies. The hospitals in the United States were
more advanced, but the medical treatment models, medical
equipment capital, as well as the medical costs, were not something
China could afford to fund. For doctors, it was still very expensive for
them to undergo training in the United States.

Xue Haochu liked the spaciousness of the Orthopedic and Sports

Medicine Center the most. After he got used to the life here, it was
very difficult for him to get used to the busy and crowded life of
tertiary grade A hospitals.

Unfortunately, there was a limited number of research institutes

like the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center in the country.

"Doctor Qu." Xue Haochu knocked on the door of a VIP clinic

before he entered the room.

The doctor's office was connected to the treatment room, and

together, they were 196 square feet in area. The forty-year-old
Doctor Qu was built like a bamboo, had twinkling eyes, a straight
nose, bald head, and slender and fair finger joints. Xue Haochu saw
him holding a Kindle [1], and he was reading from it. When Doctor
Qu saw Xue Haochu stepping into the room, he smiled and nodded.
He said, "Has the department director returned yet?"

Zhu Tongyi was an academician. At the same time, he was also the
director of the research institute. But Doctor Qu always preferred
using the second title to greet him.

Xue Haochu shook his head and said, "I didn't come to you
because of the director today. Do you still remember Doctor
52 Report
Ling from Yun Hua Hospital, the one brought here by the

"How could I forget such a ludicrous matter? Bringing back

an intern and letting him perform the surgery?" Doctor Qu
smiled as he spoke. He was a surgeon. Although he spent more time
on research than clinical practice and also often received surgeons
from all around the world, this was the first time receiving an intern.

Xue Haochu had seen Ling Ran operate before. He smiled and said,
"Doctor Qu, have you checked on the video we brought

"I glanced through, and it's not really interesting." Doctor

Qu's expression changed slightly. He put down his Kindle and said,
"What does he want now?"

Xue Haochu raised his eyebrows before lowering them. He said,

"Doctor Ling wants to participate in the surgery."

"The surgery for Liu Weichen? Impossible, I'm his doctor-in-

charge. The surgery plan for Liu Weichen has not even been
confirmed yet…"

"The instructor has confirmed it."

"It's impossible to go along with the director's plan. Liu

Weichen does not need a normal Achilles tendon repair
technique. He needs to use his Achilles tendon to run the
100-meter and 200-meter races. The current suture plans
either account for normal people or just increases the
complexity of the surgery. I'll not agree with a plan that
unreasonably increases surgery risks."

"The instructor thinks that Ling Ran can perform the

surgery. How would you know without giving him a chance to
try?" Initially, Xue Haochu did not want to speak for Ling Ran, but his
53 Report
position made him do so.

Doctor Qu groaned and shook his head. He said, "I admit that the
technique he showed in the video is quite good. But that's
just a hand surgery. Has Ling Ran performed any foot
surgeries before? It's a no, right?"

Xue Haochu showed a faint smile. "You've seen Ling Ran's

surgery records."

Doctor Qu grunted a positive answer unwillingly.

"Since you have seen it, you should know of his success
rate, right? The finger replantation surgery is the top of all
microsurgeries. It will only be much easier for him to perform
a foot surgery." Xue Haochu was Academician Zhu Tongyi's
secretary. He always needed to communicate with all the medical
staff in the institute, and he could easily grasp the doctors'

Doctor Qu remained silent. It was obvious that feet surgeries were

easier than hand surgeries because the foot was bigger than the
hand. This played a decisive role in microsurgeries. Besides, foot
functionality could not be compared to the hand. In other words,
there was more room for errors in foot surgeries.

If the chief surgeon the academician brought back was a forty-

year-old doctor at the prime of his career, Doctor Qu might not have
been so vocal about his disagreement. Even if the doctor had not
performed any feet surgeries before, it was still possible to train him.
After all, when it came to the topic of microsurgeries, it was
impossible that a doctor who specialized in microsurgeries to have
only performed hand surgeries but never feet surgeries.

"Doctor Qu, how about we do things this way? Why don't

we just ask Ling Ran to come over first, and you can guide
him in two surgeries. Then, we can proceed with the
54 Report
discussion tomorrow." Xue Haochu provided an acceptable

Doctor Qu thought about this again and again before he unwillingly


Although Xue Haochu was extremely happy, he still left the room
with a calm look on his face.

When he walked along the corridor, Xue Haochu could no longer

hold the smile on his face. He knew of Doctor Qu very well. If he
mentioned that Ling Ran wanted to perform surgeries in a very direct
manner, there was a high chance that he would be turned down. He
could only get Doctor Qu to agree by going at it in a roundabout

"No matter how difficult you are, aren't you still…" Xue
Haochu kept mumbling under his breath until he could no longer
think of anything else to say. Then, he started to sing.


Second day.

Xue Haochu went to pick Ling Ran up and brought him to the
Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center.

No matter what, he was a person personally selected by the

academician. Neither Xue Haochu nor Doctor Qu had the right to
refuse him.

Everyone analyzed things in the manner of a surgeon, and all of

them came to the same conclusion: the most straightforward manner
to judge Ling Ran's skills was through a surgery.

Naturally, Doctor Qu hoped that Ling Ran would quit because of

the difficulties he would face. Xue Haochu… He only believed himself
to be a surgeon.
55 Report
For Ling Ran, he had just obtained the Perfect Level Achilles
Tendon Repair Technique. If he was in Yun Hua Hospital now, he
would have long since asked Department Director Huo to get him

But in Rome, or this case Shanghai, Ling Ran could only do as the
Romans do.

But Doctor Qu did not intend to stop Ling Ran. He randomly threw
out around ten medical cases to Ling Ran and said, "Just have a
look at which medical cases you would like to try, then we'll
do that…"

Doctor Qu also wanted to show off the graciousness of one of the

top sports specialist hospitals in the country.

Just like what Doctor Qu hoped, Ling Ran was indeed a little

In the Emergency Department of Yun Hua Hospital, Ling Ran could

select the medical case that he wanted among all the medical cases
brought to him through Department Director Huo. However, the
number of cases was usually in the single digits or slightly more. He
could rarely get more than twenty or thirty cases in one go.

Meanwhile, Doctor Qu had casually brought around ten medical

cases in the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center. Ling Ran could
even see that there were more medical cases in his document

"Are all of them ready for surgery?" Ling Ran pointed at the
medical cases in his hand before he pointed at Doctor Qu's document

Doctor Qu was annoyed and said, "Whatever that can be

performed has already been performed. For those that can't
be, you can do nothing about them."
56 Report
Ling Ran was not sure whether he had any solutions. He was not a
person who loved to boast about himself.

In most of Ling Ran's life, when a male student or a man saw him,
the first thing they wanted to do was to boast about themselves.

For Ling Ran, boasting was just a process that wasted his time.

"We'll do a simple medical case then." Ling Ran picked out the
simplest, most common, and highly typical case of Achilles tendon
rupture among the pile.

Doctor Qu expression turned better. He thought, 'You made the

right choice.'

According to his plan, he would only allow this young man stay in
the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center for some time, let him
obtain a cert to prove that he had gone through training, and let him
go home.

If he had the right to make the decisions, Doctor Qu would not

even want to give the training certificate to Ling Ran.

But no matter what, Ling Ran chose a simple and standard medical
case, and Doctor Qu was relieved with his choice. So, most of his
qualms were alleviated. He smiled and said, "Please prepare
yourself for it, we will perform surgery latest by tomorrow

Deep down in his mind, Doctor Qu thought, 'This will be your last
surgery in the research institute.'

Ling Ran also knew that the patient needed preoperative

preparation, so he nodded and agreed. For him, he still needed to get
himself familiar with the surgery first, even if he was just trying out
the Achilles tendon repair surgery. Ling Ran had to participate in an
actual surgery in order to know more about the effects of the Perfect
Level Achilles Tendon Repair Technique.
57 Report
Xue Haochu saw the sincere smile that appeared on both their
faces, and he trembled in fear.

Because Xue Haochu knew that both of them were sincere. Yet,
only one sincere smile could remain until the end.
58 Report

Chapter 208: Watch Me Spoon-Feed


"Doctor… Doctor Ling, I don't know how Yun Hua Hospital

operates. In our research center, our lowest aim for Achilles
tendon repair surgery is 'excellence'. It would be equivalent
to a failure if we only achieved 'good'." Doctor Qu started
rambling when he saw Ling Ran, "In our Orthopedic and Sports
Medicine Center, we have a limitless number of doctors who
come for in-service training every year. Everyone brought
their own medical practices from different places and
different hospitals. As for us, no matter how you describe
these operating habits, our Orthopedic and Sports Medicine
Center want our doctors to follow the standard operating
procedure and request that our doctors' surgical operation is
able to withstand criticism. We especially don't want you to
bring in your unique habits and don't even explain your
methods to me during the surgery…"

"The principle I have been following all along is that the

capable will ascend to power, and the incompetent will
stagnate. It is the same when it comes to performing
surgeries. When you reach a certain level of competence, you
will naturally become a chief surgeon. If you are
incompetent, and you sabotage my work as a chief surgeon, I
can replace you with another person any time I want. When
that happens, do not speak any further, and do not feel that
I'm picking on you, we operate purely based on facts…"

The meeting regarding the patient's preoperative assessment was

attended by Doctor Qu, Xue Haochu, Ling Ran, Lu Wenbin, and
another resident doctor. The number of people attending the
preoperative surgical discussion was rather sufficient for a surgery of
59 Report
this caliber.

However, during the entire discussion, Doctor Qu remained as the

only person who talked nonstop, and everything he said was
unrelated to the details of the surgery.

Xue Haochu looked towards Ling Ran with a strange gaze multiple
times. Even if he was a colleague of Doctor Qu in the same research
center, Xue Haochu found himself not quite able to withstand Doctor
Qu's nonsensical rambling anymore.

Ling Ran only watched the scans. He did not make a sound.

After much difficulty, they finally made it to the end of the

discussion. With slight skepticism and great satisfaction, Doctor Qu
left the room. Xue Haochu intentionally stayed behind, and once
Doctor Qu was a little further away from them, he asked, "Doctor
Ling, why didn't you say anything?"

"I had nothing to say," Ling Ran replied.

Xue Haochu looked Ling Ran up and down before he said to Lu

Wenbin, who was next to him. "I didn't expect that Doctor Ling
would be someone who would meekly pocket insults aimed at

Lu Wenbin chuckled and said, "It's probably because Doctor

Ling agrees to most of what that person named Qu said."

"What do you mean?"

"Doctor Qu's views are based on using standard surgical

procedures and striving for excellence. Changing the people
in his treatment group at any moment's notice… is something
I agree with." Ling Ran raised his head and looked at Xue Haochu.
He said, "His views are very relevant."

"Very… relevant?" Xue Haochu found himself absolutely unable
60 Report
to understand Ling Ran. He looked at Lu Wenbin, then at Ling Ran.
He could not believe that the duo had failed to see Doctor Qu's
deliberate attempt at making things hard for them.

However, as a member of the research center, Xue Haochu did not

have a reason to expose Doctor Qu.

"In short, Doctor Ling, you do not need to worry too much.
Whatever Doctor Qu said can only be treated as a reference.
Once my mentor returns, we will still do things as per usual."

Ling Ran nodded and let out a little hum before he said, "I don't
really care about the internal environment of your
organization. I'm here to perform surgeries. If I can't perform
surgeries in your research center, then I'll go back."

Xue Haochu was stunned before he instantly turned gloomy.

'Aren't you just putting me in a really difficult position?'

Xue Haochu cast a glance at Ling Ran's expression and found that
Ling Ran had meant every word. His mood plummeted further. At the
end of the day, he was just Academician Zhu Tongyi's student. Ling
Ran would not listen to him, and neither would Doctor Qu. However,
they still had to perform the surgery.

"Everyone, please rest for a while and calm down. Then,

we'll perform our first surgery." Xue Haochu could only persuade
Ling Ran and Lu Wenbin to calm down before he repeated some
pleasant sounding wishes.

Ling Ran and Lu Wenbin did not give any remarks. They went off to
make their preparations.


Doctor Qu arrived twenty minutes earlier than the appointed

surgery time in the operating theater. He earnestly checked through
all the equipment once.
61 Report
He might have turned his nose up against this surgery and said
that it was the simplest, standard operation, but to live up to his
words, Doctor Qu became even more careful with the operation.

Normally, it was already uncharacteristically good for the chief

surgeon to head for the operating theater ten minutes ahead of the
appointed surgery time. Chief surgeons normally only needed to
watch the anesthetist give the patient anesthesia, look at the scrub
nurses take stock of the surgical tools and gauzes, and observe
young resident doctors verify that all machines necessary for the
surgery were in place and functioning.

Doctor Qu came over twenty minutes earlier and did everything

himself because he wanted to diminish Ling Ran's power and

Doctor Qu was attentive towards the star athlete he finally

managed to get in his hands after going through many difficult
processes. He wanted to perform the surgery himself, however, the
surgery plan that he designed could never get Zhu Tongyi's approval.
This resulted in Liu Weichen's Achilles tendon repair being postponed
day after day. It now could not be postponed further any longer.

Doctor Qu knew by all logical sense that he had to let go of Liu

Weichen, but his heart was reluctant to let go.

There were academicians in charge of the Orthopedic and Sports

Medicine Center who were extremely amazing. When there were star
athletes who were admitted, all the staff in the research center would
be apprehensive, as if they were about to meet a nemesis. Operating
on star athletes could be seen as the surgery that propelled a doctor
to fame, and it was the best choice for a doctor to spread his name.

After all, the medical science of the present day and age was built
on the foundation of providing popular medical treatment methods to
others. High-quality treatment methods were also built on the hopes
of providing high-quality treatment to many people, rather than a
62 Report
select few.

In such an environment, all medical institutions treated attracting

streams of patients as an incredibly important job.

Even the leaders of the tertiary Grade A hospitals in first-tier cities

that were constantly filled with patients would still want to ensure
that their hospitals remained filled with patients. Of course, if they
could get patients who could pay high or had distinct traits after
screening, that would be even better.

If Doctor Qu could personally finish Liu Weichen's surgery and

obtain rather good results, then he would end up getting famous
from the surgery. In the future, he would definitely have streams of
patients with similar symptoms coming to his doorstep.

As a surgeon who was over forty-years old, bald, and had just
accumulated a vast pool of medical knowledge, Doctor Qu was willing
to perform Achilles tendon repair surgeries for life, but he must first
be able to become someone of authority in this field first.

Ling Ran changed into scrubs and arrived in the operating theater
seven minutes before the appointed surgery time.

Doctor Qu snorted softly and said, "Aren't you on time?"

Ling Ran raised his head and looked at the clock. He did not say a

"We will perform an Achilles tendon repair surgery today.

The patient is female, thirty-eight-years-old, and has closed
Achilles tendon rupture. The auxiliary examinations show
that the Achilles tendon suffered multiple ruptures in
succession. We will first perform an examination through
surgery, then decide what surgical plan we will need to
proceed…" Doctor Qu explained in detail, speaking based perfectly
on his standards.
63 Report
There were few doctors who would say such things in an operating

But Ling Ran could adapt to this very well. He liked people who
made things clear.

"Scalpel." Doctor Qu had a resident doctor who acted as his

second assistant disinfect him before he reached out for a scalpel. Up
to this moment, he was still quite satisfied with Ling Ran's attitude.

He might be young and he had a lot of hair on his head, but he had
the correct attitude. In Doctor Qu's eyes, he was quite the good

Intent on saving the patient, Doctor Qu stopped picking on Ling

Ran too much. He skillfully cut open the patient's skin and began the


"Tissue forceps."

Doctor Qu and Ling Ran practically said at the same time.

The scrub nurse immediately slapped the tissue forceps into Ling
Ran's hand.

"Gauze." Ling Ran called out again. He used the gauze to protect
the skin, used the tissue forceps to clamp down on the skin, and
widened the area.

It was an action he could not nitpick. Even though Doctor Qu did

not make any specific requests, what he needed was precisely what
Ling Ran did.

And in all of Doctor Qu's life as a surgeon, there were few doctors
who could work so well and so skillfully with Doctor Qu.
64 Report
Doctor Qu lowered his head without another word. He felt a little
strange. His mood was stuck between pleased and displeased.

Ling Ran's expression did not change. He continued doing

whatever he was doing.

If the doctors from Yiyuan County Hospital's Department of

Orthopedic Surgery was there, perhaps they would immediately
describe Ling Ran's skill as the Great Spoon-feeding Skill!
65 Report

Chapter 209: Spoon Fed So Much He Is


"Deal with the thread."

Doctor Qu did not say anything, but Ling Ran had already coiled
the thread and placed it by the side.

"Make it moist."

Right when Doctor Qu finished speaking, Ling Ran had already

asked for saline solution.

"Carry out the aspi..."

Doctor Qu did not finish his sentence, but Ling Ran had already
drawn out the fluid.

Doctor Qu had just cut open the skin, treated the subcutaneous
tissue, and then did the necessary protection needed for the
mesentery, small blind vein, the sural nerve, and the other parts. He
felt… extremely comfortable, but also awkward. His body was
comfortable, but he felt awkward in his heart.

Once he thought carefully about the surgery, Old Qu noticed that

he had not scolded anyone since the beginning of surgery.

The operation was done too smoothly, to the point that Doctor Qu
did not even think about scolding anyone.

Basically, right when Doctor Qu thought of doing something, before

he could make his request, Ling Ran was already several steps ahead
of him.
66 Report
Such a surgery could only be said to be extremely comfortable.

As an ordinary surgeon, Doctor Qu never once thought that

surgeries could be done in such a comfortable manner.

This was exactly like a person delivering the food you wanted to
eat to your lips when you wanted to grab some food.

Although the surgery was done smoothly, Doctor Qu did not feel

What he pursued was not a smooth operation.

What he pursued were surgeries that were challenging, and him

being able to overcome them by himself bit by bit. He pursued
surgeries that would give him a sense of accomplishment.

Doctor Qu was only forty years old this year, was bald, and
ambitious. He was different from Wang Haiyang.

Wang Haiyang was old and frail, and his favorite thing was being
spoon fed. Wang Haiyang could always keep on performing surgeries
and enjoy being endlessly spoon fed.

Doctor Qu hoped for a surgery that was at least a little difficult to


In today's surgery, he even looked forward to watching Ling Ran

make a small mistake.

A senior doctor's authority towards junior doctors was based on

mistakes done by the juniors.

A doctor's qualifications were not what others cared about the

most in operating theaters. Perhaps the qualifications and identity of
a department director would make everyone feel a little wary and
make them a little uncertain of their movements. However, while the
department director could scold anyone anytime he wanted to, any
67 Report
doctor who wanted to scold others must find a suitable opportunity to
do so.

When a junior doctor made a mistake, it was a good opportunity

for the senior doctor to scold him and vent his anger.

But what if the junior doctor did not make a mistake throughout
the whole operation? That meant that the authority of the senior
doctor was non-existent. Perhaps, both of them were already on the
same level. Their skill levels might even be reversed.

If there were no gap between their skill levels, and the surgeon did
not have control over the surgery and the operating theater, how
could the senior doctor show his seniority?

He could not just act unreasonably and rudely, right?

Although surgeons had aggressive temperaments, there were

basically none who were unreasonable and rude.

Doctor Qu raised his head and cast a glance at Ling Ran. He

opened his mouth and said, "It's time to suture."

"Okay." Ling Ran's eyes never left the lens of the two-head
microscope. He held the forceps in his hand with a posture that
suggested he was ready to grab the Achilles tendon at any moment.

When Doctor Qu looked at him, he frowned. Indeed, his next step

was to suture the Achilles tendon, and he planned to use a method
that will strengthen the tensile strength of the suture, so he needed
an assistant to bring out the Achilles tendon attached to slightly
atrophied muscles.

Doctor Qu was sure that as soon as he started to work, Ling Ran

would begin pinching the Achilles tendon, because the steps to
strengthen the tensile strength of the threads were as such.

So, would there be no need to strengthen the tensile strength of
68 Report
the stitches?

An idea flashed in Doctor Qu's mind, but he vetoed it in an instant.

Although he could indeed use another suture method to suture the

Achilles tendon, the sudden change of plans during the surgery
required a series of other changes to other things, and Doctor Qu
was more worried that he would be confused himself.

There were many ways to repair the Achilles tendon. None of them
were too complicated to describe in words, but it was not so simple
to implement and execute any of them on a living person, even
though they were certain whether he or she was alive.

To put it in the perspective of a math problem, this situation would

be like how there were four solutions to the mathematics of Orsay,
but no matter how many times the teacher taught all four solutions,
most people can only master one or two solutions.

Doctor Qu had originally mastered two kinds of Achilles tendon

repair techniques, the simple end-to-end repair technique and the
repair technique that aimed to strengthen the Achilles tendon. The
latter was already the complicated form of the former, so if Doctor
Qu were to perform an even more difficult surgery on the spot...

His mind was not so vulnerable that he would do something so

stupid to show his worth.

"Take out the Achilles tendon." Doctor Qu sighed in his heart

and watched Ling Ran bring out the Achilles tendon in only a second.

The corner of Doctor Qu's eyes twitched, and he began to suture

without a word.

He used the modified Kessler method, which was the most

commonly used tendon suture method used by doctors in the Hand
Surgery Department of Yun Hua Hospital.
69 Report
The Achilles tendon was still a tendon, and the Achilles tendon was
the sturdiest of all tendons in the human body. Therefore, it was
enough to use the more common tendon suture method on the
Achilles tendon. Meanwhile, the M-Tang technique which Ling Ran
was familiar with would not show any of its advantages on this super-
thick and super-strong tendon.

Ling Ran silently watched Doctor Qu's operation and gave real-time
assistance according to his speed and progress.

He now had the Perfect Level of Achilles Repair Technique in his

possession, and it naturally included the complete version of the
modified Kessler method in the skill. In fact, there was no need for
Ling Ran to wait for the system to give such a basic tendon repair
skill to him, he could just practice it a little and master it.

It was even easier for him now because he did not need to use the
technique as the chief surgeon.

The pressure and responsibility of a first assistant were much lower

than the chief surgeon. Ling Ran had ample time to observe and
understand Doctor's Qu operating habits, think about his operating
purpose, and sort out the sequence of his operation.

The first assistant in a normal surgeon pair in any surgery would

usually be sweating bullets while he learned the surgery, and he
would be considered quite good if he could keep up to the rhythm of
the chief surgeon. The first assistant would not have time to predict
the chief surgeon's next step.

Doctor Qu did not raise his head to look at Ling Ran, but he could
feel how relaxed Ling Ran was.

He was relaxed.

He performed the surgery as he was an artist who focused on vivid

70 Report
He did it effortlessly.

For a chief surgeon, it was simply a sin to fail to make full use of
his or her first assistant.

"Please pass over the tendon stripper." Doctor Qu took it from

the scrub nurse and asked, "Ling Ran, do you know what this is

"It's to strip down the plantaris muscle [1]." Ling Ran's

answer was simple and powerful.

"Yes. Do you know how to use it?" Doctor Qu followed up with

another question.

"I do."

"You do it." Doctor Qu did not want to be working so hard alone

and end up making a fool of himself before Ling Ran.

If the chief surgeon wanted to gain the initiative, he had to let the
first assistant perform the surgery. If the first assistant did not
perform well, then the chief surgeon could seize the chance to give a
scolding and recover his authority.

If the first assistant managed it well... it was still expected for him
to do so. Regardless of whether the chief surgeon praised him or not,
the chief surgeon was still the in-charge of the operating theater...

Ling Ran reached out and took the tendon stripper. Under Doctor
Qu's expectant gaze, with two clips, he divided the plantaris muscle.
Then after some epic maneuvers, he cut off the proximal end of the
plantaris muscle, and stored it into a wet gauze to preserve it.

Such a procedure would require the span of time a person would

take to read four to five pages of a surgical book. Ling Ran, however,
only needed a few minutes to get it right.
71 Report
"4-0 nylon thread." Ling Ran took the thread from the nurse and
began to stitch the tendon bundle of the Achilles tendon.

He only needed to use a 4-0 thread and employ a simple

interrupted suture to comb the severed end of the ponytail-like
tendon bundle neatly, and the tendon stripping would be completed.

Ling Ran threw the instrument on the plate and looked at Doctor

"Mmm... it's done well," Doctor Qu was silent for a few seconds
before he reached out and said, "2-0 thread."

The scrub nurse took the needle holder with the 2-0 thread and
passed it to Doctor Qu.

Doctor Qu began to truly suture the Achilles tendon. The aim was
to suture the distal plantaris muscle to the torn Achilles tendon, and
finally spread the ponytail-like tendon bundle to form a smooth
membrane surface...

For Doctor Qu, this was a relatively familiar operation, and there
were not many fancy aspects in this operation. He just needed to
suture the tendon according to conventions and thereby ensure the
strength of the patient's Achilles tendon.

This was also a very familiar surgical procedure to Ling Ran.

He had activated the Great Medical Spoon-Feeding Technique. If

they had to something so standard, Ling Ran could feed Doctor Qu
even more accurately than before.

After ten minutes, Doctor Qu was so well-fed that he was stuffed.

However, he still could not make a rash decision and stop. While he
could still make changes when they were halfway through the
surgery, now, there was no room for change. At least, with Doctor
Qu's ability, there was nothing else he could change in the surgery.
72 Report
For the same reason, Ling Ran's judgment on Doctor Qu's
operation was even timelier than before.

Doctor Qu was under the impression that he was running a

marathon desperately, and Ling Ran was always running in front of
him. He was even handing to water and bread to him nonstop.

Doctor Qu was someone with a stable position in the Orthopedic

and Sports Medicine Center. How could he be spoon-fed like this...

He sped up the suturing...

He slowed down the suturing...

He operated in sequence; he operated in reverse...

Slowly, Doctor Qu became familiar with Ling Ran's spoon-feeding.

As the saying went, "It is easy to go from frugality to

extravagance, but difficult to go from extravagance to

When someone prepared every step of the surgery ahead for you,
handled the aftermath, and paid attention to the details, any chief
surgeon would gradually fall in love with this feeling.

Doctor Qu sutured with all his might and completed the suture of
the Achilles tendon at an ultra-fast speed.

Then, he asked for a 3-0 absorbable thread and sutured the skin to
close the skin.

Ling Ran acted as his first assistant without making a sound. He

did not fight back, behaved in a proper manner, just like how Doctor
Qu requested. Everything was done according to the standards of all

After the last suture was finished, Doctor Qu cast aside the needle
73 Report
holder and looked at the thin thread at the wound. He did not speak
for a long time.

In his heart was a wonderful feeling. He felt that his technique had
leveled up, that his technique had become stronger, and that his
technique had changed in terms of quality.

However, rationality pulled the Doctor Qu to the other spectrum of


Doctor Qu's expression changed constantly while his emotions

were conflict.

"We'll end things here." After an indefinite time, Doctor Qu

turned and stepped open the door of the operating theater.

"Be careful." Xue Haochu was about to enter in a hurry, and he

bumped against Doctor Qu.

Doctor Qu only frowned, turned away, and left.

Xue Haochu looked at Ling Ran, the resident doctor, and several
other nurses in the operating theater. He gave them a cordial smile
before he turned to Ling Ran and said, "Doctor Ling, the surgery
was just recorded into a video, I sent a copy to Academician
Zhu and one copy to your email address."
74 Report

Chapter 210: Becoming The Chief


The following day.

Ling Ran woke up early in the morning to jog around the stadium's
synthetic racetrack.

Even though he did not have the habit of jogging in the morning,
being in Fuyuan Stadium stirred some of his interest.

Fuyuan Stadium was a standard track and field stadium. Its oval
synthetic race track had a flat and even surface. The space in the
middle was disorderly but picturesque, with clear and tidy lines.
Those were basically in line with Ling Ran's aesthetics.

The morning jog itself made Ling Ran feel good. He employed the
simplest strategy of exhaling after taking three steps and inhaling
after taking another three steps. This allowed him to run continuously
for quite a long time at a uniform speed. The act of jogging at a
uniform speed was what made Ling Ran feel the most amazing.

Unlike sprints where people ran at an explosive speed or

endurance running which made people so tired that they could die,
when jogging at a uniform speed, one stepped forward quietly, drew
back his leg quietly, and ran quietly until they no longer had the
strength to do so.

Of course, 'quiet' was not really an accurate description.

There were a lot of guys and girls jogging alongside Ling Ran, and
many of them had the ability to chat as they ran or talk dirty as they
75 Report
After Ling Ran jogged for four rounds, he stopped. His entire body
was drenched in sweat. A few girls who ran beside him also stopped.
However, more girls who waved at Ling Ran with a smile and
continued jogging. For people who trained throughout the year,
jogging for four rounds was only considered a warm-up.

Ling Ran panted quietly and drank half a bottle of water in one go.
When he was about to go and take another bottle of water, someone
passed him a bottle of mineral water.

"Oh, thank you very much." Ling Ran recognized Hui Manshan,
and he nodded at her with a smile while she remained in front of her.
He then took the bottle of water and placed it beside him, very much
showing his indifference towards the gift.

Of course, if Ling Ran were to calculate the times he had received

water from girls, his Water-O-Meter would probably go into overdrive.

Hui Manshan was extremely happy to see that Ling Ran recognized

Hui Manshan had never seen a man as handsome as Ling Ran in

real life, and he happened to be around her age. After she went
home after their initial meeting, Hui Manshan even dreamed about
Ling Ran at night. This was why she specially came to train in Fuyuan
Stadium today. Otherwise, according to her schedule, she was
supposed to train at the swimming pool today.

When she thought about this, Hui Manshan had an idea and said,
"Ling Ran, do you know how to swim? Swimming is actually a
more effective training method compared to jogging."

As Hui Manshan spoke, she stood up straight and raised her chin

Swimming was the best exercise for body toning, and swimmers
were chosen on the basis of being relatively tall and having long
76 Report
limbs. Hui Manshan had been a swimmer for a few years, and was
tall, slim, and had a good posture. When she trained with the
swimming team, she always talked about how she only wanted to
focus on her career and did not want to go into a relationship so early
in her life.

Right now, Hui Manshan had complete access to her deepest

thoughts. 'The members of the swimming team look… too ordinary.'

Ling Ran opened another bottle of water and took small sips to
replenish his body's water content. "I know the breaststroke…
But I rarely swim."

Hui Manshan hurriedly asked, "Why? You don't like to swim?"

"I don't like swimming pools," Ling Ran answered very


Rationally, he knew that if a swimming pool were disinfected

properly, there would be a certain guarantee to its cleanliness.
However, the human mind was not always rational.

Hui Manshan felt extremely regretful. "Why don't you like

swimming pools?"

"Swimming pools nowadays are so dirty. I heard that

someone even got pregnant after swimming in a swimming
pool." Another girl found a chance to chip in, and her tone was

Hui Manshan glanced at the other girl in disdain. "Do you

seriously believe in those kinds of rumors?"

"Whatever it is, swimming pools are dirty…" The girl who was
speaking had a very delicate look, and she also had a sharp chin and
large eyes. She had probably spent a long time carefully putting on
makeup. The thought of being in a swimming pool filled with water
77 Report
made her unhappy.

Hui Manshan thought earnestly and said, "We can go there next
Monday. The swimming pool is drained and refilled every

The moment she said that, before Ling Ran got to react, the few
girls beside them started becoming anxious.

Ling Ran shook his head regretfully. "I'll probably need to carry
out surgeries next Monday."

"Huh, are you a doctor? You're a surgeon?" This was the first
time one of the girls saw Ling Ran. When she heard that he was a
doctor, she became much livelier.

Ling Ran nodded and said, "I'm having an in-service training


"In-service training? Does that mean that you have to leave

after that?"

"Of course."

"Then, which hospital are you from?"

"Yun Hua Hospital."

The girl who was asking Ling Ran those questions immediately
breathed a sigh of relief. "Yun Hua City is also large and
beautiful. I like Yun Hua quite a lot."

"Shanghai is too crowded."

"There are so many people and cars here. I'm bored of it."

"Actually, it's the same wherever you live…"

A lively conversation went on once everyone joined in. Even
78 Report
though it was a little noisy, Ling Ran was rather used to it.

He was a person who liked silence and tranquility, and this

personality of his might have been developed due to the fact that
there were always people talking beside him. Every time this
happened, Ling Ran could only let them do whatever they wanted
and lose himself in his thoughts.

Ling Ran sat on the bench beside the synthetic racetrack and
carefully recalled the surgery yesterday.

The Achilles tendon repair technique was similar yet different

compared to the flexor tendon repair technique.

The similarity was that both involved the repairing of tendons, and
even though the steps were different, the essence of the surgery was
the same.

The difference was that flexor tendons were a lot thinner compared
to the Achilles tendon.

The suturing of flexor tendons was very difficult due to its thinness.
Long-term practice was required to suture flexor tendons, because
when you perform real flexor tendons under the microscope, you
would find that the flexor tendon's width was so small that the
stitches might even overlap if you were not careful.

The Achilles tendon repair technique was not so particular, and

there were many methods to suture it. You can even suture it just by
looking at it with your naked eye without a microscope.

The core challenge of Achilles tendon repair was that the Achilles
tendon had to bear a lot of weight, and might split.

The Achilles tendon was the tendon which was put under the most
force in the human body, especially when one stretched his Achilles
tendon tight when running.
79 Report
The woman from yesterday ruptured her Achilles tendon because
she carried out strenuous exercises after not exercising for a long
time. At first, she thought she had only sprained her leg. In reality, it
was far more serious than that.

Of course, it was not especially serious, either.

The success rate of Achilles tendon repair surgeries was quite high,
especially for ordinary people. As long as they obeyed the doctors'
orders, they could lead a normal life under most situations. The
Achilles tendon repair surgery was a lot more effective compared to
flexor tendon repair surgery.

However, the situation was more serious when it came to athletes.

Athletes did not aim to lead a normal life.

The more extraordinary an athlete was, the more he pushed his

body to the limit. Even ordinary people might rupture their Achilles
tendon when carrying out strenuous exercises, and when athletes
carried out strenuous exercises, the pressure on the Achilles tendon
was even higher.

Fortunately, after spending a large amount of money on research,

the advancement of modern medicine had developed the basics to
repair the Achilles tendons of athletes.

Ling Ran was quite interested in this challenge.

Even though his Perfect Level Achilles Tendon Repair Technique

was more than enough to suture an ordinary person's Achilles
tendon, when it came to an athlete's Achilles tendon… his skill would
still be enough to handle the person's Achilles tendon provided the
person was not the type to push himself to the limit. But was that
even possible?

Ling Ran thought about that as he drank water. Soon, he finished

the whole bottle of water.
80 Report
He turned down several more bottles of mineral water from the
other young women. He then rose, jumped a few times before he
started to run slowly along the synthetic racetrack again.

Ling Ran gauged the force exerted on his own Achilles tendon as
he pondered over a surgery plan for Achilles tendon repairs. He also
ran through the process of the surgery in his mind.

"The king asked me to patrol the mountains…"

Ling Ran's mobile phone rang loudly.

"Doctor Ling, Academician Zhu is back. When can you come

over? We'll pick a surgery plan together," Xue Haochu said. He
then asked, "Can you be the chief surgeon?"

"Thirty minutes… Hm, I'll be there in forty minutes." Ling

Ran did not stop immediately. After hanging up the call, he ran for
another round before he walked slowly back to the research institute.
81 Report

Chapter 211: The Wilful Donkey


Ling Ran took a bath and changed his clothes before he slowly
walked to the research institute. He just made it on time.

Lu Wenbin, who also received the message, was so excited that he

only put on a T-shirt before he came. He rubbed his palms together
while he waited in front of the entrance. He smiled and said to Ling
Ran, "Doctor Ling, I heard that you can be the chief surgeon

"Xue Haochu told me about that," Ling Ran answered


Lu Wenbin slapped his thigh. He smiled and said, "That's really

great! Our days of hardship are finally over!"

Ling Ran glared at Lu Wenbin once and said, "Since when have
we gone through any sort of hardship?"

"We traveled a thousand miles, all the way from Yun Hua to
Shanghai. Throughout the entire process, we had to put up
with all kinds of difficulties caused by unknown doctors.
There's no kettle for us to boil water in our kitchen, and I
haven't cooked the stew in my house for several days. I
heard from our colleagues in Yun Hua Hospital that they've
finished all the edamame that I cooked…" Lu Wenbin kept
grumbling, and he sounded like he had suffered a lot.

Ling Ran chuckled and continued on his way into research institute.

Lu Wenbin immediately said, "Doctor Ling, I rushed here just

now. Could you get a coat for me?"
82 Report

"A white coat. Could you please help me borrow a white

coat from the nurses' station?"

"Why don't you borrow it on your own?"

"I went to borrow one, but they refused my request. They

said that there was no size suitable for me, and there were
no suitable white coats available. They even asked me to
borrow from the department…"

Ling Ran waved his hand. He did not have the energy to listen to
Lu Wenbin's complaints. He looked around while he walked. When
they passed by an office, he stopped and asked, "Hi, do you have
any extra white coats here?"

All the departments and units in a hospital always had an endless

supply of white coats.

Some departments placed the white coats in the corridor for

everyone to use, while some departments hung their white coats
carefully in their closets. However, at the end of the day, it was
extremely easy to get a white coat in a hospital.

There were doctors who recognized Ling Ran after they heard his
voice, and they turned around.

"We-We do!" a female doctor immediately answered. "You're

Doctor Ling, right? The surgeon from Yun Hua Hospital?"

"Yes, it's me." Ling Ran smiled and said, "My colleague didn't
bring his white coat along, so I want to borrow one for him."

"I will return it after I finish my work," Lu Wenbin immediately


The female doctor pursed her lips and said, "You don't have to
83 Report
return it."

The female doctor found a large-sized white coat and passed it to

Lu Wenbin. She then said, "Use this one."

Lu Wenbin was extremely grateful.

The female doctor did not really pay much attention to him. She
took out her phone and talked to Ling Ran. "Doctor Ling, let's add
each other on WeChat. I'm Li Shan, and I'm in charge of
rehabilitation therapy. We may work together in the future."

So, Ling Ran took out his phone and added her on WeChat before
he expressed his gratitude to all the doctors there, including Li Shan.
He then took his leave.

Lu Wenbin was very satisfied. After he put on the white coat, he

followed Ling Ran and strolled around like a well-fed goose that had
quenched its thirst.

In the consultation room...

Zhu Tongyi walked around in his room like a big, starving goose.

He had too many social activities. If he did not filter them, he

probably would not have any free time. Even if he tried his best to
choose as few events as he could, there would still be some activities
that he had to attend.

However, Zhu Tongyi knew what his foundation was for his

His foundation was his experience of working as a surgeon in the

Orthopedics Department for forty years, and that was the reason why
it was possible for him to be elected as an academician in the
Chinese Academy of Engineering. This was actually an honor for him,
not a position. Although the title of an academician was considered a
position for many people nowadays, Zhu Tongyi felt more stressed
84 Report
from his career once he was given the title.

He no longer needed to compare himself with the doctors of his

batch, colleagues who worked with him in the same hospital, or even
his peers in the same field. What he needed to do was produce
something that could be recognized by society.

Healing Liu Weichen and allowing him to participate in

competitions again was an example of that.

Liu Weichen was a champion in the National Games for the 100-
meter as well as 200-meter race. He was also the champion for the
IAAF World Indoor Games. Besides, he also performed quite well in
the Asian Games and Olympic Games, but naturally, he did not win
the gold medal in those two sporting events.

Even so, Liu Weichen was considered one of the top in the
country's track-and-field. In addition, he was quite good-looking, and
he had good luck, so his fame slowly increased day by day. Right
then, he was one of the most popular among the new athletes.

Star athletes like him usually received treatment overseas if they

needed to treat sports injuries.

Foreign countries were equipped with more experience, and they

had higher standards when compared with the local hospitals in
terms of medical care in the most sophisticated fields, especially
sports medicine.

However, Liu Weichen had chosen to receive treatment in Zhu

Tongyi's research institute several times before. It showed that he
held Academician Zhu Tongyi and his research institute in high

To a certain degree, Liu Weichen already considered Zhu Tongyi to

be his general practitioner.

Whenever he felt sick, he would pay a visit to the Orthopedic and
85 Report
Sports Medicine Center. Then Zhu Tongyi or another doctor would
help Liu Weichen with a basic preliminary diagnosis before they
either directed him to the suitable department for treatment, or
arranged a doctor to treat him.

The Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center was considered an

independent department for special patients' consultations. The
charges for said consultations were quite expensive, but at the same
time, they allowed the patients a high degree of freedom. That gave
a strong assurance to Liu Weichen, who had been participating on
the battlefield for many years.

This time, Zhu Tongyi contacted the sports medicine research

institutes in the foreign countries. However, the position where Liu
Weichen was injured was rather bad, and Zhu Tongyi could not
obtain a satisfying surgery plan from his discussions.

In truth, there were only several major surgery plans that could be
chosen for ruptured Achilles tendons. They could only cut the skin
and perform end-to-end sutures, or increase the tensile strength of
the sutures, or perform a replantation, or they could even just play it
safe by putting the affected leg in a plaster and waiting for the
ruptured tendon to heal on its own.

As an athlete, the conservative surgery plan should not be

employed. There was a high possibility for a normal person to rupture
his Achilles tendon again once the affected leg was put in a plaster
cast for the tendon to heal on its own. The possibility was even
higher for an athlete.

His surgery plan was continuously being refined. As a result, the

difficulty level and risks in the surgery increased. Hence…

Even the medical centers in foreign countries were not willing to be

responsible for such a surgery.

Both Zhu Tongyi and Liu Weichen had to ceaselessly ponder over
86 Report
the pros and cons of lowering the difficulty level of the surgery or
taking the risk and pushing their luck.

Naturally, the best plan was to get a doctor who was extremely
skilled. Then, once the surgery plan had a guaranteed success, they
would do their best to further minimize the risk of the surgery. If a
person like Zhu Tongyi requested for a highly-skilled surgeon, the
surgeon had to be truly skilled.

"This Doctor Ling Ran is only in his twenties, is he really

capable of handling the surgery?" Liu Weichen sat on a
wheelchair while he stared at Academician Zhu Tongyi. He could no
longer delay treatment for his foot injury anymore, but the choice of
the surgeon and surgery plan were both not confirmed yet. Liu
Weichen was also very anxious. He had even consulted foreign
medical institutions for a time.

However, the foreign medical institutions could only promise to

provide a skilled doctor. They would never agree to the surgery plan
Liu Weichen longed to receive.

Zhu Tongyi walked two steps forward, stopped, and sighed. He

said, "Weichen, we've faced this sort of situation a few times
when we wanted to decide on a surgery plan, and you should
understand by now. In the meantime, we are looking for a
surgeon who's highly-skilled, right?"

"Yes." Liu Weichen nodded.

"The skilled surgeon that we're looking for cannot be

produced by medical colleges. The surgeon needs to be very
talented in order to become a highly-skilled doctor." Zhu
Tongyi stopped for a while. He wore a smile on his face and said,
"Athletes like you keep practicing for the games, but at the
end of the day, you'll still end up competing using your
talents, right?"
87 Report
Liu Weichen forced a smile and asked, "My natural talent isn't
good enough."

"You're already considered very good among the people in

China. , it's up to us, who support the sports unit." Zhu Tongyi
comforted him, turned around, and said, "Experience is actually
quite important as well. I actually first put my main focus on
the surgeons who were in their thirties. I even thought of
inviting some chief surgeons from the Neurosurgery
Department or Cardiothoracic Department to try a hand in
the surgeries in our Hand and Foot Surgery Department. I
didn't expect to see such skill in a young man in his

Zhu Tongyi clicked his tongue. He sounded very impressed.

Unlike many other doctors who only saw Ling Ran's speed, the
stability of his hands, or how skillful Ling Ran was when he operated,
Zhu Tongyi looked beyond that. Ling Ran's ability in analyzing MRI
scans alone already added countless marks for Ling Ran in Zhu
Tongyi's eyes. Not forgetting, his confidence and skill when he
performed the finger replantation surgery the other day.

Lastly, the speedy recovery of his patient was the most striking
aspect of Ling Ran's surgery. Humans had different mindsets and
understandings towards the control over the progress of surgeries,
but in the end, everything was reflected in the patient's recovery.

This aspect was reflected the clearest in sports medicine. Regular

people and professional athletes may receive the same surgery, but
six months to be able to walk like any other person was not
considered long for a regular person. For professional athletes,
however, how many of them could afford to miss out on a season?

Most importantly, the requirement for a professional athlete's

recovery were completely different from other normal people.
88 Report
Zhu Tongyi then thought of the video that Xue Haochu showed
him. He coughed and said, "Weichen, is it okay if we watch how
he actually performs in surgery? Before that, we don't have
to make any decisions yet, but we have to be polite to him,

Liu Weichen nodded immediately, "That's for sure."

"Yes, those talented young people are all wilful donkeys.

We have to rub the donkey's hair the way it grows," said Zhu
Tongyi. He hid his smile when he saw someone push the door open
to enter the room.
89 Report

Chapter 212: Consultation


Ling Ran was surprised to see Liu Weichen in the consultation


Although he heard that some big shot patients would join the
consultation between doctors, he had not met them in Yun Hua

Naturally, this was a special case. When he was in Yun Hua, these
big shots' hands would never be severed. While in Zhu Tongyi's
research institute, Liu Weichen was the most important patient
recently who had his tendon ruptured.

There were other star athletes who were even more influential
than him. Unfortunately, they did not have a chance to sigh in regret
as they did not have their tendons ruptured in time.

Liu Weichen observed Ling Ran carefully and was secretly amazed.

The thirty-year-old Liu Weichen was no longer just an athlete. He

had one of his legs—the one with the ruptured tendon—in the world
of sports, and the other was in the entertainment industry.

Sports was the root that started his career, while the
entertainment industry was what let him earn money.

In recent years, Liu Weichen met many celebrities from the

entertainment industry, including young and handsome male artists,
good-looking actors, or even foreign celebrities who had a large
number of fans. From Liu Weichen's perspective, Ling Ran looked
even more handsome than them.

"Doctor Ling, you look really handsome," Liu Weichen praised
90 Report

Liu Weichen's biggest regret was his average-looking appearance.

If he could become more handsome, he could have received more
attention, which would increase his income several fold. If he could
be as handsome as Ling Ran, he might be buried under an endless
number of offers from companies to represent them in

As Liu Weichen thought about it, he, at the same time, also had to
flatter this wilful donkey. So, he just said it easily with an expression
full of praise.

Ling Ran smiled calmly. He had heard these compliments often.

Even though it was said by a star athlete, it was nothing special to
him. Still, Ling Ran purposely observed Liu Weichen. He was very
relieved when he saw that he was in good condition.

"Ling Ran, you know Weichen, right? The guided surgery I

spoke about is mainly for him." Academician Zhu Tongyi laughed
and greeted them. He behaved in a very friendly manner.

Ling Ran smiled at Liu Weichen again and asked, "Why didn't you
get a doctor from overseas for your surgery?"

"We couldn't come to an agreement in many aspects," Liu

Weichen said seriously.

Academician Zhu Tongyi continued to explain, "The surgery plan

I designed can recover Weichen's foot functionality to its
greatest extent, but the surgical risk is greater, and the level
of difficulty is very high. The overseas doctors are more
willing to perform conventional surgery, so they refused to
perform according to our surgery plan."

If the plan was not designed by Academician Zhu Tongyi, but by

the surgeon himself, that surgeon might consider taking up the
91 Report
challenge of such a high-risk surgery. However, that surgeon might
not want to be the chief surgeon of that surgery, but would rather
have someone else take his place. That was the same for both
famous overseas doctors and the doctors in China. Besides,
Academician Zhu Tongyi had yet to get any surgeon who was
talented and willing to spend time on this plan.

Ling Ran nodded, even though he did not seem to understand the

Liu Weichen said, "I would rather the surgery fail than play
with the risk of having my Achilles tendon rupture again."

"If the surgery fails, you won't be able to run again," Ling
Ran reminded him.

"I know, but I can still walk like a normal person, right? A
failed surgery and a surgery with a high success rate are the
same to me." It was quite obvious that Liu Weichen had thought
carefully about it. Ling Ran did not have to explain the complications
and the sequela; he believed that Liu Weichen already understood
them very well.

Ling Ran looked at Academician Zhu Tongyi and asked, "I

received a call saying that they wanted me to be a chief
surgeon for a surgery…"

"It's another patient." Zhu Tongyi took his time to explain so

that Ling Ran would not misunderstand. Ling Ran looked at Zhu
Tongyi without having his facial expression change.

Zhu Tongyi was relieved. He then instructed the resident doctor

who stood by the side to play the slideshow. The introduction and all
the small talk that Zhu Tongyi had planned to do did not come to

"Patient Cao Fei, thirty-two years old, single male,
92 Report
occupation is traffic police. He was injured four hours ago.
His right heel is in pain, is swollen, and it cannot move. He
does not seem to be unconscious or suffer from any loss of
normal brain function. He is not nauseous, has no urge of
vomiting, no shortness of breath, no heart palpitations, and
no urinary or fecal incontinence. He's now conscious, and is
being sent to our Emergency Department," the resident doctor
said while reading from the slideshow, though the slideshow was
mainly for Ling Ran's benefit.

Ling Ran nodded discreetly. If the injury happened four hours ago
due to an accident, it showed that Zhu Tongyi had simply chosen a
patient for Ling Ran to test waters. It was quite fitting for Ling Ran's

If they actually chose a difficult medical case to test Ling Ran'

ability, it would not be fair for the patient.

An incredibly normal operation in the business world or estate

world could tell the higher-ups nothing about a person's abilities or
ethics, but an operation of the same level of difficulty in the world of
medicine would immediately place the doctor under the scrutiny of
medical ethics in terms of his ethics and skills.

With Ling Ran's qualification and skill, it would be no problem for

him to be the chief surgeon in this surgery. But to be on the safe
side, the first assistant must be a senior surgeon with more
experience to cover for any of Ling Ran's weaknesses during the
operation and, more importantly, to tell Ling Ran when to stop…

Ling Ran naturally looked at the middle-aged man sitting in the

corner. He had thin and long fingers, sharp eyes, a thin body, a lazy
look, and a confident smile. If he were ten years younger, he would
probably look like a Japanese-style surgeon.

Before Zhu Tongyi was able to introduce this doctor, Ling Ran
already matched him with the information provided in the brochure
93 Report
of the research institute. Ji Tianlu, a famous orthopedist who
graduated from Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University. His
skill in joint replacement surgery was the best in the country. It could
be seen that he had moved forward to specialize in sports medicine.

Ling Ran surmised while he listened to the resident doctor describe

the past history, personal history, and family history of the patient.
Subsequently, the resident doctor started to explain the results from
the physical examination and the scans that served as auxiliary

Ling Ran lost a little interest in listening to the explanations once

he finished listening to the results from the physical examination. He
looked away from the slides and said, "Wait a minute, is this the
surgery that I'll be the chief surgeon for?" He looked at Zhu

"That's right." Zhu Tongyi nodded.

"I want to do the check-up on my own." At the moment, Ling

Ran did not ask for permission, but was giving instructions.

A smile appeared on Zhu Tongyi's face. He then said, "Don't you

want to listen to the explanation of the MRI scans from the
Medical Imaging Department?"

"I can read it on my own." Ling Ran thought his answer was
very polite.

In truth, the explanation on the MRI scans did not mean anything
to him. When normal specialists dealt with MRI scans, they needed a
lot of help from the Medical Imaging Department. Sometimes, they
were completely dependent on the explanation from the Medical
Imaging Department.

Some specialists could understand more about the MRI scans of

their specialties, but they also needed the description from the
94 Report
Medical Imaging Department before they read it on their own so that
they would not misinterpret it if they encountered undiscovered
problems. Specialists who managed to reach this extent could score
eighty-five marks on reading MRI scans.

In order to score the remaining fifteen marks, they had to spend a

year or two to study medical imaging, or the doctors from the
Medical Imaging Department would need to study another

The Master Level MRI Analysis Ling Ran obtained was limited to the
four limbs. This kind of limitation was because different parts of the
body would have different MRI images.

The Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center was still one of the top
specialized departments for sports medicine in the country. However,
if Academician Zhu Tongyi's support for the center was taken out of
the picture, there were only three to four top specialists in the
country located in the center. The remaining would be the young
doctors who were still in on their way to the top of their field. How
were they able to learn about analyzing MRI scans in such a short

The resident doctor looked at Ling Ran skeptically before he slowly

lowered his head. If he took out his phone, he would be able to post
at least thirty sarcastic remarks about this to his Circle of Friends.

However, the resident doctor was still in the room, so he could only
take out the MRI scan and wait for Ling Ran to speak. Ji Tianlu who
sat in the corner was somewhat excited. He raised his head and
looked at Ling Ran.

Ji Tianlu was one of the doctors who scored eighty-five marks in

analyzing MRI scans, but since he could perform joint replacement
surgeries on many parts of the body, it meant that he learned how to
read the MRI scans of multiple parts of the body.
95 Report
However, he still needed some specialists from the Medical
Imaging Department to analyze the MRI scan beforehand. Thus, he
understood the uniqueness of Ling Ran's request.

A series of MRI scans was displayed on the large screen of the

entire wall.

The Orthopedics Department was always known to be rich. The

Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center was even considered the
golden soil [1] that would produce even more money for the rich.
The screen that was used to display slideshows cost something
comparable to an operating theater in Yiyuan County Hospital.

Ling Ran seldom had a chance to glance through so many MRI

scans at once, and it made him feel wonderful. Shortly after that, he
analyzed them greedily. After a while, he even requested for the
remote control and operated it by himself.

Everyone stared at Ling Ran.

Ling Ran stared at the screen.

After a long time…

Reading MRI scans always took a lot of time. It took an even longer
time because Ling Ran read the scans so carefully.

Of course, doctors were usually not given so much time in reading

MRI scans during normal consultations In normal circumstances, they
would either analyze the film beforehand, or they would pretend to
analyze the film on the spot.

It was very rare to see someone like Ling Ran who was able to
patiently analyze the MRI scans from start to end in front of an
academician, an expert, a star athlete, and a resident doctor.

"Trauma level is between Level I and Level II, we can apply

basic end-to-end suturing. We'll do it from here." Ling Ran
96 Report
made a few gestures and started to explain his own plan.

Zhu Tongyi did not want to interfere. This was meant to be a

normal Achilles tendon repair surgery, and the crux of the surgery
lied in how Ling Ran handled the situation.

When Ling Ran finished, Zhu Tongyi did not make any conclusion
but said, "Doctor Ji is the one who will be your first assistant
today. He is a chief physician in our Orthopedic and Sports
Medicine Center. He is young and capable…" Zhu Tongyi
explained a bit before he purposely said, "Doctor Ji reserves the
right to stop the surgery."

Ling Ran nodded and agreed. He called for Lu Wenbin and together
they left for the operating theater to change their attire.

However, everyone, including Zhu Tongyi, was surprised by Ling

Ran's straightforwardness.

"He looks very confident." Ji Tianlu smiled and left as well.

Zhu Tongyi and Liu Weichen left the consultation room with
expectations and worries. Then, they went towards the
demonstration room where there were more screens connected to
the high-resolution mounted video camera and the panoramic
camera, which allowed the audience to observe most of the things
going on in the operating theater.

Only the resident doctor stayed in the consultation room to tidy up.
But first, he took out his phone and started to type a stream of
sarcastic comments to his small group…
97 Report

Chapter 213: This Is Too Much


"Ling Ran is going to perform the surgery as chief


"Isn't that too aggressive? He became a chief surgeon in

his early twenties?"

"As the saying goes: 'Visiting monks give better

sermons[1].' Internal talents are not appreciated, whereas
external ones become more valuable."

The resident doctors of the same batch discussed among

themselves vehemently in the resident doctors' chat group.

The resident doctors in the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center

came from multiple, complex origins. Although they were the best in
their schools, there were not many who can seize the opportunity to
get promoted in the center. Most of the resident doctors would end
up becoming frustrated with a salary that was too low, being too slow
in mastering their skills, or having too few chances to practice their
skills, and so on. Because of these reasons, an endless stream of
resident doctors left.

Zhu Tongyi's research institute was different from large-scale

tertiary grade A hospitals. There were few chances for a person to
get promoted. If you could not push yourself up the ranks, you would
sink to the bottom, and then you would continue to encounter
challenges from the world outside. For example, a doctor like Ling
Ran would very likely occupy a position that they vacated after much

"I am going to take a look, anyone want to come along?" A
98 Report
resident doctor suggested in the small group.

"Let's go together." Several others tagged along.

In a short while, nearly twenty people rushed into the

demonstration room. They were not just resident doctors, but also
several attending physicians and associate chief physicians who were

Because Zhu Tongyi was in the front row, everyone did not talk
and chatter. They each found a seat to sit on, and waited for the
surgery to begin.

The demonstration room of the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine

Center cost a lot of money. It also connected microscopes in various
operating theaters and operating theaters together. The surgical field
of an ordinary surgery and the surgical field of microsurgery could be
seen. Moreover, switching between both displays was quite
convenient, and it could also perform real-time voice communication.
It was "display technology", and an excellent way to have a
teaching demonstration.

Inside the research institute, having the courage to perform

surgery in the operating theater connected to a demonstration room
was also a reference for everyone to evaluate a doctor's level.

However, to the doctors, the most terrifying application of the

demonstration room was actually when a patient's family was asked
to visit.

The operating theater of a general hospital was like a black box.

The family sent the patient in, and a patient was pushed out of the
black box after the operation. The family would only know the state
before the patient entered the operating theater and the state after
the patient left. They would not know about anything that occured in
the operating theater.
99 Report
It was obviously not proper to ask the patient's family to enter the
operating theater; it was easy to interfere with the operation of the
surgeon. However, it would be relatively easier for the surgeon to
continue controlling the surgeon if they used the demonstration

Of course, if one wanted to enter the demonstration room, it was

not easy at the current research institute, and one would always
need special ways to enter.

Doctor Qu gently pushed the door open, silently went to the corner
of the demonstration room, touched the bald spot in the middle of his
head, and sighed gently.

