10min Yoga Workout

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Power Tone your

Body from Top
to Toe

ll surr qora rllosH rro^ PUo 060^ 61 re1doL.13
B9 t uor+olrPow ; 1 reldoq3
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sef,uoloB puo; o6o1 eL1_;
lVt, 6 re1doL13
t Poruo^PV g reldoq3
gl 6urL1:1er1g ro^ od 7 reldoq3
puo +sn€ 'surv rnol 6uruol romod n ,=,.1n, ,r
Lg )roN
t9 ourllsroM PUO
JJtrplw 'slourLLropqV rnol 6uruoy reMod !^ re+uulJ
lv sluoLuo^ow roolj - ll lrod
:Lr.rol+og puo sL16r91 ;no1 6uruo1 reMod + r:rr']nr rr
6a sotruoloE o6o1- ; +ro;
:LUollog puo sqOrLll rnol 6uruog reMod n :,r]n',r
g l olfolrw olnurLU_uel poruo^pv orli ^..1^,^
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t lotluess;
,^ ,J^ ,^
6ururoy17 rno1 - elrorw o+nurLu-uol otll L ru+uu9J
!!^ uotpnPo4ul
t^ quawe6pel,ttoulrv
.'\ Hrief'\\'ord Aboul \oqa
The word yoga means union o{'body, mrnd and spirit with the
universal spirit. The yogis of ancient India realized that for perfect
health and inner peace, both body and mind must work together in
perfect harmony. Yoga's combination of intricate physrcal postures,
dae^ hrearhino evorcises, balances. relaxation and meditation are the
oerfect discioline to relieve stress, calm the mind and tone the entire
body, both inside and out.

In his c, rpct t. p2rn do more and have more, modern man

sub;ects hrmself to rncreased physical and mental stress. The pace of
life is now so fast that few of us have time to enioy the present
mompnt :nd irrst he

Continued stress on both body and mind increases our vulnerability to

.licarca I l.fnrr rrn:1eki :ltholoh
'- ha. - ' I- -^"-
*r llldug ^-^-:^ -
lltattY atttaltttY
breakthroughs rn the West over the last hundred years, the focus

a continues to be on treatrng diseases and not their causes. This rs

a where yoga can heip us ali so much. Stress or tension literally
.1 strangles our bodies, inhibiting biood flow to our tissues. Yoga's
beautiful physical movements, combined with deep breathing
= exercrses, will carefully rrd the bodr oI tension and stimulate oxygen
- rich blood to our cells, so provrdrng them with the nutrients that they
require. As well as toning all our muscles, the physical exercises will
also strengthen our bones and keep our spine and joints flexible. The
lymphatic system, which fights infectron and carries away toxins, is
inhibited during times of stress, but as yoga carefully smoothes away
the tension, it can resume its natural functions.

lugd 5 ^-r-;^^ k'l'-^^s necessitate tremendous concentration and
rll lg ualot lLs

so they take the mind offits day-to-day activities, giving it a rest.

The most difflcult thing to discrpline, however, is the human mind.
Here again yoga offers us many techniques, from breathing exercises
to relaxation and meditation, which may be used to calm a turbulent
mind. Cradually and with continued practrse the combined drscrpline
of the exercrses together with the breathrng and meditatron will help
us Lo achieve Lhe peace and calm we desire. And just as stress rnhrbrts
our energy flow, a calm and peaceful mind will lead to abundant
energv and thar genuine 'good to be alive feeling.
euv ro qcrllr lr8r--r
rl d9+
^"' )s vJ Ya))<Je) /\l''rua' ru€5 'pFoX
':lnh:r nt rl.rPotdde
lrEd lrJBra lpcrlcerd eJo alor^ lleluel€d lxal E8o^ l€tcnjc € are
'CV00Z pu€ f g00Z uaamlaq u?tlrru\ 'sertns e3o1 srlefueled aq-L
'llp sn stca#P tellt alllPq € sr srql lelll
sMor1s ll ssaulrep pue lqBrl-1o sarJoJ aq.I uaaMtaq alleq e'lnos aLltJo
rrrnnFr torttonFt
*-r - -.A .-.r .rl) e-Jo alnraql roJ a|leq reajS PJo sllal ll 'poD
ur s8urqr lle pue s8urqr ul poD puu ol rr Surdlaq 'lnos uPLIrnq aLll Jo
-c<-,,^ -\ '--nna
alddnllsaqlJOSlla.I rrtottFt ttrpn prtn
rn-ap *.-r.,:+,r -,.J ncnpFpt tc:t
Jduu:,..--1- F- -" -ro. ll
' , 'i ..'.....,'..'.i.:'.': l.'
,'uollDltpau stq
al Sutpro)rD ptDMat slLl soq aq 'qUDa slql ua ssauJDar4 sa^atLpD
uDLu o uaqlA'uotlDltpallt ut aq ol llD aaas suaADaL/ aql puD
{4s ary puD sutt)iunoLu aLF puo sraloM aql PUD :uanolpaw luals ul
lsa-! 01 sLuaas Lluoa aqJ'lqSncw uoqt nqStq q1ru1 D st uollDypaw,
',no^ urqlr^^ sl poC
Jo LUoPSury aql luaLu€lsal 1^ aN aqlJo }€Ll] LI]IM par€dLuoJ aq u€c
sppLlslJedn aqLJo IIds aLl L sj€a^ aql la^o uol.lelauaS ol LollejauaF
LUo+ uo PassPd uaag s€LI e8o,{ ,tnoq sl slql 'slldnd slu slcnrlsur nJna
.{"- ,-,,,-/l^
'^' '"^ S'
ro rJlseLu Jql arrLl^\ '-.1^
dulllls e saqllJSaP AlleJalrl PeqslueoTl pjo^^ aLJI
3goot pu€ oo8 uaaMlaq uallrrn 'sPpLlsruPdn aLJl paMolloJ araM
stxat asalll Sgoozl 000€ LUo+'srPa^ 000'z lnoqP pauueds aneq o1
Luaas asaql pue 'sPp?n aLll araM e8o,{ SuruorluaLu slxal lsallJPa aql
f g0o0q punor€ ol Surl€P uollezrlrnrl Pacue^pe ,{;an e palEa^ar
surnr asaql uElsrY€d ul sall
ou leLl] €arP uE ul PIPUI clrolslqard
ur surnJ aluos Jo uorlenerxa aLll SuunP aJnlsod e8o,{ e Surlcrdap
para^ocsrp araM sl€as ]nq 'PalEUtSlJo e8o,{ uaqnt' rPalcun sl 1l
','}C.r, ill 5\i!]iXC :lii
lle sn urqlM sr teL]t ssaurddeq pue qll€aLl rnrl aql SulPUU PUP
JOnelrlear Jlas 8ur^arqre (lleuu'slJullsul ln3 lno ol uJlsll PUP 'luaLUoLU
luasa,rd aLll (olua ot.lrp.is uJql aM ssaulddeLl pue -rno loJ saAlJSJno
aplsur Llcreas ol purl'rl Jno Sururldrcsrp ',ult-lll^^ 3ur1oo1, uo alerlualuoc
pue sa:nseald rno roJ aJaqmasla 3ut1oo1 dols ant ',{11en1uan3
Resiro int, observance, pasture, breath-cantrol, sense w ithdrawol.

concentratian, meditotive absorption and enstaslt are the eight

members oJ yoga

i\ion horming, truthfulness, ncn-stealing, chastrty and greedless-

ness are the restr1nts.

These eipht limbs wer. - ^--r | d)- - d-

.. -. i -llut-' rrgdluru
Ldu' to be climbed one
rung at a time, but more the necessary ingredients in the recipe for
[fe. The ancrent / "5 " realized that life can be a drfficu]t and
* '" .- _ vosis
l: :^l:^ - gutoe
--l clsclpilnes - :J- us
- _,.,tr,,-
enmnlin:red,o, ,rnerr hr ri itc earefr,l teaehinos .....5- anc
rrur n,,r n>rh
pJLrr. Thoy
,rrL) h^-1 - I ,^^ , ,-.1^-,
rldudUffPUl r--1,6.
lu(l 5tdl -:n's n2lrrrp 2n.]
lulllgur^t lllo.lJllutu.LJl ru
r ho
-,.,]-h^,1r, .^..o.rinn enr] thav rierrice.l thr< c\/ctpm ro heln
,.. ^(, -;- I L-^^;-^.. .-/]lU -or.a njU minr]
I ll,l lu, :<
o) ,nrall
\\! t. st .o.G.rlv rnnoA
U) UULAII I ldPPll lg)> Gl PLoLL I sr PL. rLLLr) Lvr r\ u

healthy body.

Tirr F iqni l-imhs of Yogr

I Yomos
These ore guidelines necessory for our morol conduct cnd
ore the bosic principles of right living ond restroint, they ore
no violence, steoLing or envy ond they commond us to be
truthful with both others ond ourselves. Yogo tecches us thot
hoppiness is not in externol obiects but within ourselves ond
thci ihe spirit of God is wilhin eoch one of us.

2 Niyomos
These ore the personol disciplines of dcily life. They ore
cleon iness of mind ond body, purity, contenlment, study,
work ond devotion io God or the universol spiril. Yogo
teoches us thot the body is the temple of the spiril cnd
keeping the body in perfect condition is our du!.

3 Asonos
These ore the yogo exercises or posiures. lt is soid thot
lhere ore 840,000 of theml These movements work the
entire body, freeing it from tension, loning ond firming ond
strengthening every muscle, internol orgon ond glond. The
lelooll s)ool pDorlo Ao,u eqt puo roeddo
soopr ,l,neu'peqsr;duo:lD sr sLl+ ueqM urlor puo
-s:oad lee1 sn 6utdleg ,o1ll sarnssetd e!+ LUotJ spujuJ rro
6uroetl io1 looi lnpe,trod o sr uoilol pew uo +olrpeLr.r sr srrll
ouolLl6 I
llourn+ lo lsP ul
otll ul uo^e lsote+ut 1o 1:elqns o uo sntro1 puo olorluotuol ol
oigo sr euo Alloniue^e +oq+ os sdolenep .seruoloq
lll)s srql
e!+ 6ururo1rod e1rL1,r,r lods euo lsnl uo o1ollueluof ol purul
eg+ euildrrslp.{eq1 gtod slW uo sn jjols soruo;oq o6o1
'urng ol Ll6noue euotroq ,{eq+ puo sAor eqi elorl
-uef uol lnq '6ururo,n,r oq ,ofo1.rrs
llrM sAor eql epr,t,n o lo^o
poerds ueqM uns eLl+ sAor orll o)ll sr purLU ol1l purLU eql
1o 6u sn:ol puo uorlorluotuof luolsuol
1o ro,uod orl+ sl slLlt
ouoroLlo g
Lr.rlDr puo
1n1e:oed eurorog
Apoq puo purLU ell '6urL1+oerq rno uo 6uriorluoruo: ,(q
puo 'sluoulo^oLLi or1l op ol.,l so Xpoq lno uo 6urlotluetuor
Aq +nq 'slqOnoqt puo slrelqo Ljll,n,t tuor.Lo^lo^ul
puo uorlolluof uof rno ololrssoreu se +r^rlf o ,{1top rno
lsoyy ou.lo,(ouord puo souoso eLll 6ulsrlrord Xq pe,rorLlto
s! slql u.rlor puo o:oad euo anr6 ol ur!lrM
Jlos orj+ o+
piro^^ lDU.relxe eL_ll LUotJ sesues e!+ ell s! s1r1l
Jo lDMOrpr.lllM
orotlo{or4 g
.rno lor+uof o1 6urq+oerq lno esn ol nnoLl sn seq:oe1 o6o1
,,v,o11 z(6reua eLlt 6ur11orluotr, suoeLU ouLoAouord prol.,t orll
puru.r eql eLJloos puo Llrlor puo,(poq eql ezrOreuo ol ,ller
,{rer,e o1 ue6,(xo 6ur,rO-e111 ololnLUris o1 o6o,4 ,, ,"r,r,"*"
6urqtoerq Auou ero ereLll
lorlu03 Llloarq s,o6o,( sl slrll
ourolouo.16 y
orood puo ssoujllis o^erLllo
o+ puru orll sulor+ uololrpoLu puo ,uorsuei lruorrjt
1o Apog
otll splr puD purut orl+ sulol uorloxDlor daeq .snto1 puo
uol+olluoluo: 1o to,nnod oLli sn []f Del seln+sod 6ur:uo1oq
8 Somodhi
This is the result of our ioiol efforts ond is the experience of
enlightenment ond bliss, llving in the present moment, ond
the reclizoiion thoi we con monifesi wholever we wish. The
mind becomes full of loy ond peoce. lt is the stote of union
with the universol spirit or God.

Another very important yoga rext is the Hatl-a Yoga Pradipika

rr'-irrar hv Sva'marama i-r the l6th century. The legend of rhe origin
of this book is as follows:

'Coddess Parvatr, the wi/i af Lord Siva appraached her Lord the
seed of all knawledge for guidance to ease all the sulferings of
humanity. Lord SLva then revealed to her the greatest of all scL-

ences fbr the hollstic developmert of rnan the science oi hatha

l::' ',I\,r.'i:

Thrs knowledge was then passed on from guru to pupil unti1,

eventually, Svatmarama wrote it down in the Pradrpika. Hatha Yoga
is the yoga most commonly practised in the West today. It is the
physical aspect o[ yoga The aim is lo perfect the health o[ Lhe body
and mind by physical exercises, balances, deep relaxation, medrtation
and breath control. and dietary observances.

Anyane who actively practises yoga be he young, old or even very

old sickly or weak canbecome a siddha fobtain yoga beneJits and
powersl . Anyone who practises con acquire siddhis, but not he
who is lazy. Yoga siddhis are rtot obtained by merely reading

'hlar are ttey re-ached by weartng ))ogo gorments, or by

conversations abaut yoga, but an/y through tireless practise.
This ts the secret of success. There ls no doubt about it.'
'a^rl no^ araqM reau Buruunr sassPll
Ol lJuULl\,^/\JU' Inl^r r-^(
JIIO^ Ul 'il rl rlrr\a
UuqlJJllJg nn1ilpt -r ,.--- nn^ )nr-)t I tq,-JU
^1 luJol luol -
e e\J
r 'nlr( ror sv roM f s9r duu yulj r
I !^
rv/\ "1' r ssprr
rrclJ p ror r:ltp2s ,{rdr urs
v "v. \ Jv+ lrlur
.^, .' .- 1'
a.lrnD -9^1
sJaqcuat udon luallJJxa dLUOs aie ajaql '-^,l,lh
' sj€aoc€ allo
'^-' I na{
rJoJlos '-,.1 €y , I, ,u, . \rf ^' €.'"
'. vf ' 'r
^"n i ' "-.' --uo lsllL,aP e ol lJqLunld
e Luo$ asla aurql^ra^a pu! or 8ur^l] arlll rlq e aq IlrM srqr reql
prele LUe I rno^ or aq lllM reLlr ssPlr e puu no^ uPtr MoLl lnfl
asr.IJerd p6o^ Luo{ Alsnopuar-ual ruauaq ueJ auo^rana tPLll Jallaq Luru
I',' -'
/\u -"^('-'^
r' .ve/\)o/\a
Jr -ll vor;r.lpnp\p
r olYclrL. nr
rp:rop(oll la )tcpDl lprslanun su
crrrvYur ' e8o^
aleLu ot Paul a^ell I aLurl srrll lnoLl8nojL.l I lJe luarfue Jql uo dLuels
lenpl^rPrll LLu -Ind a^€Ll I Mou,{q s"reaA 0g la^o loJ Surqrea] uaaq
a^eLl I aJUrs leq] asoddns I LlJeal I eSoAJo llos]eqM ol se Sulrlnbul
-,J^^,1 -,,^,,,-l -" ,^, .9,,,.-"'-- 1'-. 1r
- rlLroau LUrr+ sllcJ ruuLlo anlaJar uauo dulSnJUoJ AJan aq "n\
-^ ueJ ^^{
non llns
rr r 'cRn,( rrpo ( ^
rd I^ AUeLU
_-_t-r p_ Fr
. , eqor
- _:r rrr r rp:r or a:r -1-
-" ,.. Rr_:-1- -...JOp aL]lJO aSn€JAfl
tcallatur aLIt Jo €3o^ arJt €3oA eu€Llf a
.uor tonaP Jo ?3o^ rLll eAoA rl'lPqB
'r rol rrp rn pf;on >r rt - pFot pr I rp\l !,)
:purui aqtJo €3o^ aqt €3oA€f€U
:apnlcur srrroJ raqlo 'lsaM aql ur
e8o,{3o LUroJ pasrlcerd lsour alll sureLUar e8o,{ eLllep altqg
'plJo^ uraPot.ll
lnJrapuoM puP SunrJXa JnoellJ srrll ur Alr.]lleall a^rl noX dlaq ueJ eSoX
'uosPal aLJl JaAal€qM 'sssrls anallal ol allos 'lJeq SulLlle uE arnc
ol auos 'adpqs,(poq rraqf anordLul ol XldLUrs aluoc aujos 'suos€ar
asra\rp JoJ u,rea1
ot sassPlJ olut SutJnod aJp saaP
pue 'e8o(
lleJo sluapnrs Llalll aLurl llP u€ ]e sr 1r Aepol pu€ u^^or8 seq €8oX ul
lsaralur uaql ?curs pu€ Arnlual Llluaalaulu aqlJo pua aql lE ]saM alll
rrr 1r:rrr rp asaql ro 2q-a' r) rlral
adPJlMOUl r^uJrlluJ al
-: -rp:dde -;]Xal ]ual)ue
- --- or rroF:n: qrv)r :q:r r'rJo
,tr:pcj *fr4
Cuidelines for l)ractising \bgii
You need very little equipment fbr your yoga practise so it is easy to
fir rn with any lifestyle. Once you have learnt your basic movements
you can do them at home or on holiday. Your yoga will go wrth you
wherever you go. Having said this, there are a f,ew basic guidelines
that you should take note ofbefore you start.

c You need a warm airy room if you are practising inside, but in
warmer climates it is wonderful to do your yoga in the fresh air in
the warmth of the early morning or evening. Never practise in the
heat ofdirect sun.

o You need a mat or blanket to sit on. My preference is for a bianket or

thick warm mat for rnternal practice. However, if you are practising
yoga outside, perhaps on a beach, you need a waterproof mat to
keep you clean and dry.

C Wear loose clothing, ideally a leotard and leggings for women, or

C leggings and a close fitting t-shirt. Jogging bottoms or shorts and
a t-shrrt are best for men. If you are outdoors in a warm climate,
o your swimsuit is just fine.
o Bare feet are essential for yoga practice.

c Always wait at least two hours after a main meal before you practise

at The golden rule of yoga is never ever to strain. Don't worry if you
are stiffand uncoordinated to start with. This is quite normal. Just
persevere, work at your own pace and you will be defighted at how
quickly your body responds to the movements and how much more
flexible you are after only a fbw weeks of practise. You will start to
feel better almost immediately and will soon be delighted with your
new svelte shape.

o Although yoga is fbr everyone, if you have any health concerns it is

always wise to check with your doctor before you begin.

'^Ep aql ol l;Pts Sutzr8-raua
lnJraPUoM e a;e ,4aq1 Apog lnoA
ur alcsnLu ztrana l.11enutn 8utuo1 allLl.M algxag pue Suo"rls l.11ear sluloI
pue aurds ;no,{ daal 11rnt,{aq1 asaq}Jo auo L1}rr,t Lep .{"rana 1;e1s
o1 noL alrl plnom I slrdnd pacue^pp aJoLl roJ auo puP s-rauurBag ;o3
auo 'salcerilnj alnurlU ualjo aorogc p ral]o asaqa z PUe I sjatdeq3
'sacuanbas alnurLu-g1 s€ ]no las aJp yoog stLll
Jo I tr€d ur s;aldeqc aqr ,{qnn sl silll ,{ep e e8o,{ s,rnor..{ u€ op ol aLUII
an€r1 ,ttal L1cn1 e ,(1uo leql aalear pue sldnd Lr,u ot Buruatstl aLrlltJo
to1 e ruads aneq 1 s"reaA gg ,{peau ro1 eSoX rqBnet pue PatPnls Surnep-1
{ lXV{}
iloog sFlI Sursn
'asou allt qFno"rgl l.11nlacead pue l.pulec
aLllparq 'suotltsod aql ur alrqM 'JUaLUanoLU aul olut oB noL sE asou
aqt q8no;qt ,{ltatnb pue ,{1nto1s aleLJXa pue a:n1sod eJo ]r€ls al.ll le
asou aqt q8no"rqr Lldaap aJequr nol. se 1no r-1snd ot sJputl-LloPge :no,
al ru,o11e Llrua8 'a1n.r 1e;aua8 € sV asou aqt qBnorqr auop sl Butqlealg
'sua1s,{.s arrlua Jno aztBrcua pu€ 'llac L:ana o1 ua8,{xo alelnLulls o}
dlaq ol lualuanou ,{;a,ra g}m ,(1daap aLllearq a,m 'eFo,{ u1 'Sutglea;g i:
'ls€J yc€q Surt uoc ,{8;aua pue adeqs
"rnoL pug 11rnt no,{ uoos pu€.{1rua8 o3 L;a,rr1ap;noL3o arnleu aqlJo
Jallo€al ;no,( ru"rojur uaql 'actlce:d e8o,( ;noL acuaLuLuocal o1 no,{ ;o3
Lddeq sr Jolcop "rnoL jl actlce:d eBo,{:no,{ zcualuLllocal no,( a:o3aq
dn-1caqc yaaM-xrs :no,{;atje lrlun lt€M 'qr"rrg s,,{geq arp Surritollog 1.,
'(g21 a8ed aas 'srqt uo arolu "rog) ,{cueu8a;d ,ro3 alqelrnsun
pailreLu slualUanour aql Eurllruuo XlluaB ,{-ran eSoX astlcp,rd ol lJ€ls
,{pu-r no,( uaqr ,{ddeg sr rotcop ;no,{ pue y6 sr 8uru1ilra^aJI sYaaM
ql lnog€ 1e dn lcaqc "rno,{"ra13e lrtun lr€nt aseald uaql 'arojaq e8o,{
,{ue auop tou aneLl pue lueuBa,rd a:e noX31 'AcupuBa"rd pue e3o1 !,1
'luJuJ leal I s,-rolrop rno,{
roJ palnllsqns eq Janau 1snu.{aql "tanaMoH 'suotltpuoc uteuoc
roJ lercuauag Ll;plncrl-red aJe slualuanoLu aLuos pu€ ull€all :no,{ -ro3
poo8 sr e3o1 luauulparl s.rolcop .rnoA ;o3 eBor( alnltlsgns ra^aN a
After this fit Chapters 3-6 into your schedule to suit your own
individual requirements and time available. One chapter a day would
be great. If you do have time, even just once a week, to do all six
lO-minute chaprers. then that would give you a perfect balanced
work-out for mind and body.

Chapter 3
Thrs sequence concentrates on yoga balances. These
tone and firm and strengthen every muscle in the legs and bottom.
-fhor, >lcn rarnh ' ^- J r'^ - ^^ I L 'l^
'rc tha
-, ., |nnrrrar
. nf enneenlratie
--.Jl I dl lu luL uJ dl lu I I(lP
us clear ano concenrrate the mind.

cL^^+^- a-l)
urrdPLsr A t' ^^ -:^-l hr
rrogrlo. ronino
.D' rhe- rhiohs
- and bottoms
,,- and
- reallv
'* /
delivers results. It is also great for smoothing out cellulite.

Chapter 5 This is your abdominal sequence. It really tones and

firms the abdominals and slims the midnfFand the waistline.

Chapter 6 This chapter deals with arms, necks and bust. These
movements are not only dramatic in the way they tone and firm the
arms and the muscles that support the bust, but are also excelient for
correcting posture, gettrng rid of tension in the neck and shoulders,
:nd re:lionino the -r'ti"'
"' '.5 " '"

txRt i;
The exercises in Part IIwrll take a little longer Chapters B and 9
should not be atrempted untrl you have mastered all the preceding
movements and can do them with ease.

Chapter 7 -The Power Stretches willtake you about 20 30

minutes and this sequence is fantastic before you go to sleep at night
or any time at all when you feel stressed and frazzled It ends with
deep relaxation that will calm both body and mind. It is also greal to
do after any ofthe other sequences in this book.

Chapter 8 your advanced class. lt is most rmportant that you

don't erren attemnt these movements llnlrl vorr feel verv comfortable
with the preceding chapters. This is a powerful body toning, firming
,-,,,, Jt tl--r,.
>rA onoroizin .nr^rL^,,r tnat ls f.-trcr,^
ranrasLlc l^".,61
lol y- ,r shane and flevihilit
. ',. ,,,"y.
1e3o1;no,{ ,{ofuE
'op s€ qcnlu se ll anol oJ auoc
noL adoq ] 'aLuoc o1 s:ea,{ Luer-u -ro3,{1rp1rn pu€ tllleaq luerPer o} no,{
dlaL1 11r,tt '1arp ,{i1t1eaq € qttM raq}a8ol 'uollezlJensln pue uoll€}lPaul
'uorl€x€lal daap'sanbtuqcal Butqlea;q'sarnlsod Surlueleg'saslJraxa
Surzeuue3o uorl€urglrroc luerllrrq sr1 '8uraq-11ant PUP qlleaq antltsod
Surlor-uo:d ;og r-uatsls lnJJapuom ]sou; aql sr e3o1 Pall€ls la8 o] 1e,nn
luec noz( pue alrladde "rno.{ paltaqnt anPLl J^\ou,{q feql adoLl op I
,.j 'sLualqord tltleaq rgrrads
ll€ra^o -rno ano;du-;t Allenpe,r8 uec ]t ,tlol1 pu€
a LueLu qtrm sn dlaq upc e8o,{ Llclqm ut (ent aq} sa;o1dxa 71 ;ardeq3
'pasnroJ pup ullec 'paxplar nol. daal dlaq o1 lool lnJramod stq] asn
upc no,{ A\oL1 pup uorl€llpalu Jo aruelroduul al.Jl sar1cea} 11 ;ardeq3
';ana adeqs lsag rtaql ol aldoad3o spu€snoql '{.1p;alt1
padyaq spLl i1crlln,t ueld larp leuos.rad uru'o ,{r-u ,{:1 o1 acueqf, e sl aJaLII
l,1r1e1rn pu€ r1tleaq rno,{ plrnq lll,tr tellt spooj 8ur}ca1as 3o acuel;odurr
aql sazrseqdlua PU€ 'laip PUE eSoA sassncstp g1 -tardeq3
'sasrcraxa aqt puoAag e8o,{3o slcadse l€ tlool a,v''1ed slql u1
ill lxvd
'a8ed auo uo lnoyJom a:t1ua :noX aas uec
no,{ sluauuanour aql lureal an€Ll noA uaqnt lPLll os lreLlc ?cuaraJar
lcrnb e ll pup I sued ur raldeqr L.lJ€aJo PUa alll ]€ pul1 III&\ no1
raqlo aLJlJo.{-ialseuu paureB aneq no,,( uaqm 'aLUI} € lP auo 'asalll
apnlcur ,{eu,"r no1 saf,upl€g pueq e8o,{;no,{ qtr,tt sleap 5 ;ardeq3
( n(7+ (v/A\\ <14
tr)) (?

lP @ 11 u J_LJ_r \/

, . :::.

Daily Ten-minUte Sequences
,,*'\ i ? i-"'\. i:-'1
i:-,1 :..,i \,-:
'1s;:t7 VutL1:t:
ut3 tl ;/t\ oldr:er| ca riTaq sfiatluaulaLi o ,q LlaJ Puo nbiauaf selfluftq noi antl 'L;t1tt;rxeN
pr;a ednq-r tnaL att;:dtut \lcatE litra lf iop.tnr:{. },tp}s cl aruanfas loapt ua st 3i}c-tt'!/'"1 a}ttLt.tt:;
-uq.! eqj'{np rr;r l-iri-r l}l Lrolltpuo) lta{tetl u, sr .lr arns' sa}Dlr; pt.tc t}{"}tsL}a},{o pi, s.;aF s;q I
'rrl cJ c!r:1 t:.it.t{ ipL}q stt saLlu?}1s
}! ilsat o -ta$'o dr,' a:1n,tr laLutuc uD pal,riJirrl1 ra^d nt;\ at\r}H
i,} Lti{*3.,i {.1 i-,i.i ,, : ',,
L-.i I i-"l-j ,, : :
-- l- i;;i i
The Energi zing Breath 2
This is a wonderful breathing exercise. It is a great tonic when done first thing in the
morning, but it will give you that'good to be alive' fleeling anytime anywhere.

It^ Srand srraip-rt. wrth your Get together. Place your

I finger r-ips interleaved under your chrn with your elbows

Inhale slowly through your nose for a count of 5. As you

do this bring your elbows up as hrgh as possible. Feel the
breath at the back ofyour throat.

O Ce"rlv let r our head drop back and exhale slow'y and
2t rhorouqhly throuqh your nouth Ar the end of the
exl-alaLron. slowly bring your elbows rogether as your
head slowly reLurns to its normal position

Repeat this cycle 5 times to begin with, increasing to

10 times as you become used to the movement.

This movement sounds simple, but standing straight and moving your head back can be
quite dfficult at first. Please don't worry. Many people have a lot of tension in their necks,
but as you progress in yoga you will find it becomes easier. AIso, some people feel dizzy or
light-headed at first. If so, start by doing the movement only 2 times and take your head
just a tiny way back, gradually building up to 5 times as you progress.

Because of our sedentary lifestyle, most people use less than one third of their lung Ben
capacity. This wonderful movement helps to increase lung capacity, so increasing the )a:
oxygen supply to all our cells.This will give you energy and help to relieve stress. :e 1:
'4)oq ra$ol aql ut uotsual
Eursoalat puD 'aurqslon puo llrtptu aql 8uruo1 puo Surututrls tot luor1tlJq s! q4a4s stql A
slgfauag OL
']uaLUanou-l asPa Lllr^^
arrlua aql leada"r uaql puP 'apis Jaqlo alll u€r no^ se rPJ sP lsnl o3 'ure;1s l,uoq '3a1
ol ]uaLuanoLu alll leadau x€laJ puP LUle ga1 ;no,{ u^\op puEl1 ga1 :no,{. Surprls 'aprs P
'aleqxa no,,( J
rno,{ rarvrol aleLlxf uorltsod rq8udn Ual allt oJ rano puaq ,{1rua8
up ol uinrrrAlmols pJe alequl ssa:8o.Ld sV rp aql ur pueLl rq8rl rno ( gtl pue Aldaap
noL se g1 o1 Sutsea:cul 'EJo ]unoc alequl sprenuoy 3urre, saot rno,{ Lrede -'
e ro3 uorrrsod aqr plot-l Alleuro-L Surqrea;g laal € tseal 1e s8al "rnoX ullrn.n tq8re:ts puet5
qrlarts sABMeprs Z
3 Head to Knee Posture
This is a great stretch for your spine and it also helps to correct imbalances in
the lower back.

Srard srraighr with your legs rogether lnhale and lift your
arms up above your head. Place the palms of your hands
together and strelch your body upwards. Thrs is great for
helping to realign your spine and releasing tension from
your entire body.

As you lower your arms, exhale slowly through your nose

Repeat the movement. Now place your right foot about 3
feet in front of your left foot.


f) Inhale and Ift your arms up above your head with your
a Zr palms together. As you exhale with your head up, back
flat and legs strarght, start to move forwards aiming
your chin just past your knee.
Don't worry if you are nowhere near this position to start
with. Just relar in your maximum position and stay there
for a count of 5, breathrng normally. Take note of your
maximum stretch on this side.

'autllstol puDlltrptLu aqt sLulls puD (ruollog aql PUD sa\lDc Puo sq3!q1
aqi lo stlcDg aql surlJf tJ 'tlcDq ra/Aol aqt ut saruologLut Jcarror oJ sdpq luarua\ow stqJ
aPrs srLlt oFPUeLU aLll ol luaLUa,\oLU aLll lEaaaH xPlai pu€ surlE
u€l no.\ r€J,\\oLlJo alou aI€I tqFu aLFJc rnc,( ra,r'ro1 'al€Llx= uorlsod tqFudn rno,(
luc{ ui laal g looJ }?l lno,{ Fr.lrreld aPIS iaLllc ot u-tnta-l .,<,1,,vr,c1s 'peaq rnc.n, ;-ur1tl 'pue . '' E
4 Forwards and Backwards Bend

Stand strarght with your feet about a foot apart, your loes
[ar-ino forr,'ards Inhale deenlv ard slowlv ,,,t liFr vour arms ln

rhe air. srretching them upwards txhale slowlv through

r he naca 2q \ -r |
-.rre e:lmlr, :nd oenrlrz fonrr:rdc Lean,no
your back flar and your legs str aighr.

