INGLES - Actv1

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Luis Daniel Ferreira Polo



a. How often do you think about your future?

R/ I think about my future every day, I think about what I need to achieve what I want, that I want a
future full of blessings with my family and it is that every day I usually think thousands and
thousands of dreams that I want to fulfill in a future.

b. Do you feel like the boy on the left or the boy on the right?
R/ I feel like the boy on the right because I always look for a way to see what I want for my future.

2. Answer the questions.

a. What are your dreams for the future?
R/ My dreams are to be a great example to follow in the population, to be a great person both
physically and mentally, to take my family to travel, among many more dreams.

b. What do you need to do to make your dreams come true?

R/ In order to realize my dreams, I need discipline, responsibility, effort and dedication, and with
that I can achieve what I propose.

3. Match the sentences with the meanings of the phrases with dream.
a. I dream of going to Antarctica on holiday.
b. My sister wants to be a doctor. It’s her dream job.
c. You’ll never be a film star. You’re living in a dream world.
d. The party went like a dream. We all had a great time.
e. Do you really think Dad will let you come home late? Dream on!

4. What’s your dream job? Why?

R/ My dream job is to be my own boss, because that way I can show what a great leader I am and
because I don't want to work for someone if I can make my dream of working for me possible.
Match phrases a–d with the underlined phrases in the text.
a. do things as well as I could
b. feeling happy about something in the future
c. gave my homework to teachers
d. continued

5. Read the text again. Write T (true) or F (false).

a. Anna never worried about the future. __F___
b. She didn’t always work hard in 8th grade. __V___
c. She won a prize for her school work in 8th grade. __F___
d. She studied harder in 9th grade than 8th grade. __V___
e. Her family felt happy for her in 9th grade. __V___
f. She isn’t very confident now. __V___

6. Look at these two pairs of sentences. Which ones are in the text?

A1. ‘What will happen if I don’t get good results next year?’ ✔
A2. ‘What would happen if I didn’t get good results next year?’
B1. ‘If I don’t go to university, what will I do?’

B2. ‘If I didn’t go to university, what would I do?’ ✔

7. Read the sentences in exercise 11 again. Answer these questions.

a. Are all the sentences about the future?
R/ Yes, because the text talks about anna's future.

b. Which sentences show possible future situations?

R/ What am I going to do when I get out of school.

c. Which sentences show imaginary future situations?

R/ What will happen if I don't get good results next year, If i don't go to college whatI would do.

8. Match the two parts of the sentences.

1. Will I get a prize a. __2__ I wouldn’t worry about my future.
2. If I knew what to study, b. __1__ if I pass all my exams?
3. Would I get into university c. __4__ my parents will be disappointed.
4. If I don’t study hard, d. __3__ if I failed all my exams?

9. Complete the sentences with your own fears about the future.
a. If … R/ If I graduate, I want to be an influencer
b. Would I … if … ? R/ Would I do what I am passionate about if I turned professional?
c. I won’t … if … R/ I won't do it unless I can win the year
d. Will … if … ? R/ what will happen to me if i leave school?

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