He cared more about this operation than the resident doctors.

After all, he had also participated in Liu Weichen's surgical plan
design. Therefore, he was also most aware of Liu Weichen and the
surgical plan itself, as well as the required level of skill for the

Doctor Qu nodded to several doctors who saw him, and sat down in
one of the chairs at the last row in the room. He stared blankly at the
pitch black screen.

After an indefinite amount of time, the screen lit up, everyone

stopped chatting and altogether looked at the screens in the middle
where there was both the surgical field displayed by the surgical
camera, and the operating theater scene displayed by the panoramic
camera. The camera of the two-head microscope was still black, and
there was a voice coming from it.

"Doctor Ling, let me help you wear the surgical gown."

"Doctor Ling, look at the device list. Is there anything that

needs to be added?"

"What surgical habits do you have? Do you want to drink
100 Report
water during the surgery?"

The first thing that came were the voices of circulating nurses and
scrub nurses.

The doctors in the demonstration room looked at each other. A

resident doctor could not help but say, "When did they become so

"When they see a handsome guy," groaned a 220 pound

resident doctor. He said, "You haven't see them talk about their
Prince Charmings, have you?"

"It would not be to such an extent, right? What is the

motive behind them being so proactive?"

"Why do you help a goddess take her bags then?"

As the demonstration room quieted down again, everyone looked

at the screen again with an inexplicable feeling, as if they had a
common enemy.

There were extremely few female doctors in the Orthopedics

Department. In the operating theater of the professional Orthopedics
Department, male nurses were an indispensable configuration. When
they watched the female nurses, who were few and far in between,
happily talking with Ling Ran, the group of resident doctors were
unsatisfied and unhappy.


In the operating theater.

Ling Ran stared at the patient's foot for a long time.

It was his first time seeing this foot, but through the MRI scan, his
familiarity with this foot was far beyond the understanding of the
person himself.
101 Report
Ji Tianlu looked at Ling Ran with great interest and asked, "Doctor
Ling, what shall we do now?"

"Oh... I'm going to draw the surgical line." Ling Ran came
back to his senses, reached for the rollerball pen, and drew a few
lines on the patient's injured foot. Then, he asked for a pen of
another color and drew another line.

"What's the difference between them?" Lu Wenbin asked

nervously. He was the second assistant today, but he did not know
much about Achilles tendon repair. If there was something he did
understand, most of it was knowledge from textbooks and videos. In
the absence of a system helping him and a lack of handsomeness
making others help him, like what Ling Ran had, Lu Wenbin's
understanding towards foot surgeries was practically zero.

Ling Ran looked at Lu Wenbin with a somewhat puzzled gaze.

"Differentiate what?"

"The surgical lines. There are two colors."

"Oh, the black is the incision line, the white one... the
tendons here are ruptured." Ling Ran pointed to the surgical line
and twisted his body a little so that Lu Wenbin can see clearly.

Ji Tianlu, who initially did not have much care, was also stunned.
He instantly realized that he did not read the instructions of the
Medical Imaging Department, so he forgot to confirm the position of
the Achilles tendon rupture. He now only recalled it. Ling Ran really
did not rely on the Medical Imaging Department and was actually
able to read the film himself.

Ji Tianlu gave Ling Ran a concentrated look before he bowed his

head. The child who scored eighty-five marks knew how capable a
child who scored a hundred marks was, just like how a doctor like Ji
Tianlu would know how capable Ling Ran's skills were.
102 Report
When an MRI scan was used for the diagnosis of the Achilles
tendon rupture, it could not only distinguish the severity of the
rupture, but also the condition of the two fractured ends, and the
distance between the fractures.

This was very meaningful clinical information, and also the

strength of an MRI scan.

Ji Tianlu could not help but feel extremely jealous. Ling Ran had
such capability in his twenties. He was extremely talented.

Ji Tianlu examined himself and found that even if he was given half
a year of free time, he still could not raise his magnetic resonance
reading ability from eighty-five marks to a hundred marks. Never
mind half a year, he might still not be able to improve even after two
years, unless he did not do anything and devote everything towards
just reading MRI films. In that case, he might just be able to within
half a year's time.

However, was it possible?

As of right now, Ji Tianlu's skill tree in orthopedics spanned in two

directions—joints and sports medicine. He already had his hands
tied, he could no longer divide any more of his time.

Ling Ran noticed the expressions of Lu Wenbin and Ji Tianlu and

decided to explain it more clearly to his assistants. He said, "From
the magnetic resonance imaging, I saw a high signal intensity
limited to the tendon area on the T1-weighted and T2-
weighted images. The tendon bundle is rougher and more
irregular. This is a characteristic of partial injury. The
position can be seen from the T2-weighted image. When its
signal is significantly higher, that would be the most obvious
part of the tear."

Ling Ran directly pointed out the position to Ji Tianlu and Lu

Wenbin. Then, he asked the anesthetist about the situation and
103 Report
requested for the scalpel to begin the surgery.

This time, Ling Ran's speed was much faster. After the incision was
made, Ling Ran ordered for the skin to be "pulled open" as he
placed the scalpel in the tray. Ji Tianlu hesitated for a few more
seconds before he realized that the surgery had begun.

Compared to him, Lu Wenbin, who was the second assistant, was

more familiar with Ling Ran's style. Ling Ran had always disliked
talking. He was not like the surgeons who were not confident enough
and needed to ask confirmation from their assistant. He always did
what needed to be done.

Moreover, Ling Ran was a typical "soloist" doctor. He already had

a detailed strategy for most of the procedures in the surgery.
Occasionally, when the assistants could not manage or when they
were distracted, Ling Ran would not say a word and pick up the work.

This kind of concentration had gradually affected Lu Wenbin, Ma

Yanlin, and Yu Yuan. It had inevitably caused a great impact to the
trio's lives as surgeons, but especially so for the former two.

At this time, Lu Wenbin automatically reached out and said,


The nurse looked at Ji Tianlu and gave the retractor to Lu Wenbin.

Lu Wenbin carefully and laboriously pulled the muscles around the
Achilles tendon, exposing it. This step was almost the same as in the
M-Tang technique, only that the tendon was thicker, and the muscle
tissue was larger.

After a slight rinse with saline, the ruptured tendon was indeed
exposed at the center. Ji Tianlu raised his head slightly and
somewhat regretted that he did not listen to the descriptions from
the Medical Imaging Department. Otherwise, he could also judge the
correct position and would not be controlled by Ling Ran.
104 Report
"End-to-end suturing," Ling Ran reminded. There was nothing
much to say; they only had to use the modified Kessler method used
by Doctor Qu the previous day to quickly stitch it up.

The mesentery, small blind nerve, and sural nerve, which Doctor
Qu had spent a long time to smooth out in the previous surgery, was
easily dealt with by Ling Ran before they were cast to the side.

End-to-end suturing was the simplest suture form. They used it to

debride the two severed Achilles tendons, join them together, and
then tightly suture them back together.

Since the Achilles tendon was strong and thick enough, there was
no room to perform delicate sutures like the M-Tang technique. The
modified Kessler method or the ordinary Kessler suture technique
were used by novice doctors, attending physicians, and experts alike,
but the effects were different.

Ling Ran changed his posture and sutured quickly. Ji Tianlu did his
best to cooperate with Ling Ran. His speed was barely enough to
keep up with Ling Ran.

In the demonstration room, the spectating Doctor Qu had long

been baffled. He had always been suturing with the modified Kessler
method, and before this, he had even wanted to use the technique to
awe Ling Ran.

In Doctor Qu's heart, he thought that he performed well in front of

Ling Ran. However, now that he watched Ling Ran, who was his first
assistant in the previous surgery, become the chief surgeon in this
surgery, and also watched how Ling Ran performed the Kessler
suture technique, Doctor Qu fell into deep shock.

'This is too much! Old Tie, this is too much!'
105 Report

Chapter 214: Follow The Feeling


"Insert a 10-0 surgical silk thread." During the suturing

process, Ling Ran gave instructions without even looking up.

The scrub nurse answered without hesitation. She immediately

opened a 10-0 surgical silk thread pack and installed it into a needle-
holder. Subsequently, she placed the needle-holder gently onto Ling
Ran's palm. The contact produced a light sound, and it caused a red
flush to appear on her fair cheeks.

Ji Tianlu raised his head immediately. He realized something and

asked, "What's wrong?"

In repairing an Achilles tendon, the 10-0 surgical silk thread was

considered a thicker thread, but it was still three times finer than the
4-0 surgical thread that Ling Ran had used before. So, there must be
a reason for the chief surgeon to change the thread suddenly.

Ling Ran was always willing to share more when it came to

discussions of skills.

Ling Ran directly pointed at the bottom of the microscope with a

forcep while he sat at one end of the two-head microscope. He said,
"The rupture ends were not uniform enough. If we sutured it
using the 4-0 surgical thread, there will be some defects
after we trim it."

The pulling force of a fine thread was not high. If all fine threads
were added into one of the severed ends densely, the total pulling
force would be increased. However, if the fine threads were scattered
in groups of two or three threads, the pulling force would be much
lower than a single 10-0 surgical silk thread.
106 Report
Meanwhile, while tendons were elastic, the Achilles tendon was
even more elastic. This flexibility would cause a problem in the
surgery. When a surgeon tried to pull the ruptured Achilles tendon
together, it would go along the flow and allow itself to be pulled.
However, once the surgery is finished, the Achilles tendon could
return to how elastic it was. Therefore, it would pull back in a
stronger and more powerful manner.

If the length of the two ruptured ends of the Achilles tendon were
the same, the pull-back force would be similar. Thus, the functionality
of the Achilles tendon would still be maintained. But if the structure
of the two ruptured ends of the Achilles tendon was irregular, then
the length of the Achilles tendon when pulled back would be
different… The longer Achilles tendon would be pulled back with less
force compared to the shorter Achilles tendon. The difference would
make the Achilles tendon be exposed to an even higher risk of
rupturing again.

This was just like suturing five rubber bands of the same length
compared to suturing five rubber bands of different lengths together,
the former option would lead to a better suturing effect and stronger

The solution was quite simple. With the use of different threads of
varying strengths, the strength of the threads could complement the
weakness of the tendon's strength in order to ensure that the
postoperative tension of the tendon would be comparable.

However, the solution that Ling Ran considered normal had

shocked Ji Tianlu. His solution even astonished everyone in the
demonstration room watching the screen, including Doctor Qu.

A resident doctor could not hold his curiosity and asked, "Did you
all see uneven ends?"

Another resident doctor next to him sneered and said, "There's so

much blood. You can't even clearly observe the surgical field.
107 Report
At most, you can only see the tips of some of the hair on the

"Maybe the judgment is based on other requirements? The

view under the microscope can't be clearer than ours. Our
screen is huge and we don't have to operate," the resident
doctor said while moving closer to the screen. He stared at the
screen like he was scanning over it to slowly in search for the signs.

"Maybe he made his judgment from the MRI scans," said Zhu
Tongyi. He thought for a second and explained again, "If we
consider the vascular distribution, there is a possibility... but
it'll be more complicated."

"It is a matter of metaphysics now." The group of doctors

turned around and looked at Doctor Qu after he said his words.

Doctor Qu felt slightly regretful. He coughed twice and said, "What

I meant was, he sutured the tendons so quickly just now that
it's impossible he saw it more clearly than we did. Besides,
even if he really noticed the frayed ends, how could he know
which suture should be used to replace it? This is totally a
gamble, or it's just his intuition."

Doctor Qu forcefully swallowed his comment of Ling Ran's choice

being totally unreliable, and it choked him slightly.

He did not want to talk at first, that was the reason why he stood
at the back of demonstration room. He planned to observe the
situation and leave the room quietly. Still, Doctor Qu did not expect
Ling Ran to be able to operate at such a speedy rate and came to the
peak of the operation in such a short time, making the doctors
unable to take their eyes off him.

Doctor Qu himself was a doctor in charge of Achilles tendon

repairs. He was reluctant to leave when he observed the way Ling
Ran performed the surgery.
108 Report
In certain aspects, Doctor Qu was slightly impressed by Ling Ran's
surgical techniques. However, the operation of changing threads was
something that Doctor Qu could not understand, and it was not one
he would acknowledge.

But just like how Doctor Qu thought Ling Ran's judgment in the
operating theater was unreliable—even though he did not say it
because he forced himself to not say them—Zhu Tongyi's
explanation was also unreliable.

He himself was a surgeon who performed with the Kessler suturing

technique. He could not believe that someone was able to observe
the full state of the Achilles tendon from the vascular distribution.
Not even from the MRI scans could allow the surgeon to receive such
fine details. At least, the surgeon could not be make the judgment
on-the-spot; the judgment would be more appropriate after the
postoperative analysis was done, or a mortality analysis after a
patient accidentally died.

The surgeons should be very clear on the strengths of the suture

threads right then and there.

Currently, Ling Ran had changed the 10-0 thread to a 4-0 thread,
which meant that he knew the Achilles tendon that would be sutured
by the 10-0 thread was much shorter, and therefore needed a
greater pulling force. But neither the vascular distribution nor the MRI
scan could possibly provide information like this.

At the very least, Doctor Qu himself did not know the ways to
gauge information like this, and neither had he ever heard of any
medical imaging expert who could do this.

Zhu Tongyi looked at everyone, smiled, and said, "Since we

couldn't get it, we'll try to ask. Just treat it as a surgery for
educational purposes."

Zhu Tongyi pressed on the call button without any hesitation right
109 Report
after he finished talking. He said, "Ling Ran, how did you
determine the uniformity of the rupture ends and what sort
of tensile strength in the thread was required?"

Compared to the first question, the second question had a clearer


If you wanted to pull a shorter rubber band, you would need a

greater pulling force. This was a simple question for an engineering
experiment. There were devices that could measure the pulling force,
tensile strength, and the sheer strength of a material. However, the
Achilles tendon of a living person could not be tested this way. There
was also no device that could perform a task like this in the operating

Therefore, how did Ling Ran judge the amount of strength needed
in a thread? If Ling Ran had just made the judgment that the
ruptured ends were frayed without any corresponding proof, it would
not mean anything.

In fact, when general doctors performed surgery like this, they did
not care about the pulling force of the thread; they would just
complete the suturing. When they encountered problems of frayed
ends, most of them would just solve it with replantation, such as the
case in free gracilis muscle transplantation and the autogenous bone
grafts from the ilium. The shorter Achilles tendon could be sutured
with a fragment of the tendon to make the length of both tendons
the same. A longer tendon could also be used in the replantation to
reduce the possibility of ruptures.

Doctors who were able to complete this kind of surgery were no

longer called general practitioners. They were doctors of Doctor Qu's
caliber, who was considered a doctor that was the backbone of a
famous medical institution in the country.

Ji Tianlu's standard was slightly higher than Doctor Qu's, but he,
too, could not understand Ling Ran's surgical procedure, so he
110 Report
watched Ling Ran doubtfully as well.

Ling Ran did not answer immediately. Only when the 10-0 suture
he had just obtained was strung up did he reply slowly, "I felt it
with my hand when I pulled it."

"Feeling?" Doctor Qu laughed. He could not help but move

forward. Then, he pressed on the call button and said, "How did you
use your feelings as the reference for the surgery?"

Ling Ran hummed and said, "I always massage other people's
tendons, fascia, and muscles. I can roughly estimate the
strength of the pulling force with my hands. It shouldn't
differ much."

"You must be kidding me, right?" Doctor Qu said before he

remembered that he forgot to press the button. So he pressed it and
said it again.

Ling Ran answered simply, "No."

This skill belonged solely to Ling Ran, and he had gradually

developed it on his own.

Osteopathic massage was composed of pushing and poking

techniques which targeted the muscles. More specifically, it targeted
the tendons and ligaments that lied within the muscles.

When Ling Ran performed finger replantations or used the M-Tang

technique, the tendons that he touched were so weak that he could
not accurately calculate the strength needed even with the Master
Level Osteopathic Massage. Or rather, he should say that it was
useless even if he managed to calculate it. The tendon in the thumb
was thinner than a chopstick. If it was ruptured into uneven ends, the
best way was not to suture it separately, but to cut it uniformly and
then suture it.

But the Achilles tendon in the foot could not be repaired this way.
111 Report
The Achilles tendon was the thickest tendon, and its length could
greatly affect athletic ability. Furthermore, the rupture degree was
not the same. If the shorter Achilles tendon was used as the standard
and both ends were cut to the same length as the shorter Achilles
tendon, the Achilles tendon could basically no longer be used.
Another tendon would need to be transplanted.

But the muscles held by Ling Ran were not that much thicker than
the Achilles tendon, they were a close correspond to each other. The
Achilles tendon was the thickest tendon in the human body,
therefore, if he could understand the other tendons by pushing and
poking at them, he could also confirm the pulling force of the Achilles

Ji Tianlu looked up and glanced at Ling Ran. "Did you really feel

Ling Ran replied again, "Yes." His hand reached out and he said,

He wanted to suture the other ruptured end of the Achilles tendon.

Ji Tianlu stared at Ling Ran's confident expression and said, "If you
can really feel it, that's really amazing."

Ling Ran made a humming sound. He did not reply. Ji Tianlu

watched his operation and almost fully trusted in Ling Ran in his

Doing things based on feelings might sound ridiculous from the

patients' point of view. They would think, 'How could my precious
body be manipulated by your feelings?' And yet, this was really how
human technology had progressed. The more high-end the surgery
was, the more doctors relied on their feelings in a surgery, especially
when the surgery involved internal organs.

When Ling Ran stopped the bleeding with his bare hands during
112 Report
the liver surgery, it was completely based on his feeling. Naturally,
that feeling was backed by his experience in the study of human
anatomy, but at the end of the day, they were not something that
could be seen or calculated.

Similarly, a heart surgery was always filled with the surgeon doing
things based on an extraordinary "feeling", and that was why it led
to the birth of so many miracles. In neurosurgery, the brain functions
categorized by humans were not always correct, but when it came to
surgery, there was no hesitation in surgeons.

There were even more internists who made judgments based on

feeling. Take the great ward rounds in Peking Union Medical College
Hospital as an example, every internist could provide their
suggestion with sufficient proof, but at the end of the day, there was
only one truth.

In the end, the talented internists were doctors who always had
better intuition.

When Ji Tianlu performed the Achilles tendon surgery as the chief

surgeon, he also did it based on his own feeling. If he felt that the
elasticity on an Achilles tendon was too strong, he would transplant it
longer. If the elasticity was weak, he would forcefully pull it and
suture it.

They could not really perform surgeries without relying on feeling.

Until now, there was no device that could help surgeons test the
pulling force of the Achilles tendon. To be more exact, what else
could they do even if the pulling force was measured? The Achilles
tendon differed among people. Take the length as an example, since
it was the easiest example to be provided. The Achilles tendon in
Asians was typically 5.9 inches long. The Achilles tendon of Allen
Iverson was said to be 9.8 inches long, while Michael Jordan had 11.8
inches. So, the pulling force would be totally different.

However, when Ji Tianlu used his feeling to perform the surgery, he
113 Report
would not spell it out deliberately. Not that anyone had asked him
about it before, anyway. At that moment, Ji Tianlu admired Ling Ran
a little for his straightforwardness.

Right now, Doctor Qu, who never "felt" anything during surgery,
was fuming. He huffed angrily as he pressed on the call button, and
said, "Doctor Ji, shouldn't we stop the surgery now?"

Academician Zhu Tongyi was in the demonstration room, while the

young and capable Chief Physician Ji Tianlu was in the operating
theater. Doctor Qu, who was still wise, did not dare to make
demands. He only asked inquiringly.

Ji Tianlu did not even pay any attention to Doctor Qu. He spoke
bluntly, "You can just follow and learn."

Doctor Qu's face turned red instantly.

Both of them were similar in age, but their statuses were totally
different. If the senior doctor Ji Tianlu chose not to be good to Doctor
Qu, Doctor Qu would definitely be humiliated.

Doctor Qu silently walked away from the microphone he used for

the conversation and moved to the back of the demonstration room.

He did not want to leave immediately, especially when Liu Weichen

was still there. Doctor Qu would not give up willingly until he saw the
final result.

"4-0 surgical silk thread," Ling Ran suddenly asked for a thinner
suture. He did not even raise his head and continued to suture. In
this simple Achilles tendon repair suture, he only cared about how
good the suture can be without considering the failure rate.
114 Report

Chapter 215: Sprightly, Nervous, Serious


The operating theater in the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine

Center was spacious and bright.

From the angle in the demonstration room, the operating theater

under the panoramic camera was more like a mysterious world. Light
blue floors, dark blue drapings, white equipment, silver devices, and
black or red striped medical consumables each occupied an area to
show a grim yet neat order.

There were two junior nurses in the theater. One of the nurses
wore a gray rabbit-ear surgical cap and another nurse wore a yellow
surgical cap with the shape of a tomato. They walked around the
operating table like two cute little butterflies flitting left and right,
showing some warmth belonging uniquely to humans.

"Your surgical caps are kind of interesting," Liu Weichen felt

that the atmosphere in the atmosphere was too cold and decided to
ease it a little with the entertainer's sense he had since gained after
going on television that one time.

"There are studies showing that colored surgical caps could

relieve the tension of patients and facilitate surgeries. In
addition to that, the operating theaters are made for
standard clothing, so the hospital allowed everyone to
purchase their own surgical caps," Zhu Tongyi spoke slowly and

"So, Doctor Ling Ran still didn't have time to buy a surgical
cap. Department Director Ji's surgical cap is a red-blue floral
patterned cap, did you buy it yourself? It's quite interesting,"
Liu Weichen subconsciously ignored Lu Wenbin, who was operating
115 Report
the retractor.

Zhu Tongyi smiled. "Doctor Ling is a very strict doctor. He

should be the kind of doctor patients long to have."

"The kind of doctor patients long to have are doctors who

can cure illnesses," Liu Weichen answered after he sensed what he

"Ling Ran also provides good treatment." Zhu Tongyi did not
directly agree with Liu Weichen's words. After being a doctor for a
long time, he knew that Liu Weichen's request was not the voice of
all patients, what he said was just the sentiments of old patients.
Many patients only had a few minor illnesses, and those who had
never had a serious illness would request treatment as if they were
ordering food from a chef in a five-star restaurant.

In fact, a few years ago, Liu Weichen's request for doctors had not
been the same as what he said now. At that time, Liu Weichen was
rising up the ranks. He had some injuries, but they were not injuries
that affected his tendons or bones. Therefore, every time he came to
the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center, he would be picky about
the environment, and asked for better medical treatment, to receive
treatment that would save up on time, and a good-tempered

Doctor Qu was his first doctor at the time.

However, in the last two years, especially after his recent Achilles
tendon rupture, Liu Weichen's requests started changing.

No one made a comparison with how he acted in the past, but Liu
Weichen turned his wheelchair around, and changed the topic with a
smile. "But you have to admit, when the nurses wear cartoon
caps, they make others feel much more relaxed. The one who
wore the gray rabbit-ear cap is a scrub nurse, is it? Or do you
call them surgical nurses?"
116 Report
The two-hundred-pound resident doctor stared at the nurse who
was shaking her head and suddenly muttered to himself, 'That is a
mini lop.'

"Pardon?" Liu Weichen did not hear it properly.

"That is the French Lop, Xiao Yun's favorite pet," the 220-
pound resident doctor said a little louder. He then grabbed the
mineral water before him, drank half of the water in the bottle, and
became 221 pounds.


"10-0 thread," Ling Ran asked for another thread, and he

performed the Kessler suture method from the coronal plane and
sagittal plane.

There was a concept of three planes in the medical field. The

coronal plane was an imaginary plane dividing the body into dorsal
and ventral parts.; the sagittal plane was an anatomical boundary
that exists between the left and right sides of the body; the
transverse plane divided the body from head to tail.

Of course, this was just to illustrate the relationship between the

parts, and the surgeons would not really cut up the patient this
way… It was not necessary to do this… Generally, it would not be

Ji Tianlu followed Ling Ran and hurriedly bent the patient's knees
and flexed the patient's ankles to relax the tendon, and Lu Wenbin
helped Ling Ran tighten the suture knot. Logically speaking, Ji Tianlu
and Lu Wenbin's positions should be changed, but the problem was:
Lu Wenbin rarely participated in Achilles tendon surgeries. It was
very difficult for him to get the feeling that he was doing things right
when he bent the patient's knee and flexed the ankle. However, he
had no problem when it came to being a suture assistant, so Lu
Wenbin was quietly promoted. He was so happy that his eyebrows
117 Report
were raised so high until they were vertical.

"Rinse it." Ling Ran fixed the tendon sheath as much as possible
to make the area that was sutured be smooth.

With his Master Level Appositional Suturing Technique, if he

wanted the suture he performed to be smooth, then he would be able
to produce it.

Ji Tianlu was dazed as he watched.

Ling Ran's skills in suturing did not make themselves quite

apparent during the debridement and suturing part of the surgery. At
least, when compared with experts, he did not seem to be any
better. After all, the highest difficulty during debridement and
suturing was just as difficult as Union Hospital's internists treating
the common cold. They might not be able to produce a better plan to
treat that disease compared to the sub-par emergency doctors in
lousy hospitals, either.

However, when it came to Achilles tendon repairs, the Master Level

Appositional Suturing Technique showed obvious superiority.

The Achilles tendon was actually very difficult to suture because it

was very tough, it had poor attachment abilities, and had a certain
elasticity. It was already difficult enough to suture the two ruptured
ends completely, and it was even more difficult to make an
extremely smooth suture.

Even though Ji Tianlu's suturing skills were much higher than his
peers', his skills were not at Master Level. Not only had he not
reached it, but he also was not even at Specialist Level yet.

There was a limit to a person's energy. Ji Tianlu, who was in his

forties, could be considered a legend in Yun Hua Hospital, since he
was already a chief physician at his age. It was even more difficult for
him to reach that position in the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine
118 Report
Center. His skill points had been allocated to changing bones, how
many could be used for suturing?

Of course, Ji Tianlu's level in suturing absolutely reached the

passing mark, but it was basically impossible for him to suture
tendons as smoothly as Ling Ran.

"There is no more bleeding," Ji Tianlu continued his duties as an

assistant. He rinsed the patient's wound with saline several times
and carefully observed the surgical field. Once he found that it no
longer bled, he stopped and asked, "Do you usually suture this
way? Or it is just by chance?"

"I usually do this." Ling Ran was neither modest nor hid the fact
that he usually did this.

Ji Tianlu coughed a couple of times and suddenly laughed out loud,

"So, the patient's luck is good."

Ling Ran glanced at Ji Tianlu strangely.

Ji Tianlu already knew that Ling Ran was a very straightforward

person. He laughed a couple of times and said, "I mean, this
patient is very lucky for having you as his surgeon. Just look
at the final suture. This patient's daily life should be
unaffected. He should be able to work with this."

Ling Ran just made a sound and nodded in agreement. He had the
Master Level in Suturing, Master Level MRI Analysis, and Perfect
Level Achilles Tendon Repair Technique. If his patient did not manage
to live a normal life after this, it would be ludicrous.

"How did you practice to get this level of skill?" Ji Tianlu

watched Ling Ran perform a layered closure, and he could not help
but feel the urge to ask.

Ling Ran thought for a while before he said, "I sutured bananas."
119 Report
"Oh…" Ji Tianlu thought it sounded very normal. He then looked up
and saw that Lu Wenbin had the ghost of a smile on his face. Then,
he could not help but feel his heart grow tense, even though he did
not know the reason for it.

"You cast the plaster," Ling Ran completed the final suture, and
after he checked everything once, he habitually let his assistant do
the menial tasks.

Ji Tianlu and Lu Wenbin both answered, "Okay."

For a moment, Ji Tianlu's expression was unpleasant, and it was

especially so when he remembered that Ling Ran considered
plastering a reward. His expression became even more vivid after

Compared with the enthusiasm in the operating theater, the

demonstration room was in a somewhat still silence

Ling Ran's performance was in full compliance with Zhu Tongyi's

expectations, which meant that Ling Ran's performance was
completely beyond the expectations of the others.

The expression of the group of resident doctors became weird

when they saw Ling Ran, who was about the same age as them,
perform a surgery that even a forty-something chief physician could
not do. The anxiety of being surpassed by their peers shrouded their

For Doctor Qu, who was almost twice Ling Ran's age, had doubled
the strange feeling in his heart.

"What do you think?" Zhu Tongyi came to Doctor Qu and asked

for his opinion. No matter what, Doctor Qu was the doctor-in-charge
of Liu Weichen.

Doctor Qu knew that this was a crucial moment, and once he

nodded, Liu Weichen's medical treatment may be given to another
120 Report

However, Doctor Qu could not lie in front of so many people.

"I think I need to observe several more surgeries," Doctor

Qu took the opportunity to think of a trick to gain time.

Zhu Tongyi chuckled, "Liu Weichen's surgery should be

carried out as soon as possible, and we can't observe
surgeries endlessly."

"Liu Weichen, you want to see the true strength of your

chief surgeon, right?" Doctor Qu asked Liu Weichen for help.

Liu Weichen's heart melted with pity, but he chose to wisely keep

His surgery had indeed been delayed for a while.

Zhu Tongyi smiled again and said, "As Barton said, 'there are
many ways to win a war, just as there are many ways to skin
a cat… We are so keen to seek unique medicine that will
provide miraculous effects, but we forget that the method of
skinning a cat is to just remove its skin…"

Doctor Qu, "What? What?!"
121 Report

Chapter 216: It Doesn't Really Matter To


As Liu Weichen was already in the center, he decided to undergo

another checkup.

For him, radioactive exposure, inconvenience, and costs were not

of much concern. As long as he could get his Achilles tendon treated
and get back on the field, he would endure practically everything.

If he was able to go back to competitive running healthily and

persist for another one to two more years, he would not complain,
even if he had to work from scratch all over again.

For Liu Weichen, the money he could earn in a year, the reputation
he gained, and the honor he obtained was an accumulation of
everything he has done up to this moment. So when he needed to
leave the field at his peak, not only was Liu Weichen unhappy, his
manager, advertisers, and the leader of the Sports Bureau were
unwilling to let him go.

When Ling Ran returned to the consultation room, he saw Zhu

Tongyi, Doctor Qu, and Liu Weichen sitting in a row. There were
another three people who sat slightly further away from them. Each
of them had a big teacup in front of them, making the room look like
an office.

Doctor Qu looked at Zhu Tongyi, and was relieved when the

academician did not say anything. He quickly said, "Doctor Ling,
we have an idea, and we would like to discuss it with you."

"Sure." Ling Ran got himself a cup of water and drained it in a

single motion. Then, he poured another cup again before he walked
122 Report
to the meeting table.

Doctor Qu might have put up an imposing demeanor, but Ling Ran

did not feel anything towards it. For Ling Ran, he had seen too many
of such carefully prepared scenarios. Be it a confession delivered by
a person supported by a group of people or a demonstration formed
by a group of people determined to get something, these events
formed by young people were more meaningful and serious than
Doctor Qu's.

Compared to them, Doctor Qu, who was a middle-aged man, was

just a novice who had not even moved into the ranks of professionals

"Ling Ran!" Doctor Qu sounded serious.

"Yes," Ling Ran still replied in the same manner before he looked
at Doctor Qu.

Doctor Qu then looked at Zhu Tongyi, and he realized that Zhu

Tongyi still had not expressed anything. He could not help but feel a
little resigned, and he said, "Ling Ran, be more serious, we're
talking about a serious matter."

"Alright." Ling Ran sat slightly straight and showed the respectful
expression he had practiced for many years. He looked straight
ahead and opened his eyes a bit more. There was a faint smile on his
lips, and his back was straight. He looked like he was about to stand
up to ask a question at any moment.

Doctor Qu felt slightly satisfied. He smiled and said, "Ling Ran,

your surgery today was done pretty well. Congratulations on
your first surgery in the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine
Center, it will probably be a successful surgery."

"Thank you," Ling Ran said politely, as according to the norms of

123 Report
Doctor Qu's expression became better, and he said, "I know that
Academician Zhu, who is also our Director Zhu, invited you to
our research center to become the chief surgeon in Liu
Weichen's surgery. Based on your performance today, we can
see that our director has a keen eye when it comes to
choosing talented people. He did not make a wrong choice."

Ling Ran nodded and said nothing.

"I'm the doctor-in-charge for Liu Weichen. Logically

speaking, the skill you showed today is considered quite
good. But the surgery for Liu Weichen is really complicated
and its difficulty level is very high. Mister Liu Weichen and I
are still worried about it. So, we came up with a suggestion
after our discussion, and we hope you can consider it." Doctor
Qu looked straight at Ling Ran's face to observe how he reacted.

Ling Ran still looked indifferent as he replied, "Do tell me what it


"We hope that you can perform a few more surgeries which
are similar to the Achilles tendon repair surgery so that we
can grade you according to your performance. If you're up to
the standard, you'll probably be in charge of Liu Weichen's
surgery. If you're not up to the standard, I'm sorry, but we'll
have to consider our options again." Doctor Qu stared at Ling
Ran and asked, "Are you willing to accept this request?"

Doctor Qu was slightly worried. He was afraid that Ling Ran would
fly off in a rage.

Performing a surgery for a star athlete could make a doctor

become famous. One successful surgery could allow the doctor to
boast about his success for a lifetime.

For a surgeon, it meant that an unlimited number of patients would

keep coming for him. No matter which city the surgeon was
124 Report
stationed, if a doctor reached this degree of fame, he would probably
easily gain the title of specialist, department director, or even receive
all kinds of positions in a medical committee.

Even if the surgery failed, there was not much for the doctor to
worry about. Failed surgeries were common. As long as it was not
due to medical negligence, it would not deliver a fatal blow to the
doctor's career. At most, it would just affect his reputation slightly.
But from Doctor Qu's point of view, a doctor like Ling Ran did not
have any reputation at all, so how much could a failed surgery affect
his reputation?

Based on this alone, Doctor Qu even felt that he was the one
blocking Ling Ran's path to fame.

But deep in his heart, Doctor Qu never stopped comforting himself,

'Liu Weichen is also my path to success. This is a one-way path, so
naturally, the one who is here first should have first dibs than the one
who arrived later, right?'

"How many surgeries?" Ling Ran asked.

Doctor Qu smiled. Ling Ran's response was exactly within his

expectations, and it was better than what he expected.

"Ahem." Doctor Qu pretended to cough and he thought, 'Since

you are just a pushover, do not blame me for being bad.'

"Let me think, at least five to six cases…" When Doctor Qu

saw that Ling Ran's expression had not changed, he immediately
added more cases and said, "In order to make a better
judgment, we still hope that you can show us that you can
perform in a manner that produces stable results. So, it will
be best if you can perform seven to ten surgeries…"

"Ten cases are good." Ling Ran immediately seized the greatest
number and asked, "When will the patients arrive?"
125 Report
It was only at that moment that Doctor Qu noticed that the
situation had changed. He frowned and said hesitantly, "If you need
patients, we can transfer the patients at any time…"

"Now… Hmm, not now. I need to go for lunch. Can you send
in the first patient after one and a half hours? Then, could
you send in the subsequent patients?" Ling Ran asked seriously.

Doctor Qu was slightly lost. He replied, "You don't have to do it

in such a hurry. It will be good if you can finish all ten
patients, but we're not unreasonable people either…"

"Ten is good. It's not a problem at all." Ling Ran emphasized

his last sentence. He asked again, "Can I see a patient in the
operating theater after one and a half hours?"

Doctor Qu was quite unhappy from the barrage of questions. He

replied, "It doesn't mean that you can perform the surgery for
Liu Weichen once you finish all ten Achilles tendon repair

"I know." Ling Ran interrupted Doctor Qu. He then asked again,
"I'm going for lunch now. After that, should I go back to the
hotel or come back to the operating theater for surgery?"

"I'll make arrangements." Doctor Qu snorted unhappily. The

Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center collaborated with many
hospitals. If they ever needed any relevant medical cases, there
would always be units that were willing to work with them.

"I'll go have my lunch first." Ling Ran got up excitedly.

"Wait a minute." Ling Ran was stopped by a man who sat not too
far away from the table. He had a big teacup in front of him. He
showed a faint smile deserving of contemplation and said, "Don't
you want to ask the exact requirements needed to perform
Liu Weichen's surgery?"
126 Report
Ling Ran was stunned before he replied honestly, "Don't feel like

"Oh? Why?" The big teacup man seemed to be interested in this


"It doesn't really matter to me." Ling Ran looked at Liu

Weichen before he looked at Zhu Tongyi. He said, "It's
Academician Zhu who invited me to become the chief
surgeon for the surgery. If the patient does not want to
perform the surgery, I won't force him. I'm not his doctor-in-
charge, anyway."

An answer like this was totally unexpected for both the big teacup
man and Academician Zhu Tongyi.

Surprise had even shown up on Liu Weichen's face. Since his leg
was injured, there were many doctors who were willing to perform
the surgery for him, but none of the surgeons behaved in such an
indifferent manner.

In an instant, Liu Weichen fell into deep thought again, 'As

compared to the other's opinion on the surgery, his opinion towards
the surgery matters the most, isn't it…?'

Doctor Qu only thought that Ling Ran was just retreating in order
to make an advance. He chuckled, "Are you kidding me? So does
it mean that you just came to the research institute to
perform ten Achilles tendon repair surgeries?"

"I'm okay if I can get more cases." Ling Ran smiled.

"Does it mean that your purpose here is to carry out


"You can understand it that way…"

Doctor Qu snickered. "Do you know that if the news of you
127 Report
operating on Liu Weichen was out, the number of people who
want to hire you to perform their surgeries will instantly fill a
hospital? If you really want to perform the surgery, you
should think about performing a successful surgery for Liu

Ling Ran shook his head and said in the tone of an experienced
person, "It's useless, the number of hospital beds is not

Doctor Qu frowned in puzzlement. "What do you mean by the

hospital beds are not enough?"

"When I'm at Yun Hua Hospital, I can perform three to five

cases of finger replantations per day. But during the
beginning, I can rarely perform five cases per day, because a
patient will only be discharged after approximately forty
days of hospitalization. There are less than seventy hospital
beds in our department. Even if we add beds, there are only
one hundred in total. So, the number of patients I can have is
limited by the hospital beds in the hospital, it's not because I
have insufficient cases." This problem was always on his mind,
and he explained it in detail, which was something rare for him.

Doctor Qu was totally stunned after he heard of what Ling Ran

said, "What do you mean by five cases of finger implantation
per day?"

"In Yun Hua Hospital, Ling Ran can perform ten to twelve
finger replantations on average every day," Zhu Tongyi spoke
in a stable tone.

What the academician said could naturally be backed by proof.

Because of this, Doctor Qu's world view, outlook on life, and values
were challenged. He was also a doctor for microsurgery. The concept
of replanting ten fingers a day was a workload so great that would
probably drive a normal doctor to die by exhaustion in the day itself.
128 Report
Even if the doctor died by exhaustion, he still would not be able to
finish performing ten finger replantations in one go.

When a general microsurgeon was filled with energy, it was typical

for him to replant one finger in two hours. If he performed faster, the
duration of the surgery could be reduced to one and a half hour.
However, the more surgeries a doctor performed, the longer his
working time would be, and his efficiency would decrease. If he were
to operate nonstop, replanting seven fingers in a single shot could
already be considered as a hellish challenge to a microsurgeon.

But for ten fingers…

"Hmm, if that's the case, what's the purpose of you visiting

our research institute?" Doctor Qu licked his lips and asked Ling

"I didn't come here simply to save up on beds," Ling Ran said
modestly, which was rare of him. "I also want to see the
development of the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center
and understand the way you perform the surgeries."

Doctor Qu came up with a sentence in his mind, and he only

managed to not say it after very nearly blurting it out. 'We perform
surgeries just like how normal people do, you know?!'
129 Report

Chapter 217: Anxiety


Liu Weichen did not sleep well that night.

He could see Ling Ran's face even in his dreams, especially how
Ling Ran looked like when he said, "It doesn't really matter to

As the saying went, "Chronic illness makes the patient an

expert." As he was a frequenter of the Orthopedic and Sports
Medicine Center, Liu Weichen was familiar with the doctors' attitude
towards surgeries and patients.

Relatively speaking, a patient would have a closer relationship with

his doctor in-charge in comparison with other doctors. This was
especially true for hotshots like him. He could communicate any of
his medical needs to Doctor Qu, and Doctor Qu would then raise the
request to the center.

There was once when Liu Weichen requested for a ward with the
standards of a presidential suite. In the end, the Orthopedic and
Sports Medicine Center went all out renovating a ward into a
luxurious suite for him. Even though it was not on par with the
presidential suites in the hotels of Las Vegas, it was a large suite with
four bedrooms, a balcony, and a kitchen. It was quite decent.

Even though the presidential ward was still around right now, Liu
Weichen did not care about it anymore.

When he stayed in the presidential ward a few years ago, it was to

recuperate from minor injuries and hide from reporters. For the sake
of exposure, the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center cooperated
fully with Liu Weichen. Doctor Qu even fulfilled many of his requests,
whether they were reasonable or not.
130 Report
However, a ruptured Achilles tendon would not heal on its own if
he just stayed in a presidential ward. No matter how amazing the
Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center was, they were not able to
hire renowned doctors from overseas for his surgery. They were not
even able to hire renowned local surgeons. Even though Doctor Qu
was still good at consoling and humoring him, said all the right
words, and was passionate, patient and meticulous; Liu Weichen was
getting more and more impatient.

Liu Weichen wanted his injury to be treated as soon as possible.

This was his only request. As long as it was fulfilled, he no longer

cared about how the ward looked like or how the medical staff's
attitude was.

If he wanted to be somewhere beautiful, he could just go to the

Maldives or Tahiti. And if he wanted to be treated nicely, his fans
would be more than happy to indulge him. Aside from that, the
media and sponsors would also treat him nicely to get him to work
with them.

But what he really wanted was a doctor who could not only treat
his injury but also make sure that he was able to compete for another
two years without becoming handicapped. Yet in the end, none had
shown up.

Even in his dreams, Liu Weichen kept recalling Ling Ran's words.

"Because it doesn't really matter to me!"

"But it matters to me!" Liu Weichen woke up with a start. He sat

for a while, and when he was about to go back to sleep, he realized
that his pillow was soaked with sweat.

Right then, Liu Weichen could no longer asleep.

He shifted his leg with his hands and tried his best to shift to his
131 Report
Back when he was healthy, he would not need to use much energy
to do this. But today, it broke him out in sweat.

Liu Weichen drew the curtains back. As he gazed at the rosy clouds
of dawn, he felt as though his entire being was being sucked into it.

He had already been injured for more than a week. Liu Weichen
was already privy to the fact that when it came to Achilles tendon
repairs, only ruptures that happened within two weeks were still
known as fresh Achilles tendon ruptures. Compared to chronic
Achilles tendon ruptures, the success rate of the repair of fresh
Achilles tendon ruptures was higher. It was also more effective, and it
also had a shorter recovery time.

Even though there was no substantial difference when it came to

the results of Achilles tendon repairs performed on tendons that were
ruptured within the two-week frame, Liu Weichen did not want to
wait until the last day. Besides, there was no definite last day for
things like this.

It was definitely better to treat the injury slightly earlier rather than
wait until it was too late when there were no choices left at all.

When he was done gazing at the rosy clouds of dawn, Liu Weichen
picked up his mobile phone and was about to call someone before he
changed his mind and sent a text message instead. [Is there any
news from Mayo?]

Mayo Clinic was the top in the world when it came to the field of
orthopedics, and was very welcoming to patients from all over the
world. No matter how much Liu Weichen trusted Zhu Tongyi and his
research center, it was impossible for him to sit there and wait

In the past week, Liu Weichen had been trying his best to contact
specialists and hospitals all over the world through his connections.
132 Report
However, no one was able to come up with his ideal rehabilitation

Zhu Tongyi, being the one who understood him the most, came up
with a plan. But no one was capable of executing that plan.

There was a bitter smile at the corners of Liu Weichen's lips.

Would he need to go with the palliative plan in the end?

The palliative plan meant that he had to recuperate for one year in
exchange for an Achilles tendon that might be able to provide him
with great athletic abilities for three months or maybe half a year
before he had to leave everything to God.

Or he could just recuperate for half a year and possess an Achilles

tendon that would allow him to possess great athletic abilities for
three months or less, and after that, he had to announce his
retirement right on time…

Liu Weichen wanted neither.

He wanted to compete for two more years, or at least for one more
year before he even had to consider retirement.

His mind wandered for an indefinite amount of time until a

notification rang from his mobile phone. Liu Weichen immediately
retrieved his mobile phone. There was a reply to his text message.

Liu Weichen tightened his grip on his mobile phone. He then sent a
WeChat message to his assistant. [Wake up, we're heading to the
research center.]


Doctor Qu had an even more restless night. His mood did not
become better even after he woke up early to go to his workplace.
133 Report
The food provided by the center's cafeteria was lackluster. Only
the yogurt and milk could stimulate Doctor Qu's appetite. He asked
for a bowl of porridge while he was at it and carried his tray to his

"Have you heard about it?" Before Doctor Qu could even put a
spoonful of porridge into his mouth, a resident doctor sat down
across him with the kind of expression one put on when they
possessed secret information.

Doctor Qu slowly tore off the yogurt's plastic packaging and took a

sip before asking, "Heard about what?"

"Ling Ran operated on six patients."

Doctor Qu furrowed his eyebrows so tightly that they looked like

they were sewn together using a thread. "Achilles tendon

"Yes, he was at it all night without stopping at all."

Before the resident doctor could continue, Doctor Qu pushed his

tray aside. He then rose and left.

When he was about to arrive at the Operating Area, Doctor Qu

suddenly had a change of mind, and his train of thought immediately
became clear. He instantly turned and went into the demonstration

As expected, there were quite a few people in the room who were
watching the live stream of a surgery Ling Ran was carrying out.

Four of the operating theaters in the Orthopedic and Sports

Medicine center could be connected to the demonstration room. The
doctors loved and hated those operating theaters' existence at the
same time.

You could often gauge a doctor's surgical skills just by looking at
134 Report
his degree of love and hatred towards those operating theaters.

Even though ordinary doctors did not care about which operating
theater they were in, there were some doctors who cared very much
about whether there were cameras in the operating theaters they
were in. Of course, most of the doctors in the research center
secretly favored the existence of the demonstration room.

Those doctors who liked to brag in the operating theater and fool
around with young doctors and nurses wished that all the surgeries
they carried out could be recorded and viewed by others.

When Doctor Qu heard that even resident doctors had begun

paying attention to Ling Ran, he could guess that the surgeries Ling
Ran carried out were streamed in the demonstration room.

When he entered the room, as expected, all the screens on the

wall were lit.

The surgery was being filmed with a panoramic camera, and Ling
Ran's face itself took up one screen. His nose bridge was tall and
straight, while his gaze was firm and deep. His skin was in such a
good condition that one could write an entire thesis about it.

He had also changed into another cap. There were two small
yellow bunnies with droopy ears on it which swayed along with Ling
Ran's movements.

Another screen showed the surgical field. Ling Ran had already
started suturing the patient. He combed the Achilles tendon, which
looked like a horse's tail, while making neat stitches on it. The
stitches were even and closely woven…

With his quick thinking, Doctor Qu asked, "Has he been at it

since yesterday?"

"I heard that he slept for four hours in between and woke
up to continue at three or four o'clock in the morning." A
135 Report
resident doctor flashed a slight smile when he saw Doctor Qu, and he
said, "I asked about it, and heard that Ling Ran had always
been like this even when he was in Yun Hua Hospital.
Apparently, it was very normal for him to operate on patients
at three in the morning."

"Wouldn't the nurses on duty get extremely annoyed?" The

moment Doctor Qu said that, he knew that he was being silly. If the
nurses on duty were annoyed at him, they would not have given him
the cap with two bunnies on it.

Doctor Qu intentionally turned and looked for the resident doctor,

who looked like he weighed around 220 pounds.

He then saw a ball of flesh holding a bottle of mineral water and

taking large mouthfuls of water from it in the corner.

"Do you know what time Ling Ran plans to stop?" Doctor Qu
looked around.

The resident doctors in the demonstration room glanced at one

another. One of them said, "Ling Ran put all the remaining
patients on queue. He will probably operate on all of them."

"How many more patients are there?" Doctor Qu asked.


"Doesn't that mean that he would have operated on all ten

patients?" Doctor Qu had goosebumps all over his skin, not because
he was surprised or worried, but because he felt good.

Just like how warriors felt when they heard about a fierce battle, or
how athletes felt after they watched an exciting and intense

The resident doctors nodded in unison.
136 Report
"The assistant he brought with him was so tired that he
couldn't move anymore."

"He started looking for people who were capable of acting

as his assistants yesterday."

"Lin Zi acted as his assistant for one of the surgeries and

spent more than one hour with Ling Ran on it. Ling Ran
himself only watched Lin Zi do the final sutures for ten
minutes before going straight into another operating

Doctor Qu did not know what to say when he heard all of that.

It was especially so when he saw that the resident doctors were

busy grumbling, being baffled, fooling around, mocking what they
saw, being pleased with what they saw, and being fearful at the
same time. It made Doctor Qu feel conflicted.

He actually really felt like instigating the resident doctors to go on

strike. He even had the reason to go on strike ready: Ling Ran was
not from the research center and had no rights to utilize the research
center's resident doctors, and that he should at least follow the
procedures of the research center or something.

But he knew that such words would only earn unneeded ire.

Even though resident doctors always sounded very tired when they
talked about surgeries, if there were really an opportunity to carry
out a surgery before their eyes, all of them would jump at it.

There were many tiring things in the hospital, and surgery was only
one of them.

Many resident doctors were willing to become their senior doctors'

punching bags without any complaints in exchange for a chance to
carry out surgeries.
137 Report
Apart from becoming punching bags, some resident doctors even
had to volunteer themselves as punching bags just for some time to
shine. Doctor Qu was once a young man as well, and knew that
young people had to go through a lot of hardships to gain knowledge.

From this perspective, Ling Ran was already considered quite a

good senior doctor. He was a man of few words and did not like to
boast or scold resident doctors. He even took the initiative to provide
resident doctors with the opportunities to carry out tasks...

You could say that aside from it being a little tiring, there were
almost no cons to being Ling Ran's assistant.

Most importantly, Ling Ran was truly skilled. And his skills were as
attractive to resident doctors as his face were to the nurses.

"Doctor Qu…" Another resident doctor pushed the door open and
entered the demonstration room.

"What is it now?" Doctor Qu raised his voice, feeling vexed.

Doctor Qu did not usually have much work, and his work only piled
up because other people pushed their work onto him.

"Liu Weichen is here." The resident doctor did not bother to

elaborate either. He answered and then turned to leave.

"Is he in my office?" Doctor Qu asked.

"He went to the academician's office."

Doctor Qu felt a chill run down his spine. This was not normal.

He no longer had time to watch Ling Ran's live stream. He quickly

left the room and went to look for Liu Weichen.
138 Report

Chapter 218: The Leader Would Not Mind


"10-0 thread."



"7-0 thread."

"Rinse it."

Ling Ran stood in the operating theater with his kidney secreting
epinephrine madly. He did not hold back in his movements, and he
performed the surgeries to his heart's content.

At the time, if a rather skilled linguist who wanted to find a suitable

word to describe Ling Ran, most likely, that word would be

Naturally, in the eyes of others, Ling Ran still performed at a stable

speed, his movements were orderly, and his operation was
performed in great detail…

Only similar surgery maniacs could understand how Ling Ran felt at
the moment. 'Happy! Extremely happy! It's like feeling the cool
breeze in autumn!'

Ling Ran felt good, too.

What was the difference between performing surgeries in other

hospitals and his own hospital?

From Ling Ran's perspective, performing the surgery in his own

hospital was like making a meal at his home. You needed to buy
139 Report
vegetables and make your own meal. Then, you needed to do your
chores like dishwashing, throwing away the trash, and room cleaning
after the meal.

Performing surgeries in other hospitals made him feel like he was

invited to have his meal in a restaurant. He just needed to order his
meal and talk while he waited for the dish to be served. After the
meal, he could just wipe his mouth and leave happily. Perhaps his
host would even give him a red packet.

Most importantly, he could eat freely in the restaurant without

holding himself back!

If he had his meal at home, he would probably just eat until his
stomach was 70% or 80% full. Sometimes, he would even leave
behind some leftovers. Naturally, when he prepared a meal, he would
definitely cook at a relaxed pace. Even when he felt very hungry, he
would just finish all the dishes available, no matter how delicious
they were. He would not add any extra food to his plate.

However, it was different when he ate in a restaurant. It was

normal to add extra dishes, and he could add them without holding
back. He did not have to worry about insufficient hospital beds, too
much pressure on the Nursing Department, insufficient rehabilitation
rooms, insufficient reserved observation rooms, or any major
accidents happening in the area…

When Ling Ran stood in the operating theater in other hospitals,

used the surgical instruments in other hospitals, performed surgeries
for patients from other hospitals, sent them to the hospital beds in
other hospitals, and finally let the nurses in other hospitals take over
the nursing, the happiness without caring about anything was even
more exciting than the excursions carried out by Emperor Zhengde.

One surgery meant he operated on one more patient.

Five surgeries was his baseline.
140 Report
Six surgeries was considered as profiting slightly more than the

Ten surgeries was a total profit for him!

When he just arrived in Shanghai, Ling Ran felt that he would not
lose anything if he managed to perform five surgeries.

Therefore, when he finished five surgeries last night, Ling Ran just
went back to sleep.

Once he woke up, he stood at the operating theater of Shanghai at

five in the morning, feeling energized. Every second he spent to
recover could now be earned back with surgeries.

Before he came, Ling Ran could only perform one to two surgeries
in Yun Hua Hospital every day. Five surgeries was considered the
total number of surgeries for at least three days. But during his stay
in Shanghai, Yun Hua Hospital could even free six to seven beds.

According to Ling Ran's hypothesis, if he stayed at Orthopedic and

Sports Medicine Center for a week and performed five surgeries, he
could still perform another six to seven surgeries when he went back
to Yun Hua Hospital. This was equivalent to twelve surgeries in a
week. He did not have to calculate the time needed for the surgery
and even the limited resources which could not even be considered
as resources.

It was just like how workers were not paid during their free time. A
surgery maniac was always happy if he could perform surgeries for
longer stretches of time.

What kept Ling Ran constantly happy was the number of hospital

Hospital beds could not be added without end. Huo Congjun had
used up all his authority in the Emergency Department to add
hospital beds. Even if they wanted to add more, they could only have
141 Report
one hundred hospital beds in the department at the very most.
Hundreds of wards were not allowed by both the hospital and even
the Health Department.

The number of hospital beds was highly associated with the grade
of the hospital. It was also a big challenge for the hospital
management and the other departments in the hospital.

It was already very difficult for a regional top tertiary grade A

hospital like Yun Hua Hospital to increase their number of beds once
their beds reached three thousand. There were only a few hospitals
which were equipped with five thousand hospital beds in the country.
First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, which was the
biggest hospital in the world, contained a total of ten thousand
hospital beds. There was a total of ninety-five departments in the
hospital to correspond to the number of hospital beds. On average,
there were around one hundred hospital beds in each department.

The number of hospital beds in the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine

Center was only up to one hundred and eighty. Even though Zhu
Tongyi held the position of an academician, he could not increase the
number as he pleased.

This was because, in the assessment index given to the hospitals

by the country, the number of medical staff including the average
number of doctors and the average number of nurses was used to
balance the number of hospital beds by way of dividing the number
of beds by the number of medical staff. For instance, in the
assessment of tertiary grade A hospitals, the average number of
medical staff per hospital bed was 1.03. Hospitals whose average
number of medical staff per hospital bed was lower than 1.03 but
higher than 0.88 were considered secondary, and they even had to
reduce the number to 0.4 nurses per hospital bed on average…

Therefore, under the circumstances of not including the additional

beds in the calculation, increasing the hospital beds meant that they
had to increase the number of medical staff. The increase in staff was
142 Report
very difficult on each public sector.

The Emergency Department of Yun Hua Hospital already tried their

best to accelerate the hospital beds' turnover rate. At one point in
time, the department even added fifty additional beds. However,
adding beds was akin to utilizing a credit card. You could repeatedly
use it, but when the bills came, you would still need to pay back.

When Ling Ran was in the operating theater of the Orthopedic and
Sports Medicine Center, he was not worried about this at all.

He did not even bother speaking. He just rolled up his sleeves and
worked as hard as he could.

Before this group of people realized what was going on, he must
work as much as possible.

Most of the doctors, including Doctor Qu, could not understand

Ling Ran's mindset. They only saw Ling Ran working very hard. When
they saw him sweating profusely, the doctors felt as if they were in
his shoes, and they felt terrified for him. Liu Weichen, who came back
to the demonstration room, even sighed with a myriad of emotions in
him. "He's forcing himself to the limits."

Yet, Zhu Tongyi and Ji Tianlu looked at each other. They saw slight
envy, slight admiration, and slight amusement from each other's

When they were still young, they used to be surgery maniacs as


The experts of the medical field in China always went through a

state of being maniacs for surgeries before they became experts.

The expenses spent by the hospitals and medical research were

much higher compared to the industrial sectors, and the requirement
for the accumulation of experience in doctors using their skills was
even greater. If a poor nation that suddenly became rich could not
143 Report
afford to conduct researches in the medical field, then it was even
more so for China during the time Zhu Tongyi and Ji Tianlu were
young. At that time, China was very poor.

During that time, the only way for doctors to improve their medical
skills was to practice more. That was the state of the medical world in

'We did not have so many surgical techniques. We only

relied on being exposed to new knowledge. We used three to
twenty years to learn all the diseases foreign doctors could
only see once every ten, twenty, thirty, or forty years, and
we kept practicing, whether it was once, twice, five times, or
ten times…'

The surgeries that resident doctors fought for were nothing to

attending physicians and associate chief physicians at all. However,
they still needed to fight for the surgeries which were targeted by the
chief physicians and associate chief physicians.

