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Should You Purchase Wedding Insurance? What Does Wedding Insurance Cover?
By Nina Callaway, Guide
What is Wedding Insurance?
Wedding Insurance is exactly what it sounds like – an insurance policy that covers your
wedding and financially protects you against misfortune and mishap. Wedding
Insurance policies are relatively inexpensive – a basic policy costs between $125 to
$500 – and can help you have peace of mind.
Is Wedding Insurance Right For You?
The decision to purchase Wedding Insurance is a highly personal one – a financial
decision that is an additional cost for your wedding budget, but will protect you from
unforeseen disasters and mishaps. As the average cost of weddings rises, now $27,000
in the US, wedding insurance becomes more of a necessity. After all, you wouldn’t buy
a new car that cost that much without insuring it against damage. If you are having a
less expensive affair, or are a couple that likes to live with risk, perhaps you’ll decide to
forgo the insurance. Keep in mind that you can get a less expensive policy that will only
cover either a more intimate affair or a specific risky part (such as if you’re worried
about your luggage getting lost en route to your destination wedding; wedding
insurance could cover the cost of quickly replacing your gown and tuxedo.)
What Wedding Insurance Policies Typically Cover
(Be sure to read the fine print of your policy to make sure they cover these things!)

Weather If your celebration has to be postponed because of rain or other bad weather,
your policy should cover the cost of rescheduling.

Illness or Injury If essential people get sick or injured and cause the wedding to be
postponed, the expenses involved with that postponement are covered. 

A Missing Officiant If your minister, justice of the peace, rabbi or other celebrant
should be a no-show, you’ll recoup some of your costs.

Missing vendors Similarly, if your caterer, florist, photographer, or other key vendor

is missing in action, you’ll recover some costs and possibly the costs of rescheduling the
whole thing.

Your Location If your ceremony and reception sites don’t already carry their own
insurance, your wedding insurance policy can cover damage to the site, fire, electrical
or mechanical problems, or going out of business that causes you to lose money or
have to reschedule.
Additional Riders You Can Purchase

Military Service Should the bride or groom be in the military or active reserves, you’ll
want to be insured in case they are called to duty suddenly and everything has to be

Your Gowns and Tuxedos including stores going out of business or damage.

Gifts If your homeowners or renters insurance doesn’t cover them, you may want to
protect against theft or damage of gifts.

Liability Most sites carry liability insurance, but if you’re having your wedding at home,
you’ll want to be protected in case a guest gets hurt or hurts someone else.

Honeymoon Protect yourself against having to cancel your trip due to illness, bad
weather or other unfortunate circumstances.
What Isn’t Covered
Cancelling due to cold feet
Cancelling because of something you already knew when you took out the policy

Does Your Wedding Plan Include Insurance?

Why Wedding Insurance Should be a Big Part of Your Wedding Planning

By Bobbie Sage, Guide

Wedding insurance is still a new concept for most but is being added to more wedding
plans as the expense of weddings is rising. It is not uncommon to hear about couples
doing wedding planning for 20 and 30 thousand dollar weddings. Unfortunately, not
enough couples are considering wedding insurance when doing their wedding planning.
Wedding insurance is inexpensive and considering what you are covering it is worth the
cost. The cost of a policy varies depending on how much insurance you purchase but
typically ranges between $200-$600. That is a great deal considering how much worry
and stress you will be able to rid yourself of during and after your wedding planning.
As you put together your wedding plan, have you been worrying about the weather,
loosing the rings, or someone falling and getting hurt? With wedding insurance you can
put your mind at ease knowing that these and other concerns will be covered.
Coverages vary depending on the policy you choose but typical coverages include:
1. Extreme weather 
2. Illnesses or Death of Bride or Groom 
3. Illness or Death of Immediate Family Member 
4. Unexpected Military Deployment of Bride or Groom 
5. Unknown Extra Expenses 
6. Wedding Gifts 
7. Wedding Photos 
8. Damaged or Lost Wedding Attire 
9. Lost or Damaged Wedding Rings 
10.No-Show Vendor Deposits 
11.Cancelation Counseling 
12.Alcohol Related Accidents 
13.Vendor Damage 
14.Bodily Injury Accidents 
15.Wedding Site Property Damage
When looking for a wedding insurance policy check with your current insurance agent
first. They would most likely call it a special event insurance policy. If you can't find
what you need from your local insurance agent you can search online for wedding
insurance and review and purchase a policy online. When shopping for wedding
insurance make sure you get liability insurance included which is what covers your
accidents and damages. Also, check to see if any of your current insurance policies,
such as homeowners, personal property, or umbrella insurance, will give you some
liability or property coverages for your wedding.

Wedding insurance smoothes the path to the altar

Last updated May 7, 2010
Severe weather, no-show caterers, lost deposits, damaged bridal gowns, lost wedding
rings and stolen gifts are just some of the things that can go wrong on a wedding day.
While you may not want to even think about potential wedding-day disasters, you can
buy insurance for them.

According to The Knot, one of the Internet's top

wedding-planning Web sites, the average wedding today costs $27,000 and more in
large urban areas. You may be plunking down 20 percent or more in nonrefundable
deposits to all your wedding vendors.
Insurance is meant to protect against life's disasters and weddings are no exception.
Your home insurance may offer some limited liability coverage, but to be covered for
things like severe weather or damaged bridal gowns, you'll need to purchase wedding
According to the Insurance Information Institute (III), wedding insurance can cost
between $125 to $400, depending on the amount of coverage you buy. Some policies
have deductibles you must pay before insurance kicks in. Here are the three major
wedding insurance providers and their plans.
1. Travelers Wedding Protector Plan
Travelers Insurance offers a Wedding Protector Plan that covers expenses associated
with postponing a wedding due to severe weather (like a hurricane). It also covers lost
or damaged bridal gowns and groom tuxedos, mishaps with event photography, no-
show vendors, lost or damaged wedding bands and a sudden illness or death that
prevents the bride, groom or parents from attending. It also covers postponement
expenses if the groom or bride has to withdraw for military leave.
Coverage generally provides reimbursement for "nonrecoverable expenses" such as lost
deposits. Or, in the case of ruined photos, the policy pays for your wedding party to
reconvene for new pictures. This policy does not have a deductible. A typical wedding
insurance policy from Travelers costs around $160.
2. Fireman's Fund Wedding insurance

Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. offers Wedding insurance, which

covers similar calamities, including liability for you at the wedding venue, weather
cancellations, the cost to retake photos if they are ruined and damage to gifts, jewelry
and wedding attire.
In some states, you can also buy extra coverage for heartbreak. For an additional $95,
Wedding insurance can cover the biggest disaster that could befall any wedding day —
a change of heart by the bride or groom. This coverage must be purchased by the
person who finances the wedding (not the bride or groom) and pays to recover wedding
expenses if the bride or groom gets cold feet during the planning stage (up to certain
limits). You can also purchase coverage for expenses associated with counseling that
may be needed to deal with the emotional distress of a canceled event.
3. WedSafe
WedSafe Wedding Insurance is underwritten by Markel
Questions to ask before you
American Insurance Co. You can buy one or both of
WedSafe's plans: Wedding Cancellation Insurance and buy a wedding insurance
Wedding Liability Insurance. The cancellation coverage policy
pays for problems such as severe weather, vendors
who don't show up or go bankrupt, damage to  Is the insurance company
wedding attire or rings, approved military leave or licensed to do business in your
events that prevent important family members from state? (Find out from your
attending. state department of
WedSafe's Wedding Liability Insurance pays if you're
held liable for injuries or property damage at the  How much the policy will
wedding and it's available with a "host liquor liability" cost and how much
for alcohol-related accidents. There's generally a reimbursement you can
$1,000 deductible for property-damage claims. expect?

