ESOL Literacies Access 2 Shopping

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ESOL Literacies: Access 2

ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Publishing information
First edition
Published date: March 2008
Publication code: BB4354

First Published 2008

Published by the Scottish Qualifications Authority

The Optima Building, 58 Robertson Street, Glasgow G2 8DQ
Ironmills Road, Dalkeith, Midlothian EH22 1LE

The information in this publication may be reproduced in support of SQA qualifications. If it is

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© Scottish Qualifications Authority 2008

ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Contents and notes

Where appropriate, answer keys are included for learners to
check their work. You should photocopy certain worksheets.

Page Activity

1 Oral activity to introduce topic. Mingling activity

where learners ask each other where they usually go
shopping. Record answers on a grid and follow up with
writing activity. Teachers may wish to supply
examples of supermarket logos.

2 Picture/word match cue cards. Identify names and

types of shops. Worksheet for learners to recognise
and copy words in lower case.

10 Food picture cue cards and word cards for vocabulary

work, matching exercise, use in following oral

18 Use of a, an, some.

20 Match items to shop names. Follow–up writing task.

22 Alternative to matching exercise on page 20 which

involves more writing. Could be done in pairs with use
of picture dictionaries.

23 Cue cards for weights and measures for reading


24 Asking for prices. Use of is/are. Two levels of

worksheet — one matching to prices, the other
writing prices and copying words. This could also be
set as a listening task and done in separate groups.

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

28 Quantities. Picture cue cards from pages 10 – 13 can

be used to elicit vocabulary for quantities. Matching
exercise plus extension exercise.

*32 Supermarket labels to identify and get information on

amount and price.

*35 Reading exercise to identify signs in a supermarket.

37 Reading task to get information from a receipt.

39 Listen to and read a short story. Write the shopping

list. Other worksheets could also be made from the
story, eg gap–fill of place names/food items,
punctuation, ordering of sentences, matching of
beginning and endings etc.

41 Picture and word cue cards for clothing.

45 Matching words to pictures worksheet.

Writing words below pictures.

49 Listening task. Two levels of worksheet. Circle

correct price or write price next to article.
Tapescript included.

55 Pairwork. Asking for prices.

59 Colours. Dictation — fill in missing colours in

sentences. Follow–up writing task.

61 Large cue cards to elicit/practise language: I’m

looking for; Have you got…?; Can I try on
this/these…?; How much is/are this/these..? Learners
can practise the language using the clothing cue cards.
Follow–up writing exercise.

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

65 Clothing care symbols seen on labels. Identify and

match. Could also be cut up to use as a matching
exercise. Get information from a clothing label.

69 Cue cards for signs in shops. Match signs that have

the same meaning. Worksheet for learners to match

73 Price signs in shops to match to articles of clothing.

Pre–teaching of vocabulary to describe clothes is
needed, eg leather, checked, v–neck.

*75 Reading exercise in identifying signs in shops.

* assessment practice

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Name: Date:

Look at the question below. Ask students in your class.

Where do you usually I usually go to

go shopping? ___________

Put ticks (9) in the boxes below.

Supermarket survey


Write some sentences in your notebook.

____ people usually go shopping at _____________.

My teacher goes shopping at ___________________.

I _____________________________________________.

© SQA 1
ESOL Li teracies Access 2: Shoppin g
post office
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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping


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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

© SQA 6
ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

© SQA 7
ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Name: Date:

Match the words to the places in the pictures.

butcher post office fishmonger bank

greengrocer chemist newsagent baker

1 2 3

_____________ ______________ _______________

4 6

_____________ _____________ _____________

7 8

_____________ _____________

© SQA 8
ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Answer key

Match the words to the places in the pictures.

butcher post office fishmonger bank

greengrocer chemist newsagent baker

1 2 3

baker greengrocer chemist

4 6

bank newsagent butcher

7 8

post office fishmonger

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

© SQA 13
ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

apples lemons

oranges bananas

mushrooms grapes

peppers tomatoes

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

carrots onions

pears leeks

tea bags biscuits

potatoes eggs

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

chicken orange

salt beef

sugar rice

tomato flour

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

water cheese

butter jam

bread chocolate

coffee milk

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Name: Date:

an apple some apples a banana some bananas

some salt and pepper some cheese

Put in a, an, or some.