"It feels so comfortable even just by watching him…" Ji

Tianlu looked at the way Ling Ran performed the surgery, and he
gave a spontaneous compliment.

Zhu Tongyi also nodded slightly.

He also watched how Ling Ran operated.

Although Ling Ran felt great, so much so that he felt as if he was

running in the meadows to chase after the wind while the grass
swayed around him, and he felt like an unrestrained horse charging
down hundreds of miles, he was still careful, because the surgery he
performed was still a microsurgery.

Microsurgeries always needed their surgeons to be extra careful in

every detail.
144 Report
Even the slightest increase in calcification at a certain part of the
body must be reduced bit by bit.

It was even more so for sutures. Smooth, flat, yet strong sutures
was a must.

What Zhu Tongyi cared the most was Ling Ran's control over the
operation. The surgeon needed in his surgical plan was basically an
expert in microsurgery. Otherwise, there was just no way they could
produce results that would far exceed the results of normal surgeries.

"Is this the sixth surgery done by Ling Ran?" asked Zhu

"Yes, the sixth surgery," answered a resident doctor.

Zhu Tongyi touched his forehead and said, "It's the sixth
surgery, and he can still maintain his performance. He's
really good."

He was the one who invited Ling Ran over, and it was a need for
him to boast for a while.

Meanwhile, Doctor Qu was too reluctant to let go of Liu Weichen.

He stared at the screen and remembered what he once heard. He
then said, "It looks like Ling Ran performed five cases
yesterday, and he started the sixth case after he woke up."

"Hmm, let's see how it goes," Zhu Tongyi answered while he

smiled at Liu Weichen. With it, he considered that he had shown his
stance in the matter clearly.

To be honest, what Ling Ran said yesterday had also reminded Zhu
Tongyi of something.

He was just a doctor. Although he was an academician, he was still

just a doctor. He could design a surgical plan for Liu Weichen and
find the best doctor in the country, or even from all around the world.
145 Report
But eventually, it was Liu Weichen who needed to make the decision
on whether he wanted to receive the surgery and what sort of
surgical plan he wanted to use.

Zhu Tongyi could not do it for Liu Weichen, and he would never
care about Liu Weichen's injury more than himself.

At that moment, Ling Ran was the surgeon who performed the
best. However, if Liu Weichen was not willing to choose Ling Ran but
insisted on choosing other surgeons, Zhu Tongyi would not stop him.

He had provided enough information to Liu Weichen. , it should be

up to this star athlete who was no longer a child to make the decision

In the operating theater.

Ling Ran smiled.

Every time he performed a surgery, it would make him happier.

When he finished the sixth surgery and took off the mask, a satisfied
expression could be seen on his face.

"Doctor Ling, you performed the surgery well." Nurse Xiao

Yun, who wore the surgery cap with pictures of the gray mini lop,
clapped her hands to praise Ling Ran on time.

The resident doctors and anesthetist also clapped their hands

simultaneously. The resident doctors clapped so that they could
continue getting chances to perform surgeries, while the anesthetist
clapped because he was so exhausted that he just followed what
other people did.

"Thank you." Ling Ran bowed slightly to express his gratitude to

the surgery group. He then said, "Let's hurry up with the clean-
up. Um... someone, please go out and give them a reminder
that the next patient should already be here. We have to
perform the MRI scan and checkup, and also do the
146 Report
anesthetic plan. If it's possible, please perform general

The surgical nurses and anesthetist answered him together.

"Do you know how to give medical advice?" Ling Ran asked a
resident doctor.

"Urk… yes, I know, a bit." The resident doctor was so nervous

that the shape of his mouth changed slightly. Ling Ran did not care
whether there were any cameras around, but that mattered a lot to
the resident doctor, especially when he thought that his colleagues
and superiors might be behind the camera, as well as the pretty
nurses and female doctors. This made him so nervous that he did not
know what to say.

When Ling Ran saw this, he habitually said, "We have to provide
secondary nursing care for the first three days. Lift up the
patient's leg before you check the medication the patient
used before the surgery. Do a cold compress and perform
detumescence, and do a full set of biochemical tests
tomorrow. Be careful of blood clotting and his immune
response. Get his electrocardiogram, chest scans… hmm, do
one MRI scan as well and see how the results are."

"Alright, I got it." The resident doctor regretted the fact that he
did not admit that he knew how to do the medical advice just now,
and now, he had lost an opportunity to show his capability.

" surgery. How long do we have to wait?" Ling Ran rubbed his
hands, and he became excited again.

He just performed a surgery after he woke up. He was currently in

his best condition.

Ji Tianlu and Zhu Tongyi discussed Ling Ran's surgery in whispers

in the demonstration room.
147 Report
The development of microsurgeries was incredibly quick in the
country. There were many kinds of microsurgeries, and all of them
placed a great emphasis on techniques and skills. Ji Tianlu was
considered a part of the main force at the prime of his life in this
field, while Zhu Tongyi was a highly experienced, old doctor. They
both had different advantages, and they had unlimited topics to
discuss when it came to Ling Ran's surgery.

After all, Ji Tianlu's mind was already filled with all sorts of thoughts
when he watched Ling Ran's skills as he sutured.

All of a sudden, Liu Weichen made his decision. He pushed his

wheelchair over and pressed the call button. He then asked seriously,
"Doctor Ling, I am Liu Weichen. Could you please be the chief
surgeon of my surgery?"

Ling Ran stopped for a while on the display screen. His face was
full of hesitation and pity, and it made Liu Weichen feel uneasy.

Liu Weichen's manager did not manage to stop him in time. He

became anxious. "Weichen, why are you in such a hurry? If you
do it this way, the news will leak. At that time, how are the
leaders in the team and the bureau supposed to explain

Liu Weichen turned around and cast him a glance. He answered

calmly, "The leaders won't mind."
148 Report

Chapter 219: See You Later


[Weichen decided to receive surgery. I'm rooting for you.

(ง•̀_•́)ง(*•̀ㅂ•́)" ]

[Please make sure that Weichen recovers.


[Even though the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center is

indeed one of the top institutions in our country when it
comes to the orthopedics field, it is still lackluster compared
to the hospitals overseas. I don't understand why Liu
Weichen chose to be operated here. I hope that he was not
threatened or something. In my humble opinion, your health
is important, and you shouldn't sacrifice it for the sake of
someone else's reputation.]

After Liu Weichen made his decision, this long-awaited topic

immediately started trending on various social media platforms.

As per his manager's greatest fears, the research center was

flooded with people. Even though the Orthopedic and Sports
Medicine Center had relatively strict regulations and did not allow
their medical staff to reveal information regarding their patients, they
could not stop some of them from boasting in front of their friends
and family members. Those friends and family members would then
boast in front of their respective friends and family members.

Apart from that, it was also possible that the paparazzi had either
lied in wait or had found informants beforehand.

The media also had Liu Weichen's sponsors adding fuel to the fire.
149 Report
Ever since Liu Weichen got injured, his media exposure
plummeted. All his sponsors had spent a large sum of money on him
and wanted to take the opportunity to get some exposure as they
might suffer huge losses if Liu Weichen's surgery were to fail.

Because of this, his manager was like an ant in a hot pan.

He said, grumbling, "Why were you in such a hurry to release

the news? You should have told us, and we could have
discussed a strategy before releasing it. Wouldn't a press
conference be better than you releasing the news
anonymously like this?"

After a while, the manager consoled Liu Weichen and himself, "It's
okay, worst comes to worst, we'll just give a few interviews,
and we'll still be able to use the situation to our advantage."

Liu Weichen did not pay any attention to his manager. Why would
he care whether they could use the situation to their advantage right
now? Giving interviews was totally out of the question for him, as

He only confirmed with Doctor Qu again and again, "Is Doctor

Ling ready? When can we start with the surgery?"

"There's no problem on the research center's side," Doctor

Qu said hesitantly, "It's just that we might still need to
coordinate a few things with the Sports Bureau."

"Sigh… that's why I said that this was all decided too
hastily," the manager heaved a long sigh and said, "We should
have informed the leaders of the Sports Bureau first."

Liu Weichen asked, "Don't they know that I'm being treated in
Academician Zhu Tongyi's center?"

"They do know that, but you still need to report whatever is

going on," the manager said in a grave tone, "Things have
150 Report
changed. Now that your leg is injured, you have to speak and
act even more cautiously when doing things. You need to
think in the shoes of the Sports Bureau. You're the pillar of
the track and field team, which means that you are the
transverse beam of a big house. If the transverse beam
wants to undergo surgery, it's only natural that he needs to
inform the people under the roof before undergoing the

Liu Weichen snorted a few times and thought, 'Indeed, I was the
one who supported the roof and shielded them from wind and rain, to
the point that I got injured.'

He would not say this out loud. In truth, ever since he got injured,
Liu Weichen had gotten a lot mellower. He did not intend to argue at
all. He turned and said to Doctor Qu, "Receiving a surgery is my
personal choice, and I don't need other people's permission
for that. Doctor Qu, when can Doctor Ling come over?"

Doctor Qu pursed his lips and said, "Ling Ran is still in the
operating theater right now. I informed him twice already."

"Huh?" Liu Weichen's stomach was immediately in knots. "Are

there any unforeseen changes?"

"What unforeseen changes could possibly happen? He's

just…" Even though Doctor Qu wanted to say that Ling Ran was just
being pretentious, after thinking about it, he did not continue,
because that would sound too much like office politics. He changed
the topic and said, "Academician Zhu is arriving soon. No
matter how late Ling Ran is, it's impossible for him to arrive
later than Academician Zhu."

Liu Weichen nodded repeatedly.

After more than an hour, Academician Zhu Tongyi showed up in

the ward.
151 Report
However, Liu Weichen realized in disappointment that Ling Ran
was not there yet. He could not help but look at Doctor Qu, who was
beside him.

"Doctor Ling is still in the middle of a surgery," Academician

Zhu Tongyi said, as if he could guess what Liu Weichen was thinking,
"There are quite a lot of patients arranged for surgery today.
Doctor Ling knows about your situation, and he's also quite
confident in treating you. This is why he planned to finish off
all the arranged surgeries in one go before earnestly
operating on you."

This explanation was considered reasonable. Liu Weichen nodded

slightly. "After waiting for so many days, I don't mind waiting
for a bit more."

Zhu Tongyi said with a smile, "Since you have decided to

receive surgery, we'll have to carry out the preoperative
preparation step by step. For example, you have to fast a day
before surgery. This is to prevent the food from your
esophagus from flowing out and obstructing your airways,
leading to danger…"

The fact that the academician personally explained the

preoperative preparation to him made Liu Weichen a little calmer. He
then asked, "With Doctor Ling as my surgeon, what's the
success rate of the operation?"

This was a commonplace question among patients. Academician

Zhu Tongyi first flashed a kindly smile before sitting on the hospital
bed and patting Liu Weichen's thigh. He said with a smile,
"Weichen, at this point in time, I only have one question for
you. Do you want to compete again? Or are you willing to

Before Liu Weichen could reply, Zhu Tongyi continued, "If you're
willing to retire, we'll use a conservative plan. We can
152 Report
guarantee that the risk of your Achilles tendon rupturing
again will be below 30%, regardless of whether Ling Ran or
someone else operates on you. After the critical stage, you'll
basically be able to function like a normal person. But if you
want to continue competing in the track and field team, the
conservative plan won't be useful. Due to the great force
exerted on the Achilles tendon during training and
competitions, the risk of it rupturing again is very high…"

"I understand." Liu Weichen shook his head and flashed a self-
deprecating smile. "I was just trying to put my heart at ease."

Academician Zhu Tong patted Liu Weichen's thigh and said, "Ling
Ran will come over after he's done with this surgery. His
condition is perfect right now, just like how you athletes are
after you finish warming up. He must finish a surgery before
he can settle down and look at a new case."

"Doctor Ling is a person with quite the single-minded

focus," Liu Weichen commented. He was suddenly rather fond of
Ling Ran's personality. If he could give his all when operating on
ordinary patients, he would definitely not take it easy when it came
to Liu Weichen's treatment.

Doctor Qu felt rather uneasy when he heard that and said,

"Doctor Ling…"

"Liu Weichen!"

"Weichen, get well soon!"

"Liu Weichen, we're rooting for you!"

Fanchants could suddenly be heard from outside the window.

Liu Weichen's manager was the most sensitive towards this. He

quickly rose, lifted one corner of the curtain, and gingerly looked
153 Report

Almost one hundred people had gathered opposite the sign of the
Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center. All of them held up placards
and banners, and some even had bouquets of flowers and flower
baskets with them. They stood on the lawn and shouted in unison.

Liu Weichen also went to the window by hopping on one foot. He

lifted another corner of the curtain and looked down sneakily.

"Weichen, we're rooting for you!"

"Please recuperate well and then take the field again!"

"We love you forever!"

Liu Weichen suddenly felt his eyes water as he looked at the

banners hung by his fans. His grip on the curtain tightened as if he
was about to pull the whole curtain off its hooks.

"Weichen, don't get too emotional. Come and sit down." The
manager was also a little touched. He quickly supported Liu Weichen
and asked for a wheelchair.

Liu Weichen sat on the wheelchair and let out a soft sigh. He then
flashed an awkward smile at Zhu Tongyi and the others. "I made a
fool of myself, sorry."

Zhu Tongyi smiled and said nothing. No words would be

appropriate for these kinds of moments.

Knock, knock.

There were a few knocks on the door. The door was then pushed

Ling Ran strode inside with his long legs. He was in scrubs, and he
still wore the cap with the two small bunnies attached to it. He went
154 Report
into the room just like that.

When Liu Weichen saw the bunnies on top of Ling Ran's head, he
snickered for some reason.

"You are in quite a good mood." Ling Ran made a preoperative

assessment before he nodded at Zhu Tongyi and Doctor Qu. He then
sat in front of Liu Weichen, "Before this, you said that you
wanted me to be the chief surgeon of your operation, right?"

"Yes." Liu Weichen took a deep breath. His expression became a

little more solemn.

"Using Academician Zhu Tongyi's plan?"


"You know the risks involved in this plan, right?" As Ling Ran
spoke, he looked towards Doctor Qu.

Doctor Qu said with an unnatural expression, "I already told him

all about it."

"Alright, then. Let me give you a physical examination."

Ling Ran asked Liu Weichen to lie back down on the hospital bed
before closing the light blue curtains around the bed. He then started
kneading Liu Weichen's body.

Academician Zhu Tongyi and the others took the initiative to get
out of the way and moved their seats further. They listened as Ling
Ran asked Liu Weichen some common questions.

Soon, Ling Ran's questions became more specific.

"Have you taken your lunch?"

"Not yet."

"Did you drink water? And when was that?"
155 Report
"Before… noon."

"How about breakfast? What time did you take your

breakfast, and what did you eat?"

"I only took some oatmeal."

"That's alright… Get prepared, we're heading to the

operating theater." Ling Ran raised his head to look at the time.
He then turned around and drew the light blue curtains back.

Academician Zhu Tongyi, Doctor Qu, and Liu Weichen's manager

rose in unison. The manager asked, astonished, "Is the surgery
happening now?"

Ling Ran looked at him in confusion, "What else were you


"About this… The bureau's leaders are not here yet… And
there're so many fans outside, he should meet them first,
right…? Weichen's family members just left to fetch some
clean clothes and toiletries for him…" The manager came out
with plenty of excuses in one breath.

Ling Ran rarely dealt with his patients' family. He had even less
contact with people like managers. When he heard the manager's
words, he furrowed his eyebrows.

Academician Zhu Tongyi coughed a few times and said, "Ling

Ran, if you have something on your mind, just say it."

As the others looked at him, Ling Ran contemplated for a while

before saying, "I'm in a good condition right now."

He was indeed in good condition. He just carried out multiple

Achilles tendon repair surgeries in a go, and his hands were hot right
then [1]. When operating on the previous patient, Ling Ran even
consumed a bottle of Energy Serum because he knew that it was
156 Report
impossible for him to last until the tenth patient.

Right now, Ling Ran was basically at his personal peak. He felt that
it was just the right time to carry out the complicated and difficult
surgical plan that Academician Zhu Tongyi designed.

"I'll get operated now." Liu Weichen did not want any further
delays, either. What was the point in waiting for the bureau's leaders,
meeting his fans, or having his family members around to worry
about him? His heart was flooded with emotions right now, and he
wanted this whole ordeal to end right now no matter what.

Ling Ran waved his hand. "Push the patient into the operating

Two patient care assistants were already waiting beside the door.
After Academician Zhu nodded in approval, they pushed Liu Weichen
away together with his hospital bed.

Liu Weichen's manager immediately panicked. "How can we do

this, how can we do this…? What do I tell the people from the
bureau when they arrive?"

"I'll send him back in two hours. It'll be fine, see you later."
Ling Ran emulated the other doctors in consoling the 'patient's

The manager became even more panicked.

At the same time, a prompt from the system appeared.

[Mission: Rise into Prominence]

[Mission Details: Recover the patient, Liu Weichen's

Achilles tendon's function to the utmost]

[Reward: One Basic Treasure Chest for every 5% of Achilles

tendon functionality recovered]
157 Report

Chapter 220: Everything Is Under Control


There was a sea of people in the demonstration room of the

Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center, and it was overcrowded.

More than thirty permanent doctors in the center, more than ten
doctors receiving in-service training, more than ten interns, and a
considerable number of nurses as well as office clerks not only filled
the seats, but blocked the aisles until the back of the room. There
were even some people who stood on the tables later on.

Everyone was really curious.

They were not curious about the surgery itself, but curious about
the patient who was about to undergo the surgery.

Liu Weichen was considered the biggest star athlete the

Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center had received ever since its
establishment. Of course, Academician Zhu Tongyi was involved in
the operations of patients with even greater fame when he was
younger, but after he became an academician, there were instead
fewer opportunities for him to operate on important people.

That was especially the case for domestic star athletes. Since the
millennium, more and more people had gone to medical institutions
overseas to receive treatment. It was fair to say that the wave of
globalization affected hospitals and associated medical communities

Basic medical care, which was not profitable, was taken over by
imported drugs. However, in the most profitable medical service
industries, competition came from everywhere like Japan, the United
States, South Korea, and even Hong Kong. The competition was
between world-renowned specialists and well-known doctors in
158 Report
China; the head of [New England Journal of Medicine] against the
head of journals in China; the names on the textbooks of Johns
Hopkins University against the editors of the textbooks from the
Chinese Ministry of Education; and the Great Devil that was Mayo
Clinic School of Medicine looking down at the little magic fairy that
was Beijing Jishuitan Hospital...

The market in sports medicine was particularly competitive.

Top athletes were far and few to begin with, plus they had a
plethora of choices available in terms of medical treatment. When
they were injured, only the few elite of the elite among the medical
institutions and doctors could fight for a spot to treat the athletes.

Liu Weichen would not have received his treatment after so long if
his injury had not been so serious, and his requirements had not
been so high.

In fact, Achilles tendon ruptures in the world of sports were known

as an athlete's career terminator. It was an athlete's "Achilles'

It was not terrible for ordinary people to suffer from Achilles tendon
ruptures. One could get a slightly better postoperative result if he
either chose to receive a minimally invasive procedure or an open
surgery. If a person wore high-heels a few months after surgery, that
person would just need to pay attention to her actions and activities
before complete recovery. At most, she could no longer participate in
badminton, basketball, and other sports that required more running
or jumping.

However, if athletes could not run and jump, if they could not
perform an emergency stop, and if they could not do a quick jump,
how could they compete?

Actually, in terms of restorative treatment, the development of

modern sports medicine was enough to deal with Achilles tendon
159 Report
ruptures. The more famous Achilles tendon rupture patients such as
Kobe, Beckham, and Serena Williams could not only run and jump
after surgery, but they also had no signs of chronic Achilles tendon

However, most athletes could not return to their previous level

once they suffered from Achilles tendon ruptures. People such as
Kobe, Beckham, Billups, Baby-faced Assassin Thomas, and others
basically announced their retirement a few years after they suffered
from an Achilles tendon rupture.

Although Kobe, Beckham, and the others still played at a

professional athletes at the time of their retirement and still
possessed skills that surpassed most of people in the world, in the
end, the super-high requirements of competitive sports did not allow
even the slightest bit of skill regression in its participants. Therefore,
extremely high demands were placed on sports medicine, and
athletes demanded near-miraculous feats.

However, there were indeed athletes who had achieved miraculous

recovery. For example, after Williams' Achilles tendon rupture in
2010, she continued to rule in women's tennis. Earlier, NBA star
Wilkins once again gave an outstanding performance on the court
nine months after he received Achilles tendon repair.

Such miracles gave birth to hope.

What Liu Weichen wanted was the same hope.

He already ranked first in the world of track and field in China. If he

continued to fight, while he might not win an Olympic medal, it was
still possible for him to make a comeback in the IAAF Golden League.

That was also his minimum requirement. If one could not meet
such a requirement, what point was there to continue running with
the risk of chronic Achilles tendon rupture?
160 Report
Even the advertisers and fans expected a certain level of
performance from the athletes.

Liu Weichen knew this well. Everyone may have been shouting
"being healthy is the most important thing" to him, but if he
could not reach the crowd's minimum expectation after his recovery,
his popularity would decline instantly. Once that happened two or
three times continuously, it would turn into what Cao Gui said,
"When the drums first beat, the spirit is excited. A second
advance occasions a diminution of the spirit, and with a third,
it is exhausted." It would not take long for him to be replaced by
other star athletes who had more exposure, were more attractive,
and produced better results.

If he could not be among the top three in the world, he should at

least rank first in China.

All of China's star athletes believed in a similar logic, and they had
the same requirements placed on their shoulders.


Liu Weichen changed his clothes and lay on the operating bed. He
had a hoop on his arm. His whole body was cold, and there was a
gloomy expression on his face.

His gaze was fixed on the floor of the operating room. It was blue
as per what he saw on the screen.

Meanwhile, two nurses were chatting and laughing. They talked

about his calves as well as his muscles, and asked Liu Weichen a few
questions. He chose the shortest questions and answered. He did not
want to talk.

Normally though, Liu Weichen was actually good in holding

conversations. He was often able to joke with reporters, and when he
was on television, he was also called a man with a sense of humor.
161 Report
Advertisers had an exceptional liking towards Liu Weichen. Often
because of one joke from him, they would accommodate Liu
Weichen's ideas when they came up with the advertisements.
Needless to say, when he was with his teammates, every time he
traveled in the bus with them, Liu Weichen would not act all bossy,
but always start the conversation with a joke...

Perhaps the cold operating table froze his enthusiasm.

Liu Weichen suddenly missed his parents a lot.

Right then, his father was in his hometown, raising the child of his
older brother who was a civil servant. His mother was likely on the
way home to help with laundry.

Liu Weichen suddenly felt a little regretful. Maybe he should have

waited for his mother to come back, chat with her, then decide to do
the operation. It would have perhaps soothed his anxiety. However,
his mother would probably burst into tears again. Maybe his mother
would cry for the exact number of hours he received surgery. She
may even call his older brother.

He should have looked for a girlfriend, a girlfriend who could take

care of him, unlike the previous one who only indulged in sex with
him so that he would buy her handbags.

When he thought of this, Liu Weichen began to feel that Ling Ran
was not compassionate or warm. He was unlike Doctor Qu, who was
good in getting along with people. He was able to take necessary
measures before and after surgery, such as comfort his mother and
also reassure Liu Weichen. He was just lacking in standards when it
came to performing surgeries, and he did not have any specialties…

"Have you identified the patient?" The operating theater door

opened and Ling Ran's voice traveled into his ears.

"I've confirmed it with my own eyes. It is Liu Weichen." The
162 Report
young nurse looked very lively.

Liu Weichen thought that the joke was good, but he did not want to
laugh. He just raised his head, wanting to say hello to Ling Ran.

"Begin anesthesia," Ling Ran's voice was unprecedentedly calm.

Liu Weichen was stunned for a bit before he heard the footsteps of
the anesthetist, and shortly after, he heard the anesthetist say,
"Dalang, time to get up and take your medication [1]..."

Liu Weichen cursed and raised his head. After a few seconds, he
lost consciousness.

It was unclear whether the two young nurses found the mention of
"Dalang" funny or they were humored by Liu Weichen's sudden
curse. They all giggled and smiled until Academician Zhu Tongyi
entered. Only then did they stop laughing. They were still grinning,

"Is everyone ready?" Academician Zhu Tongyi was in his scrubs,

and he had his arms folded across his chest. He gave the position of
chief surgeon to Ling Ran and stood by the side. He was there to
guide the surgery… No, that was merely something written on paper.
He was really just there to supervise the surgery.

Ji Tianlu and Lu Wenbin stood to the left and right of the operating
theater as Ling Ran's first and second assistants, as usual. If anyone
judged the current situation based on the internal environment of the
research institute, one could say that Academician Zhu Tongyi pretty
much abandoned the system that allowed them to run the institute
based on its members' qualifications and hierarchical relationships,
and he did it perfectly.

After making a few confirmations with a few people, Ling Ran said,
"We're ready."

"Well, you're all familiar with the surgery plan. The key now
163 Report
is to choose the right path, reduce the damage to the nerves
and other muscle tissues, then strengthen the suture as
much as possible..." Academician Zhu Tongyi emphasized once
again. He mentioned each requirement as if it was a very simple
task, but in truth, every requirement was extremely difficult to

Ling Ran nodded silently. He did his best every time he performed
an operation, but if he wanted to perform a surgery beyond
perfection like the one before him, which they intentionally chose, it
would require them to spend a lot of money on consumables as well
as equipment, and they would also inevitably require a stroke of luck.

Fortunately, Liu Weichen was rich, and the medical instruments

and equipment in the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center were
good enough to provide sufficient technical support.

Nevertheless, external aid could only do so much. Once he made

the incision, Ling Ran would have to operate on Liu Weichen based
on a plan that sought for greater perfection.

"Let's start." Academician Zhu Tongyi waited for two minutes.

Once he saw that everyone had calmed down, he gave further

Ling Ran made an S-shaped incision on the back of the calf; it was
0.55 inches long.

Academician Zhu Tongyi's eyes flew wide open. He almost cried


Ji Tianlu coughed hard and thought, 'What do you think this is? The
start of a race?'

Only Lu Wenbin was calm. He had a look that said everything was
under control.
164 Report

Chapter 221: Vascular Network


Once Ling Ran started on a surgery, he would be extremely


The average surgery time for an Achilles tendon repair surgery was
very short. For example, the five surgeries that he performed the
night before and the other two surgeries he performed early in the
morning amounted to a total of seven surgeries. That did not even
take seven hours to complete.

Naturally, the duration for each surgery would be slightly longer if

preoperative preparations and postoperative sutures were included.
However, Ling Ran's participation in those phases was not
compulsory. Only when anesthesia was about to be performed would
Ling Ran enter the operating theater.

His main job only started when the incision began.

"Retract the skin." Ling Ran threw away the scalpel. Then, he
along with Ji Tianlu retracted Liu Weichen's epidermis.

"This looks like when we slaughter goats in my hometown,"

said Ji Tianlu all of a sudden. That opened up a topic of conversation
in the operating theater.

Ling Ran remained silent and continued to perform the surgery,

just as he performed his previous surgeries.

Lu Wenbin quickly participated in the surgery. "How long is a

goat's Achilles tendon?" he asked out of curiosity.

"No idea. It tastes awful anyway." Ji Tianlu twitched his lips

and said, "Goat trotters taste the worst. But their Achilles
165 Report
tendons are quite long."

At that moment, Ling Ran used a pair of forceps to bring out the
exposed Achilles tendon.

"The amputated ends are in the shape of a horsetail." Zhu

Tongyi frowned, even though he had expected it.

Among the types of tendon ruptures, that was considered quite


"Shall I cut it?" Ling Ran hung a part of the ruptured, horsetail-
like bundle out and flipped it around a little to observe it. Then, he
trimmed it using a pair of scissors to make the ends smooth.

"Cut it then." Zhu Tongyi crossed his arms over his chest and
looked at Ling Ran's operation.

If that had been a suture for a normal person's tendon, the

ruptured, horsetail-like bundles would not need to be trimmed. Some
surgeons even used the bundles as a material to strengthen the

However, an athlete's requirement on the tendon was different.

Scattered tendon bundles like that were not sufficient to support

high-intensity training, so they were useless in competitive sports
and had to be trimmed so that the tendon was smooth.

"His tendon is at least 0.4 inches shorter now, right?" the

anesthetist asked out of his curiosity after he finished his work and
took a look at the tendon.

Lu Wenbin rotated the plate and said, "It's about that length, or
maybe more than that."

"Will he still able to run with this length?"
166 Report
"If the suture is performed well, it shouldn't be a problem,"
Zhu Tongyi replied very confidently, but his answer was still full of

The last question was not just a concern for the people in the
operating theater, it was also a concern for the audience in the
demonstration room.

Zhu Tongyi's plan was not really a secret in the Orthopedic and
Sports Medicine Center, as many resident doctors had come across it
before. Therefore, when Zhu Tongyi said that Liu Weichen would be
able to run if the suture was performed well, many people's
expressions turned pale.

"It seems like they're going with plan A."

"That's kind of crazy, though."

"Can it work?"

A few doctors discussed in low whispers.

A young nurse who was sitting on the table in the demonstration

room was worried, and she asked the attending physician beside her,
"Why is Plan A crazy?"

The request from a young and energetic girl was often irresistible
to a thirty-year-old man. The attending physician wore the smile of a
man who had been single for thirty years and said, "Academician
Zhu's Plan A aims to ensure sufficient blood supply
guarantees the strength of the tendon after it's stretched

"What happens after?"

"Haha! What happens after?" The attending physician laughed

and said, "Our hands and feet will be tied."
167 Report

"Because…" The attending physician did not know how to explain

it. He thought about it for a while and said, "Let me explain it this
way. The blood supply on the medial side of the Achilles
tendon comes from the posterior tibial artery, and it is
further distributed into three to four of the perforating
arteries, which are practically invisible to the naked eye. The
vascular zone of the lateral side of the Achilles tendon does
not differ much; the only difference is that the blood supply
comes from the peroneal artery. You have to bypass all of

"Bypass a total of eight small vessels?"

"And there are a lot of small branches in the small arteries.

Academician Zhu also hopes to bypass the small vessels in
order to protect the vascular network surrounding the
Achilles tendon. The vessels provide nutrients to the Achilles
tendon. If the vascular network is protected, the nutrient
supply for the Achilles tendon will be higher and it will
recover sooner. This is like an open surgery that wishes to
obtain the effects of minimally invasive surgery. The idea is
actually pretty good, but it is quite impossible to make it
happen. Haha!" the attending physician laughed.

"It's not 'good', it's basically idealism." Another resident

doctor felt the same.

The resident doctor who weighed 222 pounds was still drinking a
bottle of mineral water. He said sadly, "Being ambitious is always
positive! When Academician Zhu came up with this plan, he
knew that it wouldn't be easy to accomplish. That's why he
delayed it until now."

"It won't be possible even after ten years. How can you
believe that you can bypass all the blood vessels in the
168 Report
vascular network? It's impossible. Even if you use a device
like the da Vinci Surgical System [1] to mark all the vascular
networks, what should be cut will still be cut off. Besides, the
locations of the vessels in every individual are different. It's
not easy to avoid them."

"I remember that in Plan A, the vascular network needs to

be restored in the end. If we accidentally cut off too many
small vessels, a vascular suture will be required right?"

"That's totally insane!" An attending physician snorted in

contempt. He did not have any comments on the plan itself. But, the
attending physician was quite knowledgeable about the danger and
functions of the plan.

The vascular network was true to its name. It was a network

packed densely with blood vessels.

Theoretically, small vessels had compensation function. Even if

they were cut off, after some time, the body would allocate other
blood vessels and make the necessary connections again.

However, in Academician Zhu's opinion, compensation of such

nature was so slow that it would affect the athlete's speed of
recovery as well as the quality of the recovery.

The location of the Achilles Heel was the spot with the poorest
blood supply in the human body. It was impossible to hope for high-
quality recovery if a damaging open surgery was carried out there
and speedy recovery was needed.

The effects of minimally invasive surgery on a normal person's

Achilles tendon indicated that the surgery protected the surrounding
tissues of the Achilles tendon as much as possible. That made
recovery fast, and the quality of the surgery was also good.

However, minimally invasive surgeries could not provide the
169 Report
effects of high-strength sutures on the Achilles tendon. Therefore,
Academician Zhu Tongyi's plan was actually equivalent to an open
minimally invasive surgery.

It could only be completed based on the surgeon's skills itself

because the theoretical basis for it was incomplete, and the
equipment as well as instruments they had were not perfect for the

Zhu Tongyi attempted the surgery many years ago on several

patients. Sometimes he failed, while at other times, he succeeded.

Regardless of whether the surgery was a success or a failure, it

was clear just how difficult the surgery plan was to follow.

The attending physicians looked at the plan in contempt, mainly

because they understood the difficulty of the surgery plan very well.

The surgeons in the research center were like students who usually
excelled in their academics participating in a placement test with the
standards of the Mathematical Olympiad tests. However, after they
failed to score well in the examination, they found that there was a
transfer student who worked very hard to score in the Mathematical
Olympiad tests.

Even if they were not specialists in the Achilles tendon repair

technique, and even if they did not plan to rely on the Mathematical
Olympiad test in the future to earn a living, it was still a must for the
doctors in the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center to be
ambitious and to have a sense of shame.

Even the resident doctor who weighed 222 pounds was also a man
who was both capable and resolute. He did not have any weaknesses
except for the fact that he could get fatter just by drinking water.

Being utterly defeated was something many of the surgeons in this

place never experienced.
170 Report
It could be said that there was no weakling in the Orthopedic and
Sports Medicine Center, but there was also not a single surgeon there
who could create miracles.

There was a very low number of surgeons who could create

miracles in the world.

Meanwhile, most of the doctors had not thought about this before.

"Microscope." Ling Ran followed the surgery plan strictly. He

started to be even more careful in dissociating the Achilles tendon in
order to prevent more blood vessels from rupturing while he
performed the suture later.

This was a task that required utter seriousness and delicate work,
and no one knew whether it would be effective.

However, since Ling Ran decided to trust in Zhu Tongyi's surgery

plan, he would try his best to complete it as perfect as he can.

The tedious step seemed endless, and it made the audience bored.

But Ling Ran remained silent while he continued with his operation.

He did everything step by step, a little at a time, and slowly, the

steps he completed accumulated.

When Ling Ran started to suture the Achilles tendon, many doctors
who watched the surgery did not even realize that he had truly
begun suturing the Achilles tendon.

"The strengthening of the Achilles tendon is complete." Ling

Ran's movements were extremely smooth and skilled. Within a few
minutes, he had connected the two ends of the Achilles tendon
together, even though it was a task that others would take a long
time to complete.

However, in this surgery, although the core of the surgery was on
171 Report
the suturing of the Achilles tendon, the difficulty was on the
rebuilding of the vascular network.

"It's really complicated." Ji Tianlu looked into the microscope.

The vascular network was broken into pieces, and it could not be
seen clearly. It was frustrating just to look at it.

Blood vessels that were injured due to the rupture of the Achilles
tendon, the open wound, the pulling of the Achilles tendon, and other
factors had caused blood to spread all over the surgical field. They
were like a group of complicated dominoes which were accidentally
destroyed at once.

The recovery of the vascular network was a plan where they hoped
to reconstruct a set of usable dominoes with the smallest amount of
effort possible.

The workload in this task was even greater than the workload in a
finger replantation surgery. Besides, the success rate still remained

"Let's start." Ling Ran still did not talk much. He adjusted the
microscope to the correct position before he started with his task.

Ji Tianlu raised his head and looked at the time. Then, he slowly
lowered down his head. He decided to cooperate with Ling Ran and
do well as his first assistant.

Some of the doctors in the demonstration who had watched for

more than an hour could not help but yawned. However, their facial
expressions changed slightly when they looked at Ling Ran's
expression. Forget being dazzled if they had to suture the vascular
network, they were already dazzled from looking at the complicated
layout. Moreover, Ling Ran was not just performing a simple vascular
network recovery.

He had to rebuild it. He needed to make it function well
172 Report
immediately, and at the same time, provide a space for it to recover
on itself and to expand as well.

The surgeons who were watching suddenly realized that the

Mathematical Olympiad test they saw was probably categorized into
different grades, and Ling Ran was working on a Mathematical
Olympiad test that was of a completely different grade from theirs.
173 Report

Chapter 222: Weaving The Net


Suturing the blood vessels was a very familiar job for Ling Ran.

When he first arrived at Yun Hua, the Medical Affairs Department

tried to display their might and power by suturing rats' tails.

When he thought about it now, that was the equivalent of having

new recruits compete against members of the special task force in a
shooting game. The difficulty level of suturing rats' tails was
practically at the top of the medical field.

However, suturing the vascular network was still a difficult

challenge that far surpassed the average level.

The blood vessels in the feet were thicker than the blood vessels in
the hands, but those blood vessels were the main arteriovenous
fistula. The perforating arteries that divided the posterior tibial artery
or the peroneal artery were not so thick. Many of them were thinner
than the arteries of the fingers.

And when it came to finger replantations, he did not need to just

suture two to four blood vessels.

Of course, if he were to compare the level of difficulty between

Achilles tendon repairs and finger replantations, the difficulty in
finger replantations was higher, because the replantation of severed
fingers had a high requirement for the quality when it came to
suturing blood vessels, and its tolerance for low-quality sutures was
very low. One bad suture could lead to thrombosis, which will then
lead to necrosis.

Such high requirements were not required for the vascular network
around the Achilles tendon. Academician Zhu Tongyi's Plan A was
174 Report
just the reconstruction of the vascular network. There were three or
four perforating arteries on the medial side of the Achilles tendon
and three or four perforating arteries on the lateral side of the
Achilles tendon. Academician Zhu Tongyi hoped to reconstruct two
perforating arteries on each side, and at the very least, one
perforating artery. Then, he wanted to ensure that a certain number
of small blood vessels were reconstructed. That was the basic
requirement for Plan A.

Most importantly, even if Ling Ran failed in reconstructing one or

two blood vessels, the effect would not be too severe, at least it
would not lead to the failure of the Achilles tendon repair.

And if the plan they chose failed? While there were plenty of things
to say if an experimental surgery like this worked, if it failed, they
would have no way of explaining themselves.

Zhu Tongyi stared at Ling Ran's movements quietly, and he

seemed to be more nervous than Ling Ran.

Ling Ran was, in fact, getting more and more relaxed as he


His wrist moved gently. His fingers slid up and down the
microscope nimbly. With a few movements, he was done suturing a
blood vessel. He then pulled out another blood vessel, and with a few
moves, he stitched it up again.

Ji Tianlu was busy cooperating with Ling Ran. Even Lu Wenbin, the
second assistant, was also busy moving about the operating table.
He would pour the saline solution to moisturize the blood vessels at
one moment, then after a while, he would dab the surgical area using
gauze. After some time, he would drain the area of excess fluid, and
he would also use a retractor sometimes. The level of work was
comparable to someone in charge of roasting his own food in a
barbeque buffet.
175 Report
Everyone had a frown on their face. They had the look of agony of
someone who fought in a bloody battlefield or stayed up late the
previous night to do their homework.

Only Ling Ran's expression did not change. In fact, he was so

happy in his heart that he could fly.

He was actually suturing a real living adult's blood vessels, and he

even had to suture the entire vascular network. How delightful was

If this was a finger replantation, Ling Ran had to carefully debride,

fix the bones in place, and perform tendon suture before he had the
opportunity to play with two or three blood vessels, which was the
most critical part of the surgery. Once he was done, he had to suture
the nerves, and he had to then toss the task of suturing the skin to
the other people.

To Ling Ran, debridement was no longer as interesting. Internal

fixation was much more similar to the work of a carpenter. As for
tendon sutures? The flexor tendon was still rather fun, but normal
tendons were just not exciting. The blood vessels and nerves, which
were what remained after everything else was done, were considered
to be the most interesting part in a finger replantation surgery.

But what kind of situation did Ling Ran encounter today?

He encountered a difficult situation where he had to suture the

blood vessels in a huge vascular network filled with fine and small
blood vessels.

It was the equivalent of Zhu Tongyi giving the most essential part
in a finger replantation surgery to Ling Ran to play with.

Ling Ran was on cloud nine.

This was not the rat tail in the simulation training space. Perhaps a
rookie doctor would be very happy to be able to suture a rat's tail
176 Report
once, but Ling Ran had long since passed the stage of a rookie

There was a living human who he could suture, and even had two
assistants working with him. He had a scrub nurse handing him the
equipment he needed, had a circulating nurse to help him as he
performed the suture. This was more comfortable than practicing
alone in the training space.

"Change to a finer thread." Ling Ran was on a high. He sutured

three perforating arteries in one go, and when he encountered a
fourth perforating artery that was thinner than the rest. He simply
changed decided to change the thread again.

Academician Zhu Tongyi had to remind him. "Your main focus

should be ensuring homeostasis is achieved."

The implication was that it was impossible for him to re-suture the
entire vascular network. He could only choose the important blood
vessels to form a barely functioning vascular network.

This was just like how originally exquisite and orderly supply routes
would mostly be destroyed after a war. The general responsible for
the reconstruction was not to restore every single one of the supply
routes bit by bit, but to restore a supply chain to ensure that the
most important supplies were delivered. The rest of the supply chain
could be restored by the others, and they could do so over a long
period of time.

Ling Ran understood Zhu Tongyi's order. He nodded and explained.

"I want to make an extra channel to serve as an alternate

Unlike ordinary "generals", Ling Ran, who was in a good condition

right now, not only wanted to restore the supply chain, he wanted to
make one more.
177 Report
"Do we still have time for that?" Zhu Tongyi looked at his
watch, and his expression eased up a little.

Ordinary Achilles tendon surgeries, including its preoperative

preparations, took about an hour or two. The longest duration of the
patient on the operating table was two hours, and the shortest was
thirty to forty minutes.

Zhu Tongyi's Plan A was much more complicated. In his plan, the
chief surgeon would take about four hours to complete the surgery.
The allocated time was not simply decided, it was a 'dynamic
equilibrium' he found according to the degree of exposure of the
Achilles tendon and other factors.

If the time was too short, the chief surgeon could not complete the
surgery. If the time was too long, the outcome of the surgery might
be compromised.

Now, once Zhu Tongyi saw that the surgery was going well, he
hoped to finish the surgery within three hours, which would thereby
ensure a more efficient recovery.

As he observed Ling Ran's progress, Zhu Tongyi felt very hopeful.

Even if Ling Ran made another alternate channel, if he could
maintain his current speed, they might still make it to the time.

After he considered that ending the surgery way too early provided
no additional benefits, Zhu Tongyi agreed to Ling Ran's idea of
suturing several more blood vessels.

Ling Ran was also very familiar with Zhu Tongyi's plan. His eyes
were fixed on the microscope. He was so happy he did not want to
leave at all. He said, "We did not cut off many small blood
vessels. We have hope to restore 30 to 40% of the vascular
network. There are benefits to restore more of the vascular
network, right?"
178 Report
"Of course, but you must try to ensure quality as much as
possible." Zhu Tongyi reminded. "The danger of vascular spasm
is still there, and the only useful blood vessel is an unclogged
blood vessel."

The more blood vessels that were recovered, the more

nourishment the Achilles tendon would gain during its recovery.

The reason why patients who received minimally invasive Achilles

tendon repair surgery could be discharged and go through
rehabilitation so soon was due to the vascular network near the
Achilles tendon still being around the tendon. As long as the Achilles
tendon was sutured and the adhesion was handled well, it could
recover to its previous state.

Open surgeries on the Achilles tendon performed in order to

ensure the strength of the tendon did not have this benefit,
especially if the surgery was performed using unique operative
routes, such as an Achilles tendon repair surgery performed a
pararectal incision to the tendon. The complications were obviously
higher than surgeries performed with a midline incision to the
Achilles tendon. The reason for this was that the latter had less blood
supply, and hence, it had fewer blood vessels to destroy during the

In Zhu Tongyi's plan, the sutured blood vessels must be of a

certain quality in order to function.

The quality did not have to be as high as the quality in the blood
vessels of finger replantation, but it still needed to be of a certain

In fact, Zhu Tongyi's Plan A was basically making Liu Weichen's

Achilles tendon repair suture into an Achilles tendon repair suture
combined with a blood vessel reattachment surgery, which was ten
times more difficult. It was even harder to guarantee the quality and
quantity of the surgery.
179 Report
Zhu Tongyi looked at the young Ling Ran and feared that he lose
his patience or his concentration.

This was the most common problem for young people.

Once the surgeon became careless and impulsive, problems would

occur during the suturing of blood vessels.

Ling Ran did not pay any attention to Zhu Tongyi's repeated
urgings. He sutured the blood vessels with a steady hand and said,
"I'll guarantee the quality."

Ji Tianlu could not help but look up and said, "Doctor Ling will be

Zhu Tongyi came back to his senses and quickly said, "I'm far too
concerned about our plan, so much so that my judgment has
been impaired."

In the demonstration room.

All the doctors were in an uproar when they heard these words
from Academician Zhu Tongyi, who was the leader of the research
institute, and the absolute front of the medical center.

Doctor Qu could not hold back his feelings any longer and said
angrily, "Truly, people would rather believe in outside help
than believe in those beside them. The director is too easy-

"That's right. Even his tone of voice is no longer the same."

"Hey hey hey, don't magnify the problem. Our Academician

Zhu did not say anything, didn't he?"

"What do you want Academician Zhu to say? That's

enough? You have to understand that the plan is
Academician Zhu's. This is supposed to be a guided surgery.
180 Report
Ling Ran is just a chief surgeon."

The 223-pound resident doctor cackled as he hugged his mineral

water, "Ling Ran is just a chief surgeon? 'Just'?"

The doctors who were very impassioned just now wisely shut their

It was very difficult to show off between peers, not to mention

showing off in front of a professional doctor in a department.

If they were facing an outsider, they might still have something to

say. When they faced their own people, everyone was relatively clear
about their respective positions.

It could be said that the research institute gave Ling Ran the
chance to be the chief surgeon for this surgery, but it could also be
said that Ling Ran came over to help because the research institute
could not find anyone qualified enough among them.

But no matter how they looked at this, Ling Ran currently occupied
the strongest position in their institute.

The 223-pound resident doctor was unwilling to belittle his


He was also afraid of his opponent's strength, but he was willing to

admit to his difference in strength compared to Ling Ran. Ling Ran's
skills were strong, his talent was good, and he was perhaps a first-
class surgeon in the country, but... doctors improved continuously!

The 223-pound resident doctor had set a detailed goal for himself.
Once he was finished with his tasks at hand, he would enter isolated
training and catch up to Ling Ran's skills in the shortest possible

At that time, he would definitely find another opportunity to defeat

Ling Ran. Then, he would bring a pair of purebred French lops and go
181 Report
to Xiao Yun.

As the resident doctor thought of this, he excitedly finished a bottle

of mineral water from Nongfu Spring. He then let out a satisfied belch
belonging to a 224-pound fatty.
182 Report

Chapter 223: Alternate Vascular Channel


The operating theater slowly became calm again.

Ling Ran felt very excited, yet he still looked calm while he pulled
the blood vessels together and sutured them. In his mind, he
imagined the structure of the vascular network while he built it with
his hands.

He felt as if he was building a city all by himself.

There was no standard guide that showed how the vascular

network surrounding the Achilles tendon should look like, as there
were not many modern medical types of research on it. This was
unlike what people imagined, that modern medicine had come to a
full understanding of the human body. When it came to the
community in the field of clinical medicine, most of the information
obtained by surgeons was jumbled-up.

For instance, were there three or four perforating arteries in the

posterior tibial artery showed in the MRI scan? Dissection showed
that some people had three perforating arteries while some had four.
Why would this happen? What was the rule behind this? It was not
clear. Where was their exact location and was there any regular
pattern to the number? The answer was not clear. Did the arteries
have any other function, and what was the relationship between the
arteries and human tissue in the feet as well as legs? The answer was
not clear either.

If Academician Zhu Tongyi's plan was successful, a research article

would be written about it, and through this method, they could use
clinical medicine to give a description of the vascular network
surrounding the Achilles tendon and explain its importance.
183 Report
If it failed, there would not be a need to talk about it.

Ji Tianlu who participated in designing the plan was very worried.

He linked the blood vessels together before he passed them to Ling
Ran. When he saw Ling Ran connecting the broken vessels step by
step, he could not help but smile.

The plan required the vascular network to be maintained at a

particular standard, but at the same time, the surgeon had to aim to
shorten surgery time. This required the chief surgeon to operate at
high speed, but also be highly accurate.

Before this, Ji Tianlu went out of his way to look around for
surgeons. Those who could meet their requirements were practically
all very famous, but it was not a surprise, because their surgery,
which required a fast working pace, sharp judgment, and high
accuracy, could not be performed by the surgeons from the local
hospitals who claimed themselves to be the best. The plan needed
the best doctors from the top hospitals.

In the current era, a young doctor would start climbing up their

skill tree since their early twenties, but they would only have the
courage to claim themselves as brilliant when they were in their
forties, and only then would they have a specialty and could be the
chief surgeons in more important surgeries.

Among the doctors who were around forty years old, those who
worked at a fast pace, had sharp judgment, and high accuracy, were
normally quite famous.

It was quite similar in hospitals overseas. In fact, their doctors were

even better than the local doctors. Their hospital ecosystem was
totally market-oriented. No one would force a doctor to learn basic
skills or pursue advanced studies. The excellent doctors who were
famous usually practiced their skills on their own after they went
back home from the pub, or were talented genii.
184 Report
Ji Tianlu was able to meet talented surgeons in internationally well-
known hospitals using the opportunity provided by international
meetings. However, when he faced successful surgeons,
Academician Zhu Tongyi's plan was not able to draw their attention.

International-level surgeons or surgeons specializing in the field of

sports medicine performed surgeries everywhere around the world
throughout the year. They did not have any psychological problems if
they had to come to China, but due to their packed schedules doctors
and the amount of money they usually earned, they were not really
interested in participating in guided surgery.

They would not come even if they were paid.

In fact, even with Liu Weichen paying for a normally scheduled

surgery, he might be scheduled to receive surgery a few weeks later,
and he did not want that. His high requirements were something that
the high-ranked surgeons simply could not accept.

This was similar to when Wang Haiyang worked as a freelance

surgeon in Yiyuan County Hospital, the first thing he asked was the
patient's wishes. If the patient had an unusual demand, such as
complete recovery of the finger after the finger replantation surgery,
Wang Haiyang would probably walk away without a single word.

The surgeon did not even need to think about the limitations of the
current medical world, he only needed to care if he could fulfill the
patient's demands. If he could not fulfill those demands and forced
himself to perform the surgery, the surgery itself would be

Initially, Ji Tianlu was ready to persuade Academician Zhu Tongyi to

amend the plan.

They also prepared plans B and C, but the value of plan A was still
the highest.
185 Report
Ji Tianlu stared at Ling Ran's operation, and he suddenly felt a little
envious. Although medical research was the most important part in
the development of medicine, in reality, regardless of whether it was
the results of medical research or the discoveries in clinical medicine,
all of this was nothing if the implementer could not bring the results
and discoveries to fruition.

An extremely skilled surgeon was always much more blessed

compared to a normal medical researcher.

"If this part is connected, a vascular channel will be

completed." Ling Ran's voice interrupted Ji Tianlu's thoughts.

"You're done?" Ji Tianlu was slightly surprised.

"This first among the two vascular channels. I just need to

suture another part…" Ling Ran still stuck very closely to the
microscope, and he looked at it while he operated on Liu Weichen.
He asked for a pair of forceps in a monotonous voice before he
clamped down on the sutured blood vessels in a stable but gentle

The blood vessels in a human's body were extremely fragile. The

only blood vessels that could be played around at a surgeon's will
were probably the arteries that were near to the heart. In a cow, that
would be the part used to make beef aorta.

However, practicing vascular clamping always posed as a problem

in hand and foot surgery.

The first requirement was to clamp down on the blood vessel with
a stable hand because it was a must to not damage the blood
vessels. The surgeon needed to judge the strength needed to clamp
the blood vessels when they faced blood vessels that were of
different lengths in different people, and they could only rely on their
gut feelings, just like what Ling Ran did earlier.
186 Report
A part of this gut feeling was from experience, while the other part
was from theoretical knowledge. For example, blood vessels
appeared all the same under the naked eye, but if someone had
arteriosclerosis, it was clear that greater strength will be needed to
clamp down on his blood vessels. In fact, the surgeon would even
need to put forth a lot of strength to clamp down on the blood vessel.
Otherwise, the needle might not be able to penetrate the blood

In conclusion, when a normal doctor performed surgery, he had to

be very careful, and he had to try multiple times. Only doctors who
were of a certain skill level would dare to operate on the blood vessel
right when they grabbed it.

Their great skill might be backed by the accumulation of

experiences gained from hundreds or even thousands of surgeries.

Ling Ran repeated the previous operation and carefully sutured

two small blood vessels together.

After he finished this step, Ling Ran set aside the instrument and
stood up.

"Huh?" Ji Tianlu was stunned.

"I'm resting for a while. Please check on the vascular

channel first," Ling Ran casually said.

Ji Tianlu had not worked as the first assistant for quite some time,
and he was baffled by how naturally Ling Ran acted when he ordered
people around. When he looked down to check on the blood vessels,
he suddenly came up with a thought. 'Don't I need to rest as well?'

Ling Ran removed his scrub and gloves while he massaged his
neck. Then, he turned around and went out to wash his hands again.

Surgery gloves were not durable goods, and there would usually be
some changes in the physical properties of the gloves after a surgeon
187 Report
performed surgery with them on for more than three hours. In
layman terms, it would not stick tightly to the hands, and it would run
the risks of being damaged. Research showed that when heart
surgeries were performed up to the third hour, the perforation rate of
the gloves was at 30%. And when heart surgeries were performed up
to the fifth hour, the perforation rate of the gloves went up to 65%.

Besides, the number of bacteria on the surgeon's hands would also

increase nonstop as time went on.

Therefore, some hospitals suggested surgeons and their assistants

to change their gloves after four hours of surgery. In the world of
academia, some even suggested a change of gloves after one and a
half hours.

Ling Ran did not pay attention to this kind of information in the
past. In other words, he did not know about this at all. It was only
because he had more free time recently that he had time to read
more research papers. It was only then that he noticed this

When he thought about the total length for today's surgery, Ling
Ran decided to change his gloves now. He could also take the time to
rest a little.

Although it felt good to suture the blood vessels, he did indeed use
up a lot of his stamina and concentration.

Ji Tianlu checked every blood vessel carefully.

First assistants were meant to check and cover up the holes left
behind by the chief surgeon. In other words, a first assistant who was
qualified to check and cover up the holes left by the chief surgeon
was a first assistant that was highly valued, so Ji Tianlu should feel

But Ji Tianlu was not happy at all. However, he did feel a degree of
188 Report
admiration towards Ling Ran.

It was already very tiring to check the blood vessels, how tiring
would it be to suture the vessels?

He worked on joints in the past. He actually did not have much

experience in suturing blood vessels. As he checked the blood
vessels, he slowly realized the complexity of the surgery.

The vascular channel built by Ling Ran was not a simple loop.
Instead, he built the vascular channel after he considered the
probability of not suturing some blood vessels perfectly. Although the
probability for that was very low, if there was only one loop and a
complication happened in one of the breakpoints among the many
breakpoints formed by the sutures, the entire vascular channel
formed would be meaningless. This just meant that the difficulty of
the surgery had just been increased to that of a finger replantation

Ling Ran, who had performed many finger replantations, knew the
limitations of a vascular channel clearly. Therefore, the vascular
channel he built was more like an interchange system. It was useless
to merely build backup blood vessels because it could be damaging
at the systemic level. For example, any falls, crashes, or sprains
during the recovery period would cause damage to the backup

Therefore, a crisscrossing and interchangeable vascular channel

was the main point in Ling Ran's design.

This made the suture become more difficult, but it also provided a
safety net that the plan did not offer.

When Ling Ran came back, Ji Tianlu's neck ached from the check.
He said, "There's no problem on the suture of the blood
vessels. I think the safety level of this vascular channel is
quite sufficient."
189 Report
What he meant was that they did not have to do the alternate
vascular channel.

Ling Ran neither agreed nor disagreed. He put on his scrubs again
and changed into a pair of new gloves before he said, "Let go the
clamp and let me take a look."

Both of them sat back in front of the microscope. Ling Ran slowly
released the clamp that held the posterior tibial artery.

Blood flowed through smoothly. No blood oozed out from the blood

"Is there no problem?" Lu Wenbin was quite nervous.

A mission prompt appeared in front of Ling Ran:

[Rise into Prominence: 75% completion rate.]

A completion rate of 75% meant that Liu Weichen's Achilles tendon

functionality could recover to around 75%. As an invasive surgery,
this recovery ratio was considered quite good. Moreover, the
recovery rate could be even higher if postoperative rehabilitation and
training were carried out properly.

However, an Achilles tendon that recovered by 75% would not be

enough for Liu Weichen to participate in world-class competitions.

It could only be said that while the current surgery was not bad,
Ling Ran had not performed a miracle yet.

"Let's build another alternate vascular channel." Ling Ran no

longer hesitated.
190 Report

Chapter 224: Judgment In The Surgery


"Doctor Ling, I think the vascular channel that you sutured

is sufficient. Should we consider to end the surgery earlier?
Shortening the surgery time can quite beneficial," Ji Tianlu said
it in an indirect manner.

From his perspective, one vascular channel was already enough,

and the contingency plan Ling Ran left behind in his sutures had
made it more than enough.

If they ended the surgery now, it could be said that the surgery
time was short and ended with a good result. If they analyzed this
from the benefits the patient would receive, this would be the perfect
time to end the surgery. As for the alternate vascular channel by Ling
Ran mentioned? To Ji Tianlu, that was already overtreatment.

If Ling Ran did not get the notification of the completion rate from
the system, he would probably hesitate as well.

In fact, at the moment, he was not sure if the second vascular

channel could definitely increase the functionality of Liu Weichen's
Achilles tendon.