Home insurance provides some coverage  What is and is not covered

by the policy?
Your home insurance policy offers you some liability
protection when you're away from home. For example,  Do you have similar
you likely already have coverage for "necessary coverage elsewhere through
medical expenses" at "a premises occasionally rented credit cards, warrantees or
to an insured for other than business use (such as home, car or other insurance
banquet facilities for a wedding reception)." policies you may already
Your wedding hall may have required you to sign a
"hold harmless" agreement stating that if a guest is Source: Insurance
injured because of a condition of the premises and Information Institute
sues the hall, the liability is transferred to you. Find
out the liability limit offered by your current home
insurance and/or umbrella policy.
What if there's property damage at the wedding hall? Your home insurance liability
coverage extends only to damage done by fire, smoke and explosion. In other words, if
one of your guests smashes a light fixture at the wedding hall and the hall owner holds
you responsible, your home insurance will not pay.
Common wedding insurance confusions
As with any insurance policy, you want to understand what you are buying. For
example, you may wrongly assume that your coverage kicks in if it rains on your
outdoor wedding. But wedding policies are meant to cover "severe weather" that
prevents most guests or the bride or groom from attending. You'd need a weather
event on the level of a hurricane or blizzard in order to make a claim.
Another common wedding-day problem, illness, is addressed by wedding insurance to a
certain extent. It covers unexpected illness but won't cover illness from pre-existing
conditions. Check your policy for specifics.
what is Wedding Insurance?
Insure to Protect Against Liability & Accidents at Wedding Reception

Jun 3, 2009 Victoria Anisman-Reiner

Wedding Insurance Prevents Unexpected Costs - Mensatic, Morguefile

It may seem like folly to expect accidents on your wedding day, but planning ahead and
protecting the big event with wedding insurance can be a smart move.

Big events like weddings don't come cheap. The average wedding in the U.S. now costs
between $26-27,000 – as much as a new car. Most people wouldn't drive a car without
insurance, and it's a good idea for couples planning a big, lavish wedding to consider
purchasing wedding insurance to protect them against things that can go wrong on the
big day.
Wedding insurance is relatively inexpensive, ranging from $125 to about $600
depending on just how much coverage is needed.
Who Needs Wedding Insurance?
Wedding insurance is completely optional. In fact, many brides and grooms don't get
any insurance to guard against problems on the big day. Couples planning a small,
inexpensive wedding don't necessarily benefit from insurance, while other couples have
high risk tolerance and are willing to take whatever comes without insurance.
For many couples, however, insurance is a valuable part of the wedding planning
process that enables them to invest money well in advance of the wedding without
worrying about vendors going out of business, photographer no-shows, weather crises
that might prevent the reception from happening, or sudden military deployment
forcing a change of the wedding date.
Read on 

Wedding Insurance Covers Major Investment

Wedding Insurance Covers Travel, Rings, Damage
Wedding Insurance – Wise or Wasteful?
What Can Wedding Insurance Protect Against?
Wedding insurance plans vary widely depending on the insurance broker, the location,
and how much coverage is needed. The following are often part a wedding insurance

Weather – Insurance pays for the cost of rescheduling the wedding due to tornado,
hurricane, flooding, and other weather emergencies

Illness, Injury or Death  – Covers the cost of rescheduling if the bride, the groom, or a
family member is injured or falls ill shortly before the wedding day

Location – If the Church or reception hall doesn't have its own insurance, the plan can
cover damages due to fire, electrical troubles, property damage during the reception, or
the location going out of business prior to the event

Vendors – If the businesses providing flowers, photography,

food, the wedding cake or
anything else fold before the wedding, insurance covers the cost of replacing items
already paid for
Some wedding insurance policies will also include:

Military Deployment – Covers the cost of rescheduling if the bride or groom is

deployed unexpectedly before the wedding takes place

Transportation – If transportation shutdowns prevent the bride, groom, or immediate

family members from arriving at the wedding on time

Loss of Luggage – Covers the cost of replacements if the wedding gown and the
groom's tux go missing en route to a destination wedding

Damage to Dress – Pays for repairs to accidental damage to the wedding gown
Accidents and Liability – If a guest, server, or location staff member is injured during
the wedding or reception

Damage or Loss of Wedding Ring – Covers the cost of replacement if a wedding ring
is damaged before or on the wedding day

Damage or Theft of Gifts – In case the gift table crashes or presents are stolen
Ruined Photos – If a photographer's film or memory cards are defective, some
insurance policies will cover expenses to bring the wedding party back together so new
photos can be taken

Travel Insurance – for the honeymoon

Although insurance can be purchased to cover just about everything else, wedding
insurance won't cover expenses if the bride or groom gets cold feet and the wedding is

Read more at Suite101: What is Wedding Insurance?: Insure to Protect

Against Liability & Accidents at Wedding

Wedding Insurance – Wise or Wasteful?

Wedding Liability, Cancellation and Postponement Insurance Review
Jul 15, 2009 Tricia Spencer

Wedding Insurance Works When a Tornado Roars Above - Zastavkin

While all wedding couples dream of the perfect wedding experience, not all brides and
grooms will enjoy a problem-free event. Things can go very wrong.
A wedding is one of the most magnificent moments in every person’s life. Weddings are
beautiful, spiritual and memorable. They are also expensive and a life investment that
needs protecting.
The Best Wedding Insurance
The most effective wedding insurance is careful planning. One mantra every bride and
groom should adopt is “get it in writing.” Time after time a broken-hearted bride can be
heard saying, “But they told me….” Telling is only the beginning. Committing the
context of that conversation to paper is what counts. Every aspect of the wedding event
should create a paper trail.
All conversations should be converted to notes that include the date, time of
conversation, who was speaking, and the key elements of what was discussed. And
before anything is confirmed or deposits paid, all of that information should be captured
in a document signed by both parties.
Read more at Suite101: Wedding Insurance – Wise or Wasteful?: Wedding
Liability, Cancellation and Postponement Insurance

Wedding Insurance Companies Offer Peace of Mind

Even if the wedding couple has diligently planned and meticulously detailed their
wedding day event, circumstances beyond their control can cause wedding day chaos.
Several wedding insurance companies now provide policies to shelter the bride and
groom from financial loss in the event of an adverse event.
What can go wrong? Just a few of the unpleasant possibilities include:
The wedding cake is dropped.
The rings are lost.
The store or seamstress loses the bridal gown.
The tuxedos are double rented.
The limousine has a flat tire or breaks down.
The flowers wilt in a broken cooler.
The caterers forget to order the champagne.
The photographer’s camera is destroyed with the wedding photos inside.
The wedding or reception venue goes out of business.
The wedding favors don’t arrive.
The musicians fail to show.
The wedding presents are stolen.
The honeymoon accommodations are lost.
Someone gets hurt at the event.
A family emergency requires wedding day cancellation or postponement.
With the two types of wedding insurance now offered by wedding insurance companies,
losses from such adverse events are covered.
Read on 

