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“ ISO 45001 It’s Here. Are you Ready?

Amy Timmerman, MS, CSP

Falcon Safety

February 27th, 2019

The value of an international OHSMS

The international community has voted to approve what many

consider is the most significant health and safety standard in
the past 50 years.

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ISO PC 283 Member Nations

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An overdue Advance in OHS Management

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Rise in Standards

◼ OHSAS "Standards and

Certificates Survey"
➢ a rapid rise in the rate of use of
OHSMS in past 10 years ISO 9001
ISO 14001
➢ OHSMS standards are now Various OHSMS
being used in 127 countries
➢ Over 100,000 certificates
~ 100,000
8,399 56,251

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Rise in Standards - ISO 45001

◼ OHSAS "Standards and

Certificates Survey"
➢ a rapid rise in the rate of use of Supply
OHSMS in past 10 years
Expertise at all
➢ OHSMS standards are now levels
being used in 127 countries
➢ Over 100,000 certificates

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The most compelling reason for an OHSMS
The global data

Reduce the number of injuries, illnesses and fatalities.

◼ 2.78* million workers fatally injured due to work

(up from 2.2M in 2015)
◼ Largest component is linked to work-related diseases 2.4 million 86.3%
➢ respiratory, circulatory, malignant neoplasms

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OHS and Sustainability

Social responsibility,
reputation, costs,
productivity, organizational
efficiencies & effectiveness

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International Organizational Relationships

ISO 45001
Occupational Health &
Safety Management

Project Committee 283

58 Member countries U.S.
14 Observing countries
TAG to PC 283
13 Liaison Members
90+ Organizational Members
“Mirror Committees”

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ISO 45001 and current OHSMS
Core requirements are “generally” there, if you look for it….


Management Ldrs & Emp Participation
ISO 45001
Implementation and Operation
Context of the Org new
Evaluation and Corrective Action
Leadership & Worker Part..
Management Review
OHSAS 18001 (2007)
OH&S Policy
Performance Evaluation
Implementation & Operation
Management Review

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More than any other OHSMS before it

ISO 45001 2018 Structure Enhancements

1. Scope • Context of the organization

2. Normative References (n/a) • Harmonization with other
3. Terms and Definitions management systems
4. Context of the Org new • Integration with the business
5. Leadership & Worker Part.. processes
6. Planning • Importance of Culture for OHS
7. Support • Total Worker Involvement &
8. Operation Leadership
9. Performance Evaluation • Control of the Workplace
10. Improvement • Risks and Opportunities
Annex • Procurement: Goods, Services:

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A non linear PDCA.., interconnected and interrelated

ISO 45001 2018 Structure

1. Scope
2. Normative References (n/a)
3. Terms and Definitions
4. Context of the Org new
5. Leadership & Worker Part..
6. Planning
7. Support
8. Operation
9. Performance Evaluation
10. Improvement

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So what are the major challenges:
It’s a global standard

◼ Major issues related to development and final product

➢ Diversity of input

➢ Need for basic vs. mature OHSMS concepts

➢ Language and translation

➢ There are no “should” statements

◼ Major issues related to requirements

➢ Spectrum of management system thinking

➢ Objective of the OHSMS (compliance vs. conformance)

➢ Speaking small (SMEs) or to what level

➢ Application common management system language

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Annex SL: The effort to harmonize MS

◼ Harmonizing management system standards

◼ Focus on general management system requirements

◼ Presents a challenge with some terms (e.g. risks)