Rel:v in-r\/.r-_.rr m2yrmr

. rrr '- ':*: '^lot-^tuI >Lcy
..tPU)tttul '- -L^It(r!.--' hrearhino
,. ---.....5
normally. Don't worry if your maximum position rsn't very
lar in rhe heoinn,no lt r,r,ill ,,.,1 ,
',,, it--rnrnve ,''' rha
nr ricke' .,,*n VoU Can
imagrne. Do not strain vourself

Breatl-inq rormalN. stay in the maximum positron for a ;
Zr 66g111 of 5, increasrng to l0 as you progress. Eventually
your chin will be on your shin. Again, Lhis mighr seem
impossrble ar first, but wrth practise you'll geL Lhe-e, I

Benefits 3
An excellent stretch, this gently releases tension from the whole body and ensures
wonderful flexibility of the spine. It tones the legs, especially the backs of the thighs, firms
the abdomen, midriff, waistline and throat. It is great for the skin and hair because it
increases circulation in these areas.
'acuo ]uaLUanoLU slql leada>l uorltsod LUn[trxeLU :noA ut Surpqxa
'x€lar puE strrr€ rno^ raMol 'alellx= .uolJlsod 'spre^\Iceq .{1}ua8 x-e1a; ot UPls 'sqLunLll 1!
lq8udn ue ol uJntar Apols pu€ alequl ;no,{ uo saXa -rno,,\ Surdaay peaq :no,{ .s
ualll E roJ Ll3]aJls spJe,\\lcPg anoqe dn paqf,larls spueq :no,{ qtr,tr uottrsod s
E Jo lunoc
rno,( p1oL1 KlleLu.rou Surqlea:g q}m ur8ag o1 rq8r,rdn u€ olur A1,uo1s dn aruoc ol anulluoJ
algrssod sr r-lJut up ,{1uo3r ,{"t;o,uluop 'ureFy 'alequr nol, sp 'pup peaq rno.( rjtl ,r1ivrc15 g
Rishis Posture

.*i a:*fffi Srand straighr with your feet 3 feet apart. lnhale and
-'--' 'LI yuul or rrr)^uP-:rrl the air.
>Ll gLUr

As you exhale. move forwards slowly and. wrLh your legs

)Llolgr rL or
uo! fl-t
roL. orrcn rr^'
gr o)y ywur'. lo[-i
r€r L lo.
r(g rn,ith
vv[l yvul
I rr^' ,r ri-ht
"'"-i^hr ^
r rL

h:nd f ruentlallrr r,nl rrrill he ahle rn c.lide r,olr

-/ ""'
"5', hand
,'ndar rro' rr lafi l-nor hr rr in the e:rhu.,rao,'s irrs,f orasn rhe
leo rrrhera ir Feelc eomfnrt:hla kaanino's hnth
""'' '
leoq. c.tr:iohr


f) Slor,rly lifi l orr lelr ai rr in tl-e arr and carefully turn vour

:rt bodl so you are iookrng at your leFi hand. Breathing
normally, hoLd fbr a count of 5. Then slowly lower your
j arm and relax lorwards clasprrg your egs and gently
.- pulling your upper body towards the legs. Breathe
c normally.

lnhale and then, as you exhale, grasp your nght leg with
your left hand and slowly lrft your nght arm in the air.
Agarr [urr your bodv carefully ro enable you to look up
dL yuul .;^l-r
r--^r D- -.r:-
I lgl ll I ldl lu. urrdLr
r'. tI ru.ld fbr a count
rLr rg I rur r rdry


This is excellent for rebalancing the lower back and is great for people who suffir from
tension in this region. I recommend it for tennis players and golfers who can frequently
suffer from aches and pain in the lower back. The movement also firms the midrffi
waistline, bottom and thighs and keeps the spine in an excellent condition, giving it great
flexibility. A real gem of a movement.
'lualua^oir aJllua alll leadaj PUe xPlaJ pu€ 'purqaq s;a8ug pu€ tuo{ ur squlnrp:no,{ 1
'al€Llx! uorlrsod lq8r;dn u€ oJ uJnlar noA se qlrn-t autllsrem:noA ]e spueq ;no,{ aceld ,t'ro5 t
al€r.jur uaL{I'EJo lunoc E roj puag sprPMlceq
'P€aLl L
LjrnLUrx€LLr ;no,{ p1oq,{1pLu-rou Surqlea:g
-inol, anoge sur;e ;no,{ Surqcla:1s 'uotltsod
'puag spre.^ lq8r:dn u€ ol uJntar ,{1n'o1s uarll 'peaq -rnol
LLTnuJIX€LU:no,{ qcea-r no,{ se Sutleqxa Uil pue al€qul spr€^\ur Apog arll 8unrc:p
'spr€,t,tyc€q puag,{ltua8 s8unl qrtm
pue s8al qloq Surdselc 'sp:e.\\'roJ x€la:l E
The Awkward Posture

It" SLand srrai.qhr wrth your feet about I foot apan and
I your Toes facing lorwards, not outwaros.

Take a daep breatl- in and as you exhale keeping your
4, bacl< straight, gently lower your bottom to your hee1s.
€€= Don't worry if only half way is possible in the T
begrnrinq stages. Just do vour best without strarnrng. I
w' 6
#gt'n \)

the -

.suralqord tlcDg Suuua^ald puo
elm 3u1d7aq tot Uallacxa s! puo adoqs tnoK atotdtur 'K8taua
no( ani 1ym il .ptoi ur 1q&atw sl! qlrow st acuanbas anutu-71 aldtuts slql 'uoluldo Ktu u1
'sal1uD puD saot arfl pup Jaa! aql lo saqcrD aqt suaqliua4s PUD saautl aql lo Klpqrxagf aql
satotdutr QWatE oslD U 'tuaql sutg[ Puo sauoi Qpat y sr731t7l tnoK rc! stapuo$ saoP slql
g no{rfo n araqt llD s! lollt rolltasrno{lo Jsotu aW ayDW
rq8rerts lreq inoL Burdaal uortrsod tq8udn
'acrMl luaulanoLu srlll leada; up ot urntar ,{11enpe;B pup al€qur ualll qJo
pue xplar 'alpLlxf (spre,ttroy puaq tou op) lunoJ E JoJ luaLUanoLLI LUnLUIXELLJ :noA p1op1 E
f --:
The Energizing Breath

Sideways Stretch

Head to Knee Posture

Forwards and Backwards

: -i


Rishis Posture

The Awkward Posture


.:., :..,,
i ,:: .u-,'
..' ,t't,, :
"Qgn{a:*: cO 'tpiails:a8uoLts slryl cl uc a*aul c.r,ooc8 s t' Jaql asca qtt/\11,
xLiaLuoltu-t aLl] o{} aJ alqa a}D pLta alJaLrN a}nutur-u?l aq} Lltlt ..iQotLoltuot laej na{, atug
r'''_'r li . t..*'.:! l: ;
a iL.i
Salute to the Sun
This is a wonderfi-rl morning stretch, traditronally performed while facing
the sunrise. The sun was worshipped in ancient times for its amazing
powers. It was thought to be a giver of health and long life.

:a,a::ii::: ,

with :'rl,l,.'aS yOU return

'-i i.,ti-r.r :' 1.

rro, ,r shn, ,lders h:e k

r'.'tL'.r r''
3 tn : ct:ndino nnsition
arms above your '.- sr.-"_"'l
tummy in, hands in head and, wrth full then exhale as you
enrl faat lungs, stretch stretch fbrwards,
faooflar Raoinnar< backwards, erhaling aiming your chin to
may find it more in your marimum your shins and your
comfortable to have posrtlon. hands by your feet.
their feet about I foot Co as far as you can
>nrrt Inhrla.loo.lv without strain, aiming
then erhale slowly. rn kaan rrn,,r kneeq
<tr:ioht hr 'l if neces-
.r.., hanr]ino iham fn
rs !r
I I Lv

ensure your hands

are flat on the floor.


i you stretch
r:,.r,1: as
,:1.\ ,--- L,
d) yUU ^+-^+^L
)Ll sLLl I Then i'.\..,'a: your
your right leg back 5 your left leg back.
() entire body to the
fiom the body. Keep floo[ knees first, then
tho lofi lao hafrrraan chest, and flnally
. ,^,.- L^^t- ^.--t t^^t- your ch1n.
yuur I rdr ru) dr ru ruun
up at the sky.
'adpLls g)ar8 ul l1 Surdaa>1 puD r{inlgtxagf 1nlqlnoK
il 7ur^t8 Kpoq atrrya tno{ rc! srapuow op uDc Qloat ll 'Sutqparq daap {ql1oaq salourord
puo aurds aqt 01 K4pqrxag: algtparcut sauE 71 'autlisrDM puo llrtprtu aqi sutri il 's8al puo
surrp aql uI sapsnuL aql sutgf puD sauol 'saqclatls 1l 'aulnor SutzrStaua locrSout o s! sltlJ
'lsru 'uorlrsod LUnLUTxELU
3a1 ga1 aqt SuDlel :no,( ur Surpqxa 'laal rnoA Aq :oog
aLurl srLll 'aurlnoJ 'spr€^ Yc€q xplar aLJl uo lPu sPu€Ll
aJllua aLll 1eadaH Apua8 'sBun1 iln3 LlrlM ;noA glrn'r, surqs ;noA
.-^,-""J- rrT rl rnn,{ Fr rn rrrp
'xelal pue aFLlxa )Pf,slv\ur L 9J+df,+\ ^1
:a,{.e:d ur spu€Ll 'r ro r rqn,J r r rF rrjn rp ot lle alll ur ruo]]oq
+'1" "* '-" t-+
-rno,{ ace14 'uorlrsod u:nla"r,{.1,tro15 sLu:e ;noA gr1 Lpua8
-,,q,,!.^ ,-^1 ,,-,,.
'":" ".o" ^6r,,
.'i::;ff::'-""' Zl II 'Ti:lT:ffi 0l
ot L-
rool+ alll C-
I I:r Ironap
t to cXcrc .'"*.-ri"
:a,Mol :no,{ ler4 a
8ur:nsua '(29 a8ed 'uo[.,
'sp"re,trdn 'r rnn rsnaj Fn- ::c\ p rnor p ra )qo r u la.
".-:+ -.-" -.-\l """t ""1"J '.J.- .--.-Ct
ilool PUe ur looJ €Jo asod aLlt sr sql ?Llt otur ,,(poq ;addn
. '- trL'v/\ S' ,' '^ ^' '- rnn,( r rrr nn,{sp ;rcr rr rr
+J€l '-^r roou srlt ot s]aaLl .''",'1J:l''v''J9vlv.1":
apqx: L1s aql te dn l; r r-r
q nr n, rp 'qn rpln ro r Fr rn r rrod
''' i'1.-r.-"4"
-rnoX r-" ":- "Y'" -"J "-:+':.--
Yool pue spueq:no,,{ ct+ ur uv++uY
' 'nrrnn trL
'nnlrv/\ c r:Fr rrr nr Tp qr;nrnrlr lq
'-""-.J r-'"".-Tl
uaamtag ur toog tq8r.r r rr nn,{ qp :Tpr rv) nl rp
1f:t '" -" .-1".1''" r-- -rnoX 3o aprs aql
-rno( Suuq pue :i!.ti..lr.;i () iilr'.-riLitt :-1J"i ..it-iar,\
!jli-L l_
8 ,{q -rpi..rcl1 .:ir,,).\ i-.I:ri.,1,,'.. L i
'uMop 3urK1 to papas ato noKlr Ktossacau lou st iuautalour Luro aql 'Klsnot4g6 'uorlrsod
u*rop EurKT ro patoas'turpuols D raqila ut auop ag uoc 11 '8urcq-pmlo 8ur1aat1nltapuotvt
o o1 no( dlaq puo s8unl tnoK utoJlal illm il 'paxopr arotu qcnLu puo pa4uac atotu latuloc
pat noK atlotu sKorap il!,a lJ 'astcJaxa Eurt1natg s!q] asn noK 7ot7t puaururocar Q1oat 1
'sp^al Kdnua Mol ol poal uoc puo uor|dtosqo
uaEKxo ayonbapo rc! molp lou saop slql 'apqxa {aql so lno tuaql qsnd puo uotiDlDqul
Suunp ut slDututopgp Jotll lnd Kaql 'passa4s ato aldoad uaq/lA 'aqwarg Kaql motl Qlcoxa sr
slqi plll aas iltM noK Eurdaals atLlM aLlwarg saryDg ilDurs qctow noKlr ng 'qpm u6ag o1 op
o1 l1ncgflrp aynb sr nq1 'ua8Kxo ut qcrr poon ot Surpoal os 's8un1 aW Kq uorldtosqo ua8Kxo
o4xa Surpro 'tuo1|og aql uott silunl aql pJ KllonpotE aM uaqi puo 'uaL1og[ o1 utSotqdolp aql
Moilo a/ '1no slourutopqD aLfi Eurqsnd Kg 'Eun1 apqw aql asn oi sn saqcoai ast)Jaxa slql
'K1p1dot oot Llcnu aqparg Kaql puo Kllcodoc 3un1 taql to prtq] auo Kluo asn aldoad ryou
'Klpos ',saary
!1oq Kluo saqloarq ltDq Quo oqm aq puo lwatq s! ah, iDqt sn saqcoat oEoS
'Fr rrr np: rn rnrlr nrM rjn nr re I r qrpr IIIIrrlnarp
;no,{ ilnd .{1lua8 'uortelpqxa rnoA 3o
'sBun1 pua aql ]v 'os op no,{ se sur:e :no,,( 3ur,ra,tto1 'q
arJl urprls ranau ]snlu nol, pue srql qsr;dLuocce Jo lunoc € JoJ asou;nol. q8no;q1 ,{1nto1s alpLIXf
ot aurrt aye] lpm ]l '01
Jo lunol e ro1 8ur;eqxa
pue Surlequr a:e no,{ Iqun uorlplequr aq} asparcul gJo tunoc E roJ L1tearq;no,{ p1op1
,{;;enper8 'paqsrldr-uoccp arolu auocaq noX sy
rre alll ul SLLIJP
'sar-url SurLllea"rq rno^ 3ur1ll EJo lunoJ € roJ asou jno ( u8norqr
0l asrcraxa
srqt leadaS s8unl rnoA3o aseq aLll u:o{ alequr (1mo1s pue lno s eulLr-ropqp rno,{ qsnd
al€Llur pup lno sl€urlrropge :nol qsn.1 s8unl .inol. /\lrudl rnr-l- JUU+
i r' 'rn .rrJUUr 'n^nD
rnar -c -+r rutc Joo.+ tv. nt lp q:nt\
t::r )trno,{
Jo asPq aLll LUo{ Ip?lels aLll acroJ lll^^ slLll rnol.,{q spueq rno,{ qtrn,
L{lBarg e}e1duo3 at{I T.
3 The Siamese Posture


wirh i our legs abouL 3 feer Inhale ard pldce your riqhr hard or- the rop of
aparL Turn your riqhr [oot 00o io the righr ;our head and look inro tl-e cenfTe of rour
keeprng your left fbot facrng fbrwards. elbow Keep Lhe le[r hand on vour le[t rhrgh
'autFsto/A puo llrtprr-u aqt sauot Q1oat puo aprxagf puo duotTs aurds aql sdaay srr11
slgfauag lr
Jo ac
'luaLUaAoLU arrluo aLll l€aaaLJ aprs raLllo gJo lunoJ
Jql l- ^,- XPJJJ
UO lPaOaJ rp:rpr rv- troltsnrJ pror pl. 111
JI lun ul aal rJal
PUp I -- -1 .]^l -. :.r:. u ur I ul^uLll1111^1^1Q11
--+ nrarHttntttqnrjr-rrv-r z
lq8udn ue ol urnla: pup ols alequl Jno^ umop pueq Ual "rno,{ aprls .: r:::. r,' .'.' .. :ir. O
' i ;'lr
4 The Warrior Posture

Stage one

i.i:r, ri :,.r': r..'tt with your legs 3-4 feet apart. flat and the left leg straight. Don't worry rf thLs
TLrn your right foot 90o to the rrght and have seems rmpossrble to begin with. Do your best
your arms stretched out to the sides, parallel to without strain.
the floor at shoulder 1evel. TLrn your body so
that you are facrng over your right hand. Breathing normally, hold the position for a count
of 5. Inhale as you return to an upright position.
lnhale deeply and, as you exhale, bend your Exhale and relax. Repeat the movement on the
rrght knee, arming eventually to have the thrgh other side.

This movement does wonders for your thighs and buttocks. It streamlines, firms and tones
them, and is a great help in removing cellulite. It also streamlines the calves and is excellent
for removing tension in the lower back.
'looJLtl puo (ADI
aql slurlf oslo lJ 'tlcoq ra/^ol aql u, uolsual sasoaPr Puo saal aql saurlutDar]s 'srlcollng PUD |uaila
sL!8lLll aLll
rol Jauoi clj[rJJai p st lr iDtll ur auo aEDtS sD sryfauaq auDs aql soq uo4rsod srr-11 sauol
'tuJLUa \oLU J rruJ aqL Leada5
2tn i
JPl5 rJLl lo JLI oL .-^J^,
leacJ- pJP \ela I pue a Plxl
,,.c,. l- .uoltis
uuri'5uu. lr_loLULr uc ul url'iJr Lru/\ \u dLc9ul spuPq rno^ tE 3ui1oo1 are no^ os \jJEq peaq
rno,'( xpla>j sqLunlll rno^ FulssorJ puE raqtaSol luncl
E Jo tunoJ e ro-1 rorrrsod srLp proq LUaLit Surcpld lrp aLll ur dn lqSrerls sLUrp
n rTpr JT rar r Fr rrr rrp: rc rr rFrp rrs F:r v lpn :r | | nr p
,'|L'*.\]-"":.1t---.]*.1':'.*-'-1,|"-.-1":.r". .-,''J] jt p6(coapr .-,' -T"""
"tla.I '1"'1".t toot
'".-J lrtF. l lna(cnlp\^Cl
rp, r r,Frr n f,r r f,Apr r nr rrpFp ::t lse:
'"u '1" '1- "'1 ' '', "'1 .,' Fr
"* .r*:"
rrrp -:""" -'*'l tv tttFtt
''1-:' uutJsl rL]u' ' aYr ", oUO rvu] r9u,' r, Lv \ u " Lr F/L
Lv (\ r'
Irnn r\^ .trn'
yudY , Lv (\ qp
€lsYrr\or nn rc n tp ,{ rl::n :rpr tt tt rrPdp la+ h t s8rl rno^ .FrM S IL]
. :, :i ::l l : : l r: : l
o^ + aSels
Triangle in Three Stages

Stage one
Sianci straighl with your feet3-4 feet apart'
lnhale and turn your right foot 90o to the right,
placing your arms out at the sides and parallel to
the floor. TLrn your body so that you are facing \
over your right hand.

Exhale and bend your right knee, aiming to have

your thigh flat and back leg straight'

CcrtL,v iolr'er your right hand to your nght foot,

aiming to place your hand flat on the floor, and
your little finger by your big toe' lf this is not
possrble, ciasp the calf in a position that is
comfortable for You.

Cently lift your lefL arm in the air in a straight

line with your right foot. Draw your head back in
line to enable you to look at the ceiiing'

Breathing normally, hold this position for a count

of 5, increasing to 10 as you progress' Inhale and
return to an upright position. Exhale, relax and
then repeat on the left side.

Infinite erlergy is ot the disposal of man if he knows how to get it'
cnd f&ts ;s pcrf ef r&e seient:€ ofyoga'
rr' .'u- '"'
\f.. ,tr-c l',... <, T4- S , ' '

Jlec rno^ dsPlc
lsnr alqrssod lou sr slL-1r Jl lrdLUre rqSu -rno^
rYdu ddu>1 LU/\ ,,,,^^
,,,9,, Jr,-^1
,,, f9ortr ,,, ,-^r
ttL/v\ dut dLtlLl Jr LU/\
,(q qunqt tu13u rno,,{ qlr,l.r alurt srlll 'looJ
lq8u Jno^,{q pueq lq8u Jno^ ,,'::;.,11.1 ',rq-:1...1
aprs Ual aqt ol
rp:d:rlvprl I nr Tp :rpr rvlrrolrsnd trrF rrln roolJ
ue ol urnlar no^ se aFl]ur ualll ssarSord alll uo s^Pls looJ ual rno^Jo aprs ralno
no^ sE 0l ot SursEarJur 'qJo lunoc e aLlt leql rrn\uf lr-lSrPIS 3a;
yreq rno^ PUP
rnr rrorrrcod>r
"'1f \!r': Xrrpr r ror rFr rrlrp;rn
rt rr ,(ptq "il"*"v" '"'t'""--.1 reu qA qr rno^ a^e.l o-r SurLurp ure8e aaul
'qf,tarls rrJAu rLll purq rleqxa no( \e pue alpLlul PUE :
lnJrapuoM teqt laal PU€ tooJ ual
'>r ]UNC:
rnon Ll]rM JUrl lLl8lpr L< e ul LUJe Jno ( Llll\\ ,6' -rfp'g qq ,>>r nup sLUJp lno ( lledp
-lr "- *.^.T r
-ea ,^, rno^
-^ .!al -^,-q, ^,-
,^^ 1 JPrsdLolP
laal t € saal Jno^ q]l.,rn:,-1r1:r.-'-111 irr,r?,! 1,'r..,\' I
ur fr:
o^ 1 aFels
Stage three

I r,,,, i i ., :,, ,- :, with your legs 3 4 feet apart flat on the floor with the ]eft thumb by the
and arms paralleito the flool the right foot rrght big toe or clasp the calf if this is more
at 90o to the rrght as in Stages one and lrvo. comfortable fbr you'
lnhale and, as you exhale, change your arms
over so that your left arm is over your Lrft your right arm in the air trying to have rt
right 1eg. as strarght as possible, in hne wrth the right
calf Hold fbr a count of 5, increasing to 10
Inhale and, as you exhale, bend your right as you progress. lnhale and return to an
knee, aiming to have your thrgh flat and your upright position. Exhale and relax. Repeat
back leg straight. Cently place your left hand to the other side

Yes, it is worth it! The triangle works virtually every muscle in your body. It tones, firms Bene;
and streamlines all the muscles in the arms and legs, and releases tension in the spine- It
tones the lower abdominal organs and reduces flab around the midriff and waistline and
hips. A real gem! : _.
'1 o[ puo loorLll aLfi sLuJ{ puo $aLlc aql ul ssauryStl
sa\atlal q4a4s PrDMtlcDg aLlJ 'autrySlolr\ PUD JulrPlru aql suills Puo 'sanloc puo sqa1ql PUD a
aqi sauoi 'oaro 4cau puo poaq aqi 01 mogf poolq sa]Dlnunts 1l 'q4a4s K1aao1 D qcns s! slqJ |J'au
slgfauag stu-tgf
1:ede laa3 t tnoqe
'acuo teada; pue
,{1uo are ,{aql leq+ os l-
x€lar'al€Llx: uorlrsod sprpn\ur laa3 ;no,{. ,tre:p ll ?
lq8udn ue ot urnlar pue p€aq :no,{ tjrl ,{1,v'o1s
no,{ se a1equ1 uortrsod uoql qJo lunos € roj
LUnLLIxeLU ;noA ur aleqxa uo.trsod LUnLrxe-u ;no,{ ut
Pue sPreMlrEq puaB (prc
' 'lrrpr r r ror r Fr rrr np;JJfl
- .l -- ..-
.1,!^^^ q,,,,*.,.
\loaap dullequr JUTFSlpn \ .SLLIJE
lp)r r tt dn.r
"r'-'1+'-: " -*"'- .-'
.rp rno\
;noA te pulqaq sra8ug :addn :no,{ uo peaq "rno,{
LJllarls pue alequi saPIS
PUP tuo{ ur sqiunql ;no,{ qI^\ JooU aLlt uo s^^ogla rcrnr
-tnn( -r""1
tpt -tnc(n'
" r- .e
aleld peeq ;noA arroqe Jnon lsar ol alqP ag lil^^
+f,s!s +<dl 7-t >udl rLrur
suu;e ;no,( qlr,l'r uorlrsod no,{ L11en1ua,r3 uor]tsod
llnL-.\eLr rnoA ur
oun u,tul'on ::,:]":]"' E rela: Llleuurou Burqlea:g
'puag spJP^\Joj:noL
olur anolu no,{ se (1,r,o1s
aleqxo 'tqFre:1s s8al z'
PUO ('
Puag sprEM))Bg pue sprBMrol
Hltnn q)tarls prBMdn pa13ue-3plM 9
WWWW sau'[e'[''[hesun

w w ffiw rhecompreteBreath


w w rhewarriorPose(randrr)

w w

wwwwr;;:''nrhree H'*:#:i:iH":ilHT?:IJ'*

'aLuttr lJoqs A/oAtlDPJ o ut asoa L/11(A sluaLua\aLu
asaqt op q ano ato AaqJ lary: palqitlap arD sltdnd Ssaut 'qyM ut8aq o1 4nt{!tp q8naLltlV
'luaLuaLu truasatd aql uo alaJyuaJua) sn duo1ot-u 'lsat o lt saal.8
pur) satil^t|Jo K11op tnolJo putLu )no sa>lo1 stqJ'sluaua*ou aW ap ol sn algDua o1 lods o uo
alwluatuot otr uDa! a/\\ so uorloJlua3uoJ pua sntoJJo tautod aqtr sn qJDd osla saJuDloq aqJ
'sluaLuaA3LU aarql
asaqt Suunp 3a1 auo lsnl ol pattaJsuatt st Kpoq aql Jo tq7taaa altua aqt aJuts s?al aul ur
sauoq aL.lt uaqt9uans o: dlaq 6aq1 'algtxaL{ t/toq raMol pu> stura{ tno Sutclaal Lo! waylacxa ato
pua Luotloq puo s3a1
aqt ut al)snw Ataaa Kllonttta uaqt7uans puD auot tuL( satuoloq o7otr
$**ti€{cq wffi*A -- g A-{tr#
.: ' .--*1 , i i
:" : ii: ;
i i: L:i,. :-,i*.. -i:,- t ;
Pose of a Tree 2

-ir-;rrding sii-aigirt inhale and |ft your right foot on

-[his sounds easy but can be quite
to your left thigh.
dilflcult to start with.

Don't worry or strain yourself Even if you start by

placing your fbot on your ankle, calf or knee in the
beginning stages, you will assist your joints back to
their natural fleribrlity. Yoga and perseverance will .i
get you there! \

I ' : : ::
in the air. Placing rhe Palms
L of yout hands together, stare at a spot on the floor
or wall to help your balance.

Breathing normally, hold thjs position for a count

of 5, increasing to l0 as you progress. ExhaLe, lower
your arms, replace your foot on the floor and relax.
Repeat to the other side, and then repeat the entire

This movement is excellent for toning and firming your inner and outer thighs and
strengthening your legs. It also aids the flexibility in your ankles, knees and hips- The
balances take your thoughts off your day-to-day activities, so giving your mind a rest.
'uosuai to Kpoq aql Surp
-prt tol ruallacxa s I 'uoqDln)rtc aqt saplnutis puo 3a1 Surltoddns aql suaqlSua4s 'stlcoq aqJ
-ng puo st131t1l 'sdrq aql sutif 11 'Kpog atuua aqt sautll"uDar]s acuolDg 4crl5 Surpuo$ aqJ Puo
Surqrea:g 'aou€leq JnoA pre ot tods p t€ ar€ls
aruanbas 1 lerrder e salqLuasar Apoq arrrua aqt teqt os 3a1
--,J \. ,.^,-^^ ,^, q,
'- '.J -
jlrluJ Jql" luruJj uJL] '^ lPaoau
I apts Iaqlo Jul uo llal aqt .,,,
url sPrel/\roJ ourueal 'puE alELlx: ual aLIl
Jo tuo{ ur tooJ 1 'too3 lq8r-r rno,{ areld pu€ al€qul
x€lar pup aleqx: uorltsod rq8udn ue ol urntar
Dup :rpr r l|ss.atSo-|d no ( n r nt
.o ul .,' F' ilcP: l.rr rl
-":-""-"' 'squrnql al{t SurssorJ raqlaSol spueq .rno,{
'qJo tunof, € roJ ploq pue yr€q 3a1 ga1 aqr .*r --r'"'^url pup
-,- -,- - P aql ul sLule lno^
-s, . , /\HUY
yu< )yr</Y\truj Jr€uu! 2l n I tr t> Its (ttet t t to.J
.-oc oYl alequr "raqlaSol laal -rno,4 qlrm r,-i:r'r:,rrs F:ririre '
!JrdtrrJ aln.-
$ ri:lr,::. altn
g Lra
e)uBlBg )rlls SutpuBls T
Half Moon Balance


This movement tones and slims the hips and thighs, increasing the flexibility
in the hips
and lower back. It is incredibly good for your balance and coordination.
'ssaJSoJd no^ s€
0iJo tunoJ e ot plolJ aql
Sursea;cur 'aouo aouanbas allua aLll leadar uaql 'aprs
Jaqlo aql o] luaLUaAoLLl aql leadar puP xelar 'li?iix-l
uor]rsod lq8udn u€ ot urnlar pu€ alpqul '3a1 "rno,(
"ra,trol ,{11enpe:3 uaqt 'qJo tunor € ioJ ploL1 ,{11eLurou
Surqlea"rg 'pupLl Uol rno,{ 1e aze8 o1 ilreq p€all pue
raplnoLls ;no,{ 11nd ,{1lua6 uaqr pue 'auo tq8u rno,{ qlr,u
aurl tq8re:ts e ut LUJe ga1 ;nol, gt1 ,{11n3a;ec 'uotlisod
srLll ur acu€leg:no,( aneq nol. uaqM l€ aql ur 3a1 1a;
;noA gr1 no,{ se aleqxa loog aql uo lods e ]e iri-i:-:'e iq
srqt op o] no,( alqPua ot saauy
-^ I\ ^, ,-^ ,h..1-1 ' roo1-1 aql uo pueq rno,{. ateld
,,,v /uey,r Jl
,{1lua8 pue 'aprs lq8r,r aqt ol lno uu;e lq8r"r :no,{ qc1a,r1s
pup al€qur ;aqtaSol taal qloq qluvi tLt3ie-its ; . r' .:'
4 BiE Toe Balance 5

j;t;,rr,.ir.,,t ,rtr.tr1i:l with both feet togetheq piace your

right hand on your right hip. Inhale and take hold of,
your left big toe in your left hand. Don't worry if this
is too difflcult at first. Just place both your hands
under your left knee.


9 .. . - .. .:'. as you exhale, try to straighten

L yout left leg, making sure you keep your right leg

perfectly straight. This is difficult at first, but do

persevere. It is well worth it. Eventually the leg
will straighten.

Hold your marimum stretch for a count of 5 at first'

increasing to 10 as you progress. Cently lower your
leg to standing positron, relax and repeat to the other
side. Repeat the entjre sequerce'

great help in
This is wonderful for toning and firming the back of your thighs and is a
tension in
getting rid of cellulite. It also helps your coordination and balance, and releases
the hips and lower back.

t|Dll puD ut\s aLfl lo uo,ltPuor aql $oog sdPq
puo toaro tlcau puo poaq aql 01 Mob[ Poolg salolnut]s il lcDq ral^ol aql ut uolsual a^alPr ut u01
puD acuolDg arolsal sdPq Puo 'Luollog Puo stl31q1 aql sLuJlj[ puD sauol luaua^ou stql ut dla
xPlar puE aleLlx= P€aLl lno^ a^ogP sLUr€ rno^
Llf,laJls 'uorlrsod Surpuels p ol urnlal pu€ alellul saaur1
:no,{ ru,,o1aq lsnl ot urqc ,rno( uure ,{1tua8 pue :aulla8ol
+ddJ l rw1\1^^-,J
dJclu yudy SpJEMJOJ LUnLUIXPLU:nO,{ Ut UOtltSOd
ls€i aql :age K11eur3 ]uauranoLu aJllua aLll leada;1
no,,( ;o3
acueiPqLur srLJl tJarroc ol dlall 11tnn'
e8o( aLUII ul xltddep-1
'asec aql uauo st slql raqlo aql ueljl JalsEa sl apls auo
rr nr rnrn: tlt '-
Pulllru^Jr rJ luu Puu aPls JJLl.lo Jqlol ludr.rJu XPIaJ pU€
alPllxa uaql aJllua rno^ LlJlalls uor}sod lL{8udn ue Jna
ol ujntal pue ^Pog
'sLure.rno,{ uaqt 'Peaq rno^ url no^ se apqul l:l.-
iara^rsrad lsnl - ulejrs luoc sEJl rno( ualqAIPl.IS
\llnJaJEJ ot LLre rooJ rqStJ JnoX roo|J alll uo leu spuPLl
rno^ qI^\ ,\\oN ^q
Bal ual alll:a,tto1 A1nno15 qJo lunoc
e roJ ploLl pue K11eu rou Surqtea,rq 'uorlrsod aq] ul xelaLJ
'urqs rno^ sprP^\ol urqc rno^ Surnte-rp '8urllac aLll sprPMol E ue_
ao] Jr.l.I
lurod ol Sutr-utp ]lP aLil ul 6
srqr op or no^ alqeua
ru/\( nr
9r r f,rrnn
uf, d<u'1' r'l9urf, rr. :npt r ,(pr r r no1 s:FIrts ht ttt tt t,F>rt
PudY r-l
aqt ul tooJ lqSu rnoA3o aprs raqlr? roou alll o] spueq
Jnon SurLLllP spJPMroJ t-lJrJJrs,{11n;ale: alPLlxa no( sy
']ooJ S
tttpt tt tt qII I]
lu/\-JU Lo<J 7 Jt
ra ruutrJ ur r11r
'rrArrrrT Lv/\ oJslu
r9uri r rrrna(
)nruYs lvuJ rrrQr rtcrrl'Ft uurlctul ": -.1* -l
'qnr -" ' -c .. -^'
r- rd9fdouf )PUs9 f,' Lv/\J\ qu cu €Y :t tt I
r:u, rnTlrn :r n Fr rqqr.l rJ ' to rr ttpd
aJPld pue JIP aqt ut sLLlre rno^ Utl JNC,',
a)uBlBg aeu) ol pEaH S
6 Eagle Balance

i-.ar:ilirg with your feet togethel

r-p s.traiqht
stretch both arms straight out in front of you.

lnhale as you cross your right upper arm over

your left upper arm, bend the elbows and place
both hands in prayer with the thumbs together
with your nose. Don't worry tf your hands
rn line
do not fit in the beginnrng. They soon will as
flexibility rs restored.