Wedding Chair Covers, Chair Linens and Unique Seat Decorations

Wedding Insurance Covers Major Investment
Wedding Insurance Covers Travel, Rings, Damage
Wedding Liability Insurance
Today is far different than the wedding days of old when churches and reception halls
were simply available with no special concerns about using them. Today, most wedding
venues require the wedding couple to obtain a liability insurance policy that will protect
not only the bride and groom, but the reception or ceremony site as well.
Liability insurance protects against damages to property or injuries to attendees.
Alcohol hosting should be covered as well.
While some may eye this insurance as an extra, and unnecessary, wedding cost, the
truth is that experiencing a liability claim is far more common than one may think.
From damages to floors and equipment to parking-related incidents to personal injuries
resulting from innocent actions like jostling for the tossed bouquet, liability issues are
real. A liability policy soothes vital wedding day worries.
Wedding Cancellation and Postponement Insurance
There can be many valid reasons for a wedding to be cancelled or postponed, such as:
extreme weather or other disaster
unexpected military deployment
a death in the family
In the event of a cancellation or postponement, the loss from non-refundable deposits
can be staggering. Wedding cancellation or postponement insurance protects deposits
and can even cover non-recoverable expenses equal to the total expense of the
Even if the wedding does take place, cancellation and postponement insurance could
also cover losses occurred when issues, like a lost ring or a damaged gown, cause
From flowers to tuxedos and catering to travel arrangements, wedding cancellation and
postponement insurance can mitigate financial damages that result from failures on the
part of wedding day vendors.
The one important issue not covered by wedding such insurance is an old-fashioned
change of heart. No insurance company will cover a simple change of mind.
Combining Wedding Insurance Policies and Choosing an Insurer
Most insurers make combination offers that provide all types of coverage in one policy.
Cost is based on the total wedding budget expense. A wedding that is expected to cost
about $30,000 would require a policy that would cost about $500 to cover all insurance
Policy comparison requires diligent research. Comparing apples to apples and oranges
to oranges will highlight the best policy for a wedding couple’s budget and event
requirements. Insurance coverage and costs will vary from state to state and be
relative to what time of year the wedding will take place. It is imperative that specifics
are given when requesting a wedding insurance quote.
Ordering a wedding insurance policy via the internet is quick and easy, but researching
the insurer is necessary. Requiring references and licensing information will help to
protect a wedding couple from throwing good money after bad. An impressive website
does not equate to a viable company. Only thorough investigation will provide the true
peace of mind wedding insurance is meant to bring.
Is Wedding Insurance Really Necessary and Cost Effective?
Liability insurance is necessary. Cancellation and postponement insurance may be
unnecessary, but it is wise. Wedding insurance cost is minimal compared to the
protections offered.
In the end, the decision belongs to the bride and groom, but wedding day financial
stakes are high, and the losses from any number of adverse events can far outweigh
the cost of wedding insurance. Building the cost of the policy into the wedding budget
may be one of the smartest moves a couple can make to insure that perfect wedding of
their dreams.

Wedding Insurance Covers Major Investment

Catastrophe Coverage for Wedding Day Disasters

Jan 31, 2010 Donna Hinton

Wedding Insurance - Peace of Mind - Lars christenson

Wedding insurance provides protection from loss when events such as storms, a burned
reception hall or stolen gowns turn a wedding day into a financial disaster.

Recouping loses through wedding insurance should a hurricane hit the brides chosen
South Seas site on the eve of her big event or the caterer declares bankruptcy the day
before her wedding is becoming common among today’s financially savvy brides.
Today’s bride can insure almost every aspect of her wedding against loss or damage.
One comprehensive plan even offers compensation for expenses if the groom changes
his mind. Would-be brides can insure against nearly everything except a broken heart.
Wedding Coverage: An Important Element of Planning
Just as a bride-to-be carries auto insurance and takes part in the health insurance plan
at work, insuring the various components of the most important event in her life makes
sense. Not unlike automobile insurance, wedding insurance plans are geared to cover
replacement costs. If covered elements of the wedding are damaged, stolen or go
amiss monetary reimbursement might allow for repurchasing those items or
rescheduling the event.
Insuring availability of travel for crucial members of the wedding party is available if
purchased 14 days in advance. Travel insurance covers delayed or canceled flights and
weather adverse enough to prevent automobile travel. Coverage can also be bought to
insure against the absence of a member of the wedding party due to injury or illness.

Read more at Suite101: Wedding Insurance Covers Major Investment:

Catastrophe Coverage for Wedding Day
Large or Small; Wedding Insurance is a Smart Decision
With all the variables inherent in a large wedding, insurance is almost a must. Since
larger weddings involve numerous people, from travel agents to florists, caterers and
photographers, they offer more opportunities for miscommunication and human errors.
If the wedding is negatively impacted or canceled because of any insured
disaster, wedding insurance makes it possible to recoup losses up to the insured
amount. Possibilities for wedding day disasters multiply when nuptials are to be
performed across the country or in a foreign land making travel and weather insurance
common for such weddings.
Wedding insurance isn’t just for lavish, distant or large weddings. The prudent bride on
a budget who would be unable to replace a lost or stolen wedding gown might insure
only her gown. She might insure only the catering in case the caterer she has already
paid cancels due to illness or accident. She might insure that the flowers arrive as
ordered and on time or that the scheduled photographer shows up and the wedding
photos are as promised.
The bride, Groom, couple or whomever is paying for the wedding can select from many
separate endorsements to gain the coverage they desire.
Read on 

Wedding Insurance Covers Travel, Rings, Damage

Household Insurance for Australian Home Owners
What is Wedding Insurance?
Wedding Insurance Guidelines and Tips bullets
Wedding insurance can only be obtained if the bride, groom and policyholder, if other
than the bride or groom, are all over 18 years of age
Checklist projected wedding expenses and possibilities for disaster to determine which
facets to insure.

Get quotes from at least 3 providers of wedding insurance.

Plan for the best, but insure to cover the worst possibilities.

Resist the Temptation to Over-Insure

Separate riders, or endorsements cover specific possibilities. Insure only those
pertinent to the event. A potluck reception needs no caterers insurance. The bride
having a back yard wedding followed by a home reception will not need to insure the
availability of a church or public hall. She might however, wish to purchase insurance
covering the availability of travel for her wedding party and a special rider should a
guest become injured or damage the premises during the event.
Protecting from loss in case the couple’s dream day turns into a costly disaster due to
unforeseen events such as storms or stolen gown’s makes sense to many brides,
grooms or others financing the wedding. The most common items covered by wedding
insurance are the flowers, food and photography, followed closely by loss of either the
brides or grooms ring and loss or damage to the wedding gown or bridesmaid’s

Read more at Suite101: Wedding Insurance Covers Major Investment:

Catastrophe Coverage for Wedding Day
Wedding Insurance Covers Travel, Rings, Damage
Liability Insurance Helps Guarantee Success of Your Wedding Day

Dec 17, 2009 Donna Wallace

Wedding insurance

Wedding insurance is a growing industry in North America where couples invest
significant money to protect their perfect wedding day.