1 ______ orange 2 _______ pear 3 _______ milk

4 ______ juice 5 _______ sugar 6 _______ biscuit

7 ______ bread 8 _______ lemons 9 _______ egg

10 ______ grapes 11 _______ onion 12 ______ tomato

Could you get some

milk? There isn’t any

I’m going to the shops. Do

you need anything?
Could you get some
bananas? There
aren’t any left.

Use the cue cards and practise with a partner.

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Answer key

an apple some apples a banana some bananas

some salt and pepper some cheese

Put in a, an, or some.

1 an orange 2 a pear 3 some milk

4 some juice 5 some sugar 6 a biscuit

7 some bread 8 some lemons 9 an egg

10 some grapes 11 an onion 12 a tomato

© SQA 19
ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Name: Date:

Match the items to the shops.

Post Office







Write some sentences in your notebook

eg I went to the butcher to get some beef.

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Answer key

Match the items to the shops.

Post Office







Write some sentences in your notebook

eg I went to the butcher to get some beef.

© SQA 21
ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Name: Date:

Write three things you can buy in these places.

Post Office Chemist

Baker Newsagent

Greengrocer Butcher


Now write some sentences in your notebook

eg I went to the newsagent to buy a newspaper.

© SQA 22
ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

litre ltr

kilo kg

each ea

dozen doz

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Name: Date:

Take turns to ask the prices. Match the items to the


It’s £1.15 a litre.

How much is the apple juice?

How much are the pears? They’re £1.79 a kilo.

apples 68p ea

eggs 84p

carrots £1.69

bread £1.47 kg

milk 73p kg

cheese £2.49 doz

jam 68p kg

onions 71p kg

bananas 76 ltr

peppers £8.76 kg

Practise again with a partner.

© SQA 24
ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Answer key

Take turns to ask the prices. Match the items to the


It’s £1.15 a litre.

How much is the apple juice?

How much are the pears? They’re £1.79 a kilo.

apples 68p ea

eggs 84p

carrots £1.69

bread £1.47 kg

milk 73p kg

cheese £2.49 doz

jam 68p kg

onions 71p kg

bananas 76p ltr

peppers £8.76 kg

Practise again with a partner.

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Name: Date:

Take turns to ask the prices.

Write the prices next to the items.
apples __________ eggs __________

carrots __________ bread __________

milk __________ cheese __________

jam __________ onions __________

bananas __________ peppers __________

Write the words under the pictures.

1 2 3 4

___________ ____________ _____________ _____________

4 5 6 7

___________ _____________ _____________ _____________

8 9

____________ _____________

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Answer key

Take turns to ask the prices.

Write the prices next to the items.
apples £1.47 kg eggs £2.49 doz

carrots 71p kg bread 84p

milk 76p ltr cheese £8.76 kg

jam £1.69 onions 73p kg

bananas 68p kg peppers 68p ea

Write the words under the pictures.

1 2 3 4

eggs bananas onions peppers

4 5 6 7

apples carrots jam milk

8 9

bread cheese

© SQA 27
ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Name: Date:

Write the words next to the pictures.

Match the items to the quantities.
bread biscuits beans chocolate cheese
eggs tea bags water milk jam

1 a kilo of ____________________

2 a jar of ____________________

3 a packet of ____________________

4 a bottle of ____________________

5 a loaf of ____________________

6 a bar of ____________________

7 a carton of ____________________

8 a box of ____________________

9 a can of ___________________

10 a half dozen ___________________

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Answer key

Match the items to the quantities.

bread biscuits beans chocolate cheese
eggs tea bags water milk jam

1 a kilo of cheese

2 a jar of jam

3 a packet of biscuits

4 a bottle of water

5 a loaf of bread

6 a bar of chocolate

7 a carton of milk

8 a box of tea bags

9 a can of beans

10 a dozen eggs

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Name: Date:

What can you see in the picture?

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15
1 four cups of tea
2 a packet of biscuits
3 __________________________________________

4 __________________________________________

5 __________________________________________

6 __________________________________________

7 __________________________________________

8 __________________________________________

9 __________________________________________

10 __________________________________________

11 __________________________________________

12 __________________________________________

13 __________________________________________

14 __________________________________________

15 __________________________________________

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Answer key

What can you see in the picture?