'd1aq K11oat iltM tuaua^ou
lnltapuom sltli puo uallrls uoc s|urol tno K1>1crnb Moq aztlDar sn lo auoSl suodto loutLuopgo
raMol aqi oi r*ogf poolq p4xa a]olnutqs sd1aq puo '>1cog ra*ol tnof ur uolsuai satatlar
'acuDlDg puD uorloJluacuoc tnoK sdptl 'sq71ql taddn tnoK sauo| acuDlpg a13og aq1 'oE
auo ut siurol tnoK ilo lo Kllyglxagf aql Sursoatcur Qlnlatoc 'uoc po uo atl\ s1 oEotr 'atatastad
$n! - slql attil paqpls ilp a^Dq am 'Kttotvr l,uog 'aurMJua i,uo( stalD JnoA taq1a3o1 19[ o1
Luaas iou op $nl slurol tnotr'acuDlog ol qncg$rp s! U 'qilM lrDis ol atoulq8ru p ag uDc slqJ
'luaLuanoLU aJrlua
aqr teadag aprs raqro aqr Jo teada-r oue re1a,L
nr ro f, p rr: tttFtp lq nr In - uuLt'rvu ?L_] r^
rn rrcnr-l rr rtJv
'_r PU<r5
r,rna)r rrornn,(cp)rpr alcLlul
| JUUIJ d9 I uu ]uu) _-J "- c lY-
'u ouvJ 31er rnoA PUno lP sao] rnoA a^PL]
- dlrLl.v\
couLrcl: r"^ - 1rnp:rn'ar-rTrnorp
\llcutruu ! .-,-l rcui: o- SurLUre l,;lentua\a JleJ Ual aqt punorp tooJ
r11t ) )l tptpn Ft tzpt tp q1 '
,:tr - ^r arn 11r l r r rr-lr-ln
yus €€u'l f,duur r rr-.,3r . aqr rul\\tua 3a; r.-1a1 aqr Surpuaq ple
nn( rrn nlnnr: .,,.- nrrprr
,,",11" TaoA f "--1 r:rjrJn rnn,( rrrrr
o '":-1"
..-, . r".- ual aLJl rano q3.r-,t rq3 r aqr Srrsso,r: s6a1 rnon
rnn,{ : rprd nr p s r;Fr rrr rno,( >Ap)r r>r r nAoN
"',",'"""1"r*"'""'-J'."|-'."]''"|\ qlr,M lualuanoLu srLl] lPadaj no^ se ,t"t,"1 (
7 Dancer's Posture
This is one of yoga's most beautiful movements.



concentrate on a spot in front ofyou and

posrrro, li't your riqht hard
w,ih Perfecr
rr- rhe arr' Lnhale.

;V**&yng ln *&r wsnlC f#fi f$&€ *&* pl**e *rf'p*rsls;"€rtf€. ?ilssf !vr./i

nof, n*d',fulng x rnsra e:eifi,,::*n f&s* tfis#f€€ssjll rncn wif& *$lc$f.

$**r*s w,iJf n*r, r&* rvorJ# is jt;# *.fe*/u**tr*d d*rsJie*s"ff*rs:s***es *r:C
dsf*rrninsfi** *l*n* *re *;tt*1r*fs*r. ?-&* sl*g*n 'pr*ss *,*'&*s'' s*fve#
*nd *fw*ys w:ll s*ivs r** pnc&fc,ris e;f r&c '&urn*r: tr#e*
'3a1 Sutltoddns aql SuruaqlSuatls
alrqm sqEryy tnoK sauoi puD 'Luollog tnoK sutgf puo sl!11 't1coq tat*o1 tnoK ul uotsuaJ
saratlar I 'acuolog puo uotlDJTuacuoc tnoK SurdpL! se ilaM so 'Tuataalout lnlrlnoaq y
'IUaLUaAOLIJ aJIIUA qjo lunof, P roj
d9l rcdudd I-. , .cc-.q . J
))dtruuJu nn{
I ru. \ qp
rc nr t^ l lnal p al ploLl (lleuiou Burqtea:g alqrssod se LIAILI s€
nrnr | dl
yl.9 )qp) trr tt .Xttpnn-
)r r. d)c<-Jur \lls' Pcro c - - dPr)
^^ ^ trdLl lu dLll 3a; a.-1r Url XpuaA pLe lrpq rno^ pJrLlaq pupq
^. .--.{-. \<ldr 9-' rrrn'
Lv/\ rdlv\vl f\l,1,'1^
ru€J ,-,,.'^'', .
ul lcdudbl ^',-
Puc udl Jr'-^,( ' Ual JnoA ur looJ Ual Jno^ qeJA "iri:rl;r,..r .. Z
Pose of a Tree

Standing Stick Balance

Half Moon Balance

Big Toe Balance

Head to Knee Balance

Eagle Balance

Dancer's Posture


Sideways LeE Raise 2

Lre on your rieht side with your body in a

straight line, with one leg on top of the other'

Place y our lowe' arm in a supporting positior

with your fingers pointrng in towards your body
and your elbow on the floor so that your lower
arm supports you.

Q slo,' r lrii your upper leg lo your

Inl ralt rrrt.l
4 m3vlmum posrtion without straining. Cently
clasp it with your left hand and, keeping the ieg
straight, aim to draw it gently towards yoirr left

Don't worry if your ear and knee are miies

apart at the beginning. This is quite normal and
your flexibility will soon improve with practice
Breathrng normally, hold for a count of 5 and
then gently lower your leg to its startlng
position. Relar, repeat and then perform the
movement twice on the other side.

This is an excellent movement for helping your hips to futl flexibility. It tones
the inner and
outer thighs and is a great aid in the removal of cellulite. It can also help to relieve
5"a 1

in the lower back.

tsq8lql puo ruoiloq aqi sauol luaua^ou slqJ
lcog Ja/ ol aql ul uotsual sasoalal PUD
s41[auag uolsu
'acuanbas a;tJua lq8re"rls 1r Surdaal loog allt Luo"t3 8ai lqFr: :noL
.-^J^ uaqt (i,tto1s pue ,{1daap a1equ1
^, ,. ]Eacaj uaLll PUe aPls raLJlo alll uo lualua^olll Url alEr;Xa no,{ se
srql leada;1 roog aqt ol 3a1 -rno,{;a,uo1 ,{ltua8 'g
'sq8rqt :no,{ aprsBuole
Jo tunor e ro3 Surploq;a13e ,{1pLu-rou Surqtea;g
ro rapun 'spre,tlumop Surrey suled tno,{ pue
'urprls lnoqlrnr uec no.{ se q8rq se 1r 3ur13r1 pue rool; aql uo utt.lc -rno.{ qtr,tt Llleluols ;i-ro'( uo ar-1 c-
nt t:
( nn.-
lsnlol JIBH Z
If,, c
3 Ful Locust eas\

L1,ing on yLrur stomach with your arms under breathing normally, hold the pose for a counl Benefi
your body, palms facing downwards, place your of 5. -i r,s p
chin on the floor, then inhaLe.
Cently lower your legs and relax for 20 seconds
As you exhale, lift both your legs from the floor: Repeat twice.
Make sure that your upper body remains rn a
straight lne - don't turn or twisl and, : _-::: -

'uotllsod lsncol aql SulMollot qrla4s
papt uD st il 'autds rnoK Eutultpar puo uotsual Suraarlat '1no Surqc7atys tol Tualpcxa sl
i! puD uor*g o lo asocl aqi s! slLll 's1aaq tnoK sprplwoi i! qqa4s QruaE puo rtD aqt uI uonoq
noK ltrl uaqt '1ata7 rappoqs p apls raqila spuoq tnoK acold 'arnisod $ncoj aql 8urmo11og
'/u\ogp sruual lo urod aql Surtarlat SPUC.
u1 dptl Toat8 o ag uDc puo sr731ql puo ruoiiog aqi auol puo tutlif 1yM tl salgno4 lon4suau
puo uoryodrtsuoc atatpt o1 dlaq uDc tl puo tlcDg Jalvol aql suaqlSua4s Klpat8 uortrsod srql
slgfauag t--
'ssa;8o;d no^ sP
E o1 Sursea;our 'l Jo lunoc € roJ plor.J .{1uo uaql pup }snro-l llnJ aq} 3ur1dr.ua11e a;ogag Asea
saluocag lsncol JlpH aLJl Irlun lr€A\ 'yJ€g ra^,o1 ;no,( ut ssauleam e anell noA 31
4 Pose of a Monkey
Please do not be put offby the picture of this pose. Yes, it is 'the splits'in ballet, but, no, you
are not past it! Daily practice is the key to success in this and every other yoga posture.

Kneel with your knees about foot apart,

placing your hands on the floor directly under

your shoulders, also about I foot apart.

'sdactrponb puo sropnppo 'sduuisl.uoq rnoKlo Kl111q1xag
aql Sursoatcut puo sqi1ql tnoK Suruoi to! pltapuo/^ st puo 'ocltotcs puo urod tlcog ra*ol
Suraa4at ur pldpq Qqtpanur s1 11 'acuanllrp aLfl illvtu saop K1pat acrlcotd 6tlop aqllt V '1!
aEpuotu puo s7Z apl rraqi u! slqi 7n1s spdnd PDq a^DI! I - Pto ool lou aro no1'uorlrsod srqy
ur uaddot1 sapDJtur uaas a^oq I ng 'sa8als Eutuu6aq aqi ul 4nc![!rp $lool ]uaua^ou stqJ
'ssa;8o-rd -rnoLyo paads aqt
qrrm patq8rlap aq uoos 1pm no,{ pue alanasrad
'aluanbas arlua aLll teada; uaqt lnq qltm u€ls ol sar.JJUI nlal E ag ,{1uo ,,(er-u
aprs raLlro Jr-l.I uo teadag x€lal pue alellxl srLll al€Llxa noA se spreMloJ 3a1 tq8u ;no,{
'r rnrrrcorl c rnnr lp tnnA At | | tn1: I nt tp -)tpt tt tl qltaJls roo1.1 aqr uo laaq rq8u rno,{ Lltr,l,n pue
ualll 'qJo lunoc e JoJ uorllsod tunrutxeuu;noL apqur.{1lua3 'spuplJ rno^ uo tqBIaM rno^
nror r Fr rr rp nq ,"" I nt
- tar AtTpt It tol t Ft ttt ttp; tct
".-:-_1*",-cj Suldaal 'noAgo luo{ ui tool lr'1Fir .,no^ nrnl; f,
r""rp ,,11"*_".-
5 Pose of a Heron com

Stage one Sta

In a sitting position with your legs straight out rn
C .^, -4,..,, k.;-,,.-.,-riohrfnnt
r r vr rL vr yuu. ur )vul r.io fl-e s.l,.c
'r '5
beiween your legs, placing your heel towards
your groln.

Bend your lell leg and place your hands under

your left loot lnhale and, as you exhale, aim to
straighten your Jeg without strain. lf you cannot
straighten it, then place your hands lower down
the leg holdrng the calf or knee, and then ensure
the leg is straight.

W Lh I our back and leq stra'ght. and without

straining, aim to draw your knee gently to your
chrn and hold your maximum position for a count
of 5. Cently lower the leg, relax and repeat.
Re-ear rhe rno'en enr twice on the other side
Increase the hold lo a count of l0 as you

-:-i- rs

This is a really powerful hamstring stretch. It does wonders for the shape of the back of ::":-: .

your thighs and is a great help in getting rid of cellulite.

lcog raMol tno( ur uolsual sasoapJ
oslo tJ 'q8ltli aysoddo aql lo luott aql uo sdacrtponb aql Euruttgf puo duruoy a11qm qElql to 4cot
aql lo lcDq aqi lno saqpous puo siurtlsruoq aqt saq4arts luawauoLu sllll i]! quoer s1 4 no6
asrtuotd 1 'atatastad ng 'op o7
tnof rct nuol alglParcut uo s! slrlJ
4ncg$rp s1 11 'satr 'srl'81t1l
a .aprs
al aLll uo luaLuanou; aql uuro3rad uaqt 'readar pue 3a1
I L rU/\ '^ ' ' /\llUdJ
^' r'.'
- 1 JdlV\Ul ))druuiu I rv. \ q\2
rSold no( r c nt ot Fr rrsea;lur
LrrpnoprF 'c ro luno3 p tot ttotrtsod tttnt tttvpt! JnoA
ntAI | .t ttt tr tnnX qn tpnn\ \U
a' I ddu>l r rrr irrnn
.1r i\r ]Jdl tro tn /\l
rul\( /v\sJy {'. luJr'^
t Z aPI'
a lunol
r lna
,q,, -, ," 1-^r ,,1,^^ ,, 9,,,^,^, .S-' . u^^op
pueLl lqdrJ aLll rsnl LlllM ll oJ,Plor.l '
' or, lrrl rr-ll qJlarls
! " ,^J.{^-
^, ,- lrOCOnS ^^,(
non an- " rd
'q ol '^^,
^" Joou
rl jrna
ro^I ]OUUE
PUP aLll uo pueq lal
aceld 'qtr,tt ur8aq o1 acuplpg ot tlncrslp tt pug noAJl ol LL.
t raPL
3a1 rrLal rno,{
,,-.,,q,-,'- ^. 1'. 1"^'^ n
uatr]dtPj]s ol Pue looJ ual '^^f
lnon '-^'
^Jl ^lln]ar€J - -"' qn 1
spuuq '-n( >lJOlJJrul
.^' '-' rilon u .\r1^r1nn
)r*,.-,.r rrrFr rnn,{ ln rrS
.-1-:-r -.......: "r-
:JrLlt rL]orr
aqr Jprsrno aql uo looJ rLlSU rno^ JJeld 'no ( -io aceds
rrrnl rrr
u, rnn trrFtpnc cF: rr're L UI ]NC
+uvr-+ r' ,v ryucr.r ' 1\lL]P' ltru]U ru.'.5' t ttlr15
rrdl gluY f-ir/v\
'auo aBPIS L.llt^ alg€ljoJlrIoc
IaaJ no^ lrlun lr ldluall€ l uop as€ald os 'rj3larls ra8uoJls .{1fqBt1s P st ol\/\l aAe}S
6 Backwards Bend


J(rc" wirh vour bott-o-n or your heels ard

place your hands on the floor behind you with
your f rngers pornring backwards

lsi The secret of making something work in your lives is first of all, the
deep desire to make it wark, then the faith and belief that it can work;
then to hald that clear definite vision in your consciousness and see it | -.e Bc
working out step by step, without one thought of doubt or disbelief ry ::d iil
EILEEN CADDY Footprints on the Path

'suolsual Jno6 lno q)la):: :: . :.1 -nrftil!ff
D st U 'stl8!ql aLF Sutuol puD 8ultxrljf ro! lnlrapuolu\ sl puD arnlsod Jood s]cat-;:: ::,:-.u nrilri
tlcau aql suttgf'$aqc aql ut uotsual sa^atpr lJ 'saytnoro! Kutlo auo sr puag st-: r-]r:n; sr"r,* u
'luaLUaAOLU aql
reroau Pllllf PJo asod allt PalleJ sr qJIJM
lnJllnpaq slLl I ur xpla>l aprs rno,4
,{q spueq rnol, areld pLe aleqxf slaaq
= tr
rnoA o] Luotloq rnoA ra,uo; A.rual ;, , 1o.1u I I
gJo lunoJ e roJ uorlsod srr-ll ur urp"uar pue
uorlrsod LUnLUrx€LU;no^ ur alpqx= IJeg
{ {^,-..,--,, ,n^r
Psdr] Jr ru/\ uvJ( ] )ldd9 f,r rv r uvJJ uutluY ?t
,-^1",,, 1,,,,-9^,,-,,. t
-l rL,n Ull Alluro PUU Ll leJJ dJ P L I J']"I ()
YY#F **&, Sideways Leg Raised


Half Locust

Full Locust


Pose of a Monkey

= &eiiitxex

Pose of a Heron

Backwards Bend I .g



rArI1\ ,J
tJ -"rffi3dwx;
,{cueu8a"ld 8ur;np ;aldegc srt{l uI
sluaruanor,rr aqlJo r{ue ldwa}}€ }ou oP sseald
ffiL3$g3slw*&& pl;:
i{r*x ffiAX X ru*} i ffi-&,&#i .
Yoga Abdominal Li[t and Contraction 2
This movement is like a wonderflul gift. It only takes 30 seconds a 1 til:

day and is brilliant for those stomach musclesl It must be done on an

empty stomach - the rdeal time to do it is before breakfast.

Dont worry if you do not appear to be gettrng

much movement in the beginning stages - just
persevere. The resulting slimmer, firmer and
flatter tummy is well worth itl

Siand sir arrgl.i with your legs about 1 foot apart,

placing your hands on your upper thighs.

Inhale deeply, then erhale fully Keeprng the air out

of your lungs pul1 your abdominals in and up. Hold
fbr a count of 10, then release the abdominals, inhale
ard relox. Repeat the moremenl tw'ce.

You can then try an abdominal contraction. Inhale,

then exhale and lean slightly forwards. Keeprng a1l
the air out of your Iungs, snap your abdomen in and
out 10 times, increasing gradually to 20 as you
progress. Relax, inhale and repeat the movement

The abdominals drop as we get older and this movement is invaluable for keeping the
abdomen firm, toned, uplifted and youthful.
The contraction massages your internal organs (your small intestine, colon, pancreas,
gatt btadder and heart). The movement can help tremendously in stimulating peristalsis
and relieving constipation and gives relief to those who suffer from irritable bowel
syndrome and abdominal bloating.
We do not always appreciate how much our body is affected by our mind. We all have B e neft

experienced a'gut reaction', the feeling of a knot in the lower abdomen. This wonderful : r-i :
movement is excellent for helping to release this feeling of tightness.
'adotls oSoK turls 'pauoi 'uttgf lntrnoag
10q4 sq8lqi rnoK sa^t8 1l '{tuun1 tnoK stutgf puo sauol Qloat iuautatour lnttatutod srql lnttap
sryfauag a^Dq ll
'aclA\l roog aqt or JplnJrpuaatad pue tr-r8te.Lts atll Eur
luaLuanoLu aql leadaS 'uotlrsod lq8udn uP ol are sqBrqt rno ( ter-.,t a-rns 3ur1e-u .rooU aql
urnlar puP ?l€ilur uaql 'EJo lunol € JoJ uolllsod ' ' - rr,-LU/\
ul ldllcJEu| ->utrs 1 dJclu ri rFrp rrc
'rprd ry\ vlpn rnan
'er rr
aqt ploq XlleLu"rou Burqlearg 6es u-ro11oq rno,{ burdaal pup slaaLl rno,( Luor; Luolloq rnoA gt1
lal l,uoc 'ssa;8o-td no^ sp qrtalls aL1l Suls€alJUI
,{e,r,r. 11eu-rs p yceg ueal 'a]eLlxa no,{ se 'pue al€Llul 'yede 1oo3 p lnoq€ saaul rno^ qltA\ l?aLl\l
1T t:
rrc i
lno J:
puP Ja
+51ll -
. to
lalr-ueuz(p aYrl sr lualuanouu a;duurs AlanrldacaP slql
r't r
reuof L{Elql puB Al,uunl (.
3 Pose of a Boat

This is a fantastic firmer for both tummies and thighs. It also greatly
strengthens the lower back. Sit on a thick mat or blanket for this exercise.

Stage one Stag





Sit strarght with both legs straight out in front of Reneat rhe movemenr twice. This can be hard
you. work but move carefully and buiid it up gentiy.
Remember, never slrain in the posture.
Strateh, vsl rrmq n:r:llal to rhe floor
rr \/.r rr Following the movement, lie on your back, draw
^r /vu'

Inhale and, as you exhale gently, lift your legs your knees to your chest and gently rock your
from the floor and balance on your bottom. back from side to srde to relieve any tension tn
Hold the positron for a count of I to begin with, your lower back.
gradually increasrng to 10 as you progress, then
gently lower your legs to the floor and relax.

-: :--- -. '-

Zcog ral^ol puo sqErqi 'uaLuopgo rno( rot rauoi lnlral od o s! slqt 'u1o8y
aprs ol aprs LUo# Ycor
nl at qtlr
rv.\ vr rna( /v\siy
r€€u'1r,: rrru/\ (rrrrrQ
rrrrn 1\lluou Alru:
rr€yJ rrtno,{
yucIp tq:ttt
Pue uMoP arl luaLUa^oLU aqt SulMollol PJPU
'aJrMl tuaLua^oLu aLlt leadau xPlal
ualjl pue roou aLll e1 sllal Inc \ rr.\\ol ,{1tu:2
tou oP 'ssarSord
- lnJraMod ,{ra r sr srq 1
no^ sp 0l ot BulsearJUr 'qllM trets ot lJo
tunor P roJ PloH rooH aqr LUo+ sSal rno^ url ;,il
',{rrr r:F f,rDr rvl nnX cc nl rp I npf, rn rl::n p :vpr :i:::
r'-- '1+"""'1 ""'T " "',1"r lil::rr
a::li i
peaq rnoX pulqaq palrolratur
spueLl rno ( are;d no,{ .Jo r uo{ ur tno ::tt::
paqllarls s8al qroq qlrM re-Lr r1.^ uo -..irttrq
o^\1 a8Els
4 Slow Motion FirminE
This beautiful sequence not only gives you a lovely firm, strong and flat tummy,
but also is delightfully relaxing and is great to do after a long hard day before going
ro sleep at night. The movement is performed in one slow continuous motion.

I S , ,rp with your back straight and wrth both

I legs strarght out in fiont of you and togethen
Place both arms paraliel to your legs. Inhale and
lift your arms in the arr.

f) Erhaic as you slowly move forwards, keeping

L your back and leg.511-3,U1-,t do not strain. just
allow your body to flow easily and gently rnto
your maximum position. You should eventually
aim to clasp your feet and draw your chin to
your knees.

k the dull rninC all nature is leaden. To the illuminated rnind the
whale world burns and sparlcles with lighr.

This beautiful sequence will deliver the results you want - a beautiful, firm tummy and
nice strong back - and it will really relax you. If your back is stiff and tense, you may toss
and turn and find sleep dfficult. This movement is perfect for unwinding this tension and
helping you to deep restful sleep.
;aLroir ilar\\ ssol K
puo Kr
'xPlar pue 'uMop BurLilEarq Jno^ Mols 'leu
arl uaql'aprs ol aprs LUo+ Surlror ,{1lua8 Loog
aql otur lceg ;no,{ relar ,{;tua8 pue lsaqr rno,{
olur saauy ;no,{,vre-rp 'umop all uaql';a8uo"tls
auoJaq slpurLUopq€ pue :leg rnoA se sauutl
7 ol Sursea;cur 'acrMl aruanbas srqt leadag aql
'Llctarls !]cPq
€ olur sprpmroJ Llclarls pue xplaJ noA se alpqxf
go qsnd no,{ dlaq o} s^\oqla rnoA asn uaql
'sa8els Suruur8aq aqt ur tlncrJrp srqr pug noA
JI re aql ut dn su:e -rnoA Surqtla;ls 'uorlrsod
Surllrs p otur dn
auor ,{1nno1s nol, se a1equl
ol u:
:nol puag o1 Surner-1 aro3aq raqtrnJ oF ol a;qe aq ,( rrenr
no,'( tpL1l puj1 11r,u no,{ ssa;8o;d noL sy luaq olul \
saaul :no,{ qlr,tr s8ai -lno,{ :a,.rrro1 ot anutluoc
urr-lr pup saaul ,LnoA puaq (latetpaLULUr srnJJo
srLllJJ 'iJI^i\ tr€ls ol )lceq Ja^\oi ;no,{ ut 11nd 11erus
e 1aa3,{eur no,{ 's1ceq yeam q}ltr aldoad "rog
'uaqlFua,ils pu€ LU:U slputrxopq€ ;no,{ se
u^\op I uaLll 'lse3 ,{1a,rtre1ar }ualr-ra^ouu aql
jo tred srqt aileLu 'sa8ets SuruurBaq allt ul rool;
aql ol s8al :no,,( -ranrol ,{1ru'o1s noA se 3i€qxf
puP al€
Lpoq -rnol ot salBue
rrrFr r rp;rp n.>r l rpur oq
"- *-'1 ..t;ru8tprrs oue dn
'-'1' ur.;llt' -"-'1-:'
s8al "rno,{ Url 'saauy "rno,{ puag ,{lrua8 pue a1equ1
peaq:noL puiqaq roog allt uo teg sru;e :noA
ac€ld teLJ ar1 ,{lluaB no,( sp alpqxa uaql 'uortrsod
lq8udn u€ ot uJnt?J ,{,1,rrrols no,{ se aleqt-1 E
Yoga Abdominal Lift and

Tummy and Thigh Toner

Pose of a Boat



Slow Motion Firming


The Chest Expansion
These movements are not only dramatic in the way that they tone and firm the arms and
the muscles that support the bust, but they are also excellent for correcting posture,
relieving tension in the neck and shoulders, and realigning the spine.

| - wiLl- your leer together and vour back sLraight

I lnterlock your hands behind your back, gently pulling
your shoulders back and straightenrng your arms.

your arms up as high as possible behind

L you, back, then exhale as you slowly bend forward
into your marimum fbnvard bend, keeping your back
and legs strarght. Breathing normally, relax and hold
your maximum position for a count of 5.

Your arm is to be able to place your chin on the top

of the shin, just under the knee. lt will happen
eventually, but remember not to strain!

On the

:he che:
it the n
.sDarD asaqt qpq saxopJ
Qlntatoc luaLua^our 1nltamod srtg'aurds JogLunl puo (t1cau aql ut
urod lorgtanotd aql) tlcau aqllo 1cDg aql ut paro$ Qganbatt aro pulu aqlto suorsual aqJ
ioortlt puo mol aql stutgf puD uolsuai to $aLlc aq j
saa( iuaua^our aLfl 'sPJDMtlcDg Sutpuaq afql6 'silac utDrg Puo Jlotl 'utt1s tnoK Eu4g[auag
os ,DarD lcau puo poaq aqt o1 mogf poolg sappulls puo sa^Pc puo sqBtql tnoK lo tlcog
aqt sauot I puaq prD( rot aql ul 'sraplnoLls puo lcau tnoKlo ryDq aqi uI uolsuai aql sasDaPr
puo sluJo taddn JnoK sauol lt Morl ut Surzotuo st luatua^ou s!q1 '1ata1 locrsKqd aql ug
'EJo lunoc p JoJ
PloLl puP 'alPLIXa
aftMl tJaLUaAOLU Jr,ll leadau LUn[rrx€LU "rnoA u1 'tuo]log Jno^ Japun
'x€lar puE LUaq] ra^\ol uaql pup umop IOeq sLUr€ "rno,{ 3ur11nd 'spremlleq
zJo lunos
prtxa u€ roJ YJpq ;nol. purqag dn suu-re -rno,{ puaq ,{1tua8 pue uorqrsod tq8lrdn ue o1
ploq 'uorlrsod lq8lrdn ue o] urntar pu€ alequl u:n1al A1,tro1s uaql 'P€aq JnoA r jil ,r, .r ,, ,,,, f
rr rFrc
+:v e/
dJr t+)\
2 Pose of a Plane floor

This movement, as well as strengthening your arms and shoulders, releases tension in the Your..
lower back.
a stra:.





?-&e ye*ri f&e spring, And f&* J*yk cf r*c rn*rt?,'
Mornlng's c:f s€v€t?; f&e &ilf-sidsk d*r'v*pc*rled;
f&e lsn&'s *n f&c wlng; f&s s$eifk on f&c r&*t-ir.' -;.-;-
.ri ll

S*dk lr: Fdis &c*ven, All's rlg,&r wir,& f&e w*rld/ ::

itolEF.-f u-'-rir1i\c ioir'|r;rr,,; f;::gs

'TcDq ral ol aq1 u1 uotsual
sasoalal puD sJaplnolls Sutdoorp lcalJoc 01 sdPL! 1l 'sraPlnoqs Puo surrD Jaddn rnoK o1
adoqs $)ar7 sa^t8 1l 'sra7uljf puD sJstJ( 'stuto 'sptJoq noKlo ql8uatls aql rclpoo8 os s! slqJ
'acuo tuaLuanoLu slt.ll l€ad?E x€lar sLurp Jno^ uo lllSta^\ rno^ aJEld 'aull lqBIPrl: :
ol Luolloq rno^ ra^\ol Al^^ols
pue rool] aL{l ur rno^ Autdaal 'alPqxa no^ sP 'puP al€- -.
ra6uojls aluocaq no^ sP OI ot SulsPajcul no^Jo luo{ ur tno tq8l€rts aq plnoLls s8al r: -- aql ur
'lsrg l€ lJo lunor € roJ PloH roou aql spJEMlcPq Surcej sdrya8uu Jno^ qll^\ LUCI-- -
uo ar€ saol rno^ puP tqFrerls aJe sBal rno^ lpLll rno^ purllaq looJ I lnoqP 'no^ PUrLlaq -: - -
arnsu: ,rool] aLIt LUo+ rno^ uri ,{pua8 pue aqt uo ,'(1qel-ro3uroc spuer.J rno^ qlllv\ lllSr€lls
3 Sideways Body Raise
This is another excellent arm shaper and strengthener. We have a built-in response to put
a hand out to break a fall should we slip. If our wrists and arms are weak, this can easily
result rn a break. Yoga hand balances such as this perfectly address the problem. [f you
have had a wrist or arm problem, follow the directions below but do not lift your bottom
- just put a little weight on your hands to strengthen them gradually. Follow these
instructions only when your arms are sufficiently strong.

side o
make .
r our b.

al l|-:l
I ri.,. ..,a

.in exc
e:<ira br

dpr1 uoc luauta^our stqi puo Tnturod puo lltls Ktar atuocag uoc slstJtr aqi 'Jatndwoc
aL# w stnoq Kuou puads oLllw asoLll JoJ 'spuDl-l aql saq4arls 1r Kotw aql ut s1 |gfauag o4xa
uV 'sraplnoqs puo s/u\ogp 'spuot1 's1srJ/u\ aql suaq6ua4s Klpat8 JuautauouJ stql'sJaplnoL.ls
puD sulJp taddn tnoK ol adoqs luailacxa sanE 1oq1 tauttgf puo Jauo] ulJD iuailacxa uV
'acuo luaL-Ljanotr] alol]n\ arns ay€Lir pue Luoltoq rnoA 1311 lq8re-r1s sr ulre
-, , , ]pJoau ,^ .-
,- -,]-, aprs -JLl.lo J..ll JO luauor
^.-{. puu -uulJ :noA leql pue lslJ,tt lq8r"r -rno( a,r,oqe,{1lra;tp
alll ol u;oloq;no,{;a,r,ro1 ,,(1lua3 'xelar uaql sr Japlnoqs tq8u Jno^ t€rll os ,{pog;no,4 tsnlpv
'qJo tunoo € roJ acu€l€g:noA ploq pue JoolJ
aqt uo lods e uo alerluacuoS r€a ual;noA apis 'laaJ
-Buo1e urre aLltJo aprsur aqt LltrM 'aur1 tq8re;ts e Llloq pu€ spuell LJtoq uo paltoddns sr l.18La,tn
ur lr LltrtaJts pup rool1 aLlt Luo{ LU;E }al :no,{ gt1 :noA leql 8ur:nsua JooU aqt u;o-g Lpoq ;no,'(
'q8noua Euo.rts no,{ 'uaqM 'atpJrns
dtls uou
'uar1,tr Aluo PUP Url 'apqxa no,{ se puE aleLlul
e uo arp laal pup spueq ;no,( t€ql arns aIPLU
'aut1 tq8rc:ts e ut st APoq aql pu€ tuag saaul ;no,{, daay dpoq;no,{3o aprs
tpllt pue auo tq8u aqt3o dor uo sr looJ Ual aql i r!\:: :r rl
pueq-tq8t"t aql ol Jool] ?ql uo :.ir.il)i.i
as aL{l
no,{ 3
lnd o
4 The Mountain Pose ,mt

We tend to 'shoulder our problems' and this beautiful movement helps lift away r-= il11

pressures of the day. Although yoga cannot remove the problem, it can help remove r,.
tension resulting from the problem.