Wedding insurance may sound odd. But it doesn`t sound crazy when you consider that
the the average cost of a Canadian wedding is just shy of $20,000, according to a
2009 Wedding Bells Magazine survey of over 1,000 engaged couples.
Traditionally, of course, wedding planning involved lovely and delicious things like
selecting elegant flowers the most beautiful dress, and lovely music or poetry. But The
Globe and Mail  reports that In North America, wedding liability insurance is becoming
so commonplace – it's often delegated to a member of the bridal party: order flowers..
check, call DJ.... check, buy wedding insurance.... check!

What is Wedding Insurance and How Much Does it Cost

At its most basic, wedding insurance is a guarantee against the investments made to
pull together a special event. That can include protecting material goods like wedding
dresses or rings from loss or damage. And it can also protect against cancellation –
halls, churches, hotels closing due to unforeseen circumstances. Like a hurricane? Well,
yes as a matter of fact. The Globe reports that the idea has become popular in the US,
thanks in no small part to hurricane Katrina ripping apart the Gulf Coast – and
destroying, among other things, many people`s wedding plans. Since Katrina, wedding
planners in some areas actually require their clients to take out coverage.
Insurance rates begin at about $100 and can go up to over $1000 dollars
Read on 

What is Wedding & Civil Partnership Insurance

Wedding Insurance Covers Major Investment
What is Wedding Insurance?
What Does Wedding Insurance Cover?
It depends on the company, of course – not to mention the package chosen and the
premiums paid. The Calgary-based Weddinguard company website says its packages
protect against "many of those things that can go wrong with your wedding plans,
including cancellation from most causes beyond your control."
Basic Wedding Day Insurance Covers Things Like:
a wedding dress ruined before the event
lost rings
a church or hall unable to host the event at the last minute
loss or damage to wedding presents immediately after the event
More Expansive Coverage Includes:
unexpected overseas posting of bride or groom
unforeseen unemployment
inclement weather closing airports and preventing guests from arriving
counselling, if a ruined wedding day causes emotional distress to bride or groom
Choosing the Best Wedding Insurance
To make sure you get the right package, ask very specific questions about the coverage
you`re buying.

ask what is not covered

ask about specific items which may be important to you: wedding cake, flowers,
ask about limitations. If your honeymoon is a week after the wedding, is it still
Remember that alcohol liability insurance is usually a separate package – and is
something most event venues will have included in their rental fees. Best to ask. And if
you are hosting your own wedding, be sure to inquire about local laws concerning
alcohol liability insurance requirements.
Can We Insure our Marriage?
The short answer is no... Or, not really. But at least one American company will insure
against cold feet. For an extra $25, Americans can purchase a 'change of heart' clause
from the Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. It will reimburse whoever paid for the wedding
should either the bride or groom back out.
Copyright Donna Wallace. Contact the author to obtain permission for republication.

Read more at Suite101: Wedding Insurance Covers Travel, Rings, Damage:

Liability Insurance Helps Guarantee Success of Your Wedding

Wedding Insurance?Posted in by Stephanie

August 17th, 2010 01:42 am0 Comments
When my husband and I got married, we had our eyes on all things cheap. We were
(and still are, I guess) pretty young, and I had barely just graduated college. We were
more concerned with saving money than blowing it on a knock-down, drag-out catered
affair for one hundred fifty of our “closest” friends. That isn’t and has never been our
style. We had our wedding reception poolside at my parents’ house with homemade
centerpieces, a CD changer full of our own music, and a few rented chafing dishes of
delicious Italian food that we’d ordered and picked up from our local pizza place. I
bought my dress online for one hundred fifty bucks, and it was the biggest splurge of
the whole shebang. We ordered our flowers from a wholesaler and put bouquets
together ourselves. I did my own hair. We had a friend take pictures. Our thrifty
nuptials cost a fraction of the average wedding in America today, which is running
around twenty-eight thousand dollars.
Wedding insurance wouldn’t have been a big deal for hubby and myself, since we had a
guest list of less than forty and a microscopic budget. One of my best high school
friends, however, got married that same year surrounded by professionally-arranged
red roses, wore a designer dress of vintage lace and pearls, and walked down the aisle
to the airy sounds of a live string quartet. She had well over one hundred guests and
six bridesmaids. There was an open bar, and we danced until midnight instead of
eleven because they had paid for the venue to stay open for an extra hour. Her
wedding cost over forty thousand dollars – I asked! – and while I don’t know if she had
wedding insurance, it might have definitely been a good idea in her case. Weddings in
this day and age can be divided into two distinct categories – the drive-through ‘I do’s’
in Vegas / the backyard hoedowns (like mine), and then the massive June-fantasy
ceremonies like you see in bridal magazines. For the first category, we have faith and
crossed fingers. For the latter, we have wedding insurance.
Wedding insurance protects you on your big day against a variety of possible marital
mishaps. If getting to the church on time doesn’t happen, your insurance plan can
cover you for setting a replacement appointment with the pastor. If your hand-picked
gourmet caterer gets a nasty notice from the health department within days of your
reception, the insurer will pay to get you a speedy replacement chef to whip up your
guests’ choice of seared Chilean sea bass or filet mignon with a mushroom demi glaze.
Many conventional insurers have added wedding insurance polices to their standard
menu, with more and more companies making the leap every year.
It’s a reflection of the rising cost of getting hitched these days, say experts. The price of
the average wedding has dipped somewhat since the halcyon days before the recession
hit, but it’s still up there with the comparable price of a new car. Conde Nast, publisher
of Brides magazine, says that nearly one-third of all American lovebirds pay for their
own wedding, and thirty-six percent will exceed their budget. It’s not hard to do,
considering how much crap the wedding industry tries to tell brides and grooms that
they “need,” ranging from professionally embossed stationary (save-the-date cards,
invites and RSVP cards, table cards, and thank you notes) to out-of-season hothouse
blooms in the attendant bouquets, designer silk lingerie for under the bride’s gown to
an aisle runner dyed to match the maid of honor’s gown, and a vintage piece of jewelry
to pin to the bridal bouquet. Don’t even get me started on the cost of an exotic
honeymoon at an all-inclusive resort or how much it costs to rent the darned fancy
chair covers and coordinating tie-backs! A typical wedding insurance premium ranges
from ninety-five to over one thousand dollars, based upon the cost of your wedding and
how much coverage you elect to purchase. If you are having a big white wedding, this
may amount to little more than a drop in your bucket.
Wedding insurance covers a variety of incidents that could mar your big day. The first
of those is liability. If your junior bridesmaid trips and breaks an ankle on her high
heels, or if a sodden guest has one too many Cape Cods and hits the floor when
reaching for an imaginary canapé, you would be covered much in the same way as
traditional liability insurance under a homeowner’s policy. Whether you need this
specific coverage for your event depends on the venue at which you are getting married
and/or having your reception. Some places include this kind of insurance in the rental
cost, while others will require you to purchase your own insurance.
Your wedding venue itself will also be protected under your insurance policy. What if
your childhood church where you’ve dreamed since practically birth of walking down the
aisle should happen to burn down the night before your ceremony? Or if a
hurricane/earthquake/tornado should happen to trash your reception venue? Acts of
God that destroy your reception and/or ceremony are covered by insurance. You might
have to postpone your wedding until the venue of choice can be repaired, or you might
have to wait for a slot to open up on a Saturday evening in your second choice locale,
but the costs will be covered.
Another facet of wedding insurance that might be purchased is coverage for the health
and wellbeing of all the main players in your event – think mom, dad, yourself or your
soon-to-be spouse, or a member of the wedding party. Some wedding policies include
insurance against death or illness. If your honey gets a wicked case of food poisoning
from the buffet at the rehearsal dinner, your insurance will pick up the cost of any
“non-refundable” deposits on service providers and cover the price tag for switching
your wedding date. Likewise, if –heaven forbid, because this is serious- any one of your
parents should pass away in the days before your union, the insurer would eat the cost
of postponing everything until your head was clear and you could move forward.
Even your wedding dress could be insured with one of these policies! One of the most
common claims against wedding insurance policies is on bridal gowns that were lost
when the doors of the boutique were barred due to a sudden bankruptcy – especially in
these turbulent economic times. One of my friends – not the one with the roses and the
string quartet – was hysterically crying less than three days before her happy day when
she showed up for the final fitting of her very expensive designer wedding gown at the
bridal shop she’d selected, and found that the owner had skipped town when the entire
chain went broke. My friend had to settle for a borrowed gown and take the deadbeat
dressmaker to court afterwards, but a bride with wedding insurance could have been all
set to purchase a replacement. Likewise, damages to the groomsmen’s rented tuxedos
are also covered under this type of plan: a very good thing for the moment when your
new husband’s frat brothers decide to jump in the fountain outside the reception hall.
Your insurance will also protect your wedding gifts. If you are having a big and spendy
ceremony, this can really mean something. It’s not at all unusual for well-off brides to
register for china that costs two hundred dollars a place setting, or for artisan stand
mixers (this DIY, thrifty bride was even guilty of that one!) that run four to five
hundred dollars a pop. If a shady reception venue employee were to make off with your
engraved sterling silver picture frames or Tiffany cobalt vase that you received as a gift,
your insurance will pay for a replacement.
Other types of venders are also covered under wedding insurance. What if your
wedding photographer’s camera gets dunked in a fountain (possibly by a rowdy
groomsman), or if the pictures all come out blurry? Your insurance will pay for the cost
of hiring someone new and restaging the pictures. What if the bakers of your wedding
cake disappear with your deposit? Your insurance will pay for a stat replacement. Your
musicians get ill? Book someone new, your insurer will pick up the tab. In short, if you
are paying a lot for your wedding, I humbly submit that you might not be able to afford
to go WITHOUT insurance!
That doesn’t mean, however, that there are not exceptions to what wedding insurance
will cover. While these policies are meant to give brides and grooms total piece of mind
as they approach the happiest day of their lives, that doesn’t mean that your insurer
will blindly pay any claim that you submit. One big and notable example of a situation
that would NOT be covered by wedding insurance? Runaway brides or grooms who let
cold feet get the best of them. Insurers insist that this exception is designed to weed
out cases of fraud, and is also not under their purview since a change of heart is fully
preventable and any form of insurance is designed to protect against circumstances
beyond your control. Now, I should add that certain wedding insurance companies have
started to amend this policy somewhat, so that completely innocent parties with a
financial stake in the wedding can be reimbursed for losses suffered as the result of a
runaway bride or groom. Let’s say that the father of the bride has fulfilled his traditional
duty and forked up the cost for a lavish reception. If his would-be son-in-law jilts his
little girl, Daddy might get reimbursed for his losses under certain plans. (The cost of a
shotgun and a few bullets is not covered, before you even ask.)
Existing medical conditions are also not covered in policies that protect health and
wellbeing. If a parent has an outstanding cardiac history, their heart attack will
probably not be considered a covered event for postponing the wedding. A first-time
heart attack would be covered, of course.
There are ways to protect your investment in your wedding that don’t require the
purchase of specialized insurance, even if no one method is all-inclusive or quite as
reassuring. The Better Business Bureau’s recommendations include exhaustive
preliminary research on your venders before you sign any contracts. How long has your
bridal boutique been open? Who are your photographer’s referrals? Does your catering
company have a longstanding bill of health from the health inspector? What’s the storm
history for your wedding date in the town where you’ll be saying your vows? Knowing
all these things can help you make the best decisions possible for making common-
sense choices in choosing the people and things that will help your wedding come
together. That’s not to say that it’s impossible that something completely unforeseen
will happen to trash your big day, but sometimes it’s all about minimizing risks.
You should also make sure that your deposits are no larger than they have to be. Don’t
put any extra down, in other words. Keeping your deposits as small as possible will
minimize your losses in the event that your wedding needs to be called off or
postponed. You can’t avoid some non-refundable deposits, but minimizing them is
certainly your best bet. Likewise, experts say that you should use a credit card
whenever possible to pay for aspects of your wedding with the potential to go wrong, so
that you can dispute the charges for services that sucked or products that didn’t do
their job. That way, if your food makes people sick or your gown rips as soon as “Here
Comes the Bride” starts playing, you can request money back from your card issuer.
Save all your receipts so that you have potential future documentation if need be.
Look, I know that I’ve said a lot of silly things about big weddings in this post, but my
advice as to how you can avoid losing money on wedding disasters is to be very careful
about how you are spending it in the first place. Is it really worth tens of thousands of
dollars to have a huge wedding, when the whole point of a marriage ceremony is to
celebrate your love and union? You should never go into debt for a wedding, and that’s
not just my advice – that’s everyone’s advice.
How to Find Cheap Wedding Insurance for Overseas Weddings(
Real Wedding Mishaps(

What could possibly go wrong at our wedding?

Most of the time, most weddings go pretty smoothly. But when something unexpected
does go wrong, it can be frightening how quickly the costs can add up.
For wedding couples – or their parents – who have lovingly planned every detail and
budgeted down to the last penny, even a relatively small loss can feel devastating,
while a large loss or liability claim can bring true financial disaster.
Since 1999 WedSafe® has helped protect wedding couples and their families from the
financial consequences of mishaps large and small. These are just a few examples of
real wedding couples who experienced unforeseen problems – and were able to recover
from significant financial losses thanks to their WedSafe insurance policies.

Why would we ever cancel or postpone our wedding?

Ten inches of rain fell in Virginia, State Highway 10 was closed. Bridal party members
and guests couldn't get to reception site. Band, food, cake, flowers, photos all had to be
Amount Reimbursed Event Cancellation coverage – Wedding Event Cancellation /
Postponement Plus: $25,000

Groom experienced chest pains and went to hospital. Newly diagnosed heart condition
forced him to postpone wedding. 
Amount Reimbursed throughEvent Cancellation coverage – Wedding Event
Cancellation / Postponement Plus:. $28,907.45

More Examples
Venues never fall through, do they?
Wedding venue originally expected to open in time for the wedding, but construction
completion date was pushed back and the wedding had to be rescheduled.
Amount Reimbursed throughEvent Cancellation coverage – Wedding Event
Cancellation / Postponement Plus: $17,694.87

Venue construction prevented wedding from being held; venue refused to refund
Amount Reimbursed throughEvent Cancellation coverage – Wedding Event
Cancellation / Postponement Plus: $6,690.95

More Examples
How much could we lose to a problem vendor?
Hair and make-up vendors did not show up – and neither did the customer's deposits.  
Amount Reimbursed through Loss of Deposits coverage – Wedding Event
Cancellation / Postponement Plus: $2,320

Customer received message from the photographer saying he was out of business,
would not be attending the wedding and would not be refunding the deposit. 
Amount Reimbursed through Loss of Deposits coverage – Wedding Event
Cancellation / Postponement Plus: $1,515

More Examples
What could possibly happen to my wedding photos?
Photographer's camera bag – containing several rolls of wedding pictures – was stolen
during the reception.
Amount Reimbursed through Photographs / Video coverage – Wedding Event
Cancellation / Postponement Plus: $3,000

How much can it cost to repair a wedding dress?