The plan made by Academician Zhu Tongyi was actually an

experimental plan. There were no other plans that could be used as a
reference for the plan. In other words, no one could confirm whether
the establishment of the first vascular channel was useful. They could
only guess after Liu Weichen recovered.

Perhaps more surgeries would be required to truly judge the

clinical value of the plan, and they would then need to compare the
results with normal surgeries to be certain.
191 Report
However, this plan was not meant for a normal person. It was
meant for an athlete who had high demands on the recovery time
and strength of his Achilles tendon. Similar demands would usually
only be made by professionals like soldiers. So, even if they wanted
to add chief sources, it would take time.

By that time, if the value of this plan was really proven, it would
probably benefit blue-collared workers and sports lovers. But at the
current stage, these people could still not bear with the high risk on
their health and financial status. After all, an experimental surgery
plan was not covered by local and foreign medical insurance
companies. Subsequent risks on their health in the future was also a
problem. At the moment, Liu Weichen was willing to bear the high
risk of not being able to run or jump again after few years time, but it
would actually be better for a normal person to wait for another few
years before they tried the surgery.

"The blood flow capacity in the vessels we sutured is at

most the same to the blood flow capacity in two fingers. Are
you sure it's sufficient?" Ling Ran spoke in a probing tone. It was
normal for the function of the Achilles tendon to recover to around
75%. But if he wanted to reach a higher recovery level, suturing
more blood vessels was not the only way he could go about it.

Theoretically, Ling Ran could still continue to increase the strength

of Achilles tendon, he could also consider the problems in the bones
and their surrounding muscles. Furthermore, there was a risk for
infection, and adhesion was always the biggest problem in tendon
sutures. Liu Weichen might also have genetic problems that could
affect recovery. Some people would have a better recovery if they
underwent invasive surgery, while some people recovered much
slower. For example, those who had inherited hemophilia would not
be suited to undergo the surgery.

But based on Ling Ran's judgment, he would rather consider the

problem of blood flow capacity.
192 Report
He agreed with Academician Zhu Tongyi's plan. And with the plan
as his basis, he was certain that the blood supply chain network[1]
he connected with the vascular channel he sutured just now could
not provide sufficient nutrients to the Achilles tendon. It was more
than enough for normal recovery, but it would not be sufficient for a
miraculous recovery.

This was like the demands of an army when it came to logistics. A

limited number of the supplies was the basis of survival, a large
number of supplies allowed the army to defend the line during war,
but only a sufficient amount of supplies could allow them to attack.

Ji Tianlu found himself at a loss for words. He frowned for half a

minute before he answered, "Judging from our experience, the
blood flow capacity right now is much more than what we've
seen in our previous patients."

"Not necessarily." Ling Ran had been thinking about this. He

then said, "This is similar to the blood flow capacity of the
patients who receive Achilles tendon surgery with a midline
incision since the damage to the vascular network in those
surgeries is low. The previous patients with Achilles tendon
ruptures did not really pay a lot of attention to the blood
supply, right? What if some people recovered faster because
their wounds and surgical conditions were better?"

"Hmm… it's possible." Ji Tianlu had to admit that there was logic
in this question. But he then said, "However, if you continue to
suture it, you'll still need at least ninety minutes, right? Is it
really beneficial for the patient? If the wound is exposed for
three to four hours, it is no longer a small surgery."

The longer the wound was exposed, the greater the chances for
complications to arise. A surgery that lasted for more than four hours
would usually have complications arise. For a short-distance runner,
edema or inflammation would cause a huge problem to him.
193 Report
Ji Tianlu was also worried that they had placed too much of an
emphasis on the unimportant stuff and neglected what was

Ling Ran previously worked on finger replantations, so it was

normal for him to place an importance on the problem of blood
supply. Together with his previous consideration, Ling Ran replied
without any hesitation, "Making sure that bloody supply is
ensured must always be our most important goal. We can
treat the complications you're worried about with medication
later. What if the blood supply is not sufficient? Do we have
any remedies for it?"

Ling Ran's words reflected Zhu Tongyi's thoughts.

Without waiting for Ji Tianlu to reply, Zhu Tongyi immediately said,

"Ensuring a sufficient blood supply is the core of this entire
plan. Continue the surgery."

In the surgery today, Ling Ran's position as chief surgeon was

ranked second in power instead of the usual first. The final decision
still had to be made by Academician Zhu Tongyi. If he wanted to
continue, there was nothing much Ji Tianlu could say. He then said,
"Let me change my gloves, too."

"Sure. Lu Wenbin goes and changes as well. I can continue

first." Ling Ran stopped for a while before sitting in front of the
microscope. He said, "Wipe my sweat."

The scrub nurse who wore small a gray rabbit surgery cap used
forceps to hold the gauze and dabbed gently at Ling Ran's forehead.
She whispered, "There isn't any sweat, but you do have a
strand of hair on your forehead. That's why you felt itchy,
wait for a while…"

The scrub nurse with the small gray rabbit surgery cap put down
the gauze and changed to another pair of forceps. She came closer
194 Report
to Ling Ran and stood on her tiptoes to take the hair off Ling Ran's
forehead. She said, "Let me check for you again."

Hair was a very tedious existence for a surgeon. Ling Ran stood
still obediently to let the young nurse wipe his face.

As the young nurse wiped his face, her face started to turn red. If
she had not been not educated with the aseptic principles in the
operating theater, she would stick her body closer to Ling Ran.


The doctors and nurses in the demonstration room smiled while

they talked to each other. Everyone's attention shifted from Liu
Weichen to Ling Ran.

"I never thought that Doctor Ling would be so stubborn."

"If he dares to argue with Chief Physician Ji, he must be

quite confident."

"What confidence? He's just being young and competitive."

"Young and competitive? Then why would Academician Zhu

agree with his plan? Isn't it easier to just support Chief
Physician Ji?"

"Should we really be talking about who supports who right

now? Did any of you not notice that Doctor Ling is about to
construct the second vascular channel? This is even scarier,

Many doctors became excited when the topic shifted to the specific
skill used in the surgery. However, none of them said anything for
the time being.

"Ah, if I were the one who performed it, I might end up

constructing that channel until the next day." One resident
195 Report
doctor started the conversation by teasing himself.

"I will also end up doing it until tomorrow night."

"I don't think I can finish it before I faint."

Everyone started to speak.

Microsurgeries were famous for making surgeons exhausted. If

they were to compare all microsurgeries, the Achilles tendon surgery
was more relaxing. No one would ever think that this surgery, which
already had a very complicated design, to begin with, could become
even more complicated.

"Wipe sweat." Ling Ran's voice was heard from the display
screen. It could be seen that he had used up a lot of his stamina.
Sweat beaded on his forehead.

The young nurse who wore the small gray rabbit cap used the
gauze to wipe the sweat underneath Ling Ran's small yellow rabbit

The surgery continued.

The young doctors continued with their discussion.

"Wipe sweat." Ling Ran sounded slightly tired.

The nurse with the small gray cap remained energetic.

The fat resident doctor who weighed 225 pounds held tightly on to
the mineral water which was half-empty. Right at the moment, he
was about to finish the water, his phone rang. "I didn't have a life
like that, it will never be my turn…"
196 Report

Chapter 225: Completion Of Vascular


"How are the patient's physical signs?" Ling Ran suddenly

raised his head and looked at the display screen halfway through the

He asked because he realized that his mission completion status

was dropping.

Once he had rebuilt one-third of the second vascular channel, Ling

Ran noticed that the mission completion status dropped from 75% to
74%, then to 73%, 72%, and 71% …

Ling Ran thought of many reasons that could contribute to this in a

span of just a few minutes, but it was not easy to prove that they
were correct.

The anesthetist sat up straight in front of the display screen.

Initially, he was so bored that he almost fell asleep. He was
awakened all of a sudden, and he cast a terrified glance at the
display screen. Then, he quickly stood up and said, "Everything's

After the anesthetist said those words, his heartbeat slowly

returned to normal. Covered in cold sweat, he felt resigned.

In normal surgery, it was normal for the chief surgeon to ask for
the anesthetist's opinion. But clearly, Ling Ran was not a normal chief
surgeon. In previous surgeries, Ling Ran always judged the situation
based on what he saw from the display screen.

This time, the anesthetist felt as if he had been shocked awake
197 Report
when Ling Ran suddenly asked him about the physical signs, and the
shock was amplified since Academician Zhu Tongyi was beside him.

Luckily, the data showed on the display screen was normal, so the
anesthetist calmed down. He stared at Ling Ran with his hand over
his chest, as though Ling Ran had wronged him. Then, he used his
hand to touch Liu Weichen's head and whispered, "Dalang is all
right. He's fine."

Ling Ran frowned and stopped the surgery. He went up to the

monitor and observed the situation.

The anesthetist felt challenged, so he carefully checked the

monitor again. He then said, "The patient's physical signs are

Ling Ran hummed as an answer before he nodded slowly.

"They're normal indeed."

"Ling Ran, what's the matter?" Zhu Tongyi also walked up to

them. He crossed his arms over his chest, looking slightly tired.

"Things don't feel quite right," said Ling Ran.

Zhu Tongyi hesitated for a few seconds. He wanted to ask, "Do

you want to end the surgery earlier?" However, when he thought
about the fact that the surgery was being shown to those in the
demonstration room, he did not ask. At that time, he was slightly
unhappy with how the surgery in the operating theater was being
broadcasted in the demonstration room.

Problems always occurred in operating theaters, regardless of

whether the surgery was unrecorded or recorded. And conceited
surgeons would often make wrong judgments when they were
observed by others.

Ji Tianlu settled the work on his hands. Still seated, he turned his
head and asked, "What now?"
198 Report
He did not ask Ling Ran if they should end the surgery right then
as well, but his stance was clear from his attitude.

Ling Ran fell into deep thought.

Making correct judgments under pressure was the job of a surgeon.

Ling Ran could stop the surgery at that point to maintain a higher
recovery level of the Achilles tendon. An Achilles tendon with 70%
functionality would not allow Liu Weichen to perform high-intensity
training, but it would be good enough for his daily needs.

Ling Ran could also change the plan. Plans B and C, which were
designed by Zhu Tongyi, had different focuses.

"We'll continue." Ling Ran turned around and returned to the

chief surgeon's position to continue rebuilding the vascular network.

The Perfect Level Achilles Tendon Repair Technique, Perfect Level

Finger Replantation, and hundreds of experiences in finger
replantation kept reminding Ling Ran that blood supply was the most
important thing he had to take care of.

Ling Ran could only continue based on theoretical knowledge since

he did not have enough information right then.

The patient did not want a conservative surgical plan. Otherwise,

he would not have waited so long to receive surgery. Changing the
surgical plan would just imply that Ling Ran panicked when the
patient's condition took a turn for the worse. There was no evidence
to show that Plans B and C would bring better results.

Ling Ran performed blood vessel anastomosis while he received

notifications showing that his mission completion status was

At around the fortieth minute, his mission completion status

dropped to 55%.
199 Report
The number meant that Liu Weichen could only restore his Achilles
tendon functionality to 55%. Forget participating in high-intensity
training and competitions, he would even have trouble in his daily
life. He even had to be careful when he ran or jumped.

To the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center, the result produced

by that number was absolutely below their standards.

Ling Ran craned his neck and exercised it for a while. He said,
"Let's check again."

Ji Tianlu watched Ling Ran in puzzlement, but he still followed Ling

Ran's instructions and started to check again.

After ten minutes, Ji Tianlu answered, "Should be fine."

Ling Ran nodded and proceeded to suture the blood vessels again.

The information from the system could only be used as a

reference. In a situation where the system could not identify the
problem, he could only trust his intraoperative judgment.

A delay of one to two hours of surgery time should not affect the
level of completion too much. The only possible setback could be that
the alternate vascular channel he was building imposed negative
effects on the patient.

However, that did not make any sense. Even without

reconstructive surgery, the human body would still complete the
rebuilding of blood vessels after a few months during the
postoperative period. In other words, revascularization was needed
by the human body.

If Ling Ran wanted an answer, then he was willing to think that an

incomplete alternate vascular channel might impose a negative
effect on the patient.

With such a conclusion in mind, Ling Ran continued the
200 Report
microsurgery under pressure.  

His stress was subconsciously passed on to Lu Wenbin, then to Ji

Tianlu, and finally to Zhu Tongyi.

They all acknowledged Ling Ran. Since Ling Ran took the matter
seriously, they knew that there were some changes to the situation.
Although no change could be observed from the monitors and the
patient's physical appearance, they knew that certain bad changes
could not be detected by the monitors and devices immediately.

Lu Wenbin continued to operate the retractor quietly, and Ji Tianlu

also lost his interest in chatting. Zhu Tongyi even crossed his arms
over his chest, and no one knew what thoughts ran in his mind.

Alas, Ling Ran was still affected by the mission completion status
in the system. He increased his suturing speed silently.

All the surgeons in the demonstration room could not feel the
tension in the operation theater, but they saw the changes in the

Ling Ran's suturing speed was already fast from the beginning, and
his stability, as well as his efficiency in suturing, were very high.

To the crowd, those were undoubtedly the strengths that made

Ling Ran stand out and be the chief surgeon.

No one thought that Ling Ran could still do it much faster and with
an even steadier hand.

"That's kind of scary."

"This speed is already insane for suturing the skin, and it's
too much for blood vessels."

"Isn't he scared of ruining the blood vessels?"
201 Report
"Well, he has made enough allowances."

"Are you able to reach even half his standard if I give you
so much allowance for mistakes? Let's not talk about his
speed first. If we do, I'd just be bullying you…"

The young resident doctors no longer had the confidence to

compare themselves with Ling Ran. Even the experienced attending
physicians only looked at each other without a word.

Being able to suture quickly was never the standard to measure

the capability of a surgeon. But the information gathered when a
surgeon sutured quickly was not just speed.

There was also accurate judgment, the surgeon's confidence in the

surgery, his familiarity with the skill, and his mastery of the skill,
among others.

A doctor who could perform all that was someone a normal

attending physician would never be able to catch up to no matter
how fast he tried to catch up.

"The vascular channel is completed."

Ling Ran's voice in the video was not loud, but his long exhale
could be heard.

The medical staff in the demonstration room immediately fell quiet.

This time, Ling Ran did not say anything. He did the check-up on
his own, and he released the artery directly.

Never-ending streams of blood swiftly surged into the perforating

arteries which were just sutured. Then, the blood spread to the
vascular networks around it.

In Ling Ran's vision, the mission completion status for Rise Into
Prominence increased slowly from 45%...
202 Report
55%, 65%, 75%, 85%...

When that value appeared, it looked as if a huge burden had finally

been released from Ling Ran's shoulders.

Liu Weichen's Achilles tendon rupture was serious. The part he cut
off was already the size of a thumb. For a severely injured Achilles
tendon, it could be considered a success if its functionality was
restored to 85%.

The 85% there was considered excellent if used to measure the

capacity of the joints.

There would still be risks if Liu Weichen performed high-intensity

training with his current Achilles tendon. However, it could still work.
At least, he could remain in the world of sports.

Most importantly, his mission completion status was still increasing


"The second vascular channel is a success. We will begin

suturing now." Ling Ran did not hesitate, and he began to perform
a layered closure to end the time-consuming surgery.

Ji Tianlu cooperated proactively, and he looked at Ling Ran

curiously. It was only after some time that he finally found himself
unable to resist, asking, "You don't seem to be worried now?"

"My gut tells me things are okay now." Ling Ran did not want
to give up his position as the chief surgeon. He even did the skin
suturing on his own.

During the dressing, Ling Ran could see that Liu Weichen's Achilles
tendon had recovered up to 90%.

"Academician Zhu, could you come and give us the medical

advice." Ling Ran felt at ease and allowed someone else to take
over that part because he was not good at it.
203 Report
Zhu Tongyi nodded slightly and started to mutter under his breath.

Ji Tianlu glanced at Ling Ran. When he noticed that Ling Ran had
become even more relaxed, he asked Ling Ran out of curiosity, "How
do you feel now?"

"Like I just gained my reward." Ling Ran looked at his

eighteenth Basic Treasure Chest and felt very emotional.

The female nurses in the demonstration room typed furiously in

their small WeChat group. They all typed in an emotional manner.

[Doctor Ling is such an emotional man.]

[An emotional man is the best.]

[Emotional men are good lovers.]

[No way. If an emotional man becomes your husband, he'll

love you even more.]

[He will be the best as a lover.]

[You want to be my husband's lover? You're so shameless

204 Report

Chapter 226: Dalang Has Awoken


Liu Weichen slowly opened his eyes. They shone like stars from
another constellation, so far away, but so deep that other people
could not help but want to go near them.

Liu Weichen exhaled softly and opened his mouth with great
difficulty, "I don't want to take medication…"

"Mister Liu, hold my hand and take large breaths." The

anesthetist held Liu Weichen's downturned hand while pressing
lightly onto Liu Weichen's shoulder with another hand. He then
repeated, "Take large breaths, large breaths…"

Sounds came out of Liu Weichen's mouth, but they were only
sounds of inhalation. He was not exhaling any air at all. At the same
time, he flashed a strange smile, "Doctor Pan, your drug wore off
so quickly. Has the surgery started yet?"

"It is already done." The anesthetist twitched his lips. He had

gone through the same conversation many times before.

Liu Weichen suddenly fixed his gaze on the anesthetist's face for a
few seconds without breathing. He asked vigilantly, "Is your family
name really Pan?"

"Eh, Mister Liu, your train of thought is actually quite clear.

Ordinary people would ask me why the surgery was
completed so quickly. Hm, do you feel awake yet?"

Liu Weichen fixed his gaze on the other party. "Is your family
name really Pan?"

"Do you remember that you asked me this question just
205 Report
now? If you don't, we'll be in quite a fix here."

Liu Weichen latched onto the anesthetist's wrist tightly in a

reversed grip. "What is your name?"

"Oh wow, you're quite energetic. Alright, you'll be fine." The

anesthetist rose with a smile and tapped Liu Weichen's hand before
he freed his wrist from Liu Weichen's grasp. "Alright, you can
sleep for a while longer. I'll inform the others first."

Liu Weichen did not see the anesthetist again, even up until he
was pushed back to his room. He even had suspicions that there was
something wrong with his memory...


Outside the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center was a

spontaneous gathering of fans. There was an even larger gathering
of reporters from the media, and they were armed with large
cameras that had telescopic lenses.

There were indeed very few famous track and field athletes in
China. Liu Weichen was already popular to begin with, and coupled
with the pity he received due to his injury, he was getting a lot of

Zhu Tongyi tried his best to allocate as many people as possible to

handle the reporters. However, the reporters who failed to get any
information inside the research center would rather wait outside the
door to see if they could get any extra clues.

A motorcade consisting of three Volkswagen Passats drove slowly

around the roundabout before heading towards the main door of the
Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center.

Some of the cleverer reporters immediately noticed that something

was up. They pointed their digital cameras at the Volkswagen
Passats and started taking pictures. They had ample storage space in
206 Report
their cameras, anyway.

"Go straight inside." The leader of the Sports Bureau frowned.

He neither wanted to see the reporters' faces nor chase them away.

Inside the center, Doctor Qu, the vice director, and the others who
received news about this were already waiting downstairs. Very soon
after they were opened, the automatic gates snapped shut again, not
giving the reporters much chance to gather anything.

The bureau's leader glanced at the gate that separated them from
the reporters outside before he let out a soft cough and adjusted his
collar. He then slowly exited the car.

"Director-General Wang, Chief Su, Chief Ma," Doctor Qu

greeted the leaders of the Sports Bureau with familiarity.

The Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center was located near

Fuyuan Stadium, and the center's staff members often dealt with the
cadres and athletes of the Sports Bureau. Compared to other clients,
the leaders of the bureau were considered major clients, and some of
the doctors—such as Doctor Qu—were very careful around them.

"Young Qu." Director-General Wang also recognized Doctor Qu.

He flashed a kindly smile and took the initiative to shake hands with
Doctor Qu. "We have troubled you so many times when it came
to Liu Weichen, and we're extremely grateful…"

"Ah, you're too courteous." Doctor Qu's expression changed a

little. Even though he knew that Director-General Wang was faking it
in front of other people, this time, the director was even more polite
than usual.

Director-General Wang waved his hand in dismissal, and said,

"This is not about being courteous, this is about respect. We
must have respect for the field of science and medicine.
When athletes get injured, they need to be treated. And at
207 Report
that time, they would need to rely on doctors for support,

"It is indeed rare for someone in your position to be able to

think like this. Erm, thank you so much for understanding,"
Doctor Qu answered, even though his answer was unconvincing. He
felt like he was facing someone far more superior than his own self.

Director-General Wang chuckled and said, "People like us who

are in managerial positions and work with an organization
must do everything we can to understand other people. This
is especially true when we deal with athletes. Because they
are all very young, they have minds of their own and are not
willing to be controlled. Even though we understand this,
when it comes to certain important issues and major
problems, an athlete is more than an individual, he is also
part of the Sports Bureau. By respecting science and our
athletes, we, correspondingly, also expect the same type of
respect from the athletes."

Doctor Qu did not even dare to reply to this. He saw now that
Director-General Wang was obviously here to interrogate them.

Chief Ma who was in charge of the track and field team asked,
"Where is Liu Weichen?"

"He is inside." Doctor Qu did not bother to stop them from going
in. Liu Weichen refused to listen to him anyway, and turned to rely on
Ling Ran instead. It would be meaningless for Doctor Qu to stop the
bureau's leaders now.

Doctor Qu led the way as the leaders of the bureau walked behind
him. The leaders of the bureau did not even pay much attention to
the vice director of the research center who was walking beside
Doctor Qu.

The vice director could not care less. When he saw that they had
208 Report
walked away, he pulled out his mobile phone and called Zhu Tongyi.

Soon, the two parties met in Liu Weichen's luxurious room

The most important room in the large four-bedroom suite was,

naturally, Liu Weichen's room. It took up about one-fourth of the
suite, and came with a full set of life support equipment. The ward
had ample sunlight, and was quiet and comfortable.

Liu Weichen was leaning against the elevated hospital bed. There
was a cast on his injured leg, and it was hung at an elevated position.
He was sleeping in a daze.

Director-General Wang was horrified when he saw this. He

immediately became furious. "What's going on?"

"The surgery went really well," Academician Zhu Tongyi said

with a smile on his face, "We expect Weichen to be able to start
getting used to training after resting for three or four

Because it was not appropriate for Director-General Wang to shout

at an academician, he could only speak impatiently to the people
beside him. "Wake Liu Weichen up and see what he has to

Zhu Tongyi immediately stopped the people from waking Liu

Weichen. "The patient still needs to rest. Let's go outside

Chief Ma ignored Zhu Tongyi and pushed Liu Weichen hard twice.
But no matter how hard one pushed, one would not be able to wake
a person who was only pretending to be asleep.

Zhu Tongyi said, "The anesthetic drugs in Liu Weichen's body

has not worn off yet. He won't be able to communicate
normally with you right now."
209 Report
"Let's get out of here." Even though Director-General Wang did
not really feel like respecting the field of science anymore, he did not
express that in front of Academician Zhu.

Chief Ma only came forward and spoke begrudgingly when they

arrived at the reception hall. "Academician Zhu, why did you
operate on Liu Weichen without telling us anything?"

"Liu Weichen has been staying in our hospital for so many

days. There are reports by the media, and the bureau knows
about it, too. How can you say that we did it without telling
you anything?"

"This is a major issue. You should have at least waited for

the bureau to approve the surgery before operating on him."
Chief Ma looked extremely displeased. "Now that the surgery has
been carried out like this, all our follow-up plans are messed

Zhu Tongyi smiled and said nothing, letting the other party vent to
his heart's content.

Even though there were differences between medical disputes with

government bodies, and medical disputes with ordinary people, one
thing remained unchanged—explanations were futile.

After letting out a long-winded rant, Chief Ma finally got tired. He

then asked, "Where's the chief surgeon? How was the situation
during the surgery? Can he explain things to us?"

"Sure, please wait for a while, let me ask him." Zhu Tongyi
looked towards Ji Tianlu.

The latter shrugged and said, "He's in the middle of a surgery"

"Another surgery?"

"He wants to finish operating on all the patients by today."
210 Report
"We can't help it, then. Should we wait for a while?" Zhu
Tongyi said to the bureau's leaders. He looked a little apologetic.

"We'll wait for a while." After Director-General Wang said that,

he asked someone to call for some reporters and a specialist from
the bureau to come over. He then said, "Those are the reporters
we know, and they won't spread false rumors. I hope that you
do not mind."

Zhu Tongyi smiled. "Of course, it is not a problem."

Soon, two reporters and a rehabilitation specialist arrived at the

reception hall.

They waited for a little longer before Ling Ran walked into the
reception hall in scrubs.

The two reporters' eyes immediately brightened, and they lifted

the camera in their hands without being aware of their actions.

When the rehabilitation specialist saw this, he could not help but
adjust his collar. There was a hint of contempt in the corners of his
lips, and it was the type of contempt a person had when he stood
superior to someone else, like a king to his subjects.
211 Report

Chapter 227: Ling Ran's Comfort


In a technical industry, anyone who could be called an specialist

moved up the career ladder while looking down on others. An
specialist was someone who climbed up the food chain and became
the apex predator.

Han Wenlin, a rehabilitation specialist at the Sports Bureau, was in

contact with a variety of injured athletes every day. He reviewed the
surgical plans delivered by various hospitals, assessed the athlete's
injuries, decided the pay for the hospital, controlled the amount of
money paid, and decided whether the Sports Bureau should continue
paying the hospital... With such power and his own medical
reputation, he had a greater psychological advantage over others.

When he saw an academician like Zhu Tongyi, he was naturally

well-mannered like a domesticated chicken, and he would not be
stupid enough to find any trouble. However, Han Wenlin did not need
to be polite towards a young surgeon like Ling Ran.

"Were you the one who operated on Liu Weichen?" Han

Wenlin snatched the opportunity to speak before the others could,
wanting to establish higher ground.

Ling Ran looked at the other person strangely, and then looked at
Zhu Tongyi and Ji Tianlu.

He was never a person who liked to talk, and was even less likely
to talk to unfamiliar people. He was even less interested in answering
such a sudden and strange question.

If Ling Ran had to answer all the questions posed at him by all
individuals, he would not be able to answer all of the questions
others threw at him since third grade. If you add the questions that
212 Report
was written to him, he would not need to do anything else in his life.

Zhu Tongyi chuckled and made the introductions. "These are the
leaders of our Sports Bureau: Director-General Wang,
Director Su, Director Ma, and Han Wenlin, as well as reporter
Wei and reporter Li..."

"Nice to meet you, Doctor Ling." Reporter Wei took the

initiative to say hello, he looked at Ling Ran as if he was seeing a
photograph on the front-page headlines.

Han Wenlin coughed and said, "Let me introduce myself, I am

an specialist who specializes in reviewing and evaluating the
results of all medical treatment in our Sports Bureau. Doctor
Ling, you seem very young."

Ling Ran smiled and nodded. He gave the officials and specialist a
disinterested look.

"Doctor Ling, can you tell us about the circumstances of the

surgery?" Han Wenlin looked polite on the surface, but in his heart,
he had already begun to reduce Ling Ran's points.

As a rehabilitation specialist of the Sports Bureau, Han Wenlin was

very good at using the power in his hands; he often "educated"
doctors and athletes who did not respect him. He especially disliked
those who had good physique and natural good looks.

Ling Ran was not like the doctors that Han Wenlin was familiar
with. He did not give a swift, steady, and thorough explanation like
the ones provided to the patient's family.

Ling Ran gave Han Wenlin an unexpected reply. "Is it


Han Wenlin's kingly contempt was greatly threatened, and he

raised his eyebrows. He said severely, "Of course it is necessary,
213 Report
we have to fully evaluate the circumstances of your surgery.
You must know that Liu Weichen is one of the most important
athletes in our Sports Bureau. He is a star athlete that the
country cares about. Information regarding his physical
condition must be in our hands at all times..."

"You may ask Academician Zhu Tongyi about his

postoperative condition." Ling Ran was too lazy to talk.

Zhu Tongyi smiled and nodded, implying that he had accepted the
task. He was different from ordinary doctors, and was not someone
whom Han Wenlin could attack with his kingly contempt.

Han Wenlin's force of character was blocked in an instant, but the

Sports Bureau's management was behind him. Han Wenlin panted a
little and once again squeezed out a smile. He said, "Doctor Ling, if
we wanted to ask Academician Zhu Tongyi, we would
naturally ask him. Now, we have some questions about the
surgery that we need to ask you..."

"Is it appropriate?" Ling Ran did not answer Han Wenlin, but
looked at Zhu Tongyi.

Zhu Tongyi cooperated with the Sports Bureau a lot. He might find
this to be a little annoying, but he did not want the situation to be too
tense. He laughed and said, "Specialist Han wants to know the
circumstances, can you brief him?"

Han Wenlin finally felt a little comfortable. 'Look, the academician

is also here to support me.'

After taking a deep breath, Han Wenlin, knowing what the leaders
wanted to know, asked first, "Why did Liu Weichen suddenly
decide to have the surgery?"

Puzzled, Ling Ran asked back, "Why are you asking me this
214 Report
"You are the chief surgeon. Wouldn't you know why Liu
Weichen decided to receive the surgery?" Han Wenlin was a
little annoyed now.

Ling Ran was even more annoyed. If he was asked to say which
kind of people he hated, an unreasonable person would undoubtedly
be listed among them.

When he considered that there were many people present, and

there were people such as Zhu Tongyi and the others among them,
Ling Ran said in a serious tone, "I think Liu Weichen decided to
undergo this surgery because his Achilles tendon is ruptured.
If you want to know why Liu Weichen suddenly decided to
have this surgery, you have to ask the person himself. This is
not a clinical problem."

Both reporters heard the underlying meaning and could not help
but chuckle.

Han Wenlin said somewhat unhappily, "Ling Ran, it is

meaningless to cover for Liu Weichen. If you cover for him
like this, you will only lose the trust of the Sports Bureau,
and we would not be able to continue this cooperation
between us." Han Wenlin's tone had hints of disappointment, yet
even more malice.

Han Wenlin had come across many doctors, especially young

doctors who hoped to improve their prestige and fame by performing
surgery on athletes, thus gaining more opportunities for surgery and
even increasing their exposure.

Medical groups of this current day and age were very profitable,
and reputation, among other things, were important for a doctor to
enter a medical group or to be a freelance surgeon.

Ling Ran was however somewhat unclear of the situation, so he

just watched Han Wenlin quietly. He was not stationed in Shanghai,
215 Report
and even when he was in his local area, he was not interested in
working with the Sports Bureau.

The high-end target group of the Achilles tendon repair technique

was athletes, but its main target group was still ordinary people.
After all, the number of ordinary people was large enough that every
year, there were enough unfortunate people who had their Achilles
tendons ruptured. Meanwhile, the total number people who would
get their Achilles tendons ruptured from the athletic group was
insufficient, even though the demand for Achilles tendon repair from
them was very heavy. It was impossible to perform surgery on
athletes at full capacity without first having a global reputation.

For an organization that did not provide a full patients load, it was
hard for Ling Ran to imagine the meaning behind cooperating with

In fact, if Academician Zhu Tongyi's surgery plan was improved, it

would eventually be implemented on ordinary people. At that time,
Ling Ran did not need to cooperate with athletes; he could still
perform the same surgery on ordinary people.

If the Achilles tendon was stronger, could recover faster, and could
adapt to high-intensity exercises after using the new Achilles tendon
repair technique, there would be nothing bad about it if the surgery
was performed on ordinary people. All surgical techniques was slowly
developed this way. In the beginning, there were many complications
in the surgery, so it was often only suitable for some people. With
slow and continuous improvement on the surgical technique, the
surgery could then be performed on a wider range of people.

Ling Ran preferred interesting surgeries, not boring people. He

would only politely refuse to entertain Han Wenlin's threat.

Ji Tianlu smiled and mediated the dispute. "Our cooperation with

the Sports Bureau has always been very good all this while.
This time, Liu Weichen's surgery was quite smooth."
216 Report
Han Wenlin became even more sensitive. He changed his tone and
said, "So, let's talk about the surgery's circumstances. Doctor
Ling, how did you perform it?"

"I implemented Academician Zhu Tongyi's Surgical Plan A."

Ling Ran provided the answer much more readily this time.

Han Wenlin was stunned for a bit and asked, "What is the
specific contents of Surgical Plan A?"

"An Achilles tendon repair technique. By using a lateral

paramedian incision, we first establish a key: the
subcutaneous flap..."

Han Wenlin shook his head. "I know that it is an Achilles

tendon repair technique. I meant that I want to know the
difference between this Surgical Plan A and a normal Achilles
tendon repair."

Ling Ran was slightly interested in this kind of problem. After

thinking about it, he decisively said, "Blood supply!"

Once he mentioned this, Ling Ran simply requested for Liu

Weichen's MRI scan and pasted it directly onto the wall. He said, "We
have reconstructed the blood vessel network of Liu
Weichen's Achilles tendon here, here, and here. We did a
bypass surgery for him..."

Han Wenlin already felt dizzy just by looking at it. He felt his head
pound as he listened to the explanation. To be honest, he had
reviewed Academician Zhu Tongyi's plan, but did not expect this
radical plan to be finally implemented.

"It's too risky!" Han Wenlin could not stand it anymore, "How
can you adopt such a risky plan?"

When they heard the specialist get angry, the leaders of the Sports
Bureau also grew nervous.
217 Report
"What is the situation now?"

"Is it very dangerous?"

"Are there any emergency measures in place?"

"These athletes are not sensible, and they don't even know
how to cherish their bodies..."

Ji Tianlu quickly consoled them, "The plan is indeed a little

risky, but the effect will still be very good. Up till now, the
surgery has been proven quite successful..."

Han Wenlin did not listen at all and only gave a look with his Kingly
Contempt. "Even if the operation is successful, all of you can't
guarantee that Liu Weichen will be better. First of all, from
my perspective, you should not use such a risky surgery—"

"It is indeed a very risky surgery for you, but from our
perspective, the risk is acceptable." Ling Ran interrupted Han
Wenlin's speech and gave him a look. During the operation, he did
worry many times due to the system prompts. However, as a
necessary experimental surgery, it was normal to constantly worry
about it.

Most importantly, during the entire operation, Ling Ran actually did
not encounter any substantial challenges. The operation itself was
very smooth all the way. Liu Weichen's vital signs were stable, the
sutures on the Achilles tendon were smooth, the vascular network
was successfully constructed, and he even built two of them—each
set provided a sufficient allowance for mistakes. It could be said that
the whole surgery was done in a safe parameter. If it were not an
experimental operation, but the tenth or twentieth time he
performed such a surgery, it could be described as a surgery without
any surprises.

In fact, for Ji Tianlu, Zhu Tongyi, and the others, besides having
218 Report
doubts over a few of his judgments in the operation, the whole
surgery was not shocking to them as well.

They could not see the system prompts and the mission
completion rate.

Han Wenlin absolutely did not believe what Ling Ran had said.
"What do you mean by the operation risk was acceptable?
Your entire surgery plan itself is full of risks."

"You aren't a specialist on the Achilles tendon repair

technique, are you?" Ling Ran suddenly asked.

Han Wenlin immediately looked at Ling Ran warily. "What do you


Ling Ran twitched his mouth. "If you are a specialist in the
Achilles tendon repair technique, you should find it

At this moment, Han Wenlin seemed to feel that the chain of

contempt was being yanked against his favor. He felt quite unstable.
"What do you mean by interesting? You're performing a

"A surgery that is difficult and risky but can be completed

successfully is an interesting operation." Ling Ran paused and
looked at Han Wenlin. "The surgical plan is risky for you mainly
because you don't know how to perform it, so you would feel
that success is unattainable. This is a very normal state of

When Ling Ran said the last part, his tone was very relaxed. After
all, he was comforting the other person.
219 Report

Chapter 228: Look At The MRI Scan


"Hahaha…" Han Wenlin laughed out loud to reduce the awkward

atmosphere in the consultation room.

However, everyone in the room was a smart person—they did not

really understand the meaning of awkward.

"I have been working as a consultant for the Sports Bureau

for almost ten years, must I be the expert for every surgery
to be able to review your surgical plan?" Han Wenlin laughed
loudly and said, "I have met many young men and many young
doctors, and they all thought the same as you. But let me tell
you, I have been verifying surgical plans throughout these

"Actually, it doesn't really matter." Ling Ran did not like how
the people of the Sports Bureau just speaking whatever they felt like,
and he did not want Han Wenlin to continue speaking. So, he gently
interrupted Han Wenlin and said, "I know there are a lot of
people who are not suitable to become clinicians, especially
to become surgeons. You're not good at performing surgery,
so you changed to offer medical advice. That's actually good
career planning. So, you don't have to feel… embarrassed."

"Me? Embarrassed?" Han Wenlin was already in his forties. When

faced with a young man like Ling Ran, he just felt awkward. He really
wanted to describe the power of a rehabilitation specialist from the
Sports Bureau, and he really wanted to show Ling Ran how
administrative staff, doctors, and pharmaceutical sales
representatives kissed his boots and curried his favor.
220 Report
It was so rare to see Ling Ran speak in a considerate tone. He then
comforted Han Wenlin. "To become a surgeon, you need some
luck. To become a good surgeon, you need even more luck. I
know that there are some famous medical scientists who
realized that they can't work as a surgeon, or met with
difficulty in improving their skills. They changed their careers
to be forensic doctors, internists, medical researchers, or
rehabilitation... specialists. Well, it's also an option."

"I…" The anger in Han Wenlin could ignite the contempt he felt in
his heart.

The director of the Sports Bureau, who was well-known for his
straightforward, simple, and harsh attitude, suddenly shed his
disguise and revealed the brilliant mind that lay within himself.
Director-General Wang went past Han Wenlin and spoke directly to
Zhu Tongyi. "Academician Zhu, will Liu Weichen recover fully?
To what extent will he recover to?"

This was the main problem that they were concerned with. It also
reflected Liu Weichen's value at the current stage. After they settle
this question, then the internal management of the Sports Bureau
could make a decision that would help the development of Liu
Weichen's sports career.

Zhu Tongyi was unwilling to discuss that. He then politely replied,

"The surgery was very good. There's a high possibility for a
better recovery."

Director-General Wang thought about it and asked again, "Is

there any possibility for a full recovery?"

If Director-General Wang asked this question for him, then Liu

Weichen's status could already be discerned. From this, it was clear
that Liu Weichen was the most important person on the track and
field team.
221 Report
Liu Weichen chose to perform an experimental surgery because he
hoped to be fully recovered as well. Only with a full recovery could
Liu Weichen continue competing, especially in international
competitions—he was almost considered the top in the country.

There would always be a Chinese who would be the champion in

local competitions, and Director-General Wang no longer needed the
athletes to win in those competitions. He wanted the athletes to win
in the high-standard races hosted in foreign countries, and only when
Liu Weichen recovered completely—and could continue with the
high-intensity training—could he then win in the races in other

In the opinion of the directors from the Sports Bureau, Liu Weichen
was only important to them if he was fully recovered. In others
words, if he only recovered partially, he would no longer be
considered an important athlete to the Sports Bureau.

Zhu Tongyi was a little hesitant for a few seconds. He looked at

Ling Ran and asked, "What do you think?"

Ling Ran saw that his mission completion status had achieved
91%. From a medical student's perspective, it could be considered a
complete recovery. However, considering the changes that happened
in the mission completion status during the surgery, Ling Ran
carefully answered, "We can hope for good results, but I can't
say for sure."

This reply was what Director-General Wang expected. He smiled,

but then showed the uneasy look on his face again from when he first
entered. "What you said meant nothing. I think, we should let
Old Han perform an examination."

"Even if you examine him now, you won't be able to make

any conclusions," Zhu Tongyi rejected indirectly.

Ling Ran was bored of listening to the conversation. He looked at
222 Report
Academician Zhu Tongyi and said, "I still have two more
surgeries, can I get to those first?"

Of the ten patients admitted that day, Ling Ran had operated on
five of them last night. Then, he started performing another two
surgeries at midnight, and another one just now. So, only two
patients were left.

Ling Ran drank a bottle of Energy Serum in between surgeries, and

he felt that it was only worthwhile after he finished the other two

For Ling Ran, the trip to Shanghai was worth it because he got the
chance to perform ten normal Achilles tendon repair surgeries, and
one experimental Achilles tendon repair surgery.

Right when Zhu Tongyi was about to approve Ling Ran's request,
the rehabilitation specialist Han Wenlin spoke in dissatisfaction, "We
need to know on what's going on in Liu Weichen's surgery,

Even though the chain of contempt had shifted more and more
against his favor, Han Wenlin did not want to let go of this matter.

"Hmm…" Zhu Tongyi was somewhat annoyed as well.

Ling Ran said, "Bring the video here, then."

Zhu Tongyi thought about it and agreed. Then, he ordered

someone to bring the video to him.

At this moment, Zhu Tongyi was slightly relieved. He called for the
leaders of the Sports Bureau to have their seats, and he invited the
reporters to sit down as well. He smiled and said, "Since the
surgery was just completed, it's not accurate to evaluate any
of the impact right now. The exact details on what we did
during the surgery can also be seen on the video."
223 Report
Nowadays, the major surgeries in hospitals were usually recorded
on video. In small hospitals back then, when the operating
procedures were not standardized, a recorded video could probably
expose the doctor's flaws and weaknesses. Therefore, every doctor
was reluctant to operate this way.

However, as time progressed, the old doctors who entered the

hospital from different fields had retired. For the doctors who started
their professions in a big hospital, it was normal for them to practice
the standard operating procedure. In this kind of environment, video
recordings could be considered as a protection for the doctors...
Particularly when a surgery failed without any reason. The doctors
would then not have to find ways to explain themselves.

When Zhu Tongyi wanted to grant Liu Weichen the surgery, he

took this matter even more seriously. Strict standards were followed
throughout the entire process of the operation, starting from the
preparation, until the end of the surgery. The video was even
recorded from multiple angles, which was more detailed than the
display in the demonstration room.

After a while, three display screens in the reception hall played the
video at the same time.

The leaders of the Sports Bureau along with the reporters were a
little scared to look at the screen at first. They covered their eyes,
just like a child watching a scary film for the first time. Soon, they
forgot about the scary feeling and started to get curious.

"Why is the surgical wound S-shaped?"

"For better recovery."

"You cut off such a large chunk of the Achilles tendon? How

could you do that?!"

"The ruptured parts are in the shape of a horsetail, and
224 Report
those parts cannot be used anymore. Even if it was
preserved, it will delay recovery time and may even cause
inflammation in the future."

"How long does it take to suture the blood vessels?"

"It took quite a long time to suture it."

"Blood vessels are actually very tiny, right? What is the

power used in the microscope?"

"8x macro zoom lens."


Zhu Tongyi, Ji Tianlu, and Doctor Qu were the spokespeople who

answered the questions. Ling Ran sat on the side, too lazy to talk.

At first, Han Wenlin did ask a few questions, then he gradually

became quieter.

As the first vascular channel was made, Ling Ran insisted on

anastomosing the second vascular channel. Han Wenlin then saw the
change in Ling Ran's expression. When he recalled his conversation
with Ling Ran, Han Wenlin realized that some parts were quite

For example, was this plan interesting, or premature?

Han Wenlin watched Ling Ran's movements. He could not help but
think, 'To a surgeon like this, plan A really sounds interesting...'

"So, did the continuous blood supply method really work?"

Han Wenlin seemed to understand the knack behind this at last.

The only thing they could discuss right now was about whether
their efforts to ensure blood supply worked, because there was no
direct evidence to show it could aid athletes in recovery by
225 Report
performing surgery such as this one.

Han Wenlin was a bit reluctant to discuss this problem. As a

surgeon, Han Wenlin also had a basic sense of shame. Even he would
find himself unable to justify himself if he had to continue to point out
more problems in such a clear-cut surgery.

After he heard the friendly tone in Han Wenlin, Ji Tianlu smiled and
said, "The blood supply was pretty good. The index we
measured just now, such as temperature and so on, met the
expected standards."

"That's pretty good." Han Wenlin's mouth twitched.

The leader of the Sports Bureau asked the question that he was
most concerned about, "So, do you mean that Weichen can have
a full recovery?"

"There's a chance he might," said Han Wenlin. He pulled the

leader away and whispered to the leader in a soft voice.

Ling Ran could no longer resist the urge. He stood up quietly and
left the reception hall. Then, he ran towards the operating theater.

He looked for the young nurse whom he had just met and asked
her to send the patient into the operating theater. Then, he started a
new surgery with the appointed anesthetist and nurse, with Lu
Wenbin as his assistant.

Ling Ran bathed and washed his hands, changed into a fresh pair
of underwear, and put on his scrubs before he entered the operating
theater. He could not help but take a deep breath, and showed a
happy smile. "Anesthetize the patient."
226 Report

Chapter 229: The Young Doctor Wants To

Go Back To Yun Hua

In the operating theater, the circulating nurse broadcasted a piece

composed by Franz Liszt, and performed by Li Yundi[1].

The notes from the classical piece lingered in the air, showing how
extraordinarily elegant the piano was as an instrument. The
atmosphere was so classy that Lu Wenbin dropped the surgical

"Are all hospitals in Shanghai so classy nowadays?" Lu

Wenbin pursed his lips. He knew that the nurse broadcasted the
piano music for Ling Ran. Nurses who did not know Ling Ran well
always simultaneously broadcast classical music in the operating
theater for him. It was quite a mystery.

The circulating nurse smiled with her usual expression. She then
turned to the left, revealing the left side of her face—it looked better
than her right—and asked, "Doctor Ling, what type of music do
you like?"

"I'm fine with anything." Ling Ran swayed his body slowly. He
tapped the patient's calf with his hand and pushed it with his fingers.
Even though he looked a bit like an old practitioner of traditional
Chinese medicine when he did that, he was actually doing a physical

Ling Ran examined the calf quite meticulously. Even though his
Specialist Level Physical Examination Skill was enough for him to do
it well, it was not perfect. To be confident of the results, he still
needed to carry out the physical examination earnestly, and perform
a few more auxiliary tests while he was at it.
227 Report
Of course, different doctors had different definitions when it came
to being confident in something. There were weirdos in local
hospitals who performed appendectomies without even checking the
patients' blood sugar levels. In tertiary grade A hospitals, there were
also chief surgeons who made incisions in the wrong places.

A doctor had to be extremely meticulous when operating in other

hospitals. This was what Wang Haiyang taught Ling Ran based on his
experience when he brought Ling Ran along for the freelance
surgery, and Ling Ran totally agreed with that.

In other hospitals, the layout of the operating theaters were

different, the manufacturers of the equipment were different, and the
manufacturers of the drugs were also different.

Plenty of preparation was required for a doctor operating in

another hospital to be able to handle special situations. The more
highly-skilled a doctor was, the more preparation he would require.
After all, doctors who lacked skill would be at a loss even in their own
hospital's operating theaters, and they would not even be able to
handle normal situations. For doctors like that, every single situation
was a special situation.

As someone who possessed the Perfect Level Achilles Tendon

Repair Technique, Ling Ran should, theoretically, be able to handle
most situations.

However, as the old saying went: "The more you know, the less
you understand." The more countermeasures he knew, the more
considerations he had to make.

"Alright, let's get started." After he completed the physical

examination and glanced through the MRI scans again, Ling Ran
reached out his hand and asked for the scalpel. He made an incision
in one stroke before he put down the scalpel in his right hand, and
extended his left index finger into the incision. He then moved his
right hand towards the incision and pulled the wound open, thus
228 Report
revealing the operating field.

Lu Wenbin immediately operated the retractor. He stood opposite

Ling Ran as his first assistant, and helped pull out all kinds of tissues.

There was a smile on his face. He, too, had been craving to
perform surgery for a while.

At least Ling Ran got to be a chief surgeon for Liu Weichen's

surgery today. Lu Wenbin was extremely antsy as he only got to act
as second assistant. He only felt better when he cut off a portion of
the tendon with a pair of scissors.

With a smile, Lu Wenbin said, "Finally, I get to cut something


"Hm, his condition is slightly better than Liu Weichen's."

Ling Ran commented, which was rare for him. He was in such a good
mood that he swayed his body.

It was really too tiring to converse with people like the leaders of
the bureau, and the rehabilitation specialist. That was practically dirt
compared to the joy of being in the operating theater.

Besides, the underwear sold beside Fuyuan Stadium was very

comfortable indeed. Even though the price was fifty percent higher
than the underwear sold in Yun Hua, Ling Ran did not care at all—he
was rolling in cash.

Although Ling Ran rocked back and forth to the music, when it was
time for him to pull the Achilles tendon out, his hand was as steady
as that of a fat person who took out mutton slices from a hot-pot.

The Achilles tendon hung in the air and had blood on it. It was
pinkish and looked a little cute. After Ling Ran yanked the Achilles
tendon twice, he could see the patient's calf muscles move along
with it. Ling Ran held the needle holder and gestured in the air for a
while before he found a spot that was relatively suitable for him to
229 Report
begin suturing.

When a surgeon was pressed for time, he could just find a roughly
suitable position before he started suturing. This was because during
the recovery process, Achilles tendons did not grow according to the
positions the doctors want them to. This was why adhesion of the
Achilles tendon happened.

So, Ling Ran's act of trying his utmost to find the best position to
start suturing was a waste of time in the eyes of some surgeons.
Even though it took a lot of time, the patient would not benefit much.
However, each surgeon had their own personalities, and Ling Ran
was the kind of person who wanted to try his best to find the perfect
position before he began the suturing. Even the assistants and
nurses in the operating theater could not interfere with it, let alone
the senior doctors in the demonstration room.

"I'm anxious just by seeing it."

"I think it's enough already."

"Is he trimming the Achilles tendon's 'brows'? This is more

like a cosmetic surgery. Isn't it too much to carry out
cosmetic surgery on an Achilles tendon?"

The senior and junior surgeons in the demonstration room were

stealthily watching Ling Ran's surgery. They had a lot of fun doing

It was the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center's rule that all
surgeons could be subjected to a spot-check if they performed
surgery in operating theaters that had camera systems in it. Hence,
they requested all their surgeons to follow standard operating
procedures so that they could always be ready for a spot-check.

The rule was executed in such a manner: any doctor who was an
associate chief physician or higher than that had the right to turn on
230 Report
the demonstration room and the camera systems.

Since they were in this kind of environment, all the surgeons in the
Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center tried their best to avoid the
four operating theaters with camera systems in them while
meticulously operating on their patients. As long as there were other
empty operating theaters, ordinary doctors would avoid the four
operating theaters which can be connected to the demonstration

Nevertheless, they would be left with no choice when there was an

emergency surgery, or when all the operating theaters were taken.

Ling Ran did not care if anyone observed him while he performed
surgery. He was already quite happy if he got to use an operating
theater whenever he wanted to. Thus, all his surgeries were pretty
much done in operating theaters with camera systems inside.

Even though they did not talk about it, some of the surgeons liked
to watch Ling Ran's surgeries. Surgeons were able to enrich their
experience or learn lessons as they watched the surgeries carried out
by other people. Surgeons were always able to garner inspiration by
observing how other surgeons operate when it came to surgical
methods that they were familiar with.

Unless they were totally uninterested in the Achilles tendon repair

surgeries, even senior doctors were willing to watch Ling Ran
operate. Apart from his smooth and seamless operation, Ling Ran
also employed different surgical techniques when he encountered
different types of Achilles tendons, and this was really an eye-opener
for all the doctors.

There were many Achilles tendon repair methods, and the number
of improvised methods, and improvised methods of improved
methods, was even greater.

Surgeons usually only learn a few of them, and there were even
231 Report
many doctors who only learned one Achilles tendon repair method so
that they could use it when the need arose. But when the surgeons
who specialized in practicing the Achilles tendon repair surgery saw
Ling Ran's variety of surgical methods, the sort of burning itch they
felt to try out those surgical methods was indescribable.

It was just like when a primary school student had to do four tests
that involved the chicken-rabbit math problem[2] in one day. For the
first test, they could solve the problem by treating it as if all the
chickens stood on one leg, while the rabbits stood on two legs[3]. For
the second test, they could solve it using the 'whistle method'[4].
When they encountered the same problem again in the third test,
they could only use the 'leg-severing method'[5]. If they were to
encounter a strange variation of the chicken-rabbit math problem in
the fourth test, where each animal had nine heads, they would have
no choice but to solve it by chopping off all their heads!

This showed that, compared to surgeons who only knew one

surgical method, surgeons who were skilled in many techniques had
greater mental health; they could hardly be defeated by repeated
problems or conditions. They could freely utilize their thoughts to
choose the most suitable surgical method, and the freedom to use
whatever surgical method they want was a joyful thing indeed.

All the doctors who had the chance to work in the Orthopedic and
Sports Medicine Center—even those who were not as highly-
skilled—all shared a thirst for knowledge.

It was very hard for those who made no effort to seek progress to
survive here, for the research center was even more demanding than
tertiary grade A hospitals, and it had lower pay and burdened its staff
with great responsibilities. Aside from that, career advancement was
also very difficult here. Even Doctor Qu who sat beside the few
leaders from the Sports Bureau right now, stared at the screen with
unblinking eyes.
232 Report
"Doctor Ling has quite the character," Chief Ma commented.
Internally, he was actually quite fed up with Ling Ran.

This type of person who relied solely on skills and did not know
how to handle politics was the type he hated the most.

"It seems like Doctor Ling is enjoying the surgery quite a

bit?" The reporter's question was more sentimental, and he felt
rather excited.

lf such a handsome doctor were to possess some positive

characteristics, even the news article produced would be more well-

Before Ji Tianlu and the others could answer, a female doctor who
watched the livestream in the demonstration room said, "Doctor
Ling is a doctor with extremely good mannerisms. He always
finishes what he starts, and is earnest and meticulous. You
should be happy for the patient that he has the chance to be
treated by such a doctor."

Reporter Wei was stunned when he heard that. 'Why do I feel like
I'm interviewing a multi-level marketing organization?' He gingerly
asked, "What is the basis of your judgment?"

The female doctor grinned. "Don't you reporters want source

materials during an interview? Aren't you satisfied now that I
have given you some?"

Reporter Wei did not know how to react anymore. "Were those
baseless statements?"

The female doctor sat up straight and spoke earnestly, "You

should think about it like this: If you were to have a ruptured
Achilles tendon, which doctor in this demonstration room
would you choose as your surgeon? Let me tell you first:
associate chief physicians don't usually carry out such minor
233 Report

With that one sentence, she excluded the possibility of associate

chief physicians, and even higher-ranking doctors who performed
Achilles tendon repair surgeries. The remaining attending physicians
and resident doctors were like boiled mutton that had all traces of
blood washed off, and Reporter Wei could simply fish for any of them
from the pot.

Reporter Wei found this train of thought quite interesting. He could

not help but think about it earnestly, and he even casually wrote a
few lines in his notebook.

"Doctor Han, if you have any questions, you can press that
red and round button to ask Ling Ran whatever you like."
Even though Zhu Tongyi wanted to be polite when it came to
handling the relationship between the research center and the
bureau, he was getting rather impatient.

Han Wenlin the rehabilitation specialist did have a lot of things that
he wanted to say. He even thought of what he would say to refute
Ling Ran. This was why he took the initiative to come to the
demonstration room to watch the livestream of Ling Ran's surgery.

But when he saw Ling Ran through the screen, Han Wenlin felt
rather diffident, because Ling Ran was as handsome as a celebrity-
no, he was even MORE handsome than a celebrity.

"There's only one patient left, right?" At that same moment,

Ling Ran's voice traveled into the demonstration room through its
sound system, which was connected to the operating theater's

Lu Wenbin answered, "There's only one left, and his Achilles

tendon isn't completely ruptured."

"Isn't completely ruptured? That's not really interesting."
234 Report
Ling Ran paused for a while. He then asked, "And we will be done
after that?"


"Young Lu."


"Later on, can you go out and ask Chief Physician Ji

whether there are any more patients with ruptured Achilles
tendons? And, if it's possible, to send them here?"

Lu Wenbin was a little fearful. "Chief Physician Ji Tianlu? He

seems pretty busy…"

"Now that we have completed Liu Weichen's surgery, we

should be heading back to Yun Hua. If we don't carry out
more Achilles tendon repair surgeries today, I don't know
when we will get the chance to do so again. Now that it's still
early, let's seize the day and contact all the large hospitals in
the city. Shanghai is so big, there will certainly be a few
cases of ruptured Achilles tendons every day." Even though
Ling Ran was urging Lu Wenbin to take action, the screen that
displayed the surgical field showed Ling Ran swiftly tying knots.

Lu Wenbin could only comply with Ling Ran's request. He hummed

in acknowledgement and said, "I'll give it a try, but I'm not sure
if they can find us any patients."

"That's true." Ling Ran agreed with Lu Wenbin, which was rare of
him in such a scenario. He then said, "Then, can you contact
Department Director Huo? Notify him that we are preparing to head
back to Yun Hua, and that he can start getting the operating theaters
ready, and line up the finger replantation surgery cases.

"Aside from that, ask him how many vacant beds there are.
After all, a few dozen beds in the research center have been
235 Report

When Han Wenlin the rehabilitation specialist heard this

conversation, he stopped in his tracks.

'Forget about it. Why should I bother myself with this kind
of young doctor?'

Translator's Notes:

A Chinese classical pianist.

An ancient Chinese math problem. For example: there are 100

chickens and rabbits in total. The chickens have 80 more legs than
the rabbits. How many chickens and how many rabbits are there?

By assuming that each chicken is only standing with one leg, and
that each rabbit is only standing on their two hind legs, the total
number of legs on the ground would only be half the total amount.
The number of chickens will then be the same as the number of
chicken legs on the ground, while the number of rabbits will be half
the number of rabbit legs on the ground. And thus, we can deduce
the number of chickens and rabbits from there.

