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Choose the correct answers!

1. I and my friends … in the library. We read some books

a. am
b. is
c. have
d. are

2. She … not work because she has the flu.

a. is
b. does
c. do
d. be

3. Alina … song every night.

a. sings
b. sing
c. is
d. does

4. My father … tea every morning.

a. drink
b. drinks
c. drinking
d. is

5. They … a test every week.

a. does
b. has
c. are
d. have

6. Dolph: Please call me if you need.

Jack: No. I … need your help.
a. do not
b. does
c. not
d. am not

7. She is a student. She … at school.

a. studying
b. study
c. studies
d. does

8. We … soccer match.
a. doing
b. watching
c. watches
d. watch

9. Gina cooks fried rice. It … amazing.

a. does
b. do
c. are
d. is

10. My brother rides a bike to school …

a. everyday
b. last day
c. next week
d. next time


Choose the best answer.

1. Tomy, Jane, Mark, Sarah ………. smart students.

    a. is
    b. are
    c. am
    d. is not

2.A: Hello, my name is Alice Wong

B: Hi, I’m Susan Crane.
A: Sorry, ……….
B: It’s C-R-A-N-E

    a. How do you spell your last name?

    b. What’s your last name?
    c. How do you spell your first name?
    d. What’s your spelling?

3. Are you a doctor?  No, I ……….  a dentist.

    a. am not
    b. don’t
    c. am
    d. was

4.A:Hi, his name is David Foster.

B: ……….

    a. Where are you from?

    b. Where do you from?
    c. Are you from Singapore?
    d. Where is he from?

5. ………. your brother and sister ………. four languages?

    a. Did-speak
    b. Does-speak
    c. Do-speaks
    d. Do-speak

6. Bob’s niece is very cute. ……….name is Mia.

    a. Her
    b. His
    c. He
    d. She

7. Most of us……….24 SKS this semester.

    a.  to take
    b. are be taking
    c. are taking
    d. be taking

8. What are they doing right now?

    a. They are doing swimming.

    b. They swim right now.
    c. They are swimming.
    d. They usually go swimming.

9.Irene: What will you do on next week?

Daniel: I ………. my grandmother .

    a. will visiting
    b. visited
    c. am visiting
    d. will visit

10. What is he doing in the garden?

    a. He is watching TV.
    b. He is playing cards.
    c. He is eating.
    d. He is planting flowers.
Countable and uncountable nouns
Countable nouns

Countable nouns are for things we can count using numbers. They have a singular and a
plural form. The singular form can use the determiner "a" or "an". If you want to ask about
the quantity of a countable noun, you ask "How many?" combined with the plural countable

Singular Plural
one dog two dogs
one horse two horses
one man two men
one idea two ideas
one shop two shops


 She has three dogs.

 I own a house.
 I would like two books please.
 How many friends do you have?

Uncountable nouns

Uncountable nouns are for the things that we cannot count with numbers. They may be the
names for abstract ideas or qualities or for physical objects that are too small or too
amorphous to be counted (liquids, powders, gases, etc.). Uncountable nouns are used with a
singular verb. They usually do not have a plural form.


 tea
 sugar
 water
 air
 rice
 knowledge
 beauty
 anger
 fear
 love
 money
 research
 safety
 evidence

We cannot use a/an with these nouns. To express a quantity of an uncountable noun, use a
word or expression like some, a lot of, much, a bit of, a great deal of , or else use an exact
measurement like a cup of, a bag of, 1kg of, 1L of, a handful of, a pinch of, an hour of, a day
of. If you want to ask about the quantity of an uncountable noun, you ask "How much?"


 There has been a lot of research into the causes of this disease.
 He gave me a great deal of advice before my interview.
 Can you give me some information about uncountable nouns?
 He did not have much sugar left.
 Measure 1 cup of water, 300g of flour, and 1 teaspoon of salt.
 How much rice do you want?

a / an + singular countable noun ( a pen, an apple)    

some  + plural countable nouns - positive sentences ( There are some cars)
some +  uncountable nouns - positive sentences  ( There is some oil)    
any - we use any in negative sentences and in most questions.(countable and
uncountable nouns)  I don't have any pens. There isn't any salt.      
Do you have any sisters?
Decide whether these nouns are countable (C) or uncountable (U)
1. The children are playing in the garden.
2. I don’t like milk.
3. I prefer tea.
4. Scientists sy that the environment is threatened by pollution.
5. Drivers must be careful; the road is slippery.
6. The bread my mother prepares is delicious.
7. The exercises on this website are interesting.
8. Dehydrated bables must drink a lot of water.
9. Some policemen are organizing road traffic to avoid any accidents.
10. I bought three bottles of mineral water for our picnic.

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