Abby Story2

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Chapter 1 ‘

It was snowing.

Miniature frost of snowflakes pelted against the murky glass windows and my fingers reached out
to touch it ever so lightly. How I desired to gallivant around ‘Winters wood ‘but our kind was
endangered and forbidden.

“Aren’t you going to stop staring through those windows?’’

Faelyn inquired her voice astrid yet poised. My eyes flitted over to my twin sister who had an
acrid, distressed expression strewn across her pretty features. Her glacial blue eyes intensely
glared at me seemingly annoyed at my very presence.

I sighed involuntarily; exhausted from the back and forth bickering that was bound to happen
between Faelyn and me. The heavy oppression that seem to brood upon the air had become over
bearing for the past two weeks and I just needed some fresh air.

I sucked in a harsh breath before my body betrayed me and I hurriedly shot up snatching the cloak
from off the chair.

‘’where are you going Avelyn?’’ she demanded to know, her penetrating stare drilling holes into the
side of my head.

I curved my head into her direction and I took the time to study her troubled features.

Waves of ruby rose hair that we both inherited from our late mother were rested on her shoulder
casting her face innocently in contrast to her gunmetal fierce eyes. I found it quiet ironic, who
would have thought looks could be quite deceiving. “You know it’s dangerous,” she stated

“Yet you still think it’s smart and finds it rather amusing to wander around the town square.’’ She
added her voice slightly rose in an octave.

I rolled my eyes at her remarks and her eyes narrowed in slits when she realized that I wasn’t going
to give into the satisfaction she desired. “Isn’t that so Avelyn?” she persisted mockingly with her
brows knitted together. I squint my eyes at her and my breath came out labored and hot. I wanted
to scream at her, tell her that I also have a life and it’s not because who I am shall define my fate.
She cocked her head slightly with fraud amusement glinting in her eyes and rage brewed beneath
my surface.

“You are the one that thinks everything revolves around you Faelyn! I shrieked unable to keep the
hatred I had bottled up inside me for the past two weeks.

Tendrils of hair fall loosely from my bun and I was breathing heavily with my stance challenging
towards my twin. She rose from the chair across the room and her eyes intensified dangerously. I
was willingly to take her on despite that my powers hadn’t started to show call it that I was the late
bloomer of the family. Electrifying energy expelled from her finger tips and before I know it my
body was forcefully propelled into the wall. Agonizing pain swiveled up my spine and I bit into my
lips harshly to prevent the helpless sob from escaping my lips. Faelyn’s fingers were shakily
pointed towards my defeated form and under my lashes I saw her as the monster. Red aligned her
cheeks and her eyes glow a luminous shade of red. I could hardly identify her anymore thus I was
fearful of my own twin. I feebly lifted myself from off the board floors with my cloak clutched
firmly at my side refusing to be weak before her.

“And here you are thinking that I am the bad guy!” I laughed incredulously jerking a thumb
towards myself in disbelief.

“Mom would be so disappointed.” I muttered under my breath. At those words her eyes slowly
regained its natural shade of blue and guilt pooled around in them. I took it my que to slip on my
cloak before I trudged off into the freezing cold without looking back.

Thralldom of snow frost crunched beneath my footwear and my body instantly evoked goose
bumps at the sudden temperature change. . I hurdle my cloak firmly to my skin in attempt s to bring
some warmth and comfort from the assault of the freezing snow.

After having an internal battle the whole journey to the towns square, I blew out a foggy breath
of relief when it came in view. Winters wood was quite captivating for a small deprived place.
Antique buildings that had marvelous carvings in them were gracefully situated on the frosty
pathway that camouflage small snow covered houses. As I got closer to the market area obtrusive
noises could be heard meddled with the chatter of winter’s wood people. A small smile quirked at
my lips and a sense of freedom washed over me. My stomach grumbled at the savory jumbo sticks
that wafted through my nostrils teasing my senses. I knew were that scent was coming from and so
my body directed me to Nipsy’s famous stall. The sea of enthusiastic crowd swarmed around me
and I clutched my cloak firmly to my skin for disguise. I didn’t want to be seen or questioned for my
presence in the town square so I pushed through the crowd carefully but cautiously. Nipsy’s pale
blue eyes found mine that flickered with vague terror. My breath quickened at her new found
appearance that always had a glittering infectious smile and a curious inexplicable uneasiness rose
to the surface. Nipsy hushed me over with her chubby hands and my feet swiftly took me across to
her stall through the exuberant crowd. ‘’ didn’t you hear”? She asked in a hushed tone, her eyes
fearful and wary when I reached her stall. Nipsy was unlike this and it harnessed anxiety because
she was the only one I could rely on.