Assume that all the chickens and rabbits have undergone special
training. On the first whistle, each of them would lift one leg. On the
second whistle, they would lift another leg. At this time, all the
chickens would be sitting on the ground, while the rabbits would still
be standing on two legs. We can then deduce the number of rabbits
based on the number of remaining legs by dividing the number in

If one leg was severed from each chicken, and two legs severed
from each rabbit, the total amount of legs would be halved. Hence,
the number of rabbits could be calculated by deducting the total
number of animals from the number of legs.
236 Report

Chapter 230: Not Afraid Of Those Who

Are Not Afraid Of Being Tired

"Contact the other hospitals and find some patients with

Achilles tendon ruptures for Ling Ran." Zhu Tongyi sat in the
office and made some arrangements with Ji Tianlu.

Ji Tianlu rubbed his temple and asked, "How many?"

"Look for a few. Patients are not Chinese cabbage. We can't

find them by just digging them out from earth," Zhu Tongyi
sighed and said, "I'm going to Beijing for a meeting tomorrow.
You have to keep Ling Ran here for me. Don't wait until an
injured athlete arrives. By then, Ling Ran will no longer be

Ji Tianlu looked at Zhu Tongyi and said half-jokingly, "Are injured

athletes Chinese cabbage now?"

"I know that the national badminton team has an athlete

with an Achilles tendon rupture. I'll go and see whether he
wants to come to us. Xue Haochu is in contact with the
provincial and municipal teams from the other places. He
should be able to get the people with Achilles tendon
ruptures to be transferred to us. If it is really not possible,
look for retired athletes with old Achilles tendon ruptures."
Even Zhu Tongyi felt slightly troubled.

His plan A was designed for Liu Weichen. But Zhu Tongyi had not
expected his plan to work this well. Based on the results from the
checkups over the past few days, Liu Weichen's Achilles tendon
rupture recovered far better than what they expected.
237 Report
Because of this, Zhu Tongyi also grew more interested in plan A.
He wanted to take the time to do more surgery cases so that he
could research the plan more thoroughly.

At that time, if he really managed to turn it into a proper surgical

technique, he could name it Tongyi's Achilles tendon repair
technique, or Tong-Achilles tendon repair technique, or some other
variation of it. Would that not be wonderful?

If it was necessary, in the future, he could write a book with a title

that was something along the lines of: The perioperative treatment
strategies and plan selection for Tongyi's Achilles tendon repair
technique. It was also a pleasure to give a few lectures in a few

However, finding cases had always been the most troublesome

part when it came to developing new surgical methods, especially for
doctors at his level. The funds, equipment, and even imported
devices were not a problem for him. He could easily procure a million
dollar fund from any hospital of his choice should there be a need for
him to do so.

However, patients did not pop up whenever he wished, and that

was the biggest problem for surgeons. The more complex and rare
the illness was, the more troublesome it was to find patients afflicted
with the illness.

The situation for Zhu Tongyi was still a little better, since he was in
the field of sports medicine. If he waited a little while, he would find
that there would always be athletes who would have their Achilles'
tendons ruptured, and this was especially so for badminton and
basketball players. The number of athletes who had their Achilles
tendons ruptured because they played these sports was quite high.

However, the total number of athletes was a problem. No matter

how high the rate of occurrence was, the number of athletes was
always low, especially high-level athletes. They had to wait for a very
238 Report
long time if they wanted to wait for them to have their Achilles'
tendons ruptured.

Their actions were also limited by the limitations of plan A. Since

they could not be certain whether there would be any postoperative
complications or how the postoperative recovery would play out, Zhu
Tongyi could not expand the scope of the experiment to his heart's
content. Finding the right patient without advanced preparation
became a difficult task.

Zhu Tongyi looked at Ji Tianlu and said, "I am going out. I guess
I can find at least two patients with these symptoms. So,
keep your eye on Ling Ran in the near future and make sure
he stays here. Don't let him get back to Yun Hua too easily.
Also, make sure he maintains in this condition. Give him
surgeries to do, but don't let him do too much. Young doctors
don't know how to do things in moderation, you must make
sure to keep him in check."

"He still wants to do finger replantation surgeries, so

should I let him do some finger replantation surgeries?" Ji
Tianlu asked tentatively. Compared to Achilles tendon ruptures,
patients who needed finger replantations required a longer period of
time for their surgery, so their numbers would go down. If many of
their fingers were severed, one surgery alone would be equivalent to
the time taken to perform five or ten Achilles tendon repair surgeries.

Ji Tianlu now had a glimpse of how much of a surgery maniac Ling

Ran was. However, he did not know enough about him, so he thought
that he could appease Ling Ran by just giving him a certain number
of surgeries.

A light crease appeared between Zhu Tongyi's eyebrows, and he

slowly shook his head. He said, "Try to give him Achilles tendon
rupture surgeries only. Ling Ran is obviously talented in
Achilles tendon rupture surgeries. He might be good in finger
replantations as well… Keep this between us, isn't there a
239 Report
better development prospect for Achilles tendon repair

If plan A was proven an effective way to heal athletes' Achilles

tendon ruptures, then Ling Ran could make a lot of money by
carrying out Achilles tendon repairs.

However, hard work was not the only thing needed for a doctor to
achieve global fame.

Most of the world-renowned doctors had to have more than twenty

years of medical experience. This window of time was not really for
them to polish their skills, but to publicize themselves and build their

At the same time, it could also be considered the very waiting

period that made many senior doctors give up on the idea of fame.

Ji Tianlu did not want to make empty promises to Ling Ran, that
would make him sound too insincere.

Ji Tianlu did not respond directly to Zhu Tongyi's words and said,
"There are still some reporters who want to interview Ling
Ran. Some of them are from media companies that have
cooperated with us for many years. After seeing the two
reporters, Ling Ran doesn't want to meet more of them…"

"Ling Ran doesn't want to meet more reporters? Aren't the

youngsters nowadays desperate to spread every single
information about themselves among their Circle of Friends?"

"He said that too much exposure will affect his life," Ji Tianlu
then whispered, "Youngsters nowadays usually play TikTok."

"Other people's TikTok videos are not as interesting as

your own, right?"

"I never really looked into this…"
240 Report
"He has to have more exposure to the media, and he has to
meet them while the iron is hot," Zhu Tongyi said this with the
tone of an experienced person, "Didn't he want surgeries? You
talk to him about this. Hmm… tell him that if the media
publicized us, isn't it easier for us to find the right patients?"

"Yes. Based on Ling Ran's train of thought, this method

should be feasible." When Ji Tianlu thought of this, he felt that the
problem was solved, and he felt relaxed.


The next day, Ji Tianlu reiterated the benefits of exposure to

hospitals and doctors, and put forward to Ling Ran the idea of
receiving interviews in exchange for surgeries. He said, "Ling Ran,
doctors do indeed hope to live a more relaxing life and not to
be bothered by many things occurring outside operating
theatres. That's what I thought when I was younger, and

"How many surgeries will I get in exchange for one

interview?" Ling Ran did not want to interrupt Ji Tianlu, but Ji Tianlu
was a little too long-winded, and he could not grasp the point.

Ji Tianlu did not even carefully consider how many surgeries Ling
Ran could get in exchange for one interview. But of course, normal
people would have not thought about such a problem.

Ji Tianlu replied casually, "Five interviews should be good enough.

If you accept an interview, I will find five surgeries for you. The
surgery fees will be paid according to a chief physician's standard,
which is the same as what you receive in Yun Hua Hospital.

Compared to the former, Ji Tianlu was much more believable when

he said the latter sentence. Usually, doctors would be afraid to sign
the surgery completion form when the surgery was completed by
another doctor.
241 Report
Of course, the department directors of large general hospitals had
to do this. They often had to sign other people's surgery completion
forms, especially the department directors of hospitals that often
invited freelance surgeons over. Someone had to sign the surgery
completion form, so it had to be them. As Yun Hua's doctor, Ling Ran,
regardless of whether or not he had a medical license, needed to be
paid by the research institute.

If Ji Tianlu was willing to sign his forms for him, that in itself
showed that he trusted him to a certain extent.

Ling Ran did not think much about it before. After he heard this, he
immediately expressed his gratitude and said, "I'll let them
interview me one extra time as well. With every interview I
receive, I will do four surgeries…"

"Deal." Ji Tianlu was very happy. He said, "Then, I will arrange

two interviews now. You can do some preparations for it."

"Okay. Please make some preparations on your part as

well," Ling Ran said in a concerned manner, "If there are eight
surgeries, we must have a good transition in the middle. I
only need one anesthetist in every surgery, but he must be
replaced somewhere down the line. We must have at least
two groups of nurses, or have five nurses working in rotation.
They must be specialty nurses, and their duties cannot be
mixed. Otherwise, it will be a waste of time. Also, for the
assistants, Lu Wenbin is counted as one. The other one
should be skilled in closing incisions, and understands
preoperative as well as postoperative preparations."

Ji Tianlu was stunned as he stared at Ling Ran. He smiled. "This is

the first time I hear you speak so much."

"It's just some of the experience I have to improve

efficiency," Ling Ran answered bashfully.
242 Report
"Well, in this case, shall I schedule the eight surgeries over
a period of two days?" Ji Tianlu felt that it was reasonable to have
four surgeries a day if two teams of specialty nurses were to be

Ling Ran looked at Ji Tianlu skeptically before he said, "Chief

Physician Ji, I should be the one arranging the surgeries I
received as an exchange for the interviews, right?"

"Yes… that should be the case."

"Then, let's arrange them all in one day."

Ji Tianlu laughed, "Eight surgeries from morning till night? Do

you want to die of exhaustion?"

"I won't be tired, trust me," Ling Ran replied earnestly.

Ji Tianlu looked at Ling Ran seriously and said, "Even if you are
not tired, I can't arrange eight surgeries in one day. This is a
dereliction of my duty towards the patients, towards you,
and the research center."

Ling Ran had to admit that Ji Tianlu's words were very logical, and
Ling Ran always showed basic respect to logical people.

"Then I will go to the interviews now. Please arrange the

surgeries," Ling Ran did not continue arguing. He had never been
someone good with words.

Ji Tianlu nodded with some satisfaction and thought, 'Ling Ran is

quite cute like this.'

Ji Tianlu automatically stood up. He sent Ling Ran out of his office
and called Xue Haochu to let him inform the media to arrange
interviews with Ling Ran. He then casually opened his WeChat to
procure patients with Achilles tendon ruptures from his group.
243 Report
In general, Ji Tianlu was quite satisfied with his work in the first half
of the day. He finished many tasks, his efficiency was very high, and
his work went smoothly. Ji Tianlu had already begun to consider
getting off work earlier to have fun.

Doctors were busy the whole day. It was only when they were
promoted to chief physicians would they enjoy some me-time.

Ji Tianlu worked overtime every past few days. Today, he could

finally relax. So, he decided to do something more relaxing. He went
around the department and greeted the people who worked under
him. Then, he checked the condition of several key patients and
examined the resident doctors' medical records. After that, he made
a small ward round, fulfilled several patients' demands, and gave
directions to some junior doctors. He scolded an attending physician
for five minutes before he went on a stroll in the Operating Area. He
took some time to read medical records of patients sent by several of
his old friends, and he declined the invitations from several
pharmaceutical sales representatives…

Before five o'clock in the afternoon, Ji Tianlu packed up his things

and was ready to leave the hospital.

"Chief Physician Ji," Ling Ran appeared outside his office with a
warm smile.

"Oh, Ling Ran... Is the interview done?" Ji Tianlu smiled.

Ling Ran smiled. "They are done. I was interviewed by four

media corporations. Xue Haochu made the arrangements."

Ji Tianlu was happy. "Aren't you obedient?"

"Xue Haochu said that arrangements were easier if I was

interviewed by all of them at the same time."

Ji Tianlu nodded in satisfaction and said, "Two patients with

Achilles tendon rupture should have arrived. I saw them just
244 Report
now. Peking University Third Hospital has transferred one
over here, and the emergency medical center…"

"I'm done with them." Ling Ran continued to smile.

Ji Tianlu had a stiff smile as he said, "So, did Peking University

Third Hospital send their patient over here first?"

"A total of three Achilles tendon rupture patients were sent

in," Ling Ran paused and said, "I don't know where they came
from, but I'm done with them."

Without Academician Zhu Tongyi's plan A, a normal Achilles tendon

rupture patient could have his surgery finished under two hours in
the hands of a normal doctor. In Ling Ran's hand, the surgery did not
even exceed one hour. It was impossible for him to fill up his entire
afternoon with only three patients.

Ji Tianlu looked at Ling Ran's face and said very gingerly, "So,

Ling Ran stared at the part connecting Chief Physician Ji Tianlu's

ankle and his calf while he said, "I feel that I am in good shape,
and I can do more surgeries…"

Ji Tianlu's eyes widened.

"I'll prove it to you," Ling Ran took out a stack of papers and
unfolded them. It was a set of Sudoku questions.

Ling Ran chose a random page and completed the Sudoko question
in front of Ji Tianlu. Then, he said, "I can do five more surgeries
without any problems."

"Wait a minute, let me ask." What could Ji Tianlu say? When he

saw that Ling Ran had complete the Sudoku questions, Ji Tianlu was
really worried about that Ling Ran would bring a leg over to him later
and show him that he could grab its tendon with his bare hands.
245 Report
Ling Ran politely retreated a step to avoid eavesdropping on Ji
Tianlu's conversation on the phone.

Ji Tianlu made a few phone calls before he looked at Ling Ran and
said, "I guess we'll have to wait a while. Why don't I treat you
to a meal."

"I'll treat you," Ling Ran said as he pulled out his cell phone.
"Doctor Lu had his stew from Yun Hua Hospital delivered
here. There're stewed pork trotters, elbows, mushrooms, and
corn, and a piece of beef shank."

"You can send… stew through delivery?"

"Yes, after freezing them into blocks, they performed

vacuum dehydration on the stew, put them in heat-insulating
bags, and put ice both inside and outside the bag. SF Express
[1] will then send them over on the same day. It's very

Ji Tianlu stared at Ling Ran's expression while he talked earnestly

about stew and braised food. He then solemnly picked up the phone
and said, "Dinner can wait. I'll try to get you more patients."

Translator's note:

[1] SF Express: A delivery services company
246 Report

Chapter 231: Where Did Time Go?


The Operating Area in the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center

was small, and it contained only a total of eight operating theaters.

The ratio of operating theaters to its one hundred and eighty

hospital beds in the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center was
considered above average.

The Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center may seem as if they

had many operating theaters, especially considering the fact that
they often had empty beds compared to general hospitals, who often
had to add beds to accommodate patients.

Ling Ran also liked their spacious Operating Area, which had a very
large surface area. If he did not include the remaining half of the
building that was intentionally reserved for other purposes, the other
half of the building was being severely underutilized. When Ling Ran
looked over, he found that the long corridor was empty and clean. It
had a disinfectant wareroom, anesthetic wareroom, surgical
instrument storeroom, and other rooms. They were scattered all over
the corridor, but the layout still proved to be interesting. Because of
it, when they took something out of those rooms at night while on
duty, they could terrify a young nurse out of her wits.

Similarly, the cafeteria located in the Operating Area—the favorite

place of all surgeons—also had had a very standard layout as well as
standard equipment. At first sight, the kitchen was about 131 square
feet big, and the dining area was almost 328 square feet big. But the
cafeteria in the Operating Area was often empty because it was
located in a research institute which had only dozens of doctors.

However, the cafeteria in the Operating Area appeared to be pretty
247 Report
crowded today.

It was not to the extent of being filled with noise, but it was still
quite crowded.

Ji Tianlu followed Ling Ran into the cafeteria. For a moment, he was
not able to recognize the once-familiar cafeteria.

Half of the tables and chairs, originally arranged in groups, had

been moved to the front of the cafeteria. There were stainless steel
pots on top of the tables, and nameplates resembling those used in
buffets could be seen in front of the stainless steel pots.

Some doctors walked to one of the stainless steel pots and opened
up its lid. Then, they had their spectacles moisturized by the steam
that came out of the pot. When they could finally see clearly, they
would take out a pork trotter, or a piece of pork shank, or an ear of
corn, or even a long piece of pork ribs…

Lu Wenbin wore his white coat and stood at the end of the row of
tables. In front of him was a chopping board, and he held a kitchen
knife in his hand. Just like a buffet, doctors could just pick the meat
they liked and have Lu Wenbin cut their meat into pieces. The pork
trotter would be cut in the middle, the pork shank would be cut
longitudinally, the corn would be chopped into two, and the pork ribs
would be cut into pieces…

Of course, most of the doctors cut their own meat themselves.

Some of them used the table knife provided with their plates to cut
the meat, while some of them only ate tendered pork trotters. But
the most common sight would be surgeons deboning the pork
trotters using highly accurate incision skills.

There were many cheap blades on the operating theater. As long

as they were careful and did not break the blade off in the meat, they
could freely eat and cut anything they wanted, and they enjoyed the
248 Report
fun of eating the meat in large mouthfuls.

"What's… happening?" Chief Physician Ji Tianlu was very

skeptical when he saw the big changes in the cafeteria.

Ling Ran said, "Doctor Lu had some stew delivered from Yun

"I know, I remember that. You even advertised for SF

Express. But that is not just one pot of stew…" Ji Tianlu stared
at the surgeons who ate with greasy mouths. He was unhappy and
grumbled under his breath, "Haven't they eaten any meat
before? Would they still be able to perform surgeries when
they're full? Won't they feel disgusted eating these pork ribs
when they're going to cut bones later?"

Lu Wenbin saw Ling Ran and Ji Tianlu come in. He quickly stopped
his work and passed them the QR code. Then, he smiled and said,
"You came at the right time, another pot of pork trotters will
be ready soon."

"Another pot?" Ji Tianlu did not know what to say when he looked
at Lu Wenbin. He did not have any special impression of this young
resident doctor from Yun Hua. All that he remembered was that Lu
Wenbin was rather experienced as an assistant, had a quick mind,
and he seemed to have quite the bright future. But what Ji Tianlu did
not expect was that Lu Wenbin did not become famous in the
operating theater, instead, he created such a huge commotion in the

Lu Wenbin paid no heed to Ji Tianlu's facial expression. He smiled

and answered, "All the people here are rather fond of my pork
trotters. Some of the doctors even try to take them home.
Which is fortunate, because I saved the butcher's phone
number, so I asked him to bring over another pot of pig
249 Report
"You even have the butcher's phone number?"

"I go to the butcher's stall at two o'clock in the morning,

and I can be considered to be one of his earliest customers of
the day. So, the boss is very happy to sell his products to
me." Lu Wenbin had an expression that pointedly hinted at Ji Tianlu's

Ji Tianlu was completely stunned. He completely lost the 'wisdom'

he should possess as a superior doctor. How was he supposed to
employ his wisdom when this was not his normal field of operation?

"Please cut us some pork shanks, we'll have the part with
the skin and fat. Also, give me a pork rib, pour some stew on
the rice, add some broccoli and mushrooms with it, and I'd
like fruit salad as well." Ling Ran ordered the dishes with
practiced ease. He then asked Ji Tianlu, "Do you want pork trotters
only? Or would you like some corn as well?

"I'd like some fruit salad as well." Ji Tianlu was dumbfounded.

"Already ordered." Ling Ran nodded.

"You…"Ji Tianlu stared at Ling Ran and Lu Wenbin. He asked, "Did

you do something like this at Yun Hua Hospital?"

"No way" Lu Wenbin snickered. "I'm far more successful at

this in Yun Hua Hospital. There are already hundreds of staff
members in the Emergency Department alone. If we go to the
surgical floor, there will be a few hundreds of surgeons and
nurses going in and out of it all day, and that is if we exclude
those in the wards."

Ji Tianlu only grew more confused. He scratched his head and said
tiredly, "The cafeteria in the Operating Area is so that we can
make things easy for our medical staff to eat, and that leads
to them being able to perform surgeries better."
250 Report
"It is indeed very convenient."

"Once we eat dinner, we can begin with the surgeries. Are

you going home tonight?" Ling Ran looked at Ji Tianlu with a spark
of hope shining in his eyes. When he operated on Liu Weichen, Ji
Tianlu was his assistant. Ji Tianlu performed well in the surgery, and
it saved him a lot of effort.

Ji Tianlu laughed. He was too lazy to talk.

While they spoke, Lu Wenbin served the braised dishes ordered by

Ling Ran.

"Let's eat." Ling Ran started to eat swiftly after he said this. He
would only have enough energy to perform surgeries after he was

Ji Tianlu stared at the table of dark-colored braised dishes. The fruit

salad was the only dish that had brighter colors. He could not help
but complain. "It's very unhealthy to eat like this."

"It won't be."

"We need to diversify the types of food we eat every day.

We need to mix vegetables with meat, otherwise, if you eat
in this manner for a period of time, you'll be lucky to only
mouth ulcers as a reminder…" Ji Tianlu said while he picked a
greasy pork shank with skin and put it into his mouth. Then, he
chewed it slowly.

The pork shank braised with stew gave off a salty and savory flavor
when it first touched his taste buds. It was then followed by a brothy
taste and the greasy taste from the pork shank itself. The slightly
tough skin, the soft, fat meat, and the small amount of lean meat
formed a delicious taste…

Ji Tianlu always worked as a freelance surgeon, and he could be
251 Report
considered as a food expert. At that moment, he could not help but
applaud the dish.

Luckily, he quickly realized what he was about to do, or else he

would have embarrassed himself on the spot.

Ji Tianlu secretly nodded. When he opened his eyes, his mood

turned better. He laughed and said, "When I read the report from
the Central Healthcare Group, they stated that they have at
least twenty-two types of foods in the menu prepared for the
leaders every day in order to ensure sufficient nutrient
intake. All of you are still young, so now, you do not have any
idea of taking care of your health. Still, you shouldn't ignore
this. As doctors, we know it'll be too late for us if we only
start taking medicine when we're sick…"

"Chief Physician Ji." A young female nurse came over and

greeted Ji Tianlu.

"Yes?" The middle-aged Ji Tianlu nodded firmly. He looked very


"Doctor Ling, I've made some scrambled green peppers and

eggs. It is good to reduce excess internal body heat. I'll share
some with you." The young female nurse smiled cutely while she
came in front of Ling Ran.

"Thank you." Ling Ran pushed the plate slightly forward and
grabbed something from under the table. He then said, "Take a
bottle of yogurt."

"Thank you, Doctor Ling." The young nurse took the yogurt from
Ling Ran happily.

"Doctor Ling, I made this pork rind jelly."

"Doctor Ling, try some lotus slices…"
252 Report
"Doctor Ling, stir-fried wild rice with meat…"

Ji Tianlu, who sat beside Ling Ran, watched the young nurses of the
research institute come to Ling Ran before they left with the yogurt
they received from Ling Ran. The yogurt box underneath their table
turned empty in a short while.

Ji Tianlu was completely stunned.

There was also a lot of food in front of Ling Ran, but the portion
was not big. After a while, Ling Ran ate half of it.

"Chief Physician Ji." Ling Ran wiped his mouth before he talked
to Ji Tianlu, who could not really taste the food he ate because he
was too stunned to focus on eating. "I'll be off performing
surgeries now. The patient should be here already, right?"

"Huh? Yes! The patient is someone we just contacted, he

should be on his way here." When Ji Tianlu was about to say
more, he found Ling Ran swiftly leaving the cafeteria.

The light in Operating Theater 2 lit up very soon.

Lu Wenbin also quickly packed up and left.

In a short while, the light in Operating Theater 3 also lit up. Within
twenty minutes, a nurse ran out and said, "Doctor Ling is
performing his third surgery. It's a fresh Achilles tendon
rupture. He lacks an assistant. Is there anyone who wants to

"I'm in." A few resident doctors who had free time raised their

Ji Tianlu smelled the pork trotters, looked at the crowded surgery

cafeteria, and watched the excited resident doctors. He was filled
with puzzlement, 'Is this still the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine
253 Report
The lights in the operating theater lit up before it was turned off.
Then, it was lit up again.

Ling Ran normally used whoever available in his team when he

wanted to perform surgeries, and when he did not have enough
people available in his team, he would ask others to join his team. If
he were thirsty, he would just drink water. If he were tired, he would
take an Energy Serum. This cycle continued until the next morning,
and it made him receive two [Peers' Admiration] for some
inexplicable reason.

As a result, he accumulated twenty Basic Treasure Chests granted

to him by [Peers' Admiration].

'Open all twenty chests.' Ling Ran stood in the operating theater as
he gave the command in his heart while he observed the open
wound beneath the microscope.

As a man who currently owned 124 bottles of Energy Serum, he

had lost his interest in opening Treasure Chests. This was just like a
gamer receiving Normal Treasure Chests in games. That gamer
would not immediately open it until he accumulated a large number
of those chests.

Only when he had accumulated a certain number of the Treasure

Chests and could open all of them in one go would Ling Ran be
slightly motivated.

He knew that opening all of them at once would not increase the
chances of him getting rare items, but the feeling of opening the
chests would still be different.

Brilliant colors shone in Ling Ran's vision, yet it did not affect his

In between the green Energy Serums was a silver book that moved
on its own…
254 Report
"Let's stop for a while." Ling Ran completed the work on his
hands quickly. He stood up and shook his head. Then, he shifted his
attention to the silver book.

The book opened on its own, and on the cover page was a familiar

[Single Skill Book]

[Skill branch obtained: Microscopic Epineurium

Anastomosis Technique (Master Level)]

Ling Ran had obtained the microscopic perineurium anastomosis

technique previously. The microscopic epineurium anastomosis
technique that he obtained this time could make his nerve
anastomosis technique even more complete.

Theoretically speaking, the range of application for microscopic

epineurium anastomosis was much wider, and it could also be
completed faster. If it was used in neurosurgeries, the combination of
the epineurium and perineurium anastomosis technique would have
higher accuracy and a better outcome.

'Perhaps there is really a better effect if I open all treasure chests

in one go.' Ling Ran sat back in front of the microscope and said,
"Doctor Lu."


"Let's go for a ward round tomorrow morning!"

Lu Wenbin looked at the clock in the operating theater and asked,

"Do you mean the day after today, or now?"

Ling Ran realized what he meant, sighed, and responded, "Time

really flies."

Lu Wenbin could not help but yawn. He turned around to the nurse
255 Report
and said bashfully, "Excuse me, please help me wipe off my
256 Report

Chapter 232: Never Learn My Lessons


At nine in the morning, Lu Wenbin was so exhausted that he could

not even walk properly. Understanding that patients would be uneasy
about Lu Wenbin's exhausted visage, Ling Ran very kindly canceled
the ward rounds he scheduled for the day.

Lu Wenbin ran out happily as he was worried that new patients

would be brought in.

It was very normal for a resident doctor to not sleep for a night.
Even the resident doctors in America also had to spend eight years of
not having enough rest. After this period of time, they could finally
choose to either earn more money or "do the right thing".

However, normal doctors could only work for one day shift and one
night shift when they worked overtime. If they worked more than
that… there would be repercussions. Most of the resident doctors
would just massage their own bodies, and they would then be able to
work for up to thirty-four hours. For doctors, a two-day shift with a
night shift was considered an acceptable overtime period. It was only
when their overtime period exceeded thirty-six hours would they
consider it worthy of posting about it in their Circle of Friends.
Otherwise, they would be considered as simply being whiny by other

Ling Ran drank an Energy Serum last night. Up to this moment, he

would have been considered to have worked for sixteen to seventeen
hours, and he had almost reached his limit. If he were to continue, he
would need to drink another Energy Serum.

Because of this, Ling Ran decided to say no; it would be better if he

257 Report
The fact that he only had 143 bottles of Energy Serum left was
secondary, the main problem was that Lu Wenbin and the resident
doctors on night shift were exhausted. The young nurses on shift
duty should also go back and rest. If he wanted to continue
performing surgeries, Ling Ran would need to ask the nurse-on-duty
in charge of the operating theater to rearrange their shifts when she
came to work early in the morning.

Of course, the most important deciding factor for Ling Ran's

actions was that the patients could no longer keep up to his speed.

As a famous orthopedic specialist at Shanghai around forty years

old, Ji Tianlu made tens of phone calls, but even then, he only
managed to receive nine patients suffering from Achilles tendon
rupture. Then, he requested for another three patients with severed
fingers. It was only then when he managed to keep Ling Ran in the
operating theater for seventeen hours.

As a doctor who had read dozens of related research papers, Ling

Ran understood that in a city like Shanghai, which had a population
of thirty million people, there would only be at most two patients who
suffered from Achilles tendon rupture in a day. If he included patients
from nearby cities and counties, he had probably operated on one-
fifth to one-third of the patients with fresh Achilles tendon ruptures

For a city that contained tens of tertiary grade A hospitals, it could

be said that Ling Ran had taken in patients more than the city
provided. It would be harder for him to get new cases even if he were
to continue waiting.

After all, the number of normal people who ruptured their Achilles
tendons would usually only increase in the afternoon. The sports fans
who played badminton and basketball in their spare time would only
be active after lunch. During normal working days, most people
would only get their Achilles' tendons ruptured after dinner.
258 Report
Therefore, Ling Ran only stayed for an hour. He checked through
the medical records of the patients from yesterday. After he made
sure that there was no problem, he felt relieved, and he grabbed a
car back to the hotel. He had received a lot of surgery fees
yesterday. He would have chosen to a sit in a luxurious car back to
the hotel if he had not planned to save some money to buy yogurt.

Ling Ran slept until the afternoon. He felt that he had fully
recovered from his fatigue from the previous day. He packed his
belongings and grabbed a car to the hospital. He then rushed to Ji
Tianlu's office.

When Ji Tianlu caught sight of Ling Ran's handsome face, he took a

subconscious step backward, but where could he hide? This was his
own office.

"Doctor Ling, you're here," Ji Tianlu laughed.

"Chief Physician Ji." Ling Ran showed a faint smile on his face.
He sat up straight in a chair; it was the standard position to show

"Um… Ling Ran… I heard that you have been performing

surgeries for one day and night? Don't work yourself too

"I'm not tired at all." Ling Ran smiled obediently.

"Did the Finance Department go to you? The surgery fee is

paid according to the rules in our research institute. Achilles
tendon repair surgeries are around 100 RMB each. Don't be
unhappy with this small amount of money. We're different
from Yun Hua Hospital. The Class 1 allocation of funds in Yun
Hua Hospital is 50% to the chief surgeon, right? For us, chief
surgeons only receive a quarter of the surgery fees, which
means you only receive 25% of the surgery fees. The doctors
also mentioned that their increment never followed the trend
259 Report
of times. But we do not have any choice except to use this
present system. The nine cases of Achilles tendon repairs you
performed yesterday night is about 1,000 RMB. Actually, it's
quite a lot…" Ji Tianlu felt that he was trapped, so he
subconsciously started to mutter under his breath.

Ling Ran answered after Ji Tianlu finished speaking, "I haven't

approached the Financial Department. But I would like to be
interviewed first."

"Inter… Interview? Oh, Ling Ran, about this, I would like to

discuss something with you…"

"I know. I'm sorry that I haven't completed yesterday's

surgery." Ling Ran interrupted Ji Tianlu and said sincerely, "But it's
because there were no more patients at that time, and the
doctors and nurses on shift needed to clock off, so I stopped
operating on the patients. I'll complete the surgery in the
next few hours."

"That's not…"

"I'll take at most two hours to finish them. I performed

twelve surgeries yesterday. So, there are four left. If the
remaining surgeries are general and fresh Achilles tendon
repair ruptures, I'll finish all of them within two hours or at
most two and a half hours. I won't take more than three

Ji Tianlu was terrified, "You don't have to make up for the

remaining surgeries. Just let it slide. It's tiring enough to look
for twelve surgeries, I'm telling the truth…"

"I don't have any more surgeries?" Ling Ran's obedient sitting
posture collapsed immediately, but his smile remained. It was hard
for Tao Ping to train him in showing a smile that was accepted by
society, he could not let it go to waste.
260 Report
"Yes," Ji Tianlu replied. He pretended to be serious and said,
"Unless we run into them coincidentally…"

"Alright." Ling Ran did not want to listen to his explanation. When
he saw that Ji Tianlu was serious in expressing his own opinion, he
could only nod and say, "Let me contact the flight back to Yun
Hua. I'll go back at night. By the way, I should be able to
perform a ward round, right? I don't need any titles to do so.
I just want to observe the patients…"

"Wait!" Ji Tianlu stared at Ling Ran's expression, and he suddenly

felt the slightest bit of panic.

Ling Ran looked ahead calmly while he let his mind wander. In his
mind, he started to miss the operating theaters in Yun Hua Hospital.
Although there were fewer beds in Yun Hua Hospital, they had more
extra beds! Furthermore, there were more finger replantations in Yun
Hua Hospital. If he ran into a patient with three or four severed
fingers, he could easily operate on him for five to six hours.

In contrast, a normal Achilles tendon repair technique would only

last for half an hour. It could not even compare to an M-Tang
technique surgery, but the patient would have to stay in the hospital
for an even longer period of time.

Also, he could perform nerve anastomosis when he performed in

finger replantations. This way, he could use his new technique. In the
future, he could use epineurium anastomosis and perineurium
anastomosis together. When he ran into small nerves, he would use
epineurium anastomosis to shorten the length of surgery and reduce
the risks of the wound being infected due to exposure. When he
encountered important nerves, or when he had sufficient surgery
time, he could use perineurium anastomosis to increase the success
rate and boost the patient's quality of life after he or she received

"Ling Ran, don't rush back to Yun Hua first." Ji Tianlu
261 Report
softened his voice.

"But if I'm not going back, I won't have any surgeries to

do." Ling Ran was very firm in his decision.

Ji Tianlu had never met any doctor like this. The doctors who made
many requests were usually older or in their middle ages. Their
requests were usually very reasonable, such as requesting for an
increase in their salary, wanting to go to karaoke, wanting some
good food, good drinks, and good service. Some even requested for
some rewards or to publish a paper. Even if Ji Tianlu could not make
them satisfied himself, he could always send someone to fulfill their

But to demand for more patients…

Ji Tianly stared at Ling Ran. He thought. 'Are you threatening me?

This is blackmail! It is futile when I have nothing to give!'

Ji Tianlu coughed hard before he sat properly. He said, "Ling Ran,

I can only get you another five cases of Achilles tendon
ruptures today. I cannot get you more than that."

"Okay." Ling Ran immediately agreed.

Ji Tianlu was stunned before he started to curse in his heart. 'Too

many cases. I must have given too many cases to him.'

"Please get the reporters for another interview session."

Ling Ran took the initiative and said, "I accepted four interviews
yesterday. I did twelve cases of surgeries. Since you're
looking for another five patients with Achilles tendon
ruptures, then you can arrange for another interview. At
night, you can find another three patients to make up a total
of twenty."

Ji Tianlu had to try very hard before he had finally understood what
Ling Ran meant. He scrunched up his face.
262 Report
"If there are no patients with Achilles tendon ruptures, you
can look for some with severed fingers or flexor tendon
ruptures. You don't have to so rigid in your search." Ling Ran
comforted Ji Tianlu, just like how he comforted Huo Congjun when he
was at Yun Hua Hospital.

'So arrogant!' Ji Tianlu thought, 'No matter what, I'm still a

chief physician, right? Although we needed you to perform
Plan A for the academician, you cannot just make excessive

When he thought about this, Ji Tianlu came up with an idea and

said, "Ling Ran, you've worked hard for one whole day. You
can't just keep on performing surgeries. Why don't you go
back to the hotel and rest for two days first?"

"I'm not tired."

"You cannot judge whether you are tired based on your

subjective view. You have to analyze this objectively.
Furthermore, we have our own system. You have to get
enough rest…" Ji Tianlu lied to him. There was no such rule in the
Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center. The hospital wanted the
doctors to stay in the hospital every day, and this was the reason
why the position of resident doctors existed.

"I can prove it." Ling Ran said, and he looked for something in his
bag. He had made preparations before he left the hotel.

Ji Tianlu quickly stopped him and said, "Don't do Sudoku. Doing

Sudoku can only tell me that your brain still remains clear,
but it can't show me the state of coordination for your

"I know. The conditions were not right for me to do this last
time, and I only had some Sudoku questions with me."
263 Report
Ling Ran said while he pushed away Ji Tianlu's hands. He took out
an insulated bag the size of an arm. When he unzipped it, they saw
cold air rise from it.

"Is it stew?" Ji Tianlu was slightly excited for some reason. He

believed that this was a bribe from Ling Ran. Although it was a little
strange, he still would not accept a bribe like this. Still, he thought
that this was a kind gesture from Ling Ran.

Ling Ran shook his head. He first took out two ice packs before he
took out a surgery towel and unfolded it in front of Ji Tianlu. Then, he
took out one pig hoof with its knee still attached, and he also brought
out a set of surgical tools.

Without waiting for Ji Tianlu to say anything, Ling Ran set aside the
insulated bag. He took out the scalpel and cut into the knee. Then, he
used forceps to take out the pig's Achilles tendon of the pig with

"So?" Ling Ran showed the white and fresh Achilles tendon to Ji

"I understand. I'll make a phone call now." Ji Tianlu

remembered that he had said something similar at some point of
time before this, but he could not remember it. He palmed his head,
'I never learn my lessons!'
264 Report

Chapter 233: Doing Ward Rounds


Ling Ran worked again from day till night.

Lu Wenbin only arrived at five o'clock in the morning, but he was

still considered to have saved the resident doctors on duty. In other
words, he was snatching work off the hands of resident doctors.

The resident doctors had seen Ling Ran's surgery skills in the
Demonstration Room before. They were still willing to follow him and
learn a trick or two from him, even though they did not voice it out
and kept the thought in their hearts. The resident doctors highly
praised Ling Ran for his calm and gentle attitude; he never scolded
anyone, and did not even talk in the operating theater.

Chatting in the operating theater was often like eating with

leaders. It was not only time-consuming and laborious, but they also
had to find ways to entertain the senior doctors, and it was
uncommon to find joy in the conversations. Senior doctors who
helped the junior doctors feel good besides entertaining themselves
were actually very rare. Most of them would just dismissively ask the
junior doctors whether they were happy.

After sleeping for half a day, Lu Wenbin, who had cooked two pots
of pig hooves, was full of spirits. He followed Ling Ran to perform an
Achilles tendon repair surgery and another finger replantation. He
felt refreshed and looked at Ling Ran, who was also energetic and in
high spirits. Lu Wenbin felt a chill down his spine. 'Am I possessed by
some evil spirit?'

"Let's go and do ward rounds. We don't have any patients

left." Ling Ran pursed his lips, as if he was just 40% full from eating
mutton hotpot.
265 Report
Lu Wenbin was only about 30% full. He frowned and said, "It's
only the morning, why are there no patients left? Specialist
hospitals are really not as great as I thought they were."

Compared to general hospitals, specialist hospitals were much

weaker in their ability in receiving patients.

Even a unit such as the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center

was not comparable with Yun Hua Hospital when it came to gathering
patients. If it were to be compared with other hospitals such as
Huashan Hospital, the difference in ability would be even greater.

The circulating nurse was initially somewhat sleepy. She relied on

looking at Ling Ran to remain alert. At that moment, after hearing
what Lu Wenbin commented about their hospital, she refuted in
discomfort, "Patients are not breakfast. Do you think the
number of patients can be respawned every morning like the
monsters in a game?"

Lu Wenbin chuckled, "If they can really respawn, I'll start

throwing cash into this game called reality."

The circulating nurse said in disdain, "Do you have any money?"

"Do you know how many pork trotters priced at 39.90 RMB I
have sold?" Lu Wenbin straightened his back and held his head

The circulating nurse was hesitant. "How much can one make
by selling pork trotters…?"

Lu Wenbin wanted to say something, but he shook his head and

just let it slide.

The circulating nurse said again, "There is nothing unusual

about you working on another wage job. You still cannot
throw in enough cash to create a powerful character."
266 Report
"Wage? Wages are nothing..." Lu Wenbin arrogantly looked at

"Stop boasting, if you could earn more than a doctor by

selling pork trotters, what's the point in you studying in a
medical school?" The nurse threw a trick question at Lu Wenbin so
that she could wait for Lu Wenbin to reveal a weakness.

Lu Wenbin could not help but appear a little stunned.

"Let's do some ward rounds." Ling Ran took off his gloves and
scrubs. He massaged his cervical spine with one hand and massaged
Lu Wenbin's cervical spine with his other hand.

Lu Wenbin shrieked when he was grabbed. Then, as if his brain

short-circuited, he asked foolishly, "Doctor Ling, how do you form
a balance between making money and your career?"

Ling Ran looked at Lu Wenbin as if he was an idiot and said, "Isn't

it good to be able to make money and manage your career?"

"You can only earn so much by being a doctor. How much

money can a local doctor make, anyway? Even if he worked
as a freelance surgeon..." Lu Wenbin thought of the few pots of
pork trotters he sold in the afternoon and felt proud of himself.

"I can't even finish spending my monthly salary. I don't

need to make more money." Ling Ran looked at Lu Wenbin with a
puzzled expression. "Why do you want to earn more money?"

"You can never earn enough money. You will always be

having to spend your money, after all." Lu Wenbin shook his
head, and he said, "Let's not talk about anything else but
houses alone. You can't afford the houses these days with
just your salary alone. Without a house, you can't even find a
partner. And you know that there are three forms of unfilial
conduct, and the worst one of them all is to have no
267 Report
descendants, without having a wife…"

Lu Wenbin spoke very passionately and excitedly. Suddenly, he

found that no one was looking at him.

Ling Ran was thinking about something while he massaged Lu

Wenbin's neck. The two young nurses watched Ling Ran. The
anesthetist watched the patient...

Lu Wenbin suddenly felt a sense of sorrow. 'Why am I even talking

to Ling Ran about this?'


Ling Ran exited the operating theater. He wanted to invite Chief

Physician Ji Tianlu to do a ward round with him, but he had not
managed to invite him.

Chief Physician Ji Tianlu shirked away from performing the ward

round with Ling Ran and sent a resident doctor to accompany them
so that they would not get lost.

The resident doctor was the one who weighed 226 pounds. He held
a notebook in his hand, and he had a row of six pens in his pocket.
He did not say hello to Ling Ran and Lu Wenbin. He led them away,
and the room he chose was one where he remembered had housed a
bad-tempered patient and his equally bad-tempered family.

"Let's take a look." The resident doctor who weighed 226 pounds
greeted the patient and his family in a friendly manner, but did not
have the intention of introducing Ling Ran to them.

He was willing to fight against Ling Ran fair and square. Of course,
that would be a few years later, but this did not mean that he was
willing to help and defend Ling Ran, his enemy for life. He would also
not willing to make things easier for his enemy for life.

The resident doctor who weighed 226 pounds stood at the corner
268 Report
of the room, took out the mineral water that he carried with him,
opened it, and took small sips from it. He looked at Ling Ran while he
thought wickedly, and that was a slightly bad habit of his. 'Don't think
that you can have it easy in our hospital just because you're a
genius. The hospital is far more complicated than you think, and it is
more complicated than the operating theater environment,

"Hello, does your wound hurt?" Ling Ran surprised the resident
doctor who weighed 226 pounds with that question. Although he did
not smile, he had a very awe-inspiring presence.

"It hurts." The first day right after surgery was always the most
uncomfortable. The effects from the pain pump would be gone by
then, and the patient could not leave the bed to use the toilet even if
he or she wanted. It was extremely uncomfortable.

"Let me take a look. Is there any discomfort?" Ling Ran took

out the alcohol-based hand sanitizer that he carried with him. He
applied it on his hand, spread it all across his palms, and then moved
the patient's foot slightly with the tip of his finger to observe it.

The patient gritted his teeth and said, "Only pain."

"Apart from pain?"


"That is the pain from bloating."

The patient had nothing to say about that.

"Anything else?" Ling Ran asked again.

"No," the patient answered in slight displeasure, but the anxiety in

his heart had receded ever so slightly.

Ling Ran nodded and said, "Your edema is controlled quite
269 Report
well. The dorsal artery of your foot is strong, the color is
normal. Your skin did not die and is not infected. Does your
ankle joint feel stiff?"

The patient was shocked by the series of nouns and quickly said,
"It's not stiff, but I can't move it as easily as usual."

"Don't move." Ling Ran paused for a while and asked, "Where
are your family members?"

The family members stood up.

Ling Ran gestured to Lu Wenbin with his chin.

Lu Wenbin was all too familiar with this process. He took a step
forward as well, and, with clear articulation, he said, "Please have a
light diet with food that has high protein, high vitamins, or
high fiber, do you understand?"

"Yes, we understand." The family members also hoped that the

patient can get better.

Ling Ran nodded and asked, "Is there any other problem?"

"Um... how long will it take until my husband gets well?" A

middle-aged woman who stood among the patient's family asked

Ling Ran furrowed his brow, "Isn't he well now?"

"He still can't get up and walk."

"He will be able to walk after a while." Ling Ran had no

patience for such questions.

The family members were speechless, but they did feel that Ling
Ran's words were rather odd.

At the same time, a treasure chest given to him from [Sincere
270 Report
Gratitude] fell in front of Ling Ran.

Ling Ran nodded. Once he knew that there was no problem with
this patient, he turned around and went out.

The 226-pound resident doctor looked confused. He still had not

wrapped his head around this ward round, which was carried out at
the speed of lightning.

Ling Ran received Treasure Chests as he moved about. Along with

Lu Wenbin's increasing proficiency in with the Achilles tendon repair
technique, Ling Ran gradually became responsible with only
performing physical examinations. He left all the talking to Lu

The ward rounds for patients who just received Achilles tendon
repair surgeries was mainly to check whether they suffered from any
complications. Wound infections or skin necrosis were the more
serious complications in surgeries such as Achilles tendon ruptures.
Edema, blood supply, temperature, and other things were
determined by the quality of the surgery itself.

With Ling Ran's Perfect Level Achilles Tendon Repair Technique,

the probability of him making any mistakes was low when he
operated on normal patients. The effects he obtained from the
checkups were basically satisfactory. He had received eight Sincere
Gratitude Treasure Chests, which were more than the number he got
from Yun Hua Hospital.

"The mannerisms of the people in Shanghai are quite

pleasant." Ling Ran held back the urge to open the treasure chests,
but he was still very satisfied with patients who were grateful.

Lu Wenbin did not know why Ling Ran gave such an appraisal, and
he was not interested in asking. Instead, he kept clenching his fists
and whispered, "Is it time for us to go to Liu Weichen to check
on him?"
271 Report
"Yes." Ling Ran said and looked at Lu Wenbin. He said, "If you're
tired, you can go and rest first. Chief Physician Ji has seen Liu

"I'm not tired." Lu Wenbin's voice grew a little louder before he

quickly lowered it. He said, "I am the second assistant, after all.
I want to see how the results of plan A."

The justification was quite reasonable. Ling Ran nodded. He did not
say anything else. He stepped into the elevator and pressed the
button to the top floor.

Liu Weichen still lived in his penthouse suite, just like before.

Right when they stepped inside, they heard a clamor.

When they looked into the living room, they found that it was filled
with various beer, drinks, and junk food. People sat on the couches,
on the floor, and by the window. There were people sitting and
drinking on both sides of the TV cabinet, and some people stood
around and chatted loudly.

Liu Weichen still stayed in the big room in the suite with his feet
lifted high. There was no wine in his hand, but there were a bunch of
fruits, drinks and junk food around him. There were also many male
and female athletes in the room who were laughing and talking

When Ling Ran and Lu Wenbin entered with their white robes, they
seemed somewhat out of place.

Lu Wenbin was at a loss while he stood at the door. After

graduating and entering Yun Hua Hospital, he only did his rotation in
the special ward for around a month. He did not really have any
contact with special patients. He sank into complete silence as he
looked at the excited people in front of him who could not wait to
party in a suite.
272 Report
"I'm here to do ward rounds." Ling Ran moved through the
living room without even batting an eye and came to Liu Weichen.

When he saw his chief surgeon, Liu Weichen was a little

embarrassed. He smiled and said bashfully, "My friends came to
see me. They fooled around until it was a little late, but it's
because it has been a long time since everyone gathered

"Okay." Ling Ran was not bothered. Just like before, he took out
the alcohol-based hand sanitizer, turned over Liu Weichen's foot, and
looked at it.

Compared to doing ward rounds of the other patients, it was

actually simpler for Ling Ran to check on Liu Weichen because his
mission tab clearly recorded Liu Weichen's status of recovery status:

A few days had passed. His degree of recovery had only increased
by 1%. Judging by the looks of it, this was not affected by the surgery
nor the healthcare provided to him.

Ling Ran wrote some words silently in his record book, thought
about it, and said, "Let's do some MRI scans on your foot to see
your condition."

"I heard Chief Physician Ji say that my recovery is okay." Liu

Weichen was a little nervous at this time. Compared to Chief
Physician Ji Tianlu, he was more intimidated when he faced Ling Ran.

Ling Ran's expression did not change much. He gave Liu Weichen a
smile that met the expectations of society. "Your recovery is far
better than patients who went through ordinary Achilles
tendon repairs. If there are no accidents, you should be able
to carry out high-intensity training and participate in
273 Report
One could take the risk and go through high-intensity training
when their Achilles tendons had recovered by about 85%. Liu
Weichen's Achilles tendon had recovered by 92%. Even if it
regressed, the results would not be too bad. It was reasonable
speculation to say that he could undergo high-intensity training.

Liu Weichen instantly smiled, and he said happily, "Thank you,

Doctor Ling. Young Wang."

His manager got the hint. He came over to grab Ling Ran's arm.

Ling Ran naturally avoided him.

The manager laughed and said, "Doctor Ling, let's talk about
this outside. By the way, you mentioned that we should still
perform MRI scans on Liu Weichen? Why did you suggest

Ling Ran nodded. "I expected the recovery to be better, so I

wanted to do another MRI scan to see what's going on. When
the results are out..."

"Wait a minute!" Liu Weichen shouted and asked, "Doctor Ling,

didn't you just say that my recovery was going well?"

"The recovery is very good, but it's not as great as I

expected. So when the MRI scan is out..."

"It may be because I have not had a good rest over the past
few days." Liu Weichen interrupted Ling Ran again.

Ling Ran thought about it and said, "It is possible."

The manager was not happy. He said, "Doctor Ling, just be

straightforward. If you don't like us celebrating with a party,
just say it. Don't beat around the bush."

Ling Ran looked at him strangely, "I will not interfere with the
274 Report
patient's private life."

"Aren't you using different ways to interfere with the

patient's private life now?"

Ling Ran shook his head. "I just want to help with his
recovery. The postoperative guidelines should already be
sent to you. The patient and his family members should know
the best way to provide nursing care now, including having a
light diet that includes high protein, high dietary fiber, and
high vitamins. However, if you, because of certain reasons,
are not willing to obey the guidelines because you are a
vegetarian or because of your religion or some other things,
we as doctors will try our best to provide medical help.
Anyway, let's take the MRI scan first and see."

After Ling Ran finished speaking, he showed a smile that met the
expectations of society before he turned around and left.

While he watched Ling Ran's figure, which was even more

handsome than the group of athletes, Liu Weichen was stunned for a
few seconds before he said, "Turn off the music."
275 Report

Chapter 234: Exploded



The door of the elevator opened again right after it closed.

"Wait a minute." Two tall girls with slender waists and huge
busts entered the elevator and flashed faint smiles at Ling Ran.

"You are both athletes, right?" Lu Wenbin looked at them. He

subconsciously became braver when he remembered that he had
started to save up to buy a house and that he was still single.

"I'm from the badminton team," The girl who wore a yellow
shirt stood straight, and it showed off her figure even more.

"I'm from the tennis team," said the girl who wore a red shirt
with the picture of Garfield on it. The cat's face was really standing
out, supported by massive bulges.

The two of them answered Lu Wenbin, but their eyes were on Ling

Lu Wenbin still wanted to try harder. So, he showed a faint smile

on his face while he asked, "Are you Liu Weichen's friends? I
think I saw you in the room just now."

"Both of you are the doctors for Liu Weichen, right?" asked
the red-shirt girl.

Lu Wenbin immediately nodded and said, "Yes, we are."

"I've read the news report before. It said that Liu Weichen
was treated by a very handsome doctor. Are you the one?"
276 Report
The red-shirt girl managed to shift the topic to Ling Ran.

Lu Wenbin was slightly stunned before he looked at the elevator

door in resignation. He thought angrily in his heart, 'If I ever flirt with
any girl whenever I am with Ling Ran again, I will be a pig's hoof.'

Girls always tried to strike up a conversation with Ling Ran all the
time, and they always said he was "very handsome." So, he only
answered calmly, "We participated in Liu Weichen's

"Is it? I knew it. You're really handsome even when you're
wearing a mask." Red-shirt girl's cheeks became red. Then she
tried to reduce her tension by talking to the girl next to her, "Aren't I

The yellow-shirt girl nodded seriously.

"Doctor Ling, do you always go to the gym? You have a

good figure. Do you like sports?" Red-shirt girl summoned her
courage and raised her head to look at Ling Ran. Then, she was
dazzled by his gaze.

Ling Ran looked at the number shown on the elevator screen and
said, "I exercise sometimes."

"You can come to the gym in Fuyuan Stadium. It's very

convenient to exercise here. Our badminton court and tennis
court are the best," the red-shirt girl said while she hugged the
yellow-shirt girl. "Am I right?"

"Yes, we… we can be your training partner." The yellow-shirt

girl also grew braver.

Lu Wenbin recalled the movies that he had watched before, and he

silently thought of "double dates." He could not help gulping before
he raised his arms and flexed. He said, "I always go to the gym,
and my bench press is 88 pounds."
277 Report
The red-shirt girl looked at Lu Wenbin and glanced at his figure,
which belonged to that of a bodybuilder. She could not help but show
her disgust. However, out of politeness, so she did not voice it out.

Lu Wenbin blinked before he stared at the elevator door again. He

then looked at the shadow reflected on the metal and thought in his
heart. 'I am a pig's hoof.'

When the door of the elevator opened, Ling Ran politely motioned
the ladies to move out first.

The two girls covered their mouths and smiled before they walked
out of the elevator. Then, they waited by the side for Ling Ran to step
out and said, "Doctor Ling, you're a gentleman. You're better
in reality than what the interviews described."

The red-shirt girl took out her phone and found her Moments
before she showed whatever was on the screen to Ling Ran, who just
stepped out of the elevator. "Doctor Ling, look, it's you, right?"

Ling Ran naturally looked at her phone, and, just as he expected,

he saw a photo of himself wearing a white coat.

"Is this a news reprint?" asked Ling Ran.

"Yes. There're quite a lot of newspapers that have you on

them. The news by WeChat's official account has been
forwarded many times on Moments." Red-shirt girl found the
news title, and it was a sentence written with a bolded, black font:
The Handsome White Angel Gets Famous. The Celebrity Doctor Who
Operated on a Star Athlete.

When the girl saw that Ling Ran seemed to be slightly curious, she
seized the chance and said, "I'll forward it to you."

Right after she finished speaking, she opened up the scanner

function and said, "I'll scan your QR code."
278 Report
So, Ling Ran took out his phone, and they both added each other
on WeChat.

The red-shirt girl was so happy that Garfield's face seemed to swell
in size.

Ling Ran then looked for Chief Physician Ji while Lu Wenbin sullenly
left for the Operating Area. They both did not have their own office in
the research institute. Lu Wenbin checked his braised stew and food
in it before he found the news [The Most Handsome White Angel
Gets Famous. The Doctor Star Who Performed Surgery For
Star] on his phone; he had silently memorized the title just now.
Then, he took his time and read the news in a leisurely manner.

Liu Weichen was one of the main characters in the article, but the
author obviously put the focus on Ling Ran.

Naturally, most of the article by WeChat's official account was

made up of photos. The front part was mostly pictures of Liu
Weichen, while Ling Ran was the main focus at the second half of the

There were all sorts of photos. There were Ling Ran's close-up
photos, photos taken from random shots, candid photos… Lu Wenbin
swiped down, and he very soon, he realized that he had finished
reading the article. But the contents… Lu Wenbin had to admit that
the contents of the article were very attractive. Undeniably, Ling Ran
was young and handsome. He also obtained the recognition from
Academician Zhu Tongyi and became the chief surgeon for Liu
Weichen's surgery. This added even more to his appeal.

"Hey, you're also looking at Doctor Ling's news." A female

doctor looked over Lu Wenbin's phone casually. Female doctors in
the Orthopedics Department were like the stronger version of female
students in engineering courses. Those who were below thirty-years-
old behaved freely and in a lackadaisical fashion, and they loved to
command plain-looking male doctors who had a lot of thoughts of the
279 Report
world around them but did not dare voice them out. The beautiful
female doctors could fool around until they were thirty-five years old.
After that, they would be treated like men.

Lu Wenbin was slightly embarrassed as he said, "A girl

introduced this article to me today."

"What type of girl? Is she pretty?" The female doctor was

instantly interested in gossiping.

Lu Wenbin said in a bored tone, "I went out with Doctor Ling,

"I got it. You don't have to tell me the whole story." The
female doctor lost her interest in the whole story.

Lu Wenbin was unhappy. He said, "What do you mean by 'you

got it'?"

"The girl was interested in Ling Ran, right? She ignored

you, right? Your efforts to court her fell short, right?
Anything else?" The female doctor glanced at Lu Wenbin.

"No..." Lu Wenbin had nothing to say.

"That's what I meant. If I were the girl, I would have done

the same thing." The female doctor glanced at Lu Wenbin's tight
sports attire and biceps in distaste. Suddenly, her eyes became
bright, and her voice became gentle as well. "Doctor Ling."

"Good afternoon." Ling Ran's voice was stable. He gave off a

sense of self-confidence that was almost illegal.

"Good afternoon, Doctor Ling." The female doctor was slightly

bashful when she asked, "Doctor Ling, are you here to perform
surgeries again? Do you want to rest for a while? I… Um, the
on-call room for doctors on shift duty should be empty now."
280 Report
Ling Ran smiled faintly and said, "No need, I've just asked for a
few patients. I will go directly to the operating theater."

As he spoke, Ling Ran greeted Lu Wenbin before he walked to the

operating theater.