. on your mar with your boLrom turn them rnside out so thal you are now
on \/or rr heel., Some nennle find thic rrer'
rilrv Lr"J v!'
'-.--b at the back o[vour hands.
difflr-r rlt tn heoin uzif h Yn, r e :n haln r;n, ,rcelf
l..., - rl-;^1,
^l-^;-^lg d
uy proLil | ilL^ Lu5l
^,,.1-;^^ ^4.,^..-
tlut I ut I lup ut yuut lnhale and qirerch \/rlr rr :rmq ehnrra rr., ,.
ca'ves under your botrom. lf rhis srill doesn r head Exhale and straighLen your arms
feel combrtable, rhen sit in a cross-legged imagine you are pushing rhe cerling a little ib'ru
posrtlon. hrgher. Breathrng normally hold thrs srretch iE
fbr a counl of 5 in the maximum posrrion ::**ri".l
Interlock your hands in front of you so thai Inhale undo your hands exhale and slowly r:r :;
you are looking into Lhe palms, rhen genrly lower them Renear rhe movemenl.

'sal4uo PUD
saaul ,sdrq aWlo Klllrqrxagf satnsua 'a3o1s pacuD^po aqi ur 'puo aurds aql 8uruaql8ua4s rc! {ln
juailacxa s1 .staEuE[ puD stsrJ&\ no[to &Ulqtxagf aq] sacuoqua puo stalD taddn tnoK suttgf
puo sauoi tt \rappoqs tnoK uto{ a!1 lo satnssatd aW {!t ol sdptl arn$od u,oiunory aql rlct
s7gfauag al
acr,u1 leadag 'xel"r pu€ al€qxa ualp 'g
Jo rJnoJ roJ p or..l Alleurrou Surqtea-g sL-ute
aql ualq8re:ls o1 Burutte sp:e,r.rdn u-raqt qsnd
'ai€qxa 'lno aPrsul uraql urnl 'spueq -rno,{ 's1aaq:noA ua?Mlag
Luollog ,rno,( ;antol ol Ll-ltp 'spupLl
;no,{ uo
IcolJatur 'alellur qllarls pacu€nP€ srlll JoJ
arnlsod urpluno6 aql leada,r 'ur€Jls lnoqlrM lq8ranr,,:no,{ Surdaal 'pue JooH alll uo sPUEI1
uorlrsod stll ur A1qel;oJLuotr ]ts u€c noL aoug -rno,{ aceld 'pede qlpr,tt dtq e s:r-.tt ,lrri,'i r- l',.r-r, (2,
aL{l anr
aql r-
'Llotarts ;a8uo-r1s ,{yrq8rls srqt ,fu] (uaqr ,{1uo pu:
uaqt 'as€a qlr^ Llclarls uretunow aLll op ol ,{lrlrqrxag }uarcglns pa:rnbre a^ell saau)i rno,{ aru;
asod urelunow Pacu€^PV
5 Pose of a Cow
i-\- ^

This position helps to correct neck tension and realign the neck and shoulders. These can s::l -

frequently be imbalanced due to such things as carrying heavy shoulder bags, constant
use of one arm at the expense of the other and playing lop-sided sports.

This position can be astounding, with one side seeming easy and the other almost impos-
sible. It is good to discover our imbalances. Rest assured that daily practise of this move-
ment will gradually help correct the problem for you. Repeat the entire sequence just


Sii rr a |rcclirg ;c-irtir.lr with your bottom on ma:nirma ao-o-haa

.,. ,. vJoul maxlmum poslLlon
you- heels lIrhrs rs not oossible adooL a is fine.
cross-legged pose.
Inhale and as you gertly exhale. bend
lnh"le li[r ro',r r'ohr hand,n rhe,airand dron r.-,. J- oL
tul vvol. u) -:-rr .yuul.,.- iorehead ro rl^e f oor.
^-rur oLr
it over your right shoulder. Exhale and lift BreaLhing normallv hold rhrr posrtion lbr a 2
your left arm up behind your back, aimrng to count of 5, then rnhale and relurn to an
jo'r- your hands in a clasped posrtror Dont uprrght position. Unclasp your hands, relax
uorr; rFyou cannoi joir Lhem at first. iust :nd rhen rpnp2t nn t ha nthar crde noiie
,"',',, ino
,5 i{^

^-^ --: '- 'r -

Pr dL Lr)c oL ru )uur yuu wrll be able ro. ln rhe
\ there is a difference between the two sides.

raqla8ol a:aql ta8 ot ,{e,.n ,{1uo aLp lelll raqLuaLuar pue ".-.
spu€Ll rnoK dselc pue lceq "rnol. puqaq dn r,611r.Od Srgt r-lsllaLuorJP ol a,.q vr e ayet (r,uu l1 JI 8u
LUr€ ,{11n3a:ec oC 'slaalJ :no,{ uaa,,rtlag lrs ol u^\oP xel
Ual aqt ail€I -japlnoL.ls lq8u rno^ pulqaq
u^\op lr do"rp pue rr€ aql ut LUr€ lq8u :no,4 gt1 31as:noA -ra,rto1 ,{1lua8 ualll pue }al rnoA ra^o
'uorlrsod 8ur1aau1 € ur urpul?J rsnl 'llnc1gtp 3a1 tqFr"r :no,{ aoeld 'spu€q ;no,{ uo sr lq8ra,n'r PJ
ool st urer1s st rno,{ reqt 3ur-rnsua JOCI]
lrJI lnoqlr,n asrlce:d,,\1rcp Z
!. 9:
,t:, .*l
i: iil
it i:
lsnl ac
asea qlim slaaq -ino( uo lrs ot alqp aq lsnuu noL srql ldLualle no,{ a;o3ag Lll}arls :a8uo,tts
e ro3 a8ets palup^pe ar-1],{;t uer no,{ 'slradsa; 11e ur ,{sea rvro3 PJo asod aql pug no'{ aou3
1\ oc eJo asod Pacue^PV


? and. as you exhale gently bend
r,f for*u,ds and place your forehead on your
upper knee. Brearhrng normally, stay rn this
position for a count of 5, then rnhale and
return Lo an uoriphr no.:tion Frhale and relax

and oerform the movement on the other side.

Repeat the movement once on each side.

Pose of a Cow helps to correct imbalances in your shoulders. It tones and firms your upper
arms and firms the muscles that support the bust. In the advanced position, it is excellent
for toning the thighs and ensuring the flexibility of your hips, knees and ankles.
,MoJ P Jo esod perue^pv
pue MoJ B Jo esod
asod urelunoN pJlue^pv
pue esod ulBlunow aql
esr Eu,(poB s,{e,r,rap r
eueld B Jo asod
uorsuedx3 tsaqf eql
part two

, 4.,:.::: .

..1 r::.r:i
.'lii:::iirri::rr.. .:., ,,,., ...
;s w. *l..:: ".,::.: .t ,

Am azit'rg Moveff]entS
t *'"''? ;''.
''' i1:lu-
,, . o ,,,.* ,.1i"
io:r ,r ,';i€,; ,r',,,3*r,,ffi.',,
"'"r. r
. I
Alternate Leg Pull
This is a fantastic aid to flexibility in the hips, knees and ankles. lt is also calming and

| 5 ' ,r-'r' \ 'ith both legs st'arghr out in lront

I ofyou





O I r u' i r-l i onLo your lefi rhrgh and

2,t place your right hand on your right kree. Now
gently bounce your right knee (r times towards
the floor. Don't worry rf your loints are really
stifrto sLaru with. Thrs rs quite normal.

Now. keep your {bot on )our left upper thrgh If

it is comfortable and the knee is able to resr
easily on the floor. lf thrs rs not possible and it
rarely is to start with - then place the right heel
on the floor near your grorn. Inhale deeply and ".'€'
iift both your arms in the air.

This mc
back an

rnoK sauot puo suo,ro lDuluopgD aqt ot / ollfpoolg ,rt"lr*!;:"::::"1::';ti::::r:ff"2
sltods pacuologrut to atnlsod tood o1 anp paprs-do1 auocag o1 Kspa os s1 ll 'sdrq puo tlcoq
Jal ol noK lo acuolog aql Surtoysat ur d1aq Toatl o s! puD ycog Ja$ol tnoK utot! uotsual
sa^olual oslo iJ 'sdrq puo saau>1 'sa1t1uo
tnoK ur ssaullr1s a^atpJ Kl4crnb iltM luaua^ou slqJ
pue A
laall tLl
1r puE
'aPIS .+1
qc€a uo ?cr,,rnl luau;anolll aLll oq sluroi ;noA ut
llrlrgrxag a8e;nocua ol uorloul rplncJtc A\ols € ul
'- JL aFpssprrr ,(rrrraF or lP xptal
re/\r ererrcu A11e
)d<u>1 Puts )dllus
'al€Llxl .,,^,",-^! q,
,,..,- e , ,r,
- o.I ulnlaJ, /,""^,- uaql spr€^\
uorllsoo durllls
pue alpllul gJo lunor e ro3 Surploq uortrsod 1\hON
I r
LUnLUIxeLU Jnon ul xelaJ Alleulro, -, q p
'nn,,g I
'qlt,lr lr€ts o1 alqrssodu,tr slaal srlllJI Allom
1,uog 'q8rqr -raddn rnoA ot lsaLlJ ;noL pue
uu-is :noL pre^ o] urgc;no,{ LUIV 'spuell Lltog
,-^ ( osPlc
' ^, JnoA ,-Jcn'r o, ,{ 1
n1 .\1 .rr rFrp rrq F:r r r:r nr
looJ Ual rJe l-f
It luoJ
lceg ;no( Surdaal 'spr€MroJ qc€ar PUP a1eqxl
2 Thigh Stretch 3

This is great for increasing the flexibility of your hrps and is a boon during pregnancy Thrs


a-.a ar- :

strarglrr with the soles of your feel together

Srr- Breathrng normally, hold your maximum position
near lo your groin. Clasp your hands around for a count of 5, then slowly inhale as your
your fbet and take a deep breath in and, as you knees return to an upright position. Exhale and
exhale, gently arm your knees to the floor. Don't relax. Repeat the movement 5 times.
be dlscouraged if they do not move much at
flrst. Just practise and you will see the results
sooner tnan you expecl.

With our sedentary tife, it is easy to allow our joints to become sttff-'lf you don't use it Benefir
you lose it'. This movement will keep your hip joints flexible and, if you are pregnant, f'lex- This m
ible hips will really help with your baby's delivery. It is also fantastic in the way it tones ind ou
your inner thighs. -nd tor

toollf ct^lad rno(lo auo] puD
t!floaq aqt Jol lotcrJauag Kra^ s! puo tlcDg Ja$ol JnoK ut uotsual sasDapr 'sq81ql ralno puo sauoJ Jl
tauur tnoK sauol ll 'sdrq tnoKlo Kllyqxaff aql Eursoatcur to! Jual]arxa sl iuaLua^out stqJ -xagf'J
slgfauag 1! asn 1
'acrn\l luaualoLu aql leaday xelar pu€ sprenn'lno rpJ s€ saauy rno^ Surssard 'srj8rLJl rnoA
:lpt tv-.:t ttoltsnrlltFt td.r'-^'
I LU ul rr.'-r
lllrldl (r"-rcn
\l uado ,{puaB 'al€qxa no( sp pue ,{;daap a1equl
I -. :-. - - .1. .-Jl \AJl: IJUp
aleLlul 'qJo lunol e roJ uorlrsod urnr-urxeuu rnoA
lnr t (ttpr Ittr-r t Fr ltr trp) Ict \;o ln. ( qn tp \ oJ '9Jlarls q8tql aql ur se urol8 Jno^ pue a
, -11 1^ r,., rF
ur9J rL rv/\' qJ tdtr t) \l tuv, n. tp tr .Ftp tts v..en
l,,Jc l. .y -'tnoy' \\cr u
cn rp ,''-'
-T" * ')2' tn nr
'-'l Ino ( lrp'-"T -'l
r.--rp r:> tro ('l.-r- c:t)t' JN
udd> ^"-c
)/v\uYld r' ru/\1 PUdY r:r rr nr te .F rte.. \:r r' sp 1L
aql punor€ padseJc spueq :no,,\ rjll^^ rii!:1 r j rL. UOI}ISCC
'sr-13rql .ralno
Jauut JnoA sL-lJJu ouP sauol pup '>loeg JaA ol JnoA ur uorsual sanarla; uorlrsod srql
rBls B Jo asod t
4 The Lotus Positions 5

Once you have increased the flexibility of your hips, knees and thighs by the previous
three movements, it is then time to try the Lotus Positions.

The Half Lotus

Q,' )L --.
JIL -'
.l^ ,, .+l- k^+l- , 6' rr leos
O qr I Vvltr l uutl r yvul lcSJ clr:iohf uuLtr in
)Ll olSl lL ot rr lfOnt Of

yuu ^-!ru l--;-^..-,,.
dr ur il 1g yuul rgr.l--
-; L -^r ^
rL llssl -^i^^.
15L yuur
d3dlr -'n. Inhale
gr ur
-^,{ rl-^- Igcr
dltuLrlgr -^-tl. -., r^ ljff 1761 rr lef-r fnnt nnt6
luyLlyLU[../-.-..-. \/.-1r rr riohf
thigh Don t worry if you cannot do this yet.

Breathing slowly and deeply, stay in this position for a

pentlv unwind vour leps. stretch them
corrnr of 10. rhen.5".,.,//"!-'.!-5".".'.
out and try Lhe movement wrth vour rrght foot on your
iefi rhioh Note that in rhe heoinnino staoes .'ne side is
often easier than the other:

() The Full Lotus
Sir r n s''"iol-- rvirh horh leos or rr in front of vou.
Cently aim to lift your right foot onto your left thigh
then carefully lift your left. foot onto your righL rhrgh.
It m:., he a littla rnrhile hefora rior rr ioint q arp qr rfficientlv
flexible to achieve this. Don't strain! #
vr ruL ) vu , ur
ere a].'lo tn hold rhe nncitinn rhp'n sr.',
! uvrL
i- ir f-^'
-.OY ll I lL lul

a counr of lO, breathing calmly slowly and deeply Then

oanilrz nnma nr rt of rt

Repeat, thrs time placing your left foot on to your right

thigh and then your right foot on to your left thigh. It is
important that you alternate your legs tn this posture to
ensure even and correcL development o[rour flexibrlrty.
I have to admit it. This pose is seldom comfortable to start with. But once your joints are
sufficiently flexible for you to do it with ease, it is really relaxing - honestly! It is
recommended for breathing exercises and meditqtion, because the spine is erect and
the legs entwined so that fidgeting is impossible and concentrotion is facilitated. It l-his,
promotes incredible flexibility of the hips, knees and ankles. 5cck ,

'&lyqrxagf purds sasoatcut Puo ycPg
Janol aql tuot! uorsual sa*outal oslD 1l 'au17stow puo s! slqJ 1l 'Pal
tlupttu tnoK Suruoi tol loaE
slgfauag Puo 1)
s1 1l i
aJo slu
'acrn,rl acuanbas a:rlua aqt teadag 'x€lal .^tlllc
alellxa 'uorlisod lqSudn u€ ol urnlar pu€ al€Llul ol aJ
'qJo luno3 1L]F]
e ,ro3 uor]lsod srLll ut xplar ,{11eu,uou Furqlea;g
roog aql ol p€all :no,{ Suruutp spremroJ
puaq,{1rua8 'apllxa noA se 'pu€ qtearq 1.r UAqI
daap L;an p ?Ie] uaLll 'apts raqlo aql uo t.:r.l:,; L; roJ lr
1r13udn u€ ot uJnlar ,{1luaB uaql'qJo }unoJ
e -ro3 uorlrsod sttlt ploLl X1leul-rou Surqlea;g
'pue nol, pulLlaq yool ot LUIE '^ ogla ual rno^
Sulull aauy Ual :noA o1 ,r,tog1a tq8u -rnoA ar1el r'
Alrua8 'aleqxa no,{ se pu€ ut tiltlo-lc1 c1::..p e .r1'l-1 6 sl apl
Jo r
"rnoX purqaq spueq :nol, IcolJalul 'uotlisod
sntol llnj ToJIEH 'paB8al-sso-rc e ralltra ut ti-q I
tslMl Hltnn uolllsod snlol
6 Back Stretch 7
This is a yoga essential. It is perfect for stretching and realrgning the spine, and for toning
This n
the back and the thighs.
the mi<

I verv straight wiLr boLh legs sLraight our in lronr

I ofyou Jake a deep breath in and Lft both your arrrrs
straight up in the air.

C, . as you gr adually bend forwards with ; our

&t head up and back straight. eventuallr arn rrg ; ou-
chin to your knees

a ..r r -. rr'- this movement, you will

r/\ p'obab y find rhat your chin and knees are a lo'rg ,-r r ou.
way apart. Don't be drscouraged ;ust keep i1 -6 ri _-
practising. -. il--.,.

Breathing normally, stay in your maximum position

lror a count of 5, then inhale, slowly lift your head
and arms and return to an upright position. Exhale
"elax Reneat the movemenr rwice.

Benefits Thts tnc
The Back Stretch releases tension in the lower back, stretches the hamstrings and tones the cn exce
back of the thighs. It also tones the abdominal area, rejuvenates the entire spine and soleen c
massages the heart. It is very relaxing. tuttocks

irDc rnoK Eur1tod uaqm dlaq ToatE o oslo s! 1l stlconng
puo sdrt1 ,aurltsrora puo llrtprtu aql rc! tauol lnltar*od o oslo sI 11 'sKauprtl puo uaalds PUD a
,Jartl aql ol uotlDlnrrrc saiolntulis puo suoEto
lDuturopgD aql tol aSossotu Juallacxa uD aql sau
s! .sa^Jau purds aql sauol puo aurds aql tuott uotsuai sasDalal lualaatout algtPalcut sttlJ
'acuo JuaLUanoLU aJllua aLll no,{;r ,,{.;,ro,u luoc aauij Ual rnoA uo pupq
t€ad?r uaqt pue ual aLlt o1 1eada5 'tuo+ aq] ol 1a1 ;nol, areld pue aaul lq8r: "rno,,\3o aprstno aleqx
u;nta; ,,(1,uo1g ssa;8o;d no,{ se g1 o} Sursea-rtut aLJl uo 1t aceld pue LU;P Ual rnoA aY€t '^ oN p€a
'EJo tunoc e;o3 uonrsod srLlt ploLl A11eu:ou UOI]ISi
Surqtea-lg lqBr,r aqr ol ,{poq -rno,{ tsr,ut,,(11n3a-leo no,{ purqag roog aqt uo pupll tq8u aqr
'aleqxa no.{ se 'pue ur qtparq daap e a1e1 acel; 'q8rqr ga1 ;no,{3o aprstno aqt uo 1006 aLll
uo Surceld '3a1 4a1 ;no,{;a,ro tooj tq8u rno,{
'alqeuoJLuoc sl 1l 'pue Aldaap a1equ1 nol'3o
Url 'alellxa no,{ sp 3uc
arar.J^\ lsar pueLl aqt lal lsnl 'L1cea; aqtnb louuec ]uo{ ur lno :
1:r. , t,,
lqBre-r1s s8al Lpoq q1,,u .
'aurllsreM puelJlrPIU aql
Surr-uurys JoJ luallacxa sr pue aurds aql 3o Altltgtxag saJnsua luatuanolu sILJI Suruol
lstMl_ elduts I
B Wide-angled L.E Stretch
This is amazingfor your shape! lt tones the inner thighs, firms the midriffand waistline,
and is great for ensuring flexibility in your lower back.

Sit straight with both your legs straight out in front of you. Spread them wide apart,
making sure your hips feelcomfortable when you do this. It is quite difficult to open them
very wide at first, but flexibility will come with practise and perseverance. It is useflul to
gently massage your inner thighs before you start this movement to warm and relax your

II Tl l.t L Iandgertlyslideyourrighr
r hard towards vour riqht ankle graduallv lrftrng
your left arm while arming your left hand to
your right foot and your right ear towards your
right knee. Halfivay is fine to start wrth.

Hold your maximum position for a count of 5,

then inhale and slowly and gracefully return to
an upright position. Repeat to the other side
and tl-pn rene-rt rhe entire mot ement.

!) \ r,' ; i comfortabl; wide apart

Lt^t .. -. ., | -- e^ h.,l-
l,roarhe in :nd nl:e ..-- ^-".1^l
Dotn arms '^ your
parallel lo
right 1eg. 6
V r.'or--
As you exhale. gentlv berd brwards. keeping
your back flat, and aimrng to clasp your right
I n:a.
foot in both hands and then arm your chin
\ aL:-
towards your knee. Relax in your maxrmum
position without strain, holding for a count
of 5.
l1-.: -
Takrnq a deep breath in, gently return Lo a

sitting position, erhale, relax and repeat on the

other side. Repeat the entire sequence twice. Benefits
1s well a
s tffering
'sLualqoJd lDnJIsuau) qT1 qsnoPuautarl
tslsso uoc puD DaJo loutLuopgo Ja^ol aql u uorsual sa^atlal 1l 'octlotcs tuo4 SutJallns
aldoad n! prcrJauag $oLu ag uD) 1l 'rlcoq ra$ol aqi ut uotsuai Surtarlat rct poo8 Klauat7xa
s! tuaLualout slql 'auU$lDM PuD llrPrtu 'sq7rt1l
noK tot nuoy 1nltamod o Surag sD ilaM sV
aqt uo
acrlce;d ,{.pep pue acue;anas;ad 'acualled
saLUIl g lual-LlanoLu aq] lEadaH 'x€loj 'suruur8ag ?Llt ur r€J ta8 tou op no'( jr
puE alpLlx: 'uolllsod lqSr-rdn ue ol urnlar ,{.,r-to,,vr l,uoc ur€Jls lnoL]]lA qc}aJls SPJeMJoJ
,{1lua8 sLUJe pue peaq -rno,{ 3ut1tt1 'pue a1equl LLTnLUIXeLU rno^ olut l.11n3a;ec pue Aluulec LUNU
anouu 'lq8re"lts yceg:no,{ pue dn pear-1 :noA UI
'ssar8oJd no^ sE
Ol Jo lunoJ Surdaal 'aleqx" no'{ se 'pue ,{1daap apL1u1 1113u
e ol Sursearcul 'qJo lunol € JoJ uolllsod Surda:
LUnLUTXELU Jno^ ul ulelua>l ijooH aql uo
aq Lllentua,ra lltnn' urLJc -rno,{ pue 1;o,rt sAe,r,tle aoeld,';ede ::'1,#:;:"1".::: :::'T1 g
JnoA c
o] ujn
'qJo lr
rno,{ sn
'''- -tr
*:1f l
lqEu ,
Jno^ x
ot lnJas
{.xalJl u
9 Full Twist r0
Do not attempt this movement until you can do the Simple Twist with ease This is
a , wlth both legs straight out in front of you
and brrng your rrght heel next to your groin.

Place your Left hand on the floor behind your

back. Bring your left fbot over your rrght thrgh
and place rt on the floor alongside the thigh.

Now take a deep breath and, as you erhale, i.

take your right arm on the outside of the left
knee and place it on your rLght knee, gently
twisting the body, turning the head over the left lii
shoulder. Breathing normally, hold this positron
fbr a count of 5, increasing to a count of L0 as

Advanced FullTwist
you progress.


I For a , r ' i Lr :.-ci -st-r'.'fclr in your maxtmum @-

4 t*irt, slide your rrght hand under your left knee
and take your left hand behrnd your back and
try to join your hands together, holdrng for a forehea:
count of5. ltrom .,:
Release and inhale, then return your head to
the front. Unclasp your hands and relar. lnhale c.
Repeat on the other slde and then repeat the ---! --
gcu a-l
entlre sequence Just once.
iloor, lri

::ck'.'. a:.

Benefits This is e
The Full Twist has all the benefits of the simple twist. It creates amazing flexibility in the arms, c(
spine, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, hips, knees, ankles and toes. It is also great for such as
firming the neck, jaw and throat. It is complicated, but I promise you that it is worth it! backach

'K411qrxag[ snopuaua4 y sau8 puo aurds aqt ino saqc]arts oslp il 'sltlrtlirD puo aqcotlcDg it!
qtr* apoad rct ptcyfauag s! puo uaalds puD ra^tl aqi sauol iJ 'aqcDtlcDg puo sdtuotc so qcns tot l
stualqod pnJJsuaLu Suraarlat tot Wallacxa st puD $ng aqi sauo| 'atnlsod tood slcarroc 'sturo aql u
nddn aql sauoi 4 'mo( puo
toortli aWlo saPSnLu aqi Suturllf puo Euruol tot Nallacxa s! slqJ
t,usaoP -,,,. ^^.,,,^JJ.
s[]lJr,, Pa]urooa€srP aq l,uoc spr€^\lc€g
up^\S eJo asod aql olur sPre^^roj Lpoq :no{ LIJ}als pue sLUr€ ;nol, ualqBre:1s o1
sLu;e ;no,{ 3urL1o1a"r1s 'slaaq ;noL ol u^\op alqe ag 11r,^,r noL,,i1pnlua,r3 uorlrsod LUnLUrxerI
tl ayel ,{1ru,o1s puE le aLll ur Luo}loq rno{ 1L-1 ;noL olur dn auuo3 ,{poq:addn ;noL 13t1 "toog
,, .,,,, \-1.]1'
dJJU lsrL ILJLLd.\u-.lr 5r.-ll ludljdu \uld- PUP rPIS aLll uo uaLuopq€ -ia,n,ro1 ;nol. Surdaal 'pue ure8e
auo ot peaq ;no,{ urnl uallt JooLJ aLll uo ppaq alpqul rool; allt uo urqc rnoX areld pue peaq
allt o131as"rnoA-la,tro1 A1,tro15
"ino.{ aceld JooU ;no,{ gr1 ,{1tuaB 'apqxa no,( se 'pue ,{1daap a1equ1
'ssa:8o:d noA 'spreMroJ Surlurod sdnra6ug
se 0l 01 Sursea;our 'EJo tunof, e:o3 uotlisod 'sjaplnoLis "rno,,\ qlrnn' aurl ur Xpoq "rno,{ uuo;3
r u1 salllur spueLl "rno,{ pue roog aql uo ppaqa:oJ
Lunrurx€rlr :no,{ ploq',{ leuu,rou 3u lear g t €_
'tu?LUoLU aql roJ aug sr ,{eng;eH lsrg te uaddeq -Jno,{ qlr,,n leLU aql uo s|.rl:' \'\-t \\ail] :r.rili :i
ual a
r_1o ri
',{lrpgrxag pue ql8ua,rls leutds sasparcur z{1rea,r8 ll 'uotltpuoc
1ca3;ad ur aulds aql Surdaal JoJ slualuanolu lsag alllJo auo sr srLJI
Blqo] B Jo asod 0l
ll Pose of a Cat
Every animal on this planet stretches after a rest to ensure its spine is free fiom tension
and ready for action. We can really help ourselves if we stretch as well.

Stage one Stal

[ \J.. rl. .r-: e L.-,iLr > 1r'1-r1i1.'; i with your knees, fbet
and hands all about a foot apart Ensure that
your thighs are vertical with your hips, strarght
above your knees, and your shoulders are
st raight above vour wr ists.

Arch your back rnto a hump, at the same time

dropping your head.


,', lrlr .,.,. i ir,r.r and lower the small of your

S .r,. ,

back so that your bottom sticks out. Drop your

head ar-d arch your back and conlrnue moving
your back this way until you have done rt at
ieast 5 trmes. This part of the movement ts a
great way to rid the spine of tension.


:j I
peaqJjoJ Jno^ qJno) ot ir BulLUte 'aJU)l rno^
,, ,q, , rt'v1\
+jaD ,,, 1\l+u€!
,-^ r .+J,l r,., ,^9 ^,
yu?- SL-t-lJP ,lnO^ LlalL];^leifs Z rnoX rn
'zJo lunoc € roJ
uvr+ ruu cil il nr-r I ruu[J -'
la "' d9] uu urYJ
'- rr'^-r --Dld
ru/\ dJclu -l9orcr
":l' yl"H
,-^.{ puJLl
puE s,^1\oqLa rno^ ^,,^r 'srnoJ llE uo IIIIS puP auo ]PLI
, ,, -, ,,,t- rr,-^
^s-"^ ul autos lonr ul , ,, JOISual aql . |] sq).aJ Jauv
o^ l a3€1s


aare s

3 'j , ,'j
, , and s\ /ing your right Leg uP
behind you, aiming to pornt your toes to the
ceiling while looking at the ceiling at the same
time. Repeat this sequence 3 trmes and then do
it 3 times on the other srde.



I i then lowering Your

bottom to your heels as you exhaLe, keeprng
your arms straight out in front of you Relar rn
this beautrful stretch called the Pose of a Swan
fbr a count of5.

Inhale, return to a kneeling position and stretch

your arms up straight above your head Hold
thrs stretch fbr a count of 5, then erhale and


This r,
Benefits . erl h.
This gives a powerful tension release to the entire spine and it is really helpful for aching
:',e tht
backs. It tones and firms the wrists, arms, thighs and bottom'
'Kpoq aloqt* tnoK saxolal puo arnlsod tood slraJJoc (lDorql aqj
puo mol aqt sutrJ os1o iJ 'slualqord Surqloatg rallp puo ouqlsD t1l1m apoad o7 lnld1aq tuaa Surqc
s! puD $aqc aqi spuodxa Qloat7 tl
'autFStDM puo llrtprut 'sq81ql aqt sauoi iuaula^ou stqJ
'oouo luaua^out aLll leada;
pue 'uortrsod 3ur1aau1 qBrq aql ot urnlar alequJ
plluf €Jo asod aql ur x€lar Prip
'saprs ;noA,{q spuer-1 :no,{ 8une1d 's1aaL1 ";noA or
Luoltoq ;no,{,ramo1 pup apqxa uaql'uorlisod p
lq8udn uE olul auroc ,(1,tto1s no,{ se r1r:11--, Z pl
'ssa:8o,rd no,{
sp 0l ol Bursea:lut 'qJo tunoc e;o3 uor1rsod stql
ploH Llctals crtsptueJ e ;o3 alqrssod sP ijc€q r€J UEA\,
se osJol :no,{ Surqc:e aLurl alups aLll le 'sp;e,,rt;oJ UI X
sdrq pue sq8rqt 'uauuopge ;noL qsnd ,{11ry alellxa al
pue Lltealg daap e a1e1 'uorlsod stqt LUorj J'
iauop lla^ 'taa3:no,{ uo spuPLl ;nol. aceld
uec no,,\31 'qJo tunoc e;og,{11er,u-tou Burqtea:q
'uortrsod LUnUJIX€LU rno,{ ut ,{e]s pue auillstpn\
:no,4 1e spueq:no,,i. daal 'qcea; la,{ touuec noA3y
'taag ;noX uo lPL+ spueq
;no,{3o sr-u1ed aq} Sututtp 'uorltsod rlnLUlxPLU
;no,( ot sprp^\ycpq qc.ry lq8re-rts sq8tql
-rno,{ Burdaa>1 sprpMyo€q rela"r ,{1tua8 's8un1 OP U
llnJ Lltl^\ pu€ ur Lltparq daap e purLlaqalel AL
s;a8ug pu€ tuo+ ur sgurnqr;no,{. qtt,n aurltsrem ?
le spueq ;no,{ are13 uede tooJ I taal pue dn 3a1
saaul ,rno,,( L1I,t,l Lrr-rrtrso.1 5Lr1:,1r1 u15rL1 r: 1c1opy
1,{e.n'.te drls lsn( sa;ec
JnoA os 'suorsual IIe sas€alal ll qclaJls PJe^ Yceg lnJJaPUOl\\ JalJloue sl JUaLUanou slLll_
IaLUBJ B Jo esod Tl
13 Pose of a DoE
We can learn so much from watching animalslThis incredrble stretch is excel-
lent for removing tension from your spine and it can help people with lower
backache and shoulder tension. Do not attempt the Pose of a Dog until you
feel quite comfortable with the Pose of a Cobra.

