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Name: Trần Nguyễn Phương Uyên

Student ID: 2057010305

Class: 20ĐT07
Topic 5: What is freedom? Why do people want it? Should there be
limitations on freedom? Can there be limitations? Explore the nature of

Freedom is by all means confusing since we often think of something with no

boundary even though deep down we know there is a line we can not cross. Oxford

Dictionary gives a brief definition of freedom as “The power or right to do or say

what you want without anyone stopping you”, but freedom is a lot more than that.

We human yearn for and value freedom because it brings great happiness,

contentment and the feeling of having sole control of our own destiny rather than

follow somebody else’s will. But being free is not just simply doing whatever we

want to, there will always be a borderline. This is not to hold us back but to

preventing us from violating other people around. We all understand full well that

freedom has limitations, freedom must have limitations, and that is the concrete

foundation of the two terms “Justice” and “Rights”. The nature of freedom to some

extent is the realisation that we already are free although we are not sure how free

we are really. And taking away somebody’s freedom is the most common and

greatest punishment ever, this only contributes more to the idea that freedom is

Word count: 200

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