The female doctor sighed faintly before she spoke in a tough

female to Lu Wenbin, "Later, when you need to exchange
positions, come to me first. I'll be the assistant for Doctor

"As you wish." Lu Wenbin stirred the pork trotters in the pot.
When he looked at the pigskin that had become so tender that it fell
apart, it made him feel as if he was looking at his views on life, the
world, and his moral values, which had also fallen apart, but still
remained firmly in his heart…
281 Report

Chapter 235: The Discus Girl


"Dalang, wake up and take your medication.

"Dalang, time for medication.

"Dalang, eat some medication.

"Dalang, medication."

As night came, the anesthetist grew increasingly lazy to talk. He

did not even have the energy to tease the patients and young

When the next patient entered the operating theater, the

anesthetist only matched the patient's name and gender to the name
list before he gavaged the medication down the patient's throat. Lu
Wenbin could not stand it, and in the end, he whispered, "Excuse
me, how many anesthetists are there in our center?"

"There are only two left for now." The anesthetist's mind
suddenly became clearer. He widened his eyes and stared at Lu
Wenbin before he asked, "What now? Are you looking down on

"Of course not. How could I?" Lu Wenbin was shocked before he
said in a low voice, "I'm just worried that you'll be too tired."

"There are a total of five anesthetists in our center. Two of

them are women, and both are pregnant now. Another
anesthetist is pursuing advanced studies overseas, so there
are only two left. I'm the one on shift tonight, so who do you
think can exchange shifts with me?" The anesthetist raised his
head and laughed. He then said, "Do you think that there are as
282 Report
many doctors in the Department of Anesthesiology as the
Surgery Department? If you think you're capable, you can
find me another anesthetist. I'll definitely thank you and
make you happy with three bowls of medication. If you aren't
happy by then, I'll enter your family registry."

There was a strong wave of resentment coming from the

anesthetist, and Lu Wenbin could sense it even though they were
separated by the operating table. He dared not speak anymore, and
just asked for help from the nurses next to him.

The young nurses also did not want to make the anesthetist, who
had not slept for thirty hours, angry. So, they just lowered their
heads and pretended like they did not see anything.

Ling Ran calculated the time. It had been almost ten hours since he
drank an Energy Serum in the afternoon. If he performed another
surgery, then the total time he worked would make it so that he will
have been on the effects of the Energy Serum for ten hours. Even
though it was a slight waste, the surgery could not continue if the
anesthetist was not able to persist any longer.

"Let's take a rest after we finish this surgery, shall we?"

Ling Ran pouted. He did not expect the anesthetist to first serve as
an obstacle before the hospital beds and rehabilitation rooms in the
Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center were full.

The anesthetist tried very hard to open his eyes and observe the
monitor. He then said, "No need. I just have to take a short nap.
Help me take a look at the monitor for the time being. It
functions automatically. Call me if it starts to blare warning

Anesthetists always moved around operating theaters. They did

not have to observe the monitors all the time. But naturally,
according to strict surgical rules, they needed to observe the
monitors throughout a surgery. However, the doctors would not
283 Report
make themselves suffer when they could make things easy for

Ling Ran thought for a while and said, "Give me another twenty
minutes, and I'll probably finish the surgery by then."

"Even if you don't perform surgeries, I still have to be on

shift duty," said the anesthetist.

"But you can still take a nap." When there was no surgery,
anesthetists could just go and get some rest. They did not have to
stay in the operating theater to feed medication to all the Dalangs

The anesthetist pondered over it for a while, his train of thought

moving slowly. Soon after, he said, "Let me wash my face first."

Ling Ran nodded while he watched the anesthetist step out of the
operating theater slowly. His speed was just like that of a sloth.

The opening and closing of the airtight access door were heard. It
sounded just like a fart but interrupted.

Lu Wenbin was worried and said, "If he keeps on working

overtime like this, he might die of a heart attack."

"Isn't it pretty normal for anesthetists to suddenly die?" The

nurses near the operating table were slightly free. They hid from the
camera and went to a hidden corner in the operating theater, away
from the windows of the airtight access door. Then, they played with
their phones at the corner and commented on the anesthetist

The young Lu Wenbin sighed and said, "He initially seemed

quite happy feeding all the 'Dalangs' medication every day."

"Don't you know how Dalang ended up after he ate the

medication in Water Margin?" the nurses near the operating table
284 Report
laughed and said, "Forget the anesthetist for now. Just look at
yourself and at Doctor Ling. You're the ones who are making
others worried. Aren't you afraid of dying from heart

"I usually sleep for seven hours. I'm fine," Lu Wenbin said
while he looked at Ling Ran.

Ling Ran answered without raising his head, "I'm okay… Oh, is
there no other anesthetist in the research institute?"

"We've already exceeded our quota with five. We only

brought up our number of anesthetists to five when
Academician Zhu wanted to start performing hip joint
replacements," the nurse said and laughed, "Who would've
thought that they would launch the two-child policy?"

"Yun Hua has also launched the two-child policy." Lu Wenbin

pursed his lips.

Small but excellent specialist hospitals always had such a problem.

A large-scale general hospital like Yun Hua Hospital, which owned
three thousand hospital beds and was directly controlled by the
provincial government, had about eighty anesthetists. Even when
some of the anesthetists applied for leave or went for in-service
training, and some female anesthetists became pregnant, the
hospital's operations would not come to a standstill.

However, it spelled trouble for the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine

Center if many of their staff took leave at the same time. The center
contained less than forty authorized personnel, and they would reach
the limit of the number of people they could hire if they brought in a
few more postgraduate students and interns. In fact, their capability
of attracting interns to join their ranks was incomparable to general

In short, specialist hospitals found it much harder to survive than
285 Report
general hospitals in current China.

If there was a surgery maniac like Ling Ran in a general hospital,

the leaders of the hospital would probably do everything to keep him
around. An example of this was how Yun Hua Hospital's Emergency
Department decided to increase the salary of every member among
them to keep their staff and Ling Ran happy. However, a surgery
maniac would make the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center
almost collapse.

"Forceps. Pull it wider, Okay… Stop the bleeding…" Ling Ran

took out the patient's Achilles tendon and sutured it. After he finished
the most crucial step, Ling Ran raised his head and said, "Rest for a
few hours. We'll continue tomorrow."

Lu Wenbin looked up and asked, "How many hours?"

"Four hours, hmm… Five hours. A new anesthetist will come

in tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning." Ling Ran had
already thought things through. Anesthetists who worked night shifts
were already tired enough to begin with. It would not be ethical if he
continued to perform surgeries like that. However, the Orthopedic
and Sports Medicine Center had to perform surgeries during the day.
At that time, the operating theaters could just share one anesthetist.

Of course, they were not to waste their night away either. Ling Ran
calculated the time and said, "We'll start tomorrow morning, and
we'll perform surgeries until midnight. Then, we'll take a
nine-hour rest at night. That should be quite sufficient,

"Totally enough." Lu Wenbin nodded without any hesitation.

Those working hours were much better than the ones in Yun Hua
Hospital. Also, it was less stressful for a first assistant to perform the
Achilles tendon repair technique compared with finger replantation.
There was also another resident doctor to take his place. If he
continued like that, even though his workload would still be
286 Report
comparable to a senior resident doctor's load in a busy department,
he would still have an easier time than unlucky resident doctors.

From Ling Ran's perspective, if he rested for nine hours a day, he

could even save up on his Energy Serums. Although he did not really
have a full workload, he still felt more satisfied than when he was in
Yun Hua Hospital, where there were no beds for him to fill patients.

"Dalang is sleeping very soundly." The anesthetist came back

after he washed his face. He looked at the figures on the monitor and
felt slightly more energetic.

Ling Ran nodded and let Lu Wenbin tell the anesthetist about his
newly-made decision.

The anesthetist nodded and did not respond much. With or without
Ling Ran, he would still need to stay up. The recruitment for staff in
public hospitals went very slowly, especially when a colleague
decided to pursue advanced studies or when a female colleague
became pregnant. They were still considered authorized personnel,
so it was impossible for the hospital to recruit a new anesthetist. If
there were only two anesthetists who took turns in their shifts,
neither would feel better than the other.

Ling Ran utilized twenty minutes to complete an Achilles tendon

repair surgery, and the results were excellent.

The few of them worked together and cleaned up the mess. Then,
they clocked off.

Ling Ran and Lu Wenbin came to work at eight o'clock the next
day. They started the surgery at nine o'clock sharp and ended at
midnight. This cycle continued non-stop, and they performed around
ten surgeries every day.

Ji Tianlu started to figure out the trick to recruiting more patients

with Achilles tendon ruptures, and the number increased day by day.
287 Report
He even learned how to switch the patients up. From time to time, he
could get some patients with flexor tendon ruptures, severed fingers
or severed toes, which made Ling Ran delighted.

Yun Hua Hospital's Hand Surgery Department was the most

famous hand surgery department in its region. Not only did the
department receive millions of injured industrial workers who worked
in Yun Hua, but they also received patients from other places.
Therefore, if Ling Ran could perform finger replantations well, he
would be able to get more patients with severed fingers.

The Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center were not in such a

condition for Ling Ran to receive patients nonstop. Forget the
patients from nearby counties and cities, even the local people from
Shanghai may not necessarily come to them. Hence, if they could not
receive patients with severed fingers, they would receive patients
with severed toes. Although it was easier to replant a toe, it was still
a valuable experience.

A few days later, when Zhu Tongyi came back from the capital,
even Ji Tianlu found himself unable to hold back his complaints any

"If you had taken any longer to come back, the research
institute would have collapsed." Ji Tianlu's face was all wrinkled
up when he saw Zhu Tongyi because he had to make too many
phone calls.

Zhu Tongyi laughed. "Did you suffer a lot?"

"We added forty beds." Ji Tianlu stared at the sky. "Can you
believe it?"

Zhu Tongyi's eyebrows rose upwards when he heard that."The

other doctors—"

"The other doctors are all normal people." Ji Tianlu smiled
288 Report
bitterly. "If we don't give him surgeries, he will leave
immediately. But when we give him patients, he completes
them very quickly."

Ji Tianlu did indeed have a lot of words to say, but they were not all
complaints. After all, Ling Ran performed the surgeries on behalf of
the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center. Hence, the surgical fees
from the patients and the reputation gained from the surgeries
performed would also belong to the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine

As a result, although Ji Tianlu was irritated, he still found enough

medical cases for Ling Ran.

However, the main problem was the fact that Ling Ran performed
way too many surgeries. He had already performed around one
hundred surgeries, but none of the patients had been discharged. If
Liu Weichen had not been discharged yet, then the other patients
who received surgeries later would naturally not be discharged as

"I convinced four athletes this time. Get Ling Ran to carry
out some of the preparations, then he won't have time for
other things. That shouldn't be a problem, right?" Zhu Tongyi
was not omnipotent either, so he did not carry any hope in
convincing Ling Ran to stay.

Ji Tianlu sighed and agreed. "Ling Ran won't be opposed to

performing surgeries. Do we use plan A for the Achilles
tendon repair?"

"Of course." When Zhu Tongyi talked about this, both his eyes
shone. At that moment, he could not help but say, "Make a phone
call to Ling Ran now and ask him how long he'll need to
prepare. I'll try to arrange for the patients to come as soon
as possible."
289 Report
"All right, I'll rearrange the time for the other patients'
admission as well," Ji Tianlu said and picked up his phone.

Within half a minute, Ji Tianlu frowned and put his phone away.

"What did he say?" Zhu Tongyi was curious about Ji Tianlu's


"He says tonight," Ji Tianlu said.

"Then we'll do it tonight. Will a restaurant owner fear a

glutton now?" Zhu Tongyi laughed.


That night, He Xiufang followed her coach to the Orthopedic and

Sports Medicine Center. They were the first among the four athletes
to reach the place.

He Xiufang was a discus thrower from the Beijing team. She was
5.74 feet tall and weighed 88 pounds. Her hands were rough and her
arms were muscular. She never used a wheelchair before, and now,
even when she had to use it, she never got into and off the
wheelchair with her legs. She could just get into the wheelchair with
her arms, and she did the same when she got off.

When Ling Ran saw her, He Xiufang had finished the full set of
check-ups, and there was a lot of food in front of her.

"Oh my! You need to perform surgery later. You can't eat
anything now." Lu Wenbin had followed Ling Ran for a ward round.
When he saw that, he became nervous.

"I didn't eat. My coach did." He Xiufang wore an innocent look,

and she said, "I just smelled it."

Her coach looked like a man in his forties. He coughed in slight

embarrassment and said, "I was planning to eat outside, but
290 Report
Young He was really hungry, and she insisted that she watch
me eat."

He Xiufang said, "I've suffered from starvation since I was

young, so I'm afraid of starvation."

When Lu Wenbin noticed that the time she spent staring at the
chicken chop was longer than the time she spent staring at Ling Ran,
he instinctively believed her words.

"All right. Fortunately, you didn't eat it." Lu Wenbin breathed

a sigh of relief and quickly proceeded with introductions. "Later,
Academician Zhu Tongyi, whom you've previously met, will
join your surgery. He's currently making preparations. The
chief surgeon is Doctor Ling Ran. The first assistant is Chief
Physician Ji Tianlu, and I'll be the second assistant. I'm Lu

He Xiufang glanced at them one by one, and she chose to focus on

Ji Tianlu's face in the end since he was the oldest and looked like the
person-in-charge the most. She then asked, "Excuse me, doctor,
when I was in Beijing, Academician Zhu told me that we don't
have to spend any money on the surgery in your hospital,

"Huh? Um…" Ji Tianlu hesitated for a few seconds before he said,

"If Academician Zhu really said that, then that's the deal."

He Xiufang was relieved, and she said, "That's great. In that

case, could you check my other injuries as well?"

"Where are the other injuries?"

"I feel discomfort in my cervical vertebrae all the time. The

doctor says it's cervical spondylosis…"

"Let me massage your neck for you." Ling Ran took out the
291 Report
alcohol-based hand sanitizer that he carried all the time. He then
spread the sanitizer on his hands and used a clean towel in the room
to get it on He Xiufang's neck.

As a person who had massaged more than one thousand people,

Ling Ran immediately identified He Xiufang's unique features when
he started to massage her.

First, her neck was thick. Second, she was muscular.

Ling Ran was curious. "Do you need to train your neck as well
for discus throwing?"

"I just train it for fun. Ah… Yes, that's the spot…"

Three minutes later, He Xiufang looked at Ling Ran as if she was

looking at God. She could not help but sincerely say, "Doctor Ling,
you must treat my Achilles tendon."

"Of course."

"I need to get ready for the national games next year."


"If I can't get any medals, I'll have to quit." He Xiufang turned
around swiftly and used her strong gaze to stare at Ling Ran. "I
started to practice discus throwing when I was thirteen. I
haven't even won any medals in any national competitions,
and I have to retire… I don't want to retire. I don't want to go
back to my hometown… I'm an old woman now and can no
longer get married. I even eat a lot, especially meat…" she
said, her voice trembling.

The female athlete who weighed 88 pounds instantly broke down,

and all the men in the room were completely at a loss.

The coach put away the chicken chop slowly. Then, he lowered his
292 Report
head and said, "At her age, unless Young He wins a national
medal, she will have to quit the team. Um… Please don't feel
too burdened by this matter. As long as you make the
surgery a success, we'll start practicing when we get back…"

The last few words were for He Xiufang.

Yet, He Xiufang just went on crying, and her face was covered in
tears. She wiped off the tears, smearing her face before loudly
saying, "Rehabilitation will take eight months. Even after I
recover, I still can't use too much strength. It'll take me more
than a year to recover. How can I train? Why don't I just quit
the team earlier to save the team some money…"

"What nonsense are you talking about? If you leave the

team and go back home, are you going to farm the land while
you rehabilitate? Or do you want to be a cripple for the rest
of your life?"

"It's fine if I become a cripple, I-I'll just chop off this leg so

that I can participate in the paralympic games."

"Any more nonsense from you, and I'm going to call your
dad," the coach said sternly.

"Please don't…" He Xiufang instantly became quiet.

"Using our plan, you may only need four months to recover.
There will still be a chance for you to participate in the
National Games." Ling Ran raised his chin and said, "Your Achilles
tendon isn't completely ruptured, and the damage isn't very
serious. Rest well first. If there aren't any problems, we'll
perform your surgery the next morning."
293 Report

Chapter 236: It Will Be Better


Once she lay on the operation table, He Xiufang raised her head
and asked Ling Ran, "Doctor Ling, are you the one responsible
for performing the surgery on me?"

Ling Ran had his hands placed together while he read the MRI scan
for the umpteenth time. He nodded but remembered that He Xiufang
could not see him. Then, he said, "I'm the chief surgeon.
Academician Zhu Tongyi will be guiding the surgery."

"When you perform the surgery, could you give me a

smaller wound?" He Xiufang lowered her voice a little and said, "I'll
try to lose weight after I retire and will definitely be more
good-looking than I am now. I don't want to have a scar
behind my calf."

"The wound can't be small," Ling Ran replied very stiffly. He

then said, "You can get a tattoo when that happens..."

"I can't have a tattoo. In our hometown, it'll be even harder

for those with tattoos to get married than those who have to
be remarried." He Xiufang raised her voice.

The surgical nurse who was making preparations was not happy
when she heard the comment. "What's wrong with having a
tattoo? I won't marry a man who doesn't want me to have a
tattoo on my skin. I'd just filter out these types of people."

"I don't want a tattoo!" He Xiufang was very firm.

"After the operation, I'll give you a suture. If the prognosis

is good, it won't be too obvious." Ling Ran looked at the film,
closed his eyes, and tried to recall the image in his head. He then
294 Report
turned around and asked, "Is there any other problem?"

He Xiufang thought for a moment and said, "Your operating

table is so small. Can you change it to a bigger one? I'm
afraid that I'll turn around when I fall asleep and fall to the
ground. I move around a lot when I sleep, and I snore..."

"Anesthetize her." Ling Ran felt that they were done with

The anesthetist who made sure he had enough sleep the day
before smiled and came over. He held a laryngeal mask and said,
"Could you tell me your name again."

"He Xiufang."

"A discus thrower?"


"Come, eat a biscus."


The people in the operating theater and the doctors in the

demonstration room silently watched the anesthetist's performance.

"I thought about this the whole night." The anesthetist was so
delighted that he could not help but throw his head upwards and cry

Ji Tianlu and Zhu Tongyi looked at each other. They did not even
have the desire to understand what he meant.

Ling Ran waited a little before he asked for a pen. He drew a line
from He Xiufang's ankle to her calf. The line was seven inches long.

The surgical nurse could not help but cry out before she quickly
lowered her head.
295 Report
Ji Tianlu frowned and asked, "Must it be that long?"

"The edge of her Achilles tendon is a bit uneven. It'd be

safer to have the cut a little longer," Ling Ran said according to
the information on the MRI scan.

"All right, you make the decision." Ji Tianlu paused for a while
before he said a little regretfully to the anesthetized He Xiufang,
"The scar will be a little longer but there is no other way.
Treating her is our top priority."

Ling Ran did not say a word. He was never a doctor who liked to do
small incisions to begin with. When he was studying, he had seen
and heard too many cases where accidents happened because the
opening was too small. Now that he had accumulated more
knowledge, he was even more afraid of accidents that could occur
during surgery.

Since the edges of the Achilles tendon in the MRI scan was not
clear, there were many possibilities. If the condition were to be
serious, she could even have a malignant tumor there. A lighter
condition would just be a damaged Achilles tendon. As the chief
surgeon, since Ling Ran was the one to open the surgical field, he
rather took a look at it himself.

"The Achilles tendon isn't completely disconnected." As the

S-shaped knife cut into her skin, the doctors in the operating theater
were relieved. The doctors in the demonstration room also let out a
sigh of relief.

The key difference between a completely ruptured Achilles tendon

and a partially ruptured Achilles tendon was not how much the
Achilles tendon was injured, but how atrophied the muscle attached
to the partially ruptured Achilles tendon was.

It was a troublesome problem among Achilles tendon ruptures. The

ruptured Achilles tendon would shrink inwards, and in bad cases, it
296 Report
shrunk 2.3 to 2.7 inches inwards when surgeons opened up the leg.

It would be very difficult to suture an Achilles tendon that was

attached to such atrophied muscles. The surgeon may not even be
able to pull the two ends of the tendons together. They could only do
an Achilles tendon transplant, which was to take a piece of tendon
from other parts of the body to make up the missing length.

It was easy to imagine that the resulting tendon strength of such

Achilles tendon transplants were definitely not enough for high-
intensity training and could only be enough to support daily life. Not
only that, the person had to be very careful. It was impossible for
them to participate in high-intensity competitive sports.

They could tell from He Xiufang's MRI scan that her Achilles tendon
was not completely ruptured, but only when it was completely
opened could they confirm the specific details of how much her
tendon had ruptured.

Based on what they could see at the moment, there were no signs
of extremely severe injuries, and the ends of the tendon were not too
uneven as well. The injury was lighter than all the other Achilles
tendon injuries Ling Ran had dealt with.

Even if he were to use the standard surgical plan for normal people
to suture her Achilles tendon, he could score an easy eighty for it.
That would be the level where He Xiufang may be able to receive
high-intensity training, and the total time he needed would not
exceed half an hour.

Many athletes accepted similar operations, and after the surgery,

they would have to rely on their own efforts to heal. Only then could
they once again compete with the others on the field.

With Zhu Tongyi's Plan A, Ling Ran's confidence was even greater.
Although he was not certain if he could reproduce the results from
Liu Weichen's recovery, the success rate would inevitably increase
297 Report
for an Achilles tendon that was not completely ruptured.

"Take out the Achilles first. Hmm... I'll do it myself." Ling

Ran did not let Ji Tianlu do it. Instead, he chose to do it himself.

Zhu Tongyi frowned and asked, "Ling Ran, what do you mean
you'll do it yourself?"

"I memorized the position of the blood vessels earlier and

I'm prepared to avoid touching the blood vessels as much as
possible to take out the Achilles tendon." Ling Ran cocked his
head and said, "After I take it out, I'll just follow the same
steps in Liu Weichen's surgery."

The thought emerged in Ling Ran's head after he went back to the
hotel and analyzed Plan A once he used the surgical plan on Liu

From Ling Ran's perspective, many of the blood vessels that he

severed the last time could have been avoided. In other words, he
could reduce the complexity of rebuilding the vascular network by
avoiding the small blood vessels, or he could even build a similarly
complex vascular network but with more blood vessels to supply

However, such an operation was even more difficult. The surgeon's

understanding towards MRI scans had to be rather high, otherwise,
he would not be able to justify his actions.

Ji Tianlu thought for a while before he understood what Ling Ran

meant. He gasped in astonishment. "You couldn't have
remembered all the positions of the blood vessel, could you?"

"How's that possible?" Ling Ran laughed.

"That's what I said..."

"I just remembered those around the Achilles tendon." Ling
298 Report
Ran smiled.

Ji Tianlu chuckled awkwardly and did not have the drive to talk to
Ling Ran anymore.

Zhu Tongyi also coughed and tried to regulate the atmosphere.

"Chief Physician Ji, Ling Ran may be young, but his score in
his batch was among the top three in Yun Hua University. He
wouldn't be able to do it if he had a bad memory, right?"

Doctors were different from other professions. Even if they had left
school for many years, their academic qualifications still had
considerable value, especially for medical students from well-known
universities. Not only did it make it easier for them to look for jobs, it
also made it easier for them to get promoted. Even after a few years,
those who graduated from Peking Union Medical College Hospital and
Xiangya School of Medicine, as well as those overseas returnees, still
garnered a lot of attention from hospitals.

Of course, at that time, their academic qualifications may not be

the only thing that made other hospitals pay attention to them. It
could be because of their specializations.

Zhu Tongyi had only recently looked at Ling Ran's file, which was
why he remembered it very clearly. Right then, he took the
opportunity to gossip.

Ji Tianlu was interrupted, but he decided not to be bothered by the

issue any longer. He stared at Ling Ran's operation and pondered

Ling Ran slowly performed the incision. His movements were very
slow, but the incision was done very precisely. He made sure that the
blade went around the edge of the blood vessels, and he gradually
peeled off the ruptured part of the tendon.

It took Ling Ran thirty minutes to complete this step.
299 Report
However, when it was completed, everyone was relieved.

The next step to employ was Plan A, which everyone had already
performed before. This time, the operation would be even simpler. In
comparison to what Ling Ran just did, Plan A was much more relaxed.

Ling Ran swung his arm in a circle before he began to suture at

lightning speed.

He had sutured at least eighty or ninety Achilles tendons over the

past few days if not one hundred. Hence, with the addition of the
Perfect Level Achilles Tendon Repair Technique on top of the
numerous Achilles tendons he had worked on, he had accumulated a
lot of information on the Achilles tendon.

Forget the other aspects, Ling Ran had gained more knowledge on
the tissues around the Achilles tendon than anything else, and
because of that, he grew more familiar with its tissues in terms of its
toughness and hardness, among other things.

Such experiences would affect how a person handled suturing the

Achilles tendon. Different experiences led to different actions. It was
like how a work of calligraphy would show different styles on different
types of rice paper.

Ling Ran familiarized himself with the tissue organization around

the surgical field, and the remaining portion of the surgery became a
very stable recreation of Liu Weichen's surgery.

It was still the same vascular anastomosis.

Ling Ran performed the same outstanding anastomosis.

However, Ling Ran did not do anything special. He just steadily

followed the procedure step by step.

When it was time to perform the layered closure, many of the

young doctors in the demonstration room still had to wrap their
300 Report
heads around the fact that Ling Ran's surgery was completed.

"It's done." Ling Ran put his equipment aside and gave up his

"How do you feel?" Zhu Tongyi was in an extremely good mood.

The two consecutive cases performed using Plan A were successful,
which vastly increased the value of Plan A.

Ling Ran only treated Zhu Tongyi's question as him asking about
the contents of the surgery. After Ling Ran briefly thought about it,
he said, "She should have a better recovery than Liu

"That's great." Lu Wenbin and the young nurse both clenched

their fists in celebration.
301 Report

Chapter 237: Buying A Ticket To Go


"Doctor Ling...

"Doctor Ling!

"Doctor Ling..."

Whenever he walked through the ward, Ling Ran would always be

the doctor who was easiest to remember.

Lu Wenbin had his arms crossed while he followed Ling Ran on his
ward rounds. He watched the patients and their family's attitude
towards Ling Ran. His envy made Lu Wenbin train until his muscle
fibers were damaged to induce muscle growth. Plus, the
circumference of his arms had also increased. His arm circumference
had recently snuck past the 15.3 inches mark. It was Lu Wenbin's
proudest achievement and also the biggest gain after he came to

Since he lived next to the stadium, even if work was hard, the
intensity of work was high, and time was tight, as long as he was
willing to train, he could always find a few minutes to do so. For
example, when he passed through a corridor with no one around, he
could put away his gel pen and do a set of one-arm handstands.
While he wrote his medical cases in the room, he could pick up the
dumbbells and do several sets of Dumbbell Flyes. When he had spare
time during lunch, he ran to the stadium as his warm up, then tried
to do a few sets of barbell squats.

"Doctor Lu," the patient shouted again. After a few seconds, Lu

Wenbin was jolted out of his stupor.
302 Report
'He called me first?'

Lu Wenbin was inexplicably surprised and turned around to look. It

was the discus thrower athlete, He Xiufang, who just had a surgery
the day before yesterday.

"How has your rest been?" Lu Wenbin was very amiable. In this
day and age, girls who did not go after boys for their looks were good

He Xiufang nodded. "I slept well, ate well, and I'm

comfortable. Do you want some braised eggs?"

She lifted the lunch box beside her, and it was a box full of braised

"You eat so many eggs?" Lu Wenbin let out a surprised bark of


"They're braised eggs. When we train, the coach usually

gives us hard-boiled eggs." He Xiufang pointed at the table and
said, "There are also drumsticks and shrimp, but they're not
as tasty as the eggs."

"Can shrimps be braised too?"

"The coach said that they're fresher than the ones sold in
the market. But they won't taste as well if they're braised."

Lu Wenbin felt as if a burden had been released from his shoulders

[1]. He took up a braised egg curiously and put it into his mouth. He
took a gentle bite and immediately flashed a wry smile. "Is this
even a braised egg?"

Eggs that were not properly braised were like bad sequels to good
movies, like dying a chow chow's hair to make it look like a panda.
Would it taste like a panda when it was eaten? Lu Wenbin gave it a
bad rating, and another one, and yet another one with a picture to
303 Report
show how angry he was.

"My coach's culinary skills are only up to this level." He

Xiufang grinned and bore the insult. Then, she turned around to put
down the lunch box. She twisted her 176-pound waist and made the
bed creak.

After Lu Wenbin heard that the coach was the one who cooked it,
he disliked it even more. "It's not as good as the ones sold
outside. The braised eggs made by a bumpkin would taste
better than this."

"Our athletes can't simply eat anything outside.

Furthermore, the things in Shanghai are also quite
expensive. We save whatever little bit we can," He Xiufang
replied naturally and handed the lunch box to Ling Ran. She asked,
"Doctor Ling, would you like one?"

"No thanks." Ling Ran shook his head slightly. All the yoghurt he
brought on his person had been handed out as he did his ward round.

"I'll go back and cook some braised eggs for you to try. I'll
also have your coach look at how it's done. With the way he
cooked these eggs, he's just wasting the hard work of the
hens." Lu Wenbin became quite emotional. He was very passionate
about the matter.

He Xiufang laughed. Her mood became much better after her


The number of beds in the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center

was fewer, but the area was not small. A whole single room was
given to He Xiufang. It was brightly lit, the interior was clean, the
ventilation was especially good, and the room was odorless. The
facilities there were also extremely convenient.

Zhu Tongyi originally wanted to learn from foreign countries and
304 Report
turn his research institute into one where family members were not
required to provide nursing care to the patient. However, he quickly
failed due to national conditions. The equipment were still there,
though, so it made the patients quite comfortable.

He Xiufang also felt more relaxed than when she was in the sports
team. After she went through the torturous phase, which inevitably
arrived post-surgery, her mood improved. She did not need to get up
early for training, and she also enjoyed the high-protein diet that was
requested of her after her surgery.

"I've seen your MRI scan. You're recovering very well. If you
follow the requirements of the rehabilitation process strictly,
it's very likely that you can continue training after four
months." Ling Ran based his medical advice from Liu Weichen's
recovery, which served as his chief source in this case. If, under
similar circumstances, Liu Weichen could recover up to 92%, then He
Xiufang would not be any worse. Plus, she was now only in the third
day after her surgery. She still had three to four months worth of
rehabilitation. She would not completely recover to the state before
she was injured, but it would not be too dangerous for her to
continue her high-intensity training.

Most athletes would often not pay much attention to warming up

their Achilles tendon before they suffered from Achilles tendon
ruptures, especially young athletes who often competed without
adequate warm-ups due to a variety of reasons. Even so, their
Achilles heels could still withstand high pressure until the day their
bodies grew old and their muscles were exhausted...

The athletes who had their Achilles tendons ruptured before would
generally warm up their Achilles tendons when they were about to
utilize them. Therefore, even if their Achilles tendons did not fully
recover, without overburdening it, they could still function with an
Achilles tendon that had recovered up to 90%. In fact, an Achilles
tendon that had recovered up to 80% was already enough for them,
305 Report
especially for non-confrontational competitions such as discus
throwing, sprints, and the lot. In those competitions, the players
would not suddenly increase the pressure on their Achilles tendons
because of their opponents, hence, the safety level was relatively

Once she heard what Ling Ran had to say as a doctor, He Xiufang
was naturally very happy. Her coach who went out to wash the
dishes came back and also gave him numerous thanks.

After they went out of the ward, Lu Wenbin asked, "Will there be
any problems if you tell them so directly that she'll recover

"If there's no problem with rehabilitation, there'll be no

problem," Ling Ran gave an affirmative answer.

He performed the entire surgery. Hence, he had the confidence to

say such words.

"But everyone's playing it safe nowadays," Lu Wenbin

reminded him.

Ling Ran hemmed as a reply and said, "There wasn't any

problem with the surgery, and there's no problem with the
prognosis. If there's no problem with rehabilitation as well,
she'll be fine."

Ling Ran's certainty stunned Lu Wenbin. When Lu Wenbin first

graduated from medical school, he seemed to be the same as Ling
Ran. Later, he gradually adopted the ways of the world.

" is Room 9 and Room 10. Both house the two athletes we
operated on yesterday. One is a high jump athlete, and the
other's a basketball player. Room 13 houses a short
basketball player." Lu Wenbin looked at the notebook in his hand
and introduced them to Ling Ran at the same time.
306 Report
Ling Ran hummed again as an acknowledgment. He put away the
Sincere Gratitude Treasure Chests he just received from the system,
and with the smile of a doctor, he walked into another room.

"Hello, how do you feel today?" When Ling Ran smiled, he gave
others a refreshing feeling, and it seemed to improve the drop rate of
the treasure chests.

The high-jump athlete obediently provided the Treasure Chest. The

tall basketball player had more problems because he could not feel
at ease. The short basketball player waited until Ling Ran stepped
out of the door before he gave his Treasure Chest...

After finishing the ward round, Ling Ran's total number of Treasure
Chests reached eleven. Ling Ran was satisfied with the number and
was prepared to continue accumulating more of them before he
opened all of them in one go.

Ling Ran then looked at the overcrowded corridor in the ward and
said, "Since there are no more problems, let's pack up and get
ready to go back."

"Oh, all right." Lu Wenbin had seemingly expected it.

The four athletes who were sought out by Academician Zhu Tongyi
were all treated, and the results of their surgeries were also good. If
they had to wait for the next wave of patients, they would most
probably have to wait for quite some time since they would definitely
not arrive in the next few days. It would be better to go back to Yun
Hua Hospital and wait until there was a chance to perform surgeries
before coming back again.

The skills Ling Ran currently mastered still allowed him to stand in
a strategic position. Academician Zhu Tongyi had previously not been
able to hire surgeons who had his level of skill, regardless of whether
they were from the country itself or from overseas. For a short period
of time in the future, he would still not be able to hire them.
307 Report
Plan A had to receive a certain degree of recognition, and someone
had to want to promote the surgery. Only then would Zhu Tongyi
have the opportunity to reach out to surgeons who were easier to
manipulate than Ling Ran but whose skills were not necessarily

The Surgical Department's pyramid was absolutely deformed. It

had multiple tips. When one reached the tip, there were often only a
few masters of that particular surgery. If the person in the front did
not leave, the people behind him would not even find a sufficient
number of patients to practice their skills.

Ling Ran was currently the only doctor who had performed Plan A.
Ling Ran would always be the best choice for Zhu Tongyi unless he
rejected the surgery or had a very excessive request.

Therefore, Ling Ran could safely leave the Orthopedic and Sports
Medicine Center without worrying about being replaced.

The most important thing was, there were only one hundred and
eighty beds in the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center. Now, they
had added fifty-five extra beds, and there was no room for him to
stay. Ling Ran stopped after he performed a total of eleven
operations yesterday and the day before yesterday. There were three
extra beds for patients by other doctors.

The number of beds in the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center

had reached its limit.

Even if it was a general hospital with extra beds throughout the

year, if there were one hundred and eighty beds in a department, the
department could only add a maximum number of one hundred extra
beds. Only a few extremely-crowded departments could double the
number of extra beds. Once he considered how patients who had
Achilles tendon ruptures, flexor tendon injuries or severed fingers
would need to be hospitalized for a long time, Ling Ran felt
embarrassed about using up all their extra beds too.
308 Report
"Book a night flight, and we'll leave after we're done with
the patient who's coming in today. We'll carry through to the
end," Ling Ran said in a very responsible manner.

Lu Wenbin got the message. "I've bought a ticket for nine

o'clock at night. We'll arrive home at about twelve. If we
sleep for a while, we can start performing surgeries in Yun
Hua Hospital tomorrow morning."

Ling Ran's lips twitched, but he still nodded. "All right, let's just
sleep for one night."

Lu Wenbin let out a gentle sigh of relief. He was not afraid of Ling
Ran performing an overnight surgery. He was afraid that Ling Ran
would do an overnight surgery and give himself a holiday the next
day. After all, Yun Hua Hospital had two more assistants, Ma Yanlin
and Yu Yuan. He had finally widened the gap between them and
himself. His efforts could not go up in flames just like that.

Translator's Note:

[1] Because it means he doesn't have to braise shrimps now,

which means less work in the kitchen, more time evrerywhere else.
309 Report

Chapter 238: Slurp, Slurp


"Sister Wang Jia, you're really busy, huh?" Wang Zhuangyong

took selfies everywhere in the Operating Area while he was in his
scrubs. When he saw the staff including Wang Jia count the surgical
instruments in the sterile storage, he smiled and greeted them.

Wang Jia was dressed in a dark green scrub. She instantly bristled
with rage. "Who are you calling 'sister'?"

The young intern, Wang Zhuangyong was stunned for a while.

"Weren't you the one who asked me to call you Sister Wang

"Did I?" Wang Jia could not be certain of his words.

Wang Zhuangyong answered firmly, "The last time, you said

little sister…"

"Is little sister the same as sister? Why don't you just call
me miss directly?" Wang Jia turned around angrily. Then, she said
irritatedly, "The numbers are all wrong now, and I have to
check all over again. Two, four, six, eight… Twelve…"

"Then I'll leave you to your work and go now, Sister Wang

Wang Jia turned her head one hundred and eighty degrees to glare
at Wang Zhuangyong fiercely.

"Little Sister Wang Jia… Bye…" Wang Zhuangyong waved his

hand stiffly.

"Good." Then, Wang Jia put down a colonoscope before she turned
310 Report
around to recount the instruments. "Two, four, six, eight…

"Excuse me…" Wang Zhuangyong stood at the entrance and

asked, "Why are you cleaning up the place like you're spring
cleaning? And why do you need to clean the rehabilitation
ward as well as the operating theaters as well?"

"Sixteen, eighteen, twenty." Wang Jia resolutely finished

counting before she replied, "Because Doctor Ling's coming

Wang Zhuangyong could obviously sense Wang Jia's softer tone.

Naturally, as Ling Ran's dormitory mate, Wang Zhuangyong did not

find her attitude unfamiliar.

In the past, the contact list in Wang Zhuangyong's WeChat was

filled with girls from different years and majors. The main reason was
because among Ling Ran's other dormmates, Chen Wanhao was rich
and rather good-looking, so the girls were worried that he would
misunderstand. Hence, whoever that wanted to know more about
Ling Ran would add Wang Zhuangyong's Wechat.

Wang Zhuangyong's orchid gestures also made the girls feel at

ease with him.

His appearance was also very safe.

However, it was still very hard for Wang Zhuangyong to

comprehend the atmosphere in the hospital.

Wang Zhuangyong could not understand and said, "Even if Ling

Ran comes back, it's not necessary to do spring cleaning,
right? Even if the head nurse doesn't comment on this, the
directors would still make noise, right?"

"This is the instruction given by Department Director Huo."
311 Report
Wang Jia proudly raised her chin.

"Why?" Wang Zhuangyong was completely shocked now. Was

society truly more complicated than schools? Even Department
Director Huo…

"Ling Ran will need to perform surgeries after he comes

back, and he usually uses two to three operating theaters
once he starts. By that time, the operating theaters will be
occupied most of the time, and it'll be too late for us to do
any spring cleaning. Same goes to the rehabilitation room.
There are fewer patients in your rehabilitation room right
now, right? The patients who were just discharged are all
Doctor Ling's patients. When he comes back, the
rehabilitation room will surely be occupied again." Wang Jia
spoke like she had a lot of experience. "Rest well while you still
can. I heard that during peak hours, patients will begin using
the rehabilitation room at five in the morning."

"Five in the morning…" Wang Zhuangyong remembered that

Ling Ran played with cadavers in the anatomy building on campus at
four in the morning, so he instantly believed her words. Yet, he was
still slightly confused and said, "The operating theaters belong to
the Emergency Department whereas the rehabilitation rooms
are lent by the Hand Surgery Department. Are they willing to
open the door at five in the morning for Ling Ran?"

"Doctor Ling isn't the only one who likes to use the
rehabilitation room at five in the morning. The medical
director of the Hand Surgery Department, Department
Director Jin Xi also likes to use the rehabilitation room at five
in the morning. He used to open a special rehabilitation class
for people, which started at 5:30 am and ended at 6:30 am."
Wang Jia pursed her lips and said, "The Hand Surgery
Department requires doctors to perform surgeries and take a
look at their patients' rehabilitation before they leave for any
312 Report
meeting. If the doctor has a meeting at nine in the morning,
he will have to go to the rehabilitation room at five in the

When they talked about this topic, the nurses who were counting
the instruments suddenly became interested. The eldest nurse,
Nurse Niu, clapped her hands and laughed. "That chief physician
with the surname Bao, the one who's bald, used to do ward
rounds at five in the early morning. One day, he even
bumped into a married couple who were having sex on the
hospital bed. He was completely stunned while he waited
outside the room for ten minutes."

"Yes, yes, yes, I remember. He loved to perform surgeries

the entire night before he went for his ward rounds back
then. He claimed that it was quite quiet and peaceful during
that period of time. But he stopped doing that after some

Wang Zhuangyong was very excited when he listened to the

gossip. He then asked, "Was it because he received a complaint
for bumping into the married couple while they had sex?"

"No, I think it's because he went bald. I heard that you get
bald if you stay up late all the time," Nurse Niu said and waved
her hand in a dismissive gesture. She then added, "Well, he's a
rather ugly chief physician, and you can definitely recognize
him when you meet him."

Wang Zhuangyong touched his head, and he felt a chill creep down
his spine.


Ling Ran grabbed a car after he got down from the plane. He
brought Lu Wenbin along.
313 Report
"I have money, and we can save more time," Ling Ran patted
his bag and explained to Lu Wenbin, who was ready to take a bus

Lu Wenbin wanted to say something, but he hesitated. He only

entered the car after he saw Ling Ran get in.

The taxi first sent Ling Ran home before Lu Wenbin.

Ling Ran paid the fare before he got down the car.

Academician Zhu Tongyi was so generous that he paid Ling Ran

the full surgery fee, which was 31,550 RMB. He paid Ling Ran in cash,
enough to be arranged in three stacks. It looked very awe-inspiring.
In contrast, Lu Wenbin only received 5,000 RMB in surgical fees,
which was paid according to the minimum standard.

Ling Ran did not correct the pay ratio. He spoke to Lu Wenbin
before he got out of the car. "If you have time, perform more
surgeries. Rack up the number of surgeries you perform."

Unlike other senior doctors, Ling Ran seldom made such hollow
comments. He said these words because he had experienced the
effects of performing more surgeries greatly over the past few days.

This time around in Shanghai, Zhu Tongyi's Plan A proved to be

very difficult. When he performed the surgery for Liu Weichen, Ling
Ran tried to use the best skills in his disposal to perform the surgery.
But when Ling Ran operated on He Xiufang, his skills were obviously
much better.

The reason behind it was simply because Ling Ran had

accumulated experience from Liu Weichen's surgery.

Liu Weichen's surgery had pretty much improved Ling Ran's skill a
lot. If it were not for Liu Weichen, Academician Zhu Tongyi would not
have tried his best to design Plan A and even carry out
comprehensive analyses.
314 Report
Without the analyses and the real operation, Ling Ran would not
have been able to think of the new skill he needed when he operated
on He Xiufang.

The three surgeries Ling Ran performed using Plan A also further
strengthened his skills.

It could also be said that after performing five surgeries, if there

was another Liu Weichen, Ling Ran could probably increase the
patient's recovery by one to two percent.

This was due to Plan A's complicated nature. It was enough to

make Ling Ran feel obvious improvements in his skill. If it were just a
normal Achilles tendon rupture surgery, Ling Ran would probably not
be able to gain so much experience.

Nonetheless, in general, surgeries on their own were already

experience points. The higher the level of skill required for the
surgery, the greater the number of surgeries needed to be
accumulated before qualitative changes in the surgeon's skills could
develop. Hence, it was necessary for surgeons to accumulate

For a resident doctor like Lu Wenbin, if he became the assistant for

one to two hundred surgeries, the quality of his skills might change.

Lu Wenbin remembered that he had worked with Ling Ran in so

many surgeries, and when heard Ling Ran tell him to accumulate his
number of surgeries, he suddenly felt a warmth rise in his heart. He
could not help but say, "Time is the most important thing when
learning from you. Hmm... I'm going to grab a car to the
hospital every day in the future."

"That's good, too. If you're not rich, then you should

perform more surgeries." Ling Ran stood in front of an alley at the
lively Lower Groove, and he thought about things in Lu Wenbin's
315 Report
Lu Wenbin gripped his phone tightly. He forced himself to resist the
urge to show Ling Ran the figures on his phone screen.

The next day...

Ling Ran slept until seven o'clock. He woke up, watered the plants,
and went to the market to buy some seafood and other ingredients.
He cooked a pot of seafood porridge before he woke his parents up.

Ling Jiezhou stretched his back, which was a motion he was not
entirely familiar with. Then, he shouted in surprise in his room, "Son,
you're back?"

"I sent you a message yesterday," Ling Ran answered through

the door.

Then Ling Jiezhou replied, "Oh, I totally forgot. I slept quite

early yesterday."

"I made you breakfast," Ling Ran said.

"Ah, I still want to sleep more." Ling Jiezhou paused for a

moment before he asked, "What did you make for breakfast?"

"Seafood porridge. I also bought some fried pancakes from

the street corner as well as some beef seasoned with soy

"I see… What seafood did you put in the seafood porridge?"

"Clams, prawns, pork ribs, snapper fillets, shiitake

mushroom, and celery…"

"Three minutes," Ling Jiezhou answered affirmatively.

Ling Ran went back to the ground floor and turned up the heat for
the seafood porridge. When it was about to boil, he saw his dad, Ling
316 Report
"Didn't you manage to get any flower crabs?" Ling Jiezhou
had his slippers on. He opened the lid above the pot of seafood
porridge. He smelled it, nodded, and said, "This smells really
good. You've finally mastered how to make seafood porridge.
You won't starve in the future."

Ling Ran served two bowls of the porridge and said, "There
weren't any flower crabs this morning."

"Seafood porridge without flower crabs can only be rated

five stars. It's not a luxurious dish…"Ling Jiezhou sounded very
lackadaisical. He raised his head and saw Tao Ping walk down the
stairs. He immediately served her a bowl of seafood porridge and
shouted, "My dear, the seafood porridge is ready. Come and
eat it, quick."

Ling Jiezhou turned around and patted his own head. He said, "I
almost forgot, Young Ran, is the massage appointment that I
arranged for the neighborhood in the morning or at night?"

"In the morning, I think." Ling Ran ate the porridge he cooked

"You're not in a hurry to go to the hospital?"

"I'll go in the afternoon." After he answered his father, Ling Ran

said to Tao Ping, who was approaching him, "Mom, I want to eat
steamed salted pork in wine."

"Sure." Tao Ping gathered her skirt and sat down. She smiled
gently. "Let your dad buy some meat in the market later."

Ling Jiezhou's eyebrows twitched. "It'll take two days to cook

the steamed salted pork in wine, so you can't have it

"I'll be working overtime in the hospital tomorrow. I'll eat it

the day after tomorrow," Ling Ran said.
317 Report
"Then, we'll set the date on which we want to eat the dish
first—the day after tomorrow. Outside food can never be as
good as homemade food," Madam Tao Ping gave the final word.

"It can never be as good as homemade food indeed,"

answered Ling Ran. Then, he lowered his head to eat the seafood

*Slurp, slurp…*
318 Report

Chapter 239: Relatively Serious


In the afternoon, Yun Hua was washed down by a torrential rain.

Yun Hua Hospital's white building sparkled against the backdrop of

the blue sky. The steel-made words [Yun Hua Hospital] on top of
the roof also looked brand-new after the rain

The large advertisement that covered the front façade of the

medical technology building was about laparoscopic surgery. During
the thunderstorm, the surgical instrument the doctor held in his
hand—clad in a blue glove—looked like an evil professor's weapon.
However, with the fair weather right now, it looked like the toy of an
an innocent teenage boy.

Family cars slowly exited the parking lot one by one, and the space
in front of the hospital building which was extremely crowded a few
hours ago began to empty out.

Ling Ran drove his little Volkswagen Jetta straight into the
Emergency Department's parking section in the hospital's basement.
The parking lots around him were all filled up. Just by seeing how
none of the parking lots in the middle that had blue lines around
them were empty, he knew that all the chief physicians and associate
chief physicians were at work. It was obvious that yesterday was a
peaceful day in the Emergency Department.

The Emergency Medicine building was perpetually filled with

patients, their family members, and busy medical staff.

Ling Ran greeted everyone as he walked. He was quite used to this

kind of situation. This was especially true when he was still a student.
On the first day of every term, on his way to and from class, there
319 Report
would be countless girls saying and doing all kinds of weird things.

The people in Yun Hua Hospital were obviously a lot more rational
compared to the ones in school. Perhaps because he was not away
long, no one stopped him in his tracks to pass him letters or flowers.

Ling Ran arrived at the office without problems. When he saw that
Department Director Huo was not around, he greeted a few doctors
who had stayed behind in the office to take care of things before he
sat down in his chair and leaned comfortably against the backrest.
He then turned on his computer to catch up with the department's
latest updates.

Meanwhile, in a WeChat group, which he did not know had existed,

post after post appeared at lightning speed.

[#location# Doctor Ling just arrived at the parking lot.]

[His little Volkswagen Jetta is so adorable.]

[It looks well-washed.]

[Doctor Ling must really like this car. How I wish that I
could see the way Doctor Ling is drenched in sweat when he
washes his car.]

[Wow, with this hot weather, he'll probably have to take off

his shirt if he's drenched in sweat.]

[#location# He just entered the Emergency Medicine


[We'll finally get to see Doctor Ling again.]

[I'm so anxious.]

[I showed his picture to my friends from the provincial

hospital some time ago. They stopped showing off the
320 Report
doctors in their hospital after that.]

[#location# He just arrived at the office.]

[It's time to throw the die!]

[Let's go!]


The office door was slowly pushed open. The young nurse, Su
Mengxue, craned her neck as she walked into the office. She held
two journals. Pleasantly surprised, she called out, "Doctor Ling,
you're really here!"

"I just arrived." Ling Ran wore a very relaxed expression. When
he was in the Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Center, he always felt
very anxious when he saw the large number of vacant beds. He was
less anxious when he was in Yun Hua Hospital. The difference was
probably like that of eating at a buffet, and eating in one's own

"It's great that you are back, Doctor Ling." Su Mengxue

sighed softly, emanating the youthful aura exclusive to young girls.

"Do you want some yogurt?" Ling Ran took out a bottle of
yogurt from the drawer under his table and handed it to Su Mengxue.

"Mm-hm." Su Mengxue only remembered her mission after she

took the yogurt from Ling Ran's hand. She quickly said, "Doctor
Ling, your research papers are published."

As she said that, she placed the two journals she held in her bosom
before Ling Ran. They were already a little warm from her body

The one on top was the [Chinese Journal of Hand Surgery],

while the one at the bottom was the [Chinese Manipulation and
321 Report
Rehabilitation Medical Journal].

The wings of small paper cranes peeked out from both of the
journals, and their bodies were slipped in between the pages of the
journal, functioning as bookmarks. Ling Ran saw his research papers
the moment he flipped open both journals.

His thesis, [The Key Points of Chiropractic Manipulation for

the Cervical Spine: Exploration of 450 Cases Using Spinal
Back Manipulation], was published in the [Chinese Manipulation
and Rehabilitation Medical Journal]. The journal was extremely
uninfluential, and the only benefit one could gain from being
published there was the fact that they got published. But when it
came to career advancement and increasing the number of
dissertations one published, the journal's uninfluential nature would
not be of much effect. It would still be counted as a published thesis,
and for clinicians who did not have many opportunities to publish
their papers, it was considered a mediocre achievement.

However, it was a different story when it came to the [Chinese

Journal of Hand Surgery]. Even though an Article Influence Score
of 0.45—which meant that every year, one out of two dissertations
would be cited once—was not considered high, its score was
considered quite good when it came to a Mandarin journal. Clinical
medicine journals with an Article Influence Score of over 1.0 in China
could be counted on one hand. Most importantly, it was a journal
under China, so when those in the field brought it up, they would feel
incredibly prideful. [The Key Points of the M-Tang Technique:
Exploration of 368 Cases Using the M-Tang Technique] was
not an extremely excellent thesis to begin with, and it was a
considerably good choice to publish it in the [Chinese Journal of
Hand Surgery].

Of course, for young doctors, publishing any research paper was a

very precious achievement.
322 Report
Many hospitals including Yun Hua Hospital followed a rating system
when it came to promoting their doctors to higher positions. There
were various criteria when it came to the addition and deduction of

Basically, if a doctor were to carry out all of his normal tasks, work
overtime when he was required to, obey his leaders, not make any
mistakes or receive any complaints, then he would be able to score
between seventy-five and eighty points. Most of the time, a doctor
needed to score around eighty-five points to receive a promotion.
That would be when publishing a research paper, receiving a bonus,
making a research breakthrough, and so on come into the picture.

For an ordinary doctor, the publication of two dissertations would

be an opportunity for them to get an immediate promotion, or to get
onto the fast-track and get promoted several times.

However, whether it was in ordinary or core journals, it was very

tiring for a doctor to publish two research papers. Very few doctors
from ordinary regional hospitals were able to do this.

With the workload of an ordinary doctor, unless one paid other

people to write his research paper, or bullied younger doctors into
writing it for him, he would only be able to write around two research
papers every five years—without neglecting the regular tasks he
needed to perform to get enough points for a promotion.

At this moment, Su Mengxue gazed at Ling Ran in awe and said,

"Doctor Ling, you're seriously amazing to have written two
research papers in one go."

"I received help from quite a lot of people," Ling Ran

answered honestly.

Su Mengxue blinked as she said earnestly, "As the saying goes:

a just cause enjoys abundant support, while an unjust cause
finds little."
323 Report
When the other doctors in the office heard this, they were shocked
speechless. 'What? Can this saying be applied to such a situation…?'

When they saw such a beautiful young nurse gazing at Ling Ran in
admiration and racking her brain for words to praise him, even
middle-aged doctors wanted to lament at the unfairness of this

"Doctor Ling, I'm going to take my leave now." Su Mengxue

waved her hand reluctantly. She looked extremely adorable.

Ling Ran nodded with a smile and took out a bar of chocolate from
his drawer in passing. He handed it to Su Mengxue and said with a
smile, "I got this from Shanghai. Why don't you give it a try?"

"Mm-hm." Su Mengxue's heart was as sweet as honey as she

walked vivaciously out of the office.

Ling Ran lowered his head to read his research papers. They were
only slightly edited, and the meaning and structures were basically
retained. Compared to other research papers from the same issue,
his research papers were roughly of an average level. Research
papers related to clinical medicine were basically just summaries of
experiences, and were rarely groundbreaking.

The doctors in the office congratulated him one after another.

Some of them were just following the crowd, while some of them
were truly envious.

For most doctors, writing a research paper was even harder than
performing a hundred surgeries. Writing two was totally out of the

*Ring, ring...*

The office phone rang, jumbling up everyone's train of thought

once more.
324 Report
One of them answered the call. He hummed a few times in
acknowledgement while his expression became solemn.

The doctor hung up the phone and said, "There was a public
emergency. Everyone must report to the resuscitation room

"How serious is it?" All the doctors stood up.

"Level 3, relatively serious."

Public emergencies were divided into levels. Level 1 was for

extremely serious emergencies, Level 2 for serious emergencies, and
Level 3 for relatively serious emergencies.

A relatively serious emergency indicated that three people were

either dead or in critical condition. In a city like Yun Hua, even though
cases like these needed to be handled earnestly, it was not a very
uncommon situation.

According to the requirements of Yun Hua Hospital, all medical

staff in the Emergency Department must be mobilized when such an
emergency occurred. Aside from that, when other departments
received news about it, they must also immediately dispatch relevant
doctors to the Emergency Department.

Ling Ran placed the journal in his hand on the table, grabbed a
large white coat, and followed the others as they walked quickly.
When he arrived at the resuscitation room, he saw that a crowd of
doctors were gathered there. They were all waiting for the
ambulance to arrive.

Huo Congjun stood at the forefront of the crowd. He had a

determined gaze, and his large white coat looked like a cape as it
swayed along to the breeze from the air-conditioner.

The great superiors of the department such as Department

Associate Director Du and Chief Physician Tao stood beside him,
325 Report
while young and strong attending physicians like Zhao Leyi and Zuo
Liangcai flanked the superiors. They looked well-trained.

Doctor Zhou and a few resident doctors stood in the corner of the
room. Doctor Zhou knelt on a one-legged stool and put half his body
weight on it. With his head lowered, he looked at his cellphone with
one eye, and observed the situation around him with the other eye.

Ling Ran immediately walked over and tapped Doctor Zhou's

shoulder from the back as a greeting.

Doctor Zhou was so shocked that he almost dropped his phone.

When he turned and saw Ling Ran, he snapped, "You come back
without gifts, and give me a scare instead?"

"I bought some Shanghai local specialties from Taobao.

They'll be arriving in the afternoon." When it came to buying
gifts, Ling Ran was still quite experienced.

Doctor Zhou's lips twitched. "You're going to be spending a lot

of money, let me tell you that."

"Academician Zhu paid me surgery fees. Each was more

than a hundred RMB."

"How much can you do with one hundred…" Doctor Zhou

paused and realized that something was not quite right. He asked,
"How much did you receive in total?"

"31,555 RMB," Ling Ran answered precisely.

"You did three hundred surgeries?!" Doctor Zhou felt tired just
thinking about it.

"Not that many. Some of the surgeries paid more. I did less
than two hundred surgeries in total," Ling Ran said as if it was
nothing special. He then asked, "Do you know what emergency
this is?"
326 Report
Doctor Zhou scratched his chin and whispered, "From what I
heard, a robber drove against traffic during his escape and
crashed into a sedan. The three people in the sedan died on
the spot, while the robber was injured. He's being sent here

"Oh…" Ling Ran looked at the crowd of doctors around him and
said, "So, we're not actually needed here?"