,;,. ,l

,a::- :.
Lic ir,cc ri,.r', n on the mat with your hands on abdomen on the floor, slowly come up into the
eirher side aL shouder lerel fingerLips facing Pose of a Cobra. Breathing normally, hold fbr a
forwards. Inhale deeply and, keeping your lower count of 5.

Jn \c,'
tJSn ,. -
.'f UT ::
--ur l:
-.....S -

As weL
'sraplnoqs PUD \cau ncoq Ja( ol aql ut uolsual
sa^allar puD surro aql suaq$uarls 1l 'sapsnu tlDc puD s8urtrstuoq 'aurds aql lo Kl111q1xay[
aql sasDaJJut uotl,sod stLll 'oJqoc o lo aso4 aql lo stgfauag aqi ilD Surtoq sD ilaM sV
'sasearrur q]8ua-i1s rno,{ se sa[Jr] g r nn f D --.J ror rrcnd
rnr r-':-: r'r nrol Arpr T -'Jfl
' qr:-l- - -t Ft-,rtt ,tp>
| l- 1 '1.-*I rrlr '-
luaLuanoLu arrlua aql Suruu-ro3;ad or dn Surplrng 'lsaq rno^ op lsnr lsJU lp Asea lou st stLll
'ur8aq ol acuo lsnl Llctarts 1nla,trod srqt teada;1 'ure8y ',4, paUa^ur up salgLuasar Lpoq rno,{
l€Lll os su;;e ;noX uaaru\laq u,ttop peaq ;no,(
'xelar pu€ roou 8ur>1et "roog arJt sprp,l,lot umop slaaq;no,{ qsnd
aqt ol ,{poq :no,4 ,ra,,uo1 ,{1tuaB pue suu;e 'lno,,\ pue ri€ aL1l ur Luollog;no,{. UII 'spuel1 ;noA uo
uaamlaq IcEq ppaLl :no,( Sut,trs ,(1,tro1s uaqt 'qJo u,lrop qsnd Japun saot:no,{ 3ur1cn1 'pu€ olEllxf
P JC.i
t4 poseof aRabbit
W ffi t5
An excellent movement for relieving tension from the neck and stimulating
blood flow to the brain.
or up
lii::r:t r*ri.r:i:

Kneel with your bottom on your heels and place Make sure your body weight is supported by
your forehead on the floon Place your hands on your arms stretchrng back to your heels wiLh
your heels. only a fraction of the werght on your head.

Inhale and, as you exl-ale, place your forehead Hold your maximum position for a count of 5,
on your knees. Cripprng your heels firmly with increasing to 10 as you progress. lnhale and
your hands, gently lift your bottom in the air, slowly Lower your bottom to your heels and
aiming to have your arms straight and your relax in the Pose of a Child. Hold for a count of
rl-ioh- .ernend r-r r'-rr r.' the loor. 10, then slowly return to a sittlng position and
relax, lying down fbr a count of 10. Do not
To accorrplish this you may have Lo rudge vour repear.
knees gently lowards your forehead. This can
take a whrle, so don't strain lust take it carefully.

This is a wonderful tension release for the neck and spine and is a great help to headache
sufferers. It is very beneficial for the skin and hair due to the increased circulation of blood Beneft
in those areas. It stimulates the thyroid and parathyroid glands in the neck and is most -r is i:
beneficial to the sinuses. . !s al:

'sasnuts pa$aiuoc tuott ntlns oqw asoqt o1 dlaq |oafi lo oslo s! il
.satnssatd s,at11 q4m adoc nof Sutdpq rct rua11acxa st PUD tazrlpnbuotl 1nltapuor* o s! slqJ JSOUT
slgfauag Poolq
Jo lu
'spunor g1 :o; aloAc srLll anurluoJ
qJo lunoc e JoJ lr;tsou lq8r-r ;no,{ q8no;ql
al€qxa uaqt puE q Jo tunoc p roJ LltEarq rno^ plotl ql,
'qJo tunof, p roJ lrrlsou ual aLlt q8norqt a1equ1 ,(q
'qJo lunos
:-,, e ;o3 ,{1,tro1s pue Alurpc alpllxa pue lulsou }al
aqt ycolqun ,{1,tro1s uaqt EJo tunoc e roJ tlt€arq
;no,( ploq pu€ gllnq;no,{ qtrnrr 1u1sou tq8r"r
:no,,( 1co1g qJo lunol eloJ tr q8norLll alpL.lur pue
qLUnLlt ;noL Burr3rl ,{q 1r-r1sou tq8u rno^ Icolqun
'lr l-roddns
ot Moqla tq8r"r ;nol, rapun pupLJ tjal rno,( are1.1
lrrlsou Ual rno^ uo :a8ug lrau :no,{ pu€ asou
"rnol 3o a8puq aql uo sJaAuU oml txau "rno( ace1.1
'lrrlsou tq8u ;no,{ uo qurnqt tqBu rno,{ ace1.1
'uorlrsod pa88a1-sso"rc :o 3ut1aau1 E ul i a 'it' r
'slupxa Jraql aJoJag u^\op slrdnd JaL{ LUIeJ ol asrcJaxa Surqlea"rg srql Sutsn
r1lrl\\ sllnsal algrparoul peq seq 'loollcs,sl;r8 e ut rar1ceal qsr13u3 ue 'slrdnd Lt-u jo aug
'suolJenJrs Surllasdn ;o
asuat Aue qlr.rzr adoc no,{ dlaq lpnt 1l z(1pnba 1nq 'daals ot oB noz( aroJag }r-{8tu ]e op 01 leaPl
st 1[
'salurt InJSSarls Sul"inp lngacead pue ulec .,fuls no,{ dyaq yyt,v, lr pu€ Surgloos os sr stt.lf
astflex: SurqtBelg llrlsoN alBurellv sl
16 Head and Neck Exercises t7
A great tension release for the proverbial 'pain in the neck'. lhave not seen as many
tense and tight necks in my 30 years of teaching yoga as I have in the last 3 yearsl

Co gently with thrs movement, making the tiniest movements to start with and then
gradually increasing the movement as your neck becomes easier. Never strainl

|I \ rLh your back strarql-t i'r either a

c-oss legqed or kneelir^g posit'or Centlv
drop your head forwards then s1ow1y roll
it to the right.

allow your head to rollback. Rollyour circles to the nght and then gently rotate the
2 head slowly to the left and then slowly and head the other way round, makrng 3 circles to
carefully forwards. Make 3 slow gentle the 1eft.

This movement, as well as releasing tension from the neck, helps remove the calcium
deposits that can settle on the joint surfaces, so alleviating tightness and stiffiess in the
neck. It is excellent in helping to remove a double chin, toning and firming the muscles
of the jaw and throat. If you are having a hard day, it is a good idea to stop and do the
movement in your office to relieve the tension build up in your neck. It is really beneficial
for headache and migraine sufferers.
aqt o
aql ul
01 sall
aqt ?
PUe Aldaap pue
alllPaJq 'YJeg rno^ uo u^\op all roolJ aql^lMols
ycpg rno^ 8urre1a,r 'aPrs ot aprs uro# lsoj
uaql 'saaul rno^ punoJe spu€q rno^ )icolralul
1yo; '\1 ',
roou aql saLlcnol Lllolloq Jno^ lllun 'aLull p lP e,r
erqaUa^ E lsnf 'aurds rno^ uMoP llor
= ^l^\ols ^ra^
i:: uallt peoqaroJ rno^ ol saauY rno^ z
0€ roj aJaqt Apls
ot alqe ar€ no^ lrlun dn Surpltng
'L{lr^\ ul8aq ol sPuooas ol lsniroJ luaLuanolu
srLl] ploH 'q3no1.1 aqlJo auo a3el5 st stql
roou aql 01 lallPr€o
s8al rno^ a^€q o1 LUlp pue lroddns anr8 o1 peq
;anto1 :noL uo spuELl "rnoL aoel; 'ute;1s l,uop noA
lPlll arns SurleLu lnq 'uel no,{ se rPJ sE Joou aql
LUo{ luo}toq "rno,{ 3urt3r1 .{1tua8 'saau>1 ;noA puaq
pup al€Llul t€LU allt uo lr€q -rno,,{. qtrnn I
auo aBels
'sllac ur€Jg pue JIeLJ 'urys Jno^ Sutqsr.rnou os 'eaJe lf,au PU€ PeaLl
aql ol oU poolq sa]€lnurls 'aurds aLJl lno saqclarls uorlrsod Surxeya; ,{11n3tlneag stql
q8no14 aL{r ll
' -'-- rtr

3 .A: \.1 r ri|r-,.-i.iSS you will find that the

movemenl eases tension in your lower back
and gradually your feet will be able to touch
the floon When this happens you no longer
need your hands to support your back, so
stretch them in the opposite direction to your
feet. Interlock them and enjoy the loveiy stretch

Breathrng normally, hold the positron for 30

seconds and, supporting your back, roll down
in exactly the same way as in Stage one.

A longer stay in it is a wonderful stress reliever.

I recommend increasing the hold by 30 seconds
per week until you are able to hold it for up to
3 minutes.
i: ,

etDo\^ s

upper c

Inhaie =


All men's ntlseries derive from not being able to sit

quiet in a room alone.
- .\ -

Benefits Benefit
An amazing movement - it releases tension in the lower back and can help to relieve A lovel.
backache. lt stimulates blood flow to the thyroid and parathyroid glands in the neck,
helping to keep them in excellent condition. By stimulating blood flow to the head and neck en ref, I

area, it 6oosfs the condition of the skin and hair and so is very rejuvenating. and ost

'DuJqlso puD
suotllpuoc Klsaqc utott tatlns oqnt aldoad ol lorcy[auag s! Puo lsaqc aq] spuodxa Qlntatoc Icau
ttlcau aql ut uotsual 8ur*ar1at tot luallacxa s! il 'tlcau aql ur spuolE protKtqlotod puo '>1cau
plotKql aql sauoi puo 'r*o/ puo iDorLli aql suttgf puD sauol slqi 'luaua^otu Surxolat 6,pao1 y a4atla
'x€larpue lceq :no,,( uo IPL+ aLlt pue Paqcr€ sr lsaqJ aLll lPql os spr€MYc€q
umop arl A1,rno1s uaql 'spupq ;no,,( a,,rouua: ,{1tua3 Surqr:e 'peaq rno,{ Ull pue ,{1tua8 apquy
'ssa;8ord no,{ se q o1 Sursearrur ,{pog;addn
,{11enper8 'qtr,u ur8aq ot sq}Earg daap g 3o aqt uoddns slure ran ol aL{t teql os tuaq smoqla
tunoc € roJ tr ploq pue uorltsod srLlt ut ,\1daap pue ;no,{ qti,lt slrollng:noA -iapun spreMu,t'roP
A1,no1s alllpar€ "roou alll uo st p€aq aqtjo dol 3une3 spueq ;no,{ acel; r ..r',rrl ririr \ Li-' l.liJ 3rr
aL{t pue q8no14 aqt L{tog raue op o1 lea;8 sr PUe Ycau pu€ lsar.Jo aql saxelar asod srql
qsH B Jo esod Bl
19 Deep RelaXation o Rel
At the end of your exercises, take time out to relax both your body and mrnd. Lie flat on
o Let
o Let
the mat and ensure that you are warm enough (your body temperature can drop when
you relax). It is a good idea to cover yourself with a blanket in cold weather. Allon

a beaL
and si,

Have your le.gs ab-rut 2 ieet apart and your arms about I fbot from your body with your palms Benefi
lacing upwards. Slow your breathirg dowr, rrhalrng and exhalirg slowly and Chron
nea.ofi r'h rhrn' roh r or rr nosc.
Now relax each part ot your body rn turn.
leer ankles and calves.
Relav r nr rr
Relax vour thrghs ard leel your legs becoming heaw lrmp and Lotally relared
New ic
Rela,r your lower abdominal muscles. then your back and your chest.
Feel your shoulders relaxrng, and vour arms and your hands

'noK urqyM uaag sKotalp spq pql ssautddoq
puD tulDc rauut aql ralocslp ll!/6 noprarDap saurocag poaqo KDM aqi puo a^tJJp sDapl rr'aN
'a^los ol ratsoa uaas sualgotd tnoK 'tu1oc puo 1nlacoad 2oa1c sr Putlu aLfi uaqAA 'utalsKs
tnoK utott paloLual QWaE arD spnpoJd aysotw 'uorsual lo aatl sautocag uals{s crloqdu(l
aqt sV 'atrnbat Katp sruaulnu aqi ilD Luaqi Eurmolp os 'sanssl1 11o ol r*ogf poolg PasoaJcul
uD ur sqnsar sltll 'pulu puo Kpoq qrcq xopr oi ratsoa qcnu sI l! 'Kpoq tno[ tuott patourar
uaag soq uotsual aql uaqAA 'asDastp 01 poal puo Kpoq aqi ualDal uor stqt 'autl ul 'sanss?
aqt ot qdtuKl puo poop lo r*ogf aql Eurygrqur 'f.pog aqi sa18uot1s K1ptary uotsual ctuorq)
'uorlrsod Burtlrs e olur dn aruoc ,{1,tno1s pue
al€qul xelar pup aleilxf 3ur1aa3 a^rp-aq-ot poo8 teql pue ,{8,raua ur aLltearq pup 'ppaq rnol, putqaq
yrpq sLUJp -rno,{ r-.,.lratts qteJlq daap e a}ler uJqlsJtnLrLU 'xelJL
El-g Jol pJXp.Jr (et5 ,rnlar xelar
'tqBrlr:oour ,,\,ranlrs aql Llote,lr ,t,roN 'ratpM
llrts uo Surutqs uooLu llnJ e aa5 A1s tq8ru -rea1c lnJrln€aq €
azrlpnsrA 'paxplar si Xpoq rno,{ a1rqr14 'ssaurddeq pu€ tul€r aread 1o 8ur1aa3 ,{1a,ro1 e olut \ela;
s8uLssalq {ueuu -rno,{ ILE roJ apntllp;83o Furlaa3 lnJJapuo^\ e qtr,^v\ putu rno,{ 11t;
'puiu-; "rnoA aneal slLi8noql a,rrle8au (s,r,ro.rp pue ,{r-uearp
llp lpqt arns Surleuu laal otJlas;no,( ,tro11y
':ooLJaqlorur rldaapBurxearApoqarlurrno(1aaypuelrpqrprlsdlets.Lno(ta;
uo t€lj
spre,udr 1;o r s11eqa,(a -no \ pup :pr1a (a rno ( ta 1
^^paq laal
,{neaq pue durl auuorag nnel -rno,{ 3ur11a1 'salcsnLu lercej :no,,( pue Ilau :no,{ xe1a5
durl pue ,{.neaq Futuooaq slurp a;rlua.lno,{ laal Mo\
AlternatelesPull PoseofaCar

rc Poseoracamel

Poseofastar PoseofaDos

W w
rheFurr Lotus PoseofaRabbit


E ntternale irostrtr orcatrrrrtq

-%&!dK ct
Backstretch - Head and Neck Exercises Plr
w W

W wrhePrough

Leg Stretch

n n


wFu -

IO2 #
Pose of a Cobra


,.--1 .".'-:
luoissas str,y: lclua '#CI a^cqv'saua pa>uc^p, aLCuj aLl] Ult*\7uola
EiuaLua/,,ct;t f.sr;a f,yarts1nlej eulcs papnlJLtt e^rL! {'uoisses p;}:uoloq lef.'alqn{o{tta ux nsf.
a.r;5o1 paLritc a,.tLt"l lasnrllag 'ult3Jls
lou cf pur; f.71n!a:* ?AauL sl.nn",ps raAa sV'slLlaLuaAot))
7utpasa:d al1 \$Nr aylauaju:c; ;t-:a noi ltlun taidotlJ srry; ;ltl.f u patrdua] aq l,uap 3s$tlC
;D11 as;tl.ra.taAtur jc a:uanbes,;'rol's Q;t1371s c na[. ralJc l':j:::t:::r:;:::::;::t;
ut:r srryl llc l3u't) :*p1o a,,o.;6 ilc{ sr ;a::s{r1d 3tnt7}atucs lD a,\a-}du}t c} elqo aq a1 1n{iapuot*'
sr ry :&;;;g:xt"11 V:ur i5..tl;z )nu.\:e.uJ::t,F,): c] pua r3c;{ u ssa,rFo;d c1 .7u;}t:xa ilqtpa.nut s:;1
',taueu6a"ld Xur"lnp iald€L{3 srl{} ul
sllnaursAow aq? jo ,tue trdlua?l€ 1ou op as€alcl
From r
Salute to the Sun Advan
aim to
much e







%wK =

-;F- -
.qslaJls JaSuoJls € JoJ J3r.l1a3o1 laal JnoA qlr^ 1l ulJoJJad uaql 'no^ JoJ Jalsea LJsnLlJ
sauocag uns aql o] alnFs uaLJM 'aJnlsod r.Jcpa ur,{ltltgtxag arou LJcnLu qlr^ anoLu ol url€
,^^ou sluaruanolu aql uJoJrad noL s€ lng '(91 aSed aas) alce;tyq alnulu-ual Pacue^pv
aql ur srrp pastlce;d a6 'acu3nbas SutzrBpua slql qllm,rfup zr,tau Apna lJels 'uo ^ ou [loJJ
.Pi*r" oo"*

2 Straight LeE Triangle - fry l'rt';


A total body toner.

Stage one
.t:'.r,,:,ii in perfect posture with your fbet .^r hanr-l rha rioht Lnap
I Sr-.-l:,,-l

together. lnhale and place your legs 3 4 feet Cently stretch your 1eft arm up in the arr;

apart. As you exhale, turn your nght foot at an pullrng r ou- snou der back Lo ooen the cl^esL
angle of 9Oo to the right and move your arms >nrl lnnL< 2r \/-r rr lafr h:n,] Hnlrj r ha ...o firr :
n:r:llel tn tha flnnr count of 5, lncreasing to 10 as you progress.

Inhale deeply and, as you erhale, keep the Brearhe nor mally 'r your ma\rTrum oosrrior.
knees straight and aim your right hand flat on lnhale . ow'y ard retu'r to ar upright posiLron
the floor by your right fbot, with irour iittle f vl-a'e -e -rv -rrd reneat thrs movement rn rrh :=

finger by your big toe. lf you cannol do this the left foot at a 90o angle to the left srde. a:
yet, then hold your right leg wherever it rs Renear rl-e enrire n^vement otce.
comfbrtable, but do
w5 =::

ry ,a

Stage two

I wrrh vour leg, abouL 3-4 teel apart ,:lr':'.i',.. :l: ,r',,, your right arm up in the air,
ensuring that your knees are straight lnhale aimrrg to har'e it ir o :traighr line wrtl- vour
and rotate your nght foot 90" to the right, left arm, then carefully rotate your trunk so
keeping your 1eft fbot fbcing fbrwards. Place r hdl ) ou are lookrng ar ) oLl rghL hard

your arms parallel to the floor. Breatl-rng normallv. hold rl^rs posrtion for a iir
coLrnr o[5 ", increasrns-5 the ho d [o a count of
'" "*"' "

2 irl-,.ri,: deeply and, as you exhale, change 10 as you progress.

your arms over so that the left hand is '

pointing towards the right foot. and lift the left hand up from the
,:rlr.r.r.: i

floor. Carefully return your upper body to

)rr,:.li: and, as you exhale, keep your knees uPl rgl,L--^-":
dr ;-- r. tr-hzla:nd'ana:r
lr PU)Lrw L \r rJ.r ur .u !I rhe -,-7,
straight and bend forwards, arming your left po)e on Lhe lelt srde turning rhe lefL lbor ar
thumb by your right big toe and the palm of a Q0o angle ro tl-e le[t Repeat the enr-i-e
the hand flat on the floor. In the begrnning sequence once. '.-
sfdges ensure both knees are sLrarght ard
place the left hand on the right 1eg wherever
rt is comfbrtable.

", 1):'
r€ loq
aql l
Jo lunc
e roJ
os YUfr.
ffiffi uor]lsc
Stage three




With your i::.:i l,-,;, I and both fbet

.,:._:,; .-. S..o",1 rr., ,. io..
litrlo rnr,.lo. anr] :im to nl:e a
ldlll lqlul -..1-
VVdl -.1,^ -.-loo.hra>rh,. r. rLr!Lrrl
U), ldn(duLLpL.LuLrr .r.or.h r nr r' l-ead ol he |on' Do not strain.
your ar ms up in rhe oir and. as you erhale, tr..^^,.,-il,.,.-,,..
LVgr rtudily yuu vvilr ;11 t-^ ahla r. rel^, fold Vn"r
u( *.-,, .. ,-,- , . -,
,- L^-!
I don't
srrerch forwards wirh your back flaL and leqs ---- ---l
dr lr) or u rq)L yuul r rsGU ur yuur ururu dr
r^1..1^-.1 ---^
r r).
----:.L- D .1-.. :-.....- ( tones v t

il l yuul -naxrmum forwards t-..1^ll .^-;^ D--

I r9ru oYgil | ru o^ l9ur ;^,,^,,-
^f J il I yuut tllcn
^^,,-*rt ul
)Ll olgr lL. r\srd^ L
--.,;-,,- ll
il |ut
st retr-h r-l:s.nino :*Ll yuur - rrGr
po:ir ron, then inhale ard slowlv br ing your leer
- , -f .5; rror- rr le
.iB) vvru ru).
D-- -,L:-.rY ruL rjrdily.
r',.. L .rd thi. nocirion [o, : back ar
ur (dLrr |ut_ rnwards unril they are about 3 leet aparl.
,,..,.h, 66.,-i^^ ';f.:-^ . .,,. l- ,-,r People t
count of5. Rot ,,.. | ,^
r\r Lur .! ur^. I Jr,r .5r - /u)lllul I, llltlllY yuul ll(du Q+^^
firsr rnd keenino JruS
''.'v" '5 rrnlr h:r-k str:iohr ihan
Ar oIthis hold try rhis extra strerch the har,
Lhe er-d slreLCh your arms above your head erhale
but only when you fbei you are ready for it. and relax.
lower b
and br(
It corre<
jaw anc
't l:2
'looJqL PUD Mo[
t4rau aqj sauo] oslD jl 'auds aql
lo Ktyqrxagf aql rct rya11acxa st PUD atnlsod tood slcattoc 71
's8un1 aql ol lorcgfauaq s! Pup $aqc aqi ut ssauyqE4 satallar qc]arls sProl$lcDg aqJ 'saPsnur
Jopnppo puo sEurtlsutDq aql Suruoi puo 3urt7c7a4s rct luailacxa st 1l 'silac utDrg Puo
toq ,urt1s aqi Suldpq snqt 'Daro lcau Puo PDaq aqi ol mogf poolg saplnlulls aarqi a8r.ls
'&ryrqrxagf nplnoqs sasDalcut puo suDaro loururopgo aq] sauol 1l 'allcorlcDg Ja$ol
Lly/ aldoad ol uoog o st puo aulds Jogurnl aqi Jol ryalPcxa sl 1t 'utDEV 's8uulsLuoq aql
6urq4a4s to! puo 'sa^loc PuD stlcoilng aql Eutur{ Puo Sutuoi to! Wallacxa st ou1 a8o15 p€aq
'aqcotlcDg rawol qilM aldoad
rcl dpq ryailacxa uo st puD Kl1rqrxa{ tnoK sasoarcur Kl1ocrlotuorP 1l '$aqc aqi PUD tlcDg ]aaj l
rawol aql ut uotsual Surtarlat puD sapsnut Eal aql Suruol to! pool Kllorcadsa sr auo a8o15 LUNU
'Kpoq noK ut apsnut Ktaaa [1pn1rtt sauol .SLUJ
puo stutrJ acuanbas a13uort1 3a7 lqirotys aqi lDI{l noK 1a1 ol aur paau noK yurLll l,uoP J Jno,'
'acuanbas slll] lPadar ol
paau ou sr araql'alpLlx? pue uolllsod lq8t:dn
ue ol urnlal ,{1mo1s 'alEqul aoue:a,rasrad pue
acrlee;d 'acuarled ,sd g, aq] qltm aluoi)
11r,\\ ftrlrqrxag
allt 'urerts t,uo6 'sa,r1ec ;noA
qJnol ot LUIE pue umop sPUELI :noA anouu
'qJlarts sprPMlf,pq aql ul alqElJoJLUol lasJ
no,{ jr 'pue qJo tunoc € roJ ploH uotttsod
LLInLUTXELU rno,{ ut spr€^\lc€g puag 'al€Llxa
no^ s€ 'uaql pu€ ,{1,tr'o1s pue ,{ldaap a1equl
1;ede 1aa3 g lnoq€ s8al .rno,{ Surdaal 'peq
aq] }e s"ra8ug rno^ Pue luo{ ul sqrunrll "rno,{
qll.\\ aulllslPA\;no,{ uo ll):-jrlr.l l'-ri.:.l :.",.:,.1 ,n,no5 f,
3 StandinE Head to Knee Posture 4
An excellent balance to tone the thighs and keep the back flexible.
_-5*. I
Slairil ,.ir':;,ji-ri with your fbet together. Inhale throughout Breathrng ror mall;, hold lor r our althou,
and lift your right leg with your knee bent, maxmum position for a count of 5, increasing storm.
interlocking your hands under your right foot. to L0 as you progress.
t.) a^n,
Srare ar a snor on rhe fl,-^r and ca'ef, rllv.tart to Cently release your hoLd on your 1eg, lower it,
stretch your right leg, aimrng to harre rt strarght, then stand up srraiqht ard relax ReoeaL with
and then gently draw your chin to your knee. the other 1eg and then repeat the entire
Your lefi leg should remain completelv sLrarght movement once.
We firs
when y
::: "6_[fr -.
I irr
a- your
the c

or kr

f inhal

Do not r

Benefits SIATT

This really takes your mind off everything because you have to concentrate enormously on the fl.
the job in hand. Physically, it tones your thighs, stretches your hamstrings and releases knee.

tension in your lower back. It is an excellent strengthener for the leg you are standing on. fine a

Do it daily and watch the cellulite disappear

'acuo lsnr apls raqlo alll ol l€adaH xPlar
']srg auu
'uo 3t
'al€Llxa 1€
pu€ uMop looj rno^ a)l€l
^lluaD '?aul sasDal
uaql Pu€ JIe ALll ul dn sLUJe JnoA ..il-rr.).ili sr u^\op fungle,l 'lsaq:noA oP lsnf
uo K1s
:no,{ ol urqo -rno,,( ',{1pn}uana 'PUP JooL+ aLJl
'uorlsod lq8udn u€ ol urnlar uarll ot spuEq ;no,{ Sututte spJp,ttJoJ puaq ol UPls
pue tods:noL uo pJ€q aleJluacuo3 Apoq 'lods -rno,{ uo sa,{a "rnol, Suldaal 'pue ,(1daap
:addn aql ry1 ,{11enpe:3 uaql pu€ peaq ;noA alpqul roog aql uo lods p ]e a;e]s 'q8lql
-:,.:-! i 1'-r I ii,-l .rll rj :i',rl;:'r ::l;l'-::::l ',TfO5 ;addn ;no,( uo ,{lqeuojuuoc , ,r , I
Llrsea pue .{1trca,r.roc auo a3e15 r-u.ro3.rad uec no^ Illun o^^l a3e15 O1 uo anolu lou oc
o^A1 aBPIS
'"raqlaSol sPueq
-rno,{3o suuled aql Surceld 'pear-1 ;no,{ anoge
suu-tp :no,{ qlog Llclarls pue ,(1daap alequt
'1oo3 -rno,{;o3 uorlrsod P il.rll:l:r :t-tt'.2 l Z
ajl]ua aLll ]eadar uaql'aPIS ralllo aql 'aled unro ;no,4 le ssa;8o:d pue aaul Jo
uo lu?uuanoLu aql leadar PuP unnoP 1oo3;noA JFI 'aiilu€ ;no,{ uo loo3;noA aoeld lsnp la,{
al€l 'luaLuolrl aqlroJ auo a3el5 qluv\ 8ul^Pls srlll op louu€c no.(3r ,{"r-ro,tr 1,uo6 Sulllao aql
aJP no^JI ',u,o5 ssa"rSo:d no,{ se OI ol 8urce3 loo3 alos ?Lll Lllrm q8rqt 1a1 ;noA
tunoc aqt Suruaq]8ua1 'EJo lunor P roJ ploq ot uo looJ tq8u rno^ ry1 .{1rua8 'acuepq 'rno,{
,{.1put:ou Butqlea:q pue lods -rno,( 1e -r lr iv rq € pre o1 qods e uo saAa rnoL Furdaa>1 ';l::i.iill I
'^^ou Jats€a qcnuj sl aJns LUe lnq 'lualuanotrl slt{l pauels no^ uaq^\
.(0g a8ed aas) g ;a1deq3 ur aA1\
llncl#rp alrnb Alqeqo;d se.tr 1l lrelaP u] srtll pasrlce-rd lsru
auo aBels
dlrllqrxag pue uolle;luacuoo 'acuel€q 'aslod Jno JoJ luallacxa
sr aa;1 e Jo asod 'sn ]e s^^oJl{l aJll lEL{1 sr.uroJs lecrsAqd pue leluar-Ir aq} qlr^ adoc ol
"LlA 'ru.to1s
alg€ 'algrxag spurlu PUE salPoq -rno daal PUe olll1\^ 3q1 aYIl ag ol sn sallseal e3o1
€ ul sllpJ uauo pue pr8r.r,{laruaJlxa sr '^ olll^ aql l€LF ralPrnls pue;a8uor}s LlcnLU qSnoqlle
,pu€rJ JaLllo aql uo ,y€o aql'sanlnJns pue sadoc A11e"raua8 1l 'ssneal pue sBtr,rrl auuos
'aJll ul sturols
asol .{er,u 1r qFnoqlle pu€ Lurols aLJl ur sPuag 'alglxau Sulag '^ olI^ aLtI
alll rllr^\ adoc o1 uo alduexa u€ JoJ aaJl
olll^^ aLll 01 lool 01 sn saqceal e3o1
^^oq ^
ea4 E Jo esod v
I lgd5t


I Si-.