A guest spilled red wine on the bride's wedding dress. Stains could not be removed;
skirt had to be replaced and dress cleaned and preserved. 
Amount Reimbursed through Wedding Attire coverage – Wedding Event Cancellation
/ Postponement Plus: $3,275

What could happen to our wedding gifts?

Airline lost luggage containing wedding gifts and wedding attire.
Amount Reimbursed through Wedding Gifts & Wedding Attire coverages –Wedding
Event Cancellation / Postponement Plus: $4,200

Wedding gifts were stolen from trunk of car. 

Amount Reimbursed through Wedding Gifts coverage – Wedding Event
Cancellation / Postponement Plus: $1,088

Do we really need to be concerned about liability and property damage at our

Bride and groom held responsible for damaged carpet at reception.
Claim paid by Property Damage coverage – Wedding Liability Insurance:$5,523.81
Wedding couple held responsible for damaged table top and other property damages. 
Claim paid by Property Damage coverage – Wedding Liability Insurance: $7,000
May 23, 2010 Clementine Nyembo

Insure Rings through Overseas Wedding Insurance - allyrose18

Overseas wedding insurance covers protect a couple's wedding arrangements and

reimburse all expenses incurred when and if disaster strikes.

As more and more couples opt for overseas weddings and civil

partnership ceremonies as cheaper alternatives to western ceremonies, the need for
insurance cover for overseas weddings is on the hike. Overseas wedding insurance
policies are undoubtedly valuable for long distance ceremonies where any sort of
disaster can strike. When covered, the insurance company will reimburse any expenses
incurred while away. However, as with all insurance products, before buying insurance
for overseas weddings, it is essential to know exactly what aspect of the wedding the
insurance covers and also where to find a good deal.
Which Wedding Insurance Cover is Best?

Most insurance covers for overseas weddings last for one year, although they can be
extended for up to two years at an additional cost, and cover many aspects of your
wedding. Depending on the amount of coverage desired and the wedding destination,
insurance policies for overseas weddings cost around $100 to $150. Wedding insurance
companies provide different levels of insurance cover to suite marriage ceremonies of
all magnitudes.
Shop around for the wedding insurance that gives you the most complete protection
against wedding mishaps and decide how long it might be needed.
The best way to find a good deal is to compare wedding insurance using a comparison
website, which will provide a comprehensive list of providers and their rates. Wedding
insurance comparison services are available from most price comparison sites.
Some companies offer to match competitor prices so it might be worthwhile to go for
the most stress-free company and ask for the lower price being offered by a somewhat
troublesome one.
For an additional charge, wedding insurance covers can be extended to include all party
Benefits of Wedding Insurance Covers
The most unique benefit for having wedding day insurance is the peace of mind the
couple receives; knowing that all arrangements for their big day are protected, albeit
the stress normally associated with the big day. Including cancellations, wedding
photography and wedding stationery, wedding insurance policies can also cover the
couple for:
Wedding attire, rings and presents
Supplier deposits
Wedding cakes
Wedding documents/Passport
Public liability
Personal accident
Professional counselling
Legal expenses
Wedding flowers
Wedding cars and transport, and
Delayed Travel
Although policies for overseas insurance can be bought at any time before the wedding
day, certain benefits would not begin until nearer to the wedding date. These include
loss or damage to the cake, which would only become valid 24 hours before the
Read on 

Wedding Insurance – Wise or Wasteful?

What is Wedding Insurance?
Destination Wedding Packages and Costs
It is also important to keep in mind that, even though overseas wedding insurance
products cover most aspects of a wedding, they do not include delays to flights or
problems with accommodation. It is therefore recommended to take out travel
insurance alongside wedding insurance to be totally covered when getting married

Read more at Suite101: How to Find Cheap Wedding Insurance for Overseas

How to get wedding insurance(

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by Janeen Elite

It is said that the average cost of having a wedding is anywhere between $20,000 to
$27,000. Just as if you were buying a new car, purchasing wedding insurance is a
smart decision just in case things don't go as smoothly as you were hoping.

Here are a few things to do when purchasing wedding insurance.

Clearly Understand What Will Be Covered.

While wedding insurance will cover many unforeseen circumstances, there are others
situations that it will not. It is important to know this in advance before purchasing a
wedding insurance policy from any Insurer.

Situations That Will Usually Be Covered By Wedding Insurance

Serious illness of the bride or the groom or death of the bride or grooms parents will
usually be covered but some policies have an exclusion on pre-existing conditions. They
will also usually cover lost or damaged bridal wear, the bankruptcy or closing of a
catering hall, photographer, wedding gown shop, florist, or other vendors, stolen or
damaged wedding gifts, or weather related occurrences such as hurricanes that can
prevent the venue from having your reception.

Situations that will usually not be covered by wedding insurance

Change of heart on the part of the bride or the groom. Most insurance companies will
give insurance for circumstances they believe are beyond the control of the bride or the
groom. Change of mind or heart does not usually fall under this category. Another
reason for this exclusion on the part of the insurance company is to prevent
occurrences of fraud.

There are however a few insurance companies that might be having a change of heart
of their own and considering change this policy under special circumstances. As of this
writing, Fireman's Fund is considering changing this policy under certain circumstances.

Shop Around and Compare Prices

Just as in any other circumstance where you might want to purchase insurance, it is
important to shop around for the best policies and prices. There are quite a few
insurance companies that offer wedding insurance. All you need to do is search Google
under "Wedding Insurance Companies" and a bunch of options will be displayed.

It is important however to ask each company what the cost of the insurance is, detailed
questions about what would be covered and not covered and to carefully read every
word of their policy to confirm that it says the same thing you agreed to verbally.

Ensure That You Protect Yourself To Be Able to Get Back As Much Money As Possible

Even if you do purchase wedding insurance, there.

How to get wedding insurance

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by Onimim Johnarry
You never know what could go wrong - so make sure your big day doesn't end in tears
by taking out some wedding insurance. As the cost of weddings rises, so too does the
need to have some form of wedding insurance. Although you and your spouse may
think you have everything under control from your side of things, other factors could
conspire to turn the best day of your lives into a nightmare. Wedding insurance
packages. A variety of different companies offer wedding insurance packages, from high
street retailers like Marks & Spencer to insurers like Royal Liver and brokers including
Cornhill and E&L. So which is the right deal for you? It depends very much on your
circumstances and what you are having at your wedding. If you are having a large
wedding with lots of guests and have spent a lot of money, you'll want to arrange
insurance that covers your costs. For example, if you for some unforeseen reason you
have to cancel the reception at the last minute you will want to have insurance that
reimburses you for any charges you are liable to pay as a result. As some venues make
you pay for a certain percentage of your guests or a minimum charge, this could end up
being quite expensive. Alternatively, if you are having an intimate wedding, you may
only want to take out a low premium with a minimum amount of cover. So what are the
sort of things you need to thinking about covering?