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

1 four cups of tea

2 a packet of biscuits
3 seven jars of jam
4 a bowl of soup
5 six bottles of wine
6 a can of fish
7 a glass of orange juice
8 two boxes of chocolates
9 a loaf of bread
10 two bars of chocolate
11 a jug of water
12 a dozen eggs
13 a bottle of tomato sauce
14 a carton of milk
15 a bag of chips

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Name: Date:

Look at the price labels. Answer the questions on the next


a b

c d

e f

© SQA 32
ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Name: Date:

Match the items to the labels and answer the questions.

1 Which label is for ? __________

What’s the weight? __________
How much do you pay for one? __________

2 Which label is for ? __________

How many are in a pack? __________
How much is one pack? __________

3 Which label is for ? __________

How much is in the jar? __________
How much does it cost? __________

4 Which label is for ? __________

What’s the weight? __________
What’s the usual price? __________

5 Which label is for ? __________

How much is one litre? __________
How much can you save with the offer? __________

6 Which label is for ? __________

How much is in one can? __________
How many cans do you get with this offer? __________

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Answer key

Match the items to the labels and answer the questions.

1 Which label is for ? d

What’s the weight? 1.40 kg
How much do you pay for one? £3.00

2 Which label is for ? b

How many are in a pack? 40
How much is one pack? 79p

3 Which label is for ? f

How much is in the jar? 100 g
How much does it cost? £2.54

4 Which label is for ? c

What’s the weight? 1 kg
What’s the usual price? £3.00

5 Which label is for ? e

How much is one litre? 98p
How much can you save with the offer? 72p

6 Which label is for ? a

How much is in one can? 400g
How many cans do you get with this offer? 8

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Name: Date:

fresh 10
bakery or less
a b


c d

Please Position
pay here Closed
e f

Self service
Checkout fresh fish
Which sign tells:
1 where you can buy salmon _______

2 where you can put old newspapers _______

3 where to pay for a few things _______

4 where you check your own shopping and pay _______

5 where you can buy bread _______

6 where you can buy rubbish bags _______

7 where the cash desk is _______

8 this cash desk is not open _______

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Answer key

fresh 10
bakery or less
a b


c d

Please Position
pay here Closed
e f

Self service
Checkout fresh fish
Which sign tells:
1 where you can buy salmon h

2 where you can put old newspapers c

3 where to pay for a few things b

4 where you check your own shopping and pay g

5 where you can buy bread a

6 where you can buy rubbish bags d

7 where the cash desk is e

8 this cash desk is not open f

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Name: Date:

1 What is this?
2 Where is it from? £

3 What’s the phone number?
4 What did the customer buy?
Tick and write the price below.

9 £1.48 9 £1.55

5 How much did the customer pay? ___________________

6 How did she pay? ___________________

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Answer key

1 What is this?
A receipt
2 Where is it from?
3 What’s the phone number?
0956 788 1214
4 What did the customer buy?
Tick and write the price.

9 £1.48 9 £1.55 9 41p 9 40p 9 99p

9 88p 9 15p 9 96p

9 46p 9 78p 9 £2.98 9 £1.42

5 How much did the customer pay?

6 How did she pay? Cash

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Name: Date:

Read and listen.

On Friday Ann went shopping near her flat.
There are lots of good small shops in her
area. First she went to the bank to get
some money. Then she went to the butcher’s
to get four chops. At the greengrocer’s she
got baby potatoes, onions, green beans and
leeks. She wanted some stamps but the post
office was closed. It was lunchtime. She
went to the baker’s and got fresh bread and
four small cakes. On her way home she got a book of ten
stamps with her newspaper from the newsagent’s.

How many places did Ann go to? _______

Name them:

Write Ann’s shopping list.

Shopping list

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Answer key

Read and listen.

How many places did Ann go to? 5

Name them.
bank, butcher, greengrocer, baker, newsagent

Write Ann’s shopping list.

Shopping list

4 chops
baby potatoes
green beans
4 cakes

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© SQA 42
ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

coat trousers

scarf skirt

boots jacket

dress jeans

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shirt socks

shoes t-shirt

tie gloves

blouse jumper

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Name: Date:

Match the pictures to the words.

1 gloves

2 shoes

3 t–shirt

4 scarf

5 jacket

6 boots

7 trousers

8 coat

9 dress

10 jumper

11 socks

12 skirt

13 tie

14 shirt

15 jeans

16 blouse

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Answer key

Match the pictures to the words.

