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Blue4 Leaders

Great leaders
invest in their
Great leaders are not born;
they learn to be that way.
Contact us for access to tools,
techniques, training and coaching
based on over 50 years of
international research - and achieve The sky is the limit
your full leadership potential. with Blue4 behaviour

Your Business Friend

Predisposition Our 4 Behaviours:
Personality and
and Behaviour
Leadership Regardless of our predispositions, what
The 4 main natural predisposition groups makes the difference is what we focus on
No personality type makes the best map on to 3 of the main behaviour and how we choose to behave!
leader all the time. A personality profile groups; Red1, Amber2 and Green3. No one
indicates what behaviour we are likely
to use by default when we are relaxed
naturally behaves in a Blue4 way; Blue4
habits have to be learned; they are the
or stressed. Each of us has situations Focused on results and generally
secret to Great Leadership!
where we lead well - and where we perceived as aggressive - often achieves
don't. good short term results. Damages
relationships and trust. Mistakes get
We use the term 'predisposition' to covered up. Team members quit.
remove any pejorative overtones or
judgement associated with other
Red1 Disengaged; no interest in results or
people. Studies show that most
employees in most companies are actively
or passively disengaged; reduces
productivity and increase staff turnover.

Your Unique Green3

People focused behaviour with little
Predisposition Amber2 Green3 desire to say "No"; often over commit and
fail to deliver. Customers and team
Using a proprietary assessment tool members feel let down and trust
based on the Big 5 psychology principle disappears.
a person's predispositions are
measured. With over a quintillion Blue4
potential combinations it is unlikely
you will ever meet someone just like
Blue4 behaviour Balances concern for people and
delivering results in the short and long
you - you are unique.
leads to success term. Creates a climate of trust where the
team feels "psychologically safe" and
Even with all the potential profiles the business results are maximised
While Red1, Amber2 and Green3 are
predispositions can be groups into 4
natural behaviours, we all grow and adapt
major categories.
through life experiences to choose more
Blue4 behaviour. The research is clear
that the more Blue 4 behaviour we exhibit +44(0)1925755755
as leaders, the more we AND our
organisations will succeed.
Blue4 gets a Blue4 Research
smile Shows...
The 3 'natural'/emotional behaviours
trigger a response in other people that
is also one of those 3 behaviours; unless
Group Behaviour
one party feels comfortable enough to The overall behaviour of a group or
shift the interaction to more effective It's not just the team may be different from that of its
individual members. For example,
Blue4 behaviour.

Blue4 behaviour is like a smile, its

leader! anxious to avoid conflict, a group of
Red1-orientated managers can easily
infectious. When you, as a leader, behave in a Green3 way as team.
behave in a Blue4 way, others respond
with high performing rational The Domino Effect
responses rather than classic emotional Teams behave A Red1 boss might find that managers
defense mechanisms. in their team behave in a Green3 way.
collectively with saying "Yes" to all requests; but when
those managers then lead their own

one of the four team they behave in a Red1 way which

causes their team to respond in a
Green3 way. A constant Red1/Green3
Blue4 improves behaviours. flip cascade which breaks trust and
delivers far less than the teams could
results with Blue4 behaviours at each level.

A typical leader behaves in a Blue4 way

Teams with Blue4 Break the cycle
about 45% of the time. This is true on Blue4 can break the cycle of
every continent on earth.
behaviours emotional patterns. It is not a soft
option and can lead to robust,
A 10% increase in a leader's Blue4 score effective conversations; delivered in
improves the team climate (the way in achieve more. an effective and empowering way.
which the team behaves) and can give
up to a 40% improvement in all the
areas of the triple bottom line - For more key insights
financial, safety and social. contact us...


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