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Prepared By:


Semera, Ethiopia
1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background of organization..................................................................................................................1
1.2. Statement of the problem....................................................................................................................2
1.3. Objective..............................................................................................................................................2
1.3.1. General objective...........................................................................................................................2
1.3.2. Specific objectives..........................................................................................................................2
1.4. Scope and limitation of the Project......................................................................................................3
1.4.1 Scope of the Project........................................................................................................................3
1.4.2. Limitations.....................................................................................................................................3
1.5. Significance and benefits of the project:..........................................................................................3
1.6. Methodology...................................................................................................................................4
1.6.1. Method of data collection.............................................................................................................4 Observation............................................................................................................................4 .Interview.................................................................................................................................4
1.6.2. Software development approach..................................................................................................5
1.6.3. Development tool:.........................................................................................................................6 System Requirements.............................................................................................................6
1.7. Time and Budget plan:..........................................................................................................................7
1.7.1. Estimated Time Schedule:............................................................................................................7
1.7.2. Budget Break down......................................................................................................................7
1.8. Conclusion..........................................................................................................................................8
1.9. REFERENCES.........................................................................................................................................8

1. Introduction
With the born of an Internet, most of the people have started searching jobs over an Internet
Looking such requirements, people are making much use of an Internet rather than the print
media for finding jobs or posting jobs. Previously, newspaper plays an important role for
searching out an experienced employee or jobs, now employers and employees are searching
online job portal system for finding employees and jobs respectively…………….[1]
The development of different web based system has provided great advantages for many
organizations and institutions. Due to these advantages of the organization our team members
will be initiate to develop web based job portal management system to Samara university. Till
now the existing job portal management system of samara university exchange information
through manually, this manual system is not easy and effective to use the system. The existing
manual system is not well during exchange of information between job providers and job seekers
but our web based system will be vital to manage and to eradicate these problem between

1.1. Background of organization

Samara university job portal system was started as Samara University human resource
management system was began in 2000. But this job portal system is done manually, so it takes
much time, paper, human power and it is very teddies. Job seekers apply for the job by different
technique. Jobseekers physically come to Samara university human resource office to register.
On the other hand, they send their resumes by using Gmail, fax, and presenting others’ resume is
also possible. This mechanism also has problems like needs human power to organize job
seekers resume…….[2]
Jobs that require high qualification skill posted by different media like TV, newspaper, website,
and radio but jobs that require low qualification skill posted by internal notice. In case of these
and other problems the system needs an automated web based job portal system which performs
activities like reduce data inconsistency, time, human power, money and increase flexibility. The
system will provides the communication between job seekers and employers or job providers.

1.2. Statement of the problem
Samara university job portal system is done manually as result it has problems for both job
provider and job seeker. For job provider it needs so much paper and human power to post
jobs and register applicants. Since most of the data is store in paper, this is very difficult task or
stressful and time consuming process. Samara University cannot get appropriate employee for
the appropriate job in appropriate time, and it is difficult to generate report and communicate
to user. When the job seeker sends their resume by fax and Gmail it needs human power to
gather the resume. Since Jobseekers restricted by boundary, It is difficult to register to the job
for job seekers who live far from Samara University. When employees come to Samara
University for registration they faced many problems like high transport cost and time.

1.3. Objective
1.3.1. General objective
The general objective of the project is to developing an automated job portal system for Samara

1.3.2. Specific objectives

In order to achieve the general objective of this project, the following specific objectives will be

 To study the strength and weakness of the existing system.

 To identify the main area we need to solve the problem.
 To develop innovative and user friendly job portal application interface that
makes the user and the system interact easily.
 To facilitate the Samara university recruitment process.
 To act as a middle men connecting job seeker and Samara university human
resource office.
 To search the job and user in advanced way are the specific objective what the
project desire to do.

1.4. Scope and limitation of the Project

1.4.1 Scope of the Project
The scope of this project will allows jobseekers to search and apply for the required job online,
and view the result of the exam and interview online. It also enables the jobseeker to know

whether selected for exam or not. The system provides the director to fill and view
employment officer attendance, and also manage jobs and job seekers in authorized way.
Generally the system will does the recruitment process of Samara university job portal system
excluding online exam and interview.

 Maintain Job seeker and Employer records

 Maintain uploaded Resumes
 Provide Customized Job Postings
 Maintain Job Posting details and generate various reports
 Head of departments can communicate with administrator.

1.4.2. Limitations
This project would have limited to automate job portal system for Samara University.
The system will work if the client computer is the same local area network with server computer.
Generally the limitation of this project includes: -

 This project will do only for Samara university.

 The system does not support online examination.
 The system does not support online interview

1.5. Significance and benefits of the project:

Web based job portal system for Samara University will have vital role for both job seekers and
job providers.