1 gloves

2 shoes

3 t–shirt

4 scarf

5 jacket

6 boots

7 trousers

8 coat

9 dress

10 jumper

11 socks

12 skirt

13 tie

14 shirt

15 jeans

16 blouse

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Name: Date:

Write the names of the clothes.

2 3

_____________ ______________ _______________

5 6

_____________ _____________ _____________


_____________ ______________ _____________

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Name: Date:

Write the names of the clothes.

1 2 3

_____________ ______________ _______________

4 5 6

_____________ _____________ _____________

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Answer key

Write the names of the clothes.

2 3

jacket boots blouse

5 6

tie socks shoes


scarf dress shirt

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Answer key

1 2 3

coat sweat trousers

4 5 6

skirt jeans gloves

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Name: Date:

Listen and tick the correct prices.

£6.20 £28.75 £65.50

£12.60 £57.85 £56.60
£20.60 £27.85 £45.30

£100.28 £50.99 £19.99

£128.00 £13.99 £9.99
£108.20 £15.99 £9.19

£23.59 £29.95 £44.49

£32.95 £25.59 £54.59
£39.25 £59.25 £54.49

£19.50 £34.50 £39.99

£15.90 £43.15 £49.99
£19.05 £34.15 £59.99

£2.25 £35.00 £11.90

£2.15 £53.00 £12.90
£2.10 £33.00 £25.80


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Name: Date:

Listen and write the prices.

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1 Excuse me, how much is this skirt?

It’s £29.95.

2 Excuse me, could you tell me the price of this dress?

Certainly, it’s £45.30.
Thank you.

3 How much are these trousers, please?

They’re £32.95.

4 Do you know how much this bag is?

Yeah, it’s £54.59.
Oh, that’s expensive!

5 Have you got these pyjamas in medium?

Yes, here you are.
Thanks, how much are they?
They’re usually £25.80 but they’re half price now, £12.90.
I’ll take them!

6 Is this coat in the sale?

I’m afraid not, it’s £175.95.

7 How much is this jumper?

It’s £27.85.

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8 Could you tell me — how much are these boots?

They’re £49.99.
Thanks. Can I try them on?

9 Excuse me, how much is this blouse?

It’s £9.19.

10 How much are these gloves, please?

They’re £19.50.

11 I like these sunglasses. How much are they?


12 I’m looking for a new suit. How much is this one?

It’s on sale at £128.00.

13 How much are these shoes?

Have you got them in size 5½?

14 Could you tell me how much this jacket is, please?

There’s 10% off so it’s £34.50.

15 How much are these socks?

They’re £2.15.

16 Could you tell me the price of this shirt, please?

Sure. It’s £15.99.

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Answer key

Listen and tick the correct prices.

£6.20 £28.75 £65.50

£12.60 £57.85 £56.60
£20.609 £27.859 £45.309

£100.28 £50.99 £19.99

£128.009 £13.99 £9.99
£108.20 £15.999 £9.199

£23.59 £29.959 £44.49

£32.959 £25.59 £54.599
£39.25 £59.25 £54.49

£19.509 £34.509 £39.99

£15.90 £43.15 £49.999
£19.05 £34.15 £59.99

£2.25 £35.00 £11.90

£2.159 £53.00 £12.909
£2.10 £33.009 £25.80


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Answer key

Listen and write the prices.

£20.00 £45.30




£29.95 £54.59


£49.99 £34.50




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Name: Date:

Ask your partner for the prices. Partner A

How much is this …? How much are these …?

1 2 3

4 5

7 8

Tell your partner the prices.

boots £64.45 cap £18.00 dress £32.70

skirt £21.50 socks £3.50 tie £6.35

gloves £5.25 jumper £15.20 jacket £96.80

pencil £0.65 clock £45.80 belt £12.75

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Name: Date:

Ask your partner for the prices. Partner B

How much is …? How much are …?


4 5


Tell your partner the prices.

watch £28.50 trousers £19.99 scarf £12.85

glasses £8.99 coat £110.55 bag £15.30

suit £170.99 blouse £12.55 shirt £13.25

pen £1.65 hat £17.95 pyjamas £32.35

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Answer key

Ask your partner for the prices. Partner A

How much is …? How much are …?

£15.30 £13.25 £110.55

£170.99 £19.99 £1.65

£8.99 £12.85 £32.35

£28.50 £12.55 £17.95

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Answer key

Ask your partner for the prices. Partner B

How much is …? How much are …?