Cancellation of wedding and/or reception

Damage/loss of wedding attire
Problems with photography/videoDamage/loss of wedding
ringsDamage/loss of wedding presents
Loss of depositsPublic liabilityProblems with transport
Problems with cakeProblems with flowersLegal expenses
Damage to marquees
Some insurance providers, such as Marks & Spencer, even offer stress counselling for
couples and their parents. Tiers, not tears. Many insurers offer different levels, or tiers,
of cover. The more the premium costs the more financial protection you have. Again,
the tier you go for is dependent on the value of your wedding. Check your cover. Be
aware that your insurance could be invalidated if: You cancel because of something you
knew about at the time you took out your cover. You cancel because you can't afford
the wedding (this doesn't apply if one or both of you gets made redundant)You cancel
because of injury due to hazardous activities (for example, going bungee jumping the
week before)One or other of you decides you don't want to get married.

Wedding Planning: Wedding Insurance 101(

Though you might not want to think about it, disasters can strike your wedding day.
From a sudden cancellation to stolen gifts to a damaged gown, wedding insurance can
help protect you against the unforseen, and can also afford you great peace of mind.
But what exactly is wedding insurance -- and how does it work? Here's the inside
What Is Wedding Insurance?
Basically, wedding insurance protects a couple's investment from circumstances beyond
their control, and reimburses expenses incurred. For example, what if your limo
driver doesn't show up and you have to book another one the morning of the wedding
-- for three times the price? Or what if the groom's custom-made tuxedo is lost in
airport baggage, and he has to buy a new one the day before the wedding? What if
your reception space goes out of business a month before the wedding, and you lose
your deposit and have to book another space? These are the types of big-day financial
losses that wedding insurance can help to protect.
Why Get Wedding Insurance?
Consider these scenarios:
Before you buy wedding insurance, check with your each of your vendors to see how
well they're covered.

Janet and Dan spend months planning theirwinter wedding. But on wedding day, their
reception site is made inaccessible by an ice storm. With the right wedding insurance
policy, the couple can postpone their wedding and receive every penny they lost (less
the deductible) -- including money for the invites, cake, catering, attire, and non-
refundable deposits for ceremony musicians, floral designer, and other vendors.
The bride's father is injured in a car accident just before the wedding and cannot travel.
If the couple has to postpone their wedding, with wedding insurance they could be paid
back their expenses to enable them to have the wedding when the father recovers.
Right before the ceremony, Brittany's gown catches a gust of wind. Unfortunately, the
tulle dances right over to the end of Uncle Howard's cigar and the dress instantly goes
up in flames. Fortunately, the right insurance policy covers the replacement of the veil
and gown.
How Much Does Wedding Insurance Cost?
A basic insurance policy that covers loss of photos, videos, attire, presents, rings, and
deposits usually costs anywhere between $155 and $550, depending on the amount of
coverage you want. General liability insurance, which covers up to $1,000,000 for
accidents, costs around $185.
Do You Really Need Wedding Insurance?
Before you buy wedding insurance, check with your each of your vendors to see how
well they're covered -- your reception site or your caterer may already have their own
insurance, so you wouldn't want to pay for overlapping coverage out of your own
pocket. Ask your vendors for a copy of their policy, and then figure out where you
aren't fully covered.
When Should You Get Wedding Insurance?

The sooner the better. Let's say you put a deposit on your wedding reception hall 12
months prior to your wedding date and then it burns to the ground a few weeks before
the big day. With wedding insurance, you'll be sure to get your deposit back. But note:
most insurance companies have limitations on how far in advance you can purchase
What Does Wedding Insurance Cover?
Problems with the site, weather, vendors, key people, sickness, or injury are the top
concerns come wedding day. There is usually a specified maximum amount, which can
be claimed under each section, and a deductible also applies. Be sure to find out the
details of your insurance plan.
Site: Check to see if your ceremony and reception site is already insured. If it's not,
wedding insurance can cover the cost arising out of unavoidable cancellation (such as
damage or inaccessibility to the ceremony site), if your reception hall is unable to honor
your reservation because it has burned in a fire, experienced an electrical outage, or
just plain closed down. Sometimes this policy covers the rehearsal dinner site, too.
Weather: Any weather conditions which prevent the bride, groom, any relative whose
presence at the wedding is essential, or the majority of the guests from reaching the
premises where the wedding is to take place. Insurance covers rescheduling the
wedding and all the details involved -- such as ceremony flowers, tent rental, and
reception food.
Vendor No-show: What if essential wedding people -- the caterer or the officiant, for
example -- fail to show up? A wedding insurance policy usually covers cancellation or
postponement of the wedding for these reasons.
Sickness or Injury: Wedding insurance may also include sickness or injury to the bride,
groom, or anyone essential to the wedding.
Military or Job: It's true, military personnel may be shipped out at a moment's notice.
Wedding insurance can cover postponement of the wedding due to the bride or groom
suddenly getting called to military duty. This can also apply to a last-minute corporate
move -- i.e. the bride's company suddenly relocates her to another city.
Wedding Insurance Doesn't Cover...
A change of heart. In other words, cold feet don't count.
Watches, jewelry, or semi-precious gemstones or pearls (even if they are attached to
clothing) may not be covered.
While your wedding rings may be covered by the policy, your engagement ring probably
will not.
Additional Coverage
Couples can take out supplemental policies to defend against damages incured by other
wedding-related items such as photography, videography, and gifts.
Photography: Some policies pay to retake the photographs after the fact if the
photographer fails to appear or the original negatives are lost, damaged, stolen, or not
properly developed. Some policies will pay to re-stage the event -- with the principal
participants so that pictures can be retaken. A policy may also pay costs for rehiring a
photographer, buying a new wedding cake, and new flowers.

Videographer: When a videotape produced by a professional videographer is damaged

(he or she used faulty materials for example), a policy usually pays a certain amount to
have either a video montage created, a video compilation made of the photographs and
other wedding memorabilia, or, if possible, a retaking of the official video at a
Gifts: Whether they're mailed to your home or handed to you on your wedding day,
valuable items like gifts are something else you might want to consider insuring. Think
about a party crasher lifting unattended presents from your reception. Gift coverage
pays to repair or replace non-monetary gifts that are lost, stolen, or damaged. A police
report is usually required for stolen gifts. The damage or theft generally has to take
place within a limited time period (ranging from 24 hours to seven days depending on
the specific policy) before or after the wedding, in order to be covered.
Attire: This coverage pays to repair or replace the bridal gown or other special attire
when it is in your possession and is lost, stolen, or damaged (including financial failure
of the bridal store). Special attire usually includes the clothing and accessories bought
or rented that are to be worn by the bride, the groom, and attendants at the ceremony.
Personal Liability: Personal liability covers bodily injury or property damage caused by
an accident that occurs during the course of the wedding (your best man trips and falls
on his way up to the mike to roast you or Uncle Murray suffers a Harvey Wallbanger
wall banger).
Medical Coverage: This covers reasonable medical expenses (up to the policy's limits)
for each person who is injured during the covered events from a cause of loss, which
would be covered by your personal liability.
Honeymoon: Your honeymoon can cost as much as a new car. But before buying travel
insurance to protect your investment, see if your credit card and/or homeowner's policy
covers you if your luggage gets lifted, your trip is delayed, or you have to cancel. If not,
you can a buy separate, trip-only policy. Call your insurer, or ask your travel agent for
details. Also, certain wedding insurance packages include optional travel insurance for
your honeymoon.
Things to Consider
Every insurance policy and every wedding scenario is different. Be sure to talk to your
insurance agent -- and have him or her explain the nuts and bolts to you. You want to
make sure you and your sweetie understand every detail of your policy.
How Much Does Wedding Insurance Cost?(