 For job provider:

 Get Accurate Information about jobseekers.
 Speedy Storage, Retrieval and Updating of job seeker information
and job details
 avoid Redundancy of Data
 Build User Friendly interface
 Reduce paper, time, and human power
 Make data Secure
 For job seekers:
 Not restricted by boundary, as a result they can access Samara
university job portal system online.

 Register online by attaching their resume, this reduce transport cost
and time.
 Search the job easily by their skill category.
 Get current news and exam schedule online.

1.6. Methodology
One of the basic notions of the software construction — is Software Development Life Cycle
model. Or simply SDLC models. SDLC — is a continuous process. There is no one single SDLC
model. SDLC include Agile, waterfall, V-Shaped, Iterative and Spiral method. But our team
member will select choose iterative method to do this online job portal project.

1.6.1. Method of data collection

Even thought we will use different methodology to get detail information about the existing
system for the future, for gathering some problems our team members have used a number of
techniques that helps us to get some information about the system. To get further and full
information we will have use different techniques. These techniques will be:- Observation
The team members observe different things.

Among those:

 No well-developed website in Samara university for job portal system.

 Jobs that posted were tearing by persons.
 The team member observes that the system need more man power .Interview
Interview is the process of asking questions orally to get some important information of the organization
or existing system. The purpose of interview is to find out what is in the person’s mind that may not
have been written down. This is good tools or techniques for collecting detailed information of the
existing system.
This helps us to get most important and critical information about the general view of Samara
university job portal system .we interview the director and employment officer of Samara
University human resource management.
We get more information about how Samara university job portal system was done:-

 The existing system of the job portal was manual.
 job was announced by two way:
 First jobs require low skill and qualification was posted by university notice
board, and by assigning person to post in Samara town and surrounding town,
 Second jobs require high skill and qualification was posted by TV, radio, and
post by university web site.
 We interview jobseekers regarding to the problem at the time of applying for the job.
We also asked them regarding what type of user interface they want.

1.6.2. Software development approach

For the analysis of our project we will select object oriented system analysis and design method
specifically UML (Unified Modeling Language) model. We have selected this because of the
following advantages:-
We will prefer Object-oriented approach for the following advantages: -
 To simplify the design and implementation of complex programs.
 To enable a high degree of reusability of designs and of software codes.

 Increased extensibility: to add and change the existing module without affecting the rest
of the program
 To make it easier for teams of designers and programmers to work on
 To decrease the burden of maintenance.
 It can be extended to add the objects and the classes.
 Increased consistency among analysis, design and programming activities.

 Improved communication among users, analysis, design and programming

1.6.3. Development tool: System Requirements
The successful running of any project primarily depends upon hardware and software used in its
compilation. The hardware used in the machine should be such that it supports the software that
is to be mounted for assembling the project. This project will be deals with the hardware and
software, which will available readily and easy on each and every machine given to the user.

 Hardware Requirements

 Processor :Intel(R)core(TM) i3 CPU
 Speed: 3.30GHz
 Flash: 16 GB

 Digital camera.
 Storage devices (hard disk).

 Pen, pencil, paper

 Software Requirements
 PHP editor like notepad++,net bean ide8.1,adobe Dreamweaver
 Supporting Server :Wampserver MySQL for database creation and connectivity
 Operating System : Window 7, Windows 10
 Micro soft word for documentation.
 Microsoft power point for presentation.
 Edrawmax,MS Visio for designing the project
 Php and Html5 editor : interface design

The application has been developed using:

 Front end: PHP, html5.css, JavaScript.
 Back End: My SQL Server.

1.7. Time and Budget plan:

1.7.1. Estimated Time Schedule:

Activity November Decembe January February March April May June

7-9/3/2011 r

Preparation of the

Requirement analysis

Requirement analysis
submission date




Final presentation

Table 1 project life time table

1.7.2. Budget Break down

Then we consider budgets that will be used to do this project most materials are covered by or access
from university. Example: software cost.

But there are different hardware materials that will be used for our project. These are:-

No Name Quantity Unit price in birr Total

1 pc 1 0 0.00

2 flash 1 200 200.00

3 copy 150 0.5 75.00

4 print 100 3.00 300.00

5 Paper, pen 1 desta,5 150,25 175.00

6 Total estimated cost 750.00

1.8. Conclusion
We will have develop web based job portal management system for Samara university. It is
flexible, accurate and attractive with easy approach. Generally, we predict confidently can ensure
that the software will be complete successfully with negligible errors. Finally the team expects
that the developed system change the general job portal management system of Samara
university and makes it more reliable and efficient than the previous manual system.

[1] …..

[2] ….Human resource manual: SU,



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