◼ Changes can be requested for technical reasons but is


Key Points
◼ Annex SL text did not change within ISO 45001

◼ Key benefit for those wanting to integrate or leverage with

other ISO standards
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Fingerprints of Annex SL (the blue text)
Introduction 8. Operation
1. Scope 8.1 Operational planning and control
2. Normative references 8.1.1 General
3. Terms and definition 8.1.2 Hierarchy of controls
4. Context of the organization 8.2 Management of change
4.1 Understanding the organization and its context 8.3 Outsourcing
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties 8.4 Procurement
4.3 Determining the scope of the OH&S management system 8.5 Contractors
4.4 OH&S management system 8.6 Emergency preparedness and response
5. Leadership, Worker Participation and Consultation 9. Performance evaluation
5.1 Leadership and commitment 9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
5.2 Policy 9.1.1 General
5.3 Organization roles, responsibilities, accountabilities and authorities 9.1.2 Evaluation of compliance
5.4 Participation, consultation and representation 9.2 Internal audit
6. Planning 9.2.1 Internal audit objectives
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities 9.2.2 Internal audit process
6.1.1 General 9.3 Management review
6.1.2 Hazard Identification and assessment of OH&S risks 10. Improvement
6.1.3 Determination of legal and other requirements 10.1 Incident, nonconformity and corrective action
6.1.4 Other risks and opportunities to the OH&S management system 10.2 Continual improvement
6.1.5 Planning to take action 10.2.1 Continual improvement objectives
6.2 OH&S objectives and planning to achieve them 10.2.2 Continual improvement process
6.1.2 OH&S Objectives Annex A Guidance on the use of this International Standard
6.2.2 Planning to achieve OH&S objectives
7. Support
7.1 Resources
7.2 Competence
7.3 Awareness
Annex SL ~ 50%
7.4 Information and communication
7.5 Documented information
of 45001 Requirements
7.5.1 General
7.5.2 Creating and updating
7.5.3 Control of documented information
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Scope for the Standard

The International Standard is intended to provide

◼ help for org to achieve OH&S and economic objectives
◼ elements of an effective OHSMS
◼ alignment with the revisions of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
◼ requirements that can be incorporated into any OH&S
management system.

It’s a Tool
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What’s inside the standard

1. Scope Scope of the management system

2. Normative References
3. Terms & Definitions
4. Context of the Organization Plan Do
5. Leadership
6. Planning
7. Support
8. Operations
9. Performance Evaluation
Act Check
10. Improvement
11. Annex A

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What does this standard cover?

Covers OHSMS requirements, with

Scope of the management system
guidance for its use

▪ organization may choose other Plan Do

aspects of health and safety
▪ does not address product safety, Continual
property damage or Improvements
▪ Applicable to any organization Act Check
that wishes to demonstrate

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Clause 3: Definitions

◼ Tendency to overlook.
◼ Notes normative: part of the definition.
◼ Annex
◼ Default: Oxford dictionary

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Defining the first step:
Understand the context of the organization

Issues that can impact the Mgmt System

financial, economic
Policies, strategies,
capabilities, technological
Services, Standards,
guidelines, products,
organization's culture
social, political
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Clause 4 Context of the Org

What you might expect

▪ Understanding your internal issues
▪ Determining the boundaries and scope of the OHSMS
▪ Implementing the OHSMS with continual improvement

What might be different:

▪ Expansion of external issues
▪ Determination of relevant interested parties and their requirements
▪ A management system tied to OHS performance

interested party: person or organization that can affect, be affected by, or

perceive itself to be affected by a decision or activity related to the OH&S
management system

Note: An interested party can be internal or external to the organization.

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What’s inside standard

Scope of the management system

5. Leadership, Worker Participation
and Consultation
5.1 Leadership and commitment
5.2 Policy Plan Do
5.3 Organization roles, responsibilities,
accountabilities and authorities
5.4 Participation, consultation and

Act Check

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Clause 5 Leadership (Top Mgmt)

What might be different:

▪ Top management responsibilities for processes that ensure
▪ knowledge of the organization’s context and OHS risks
▪ hazard identification, assessment and actions and opportunities
▪ Promoting and leading OHSMS culture
▪ Worker participation and consultation

For the system to work, management must drive the OHSMS. The value of an
OHSMS is essential to buy in. All of this spells “commitment”.

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Clause 5 Leadership (Top Mgmt)

What might be different:

▪ Use of the term “worker” as
oppose to “employee”

Worker: person performing work or work-related activities under the control of

the organization
Note 1: Persons perform work or work-related activities under various arrangements, paid or unpaid,
such as regularly or temporarily, intermittently or seasonally, casually or on a part-time basis.
Note 2: The work or work-related activities performed under the control of the organization may be
preformed by workers employed by the organization, workers of external providers, contractors,
individuals, agency workers, and by other persons to the extent the organization shares control over
their work or work-related activities, according to the context of the organization.