£15.20 £5.25 £18.00

£3.50 £96.80 £12.75

£6.35 £64.45 £32.70

£0.65 £21.50 £45.80

© SQA 60
ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Name: Date:


blue green red yellow black

orange brown grey white pink

a Listen and fill in the missing colours.

1 She is wearing a __________skirt and __________


2 The __________ shirt is too small for her husband.

3 I’ve got a ___________ dress with a __________ belt.

4 These ___________ trousers are too short for me.

5 She left her __________ scarf and __________ gloves

in the classroom.

Now read the sentences with a partner.

b Write:
What are you wearing today?

I’m wearing ___________________________________




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1 She is wearing a blue skirt and black shoes.

2 The yellow shirt is too small for her husband.

3 I’ve got a green dress with a white belt.

4 These brown trousers are too short for me.

5 She left her pink scarf and grey gloves in the classroom.

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I’m looking for …

Have you got …?

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Can I try on …?

How much …?

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Name: Date:


I’m looking for a brown coat in size 14.

? Size 7

Have you got these boots in size 7?

Write the sentences:



I’m looking for ____________________________________

5 1/2

Have you got _____________________________________

UK 32 L


? L

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Answer key


I’m looking for a brown coat in size 14.

? Size 7

Have you got these boots in size 7?

Write the sentences:



I’m looking for a grey blouse in size 16.

5 ½

Have you got these shoes in size 5½?

UK 32 L

I’m looking for blue trousers in size 32 long.

? L

Have you got this jumper in large?

© SQA 66
ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Name: Date:

What do these symbols mean? Where can you see them?

Match the instructions to the symbols.

1 Handwash only

2 Hot iron

3 Dry clean

4 Do not wash

5 Dry flat

6 Tumble dry

7 Do not iron

8 Machine wash

9 Do not dry clean

10 Cool iron

11 Do not bleach

12 Do not tumble dry

© SQA 67
ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Answer key

What do these symbols mean? Where can you see them?

8 1 4

5 6 12

10 2 7

3 9 11

Match the instructions to the symbols.

1 Handwash only

2 Hot iron

3 Dry clean

4 Do not wash

5 Dry flat

6 Tumble dry

7 Do not iron

8 Machine wash

9 Do not dry clean

10 Cool iron

11 Do not bleach

12 Do not tumble dry

© SQA 68
ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Name: Date:

What is this?

Euro 38

Made in Turkey


09005 Black

100% Cotton

Complete the sentences.

1 This is for size _______.

2 It’s made of _______________.

3 It was made in _____________.

4 The colour is ____________.

What do the symbols mean? Complete the instructions below.

• Machine _____________ at 40°C.

• ______ ______ bleach.

• ___________ iron.

• Do not _______ _________.

• ______ ______ tumble _______.

© SQA 69
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Answer key

What is this? A clothes label


Euro 38

Made in Turkey


09005 Black

100% Cotton

Complete the sentences.

1 This is for size 10 (or 38 EU size).

2 It’s made of cotton.

3 It was made in Turkey.

4 The colour is black.

What do the symbols mean? Complete the instructions below.

• Machine wash at 40°C.

• Do not bleach.

• Cool iron.

• Do not dry clean.

• Do not tumble dry.

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Cash Desk
Fitting Room
Buy 1 get 1 free
Half Price

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Pay Here
Way In
Dressing Room
2 for 1
Way Out
50% off

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ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Name: Date:

Match the signs that have the same meaning. Use the

1 Cash Desk _____ 2 for 1

2 Entrance _____ Way Out

3 Fitting Room _____ 50% off

4 Womenswear _____ Pay Here

5 Buy 1 get 1 free _____ Childrenswear

6 Exit _____ Dressing room

7 Kidswear _____ Way In

8 Half Price _____ Ladieswear

© SQA 73
ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Answer key

Match the signs that have the same meaning. Use the

1 Cash Desk 5 2 for 1

2 Entrance 6 Way Out

3 Fitting Room 8 50% off

4 Womenswear 1 Pay Here

5 Buy 1 get 1 free 7 Childrenswear

6 Exit 3 Dressing Room

7 Kidswear 2 Way In

8 Half Price 4 Ladieswear

© SQA 74
ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Name: Date:

Look at the signs.