2 Ens

ffiffi #r plac

ww ww you
uot t

When s
say tha
- fho nt

work qu
out stra
all your
they tot
legs, giv

: ',1
e i r
ij! qlrow s! I alu a^aqag 'a8o tnoK ta^alDqw adoqs pauoi lnlpnoag D uaqi Surru8 's7a1
tnot{ ur sapsnlu aW llD auot puD tutgf Kaql'a111 K11op tnoKllo puttu tnoK a>1o1 K11o1ol Kaql
sD acuoJatastad puo acua4od 'uoryo4uacuoc tnoK to! Wallacxa ato Kaql 's1u1o! tno( 1o
,uorlrpuoc alEparcut ur saal tnoK daaY
lo Kl111g1xag[aqt SudpLl ilt$ aarL!] PUD o&l saaol5
.uotlDrluacuoc sptp puo atnlsod slcalJoc 'sqEltql Jalno
Puo Jauut aqi sauol oslo luauta\our
aql.Kllrqrxagf loJn]Du Jnqi Jalocstpat slurol tnoK Korut, aq| p PazoLuD aq il!M noK 'uro4s |no
-qIr* sKomlo puo Klutloc ssat8otd 'salnr aqt Kaqo noKtr wq1 noK asruotd 1 puo K1>1crnb 4tom
saop oEof pg !!r1s Klqotltouat oslo aro slu1o! rlaqi iDqi ra^ocstP s11dnd Kuotu Paq4DM
a^oq stoa{ atp JaAo puD iualua^oLu slqi Paloq I 'ilaw ool llo tualqotd aLll Moutl I Puo
,62 lv .apluo ro aau\ 'd!q aw ur ssaullrls sr ualgotd aql
llr1s QEparcul araw saau4 Kru -
asDc aql pu s slqt 7nq 'dn Kols iou lptw 1oo! aqi puo Kraddrys ooi aro s8ul,33a1 rlat# pL1l Kos
uallo qrdn4 'qnc{lrp tuaa ag uoc auo a3o75 aatl o to asod aql uata 'o8o( 8u1ltols uaq/1A
'lr anrasap.{aql pue noA
Altua8 saaul ;no,{ aBesseyl 'tualuanotlt
aqt leada,r lou op pue xelau apts raLJlo
aql or teada: pu€ xelar alPLlxa 'peaq rno(
anog€ sLUr€ :no,,( qcla;15 uotltsod lqBr:dn
up otur dn 'spueq:noA uo
lceg auoc ,{1daap 8utleL1uy peaq
;no,{ 1311 ,{1,v'o1s uaqr '3a1 t3a1 "rnoL ualq8te"rls lq8rant:no,{ daal no,{ 1eql aJnsua pue lnJarEc
ol alg€ a;p no,{ t€ql os Prenl.;oJ puag ,{lauua-r1xa
aE rool; all} uo spueq -rno,{ Surdaal
alrqm iaalJ ga1 :no,{ ot yco}tnq ga1 "rno,{
'spueq ;nol :a,uo1 .{1}ua8 pue aaul tgal "rno,,( PUag ot LLIIP
uo sr lq8ia,tr ;no,{ ureBe acuo lelll os p;€^\toJ pu€ 'spuer1 ;noA oluo lq8ra,tt;no,{ :a;sue;1
qsnd pue no,,(3o ]uo+ ut rool; uo spueq pue lods Jaqloup purJ 'aaul "rno,,( ot peaq
:no,( aoeld 'uorlrsod sttllJo :]nc surot oi V ;noL r-ure puE rool1 aqt uo spueq ;no,{ aceld
'tcds ,rno,i uo at€Jtueouol no,{ lptll Fuunsu= Z
'ssa;8o-rd no.{ sp q o1 Sursea:cut 'lsrg lP
e JoJ ploH tods ;no,{ uo saXa :no,{ 'o,tr1 a8elg olur prpmroJ anou-L '3a1
lJo tunof,
daay aaul ga1 :noA uo -to :a,{e;d ut raqlla tq8re:1s pue lc€q tEU utt,tn' alpLlxa l.1,tro1s noA
uuaqt aceld pue rool+ aLlt LUo{ spueq ;no,{ sE 'pue peaq ;noX anogp slUrp "rno,{ 3urt3r1
gr1 ,{pear laag no,{3r ,{1uo pue '1aaq ga1 ,;no.'r Kldaap alellul auo a8elg ur se qFrqt Ual rno^
l3a1 -rno,{ uaqM
irc ,i.1qr,-ljo,rrucr sl lcollng t uo looJ ]qBr,r ;no,{ aceld pue rq3iu-;:s puetg
'uorlnec qlr^ paaco.rd 's.{em1e sP 'uar.Jl'aarlll a8e15
Sulldrualle a;oJag asea LJIrA o^ l pue auo saBe15 qlog tuJoJJad uec noL lrlun lterln aseald e-.'.
aarqt a8e15
5 Pose of a Sage
A strong twist to remove tension from the spine and to slim and firm the
midriffand waistline.

,r with borh legs strarght out in front hands in their maximum position. Inhale Oi
of you. Place your right foot by your right deeplv and as you exhale. slowlv tur'r your ? aroi
buttock. lnhaling deeply place your right arm head over ; our left shoulder. again ensurrng stre
on the inside o[your rrght knee Exhaling rhat
rr.dL rrnr
yvurrr rpilrL,rr'rur-\l R- ,.r L-i-
enrna r< ctr>ioL- ll.UlgdL . - ."--ll.
lll lgllul llldlly. i---

Lake your left arm behrnd your back and, hold rhis posiLion br a count of 5 then slowlv l---^l

sitLing complerely straight aim to join vour rerurn your head to the fronr. {acing tbrwards
hands rogeLher Don't- worry if you can t do over your ieft leg.
Qr.' "i.-i-^ Benefitt
'hi" -t lll)t.
Llll) OL 11""' JtCy crr:iohr kaenino rror rr
ilt Llll< JL'
This is t
other. V
and thrt

st I
'uaalds puD ra^Il aqt auot lllm 1! 'K11outa|u1 'lDortll PUP
mol 'aurllslorur tlltplut aql auol puo tutgf puD 'uotsuai JaPlnoqs atatlar dptl uoc luatualolu
stq! .sacuplDgtu! asaqi lno Eurytos Qlntatoc Kq Qsnouttoua aurds aql dlaq uDc aAA taqlo
aqj uDqj ap1xa6[ alour qcnta s1 Kpoq tno lo apts auo 'siuarua^oLu oSoK ur uallo os Ja^ocstP
sV 'aqcDtlczg ral ol qirM a1doad sdptl QrcatE y puo ycog ra*ol aql ro! ryailacxa sl stql
'acuo L1,r,ro1s
1sn( ]uaLUa,\oLU arllua aql leaday ga1 "rno,{ ol ull13 ;no,{ nrc:p .{1ruaB 'leg lceq
'aprs raqlo aql o] ]eada"r puP x€lar 'aFljx= :no,'( q11,1 ']qBIPrls 3a1 :noA pue leg IJ€g llpu-
uoqrsod lq8udn ue ot urnlar pu€ al€Llul 'E ;no,{ 'dn peaq ;noL Burdaal sp:pmroJ qr}arls 3ur'l
Jo tunoc € roJ plou ,{11euu"tou 8urr11ea:g
'ure-r1s ,{1nno1s PU€ aleqxa 'aau:1 lqFu JnoA Punore Z'
lnoq1M uorlsod LUnLlrx€LU Jno^ ro aaul paurmlua sLUrE rno^ Sutdaal 'pu€ li".l i O
6 Back Stretch
After finishing the of a Sage, which works each side of the body separately, it is
Pose n Ue(

always a good idea to foltow with the Back Stretch to help rebalance the spine. We first and r
learnt this movement in Chapter 7 (see page 82). Here it is again.

Lie r-- -

do this
toe loc
Sil st rarolirt with your legs together, straight out towards the floor while clasping your heels.
rn front of you. Breath,ng normally, stay in your maximum
Jake ar
position fbr a count of 10, exhale and try to
feet fic
Inhale deeply and lift your arms above your relax down a little further without straining.
head. Exhale as you slowly and carefully stretch
stay rn
fonryards with your back straight and head up. Inhale as you lift your head and gradually come
Aim to clasp your feet and arm your chin to up irr-o a sitting position. Stretch vour arms up
you pr.
your knees, gently allowing your elbows to drop above your head and relax. Repeat 3 times.

This w
Benefits cares c
The Back Stretch releases tension in the lower back, stretches the hamstrings and tones the correcl
back of the thighs. It also tones the abdominal area, rejuvenates the entire spine and mas- womer,
sages the heart. It is very relaxing. abdom

lt L
aqi suaqiauarls puD uo4sa8tp sa^ordutt oslo lJ 'sdutoJc lDn4suaLu uro4 Jallns oq6 uaLuow -sDra
rcl dlaq loatE o s! puD sq81ql puo turo/ 'lDorql tsurrD aqJ sauol ll 'atnlsod tno{ Tcattoc aql sa
sd1at1 puo a1qrxagf puo EunoK autds tnoK sdaa>1 l1 'daa1s o1 Suro8 arolaq Kop aqt to satoc
aqi KD/u\o
qqa4s ol uorlrsod papt uD s! puD Surxolat Ktat sr iuaLua^oLu lnttapuom srql
tp:d: t tot n- vpr: I \yvY I r.
td non
'1r '11 rnr " 1r rr.r \^ | aYr
'rfu€uc/\vu rr r rcru€f, rvu I uu urr rf dr u I r^ _^ rr,^rv_ 1 .rc,t.p (.tt
..luoJ rr€"J\IF. ru
t:n .c>
^El€tr dn s
e,,,--^ - , .a .c l In.r p ta. .(.tp t|OU
pue leg arl roo1,1 aqt ol ,{poq rnol, Sur.ianrol Js uL vr uur)sdtrJur ! t\ +u' r\ J c r\J r.1.""'
I rnnnrc t:: r 1n6( -..^ -.- , (,,, .-c Surqtearq uortrsod -!nLL \e-u a-| ul Aels
'1.". l. ,. yt "".. . o>uola) \lfudu ud9 I Puc
'rr,\\ r'q1-^1 c) rrr rrrl 11 lq6f qTt n r]n ttotttqnd pu€ al€Llxl 'urerls lnoqlrM 03 upr no,{ se qSrq
Y tr v\ uLUdt v | )dur I oo)1. trl
TrnT rlvpl
I _..*: t t tnoX t tt cr se spje^\an LUaLll Surl]Jtars rooLj aLlt LUof laaJ
- PreMljrPq PUP SprPMroJ
uur>lJutr /\trr
,(,, ud9r ,,-l rLU/\
,,.,,, UYJ ^^,( /v\uu sJU d)ud d9r nr Ip np:r t -..-..--1---1 rTl al€a
r-- r,--1 tnoX t noa r.r:l puP qlEaJg raqlouP
ur ludPlueJ ' --' rr:r rnn,(r r-nr ro rr:r I A
lddJ ' ru \ u?L1 , "-.1/V\ .S
'xelar puE alellx= 'saot aql gprS pue uasool aol
'acuo luaLuanoLLr allt tal 'uo sllos rno^ tnd uaqt tsJU t€ s[-]t op
<rr I tp:d:r|ypr:
-:'1''"'.--Cl I nr rp )nrq ) r- Iln np:r rnn,( tn rr rolno( tt <nt
. - .Jr rp rrn\( '-' TnOAJO
-. oA Jr' _IJJJ '-^( --'.1_
- aplstnc
"-t-" r"- "r:-'.-" "" r""'1 " "" -r -_r
urL ll J--,
,-^ I u)ulJuJ
tdd) Jrru/\ ^ ^ ^,-
-, ,. ^. I r,\l/v\uL) )t n dspr.^ nl lp atPI ll il 'pt r. rno ( r .o I r\nr)n
) ruuL] d9l u
'stUalqoJd lenJlsuauj pue lsru a
anrtsaBrp anarlar dlaq pue aurds aql o1^]llrgrxag tpar8 anr8 o1 puag sprp^ ycEg InJlln€ag V sr 1r ',{1
Mog E Jo esod I
B Pose of a Tortoise

The ancient texts tell us that the sacred nectar with which the Cods preserved their
youth had been lost. To retrieve this, one of the Cods, Visnu, turned himself into a huge
tortoise and dived deep into the ocean to retrieve this precious nectar. The movement is
dedicated to this tortoise. This is a most important movement in yoga. Once you l-rave
mastered it, you do feel as though you have had a spoonful of nectarl [t is a most stimu-
lating and ref,reshing movement and excellent for relieving lower back tension.


a I


.-, -

Thi< n
,e leas

'sdtq rnoK ut KilltgxaLf
aiDar) sdlaq puo suoEto lDututopgD tnof sauol 't1cog tamol tnoK utot! uorsual sasoalar
puD sauot 'sa^rau tnoK saqtoos U
'u4Dc puo acoad to 8ur1aa! Qatol o nof sau8 atnlsod slrg
Sururre Kpua8 pue sprpn,llno pue
xelar pue aleLlx= uortrsod Pr€^^'roJ s8al rno^^lmols
qrtaJts 'alpllxa no^
Surltrs e ol urntar .{1tua8 pue Apoq rnoA sp 'uaqt 'qlearq a8r€l e a|et 'aaul rno^Jo
JP'c/Y\vt tvt\ /Y\ErP
larr )tInA(
tee) rurL
"n16,qrrrrp rno,( r{ccrtr rn :)f-rt!,.i.tiitr-r i.rlj I t.il--r !,';'rLt(ljl;no,{ a,req no,{,31 g
alpLlul 0lJo tunor e;o3 uorrrsod srq.I plor.l
'(rrc, r r rnr r Fr
.\.lcuf,vu ,rr rre: rc -r
uurtteeiLl Jdr] .lcnr\
rQnr | | r-r rrlu)slJ
rur lduelwo9 ,{;:o,tt l,uop os 'anoJdLur
o-t LUre PUP lJeq .Lnol, purqag sLUrP rno^ ,{11crnb lirm noX asrtJEJd no,{, sy 'uorlsod
nnp rn ,{rnnorq
'"""r 'r rnrtrqorj r rnr rvpr rr rno,{ rrr lq8udn u€ ol urnlar pup alpllur ,{1mols
"l' """" "l
uaql 'EJo tunoc € JoJ ploll puP uorlrsod
'a8ets txau al.]l or a)lrl uallt srllt ur ,,(Jdrurs ']ouJl ssarSord ot
.{pr-u ^rl LUnLUTxeLU
noA 'asea Lllr.,rt uorlrsod ^€ts
are no^ ualll ^ppar
aauil rno^Jo aprs ralno aql
alll paralseLU a\eq no^ aJUc uonrsod uo arP 'sMoqla rno^Jo uortrsod aql
trrFr rrjn rp
t'1"1""'"'\-""\]'1*r rnt: r nn,( qp qr lrrp rnn,( r r;r l aJrlou rJJlar-IS
^3l]lJlLUnL.urxPLU Jno\ ul 'aprs JaLl ro
^r r
pue lsrlJ ur sSJl rno^ Suuq ,{1ano1s pue V aql lno pup sbal rnoA rapun LUaq] qJlarls
O] Jnoneapu? pue SLIJJP JnO^ i-la:ri.ii: ,v',r-i:.\i
'ssar8ord no^ se
0l ot SJlsea-Jul
E Jo lunoJ P ror uor.rsod srq.I ur roou aqt ot s^ oqla "rno,{ ,rre"rp,{1tua3
rrr np:
, ,a
rc ulPjls ol lou ^Pts 'aFqxa no^ s€ 'pu€ Aldaap al€Llul ra^prd
'Xlpr r r ror-r Fr
il-*-- - .-:-1* InJaJpJ
aB roolj aqt ol ulL.lJ rno( ujle PU€ saprs ur JaqtaSot sPUpLJ rno^ aleld sPJP^^tno
rno( rc rnn rrrRrp rq qr Trrp rnnX rrrr: rq ')r rrl 3ur.te1 taa3 rno^ Llln,n uede looJ I lnoqp taaJ
r rFrp nc cF)r .'' r r:n qF>r rrn \
---|.rllun | r'r
L] \ \ r^^r r )r r'
ll\\;UUUJtjIJU In
:r rrpq :r rr -ruv *'.1":""*" '-"1" rnnX
" :,.tpr
"' "-1r ot -rnn^
.-..| nr--rp --.-1
-nr.rjrls ls
aApLI no^
sr }uauJa1\
a8nq € ol
rraql pa^

9 Maltese Cross attel


Thrs three-part sequence is wonderful for the shape of your thighs and bottom and is

great for reLeving stiffness and tension in the lower back and hips.

Stage one Star

r, ,.r on your back,"vrth your arms Don't r,rrorry if only a little movement is
stretched out at shoulder ievel and your iegs possrble at flrst. You rvrll tmpror,'e ver,v
together so that you resemble a cross. qurckly. le

,'',., ,.: and, as you exhale, slowly stretch i ,r :-: your marimum stretch fbr a count 2
your right 1eg and, keeping your heel on the of 5, then slor,vly drar,v the leg back and
floor, dm your fc,ot to your right hand. Your place it in the starting position. Repeat the
aim rs to clasp your big toelThis sounds rrery movemenr to the left and then perfbrm
easy but the heel must not leave the floor. Lle er Lrro requelce f\\:ce.

Benefits Benefi
This movement is most beneficial for relieving stiffness and pain in the hip joint and for This n
helping people with sciatica. It tones and firms the inner and outer thigh and releases
tension in the lower back. the hip

,; ,' .'
., t; ,. .::1t,,

. r" 1:u1];; i'.-

, ,,,., ,tr,llrr**,,
'tlcDg ral ol aql ut uolsuatr EulsDaPr Pup dlq aql
ut ulod puo ssaulltls Surtarlat tot Wallacxa oslp st il sq8try nddn puD tuoltog aql Surtdlncs SaSDa
altLlfr\ salrsnu lDultuopgo puD autllsrow aql Suruttgf tot ruayacxa st iualualouJ slqJ
tlttpt* tot p
qlrm lr€ts otJIls sr drq :no,'{.3r aug sr lurod
,(e,rg1eq al1t raqLuallar tnq 'puei1 1a1 :no,{ 3o
artual aql ot aot 8rq tq8u :no,{ utp 'lu8lPrts
sFal qtog Surdaay rp aLlt ur 3a1 tqEr"r :no,,{
aqr r€adar ualrr pue ry1,{lrua8 'aleqxa no,{ se 'pue,{.1daap ',' Z
uorlrsod Surl;ets slt ot ilc€q lt Ja,\/\ol ,{1,n",ro1s
no,{ sp alpqxa uaql re aqr ur dn lr13te:1s 'tsoruraddn suled'1arra1
Fa1rq8r: ;no,{ l3t1 l,11n3a:et pue alPqur uaqt 'E raplnoL.{s lp lno pallJlarts srrJ,rP rnoA qlt,r'r
Jo lunoc e JoJ uorlrsod LUnLUIXeLU ;no,( t:r:. r t raqla3ol s8al ;no,{ Lll^ Itr€q;no'{ uo ,, . I
o^ l aBels
lueuEard are
no,( 1r 1dua11e
lou op asPsld
t.: '.., :'
1.r". :i tr.,:
.. ,,:,1, ,:
., ]r' rli:
,-,,1 l;;:,
..rr ... , , ,..i. ,
ir rri'',.:.iltli.;;!;
Stage three
is rarely possible at first, so clasp the leg
I i i; il;ii on your back wrth your arms
straight, stretched back on the floor behind wherever you can with ease and gently
your head, and your legs straight and draw the leg towards the head. Ensure that
together. both legs remain straight.

2 a rr.rJt br-.rain in and, as you exhale, lift 3 ii.rlj the clasp fbr a count of 5, then s1owly
your right leg in the air. Slowly fift your lower both the arms and leg back to their
upper body and try to take hold ofyour rrght startrng position and relax. Repeat this
leg, ensuring that it remains straight. Your movement to the other side and then repeat
aim is to clasp your right big toe and aim the the entire sequence twlce.
rrght knee to the right nostril. However, thrs

This movement stretches the hamstrings and tones and firms the front and back of the
legs. It is also a brilliant abdominal firmer and toner. It relieves tension in the lower back
and can be beneficial to those suffering from sciatica.

l0 Crescent Moon
This is a beautiful backwards bend to firm your throat and thighs, and give your sprne
amazing flexibility. Stag

Stage one

Cr- i''
one wit
and the

Keep yc
an rnch
willbe c

1",1a;,,i: 311;.r that you have a thrck mat under Lift both your arms in the air, placing your
n' kneec
r/\?"..''','""',''.!r!'",.,!-..-,.-Adnnr : hioh kneel,no noc,itron and lsl. l-l-
-^^-l-^, jaanl\/
rl^ u!![ crrere h rrn, ,r
'r Pd ll ) LUg(ll llll lolq r) ul
' '- -: L* '- n^r t-
on rhe floor about 3 armq rrn :hor e r olr he:d dronnino rrolr head
PLdLg yuur Irgr rL luuL lo "'!?rT"
leeL ir o[; our
lronL lelr knee bui in line with h.^1, .--) n r,nt n^ 'yuur
uoln orru PvrrrrLrrY -, '" h>nrlc
rrJ. rur rn
.v rha nailino15,
rrrL LLri'
pl--- A.-..r",^, Benefit
,,^,,,.i^hr h;^ h^,h -,," ". .4.ll
) JU. rrg. rr . rrr/. r loL( uuLl I lldl u) ul I yuul llgl keeping your eyes on your thumbs. Exhale and,
The Cr
].<nee rhen ., ,.h,/"",
.rn, r,ohr h, toe f. l-nnnr:rdq hra:thino n^rral'r l-old Lhis oosiLion for a count
'r 'r

:imino rhe r,ohr hr rlror-k fn\^/ardq, rhe r,ohr
'5""-'',heel of 5, then inhale, lower your arms, erhale and
your ki<
so srrerching out the le[r leg I he Fort o[the relar. Reneat rn rhe.'ther srde.
also giv
left calf should now be flat on the floor:
'KEtaua paxolat to mol8 tutot* lntlnDaq o no{ saar8 oslo
il 'autFStDM tnoK sutrtl puD aull mol aql stutgf puo sauo] 'spuolE puatpo puo sKaupol tnoK PU€
salolnuqs ,K1rpqrxa4[ SutzDLuo aurds tnoK saui 'ysaqc tnof ur uolsual saAatPJ 11 'Suuoad
-dos1p aypilac aql pal roulo uoc no( - sq81ql noK tot stapuo/u\ saoP uoory ryacsarJ aql 'pu€
r ".-
'ssa;8o.rd ,ino,( qtrnt parq8tlap aq
no ( nr rp Fr rrcnlp rd r rc d>>v rcna rq l I re uful ue
yf,pg aAoLU ,{1uo uer no,{3i ,{;,ro,r,t t,uoc 'sglunLll
'acuo aouanbas arrlua ar1] leada5 'apts raiJlo ;no,{ uo sa,{a ;noA Surdaal ure8e '1qEre.l1s
aql uo luatuanoLu aql leada; pu€ xPlar '"leLlxl suu:e ;no.{ pue llrts Xpog "ra,tto1 "rno,{ daay
uotLtsod tq8udn Le ot u,rntJl 'sprp^ qc"re ,{11n3a-rec pue Al,tro1s uaq} pue
,{11n;a;eo no,{ se a1equl 'ssa-r8o"rd no,{ s€ 0lJo alellur 'auo a8elg q1r,rn, sp JrE aqt ur dn lq8re;1s
la rT In-l p tnt t tontqod
r rnn r p or trr rrsp; | )r lr 'a!J",".,""-"'J suu.rp ;no,4 qtrnt Suruelg 'urEJls lnoqlrm auo
,unLUrxeLU rnoA ploq 'Alleuurou Surqteatg a8elg qsrldLuoJJ€ upc no,{. uaq,rt stqt r:t .(;u1;
o1\Al aaPts
lt Ihe Wheel Whe

Yoga's ultimate backwards stretch. This does wonders for your spine, your energy levels
Lic '
and your self-confidence, and it is just great to be able to do it - regardless of your age. Most aparl
of us can remember doing this as children, but after a gap - maybe a long gap - it takes a finge
while to regain the necessary flexibility. lt is best to do the movement in three stages.
if this
Stage one Stage two
all ea
i rr iiat on your back and draw your feet up to ': on your back with your leet and arms ders.
rrn, rr hndrr qn rhat rrrith rror ,r Feet flat on the as in Stage one. positi
floo1 your fingertips can just touch your feet. befor,
Your feet should be about I foot apart. This time, rnhale and lift both your bottom and hands
back from the floor so that only your feet, and, p
Place your arms by your sides. Inhale and, as arms, head and shoulders remain on the floor. the er
you exhale, slowly lift your bottom from the attem
floor Tighten your abdomrnal muscles and your Exhale apain.
-.5* '-btipl-ten
'- the
-' buttocks and abdomr-
buttocks in thrs position hold for a count of 5. nal muscles, and hold for a count of 5. Then
then slowly lower your bottom to the floor. ral:v:nd ronear ftuteo
Relav and reneal 3 t me>.

to shor
yoga b,
blood t

t2 t
ialqssod s! aqa iDqlu\ 'iuaua^oLu slql paqstldruocco a^pq {aql acurs lDLfl JaPuoM
Kaql 'uaql rc! suozuoq mau suado I puD acuapgfuoc snopualuarl uaql sa,.l,8 l1 'palq8lap
Qa|nlosqo aro auli Tstyf aql rct I op ot aEouptu oL!/^ s7l ro s09 rnql u! slrdnd 6y7
puo s8al tstuJo aql sutif puo sauol PUD 'satralr pulds aq] ol Poon
oqxa sapplutis iuauta^our slqJ 'ssacotd slql lcDJarynoJ ol dptl pm spuag sptor*>1coq oEoK
raqp aqt puo paqAA aq1 'stoaK tapl ut uo4otauaEap o1 7ca[gns Kpuanbat! sr puo uauolls ol
Kcuapual o soq aurds aql 'oslv 'acuDApD stoaK at11 so asoalcap Kllotutou Kl11o4a puo KEnug
'aprs ol aprs LUo+ rnoX 1ro"t
,{ltua8 pue lsaqr rno,{ o} saauy JnoA ,n,n€rc Jooll
aqr or ,{poq :no,{;antoi pup asealar AJnnols uaql
iauop llaM'Ba1e gt1o1A"q pue
spueq -rno,{ o1 1q8ra,tt,{poq urcu ;noA :agsue;l
'laaqM aqt ul 'loaqM rnoA qlr'n alqetroJllloc
,(1p1or 1aa3 no,^ UaLIM rnoJ a8el5 i;l .r1i-t9
rnoJ aE'e15
'acr,t,tt tr op uall] lltsea qtrm tnq Ho U1 qcnr-u ta8 no,{ a;o3aq s}dr,uat}e
lr op upl no,{ 1r1un luauuanoLu srql }eadat lou oC lueLu a1e1 Aeuu ty "roog aqtJo Apoq alrtua alll ]C
'lsar pauJPa Url ot llrre 'spuetl aqt qtr^1\ umop Surqsnd
Jla^\ P a^PL.{ pu€ apls ol aPls LUo+
.t^-^ p
h aYel uolllsoc
lcoJ pup lsaqc :no,{ ol saaul;nol,,ue"rp nto5 qlParq oaaP -{.--, llalroJ aql ul sPueLl r"-
pu€ laal "rnol, qlrnn, 'nto5 'ssa"i8o"rd no,r( aroJag
srlll ur ,{1qel:o3uroJ sLUJ€ rno,{ uotlrsod
ipaurnlar seq qlno.(;no,{ 'auop 11ary1
'xelar pup roog aql ol3las"rnoL;a,uo1 ,{1luag ^p.tl
ol alge a;e no,{ lrlun lie^ 'as€r alll sr slu}JI 'srap S
-lnoqs pue srsrrm rr.l.I ur ssauJrts ol anp Asea 11e
'uorlsod LUnurx€LU aql ui ]e lou sr lr saLurlaLuosalq€uoJuroc slaal sliJlJI
s8al suu:e :no,{ qloq uatq8re-r}s ot Allenluana ycaq3 '1aa3
pue "rnoL sprpmot Sutturod ua8ug "rno,{
uury uortrsod L.unLLilxeLU aqt ut Alleurou al1tpalg LII.rrl la^al raplnor;s tp spu€t-l rno,{ areJd uaql
'0lJo lunoc E roJ plor; ot algp a;e no.{ ltlun l.11en
-pe;F Sursea"rour 'rJlrM ur8aq o1 puotas e ro3 lsnf slaaq :noA Sutqrnol lsnl sdrl:a8ug P SA}
'ploll pue aleqxa 'uorlrsod LUnLUIXPLLI:no.{ ut a;e -rno,{ 'saprs ,rno,{ Lq surre ;noA Ll)}arls pue 1.Lede lSOln
noA acug lasruuo,id 1 uaddeLl 1p,v,, 1i acrlce-rd looJ I lnogp laaS.rnoA qU^^ i1c€g:no^ uo l.:ir :rr.'l
aarql aFels
'laaqM aql ,fut ol alull sr l uaLll 'sa8els o^^l ]sJU aql qll^\ alqElJoJLUoc 1aa3 noA uaqM
12 The Shoulderstand
This movement, the'Mother of all Yoga Exercises', is regarded as the second most
important posture in yoga - the most important being the Headstand.


This n
stimu I
and aL
as astl-,

'srarajgns aqropoaq dpq uoc Poaq aLfl ol rurogf poolg or]xa aql Pue 'slqqcuotq PUD oraq$o sD
qrns siutolduro) Kisaqc tuotl nllns oqm apoad dpq uoc $aqc aql o1 nogf poolq D4xa aql ::a{.
.sptoqrrourapq puo sutat asoclroalo stanllns rc!prcgfauag st Puo 'salcsntu lDutuopgD Puo 't..',':'
sEal ,4coq aqy suaqi7uarls il 'sDaro tlcau PuD Poaq aql ol MolJ[ Poolg D4xa 3ur1o1nur1s iii:.t
Kq s11ac urcrq puD rt>q 'u14s aql siLfauag 11 'Kynot7 Kq pasnoc spatla Suta8p asraAPD
aql asJa*ar oi Surdpq 'atnlsod Surzritaua puo Surqloos KJa^ D s! il 'utstlogoptu Lls€Enls
D Jslsso uDr tl puD 4cau aLfl ut sPuola PlorrQlloJpd PUD Ploriql aql o1 MoA[ Poon sa]olnuqs
.Kpoq arti.ua aqi oi ug[auag
! lnlrapuow s! lo asnocag paprDEar Qq8tq os st Juatua^our slLtl
'lEadar lou op puP salnullu q
roJ xEIaH qsrj EJo asod alll qlr^\ olloi
'xelar pup no,,\3o luo+ ul 1no lqBre:1s oB
s8al ;no,{ ta1 lq8r"r o} Ual LUo+,,(1nno1s 1co;
pue saau1 :noA puno;e sPUPt.l rnoA lcolralul
uaql rool+ aL11 saqJnol Luolloq:noA lt1un
'alurl € }E PJqaUs^ auo 'Ic€g Jno^ u^\op
,(1tua8 uaql puP p€aqaroJ rno^ o] saaul
-rno,4,r,re-rp 'arnlsod aLllJo lno aLuoc oI
'salnurLu roJ ploq ol alg€ ar€

no,{ ltun yaa^\ e spuocas gg ,{g Sursea:cut
,{1pnpe:8 'qtr,^n ur8aq ot spuof,as Og roJ
luaLuanoLu aLp ploll ,{.1pLu-rou Surqlea;g
'luaLuanoLu aqlJo sa6€ls ,{.I"rea aql autllslenr;noA
ur Surluauag aq llrls lll^\ no,{' 1ng 'a^alLlcP tE spu€q -rno,{ aceld '1req:no,,{ l.roddns o1
ol allLl/v\ e alrnb noA a1e1 l!8tLl stql roog slrollng pup saau)l 'laal rnoA
"qlJo 'apqxa no,'(
aurl tq8rels tra;;ad e ut Apoq JnoA a^eq Ull pue saaul -rnoL puag,{1rua8
ol sr LUr€ l€nluana JnoA uolllsod unultreu t se 'pu€ ,{1daap alPLlul saPrs rno,{,(g paxPlar
JnoA qJeaJ noA Illun si: -lrrl,'.:i,,,:;'1 ..,n,r; ( spueq rno,{ ullm lceg JnoA uo 1ilLi :.rll
nol l
ffi D,* r^:^. *;*'*'"
t3 Shoulderstand
and the Bridge W 1fr";tr ffitffi

From a beautiflully straight Shoulderstand, ensure your hands are at your waistline and
are supporting your lower body.

Tiy tc
your t
Hold r

your Ie


rr ,.

As we

.- SAc
: Bal,
' Pos,

Talk ot
i su oryolnlot8u oC' a
aW lo ilo aro no{ 'apKc slql papldluoc a^Dq nof.11 'cllsoluot puo alqrxayf 'ly[ tnoqo 41o1
'uotTtsod sniol ul qsr1 olo aso4
uotitsod sntoj ut Klllynbuotllo aso4
&rlynbuoyto aso4
aEplt g puD puq sr apl n oLl S
puqsraPlnoqs PacuDlDg
puo$)appot1g Qaaol o ayotu ot rapro Surmoyo! aqt u uaqt utoltad uaqt 'puDisraPlnoqs
aqi uo suotTotra^ aql pa|aldtuoc a^Dq noK uaq111 'aurds aql lo Klllrqrxagf puo q13ua4s
aqi sasDarcur KlwatE Juarua^olu slqt 'puolstaplnoqs aql lo vgfauag aql ilD so IlaM sV
'(66 aBed aas) L1sr1 tr€ts ot llnrl#rp aq,,(eur s rLlI' puelsraplnoqs
eJo ?sod aLll L]llM luaLuanoLu aLJl L.lslulj ptlP lrajrad € olul aLull p l€ auo ure8e dn s8al ,rnoL
(971 a8ed aas) puers:aplnoqs allt roJ plnom Ull or Al uJqt spuoras 0l ro+ uontsod srLlr ploH
no,{ se ,{llcexa JUaLlanoLU aqlJo }no aLUoJ
'saprs Ll]og a8pug aqt ur aou€l€q pue umop tooJ raqto
uo luaLUaAoLU aql a8eueLu o] alqE aq 11t.n"r no,{ allt ay€t o1 ,{"r1 uaql JooLJ
aqt uo Alqeuoguuoc
q, ,,.^^, -. , ,^.i,
(11en1ua,r3 xplar pup u^ op ail Jooij aqt o1 Apog tsurlsJr sl 'loo] auo se uoos sV slcLUal]P leJaAJS
;no,{ :a,,r,ro1 Lllua8 uaqt sa8els Suruur8aq aql ;vpr
--r-, .Xpr
.-*r a:rr rnn
-. .1 ',{sp: -runos slul slf,oilnq ;noA
..- -, cn
ur tlnJl#rp 1r
pug noA3r lng 'urpJts ],uop os L1tl,ll Jo luo{ ur JooLJ alll ol :.).ti ri:r' i-i,-r.,9 o1 ,{11
t4 Pose on rranquillily
This movement can also be done
W W ffi
from the Full Lotus Position, but should only be
attempted when you are able to do the Full Lotus Position with comfort and ease.




