Axel Garcia Brito - Nutrition Worksheet

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1. What are calories?

Calories is how people measure how much energy a food have.

2. What are “Empty” calories?

Calories whose source has little or no nutritional value such as sodas, fast
foods, and sugars.

3. What is nutrient deficiency?

Nutrient deficiency occurs when our body does not have enough of the 6
nutrients needed to function properly.

4. List the 6 classes of nutrients:

• carbonHydrates

• fats

• vitamins

• proteins

• minerals

• water
5. Which 3 nutrients listed above give us energy?
a. fats
b. carbohydrates

C. proteins

© Austin Independent School District 2014-2015

6. How many calories does each of the following nutrients have per gram?
• ​Carbohydrates= 4 per gram
• ​Protein= 4 per gram

• ​Fat= 9 per gram


7. What are the 2 types of carbohydrates?

• ​Complex Carbohydrates:

• starches

• give us more lasting long energy because it absorbs more


• most of our calories should come from starches

• ​Simple Carbohydrates:

• sugars
• give us more quick energies because it is made up short
chains of glucose.

• can be found in candy like chocolate, juices,etc.

8. If carbohydrates are not used for energy, what happens to them?

Carbohydrates are the first calories burned for energy. If they are not used,
they are stored in your body as fat.

9. What are two reasons fiber is so important in keeping us healthy? ​•

● Fiber keeps your intestine healthy
● May help prevent colon cancer and heart diseases

© Austin Independent School District 2014-2015

10. Fats are also divided into 2 groups. Name them and define
each. ​• ​Saturated Fats:
• fats that are solid at room temperature.

• ​Unsaturated Fats:

• fats that are liquid at room temperature.

11. What is cholesterol and what does it do in our bodies?

Cholesterol combines with molecules to circulate in the blood.

12. We have GOOD and BAD cholesterol. What is the


LDL is the BAD cholesterol, which comes from fatty foods.

HDL is the GOOD cholesterol,our body produces it.

13. What can happen if our body has too much BAD cholesterol?


14. What does protein do for our body?

Protein helps the body build new cells and repair existing ones. It is key in
muscle development.

15. What is protein made up of?

Amino acids.
© Austin Independent School District 2014-2015
Vitamins & Minerals:

16. What are the 2 classifications of vitamins? What is the difference?

• ​Fat Soluble:


• ​Vitamin A –

• ​Vitamin D –

• ​Vitamin E –

• ​Vitamin K –

• ​Water Soluble:


• ​Vitamin C –

• ​Vitamin B​1 ​–

• ​Vitamin B​2 –​
17. What do minerals do for our body?
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• ​Iron -

• ​Calcium –

• ​Potassium –


18. Why is water so important for our body?

19. What percent of your body is water? Brain? Lungs?

20. How much water should you have a day?

21. What is dehydration and how can it be dangerous? 22. What

makes a food “junk food?” Is all “Junk food” bad for us?

© Austin Independent School District 2014-2015

23. Is snacking bad for you? Why or why not?

24. How do our dietary needs change as we get older?

25. How does eating a balanced diet today affect how you feel in the future?

26. What does it mean to be vegetarian? Vegan?

27. What is a big dietary concern for vegetarians and

vegans? 28. What is a food allergy?

29. What is food intolerance?

30. What is a food-borne illness?

© Austin Independent School District 2014-2015

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