Tips On Writing Contract

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LEGAL WRITING - By-laws provide further definition to the

articles of the constitution and can be

Contracts, constitution, and bylaws.
changed more easily as the needs of the
What is legal writing? organization change.

- Drafting of legal documents. Tips on how to write constitution and by-laws:

E-Commerce Act of 2004 - Know your organization

- Avoid contradictions and omissions
- “Electronic” Documents = Traditional - Arrange the contents of articles and
Documents sections logically.
- Electronic Signature = Traditional - Have realistic expectations.
Signature - Don’t forget spelling, punctuation, and
Stages of Writing grammar.

1. Pre-work Constitution Basic Layout

a. Determine what kind of legal I. Name
document you will prepare. II. Purpose
b. Know you audience III. Membership
c. Research the requirements for that IV. Officers
legal document V. Meetings
d. Organize/Make an Outline VI. Ratification and Amendments
2. Drafting VII. Effectivity
a. Grammar
i. Strunk and White, By-Laws Basic Layout
“Elements of Style”
I. Duties of the officers
b. Be clear and specific; Avoid
II. Selection of Officers
III. Committees
c. Avoid legalese, if possible:
IV. Impeachment
i. To wit
V. Finances
ii. Heretofore
iii. Hereinafter
d. Always check the FORMAT
- Legally binding document between at least
two parties that defines and governs the
rights and duties of the parties to an
- Article 1305 NCC; Contract Definition.
- One of the sources of obligations.
- Elements of a contract: COC.
- Has Natural and Accidental Elements.
- The constitution covers the fundamental
principles but does not provide specific
procedures for operating your organization.
- By-laws. Set forth in detail the procedures
to be followed to conduct business in
orderly manner.

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