Workplace: place where a person needs to be or to go by reason of work and

which is under the control of the organization
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Clause 5 Leadership (Policy, etc)

What you might expect

▪ An OH&S Policy appropriate to the OH&S risks, satisfying requirements,
continual improvements, available, and communicated: (the framework)
▪ Roles, responsibilities and employee engagement in the OHSMS

What might be different :

▪ Policy Elements
▪ Appropriate to the nature of the org’s OH&S risks & “opportunities”
▪ Commitment eliminate hazards and reduce OH&S risks.
▪ Commitment to compliance with legal and other requirements
▪ Commitment to worker/rep* participation & consultation
▪ Prescriptive responsibilities for effective worker engagement
▪ Involvement in all aspects, including policy development

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What’s inside the standard

6. Planning Scope of the management system

6.1 Actions to address risks and
6.1.1 General
6.1.2 Hazard Identification and Plan Do
assessment of OH&S risks
6.1.3 Determination of legal and other
6.1.4 Other risks and opportunities to
the OH&S MS
6.1.5 Planning to take action
6.2 OH&S objectives and planning to Act Check
achieve them
6.1.2 OH&S Objectives
6.2.2 Planning to achieve OH&S
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Clause 6 Planning

What you might expect

▪ Process for identifying hazards, legal and other requirements, changes to
the organization
▪ Determination of risks and opportunities to meet desired outcomes of the
OHSMS and address undesired effects and continual improvements
▪ Plans for actions to address risks and opportunities
▪ Development of “objectives” and plans for achieving them

Risk: effect of uncertainty

OH&S risk: combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a work-
related hazardous event or exposure(s), and the severity of injury or ill
health that can be caused by the event or exposures

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Clause 6 Planning

What might be different:

▪ Consideration of issues referred to in context of the org & requirements of
interested parties
▪ Definition of risk as the “effect of uncertainty” vs. traditional OH&S
▪ Determination of objectives at all levels to maintain & improve the OHSMS
Risk: effect of uncertainty
OH&S risk: combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a work-related
hazardous event or exposure(s), and the severity of injury or ill health that can
be caused by the event or exposures

Objective: result to be achieved

Note 1 to entry: An objective can be strategic, tactical, or operational.
OH&S objective: objective set by the org. consistent with the OH&S policy
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What’s inside the standard

7. Support Scope of the management system

7.1 Resources
7.2 Competence
7.3 Awareness
7.4 Information and communication Plan Do
7.5 Documented information
7.5.1 General
7.5.2 Creating and updating
7.5.3 Control of documented

Act Check

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Clause 7 Support

What you might expect

▪ Support that provides resources and ensures competent persons,
awareness of the policy
▪ Determination of internal and external information and communications
▪ Documented information required by this standard and the org with
appropriate creation and updates and controls that include availability
and protection from loss and improper use.
▪ Worker access to relevant records and control of personal information

What might be different:

▪ Determining the “knowledge” required for OHSMS operation
▪ Define communication objectives and include contractors, visitors,
external and internal parties

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Documentation Requirements

The organization determines what documented information it needs beyond that

which is required by the MSS that includes:

▪ Scope of the OHSMS ▪ Roles/responsibilities

▪ Policy ▪ Planning process results
▪ Objective ▪ Legal & other rqmts
▪ Evidence of competence ▪ Plans
▪ Management reviews ▪ Controls
▪ nonconformities and actions taken ▪ Emergency response process/plans
▪ Corrective action results ▪ Compliance evaluations
▪ Records of process completion ▪ Continual improvement results
▪ Documented information of external origin
▪ Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation results
▪ Internal audit program implementation and results

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What’s inside the standard

8. Operation Scope of the management system

8.1 Operational planning and control
8.1.1 General
8.1.2 Hierarchy of controls
8.1.3 Management of change Plan Do
8.1.4 Procurement
- Contractors
- Outsourcing
8.2 Emergency Preparedness &