As we,
it help.
and is
your e'

) -al
'$laaqc rno!{ ut sasor aql puD saKa rno6
ur lcDq aplrods aqi Eulnnd 'noK atttat Qpat yrr* iualualout stqJ 'cluoi lnttapuot* o st puD
6op 6snq Euol o talto Suryloos Qqrpatcu! oslo s! U 'acuolDg puD uoliDutprooc tnoK sdpq il
os puo acuopq o sr Klrllrnbuo{lo asod aql 'puo|staplnoqs aqllo s4fauaq aqt ilD so ilalv\ sV
s^\olloJ se uortrsod rJSrJ
ur snlol aLJl olul a^oLU uaql uolllsod
sntol aqt ur paurmtua 11rls s8al "rno,,(
Lltr^ tnq JooU aqt uo ]€lJ 3ut,{1 st ,{poq 't:::,,
allua rno( .rtun 'erqaua,r iq erqalraA :',:.,.::
,{;an aurds ,rnol. u,trop 8ur11o-r tt. .
JooU allt ot LUoIoq;no,{:a,tno1 ot U€ls
(;rua8 uaqt rurlrsrpM rnoL ot yJeq spueLl
:no,{ a,rou-r 'uorlrsod siL1lJo lno aLuoo oI
'salnurlu g roJ
ploLl ol alq€ aJE no,,( 1i1un ,{1,uo1s Sursea;cur 'satnuruj g roJ ploLl ol alqp ar€
'Lltt^\ tJets ot OI Jo lunoJ P ;o3 uotttsod aql no^ llun ,{11enper8 Surspar:ur O€ Jo tJnoJ
ploH srLlt anarLl)e no^ aro;aq stdu--ratte p rnr rronrqod rno( ntnt T n rTp r rot i Ft ttt ttp-l tc
leranas al€lu ol paau no,{.3r ,{-uo,tr
l,uoc saauy -rno,{ ot spueq ;no,{ alel lr op ot alqe aq uoos l[^^
non -^,. , ,1,""
^h,,1 t-.llrlvr ^,,r
pue a3uPieq 'uorlrsod LUnLUrx€LU Jno,\ ul JJllJulrJ PUC leLulOU Sl Slq L lsllJ
uaqM uortrsod snlol allt ur Luaqt Surdaa>1 .rp llnJl!rp ruaLUanoLU srql ur Suuueleq puU
'alqrssod se q8tq se s8al ;no,{ }3r-1 no^Jr 1,uo6 yede aprm s8al ;no,{
qlrM uaql ^JroM
pue raqraSor sbal rnoA LlllM Lotl
'rpoq rno,{ r;oddns or aurltsreM -rsod srqt 3ur (.l r q rrr,r ur8ag alqrssod se q8rq
:no,{' le spueq ;noL aceld pue rool+ ar.Jt Luo{ qp nq :n rqr, rLU SaJJI JLII Saaul
nr_rp_ rr rFrp- ,-
I '-1- : 1_.
,{poq;anno1 :nol. gr1 ,{1lua3 (gg a8ed aas) rno^ uo uuaqt areld pup re aL.lt Jl sLUJe
uorlrsod snlol llnj al1l ur l€LU rnoA uo , :- (2' ;noL grl Lllnja"rec 'irLrl:rs.rapif,i.:rirq aLll urc.r-l
-^ /\r
l5 Lotus in Fish Pose t6

and 1


Brrrg the top of your head on to the floor, with Place your hands in prayer on your chest and
your hands placed under your buttocks, thumbs rest jn this position, breathing slow1y and deeply
touching, so that your upper body is supported f,or a count of 1 0.
b,y your elbows, and with your legs strll in the
Lotus Position. Carefully lower your body to the floor and relax

Benefits h.
The combination of the Pose of Ti"anquillity in Lotus Position and the Fish in Lotus Pose \a
have all the benefits of the Shoulderstand, but they also keep the hips, knees and ankles
incredibly flexible. In the Fish in Lotus Pose, the chest is expanded and deep breathing is rr!
made much easier. It is an excellent help for asthma sufferers. The thyroid and parathyroid IT:.

glands in the neck receive a rich blood flow to them. Increased flexibility occurs in the p..

spine, especially in the neck and lower back. It is a wonderful movement for toning and ii:
firming the muscles of the throat and jaw and for correcting poor posture.

laa3 "rno,{ ylpM pup re aLJl ur uolloq ,rno,{
puElsP€aH Ul-l spuEq payrolratur :no,,( ,{,9 paLU€{ sr ll puo
aql oP ol alrloc no^ uaqM Jalsea LlcnLU lplJt os ]€LU aL{} uo peaq :no,(3o dol ar11 aceld aql u
sr Surut^ra^a ]eLll sarnsua slrjl /l\olj poolq ,tro5 noA ral azts rq8u aql .{1}cexa st apeut plotK
€rlxa alll ol Jno^ BultuolsncJ€ se lla^\ aneq no,{ a13uer:1 aLll pup l"rede acuetslp lqBr"i s1 Eu
se yoau rno^ uaqlBuaJls III^\ no^ srql aLll aJe s,n,rogla:no,{ leql sarnsua srql urc8e sal4u
8urop,{g raLlUnJ Aup ssa"rSo;d ol SurA;l aroJaq spueq ;no,{ Icolratur uaqt ,Moqla :aqto -rno( asod
slaam aaJlll Jo oA\] JoJ Lep l';ana lualuanoLu Jo arluac aql ol s:a8ug -rno,{ r1cnol pu€ PU€L1
asllrerd xelar ualll '0lJo ]unoc P auo Url ,.tno5 'no,{3o tuo# ut puno;3 alll uo
llPLlJS srLit
ro3 umop peaq ;no,,( daal 'u,trop laaul uaLll q al8uer:t aql ac€ld a13uei"r1 e aypLu o1 :aqlaSol
lunol € roJ lt ploq 'uorttsod uunuutxelu ;no,{ spuerq ;no,{ iJooiralur 'taluplq "rno,{,(q 8urlaau1
paqc€ar a,req no,{ uaqM 'peaq "rno,{ spre,\\ol 'pup uorlJsnt lcrL1l E otur tetlLieiq :ro'! pgoq
'3u11yeg r-uo"rg noL luana;d ol
IF^ e luaLuanolrr aql asrl
-ce;d ol asrn\ sr 1r sa8els Suruur8ag aql ul 'as€a qll^\ 1l oP o1 alg€ aq o] noA JoJ alglxal1 PU€
Suo,rls z(lluarcg3ns ag IIll\^ z(poq "rnoA uaq+.{g 'Ioog srul ut slualuanotu raq}o aql LIIIM luaP
-UUoc laal pup q8no,rq+ payro^ aneq no.{. II}un 1l ldrualle lou oP aseald '-ranannopl ',{.pog
aloq^ aqt roJ lualua^olu lnJrapuoM € sr pup,sasrcraxl e3o1 11eJo rar.JleJ, aLil sl SILJJ
,ffd'.WW IBrtssBlf aql 9l
\.:-r . r cJ . the prelrminary stage. you will
r, ihan ctrt,.hro.
., rcl I J.i orSr rLqr . rr^, ]o.- ;-r - h^ f-1...;^-l
) uJr '. .Lg5 ll ILU 'Ll lc L ld))lLol

2 find th:r rr qppmq rrolr feer ar-lrrallru Feel lil<e Ha:rJsr:nr] St:rz there fnr ir rqt : ferrr cer-onds
leavrno the fnor s,.. no\v a]low them to leave Lo begin with, increasrng slowl', as ) ou
rhe floor and come rnto a crouchrng position. become more confident in the movement
Stav in Lhis balance for a lew seconds and unt r] vou are holdrns for 2 mrnures.

The t
The t
the he
each c
one oJ
good c

It' |
'uo'ltPuo? PooE
.K1rtot| o1 sdprl Puo srlflP s,oEotrto auo
s1 molj poolg
- xrs talty 'Kop qcoa
lo ucalla \ura*o asraAPD aql Waaatd KatE sqluotu
saPlulr$ PuD rlDq
st puDlspDarl aql loaddosrp r{lalaptuoc
sl slqr uD aqi ur saa.. q!1^ PuolsPoaq aql
alljtl D aurq acnJDJd atll asoatcul 'tuDJDtlolltodr,r
aql uO, 'sa1o\s o4rdtpot4 o8otroqlog aq1
ut allq{ allttl 0 61uo uroutar P1oqs aq Kop lstt!
aql tol lua1\acxa
.Ktotuatu puo Surnaq 'lqErsaKa noK dptl oslo uDc 1l voq Puo utYs 'urotq
'a'nq aro luauta^our stql lo vyfauaq aq1
puo ,Eurtlsatlat puo iur1oto'r*ut t{1pat s1 11 s7gfauag
'x€lar puP
slaaq :no,{ o1 Llrolloq 'rnoL;an'to1 uaql pue
rool+ aqt qf,nol laal -rno,{ plun ;aqlaBol sBal
lauop llaM'uotltsod
aLuoc uaql
-rno,{ Surdaal ,{1,t'ro1s ,'(-ra'r u't'rop
8uilaau1 € ol urnlar A1'uo1s uai1l l€Lurou
pue 'uorlrsod Surqcnorl P olul lreq saautl
ol uJnlal ol uoll€lnlJlc ;no'{ But"uo11€ '0lJo Cr
-rno,{ puaq 'luatu?AoLu all}Jo
I 'i' I ''' ' ': C,
lunoc € JoJ uA\oP peaq :noA qll^A ul€Luatl
17 Headstand in IB

open your legs wrde and .o.r lr .^r )la \ Ar ,. l^rn l^ -..1, - L . .: h'll al
, -!L rL,) rv'u,L )\ur r\ \!(l^" UUUy 'tUtll(lLql
' lU

nlaee vo' ,r faer r^oerher in rhe middle Then then to the left.

Benefits BeneJ
This is excellent for your flexibility, balance and coordination This i
'&111Exag puD acuDlog 'uorlo4uacuoc tnoK tot ryailacxa s! slqJ
'aprs raqto aqt ot teada; pue 'qBrql alrsoddo
aql un^op looj auo aprls ,{pua8 'i-r, ljl i::l )!.'ii . 1:i,,, 'i-rl
},*ffi eqrul puElspBaH BI H
ffiW l
19 Headstand in 2(
Full Lotus

Achieving this movement could take a while - it took me ages but I was ecstatic when I
finally managed it, so please don t give up. It is only possible when your joints are suffi-
ciently flexible to do the Ful[ Lotus Position with ease.





ln ric -jea.i:rair.i, place your rrght foot on your Hold the position for a count of 10, then undo
left thrgh and then your left foot on ),our right your legs and repeat the movement the other
thrgh to assume the FuLl Lotus Position. way round.

Benefits Bene,
This gives you amazing coordination, balance and flexibility. This
'uotsual raplnoqs Sursoalat rct #a11acxa s! sltlJ
>1req tnoA purqaq spueq
;noA 8ur1co1"ralur -rool; aql ol lno qctarls ol
s8al rnoA ,tlol,e Jaqr pue uor.Irsod s't1 i
rno ( ol qJlalS e JoJ laaJ rno ( spJe^^ol uortrsod qBno16
LtrLll r.lJrJIS rno ( dselJJn
otur rool; alltJo uuopog lnol, gr1 ,{1lua8
'alqPrroJuJoJ aLUoJaq seLl pu€ saaul :no,,{. puaq '1ceq ,rno,{. uo r! r ir; I
uorltsod stLIl ul sluatuanolu aJoLU aluos uJeal PU€ sa8e]s lxau
aqt 01 ssa;8o,td o] alll lq8ru-r no.{. sselc Pacue^PP aLll o} passa;So;d aneq noA lelJl .ltroN -uJn
'(ygraBed aas) ,Surqclarts raMod,'.ra1deqc snornard aql ur q8no1.1 aql PsUBls lsrg a7171
I uar
sluaue^ohl Brlxf ffi
ultnn qSnolcl eql 0z EO{
2l Wide-angled
Plough wwffi 22


.i:att,L :t
.:iiliil r. :




Cnce Stage tl rfee of the Plough becomes ir': t,'---..'

comfortable, then open your legs wrde in the knees t
movement and stretch your hands towards your your ci
wide-open legs.

Benefits Benefii
This gives extra flexibility to your hips. This lo
'1cDq ral ol rnoKto Kllrqrxapf aql sasDarcut Qloat8 uorLlsod Qarc1 s1t71
'sa,r1ec ;nol
uo spueq :noA aceld pue sr€a ;noX ,{q saau:1
rno.{ ,tte;p ,{1lua8 'uotlrsod q8no1.1 i?Lurou ,ilic/, :l
1 €
asocr esooNavt :€J
zz ]++r
23 rhesreepinEposeWWffi 2

Onlv trv this when vou are fullv flexible and comfortable in the Noose Pose.




lr ii r: \1o,,-.se Pr-.e . cross your ank es, hold your until you are lying flat on the floor.
calves ar-d carefully try Lo i[t your head Breathe in, place your hands under your
berween ; our leqs. This rs a \ ery srronq move- L..++^^r.^
uuLLULn) Ol^-!tu or^-^L ^ - back into the Pose of a
!r L .yuul
ment, so don't strain. It will happen when you Fish (see page 99). Lre flat and relar. Now draw
are ready. your knees to your chest and rock your back
gently fiom side to side, then lie down and relax
To come out of rhe pos.tion uncross voul your entire body.
arkies drar,t your krees your florehead ard
roll down your back, one vertebra at a trme,

Along with all the benefits of the Plough, this incredible movement is wonderful for
increasing flexibility of the neck and shoulders, lower back and hips and, believe it or not,
when you get there it is comfortable.

::JOl\'f I 1lV \i VllcN !!vri 'lor.r
";#e]#srp Qgrry:oo",rddoun os Ja,{ 'snaw dyp;nsqn s3 11 ro! t
lo gr"trEnaugwn sarrnosa-l pus srapuar*1{a gn! Sas4 ur pfrCI&t {? s? apn;rfos
slryJ "aais/a a-/$ ae #4ry,11 ayq;ssod sac$CIpag ry$/ryet sJ ssarre] aa4; !7ase7
,!ll f* sa! asn* aryl. ::i.
gidap -rau{rr aq& ut parCIrs si 3ff-lb ssauff, aeg fye
,{pog ;no,{ q8no;Lp Sur,trog 1erce3:no,{ IF tno qtoorrls 'yceg aprls dlecs
1q,^, ,^ q , ,"-- ,^ ; -
^, ,- qlearq
\tsJaua dJlzllerr\ Llsa+ azllensln^ pup aaap ;nol, 1a1 'sp-re,udn s;1eqa,{a;noA 11og 'uoq€FLJXa
e ayel u"L1t 'salnulLu OI E JoJ paxelar ,{e15 'xe1a,t Lulpc ,tnols aLll uo 6urle:luaruor 'daap
'x€lar 'xElal 'purr-u ;no,{ ur sLg} daay upaco pue Mols Surqlea-rq ;no,{ daay 'sraplnoLls pu€ xela
aql ur uo pu€ uo puE uo leolg 'no,{ a,toge dn lceg ;no,( xelar'lsourraddn sLuled ;noL qltrll )j
z(1s anlq r€altr lnJrtn€"q lnq Surqlou t.ltrM u€aco ,\\€JF
'paxplar L11ear Buruuoraq s8al rno.{ €J
LUrp^ lnJrlneag € uo Surleog are noA aurBeuul 1aa3
nr rp srr8lrt Dr lp sanrp.) rno( vptar 'raar nr tP qarvue
a1e1s .(s,tro;p pue,{uea;p -rnoA xela; pue ,{poq;no,,( u-to-13 }ooJ I sllrr€
l.1ano1 e olur x€lal ,{pog rno,{ tal pue salJSnLU laa+
z sdal rno^ q}^\ Il!:c rno,\ uo leg 3i I
uotlBXBIeU daaq vz
Salute to the The Wheel

Sun Plough

Straight Leg The The Noose Pose

M Triangle Shoulderstand

\ Id

, i -:* :?&
Standing Head
to Knee Posture

Pose of a Tree
and the Bridge

Pose of
# The Sleeping

ffi S'rff '". Deep Relaxation


Pose of a Sage Lotus in Fish


Back Stretch The Classical


-1:,'1. .'#

a Pose of a Bow Headstand in

i ri:,'

Pose of a Headstand in
Si t'2 |
Tortoise the Half Split

w% tJ ali:

Maltese Cross
r-tc :
Headstand in
Full Lotus
: h,.

Crescent Moon
The Plough with
Extra Movements


'saF ls Sututt$aq a4 L:t
f .ia
jutltn o a} sPiaLl atil lttLltr:'.11
',r,iiuaE tia;t ssatl,;.iri t.tai4i'sjuauJaAau.J aqJ astea:dol J-/ols rtr:{,a-ttLdq pa}aAotar QinjaLn nr:.i
toLii 2-!ns alDi;.i 's,)ilriinaLls,to sJ-cir41 'su,ilo tna[ci l.:n{ut ktn pnq {giua;a: aaaq nt;f'jt 'suttrt
un,t noi as;ra-;a't1}a'aJoLLJ au pL}o lap n a:ztnlnq auo [tJ y'',it-tg
,tiia{i aiLtiLutri:;}r-t 4st"t a-q1
'ti?p!neL/s pu'a sLui0 -itaLF a1 erttS'saturt,:q pLtnLl aW 1{}Ll1 ada4s pun aua:i Snlltapuo&\ aL.tl
lcipeiitr'riiatr:sirdn'lttrtf iTqEnotaL#puo{1yrgiatassLU}Daq}uatl}Suatis'trqEta*rs,{rpaqat;1 3ut
-.!oeq sLLjLo aq1 .r^loAUt lDtll swau,iartau; r;3oS';t16taroi s,ipttq aql :ioddrts a:l Dlqa atn Aatt] 1r;tin
oat:aq;3t;a-tls Qicnpo"iS aC:isnu sLu,tc aLll pi,r)'Slsl.itrt aql ut ssau4oau.{c }cl D a^otl G1 pua.i
a;,ioaci asnDJae s{)JLtalDq ?saqi q)DaJ ai {soa icu s! }! 'sw}D aqi to}'s-tauoi puo siauaql$uauls
in!;a,r,acl e,jo sJuaLua^cLu asaqJ"saJualaq pur:11 o7af. iq8ta nod ,v.oqs 01 SuroF &\ou utc I
'r{.cueu8a"ld Fur.rnp Ja}d€qc srql uI
slual'Ijanotu aqlJo Kue 1dualle lou op aseald
.- #;:'}i,j'* ili_;
,* i=:'{1 j''-'i
i ; : r,: i x ,'"'
i," i.
Pose of a Crow 2





Come into a scluarlinq posirrcrr and make sure .r rrpr norlinn nl^ rha , ,nne,
m< n:rp[,
'- /
voLr have a lolded blankei in lronr oFvou
"'t-'- in cas<
.-* your legs from the floor keeping your head up.
y ou Lopple o\ er rn your tirsr ar-rerrpts. Spread

your hands out with your fingers wide apart and This is difflcult at first, but you wrll have a great
posrtior them comfortably rn f:ont of you. feeling of achievement once you have managed
it. Hold for a count of 5, increasing to i0 as you
Choose a spor and concenr-rate hard on ir progress, then come out of it calmly and slowly.
'rhale deeplv and resting your kneet on the Repeat once.

Benefits Ben
It strengthens the shoulders, arms and wrists, expands the chest and strengthens your
p ow e rs of co ncentratio n.

'uolTorluacuoc Puo acua4od tnoK tot wat8
s! puD uauopgD ra$ol aql sauol lJ 'surrD puo IJSIJzv' aql SuruaqlSua4s rc! rua11acxa s! slLll Jno
'l€adar ]ou oc
apls raqlo aLll uo l€adar PUP Al^\ols luaLUaAoLlJ
aqtJo lno auloS ssaj8ord no^ sE ol ol
q.,,^-^ ,^, 'r]llM
tsursearJur lrels ol €Jo lunoc P JoJ PloH
roou aLlt uro+ sSal rno^ url PUe aruPlEq no^
dlaq or lods e uo alprluaf,uol ure ,raddn 1ja1
allt uo saauy qtoq aceld 'aieqxa no'{ se dn pea'q t
rnol Surdaal 'pup s,\\oqla -rno,{ puaq pue a1equ1 (.1 .::;::::;:,r,,,::*? :,:,.:r...;:i :::,.i:r::::
lede loo3 I tnoqe spuer-1 :no,{ rpllr.{poq =.+
rnol3o rqFu aql or surrp qtog aceld pue lenbg I
alelu lng 'uorlpJluacuoc Surzeute puP acrlce;d sa>1e1 sltll 'UreBV
'slduualte ts.rg .rnoA 3ur-rnp ;ano
a1ddo1 no,r( asec ul no.{. Jo }uo;3 ut Joo[J aql uo Sulpped aneq noz{. aJns aIeW
ua^Eu E Jo esod Z
Sideways Body Raise +
(Advanced Position)

We first practised the Sideways Body Raise in Chapter 6 (see page 66). This will ha'. =
greatly strengthened your arms, so it will be exciting to try this slightly stronger stage ----
the movement. Go carefully and remember, dont strain.

W t

ffi r1

,J -=

ln the Full Sideways Body Raise, bring the arm head and look upwards at )our lifted leg
+L^+ :^
Lr rdL r:
dLUr rr15rur ..^..-
^r^---;!^ yuur u^ar on the floor in front of Hold for a count of 5, increasing to l0 as you
you in line wrth your hips. progress.

\ori nlace vor rr I rnner foot next ro this hand Cently iower your head, relocating a spot on rl ..
.- I .t-.i-^
anc, ar a
starrng aL i c6 at tr(- hol^
spor I ,-, s,*sP
.,-,r .r^, '. h^lt..o ..t floor to help you balance then gently lower
rrn' hio tne :nd lifi rhc lao st raiohrenino rhe rrn' ,r hndr, to tha flonr relax and reneal on the
rr- t..l lo. \A/ho. fi 'll' h"l"nnar] r, ,rn ruo, ,r other side Do nof reneat the whole movement.
Benefits -'i os
; ^i^
This movement tones and firms the arms, wrists and shoulders and greatly increqses the
flexibility of your lower back and hip area. It is also wonderful for your patience and - ^ir
concentration. i'CU.

aptsur araqt s! Wqi Pnualod aEnq aqt azlPar noK '1r a8ouptu nof acuo - acuapgfuoc-!1as Puo
no| rc! srapuoM op uoc lcocDad o lo aso4 aqJ 'uo4sa7rpur puo uorlodr|suoc aaarlat dlaq aql
oslo uDc 1l sJ1agptp to! lorcgfauag ag uDc puD spanuod puo supEto au|saErp aql saSossout
oslD ll .uotjprluacuoc puo sistJt 'stuJz aql suaqlSua4s Qloatl lualaaloLu srql 'uro37
'ssa;8o:d no,{ se g1 ol Sutsea:cur '}sJIJ }e ,ttoN sauoq drq:no,{3o aprsut aqt uo s^ oqla
q roJ ploll 'urc8y ':aq8rq s8al -rno'{ Url PU€ rool+ ;no,{ no,{ os prp^\JoJ ,{poq :no( Suug
laag allt
allt uo urqc;no,{ aoeld 'asod palue^pe aql roi
(;aqro aL1] aluos pue PoLllaLU auo :a3a"rd
'xplar sluapnts ,{ugo auuog) 'spr€^\lr€g ro saprs
PU€ JooH
aqt ol s8al -rno(;a,no1 ,{1nto1s uaqt 'EJo lunoc aq] ot lno s,raBug "rno,{. qlrnt ;aqta8ol algrssod se
€ roJ plorJ pue rool; alj] LUo+ sBal :no'4, UII ol LUIP asolc sE JooU alll uo spupll ;noA aoeld pu€ laouy
Bi =
Ff g
qi F
ji fffiffi._; :,
"g€, t':''
.saop uaq^ pallrrLjl ag
]r IIII\ no1 'uaddeq IIll\^ 1l pue Surstlce-rd daal1ng Lsea lou sr srt1f
'A8;aua3o Suryaaj BurzBrue u€ aru sanr8 1l 'acueleg alr.lnoneJ Lru sr stq] YUlLll I
IrolBa d e Jo asod v
,',,:r::, l. .'
Please"'"'do not

Pose of an Elephant attempt if you

are iregnant :
',I I:..:,I::.,:',.




Sri sl'aiqlrr with both iegs straight our in front of on your hands, lift your bottom and left leg from
you wrth your hands on the floor beside ycu. the floor, ensuring that your left leg stays 'S
Leanrng forward, place ,vour rrght ieg over your
right upper arm. Keep your le1't leg straight. Hold lor a count of 3 to start w'ith, increasing to
Place your hands beside your hips wrth your 5 as you progress. Cenrly lower yourself to the
fingers pointing forward, Jake a deep breath floor, relax and then repeat to the other side. Do
and as you exhale leaning fbr,,,vard, balancing l^ -e.eaI tl-o --tor plT-g1l l-.

Benelits Bent
This tones and strengthens the arms, wrists and shoulders. It is also a very powerful toner -: Js

for the upper thighs.

'sdtq puD )pDg ra/\ ol JnoKlo Kqpqrxagf aqi sasoarcul oslD ]uauralour
stql 'slurD puo slslrt 'staplnoqs aql to! tauaqlEuat$ puD tauol lnttapuow D s! slql Ja
leadag 'x€lar pup roolJ aqt ot LUoIog
,rno,{ -ranrol ,{1luaBuaql 'gJo lunor € roJ
plor-., A1 e-u-ou Eurr-.,rearg spueq -rno,{ -Lo
Ft tt tt tptpc tn-t I ), | | | ' .q al I ruLl
'. vll ogr LU r l )o<l Pus uw
;nol. tgrl Allua8' p;e,u;o3,{1tqBr1s Su rueal
'ualll pup alllrl p ycpq sru;e :no,{ Llrloits Z
<.qr rd-uarre no,,( a.o.1aq uel no,{
asrlce;d uaLll 'aauil aLllJo aprslno aql uo
sMogla Jno^ a^eq o1 a8eueu la^ touupi)
noAJI aaul aqlJo aprs ralno aqt uo
J rP s^\og.J
ple :ple-.1 -noA reu]l os spueLl
rno\ rno LlJlarts pLe saau\j -rno( uaantaq
rool1 alll spr€A\ot s^\oqla ,rno,4 ;a,r,no1
rar-., 1 ra\o:d u rpupq rno( a:old pup Jlpqul
'lj€oe tooJ lnog€ arE saaul pue laaJ
rno^ tpql o( c8al -nol, puag no (;o ruo,g
,q,- ,- - ^q^,
l1o lqolp llc Soal LJIOq qll\\ | \ . I rlS
f,Ut, tr B Jo ssod 9



I- i-

dt ll

Lt ta

I C\'



: lec

I \,4
iuto8o raaouaal o atlll Pal I - PaJE Pat aut satlDul asod slqJ
tuttls aq| rot luallacxa s! puo
Wql o1 l olJ[ Poon Pasoalcut aql ol anP silac unrq Puo rlDq
$aqc aqj spuodxa puolspuDH aqi 'slslrt puo sraplnoqs 'sutJD aql 8uluaqlSua4s so ilaM sV
i.i;.iir-(- .r. t"t;).!;,t';.t lr:OJJ,!\I\A O:j! f:l:gC:
iCI.f uaAclsry sl t$V.11 JCI
dsp;5 stry paa;Xs p/norys ryc$ar s t;,t?t"{.,, lpYt 'VH :::,
'tuaLuanoLu aL{t ur tuapuuoc a:e no,{ 'urntar
ltlun lpm lllrqrxag pue ,{8"iaua leql Alpnpe"r8
i;essacaugr no,{. qcteo ol spuat{Jo aldnoc pue Sursrlrerd daal 1sn1 'duunf llet-us E salqLuas?r
E a.\eq noA reqr arns aIPW 'lFM aql u;o+ lsni 1r luauanou srLll ldu;allp no,( auutl IsJIJ aq]
.ip.rre tuauuaAoLu a!1 Ar] 'asea qltM af,u€l€q 3r ,(-r,ro,u
aqt ot dn uuault Bur,r,rs pue
t,uoc lle^
ct alq€ a,re no,{ acug ssa"rSo-rd nol, s€ Ol ol sBal :no,,( Url ot L-rlte 'al€Llxa no,{ se 'PU€ alequJ
Sursearlur 'Ll}1u urFaq ot EJo lunol € roJ ploH
pasrer p€aq pu€ palurod saol:noX ar€ sLUJe ;no,{ a:ns ayEW llP^\ e r-uo"r3,,(e,tre
qtr^\ atru€leq ot LUIe pue aLll tuo+,(e,ue 1aa3
ll€,,rn too; I tnoge pue 1;ede Lllpr^ raPlnoqs ioog
-rno.{ a>1et 'aspa qtrm I a8eupu uec noL acug alll uo ]€lJ spueLl ,rno,( aceld pue tulFrerts pt:erq
'lua[ranoru aL]1 luJ€al-al aneq
z{aql acuo 'slgauag ButztBtaua alqrPaJcur slr lP PazeLU€ are PU€ POOLIPIILJc rraql Jo crlal E
se 1rp;e8a; .{ag1 'aut1 lsrg aLJl ,ro3 asod srql aas.{ar11 uaqzvr dse8 s1uapn1s,{ru3o Luer-u o5
puBlspuBH I
B Pose of a Scorpion

This is a wonderful movement. My pupils think that they will never manage it but, when
they do, it grves them such confidence.

Note that rt is possible to do this posture from a Headstand once your Headstand is
stable. However, to begin with I prefer to start pupils by a wall, with me by therr srde to
watch, steady and encourage them.