‘’What did you find out?” I begged to know desperately as my eyes searched her face for answers.
Nipsy gripped my hands and brought me closer to her frame, her honey dew scent enveloping my
“They are here Avelyn, everywhere you should take your sister and leave because the Hybrid Lord
orchestrated an annual vixen hunt, “she breathed out her expression overshadowed with feral fear,
my heart plummeted to my chest and I could feel hot blood pumping through my ears at the sudden
revelation. My lips were unable to form coherent words and my throat had suddenly become
parched as I stared at her disheveled figure. “I overheard from the market people,’’ She continued.

“ Avelyn please get away from here far away from Winters wood for good you and your sister and
find your father he is the only one who can help you.’’ She pleaded with a brittle voice and tearful
eyes. Tears threatened to stream from my eyes and cold ear whipped my distraught frame, I
couldn’t process all this at once. She took a small crumpled paper from her bodice and shoved it in
my hands discreetly.

‘’ You will able to find him there. “She whispered softly before she started to wrap cooked meat and
jumba sticks in a carbon paper. I stiffened immediately when she ushered the paper in my hands
and realization clouded over me that she was biding me farewell, it was like all the air got knocked
out my throat, I couldn’t breathe

“Go Avelyn, far away from here.”

She warned, her pale turquoise eyes digging deep into mine. I took the package without hesitation
and silently thanked her with my eyes, Nipsy’s lips contorted in pained smile that weaved it way to
my heart.

‘’Nipsy I……..” a vociferous growl sounded cutting of what I was about to say and hair rose from the
nape of my neck shooting deadly tingles all around my body. Screams erupted everywhere and
Nipsy’s eyes were widened, horror evident in them. People were scrambling from their stalls, Meat
kind and frits were being trampled by winter wood people who were running for their lives.
Frightening thoughts raced through my crumpled mind. ‘What if he found us? ‘What if……. I was lost
for words; I knew I just had to get Faelyn. The growl reverberated once more and I was rooted to
the ground, Nipsy as well and I could sense the overwhelming feeling of dread. Vampires emerged
into the market center, their scent and skin was distinct amongst the crowd of winter’s wood
people. Bloodshot glacial eyes skimmed through the frenzy crowd and I tugged to my cloak eagerly
to my skin.

‘’stop all of u.’ ’A gruff voice that belonged to a ashy blond hair vampire commanded. The remaining
of the crowd stayed rooted to the ground and I inwardly cursed myself for not escaping.

“Just don’t look them in the eye.” Nipsy whispered in my ear. I nodded solemnly and gulped when
they all caged us in a circle. Some had smirking, devilishly faces and anger brewed beneath my
surface. The blond haired vampire took out a small white paper and his lips twitched smugly.

“As you are all here “he began to read his voice somehow had a thick Irish accent to it

. “I would like to introduce you to the annual vixen hunt, we hereby give you the chance to run for
your lives.’’ He added with pursed lips, amusement glinting in his corrupt eyes. Gasps and whispers
arose from the crowd and uneasiness clouded the atmosphere.
Nipsy was strangely quiet; the only thing you could hear was our labored breathing and hushed
whispers and voices.

three tall sturdy blood sucking leeches emerged from the foggy mist into the market center. They
were vampires, I could sense them. I watched when their Bloodshot glacial eyes skimmed through
the frenzy crowd with a hawkish gaze.

with alabaster skin and a distinct smell.

“JUST RUN” Faelyn screamed when the roar sounded a second time, my skin suddenly becoming
cold and clammy. With a last look on Nipsy, I took off. I was running, through the frenzy crowd.
Bodies heavily pushed against mine and urge for survival became stronger than ever. I didn’t look
back; my feet were pumping through the snow that threatened to pull me down into the abyss. Only
thing I could focus on was my breathing and my heartbeat. My knees became week when I finally
reached our scrubby home. I doubled over, breathing hard unable to grasp my breath. I felt like I
was going to die and I willingly wanted to succumbed it. “Avelyn your sister needs you” that tiny
voice in my head reminded me. I squint my eyes at the ajar feeble door and panic evoked in my
bones. Just in time, Faelyn came out. Her eyes were what captured me the most. They held a spark
of dread and bewilderment that I have never seen before in. ‘’Avelyn you’re ok.’’ She muttered
pulling me into a bone crushing hug. I instantly reacted and held onto her for dear life with tears
welling into my eyes at the very thought of losing her. She pulled back from my hug and I was
unable to speak when tears started to flow down my cheeks like rivulets. She must have seen the
terror in my eyes when she finally spoke.
” I know that he was going to arrive, I had a terrible vision that you were…” she trailed off with
pressed hands to my cheeks.

‘’What did u see? “I questioned .Her eyes said it all and turned my head away from her.

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