Doctor Zhou said assuredly, "I'm definitely not needed—"

"Ling Ran!" Huo Congjun knew that Ling Ran had returned, so he
called out loudly, "Come here and receive the patient with us."
327 Report

Chapter 240: Salted Fish


Huo Congjun cut an awe-inspiring figure as he stood tall at the

front of the crowd before the Emergency Medicine building. He gazed
ahead, as though he could see past the faraway sky.

"I've been seeing you on the Shanghai news lately. It was

on satellite TV, right?" Huo Congjun turned to look at Ling Ran.
"Do you feel like a celebrity now?"

"They interviewed me for fifteen minutes, but only

broadcasted three seconds of the interview. It was really
boring." Ling Ran had been interviewed by a lot of media companies
before, but this was the only satellite channel that had interviewed
him. They were also the one who spent the longest time interviewing
him, yet gave him the shortest screen time.

Ling Ran was not very happy about this. It was not like he had
never been interviewed before, but he felt that nowadays, television
channels were being more and more insincere when they conducted
interviews. They were unlike the reporters he had met in the past
who would tell him clearly if they were only going to give him a few
seconds of screen time.

Huo Congjun was a little surprised by Ling Ran's attitude. He

turned to give Ling Ran a glance, and said, "For us doctors, the
opportunity to be interviewed is a good thing."

"I know."

"You are still young now. Just wait until you are qualified to
give consultations. By then when you get to give an
interview, you would want to take a screenshot of the image
on the television and stick it on your wall."
328 Report

"The patient who will be sent here later is a robber. You

know about this, right?" Huo Congjun went back to the topic at
hand. He knew Ling Ran was an opinionated person, and did not want
to continue talking about interviews.

Ling Ran nodded slightly and said, "I heard a little about it. I
didn't know whether it was true."

"It's true. He robbed an adult toys shop. He killed the

driver of the small sedan car, along with the driver's brother-
in-law and mother-in-law. The police are also coming. One of
the patient's legs is seriously injured, and his vital signs are
considerably stable." As Huo Congjun spoke, he looked at Ling Ran
and asked, "Do you want to participate in his treatment?"

Ling Ran gave Huo Congjun a strange look and replied, "Yes."

"Oh, good." As Huo Congjun spoke, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, with a smile, he said, "I thought young people like you
would have your own opinions about these things."

"Department Director Huo, what's your opinion, then?" Ling

Ran suddenly threw the question back at Huo Congjun, quickly
changing the direction of the conversation.

At this moment, a few doctors around them looked at Huo Congjun.

From the perspective of medical ethics, the answer was very clear.
The doctors only needed to treat the patient, and then let the police
or the judicial system do the rest. However, social ethics was rarely
as simple as that; there was always some who disagreed with a few
codes of social ethics.

Everyone was naturally curious about Huo Congjun's opinion.

When Huo Congjun saw the expressions of the people around him,
he could not help but laugh. "What are you guys thinking? I used
329 Report
to be a military doctor. As a military doctor, even if we
received orders to treat someone from the enemy's side, we
still have to do it. What is there to think about?"

"At least treating enemies will bring you good publicity.

What's the use of treating robbers like this? Isn't it better to
just execute them by shooting them on-the-spot? What a
waste of medical resources." An unfamiliar voice rang out from
the back.

Huo Congjun turned around, but could not find the person who said
that. Of course, he would be able to if he were to ask the other
doctors, but Huo Congjun was too lazy for that.

He said flatly, "We spent so many years in medical school so

that we could treat patients. If you want to become a judge,
go ahead and spend ten years in law school. If you want to
become an intellectual, go and get a PhD in Philosophy
before talking to me."

The resuscitation room immediately went silent.

Department Associate Director Du coughed a few times and said,

"Don't talk nonsense. What is a doctor required to do during
a public emergency? Those who do not know the answer,
please go back and read the textbook again. Even if a lion
who is afflicted with AIDS is sent here today, you will still
have to give it proper treatment, let alone a human patient."

"Why a sick lion, though?"

"What wrong did that lion do?"

"Why must it be a lion? Can't it be a dog?"

Everyone showed their dissatisfaction by making all kinds of

comical gestures and remarks.
330 Report
Department Associate Director Du said, "Because dogs are not
susceptible to AIDS, and lions are. Any more questions?"

Everyone lowered their heads in unison and looked through the

corner of their eyes at Department Director Huo, whose hair blew
along to the breeze from the air-conditioning.

Soon, with its siren blaring, the ambulance arrived at the

Emergency Medicine building's ambulance bay.

Two strong and able-bodied male nurses charged forward and

removed the patient from the ambulance, together with a pair of
handcuffs and the infusion bag. They stopped for a moment in front
of Department Director Huo before rushing to the operating theater.

"Me, Old Du, Young Zheng, Ling Ran… Young Zhou, and
Young Zhao; we'll be doing this together. Are the doctor from
the Orthopedics Department here yet? Ask them to go
straight into the operating theater when they arrive. The
same goes for the doctor from the Craniocerebral
Department," Department Director Huo ordered. He looked relaxed.

From what he could see just now, combined with the information
he received before this, the patient was not even near death. It
would almost be an overstatement to also say that he was in a
critical condition. Chances were high that the patient would survive,
and as long as the patient survived, this public emergency would be
considered resolved.

For a hospital like Yun Hua Hospital, it was very normal to

encounter more than ten public emergencies within a year. After all,
as long as there were at least three casualties or patients in critical
conditions, a case would be considered a public emergency. Even
accidents such as chemical leaks which involved no casualties were
considered a public emergency. Even though Huo Congjun treated
these emergencies with caution, he was not fearful of them.
Otherwise, he would not have become the director of Yun Hua
331 Report
Hospital's Emergency Department.

Ling Ran quickly entered the Operating Area and changed into

Personally, he had a habit of showering before changing into

scrubs. However, this was not a requirement, and many doctors did
not have the habit of showering before entering the operating
theater. Of course, there were doctors who had no choice but to
shower because they were dirty. The Emergency Department's staff
had a tradition of making do with what was available. Since there
were so many doctors involved this time, the number of shower
cubicles would not be enough for all of them to shower. Hence, all of
them changed into scrubs without showering.

Ling Ran forced himself not to think about this. He followed the
crowd and took his position. Because Huo Congjun had arranged for
him to operate on the patient's foot by himself, Ling Ran stood near
the patient's feet. He had to wait for the doctors responsible for
examining the patient to complete the examination and for Huo
Congjun to plan the surgery sequence before he could begin

"His brain is fine. You can go ahead and administer general

anesthetics." When the doctor from the Neurosurgery Department
did not find any problems, he left the operating theater with leisure.

The rest of the doctors examined the patient according to

sequence and reported their plans to Huo Congjun.

"External fixation of his left arm will do. Let's use a nine-
pound cast." After the doctors from the Orthopedics Department
examined the patient, they said, "This can be done last."

Soon after as they finished saying that, the doctors from the
Orthopedics Department left.
332 Report
After that, the doctors from the General Surgery Department
looked at the ultrasound scans and said, "The patient's abdominal
cavity is in good condition, and was not greatly impacted. We
can get to it later."

As soon as they finished saying that, the doctors from the General
Surgery Department left.

The doctors from the Department of Internal Medicine were only

here to make up the numbers. Now that they have seen enough of
the bustling scene, they asked to leave.

When the doctor from Orthopedics Division Two saw the lower part
of the patient's left leg, which was a bloody mess, he said, "Let's
amputate the left leg. The injury is too serious, and there's
no value in trying to salvage it."

After he said that, the doctor from Orthopedics Division Two left.
The doctor from Orthopedics Department One was then called back

Ling Ran was left behind, and he stared dazedly at the foot that
was about to be amputated.

'Now that the patient's lower leg is going to be amputated,

what's the point of keeping the foot?'

Surprisingly, Ling Ran did not feel upset. Instead, he took a step
back impassively and prepared to leave.

"Ling Ran, work with the doctor from Orthopedics Division

One and amputate the patient's left lower leg." Department
Director Huo gave him a new order and shouted, "Has the patient's
family been notified yet? One of you go out and notify them,
and the rest stay here and perform the surgery."

Department Associate Director Du quickly said, "I'll go."
333 Report
Department Director Huo nodded in agreement.

Huo Congjun then looked at Ling Ran and asked, "Have you done
above-the-knee amputation before?"

"No." Ling Ran shook his head.

"Then this will be a good learning opportunity for you." Huo

Congjun nodded and said, "Amputation is also quite a particular
field, especially when it comes to the stump. You have to
make it cylindrical for aesthetic purposes, and you also need
to make sure that it can endure wear and tear…"

The doctor from the Orthopedics Department who came back

laughed out loud, "No matter how particular orthopedists are,
in the end, we are just carpenters who raise our saws and
exert our strength."

"I'll help carry the thigh." Ma Yanlin who came in with the crowd
just now took the opportunity to speak.

The orthopedist immediately agreed. "That would be great. I

was worried about it just now…"

This was the first time Ling Ran had seen Ma Yanlin since he came
back. He nodded at Ma Yanlin with a smile.

Ma Yanlin smiled obediently and said, "Doctor Ling, you came

back at just the right time. I just bought some salted fish
from home. There's also salted dried sharks meat. It tastes
good whether you use it in dishes, or to boil soup."

Ling Ran froze for a moment. "Sharks?"

"Baby sharks, salted ones. They are quite flavorful." Ma

Yanlin immediately promoted the delicacy.

Before Ling Ran could say anything, the orthopedist said, "Didn't
334 Report
there used to be pork trotters in the Emergency
Department's operating theaters? Why haven't I seen any

Doctors from the Orthopedics Department were frequenters of the

Emergency Department. When they missed the mealtimes in the
Orthopedics Department, they would go to the Emergency
Department's canteen for food. After he mentioned the pork trotters,
the doctor from the Orthopedics Department suddenly got hungry.

He spoke wistfully as he drew lines on the patient's bloody thigh.

"The pork legs were delicious, too. There was a time when
they sold it in thin slices with the price at twenty RMB a
bowl. They were cooked in steaming hot soup, and tasted
incredible when you pair it with a bowl of dipping sauce."

"That… Doctor Lu made those." Ma Yanlin lowered his head and

quietly wrapped a pneumatic tourniquet around the upper part of the
patient's thigh.

With a sigh, the doctor from the Orthopedics Department lifted the
scalpel and made an incision on the lower third of the patient's thigh,
slicing open the subcutaneous layer and the fascia of the skin. He
then cut off the muscle groups of the thigh a little below the point of
amputation, deliberately letting them retract. He performed a double
ligation before cutting off the femoral artery and femoral vein. After
that, he cut open the deep femoral artery and deep femoral vein...

Every single step he took in the process of the amputation involved

a large surface area. Compared to the microsurgeries Ling Ran was
used to, it was more unruly by far.

Ling Ran watched very earnestly. Before this, he had always

worked with smaller bones. A surgery that involved such a large bone
was quite interesting to him.

As he operated, the orthopedist's mind began to wander. He spoke
335 Report
again, "Did you guys know that all the prized delicacies they
sell in the market nowadays are made of chicken patellas?
Those made with cow patellas are also quite delicious… Sigh,
Doctor Lu's pork trotters are still the best. Isn't he making
them anymore?"

Ma Yanlin summoned his courage and said, "Salted fish is also

quite delicious."

"It's too troublesome to cook them. Besides, aren't they

unhealthy?" The orthopedist continued. "I've been to your
canteen a few times lately, and each time, the dishes would
have salted fish in them. I'm really tired of it."

"That's to demonstrate to you guys that salted fish can be

included in many kinds of dishes," Ma Yanlin refuted, a little

The orthopedist chuckled. "It's still salted fish."

"I… you were talking about pork trotters just now. Didn't
the canteen serve them every day, too? And they're even
more expensive…" Ma Yanlin also thought about how Lu Wenbin
was making more profit compared to him.

The orthopedist scoffed. "How could salted fish compare to

pork trotters? Besides, Doctor Lu also serves pork legs,
chicken feet, mushrooms, and other things."

"I also have Spanish mackerel, snappers…"

"They're all salted fish."

"Yellow-fin tuna, sharks…"

"They're still salted fish."

"Herring, ribbonfish…"
336 Report
"Catch the severed fish-Catch the thigh, it's off!"

"Alright." After Ma Yanlin answered obediently, he felt that

something was not quite right...
337 Report

Chapter 241: In Order To Look Good


Ling Ran inspected the wards at six o'clock in the morning.

After he left Yun Hua Hospital for half a month, the extra beds in
the Emergency Department were returned. Some beds in the wards
were even emptied.

The greatest contributor to the emptied beds were the patients

who received M-Tang technique surgery. Most of them had been
discharged from the hospital and were only required to return for
regular follow-up examinations.

Patients who had their fingers replanted had also been discharged
from the hospital one after another. They needed to perform long-
term exercises if they wanted to use their fingers normally, but they
did not have to remain in Yun Hua Hospital.

Ling Ran touched a snow-white sheet on one of the empty

sickbeds. He looked happy, and he did some self-reflection in his
heart, 'I didn't realize the importance of sickbeds before. I didn't
cherish them enough. Now, I won't be so reckless anymore…'

Moans traveled into his ears, and they sounded like someone
calling out to something.

"Is our Emergency Department haunted as well?" Ling Ran

curiously asked Ma Yanlin, who was standing next to him.

Lu Wenbin had been on a business trip for several days. He was

given mandatory leave by Huo Congjun for those few days. Huo
Congjun had not been very busy recently, and there was nothing
special to do. Hence, he made the resident doctors utilize their
leaves in lieu. Otherwise, things would become awkward if they
338 Report
wanted to take leaves when the department got busy.

Ma Yanlin was a houseman, and he would be going home in a few

days. He could not even take any leaves in lieu. His one month of
working usually involved him staying up late for overtime at night,
and he could only go back and clear his sleep debt the next day.
Today, he had woken up at five in the morning. He was so sleepy that
he kept yawning non-stop. He could not hear Ling Ran's question. He
just laughed and said, "What do you mean haunted?"

"When I was in school, I often heard sounds of tables being

moved in the anatomy building at night and people shouting
like this," Ling Ran replied very carefully and provided as much
information as possible.

Ma Yanlin came to his senses and looked at the young nurses, who
joined them while they pranced about. He felt a chill run down his

The moans became clearer in the dark corridor.

"Did your school finally solve the mystery?" A young nurse

approached Ling Ran, and she was prepared to hug him if he told
another scary story.

"You mean the sounds from the anatomy building?" Ling Ran
nodded and said, "Some of the tables were broken and some
were not."


"Yes. Some of the sounds came from a few seniors who

were feeling too sleepy while doing revision for their National
Postgraduate Entrance Examination. They roared to wake
themselves up. Other seniors roared together to wake
themselves up while they revised together. Some even hung
out in the anatomy building at night alone, and they
339 Report
regretted it so they screamed desperately…" Ling Ran
answered naturally.

The young nurse was stunned. "Doctor Ling… you know a lot of

"Well, I also often revise in the anatomy building. The air-

conditioning there is very powerful."

The young nurse felt a gush of cool air blow against her.

Ma Yanlin giggled. "No one constantly studies in our


"Let's go take a look." Ling Ran raised his leg and started to
walk in the direction of the sound. After a short distance, he heard
some Mandarin words intermingled with the moans, "My leg…
Arghh… my leg…"

"That's the patient who had his leg amputated yesterday."

Ma Yanlin breathed a long sigh of relief.

Ling Ran sternly said, "It could also be a ghost who lost his

"Or a ghost that has come for the life of the man who lost
his leg." A faint sigh accompanied by a vague light traveled into
their ears and appeared in their line of sight.

The young nurse was so scared that she squeaked and fixed her
eyes on the person who spoke. It was a policeman who was hiding in
the corner while smoking.

"This building is a non-smoking area!" The young nurse's yell

covered the moans from the man who had his leg amputated.

The policeman, in his thirties, was stunned by the nurse's yelling.

He slowly threw away the cigarette butt.
340 Report
Ling Ran continued to walk forward until he entered an isolated
intensive care unit.

The patient, who just had his leg amputated the day before, was
holding his own leg and screaming non-stop.

The policeman in the room felt agitated, gloomy, and sleepy. He

stared at the patient with a cup of strong tea in his hand.

"Ward rounds?" The policeman recognized Doctor Ling Ran, but

he was suspicious of Ma Yanlin.

Ling Ran stood at the door and said, "Just curious."

Without waiting for the police to speak, Ma Yanlin said in

astonishment, "Aren't we doing ward rounds?"

"Do you know how to make the prognosis for amputated

thighs?" Ling Ran asked Ma Yanlin.

"Huh, you don't?" Ma Yanlin looked at Ling Ran with surprise.

Ling Ran answered very honestly, "Of course I don't, yesterday

was my first time."

"Oh yeah, you were the first assistant for the chief surgeon
from the Orthopedics Department." Ma Yanlin smacked his lips,
and he could not help but feel envious of Ling Ran's treatment in the
Emergency Department again. Limb amputations in the Orthopedics
Department were considered major surgeries. Even though the first
assistant was really just there as a pretense, it was actually a rare
experience. The surgeries that orthopedic surgeons were least willing
to perform were amputations. Avoiding amputations was the
trendiest thing to do among orthopedic surgeons. However, how
could orthopedic surgeons who had never performed amputations
make the right judgment to avoid amputation?

The three of them turned and left the ward, continuing their ward
341 Report

The moans in the room stopped inexplicably.

Ling Ran observed room after room, and most of the patients he
met were patients who had received finger replantations. There were
also patients with more than two fingers severed.

Most of the patients and their family members who met Ling Ran
had a good attitude.

As the saying went, prolonged sickness made a patient a good

doctor. Patients or family members who had lived in the hospital for
more than a month developed a pretty good judgment of their
condition and recovery. Everyone had a basic concept of whether
Ling Ran's surgery was good or not.

Surgeries performed by ordinary doctors were roughly of the same

level, but there was no one who could perform finger replantations
perfectly in Yun Hua Hospital.

Ling Ran received ten Sincere Gratitude Treasure Chests in one


In Ling Ran's memories, only the patient who smoked and ended
up having his finger amputated gave him two Sincere Gratitude
Treasure Chests. That patient had basically received two surgeries.

Currently, less than fifty patients had not given him Sincere
Gratitude Treasure Chests among those who had yet to be
discharged. Receiving ten treasure chests was already a very high
percentage for him.

The only problem was, he had previously accumulated eleven

treasure chests.

Eleven plus ten equaled twenty-one. There was one extra treasure
342 Report
"Open all of them." Ling Ran returned to the office, closed his
eyes, and did not look as the chests were opened.

After a ray of light shone, Ling Ran opened his eyes again, and he
saw that there were two Single Skill Books.

"Open them." Ling Ran grabbed the nineteen bottles of Energy

Serums he received.

Getting two skill books in one go was still very new to him.

Ling Ran could not help but sum up his experience. 'Do I have to
perform thigh amputations before I can get more skills books?'

Under the silver light, two Single Skill Books were displayed in front
of Ling Ran.

[Skill Branch obtained: Intradermal Suture Technique

(Master Level)]

[Skill Branch obtained: Buried Subcuticular Heavy

Reinforcing Suture (Master Level)]

Ling Ran touched his cheek silently.

Both skills were used for closing wounds, and both were to make
the wounds look nice.

The intradermal suture technique was as its name implied. It was a

suture method, in which the thread was placed in the lower dermis.
No punctures from the needle would be seen, and it reduced the
chances of scars being formed. Doctor Miao, who was hired by Lower
Groove Clinic, was skilled at such sutures, and he had a good
reputation for using cosmetic suture techniques. Hence, he often
received patients from Golden Deer Health Services Pte Ltd.

The buried subcuticular heavy reinforcing suture was also

dedicated to reducing the formation of scars to the best of its
343 Report
abilities. It was designed to deal with wounds with greater tension. In
short, it was a suture that aimed to heal the wound as much as
possible and reduce the cracking of scars after surgery.

In large-scale tertiary grade A general hospitals, intradermal

sutures and buried subcuticular heavy reinforcing sutures were
methods that many doctors knew, yet were reluctant to adopt. Since
the strength of the sutures was low, they were the type of sutures
that reduced scarring by reducing the strength of the stitches. So,
they were not embraced by doctors who treated injuries.

Relatively speaking, the Department of Plastic Surgery or the

Plastic Surgery Center would apply those two methods frequently.

'The next time I perform amputations, I may be able to use

the buried subcuticular heavy reinforcing suture,' Ling Ran
thought. 'Then the amputated legs could look better.'
344 Report

Chapter 242: Heavy Reinforcing Suture


After Ling Ran completed the two finger replantation surgeries he

had arranged for the day, he changed out of his scrubs and left the
operating area.

Confused and rattled, Lu Wenbin emulated Ling Ran and changed

out of his scrubs too. After he returned to the office, he could not
hold it in anymore and asked Ling Ran, "Are surgeries not fun for
you anymore? Or do you feel some kind of discomfort? Are we
really only operating on two patients today?"

Earlier, when he noticed how Ling Ran had only chosen two
patients to operate on, he thought that Ling Ran just wanted to wait
for more cases to arrive before he chose his next patients. He never
thought that Ling Ran would even change out of his scrubs. When
had Ling Ran ever taken off his scrubs before this?

"We need to use our wards a little sparingly." Ling Ran

looked at Lu Wenbin and spoke in an experienced manner, "There
are only around forty beds left, and even if we add extra
beds, there'll be eighty beds at most. We can't operate on all
the patients in one go anymore."

Huo Congjun happened to enter the office with his hands clasped
behind his back at that moment. When he heard Ling Ran use the
term "our wards", he got so emotional that his left hand could
barely hold on to his right hand.

"Times are a little hard for us right now, but lately, I've
been applying for additional beds for our department. There
should be some news soon." Huo Congjun could not hold himself
back from revealing some information. When the doctors in the office
345 Report
heard that, they started to discuss it.

Departments, hospitals, and the health system were very strict

when it came to controlling the number of beds. In fact, the higher up
the organization was in the medical system, the stricter the
regulations were.

If Huo Congjun were to increase the number of beds right then,

strictly speaking, all of them would be extra beds. However, because
the Emergency Medicine building was huge and had its own wards,
the department could make the extra beds look like ordinary hospital
beds. He just needed to explain things to the hospital administration
committee. Once he obtained their approval, the hospital would just
assume that those extra beds were ordinary hospital beds during
inspections. The only requirement from the hospital would be for the
Emergency Department to limit the number of extra beds placed in
the corridors and the wards.

However, for inspections by institutions of the healthcare system

such as the provincial health office, all the extra beds had to be clear
of patients. It was especially required when the Health and Welfare
Committee sent its members for inspection. All the extra beds would
not be recognized at that time. Otherwise, they would have to
recognize the beds as ordinary beds, then request that the hospital
increase its number of doctors and nurses.

Nevertheless, now that Huo Congjun wanted to build an

Emergency Medicine Center, the addition of manpower and beds
were a must. Or else, how could it be called a center if he was not
even able to fulfill the basic criterion to build a center?

Ling Ran nodded in agreement and said, "There were one

hundred and eighty beds in the Orthopedic and Sports
Medicine Center. They added fifty to sixty beds, but it still
won't be enough for the patient turnover rate. Our
department still has room for development."
346 Report
to him, Doctor Zhou was shocked when he heard that. Doctor Zhou
could not even finish using up the five beds allocated to him every
month. His average patient turnover rate was five to seven days, and
that had already tired him very much.

Associate Department Director Du felt similarly uncomfortable.

"Ling Ran, the departments in our hospital are already
considered large if they have one hundred beds," he said with
a smile.

"We already have almost one hundred now.

"I mean, without the extra beds.

"Won't the total number of beds reach two hundred if we add in

the extra beds?

"How can you add so many extra beds to the point that it
becomes double the number of beds we originally have?"
Department Associate Director Du said, not knowing how to react
anymore. "Ling Ran, think about it. You took up two beds
today by carrying out two finger replantation surgeries.
They'll stay here for forty days at most—"

Huo Congjun coughed a few times and cut Department Associate

Director Du off, preventing him from further embarrassing himself
with his bad Math. He said, "We should encourage Ling Ran to
desire more beds. When young people are willing to work, we
shouldn't hold them back. Ling Ran, just focus on carrying
out those surgeries well. You don't have to worry about other
things. By the way, your research papers were pretty good.
Keep working hard, and once you're done, go to the Finance
Department for your reward."

"All right." Ling Ran agreed. He drank a few mouthfuls of water

before he rose and said, "Doctor Lu, let's go to the treatment
347 Report
"Okay." Lu Wenbin immediately followed Ling Ran.

Huo Congjun watched with a smile on his face as Ling Ran walked
out of the door.

When Associate Department Director Du saw Huo Congjun's

expression, he said in a soft voice, "You were terrified earlier,
weren't you?"

"Huh… No… Hmm, a little bit." Huo Congjun exhaled.

"We've all seen Ling Ran carry out six or seven finger
replantation surgeries in a day. Why would you even give him
access to an unlimited number of beds? No one in our
department has had access to an unlimited number of beds
before…" Department Associate Director Du said, similarly with fear
in his heart.

"Didn't you hear what Ling Ran said just now?" Huo Congjun
answered Department Associate Director Du's question with another

"Which part?" Department Associate Director Du asked, feeling


Huo Congjun sighed in exasperation and said, "He kept saying

'our department' and 'we'. What does that mean?"

"It means that Ling Ran knows his grammar?"

"It means that Ling Ran sees our department as his home
and takes pride in being a part of us." After Huo Congjun
corrected Department Associate Director Du, he continued, "You
mentioned access to an unlimited number of beds. We are
the Emergency Department. Have you ever needed access to
an unlimited number of beds before this? Have I?"

Department Associate Director Du went silent.
348 Report
There was one good thing about the Emergency Department; they
could transfer patients to other departments.

Of course, that was if the other departments were willing to take in

those patients.

Under ordinary circumstances, patients resuscitated by Huo

Congjun and the others would be allocated to certain departments.
The departments themselves would send people to collect those
patients. Only a small minority of patients, such as those with
diarrhea, stomach pain, headaches, and those who vomited non-stop
would be retained in the Emergency Department's observation room
for monitoring purposes, as they did not have a definite diagnosis.

However, once Ling Ran started to snatch the Hand Surgery

Department's business, unless Huo Congjun transferred all the
surgery fees into the Hand Surgery Department's account, it was
impossible to ask the Hand Surgery Department to take in Ling Ran's

In other words, a larger Emergency Department needed its own

hospital beds—a lot of them.

Department Associate Director Du could not help but sigh again.

"If Ling Ran were to go crazy with the surgeries again, no
matter how many hospital beds we add, it wouldn't be

"We'll talk about it when that happens. Every problem has

a solution." When Huo Congjun realized that the doctors around
him were listening to him, he spoke by emphasizing each word, "No
hospital is afraid of having too many patients. Along with
insurance payments, we receive more than 20,000 RMB from
each patient who undergoes finger replantation surgery. How
else do you think I've been able to negotiate for my way in
the hospital administration meetings?"
349 Report
Department Associate Director Du immediately lowered his head.

A department could rely solely on its department director's ability

to argue his way through the hospital administration to grow, but
even if he were to argue his way through, he needed facts to back
him up. In the past, the Emergency Department grew by relying on
its famed Trauma and Burn Surgery Department, the fact that Yun
Hua Hospital itself was renowned, and the areas of responsibility that
Huo Congjun snatched from Beijing Emergency Medical Center using
his influence as well as ability to argue with others. With the addition
of the finger replantation surgery and the M-Tang surgery program
this year, even associate chief physicians found their lives improving.
It was obviously not the right time for Department Associate Director
Du to continue saying anything.

When he thought about it, did the hospital not try all means to hire
experienced doctors just to carry out more surgeries, gain a higher
occupancy rate in the medical world, and increase its influence?

Ordinary attending physicians would complain of fatigue after they

carried out an average of twenty to thirty surgeries every month.
Meanwhile, Ling Ran could perform thirty to forty major
microsurgeries in a week. With his efficiency, Huo Congjun certainly
had the right to ask for access to an unlimited number of hospital

Without those hospital beds, they would not be able to bring in

those patients. They would be deliberately chasing patients away

While the people in the office debated the issue, Lu Wenbin was at
a loss for words when he found out that Ling Ran aimed to carry out
debridement and suturing after he followed Ling Ran to the
treatment room.

"Doctor Ling, isn't it bad for us to snatch tasks from the

medical interns at this point in time?" When he saw the
350 Report
covetous gazes of the doctors around him, Lu Wenbin felt his face
burn in embarrassment. He was already a resident doctor, and by
next year, he would be a senior resident doctor. In other words, he
had already been in the hospital for about five years. He was even a
resident doctor who had served as the first assistant in M-Tang
surgeries, finger replantation surgeries, and Achilles tendon repair
surgeries. He could be considered a respectable and rising figure
among the newbies.

When Lu Wenbin stood in front of medical interns and housemen or

similarly young resident doctors who had never participated in
surgeries, he felt an extremely strong psychological advantage.

That was especially true after he traveled to Shanghai, was trained

by the academician, witnessed China's top orthopedic technology,
and participated in a star athlete's operation. Liu Weichen really did
not have the heart to scramble to perform debridement as well as
suturing, and snatch the young doctor's tasks in the treatment room.

Ling Ran only gave Lu Wenbin a strange look. "I'm an intern


"You…" Lu Wenbin was speechless as he looked at Ling Ran's

handsome face.

"We'll sit in Cubicle Two. Please find us someone with a

larger wound." Ling Ran greeted the nurse on duty in the treatment
room. He then proceeded to sit down in a small cubicle, which
happened to be empty, and drew the curtains.

Lu Wenbin tiptoed into the cubicle hesitantly.

He was a resident doctor, and his name would be in the list of

those who performed debridement and suturing that day.

Lu Wenbin felt extremely guilty about it.

Soon, a patient in a wheelchair with a wound on his thigh was
351 Report
pushed into the cubicle.

"What's your name? How old are you?" Lu Wenbin habitually

picked up a pen and paper before he started to write down the
patient's medical record.

As Lu Wenbin asked questions, Ling Ran enlisted the family

members' help to carry the patient to the treatment bed. Ling Ran
then examined the patient's wound and contemplated in silence.

"Can you ask a nurse to come in?" Ling Ran asked when he
noticed that Lu Wenbin was done with the medical record.

Lu Wenbin threw Ling Ran a puzzled glance and went out to get a

Ordinary debridement and suturing could either be carried out by a

doctor and a nurse or alone by one poor doctor. Now that there were
two doctors present, Lu Wenbin did not understand why Ling Ran
wanted a nurse to come.

However, it was very easy to ask for nurses on Ling Ran's behalf,
as nurses would rush over to his side the moment they learned that
Ling Ran had asked for them. It was not much trouble for Lu Wenbin.

Soon, two nurses arrived at the same time.

As Lu Wenbin stepped aside to let the nurses take his position, his
mind was filled with thoughts of abstract concepts like how "this
world was unfair".

"The area of the wound is relatively big, and there's minor

skin deficit. I plan to do a buried subcuticular heavy
reinforcing suture. That way, the scar will be smaller after
the wound heals. I want to use a 2-0 strong absorbable
suture. Do you have it?" Ling Ran explained to the patient and the
patient's family members while he raised the question to the nurses
according to the manual of emergency medicine.
352 Report
The patient as well as his family members looked at one another
and reluctantly agreed after they asked for the price.

The two nurses went to retrieve the surgical thread with strange
expressions on their faces. They attached the thread to a needle and
passed it to Ling Ran. Right after Ling Ran finished debriding the
wound and suturing the internal layer of the wound, he poked the
needle through one side of the wound...

Lu Wenbin was extremely surprised. He could not help but say,

"Doctor Ling, the wound is three inches long. Are you using
the subcuticular suture technique?"

The patient's wound was on his thigh. Even though the appearance
of the scar would definitely be nicer with the use of the subcuticular
suture technique, the stitches of wounds sutured using the
subcuticular suture technique were inferior in strength compared
with those sutured using other techniques. As the wound was three
inches long, the suture could break only after a few days. If that
happened, the patient would be left with a really ugly scar.

Ling Ran could tell what Lu Wenbin was thinking. "This is a heavy
reinforcing suture," he said.

The heavy reinforcing suture technique reduced the tension of the

stitches. Tension was the main reason why sutured skin split.

When he spoke, Ling Ran had already inserted his needle into the
patient's dermis. After he made four continuous stitches, he made a
knot on the outer surface of the patient's skin, in the position where
he first inserted the needle. He then repeated the process three
times and put down the 2-0 surgical thread. "Can you pass me the
5-0 suture with conventional cutting?" he asked the nurses.

Lu Wenbin suddenly realized that Ling Ran was already done with
the heavy reinforcing suture. In other words, Ling Ran had already
pulled the split skin together in just twelve stitches.
353 Report
"Was the skin's tension distributed to the dermis and
fascia?" Lu Wenbin asked in a semi-enquiring tone.

"Hmm, even though the wound's three inches long, after

we distribute the tension, we can suture it without worrying
about said tension," Ling Ran explained and continued with the
task at hand.

The two young nurses did not quite understand what was going on,
but they gasped simultaneously in admiration. "Doctor Ling, you're

Lu Wenbin felt a little that the world was now a little more fair to
him. Even though they had just carried out a debridement and suture
surgery, the fact that it was done in such a classy way made him feel
less embarrassed.
354 Report

Chapter 243: The Scarless Girl


The heavy reinforcing suture technique took a much longer time

compared to ordinary suturing techniques.

First, the skin's tension had to be distributed using the 2-0 surgical
thread. This part of the suturing process needed to be done in
segments, and for every segment, you had to pay attention to the
exact point of insertion and exit of the needle. And this had to be
decided by taking the tension of the skin and the gap between the
stitches into consideration. Aside from that, each stitch had to be
made between the fascia and the dermis.

In addition, it was also very difficult to align both sides of the torn
skin. Injured skin was not always even, and there might even be
situations where there was a deficit of skin. This made alignment
even more difficult.

However, if both sides of the torn skin were not aligned, there was
no point in using the heavy reinforcing suture technique. If the end
product were stitches that resulted in wrinkly skin, it would have
been better to use ordinary techniques such as the simple
interrupted suture or the simple continuous suture technique.

In cases where the debridement process was uncomplicated and

did not take long, young doctors in the Emergency Department only
required around ten minutes to suture wounds that were a few
inches long using ordinary suturing techniques. This timeframe even
included all the talking, examination, and documentation that
needed to be done before and after the suturing.

The suturing time for the buried subcuticular heavy reinforcing

suture technique Ling Ran used took more than thirty minutes. After
355 Report
being in the treatment room for two hours, he had only treated three

Very soon, the attention of the medical interns in the treatment

room moved away from Ling Ran.

Yun Hua Hospital's Emergency Department was very large, and

they could still afford to let Ling Ran carry out three cases of
debridement and suturing for two hours.

Doctor Zhou walked around the treatment room. After a while, he

arranged for a little girl to come over.

The little girl's wound was in the area of her tibia, which was at the
front of her lower leg. The wound was S-shaped, and it was almost
two inches long. It was considered a large wound.

Beside her, her parents' thoughts ran wild. Her father had an
anxious expression and looked worn out. He probably rushed to the
hospital with her. Her mother's fingernails were painted in bright
colors, and she gestured non-stop as she spoke, "I have always
told you to be careful, to be careful. Why are you so careless?
See, because of you, your father and I can't even go to work,
and had to rush to the hospital. All hospitals nowadays only
care about money. Cosmetic surgery? Why don't you guys
just say that you're robbers?"

As Ling Ran examined the little girl's wound, the little girl's mother
scolded people continuously. She spent the most time scolding the
little girl, while the hospital and her husband came next. At the same
time, she did not forget to scold her bosses and colleagues...

Ling Ran acted as though he did not hear it.

When it came to the things other people said, if they were not
spoken to him specifically, Ling Ran often pretended that he did not
hear them.
356 Report
Ever since he was little, there had always been people who
deliberately voiced their opinions loudly, discussed certain things, or
raised certain rumors beside him. If Ling Ran were to pay attention to
all of them, he would not be able to enjoy a quiet moment for a very
long time.

Ling Ran's experience taught him that he must decide whether he

wanted to ignore certain people, as quickly as possible.

For example, the little girl's mother. Even though she was the
patient's direct family member, and she was emotional right now
with a mixture of anger, fear, worry and sorrow, the words she said
were meaningless, and were only a means for her to vent her
emotions. The information contained in her words were ineffective,
and even wrong.

The first thing Ling Ran did was to make his judgment on the state
of the injury, with how the world would perceive the injury as his

The good news was that her bone was not injured. However, to
further consolidate his judgment, Ling Ran still raised his head and
asked, "Are there any X-ray scans?"

"X-ray scans, your a*s." The little girl's mother's head was
raised ever since she entered the cubicle. At this moment, she stared
at the top of Ling Ran's head and scolded him furiously, "The
doctors I encountered in the past can know whether a bone is
damaged just by touching it. If Yun Hua Hospital wasn't near
my house, I wouldn't have sent my daughter here even if I
was crazy. Can't you guys find someone reliable? Where are
your chief physicians? Can't we register to see a specialist?"

A little embarrassed, Doctor Zhou went to stand in front of Ling

Ran and said in a soft voice, "The patient's family members are
opposed to doing an X-ray. If you can…"
357 Report
"Then, let's go straight to debridement and suturing." Ling
Ran was no longer a fledgling and had seen situations like this more
than once in the Emergency Department.

The hospital itself was a miniature world that reflected reality.

Here, there were people who would request for VIP consultation just
so that they would not need to queue up. There were also people
who would skip having their X-rays taken just so that they could
spend 100 RMB less.

The purpose of having a patient's X-ray taken was to make sure

that the diagnosis was flawless. In other words, the patient would be
exposed to risk if the X-ray was not taken.

Fortunately in this case, the risk was not too big. Ling Ran adjusted
his sitting position a few times. He then rose and took a deep breath
before he sat down again to examine the patient.

The little girl's mother stared at Ling Ran for a few seconds before
shifting her gaze away. Even though her tone was no longer as harsh
as before, she said, "Young people really shouldn't be trusted
with important tasks. Hospitals nowadays are really horrible.
The clinics I visited in the past were much better…"

"I'll carry out the debridement while you administer local

anesthetics," Ling Ran ordered Lu Wenbin. He then lowered his
head and started with the task at hand.

Lu Wenbin coughed a few times and said, "For the patient's

family members, please leave the cubicle."

"I'm not leaving. What if you guys mess things up after I

leave?" The little girl's mother stiffened her neck and grabbed the
handrail beside her, which was supposed to assist patients when they
moved. She was prepared to solve matters with violence.

None of the doctors and nurses wanted to get involved in this. All
358 Report
of them lowered their heads and pretended that they did not see it.

Her father said in slight embarrassment, "I'll go wait outside."

"Hmph, you worthless coward. You want to play the role of

the good person now? Where the hell were you earlier?" The
woman's voice immediately became shrill.

The little girl began to sob. Ling Ran could only stop the
debridement, and he only continued when the girl's trembling body
became a little steadier.

The woman was somewhat tired, too. She stopped gesturing with
her hands—which had colorful fingernails—and asked, "Will there
be a scar?"

Doctor Zhou glanced at Ling Ran with an apologetic expression. He

then said to the woman, "If you go to the Department of Plastic

The woman raised her voice once more. "I've already told you
just now that I'm not going to that place to let them rip me

"I'm saying that!" Doctor Zhou raised his voice a little as well
and said, "I'm saying that even if you go to the Department of
Plastic Surgery and let them charge you 2,000 to 3,000 RMB
for every 0.4 inch of the wound they suture, they still won't
be able to guarantee that there will not be any scarring."

"See? Then why the hell did you ask me to go to that


"There is a possibility that there will… be a scar when you

have your wound sutured at the Emergency Department."
Doctor Zhou glanced at the little girl who lay on the treatment bed
and lowered his voice a little. "However, Doctor Ling is very
359 Report
skilled. He used the buried heavy reinforcing technique on
his patients just now, and it is a technique that reduces
scarring. It is also the same technique used in the
Department of Plastic Surgery."

There was a glimmer of hope in the little girl's eyes as she looked
at Ling Ran.

Because the wound was on the frontal side of her lower leg, she
would no longer look good in dresses in the future if there was to be
a scar left there. She at least did not want it to be a large, black scar.

Ling Ran glanced at Doctor Zhou and said, "Subcuticular suture

techniques require absorbable surgical thread.

According to the hospital's charges, absorbable sutures were much

more expensive than ordinary surgical threads. Besides, if the
threads were imported goods, they could not claim their medical
insurance as well.

Doctor Zhou nodded and said, "We'll talk about that later."

The departments always had to bear the losses when it came to

surgical threads. However, because Doctor Zhou was an attending
physician, he could always do things such as fake the accounts as
long as the nurses on duty agreed to it.

The nurse beside them immediately went to retrieve a box of

absorbable sutures without saying anything.

Ling Ran lowered his head and continued to debride the little girl's
wound. At the same time, he explained to the little girl, "After the
anesthetic is injected, I'll first align both sides of your wound
and use the buried heavy reinforcing suture technique to
stitch them together. 'Buried' means that the stitches will not
be visible on the surface."

The little girl held her breath as she listened and asked, "Since
360 Report
the stitches won't be visible, there won't be a scar, right?"

She was talking faster than usual now. It was obvious that she was
usually a lively little girl, but held herself back immensely before her

Ling Ran contemplated for a moment and told the truth, "Scars are
not formed because of the stitches. However, the heavy reinforcing
suture technique can indeed reduce the formation of scars.

"So, there will still be a scar?" The little girl quickly understood
what Ling Ran said.

Ling Ran nodded. "If the recovery goes well, the scar will be
smaller. But there is still the possibility of a scar."

"What… what if I go to the Department of Plastic Surgery?"

The little girl glanced tentatively at her mother.

Ling Ran said without hesitation, "There might still be a scar."

Disappointed yet relieved, the little girl hummed in


"After using the buried heavy reinforcing suture technique, I'll use
the subcuticular suture technique. Similarly, the stitches will not be
visible. But with the subcuticular suture technique, the stitches'
strength will be relatively weak. So, you will have to pay extra
attention and follow all the doctor's orders to reduce scar formation.

"Then, if I… follow all of the doctor's orders, how big will

my scar be?" The little girl timidly raised her fingers and gestured.
She then reduced the gaps between her two fingers a little and
asked, "Will it be this big?"

"It might be a little smaller."

"This small?"
361 Report
"It might be even smaller."

"This small?"

"It's possible. Do you know what 'possible' means?"

"I know. You don't dare to give me an exact answer

because you're afraid that my mother would scold you." The
little girl was similarly very rich in life experiences.

Ling Ran started laughing. His pitch-dark irises sparkled under the
362 Report

Chapter 244: Cosmetic Suture

Techniques Handed Over On A Silver

After Lu Wenbin bandaged the little girl's wound and watched as

she left together with her parents, a weight was finally lifted off his

"That was such a dangerous situation. I was so afraid that

her mother would slap you in the face. At that time, where
would I be able to find someone who can suture as well as
you to suture the wound on your face?" Lu Wenbin did not really
approve of the way Ling Ran did things in the treatment room.

The status of the doctors who were involved in first-line treatment

were too low, and was neither valued by the hospital nor the

Even though the treatment of patients was involved in both

debridement, suturing, and finger replantation surgeries, patients
with severed fingers would not be as calculative as patients with
wounds on the skin. Aside from that, chief surgeons did not have to
worry about things such as payment. Usually, Ling Ran worked in the
operating theater while Lu Wenbin settled things such as informing
the patient's family members regarding what to pay attention to,
presenting the preoperative notice, and letting the patient's family
members sign the consent form.

Lu Wenbin hoped that he could also become a doctor with such a

simple-minded focus when he got promoted one day, instead of
wasting his time worrying about things like the mother's complex and
shallow thoughts just now.
363 Report
Ling Ran tidied up the tray in front of him and said, "Suturing
patients using the heavy reinforcing suture technique, and
performing finger replantation surgeries are both interesting
in their own ways."

"If I were to choose between a life-saving skill and a skill

that ensures that a patient's wound scars nicely, I would
rather learn the one that saves lives first…" Lu Wenbin, who
had only become a full member of the medical world a year ago,
shook his head. Even though he did not agree with what Ling Ran
said, he did not want to refute him in front of others.

As a junior resident doctor, Lu Wenbin yearned to learn medical

skills that allowed him to save lives. The heavy reinforcing suture
technique could indeed reduce scarring and was much more
favoured by those who cared a lot about their appearances
compared to techniques such as the continuous suture technique,
and interlocking suture technique. But, so what?

Lu Wenbin did not feel like learning this kind of skill. And when he
thought about the amount of time and energy it took to learn a new
skill... Lu Wenbin would rather spend his time on taking care of his

His stew was more interesting, anyway. A good pot of stew would
make the food he cooked fresher and more aromatic, and it would be
difficult to replace that taste with other methods.

Lu Wenbin loved to see the satisfied smiles on other people's faces

when they ate the braised dishes he cooked.

When he thought about those anticipating gazes, Lu Wenbin could

almost feel himself floating.

Doctor Zhou understood young doctors like Lu Wenbin way too

much. He snorted, "Did you think that you would get to learn
whatever skills you want to learn?"
364 Report
Lu Wenbin was astonished for a moment before he laughed out
loud. "I'm learning the finger replantation surgery, M-Tang
surgery, and Achilles tendon repair technique from Doctor
Ling at the same time anyway. I wouldn't be able to finish
learning any of them."

Doctor Zhou pursed his lips when he heard that. He was rendered

Every doctor faced different circumstances when it came to

learning skills in the hospital. In short, it depended on the doctors'

If a doctor were to follow an excellent mentor, he may learn a good

skill. If the opposite were to happen, the doctor would be doomed.
There was a possibility that a doctor would be thrown around into
learning different skills and end up mastering nothing. The most
tragic ones were the doctors who did not even learn how to slack off.

When he thought about this, the corners of Doctor Zhou's lips

curled up.

It was really hard for ordinary doctors to control the direction in

which their skill tree grew. There was a great possibility that in the
end, the direction of the skill tree would be jointly decided by the
hospital the doctor was in, his mentor, his patients, and even the era
he lived in. However, it was very hard for a doctor to reach the
pinnacle of any skill.

"It's time to get off work. I'll take my leave first." Doctor

Zhou rose and shook his clothes. His manner was like that of a
relaxed man who had lived during chaotic times.

Two nurses turned their heads away in contempt.

"Let's go home, too." Ling Ran also shook his clothes. His large
white coat was a little wrinkly from the day's work. It spread out
365 Report
when he shook the coat, and it was as though his entire body
sparkled with a sacred light. He looked extremely handsome.

"Huh? You're going home so early today?" Doctor Zhou

suddenly felt as if his psychological advantage had disappeared.

"There's steamed salted pork in wine today at home," Ling

Ran answered with a smile.

Lu Wenbin nodded in understanding. "Then, I'll also go home

and make some pork trotters. I reckon that I'll need to braise
four pots of them tonight for it to be enough."

The three of them chatted as they left the treatment room.

When Doctor Zhou walked side by side with Ling Ran, he thought
that everyone around them looked at him. At that moment, he felt
even more pressured than when he operated as a chief surgeon for
the first time.


Lower Groove Clinic.

Ling Jiezhou made himself busy for the entire afternoon. After he
was done with work, he cut the slab of pork belly he cooked
yesterday into large slices, and smeared some fermented bean curd
on them. He then arranged them neatly on a few plates and put the
plates into a large steamer.

Soon, a fragrant aroma wafted out of the large steamer.

"Eating seafood porridge without flower crabs feels as if

I've just mistreated my stomach." Ling Jiezhou sat in front of the
tea table. There was a smile on his face as he watched the neighbors
who walked up and down the alley.

Tao Ping elegantly poured herself a cup of tea and said flatly, "But
366 Report
you were craving pork, too, right?"

"I was craving for it, and I could have just bought a bowl of
pork somewhere else, but it wouldn't be as nice as the one I
make myself." Ling Jiezhou patted his stomach and said, "I
remember back when I was younger, my family only dared to
make steamed salted pork in wine during Chinese New Year.
Otherwise, a lot of people would come when they smell the
aroma. Even one day's income wasn't enough for us to
distribute meat to all those people."

"You even distributed the meat?"

"Some of them would bring food over, such as meatballs

and ribbonfish. There were also some people who didn't
bother about the rule of giving something of equivalent value
when they came to eat, and they would bring two roasted
potatoes over and say that those potatoes were a gift for us.
What could we do in that situation? We can't give them
empty bowls back when we return the bowls, right? So we
had no choice but to put some steamed salted pork in wine in
the bowl. And it wouldn't reflect well on us if the bowl looked
too empty, so we had to put some potatoes under the meat.
At that time, they would even complain that we didn't sautée
the potatoes."

Tao Ping started to laugh when she heard that and said, "When I
was younger, I always gave other families eggs in exchange
for chicken meat or some other things…"

"You were very cute when you were little. Other people
would be happy even if you went empty-handed."

"Stop fooling around. Eggs were very expensive back then."

Tao Ping gave Ling Jiezhou a light shove.

Ling Jiezhou reckoned that he had successfully sucked up to Tao
367 Report
Ping, and he immediately said, "Our sales went up again today."


"A lot of people came to chat, and they bought some things
while they were at it before they left," Ling Jiezhou said, rather
pleased with himself. "My idea of coming up with a health
product section wasn't bad, right?"

"Come, have some tea." Tao Ping rose again and poured Ling
Jiezhou a cup of tea. Ling Jiezhou happily sipped it.

As the clinic's business bloomed, its function as a social hub was

slowly restored.

In a place like Yun Hua, shops located beside streets and lanes
were never purely just shops. The people in the neighborhood liked
to gather inside the most popular shops to chat and kill time.

Thirty years ago, Lower Groove Clinic was the most popular shop in
Lower Groove. Even people who visited the clinic only to buy flu
medicine would also sit there for an entire afternoon. Before they
left, they would then buy some herbs to bring home to make stewed
chicken. They could even claim medical insurance for the money
they spent on the herbs.

Twenty years ago, the liveliest place was the small store at the
entrance of Lower Groove. They sold beer and soft drinks, and in
summer, the people in the neighborhood would sit there the whole

Nowadays, shops other than restaurants and mahjong houses were

no longer large enough for a couple dozen, or even almost a hundred
neighbors to chat inside.

So, Lower Groove Clinic's large courtyard became everyone's

favourite place.
368 Report
This was especially true for the senior citizens in the neighborhood.
They would chat as they received fluid transfusions, and when they
were tired of talking, they would take a nap. It was comfortable and

Of course, most importantly, Lower Grove Clinic could now attract

more than just regular patients from its own neighborhood; it was
also visited by people from Upper Groove and the areas around it.
Since their social circle expanded, they now had more steady sources
of customers.

"Chief Ling…" Doctor Miao stood at the bottom of the stairs and
shouted, interrupting the lovebirds upstairs.

"Doctor Miao, what's up?" Even though Ling Jiezhou was

reluctant, he quickly went downstairs.

"I just finished suturing the VIP patient Golden Deer Health
Services sent over just now. She happily paid and left," Doctor
Miao said with a smile.

Lu Jinling's Golden Deer Health Services grew rapidly, and had long
since abandoned their vans and replaced all of them with old and
new ambulances. Lately, Golden Deer Health Services even
centralized their new ambulances to use them specifically for 'VIP
routes' in the city. Aside from receiving patients who went to and
from hospitals regularly, they were mainly used to ferry frequenters
of all kinds of beauty centers, nightclubs, and karaoke centers.

The VIP patients got to sit in brand-new ambulances that were

spacious and comfortable. There were no extra charges, either. They
just needed to dial Golden Deer Health Services' number directly or
place an order through WeChat or Alipay[1]. Since they were running
a promotion recently, they attracted a lot of patients.

Lately, even Doctor Miao's number of patients had been steadily

increasing, especially patients who requested to be sutured using
369 Report
reverse cutting needles[2]. He would get to perform two or three
cases of them every day using those needles.

According to the agreement between Ling Jiezhou and Miao

Tansheng, Doctor Miao would receive 40% of the medical fees after
the cost of the materials was subtracted from the total amount. With
the increase in patients asking for cosmetic suturing[3], Doctor Miao
was making a substantial amount of money.

When he heard that the clinic had made money again, Ling Jiezhou
could not help but smile. "It's good that the patient is happy.
You know, when it comes to VIP patients, other than treating
their illnesses, we must also ensure that they arrive and
leave our clinic happily."

"Of course. But lately, the demand for this service has been
increasing. It is quite a headache for me, too." Miao Tansheng
massaged his temples with a troubled expression on his face. "You
see, now that the number of patients in the clinic has
increased, Juan Zi can't manage everything by herself at all.
As for me, I don't even have a subordinate who can help me.
Chief Ling, you should really hire an assistant and an extra
nurse for me."

"With two additional hires, the cost would be very high.

You won't be able to make such a large profit anymore."

"I was also about to talk about the cost," Doctor Miao said
with a smile. "I think that the system of calculating my income
based on the cost is too difficult, it's not as if I can use the
medical consumables sparingly just because I want to. Why
don't we be more direct and calculate my income based on
the fees received?"

Ling Jiezhou could clearly see how Miao Tansheng's eyes sparkled
with greed.
370 Report
"I'll think about it." Ling Jiezhou could not turn Doctor Miao down
immediately, it was very hard for him to hire another doctor who was
as skilled as Doctor Miao. And it was not as if he could find a doctor
who knew cosmetic suture techniques at will...

...And it was not as if cosmetic suture techniques would be handed

on a silver platter to his son.

As Ling Jiezhou contemplated the matter, his head ached a little.
371 Report

Chapter 245: From A Family Of Doctors


After Ling Ran parked his little Volkswagen Jetta, he could already
smell the aroma of steamed salted pork in wine. He immediately got
down from the car and headed to the kitchen.

Steam came out from the large steamer, which was as wide as the
waist of a 270-pound fatty. Ling Ran could smell the aroma of
fermented bean curd and meat.

The difference between steamed salted pork in wine and braised

pork lay in the presence of fermented bean curd.

Not only could the fermented bean curd neutralize the greasiness
of pork, but it was also an aromatic substance that brought a thick
and lasting fragrance.

Aromatic substances were the source of fragrance for everything in

the word that emanated a pleasant smell, including tea leaves,
coffee, red wine, ham, white wine, and steamed salted pork in wine.

Ling Ran could not help but salivate when he smelled the familiar
and tantalizing aroma.

When it came to home-cooked food made by his parents, steamed

salted pork in wine was one of the dishes that left the greatest
impression on him. Compared to the grandiose dishes Tao Ping
always came out with in an impromptu manner, the quality of the
steamed salted pork in wine made by Ling Jiezhou could be said to
have always been consistent.

There were 1.3 pounds of steamed salted pork in wine in every

bowl. After they were cut into thick slices, there would always be a
total of twenty-four slices. The fermented bean curd made up the
372 Report
rest of the weight, perfectly solving the problem of unequal weight

Steamed salted pork in wine was always made with pork belly
because it had intersecting layers of fat and lean meat. They were
either made using pork belly with four or five layers, and both kinds
should not be used at the same time in one dish.

The process of making steamed salted pork in wine was also very
simple. The homemade fermented bean curd Ling Jiezhou used was
bought from the Cao family who lived at the corner of the alley. Their
shop had been in business for around sixty to seventy years, and
were from the same era as Lower Groove Clinic. Their products were
excellent and consistent in quality.

The time whereby the pork needed to be steamed, and the amount
of water in the steamer were also fixed. Thus, they could, without a
doubt, look forward to bowls of delicious steamed salted pork in wine.

Even though the food in Shanghai was scrumptious, their flavors

were different from what Ling Ran was accustomed to. After staying
there for one month, Ling Ran's digestive system could not really
take it anymore. Come to think of it, in the past twenty or so years of
his life, he had never really left Yun Hua for any extended period of

Ling Ran even attended university in Yun Hua and went back home
all the time.

During his first year in university, when all the other young people
who just entered it took pride in leading an independent life, Ling Ran
still went home frequently, and he was not ashamed of it at all. Of
course, all the female students greatly complimented him at the
time, and said that he was an example of a filial child. This also
encouraged Ling Ran to keep up with his habits of going home.

Ling Ran retrieved a wet washcloth and wrapped it around his
373 Report
hand. He then lifted the cover of the steamer and glanced inside.

The red and fat steamed salted pork in wine quivered under the
steam, but they still kept their bodies straight resolutely. They also
retained a certain degree of toughness.

"Are they not cooked yet?" Ling Ran sighed.

"They're almost done." Ling Jiezhou walked into the kitchen and
smiled when he saw Ling Ran. "When I heard your car engine, I
reckoned that you would head straight to the kitchen. Is
steamed salted pork in wine more important than your father

"Both are equally important," Ling Ran answered without even

turning his head. He knew that this was a ploy.

Ling Jiezhou snorted a few times. He then laughed and said,

"Some are already cooked. I'm letting them cool for now. How
do you want to eat them?"

"Ah… there are cooked ones." Ling Ran's mood instantly

became elated. He quickly said, "I'll have rice drenched in soup,

When the steamed salted pork with wine was cooked, the lard and
fermented bean curd would mix together and sink to the bottom of
the meat. When it is added to rice drenched in soup, the end product
would be an upgraded version of lard-flavored rice. It was probably
an unparalleled delicacy in ancient times, and was still one in the
modern era.

Ling Jiezhou chuckled a few times. "I thought you would want
that. There's rice in the rice cooker, go and get some for
yourself. Also, don't eat so much. It's not good for your

Ling Ran hummed in acknowledgement. He felt unprecedentedly
374 Report
hungry, as if he had never eaten his fill over the past month.