Skirts Girls’ Checked V–neck

£15.99 dresses shirts jumpers
from £10.99 from
£19.99 £12.99

Leather Cotton Hooded tops Silk

jackets trousers £14.99 blouses
£99.99 £25.99 £24.99

Find the prices of some of the clothes below.

© SQA 75
ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Answer key

Look at the signs.

Skirts Girls’ Checked V–neck

£15.99 dresses shirts jumpers
from £10.99 from
£19.99 £12.99

Leather Cotton Hooded tops Silk

jackets trousers £14.99 blouses
£99.99 £25.99 £24.99

Find the prices of some of the clothes below.

£99.99 £24.99


£15.99 from
£10.99 £12.99



© SQA 76
ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Name: Date:

Look at the signs.



c d

e f
we’re open
24 hrs h

Which sign tells:

1 the shop is open all day and night ____
2 where you can put old clothes ____
3 childrenswear is half price ____
4 where you can try on clothes ____
5 where you can go up to the next floor ____
6 where you can buy football boots ____
7 the way to the shops ____
8 the shop is selling some things cheaper ____

© SQA 77
ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Answer key

Look at the signs.



c d

e f
we’re open
24 hrs h

Which sign tells:

1 the shop is open all day and night g
2 where you can put old clothes d
3 childrenswear is half price b
4 where you can try on clothes a
5 where you can go up to the next floor h
6 where you can buy football boots e
7 the way to the shops c
8 the shop is selling some things cheaper f (and b)

© SQA 78
ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Copyright information pp.24 & 26

All images are © unless noted otherwise Apple – Carol Gomez
Eggs – Michael Zettler
Cover – [Provisionally] Joanne Green Carrots – ranplett
Bread – Stacey Newman
p.1 Milk – Kevin Thomas
Brad Killer Cheeses – John Peacock
Jam – Achim Prill
p.4 Onions – YinYang
Baker – Bart Broek Bananas – Christine Balderas
Greengrocer – David Cannings–Bushell Pepper – archives

p.5 p.28
Chemist – Frances Twitty Cheeses – John Peacock
ATM – Amanda Rohde Jam – Achim Prill
Cookies – Richard Hobson
p.6 Water bottles – doram
Newspaper stand – Paul Hart Bread – Stacey Newman
Butcher – Kyryl Rudenko Chocolate – Pali Rao
Milk – Kevin Thomas
p.7 Tea bags – Pawel Paciorek
Post Office – Peter Cox Baked beans – Shane White
Fishmonger – Ryan Kelly Eggs – Michael Zettler

p.10 p.30
Lemon – Jakub Semeniuk Tea – Beata Becla
Apples – Carole Gomez Cookies – Richard Hobson
Bananas – Christine Balderas Pots of jam – Anna Ivanova
Orange – Doug Cannell Soup – Malgorzata Korpas
Grapes – filonmar Wine bottles – Peter Mlekuz
Mushroom – ranplett Sardines – Millanovic
Tomatoes – filonmar Orange juice – Bill Grove
Peppers – archives Candy boxes – Robert Simon
Bread – Stacey Newman
p.11 Chocolate (organic) – Christophe Testi
Onions – YinYang Jug of water – Elena Loginova
Carrots – ranplett Eggs (dozen) – millanovic
Leeks – Louis Capeloto Ketchup bottle – Justin Horrocks
Pears – Jabuk Semeniuk Milk – Kevin Thomas
Cookies – Richard Hobson French fries – Kevin Thomas
Tea bags – Pawel Paciorek
Eggs – Michael Zettler p.33
Potatoes – John Steele Chicken – Benjamin Brandt
Tea bags – Beata Becla
p.12 Coffee – Claudio Baldini
Orange juice – Christopher O’Driscoll Potatoes – John Steele
Chicken – Benjamin Brandt Orange juice – Bill Grove
Roast beef – Douglas Freer Tinned tomatoes – Norman Chan
Salt – Andrew Johnson
Rice – Pontus Edenberg p.37
Sugar – Susan Trigg Potatoes – John Steele
Flour – Martin McElligott Ice cream – Christine Balderas
Ketchup – Stephen Mulcahey Carrots – ranplett
Onions – YinYang
p.13 Eggs – Michael Zettler
Cheeses – John Peacock Apples – Carol Gomez
Water bottles – doram Tinned tomatoes – Norman Chan
Jam – Achim Prill Milk – Kevin Thomas
Butter – Joe Potato Rice – Pontus Edenberg
Chocolate – Pali Rao Cheeses – John Peacock
Bread – Stacey Newman Baked beans – Shane White
Milk – Clauo Baldini Leeks – Louis Capeloto
Chicken – Benjamin Brandt
p.18 Tea bags – Pawel Paciorek
Apple – Christine Balderas
Apples – Carol Gomez p.39
Banana – ZoneCreative Lise Gagne
Bananas – Christine Balderas
Salt & pepper – Christine Balderas II p.41
Cheeses – John Peacock Khaki trousers – Jitalia17
Senior shopping – Don Bayley Coat – Igor Terekhov
Carton – Kevin Thomas Skirt – Sean Nell
Scarf – Leonid Nyshko
p.20 Jacket – Tore Johannsen
(left side) Boots – Adam Muir
Stamps – Gildedcage Jeans – Heidi Angelesey
Apples – Carol Gomez Dress – Igor Terekhov
Chicken – Benjamin Brandt
Fish – Floortje p.42
Pills – Stepan Popov Socks – Rafa Irusta
Newspaper – Angel Manuel Herrero Checked shirt – Jitalia17
Cookies – Richard Hobson T-shirt – Qizhi_He
Shoes – Trevor fisher
(right side) Gloves – Jill Chen
Bread – Stacey Newman Tie – Jose Antonio Santiso Fernandez
Pen – Dlhunter Jumper – Alexander Kalina
Lipstick – Pali Rao Blouse – Alexander Kalina
Crab – Amanda Rohde
Envelopes – Gabor Izso
Tomatoes – filonmar
Roast beef – Douglas Freer