Act Check

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Clause 8 Operations

What you might expect

▪ A process to verify the implementation of controls
▪ Risk reduction using the hierarchy of control
▪ Plan for management of changes (temporary or planned) including resolution of
incidents, non conformities, new products, equipment, org structures, processes,
materials, knowledge, requirements, etc.
▪ Control of risks to and from contractor activities
▪ Assess risks & prepare for emergency situations with interested party

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Clause 8 Operations

What might be different:

▪ Implementation of actions in clause 6, Planning
▪ Implementing and controlling processes including establishing criteria
▪ Control of risks to other interested parties in the workplace
▪ Control of outsourced processes & procurement to conform to OHSMS rqmts
outsource (verb): make an arrangement where an external organization
performs part of an organization’s function or process
Note 1 to entry: An external organization is outside the scope of the
management system (3.04), although the outsourced function or process is within
the scope.
Process: set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into

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What’s inside the standard

Scope of the management system

9. Performance evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis
and evaluation
9.1.1 General Plan Do
9.1.2 Evaluation of compliance
9.2 Internal audit
9.2.1 Internal audit objectives
9.2.2 Internal audit process
9.3 Management review

Act Check

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Clause 9 Performance Evaluation

What you might expect

▪ Determination of what needs to be monitored and measured, criteria,
methods, frequencies, schedules
▪ Evaluation & documentation of OH&S performance & OHSMS effectiveness
▪ Use of calibrated and verified equipment
▪ Compliance with requirements and corrective actions as needed
▪ Internal Audits on the OHSMS to ISO 45001 and the Organization’s
requirements with objective auditor selection, appropriate reporting
▪ Top Management review of the OHSMS (suitability, adequacy & effectiveness)

What might be different:

▪ An audit program that includes consultation with workers/reps
▪ Results reported to relevant interested parties
▪ Inclusion of the management review under “performance evaluation”
▪ A rather prescriptive list for a management review
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What’s inside the standard

Scope of the management system

10. Improvement
10.1 General
10.2 Incident, nonconformity and
corrective action Plan Do
10.3 Continual improvement

Act Check

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Clause 10 Improvement

What you might expect

▪ Actions (review and corrective action) to deal with root causes of
nonconformities & incidents
▪ Improvements to the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the

What might be different:

▪ Seemingly odd placement for corrective action of a nonconformity or
incident – is this really an “improvement”?
▪ Incidents that include near misses
▪ Establishment of a continual improvement process rather than as a
part of the planning process.
▪ Worker/rep participation and communication on corrective actions
▪ Promote an OHS culture

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Steps you can take now ….

1. Get management system savvy, it’s the future

2. Take a ISO 45001 course. ASSP offers on-line course and workshops.
3. ASSP: ISO 45001 resource website.
4. Review Annex SL as the baseline for your management system
5. Meet with others in your organization with (14001, 9001) management
system responsibilities on approaches given Annex SL
6. Pick up ANSI Z10, ISO 45001, and implement /leverage concepts that
make sense for your organization – value creation

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Final Thoughts

What keeps me up at night

1. One standard, one way
2. Confusing requirement statements
3. Non-intended outputs of OHSMS including misuse

What gets me up in the morning.

1. One standard, one way
2. One team working on a common goal
3. A path towards perfection, starting with setting the bar
4. Creating a market demand for OHS

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In closing…

◼ The future is tied to systems thinking

◼ Matching the way we manage safety in the same way
business is managed – globally and interconnected
◼ Ultimately, it’s about market presence driving
improvements in OHS whether it’s worker safety or
the promotion of the value and demand for what it is
we do.

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◼ ISO 45001:2018, Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems -

requirements with guidance for use

◼ The Annex SL (as in the ISO/IEC Directives), High level structure, identical core
text, common terms and core definitions

NOTE – To download and review Annex SL, scroll down on the ISO “Directives
and Policies” page and click on the link to the ISO/IEC Directives Part 1 under the
Official Rules column. Annex SL starts on page 120.

◼ ANSI/AIHA/ASSE Z10 Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems

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Thank You!

For More Information:

Amy Timmerman, MS, CSP

Falcon Safety

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