Rigours Preheater: Feed - 1694.44 2.85 21.14 792.89 0.05 0.00

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Rigours Preheater

Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design

TEMA type BES (1 shell and 2 tube passes)
Condensing steam on Shell side

Physical Properties

Shell Side (properties at 122.1565°C) Tube Side Fluid gas (properties at 254°C)liquid
Compound Feed Compound: Steam
Latent Energy - kJ/kg Latent Energy 1694.44 kJ/kg
Heat Capacity 1.85 kJ/kg°C Heat Capacity 2.85 kJ/kg°K 4.91
Density liquid (25 °C) 721.34 kg/m3 Density 21.14 kg/m3 792.89
Thermal conductivity 0.12 W/m.K Thermal conductivity 0.05 W/m.K 0.62
Viscosity 0.00 Pa.s Viscosity 0.00 Pa.s 0.00

System properties

Shell Side Tube Side

Compound: Feed Compound: Steam p650
Flowrate 19305.32 kg/h Steam load 3867.50 kg/h
Pressure 30.75 Bar Pressure 42.50 Bar
t1, Temperature in 30.31 °C T1, Temperature in 254.00 °C
t2, Temperature out 214.00 °C T2, Temperature out 254.00 °C
Tavg 122.16 °C Tsat 253.79 °C

Energy ballance

Energy required: 6553259.91 kJ/h 1820.35 kW 52426.08 MJ/8000h

Steam load 3867.50 kg/h 1.07 kg/s 30939.98 Ton/8000h
Feed flow rate 19305.32 kg/h 5.36 kg/s 154442.56 Ton/8000h
Vol.rate Steam 182.93 m3 (gas)/h 4.88 m3 (liquid)/h 39021.78 m3 (liq)/8000h
Δtlm 106.44 R 0.00
Δtm 106.44 S 0.82
Ft 1.00
Areal Calculation
Estimat of U 921.97 W/m2.K (Table 12.1) 500-1000 Goalseek
Area: 18.549 m2 (Equation 12.1)


Length 4.88 m (16 ft) [DROP-DOWN MENU; LIST OF STD. SIZES]

4.83 m (accounting for tube sheet)
Outer Diameter 16.00 mm [DROP-DOWN MENU; LIST OF STD. SIZES]
Wall thickness 2.00 mm [DROP-DOWN MENU; LIST OF STD. SIZES]
Inner Diamater 12.00 mm
Tube area 0.24 m2
Number of tubes 76.45 tubes
Pitch 1.25 times O.D. 20.00 mm Triangular (figure 12.9)
Db(square) 239.00 mm (Equation 12.3b)
Db(triangular) 214.33 mm Square Triangular
Bundle Diameter 214.33 mm n1 2.29 2.21
Type Split ring floating head BES K1 0.16 0.25
Clearance 50.40 mm (Figure 12.10) This number must be changed if another type of bundle is
Shell Diameter 264.73 mm selected!

Tube side coefficient

Tube cross-sectional area 113.10 mm2
Tubes per pass 38.23 tubes (2 tube passes)
Flow area 0.00 m2
Tube side velocity 11.75 m/s Highpressure: 5-10m/s atmo: 30-50m/s
L/di 402.23
Γv 0.37 kg/m 12.51~2
Re c 14293.49 12.51~3
Pr c 0.83 12.51~4
ut 11.98 Condensat flow rate
Hi' 2101.79 (Equation 12.53)
hc= 7486.54 W/m .K (Equation 12.54) Re>30
(hc)v= 3063.96 Re<30

Shell-side coefficient
Baffle spacing lb 794.18 mm 3.00 times shell diameter
Pt 20.00 mm
Cross flow area 0.04 m (Equation 12.21)
velocity 1.21 m/s 0.3 to 1m/s
Hydraulic diameter de (square) 15.83 mm (Figure 12.28) 4 x Area / Perimeter
de (triangular) 11.57 mm (Equations 12.22 & 12.23)
de 11.57 mm
Re 3.48E+04
Baffle cut 0.25 RE<10^5 10^5<Re<10^6
jh 3.32E-03 <--- Only vaild for baffecut 25% <-- 3.32E-03 3.17E-03
Pr 4.33
Nu 188.36 Nu = jh Re Pr1/3 (Equation 12.25)
ho 2015.95 W/m2.K