There are two main types of wedding insurance: liability insurance and cancellation insurance. Wedd
by many venues and protects purchasers against a costly accident (building fire or injury, for example
an event. Wedding cancellation insurance covers the postponement or termination of a wedding due
people or military leave that is suddenly revoked. It can also cover financial losses if vendors do n
photographs are deleted or the bridal salon goes bankrupt before picking up a wedding gown, among
Typical costs:
Wedding liability insurance typically ranges from $165 to $200. A $185 policy will typically cover $1 

Wedding cancellation insurance typically costs $95 to $1,000. Travelers Insurance equates the fee

cost of one guest.

Though most companies do not offer it, the National Alliance of Special Event Planners endor
policies, starting at $170. This policy protects the family if the bride or groom changes their mind and
very common because most companies find it difficult to prevent against fraud with this type of insura
What should be included:
Liability insurance should cover damage to the wedding venue or injury to guests, protecting the wedd
Cancellation insurance should cover the buyer's costs if the wedding must be postponed due to sev
tornado), parent's death, or sudden illness or military duty of the bride or groom. It also covers repla
show up, such as the officiant.
In addition, cancellation insurance addresses service providers. For example, if deposits have been
business or doesn't show up on the wedding day, cancellation insurance should cover the fees to find a
Additional coverage may often be added to protect the wedding couple if photography, videography, fo
or rented property (tents, tables or chairs) are damaged or lost. All policies differ on what they do or d
fine print.
Additional costs:
Find out in advance what the deductible will be. A $500 deductible on a policy won't help someone wh
the day before the ceremony.

Wed Safe allows couples to purchase both a liability and cancellation insurance package in order to sa
Shopping for wedding insurance:

Before purchasing wedding insurance, The Knot recommends checking with each vendor, such as th
see if they already offer coverage for losses through their contract.
Some insurance companies allow customers to purchase coverage up to 2 years in advance of the bi
deposit on a venue, couples will want to make sure insurance coverage is already in place in case the
Check the company's policy to see how far in advance coverage can be purchased.
Though wedding cancellation insurance can cover many categories like no-show vendors, weather
specified maximum amount for each category.

Study the sample wedding contract at Protect My Wedding and make sure an insurance contract i
The Better Business Bureau recommends using a credit card for as many expenses as possible, makin
dispute the charges for poor service. Research wedding vendors and read reviews on
Aon's Affinity Business Relaunches
Private Event Insurance and
WedSafe® Programs with New
Product Enhancements
Programs offer higher limits of liability & property damage, lower rates
HATBORO, Pa., Oct. 16, 2008 – Aon Corporation (NYSE: AOC) announced today that its
Insurance Services, Inc. unit has relaunched its private event insurance program
offering liability &
property damage and event cancellation/postponement products direct to consumers.
Product and process enhancements include:
• higher limits of liability and property damage, up to $2 million aggregate;
• lower rates for both liability and cancellation coverage for private events as well as
business events;
• the option to purchase liability coverage with or without host liquor liability;
• new, easily accessible online capabilities.
“Direct client feedback has resulted in product and process enhancements, new Web
expanded coverage for select events and lower rates to meet their needs,” said Sharon
senior vice president. “With these enhancements, we are confident our wedding and
insurance solution offers clients a high quality combination of coverage, ease of
purchase, and
affordability. Of particular interest this time of year is the new coverage for business
and non-profit
events for organizations planning dinners, holiday parties and meetings.”
Reducing cost is one of the leading trends in wedding planning, according to the August
edition of The Wedding Report. Additionally, event liability insurance is often required
by wedding
and reception venue operators, who want protection in case a guest damages property
at the
event location, or if a guest is hurt.
Affinity’s new program enhancements have features that include venues as additional
insureds and
that streamline the process to provide proof of coverage. Affinity’s insurance solutions
clients’ deposits should they seek to cancel or postpone the event, or if severe weather
or illness
Cancellation packages – including coverage for event essentials like photos, gifts, attire,
and deposits – begin at $130. Liability insurance with host liquor liability can be
purchased jointly or
separately for a $150 premium, and without liquor liability starting at $75.
“We are very excited about the enhancements to the private event and wedding
program. We believe this new program will meet the needs of clients while providing
peace of
mind so they can focus on the joy of their special event” said Timberlee Tamraz Grove,
and chief operating officer of Markel American Insurance Company, which underwrites
WedSafe private event and wedding insurance products with Affinity. Risk Management
• Insurance and Reinsurance Brokerage • Human Capital & Management Consulting
• Outsourcing
News from Aon
Page 2 of 2
Affinity’s program offers competitive rates for a range of events, including weddings,
parties, graduation parties, bar/bat mitzvahs, private holiday parties and wedding
showers. Affinity
has more than 50 Web sites currently in production, including flagships and
Affinity Insurance Services is a full-service broker providing innovative solutions for
About Markel
A subsidiary of the Markel Corporation, Markel American Insurance Company specializes
in the lines of Powersport
Products, Specialty Marine, Preferred Yacht and Small Boat, and Specialty Property. For
more information on our
products, please visit

The Richmond, VA-based Markel Corporation markets and underwrites specialty

insurance products and programs to a
variety of niche markets. In each of these markets, the company strives to provide
quality products and excellent
customer service. For more information, please visit
About Aon
Aon Corporation (NYSE:AOC) is the leading global provider of risk management
services, insurance and reinsurance
brokerage, human capital and management consulting. Aon readily delivers distinctive
client value via innovative and
effective risk management and workforce productivity solutions. Our industry-leading
global resources, technical
expertise and industry knowledge are delivered locally through more than 500 offices in
more than 120 countries. Aon
was named the world’s best broker by Euromoney magazine’s 2008 Insurance Survey.
In 2008, Aon ranked highest on
the Business Insurance ranking of the world’s largest insurance brokers based on
commercial retail, wholesale,
reinsurance and personal lines brokerage revenues. Aon also was ranked by A.M. Best
as the number one insurance
broker based on brokerage revenues in 2007 and 2008, and was voted best insurance
intermediary, best reinsurance
intermediary, and best employee benefits consulting firm in 2007 and 2008 by the
readers of Business Insurance. For
more information on Aon, log onto
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What is Special Event Insurance?-
Special event insurance is liability protection for organizations, individuals, groups, bands, friends, clubs,
religious entities, and companies that host activities that are not included in their General Liability Policy,
and are required at or by the facility, auditorium, park, city or state authorities. These programs provide
liability coverage, liquor, and legal defense for claims of negligence brought on to the party holding the

Why do we need this?

In today's litigious society, event organizers face potential liability suits from spectators, contractors, and

Who needs it?

Any group, organization, individual, band, friend, club, and company organizing an event for One Day or
longer, which may pose a liability risk, should consider this program. 

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