Ling Jiezhou watched Ling Ran with a smile as Ling Ran prepared
his meal. After Ling Ran ate a mouthful of rice, Ling Jiezhou asked,
"Son, I heard that you can perform major surgeries well
nowadays, and you even operated on Liu Weichen?"

"Yeah." With his eyes narrowed, Ling Ran grabbed a chunk of rice
that was completely soaked in lard with a pair of chopsticks. Each
grain of rice could be seen clearly, and they sparkled from the layer
of lard that coated them. The rice was slightly hardened since they
were left outside to cool for a while after they were cooked, and it
was as if each grain of rice had developed muscles. With the layer of
lard coated around them, they looked like an army of brave Spartan
warriors, and the stainless steel soup ladle they closely adhered to
looked like their armor.

Ling Ran swallowed the chunk of rice without chewing it.

Carbohydrates rich in lard and slightly hardened was such a sinful


"Is it nice?" Ling Jiezhou asked.

Ling Ran nodded.

"Do you want more?" Ling Jiezhou asked again.

Ling Ran glanced cautiously at Ling Jiezhou. He then contemplated

for a moment and said, "It's not plausible to carry out those
surgeries I perform in Lower Groove Clinic. Besides,
celebrities won't come here for surgeries."

"I know. Even if a celebrity really comes to our clinic, I

wouldn't dare let our doctors treat him." Ling Jiezhou chuckled a
few times and said, "I would at least need to renovate the place
to make it more fitting for celebrities. Oh, by the way, didn't
Brother Shanyu or whoever it was come to our clinic?"
375 Report
Ling Jiezhou lowered his voice to a whisper when he talked about
Brother Shanyu to keep the neighbors from hearing it.

The thing about living in an old alley is that even though the
neighbors could be very friendly, they could also be very annoying.

Ling Ran raised his head to glance at his father. "She only came
here for a massage. I don't know her."

"It's okay as long as she knows you, but we're not going to
talk about her today." Ling Jiezhou paused for a moment and said,
"I was thinking about something… Say, you can even perform
finger replantation surgeries now. It requires a very high
degree of precision, right?"

With Ling Jiezhou's medical skills, he would not even pass as a

barefoot doctor[1]. But he was knowledgeable when it came to the
field of medicine itself since he grew up in a clinic, and had watched
his father and grandfather work.

Ling Ran nodded slightly. "It's a microsurgery. Blood vessel

anastomosis does require a relatively high degree of

"You need a microscope with 4x macro zoom lens, or lenses

that are even better, right?"

"Nowadays, we only use microscopes with 8x macro zoom

lenses," Ling Ran said.

"Technology really does advance rapidly. In the past…

Forget about it, let's not talk about it. You probably know
how to perform cosmetic sutures too, right?" Ling Jiezhou went
closer to Ling Ran and placed a slice of red, fat, and tender steamed
salted pork in wine into Ling Ran's bowl. He said with a smile, "Do
you want to sometimes perform cosmetic sutures in our
clinic? If you need a microscope, I can also find ways to
376 Report
borrow one…"

"Alright." Ling Ran grabbed the entire slice of steamed salted

pork in wine. After chewing it twice, he then shoved another chunk of
rice into his mouth. He felt extremely good.

Ling Jiezhou had already thought of eight different methods to

persuade his son. Since little, Ling Ran was never the obedient type,
and Ling Jiezhou had long since given up on asking Ling Ran to do
things according to his train of thought.

This was why Ling Jiezhou was rather surprised when Ling Ran
agreed so easily. "Really?"



"Because I do know how to perform cosmetic sutures." Ling

Ran finished the bowl of rice after only a few mouthfuls. After
contemplating for a while, he decided not to refill the bowl. Instead,
he wiped his mouth and asked, "How many patients are there?"

Puzzled, Ling Jiezhou glanced at his son. He then said, "A patient
will be arriving in a while. She's a client of Golden Deer
Health Services, and the company takes 20% of our profits. If
you're able to treat the patient, the remaining 80% will go to
our family. If you're able to do more, I'll ask them to send
more patients over. Nighttime is the peak period when it
comes to patients sent by Golden Deer Health Services."

"Sure," Ling Ran agreed. He then asked, "What about Doctor


"There will also be ordinary patients. Besides, it's not like

you'll be working here every day. We'll just let him perform
cosmetic sutures at other times." Ling Jiezhou had made very
clear calculations. Now that so many patients came to his clinic, he
377 Report
was open to discussion when it came to the distribution of profit and
was okay with taking either 60% or 40% of it. What he needed to do
the most now was to consolidate his clinic's operations. Otherwise,
they might lose their partnership with Golden Deer Health Services,
and it would be very difficult for them to reestablish it.

Ling Ran did not think much of it. He took a shower and changed
into a new set of clothes. When he went downstairs, he was already
dressed in a large white coat.

"Young Ran, you're back."

"Perfect timing. Doctor Ling, can you give me a massage?"

"Young Ran, did you see any girls you like in the hospital?"

The neighbors greeted him with a very natural demeanor.

After Ling Ran massaged the neck and shoulders of the old woman
who had requested it, and massaged an old man's thigh, the VIP
patient of Golden Deer Health Services arrived.

It was a young woman who injured the corner of one of her eyes in
a fight. She had thick makeup on and wore a short skirt. She
evaluated Lower Groove Clinic's old building fastidiously, and said,
"I've had blepharoplasty before. Are you guys able to treat
my wound? If not, I'll just—"

"Yes." Ling Ran cut her off and asked, "Do you have any

"Ah… no," the young woman answered a little hesitantly.

"I'll do a check-up first." As Ling Ran spoke, he started

performing a physical examination on her head. He began with a
visual examination, and continued by palpating the young woman's
head and face.
378 Report
The young woman blushed under Ling Ran's gaze during the visual
examination. She started to yelp in pain when Ling Ran palpated her
head and face.

Miao Tansheng sat quietly on his chair. Even though he knew what
Ling Jiezhou was trying to do, he did not want to interfere.

He knew that Ling Ran was a medical intern in Yun Hua Hospital,
and often heard Ling Jiezhou boasting about his son. However, as a
fellow doctor, Miao Tansheng knew too well how the standard of
medical interns were like.

'I'll just let Ling Jiezhou run up against a brick wall so that he
understands how difficult it is to perform cosmetic sutures. We'll see
what happens then.' With this thought in mind, Miao Tansheng sat
relaxed in his chair.

Cosmetic suture techniques were not top-tier skills, and many

aesthetic medicine hospitals, or Departments of Plastic Surgery in
hospitals, had doctors who knew how to perform it. It would only take
one to three years for a doctor or even a non-doctor to learn how to
perform cosmetic sutures if he were to put his sole focus in it. The
only difference would be that some could do it better than others.

Aesthetic medicine hospitals with low entry requirements even had

many of their students master cosmetic suture techniques in three

However, Miao Tansheng was confident that he was considered

quite skilled in Yun Hua City. If he put aside those who were less
skilled than him, Ling Jiezhou might not be able to afford hiring those
who were more skilled than him.

With a smile on his face, Miao Tansheng watched as Ling Ran

removed the young woman's heavy makeup, debrided the wound,
and browsed the selection of surgical threads in a pretentious
379 Report
Miao Tansheng could not help but criticize Ling Ran internally.
'Such an amateur. You should discuss the price with the patient and
let the other party choose the surgical thread she wants. Such an
amateur… what the hell!'

Ling Ran—who had performed heavy reinforcing suture the entire

afternoon—only took a few seconds to complete a group of four

, he slowly browsed the selection of surgical threads again, and

started doing the subcuticular suture.

Without being aware of it, Miao Tansheng rose and went near Ling
Ran. He earnestly watched Ling Ran work, and then went even
nearer to earnestly watch Ling Ran work again...

"Doctor Miao, my son isn't bad, right?" At some point, Ling

Jiezhou had come to stand beside Miao Tansheng and looked at him
with a smile.

"Yes, he's pretty good…" Miao Tansheng wet his lips and said
with an unnatural smile, "Doctor Ling is truly from a family of

"Doctor Miao, you have been working hard lately. Why

don't we do this in the future: When my son is home, we'll let
him suture some of the patients. You will also get to go home
earlier and have a good rest. I'll try my best to ask Ling Ran
to come home more. What do you think?"

Miao Tansheng hesitated for a few seconds. He was then lost in

thought as he watch Ling Ran perform the subcuticular suture.
'These skills, these are no longer ordinary skills. If I'm able to learn
this surgical method of his…'

"Doctor Ling, if you're willing, do go ahead with that. I'll

stay here just in case I'm needed since I'm in no rush to go
380 Report
home either." Doctor Miao smiled as he spoke and continued.
"Director Ling, don't worry. When I said that I was tired
earlier, I was just making a passing comment. I can still
handle the extra shifts in the clinic."

Doctor Miao took the opportunity to stand beside Ling Ran as he

spoke and started secretly learning Ling Ran's craft without
bothering to hide it.

Ling Ran did not care. Even though some skills were honestly not
worth much, without proper guidance, it would be difficult to master
them through the powers of observation and comprehension alone.
Aside from that, the heavy reinforcing suture technique and the
subcuticular suture technique were established techniques with
years of history and multiple schools of thought. If Miao Tansheng
were to put in some effort, in the end, he would also get to see
whatever he was observing right now somewhere else.

But Ling Ran was not interested in explaining whatever he was

doing to Miao Tansheng. People looked at Ling Ran with admiring
gazes all the time. One or two more made no difference, and Ling
Ran was too lazy to pay any attention to them.
381 Report

Chapter 246: Hungry For Knowledge


In Ling Jiezhou's eyes, Ling Ran had sutured the patient steadily
and quickly.

While in Miao Tansheng's eyes, Ling Ran performed the heavy

reinforcing suture and subcuticular suture so excellently that his
skills way surpassed the standards of an ordinary doctor.

"Did you learn this in Yun Hua Hospital?" Doctor Miao carried
a chair over and sat next to Ling Ran. He watched Ling Ran as the
young man threaded the needle.

Ling Ran smiled without answering the question.

If he were to answer everyone's question, he would have died of

fatigue by now.

Ling Jiezhou was as happy as a lark. He said to Miao Tansheng,

"My son has appeared in the news quite a few times. His
name can be found in all the trending topics in WeChat's
Moments [1] and Weibo, such as 'the most handsome doctor
in China', 'the most handsome doctor in the world', and 'the
doctor with the most superb skills'."

"I don't look at my Moments." Miao Tansheng paused for a

moment and said, "Neither do I look at my Weibo newsfeed nor
read Jinri Toutiao [2] and the news."

"Why? Doesn't that make you a caveman?" Ling Jiezhou was


Unperturbed, Miao Tansheng said, "I won't even have enough

time to accumulate knowledge even if I completely wear
382 Report
myself out by making myself busy. Why would I have time to
read those stuff?"

As he spoke, Miao Tansheng deliberately looked at Ling Ran.

Within every person lay a good teacher, and all teachers loved
students who were hungry for knowledge.

Miao Tansheng believed that Ling Ran would definitely remember

him if he acted like a person who poured all his energy into
accumulating medical knowledge.

"I see you playing with your phone every day whenever
there's nothing to do." Ling Jiezhou was not buying it at all. He
then said, "You probably look at your Tik Tok [1] newsfeed all
the time. Middle-aged men like Tik Tok the most. I don't know
why, but I see many middle-aged men in the alley looking at
their Tik Tok newsfeed. How can they still enjoy such a thing
at the age of forty or fifty?"

There was very few medical staff in the clinic, and whenever Ling
Jiezhou played with his cell phone, he would make sure to look
around. Most of the time, Miao Tansheng would also be playing with
his phone. After all, there was a limit to how many patients Golden
Deer Health Services could send to the clinic every day. Even though
quite a number of patients went there on their own, not many of
them needed debridement or suturing.

Miao Tansheng blushed violently when he heard that and quickly

shook his head. "I'm always reading research papers on my
phone. The music you hear is just my phone's background

"Doesn't that count as playing with your phone too?"

"Hey, does reading research papers sound like playing to

383 Report
"As long as your phone is lit, it means that you're playing
with your phone. What difference is there between reading
blog posts and reading research papers?" Long Jiezhou had
always looked down on people like Miao Tansheng, who played with
their phones just like other people but thought of themselves as
classier phone users.

Miao Tansheng snorted a few times and watched Ling Ran work.
He did not continue to argue with Ling Jiezhou.

There were still some basic skills when it came to secretly learning
someone else's craft. It was obviously not beneficial for him to argue
with his teacher's father.

Ling Ran continued to perform the subcuticular suture. He did not

listen to the conversation between Ling Jiezhou and Miao Tansheng
at all.

After a heavy reinforcing suture was carried out on the wound, the
likelihood of the wound splitting due to pressure became a lot lower.
Ling Ran then gently performed the subcuticular suture using a thin
surgical thread. That way, scarring caused by the stitches could be
minimized without affecting the strength of the stitches.

At the same time, Ling Ran was fully focused on aligning the skin
on both edges of the wound.

Even though the probability of the wound splitting was already

reduced, if the skin on both ends of the wound were not aligned, the
resulting scar would be extremely hideous.

With aesthetics being the final aim, the loss of part of the cuticular
border would be the source of even bigger trouble.

The young woman Ling Ran was treating had a wound at the
corner of her eye, and there was a deficit of skin. Even though the
deficit was not much, any person who valued beauty would not be
384 Report
able to live with the scar as a result of the interaction between
newly-grown skin and the existing skin.

The subcuticular heavy reinforcing suture was also useful for such

Ling Ran first stitched together the two cuticular borders he had
aligned earlier, leaving the part with skin deficit untouched. He then
put down his needle holder and stood up. While he stretched his
body, he said, "A stretch of your skin is missing. Later, I'll pull
your skin before I carry out the subcuticular heavy
reinforcing suture so that both borders of your wound can be
stitched together without any gap. That way, the resulting
scar will be even smaller. But you'll need to be very careful
when you're taking care of it."

"All right." All the young woman needed to hear was that the scar
would be small.

As Doctor Miao lectured the young woman and complemented Ling

Ran at the same time, he said, "What Doctor Ling is performing
on you is an extremely top-tier suture technique. Don't think
that you can get this anywhere you want to. From what I
know, there isn't another doctor who can suture your wound
like this in all of Yun Hua City."

"Seriously?" The young woman did not quite believe it.

Doctor Miao chuckled and said, "How much money do you think
a doctor, who can do this kind of surgery, makes every time
he carries out plastic surgery? In short, you're very fortunate
to have encountered Doctor Ling this time."

"Oh," the young woman said in acknowledgment. She then

immediately continued. "We agreed on the price earlier."

"We're not asking you to pay more." Doctor Miao twitched his
385 Report
lips and thought about how young women nowadays were getting
more and more sensitive about money.

Ling Ran carried out the subcuticular heavy reinforcing suture on

the young woman once again using a thin surgical thread. The aim
this time was to promote a mechanical creep [4]. Research showed
that when certain tension was applied to edges of wounds, the
surface of the skin tissue would increase as a result of a mechanical
creep. The skin's collagen fibers would also realign in a manner
parallel to each other and extend outwards. Hence, there could
theoretically be an increase of up to 31% of the skin's surface area.

As a result, the skin deficit could be compensated. Its effect was

also much better compared to skin grafting.

Of course, if the area of skin deficit was too large, skin grafting
would be the only choice.

While Doctor Miao carefully watched Ling Ran work, and earnestly
digested what was going on, he contemplated the matter.

Both the heavy reinforcing suture technique and subcuticular

suture technique were categorized as "intelligent skills".

Intelligent skills required doctors to be versatile and adaptable. It

was especially true for the heavy reinforcing suture technique, in
which a doctor had to think about the location where tension needed
to be reduced. The doctor also had to decide how far the point of
needle insertion should be from the edge of the wound.

Of course, practice made perfect.

Continuous practice was the only way for a doctor to constantly

accumulate experience. If the human brain was equated to a
computer, experience was equivalent to data.

The human brain could not process data straight away. It needed
past cases as a reference.
386 Report
Doctor Miao reckoned that, to be able to perform the heavy
reinforcing suture and subcuticular suture so excellently, Ling Ran
must have treated at least thousands of similar cases. And among
them, some had certainly failed.

Doctor Miao looked around, and it was as if he could see the tears
of those whose faces had been ruined smeared all over Lower Groove
Clinic's walls…

"All right, don't let your wound get wet, don't touch your
wound, and make sure to get the stitches removed on time.
You can also get them removed earlier…" After Ling Ran was
done suturing the wound, he relayed the Standard Precaution for
Patients while Juan Zi bandaged the patient's wound.

That was something he repeated every time he finished debriding

and suturing a patient's wound. He always made sure to relay it
without fail.

"Doctor, why don't you add me on WeChat? It'll be easier

for me if I have any questions about my wound." When the
patient realized that it was time for her to leave, she was suddenly a
little reluctant to do so.

"I don't add ordinary patients on WeChat," Ling Ran refused


The young woman pouted unhappily. "Why are ordinary

patients discriminated?"

"Well, there's nothing much that ordinary patients need to

communicate with me through WeChat." Ling Ran paused for a
moment and said, "If patients with three or more severed
fingers request that I add them on WeChat, I'd do so."

When the young woman looked at her fair and smooth fingers, she
immediately did not feel like adding Ling Ran on WeChat anymore.
387 Report
"Doctor Ling, I'll give Golden Deer Health Services a call
and ask them to send more patients over." Miao Tansheng was
reluctant about giving up the chance to secretly learn Ling Ran's
craft, and he decided to use up what little resources he had
accumulated before so that he could learn.

Ling Ran agreed to that. Suturing patients was much more

interesting than playing with his phone.
388 Report

Chapter 247: New Customer


Dong Sheng looked around in front of Lower Groove Clinic, and his
face was full of doubt.

"Dong Sheng, why don't you go in?" A member of the

neighborhood recognized Dong Sheng by his saffron robe. Although
the Twelve Fountains Temple was small, it was still quite famous in
the neighborhood. In the past, when the old monk still came down
from the mountain, everyone in Lower Groove knew him.

After Dong Sheng bowed to greet the neighbor, he said in

puzzlement, "The smell that's coming out of this place reminds
me of the new year. I'm worried that I may have disturbed

The neighbor was stunned and also tried to sniff the air with his
nose. He could not help but smile and say, "How could it be the
new year? This should be the smell of steamed salted pork in
wine with sautéed potatoes."

With a dumb look on his face, Dong Sheng pondered for quite
some time before he suddenly realized what the neighbor had said.
"It is the smell of the world. Thank you for clearing my
doubts, patron."

The neighbor laughed. "You already know all the Buddhist

stories at your age, huh?"

"Patron, you mean Buddhist allegory, right?"

"Dong Sheng…" The neighbor suddenly stretched his hands out

and patted the young novice monk's head. "The more you read,
the less intelligent you will be. The more you grow up, the
389 Report
less cute you will be."

"Patron… are you giving me an allegory?" The young novice

monk was confused.

When he raised his head again, his head felt slightly cool. The
neighbor had just left.

The young novice monk looked at the plate above Lower Groove
Clinic again before he knocked on the door and entered.

The door of Lower Groove Clinic's main entrance was opened

halfway. When Dong Sheng entered, he saw that the clinic was fully
occupied with patients. The patients chatted and laughed as they
usually did in the clinic.

In the middle of the courtyard was a straight stainless steel pot,

which was filled with sautéed potatoes. to the pot was a big bowl
containing red sauce. There was a stack of small bowls and a few
bottles of toothpicks next to the big bowl.

Dong Sheng understood that the food was free for the public to
eat. When some families in villages gave alms to others, they would
do it the same way, though the people who visited them may not be
as great as the crowd in Lower Groove Clinic.

"Dong Sheng, we thought that you'd only be coming in the

next few days." Ling Jiezhou pushed over a small trolley with
another pot of sautéed potatoes.

"Patron Ling… may I know what day it is today?"

Ling Jiezhou approached him and reached out naturally to rub

Dong Sheng's head. "Why haven't you grown taller?" he asked.

"Patron Ling…" Dong Sheng wore an expression that said, "I am

only being obedient right now because my head is in your
evil clutches." He then said, "I measured my height a few days
390 Report
ago. I've grown 0.31 inches taller."

Ling Jiezhou laughed after he heard him. "That should be the

difference between you wearing shoes and not wearing
shoes, right? When Ling Ran was about your age, he grew
much faster."

The young novice monk's facial expression changed slightly. He

tried his best to recall the time when he measured his height. He
wondered if he had shoes on back then.

"Have a bowl of potatoes. The bowl of sauce at the side

may seem red, but it's not spicy at all. It contains around a
dozen types of seasonings, and it's a secret recipe passed
down from our ancestors." Ling Jiezhou was being so friendly that
he gave Dong Sheng a bowl of potatoes, and he also used a spoon to
put a scoop of secret sauce on top of the dish. "It's always best to
eat the potatoes with the sauce. Remember to let the
potatoes cool down before you eat them. Don't burn your
tongue," he said.

"Thank you, Patron Ling."

"Such a good boy. Do you want to massage the customers

later? There are quite a number of people in the
neighborhood who are fond of your skill."

"Really?" The young novice monk felt surprised and delighted.

In the temple, there would sometimes be patrons who came to

pray. If they wanted a monk to pray for them, they would also ask for
his master. No one had ever asked for him.

Ling Jiezhou replied firmly, "Certainly. The problems that our

neighbors have are common illnesses they've had for a long
time. The duration of your massage is quite long, and the fee
is reasonable, of course they'll like you." Ling Jiezhou smiled
391 Report
and asked, "I'll hang up a board for you later, is that all right?"

"Thank you very much, Patron Ling," the young novice monk
quickly bowed and thanked him.

Ling Jiezhou put down the things in his hands and went to the
storeroom immediately. He then hung a board on the wall in the
corridor with the words [10 RMB for a five-minute massage.
Receive service upon arrival.] After that, he took down the board
that said [25 RMB for a two-minute massage. Please make an
appointment beforehand.]

After Dong Sheng ate the sautéed potatoes, he wiped his mouth
and proceeded to help out.

There was a lot of work to do in the clinic every day. Just changing
transfusion bottles alone could make Juan Zi very busy. She got
lighter by 0.66 pounds every time she came to work each day. Dong
Sheng helped to change the bedsheets, sweep the floor, wipe the
table, and change the pillows, which he took out from the storage

After he was done with the basic work, Dong Sheng got the people
from the neighborhood who wanted to receive massages to sit down.
He was busy until noon before he had any time to rest. He lay down
comfortably in the reclining chair in the corridor.

to him was Ling Ran, who was just about to start a new round of
the game on his phone. A voice rang out from his phone, "Five
seconds until the enemy's arrival on the battlefield."

Dong Sheng was slightly confused. He looked at Ling Ran and

asked, "Doctor Ling, is it because I'm massaging all the people
in the neighborhood, so you have nothing to do now?"

"No," Ling Ran replied directly, "There are too few people who
want to be massaged in our neighborhood. I can't gather a
392 Report
whole group of people at once. It doesn't interest me."

"Oh." Dong Sheng could not help but feel relieved and continued
to lean against the reclining chair. He watched as Ling Ran play his
game, and he waited for about one minute before he saw Ling Ran's
hands leave the screen. Dong Sheng immediately asked, "Doctor
Ling, there was a problem with the twisting and lifting
technique I used earlier. I don't feel like I got the right

"The twisting and lifting technique can be quite hard for

you. Perhaps you can try the pulling technique first. Come
and try it on me." Dong Sheng sat up immediately and massaged
Ling Ran's neck with the pulling technique.

Ling Ran enjoyed the massage while he taught Dong Sheng.

"That's right. That's the way. You can exert more force with
your pulls. Find the correct position, and your thumbs should
move up immediately… Yes… Wait…"

The character in Ling Ran's game had been revived. He held his
phone with both his hands, and he looked stern as well as attentive.

Dong Sheng also sat down and rested for a while, watching Ling
Ran play the game.

In less than two minutes, Ling Ran's phone was thrown on the

Dong Sheng immediately got up, put his hands on Ling Ran's neck,
and said, "Doctor Ling, I feel it now. Is this the right way?"


"Not bad…

393 Report
Ling Ran trained Dong Sheng for one whole day. In the afternoon,
he went to the hospital and operated on three severed finger cases
before he became the assistant for Chief Physician Wang Haiyang
from the Hand Surgery Department in an Achilles tendon repair

Chief Physician Wang Haiyang had heard of Ling Ran's outstanding

performance under Zhu Tongyi, so he came up with some ideas and
also decided to access Ling Ran's skills.

Ling Ran did not care about that. For him, it would be fine as long
as there was a surgery to perform.

If he had to point anything out, it was that there were fewer

hospital beds in the Emergency Department than the Orthopedic and
Sports Medicine Center. No matter what, the latter contained a total
of one hundred and eighty hospital beds while the Emergency
Department had only around seventy beds. Half of them were even
extra beds. Those beds were not even legally theirs.

If they compared the ability to add extra beds, the Emergency

Department could only add up to two hundred beds at most. By that
time, everyone would have to walk sideways. However, it was totally
different in the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center. They were a
large department with around thirty doctors who occupied a huge
building. When the need arose, they could easily offer up two
hundred to three hundred extra beds. Even though they may not
have enough medical staff, with Zhu Tongyi's reputation, they could
still attract hundreds of doctors to come over to help. All they needed
to do was make a number of phone calls.

The nurses could even be recruited from an outsourcing company.

It was only a matter of how troublesome it would be for them to do

The only good side of the Emergency Department was that the
doctors had low demands for hospital beds.
394 Report
In specialist departments, all those who were ranked as attending
physicians or higher would treat hospital beds as something equally
important to their lives if they needed to perform surgeries. In order
to maintain a balance in the relationships among doctors, some of
the hospitals would assign a fixed number of hospital beds to them.
The number of hospital beds assigned to each doctor would be
arranged very well.

In comparison, the doctors in the Emergency Department did not

care about that. The more severe the illness of a patient, the more
they had to send the patient away once they saved him. One such
example was the Level 1 critical patients. Regardless of whether they
suffered from cerebral infarction, acute myocardial infarction, or
even haemorrhagic shock, they would still be sent over to other
departments like the Neurology Department and Cardiology

Only doctors like Huo Congjun who worked part-time in the Trauma
and Burn Surgery Department would have a higher request for
hospital beds. At this point, he was actually doing the work of a
specialist department.

In order to save up on hospital beds, Ling Ran gave up his habit of

performing surgeries. He would only operate on patients when they
appeared with three severed fingers. He would never let the patient
wait for him. He surrendered himself to the hospital so completely
that he treated the hospital as his home. He could do whatever the
hospital and patients asked him to.

Of course, patients with two severed fingers did not have to wait
long in the Hand Surgery Department. The Hand Surgery Department
was a big department, and naturally, the competition between
doctors was even greater. Once they saw how Ling Ran happily
performed finger replantations every day, some people could not
help but imitate him.

At six in the evening, Ling Ran scanned through the electronic
395 Report
medical records. He checked the medical records and prescriptions
over the past few days before he praised Yu Yuan and said, "Yu
Yuan wrote the most detailed records."

Yu Yuan raised her head proudly. She smiled and snuck a peek at
Lu Wenbin as well as Ma Yanlin before she said, "They spent their
time on eating."

Lu Wenbin and Ma Yanlin were shocked.

"We didn't!" both of them said in unison. They were stunned for a
while before they spoke at the same time again.

"I'm always reading research articles even when I'm

cooking pork trotters."

"Very few people eat salted fish in packets nowadays."

Both of them looked at each other, as though their thoughts

contradicted each other, their talents merged together, and their
desires pushed down on their shoulders...

"Yu Yuan can type very fast," Lu Wenbin sighed and decided to
praise Yu Yuan first.

Ma Yanlin seemed to understand. "We type really slowly," he


Yu Yuan glanced at them proudly. "My fastest typing speed is

two hundred words per minute. It's not fast at all."

"Two hundred words in a minute? We can't even do that

even if we copy and paste our words." Lu Wenbin found a
breakthrough for them.

Ma Yanlin wore an evil smile and said, "Why don't we just let Yu
Yuan write all the medical records? Our writing speed's slow,
and the quality of our writing isn't very good for research
396 Report
papers too. Why don't we distribute the tasks?"

"No!" Yu Yuan was the shocked one this time.

"Don't go back home first. We need to receive a patient

later," Huo Congjun shouted from his office and asked someone to
make the announcement through the loudspeaker.

Ling Ran and the others had no choice but to stand still and look at
Huo Congjun.

It was normal for doctors to work overtime, but an announcement

like that was rare.

"The patient is being sent by a helicopter. A few phone

calls have been made to the hospital director. Be more
careful when you receive the patient!" Huo Congjun appointed
Ling Ran while he briefed them and said, "You'll come with me to
receive the helicopter. Can you just be there but not say


"A few leaders in the hospital will come with us to receive

the helicopter. It'll be more convenient for your work later if
you just show your face." Huo Congjun picked up a crumpled
white coat and spoke to Ling Ran again, "Pick a newer white coat
to portray the Emergency Department's elegance… Well, you
can wear yours also…"

There was an obvious crease on Ling Ran's white coat, but no one
would ever bother to look at it once he wore it on his person.

They could not tire of his handsome look, so who would actually be
bothered to look at the outfit!
397 Report

Chapter 248: I Want Him


"Which insurance company sent the helicopter this time?"

Chief Physician Zhao Leyi stood behind Department Associate
Director Du. He was very curious about it.

Department Director Huo glared at him and said, "Must the

patient be sent by an insurance company?"

"Who would take a helicopter without any insurance? It

costs at least thirty to forty thousand for a trip, right?
Furthermore, the rich always buy insurance with complete
coverage…" Zhao Leyi noticed the mocking look on Department
Director Huo's face. He was surprised. "It can't be, right? The
patient herself called for the helicopter to send her? What's
the situation?"

"Abdominal pain. There are also some external injuries,"

Department Director Huo answered.

Zhao Leyi's expression turned serious. Abdominal pain may sound

like something that could be easily treated, but it was not an easy
case in the hospital.

Normal abdominal pain could be caused by food poisoning,

menstrual pain, or even intestinal obstruction or appendicitis. The
more complicated the case was, the more dangerous it would be. For
a doctor in the Emergency Department, the most troublesome cases
were parasitic diseases, especially those that were not of local
origins. The course of disease and symptoms could vary greatly…

Zhao Leyi was an attending physician. Normally, when the patient

reached the hospital, he would be the first to receive the patient.
398 Report
Other associate chief physicians as well as chief physicians would
only stand behind him and provide backup if the need arose. Not
until the symptoms were finalized would they come forward and
confirm the disease.

Naturally, the attending physician was to complete the trial-and-

error portion before the diagnosis.

For patients like that who could afford to come by helicopter, the
psychological pressure on the attending physician was much greater,
especially on the diagnosis for diseases like abdominal pain. If he
provided the wrong diagnosis, he could come out of the entire
incident with just embarrassment. But if things were blown out of
proportion, he would become the doctor who provided the wrong
diagnosis in the eyes of the hospital leaders and the senior
management departments.

"One minute!" Department Director Lei from the Medical Affairs

Department was there too. He looked at his phone and shouted.

As the head in the Administration Department, Department

Director Lei would usually just receive the patient and send him or
her away to another department. He did not normally wait at the top
of the building to get blown by cold wind.

In a hospital like Yun Hua Hospital, a division head of a normal

county who came for treatment would not even get people like
Department Director Lei to wait around for them. When Zhao Leyi
thought about that, his expression grew even more serious.

A helicopter landed slowly, and dust was blown up by the wind that
the propellers generated.

Once the wind became mellower, a male nurse as well as a female

resident doctor pushed a stretcher and ran towards the helicopter.

Huo Congjun nodded when he saw that.
399 Report
In the hospital, male nurses were a treasure, especially in a place
like the Emergency Department. Male nurses were very useful in
terms of hard labor, and they were better than their female
counterparts when it came to carrying patients or things.

Even doctors were not as good as male nurses in the caretaking of

patients. A normal nurse could already execute injections much
better than a doctor, and male nurses could do even better in things
like handling decubitus ulcers. They may not be skillful in the
beginning, but they were able to master the craft quickly.

"A Chanel shirt, huh?" Zhao Leyi saw the person coming down
from the helicopter in the distance. She held her stomach and sat on
the stretcher. Then, she lay down slowly and could not help but hiss
in pain.

"You even know what brand it is?" Since Doctor Zhou was
forced to work overtime, he was not in the mood to talk. He only
became a little more interested when he could gossip.

Zhao Leyi tried to show off and said, "My wife just bought a
Chanel handbag a few days ago. It's so expensive. Though
you have to admit, the bag looks quite good. But it's just too

Doctor Zhou looked at Zhao Leyi's Putian before he said in pity, "It
cost you two months worth of your salary, right?"

"It wouldn't have been enough even if I don't eat and drink.
Fortunately, they gave us bonuses recently… Ugh, without
the bonus, she wouldn't have asked for a Chanel anyway."
Zhao Leyi further elaborated on his psychological changes as he
watched the approaching patient and said, "From what I know,
Chanel shirts are very costly. People who can afford the
brand would wear the latest shirts released for the season. A
shirt alone can already cost you at least fifty to sixty
thousand, and the shoes will cost another ten to twenty
400 Report
thousand. Even normal accessories are priced anywhere
between a few thousand to tens of thousands. A random
combination would cost about a hundred thousand. If you
add in the laundry fee, how much would you have to spend a

"So the one coming over now is a walking bank." Doctor

Zhou smiled. He stopped for a while and raised an eyebrow. "She's
quite pretty."

"That's true! She looks quite delicate from her facial

features. I guess her makeup was done by a famous makeup
artist. Have you heard that it could cost a few thousand USD
for celebrities to style their hair? That's even more costly
than the craniotomies in our hospital. I think celebrities of
our age should wash their brains…" Zhao Leyi could not help but
speak again, "She doesn't look like a celebrity. Say, how would
it feel to have a shirt that costs at least a 100,000 RMB on
your person?"

"Doctor Zhao…" Huo Congjun's deep voice could be heard from

behind them.

Zhao Leyi was very familiar with Huo Congjun's voice.

He could even tell how Huo Congjun currently felt from the way he

For example, at that moment, Huo Congjun's voice made Zhao Leyi
immediately think of several scenarios. In times like that, he seemed
to remember Huo Congjun saying something like, "Watch your own

"I can tear off your skin. Do you believe me?

"Do you want to donate your skin?"
401 Report
A broken smile was visible on Zhao Leyi's lips. He replied in a faint,
faltering voice, "Department director?"

He said those two words with a rising intonation to indicate a

question, and it was a sign to show that he respected the past Huo
Congjun, who used to be very fierce.

Of course, that was Department Director Huo Congjun seven to

eight years ago. Ever since Zhao Leyi became an attending
physician, he rarely saw Huo Congjun scold people in a fierce tone.
Perhaps it was because it was no longer needed…

Huo Congjun saw the patient who was being pushed over, and
said, "Be more careful…"

"Yes." Zhao Leyi tensed and strode to the front to receive the

The wind produced by the helicopter's propellers could still be felt

from the distance.

"Hello, I'm your attending physician, Zhao Leyi. You're Tian

Qi, right?" Zhao Leyi went forward to receive the patient without
waiting for the leaders behind him. That was standard operating
procedure in the Emergency Department. It was impossible for them
to have the patient listen to the leaders as they introduced
themselves one by one.

"Yes." Tian Qi appeared to be in her early twenties. Just as Zhao

Leyi mentioned before, her makeup made her look delicate. She had
long eyelashes and long hair, though the doctors did not know
whether they were real or fake. But her long legs should be real…

"So, Tian Qi, which part of your body doesn't feel well?"
Zhao Leyi was curious about her name, but he did not ask.

Tian Qi frowned and said, "I just have abdominal pain. Also,
402 Report
my hand's injured."

Zhao Leyi saw a small bandage on the patient's finger. He

unwrapped it and took a look at the wound before he asked, "Was
this cut caused by a fruit knife?"

"A screwdriver."

"A screwdriver, I see. I'll perform debridement for you

later." Zhao Leyi ignored the small wound while he talked. He asked,
"How does your stomach hurt? Is it stomach cramps? Random
waves of pain? Pain that makes you feel as if you were cut?
Or random waves of pain that occur at random spots?"

Both of them talked while they moved to the back. The leaders of
the hospital shook hands and greeted the people who accompanied
Tian Qi. They appeared after she got off the helicopter.

Tian Qi used her unwounded left hand to press her stomach, and
she said, "I feel bloated."


"Yes, I feel puffed up…"

"Oh… A sense of bloating? Is it strong?" Zhao Leyi performed

a basic consultation as he continued to assess the situation in his
brain. The way to the treatment room was his biggest chance to
show off his talents. Once the patient reached the treatment room or
resuscitation room, he would need to do an analysis based on the
patient's condition and make a corresponding decision for her

Among the decisions, one of them would be the prescription of

medication to the patient. He also needed to decide which surgery to
perform, which corresponding department the patient should seek
consultation in, and he even needed to decide whether to send the
403 Report
patient directly to the related department or the operating theater.

A lot of things could cause abdominal pain, but if it were intestinal

obstruction or appendicitis, he would have to decide whether to
provide palliative care, send the patient to the operating theater
immediately, or ask for consultation from the General Surgery
Department. Conversely, if the abdominal pain were due to other
types of infection, doctors from the Department of Internal Medicine
would be another alternative.

However, compared to triaging work, which was the reasonable

course of action, it would be best if he could directly treat the

Zhao Leyi could not stop analyzing the case in his mind, and he
made a prediction, 'It's impossible for patients with such a status to
simply get food poisoning. The most complicated parasitic infection
can be excluded for the time being. Abdominal tumors are easily
ignored by many youngsters nowadays. If that really is the case, it
might also cause bloating. It would be even worse if there are

Zhao Leyi pondered while he asked, "What did you eat

yesterday and today?"

"I ate oysters in France. Then, I had some meat dumplings,

red wine, desserts, as well as some of Italy's cheese and fish.
In Turkey, I ate some meatballs and vegetable soup. In the
afternoon, I ate around five to six pieces of German sausages
during my flight, and they were very delicious. When I was
back in Yun Hua, I ate a bowl of thin noodles with an egg. It
tasted quite nice though…" Tian Qi calculated her meals with her

Zhao Leyi coughed and said, "Just tell us the food you ate
yesterday and today."
404 Report
"I took my meals in France and Italy yesterday. We
departed to Turkey today. My assistant has the details of my

"Hmm, so you went to three countries in two days. In

addition to China, that would be four in total?"

Tian Qi nodded.

"Let's check your digestive tract first." Zhao Leyi found his life
to be boring. The hospital leaders and directors ended up rushing
over just to pick up a rich kid who was too stuffed from eating.

However, Tian Qi nodded and asked nervously, "What about my


"You said your finger was injured by a screwdriver, right?"

"Yes. My friend delivered some oysters from Japan to me so

that I could compare them with those from France. Who knew
I would injure myself when I was trying to open the oysters?"

"Oh… I'll handle that for you…"

"Is he a doctor? I want him to do it for me." Tian Qi pointed at

Ling Ran with her finger.

Zhao Leyi did not even have to look to know who the rich lady was
pointing at.
405 Report

Chapter 249: Handsome And Dignified


"Ling Ran, you do the debridement later." Zhao Leyi

acquiesced to the patient's request and assigned the work to Ling

He did not want to offend the Chanel-shirt-wearing rich girl who

flew there in a helicopter. Moreover, he was no longer at the age
where he fought to do debridement.

Ling Ran agreed without saying much.

Debridement was a normal operation for him, and it was normal for
someone to assign him to it.

"I'm Tian Qi because I'm the seventh child in the family. My

family attended a fortune-telling session, and the fortune
teller said a simple name would make my life easier. By the
way, my Qi is spelled as Q-I, not C-H-I." Tian Qi pursed her
mouth while she said that. Her lips, which were painted an alluring
shade of red, moved slightly before she asked, "Are you Ling Ran?
How do you spell your name?"

"L-I-N-G R-A-N," Ling Ran answered.

It was uncomfortable for Tian Qi to look at Ling Ran while she lay
on the stretcher. So, she sat up and said, "'At a wall corner some
plum trees grow, alone against cold white blossoms blow
[1].''This land has many heroes, yet it is very hard to know
about them.' That does sound quite true."

Ling Ran could not help but look at Tian Qi. He was not unfamiliar
with those two lines. One of them was from Wang Anshi, while the
other was written by Li Bai. The Chinese version of the poems
406 Report
contained his name, so it was no surprise that Ling Ran knew them.
But it was not easy for others to tell from the poem. Besides, there
were very few people who read ancient Chinese poetry nowadays. It
was even rarer for a girl who was as fashionable as the one before
him to recite the poems so easily.

However, Ling Ran had naturally met many girls who loved to
recite poetry. He smiled and said, "People usually quote
'Reaching a mountain's summit' [2] when they want to
mention my name."

Tian Qi covered her mouth while she chuckled. "'Reaching a

mountain's summit' can only be recited to describe your own
self so that you can seem more heroic. If you use it to
describe others, it will be very strange. The line 'alone
against cold white blossoms blow' sounds better. Doctor
Ling, you do seem rather unapproachable."

Ling Ran was stunned by what Tian Qi just said. He was used to
compliments all the time, and people had often used multiple ways
to utilize Chinese poetry to praise him as well. But the new mindset
suggested by Tian Qi was really… unique.

"You see, these two lines that I chose are only suitable for
others. It won't be suitable for you to use those lines to
describe yourself, right?" Tian Qi had the urge to continue their
conversation in Chinese poetry.

Zhao Leyi could not help but feel worried when he overheard the
conversation between Tian Qi and Ling Ran.

He could not listen to them anymore.

It made Zhao Leyi recall the time he pursued his wife; he did not
use as many techniques as Tian Qi.

Zhao Leyi thought carefully again. Both Ling Ran and he were
407 Report
doctors, He may have thought Tian Qi's name was weird, but she did
not explain why she got the name. But right after Ling Ran reported
his name, he got many explanations in return. Then, there were
many interactions between them, and they were based on Chinese
poetry. What was happening?

Zhao Leyi recalled his younger years. Back then, he wanted to use
his talents to attract girls too. What exactly happened later, which
made him start eating cup noodles to earn more money, all so that
he could buy his ex-girlfriend or fiancée a handbag?

Buying a Gucci bag in those days was an extreme expenditure

according to the wages he earned at that time. Zhao Leyi then
looked at Ling Ran indignantly and thought, 'Youngsters like Ling Ran
don't have anything. He doesn't even have a proper job. How can he
make a girl in a Chanel shirt talk to him with Chinese poetry? How did
he manage to do it?'

"Move two beds away, put her inside." Zhao Leyi was not
willing to think about that anymore. Once the bed was in position, he
asked the staff members to place Tian Qi in the treatment room. Her
bed even took up two bed spaces, which meant that she could have
an operating area all to herself.

Compared with the hospital wards, the treatment room was noisier,
but it had an even more complete set of equipment.

Zhao Leyi no longer had any hope of becoming famous through the
current case. It was just a rich girl who ate too much. She did not
even have a proper disease. There was nothing that could attract
Zhao Leyi anymore.

So what if she had a good figure and pretty face? After all… she
did not even look at him.

With disinterest, Zhao Leyi opened the checklist and said, "Let the
General Surgery Department do the consultation. They must
408 Report
be quite anxious now."

Minor diseases were the most meaningless diseases. They would

not receive any rewards even if they treated it, but they would be
remembered if they did not heal the patient.

Zhao Leyi prepared a consultation form right then because he

wanted to have the doctors from the General Surgery Department
bear the consequences together with him.

There was nothing prideful about treating a rich girl who ate too

If they missed out any strange disease, then he would drag them
all into the swamp of despair, and they could all rot in there together.
Zhao Leyi was full of resentment in his heart.

The leaders who came later were also satisfied with Zhao Leyi's

Since the Emergency Department made the decision to give a

consultation, they should go ahead with it.

Although there were no exciting moments where they could

perform emergency treatments like those in the movies, to the
leaders, it was not a bad thing to not be able to see such heart-
pumping scenes.

Since the leaders occupied a high position in the hierarchy, they

could not see or think about how the doctors the General Surgery
Department would have to share the blame as well. Even if they saw
or thought about it, they would pretend as if nothing had happened.

A senior attending physician who was in his forties came in


Doctors who were chief physicians and associate chief physicians

would feel embarrassed to go to the Emergency Department. In fact,
409 Report
the consultant invited by the Emergency Department would usually
be a resident doctor. Sometimes, they would get an attending
physician who did not have any surgeries to perform at that time.
The senior attending physicians who were about to be evaluated for
the post of associate chief physicians would usually not spend their
time to conduct consultations without reason.

It was just like how an army would mobilize its forces. It could be
very dangerous for them to venture deep into enemy territory if they
did not have vanguards, cavalry, and scouts ahead of them.

The current situation was the same. The senior attending physician
came with the hopes of showing off his skills so that the whole
hospital would know about it, and also perform an amazing feat that
the whole city would know about him. But after he repeatedly asked
Zhao Leyi about the patient, his face turned yellow, and it was the
kind of fermented yellow that showed despair.

"Let's do an ultrasonography first." The doctor from the

General Surgery Department appeared sluggish.

He was a doctor from the General Surgery Department who always

removed feces. If a person was stuffed from eating, the cause would
be food that had not turned into feces just yet, so that was not within
his field of expertise. If the food had started to take the shape of
feces, they would then venture into the blind spot of the General
Surgery Department's knowledge, but it would still not be his area of

Yet, what else could he say?

The attending physician looked at Zhao Leyi with a gloomy face

and asked, "Have you taken a scan?"

He actually wanted to ask, "Why did you apply for

410 Report
Zhao Leyi wore a smile on his face, "The ultrasonography
scanner is on, but we haven't had the time to take a scan

"Then just do it." The senior attending physician from the

General Surgery Department sighed before he asked someone to
bring the mobile ultrasonography scanner to their side.

At that moment, Tian Qi's main assistant stood out and said in a
polite manner, "May we have a female doctor perform the

"You only need to reveal the stomach for ultrasonography."

The doctor from the General Surgery Department raised an eyebrow
before he instantly lowered it. "I need to check the
ultrasonography myself before I can make any decisions…" he

"Just get a female doctor to do the ultrasonography. You

only need to analyze the end results, right? If you're not used
to reading ultrasonography scans, we can contact our
personal doctor and let him take a look first before we inform
you of the results." Tian Qi's assistant was a capable woman in her
thirties. From her appearance, she looked like an alpha female. Her
attitude was so aggressive that she could dominate the doctor from
the General Surgery Department with just a few words.

"I'll get you a female doctor then." The male doctor from the
General Surgery Department did not wish to participate in the
consultation anymore.

"Thank you," Tian Qi replied politely. It lifted the male doctor

from the General Surgery Department a little from his gloominess.

"I'll do the debridement for you first." Ling Ran did not want
to continue wasting his time. He wanted to finish his own work and
go back home.
411 Report
Tian Qi immediately showed Ling Ran her fingers happily.

She had long and fine fingers with balanced joints. Her knuckles
were well distributed. But there was a small gash on her left index
finger, and the skin was cut open.

Ling Ran held the tip of her finger and turned over it gently.

"You better suture it properly. Don't leave any scars," the

female assistant said worriedly,

Tian Qi raised her head and said, "Sister Bai, have more
confidence in Doctor Ling, okay?"

The female assistant hemmed in acknowledgment before she took

a few steps back. Then, she left immediately to look for the leaders
of Yun Hua Hospital.

A while later, a group of Yun Hua staff including Huo Congjun and
Department Director Lei as well as some leaders of the region also
came over to visit.

Ling Ran was not affected at all.

He was always being observed, so he was mentally well-prepared.

For him, there were far too many ways to suture a finger.

Tian Qi looked at Ling Ran's serious side profile. When she saw how
calm he was, she could not help but feel happy. In her mind, she
remembered all the compliments used by the ancient Chinese
towards good-looking gentlemen: Manly, cheerful, handsome and
dignified, naturally talented…

"It's done." Ling Ran checked the suture a little before he

habitually gave up his space for others to put on the dressing. He
then turned around and left.
412 Report

Chapter 250: Receiving Requests


"Doctor Zhao, have you finished your work?" Doctor Zhou

leaned against the door frame to the office. He had his white coat in
one hand and his coat in the other. He was ready to either put his
white coat back on or throw it on his seat in the distance at any

Zhao Leyi snorted twice and said, "Never mind, I've prescribed
multienzyme tablets."

"It really was indigestion, wasn't it?" He looked at his watch

and thought, 'There shouldn't be any major incidents coming up
anymore. The thirty-seven minutes and fifty seconds of overtime I
did was all for nothing.'

"I asked. The patient said she ate eight oysters in France. I
won't tell you the rest of the story. If she was willing to sit in
a private jet just to eat, it would be a waste of jet fuel if she
did not eat enough, right? I really don't understand why she
decided to eat thin noodles. She gestured to me how big the
bowl was, and she even had two eggs. I have to say, God is
definitely unfair since she still has a good figure." Zhao Leyi
patted his own belly to indicate that he was now hungry.

"Why would she come back for a big bowl of thin noodles?"
Doctor Zhou stayed for a little while more because he was curious.

Zhao Leyi took out his phone on the spot and flipped to the
medical record. He said, "The patient complained… after staying
overseas for a month, she didn't expect to find local food so
413 Report
"Are thin noodles more delicious than oysters?" Doctor Zhou
chuckled and asked, "Which restaurant's thin noodles?"

"There's a thin noodles restaurant in the backstreet of

Heshui Road Market. They sell thin noodles, pork chops, fried
eggs, and fried chili." Zhao Leyi did not need to use his mobile
phone this time.

"It's a twenty-minute ride by car." Doctor Zhou nodded before

he looked at the corridor. He did not spot Department Director Huo.
With one motion, he threw away his white coat. As he walked, he
took out his phone. "Honey, do you want to have thin noodles
tonight? Oh, a patient who happens to have rich parents
almost stuffed herself to death with thin noodles. I thought
about it and asked for the location of the restaurant. What…
The patients' gender is all the same to us doctors… No no
no… you've misunderstood me. I didn't talk to her. I asked my

Zhao Leyi eavesdropped and snickered. "Old Zhou, you're in


"A man who goes back home on time every day... He's

"The last time I invited him to have a few drinks, he video-

called his wife. And when a bar girl ten yards away entered
the frame of his video, he had to give his wife a ten-minute

"Hey hey hey, can you not include me in this? Video calls
are very solemn affairs, yet he accidentally filmed a bar girl?
That's a problem with his attitude…"

Zhao Leyi listened with a broad smile and gave everyone a

discriminating look. Then, with a light gesture, he opened his
WeChat. As he eavesdropped on Doctor Zhou's conversation on the
414 Report
phone, he shook his head as he typed each word after some

[Dear, I was wrong. Let's eat oysters tonight, and I'll show
you a good performance.]


In the observation room...

Tian Qi stayed alone in her room and played with her mobile
phone. The more she played, the more impatient she became.

When the assistant saw her, she asked, "Do you want to tell the
captain to fly ahead of time? I don't think you actually need
to wait for the film to come out."

"Where to?" Tian Qi stared at her phone as she subconsciously

asked the question.

"Didn't you say that you wanted to go home yesterday?"

"I thought my father and mother went to Australia to see

the grazing land?"

"Aren't you eager to eat Sister Tan's Mapo tofu?" The

assistant smiled.

Tian Qi shook her head. She held her phone and said unhappily,
"I'm eager to find poems. If I had known earlier, I would have
studied Chinese Language and Literature…"

"Looking for poems… to chat with Doctor Ling?" The

assistant saw Ling Ran. When she saw how Tian Qi acted, she could
guess what was going on. If that had been a school and Tian Qi had a
crush on a boy, the assistant would have immediately done some
investigations on the boy and maybe even reported to Tian Qi's
415 Report
This time, although the assistant had sent people to investigate
Ling Ran, she did not rush to report it to Tian Qi's parents.

The reason being, it was hard to show Ling Ran's physical

advantage in a report. As a fellow woman, the assistant thought that
someone who was as handsome as Ling Ran and worked as a doctor
could be considered a worthy future husband candidate for Tian Qi as
long as he was not too bad in other aspects. There was no need to
report things now. It may just cause a negative effect.

The assistant looked at Tian Qi, and in the tone of an experienced

person, she said, "It's not necessary for you to talk to Doctor
Ling solely by using poetry."

"He should like the poems I recited today, right?" Tian Qi


"Perhaps he just likes chatting with you." The assistant


Tian Qi smiled sweetly before her face fell again. She said,
"There's no such thing as falling in love at first sight. With
that face, it's certain that many b*tches have seduced him
before. Look at him. He just walked off after he was done
suturing me…"

"His superiors were standing in front of him, what could he have


"Oh, yeah." Tian Qi was relieved for a few seconds before she
immediately asked, "Sister Bai, what information did you get
from your investigation?"

"I won't have results so soon. So far, I know that he studied

medicine in Yun Hua University. He's currently doing his
internship in Yun Hua Hospital. He's quite talented in
performing surgeries, and he's appeared in several media
416 Report
outlets. I'll send you the links once I have them. In addition,
his family owns a small clinic called Lower Groove Clinic,
which is located in Lower Groove. It's only a few thousand
square feet in area and it has two floors. Clinic operations
are carried out on the ground floor, and the family lives
above the clinic. He doesn't have any other property…"

Tian Qi blinked and said, "Does this mean that he lives with
my mother-in-law? What's my mother-in-law's temperament?"

"I haven't managed to investigate that yet. Besides, if you

don't want to live with your mother-in-law, you can buy a
house and live separately. Based on my memory, your family
has several houses in Yun Hua…" The assistant paused and said,
"Why would you think about this now? You're still too young
to get married."

Tian Qi hemmed obediently.

"Let's talk about their other aspects. The Ling Family's

bank deposits should be around a few hundred thousand
RMB. Ling Ran has around 100,000 RMB in his bank account.
Recently, his monthly income has been about 50,000 RMB. In
addition, Ling Ran drives a second-hand Volkswagen Jetta…"
The assistant described the "small amount" of information she just
obtained as detailed as possible.

Tian Qi listened, nodded, and said, "Fifty thousand RMB a

month for an intern is a lot."

"Yes, it's more than the income of a senior doctor."

"Doctor Ling Ran is so great," Tian Qi praised him.

The assistant chuckled a couple of times and touched her pocket

while she was at it.
417 Report
"What's Doctor Ling's hobby?" Tian Qi asked.

"I will only receive that report earliest by tomorrow," the

assistant replied.

"Let me think…" After Tian Qi finished talking, she scrolled

through her phone again.

Half an hour later, Tian Qi put down her phone and asked, "Sister
Bai, if Doctor Ling's car breaks down, he can only use
transportation apps or take a taxi, right?"

"He can also take public transportation. But they're about

the same." The assistant nodded.

"Oh…" Tian Qi sank into deep thought.

Sister Bai also lowered her head and quickly left a reminder in her
WeChat. [Miss Tian Qi is thinking long and hard.]


Four o'clock in the morning.

After consuming some milk and oats as well as hot steamed buns
filled with steamed salted pork in wine, Ling Ran entered the
temporary garage and sat in his small Volkswagen Jetta.

He inserted his key into the ignition, twisted it to start the car…
and failed.

He twisted the key to start the car again… and failed.

Then, he failed again…

Ling Ran closed the door in resignation and walked out of the alley.
He looked at the deserted road and opened a transportation app.
418 Report
It was impossible for him to get a taxi. Not only were there very
few taxis nowadays, they were also picky when it came to receiving
requests. At that point in time, very few drivers liked to travel near
Yun Hua Hospital.

Ling Ran lowered his head and placed his request. Right after he
confirmed his request, the app screen changed and showed, [Please
wait for your ride]. At the bottom were the words [Master Liu,
Black Rolls-Royce Phantom].

In a few seconds, a big and black car stopped next to Ling Ran.

The door opened automatically. The front door moved forward and
the back door moved backward to reveal a huge space in the middle.
It also showed the orange interior design of the car.

"Doctor Ling, what a coincidence. I was just going to get a

quick ride home." In the driver's seat was Tian Qi. She waved
enthusiastically before she yawned loudly to show her exhaustion.

Ling Ran thought about it a little and decided to get into the car.

Right then, it was very difficult to get a taxi. There was still a
patient with three severed fingers and one severed thumb waiting for
him in the hospital.

When Tian Qi saw Ling Ran get into the car, she quickly sat up
straight and closed the door. Then, she asked, "Doctor Ling, are
you heading to Yun Hua Hospital?"


"Is the temperature in the car okay?"

"It's okay."

"Would you like to watch the stars?" Tian Qi asked as she

looked around. Then, she saw the ceiling of the Rolls-Royce Phantom
419 Report
display a constellation map.

Ling Ran leaned back and settled against the seat comfortably.

"Doctor Ling, do you go to work this early every day?" Tian

Qi stepped on the gas pedal. She started the car with slight

"Not necessarily." Ling Ran crossed his leg over his knee and
touched the leather seat as well as the right door curiously.

"It must be really hard to work so early in the morning."

Tian Qi felt her heart ache as she watched her curious Prince
Charming through the rearview mirror.

Ling Ran said, "I don't think so. Aren't you also driving
around and picking up customers early in the morning?"

Tian Qi was stunned for a while before she hurriedly nodded.

"Yeah, I'm also trying to be independent and make my own
money. I cannot always rely on my family."

"Excuse me, can you slow down a little? You're almost over
the speed limit," Ling Ran reminded her.

Tian Qi gasped and stepped on the break. This caused Ling Ran to
fall forward. But fortunately, he was able to stabilize himself.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Tian Qi hurriedly steadied the car's speed
and continue to say, "I earned about 10 RMB from today's
requests. Doctor Ling, since you sutured my wound
yesterday, why don't we have lunch together at noon to
spend it all?"

"Have you deducted the fuel bill?" the owner of the

Volkswagen Jetta asked the owner of the Rolls-Royce Phantom.

"I can use the gas card to refuel the car. I won't spend any
420 Report
extra money!" Tian Qi clenched her fist in resolution.
421 Report

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