Tube wall coefficient

kw 115.00 W/m.K Cobber nikkel 90 10 (Table 12.6)
hw 49968.36 W/m2.K (inside Equation 12.2)

Fouling coefficients (Table 12.2)

hid 7000.00 W/m2.K 1/hid 0.14 m2.K/kW
hod 5000.00 W/m2.K 1/hod 0.20 m2.K/kW

Overall coefficient
1/U 1.08E-03 m2.K/W (Equation 12.2)
U estimated 921.97 W/m2.K
U calculated 921.97 W/m2.K
U error 0.00
Pressure Drop
Tube side jf 0.00350 (Figure 12.24) RE= 34767.28
DP 40195.56 Pa (Equation 12.20) 0.40 bar
DP 40.20 kPa
Shell side jf 0.00450 (Figure 12.30) RE= 14293.49
DP 2637.61 Pa (Equation 12.26)
DP 2.64 kPa 0.03 bar


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Page 6
flow 120 kmol/h
H 25 -7500 Kj/kmol
H 214 22550 Kj/kmol
Cp 25

Cp 25 -900000 KJ/h
Cp 214 2706000 KJ/h

Cp total 3606000 KJ/h

H 2260.98 KJ/Kg
2128.131 kg/h vanddamp
118.0983 Kmol/h

50.4 Kj/mol
19.9 KJ/mol
30.5 Kj/mol faseskift
1694.444 KJ/Kg
Standard sizes:
Lengths 6 ft = 1.83 m (page 575)
8 ft = 2.44 m
12 ft = 3.66 m
16 ft = 4.88 m
20 ft = 6.10 m
24 ft = 7.32 m

outside diameters (m Wall thickness (mm)

16 1.2 1.6 2.0 (Table 12.3)
20 1.6 2.0 2.6
25 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2
30 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2
38 2.0 2.6 3.2
50 2.0 2.6 3.2

Outside Thickness Thickness Thickness Thickness Thickness

16 1.2 1.6 2
(page 575)
RE<10^5 10^5<Re<10^6
Re jh Re jh
30 0.1 100000 0.002 0.1
10 f(x)100
= 0.46498 x^-0.47
100 0.05 500000 0.001 R² = 0.99859
3000 0.01 200000 0.0015
100000 0.0021





f(x) = 0.28793 x^-0.43130

R² = 0.99968
0 f(x)100
= 0.46498 x^-0.47251
1000 10000 100000
R² = 0.99859

Column C
(Column C)

0000 1000000

Column F
(Column F)

f(x) = 0.28793 x^-0.43130

R² = 0.99968


Termodynamic model

Streams Location Amount Temperatur

Steam Tube 3867.50 kg/h 254
Benzene Shell 19305.32 kg/h 25

Number of tubes 76.4526100596908
Area 18.549 m2

Type Single
Cut 25%
Center Spacing 794.183837658634 mm

Tube Material: Copper Nikkel
Conductivity 115 W/m.K

Number of shells 1
Number of shells in parallel 1
Number of tube passes/shell 2
Orientation Vertical

Film Koefficents
Overall Estimate of U 921.97 W/m2.K

Tube side Film Coefficent 7486.54 W/m2.K

Shell Side Film Coefficent 2015.95 W/m2.K
Shell Fouling resistance 0.142857142857143 m2.K/kW
Tube Fouling resistance 0.2 m2.K/kW

Inside Diameter 12 mm
Length 4.83 m
Outside Diameter 16 mm
Pitch 20.00 mm
Pattern Triangular
Dew point
30.75 bar

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