© SQA 79
ESOL Literacies Access 2: Shopping

Jacket – Tore Johannson
Coat – Igor Terekhov
Shoes – Trevor Fisher
Gloves – Jill Chen
Jeans – Heidi Anglesey
Tie – Jose Antonio Santiso Fernandez
Boots – Adam Muir
Socks – Rafa Irusta

Jumper – Alexander Kalina
Skirt – Sean Nell
Khaki – Jitalia17
T-shirt – Qizhi_He
Blouse – Alexander Kalina
Checked shirt – Jitalia17
Scarf – Leonid Nyshko
Dress – Igor Terekhov

Sunglasses – Guillermo
Jumper – Alexander Kalina
Dress – Igor Terekhov
Suits – David Freund
Checked shirt – Jitalia17
Blouse – Alexander Kalina
Khaki trousers– Jitalia17
Skirt – Sean Nell
Handbag – Trevor Fisher
Gloves – Jill Chen
Jacket – Tore Johannson
Boots – Adam Muir
Socks – Rafa Irusta
Shoes – Trevor Fisher
Pyjamas – Ekaterina Monakhova
Coat – Igor Terekhov

Handbag – Trevor Fisher
Checked shirt – Jitalia17
Coat – Igor Terekhov
Suits – David Freund
Khaki trousers – Jitalia17
Pen – Dlhunter
Sunglasses – Guillermo Lobo
Scarf – Leonid Nyshko
Pyjamas – Ekaterina Monakhova
Watch – Long Ha
Blouse – Alexander Kalina
Hat – Pederk

Jumper – Alexander Kalina
Gloves – Jill Chen
Cap – Jamaludin Abu Seman
Socks – Rafa Irusta
Jacket – Tore Johannson
Belt – asterix0597
Tie – Jose Antonio Santiso Fernandez
Boots – Adam Muir
Dress – Igor Terekhov
Pencil – Jill Fromer
Skirt – Sean Nell
Alarm clock – Anna Yu

Brown jacket – Danish Khan
Cowgirl – Lee Pettet

Brown jacket – Danish Khan
Boots – Adam Muir
Blouse – Alexander Kalina
Stilettos – Trevor Disher
Jeans – Anika Salsera
Jumper – Alexander Kalina

Brown jacket – Danish Khan
Silk top – Louise Aguinaldo
Black dress – Paul Piebinga
Trousers – Greg Christman
Child’s dress – Becky Abell
Skirt – Sean Nell
Checked shirt – Jitalia17
Light brown top – Brad Killer
Green shirt – Lori Lee Miller
Khaki trousers – Jitalia 17
Dress – Igor Terekhov
Hooded top – Ian McDonnell

© SQA 80

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