Place a non-slip mat by a wall and kneel on head up. Now |ft your bottom in the air, Ber,
it. Place you hands and elbows on your mat, strarghten your legs and walk your f,eet Thi
shoulder width apart with your thumbs lowards your elbows. bcc
pointing towards each other. Keep your e ib:

'sPuDq PUD s&\ogla
'stuto tnoK suaql8ua4s il puD ycau pup sraplnoqs tno( uot! uolsual satotuar il ra$oog
acuapgfuoc Sutzotuo puD uor]orluacuoc puo acuDlpq tno(
uD sl 1! rct luayacxa st asod srql
(1ler,urou Surqtearq acug qJo tunol € ioJ ploil ot SulLUr€ 'tsrg
'qJC runol e roj tuaLuanoLu srLll ploll re saqJul nia.J e rsnl llPM all r uio,1 \e \\P taaj
puE ue,\\s €Jo asod aLll ul xelar PU€ slaaq :noL Furyel 'acuel€q o1 ,,{;1 uaqt 'll€,rn aql uo
.- t ,u.lc q (lqeuo1Luor rlp raal Jno^ aJuC 3ur(rr daa>1
-n' -no \ JaMol .rorrrsod aqt yo
---l --^ ,^.J.,,^..- ,-,^ "
lno oLUol .{ltua8 uaqt 'qJo lunoc € roJ p]or1 lsnr lnq s_ro-ualrP lPrJAac ail€t llrM srr.l L roou
.lo L,J J bLr-lPa ! pPa I -no ( Jo uollJaJIp aLlr !o pue dn s (ets pear-, rno,{ reqr Eur-nsra
cq L Lr .lP V Jqr r \^op raal rno^ 8ur>1;e,r,r 'll€n,r aLlt Llcnol ol 1aa3.rno( 8u[urp 'sp:e,trdn
/rt *aqr acpJ qr rr <rqt a8eueu uer no ( sb'a1 :noA iJcril 'aFLJXa noA sp 'Oun
"'"r,.,, f,
ll ) r'a\
lf -lL
Ch r@@

il:l :i,ai:r:
:= :i:::j'i'i+
:-= ,--:ii:'j =t::i==
If you have already started practising the postures in this book, I hope you will have Id
found that your flexibility is getting better, you have more energy, your shape is list
improving and you are finding it easier to cope with life's many challenges. pla
Allthese benefits and many others start to appear, sometimes as if out of the blue. ML
Many subtle changes occur in your body and often this prompts people to question oul
their diet. Once you start feeling good about yourself you stop wanting to harm glv
your body; junk foods that you may have once referred to as 'treats'may not have
the same appeal and eventually you will regard them as toxins. This is yoga s way Ba,
of naturally encouraging you to eating foods that are beneficial to your body and me
that enhance the prana or life force within you. fas
As yoga continues to stimulate this flow of positive health within you, you will me
notice other changes happening. It is likely that your tastes will alter, you go off tior
foods and drinks that you once thought you couldnt live without. You start to |.d.L

listen to your body. lt is usual for my pupils to admit that before they took up yoga Ih;
they would regularly enjoy a heavy mealwashed down with two or three glasses of occ
wine, but that nowadays their preference is for a lighter, fresher meal with one ^^,-I
glass or none at all. This is the best and most natural way to lose weight and culti- mat
vate leanness, positive health and vitality.
-l lw
The more you progress in yoga the more these changes are effected from within, lha
but a lot of my pupils are keen to hurry things along. They see their shape changing wh,
due to the exercises and ask me for dietary advice. They want results now! This is Ide
why I set out below my own eating plan that has helped thousands of my students. ola r

Over 40 years ago, as part of my nursing training, I had the good fortune to work Iar
on a ward specralizing in nutritional and metabolic problems and eating disorders. dvdl

This gave me a lifelong interest in nutritron.lreahzed that if we ate fresh, healthy fruir
foods in as natural a state as possible, our bodies would glow with positive health pro(
and well-being. I understood that whatever diet we choose, it must fit in with our and
lifestyle and cope with our socialand work commitments. Also, it must be well bal-
anced to give us all the nutrients we need to keep us slim and healthy and to pro-
vide us with energy.

iaJaql sl 1l 'aLU a^allag ']ng PaJnsear-u Jo uaas ag Jouuec srlll'salqelaSan pue Jno
slrn# r.{sa# ur pauleluoc acroJ aJll Jo puerd Pallec acuassa aLl} ilcel .{aril 'acnpo;d Lltlr
r.{sa# sE surru€lrn JO lunoLu€ au;es aLJ} anpq ol u^AoL1s ag u€f, salgela8an Pue s}ln# {,lr
uazoJJ pu€ pauurl r13noL1l1e lpLl] puetsraPun ol leltn sr ]l lng 'a-raulnnA:ana algepe^p
sr uorleLuroJur tpql - sluauag raql pue surluBlrn atJl lle lsll ol Suro8 lou LU€ I IJO
pe13 'q1 I
18unoz{ os tureal y+eqr
r.rrp 'sluauaq all] padea; pue ueld snolng€J Ar-u pau8rsap 1
I InJrapuo^ PooJ lerntpu
'o5 'aoe1d olur llrlJ ol paluaas 8urqlr{;ana 'Lllteaq u^ o go 1r13noqr I uall^ Sur
lnq 'sluarled,{.r-u o1 3ur1e1a,r z{1uo Surqlar.uos se yrom Fuotll;1nu LtuSo rqBnoqr peq 1
.:. ']uauiolu l€Lll Irlun 'asnpcag a311 At-uJo lsar aql JoJ sPro^ asol1l JaqLUauaJ lp^ I
,'paleurLurla aq plnoc sJaprosrp pue sLUalgo:d asaLll jo Lueu -lllr
os 'algrssod se alels l€rn]pu pup qsa+ sP ur PooJ aldLr.rrs a]e lle a^ Jl 'PrPgrPg, 'PteS AU
,{luappns Jolcop auo 'uolleJaptsuoo olut uay€l ag PlnoLls slr-11 agu(eru suorsecco JOS
Luelu uo sanrlelar Surlrsrn {g .raL1 o1 pa188nr-us Burag ilurrP PUe poo3 1un( uaas PPLI I e3
leql srolcop aql o1 pauorluaur 1 'd1ag3o uaag Peq fualulearl ou PU€ raProslp Sutlea o1
orot\et -,,.,^^
s y+,1y\ rry<1
r^-, JUo SeAA aJaql PJ€AA al]l u1 '3ul1,ro,u. SPA I aJaL{A PJP,IA Uoll lJo
-rJlnu aql ur sluar]€d LLu uo slsalJo sllnsal aLll ullm sJolcop paluasa-rd luaql au; III1\^
01 aurorl lq8no"rq llp senll stql 't1lrm Pualuof, ol sJaqunu :l ro sanrlen;asa;d 'sanl1
-rppp 'saprcrJcasur ou ppLl uelu {y;e3 'slear.u ,anJas PU€ leaq, >1crnb ou PU€ 'PooJ ls€J
ou 'pooJ pa8e>1ced ro pauurl 'passaco;d ou s€AA araq] s^ep asoql ul 'IJSU PUE ]€aLU PU
'salgela8an 'slln{ LJSa#Jo palsrsuoc a^Pq Plno^ latP s,u€tu 'a8y auol5 aLP ul >ic€g Ae
d8;aua sn anr8 LIJ J
pue z{qrleaq sn daa>1 ot 'Altuetrodrur lsoru 'pue ',{lssaluolJa pu€ Llrsea lqBIaM rno uor_
urelurElu ol sarlrluenb lca-r,roc alll ur poo3 ,{qrleal{ 'tJSa# 'aldLurs - aLU€s aql qcntu 'anl
L;an 11r]s sr ueld crsEg aql lanaanog 'uorltJlnu pue eSoz{ lnoqe paure8 aJuls an€tJ
J a8pala,rouy aql 8ur1€;8alut s€ gam se 'aJll ul\o ul sa8ueqc qlt^ ul tg ot ueld
aql pald€pe a^€Ll I 's.leaA aql ra^O '8ur1;o.u sp^ [ u;or.J^ q]rrrt sl;adxa aql ol ualstl sl a
atu appur A8;aua3o yo€l pu€ suorl€n]3ng lq8razrn u.mo.{r-u ual.J^\ ueld Ar-u pau8rsap 1
My Plan
Eat three meals a day and nothing in between apart from the recommended drinks.
, , Never eat standing up. Sit down and enjoy your food. apl
. Make your food look beautiful, garnish rt lvrth herbs, have flowers on the table or light
scenled candles in the evening.
. lf you are out at a dinner party, don't offend your hosts by refusing therr food. lf an item
is served that is not on your plan, then JUSI accept a smaLi portion. If you would like two pei
glasses of wine durrng a special evening, then simpiy go without the previous evening. SM
, If you are in a tremendous hurry and have no time for lunch or to prepare any of the disl
rtems suggested, then:

a) have 2 bananas - they are excellent for lunch when you are in a rush and are ste
fha mnsr r-..--Lry ^^^1.^^^A 'f-..
norfoe rl,, pds^ogsu ,o.r {.r-\r-.1
,.-,od', ' cnnrainino rnan\/ essential vitamins
containing many izitamrn.
and mlnerals; Fre
b) when at home, place i small carton of natural organic yoghurt. I banana, I tea- Ail
spoon of honey and I carton of raspberries in a blender and drink this for latt
your 1unch. This is fabulous - healthy, nutritious and deliciousl Tiv

If one day you break your diet and eat some junk food, don't feel guilty and cut back the
nerr da;. Ju.r accept rhe acr rhar you are human. SLart back on tl-e plan rhe nert dav

[Note: I advise you to consult your doctor or nutritionist before starting
on this or any other eating plan to make sure that it is suitable for your
personal dietary requirements. ]

All ,




'YaaA e acl^\} uEtjl aJoLu ou aneH 'cla 'uoslua^ 'YJod 'gluel Saag
loau Paa
'A-r3 daap lou oP - ancagreg 'LUPals 'qceod 'lllJC 'Pamolle are sallalre^ llV
pa^ puD auoE '647nod 'uaqc1q2
'yaaM p saLurl g tlsg ,{yro anBLJ ol .{."t1 d;3 daap
qlt,rur L"i3 ued ;o r-1ceod 'Lueals 'lll;D 'Pa.lvroge aJE sallarre^
]ou oC 'lro altlrl A;an llv
'Surssa;pgo ln3uoodsalgel I asn
Alug 'rvre; pue Llsa{ aJe s}uatPa.r8ur aq1 aJns aY€ru lnq aYll noA se qcnLu se an€H
squatpat8ul qDIDS
'salgela8an payoooJo suoodsalgel f, = uorlrod
'parlj-daap ranau - paUJ
-Jrls Jo palloq 'paLu€als 'A\€J LUaLil aA€H 'algtssod sp .{.1ar,ien Llf,nLu se aneLl o1
'Jauurp .ro3 elsed pu€ actJ JoJ alnltlsgns e sE Alleuotsecco ualea ag Aeuu orlt1 ;a11e1 JOJ
aLlI'qoc aLIl uo uroc pu€ saolelod 'sdrqc 'sdsr"ro ldacxa PaMoll€ a're salgela8a^ llv _P
spr1rs puo salgoqaEa^ qsau
'lrn# Pa^\3ls AJ
Jo uazoJJ'pauult asn Jou oC 'Pa1v\oll€ sr lln"r3 qsag llv 'salduexa Aluo a;e asaLJI
SBU E sarrragJo LJSIP
suunld g eu€u€q IIELUS
s1ocr.;de g qcead
ln4adet8 '7
uolau; Jal€MJo acrls a8.re; ;pad
uolalu ileuJS z/ aldde
3ur,tro11og aLJlJo Llc€aJo auo slenba uoll;od aug
4n4 qsaq
Eggs and cheese E
Both are allowed in the amounts shown. CI

Only whole grains are allowed and in the amounts shown. No white bread, rice
or pasta.

Semi-skimmed (Yz pint daily) and natural yoghurt in the amounts indicated.

Not permitted - until you have reached your desired weight

bagels hot chocolate

beer ice cream
biscurts jam
breakfast cereals ^..4).^-^

buns soft drinks

cakes spirits Lr
canned drinks sugar Ch
chips sweets

Addit iv e s and p re s e rv ativ e s

Avoid all addrtives and preservatives Just eat natural healthy food.

$ur55a.tp )rbau/,'l pu2 fro ,rodsalqvT / Qlm ?al/^q-P)eq Z/, Pu'
,qslJ ,u.7/ zaf 3a,'trfa 7d4q 9'(y'r>t*e) Suraq uaa,lD(Sao7v,rjo7'a2nl/al - tstorlN aPzl'S
lsuL|nuz ar/se$ o/ut aPvw 7sr0l ,'l.tvuvs, aarfs
Z/, pue asaeqJ ursaw)rC zo 1r,1
($ur55asp uoodsalqv) 6an//al soJ
1 Dul'a P'[2s )'se', I
lPvlvs uail6 q)/n qslur, eu, as./,uuo/'(,w uowaf )0
gur55a,tp asL) a/)rw uoo/5/,ta552p I qlm Paddo? 'sunzd zo, q/.tn ealllJ ),ad 0P'20/v z/
zo1 .to $$a| /0 (qs./J ,to ,la4.ta) 'ual7tqa Jo zo7 Puv ezles q7m pallrJ bst'uuoltw
)0 /a?\nq Jo Duldu2s , eu, lara'tq ,iz6eldq/t 5a2rfs Z q/t/v aP,w qtlnPues I
isalqr)aD>l pa4oozqsatJ Z a/12q /lra /70/lt,azfr5 Jo Pta?sul $ur55a,tp ta$aurrt pur
f n aztrfa
un/5alqv7 qlm nqla$o? t12P tl'tana
1 7uil'aJJF ar.t1q7 'taa,/ aTvw ol s)uapat$ur
QsatJ nu Jd ,lla/)r/l e asa - Prles afurl qlln OPan
, a2./n7 ,lluo panollr st ?raw
pa,t (.taqaawat) )rau pu zah so la5aaql z.oz (sDba Z )0 lqsu 'to ,4a7''ta) (ua>1arqa zofr
LuoJJ asooqS
f2 tao,,( wa,tJ aaJJ?z )o ,EJ
so lo
)a?\aq J0 7utduJs, q)/n 7s207/1./euDD Jo aarl5 v uo b,a PaL/7'2d I
(aenf )ruJ qsa,tJ Ja ssvi$
, )o ?/uJ qse,'U Jo a2arl 1)aq?ta pu, )a711?q all?tl ? t4lt/v )s20? /U'u2/D aa.rls I
l,tra/ so alddv ,aadrls 1t47./n asaaqz a6e77oa zofr 'ta asaaqa p'tvq ,aaarls Ja zo1
(,4auoq J0 u00dsva7 lq7/- pafzz.r't,a ?n Padd^qJ 7/uJ qsuJ ,luv Jo suo/7)od z
lt.)a\ru I PUe ?lilJ qsuJ u0/7)0d I
:LUo{ ssooLlS
Choose from:

Skr(er rrtairt Course |1\.

nef ort, ,/oz chicken, frsh, teal or red uea( yo
(reneruber, red mea( ts alloared ortly (wtce
lresh aspara!6 -t(h c li((le bu((er 6 ueeK )) ne
or virtdiErette, pla
saall u/halegratrt, rice or 4as(a dish)
cfear soup, I larle bortl of ft4ussefs cooked trt 9arl4,
u,,tne 1rld ontons)
(anab salad,

nired salad) large 4ld#er ol nt,red grrlled s"cfood Ifr

t rtcl udi rt! 2 r4wns ) s4 f nort, I crlgous(l ne arld +L-
Lt lr
nini Cdesdr sclcd (*t(hou( crou(arts) caldtuari )

2 lresh /e1e(db/es or q f4rQe rqal safcd Fin

Ni(h I (4bles?oanfulol otl and L.trrteQ4r lh,

DeSSer( -to drrrtk

I piece {resh frur( 6^f, Elasses of utafur a da/)

2lus herbal tea 4s zesrred)

Tea or cof,f,ee {ron Your df fowarlce cof{ee artd (ea, preferabl/ decalferrtaful no

nore (hdr1 { cups a day;

wine - I gldss q dclt ,rtth dtrtrrer rf, desired

t i': ,.:.ia,:l
ltlL::' :

:,,.1i' l'':i ili:t .:i' 4,.:..

l9 t,
l.' r' r, I i:.r r.l., rr'7:)i.rl-lil
,''; i,, r] ii" i
/i ill s s'r}rys iij wj ry*1 tt #$ 5#i ilsjJll s l'{
, .:ri./ ii;ljil,'l\ '$5 .*u*y p{Ji} ry;S$sJl$ :is;11#d;*:xau;
,", ':,:i?d s.r {t'3jryr!1p*#aryjl sind sJo ${&1 u;?tv :
iLJtleag poo8 pue lcnlpoog
ro3 ]q8r.r slaa3 lplJlv\ o1 Burp;occe uotstcap leuos;ad e a>JeLU pue Lpoq ;noL o1 ualsll 'auo
t: 'larp
Luu ur uaycrrJc pup t.lsg 'JpaLU Surpnlcur JoJ rallag
lenpr^rpur uE ag lsnur aJrollf, ar.JI
qcnlu laal I pup aru Jrns lou saop 1r '.{1lsauoq a]rnb '1nq latP uelrela8an e par:1 I
'saalonap e8o.{,{ueruJo acuaJaJa-rd aql sr se 'uerre}a8an e ur€ lJl PaISe uauo LUB 1 ,{11eulg
pup alspl ;no.{ qlrzvr af,uepJocce ur spooJ aLil Jo sJUnoLU€ alil as€aJcur pue ueld aql
MolloJ ual{l 'r{}leall luallacxa JoJ lpa oJ lu€rvr 1sn(pue }g8ram "rno.r{. qlrzvr,{ddeq a-re nor(3y
'aJllroJ adeqs ur daa>1 11t.r,n
noA ualJl
'A11e;n1eu pue ,{lssallJoJJa ll ureJUr€ru 01 alge a;e noA pue aLrJes aql sr(els ]tlEtanr ;noz{
araq^ la^"1 p Llcear Lllenpe.r8 noL leql puu lll^ no1'palcar;oc st lqBraan .ino,r( 1tlun ueld
;noL o1 urnlar,{.yalerparurur ual{l 'sglt-g raqloup ure8 no.{3y 'lq8rar,n srLll ur€lur€tu ol Paau
noL qcnr-u puu no{ 1r1un lBa nor{ lunorue aLIl as€aJcur ,{11enpe-r8 '}qBrann pa"rrsap -rnoL
paqcear aneq noL acuo 'yaa^^ € sgl t-Z asol 01 algrssod Llrsea st 1r 'ue1d srul ol Sutdaa>1 Ag
rauurp "rog salqela8an pup LlsU a^eLJ uaql
'r.Jcunl JoJ peles L{lrnr uaycrr.Jc aneq no,{.3r 'acu€}sur ;og 'a;tnba; noA s1e;autuu pue surtu€ftn
all] IIB aneq no,,( aJns al€r.u ol lalp;no.{. Ljpn ol luBl;odu-r sr lr lng 'lualua8B8ua letcos Lue
qlun adoc pue a1r(tsa3rl lsarsng aLil olur lU l1,l'.t 1r os 'ueyd arl] ur aoroL{c ao A1ua1d sr araLIJ



== Me


.:=.==:=:=-:= -::E=v-:
-,,(.ep,{..rana aLurlJo spoi;ad uoLlsJo ragLunu e roj al€lrpau; ol ,{rl os alrqM e a}nb :::
JoJ no\ qtr\\.\et\ , rn,i rfqra Surxplar aql sraqto ueqt Surxela- a-ro,u Jq llr\\ aLr.ros q8noqrle
cLorrp|pJLU rno( 11e LrJorJ luJUJq llrM no^ Sr trse lsnl ruaL.uoLU ruasard aql st srql lPql
Suirzrlear 'xplar pue apntrue paqr€tap e ldope ot paau a,tn as?Llt ayrl salurl le pu€lJo qlttms
ot tlnll#rp.(ra,r sr
tr saLUrlaLuoS asrlre:d sarrnbar 'aJrl ur asla Surr-1],{:ana alrl 'uortplrpa6
tralqo uasoqr "rno,4 ot 1r€g purlu lno,{ Fur-rq ,{1lua8 pue no,{ lsed leog sarrrom
,rno,^, raq rsnp aldoad lsoLU ol suaddeq pup
leLurou sr s[.1] tEll] LUopupJ
Surqtearq rno,{ uo arer IUJJUCJ pue sa (a
;no,,\ asolr uaqt 'puer1 uo sr lcafqo alqplrns ou Jl 'auU sr nol, :o3 s1roM reqt 3urql,{uy
loqur,{s snorBrlar e ro (daa;se ;;ej no,{ aspl ul aJps sr ll a;ns ayeur) aLUpU alpuec €
laMoLJ In3rtnpaq e sE Lltrns 'no,{. :o3 syro,t'r lerlt SuLqlauos asooLlJ lcalqo ue uo sncoJ
uorlelrpaLU lP
srdr-uarrp rsr! rnoy' buunp daalse lleJ or lensnJn rou s. ll aLUrr arer rdo-rdde Jql rol lrolr
u:e1e,ino,{ tas no,{ arns aIeLU ',{ep aqr ur ralel luauulurodde tuet-rodu-ir ue aneq noA3y l
-roop -rno,{ uo u8rs ,q:ntslp 1ou op, e 1nd
,{ressacau jr 'pu€ looLl aqtJo auoqdalat:nol, a1e1 paqrntsrp aq tou llrrvr nol, leql arns alpt\
tsn oP lllM ilpr]JLUJ€ a.uJnon-PJrnon uaql srL.lr ur JlqelroJLUOJ lor are no(
Jr 1nq lJ+rrd sr uortrso.l snto I aq I Lolrpr pal! Surnp a1 rLrl e dorp ueJ a.rnlpraduua-l
,{poq :noL LUJeM are no,( leqt arns a1euu pue uorlrsod algpuoJluoc e ur llS i
alellPaw ol1\AoH
Panjasap-llaM e sassa rord
tq8noLlr ;no,{ Surrrr8 'luasa:d ?qr ur purLU ;noA sncog no1 'Surqlea:q -rnol, uo Surtprluailuoc
cp -.1 )rs >1d-u s l,rar 5-Lrqrauoc Ll IrM sassarojd rLldnoLl I asaqr sa:e1daj uonetrPal rspd ar-rt
tnoqe ,{-r:o,.r,r € Jo aJnlnJ aq} ur Surqlaulos ]noqp ,{larrue ue uo 8ut1e:lualuoc sr lr asnptrag
,(1ceqo;d sr l 'stq8noql LII^\ papreqLuoq sr purLu aql uallM 'aldurrs ,{11ea; sr uor}elrpaw
'uorletrpaLu se u.ttoul arp asaql ,{1anrtca11o3 e8o,{
's;ea,( ggg'q
3o t:ed le"r8atur ue uaaq a^€q purLu aq] 3urcu1ec pue 3ur11rls "tog sanbruqrar
Jr^o rol subrs 3.r uie,u s.Apoq aqlot uor tudrlp lo t1re1 (q paraSSr ll uJaq spq leql uorr puoJ
aql LUlef, of s11rd pagrrtrsa rd are pue rolrop aql lrsr^ aM aspasrp sp slsaJrupLu ssarls uallM
daals pre ot s11rd Surdaals pue xelar sn dlaq o] loqollp ,{8;aua a}plnLurts ot sacuetsqns rrxol
raLllo pup auralJpc 'purlu aLll Lulec ol s;azrlpnb't-re:l oJ Uosar o1 Louapual p sr aroLll lsaM
?ql ul
Pasnf,oJ PU€ trale
'LUlPc aluolaq ol purLU rno roJ sr ,Mou surELUar lPllr
llv 'uor]lpuoc
tuallJJXa ur aq Mou plnoqs Suraq 1e:rsnqd rno cpooJ lprr\ r-lsrf Sruea rq prJUpqua qtleaLl
Jno pJp sasrJraxa eSor bursrr.rerd qbnorr.rr adeqs rea-l8 ur pue pau ldrrsrp (poq Jno Ll lrM
5 minutes is fine. You will frnd your overall stress levels reduce dramatrcally and your mind
will become clear, calm, energized and fbcused

As you proQress lengthen your medirar.ons fo iO 20 mrnures. You wili l-equently receive
new rnsights into a partrcular area of your lifb and, w,hen the mind is peaceful and calm,
you will oflten discover your way ahead to be much clearer. -[ime 'taken out' to med]tate
:]rnrarrs n:r - lnr irqall^ hanrjsnmalr, :c :fr er mer]ir:r,nn rrn, | 2rp m,r h' ,mnre
,'"' . nrnr]r
r' re Lrre r h:n


Cnce you realize the necessrty to switch oflfor a moment during your day, you can
Incor por are medrration Info yoJr daily lrfe l-o- ir-rLance

S.r in rhe garden and lrsten to bird song or jusL concenrrate or a beaurilul sky
Some people flnd rt easier to meditate if they repeat a word or phrase (thrs rs known as
a mantra). The constant repetrtron of a mantra can make it easier to switch offyour
thought processes, enabirng the mind to calm. Choose a word that works for you,
'calm', peace and 'love' are al1 fine, or you may use the yoga word 'om' (pronounced
auff rL mean)'rrl-at ivas, trl-at i. ar-d "vhat sha lbe I laLe a deep breaLl^ ard as you
erhale, repeat 'om' slowly and calmly, over and over agarn Yogis be|eve this to be the
natural sound of rhe univer:e.
It can be great to meditate rvhile exercisins the vosa balances are medrtatron in motion.

Cnce medjtation becomes a part of your lifb, you will find it easy to switch into medrtation
mode during your day and you will learn to relax and fbcus your mrnd at odd moments.
Thrs way you wrll prevent the over-burdening eflect of stress becoming a serious problem.
By medrtatrng, we are not rryrng to f rnd peace and calm they are already wrthin us. We
are trying to shut otTthe overload of mental strmuli, enabling us to give our natural peace a
place in our hectic lives.

After you have been practisrng meditation for a rvhile you wLll have the experience of a
decplyrelaxedLhoughLlessstale.Thrsr:relerredtoas goingintorhegap Theqapurll
gr adual r beco'rre easier ro access ard oy doinq so, Inner peace and.r'ence r,rrll become a

iarger part of your [fe. In the gap, you estab|sh contact wrth the universal sprrit, the
source of your own natural, unlimrted, internal intelligence Cnce you have put your trust
in thrs you are guided fiom wrthrn and from there nothino is rmnossrble. You experience a
serse oI beautr[u] irner 1o1 anc con'lder^ce.

.= :-: -€ * L€
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e at
S€ U.\
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Wher- you roke ri-ne our Lo pracrise )oga -ro\ern€rrr and deeo brear l-ing medirate ard Ir
edr\ealrl-ylood.rouwill findrharvoLro erall heolihstdr rstoi-rpr ovedrarrat'callv.Ard It
as your health rmproves your health problems gradually lessen. IT
Having said rhrs, I still flnd pupils who wish to learn an exercrse to help with a partrcular re
health probleml lll health js a manifestation of imbalance vvrthin the body and although
Lle-e afe mo emeTl) thr- rrp o.tremelt henoe6-13 f 'r .nec "c nr ohlemr, thete can be r O P.
short cut.
Yor rr l-.dvreed.d.:lve-e'r-i.o.rditrnr r-rirsislimitedrorne kn-riruteMiraclethen TI
that wrll do flne. You must also learn to relar durrng the day, even if you only take short Sr
break. and torallv relax in vour office chair. Slow deeo breathrnq can betlLLed rn to the
busjest day and it rs especially beneficial rf taken rn fiesh air. Use the power of vrsualrzation tf
darly to visualize your whole body as radiant with vibr-ant glowing positive health. U:
Yoqa al-o teaches r: ro l.ten r-o ouT symploms, a. these are r-he bod; . way o[rellrnq us
*l^ -: :
tndf ll l) Unndppy *l lt> CUllPnl fledlmenf. F' ac,'enr
-L '-^ "W.rn r nrJ rr:Lino
-t .. ...,. ... ..... r.p np.pqq:rr l,[e,,trrle
... --. ../ ...- E-
changes, aches and pains start to melt away But there are some routines that are of rf.
particular use when we are suflenng from specrfic symptoms. ln the table on page 174
I give my favourite prescriptlons for some of the most wrdespread modern maladres. IN

I no,{ aprn8 pue dlaq
.t lal]reat eFo,,( pagrlenb e pug pue uorssrLurad :o3 'lauoilrlce:d :no,{ 1se aseald sluaLuanoLU
laPUaLULUolaj aql Surop aroJaE "lauotltloe-rd lecrpalU pagrlenb p luaLuleart roj alnlllsqns
e sp pasn .,(q ;a,r,au lsnl! 1r 'Ll]leaq
Jno^ ot l€lcuauaq ,{1aua"j1xa ^q sr p8o^ q8noqtly :a1o5l
'salq€g Llyec Lddeq aileLu sLunu
:?\?l?r lnlatpad crsnLu InJrlnpag ol ualsll 'ru1ec Lels 'xelar ol u-rea1,{cueuSa:d ,rno,{, ,{oful aJ,\rs
rnogpl pue ,{cueuBa.rd ;no,{ qloq dlaq 11rnn, eSol _raqceal pooB
: lr€ ucrssrLu;ad s,:auorlrlce;d lecrpaur "rno,{ qli14 ,(cueuSa"rd;o )iaa^\ LllEl rno^ rau€ lrlun
trp,rr .,(cueu8a-rd ur e8o,{ lrets ol ayrl plnom pup ?JoJaq e8o,{ pasrlceJd ranau a,teq no,{31 I I' I':
'slurol drq aLll ur Sur"rnsua -ro3 tea-rB si (92 a8ed aas) qclarlg t,-
q6rql aqr pue ar.lr€Iceq ramol Surnarla; roJ tuaiJaf,xa sr (gg a8ed aas) te3 pJo asod aql ue
l€rtrlj"uag lsolu are sanbruqcal uortpxplar pue Surqlea;q e3o1 puplspeaH alll pup puets
raplnoqS aql 'slsr,\r1 leurdg aqr arp sp 'uapplqroJ JJ€
arp suor]certuoO pu€ Url l€utrropqv
'teoE PJo asod aql'8oq e3o asod aqt'uns aqt ot atnlES aLJt pJo asocl aq]'suortrsod
lsnlo-l aql '€JqoJ eJo asod aqt - uallopge aqt uo ur€rts 1nd leqr sluaLuanoLu lle pro^V
'anulluoc lou
PlnoLls noA Lq,tt uosear ou sr aralll 'lueu8a;d Surcuocag ol -toud 1.1:e1n8a,r
e8ol. Sursrlce-rd uaag a^€L.l pup a8er:;ecstu3o L;o1srq ou an€Ll no,,{3r '1e:aua8 uy xgeq:no,t
Jo azls Sutsea;cut aLll LlltM adoc ol paralle aq ol aA€Ll slualuanoLu s€ rallceal eSoL paure-r1
e uio+ aoueprn8 se lla^ se 'peaqe-o8 s,-iauorlrlcerd
lpcrpal! rno^ a^eq ol luElrodulr sr lr
sassa;8o;d lcueu8a;d aLll sp Ja^amop.1 ,{cueu8a"rd lnoqBno:ql asrlcp;d e8ol, puaLur-uoca:
,{cueu8a;.1 pue eFoA
H*qx**kSx'*b{exrt ffix*reis* &er'*e*icie! X$$ee*s

ARTIIR I]S AND Sicrt ecch dcy vrrith o Ten-minule To keep lhe spine flexible

R I]r UNIAT]SA,N. Mii"ccle {pcge 3l

{'rl f,uer61ss5 {Cho o); Insuring mcximum

fiexlbriii,r, in ihe shculders

Alieincrie Leg Puii {poge Zo); Helplng vour hips. knees

l"q'>- | o-o:-B ond cnkies

A:,IFT/A Siori ecrch dcv rnriih o Ten-mrnule To reiieve iensicn from ihe

Alirocie (pcge 3) spt ne

Alierncie Nosir ii Bi'eoth!ng Keeping youf sfre.ss

lpoge 95); ieveis ciown

Al-.p ltut He p-ing fc relieve

366k',vsrds 3end ipcge 5Oi; iightness rn fhe chesi

Pcse cf c Crirei {ocge 91);

Pose of c Ccbrir ipcge 871;
fieV.n ;I'- l^ft

Fnc eocir dcy ,rv115 il.e Pcse cl c lc -. 1"1 1".'lo le."

Frsh ipcge 99i.

Stort eccl dqy ',rrifh cr Ten minuie ihe spine lios 6 creos oi
Mirocie {ocge 3j. ixcvemeni crni this bi'illicrnt
;q€ouerii€ r,,orks the spine cii
O wcys

Pose oi c Cci ipcge 88J; To re i,^ve iension fror ihe spine

Bcci< Rock cl lne end ci lne To scolhe the spine

Pcse cf c Bcaf ipoge 56); sirengihen ihe lc';ver bock

Fcse cf c Heron ipcge 48) Sir-eiches lhe hcmsfrings

iOf .JitD.]] ,ie:-llja!:l )ref.j ili:n Lrno+
.iC,' ae ccl ,'\r-l D jc ilio;
1i;c a6*c1 i,tcis!cdxl is3li-l .r-i
tlgq +ScrJ; aso.i uiDiL*oW ell l
i? .jril) s;s -,;Y-i ||]rV
ii ;Docl ei-rilr !\ \i^ i'.r S,lltl!
- . r:-:!> Jl3r-i Jl a:i'Ulilr-i,i3i i,. fjl:,^ur rCp ijlOe iiaj.] 1", rr:.,:i
l; i ;Occii tnc€ c ro 3:rc;
1il7 :5od) stloiirscd i:nlo-
!i !.ia:^l_lai li,rg a0cC1 ojqcl c ic a'jc.j
i,rrt SSJLi i
ia e|-:c.]j eifDllvV
. j ?r1=t _ ein!r'rr-u;l D riil,'v'\ 1Dp ulcS lrDlq
ilg eScc) itiilejt ei3ii'Li.rl
. i,o, C e0ntii i:l-:turrr-.r
i,r.,ri.io,\^ /\,1o1{ .iIa aasc)
lll iarC:lC rilr3.itq )jrir€ :i,., I a5cci .''\cE
-_ _:_ a_,1 -..- aa .lu a_tl-tar rt 6!a.,r :i97 :;b'ncil si]cir !c;
I -: 3 ,3,,1. !;!.liiuai\iil-ll jii.ro. .il:i eecCl i]:r-;o-_-: i-r ic:
,:r -::lti CLa Sr.ri,iS elli :r:^cd .iEE .cl3i rrr.) "l lc +so.i
l1:r -a rC C r"rllf-:] 3ln
i9r-,' ellctll
.' SilS l.lil){: lllSii pi-lC pl]re-r;j
.{y5 ol,rcli iiqqo! 0 r. esod
:irli ei-ir:C1 "*c.-l o lc +sc.i s:!liaY:rl
ilq eclrti i-rcisLit)cxf jsoli-.1 eL]1 t\\'r NO S\:,
rr :,::j.i i l:.] i |: I i:' :i.:;ir i,ir :ri: i.l;

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